Read through the storyline, spearheaded by published author Daniel Peyton. Players too can submit fan fiction that can become canonized, and the storyline of the game is often impacted by player interaction with major events that happen within the game!

Post your story here and earn free Morphon Particles!


Arrival of The Legion

Arrival of The Legion

In the history of Earth, only a few events stand out as truly globally significant. The beginnings of life on the planet, when single-celled organisms sprang into life, churning in the oceans. The rise and fall of the dinosaurs. The advent of humankind, which came to spread and dominate air, sea, and land.

And now, the emergence of The Legion.

Nobody knows where The Legion came from originally, only that they travel from solar system to solar system, in hopes of finding a species that can compete with their incredible might. They do not lead armies--only a handful of the most powerful warriors to ever exist, anywhere. For thousands of years they have traveled the galaxy, searching for anyone who might challenge them. The Legion calls forth the mightiest warriors of that planet to face them in combat. If a planet fails to meet their challenge, that planet is vaporized.

And so they came to Earth, seeking a match for their raw power. Able to bend space and time, wield the elements as weapons, and possessing impossible speed and strength, The Legion saw no competition in this measly mortal human. However, something happened upon their arrival that nobody was expecting.

The Legion had traveled to hundreds of planets over the millennia, each with its own unique atmospheric conditions. In order to adapt to these different planets, The Legion introduces subatomic particles called Morphons into the atmosphere, and these Morphons allow The Legion to breathe and function normally.

In the case of Earth, however, the Morphons interacted with the human physiology in ways never seen before. Some percentage of the human population seemed to have a genetic predisposition to bond with the Morphon, resulting in a transmutation. And so shortly after The Legion arrived, these people found themselves changing in astonishing ways. Some found they had newfound abilities: flight, super strength, supersonic speed. Some discovered they could manipulate energy and the elements.

These humans found themselves in a position to give The Legion the fight they had been seeking all this time. They prepared themselves for battle, trained and honed their skills, and faced one another to prove their might. Only the best of them would be worthy of facing The Legion.

These few, these heroes, would rise to the challenge and defend all of humankind.
Stone Age
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

“This is INN, International News Network. I’m Howard Miller, and these are today’s headlines. Perth, Australia, is still cleaning up after the recent incident with a giant robot that terrorized the town and resulted in serious damage to the beloved landmark, Kings Park. Officials of Perth are praising a team from BADGE who put their lives on the line to save the citizens and put a stop to this threat. In other news, another earthquake has shaken western Chad, Africa, leaving seismologist baffled as the quakes have all happened outside of the East African Rift System, where most earthquakes in Africa occur. In technology news, Renaissance Cell Technologies has announced that the new Renn Eye will be available soon. According to early reports, the new Renn Eye from Renaissance Cell Technologies will have a considerably low price, although they have not yet announced a specific price. Turning to sports, The Hero Olympiad is over and experts weigh in on the outcome of each event, .... “

“EB! I told you to check in the new recruits!” Nova stepped into the theater.

Sitting in the front row of seats, EB pressed a button on the armrest and the screen shut off. “Just seeing if there was any news on the Renn Eye. I’m so Jonesing for updates! I want one of those soooo bad. I mean, imagine the stuff you can do with it. It’s supposed to have the best camera on the market, and it will have two terabytes of space for games alone. I plan on downloading all the games, I will kick newbs right in the...”

“RECRUITS!” Nova bellowed.

“Oh, right. My job. Yeah. Sorry. On it.” EB bolted away at top speed to the docking bay where people were likely waiting patiently for him to greet them.

Dr. Henderson walked in with a tablet in her hand. “I could take your pulse and blood pressure just by looking at you. Must have been yelling at EB again.”

“You guessed it.”

“You need to cool it around him. You’re going to have a stroke.”

Nova sat down in one of the theater seats, “I am under so much stress every day. Having to work with him is sometimes more than I can handle.”

She took a seat next to him and started writing on a slip of paper she pulled from her pocket. “EB is like a child sometimes...“

“All the time.”

“Okay, so he has a childish mentality. But, you have to admit that he rarely makes a genuine mistake. He always gets his work done... though not always on your schedule. And he has saved heroes, BADGE, and the world on more occasions that most leagues can claim.”

Nova sat back, “You have a point.”

“I’m saying you need to cool off a little around him. A real friend is something to treasure, not scream at.”

Nova gave a half smile, “But I kinda like yelling at him.”

“Try to soften a little. And...” She handed him the slip of paper, “Here is an order from your doctor to take some time off and relax. You may be some kind of immortal being that defies all science, but you also are a tight ball of stress.”

“I will take your suggestion into consideration. Right now, we have even more new recruits to assess.”

She held up her tablet. “I got a list of twelve more people coming in today. That makes forty-seven this month alone. At this rate, every human on Earth will exhibit a morphon signature.”

“We have a ways to go to reach 8 billion. But this is a little alarming.”

Dr. Henderson sat back and looked at the names on her list. “If we don’t find the reason for this increase, we might face some serious problems. I worry that someone will gain significant powers who don’t have any moral compass.”

“My concern as well. Now, let’s look at that list.”

They sat in the theater and read over the initial reports before the recruits arrived to demonstrate their powers and start the assessment process.


The docking bay hummed with the voices of dozens of new people as they disembarked the special shuttles for unregistered morphonic people. BADGE agents, robots, and a few civilian workers helped organize the chaos.

Arx guided the new morphon infused people into place so they could get registered and processed before heading into the station for their initial assessment. “Okay, people, I need everyone to get in an orderly line. This won’t take long. Yes, this way.... no, don’t... that is an airlock hatch. Yes, right there. Thank you.”

Krystal Fae joined him. “You sound like an elementary school teacher trying to get a class in line.”

Arx huffed and then laughed. “Yeah, it’s kinda like that. You wouldn’t believe most of these people are adults.”

“This is a stressful and wondrous situation. I doubt anyone coming up here for this has ever even been on a space station, or even a shuttle.”


“Do you always wear that toga?..”

“It’s a chiton. These things are comfortable and match my name.”

Krystal gave him a smirk. “And it lets you show off your hunky chest.”

“There’s that.” He admitted, “now, where’s EB? He’s supposed to be helping me. Or did Nova send you in to help?”

Krystal held her hands up. “Not me. I’m here to meet someone, and not a recruit.”

“Well, EB has all the arm badges and...” A white blur blasted by with a faint voice on the wind.


“Here you go, and you, and you, and you, and you, oh you are a big’n, you get two, and one for you, and you, and you...” EB zipped by everyone and slapped the arm badge on them that would help the computer keep track of them for their own safety. Each person also found a special chocolate egg in their hand just after the badge appeared.

After what seemed like four and a half seconds of dashing, EB stopped right next to Arx and declared, “I’ve tagged everyone.”

“Great. You didn’t have to startle them like that.” Arx saw the frazzled look on the people’s faces as they examined the badges on their arms with a touch of confusion.

“Well, I got sidetracked watching the news. They had a special report about the new Renn Eye. I thought it would be a full report with all the details. But it was just another blurb. When will they give us more info? Hey, next time Nova sends someone down to investigate those sphere thingies, how about I go down and do some snooping myself? I could look over the Renn Tech HQ for info and maybe take a moment to sneak a peek at the new Renn Eye. That baby is gonna be soooo cool, I can’t...”


“Oh, good one. You almost sounded like Nova.” EB grinned at him. He then jumped up on a table where a robot would check each person in. Speaking between his paws, his voice boomed through his powers, “Okay, all people with energy powers, lane one. All people with physical powers, lane two. Let’s get this show on the road!”

A man asked, while holding up his tagged wrist, “Do we gotta wear these all the time? They are annoying.”

Arx answered, “No. Just until you choose your path. Once you are part of a trainee team, your instructor will watch over you and you don’t need to be tracked. But, for now, that will help us keep you from entering dangerous areas of the station. Now, please get in line.”

Another shuttle lowered into the shuttle bay.

“There aren’t more recruits?” Arx looked at his tablet.

“I think that’s who I’m here to meet,” Krystal answered.

“Who is it?”

“Don’t know. Nova just said I was to meet them and then join him in his office.”

The shuttle door opened and Krystal beamed with a bright smile. “ALEX!” She ran over to her husband and gave him a big hug. They walked back over to Arx before heading out.

“Arx, this is my husband.”

Alex put his hand out. “Alex Fae-Murphy, glad to meet you. You’ve been doing a great job with the ATLAS program.”

“Thanks. Heard a lot about you and Gem.”

“Yes, the little one keeps us up at night. But she’s a treasure.”

Krystal smacked him on the shoulder. “I told you, no dad jokes.” With that, she said to Arx, “We need to get going.”

“I have a room full of pre-heroes to babysit.”

All three said to the other, “Good luck.”

Arx watched them leave and then felt a tap on his bare shoulder. He turned to find a woman standing there with bright green eyes, sandy blonde hair, and a cute smile. “Can I help you?”

“I, uh, don’t know where to go. I don’t know which line my powers belong in.”

He happily guided her. “Tell me what you can do and I will show you.”

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

A group of African native warriors crept through the bush, brandishing weapons. They ducked out of sight as an ATV raced by with men wearing strange uniforms. Using only hand signals and facial expressions, they moved quickly, catching no one’s eye.

Soon, they approached a large gathering of women, children, and a few elderly who were sitting together in a large, open part of the grassland. They seemed to be in a trance, with a smile as they all looked toward an empty stone throne. Men in garb that seemed to be partially religious and partially military walked around them carrying weapons.

One man gave the others a signal, and they ducked down, hiding in the taller grasses. He slunk through, avoiding being seen by the guards. He raced toward a large opening in their defenses and tried to get to a woman on the outside. However, one guard saw him and shot his weapon at him. He was able to avoid being struck.

Those hiding in the bush opened fire as well. The large, gathered captives dove to the ground with screaming and yelling while the two forces exchanged fire. One guard went down, but they had far more numbers than the men coming in to attack.

“STOP!” the man who came in first yelled in Swahili and his eyes beamed a red color.

The guards trained their weapons on him. “What are you doing?”

“I’m here to take our people home. Your leader is no god and I’ll not let you kidnap our people into this cult. I’m just as powerful as him, and I’ll destroy you if I have to.”

“Don’t be foolish, kid. You are nothing like Lord Antaeus!” one guard yelled.

The boy took in a deep breath and just as he released his breath and the energy from his eyes, his body sunk halfway into the ground, causing his blast to be diverted upward. The earth also trapped his companions.

The ground rumbled, and the guards bowed low. The women and children began to praise and sing as they knew who was coming. A figure rose out of the ground and stood taller than any person here. He was a muscular person with a body that seemed to be made of stone. His features were not that of an African, but more European.

“Who dares to challenge my divinity?” He called out.

The lead guard bowed low. “This whelp did so, your lordship. He has powers and pretends to be a god, like you.”

The young man yelled, “I do not pretend to be a god! I am a super human. I am...”

“SILENCE! I am Antaeus, Son of the Earth, lord of stone. A mere mortal will not challenge me. Are you alone? Do these other warriors you brought also brandish these powers?”

The boy sneered at him. “I’m the only one with powers. And I will be glad to show you what I can do with them.”

“I will not play your game. To your companions, I make the offer, worship me or die. To you, I make no offer. Mark, do you duty.”

The leader of the guards said, “At once.” He pulled out an old Anti-Morphon gun and used it to vaporize this poor kid. The others trembled at the sight of his death and the power of this man before them.

Antaeus declared, “I will suffer no interlopers who pretend to be gods. Let that be known. Now, BOW!” He commanded and all the gathered captives bowed toward him.


Krystal Fae and her husband, Alex, sat in Nova’s office on the station. Nova had not arrived yet, and both were silently waiting.

“Kinda feels like I was called to the principal’s office.” Alex said.

“Not something I’ve experienced before, but I suppose you're right.”

Alex frowned. “You never got called to the principal’s office?”

“Where I come from, we don’t have the same school system as Earth. So, no.”

“Right.” Alex asked, “What do you think he wants with us?”

“No idea. He said it had to be kept secret. That’s all I got from him.”

The door opened, and Nova walked in while looking over a tablet. “Oh, good, you’re here.”

“Still busy with all the new recruits?” Krystal asked.

“Just finished with the initial assessments. So many fresh faces. I’m going to have to get more instructors to teach at the rate this is growing. Not since the first wave of morphons came to Earth have I see so many meta-humans at once.”

Alex asked, “Is this bad?”

“Not bad or good, just... odd. I suspect there is something behind it, but we can’t figure it out. It might be some effect from the magic cloud that Lady Echidna covered the Earth with just before she perished. It might have something to do with all the temporal anomalies from Drocha’s messing with time... I just don’t know. Our best minds can’t figure it out.”

Krystal said, “With all these new people with powers, I worry that someone will realize they have powers and want to use them for evil purposes.”

Nova said, “My concern exactly. I have all the leagues on alert to be even more mindful of unusual morphon activity. So far, it seems to be normal out there. But all it takes is one.”

Alex asked, “Is that why you asked us here? To help keep an eye out for potential super-villains?”

“No. Actually, I need your help to investigate those Renn Tech spheres.”

Krystal said, “But I thought we determined they were just some cell phone tech. They haven’t really done anything bad.”

“I know. And I want that to be all there is to it. But, there is a part of me that can’t let this go at that. Anyone willing to put the kind of technology into something that can hide from all our best sensors has to have a reason deeper than just keeping it out of competition’s hands.”

“That could still be true.” Alex said. “Tech companies, especially trendy ones, are always working to be ahead of their competitors.”

“I know. And, if that’s the case, then I wish them well in their friendly market war. But I have to be sure.”

“Where do we come in on this?” Krystal asked.

Nova shuffled through papers and tablets on his desk and pulled out a file. He held it out to them. “This is all we know about the Renn Tech spheres, Renn Tech itself, and about Dr. Chorad. I want you to use your investigative skills out there to sniff around, see what you can find. Look at a few more of those spheres and the area they are in. See if anything is out of place, or abnormal enough to be worthy of note. Good or bad.”

Krystal looked at the file with Alex. She asked, “Why us? You have dozens of agents at your disposal. Chase is a skilled investigator.”

“And too well known as a member of BADGE’s inner circle. You, Krystal, are a well-known journalist. Alex, you are not a well-know BADGE agent, so you are not on most people’s radar. Together, you can work as a team to look into this without it looking like BADGE is getting nosy.”

“I know Renn Tech made it clear they didn’t want us poking into their stuff, and we don’t have any legal reason to bypass their privacy, since they’ve done nothing wrong.”

Nova let out a long, annoyed sigh. “You see where I am at right now. I hate public relations. I would rather fight a leviathan with just my fists than have to tip-toe around PR nonsense. But, we need a good image with the public if we are to help protect that public. If we engage in unauthorized actions, it will once again damage our reputation. So, you two are going to quietly do this and if you are caught looking too close, …“

Krystal laughed. “I can blame the paper. Journalists are always sticking their noses where they don’t belong. The public expects that.”

“I’m glad we are on the same page.”

Alex asked, “Where do you want us to start?”

Nova held up his hands. “This is your investigation. You decide where the best place to start, where to go and what to look for. I want deniability on my part for your actions.”

“Understandable. We will let you know what you need to know. Otherwise, we will keep BADGE out of this.”

“Very good. Now, magic yourself down to the planet quietly and get to work.”

“On it.”

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Arx struck a confident gait as he approached the new ATLAS sector of the BADGE space station. Originally, they had designated a refurbished meeting room and some extra storage space for ATLAS. Under Justin’s administration, the team completely rebuilt the section of the station for the purposes of ATLAS.

“Morning, Arx. Working with the new recruits today?” Marge, one of his team members, greeted him as she headed for the mess.

“Twelve new people, all ready to join our work.”

“Love it. Hope some choose to stay up here. We have plenty of extra room in the ATLAS quarters.”

“I’ll encourage them to think about it.”

“Nice to have company during down time.” Marge turned a different corner toward the mess hall, “Oh, they got some great roast beef at the Jacks Buffet and Grill, you should try it.”

“Will do.” He left her for the main meeting room.

He walked into a large room with screens all around it. Three robots with ‘ATLAS’ painted over their designation numbers worked at the computers. The large screens had maps of the Earth. Some were tracking weather, some were looking at ocean conditions. In the middle of the large, circular room was a set of computer stations that allowed communication access for ground teams. In the middle of that ring of computers were tables with holo projectors in the middle of them.

Seated at the tables were all the new recruits from the recent influx of morphon infused people. There were people of all ages and races. An elderly man using a cane smiled at him, seated next to an aboriginal woman who looked as nervous as a cat. It was not uncommon for these new people to be nervous. This was a strange place for most people to experience. There was the same girl he met in the shuttle bay here as well, and she was not nervous. She was smiling at him with a flirty glint in her eye.

“Welcome to ATLAS, I’m Arx. I lead these teams and will be your instructor and guide. Today, I’ll acquaint you with our operation and answer your initial questions. After that, we will give you a series of papers to read about our work so you can study and be ready for tomorrow’s first sessions with the trainers.

A young man stuck his hand up and spoke at the same time. “Sir, will you assign us quarters on this station, or will you move us back and forth each day?”

“You’ll have a room on the station. In fact, ATLAS has its own quarters for our heroes. If you choose to stay and make this a career, you will have the choice of joining one of the ground teams or the base team here. Both locations have designated space for ATLAS members to have a room.” He saw the nervous Australian girl slowly putting her hand up. “Yes?”

“Do we have to wear costumes of the heroes like you?”

Arx gestured to his loose chiton. “It is not a requirement of the ATLAS people to be suited like heroes. However, during your education, you will have the opportunity to try hero costumes. You might find that the costume is not just a fashion statement, it is designed for the strenuous work you will need to do. But, as ATLAS members, you have a choice. Now, let’s save any further questions for the end. I would like to introduce you to the primary operations center for Atlas.”

He went through his normal introduction session he has practiced and performed many times before. In explained the weather, seismic, and volcanic sensors on display. He showed them several videos of former ATLAS events in action. He finished by explaining the sort of training required to join and the training expected to maintain membership in ATLAS. With the last of the questions answered, he finished this seminar into ATLAS. Several of the permanent ATLAS residents of the station entered the room just then.

“Okay, on the table are computer tablets for you to use. We have assigned each person present an individual computer tablet. You’ll find your name on the screen and a waiting place for you to press your thumb into it. On that will be your room assignment, the reading required for tonight, and FAQs on ATLAS. The people in the back will help you find your rooms and show you around. Don’t be afraid to explore the station. There are restricted areas, but there are also many things to see and do. Enjoy. You’re dismissed.”

As the gathering retrieved their personalized tablet and met up with one guide, Arx went to check in with the robot, watching the main sensors. However, that same girl he had already met approached him.

“Mr. Arx, sir, can I ask you a question?”

He smiled. She was cute. “Um, sure. And, don’t call me mister. Arx is fine. We go by hero names first.”

“Oh, sorry. I was just wondering about the uniforms. I’d love to have a hero uniform. How do I get one?”

“That’s no problem. We have a special area where robots will fit you for a uniform. Lots of selection. You’re Adrianne, right?”


“You were amazing in the assessment. The powers you have are better refined than most new people.”

She blushed, “Thanks. I only got them recently, but I had some time to practice. Someone I know already had powers and was teaching me before I got summoned by BADGE.”

“Oh, who? Another hero?”

“Just someone at the local Fight Club. You know, one of the trainers.”

Arx frowned, “That’s unusual. Fight Clubs aren’t supposed to train people before BADGE fully assesses them. But I guess no harm, no foul.”

“Well, I suppose I should... oh, the others are gone.” She looked back to find no other ATLAS members.

Arx said, “No problem. I can show you to your quarters.”

“What I’d really like is something to eat. I’m starving.”

“I haven’t had lunch either. Why don’t I show you to the mess first and then your quarters?”

“Sounds like a splendid plan.”

The robot near them announced, “Seismic activity registered: 15.4542° North and 18.7322° East.”

Arx looked up at the map. “What level?”

“4.1 magnitude.”

Adrianne asked, “Is that bad?”

“No. That might shake up a few people, but it seems to be centered where the potential danger is minimal at best.”

“So, there’s nothing to worry ATLAS about?” she said, keeping her eyes fixed on the dot indicating the earthquake. A hint of fear in her eyes.

Arx shook his head. “Not now. But, this is odd. This has happened on and off for several weeks now, in that area. Nothing bad, but enough to see it. I don’t know what to make of it. Robot, register a report for Nova to look over. I’d like his input.”

“Understood. Sending.”

“Now, I hear the buffet has... Adrianne?” She was still staring at that dot.

Shaking this off, she said, “Lunch sounds good.”

“Something wrong?”

“Oh, no. Just... tired, I guess.”

“ATLAS deals with natural disasters much worse than this. If you’re shaken up, it could be dangerous for you out there.”

She shook her head. “I’m not shaken. Don’t worry. Now, come on.”

He led her out of the room, dismissing the alert and her concern as he fought hard not to turn on all of his flirting.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

Screaming children run around as they chase a ball through the street. Krystal dodged the kids several times as she and Alex make their way toward St. Patrick’s Park.

“I love Dublin, don’t you?” Krystal mused.

Alex, dressed in civilian clothing, checked a small BADGE sensor device. “Sure. It’s nice.”

“You aren’t looking. The city is around you, and all you do is stare at that sensor.”

Alex looked up. “We’re not here for the tour. We are here on a mission.”

“We can still enjoy ourselves. This place has a lot of ancient magic. Can’t you feel it?”

Alex took in a great breath and as he released it, his form relaxed. “Yes. It’s old, and very weak, but it’s still there.”

They stopped on a street corner that gave them a lovely view of St. Patrick’s Park and the surrounding ancient buildings. People milled about their daily activities, a small group played music on one sidewalk, and a Renn Tech sphere hovered above the ground near the center of the park.

“There it is, the sphere.” Alex pointed at it.

“Third one we’ve looked at since we started this investigation, and it’s always the same. Everyone around here seems to just be going about their lives and not even noticing it.”

“To them, it’s free wi-Fi and cell service. Why would it bother them?” Alex commented.

Krystal said, “I guess they don’t know how frustrating that tech really is. I agree with Nova. Anyone who puts that much into hiding something is hiding something dangerous.”

“And all we can do is look at them and wonder. What is Nova expecting us to find out?”

“Anything. And, this time, we might have some help. Come on.” She walked him across the street toward a strip of shops. In the middle was a storefront that had a familiar sign above the door.

“A Fight Club?” Alex frowned.

“Yes. Come on.” Krystal walked him inside.

Inside, this was just like all the Fight Clubs around the world. The front was work-out equipment where people could exercise for free. A ring sat off to the side where people could box or wrestle. Behind a locked door was another gym entirely.

Krystal walked through the sweaty crowd of gym rats and pressed her BADGE id into a reader. The door opened and let them through. Another gym was being used, but this one had uniquely designed equipment suited for super powered people. There was also a larger fighting area that had special surfaces that could take the impact of energy blasts or ten-ton punches. A few members of the local leagues were working on the equipment, while a couple were super-sparring.

“Get yer head in the game, potato brains! Come on! Don’t go whimpering like that. That punch is fair play!” a red headed older woman yelled from the side of the fight ring.

Krystal approached her. “Cara!”

The woman turned and beamed a big smile. “Krystal!” They shook hands. “Oh, and you brought your fella along.”

“Alex Fae-Murphy.” He shook her hand.

“Oi, I say. Krystal, you gotta fine husband. An a wee one back home.”

“Life’s good.”

Cara yelled at the heroes in the fighting ring, “Get to the showers! You both looked completely knackered! Get!” The two burly men hurried away is if their mother was calling them.

“You certainly know how to run this place.” Alex commented.

She laughed, “Aw, it’s craic every day. But these eejits need a firm voice or they’ll act like teenagers around here. Now, I’m up to 90 all day, what’cha need? Something fer BADGE?”

“Not officially.” Krystal said in a tone that explained everything. “I was just wondering, since that Sphere has been out there, have you noticed anything different around here?”

Cara nodded. “No sooner did that thing show up, but I saw this place fill up with prospects. Most were weaker than my da when he’s scuttered.”

Alex whispered, “What?”

Cara heard that, and she clearly said, “That means drunk. An, I mean it. The first group had only a few worth tell’n BADGE. Just gave them the power defuser pills and let them on their way. But, more an more, they were coming in stronger. Can’t say the sphere did anything, but it has to have done something.”

There was a great commotion outside in the regular gym. Then came loud, explosive sounds from outside. Cara was first to the door, with Krystal and Alex behind her. Several of the other heroes rushed after them as well.

Cara yelled at the normal weight lifters, “What’s going on?”

A woman said, “Someone is attacking outside, or something?”

Krystal rushed to the door and opened it. Screaming and screeching of tires met her as bright beams of light cut through the air.

“SHIELD!” Holding up her hand, a barrier formed in front of the Fight Club and a beam of energy met it and deflected upward into the sky.

Running into the street, Krystal, Alex, and five heroes ducked as another beam of energy swung over their heads. A woman crying and screaming came from the middle of the park. From her eyes, the beam blasted out, splicing trees in half and burning parts of buildings.

“Oh, my god! She isn’t attacking! She’s out of control!” Alex yelled.

Krystal swung her hands in the air and spoke a fae spell. A bubble of magic encapsulated the park and stopped the woman’s beams from destroying more of the town. “Get in there, help her. I have to keep this up or she’ll destroy half of Dublin.”

Heroes rushed through the permeable shield. They used their own powers to protect themselves from her energy beams. Several times, they got close, but then the strength of what she was doing threw them back. It was almost impossible to get to her.

Alex rushed in as well. He used his magic to stop the beams of light as he walked closer to her. “PLEASE STOP!” He yelled several times.

She cried out, “I can’t. It won’t stop. Please, help me. This hurts! I can’t stand the pain. Please help me!” Trying to cover her eyes with her hands, she burned her arms down to her elbows.

Alex pushed hard through her powers, but then it all stopped. He put his hands down and then closed his eyes. She was dead.

In moments, BADGE and local authorities contained the park and specialist were examining her remains.

Krystal stood with Cara and Alex half a block away from the activity.

“What happened?” Cara asked.

Alex spoke with a dryness in his throat, “She gained morphon powers, but couldn’t control them and they killed her.”

Krystal said, “This is what BADGE is worried about. Powers don’t always mean some amazing new hero is born. Sometimes, these powers are dangerous to the user.”

Alex said, “Normally, it takes practice and training to strengthen powers. This kind of instant strength is… troubling. I worry this will not be the first incident.”

“What actions can we take to prevent this?” Cara asked.

Krystal said, “We don’t know. But we will find out.”


“They are ready, my Lord Antaeus.” The zealous followers of this stone man pushed the group of warriors who had come to free the women and children.

Antaeus smiled, “How wonderful.”

The warriors, now dressed in colorful native clothing, sneered at him. One spit on the ground and declared he would never follow.

Antaeus laughed, “You will learn to obey. All will learn. I, your god, do not come to you alone. I have a prophet.”

A lithe, weak looking old woman approached, draped in layers of dark fabrics. Bones strung on strings wrapped around her neck, rattling as she moved. She had a dark complexion and stringy white hair.

“Mama Pepo! You deal with this witch!” The man yelled at Antaeus.

“You will respect my prophet,” Antaeus stomped and made the ground rumble hard under them.

“I will...I... I will not...” The militia leader rebuked the idea of obedience, but a strange green energy bathed him and his companions. It came from the mouth of Mama Pepo as she spoke in a foul language of a witch. In moments, all the men looked upon Antaeus and then bowed. “My Lord.”

“Yes. Bow low and grovel. Prove your obedience by eating the dirt. Then, perhaps I shall forgive you of your sins and set your with my others. My new nation. My chosen.” He bellowed a hideous laughter while the men started shoving handfuls of dirt into their mouths.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

Arx ran along a cliff that looked down at the ocean. Great waves of water ripped across the surface and bashed into a town in the distance. An entire harbor was already in ruins, debris floating in the thrashing water.

“Watch it! I need you to protect that town!” Arx yelled at two of the trainees.

A young man ran and let out a powerful scream. The shockwaves of his voice cut the power of an incoming tidal wave until it only washed ashore. An older man ran beyond him and quickly lifted both hands into the air. An energy barrier raced out away from him and surrounded the town. Another wave came through and hit the barrier, splashing around the town, but not engulfing it.

Arx looked up. Three of the heroes flew people to safety. “Good! Remember, time is at a premium. MOVE!”

While his people rushed to defend the town and evacuate the citizens, Arx tapped a button on his wrist comm. The waves turned horribly violent and came in three and four at a time. The barrier around the town burst apart, and the young man couldn’t scream any longer. Then, the waves seemed to settle. However, they saw an immense wave rising and rushing toward them, covering the sun in the distance.

Adrianne ran out across the surface of the ocean. Where her foot met the water, a small patch of ice would form for her to bounce off of. She created a surfboard of water and sped along as a fog of blue came from her hands. The massive, catastrophic wall of water turned to ice as far as the eye could see. It slowed and then stopped, the new iceberg bobbing in the waters of the ocean. Behind it, more waves crashed into it, but the ice stopped them from reaching the sand.

“Enough!” Arx tapped his comm again, and the room faded into an empty space.

The trainee ATLAS members approached and stood in front of him.

“You all did very well. You and team B are neck and neck for points in the training simulators.”

The boy, who spoke with a hoarse voice, said, “We wouldn’t be doing so well without Adrianne. She’s good.”

While Adrianne blushed, Arx smiled and said, “Yes. But that isn’t cheating. I put a person on each team with top-class powers. They’ll do some of the heaviest work, but they would fail alone. Being a BADGE hero team or an ATLAS team doesn’t mean everyone is equal in power, but that everyone does what they need to do so that the world is still safe. Now, hit the showers and get some dinner. I hear EB has some big announcement he is just dying to tell you.”

The others left, but Arx stopped Adrianne. “That was amazing. Where did you learn to do that?”

She said, “I told you, I did some training before coming here. Plus, I have been working in the RAID simulators with a few of the teams. I want to be my best.”

“You’re better than your best. Most ATLAS members don’t train with the heroes. I like the initiative.” He cleared his throat and carefully pulled out a card from his pocket. “Here, this is my extra key card.”

She took it, which had his picture on it. There was a moment of surprise with some worry on her face. “What’s this?”

“That is a BADGE official key card. Only command level heroes and ATLAS members have one. This will let you use the simulator on your own. I thought do some extra training.”

“Oh, good.”

“You sound relieved?”

She laughed, “I thought you were being incredibly forward and giving me the key to your quarters or something like that.”

He launched into defense right away. “No, no, not at all. I mean, sure, that can unlock my quarters, but that is not the reason. I just think you would like extra training and I didn’t want you to get bored and there is a lot more down time for ATLAS trainees and I mean, you are nice to be around, but I am not that kind of guy, and....”

“Stop stumbling around. I get it. You were being nice. I jumped to the wrong conclusion. I’m sorry.”

“Good. Now, don’t tell anyone I let you borrow that. We get two and they are supposed to be for us alone. I trust you will be honorable with it and not get me in trouble.”

“Scout’s honor, I will behave.” Adrianne walked toward the exit with him. “So, when do we get to do fieldwork? How long are we going to be stuck in simulators? We’ve been here for two weeks.”

“Soon. The next ATLAS crisis that arises, I’ll bring all the trainees along to assist the regular teams. But we have no way of knowing exactly when that will be. Or, for that matter, what kind of crisis it will be.”

“What about Africa?”

Arx paused and gave her a funny look. “What about it?”

“I know there has been some strange earthquake stuff going on there. Shouldn’t we go take a look?”

Arx shook his head. “No. Nova agrees with me. The severity of the situation does not warrant our attention. Besides, the local authorities have said that it is nothing. The Global Geological Survey is monitoring things.”

“Oh. I still think we should look into it.”

“I will keep an eye on the situation.” Arx changed the subject. “So, how about we have dinner?”

“Sounds great. I’m starving.”

“I mean, not with the group. Just... you and me. In the mess hall, but not with the group.”

Adrianne smiled at him with a sweet look in her eyes. “You asking me out?”

“In a way.”

“Then, it’s a date. And, you know something... you’re cute when you are nervous.” She patted him on the side of the face and walked away.

Arx let out a tightly held sigh as he watched her leave.


Nova stood in front of the main monitor in the Operations Center. Behind Nova was Gar, looking over a computer tablet with Chase seated off to the side. On the screen was Agent Justin in a BADGE tent with doctors and scientists around him.

“How bad was it?” Nova asked.

Justin said, “Bad. But, fortunately, mostly property damage. No civilians were seriously harmed, only the poor girl.”

“Was there any sign that she had powers before this incident?”

Justin shook his head. “I have spoken with her friends and family. I also visited her workplace and her church. No one said she mentioned anything at all. Just before it started, her boyfriend said she was mentioning her head hurt and her eyes were burning hot. We will know more after the autopsy, but I believe this was sudden.”

“I don’t like this. Morphons are still on the rise and this means more people will gain powers. Some who can’t handle them.”

Justin said, “There was one thing we determined.”


“She complained about her head hurting just after going extremely near the Renn Tech Sphere.”

Chase said, “Then we have a good reason to crack those damn things open and find out what’s inside.”

“No, we don’t.” Nova said.

“It caused a woman to explode. I think that’s good enough reason.” Chase replied.

Nova answered, “We are drawing conclusions without enough evidence. The moment we break one of those open, we open BADGE up to legal problems. If there isn’t anything dangerous inside, then we are in a public relations debacle and legal trouble.”

Justin said, “So, we don’t pursue the investigation into the possible link with the sphere?”

“Do what you can within our legal rights.”

“Which will provide no answers,” Chase said.

Nova replied, “Don’t worry. I’m not sitting on my hands about this. For now, do what you can and get the data back to us.”

“I will. Justin out.” The screen went back to the standard read outs.

Chase stood up and protested. “Sir, I know you don’t want PR nightmares again. But this is ridiculous. There has to be a connection to Renn Tech and this morphon spike. We just need to break one of those spheres open and find out what they are truly up to.”

Nova said, “And the moment we do, we prove to the world that BADGE will flaunt local laws, not to mention protected privacy, when it suits our purposes. If there is nothing inside the sphere that is bad enough to make it worth it, we lose the trust of every nation on this planet. We can’t operate like that.”

Chase said, “Seems like a perfect position for an enemy. Bind our hands with the risk of PR and legal troubles. It’s just too convenient.”

“I have had the same thought. But, if they are, they have played their cards well. Our options are limited. However, I’m not ignoring this problem. I just can’t tell you what I am doing about it.”

It finally seemed to sink in to Chase as her entire posture changed. “I see.”

“Good. Right now, our concern has doubled. I was worried that someone would gain high-level morphon powers and use them for evil. I had not expected the powers taking lives like this. Chase, you and Gar reach out to the Leagues and tell them to be on alert. Work with the Fight Clubs and send out all our BADGE radiation detectors. We have to be aware of people with powers before they are aware themselves.”

“Is that even possible?”

“I don’t know. But we need to make it possible. That girl didn’t deserve to die and I don’t want more bodies.”

“We’ll get on it.” Chase took Gar by the arm and walked him out of the room for the League Communication hub near the conference room.

The elevator opened and Arx came in. “Director, I have a report on the new ATLAS members.”

“Then report.”

“All are doing extremely well. They are about ready for a field test when one arises.”

Nova let out a little smile, “Good news, which is needed right now.”

“Oh? What’s happened?”

“A woman gained powers just long enough to kill herself with them, accidentally.”

“Good god... how?”

“I’d like to know that myself.”

Arx said, “Well, I will head back. I...” He stopped himself before leaving. “Uh, sir. I have a question.”

“What is it?”

Arx pondered his words for a second. “Um, well, I know the BADGE rules for heroes and agents forbid romantic fraternization. Do those rules apply to ATLAS?”

Nova turned and gave Arx a funny look. “Why?”

“Just curious.” That did not sound sincere.

Nova said, “ATLAS is technically a volunteer organization that is funded by the governments for natural disaster management. It is not actually part of BADGE direct. So, I suppose our rules don’t fully apply. You, as head of ATLAS, can determine the interpretation of the rules.”

“Oh....” Arx mulled that over, “So, you’re saying ATLAS members can date?”


“Good, uh, thanks.” Arx left a little faster than was called for.

Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

A hot wind cut through the busy streets while cars rushed around in the heavy noon traffic. Alex and Krystal walked close together, so the thickly populated sidewalk didn’t separate them.

“I wish we had more time to just look around. I love the ancient ruins here in Tripoli,” Alex said.

Krystal patted him on the side of the face. “Honey, after we get done with this mission for Nova. Let’s take a long overdue vacation from BADGE and just enjoy a world tour. Magic travel is cheap and there is a lot to see.”

“And we’ll get to spend time with Gem.” Alex smiled.

“Yes. For now, though, let’s focus. The Fight Club is over there, down that alley.”

They turned down an alley that wasn’t nearly as packed as the street and followed it to a large Fight Club. Inside was the biggest club they had seen so far. It had dozens of machines, private trainers, a protein shake bar, and aerobics class in the back corner.

“Are you sure this is a Fight Club?” Krystal asked.

Alex nodded, “Yup. It’s one of the biggest in the world. Look back there, near the men’s locker room. There is the door to the superhuman part of the club.”

Krystal stopped a young man with an official Fight Club shirt on. “Where is the head of the gym?”

The boy pointed toward the shake bar. “Geoff’s back there.”

They saw a short, stocky, overly muscular bald man mixing shakes for customers.

“Wait, is that Rocket Fists?” Krystal asked.

“I think it is. Looks like he’s not playing hero any more. Come on.”

They walked back and met the bald, excitable man. He greeted them with his signature deep voice. “Krystal, Alex! Good to see you guys. What brings you to the finest Fight Club in the world?”

Krystal took a seat on the stool at the bar. “Doing some research for an article. What are you doing here? Last I heard, you were in the Bears league in Michigan.”

“I’m taking a break from being a full-time hero. They needed someone to run this place and I love gyms. Besides, who better to deal with untrained superheroes than someone who can take a hit? Would you like a shake?”

“No, thanks.”

Alex sat down as well. “We’ve been following clues and information across the world about the current spike in Morphon people. This Fight Club has sent more new members to BADGE than just about any other. Do you have any idea why?”

Geoff wiped down the bar, “We have ten times the number of people coming through here than any other Fight Club. Makes sense to have more than most.”


Krystal asked, “Have you seen any that are abnormally powerful? Have any rejected the offer for BADGE and been resistant to the suppression requirements?”

“I had one couple here who were both extremely powerful. This guy and a girl with him. Both had new powers, but were already skilled with them. He was amazing. His body was slowly turning to stone, but it didn’t seem to hurt him. In fact, the more rocky he got, the more powerful he became. I told he me had to go to BADGE for assessment, but he hated the idea. I gave him the info, but they were just passing through. Another Fight Club nearer to him will be of better help.”

“Passing through? What were they doing here?”

“They worked with an anthropological team. It was a comprehensive study of local tribal customs and superstitions. He talked my ear off about it. Someone here pointed them to a place down toward Central Africa where there were practicing witches. I told him to be careful. There are a few of those witches who are dangerous.”

Krystal let out a huff. “Don’t worry. Most human superstitious magic is just smoke and mirrors.”

Alex asked, “Do you know if this couple is still out investigating?”

“Probably. They were excited to get deep into this study.”

Krystal typed into her phone. “We could make a quick swing through the Central African area and just see if they’re still there.”

“What kind of article is this?” Geoff frowned at them.

She answered, “How the spheres are affecting people.”


Alex asked, “Where is the Renn Tech Sphere here in Tripoli?”

“Beach Park has one.” Geoff pointed in the general direction.

“Thanks. We’ll go take a look.” Alex got up to leave.

Krystal asked, “what about the woman? Was she as powerful is him?”

“Close. She had some skills. Her powers weren’t as strong as his, but she they were impressive.”

“What were they?”

“She could manipulate frozen water and freeze things. Kept this place cool for a while.”

“Do you have their names?”

Geoff shook his head, “Since I didn’t think I would be turning them over to BADGE from this club, I didn’t get the file work prepared.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll find them. Thanks.”


Arx sat down across from Adrianne at a table in the Mess Hall. She had a tray of Chinese food while he had a pile of pulled pork and potatoes.

“It’s always a little cooler near you. I like it.” He commented.

She laughed, “Everyone says that.”

“So, tell me more about yourself.” He dug a fork into the barbecue.

With a smirk she said, “Is this another interview, or a date?”

“Just getting to know each other.” He said.

“Well, I grew up in Oklahoma, went to OSU to get a degree in cultural anthropology. I was working on my doctoral thesis while on the field when I realized my powers. I tried hard to balance training and learning while finishing my school work. But I couldn’t keep up with both.”

“Why did you choose BADGE over the suppressors? You could have had your powers suppressed while you finished your doctorate?”

She said, “I enjoyed having powers. I didn’t want to suppress them. I was afraid that if I did, then I would never get to use them again.”

“That’s now how the suppressors work...“

“I know that, now. Besides, where I was doing my work was excessively hot, and my powers kept my team cool.”

“So, why stop working on your education like that?”

Adrianne gave that some thought before her answer. “Being in college is one thing. You learn about cultures and peoples from books and lectures. But, being out on the field, you see the world firsthand. Yes, I still want to finish my doctorate. But, I also want to help the world. Protect it. I don’t want to be a superhero. That’s just not me. But, I loved seeing ATLAS in action on the news. I made the choice to come here and join.”

“You were pretty insistent about joining ATLAS. Most people take time to consider their options. You were ready day one.” He laughed and added, “Don’t get me wrong. I loved the enthusiasm. And I really wanted you to be on my team.”

“Really?” She gave off a flirty smile.

“Yes. You have the perfect powers for several of our situations we normally encounter. Also... well... I admit, I found you... interesting.” He was searching for the right words.

She reached over and put a hand on his. “I find you interesting as well. You don’t need to fumble around with your words. You’ve sat exclusively with me for lunch every day for a week. I think I am getting the obvious message.”

Arx put his fork down and let out a heavy laugh. “You know, once I was a preening, flirty boy who had no trouble asking every girl out. I rarely faced rejection. Look at this body, these pecs, this smile! I mean, who could resist?” His tone was comical enough to get the point across he wasn’t being arrogant. “But, since I’ve been up here, working in ATLAS. I’ve been a different person. I haven’t asked a girl out and now I find myself nervous to say it.”

“Don’t worry, ask away. I promise I’ll say yes.”

He gulped and then said, “Would you be my date to the dance?”


“Oh, right, EB hasn’t made the announcement yet.”

Just then, a white blur zipped up to the table. “Are my ears burning or is someone talking about me... oh, wow, she’s hot!”

While Adrianne giggled at that, Arx looked positively embarrassed. “EB, have you announced the party yet?”

“Oh, I was just about to. The Hero class is coming in. Here, take this. You can tell her. If she’s your date, congrats. You got a babe. If she’s not.... my room number is...” EB was firmly kicked away from the table by Arx.

Arx showed her the paper. “EB is organizing a dance event for all the new heroes and ATLAS members. A mix and mingle time for everyone to get better acquainted. I was going to ask you to be my date.”

She said, “I would be honored.”

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

A brown Jeep rumbled through the dried grasslands in the middle of Africa. Alex drove while Krystal looked over some information on a tablet.

“Remind me again why we aren’t flying, or using portal magic?” Alex asked.

Krystal set the tablet down and relaxed. “Because this is the first real time together, away from BADGE, the newspaper, or anything like that. I want to enjoy the view and spend some time with my husband.”

“We are still on the clock.”

“I know, the mission. But, we can still enjoy ourselves. This is the vast open lands of Africa spread out before us. Enjoy the view.”

“It is nice, if you like dried grass and barren land.”

“It’s hardly barren. Just different. Now, back to the mission. If all my information is correct, there was some kind of settlement near here. Five reports of morphonic human activity have come from the vicinity, which is unusual considering the sparse population.”

“That is odd. I wonder where the nearest Ren Sphere is. Look at the map, the nearest large city is... “ The earth moved, and the Jeep went up on two wheels on the right side, almost crashing. With a quick spell, Krystal pushed it back on all four wheels. There was a moment longer of shaking before everything settled down.

Alex slammed on the brakes, and they sat there for a moment, dazed. “Was that an earthquake?”

Krystal nodded. “Yes. That was no ordinary earthquake. Some kind of morphon power created that. Extremely strong morphon power.”

“Can you sense a direction?”

Krystal closed her eyes and held up a hand flat to her chin. She blew across her palm and a purplish blue cloud spread out for a moment. “Yes. Not exact, but a general direction. Head south east.”


Arx carefully fixed his tie as he looked at himself in the full-length mirror. He turned to the side, then the other side. With a quick little swipe of a polishing cloth, he shined his shoes one more time. Despite being satisfied with the arrangement of his outfit, he wore a worried expression on his face.

The door of his quarters buzzed.

“Come in.”

Chase walked in, dressed in a beautiful black sequined dress. “Arx, your people are... wow. You look amazing.”

He turned, revealing a sharp tuxedo with a red carnation. His hair was carefully done and his shoes glistened in the soft light of the room. “Somehow, it felt familiar getting into this.”

She laughed at him. “You spent a lot of time at balls, banquets, and award ceremonies... at least in your former life.”

“Too bad I remember little about them.” His tone wasn’t humorous or even remotely happy.

Chase approached him. “Arx, you look depressed. Is something wrong?”

“No.” Seeing that look in her eyes, he said, “That wasn’t convincing, was it?”

“Not in the least. What’s up?”

“I have something important I want to do tonight. But, I’m scared about it.”


He looked back into the mirror again. “There’s someone I think I’m falling for.”

“Don’t tell me the glorious Arx, who shows his body off to everyone around, is nervous about asking a girl out.”

“That’s not the issue.”

“What is it then?”

Arx turned back around to say something, but the sound of music flooded around the station from the Mess Hall. A grand waltz played, voices outside the room followed the footsteps of the people heading for the festivities.

“It is nothing. I don’t want to be late.” Arx walked out of his own quarters, leaving Chase behind.

“Wait, you can’t leave me hanging like that.” She ran after him.

Following a crowd of new and old BADGE heroes and ATLAS operatives, Arx and Chase stood at the door to the Mess hall. The staff cleared the center floor of tables to make way for dancing. A crowd of people lined the edge of the floor. A full orchestra played a lively waltz while the guests all waited.

“At least tell me who it is?” Chase asked.

Before he could say anything, if he was willing to, Nova stepped in front of the orchestra with a mic in his hand. He also wore a fine tuxedo, his usual attire for official functions.

“Welcome all, those who have been with us for years and those who have recently joined. Tonight, we would like to have a welcome party for everyone. As leader of BADGE, I welcome all the new heroes who are joining the training program. Tonight isn’t simply about making connections, but friendships. I turn the floor over to Arx, leader of the ATLAS program.”

Arx walked through the applauding crowd and took the mic. “Yes, welcome to everyone. All the new members of ATLAS, thank you for joining the program and choosing to use your skills and talents to protect the world. You will work with heroes often, so tonight is a great opportunity to get to know them. Enjoy.”


The conductor tapped the podium, and the symphony struck the first chords of a grand waltz. Most of the people looked as nervous as mice at the idea of dancing in front of others.

Just then, across the room, stepped out Adrianne in an amazing red dress with roses embroidered over the surface. Her hair was up, her lips glistened a rose red, and her eyes smoked. She looked at Arx, and the room fell away. All he saw was her standing there, glowing.

Walking across the way, he held out his hand and said, “May I have this dance?”

“Of course.” With a white gloved hand, she accepted.

All eyes were on them and the music played alone. With skills he didn’t know he had, Arx led her around an empty dance floor in an amazing waltz. She followed with equal skill. As if all had become Cinderella’s stepmother, staring in utter amazement, there was no one else who joined them.

When the music finished, Arx found her face near his. He said nothing. There was so much he wanted to say, to erupt with joy at simply holding her in his arms. Yet, all he could do was stand there.

“I can feel your heart racing,” she whispered.

“I know. I haven’t felt like this in a long time.”

“Me neither.”

Finally, they heard the applause from the room as they had become quite the spectacle. With grace, Adrianne and Arx turned, holding hands, and bowed to the people and then the conductor.

“Come on, I’d like some punch.” She said.

“Yeah, and I’d like to not be in the center of attention right now.” He led her off the floor.

The next waltz began and this time Nova escorted Chase onto the floor. Justin danced with Dr. Henderson, and more of the other heroes and ATLAS members finally found the courage to join.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

“Wait, I hear someone coming.” Krystal led Alex along, slinking through the tall grasses. She prepared a spell in her hand in case this was bad news.

Alex checked his mp meter. “I’m not detecting any spikes nearby. Just an enormous one in the distance.”

They had ditched the jeep to scout the area on foot. There had been several more tremors, and that was making it hard to drive. The further they scouted, the more the mp meter was pinging something big ahead of them.

She let the spell dissolve as she whispered, “Probably just travelers or herders. Come on, lets...”

Someone shoved a gun in her face and five more aimed at her. She vanished and reappeared to the side of the group of fighters. She swiftly swiped her hand, throwing their guns to the ground. Alex popped up out of the grasses and spoke a word of magic that sent the front man slamming backward through the others.

A young man grabbed up his rifle and pointed it at Krystal. “Where is my sister?” He yelled in Swahili.

Krystal twisted her hand in the air and the top half of his rifle tied itself in a knot. “Don’t be an idiot. This is a fight you can’t win.”

By now, the other men had retrieved their weapons as well, but were too afraid of trying to use them. An older man with white hair spoke with a softer, more pleading voice. “Please, our children, our families. Where are they?”

Alex walked over to Krystal and said to the man, “We don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You have powers. You must be with the tyrant. Tell us, please.”

Krystal pulled out her BADGE insignia as did Alex. “We are not with anyone here. Our superiors sent us to this area for another investigation. We’re not your enemy. If someone has kidnapped your people, it is not us. And, BADGE will send help.”

“BADGE does not know.” The young man with the twisted rifle spit these words out.

Alex asked, “What do you mean?”

The elder answered, “The tyrant, a man calling himself Antaeus, has a horrible witch working with him. She controls minds with unnatural powers, like yours. The witch uses her unnatural powers to brainwash any authorities who try to get close. We would not come near here if they did not have our families trapped in her spell.”

A woman said, “They make them worship Antaeus as some kind of stone god.”

Alex said, “Looks like Nova was right to be worried about potential problems. A morphon infused person is setting himself as a god.”

Krystal said, “Not on my watch. A witch, you say. Well, I think I can handle that.”

Alex put a hand on her arm. “You aren’t going to go into this alone and fight this battle?”

“No, I have you.” The look on his face was enough protest for her to say, “Look. It’s two morphon people who probably hardly know how to use their powers. I’ve been dealing with false magic for centuries. I can handle some local morphon infused witch.”

Alex said, “Fine. First, we scout and get info. If it doesn’t look that simple, we won’t intervene yet. We will contact BADGE and let them send in a league.”


The old man had a smile as he said, “You mean to aid us?”

“Yes. Show us where this witch and god are.”


Arx escorted Adrianne through the Arboretum, which was set to night mode. This allowed the fullness of the stars and moonlight to bathe the trees and grasses of this pristine, artificial garden. A few other heroes and students were enjoying the quiet of the park instead of the boisterous swing music rattling the walls of the mess hall.

“Where did you learn to dance like that?” Adrianne asked.

Arx said, “It’s a long story.”

“I’d love to hear it.”

He reached down and took her hand. “It is a story I don’t know if I’m ready to tell you.”

“Oh? Whatever the story, you are an excellent dancer.”

“So are you.”

Adrianne held his hand as they walked. “I wanted to be a beauty queen when I was younger. Started on the path to Ms. America once. My talent was going to be dancing. I trained and worked for months. But, at my first show, I lost. I promised my dad if I lost, I would reconsider college. So, now I’m near the end of a doctorate. But I still remember a few things.”

“I’m surprised you lost.” He casually said.

She laughed, “That was corny. But... I like it.”

Arx started to speak, but then refrained and simply walked with her.

“Are you worried about something?” She asked.

“Why would you say that?”

She said, “You have almost said something five times now. There’s something you’re struggling with, and I think it has to do with me.”

Arx didn’t answer right away. He walked with her over to a bench on the edge of the central open area. He sat down with her and collected his thoughts. “You have brought something out in me I thought I lost.”

“What is that?”

“The desire to be with someone. To know them, care about them, want to be around them all the time.”

She said, “I wasn’t sure either. I liked you from the moment I met you. You’re nice to look at and I thought maybe I was just enjoying the view. Yet, there was something more.”

“We might just be both feeling a spring flirtation.”

Now she looked worried. “Maybe there is something deeper. But I don’t know if I’m ready.”

Arx said, “I want to at least try. But I can’t even hope you will want to be with me if I am not open and honest about myself.”


“I’m Arx.” He said this as if that was profound.

“I know.”

“No, not just the leader of ATLAS. I’m the former celebrity, Arx. The one who went crazy with power and ultimately caused a lot of death and destruction.”

“You can’t be him. He died.”

Arx’s head hung lower. “That’s what the world believes. And I should have died. My own morphonic powers give me a strong invulnerability and mildly heightened strength. I added artificial powers to that through some illegal procedures. Combined, I was strong enough to survive what should have killed me.”

“I thought Arx was silver. Or, am I mistaken?”

“I was. Part of the artificial enhancements to make me look better. I was an idiot. To defeat the people who used me as a puppet in their evil plans, I let BADGE do a procedure on me that tore out my memories and the artificial powers. My actual powers saved me from death during that procedure. I woke not remembering much of my life for the past ten years. No memories about being a celebrity or a villain. Now, I only have flashes of my life during that time. The ability to dance, that was buried in the former Arx and I somehow recalled it.”

“Oh, I... I didn’t know.” She grew more depressed as he spoke.

Arx said, “I’m not that man. I’m no murderer. My life is now devoted to protecting people. Even if the world thinks Arx is dead, I’ll make amends for my atrocities. I promise.”

She stood up. “I don’t know what to say. You trust me enough to admit this. I... I can’t... “ She left, but he took her hand.

“Please, don’t run away from me. Don’t be afraid of me. I live in fear that the world will find out, that people will hate me. Not since I woke from the procedure have I allowed myself the luxury of romance. Until I met you, I didn’t think I was worth it anymore. Now, I want to try. I want to believe there could be something there.” He stood and held her gently by the shoulders. “Give me a chance, please.”

Adrianne wept. “I... “ She ran away from him, tears flying from her eyes as she left the arboretum.

Arx was broken inside. His fear had come real. He reached out with his heart and told the truth, but his past was a poison that would forever taint his present. He sunk back down onto the bench and put his face into his hands and felt tears falling through his fingers.

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

Arx couldn’t bring himself to look up. His whole body felt as if lead had poured through his veins.

“Arx?” The gentle, deep voice of Nova approached.

He didn’t want to see or talk to anyone right now, and Nova was at the top of that list.

“Sorry, sir. I need to go.” He stood to leave, but Nova stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

“Son, sit down.”

“I really don’t want to talk right now.”

Nova said nothing. His commanding presence was enough for Arx to sit back on the bench. There was a moment of silence between them as Nova slowly walked around and sat on the other side where Adrianne had been.

“There is a wisdom to some rules we apply to the heroes. This wisdom, I’m afraid, probably needs to be shared with the ATLAS teams.”

“This isn’t the time to discuss rules and procedures.”

Nova continued, “The reason most organizations find it logical to deny romantic fraternization is that it creates unnecessary divides that prove problematic to the operation of the job you intend to do.”

Arx asked, “How did you know?”

“Logical deduction of why you asked me about the rules before. Also, EB followed you guys out here. He is a nosy little imp, but he also is a concerned friend. He came to me a few moments ago and told me what happened.”

“Great. I’m broken and now everyone will be...”

“I told EB to not spread it around and he knows when to listen to me.”

“Thanks.” Arx let out a heavy sigh. “I should’ve listened to the wisdom of the BADGE rules and applied them to myself. I made a damn fool of myself and might have pushed away one of the most promising members of ATLAS I’ve ever met.”

“This isn’t about losing a good team member.”

Arx nodded, “No.” He leaned back and looked up at the dark, starry heavens. “You know, I hold a deep pain in me all the time. It started the moment I first saw those news broadcasts of who I was before. Watching myself murder innocent people because of my inflated ego hurt me in ways I can’t explain. And don’t tell me I’m not that man. He is responsible. I am not. That’s not fair. Justice is not that blind. That pain haunts me like a walking nightmare. I speak with the BADGE therapist every week, trying to come to grips with this.”

Nova nodded. “I can’t say that your past will ever go away. But you’ll find peace in time.”

“I found that peace,” Arx quietly said. “For a few fleeting moments, when I was with Adrianne in the training room, or having lunch with her, or just talking after lecture sessions, I found joy, peace, happiness in her eyes. I fell in love with her. But when I sobered up from the euphoria of love, I knew I had to tell her the truth. If she found out the truth any other way, it would seem that I was hiding my dark past. Maybe it was too soon. Maybe I should have let you or Chase tell her.”

“You had to be the one to tell her.”

Arx nodded, “Yeah, you’re right. But I should have never fallen for her in the first place. The pain of her rejection is almost as bad as the pain of realizing my past. Now I know I will never have love in my life.”

Nova said, “Son, I don’t know everything. I may be ancient and have lived many lifetimes. But, in reality, love remains a deep mystery to me. Don’t give up. Focus on who you are now and what you do best. That is all I can say.”

Arx stood up and looked back at the ongoing party. “I suppose we should get back in there. I’m the leader of half of the attendees.”

“You don’t have to go back. I can make the apologies for you and let you go back to your quarters.”

“I won’t hide. I am the leader of ATLAS. But I will take a few more quiet moments to myself and then get back in there. Besides, I enjoy a party far more than you.”

“True...” Nova stood and was about to say something when his comm activated. “This is Nova.”

Gar spoke, “Sir, we have a strange message coming in from Krystal Fae. You should come up to Operations and hear it.”


Two hours before the party:

Alex and Krystal worked with the small militia as they slunk through the underbrush near Antaeus’s encampment. They used the cover of night skies to make their approach.

In a low whisper, Krystal asked, “How far?”

The elder answered, “Just beyond that thicket of trees.”

Alex quickly held up his scanner. “I’m picking up a morphon signature. It’s weak, but moving. Someone is approaching.”

“It’s Antaeus!” A young woman cried out in fear.

Before Alex could shush her, the leader of Antaeus’s security pushed aside the grasses and held a gun in his face. “More intruders. Good, my lord wishes more worshipers. You’re coming with me.”

Krystal stood up, magic filling her hand. “Threaten my husband one more time and you will spend the next five hundred years in an inter-dimensional rift.”

“Another false god!” He turned his gun on her just as she blasted him with a bolt of magic. His body flew backward and tumbled across the ground, the gun flew free.

The militia rushed over and retrieved his gun and held theirs on him.

“Careful, he’s got powers.” Alex said, showing them the sensor readings.

“No. Only Antaeus and his witch have powers. They execute all others who have abilities.” The elders aid.

Alex held up the sensor again, scanning the man more directly. “No, this is clearly showing that he has active morphons in him. He has powers.”

“Do not touch me! Antaeus will destroy you!” The man yelled at them.

“Lets kill him. He helped raid our village.” A young man shoved his gun into the man’s chest.

Krystal held out her hand. “No. We need answers. Besides, killing him won’t help rescue your families. Revenge is a poison, not a solution.” Her words cooled the boy down a little, but the rage was still boiling in his eyes.

She knelt down and cast a spell over him.

“What are you doing to me? Antaeus!”

“Stop his yelling. He will wake every follower in five kilometers.” The elder said.

Two of his men rushed over and held the man by the head, shoving their arms over his mouth so he could speak and holding him down.

“Do you see something?” Alex asked

Krystal nodded. “He has powers, but he also has one of the most sophisticated brainwashing spells or powers I have ever seen. He is not in his own mind. It is like he’s a drone of someone far more powerful.”

“Could this Antaeus do this?” Alex asked the Elder.

“I honestly don’t know the extent of our enemy’s powers. He is terrible and strong.”

The ground under their feet shifted hard as the world shook. Alex caught Krystal before she fell over. Then both sunk into the ground as a hole opened up under them. Individual holes that partially swallowed each person to their chest, leaving their shoulders and head exposed.

A deep, confident voice spoke as a strong footstep approached. “I am indeed terrible and strong. I am a god, born of earth, master of all. You will worship me.” The stone figure of Antaeus stepped out of the darkness.

Krystal let out a short laugh. “Another impostor god. I’ve dealt with your kind before and I’ll be happy to do so again.” She blasted out of the hole and hit Antaeus with a powerful spell that sent the stone man stumbling back. Before he could regain any footing, she hit him again, this time with a far greater spell. He landed on his back.

With a strong slam of his fist against the ground, Alex and the others cried out in pain. “One more attack and they will all breathe their last.”

Krystal landed and said, “Fine, we negotiate. But, I won’t back down. This little divine kingdom you are setting up ends tonight.”

Antaeus slowly got to his feet and smiled. “I don’t negotiate with lesser beings.”

“Listen, rocky, you’re nothing compared to what I have destroyed in more universes than you can imagine. Don’t pretend to... to..“ She wavered and slowly fell to her knees.

Mama Pepo walked out of the brush, a wicked word on her lips and that greenish fog rolling around them.

“What... what is... this?” Krystal held up her hand to cast a way this strange spell, but she was too far gone. With a hard slam, she hit the ground face first.

The captain of his security hurried to his feet and then knelt down in a bow. “Should we execute these inferior gods and take the others to your congregation?”


Mama Pepo approached, “No. These two are far more important than you know. I think we have an opportunity.”

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

“Report!” Nova called out the moment the lift doors opened.

Gar, in charge of Operations, answered. “Krystal Fae reported in. I didn’t know she was on a mission.”

“She isn’t, technically. That alone makes this odd. What else?”

“The message is weird. Something about it doesn’t seem right.”

“Play it.”

Gar pointed at a robot, and the viewscreen activated. Krystal stood in the middle of an empty field, smiling at a camera recording this. “Alex, are you ready? Good. This is Agent Krystal Fae reporting in. We have found nothing of note in the brush. I just wanted you to know that. I’ve sent you a series of coordinates which mark the area we have searched for days. There is absolutely nothing here. I will keep moving and looking. Tell EB that I’m fine and he doesn’t need to worry about me. Agent Krystal Fae out.” The video ended.

Gar said, “That was strange. Why contact us to just say nothing is wrong? And what was the part about EB?”

Nova’s expression had changed from confused to concerned. He pressed his comm. “EB, get to operations now. I need your...”

“At your service!” EB zipped up to him with a paw held up like a salute.

“...help.” Nova finished his sentence. “We have a situation, and I need you to watch a video.”

“You called me away from that cool party to just watch a video? Aw, you want to do a movie night? Hey, I can conjure up some chocolate-covered popcorn, and we can use the main theater...”

“Not that kind of video. Just watch.” Nova pointed at the robot.

Krystal Fae’s video started up. “Alex, are you ready? Good. This is Agent Krystal Fae reporting in. We have found nothing...”

“STOP!” EB yelled, and the image paused. He moved closer to the screen, gazing at it.

“What is it?” Nova asked.

“This is bad, really bad. Like, the baddest of bads.”

“WHAT?” Nova was growing impatient quicker than normal.

EB said, “Krystal told me she would have a special emergency spell ready in case something terrible happened to her. It would be imperceptible to most people, even other magic aligned people. But, since I’m so strong, I can sense it.”

“What is the spell?”

“It is in her eyes. It forces her to get my attention, even without her knowing she’s doing it. And, using a deciphering spell, I can draw the information out that she really wants me to see or hear.”

“Can you do it from this video?”

EB said, “I think so. Can you put it on one of the smaller screens? I need to get close and work on this. This is one tricky spell. Has to be. Otherwise, whoever has bewitched her could sense it.”

“Bewitched? Are you saying she is under some kind of spell?” Gar asked.

EB nodded, “Yes. I don’t know much about what’s going on with her now. But, what I can see... what you can’t see... is that it is morphon enhanced magic. Really freaking powerful, morphon magic. Wherever she is, she is in danger.”

Nova said, “Get to work on that deciphering spell. Robot 10915, get the nearest league to those coordinates that she sent us. I want that scouted yesterday. Tell all the Leagues within the area that they are on red alert status.”


Gar asked, “Should we call the party off?”

Nova looked at the still image of Krystal. “No. Let them have their fun tonight. No reason to panic any of the new recruits over something that we aren’t even certain about the details. However, let Arx and Chase know what’s going on.”

“I’ll find them.” Gar left Operations.


Mama Pepo leaned in and put her hands on Alex’s closed eyes. She pushed them open and stared deeply into his face. He could see her, hear what was around him, but he couldn’t move.

She spoke to someone whose shadow loomed ominously over them. “This one has magic as well, but not as strong as the other. Both have morphon powers, but their true power source is not morphons.”

The deep voice of Antaeus asked, “Are you sure you can keep them under your control?”

“Yes. They were ill prepared for my attack. They cannot remove the power I have over them unless they have full control of their faculties. These two will prove useful in your new empire.”

“I don’t like that. I don’t want them to challenge me.”

“Don’t be paranoid. I will keep them obedient. Soon, they will forget they even have powers. Only when I control their bodies will their powers be of any use. Just like all the others in your army who we have taken away and brainwashed, these will think they are just humans serving a god.”


Adrianne sat behind the thick trunk of a tree in the arboretum. She never left, merely hid after she lost her nerve. She could clearly hear the conversation between Arx and Nova. Through a muffled crying, she forced herself to reconsider what she would do next.

“This was supposed to be so easy. Why did he have to be so cute and nice... damn it.”

Arx was still on the nearby bench, looking as glum as a lovesick puppy. If she stepped out of this shadow, he would see her. What had begun as a great evening had turned into a terrible mess.

“Maybe I should explain myself.” Her thoughts rolled around how she would try to mend this situation.

Before she could try, someone walked through. It was that strange statue hero that worked with Nova.

Gar approached Arx and said, “There’s a problem. Nova wanted you to know about it.”

“Something big?”

“Yes. But, don’t tell the others. He doesn’t want to scare the trainees right now.”

This caught her attention. She leaned in closer to the tree and focused on hearing their words.

Arx asked, “Is it something for ATLAS?”

“I don’t know. Krystal has sent a strange message that EB is magically reading. It has something to do with Africa.”

Arx said, “Africa? Wait, we’ve got a lot of random reports about something going on in Africa. Is it near Chad?”

Gar nodded. “Yeah, I think so. The place she said was around that, I think.”

“I showed Nova some early reports, but I haven’t brought up the rest. These small to medium earthquakes that ATLAS sensors keep picking up around there could be connected.”

“Come on, let’s go tell him.” Gar walked away with Arx behind him.

In order to avoid being noticed, Adrianne slid around the tree as they passed. There was a throbbing in her chest and a panic washing over her skin.

“I have to tell them.”

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

Adrianne waited in the operation room of ATLAS with a few of the other trainees. The others looked a little disheveled after last night’s party, but were in good spirits. Adrianne appeared as though she were going to be ill.

“Hey, didn’t see you much last night after that amazing dance,” A young man said.

Adrianne didn’t catch anyone was talking to her.

“Musta had one hell of a night.” He nudged her arm.

She jumped and then looked at him. “Sorry. Did you need something?”

“No. I was just wondering what happened to you last night. You danced with Mr. Arx and then disappeared.”

A woman across from them slyly said, “Arx vanished as well. I saw him leave and not come back.”

Adrianne said, “Look, don’t get any wild ideas. He and I... are working friends. That’s all. He was called away for some BADGE business and I didn’t feel much like doing more dancing.”

“Where is he, anyway?” The young man asked.

Adrianne said, “I was just wondering that myself. I really need to talk to him.”

“Sure you do.” The pestering tone of the woman across from her made Adrianne want to give her a real icy chill right about now.

The screen in the table came alive with Arx’s face. “Hey, everyone. I’m called away for some important business in the main Operations. So, for today, there’s a list of standard training programs. Each person will pick two from the list and run them in simulator seven. Work at your own pace for now. You’re all doing great. Arx out.”

“Damn.” Adrianne whispered under her breath.

The computer on the table displayed a long list of simulated disasters for ATLAS to cover. The others were selecting their two for the day, while Adrianne grew more nervous by the moment.

“Look, honey, he has a great chest and cute butt, but you have work to do. Stop fussing and pick your two.” The girl rudely stated.

The young man said, “Becky, you don’t have to be like that. This isn’t High School.”

“I know what it is. But even up here, drooling over the teacher is not cool.” She snickered.

Adrianne was about to tell her where she could stick her opinion when the seismic sensor went off again. The others didn’t notice it, but she recognized the sound from when she was in here before. On the smaller screen on the left wall, two distinct earthquake signatures were showing in Chad, Africa.

“I have to find him before it’s too late.” Adrianne rushed out of the room.


Nova left the Operations center for the conference room at the back. Inside were Arx, EB, Torrik, and Chase. All poured over information on tablets, while three videos played on monitors around the room.

“What have you found? Torrik, what are you doing here?”

Torrik almost spoke, but EB answered, “I asked him to come. This is some serious magic to untangle. Normally, I’m really good at this. Like, a total pro. But, this is big trouble, and I didn’t want to make any mistakes. I know, it’s not like me to call in help, but even I can need help. This one time, I went to Bavaria when I was trying to figure out this new cake candy bar... sorry...” EB shrunk down in his seat at the withering glare from Nova.

Torrik said, “Krystal Fae is powerful and clever. This spell she used proved to be extremely complicated. In a strange way, it keeps track of important things for the past few days before it becomes active. Apparently, it is always there, and it works only if she’s in deep trouble.”

“Good to know. What did she send us?” Nova sat beside them.

Arx pointed at the video monitors. “EB and Torrik were able to translate what she saw into these videos. Snippets of what she saw each day, important things. There are several of her and Alex investigating those orbs, then going to a Fight Club in Tripoli and talking to the gym leader there. Then... well, look at this.” He pressed a button, but nothing happened.

“Oh, sorry. This is magic, not technical.” EB waved his paw at the screen.

They were looking at the world around Krystal from her eyes. It showed Krystal and Alex join forces with the small group in Africa. They saw the capture. While Krystal lay on her side, they witnessed the conversation between Antaeus and Mama Pepo. They even watched as the witch cast a spell over Krystal and she stood and spoke for a camera being held by the chief of Antaeus’s security.

When the images stopped, Nova said, “I want to know who this Antaeus is.”

Arx said, “We had the computers run searches across the globe and couldn’t find any information. Other than historical data about the Antaeus from Greek Mythology, we have nothing. The facial recognition program cannot seem to find any information. His stone face seems to cause the program some issues.”

Nova said, “Don’t tell me this is the real Antaeus, son of Poseidon and Gaia.”

Torrik said, “You can’t dismiss the possibility. Though doubtful he is a demi-god, he could be something like EB. An ancient alien who has only revealed himself again. Or something like that.”

“I have been around for a long time...” Nova started.

EB added, “A LOOOOOOOONG TIME. I mean, Nova is really, really, really old. Super old...”

“Thank you, EB.” Nova cleared his throat. “I have never encountered any Antaeus.”

Arx said, “We found some information on this woman.” He pointed at the witch. “Born Arafa Izou in a small tribe in Chad, Africa. She gained a reputation as a threat among the locals for her early involvement in forbidden tribal witchcraft. Locals accused her of cursing cattle, crops, and other women, but the justice system could not intervene because of the lack of tangible evidence. The locals started calling her Mama Pepo, or mother demon. BADGE registered that three years ago she gained morphon powers and has used them to enhance her witchcraft. She has been off our radar since she has done nothing to require the attention of BADGE... until now.”

Torrik said, “Apparently, from what I could tell, she is using some kind of morphonic magic to brainwash people. Through Krystal’s eyes, I can see that several of the surrounding people are currently being brainwashed. I doubt they know what they are doing.”

Nova said, “I don’t like this. If it were just this Mama Pepo, then we go in. But, I want to know more about this Antaeus. What kind of threat is he? Is he another puppet of hers?”

“No.” EB said, “Torrik and I checked every glimpse we could. He has no magical influence over him. He’s clean.”

Arx said, “But he is a threat. More than once, we witnessed earthquakes from Krystal’s eyes. I know ATLAS has been following minor quakes in that area recently,... a lot of them. I thought it was natural and nothing to worry about. But, now I believe he can do this. We could see he has a lot of control over the ground and rocks, so it adds up. But that also makes him a dangerous threat.”

Nova said, “Then we have little choice. This Antaeus and Mama Pepo have kidnapped BADGE agents, countless hostages, and others. They are a threat to that region and could present far-reaching dangers outside of that. So, I am going to authorize a full strike. EB, Torrik, I want you to help prepare our heroes for potential mental attacks. I don’t want any more brainwashed heroes. All leagues near there will be alerted for a full atta…”

“No! Please, don’t!” Adrianne rushed into the room.

Nova shot up and had his gun out, aimed right at her. “What the!”

She slid to a stop and found her arms being held by vines growing up from the ground under Torrik’s control. EB had two eggs ready to throw.

“Adrianne?” Arx got up and approached her.

“Please don’t attack him.”

Nova demanded, “How did you get in here? This is the most secured location on this station.”

She said, “I... had a card.”

“Oh, no.” Arx realized where this came from. “I gave that to you because I trusted you.”

“Please, understand. I had to come. I can’t let you do this.”

“Do what?” Nova asked, still livid.

She whispered, “Please, don’t kill my brother.”

Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

Adrianne stood with Arx right next to her. While seated at the table, Nova glared at Adrianne with seriousness as he calculated his anger and curiosity.

“Tell me why I shouldn’t have your put in a cell right now,” Nova quietly asked.

Adrianne said, “I came to this station under false pretense... well, not entirely false. Okay, so this is what happened. My brother and I both gained morphon powers at the same time. I got ice powers, he got extremely powerful stone powers. We were both working with the universities’ anthropological survey teams and I wanted to finish my doctoral program before turning myself in for evaluation by BADGE. Wynn, my brother, realized just how powerful he was. As we traveled around the tribal parts of Africa, he enjoyed the way he scared the locals. Some of the more isolated tribes called him a god, naming one of their various gods. I told him to stop encouraging them, but he thought it was so much fun.”

EB said, “So, he set himself up as a god. Great. Another power mad idiot.”

“It wasn’t like that!” Adrianne yelled and then controlled herself. “Wynn has always had a desire for power. Not in the evil villain sort of way. As in, he always got elected class president, he desired to be the head of his fraternity, he became captain of the football team, he simply had a stronger inclination towards positions of authority than most. But it was harmless... until we encountered that damn witch.”

“Mama Pepo,” Nova said.

“Yes. She came to us and said she knew what we were, morphonic humans. She was one as well. Mama Pepo offered to help us realize our potential as gods over the ignorant tribes... she called them ignorant, which is far from true. I found her offer disgusting and bigoted. The offer intrigued Wynn, but he turned it down. We asked her to help us understand tribal superstitions better. In that time of learning from her, she slowly fed my brother more and more ideas of superiority. One night, he left with her. I didn’t know about it. They went, and she used her own powers to brainwash people and he presented himself as a god. Even chose that stupid name he got from Greek myth. When I found out, I was furious. I tried to reason with him, but he said it was better this way. We could unite all the indigenous people and build a society out of them. Turn the impoverished African continent into a world power like nothing before. He had gone power mad.”

Nova said, “This is all fascinating, but how does this bring you to us?”

“I knew he had to be stopped. I feared that any day BADGE would send in people to take him down. But you didn’t. I guess their plot to fly under the radar worked better than I expected. So, I turned myself in to the nearest Fight Club and asked to be brought here for training. I wanted to join the ATLAS team and work with them so I could convince them to come down and stop Wynn.”

“Why ATLAS?” Arx asked.

She looked down, not at him, “ATLAS helps, they don’t fight. BADGE sends in soldiers and Leagues to take villains down. I was afraid. My brother might be a little crazy right now, but he is still my brother. I wanted to have him come to his senses and let BADGE deal with that horrible witch. But things went sideways. I couldn’t convince Arx in time to investigate those tremors Wynn is causing, and now he has alerted BADGE. I just don’t want to see him hurt or killed. He’s not a horrible person, I promise.”

There was a long silence as Nova absorbed this.

Arx said, “I know what it means to get a second chance. I think we owe it to Adrianne to at least try this her way. Send in a smaller force to bring in this Wynn and capture Mama Pepo. Then we can get Krystal and Alex back and free the people they have brainwashed.”

Nova looked up at them, studying them for a moment. He then inclined his head toward EB. “What is the threat level right now?”

EB looked at a tablet and then said, “Right now, they are containing their little growing empire to a small group of indigenous people. Other than capturing our people, they haven’t done anything to challenge BADGE. So, low. I guess they aren’t really trying to conquer the world yet. They could soon, though. I mean, with what they are doing, it could get back quickly. But if we go in and stop them now with a small force, then it won’t be so bad. I…”

Nova held up his hand and EB went silent. “Fine. I will allow this. Arx, you take the lead. Bring Adrianne with you and a small team of your best.”

“And me,” Torrik said. “Knowing the power this Pepo is using, I can prepare counter magic to stop her from getting to us. And I have the best chance of breaking her curse.”

“I could do it too!” EB protested.

Nova said, “No. Torrik goes with them. EB, you stay here and get ready. If this goes sideways again, and we need to send in more people, we will need your power to counter her brainwashing.”

“Can do.” EB gave off a quick salute.

Adrianne almost fell to the floor. “Thank you, thank you. I... “ 

“You are lucky I was willing to listen. Never think you can just barge into secret meetings or secure locations ever again. Next time will not fare so well. I am only sending you on this mission because I believe you have the best chance of resolving this with your brother with no conflict. But do not think you aren’t under our authority. You will do what Arx says, which may include attacking your brother if he refuses to listen.”

“I understand. He is my brother, and I will do everything I can to protect him. I will not let him hurt innocent people for his power lust. You can trust me.”

“Trust is earned, and you will have to regain my trust. Don’t fail me. Now, get down to the ATLAS center and be ready to move out with the team.”

She turned to leave but found a hand on her shoulder. Arx pulled her into a hug and whispered into her ear, “We will do everything we can to save him.”

“Thank you.” She whispered back.

“Now, give me back my card before Nova kills me.”

She pulled out his card and handed it back to him, then left with a security robot to escort her back to the common area.

Arx turned around, more scared now than when he was facing a meteor bombardment for the first time. “First, I told her never to use this other than to get into the simulator. And, furthermore...”

Nova hit his fist so hard against the table that everyone in the room jumped, especially EB. “This will never happen again. You’re treading thin ice right now, Arx. We carefully vet those command cards and NEVER give them to anyone who hasn’t been registered in the computer. I never wanted to put tracking on all the people on this station, so to be certain they didn’t break the security rules. But, I guess that level of trust must be violated, thanks to you. Next time you violate BADGE rules like that again, you will find yourself looking for work planetside. Is that understood!?”

“Yes, sir.” Arx stood up straight.

“Now, go prepare a team and get to this mission.”

Arx’s departure from the room was so quick that even EB would be hard pressed to move faster.

Chapter 13

Chapter 13:

Only the hush of the air conditioning and mild beeping of the pilot’s equipment made any sound inside the cabin of the BADGE shuttle. Arx was next to Adrianne, with Torrik behind them. Each sat in a captain’s style chair while Torrik required a bench with his goat-like lower body needing more room.

“So... any thoughts on the mission?” Torrik ventured.

Arx said, “I have activated the ATLAS members nearest our landing site. We will go in and see if we can find Krystal and Alex first. As long as you can inhibit the brainwashing element on us, we can force this Wynn and Pepo to listen.”

“Are you sure they will listen?” Torrik asked. “Brainwashing isn’t their only power. This Antaeus... or Wynn... is apparently strong enough to cause earthquakes. And a witch has more magic in her arsenal than just mind control.”

“I just need a chance to speak with my brother.” Adrianne said her first words since they left the station.

Arx coldly asked, “Do you think you can convince him to stop being a tyrant?”

“I know Wynn, at least I did once. There has to be something in him that is kind and will understand.”

“Let’s hope you can get through to him,” Arx said.

Torrik said, “So, the plan is to go in, see if we can free Krystal and her husband while you two attempt to change our enemy’s mind.”

“That’s about it,” Arx replied.

“Okay, well, I’ll prepare the counter charm to be placed on you two.”

Adrianne asked, “Are you sure it’ll work?”


“No?” Arx blurted out.

“Magic, including your morphon style magic, is complicated. I’ll be using a more broad spell to counter her magic, but I could get wrong. However, don’t worry. This will probably work.”

“It better work, or we’re in trouble.” Arx said.

“Now, give me a few moments. I’ll have to concentrate and I won’t be able to hear you if you talk to me.” He put his hands in front of him and a blob of energy formed between them as he focused his eyes directly into the magic.

There was that silence again.

After a few moments, Adrianne whispered, “Thank you.”

“For what?” Arx asked.

“For convincing Nova to give my brother a second chance. I was so scared that no one in BADGE would listen to me. Wynn might be an egomaniac some days, but he’s still my brother. He taught me to ride a bike, punched the bullies that pulled my hair, and even scared away a few creeps that wouldn’t take no for an answer. There is a good man under all that brash arrogance.”

“You know full well why I said what I said. I believe in second chances because I was given one, and I have put my heart into being a better man, even when people refuse to see it.”

Adrianne looked down at her tangled up fingers as she said, “Look, Arx, what I said back there. I...”

“Ready.” Torrik looked up and held up both hands, each filled with this energy. “Hold still, this might feel funny.” Without warning, he put his hands on their heads and they had a wash of warm energy rush over their bodies.

“Oh, that’s making me feel dizzy,” Adrianne said as she leaned to the side with his hand still on her head.

Torrik said, “It can do that. It won’t last. Just breathe normally and imagine a peaceful place, and your mind will relax.”

With a quick release, Torrik let go and sat back down. “Wow, that was harder than I remember. Then again, I’m better with nature magic than normal magics. How do you feel?”

Arx said, “I don’t know. I felt the warmth on my skin, but not inside me. Is that normal?”

“No. You should have felt something in your head. Dizziness?”


Adrianne said, “I’m still a little dizzy, but it’s passing.”

The robot at the helm announced, “Landing in three minutes.”

Torrik said, “No time to ponder this. Let’s hope it works.”

The shuttle jostled for a second and then the engines cooled down.

Torrik jumped up and went for the door. “I’ll scout ahead of you. This is my specialty.” He leapt through the door with the grace of a deer. Arx could see him almost vanish into the brush, his nature magic camouflaging him in the tall, brown grasses.

“We shouldn’t let him get too far ahead.” Arx got up and went for the door.

Adrianne stopped him before leaving. “I want to say this now, in case something goes horribly wrong.” She pulled him closer to her. “I didn’t run from you because of you. I was ashamed that you revealed your pain to me while I kept such a dark secret from you. Arx, you are a goofy, sexy, brave, honest hero and I think I love you.” With that, she gave him a passionate kiss.

With a goofy smile, he looked at her. “Really?”

“I’d prove it with a lot more kissing, but we don’t have time. My brother is out there and I have to save his life.” She went through the door ahead of him.

Sorting his jubilant excitement and his focused determination, he gathered his senses and clicked his comm, “Arx to the African Atlas team, you have your coordinates. Stay there until I signal you. I have landed. Going in to inspect the situation.”


Dried grasses crunched underfoot with each slow step. Arx lowered himself as much as he could and watched Adrianne in the distance. A glorious moon set on the horizon while warm rays of first light broke in the distance. Twinkling stars dotted the cool night sky above.

“Torrik?” Arx whispered as low as he could.

The grasses near him wavered, and a figure appeared in them. Torrik tapped his head near his eyes and then pointed forward. He walked slowly ahead. With each step, he would blend further and further into the grasses until he was once again invisible.

Arx lost sight of the moving grasses and was again wondering with their satyr guide was. He found Adrianne nearly laying on the ground.

“Do you see anything?” He whispered.

She shook her head. “My brother is stone colored. In this light, he’ll be almost invisible against the ground.” She returned his low tone.

Both nearly screamed, but held their voices when a hand met each of their backs. Torrik stood behind them and said, “I found Krystal. She is just ahead. Follow me.”

He walked around them and then led them without vanishing into the brush. Shapes of shadowed people sleeping on the ground came into sight. Hundreds lay in an area twice the size of a football field. A monument stood before them, a huge stone throne with torches around it.

“Look at all those people, that throne. Did my brother do all this?” Adrianne asked.

“Can’t say for certain, but it fits what EB said.” Torrik replied. He then pointed, “Look, that guard standing there.”

Arx saw a familiar form in the deep shadows. “Krystal.”

“What do we do?” Adrianne asked.

Arx said, “She is by herself. I think we can sneak up on her. Torrik, do you think you can break the mind control on her?”

“Not sure, but it is possible. If I can’t, we can capture her and take her back to the shuttle. Have her returned to the station.”

“Good plan.” Arx looked back, “Adrianne, stay here and watch our backs.”

Torrik blended into the grasses again and walked around the area to get closer to Krystal. Arx chose a more direct path, hoping to get her attention and let Torrik have a clear shot.

“Krystal?” Arx whispered in a louder tone.

Her head snapped to the side, and she pulled up a weapon. “Who goes there?”

It saddened Arx to see a gun in her hands. This was just not her, “Krystal. It’s Arx, your friend. Come on, we need to get out of here.”

She pulled up a walkie talkie and pressed a button on it, but before she could speak, a vine sprung up out of the ground and yanked her arm down. Her weapon and walkie both flew free from her. More vines trapped her, wrapping around her mouth and binding her to the ground.

Torrik stood over her. “Hey, Krystal. Time to come back to us.” He held up his hands and cast a spell. A cloud of pinkish purple energy hit her head and dissipated. “This isn’t right.” He tried again. “I need to know more about this magic. I can’t get it to break.”

“Then we take her back to the station.” Arx said.

“ARX!” Adrianne came running toward them.

He turned, and then the ground shook. He fell over.

Antaeus walked toward them, stomping as he moved. Each stomp created more tremors. “More BADGE pests.” He made a great big stomp, which created holes in the ground that were meant to absorb all three.

Arx jumped out of the way, recognizing this attack from the visions EB translated. Torrik went down, but then jumped clear out of the hole right away. Adrianne went down and then Arx quickly pulled her free with a yank of his hand.

Arx stood strong before Antaeus. “This will end. BADGE knows of this operation and the power behind it.”

“Wynn! Please stop this and turn yourself in. You can’t win.”

He looked over at her. “I’m so much more than your pathetic brother. And you’re hardly my sister. I would offer you the world, but you run to these people instead. A traitor is no sister of mine.”

“Brother! Please!”

Arx said, “The full force of BADGE will be on you if you don’t listen to your sister.”

Antaeus nodded. “I knew it would eventually come to that. Fortunately, I have my force of powered humans, which will include you three.”

“No likely.” Torrik said.

A green fog rolled in around them. Flecks of green light raced through it like lightning in a summer storm. Mama Pepo approached from behind Antaeus, that fog rolling out of her mouth and hands.

“This won’t work on us!” Arx proclaimed, but then fell to his knees. “It can’t... work...”

Adrianne fell over and gasped and gagged. “I can’t... think... I don’t know... Torrik... please...”

Torrik fell on his side and grasped at his throat. “No...it...it is...too strong.”

Chapter 14

Chapter 14:

Nova stood before the large view screen in Operations while the robots monitored every sensor focused on Africa.

“All sensors are showing nothing out of the ordinary.” 10915 stated as it processed the collected data.

EB zoomed in and stopped with a paw up as a salute. “All heroes and BADGE agents are currently enchanted with an anti-brainwashing spell. Sir!”

“Stop saluting. That isn’t a BADGE thing.”

EB smiled, “It should be. It should be something unusual, not what everyone else does. Or, what if it was a secret handshake, or dance... ooh, a dance. Like the bunny hop, and everyone has to know it and do it before every official meeting. No, even better, a song with cool lyrics and a great guitar solo...”

“Is this conversation necessary?” Nova muttered.

“Just trying to make BADGE more interesting.”

“Alert: Contact missed.” One of the communication robots announced.

Nova said, “Report?”

“Scheduled contact has not been made.”

“Then send a request.”

There was a pause and then the robot stated, “Pilot robot reports no contact with agents since the departure of the shuttle.”

“Get me the ATLAS team members and the leagues in the area.”

“Contacting. “

A buzzer echoed in the room and the geological map of Africa had several red dots appearing with warnings. The computer announced, “Seismic activity rising in designated area. One hundred million people in danger zone.”

“I want boots on the ground! Activate all leagues and ATLAS teams. MOVE!”

Moments before:

Mama Pepo walked around the trio of fallen people. They were face down, simply breathing. Antaeus chortled as he stood over Adrianne.

“I told her not to come back unless she wanted to join me.”

Pepo looked back at him with a critical gaze on her wrinkled face. “Do you have feelings that will interfere with your plans? She is your sister.”

“She hasn’t been my sister since I became more than human. She has betrayed me and even brought BADGE goons to hunt me down. They are all fools, and she will join my ranks with your help.”

Mama Pepo smiled and leaned over Arx. She swished her hand in the air and a green cloud formed. “This one is resistant to my powers, but he will succumb. Your sister is already under my control.”

“What about that one? I’ve never seen a superhuman with goat's legs before.”

Pepo moved over Torrik and touched the horns on his head. “This one isn’t human. I don’t know what he is. There is great power in him, but I cannot connect to him like the others. No matter, he fell, he will rise under my command soon enough.” She did the same, swishing over him and let the cloud form. Once it was in place, she stood and walked back toward Antaeus. “Your army is powerful, and you need to be ready. BADGE will not give up now that we have captured even more of their agents.”

“I have a legion of human shields. BADGE won’t cut down women and children. Even if they do, they will be surprised by the army of morphonic humans under my control.”

“Good. Now... AHHHH!” A vine grabbed Pepo by the leg and yanked her off the ground.

More vines sprung up and picked Antaeus up as well, holding him aloft.

Torrik pushed himself up, his eyes and horns glowing with a golden hue. “Thanks for letting me sense your powers up close. Now I know what I’m dealing with.”

“WHAT THE HELL!” Antaeus struggled against the growing vines.

Mama Pepo called out a few words of magic and a blast of green energy shot at Torrik.

He put both arms together and deflected the attack with easy. “I have been fighting dark magic users for years, trained by the best in Yohan. You’re an ancestor of one of the few witches who stayed behind when the rest of the magical kinds left this world long ago. There is real magic in you mixed with this morphon stuff. A bad combination, but nothing I can’t fight.” He side stepped another blast and then threw his arm out. A new vine grew out of those around her and wrapped her face to keep her from speaking. “Enough word magic.”

A blast of energy hit Torrik in the back, and he staggered forward. Turning, he had Alex dashing toward him with an anti-morphon gun. “Oh, great. Good thing I don’t use morphons for magic. Here, enjoy a nice rest.” He whispered something in the wind and a blue energy hit Alex in the face, who skidded to a stop and flopped over, fast asleep.

“My minions are nothing compared to me. No one can stop me!” Antaeus struggled, and the ground beneath Torrik shifted and shivered.

Torrik wobbled, but kept his footing. “Nice. Your control is impressive.”

“Glad for the review. Now, try THIS!” Antaeus yelled and a fissure split under where he was dangling and sped toward Torrik, attempting to swallow him.

Torrik stomped on the ground just as the fissure got to him, and he stopped it. “I’ve fought rock golems, sand golems, and earth elves. Don’t bother.” He flipped his head back and his horns glowed extra bright. Several hundred vines joined the first batch and plants nearly mummified Antaeus.

“As for you.” Torrik casually approached Pepo and put a hand on her forehead. “I know exactly how to stop you.” Pulling his hand back, he spoke a spell and a green ball of energy came out of her as her eyes rolled into her skull. With a motion like squishing a bug, he destroyed the ball of energy. She screamed under the vines and a cloud erupted out of each person in the area that was controlled by her power.

Arx groaned and pushed himself up. “What... what happened?”

Adrianne got up to her knees and held her head. “I could hear everything. But I couldn’t control my body.”

Arx looked around in the early morning light. The people scattered all over the area were in the same state of bewildered awakening. Men, women, children, and even the guards who worked for Antaeus.

“It’s over,” Torrik triumphantly announced, but his announcement was cut short by screeching old women and then yelling men.

“What’s happening?” Adrianne asked.

Antaeus laughed, “Insurance. My followers weren’t just obedient, but also had a deep connection with me. This could not control the super powered, but it could control the normals. The power that enchanted them tied their very souls to it. Now that you took away the control, Mama Pepo’s spell will rip their bodies apart. Give me back control or watch thousands of innocents die.”

“WYNN! NO!” Adrianne cried out.

“I AM NOT YOUR BROTHER!” He struggled, the vines around his body snapping and ripping apart.

Torrik ran over to Mama Pepo and yelled, “Stop this!” She cackled under the vines around her face, delighted at his fury.

Arx said, “BADGE Will send a legion after you, Antaeus. Free these people.”

“It’s too late. I can’t free them and I won’t try. I want to watch BADGE endure this suffering, knowing they could have avoided it if they just let me be.”

“Your a monster!” Adrianne said.

“Your a traitor.”

Torrik spent a second watching Antaeus freeing himself and then at the agonized people. He glanced back at Arx. “Take him down. I’ll give you time.” Without explanation, he rushed into the thick of the writhing mass of innocent victims and got to his hands and knees. His body emitted a glowing white light that spread out. The people stopped crying and wailing, but they were still in obvious pain.

Antaeus hit the ground when the magical vines all evaporated. The earth trembled at his impact and he stood, growing in size as he got back up to his feet.

“If I can’t have this world, I will destroy it. I am the Earth, I am the heart of this planet. I can rebuild it in my image. You will rue the day you tried to stop a GOD!” He was now several stories tall, and the ground rocked and cracked at his steps.

When Antaeus reached down to crush his sister, Arx body slammed his massive hand, deflecting it, and then quickly grabbed her and bolted. “We have to get help!”

“It’s too late. BADGE can’t get here fast enough.” Adrianne said.

A blinding blast of energy hit Antaeus, followed by dozens of smaller bolts of power. A tree flew by and nailed him in the head while a dirigible blasted out missiles.

Nova’s voice came over their comms. “BADGE to ground teams. This is a full alert. Arx has lead, follow his orders. GO!”

“How did they know?” Adrianne watched hundreds of heroes spilling out of rifts and aircraft.

Arx laughed, “BADGE watches over this planet for a reason.” He clicked his comm, “All heroes, focus all your attacks on Antaeus, the big stone guy, hard to miss. Bring him down. ATLAS team alpha, I need a civilian extraction at my location. Bring medical teams. All other ATLAS teams, you’re on civilian watch, get to nearby towns, cities, and any other inhabited location and evac. MOVE!”

Chapter 15

Chapter 15:

Antaeus stomped with his behemoth foot and the ground shook across a five-mile radius. The quaking overtook heroes who were running or walking. Flying heroes buzzed by him, showering his stone form with blasts of energy. Nothing seemed to get through as he laughed at their onslaught.

A hero rushed toward him, transforming into a cheetah as she went. She was able to jump up and bound off of rocks, limbs, and other heroes instead of being rattled by the shaken earth.

“Not today!” Antaeus bellowed, and a hole opened where she was about to land.

With a sickening crunch, the earth consumed the poor hero in a massive slam that buried her remains in an instant grave.

Swinging down to hit the ground with his fist again, two strength heroes rushed in and caught his fist, holding him in place.

“NOW!” One yelled and they both used their super powers to fling Antaeus over them and slam his enormous form into the ground.

A quick bounding woman jumped up and flung her hands out, throwing small globs of purple goo. When it reached Antaeus, it puffed into massive mounds of sticky substance that bound his arms and legs down.

“FOOLS! I AM THE EARTH!” He bellowed, and the world shook yet again, this time with giant spikes of rock jutting up all over the place in random attacks. Several heroes suffered gruesome evisceration. As heroes contended with the prickly ground, Antaeus ripped himself free of the goo. He got back to his feet, a wicked laughter on his lips.

Arx stood to the side, giving orders and listening to the reports as people said what they were experiencing while fighting.

A hero reported from the middle of the fight. “We just lost Giga Morphina, and Thunder Flare was cut in half by a spike.”

A man yelled through his comm, “We need someone like Midgard. He would pound this man into rubble!”

Arx said, “We don’t have anyone like Midgard. He was one of a kind.” The Earth shook again, and he had to keep his footing. Once that passed, he said, “All ground heroes, pull back. Get to a safer location. We have a back-up plan coming in! Once he is tethered, take him down.”

“What?” a voice asked through the comm.

“You’ll understand when it happens. Just pull back. I don’t want any more deaths.”

Adrianne, waiting with Arx, asked, “What is your backup plan?”

“He’s coming in now.”

“Will it kill Wynn?” she asked, still hesitant to say this.

Arx said, “We have no choice but to use whatever is necessary.”

“There has to be another way.”

Arx said, “He has already taken so many lives and he won’t stop. We have to put him down for good.”

She said, “I... I can’t. Please, I know it doesn’t make sense, but I can’t watch him die today. Take him to the station, get him away from the Earth. Maybe that will stop his powers. Do something... just don’t kill him.”

Arx wanted to launch into a sermon on the mass murder her brother was guilty of. However, his mind flashed with all those news reports of what he did before, how many people he killed in L.A. when he was Arx the villain. If he said Wynn should die, then he should also face execution.

Just then, Furious Squirrels dirigible flew over them. A massive chain weapon blasted out from the front of it and wrapped around Antaeus several times. A blast from the energy weapon followed this, stumbling the bound enemy back a few steps.

Arx clicked his comm. “Heroes. Bring him down, but don’t kill him. I... “

A purple blast of light flew over him. Krystal Fae said, “Sorry, he doesn’t get mercy.”

“NO!” Adrianne cried out.

A green blast of light hit Krystal, and she slammed into the ground. That green light continued to glow around her as it lifted her up and then flung her back against several trees.

Mama Pepo, battered and disheveled, stood off in the distance, controlling this display of wicked magic. With Krystal Fae recovering on the ground, Mama Pepo muttered her magic and a green fog rolled out from her.

“Stop her!” Arx ran for the old woman.

Krystal spoke a word of magic, and a purple flash of light shoved the cloud to the ground. Another blast hit the old witch. Pepo was far sturdier than expected and withstood the attack. She returned with a counter spell of her own. The two magical beings fought back and forth with one another. Each was moving so fast that Arx couldn’t get close enough to be of any help.

Krystal threw a bolt of magic and then yelled, “I have her! Stop Antaeus!”

Arx looked back and watched Antaeus struggling against the exotitanium chains they had bound him with. Speaking into the comm, Arx ordered, “Heroes, bring him in. I want him lifted off the ground and moved as high as possible.”

Flying heroes joined by the Dirigible flew over the writhing Antaeus. They tethered him with energy bindings and more cords. The heroes who could lift him off the ground carried most of the energy bindings while attaching the chains to the dirigible.

Like a toddler tantrum, Antaeus started flailing his legs and body around, kicking the ground and screaming in fury. Each time his heel met the earth, rocks exploded up, or the ground quaked.

“Stop him!” Shinobi punched his fists into the ground and tried to use his own powers to stop the onslaught. The quake rushing toward him stopped, but then an explosion erupted under his feet and threw him through the air.

Heroes struggled and more than one started fighting him again as before, but it was all worthless. His flailing made the quaking earth break and shatter. Great fissures were forming. The ground consumed forests, and cracks that broke deep into the mantle spewed up lava.

Krystal dodged a blast of magic, as well as several random rocks, and was about to reply when Mama Pepo staggered and stumbled with the shaking earth. The ancient witch took up a firm stance and was ready to continue her fight when a fissure formed under her feet. All she left was a look of horror as the world swallowed her and the fires of the mantle extinguished her evil.

Arx fell to the ground and held the earth for dear life. He couldn’t get back up, it would only bring him down to his knees again. Antaeus fell back to the ground, all the energy bindings broken, only the massive chains still binding him. His psychotic rampage grew exponentially by the moment.

Nova’s voice came over his comm. “Arx, what’s going on? We’re reading a class 10 seismic reading. The East Africa Rift is about to split apart.”

Arx rolled across the ground and then kicked a boulder away from hitting him. “Antaeus is going to destroy this world. We can’t stop him.”

“You have to!”

The shaking and quaking slowed down and then stopped. A new silence filled the area, only cut by an odd whistle.

Arx slowly rose, resting on his knees. A bright blue glow glistened off everything as one hero hovered in the air, weeping as she emit a beam of cold blue light. Adrianne held out one hand and touched Antaeus’s heart with her power. The monster, still on the ground, was hardly moving. His stone body had become dark, with a thick frost growing in places. His head fought hard to turn, but did so that his eyes could look at his sister in both terror and utter disbelief. In an instant, his rock body exploded into billions of shards of earth and dust, scattering his remains across the fractured land he once ruled as a god king.

Adrianne remained in the air, a goddess of ice stoically hovering as she observed the results of her actions.

“Report!” Nova’s loud request made Arx jump.

He said, “Antaeus is dead.”


“I will get back to you on that. Arx out.” He clicked his comm off, while Nova protested. With tender, timid steps, he approached her. “Adrianne?”

She lowered to the ground, her glow dimming with each second. She let herself sink into a half laying position, resting her hands on the earth with tears running down her face. “What have I done?”

“You have no choice. We would all have died.”

She whispered, “He was my brother. I loved him. I... I killed him. What have I done!” She started wailing and sobbing.

Arx knelt down and held her extremely cold body in his arms, knowing no words could help her right now. All he could do was let his heart beat with hers. Arx understood this pain uniquely. He was the monster once. He took innocent lives for fun, and now he knows exactly how the pain looked in all the minds, hearts, and souls of those left behind. There were no words to help, they simply do not exist.

Chapter 16

Chapter 16:

Krystal Fae and Alex left the docking bay and found their way into the mess hall. Torrik got up from his table and hurried over to them.

“I’m glad you’re here.” He greeted them.

Krystal smiled. “I thought you would be. You’ve sent me five messages asking when we would be back.”

Torrik said, “I’m so sorry I used such a powerful sleep spell on you, Alex. I didn’t know it would stick for so long.”

Alex shook his head and gave a shooing motion with his hand. “Don’t fret. Three days of sleep did a lot of good. I haven’t felt this refreshed since before the baby was born.”

Krystal said, “I was far more worried. I tried every counter spell I know. What kind of magic was that?”

“Old wizard spell. I don’t know too many wizard spells, but the ones I know are powerful.” Torrik gestured for the lift. “I assume you’re here to give a report to Nova.”

“Yup. What little we can tell him.” Krystal stopped at the door and swiped her BADGE authorization card.

Torrik asked, “What does it look like on the ground in Africa?”

“Pretty messy.” Alex stepped into the lift with Krystal and Torrik. “The earthquakes and fissures shredded a ten square mile area. The ground consumed entire forests and several small volcanoes erupted.”

Krystal added, “Fortunately, once Antaeus’s powers were no longer causing the problem, the volcanic activity receded back into the deeper parts of the earth. So, no more lava threats.”

Alex said, “The ground has suffered extensive destruction. Almost no plant or animal life to be found. And the stress on the natural fault line has set all the seismic sensors on alert. It will take some time for things to settle down.”

“The people are also still struggling. So many people were kidnapped from their homes. We also know that many people lost their lives. We don’t have exact data. All the people working for Antaeus underwent brainwashing. They remember little to help identify who was executed. This is going to take a long time to sort out.”

Torrik waited as the doors opened and then stepped out with them. “I wish I could go down and help. I could use my own magics to help clean up the rocks and ground and encourage plant growth.”

Krystal said, “I, too, wanted to offer help. But, people are feeling nervous around there. Magical beings running around scares them. A satyr and a fae aren’t as welcome right now as you might think. But, in time, they will give us the chance.”

Torrik asked, “So, did you find anything out about the spheres for Nova?”

Alex frowned. “How did you know we were... “

“I’ve been running investigations for two centuries in Yohan. I realized what you were up to pretty quickly.”

Nova, standing in the front of the monitor of the room, called to them. “Are you going to report or not?”

Krysta and Alex walked down with Torrik behind them.

Torrik said, “I just came to let you know I’ll be working with the ATLAS team for a while, helping run things for a few days.”

“Thanks. Arx needs some time off.” Nova said, “Now, what about your report?”

“Do you want to do this in private?” Krystal asked.

Nova said, “Torrik knows what you were up to, and I suppose his critical mind could be of use. So, let him in.”

“Fine.” Alex started, “We found little. We know no more about what is inside those spheres or why they are out there. But we are now certain they are behind people gaining new powers.”

“What makes you so sure?”

Krystal said, “Deductive reasoning. We explored thirty of those spheres. Every location had a massive increase of people with morphonic powers.” She snapped her fingers and a computer data chip appeared. “Here, I did a correlation map.”

Nova took it and plugged it into the computer nearest them. On the monitor were thirty small icons, each with a city name under it. Nova pointed to three of them and they opened up to show a simple map of the city where the spheres denoted and red dots around them.

“What am I looking at?”

“Each read dot is a person who discovered their powers after those spheres appeared. In every city, with no exception, the numbers show an extreme difference between the zones further away and nearer to the spheres. There is no question they are causing the powers to manifest. How and why, we still don’t know.”

Alex said, “We were going to explore further and continue with a new angle for this investigation when we were caught up in the Antaeus situation.”

Nova said, “This isn’t enough to force Renn Tech to allow us access to their technology. I want you to get back to this investigation. You’ve done exceptional work. Keep at it. We need to crack this.”

“After some rest, we’ll get back to it,” Alex said.

Nova saw a strange look in Torrik’s eye. “Do you see something?”

“Not about this map. But, an idea. In my world, people can’t learn magic unless they’re born with the innate ability. And, there are different types, elemental elves, witches, satyrs, wizards, pixies... and others.”

“Where are you going with this?” Krystal said.

“Are people born with morphons?”

“Not that we’ve found. People gain powers from having morphons infuse their bodies.”

Torrik pointed at the map. “There are hundreds of dots in that city alone. But, I’ve been in this Paris before, I know it is full. There are hundreds of thousands of people. And I know more than a few hundred pass that sphere every day. Why aren’t they all coming down with powers?”

“I don’t know.”

Torrik said, “You might investigate the possibility that people are born with something in them that grants them the ability to use morphons. That could help.”

Alex asked, “In what way?”

“Any information is good information in an investigation. Knowing more about how morphons cause powers can only give you help in finding answers.”

“Good idea. I’ll talk with Dr. Henderson about this,” Nova said.

Torrik looked at the screen. “Oh, look at the time. I have to help the trainees in ATLAS work through that Antaeus simulation.”

Krystal asked, “When do you think Arx will be ready to get back to work?”

Nova answered, “soon. He needs to be with her for a while.”


Arx sat down on the same stone bench in the arboretum, where he first confessed his true identity to Adrianne. In quiet sadness, she was already sitting on the bench, looking at the ground.

“Do you want to talk?” He asked.

She said, “The therapist says I should talk.”

“What do you want to do?”

“Cry. But, I can’t. It’s like my body is tired of crying and won’t let me.”

He reached over and took her hand. “I know how it feels.”

“How?” Her tone was bitter, as if no soul in the universe could know how this feels.

“As Arx, the celebrity villain, I threw an aircraft carrier at Los Angles. The video recording I, unfortunately, saw caught the screams. I got to hear the hundreds of people I crushed. There is a memorial in the Heroes Hall to the hero who gave his life to save the city from my last petty act. I get to see his smiling face and hear people remember him. I cried like a baby when I heard those screams. I cried when I saw that hero’s face. I cried in my sleep, I cried in my therapy, I cried all the time until I felt my body simply ache instead of crying. I still dream of the babies that probably died, the families torn apart...sorry, this is not the time to talk about this.”

She gulped back the dryness and then said, “No. I get it. You know pain like I can’t, and I know pain like you can’t. But, in a way, we both understand the pain in a way most of the others here don’t. It helps. I don’t feel alone.”

He leaned over and took her around the back with an arm. “You aren’t alone. And you can hold me any time you feel lost and abandoned. I was so alone with my pain and there was no one there to hold me. I want to hold you and keep you from feeling loneliness.”

She buried herself in him, pushing her face into his left shoulder as her body shook in deep sobs. “Does it ever go away?”

Pressing her up closer to him, he said, “No. But, in time, you learn that life will go on. That you can live, and that the sadness is not something wrong, it means you care. Right now, you can break, fall apart, and be utterly sad. I will hold you and keep your pieces in my arms so you never lose them when you are ready to put yourself back together.”

She broke out in sobs again, crying out, “I miss my brother.” Arx held her to him and let her weep at what she has lost.


“AGENT JUSTIN!” A BADGE agent ripped open the flap on the tent Justin slept in.

Sitting up in his cot, Justin groggily said, “Do you know what time it is?”

“Sir, we have an emergency.”

“At four A.M.? What is it?”

“The remains are missing?”

“What?” He jumped out of bed.

She led him outside to an energy barrier. BADGE scientist stood outside the barrier holding sensor equipment. This was ground zero of the battle with Antaeus.

“I see nothing? Is someone attacking?” Justin asked.

She said, “No. We came to start the morning scans and found none of Antaeus’s remains present.”

“None? There was a square mile of dust and rocks left behind.”

She said, “All of his remains carried a specific energy signature. We can’t find a scrap of him out here. It’s like someone has removed him down to the last atom.”

“Who could do this? And why?” Justin asked.

Out of the Dark Ages
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

Chase walked through the BADGE space station with a group of people who gawked at everything like nervous tourists. Some were seemingly in retirement age, while most were in their late teens.

“This is the Mess Hall, which has five restaurants present, some you might recognize…”

A teen boy yelled out, “Oh, cool, you have Julio’s Tacos! I love that place.”

“Yes, BADGE felt that the Mess Hall should have a familiar feel and taste for all the people who pass through the station regularly.”

A middle-aged woman stuck her hand up and asked, “How long will this take?”

“The tour will be over shortly. The testing range is being set up right now.”

“No, I mean this testing and assessment process.”

Chase stopped and said, “As you know, International Law requires all people who develop morphon based abilities must come here to be assessed and tested. The test and assessment normally take a day. After that, one of the BADGE officials will meet with you about your results and offer you the choice of how to proceed.”

“What options will you give us?” the woman asked.

A young man said, “I heard they throw you in prison if you don’t accept the job of a hero in one of the leagues.”

Another woman cried out, “I don’t want to fight crime!”

Chase held up her hands. “This is not the time or place to discuss this matter. I can tell you that prison is not an option. Don’t be worried. This is for your benefit and safety. Now, come with me. Next we will look into the arboretum, my favorite place on this station.” She led them away from the tables for the nearest doors to the arboretum.

Nova pressed his key card into a door sensor and walked into the theater on the station. Right now, only EB sat in the front row of seats with a cell phone two inches from his nose as he furiously tapped buttons.

“Computer, set screen for assessment,” Nova calmly ordered.

The movie screen slid up slowly, revealing a thick pane of transparent metal that was almost as clear as air. On the other side was a large room with a few training robots standing in the corners and several devices hanging down from the ceiling.

“Yes! Level five hundred!” EB yelled and then continued playing on his phone.

Nova sat next to him and casually asked, “Has Chase given you the report on class size?”

EB didn’t answer as he kept playing on the phone.


“Oh, hey, bud, when did you get here?” EB looked up, blinking a few times.

“Just now. I told you not to play games while on duty.”

EB held up the phone, “But, this isn’t just a game player, this is my new Ren Phone. Cool, isn’t it? I got the Nebula Five before anyone else. Latest and greatest! This thing has an awesome camera and the most memory space of any phone. I’ve already downloaded five of my favorite games. I would’ve downloaded the City Superheroes, but the company sold out and the new owners just sunset it. What jerks! I had like two thousand hours of playtime in that. Five accounts, and was top level on all the boards. I think I’ll give that developer a big basket of exploding eggs next week when… oh, uh... what did you ask me?”

Nova’s eye had been twitching for a long enough time for EB to finally get the point. “Has Chase given us a class size?”

“Oh, yeah, she said there are eleven people here for assessment.”

Arx walked in from a different door and sat down. He had a bucket of popcorn in his hands. “Didn’t we just test seven new people three days ago?”

Nova nodded, “Yes. That makes almost thirty this month alone.”

“Odd.” Arx crunched through a handful of popcorn.

Dr. Henderson sat down near Nova and said, “Not so odd with what we’ve been finding out.”

“Have you got results back already?” Nova asked.

She said, “Not comprehensive results from all the air and soil samples. But, I can already tell you that there is a strange spike in morphon levels across the planet.”

“Is that dangerous?” Arx asked.

“Not really. They aren’t that high, just higher than normal. I can’t positively say that this is why more people are showing up with abilities, but it makes some sense.”

Arx blurted out, “You have the 5!”

“What are you talking about?” Nova asked.

EB held up his phone. “Yup, the Nebula Five. Got it the second it went on sale. Pays to be the Easter Bunny.”

Arx pulled out his, “I still have the 4. Wow, what kind of upgrades does this one have? I heard the camera has… um… sorry.” He saw red in Nova’s one good eye.

Chase walked the team of people into the theater room and lined them up in front of the window. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is Director Nova, head of BADGE. Dr. Henderson, chief science and medical officer of BADGE. Arx, leader of ATLAS, and EB, head consultant.”

There were several flashes from phones as some of the teens took pictures.

A girl said, “This is so cool. THE Director Nova and the Easter Bunny in the same room. This is going on my PictoGram right now. This is going viral.”

Director Nova stood and said, “Today, we will assess your morphonic abilities. Don’t be nervous, you aren’t being graded, just showing us what you can do. The process will move forward tomorrow with results of the tests and then we will lay our potential opportunities for you. BADGE is pleased to say this is a painless process. Enjoy your stay with us.”

Arx asked, “questions?”

A girl jumped up and asked Nova, “Can I get a selfie with you?”


EB hopped up, “Cool idea!” He snapped a picture with his phone of him and Nova. “Aw, you’re glaring again. You take terrible pictures.”

“SIT DOWN!” His outburst scared the guests. “Sorry about that. He gets easily distracted. Now, please, take a seat and we will test you one at a time.”

Chase looked at a computer tablet. “Mike Johnson, please, head through that door into the next room and show us what abilities you have.”

A twenty something guy got up and walked to the front of the theater where a heavy metal door led into the large room on the other side.

Nova pressed a button on the arm of his chair. “Proceed, using anything in the room necessary for your demonstration.”

“Uh, sir, my power can be…”

“Don’t worry. The room dampens the effects, so you’re unlikely to hurt yourself and you cannot hurt us. Just relax and show me what you can do.”

“Okay.” His tone was worried.

He held out his arms and a gust of wind spun out from his body and continued spinning, taking up several of the robots with it, spiraling them in the air. However, as the air blasted out from him, it took his clothes with it and he was now standing in a tornado of items, completely naked.

“GAH! Stop!” EB covered his eyes, as did several people in the room.

Dr. Henderson pressed a button on her seat and a jumpsuit fell down from a slot in the testing room. “Please, put on that jumpsuit.” The doctor then said to the crowd, “If your power will strip you naked or cause you any physical harm to perform, let us know now.”

“Is he dressed yet?” EB asked, his paws still covering his face.

“Yes.” Arx replied, while scribbling notes onto a computer tablet.

Nova pressed the button. “Thank you. You may return to the theater.”

Chase stood to call the next person, but a buzzer sounded and Gar’s voice came over the comm. “Director Nova, we’re receiving an alert from the planet. You might want to come up here.”

“On my way.” Nova stood, “Arx, Doctor, continue without me. I’ll be in Operations.”

Nova stepped out of the left into the Operations center of the station. The Robots minding the computers ignored his presence, but Gar smiled and waved at him from the front of the room.

“Report,” Nova stated the moment he approached.

Gar pointed to the screens. “We started getting these reports moments ago. Lots of them across the planet, in fact.”

Nova looked at the video feeds from major cities. Large metallic spheres hovered in the air. They were as large as a hot-air balloon, but more round and seemingly not tethered to anything.

“What are they?”

Gar said, “We don’t know. It’s not possible to scan them. We’re getting reports from cities all over the world.”

Nova spent a long moment examining the images. “I don’t like this.”

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Nova quietly watched the screen as the orbs appeared over major cities, filling their video feeds. Sensor readings scrolled along the side of the screen.

Robot 10915 said, “Sensor are unable to penetrate the outer shell of the spherical object.”

Nova was about to suggest the next course of action when a familiar sound rang through the room. A dozen smaller screens with faces on them appeared along the bottom of the giant view screen. These were military leaders or national leaders of nations all over the earth.

“BADGE. What is going on?” A man with a thick Hindi accent demanded.

A man with a lot of decoration on his uniform yelled, “I want answers!”

Several more made the same bold statements, while Nova remained patiently silent.

After they had their say, Nova calmly answered, “We’re currently investigating the situation. So far, nothing bad has happened, only shocking.”

“Do we wait until one of them explodes or summons an army of gremlins?” The Secretary of Defense for the United States said.

Nova answered, “I’ll alert the leagues to monitor this and I’ll assign BADGE operatives to do a hands-on investigation. The moment we believe there could be a genuine threat, you will be told. All of BADGE resources will help evac citizens while the heroes deal with it.”

“Is that all you have?” The Canadian Prime Minister asked in a not-so-respectful tone.

Nova said, “It’ll have to do for now. Unless this situation changes, do not contact me about it until further notice.” He pressed a button on a panel and all the screens closed.

Gar timidly approached, “Director, was that the best way to handle that? We need a good image for the world.”

“We’ve saved this world so many times, we don’t need to tip-toe around with politeness while blow-hards treat me like a junior officer. We’ll do our job. Now, I need you to do something.”

“Anything.” Gar smiled.

“We have a growing class of people to assess, and I need all my best investigators up here. I want you to go down to the planet and work with Krystal Fae. Inspect these spheres and see what you can find up-close.”

“I will. But, why Krystal?”

Nova said, “She is an excellent investigator, which is why she is a talented journalist. Plus, she has an innate connection to arcane morphons.”

“Do you think this has something to do with morphons?”

Nova shook his head. “I don’t have any clear evidence. We can’t scan these damn things. But, morphon activity has increased and these spheres suddenly show up... there’s a strong chance that the two events are connected.”

Gar headed for the door, but then stopped. “Wait, where is Krystal Fae?”

“She was working with Torrik in North Onnotangu on the Recovery Project.”

“Right, I forgot. Okay, I’ll find them and investigate the nearest orb.”

“Get to it.”

Krystal Fae strolled through a beautiful vineyard that bristled with blossoms at this time of year. Row upon row of grapes grew near a quaint little farm that had rested on this hill for three centuries. Torrik scrutinized the vines and smiled every few moments and then move to the next space.

“This is the most beautiful vineyard I’ve ever seen,” Krystal mused.

Torrik stood up and looked over the vast field. “This is what the care of a true satyr with nature magic can do.”

“But you hardly used any magic. You’ve been caring for this field for the past few months. And the fields of rice on the other side of Onnotangu, and those groves of pear trees, and the field of strawberries near the southern border.”

Torrik said, “All I did was help revitalize the soils and use some magic to encourage the early growth to get things started.” He took in a great breath and let it out slowly, “Makes me sad to go back to my job as a guardian and warrior. I love growing things.”

“I’m glad we’re helping this country move forward. Give this a year or two and they’ll have crops to export and grow their economy.”

Torrik nodded, “Yes. Such a sad story you told. A government so corrupt and controlling that the people were almost completely brainwashed to believe living in poverty, starvation, and under the thumb of dictators was normal. I’m glad to see that they have a good government now and a wise leader.”

“Shizue is the best. And, with a little help, they’ll build a fine nation under her.”

A woman walked up with gloves on. She bowed to them and then said, “Thank you. The vineyard is going to be thriving this year.” She spoke in the language of Onnotangu, but their translators could understand her.

Torrik said, “It should be fine. You might want to keep an eye on the bugs.”

“I will.” She bowed again. “Excuse me, your bag has been buzzing for two hours.”

“Our bag is buzzing?” Torrik frowned.

Krystal frowned and then gasped. “Our comm units. We took them off to keep them from getting dirty.” She ran over and opened up the satchel, pulling out their wrist comms. “Wow, we both have a dozen news alerts.”

“What are those?” Torrik joined her.

“BADGE sets all the comms to alert heroes to potential problems being reported by the national and international news services.”

“Well, what’s the news?”

Krystal handed him his unit, which he struggled to turn on. She activated hers and read over the news reports. “What’s this? It says there are metal orbs showing up all over the world, hovering over major cities.” She scrolled through it, “Oh, no. We also have messages from Prime Minister Shizue. I bet I know why.”

Torrik looked at his device and snarled, “I wish you people used magic glass and not this horrible stuff. I can’t figure it out.”

Krystal had hers up to her head, listening to the message on it from the Prime Minister. “Just what I thought. There is an orb over the capital and she’s worried.”

Torrik said, “I wouldn’t be too worried. If this was really bad, BADGE would have sent us an official message, or sent a shuttle with someone to take us to. . .”

They watched as a BADGE shuttle decloaked near them and lowered into an open grassy area.

“Good call,” Krystal muttered.

Gar stepped out of the shuttle and walked over. “Krystal, Torrik, I’m here to pick you up.”

“Where are we going?” Torrik asked.

Krystal read her missed message. “Apparently, we’re to investigate the sphere currently over the capital of North Onnotangu.”

“Yeah, that.” Gar said.

Torrik asked, “Why us? I’m not a scientist.”

Krystal added, “And I’m only a part-time BADGE agent. I have other duties.”

“Nova said that the regular agents are too busy. This doesn’t seem to be a big threat. He just wants someone to look closer than the sensors can read. Also, this might have something to do with the morphon increase, and he thought you and Torrik could sense something about that. He said you were a talented investigator as well.”

Krystal laughed. “I suppose if Nova will throw a compliment my direction, I should at least try. What do you say, Torrik? You’re a free agent, you don’t have to obey. You could stay here and tend your plants.”

Torrik shrugged. “The plants are doing fine. I don’t mind helping, though I doubt I can be of any use. I promised to offer my help for a few months before heading back to Yohan.”

Gar gestured toward the shuttle. “Then, we can go?”

“No need.” Krystal waved her hand and a magical portal opened.

“Nice. You have such a keen grasp of magic.” Torrik said.

“The ‘Fea’ in my name isn’t just for fun. Now, let’s move.” She walked through the portal, followed closely by Torrik.

Gar signaled the shuttle to leave, and he, too, followed them. The moment he stepped out of the portal, he was in the central square of the capital city of North Onnotangu. A team of officers of the new military waited while Prime Minister Shizue looked at the orb, with a few of her scientists examining it with instruments.

“Alert! Unauthorized use of morphonic powers! Alert! Unauthorized us of…” The speakers screamed this out with a rough sound of an old recording. Red lights flashed on top of poles and small turrets popped up from inside old boxes and aimed weapons at the trio.

“Wait! We aren’t villains!” Torrik yelled out.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

The streets of the Capital of North Onnotangu echoed with sirens screaming about unauthorized morphonic powers. The turrets attempted to fire weapons that no longer had ammo, causing them to rattle.

Prime Minister Shizue yelled over the cacophony, “Someone stop that awful sound!”

One of her highest ranking officers ran over and yanked at the side of an old metal box that stubbornly wouldn’t open. Gar joined him and asked to help. With a quick nod, Gar jammed his stone fingers into the box and ripped off the surface. The man quickly pulled out cords and destroyed the interior. The alarm stopped yelling.

Prime Minister Shizue walked over to them, as she patted the side of her own head. “I’m sorry for that. We’re still clearing out the old tech from the former government. I thought the morphon detectors were inactive. Fortunately, we had already disarmed all their automated weapons.”

“What was that?” Torrik asked.

Shizue said, “You know, the old North Onnotangu government was so strict. They made morphonic powers illegal and executed anyone who had them. Well, anyone who wasn’t part of the regime’s private forces. I had to be very careful when using my own powers.”

Krystal said, “What turned the system back on?”

“I don’t know. A wireless technology controlled it. Some old version of wi-Fi that our former government installed for their use. I thought it was inactive now, but several things have reactivated recently.”

“How recently?” Krystal asked.

“About the time this… thing showed up.” She pointed at the sphere that hovered twenty feet off the ground in the middle of the square.

Gar said, “We are here to investigate this thing.”

Shizue asked, “Are my people in any danger?”

Gar answered, “We have been scanning these metal balls all over the world. They aren’t giving off any bad radiation or anything dangerous. We don’t know what’s inside. But Nova doesn’t think they are immediately dangerous.”

“But, what is it?” Shizue asked.

Krystal said, “We are here to help find out.”

“My best scientists have been scanning it and testing the surface. It would please me if BADGE shared the information they have scanned. We would be glad to share ours.”

Gar tapped his comm unit. “That should be fine. I will talk with the Director.”

“Come over here.” Shizue walked him over to her scientist.

Krystal and Torrik approached the metallic sphere. It was almost perfectly round. The metallic sphere had a grid of lines on its surface where the metal was attached. There were no rivets or any marks at all. The metal was shiny and clean. Their faces reflected at them, distorted by the curve of the surface.

“Well, there it is… a giant metal ball.” Krystal said.

Torrik said, “Mind if I try a spell?”

“Go for it.” She stepped back.

Torrik held up his hands, “Pichly Finchly Potsy Rex, Quidly Quadly, reveal any hex!” A golden light flashed from his hands. It continued for a few moments and then died down. “Interesting.”

“What did you find?” Krystal asked.

“There is no spell holding this aloft. No magic on the surface. But, your sense devices…”


“Whatever. Nova was right, I can’t see inside either. Only the outside was visible. However, if a spell was causing this to levitate, I would have seen it.”

Krystal walked around it, looking it over intently. “I can’t see any marks that indicate anything other than it being made of metal and floating.”

Torrik put his hand on the surface.

“DON’T DO THAT!” Krystal yelled, which caused several security people to jump.

Torrik laughed, “Don’t be so nervous. As a warrior and defender of Yohan, I am taught to put myself at risk before others. If this will hurt me, then that will tell us something.”

“Okay, but I still don’t think it’s wise.”

“Wise or not, this is doing nothing to hurt me. It is cold. Colder than I would expect, with it being such a sunny spring day.”

Krystal ventured to put her hand on it as well. It was ice cold. “Odd. But, not alarming.”

Torrik took his hand away and put his ear up to it. “I can’t hear anything. But, I guess that is to be expected. Whoever made this, made it so that it wouldn’t reveal any of its secrets.”

“Reveal. That’s a good idea.”

“What?” Torrik frowned.

“My turn with the magic.” She took a step back and held up her arms. Her body glowed with a purplish energy and lifted from the ground. That energy expanded out and bathed the area in a strange purple hue. Spectators in the distance gasped, and the security became more alert.

Everyone could see what appeared as tiny dots of glowing bright light around the area. The closer to the sphere, the more dense the dots were. In fact, these dots nearly hid the sphere.

“That isn’t good.” Krystal said.

Torrik asked, “what are we looking at?”

Krystal put her hands down and lowered to the ground at the same time. As she did, the purple cloud evaporated into the air. “My magic just revealed the morphons of the area that are arcane. They are condensing at this location. And, I suspect that all the other types of morphons are doing the same. The question is, why?”

“At least we have something important to report to Nova,” Torrik said.

Gar walked up. “We have something else as well.” He was holding a computer tablet from the Onnotangu authorities.

Krystal and Torrik watched a video from cameras at night in the square. A large flatbed truck drove into the square, stopped, and then continued on.

“What is that?” Torrik asked.

“That is a truck, it is…” Gar started explaining.

“I know what you strange wheeled vehicles are now. What is that truck doing?”

Prime Minister Shizue answered, “We don’t know. Our systems didn’t notice this as a problem, as it seemed to do nothing. But it stopped directly under where this sphere appeared and then moved on. Two days later, this thing shows up. It is too strange to not have a connection.

Krystal huffed, “As a journalist, I can tell you that this is irritating. We have evidence of… something. But everything raises more questions.” She looked at her comm, “But, I suppose new information is better than no information, even if it just adds confusion. We need to report this all to Nova at once.”

Shizue asked, “What should we do for now?”

Krystal let out a sigh. “BADGE just asked me to look. So, I can’t say. I am not Director Nova or any other official from BADGE to tell you exactly what we would want you to do. But, my best advice for now is to give this a wide berth until we have more information. Trust me, we will pass on the information to you the moment we know something. I will make sure of that.”

“Thank you.”

Gar said, “Okay, so, magic us back to the station.” He seemed a little giddy for the experience.

Torrik said, “Can’t. Don’t you recall? I put a powerful spell on your space station. It prevents magical or morphonic teleportation. I had to make sure that Lady Echidna didn’t pop in unexpectedly.”

Krystal was already summoning a shuttle with her comm. “Nova said to leave the spell for now, just in case another magical entity pays them an unwanted visit. We can portal away from the station, but not to it.”

The BADGE shuttle arrived quickly, and they were off toward the BADGE HQ in the heavens while the people of North Onnotangu hesitantly watched their new, unwanted visitor.

In a distant part of the Earth Solar System, a small wormhole opened and an ancient warship slipped out. The engines burned hot as it moved toward a tiny blue planet in the distance.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

A nervous young man followed the robot escort from the guest quarters across the station into the teaching and development levels. The escort stopped at a door and pressed a code that allowed him into the room.

Arx and Chase sat at a desk with a chair on the other side. This was a modest room with metal walls. Screens displaying the logo for BADGE currently covered the wall on the right side of Arx. A file lay on the desk with his name on the top of it.

“David Millar?” Chase asked.

“Yeah, that’s me.” He said.

Arx gestured toward the chair. “Have a seat and don’t be so nervous. This is all good.”

David, a bulky man with a heavy, muscular build, sat in the cold metal chair. “So, what happens to me?”

Arx scoffed and shook his head. “Almost everyone who gets the assessment treats it like a prison sentencing. Look, you aren’t in trouble and this is to help you.”

“I’ve heard that BADGE will inject me with something to make me weaker, so I don’t use my powers wrong. Or they will throw me in prison…”

Chase rolled her eyes. “Neither are true. Now, let’s look.” She opened the folder. “You have a type -A strength enhanced power from the morphons. You can bench press six thousand pounds. No other current powers.”

“Yeah, I was working out one day and broke every piece of equipment in the gym. Man, was that owner pissed. I didn’t mean to…”

“We have your report,” Arx said.

Chase said, “Okay. So, you’re a prime candidate for the hero program. However, if you don’t want to be a superhero, you can join the ATLAS program and work with Arx helping protect the world from natural disasters. Both cases will include a six month mandatory stay here on the station to learn your powers and take other courses in international law, training in fighting techniques, and other extra programs you can sign up for. All paid for by the International Hero Initiative.”

David frowned. “I don’t know. I like that ATLAS program.”

Arx held up a pamphlet. “Here. Read all about it and I can show you some of the training area if you like. You like to work out in a gym, why not try out the ATLAS training area? That equipment is more your speed. I use it to. . . “

Nova stuck his head in. “How are the recruits… oh, excuse me. I didn’t know you had a session.”

David looked up, a little star struck at the now famous Director Nova. “Sir, it is an honor.”

“Nice to meet you, son. Hope you are having a good stay.”

“May I ask a question?”

Nova let out a slow sigh, “If it has nothing to do with the Lady Echidna situation, yes.”

“I was wondering, what happens if I decide I don’t want to take either path for the BADGE program?”

Nova looked at his two people. “They should have told you.”

“We were just getting to that,” Chase answered.

“Well, son, the third option is to leave and return to your regular life. The only thing that is required, by international law, is for you to have your morphonic powers suppressed by a special implant you will wear. It is small and unobtrusive. But you have to wear it at all times and BADGE will monitor it. This is as much for others’ safety as it is for your own. Morphon powers unchecked can be a serious danger, as you can imagine.”

“Thanks. Mr. Nova. I’ll have to think about all of this.”

“Take your time. I wouldn’t make a quick decision, morphon powers can be a positive way of life that…”

“NOVA, NOVA, NOVA!” EB ran into him from behind, which caused Nova to nearly fall into the room.

With a twitching eye and a weak smile, Nova said, “Please excuse me. BADGE business.”

Nova looked at the bouncing bunny. “I thought you were entertaining our guests in the lounge on Deck Seven.”

EB said, “I was. They’re all at lunch now. I set out blankets in the arboretum for a nice picnic. You know, this whole assessment process can be stressful and a little time around trees, flowers, grass is so relaxing. I used to spend a month in the Smoky Mountains after Easter, just to get some good fresh air. The holidays are a big stress for us holiday heroes. This one Easter, I was…”

“Get to the point!”

“Oh, uh, sorry. What did I… OH! A shuttle with Gar, Krystal, and Torrik is almost here. Gar said they have some good info for us.”

“I know. They sent information to the computers from the ground.”

“Yeah, but they’re here now. So, I suppose they have more.”

Nova grumbled as he left the energetic bunny behind. “I’ll meet them Operations. You know, meeting new recruits is a part of the job I like. Seeing hopeful, fresh faces is a pleasant change and gives me a lot of hope. But, no, I have a bunny that interrupts me and I am…” He muttered his way through the station.

Nova left the lift and walked down the steps to the center of Operations. “Report!”

EB hopped up and said, “They’re almost here!”

“What the!” Nova jumped and looked around, “EB, how did you… oh why do I even ask?”

“What is that?” EB looked at the floor.

A small plant grew up from the ground and made a giant mass of vines for a moment, then shriveled away, revealing Gar, Krystal, and Torrik.

Torrik was saying, “I told you, there is a way to use nature magic to teleport. It was just from the docking bay to here, but it can be much further.”

“Fascinating,” Krystal said. “I’d love to study some of the magics in Yohan.”

“There are a lot of them.”

Nova cleared his throat. “Are we done with magical demonstrations?”

“Oh, sorry.” Krystal replied. “We checked out that sphere over the North Onnotangu. Sorry to say, I can’t give you much information. It seems to be nothing more than a giant floating ball of metal. However, there was something extremely odd about it.”

Nova asked, “What?”

“You asked me to investigate the morphons in the area. I can illuminate the magical morphons pretty easily, which I did. They’re massing on that sphere in an unusually high concentration. And I suspect that all forms of morphons are doing this.”

Torrik said, “Also, those magic morphons aren’t part of a spell or power. I cast a detection charm and found nothing magical about the sphere itself or the surrounding area.”

Nova huffed, “This is damn peculiar. What in the hell are these things?” He looked up at their screens with all the sensor information. “Do you think these spheres are producing these morphons?”

“I don’t think so,” Krystal said. “It looked as though the morphons were gathering toward them, not flowing from them. But I can’t be positive.”

Gar piped in, “At least they don’t seem to cause any harm or danger.”

Nova let out a little smile. “Yes, I suppose that is one way to look at it. But I’m not convinced this isn’t the beginning of some kind of plot or scheme.”

EB said, “The mind is a funny thing. When you know something, you aren’t afraid of it. But, when you know nothing about it, it suddenly becomes suspicious. Not knowing the who, what, when, where, and why, leads us all to think they’re dangerous and a terrible plot. But, like a hidden Easter Egg, just because you don’t know what’s in it when you pick it up, doesn’t mean it won’t be a sweet surprise.”

Everyone looked at EB with great shock.

“What?” He took a step back.

Nova said, “It’s just funny to hear a mature thought from you.”

“I have my moments.”

A blue flash of light filled the room and Strange Quark appeared with a large mug of ale in his hand, which he drank through a curly, silly straw.

“I thought teleportation couldn’t get through your spell?” Gar asked.

“I just got off a shuttle,” Quark said.

Nova asked, “What did you need?”

Quark finished slurping and said, “I have news for you on those metal spheres.”

Nova said, “I like the initiative. I didn’t even ask you to investigate them.”

“I’d like to take a bow, but I wasn’t investigating them. I was checking out this new pub in Mexico City. There was a news alert and thought you might want to see it. It seems the sphere’s creator is about to make an announcement to the world.”

Nova pointed to a robot. “Patch us through all the major international news sources now!”

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

Nova waited while the large view screens populated with videos from around the world. Gar, Krystal, and Torrik stood behind him with EB hopping up and down excitedly. News services around the globe were all chattering in their various languages, all talking about the odd spheres appearing over their major cities.

“So, what do you think? Alien invasion, large bombs, or a publicity stunt?” EB asked.

Nova answered, “I have no idea.”

“Oh, come on, friendly bet. I bet you a bunch of chocolate eggs that this is some kind of publicity stunt. Like a movie is about to be released and they want everyone talking about it. Oh, Oh, Oh, I know, it’s a sports thingy. You know, balls. Hey, what if it’s women’s volleyball? Now, that’d be worth some international attention. Those babes, running around hot sands in tiny bikinis...best. Sport. Ever.”

“You’re disgusting,” Krystal retorted.

“Hey, I enjoy the finer things in life, and a hot babe is one fine thing.”


Torrik was laughing.

Nova wasn’t paying this much attention.

The central window became active as the woman at the desk for the International News Network spoke.

“This is Liz Alcord with INN. We have a breaking story. An announcement is about to be made from the creator of the spheres that are currently causing a world-wide panic. We go live to the RTC Global Headquarters…” The video shifted to a meeting room in a large corporate building.

EB whispered, “RTC Global, aren’t they the ones who make Ren Phones?”

Nova’s glare turned decidedly annoyed. “Yes, they are.”

A voice spoke over the screen, “This is RTC Global.” The video shifted quickly to a pre-made promo-ad. Magnificent vistas of mountains, deserts, forests, and the ocean gave gorgeous views of the Earth while a bold, but beautiful woman’s voice spoke.

“In the year 1998, Global Cell and Internet was founded by Bob Willingsby. In 2010, GCI merged with International Wireless and became WiCel Incorporated. By the year 2019, the company gained a new identity as Renaissance Cell Tech Global, becoming the largest and most recognized technology industry in the world. This year, one man stepped up to the position as CEO, a man who has driven the vision of this company to a place none of the founders ever imagined possible.” At this point, a sleek, smiling man with glowing white teeth, brown hair, and a sharp suit appeared with the sprawling natural scenes behind him. Adam Chorad, a visionary in his field and the man who holds the record for the highest wealth ever amassed. His changes to Ren Tech have given us the well-earned place as the most popular cell phone, tablet, and computer company in the world. Dr. Chorad continues to push boundaries forward with his vision of a future that will bring us all into a world that never imagined possible. We present, Dr. Adam Chorad…”

The view changed back to the conference room as cameras flashed and a sharp-looking man walked up to a podium.

“Thank you, thank you. Oh, don’t you just hate those promotional videos? Hahaha. Makes me out to be a legend. Hello, I am Dr. Adam Chorad, CEO of Renaissance Tech, as you just saw. I’m afraid that we unintentionally caused quite a stir across the planet over the past few days. I first want to extend my sincerest apologies. Yes, the finest scientists here at Ren Tech create the metallic spheres that have everyone so worried.”

He gestured to his side, and an image of one of those spheres appeared.

“You see, here at Renaissance Technologies we have a dream, bring the world out of the dark ages. My predecessor changed the name of this company to Renaissance because she believed that we always find ourselves mired in the past and start new, little, dark ages. It is the responsibility of companies like ours to push the new and remove the old. And that is what we are doing today. These spheres are special, new technologies that are self-powered, and might I add environmentally friendly, will provide both strong cell service and free wireless internet to all the world.” There were people in the audience who shouted up some questions, but he simply held out his hands to silence them. “I know the very first concern about that. Won’t this put a lot of businesses out of work? Yes, but only because they are not keeping up. We have no reason to destroy our competition. We are the largest and can handle competition. However, we also must keep moving things forward or risk letting the world fall into another dark age. Questions so far?”

A reported asked, “What sort of power source do these devices use? Solar?”

“No, solar power is good and efficient, but not efficient enough for our purposes. My scientists here at Ren Tech developed something spectacular. A new battery system that can self-charge. It is not ready for smaller tech, like tablets or phones, but it worked perfectly for the spheres. It harnesses the morphons from the atmosphere and turns that into pure energy. No emissions, no harm to the environment, and as far as we can tell, a limitless power resource.”

A woman asked, “What about the cost? How can you provide free services like this? What will your investors say?”

“Good question. Thank you for asking. As of one month ago, I am the sole owner of Ren Tech, having purchased seventy-three percent of the voting stock. That is how much I believe in this company. Also, that means I have the final say on all matters. I am, personally, worth more than one trillion dollars and this company is the first to reach 10 trillion in one fiscal year. Free Wi-Fi will hardly cause any strain on our bottom line. I believe we should stick to our mission statement and help bring progress to this world. That means thinking outside of revenue numbers. Thank you.” He waved and walked away from the stage, even though more questions were being asked.

Before the news analysts started debating opinions, Nova made a slashing motion across his throat and cut the sound.

“That is so cool. I mean, how nice of them. It’s always neat when big companies think of the little people,” EB said.

Krystal shrugged. “So, it was just a mistake. Nothing to worry about.”

Torrik said, “I don’t know. Something doesn’t feel right about all this.”

Nova turned and said, “I agree. I don’t like this.”

Gar asked, “What don’t you like about it?”

“First, BADGE scientists, who are some of the best in this world, have worked for years on ways to harness the power of the morphons. Outside of the interaction between certain people, morphons seem to be inert.”

EB said, “They cause those crystal things to grow.”

“True,” Nova said, “However, the fact remains that after all these years, the best minds I know have never found a way of harnessing the morphons for anything like this. Yet, scientist working for a cell phone company just happen to make that breakthrough in a few months.”

Krystal added, “Not only that, they find a way to turn it into power and build a power system to operate with them.”

“You see where I’m going.”

Krystal nodded. “We need to investigate this new tech and find out exactly what they are doing.”

Torrik asked, “What are you looking for?”

“Alien tech that is being misused, if this is a lie, or if this is true and they did exactly what they claim. We need to know the complete story. Morphons are on the increase for no reason and at the same time we have a company who miraculously comes up with tech to harvest them for power generation. Suspiciously coincidental.”

Gar asked, “What do you need us to do?”

Nova said, “Torrik, you go with Gar and Arx and keep working with the Restoration and Assistance program.”

“If this is a dangerous situation, don’t you need us on duty?” Torrik asked.

“This isn’t dangerous, just confusing. If it becomes dangerous, we will alert you. I still want BADGE out there, helping people and showing the world we are not just an army fighting bad guys.”


“EB, you will work with Agent Justin and monitor things up here. Get the station and BADGE ready, in case this turns out to be something dangerous.”

EB hopped up and struck serious poses with each bounce. “I’m on it. EB and Justin, the eyes on the sky, the commanders in charge of the army, always vigilant. We will keep things running and the moment the world needs us, we are there!”

Nova stopped him mid-hop by grabbing his ears. “Enough. Find Agent Justin and get him up here.”

“Sure thing, bud. But what are you going to do?”

Nova dropped EB, “Krystal Fae and I are going to pay Ren Tech a visit.”

Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

David sat at a table in the Mess looking over the pamphlet about ATLAS. Another pamphlet, which he had just finished, spelled out the information about the classes he would be required to take here on the station. He had already tried out their gym, which was suited to his new super strength. A giant four-armed red man operated the gym and offered some helpful instruction about working out with a super physique.

Chase walked over to his table. “Still thinking about your choices?”

David nodded. “Yeah, it’s a lot to take in.”

She sat down. “We understand. It isn’t a simple choice. Choosing either ATLAS or League will change your life.”

“I don’t have much of a family, but I have friends and a job back home.”

“And we take that into consideration. Working for ATLAS is an on-call situation. You will have weekends of training to keep you in shape for the various tasks you might have to take on. But only when an emergency arises will you be called to duty. Working as a hero is far more of a career. You can go solo, which is called a Ranger position. But you’ll still report to BADGE and to your local government. If you join a League, then you will work with them as a job. BADGE will send assignments to your league for local and possibly international problems. Your league will also work with the local governments to help in situations.”

David sat back and put his hands on his face. “I know. It sounds cool. I mean, being a genuine hero seems so… glamorous. But, up here, with you people, I see it from this side. It is work, it is a sacrifice of your life, and I don’t know if I have that in me.”

Chase said, “I know. Fame isn’t want it’s cracked up to be. Heroes get all the glory and are on the news for their triumphs. But, the news doesn’t show the hard work that goes into training and working, it doesn’t show the bloody noses and sleepless nights.”

David asked, “Would it be okay if I tried some of the training? Go through a class or two, test the waters.”

“Sure. Nova encourages new recruits to take their time and sample everything before deciding. BADGE knows what this can mean. I can set you up for a few training sessions in the simulator. You can work with a league that has booked the simulator for a battle challenge.”

“That sounds interesting.”

“And safe. You’ll experience a hard battle, but you won’t face the threat of death. The simulator has failsafe systems to protect the heroes from true serious harm. But you’ll get a good taste of an actual fight, get to work with experienced heroes, and learn something about yourself.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Agent Justin walked over at that moment. “Chase, I need you to get the under grads ready for deployment.”

“Is something happening?” She slowly stood up.

“Nothing has happened. But Nova is concerned about the situation with the spheres. So, I’m activating all people on the station. Besides, getting the trainees to do some duty time will be a good experience.”

“I’ll talk to Red Fury. He’ll get them in place.’’

“Thanks.” Justin walked away.

David asked, “Are we in danger?”

“I doubt it. It isn’t uncommon to go to an alert status when there is the potential for danger. Often it passes by and nothing happens. Don’t worry, as soon as there is any real action, we will ensure that all recruits are placed in a safe location. If necessary, we can move you down to the planet. For now, be ready for a message from Red Fury about when you will be in the simulator with a visiting league. Put those muscles to work and see what you can do in an actual fight.” She gave him a friendly punch in the muscular arm and then walked away.

David looked down at the information again, a little more concerned than before. The longer he was up here, the more real all this became.

“Why bring me along?” Krystal asked while Nova piloted the smaller shuttle through the atmosphere.

“For several reasons. I like to travel with at least one hero. It’s procedure and makes sense. You have a keen eye and mind for detail, which makes you an excellent journalist. When I talk to Dr. Chorad, I hope you use some of that keen journalist insight. Also, you’re one of the few heroes who can actually see morphons.”

“Just the arcane part of the spectrum. There are many others I can’t see.”

“That will be sufficient.”

They flew fast over the land and passed several tall mountain chains. The ground was green, and the skies were vividly blue right now. Orchards were in full bloom outside a sprawling metropolis.

“Seattle, home of coffee, hipsters, and Ren Tech,” Nova muttered.

“Sounds like you aren’t too keen on this company.”

Nova altered their direction slightly. “Like so many companies before them, they’re a fad. Richer than god and popular among many generations, these companies strike a big noise and act like they own the world. Big egos with self-righteous intentions. But, in a short matter of time, someone else rises above them and they fade. Their trendiness falls on its face and their ego is not enough to cushion the blow.”

“Wow, that was almost poetic, if not a little cynical.”

“Truth is often cynical.”

Krystal smiled. “But, tell me this, oh cynical one, how many of those trendy companies turned out to be evil or did wicked things?”

Nova guided them past the Space Needle as he pondered this. “Okay, you got me. They aren’t all good and sweet, but normally they stay within the law and none have turned out to be truly villainous.”

“Then let’s not walk into this meeting with you being a grump. They have done nothing wrong, but accidentally scared the world.”

“If you believe it was just an accident.”

Krystal sat back with a robust laugh. “And, still cynical.”

“Nothing wrong with logic. It was a fantastic publicity stunt. Everyone is talking about it and the social medias are all buzzing. It’s gone completely infected.”

Krystal frowned. “Social Medias? ...infected? You mean Social Media...no s....and viral?”


They approached a complex of buildings that seemed to bear the signature of Picasso’s design. All the buildings were square, but they stacked the squares against each other in odd ways. Windows on the side revealed that the floors were flat, and only the facade was twisted. A giant sign on the top read, “Renaissance Communication Technologies.”

“Nice building, if you don’t mind a modern look.” Krystal said, “Say, why didn’t we just portal down? I could have zapped us here in a second.”

“We’re paying them a friendly visit...” Krystal coughed at that, but Nova ignored it and went on, “I don’t want to alarm them by just showing up. People appearing out of thin air might worry some. When we land, we will decloak and then let them know we are...”

For a moment, a flash of light surrounded them and the computer announced, “Cloaking system interrupted. Visibility has been restored.”

“How?” Nova asked.

The computer answered, “A counter field surrounds the landing zone. It deactivated the cloaking system. Would you like a full report?”

“Send it to the station.”


Krystal said, “Wow, they have the tech to counter our cloak. I didn’t think anyone could do that.”

Nova maneuvered the shuttle to a landing pad meant for helicopters. “These kids are smart. I’m impressed, and slightly annoyed.”

With the shuttle at a full stop, Nova and Krystal disembarked and walked toward a pair of people waiting for them. The giant Ren Tech company loomed in the distance.

Krystal leaned over and said, “You will never find a greater hive of....coffee and hipsters. We must be cautious.”

“Oh, be quiet and pay attention.”

A man and woman in expensive apparel met them, both with glowing Ren Watches on their wrists and nametags on their shirts.

“Welcome to Ren Tech, Director Nova. It is an honor to have you pay us a visit. I’m Arnold and this is Stacy.” The young man said.

“Thank you.” Nova was holding onto his surly attitude. “This is…”

“Krystal Fae, with the Sentinel.”

“Very nice to meet both of you.” Stacy tapped her smartwatch and said, “We have a nice tour of our headquarters arranged, if you will follow me.”

“No, thank you. We need to meet with Dr. Chorad now.”

“Right this way.” They both gave a gallant hand swing toward the building.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

David walked out of the simulator, drenched in sweat. DaMoN joined him as they headed toward the locker rooms.

“Wow, that was exciting.” David brimmed with energy as he came down from the thrill of a simulated battle with Fenrir.

DaMoN laughed and slapped him on the back, “The real battle was a hell of a lot harder, but even more fun.”

“Really? How much harder?”

“Oh, you know how it is in the real world. These simulations can’t risk your life, so they pull some punches here and there. When something that big is hell-bent on killing you, the battle is something else. So, which league are you?”

“I’m not in a league. I’m not technically part of BADGE yet.”

“Oh, another recruit. Been a lot of those lately. You put in a good fight. You deserve to be a hero.”

David said, “After that fight, I’m really considering it. Wow, that was fun.”

“Don’t let the excitement of victory go to your head. The simulator is great training, but the real world is something else. Cool off, get yourself a shower, and think.”

David was about to say that he had already thought he would cool off before signing anything. However, just then, the entire station rattled. “What was that?” David asked.

DaMoN frowned. “I don’t know. It takes something big to rattle this place.”

Red lights flashed and a robotic voice called out, “Emergency alert, heroes to station one, repeat, heroes to station one. Cadets and agents report to station two. Recruits, report to security check-in.” A siren blared loudly, and the recording started again.

DaMoN said, “Head for the theater room, Coach Fury will be there to tell you what to do.” Without another word, he raced off for the main level.

David’s jubilant attitude shattered and worry set in. The real world was coming for them now, and he wasn’t sure what to do. He lost all sense of location and forgot how to get back to the theater room. So, he just ran down a corridor, hoping he would recall this place soon.

He turned a corner and followed a corridor that had an extensive set of windows to space. He paused mid-step and slowly turned to see what was outside.

A giant space cruiser drifted by. It was nothing like anything David had ever seen. It was long, bulky, and had weapons dotted all over the surface. However, it was rusty; the hull was cracked in many places, and as it moved, it dribbled bits of debris as though it were disintegrating from old age.

“What the hell is that?”

Justin barked orders out, “I want all security drones in space now. Set the station’s shields to full power. Sensors, get me every scrap of data on that.”

The robots manning the stations worked with speed, fulfilling each order efficiently.

10915 stated, “The power systems on the unidentified vessel are at a minimal status. No weapon systems online that we can detect.”


“Negative. Sensors are not detecting any known form of a living organism on that vessel.”

On the screen, ten small egg-shaped drones zipped out from the station. They had small weapons for combat.

14001-A spoke, “Query: Signal for heroes to leave station and confront?”

“No. Not at this time. We don’t know what that is and I don’t want to cause any problems by being foolish. Just tell everyone inside the station to be on full alert. Where’s EB?”

10915 said, “EB is currently en route to...”

The elevator doors opened and EB burst out at top speed. “Sorry, I was just in the training area, working with the new recruits. Several have already signed to join BADGE and one is asking to train with ATLAS. Nice people. This one lady is like eighty, but she can use telekinesis like a pro. I mean... oh, what are all the sirens for?”

Justin said, while pointing at the monitor, “That.”

EB screamed and backed up, “No, no, it can’t be!”

“You know what that is?”

EB trembled and nodded quickly. “A fleet of those destroyed my homeworld seven centuries ago. Blow it up, blow it up now!”

“What do you mean... wait?” Justin had an icy feeling run through his body. “Legion destroyed your world.”


Justin pointed at a robot. “Full alert status. Activate all Leagues. Send a call to all Rangers. Get me Nova, now!”

The warning sirens across the station changed to something that only sounded when the situation was dire.

An hour before:

Krystal and Nova followed the perky representatives of Ren Tech through the halls of the sleek, modern company complex. Workers walked around in jeans and company T-shirts as they talked on Ren Phones or used Ren Tech Tablets.

The interior of the building was not unlike the exterior. Sleek white walls with clear glass ceilings/floors so you could see all the way up through the building. Holo-screens on the walls displayed information.

They paused at the door to a room filled with people using strange glasses. Stacy said, “This is our next biggest thing. Ren Wear. High-tech glasses that can display images like VR to the person wearing them. Just imagine being able to join a meeting across the planet as though you are there at a moment’s notice. Or, using just one lens, you can check the news, look at a recipe, or even relax by the beach.”

Krystal asked, “How far along is the research?”

Arnold said, “We hope to have them available by summer this year. Should be the biggest event of the season. That is, if we can work out a few of the bugs.”

“Oh, I want one,” Krystal said.

Nova cleared his throat, “Fascinating, really, but we have important business to discuss with Mr. Chorad.”

“This way.” Stacy guided him along.

They navigated the unconventional building, passing many amazing new things, as they approached the heart of this sprawling complex. Their guides led them through glass doors and out into a beautiful garden. The garden brimmed with blooming roses and tiger lilies. A river ringed the outside of the area while a grassy lawn sat in the center with a diamond shaped structure seated in the middle.

“What is this?” Krystal asked.

Arnold said, “Dr. Chorad’s office.”

“A little ostentatious,” Nova muttered.

An unfamiliar voice said, “Yes, it is pretentious. But why not splurge when you’re the richest man of the richest company in the world?”

Krystal and Nova turned to find Dr. Chorad standing behind them, a big smile on his face.

Nova said, “I suppose. We have important business to discuss.”

Dr. Chorad said, “Yes, I know. I was in a meeting with investors, explaining the whole sphere situation. Ugh, what a bunch of money-grubbing idiots. They don’t know the first thing about generosity. I was glad when my intern alerted me you were intent on a meeting now. Got me out of there. So, why don’t we head into my office and... oh, Arnold, could you bring us some lunch? I’m starving.”

“Right away, sir. What would you two like?” Arnold asked.

Nova said, “We don’t need anything.”

“Speak for yourself. I could use a bite to eat,” Krystal said. “I’d love some Greek food.”

“Right away.” Arnold and Stacy left in a hurry.

“Come on in. My office is my home. So, let’s get cozy.” Dr. Chorad walked them toward the lone building.

“He’s nice, and kinda handsome.” Krystal said.

“Stay focused. We have a mission.”

“I know, I know. Big rich company equals bad.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Not with words, but your face is speaking volumes.”

Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

Dr. Chorad’s office was as white and clean as the rest of this complex. It was more of a living room than an office, with a sunk-in central floor, kitchen, wet-bar, a fireplace, large television, couches, plants, and a desk set against a long set of windows that had a glorious view of the beautiful garden outside.

“Wow,” Krystal said upon first seeing this enormous space.

Dr. Chorad said, “Everyone has that same response. I entertained the Emperor of Japan last week and even he said that. Have a seat. The couches are amazingly comfy.” He walked over to the wet-bar and started pulling out bottles. “Care for a mixed drink? I make a mean martini.”

Nova stood near the couches and said, “I’m not here for a social call. This is an important matter. Dr. Chorad...”

“Call me Adam.”

Nova cleared his throat, “Adam, we need to have a serious discussion.”

“Yes, I know. You’re worried about my technology.”

Both Krystal and Nova were a little stunned by this. Krystal asked, “How’d you know?”

“Simple. Ren Tech is a telecommunications company in the market to sell trendy gadgets to customers across the world. Not something BADGE would have any need to worry about. However, my new sphere technology probably raised a few alarms, which brought you to my doorstep. Am I right?” He said this while mixing martinis and pouring them.

Nova said, “Mostly. We have some unique concerns regarding the tech as well.”

“I’m sure. Trust me, my people alerted me right away when heroes started inspecting the spheres and entire cities declared emergencies.” He walked over and set a tray of glasses down on the coffee table and then sank into the overstuffed couch. “Look, the truth is, I’m seriously upset about the whole situation. Probably more than you.”

“I doubt it.” Nova finally sat down across from Adam on the circular couch.

“Rest assured, the situation was not arranged for publicity. I know that’s what you’re thinking. I had this whole news conference prepared with fanfare and lots of free stuff. We were going to head to New York, set up a stage in Central Park, and make a big show of revealing the spheres to the world all at the same time. I even had this comically large button to press. This is my gift to this world, not some stunt to increase our stock value.”

Nova mulled that over for a moment in one of his famous long pauses. Finally, he said, “I believe you.”

“Oh, good. I was hoping you would. I really did not intend to scare the world. These spheres represent a passion of mine.”

“And what would that be?” Nova asked.

“I believe education is key to raising communities out of poverty. However, that is hard in the places were services like the internet and phone lines are too expensive, or completely impossible. These spheres will extend our tech all over the world in a wide net that will connect everyone. People can share knowledge freely, without worrying about costs. I’m even offering grants to nations to help them supply tech to the underprivileged sectors.”

“How magnanimous.” Krystal picked up a martini from the tray, her tone betraying a little skepticism.

Adam laughed, “Fine, the grants are a giant tax write-off. But that’s to be expected. I may be generous, but not foolish. However, you understand I didn’t mean to cause any alarm. My teams are still investigating why the decloaking activated prematurely. They also started connecting to wireless sources early as well, which caused even more trouble in places.”

Krystal said, “That explains why the archaic wireless tech in North Onnotangu activated.”

“Yes, I heard about that. I hope no one was hurt.”

She shook her head. “Nope. They had already removed the weapons from the systems. Just loud sirens.”

“Glad to hear it.”

Nova said, “There is one other issue I’m here to discuss.”

“Shoot. Oh, if you want to incorporate Ren Tech into BADGE comm systems, that is something we would love to work with you on.”

“No, this isn’t about that. Morphons power your spheres.”

Adam smiled sheepishly. “It is one feature that makes them so efficient. They can run continuously, no need for recharging.”

Krystal said, “How did you figure that tech out? BADGE scientists have been working on studying morphons for years now and we have nothing that can use them as a power source.”

“That, my dear, is a company secret. As you can imagine, such technology would cause quite a stir in competitors who would love to have access to it.”

Nova said, “I want to know how it works?”

“Ah, no. That is a secret that Ren Tech owns.”

“Morphon studies and tech are under the scope of BADGE...”

Adam said, “Actually, that isn’t quite true. Trust me, I had my legal team comb all the laws pertaining to morphons, both national and international laws. You see, BADGE may keep tabs on people who have morphonic powers, and BADGE has the right to information regarding morphons effects on humans and the environment. However, BADGE has no legal authority to obtain information about morphons as used in technology, as long as that technology poses no threat to the planet or the people on it. I can have our lawyers come and explain this in their legalese. It’s boring, but they get the point across clearly.”

Nova kept his calm, but his irritation was evident. “Look here, Dr. Chorad, morphons aren’t something to toy around with. This isn’t like solar or wind power. These particles are still a relatively unknown substance that we are just beginning to study. Using them as a power source could prove dangerous.”

“And, my scientist disagree.”

Krystal interjected, “They also applied atomic energy before fully understanding it. Many people suffered and died because they didn’t know the true depth of how dangerous the radiation really was.”

Adam held up his hands. “Please, let’s be friends about this. I mean no harm and we have done extensive tests on this technology. This wasn’t just thrown out there without some kind of thought put into it. If it will make you feel better, I will ask our scientists to send all the data on our tests regarding the impact of the technology on people and the environment. You can have your people look it over. If you find any problems, I mean any at all, let me know and we will work with you to solve them. If you find there is a legit danger posed to anyone or anything, I will shut them down immediately.”

Nova said, “Fine. That is a start. Just get me that promise in writing, signed. One flaw, one inkling of a problem, and I will have you shut them down.”

“We agree, then.” The doors of his office opened. “Oh, look, lunch is here. Great, I’m hungry.”

Arnold walked in with a tray that had several boxes on it. “Let’s see, your regular lunch, Doctor. Nothing for Director Nova, and a Greek lunch for Krystal Fae.” He handed her a box while saying, “Big fan, by the way. I read your articles all the time.”

“Oh, thanks. That’s why I write them.”

Nova had a scowl on his face as he watched Krystal sink down into a part of this huge couch and open up the box of lunch. This wasn’t supposed to be a social meeting, but Adam turned it into one. So, Nova asked a question he didn’t expect an answer to. “I’m curious about something else.”

“What’s that?”

“These spheres defy all attempts at scanning. None of our tech and even our BADGE heroes with unique powers cannot penetrate the surface with any form of sensor or scan. How did you manage that?”

“That’s another company secret. But, I can tell you why we keep it detection-proof. The stuff inside those spheres is some of the most advanced tech ever conceived. It revolutionizes a lot about telecommunications technology. My competitors would give anything to learn their secrets. I may be generous, but not foolish. Ren Tech is the hottest name in popular technology today, with the newest, most advanced stuff available… and I mean, to keep that standing for a long time.”

Nova wasn’t happy with that answer, but he accepted it. Before he could ask another, his comm activated. “Excuse me.” He stepped away to take this. “This is Nova.”

Justin came through, “Sir, we have an emergency. An ancient Legion Warship just entered Earth Space and is near the station right now.”

“We’ll be right there.” Nova clicked his comm off. “Krystal, we have to go now.”

“Something wrong?”

“Yes.” He looked over at Adam. “Thank you for your time. We will be in touch.”

“Anything I can do to help?”

“No. Just make sure BADGE gets that information you have.” He nodded to Krystal.

She packed up her boxed lunch and then stood up. “Let’s move.” She snapped her fingers and both she and Nova zapped back to their shuttle.

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

Nova pushed the BADGE shuttle to its limit. The engines rattled, and the interior grew hotter under the strain of taxing the power systems. A buzzer beeped loudly for a moment, but was stopped when Nova slapped the button. This was the sixth time he has had to shut down that warning.

Krystal cleared her throat. “Sir, I know you want to get back, but blowing us up will not make this any faster.”

“We have to get back there now. If I had not asked you and Torrik to cut off teleportation to the station, this wouldn’t be necessary.”

The windows grew bright orange as they blazed through the atmosphere.

“Do you think this is really Legion?”

Nova said, “I don’t know. But, I have been worried about this for some time. The rise in Morphon’s in the atmosphere makes little sense, except that is exactly how Legion seeds a world before they attack.”

“But Legion fell years ago. We took it down. We killed the last of Legion’s most powerful during that war. There is no one left to resurrect it.”

“Legion is like a virus. Even the smallest part of it can grow quickly. How it returned so fast, I don’t know. But I’ll not have them invade again.” The warning beeped loudly again. “Damn!” Nova slapped the button, but this time, it didn’t shut off.

“Emergency shut-off activated.” The computer announced, and all the power systems went dark. The engines stopped pushing them. Inertial force in space kept them moving forward toward the station.

“Oh, crud.” Krystal said.

“This isn’t good. I’ve lost all control.”

“Don’t worry, I can still help with this.” Krystal put her hands together and then spread them apart. A purplish glow surrounded the shuttle, and she was now controlling its direction. “I’ll let the inertial force keep us going, but I’ll direct our path.”

They zoomed toward the station, the shuttle silent now. The heat inside the cabin softened as the power systems cooled off so they wouldn’t ignite. Suddenly, a great shadow crossed their path as something enormous blocked the sunlight.

The rusty hulk of the Legion battleship drifted by. Its decaying exterior shedding bits of debris as it slowly moved through space. Flashes of sparks buzzed here and there as systems failed to work properly.

“What on earth is that?” Krystal asked.

“That is a Class 1 Legion Battle cruiser.”

“I’ve never seen anything like that before. The cruisers they came in to attack earth looked nothing like that.”

Nova watched it with irritated terror in his eyes, saying, “They used that ship around a thousand earth years ago. I doubt they had any in service when they invaded Earth.”

“But that makes little sense. Why would Legion be using an ancient, outdated piece of junk?”

Nova said, “I don’t know. But it’s part of Legion and that is all I need to know. Keep your eyes forward. We’re getting close to the shuttle bay.” He pressed his comm on his wrist. “This is Nova. Krystal is guiding the shuttle into bay four. Have a tractor beam ready for an unpowered landing.”

Justin answered, “Understood.”

Nova and Krystal walked through the station toward the command level lift. A four-armed man with red skin interrupted their run toward the lifts.

“I don’t have time, Red.” Nova said.

Red Fury said, “Sorry, but there is a situation.”

“I know.”

“I mean,” Red Fury said, “We have a large group of recruits here right now. I don’t have room in the safe area for this number and getting them on a shuttle is not possible with that ship out there.”

“Krystal,” Nova turned to her, “Go with Red and help send as many back to Earth as you can. If they want to just go down and wait this out before returning, send them to the BADGE facility in London. I’ll alert Benjamin they will join him.”

“Yes, sir.” She left with Red Fury for the back of the station.

Nova got into the lift. Moments later, he was stepping out into the Operations center of the station. Before he could even ask for a report, something slammed into him, sobbing and holding him like a scared child.

“They’re back!!! Why! Why are they back?” EB bawled like a child.

Justin said, “I haven’t been able to calm him down.”

Nova let out a controlled sigh and calmly said, “This may not be a Legion invasion. That’s a really old ship. We don’t know enough yet to make any conclusions.”

“They... they... they’re gonna destroy my favorite planet.” A big, wet sniff later, he continued, “They destroyed my first favorite planet and now Earth. WHY!”

Nova peeled the bunny off of him and held him up by his ears. “Calm down!”

EB sobbed less loudly. “Thanks. I needed a good Nova scream.”

“Ugh!” He dropped EB and made his way down to Justin. “Report?”

“I have all of our investigative drones out there scanning every inch of the exterior of that ship. All the station’s sensors are trying to read the inside. We have sent out hailing messages asking them to respond. So far, we know only that this ship is ancient. Its weapon systems seem to be offline, the power systems are at bare minimum, and nothing on board is alive.”

Nova said, “They don’t have to be a living being to be a threat.”


Nova walked around and looked up at the screen. Memories of ancient times, wars fought against these very ships, only in far better shape. “That is an early testing ship. A small fleet of them would arrive at a prepared world and do the initial test against the people. Battle drones would attack. If the drones could defeat the warriors of that world, then the ship would simply drop several tons of sub-nuclear bombs, destroy the world from space, and return to the Legion HQ. If the warriors defeated the robots, then Legion would show up to challenge them more officially.”

Justin said, “They didn’t do that to Earth? Legion showed up and attacked. No testing period.”

EB said, “That would be our fault.”

“What?” Justin turned and looked at EB.

“Well, we tried to hide among your people, to disguise ourselves so Legion would never find us again. We would train your people and help them be ready for Legion. And, I might add that we did a damn fine job since your people were ready. However, our presence didn’t go entirely unnoticed. They could sense our power. That encouraged them to bypass this phase and simply attack. It was kinda like when that one farmer discovered me hiding eggs. He just started picking them up instead of waiting for Easter Morning. I mean, serious... um... sorry.”

Justin asked, “Do you think they’re sending another force to test us? I thought we had finally defeated Legion once and for all.”

Nova said, “I don’t know. Something about this seems... off. Legion didn’t split its forces. It was an all-in situation. They would fight to the death, theirs or their enemies. This doesn’t seem like a precursor to invasion.”

EB said, “Then, what do you think this is?”

“I hope it is just an ancient ship that is lost. Robot 10445, send a communication signal to that ship. Use a focused trifector beam.”

“What is that?” Justin asked.

“It is a type of particle beam that the old Legion ships used. If that doesn’t get their attention, then there isn’t anything alive over there, organic or mechanical.”

“Signal sent.” 10445 announced.

There was a moment of complete silence in the room as all three waiting hoping nothing would answer.

“Signal incoming.” 10445 announced.

“Aw sh...” EB started to speak when all the monitors lit up.

A fuzzy image of a robot stood before them. “Planet below, we are Legion. Prove your worth or face destruction. Send us your strongest. We... we... weweweeee....” Its voice buzzed and scratched. The screen went blank for a moment.

“See... I told you we are in deep crap.” EB was now hugging Nova’s leg. He said, “Come on, go all angle and kick their asses.”

“EB, not now.”

The image returned, and the robot said, “It appears you are unworthy. You will be destroyed.” The image flicked off.

Justin said, “This is bad. Our sensors are reading ten sub-nuclear energy signatures on that ship. That’s enough power to crack the crust of the Earth.”

EB whimpered, “How about now?”

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

Red Fury yelled, “I want everyone to form a neat line. We’re heading for bay 1!”

Sirens screamed as both agents and heroes scrambled all over the place. People bumped into David several times, and he skillfully avoided a robot that was in a hurry to reach an unknown destination. The scene overflowed with controlled chaos, suggesting that the control would be lost soon. Other recruits gathered around him as the four armed instructor bellowed directions at them like a first-grade teacher organizing their students.

“Move, one two, one two! NOW!” Red Fury jogged with them, guiding them along at a hurried pace.

David followed as close as he could until he nearly tripped over an older woman who was struggling to keep up. “Here, can I help?” David asked.

She said, “I can’t run like them.” A dire fear filled her eyes as she struggled to move.

“I will carry you.” David picked her up and held her in his arms, his new morphonic strength proving to make her as light as a feather in his arms.

They rounded corners and rushed down hallways as the station continued to sound the alarm. Soon, they crossed through the mess toward another hallway. The lights in this room changed to a flashing red and a loud computer voice said, “Class Ten emergency! All heroes, this is a Class Ten Emergency!”

“Damn!” Red Fury bellowed, but then threw several arms over his head as he waved them along. “Keep up, move. Good work Mr. David.”

David followed along, hoping the old woman couldn’t hear his heart racing in fear at this. He did not know what constituted a Class Ten emergency, but it was bad enough to send BADGE into this frenzy and that was all he needed to know.

They raced out into the enormous main docking bay of the station. Several shuttles were being prepped as people lined up to get inside. Krystal Fae and Chase both directed everyone to their locations.

Red Fury stopped the team and spoke directly to Krystal, “What is going on? I thought you were magic’ing them down to the planet's surface.”

Krystal said, “Not safe any longer.”

David asked, “What?”

“There’s no time to explain,” Chase said. “We’ll be putting everyone on the shuttles and moving you to a safe distance while we prepare the Orbital Arena to receive guests.”

David set the old woman down so she could get in line with the others. He asked Red Fury, “What is a Class Ten emergency?”

“You don’t need to know.”

“Yes, I do. I want to go home, I want out of this situation. What is the emergency?”

Red Fury said, “A Class Ten means that the entire planet is at risk. It isn’t safe to go back right now.”

David went numb. He didn’t know when or how, but someone moved him into a shuttle with many others. The shuttle flew away from the station. He couldn’t stop thinking about his friends, his coworkers, his home, his cat. Everything was in grave danger, and he might see none of them again. A great flash of light jostled his rattled mind, and everyone gasped as the shuttle rocked hard.

A woman screamed, “It exploded!”

David couldn’t see. This shuttle didn’t have passenger windows, just the front. What had just exploded?

Ten Minutes before:

“I want information now! Where is it targeting? What missiles will it be firing? Get the heroes into space!” Nova spoke to various people and robots around him at the top of his voice.

EB said, “Come on, this is big. Get those big wings out and go slicey slicey that ship with your super sword!”

Nova scoffed, “I can’t. Not anymore.”


“Not the time to discuss this!” Nova looked over at a screen. Five heroes flew into space, led by Strange Quark. “Communications open a channel to Quark.”

“It is open.”

“Quark, we don’t know when it will fire, but the weapon readings are growing off the charts. Can you do anything?”

“Don’t worry, I got this.”

EB said, “Quark, bud, that won’t...”

“Not now!” Nova barked.


“NOT NOW! Quark, do it!”

Quark stopped in space, watching this rusted hulk slowly moving toward Earth. The other heroes around him waited for his next action.

“Okay, one ship, zapped to the surface of the sun, coming up!” He waved his hands and snapped both fingers.

A bubble of energy formed around the ship and buzzed, but then nothing happened. He tried this again, with more flourish in his actions. Nothing but the same buzz.

“Aw, duck feathers! It has quantum shields!” He slapped his comm. “Nova, that thing has super advanced shields.”

EB said, “I was try’n to tell ya. Legion has had Quantum shields for like a billion years. You can’t just zap it away.”

Nova asked, “Anything else we need to know?”

EB said, “I don’t know much more, well, cept that the defense systems aren’t weapons based. But, I can’t remember what they used to defend the ship. “

“Can we penetrate the shields?”

“Maybe. Those things are tough eggs to crack. But, you might...”

“Warning, critical decent!” Robot 12323 announced. “Vessel’s orbit is failing. Impact imminent.”

EB hopped up, “Aw, carrot sticks! That’s it! These ships are suicidal. They don’t launch anything, they charge up and them ram the planet.”

Nova yelled into his comm, “Quark! Tell the heroes out there to blow that thing up!” He then yelled into the comm of the station, “Arx, plan B. Move!”

Arx stood at the edge of a smaller docking bay with a unit of his ATLAS heroes. He wore a rocket-geared space suit, as did all the other non-space-abled heroes.

“This is an ATLAS situation. The call to heroes from the surface has gone out, but they probably won’t make it in time. It is up to us. We can’t let that ship hit the planet! Go, Go, Go!” He jumped through the force-field as his rockets buzzed on. They propelled Arx toward the falling ancient vessel. Behind him flew two dozen members of ATLAS.

Approaching the rusted ship, they could see the heroes already there, blasting away. Beams of energy and even two heroes were punching it. Their attacks hit an energy barrier that flickered with the iridescent rainbow hues like the surface of oil. However, nothing was touching the hull of the ship.

“Pop that bubble!” Arx yelled and then dove straight at it with both fists out. He rammed it, but merely bounced off.

A pair of twins rushed up. One used her powers to create large balls of energy that turned solid. Her sister met the object with a hard kick that sent it zooming toward the ship. When it hit, it would bounce off the shields and then evaporate. Others sent eye beams or blasts of energy from their hands.

Arx heard a loud beeping in his suit, and he checked a monitor on his wrist. Punching the call-button he contacted Nova. “Sir, we have a serious problem… actually several.”

“What is it?”

“We aren’t doing much damage to the shields of this thing. Also, the radiation levels are dangerously high. This thing is going to kill us before we can finish this.”

“I’m sorry, Arx, but you will have to put your team at the risk of death. If that ship crashes into the surface of the planet, a lot of people are going to die.”

Arx’s warning system got even louder. “Damn! It just reached the atmosphere. It will fall in less than a minute and the sub-nuclear systems are about to go critical. If that thing blows, even in the air above the surface, it will spread radiation across the planet. Billions will die.”

“Options?” Nova asked.

“I don’t… wait… what the hell is that?”

Nova heard this statement and then Arx’s voice garbled and the line cut off. All the visuals of the situation went fuzzy.

“Get him back!”

10915 Replied, “Radiation levels near Arx are blocking communications and sensors.”

“Damn!” Nova paced, “Visuals!”

“Visual sensors are being blocked by high radiation.”

“Doesn’t this station have any old cameras?” Justin asked.

“No. Only sensor based. We’re blind and deaf. I need something!”

EB hopped up. “I can go out and look. Be right back!” He vanished away.

“Idiot!” Nova scoffed. “He can’t zap back in. I need…”

The station shook hard, and the power across the entire facility flickered and died in places. Justin caught the wall he was next to while Nova hit the floor.

“Report!” Nova bellowed from the floor.

10915 answered, “Large explosion registered.”

“Oh, god. No.”

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

The ancient Legion battle cruiser tilted toward the planet. Parts of the ancient Legion battle cruiser burst into fires as the radiation inside it slowly destroyed what was left of the ship. Arx watched in horror as it headed for the upper atmosphere. His people were still blasting it with everything they had, but it was not enough. The shields of the ship were simply too strong.

“Arx… I don’t feel good.” A woman stopped firing beams from her hands and drifted into space.

Another person’s voice came through his comm. “Arx, the radiation is going to kill us before we can do enough.”

“We can’t do enough. But we have to try. Form up and… wait, what was that?” Something buzzed past him. Then another and another. Hundreds of objects zoomed toward the ship.

“Sir, those are satellites,” a man said.

Arx watched these satellites link using their solar panel wings. They made contact with the shields on one side of the ship. All together, they burned their rocket thrusters as hot as possible and the ship slowly moved back away from the planet.

“Arx, those things are pushing it away from the planet!” One of his people reported.

“Are they BADGE?”

“No, those are telecom satellites… I think they are from Ren Tech.”

Arx said, “Help them!”

Quark appeared next to him. “Don’t bother. They have already pushed it outside of the danger zone. That ship’s gonna blow before they run out of fuel. Move your people away.”

Arx held up his comm to send out the signal when he noticed large chunks of the ship falling away. “It’s coming apart!”

“If it’s not one thing, it’s another.” Quark said, “But we can deal with the debris.”

“On it,” Arx pressed his comm, “Everyone, move away from the ship, but take out that falling debris.”

The heroes and ATLAS people flew at a distance around the ship, blasting and destroying the larger bits of debris that fell away. Once the remnants were small enough, they would burn up in the atmosphere.

“Warning, detonation imminent. Warning, detonation imminent.” Arx’s suit alerted him.

“Move!” He yelled, forgetting to hit the comm.

Quark clapped his hands and zapped all the people away from their furious attack on the debris, causing them to gather near Arx. Before either could say or do anything, they saw the flash point of the detonation of ten of the most powerful bombs in the known universe. However, they felt nothing.

Arx opened his eyes and was in almost complete darkness. He could only see the little lights on his suit and the suits of people around him, along with the odd bluish glow from Quark. EB floated by with a smile on his face. He pointed up, and the darkness cracked and shattered away. It was a giant eggshell.

Nova and Krystal Fae watched the monitors on the station while drones flew around the cloud of debris from the ancient ship. Shuttles carrying the people from the station returned to the docking bays, and the evacuees disembarked.

Arx left the lift with Chase and EB. He approached and informed, “Dr. Henderson says my people have experienced some minor radiation poisoning, but it can be easily dealt with. The ATLAS sensors on the planet show that only a handful of larger objects made it through and fell to the ground. I have people already going to investigate and offer aid.”

“Good work. ATLAS is proving its worth every day.”

“Thank you. I would like to take credit for the success of this, but we really didn’t make this happen. Those satellites saved the day.”

“I know, and I’m going to find out why.”

Krystal said, “Still suspicious?”

“Not entirely. I believe people can do good deeds. But I also know that big corporations are often working an angle for their benefit first.”

Krystal said, “Always the cynic.”

Chase asked Krystal, “Why are you still up here?”

“Just getting some details for the news report. Being able to be this close to these stories is why I am one of the top reporters in the industry.”

Nova asked Chase, “How are the recruits faring?”

Chase said, “Rattled nerves are all that they suffer from. We don’t normally have a global catastrophe when we assess potential new heroes.”

“A healthy dose of reality is a good thing. Though I’d rather not put the Earth at such a risk.”

10915 announced, “Incoming transmission from Dr. Adam Chorad.”

“Chorad?” Krystal looked at Nova. “When did he get our number?”

“I asked him to contact us. I have questions.”

“Oh, I see. I hope you don’t mind me taking some notes.” Krystal stepped back.

“Just be honest.”


The screen flicked on and they were now looking at the pristine interior of Dr. Chorad’s office at Ren Tech. He had a brilliant smile as he sat behind his desk. “I’m so glad to hear from you, and that you and the BADGE station are okay. Any heroes hurt in the incident?”

“Thank you for your time and concerns. No, the heroes are fine.”

“Good to hear.”

Nova spent a moment gathering himself before he said, “Before I say anything else, I want to say thank you, as do all the members of BADGE and ATLAS. Your system saved us and Earth.”

“So glad we could help.”

“Now, I have to know… how did you know?”

Dr. Chorad said, “There was a global alert. Of course, we all knew.”

“The alert was a general alert, not specific. The was no time for details to reach you. You had enough information to know exactly how to help.”

Chase whispered, “Don’t sound so accusatory. He saved our lives.”

Dr. Chorad laughed and answered, “Don’t worry, I expected Director Nova to be suspicious. After meeting him, I got confirmation of what most people know. Nova has a critical mind, which protects him and us, and provides him with the tools to help defend this world.”

“Thank you for the flattery. Now, please answer my question.”

“No, we did not learn the details of this from any regular news source. However, Ren Tech has over eight hundred satellites in orbit. We have the largest network of telecommunication satellites in the industry. We have been using them to monitor threats. When BADGE sends out a general alert to the population, we comb our own systems to see what we can learn.”

“To what end?” Nova asked.

“I see that critical mind is also filled with rocks,” Dr. Chorad said, losing his cheerful attitude and looking far more serious. “You may not know this, but BADGE alerts send people into a panic. You spread fear with every warning. We all know it is for our own good, like a tornado warning. But it still scares us. The unknown is the most frightening thing. Even a tornado warning tells you what the danger is. Ren Tech has some capacity to help. In fact, in recent times, we have used our tech to enhance the networks in at-risk areas so your teams and the local authorities can keep communicating. You’re welcome. In this situation, we saw that something big and ugly was about to fall out of the sky. My teams also told me that our own radiation sensors were off the charts. We were moments away from a global threat of radiation poisoning… regardless of a giant ship crashing into the ground. I made a decision to sacrifice half of our network of satellites to help you and save Earth. BADGE doesn’t own the right to be heroes, Nova.”

Krystal Fae clapped. Nova turned and glared at her. She said, “He’s right, you know. If BADGE would allow the media to actually inform people about the danger, it might lessen the fear.”

“Not now.” Nova stated, and then turned back to Dr. Chorad. With a lot of strength, and no small amount of humility, Nova finally uttered, “Then, I apologize.” He continued, “I have operated certain ways for centuries and I suppose times and people have changed. I will consider a more open flow of information in the future. Now, is there any way BADGE can help you repair the network you decimated for this act of heroism?”

The cheerful smile returned as Dr. Chorad said, “We were already planning on moving most of the satellite’s functions to the new spheres. This will push that project up quickly, but we can manage. Only the GPS system will remain in orbit, and it should work fine with the smaller network.”

“Good to hear.”

Dr. Chorad said, “Now, I have a lot of on my schedule as I am sure you do as well. Don’t be a stranger. If Ren Tech can be of any assistance in the future, we would be glad to help.”

“I will keep that in mind. Director Nova out.” The comm channel ended.

Krystal said, “Saying goodbye is customary when talking to regular people.”

“You should have all you need for your story.” This was Nova’s way of telling her to leave.

Krystal snapped her fingers and vanished.

EB said, “That guy is really nice. Like, super nice, and his tech is soooo cool. I just downloaded this game that…”

“Not now.” Nova walked toward his office.

Chase said, “What’s bothering him?”

EB casually said, “Nova’s always had a keen eye and great judgement for sniffing out the big bad guys. A handsome, smiling face is not enough mask to protect them from Nova’s famous scrutiny. He was ready to not trust this Dr. Chorad, but is finding… for once… his skeptical mind might be wrong. Having to apologize to someone he suspects is probably really, really sticking in his craw. But this wouldn’t be the first time. There was this one time, back when we were traveling with Captain Cook that… “ EB continued telling his stories while Chase led him back out of the room.

A cargo truck rumbled down a long, flat road in the middle of the night. The driver, wearing a BADGE maintenance uniform, worked hard not to fall asleep.

“Breaker, breaker, this is Big Weasel. Come in.” His comm unit activated.

He grabbed it and said, “This isn’t a CB radio. Stop calling yourself that.”

“Hey, we have the most boring BADGE assignment on the planet. Run supplies to Purg Pen every day from Perth. I gotta find my fun somewhere.”

“Okay, Big Weasel, why did you contact me? I just left Purgatory Pen. I got another hour before I make the city limits.”

“Oh, there was a sighting of some of the space debris falling near you. I was hoping you saw it. Might make the drive a little more interesting.”

“I... wait, I do see something. There is a fire burning and a big plume of smoke in the distance. That’s gotta be it. Nothing else out here to burn.”

“Nice. I...a....ch....a...” The signal rattled and faded.

“Big Weasel, you’re breaking up.” Nothing. “Hey, Bob! What’s the matter with this... WHAT THE HELL!”

He ran the truck right into a giant robot. It turned and powerful laser beams from its eyes were the last thing he ever saw.

Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

Nova walked out in front of the screen of the theater on the station. Several dozen people, who had been assessed over the past few weeks, sat in front of him. David was in the front row.

“Hello, again. I’m glad to say that the assessment phase is now completed. Each of you has decided on your future plans and I wish you the best. I wanted to personally apologize for the extreme conditions recently. However, you all got a full education of what it is like to be a hero, a BADGE agent, and a member of ATLAS. I couldn’t have planned a better demonstration of all those facets. However, I would never have put you in that kind of danger on purpose. I thank you for your calmness and ability to follow directions clearly. Now, those of you who have joined ATLAS, you will follow Arx to the ATLAS area where he will begin you orientation and hand out your class assignments. Those who have joined BADGE as a hero recruit, Agent Justin will lead you to a classroom for your orientation. All others who have decided not to accept our offer will be taken by Dr. Henderson to the laboratory section of the station. She will guide you in understanding how to control your powers while you live a normal life on earth. Again, thank you.”

David clapped along with the others and then watched the room break up into sections. The number of people who joined ATLAS surprised him. Before he could find his group, Red Fury walked up to him.

“I understand you made your choice?”

“I did, sir.”

Red Fury rubbed the back of his neck with one of his four arms. “Sorry to hear you’re leaving. You have real hero potential.”

“Why would you say that?”

“I saw how you instinctively helped the old lady during the crisis.”

“I just made sure she got to the bay. That wasn’t superhero stuff. I hardly used my new powers. I could have carried her before I got super strong.”

“Look, being a hero isn’t about having powers, it’s about doing what is right instead of what is easy. You saw a person at risk and you instantly did the right thing.”

“I guess. But, after that crisis, I realized I was not ready for this life.”

“No one is. Training, practice, and experience make us all seem ready for anything. But even I get a knot in my stomach when there’s a class ten distress signal.”


“Sure, I ain’t made of ice. I know how to feel fear.” Fury put two hands on David’s shoulders, “Just know, suppressing your powers isn’t permanent. If you decide to give this a try, BADGE will take your call. I know you can be an asset to us and the world.”

“I... I will think about that. Thanks.”

“Good luck.”

Nova walked over at that moment, “Son, you need to...“ His comm activated and EB yelled through it.


“Sorry,” Nova said and walked away. “What is it?”

David looked back, unsure what to think of Director Nova looking uncertain. A kind woman approached, “Ah, David, good. Come with me.” He knew her. She gave him a complete physical when he arrived as part of his assessment.

Nova stepped into the Operations room with Gar and Justin standing in command while EB hopped up and down near Nova.

“I told you this would happen. We should’a blown that ship up the moment we saw it. Then again, it probably wouldn’t have blown up too easy. Whatever. You see! You see! A Legion Deathbot!”

Looking at the main monitors, Nova saw an ancient robot standing outside of Purgatory Penitentiary.

“I haven’t seen one of those in centuries.” Nova whispered.

Justin asked, “What is it?”


Nova said, “EB is right. That is a robot from Legion. At least, back when Legion sent those things in to pre-test a world. They stopped that practice eons ago. It looks damaged.”

Justin said, “Our sensors show it has suffered damage from the crash. And it appears to be... rusted. I didn’t think Legion tech could rust, but this one is in terrible shape.”

“My guess is that this robot is at least a thousand years old. It can’t be in good condition. What is it doing?”

Gar said, “Talking to the prison.”


Justin clicked a button and a monitoring station outside the prison let them hear the deep, metallic sounding voice saying, “I represent Legion. There are powerful people within the walls of this stronghold. Send them to be challenged or pay the price. I represent Legion. There are powerful...” Justin cut it off.

“It has been repeating that for five hours.”

“Why weren’t we notified five hours ago?” Nova asked.

“Interference from the wrecked piece of the ship near the prison. As it cooled down, their signals got through. But, so far, it has done no damage.”

“It will,” Nova said. “Tell Purgatory to enable the diffusion shields.”

Justin sent out the message.

Gar asked, “What are the diffusion shields?”

“They block sensors from reading inside the prison. We normally don’t need to use them, only when someone is searching for a secret prisoner. Its purpose is to seek the strongest people and attack them. It is reading the villains inside purgatory pen. If we block that, then it might stop sensing them and head back for its ship.”

EB happily added, “Which is in a billion atoms right now, so it will be lost and confused. Easy target!”

“My thoughts exactly.”

Justin said, “Purgatory Pen has responded. They have activated diffusion shields.”

Everyone watched the screen as the robot continued challenging the prison. The energy barrier around the prison changed to a bluish color. The robot stopped moving for a moment, its eyes changed to green, and it turned and walked away.

“Got you.” Nova whispered.

“WOOT!” EB hopped around the room. “That deathbot’s brain is now scrambled eggs.”

Justin asked, “What do we do now?”

“Now, its systems will search for the ship’s communication signal, which doesn’t exist. Until it contacts the ship, it will continue to search. Send some heroes down to assess it and take it out if possible.”

EB asked, "Won't it detect heroes if we send them down? I want it blown up, but those deathbots were really, really nasty pieces of work."

Nova answered, "Now that we have confused its initial search for an opponent, the computer should be searching for a new signal to give it another command. Since there are no Legion signals on Earth, it won't get the command. So, it won't be searching for opponents any longer."

“Don’t you want to alert Perth?” Gar asked.

Nova said, “No. This is no longer a viable threat. We scared the world with a class ten warning. I don’t want to rattle frayed nerves this soon. Just tell our team to be discreet and find a way to either destroy or at least deactivate that robot.”

“On it.” Justin pressed his comm and started handing out orders.

Nova said, “I’m ready to turn in for the night.”

“Me too.” EB hopped along with him. “I could use a good, stiff drink after these past few days. I’m think’n a double thick hot chocolate with loads of marshmallows. You?”

“A bed and a good book.” Nova walked into the lift with EB.

David sat in the passenger seat of a BADGE shuttle as it zoomed toward the planet. He leaned over slightly to get a better view out the front window. This was likely his last chance to be in space, and he wanted to enjoy the experience. Around him sat four other heroes.

“So, you heading back home?” A woman asked.

“Yeah. But I’m still thinking about joining.” He was hesitant to admit this.

She gave him a friendly smack in the shoulder. “Don’t feel blue about struggling. It’s a big choice. We all gave it loads of thought.”

“Sure. But I’m one of only three that gave up on the chances. And the other two are both over eighty.”

“We all lead our own lives how we want.”

He wanted to change the subject. “Why are you heading down? Joining a league?”

She said, “No. Brevis, Kal, Jolt, and I are working with Captain Aqua. He’s our instructor. We have a field assignment to deal with some broken robot. Nothing special. We get a trip to Australia out of it, so that’s nice.”

A man in a blue spandex suit with a flowing cape stood in the aisle. “Okay, people. This shouldn’t be a big job. But, this robot is old Legion Tech, so it won’t be a walk in the park either. Reports are that its systems are confused, and it is meandering. If all goes well, we can knock it down and shut it off before dinner. Questions?”

David said, “Are we going to stop by Detroit before we get to Australia?”

“Oh, sorry. No, we’re going to be dropped off first. Then, the pilot will take you home. Sorry about the big detour. We only had a few shuttles that didn’t need repair after the explosion in space damaged their systems.”

“No problem.” David sat back, wondering when he would get home.

“Sir, we have an issue.” The pilot announced.


“The robot appears to be heading into Perth.”

“What? Has BADGE seen this?”

The pilot punched in a command and got nothing but a strange buzzing sound. “I can’t get BADGE.”

Jolt looked at a device on his suit and said, “No, this isn’t good. There is a powerful jamming signal coming up from the planet.”

Captain Aqua said, “Legion always enjoyed killing communications.”

“Should we return to the station?” The pilot asked.

“No, this could be a real danger. Sorry, people, this looks like it’s going to be a bigger fight than I thought. Get us to that robot and then get back to the station.”


Chapter 13

Chapter 13:

David watched the other heroes ready themselves for a fight as the shuttle swiftly sped toward Perth, Australia. His heart raced, and he wasn’t even joining them.

As the hero walked by, David stopped Captain Aqua and asked, “Will you send me back to the station? I…” The shuttled rocked hard with systems flashing and sparking.

“We’re under fire!” The pilot yelled over the buzzing systems.

Smoke filled the cabin from an electrical fire as the shuttle’s systems tried to fight it.

One of the other heroes jumped into the co-pilot’s seat and held onto the secondary controls. “Why is it looking for us? I thought it wasn’t even supposed to be hunting heroes?”

The pilot sprayed fire extinguisher on part of his panel. “I don’t know. It even saw through our cloak.”

“I don’t know. INCOMING!” The hero drove the shuttle to the right and then the left as bright red beams shot from the surface at them.

David held back a scream when one beam cut right through the floor, pierced the ceiling, and almost cut his foot off. A siren buzzed as the shuttle spun out of control.

“Warning, warning, navigation systems off-line. Warning...” The computer announced.

David held his seat and felt the safety belt pressing into him, keeping him from being slammed against every part of the interior. When the shuttle was hit again and part of the aft section exploded, a girl jumped out of her seat and rolled across the floor. Once she was on the floor, she slapped both hands against the surface and a white hazy energy burst out from her and the shuttle slowed down. She gripped the floor with her hands, straining every muscle.

“This isn’t gonna be a soft landing!” She said just as they hit a road in Perth, skidding down through town. Sliding to the side, the shuttle finally came to a stop, and the girl let go of the floor.

“Good work, Sue. That was quick thinking.” Captain Aqua said and then asked, “Is everyone okay?”

The trainee heroes and pilot were fine. David controlled his urge to vomit and then gave a thumbs up.

The pilot ripped off his safety belt and said, “Get out. The power systems are about to blow.”

“Move, people!” Captain Aqua yelled.

David saw two people yanking on the door, but it was damaged and couldn’t be opened. “Here, let me!” He balled his fists together and swung. With a hard slam, the door flew off the side of the shuttle and hit a nearby building.

Everyone ran from the shuttle, heading down a long, empty street in the middle of the night. Captain Aqua quickly used his own powers to summon a thick orb of water to surround the shuttle. It exploded, but the water cushioned the eruption and protected them and the nearby structures.

“Well, there goes our ride home,” One trainee muttered.

The pilot clicked his comm. “Damn, I can’t get BADGE.”

“I can’t get anyone. This dampening field is blocking all comms, even local.” Captain Aqua stated.

A police care raced up to them, sirens going strong. The moment it stopped, a man jumped out with a gun. “Stand down!”

“What? No, we are with BADGE.” The Pilot said.

Captain Aqua approached, his hands held up. “Sorry, officer. We did not mean to alarm you.”

“You didn’t alarm us. We have the city on lock-down. There is a dangerous robot coming in and we cannot call out for help.”

“We’re here to stop it. Apparently, it’s sending out a jamming signal. We can’t call BADGE for backup.”

The officer clicked his walkie on his shoulder, which made a fuzzy whine. “We can’t talk to anyone.”

“We need to find this robot and put it down.” Captain Aqua said.

“Last report I heard, it was heading for King’s Park,” the officer said.

“Okay, trainees, spread out in pairs and head in different directions, but focus on getting to King’s Park. Mr. David, you go with the officer...”

“No, I’ll go with a trainee and help. You have an odd number. I’ll make it even.”

Aqua thought for a second, then said, “Fine. We need all the help we can get. Go with Sue. No one engages the robot until we can ambush it together. This may be ancient tech, but it is still Legion tech. If you find it, use a holoflare to notify the rest of us. Now, move.”

David joined the girl who saved the shuttle and ran down a street toward another road. The officer gave each group directions, based on different ways to get to King’s Park. Their GPS systems on their BADGE comms or cell phones were completely useless, while the dampening field was in place.

After going down several roads and through some alleys, they both heard a distinctive stomping sound.

“I think we’re getting close to it,” Sue said.

David paused and closed his eyes. “It’s walking that way, I think.”

“Good.” Sue ran ahead of him and rounded a corner.

The moment she did, both nearly were under the foot of the stomping robot. David grabbed her arm and swung her back around him into the alley.

Sue said, “I think we found it.” Pressing a button on her BADGE comm, she aimed it upward and a small ball of red light shot into the air.

“What is that?”

“Standard issue BADGE comm unit. It has a holoflare built into it. Plasma point light.”


Someone yelled, “GET OUT OF MY CITY!”

David looked around the corner. “Aw, crap. Idiot!”

Sue joined him and saw a young man with a metal baseball bat running at the robot. “DON’T ATTACK IT!” she yelled, but it was too late.

The boy slugged the leg of the giant robot with the bat and then fell over from the repercussion.

The robot stated, “Weaklings will be destroyed.”

“Oh, hell.” David ran around the corner and grabbed a man-hole cover in a swift grab. He flung it with all his might, and discus training in college. The heavy metal cover hit the robot just as it shot a red laser to obliterate the boy. The laser, instead, blasted through a brick wall of a building.

“Challenger, prepare to fight.” The robot slowly turned to attack David.

Sue ran past David with her hand on the side of a car. It was hovering in the air under her unique power. With one throw of her arm, the car flew at the robot and crashed directly into its chest. It staggered backward and nearly fell over. “Run, kid!” she yelled.

The boy scrambled to his feet and rushed away down a dark alley.

“What do we do now?” David asked.

Sue smiled. “It wants a challenge, then let it chase us down. Come on, to King’s Park.” She ran hard.

David ripped a concrete parking pillar out of the ground and lobbed it at the robot, hitting it in the leg and causing it to fall over. It was enough to give them time. He followed Sue as fast as he could, passing the disabled monster and rushing toward the open park at the end of this street.

A red laser beam blasted beside them and the road exploded in an eruption of asphalt.

“Crap, crap, crap! It’s targeting us,” David said and started moving in a less direct run.

Sun ducked as a beam went right over their heads. “Good thing its aim is garbage.”

“Yeah, but it only takes one hit.”

“The park!” Sue yelled as they exited the into the grassy park space.

A red blast of energy went right between them and contacted a tree. The old tree exploded from the inside, sending flaming wood showering down over the area.

David stopped in the grass and looked around. “I got nothing to throw and I’m sure as hell not going to fight that in hand to hand.”

Sue ducked as another laser beam sped toward her. She barely avoided death, but then the ground behind her exploded, thrusting her forward. David could see blood and wounds all over her. Grabbing her up, he ran as hard.

“Where are those other heroes?” He muttered.

Ahead of him was one of those Ren Tech spheres. He hid behind it, Sue in his arms. “This thing will not protect us for long. Where are those trainees?”

Chapter 14

Chapter 14:

David’s heart throbbed as sweat poured down his face. Sue lay on the ground near him, out cold. He wasn’t sure of the extent of her injury. But that mattered little if this robot got to them. It was just a few feet away. Only this strange sphere from Ren Tech stood between them. Yet, something was off. There were no more heavy footsteps, and the blasting beams coming from the robot were gone.

“Okay, I have to check.” He carefully bent down and looked under the sphere. To his shock, he saw the feet of the robot standing on the other side. It was facing them, or really it was facing the sphere. But it was completely still. “What the hell is that thing doing?” Hoping it was out of power and had simply stopped moving, David leaned around the side and see if its glowing eyes were dark.

The moment he stepped to the side, the robot turned its head, and those eyes lit up. Before he could move, or it could fire, a giant wave of water crashed into it and sent the robot sprawling across the park. The moment it stopped rolling in the water, its eyes emitted the beams and sent two red lasers harmlessly into the sky.

Captain Aqua landed near them, having ridden a wave across the ground. “Are you okay?”

“Sue is hurt.”

Jolt ran over to them. “No time for conversation. It’s getting up!” He ran to the side and thrust his hands up. An electro-static barrier formed in the air that met the lasers from the eyes. The shield exploded, but stopped the lasers.

Aqua yelled, “Get her outta here! We’ll take care of this!”

“On it.” David scooped Sue up into his arms and ran.

An enormous wolf ran by with a man riding its back. Kal, a metamorph, carried Brevis, who held out two sabers made of pure energy. “CRY HAVOC! AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR!” Brevis bellowed as he jumped off the giant wolf and flipped over the Robot, slicing at its left arm with his blades. Brevis cut the arm of the robot clean from the shoulder and it crashed to the ground.

Undeterred by the loss of a limb, the robot spun around, swinging its remaining arm. It nailed Brevis before he could reach the ground and he flew across the park and crashed into a pond. The wolf got to the robot, only to be kneed in the chin and then slammed in the head with the left arm.

“TAKE THIS!” Jolt sent out a bolt of electricity that ripped a metal lamp post from the nearby street and flung it at the robot. The pole made contact with the face of the robot and it staggered backward, falling down a hill toward the ocean.

David paused in his retreat, hoping the battle was finally over. Aqua ran to help Brevis while Kal and Jolt waited to see as well. Then the robot’s head appeared as it walked back up the hill. Jolt and Kal were both about to attack when the robot released a bright green beam of energy from its face. It didn’t target any one person. It sprayed the surrounding ground with unrelenting power. Sod, dirt, trees, rocks, and heroes went flying every which way. Fires exploded up from areas and smoke mixed with dust clouded the park.

“Sweet Jesus! That thing is going to destroy everyone,” David whispered.

A weak voice in his arms said, “You have to stop it. The city is in danger.”

David looked down at Sue and said, “But I’m not a hero.”

“You can be, just this once. Please.”

The ominous stomping of that monster roared around him as the park turned to ruin. He was the last hero standing. He gently put Sue down and bolstered himself with a primal scream as he rushed toward his enemy. More bright green beams hit the park in other areas as it went to level every inch of goodness nearby.

Grabbing the lamppost on the ground, David muscled up his morphonic strength and got right up to the robot. “HEY, YOU RUST BUCKET. LET’S PLAY SOME BASEBALL!” He swung and hit it in the side. It staggered and then turned to fight. Before it could respond, he swung again, and again, and again. He slammed it left and right. Crunching through ancient metal and breaking free its armor.

The robot leaned forward and blasted a laser beam at him. He jumped out of the way, but the explosion rolled both him and his improvised weapon across the ground.

“Challengers defeated. Annihilating unworthy opponents.” The robot said as it turned to finish him.

“Not yet!” David grabbed the post and thrust it straight forward with every ounce of effort possible. The post pierced the robot in the chest and sent it crashing backward. On the other side of the post, now free of the robot’s body, was a green glowing energy generator. The robot was now completely off line.

“Challenger defeated!” David yelled at it.

Five BADGE shuttles surrounded the battle zone in King’s Park. Medics helped the injured while investigative teams checked the robots’ remains and the damage done. One group walked around, registering the radiation levels. Torrik and Krystal Fae were already working to restore the park where they could.

Director Nova walked up to David, who sat on a park bench with Dr. Henderson looking him over.

“Captain Aqua tells me you stepped up willingly.”

“I saw a need and did what I could.”

Nova smiled, “Like a genuine hero.”

Dr. Henderson closed her sensor device and said, “I understand the mayor of Perth wants to award you a medal?”

“Yes. But, I turned it down. I don’t want to be on the news and get big awards. I just want to go home.”

“So, you still want to turn down our offer to help train you to be a hero?” Nova said.

“Look, I wish I could be a hero. And I rather enjoyed using my new powers. But, to be honest, I was absolutely terrified.

Nova said, “You have the right to your choice and I won’t stand in your way. But, understand something. Heroes don’t lack fear, they simply choose courage over fear. You chose courage today and saved a lot of lives, including all the heroes around you.”

David said, “I’ll think about what you’ve said. But I still want to head home.”

“You have our number. Contact us if you change your mind. Now, head for shuttle Five. It’ll take you home and set you up with the morphonic suppression system.”

“Got it.” David stood, shook Nova’s hand, and left.

Dr. Henderson said, “That boy has the makings of a great hero.”

“I know. And I wager he’ll figure that out soon enough. Now, onto other matters. What happened here?”

Dr. Henderson walked with him toward the center of the area, which was where the Ren Tech Sphere hovered. “We have reports from David, Aqua, and Jolt. They all saw this robot stomp its way into this park and then simply stop and stare at this sphere.”

“Any idea why?”

“You got me. These spheres still defy our ability to scan them. My sensors all say it is a giant, floating lump of metal. That’s all.”

“I don’t like this. I want these things studied.”

Dr. Henderson said, “The moment we touch them, BADGE will be in court.”

“And we wouldn’t have much of a case since there seems to be nothing wrong with them.”

“We would lose international support and, once again, our PR would be tanking.”

“I hate social politics,” Nova grumbled.

“I know. However, we occasionally require them to maintain our work.”

Nova pointed at the sphere. “Use everything you can within the law. I want information about these things.”

“I’ll try.”

David returned to his apartment in Detroit. Life seemed so much simpler now. Detroit was never a quiet place, but tonight, it feel utterly silent. It wasn’t. In fact, it was normal. But, life has been so chaotic recently, it put this into a whole new perspective.

“Where are you?” His cat had gotten out the moment he returned. She was running around in the park by his house.

Rounding a corner, he stopped when he saw one of those silver spheres hovering. It had appeared while he was away, so this was completely new to him. It intrigued him. The world didn’t know how much these things frustrated BADGE, but he was fully aware.

Walking up to it, he could see his warped reflection on the curved surface. It was so smooth, shiny, and silent. It hovered effortlessly above the ground. He paused as he looked at the small patch stuck to the side of his neck. It was the one item he had to wear that made the morphon suppressor work. He touched it with his finger, looking at it through the reflection.

“I guess this will be a part of my life from now on,” He said.

A beeping noise came from inside the sphere. That turned to a humming.

“Weird.” He leaned in closer. Dr. Henderson had told him that the spheres were oddly silent, giving off nothing to study. “Maybe I should call them and let them know.” He turned to go back to his apartment.

A bright light appeared behind him and his body lurched under some invisible force. His feet left the ground and his body flew backwards. For a moment, he was in nothing but darkness. Piercing pain flooded his body and oozy liquid filled the surrounding space. He screamed, he flailed his arms and legs, but to no avail. Soon, he succumb to the darkness and the world fell away.


Strange Portal
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

Nova walked down from his office to the main floor of Operations. A steaming cup of coffee in one hand and almost a smile on his face. Gar was on duty, watching over the station through the night.

“All quiet,” Gar stated.

Nova took a sip of his coffee and then asked, “Has Agent Justin reported in?”

“He has not. He isn’t due to report for another hour.”

“Good. When he...”

Robot 10915 said, “Communication from Agent Justin, emergency line one.”

“Put him through.” Nova turned back to the screen.

Justin appeared. "Nova, good. We have a situation."

“What is it? Don’t tell me the tear in space is open again?”

“No. I was inspecting the area and found nothing out of the ordinary. Lady Echidna is soundly bound deep. However, using these new spectral sensors, I picked up another tear in space.”


“It’s in the station, or I should say the station is passing through where the tear is showing up. If I am reading this right, it should be on Deck M.”

“The Mess Hall?” Nova frowned.


“Get back here, now. I want that sensor on this station. Meet me on Deck M as soon as you get back.”

“Aye, sir.”

Nova turned to Gar, “You have Operations. I will head down to see what the hell this is.”

The Mess Hall was noisy as usual. BADGE officers, heroes, and a few trainees were having breakfast. A robot tried desperately to manage a few younger children who had super powers. It was so uncommon to see Nova around here that most people stopped to look at him as he passed their tables.

Arx walked up, holding a large cappuccino. “Sir, is something wrong?”

“Yes. Have you noticed anything... unusual today?”

“EB made another pass at Chase and she didn’t threaten to neuter him.”

“This is serious.”

“Sorry. No, nothing to report.”

EB ran in from a hallway and looked around. He seemed to look for something.

“EB?” Nova and Arx walked over to him.

“Oh, hey buddy.”

“Don’t tell me you heard what I said? You were in the training room.” Arx replied.

“I’m sensing something is wrong. There is something happening in here.” He looked around for a moment.

Everyone noticed a blue flashing light from inside the arboretum.

“That has to be it.” Nova left them and hurried toward the entrance.

Arx and EB followed. EB said, “And, I heard you. Hello, bunny ears!” He pointed at his head.

“Oh, sorry.”

They left the metal station for the grassy sprawling park of the arboretum. In the middle of the open grounds, a flickering blue light appeared in the middle of the air.

“What is that?” Arx asked.

EB said, “That feels like a rip in space.”

“Good senses,” Nova examined it from afar. “That’s precisely what it is. And I don’t like it being here.”

“How did it get here?”

“I can explain, at least some of that.” Justin walked up with a bulky scanner in his hands. “The top layer of space has had extreme stress from the gravimetric distortion of the recent tear from Lady Echidna. Subsequent gravitational waves have caused instability in the event horizon of the original rupture. That has led to further instability across the area. Influx of verteron particles have condensed the disturbance into a compressed anomaly, which has created another tear, which is becoming increasingly unstable.”

EB clapped, “Wow, that was pretty good. Nice analysis.”

Arx said, “All I heard were a lot of big science words.”

EB said, “What it all means is that the big hole that Lady Echidna ripped has caused some problems, and they all came together to create this. Which is another hole in space.”

“Oh... wait, how did you know that?”

EB scoffed, “I was traveling in starships and learning about space before Galileo was born. I’m technically a space alien.”

Nova said, “What I want to know is how we close this. I don’t want another gateway for god knows what. We barely survived Lady Echidna.”

Justin said, “I don’t know, sir. The last tear took Midgard to close and he... sacrificed himself to make that possible.”

Nova looked at Arx. “Get your ATLAS teams ready for this. We might have an invasion or something worse. EB, I want this station evacuated and locked down. Justin, have Dr. Henderson and all the other scientists looking at the data and find answers. MOVE!”

A blue hand reached over and held a glass of wine in front of Nova’s face. Strange Quark said, “Cool it, you’re gonna burst a blood vessel. Have some of this. It’s a good year.”

“Quark! Where in the world did you come from?”

“I was minding my own business, being a duck, swimming in a pool filled with whiskey... fantastic stuff at that, then I suddenly felt this disturbance in the space force.”

“Can you provide answers?”

Quark walked up to the disturbance. He peered at it, then paced around it, and finally walked right through it. For a moment, Quark split into five different-colored Quarks...one even had white feathers covering him. They looked at one another and waved, then he stepped back out and his doppelgangers vanished.

“What you have here is a tear in the spectral lens.”

“The what?” Justin asked.

“There are different universes spread across the quantum continuum. We are but one of them. Keeping them apart is a force that is hard to define. Let’s just say it keeps us from seeing each other. However, the rip in space and all the mess out there has created a fracture in that barrier. Now, we have a glimpse into the multiverse. It really isn’t that dangerous, though if it keeps expanding it will wipe out all existence on Earth.”

EB said, “Not dangerous, but it could kill everyone! That makes little sense.”

“Okay, so here’s the deal. If we contain it, give it a frame so it will have a boundary. It will stop expanding and settle.”

“Can we make it go away?” Nova asked.

“Nope. This is one tear that will stay. It might fade and disappear for a while, but it will show back up.”

Justin asked, “How do we contain it?”

“Create a gateway to put it in, one that is lined with anti-matter. Anti-Matter cannot cross into other universes, and other universes cannot cross it. So, it will contain it permanently.”

“Can we do that?” Nova asked.

Justin nodded. “I think so. But we’ll have to work fast. This thing is expanding as we stand here.”

“Then move!”

Several hours later, a team of robots walked into the Arboretum with a large archway. They set it up near the larger tear and slowly moved toward it.

“Nice and easy, boys. That’s our only gateway.” Quark said.

Nova, Arx, EB, Chase, and Gar watched from a distance.

“Are your teeth chattering? Mine are.” EB asked.

“Don’t fret. This will work,” Gar said.

“We hope so,” Chase added.

EB said, “If this is the last of our time, and all this universe is about to be eaten by that portal, I just want to ask for one thing.”

“No.” Chase said.

“Just one kiss?”


Bright flashes of blue light flickered for a moment. Everyone put their hand up to their eyes and even Nova looked a little worried. However, the light stopped and turned to a gentle glow as the tear filled this archway and became stable.

“There you go.” Quark said.

Nova walked in, a little caution to his gait. “Are you sure this is good?”

Quark knocked on the side. “It’s firmly in place. You can even move this arch and take the tear with you.”

“Good, I don’t want this in the middle of the arboretum.”

“Can we go through that and check out other universes?” Arx asked.

Quark said, “Yes,... and no. If you step into another universe, you will step into another version of yourself. You will know who you are, but you won’t be the same. Once you return here, you will assume you original form. Does that make sense?”

Chase said, “Hardly anything with you makes much sense.”

“That’s the best compliment I’ve received in ages.”

Nova said, “Okay, Justin, find a suitable place for this and keep it under constant monitoring. We will consider the best use of it. Until then, the arboretum is off-limits.”

“Got it.”

Everyone walked out to get back to their normal duties, and Justin explored sections of the station, searching for the right location.

Hours later, as the station orbited the dark side of Earth, the Arboretum basked in the bluish glow of the portal. There was a flickering, and a hand came through and gripped the side, pulling the person into this universe with a great thrust. Mostly made of energy, the being sniffed the air and then said, “So, I am dead here. Good. I can be anyone I want.” The glowing person melted away, the energy passing through the decks and flying toward the Earth.

Ragnarok's Prophecy
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

 Nova stood outside the entrance to the Temple of Lady Echidna. They were currently in tall mountains where even he was uncertain of their actual location. In the far distance, the sun rose in the sky.

Wispy shadow circled around him as Lady Echidna stepped close, her elegant dress giving off tendrils of darkness. “Such a glorious sunrise,” she mused.

Nova asked, “Is it just me, or is the light from the sun. . . diminished?”

She laughed in her throat and brushed her gloved hand against his face. “The time is almost upon us. The light will fail and darkness will reign. My shadow will march across the face of this Earth.”

“BADGE won’t take it laying down.”

“Of course they won’t. But, we gave a little time of peace, and they will be anxious and grow unsure of themselves. However, that time is almost up. Come, there is much to discuss. I have questions for you.”


The rolling hills and deep valleys of Norway basked in the glorious blue skies with fluffy white clouds casting shadows across the well-tilled ground. Farmers drove their equipment out of the field, parking in the ruins of what was once a sturdy barn.

Torrik walked with Gar along the side of the field, looking at the recent work. Gar asked, “Are you sure this will work?”

Torrik waved his hand at Gar in a dismissive act. “This is child’s play. Kids in my world, at least nature mages like me, learn this kind of magic early on.”

A farmer in well-worn clothing approached with a nicely dressed woman. The woman, with a small name-tag on her jacket, greeted them. “Glad you could make it. Are you the superhero BADGE sent for this operation?”

Torrik took her hand and held it for a second and then let go. He 

still hadn’t fully grasped the shaking of hands as per human custom. “I’m not a superhero. I’m a Satyr. But, yes, BADGE sent me to help.”

“We’re so glad to have your service. The recent conflict in the ocean with Midgard has left much of our farmlands in ruins. Our crops are utterly gone.”

“Yes. That is what I heard. Now, I warn you, magically grown crops are quick and productive, but they don’t have the finer taste of naturally grown produce.”

She asked, “Will it still be nutritious?”

“Yes. It will have the same nutrition.”

She now translated this to the farmer, who did not speak English. He shrugged and then nodded. She smiled at Torrik again. “Please, go ahead.”

Torrik left the group and cracked his knuckles as he surveyed the farmland. “Okay. So, let’s see. This is a root crop. Right. And, no need for pollination, so that should be fine. All right, let’s get this done.” He stamped his hooves, spread out his arms, and then thrust both hands forward. A wave of green energy spread out from him and covered the field. Sprouts of vegetation sprung up and then grew quickly, putting on leaves and even flowers. The rows of raw dirt soon thrived in thick plants that continued to grow. Finally, he clapped his hands together and the exponential growth came to a stop.

Torrik walked over the plants, avoiding stepping on them as he went between the rows. All three observers on the side of the field were in awe of what he had just done.

“There you go. These... what did you call them?”

Gar said, “Potatoes.”

“Ah, yes. The potatoes should be ready to harvest. Good luck.”

The farmer asked the woman something. She asked, “Is it safe?”

“Sure. The magic is done. This is just a normal field of plants now.”

She relayed this to the farmer, and then he became giddy and said something to Torrik. She translated, “He would like to invite you to have dinner with his family, to show his thanks.”

Torrik said, "I can understand him, I can understand all languages." He spoke directly to the farmer, “Thank you, kind sir. But I have several more farms to help today. Just be kind to nature and keep up the good work.”

The farmer bowed his head in thanks as Torrik and Gar left.

While on the way back to the shuttle, Gar asked, “Did they have to plant those potatoes, or could you simply create them with magic?”

“Oh, they have to plant them. I just made them grow faster.”

“But you’ve made plants before out of nothing. You covered half the station with vines when you first arrived.”

Torrik chortled at that. “Yeah, I did. But, those were made of magic. That disappears quickly. Any fruit from a magic plant has no nutrition and will never fill. And magically enhanced growth like I just did doesn’t make the best produce. Real, good, basic growth is the best. But we have a job to help clean up the mess from the battle with Midgard, and feeding the hungry is part of that mission.”

They left the farmlands and flew in the shuttle back to a temporary base camp in the middle of an empty field. BADGE agents and heroes buzzed around it like a beehive. They were not too far away from the area where the battle with Midgard took place. Large helicopters and several flying heroes lifted destroyed parts of the former dock out of the water. Another set of heroes lifted several sunk barges out of the ocean.

Chase carried a tablet in one hand and held her earpiece with the other as she talked. “Yes, I want five more trucks for the South Field operation. No, just the trucks. There is a lot of debris to get to the recycling system. Thanks. Oh, and give Red Fury the news that he can now join the demolition team on the North Sector. They need his four arms to smash through a partially destroyed roadway.” She tapped her earpiece, and the call ended.

Gar approached. “We grew the potatoes!”

Chase checked something on a tablet in her hands and then looked up at Gar. “Good. The prime minister has been asking about food production. Do you have the other farms up and running?” She addressed this question to Torrik.

He shook his head. “We were just heading there now. Remind them I can help with plant growth, but when it comes to animals, I’m not able to do anything to help them grow.”

She checked her tablet again. “It’s a cattle farm, but don’t worry. They just want the grasslands replenished. A massive fire took out most of the grazing lands during the conflict.”

“I can grow grass.”

“Thank you. You aren’t officially part of BADGE, and yet you are doing so much to help.”

“I’m a highly trained warrior and special operative from my world. I spend days and nights hunting criminals and dealing with dark magic problems. However, I trained in nature magic. I rarely get to apply it like this. It’s nice. Besides, a lot of people got hurt.”

Gar said, “I wish I could do more than just be the escort for Torrik.”

“You get your wish. Justin just contacted me and said he needs you back at the station. His team is ready for the dive and he’ll be joining them planet-side. You’ll be in charge of station operations.”

Torrik asked, “Is this the dive that’s going to be going down to the bottom of the ocean?”

Chase signed off on a document and handed it over to an agent. “Yes. In fact, it’ll be the deepest part of the ocean on Earth. The Mariana Trench.”

“Why don’t you go?” Torrik asked Gar. “You’re indestructible. I can sense the magic holding you together. You’re amazingly tough.”

Gar frowned and shook his head. “I will not go in the ocean, ever.”

Chase spoke before Torrik asked ‘the’ question. “He had an extremely bad experience in the ocean. Gar experienced being buried at sea for centuries. Since then, he avoids the water at all costs.”

“Oh, sorry about that.”

Gar said, “It is okay.”

Torrik asked Chase, “Any progress made in finding Lady Echidna’s new location?”

“No. And it has been three months since the battle with Midgard. She’s too quiet.”

“I know she hasn’t made her move on the Great Divide yet. Heroes and defenders are there all the time.”

Chase said, “This Lady Echidna is patient and calculated, which makes her nearly impossible to predict and terribly clever when she does move. I don’t like it.” She quickly tapped her ear piece. “Good. Torrik, your shuttle is ready. Gar take the main shuttle to the station. It is leaving in five minutes.”

They dispersed to their various locations as the clean-up work continued.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

 Nova stood in the middle of Lady Echidna’s ancient courtroom. Deep carvings covered the stone walls, while a powerful beam of light shone down over Nova, casting sharp shadows. Three points of light broke through that darkness, each planted in the eye socket of a carved beast of myth. A hydra, the Charybdis, and Fenrir. Infamous creatures that spun elaborate nightmares since the earliest recorded fables.

“Why am I standing here?” Nova asked aloud, his voice breaking through the dense quiet of the room.

Lady Echidna graced her throne with the elegance of an empress and the presence of a vampire. She turned her eyes upon him for a moment and then slowly stood up. She walked away from him to a figure seated on the floor, trembling. They were naked, green, and covered in oily scales. Even with their back to him, a pathetic essence exuded. Her hand touching his back made him tremble and even whimper.

“Centuries ago, when I called you my lover, you saw me create the four beasts of my apocalypse.” She spoke to Nova, not the pitiful creature under her hand. I crafted three of them from pure magic and nightmares. I created the visions of humans, stories they themselves crafted out of their own imagination, their fears. World ending monsters of unmitigated power. I wanted to use their nightmares to control them, to dominate them, and to ultimately use them for my purposes. Yet, it was this one, who was not my original creation, that came to me as a power that I could control.” She walked by the green scaled monster and it recoiled.

Nova said, “He found you, challenged you. You were a chance to prove his strength.”

“Yes.” She smiled. “He had the audacity to think I was weaker. But, I proved my skill was not only in sheer strength, but in manipulation, control. I dominated him. Turned him into something new, something I could use. My masterpiece. Through him I would not only weave the end of this world, but the end of Merlin’s creation on the other side of the Great Divide.”

Nova said, “Why are you telling me this? I know this. I was there.”

She came closer to him. “Midgardsormr was my finest weapon ever created. Yet, in the moment of my triumph then, he turned on me. He broke free and joined with you, a treasonous ex-lover, to exile me into the void.”

“That was before. I am devoted to you, and he is devoted to you now that you have filled his mind with your darkness.”

She became quiet again and walked around Nova in that light. Returning to Midgard, she put her hand on him, which made him twitch slightly. “You broke him, stole some of his power so that he would weaken. And, by doing so, my work over him was also weakened. He was freed of my control. Now, though he has returned, he remains weakened. He should have destroyed those heroes and ended BADGE once and for all. Yet, he lost the battle.”

“I had nothing to do with that battle.”

She pointed a gloved hand at him, and Nova grabbed his throat. “You never told me how you restrained his power back then. How you could stop him. Now, he holds back, uses less of what he is. How? Why? Tell me!”

Nova gasped in a breath when she let go. “I do not know. The shadow you placed back in his mind should have reformed him back into what he was before. I can't remember the details of how I did it, but I know I locked it away, and only your darkness could unlock it. You touched his mind again. He should be all yours.”

She looked at him for a long moment and then walked back to her throne. Sitting down, she finally said, “I do not know how much I can trust you.”

“Fenrir, Charybdis, and Hydra, I have brought them all back to you. How much more do I need to do to prove my worth, my faith in you?”

She said, “I want you to do something for me, something that Nova, the honorable leader of BADGE, would never do.”

“Name it.”

Biting her lower lip, she chuckled at him. “I love that tone, that capitulation. The time has come. I have the four powers to harvest, to bring about my greatest form. With it, I will return to Yohan and establish a new empire of dark magic that will spread far beyond that world, covering this and all the other worlds across this universe. But there is something you need to clear away. Go destroy the city of the superhero rejects near the portal in the South Pole.”

“New Meta City?”

“Yes, my love. Do not let them escape. Slaughter every man, woman and child. With the snowlands of the south drenched in the blood of the innocents, at your hand no less, you will have earned my trust.”

Nova did not crack a smile or wrinkle a single frown at this. He merely answered, “The people of New Meta City will be an easy target, but they are defended. BADGE will send considerable forces to stop me. I am not enough to truly contend with them. Unless I tap into my true potential. . . “

“No!” Her voice cracked in the air like a whip snapped at a disobedient horse. “You will not do that. I expect BADGE to respond. I want them to respond. When their dear Director Nova has his hands covered in the blood of those they swore to protect, it will dishearten them. It will weaken their composure and drive them mad. That is when I will arrive.”

Nova casually said, “It will take time. Without my full power, my reach is limited. Perhaps I should take the mercenaries with me.”

“Yes. Bring them all. I want this done quickly. Then, line my path to the portal with the mercenaries so that I have a royal procession when I return.”

“As you wish.” He answered her and then asked, “You will bring the other beasts when you arrive?”

“No, only their shadows. I will absorb the four beasts’ power to become what I was meant to be, a goddess among insects. I will destroy the heroes and walk triumphant into The Great Divide, and I will finally have revenge.” She stood and walked over to him, placing a finger on his chest. “If you are truly devoted to me, then this will be But, if the honorable Director Nova is still in there, he will not be able to do this. I will still arrive, and I will still be triumphant. However, your blood will mix with theirs in the snow. Do not believe it will end any other way. So, prove your love, or prove your treasonous heart, you have no other choices.”

He took her hand and kissed the back of it, then looked her in the eye with a sultry expression. “It will be done.”


“Are you sure this will work?” Arx asked as he stood on the side of a BADGE boat in the ocean.

EB finished creating a rather large, colorful egg next to many others. “It will work perfectly. These eggs are enchanted to hold the extra oxygen tanks. So, when the heroes get down there who can survive the extreme pressures, they will have extra oxygen in case of an emergency. I made this egg shell once before. I used it to surround several parts of a nuclear facility that was about to blow. I mean, it was a total wreck. Shoddy workmanship. But, the cold war was a time of bad ideas. I saved half of the world, but got no credit. It did inspire me to make the first true everlasting gobstopper. Don’t believe that dumb movie. I made it first, and it worked. But, then I realized it was a bad idea. Candy that never goes away. REALLY bad for business. And... sorry, rambling again.” He shut up at the look on Justin’s face.

Justin walked over with several heroes. “Thanks for your help, EB. Grimlock, Gravitia, get them down there. We start phase one of this operation now.”

A woman in a purple outfit with a special mask for diving on her face walked around the eggs and touched them. Each shimmered with purple light for a moment, and the boat suddenly tilted to the side. “Better get ‘em in the wata!” She said with a thick Bronx accent.

Grimlock, a burly ten foot tall hero, grabbed up one and pitched it in the water at a special buoy marker. It splashed in and instantly sank. He did this to each of them.

Justin watched the last go down and he turned to the team of heroes gathered on the deck. Some of them had diving masks and oxygen tanks hooked up, while others had scales and appeared to be part fish.

“This mission is crucial. You have to find whatever is down there as soon as possible. You know the risks. Each will be touched by Gravitia and will be able to withstand the intense pressures. Don’t linger, her power only lasts three hours. You get two. Go down, scan with instruments and your senses. Find what you can and return. Two hours. This is the Mariana Trench, not a playground. Go!”

They agreed and went straight to work.

Justin looked at Arx. “Thank you for bringing in your water rescue team. They’re the best suited for this.”

“Most aren’t actual superheroes who fight crime. But they’re damn good at what they do. I hope they find what Nova left for us.”

Justin watched the team dive in. “That is assuming this is a real lead and not just a diversion.”

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

 Mayor Messenger walked through the pristine streets of New Meta City. Homes and businesses lined the roads, with people happily going about their daily lives. A man walked by with a large tank attached to his back with a mask over his face. He wouldn’t survive without a constant supply of toxic gasses, a result of his morphon mutations. However, here he had the chance to thrive without worry. Other equally challenged individuals walked around, who held a smile on their faces and a chipper gait, even with the odds against them.

“Morning, Angelica.” The Mayor walked into the Observation and Control center of New Meta City. Another woman sat in a half tank of water as she worked the computers.

“You seem in a good mood today.” Angelica swished around in her water as she moved between several control stations.

Mayor Messenger looked out the window that oversaw the city below. “This place always makes me happy. A pleasant walk really cheers me up.”

“Looks like it. I might have my boyfriend take me for a stroll today.” She leaned back in the tank and rested her arms on the sides.

“That’s right, Micheal should be by later. He’s done with his work on the roof of the new church on North Street. Why don’t you. . .” A beeping, which no one wanted to hear in this city, alerted her.

Angelica quickly accessed the External Alert System. “EAS is showing several incoming vessels.”

Mayor Messenger looked at the radar and frowned, “Five at once? BADGE never sends that much supplies to us at a single time.”

“Could they be heroes coming in to challenge the Battle Arena inside that portal?”

Messenger checked the new video feed from the portal that led to the Great Divide. “I don’t know. There has been little activity there since the Midgard attack. Everyone is busy cleaning up.”

“Could be done with cleaning up.”

“Only one way to figure this out. Contact the ships and get their clearance. While you’re at it, tell the Security Minister to activate our defenses.” She saw that look on Angelica’s face. “I’m not taking any chances.”

Angelica sent the communications and then gestured to the main comm screen. “You’re live.”

“This is Mayor Messenger of New Meta City. What is your objective in our space?” She waited but only found silence. “I repeat, this is New Meta City. If you do not declare your intentions, we will fire upon you. This airspace is internationally recognized and protected by sophisticated defense systems.” Still silence.

Angelica said, “Minister Po has the security systems online.”

Mayor Messenger huffed, “We just had them installed and haven’t even tested them yet. Hell, I never wanted this place armed like this. Tell him to get them charged and take aim. But hold his fire until I say.”

“Got it.” Angelica quickly typed her message.

Mayor Messenger looked at her screen, which changed from red dots on a computer map to a live feed from cameras. Five armed aircraft were flying over the ocean toward them. “Those look like troop transports, but I don’t see any markings.”

Angelica changed the view at a new angle. “I have something. Look at this!”

Both gasped when the peeled remnants of markings appeared. They read, ‘World Corps’.

“World Corps! Lady Echidna stole those! Red Alert, tell Minister Po to open fire as soon as they are in range! Activate all defense systems and send an emergency distress call to BADGE.”

The red lights and loud sirens filled the inner dome of New Meta City. The peaceful citizens scrambled to designated shelters while security officers rushed through the streets with guns in their hands. Barricades made of the strongest metals on earth rose in the streets to prevent direct assault. The guards took up positions behind the barriers and readied for the attack.

The city thundered with an explosion as something hit the defense barrier outside. Bright red beams of light crashed into the defenses from afar. The metal dome took the blasts, but an explosion echoed from the eastern side as one of their new turrets exploded.

Mayor Messenger watched while the incoming aircraft bombarded them with weapons’ fire. Their new turrets returned fire, but the aircraft dodged the attacks.

“All citizens are sheltered!” Angelica reported.

“Good. Minister Po! Continue to return fire. Take them down!”

The turrets continued to blast the incoming ships. Several hits made it, but the enemy was durable and continued their approach. Finally, one blast sheared off a wing from the side of the craft and it spun out of control and crashed into the snow, plowing a long line toward the city.

“That’s one!” Angelica called out in glee.

Mayor Messenger said, “yes, but four more are behind it and they are almost on us. Get me Justin at BADGE!”


Seven miles below the surface of the ocean, five heroes swam the depths. Each had a glow around them, which indicated the power of Gravitia keeping them down here. A man walked along the bottom, his body as black as obsidian. He picked up rocks and moved them, swished aside several strange creatures, and dug his heels through the sand as he searched.

A thick blob of water that was opaque moved by him. It gained color as she took on a human form. She pointed up and then pointed at her wrist like there was a watch on it. He nodded in agreement, but continued looking.

Another woman came walking by with two large tanks in her oversized arms. She planted them in the sand and then took a tube off one and breathed in hard. The obsidian man took a breath from the other. He pointed down and frowned, a question in his eyes. She shook her head with her eyes closed. The answer to his question.

Suddenly, they all saw a glinting white light in the distance. In this dark world, it was a wild sight. They left the tanks to swim toward it.

They found a woman who had transformed into a mermaid. She held a box in her hands. Inside was a long object that emitted a terrific glow. She pulled it out and revealed that it was some kind of scroll case made of a solid white material with gold scrollwork all over it. She pointed to the inside of the lid of the box, which had a symbol on it that few had ever seen. No one around her seemed to understand it. However, this find was far better than anything else they had come across. With a general agreement among them, they all began the arduous process of ascending.

On the deck of the BADGE sea vessel, Arx walked around while looking at his tablet and holding his ear piece. He ran this operation as he did any ATLAS situation. He kept his eyes and ears ready for anything so he could give out commands.

“Alright, mark your positions and return to the ship. You’ve been down long enough.” He marked his map and then waited while he heard something else through his earpiece. “Good. That should cover sector four. I will mark this. Get up here and rest up for next redeployment ASAP, thanks.”

Justin joined him. “Anything?”

Arx gave a comforting smile. “Not yet. But the trench is huge. There is a lot of ground to cover. The coordinates we got were the exact center of the trench, which we have checked over and over. I suspect we were just directed here. If there is something down there, my people will find it.”

“I hope so.”

Arx opened his mouth, but then quickly clicked the side of his ear. “What was that Shelly? Are you sure? Good. Get it up here.”

“What is it?” Justin was quick to ask.

Arx smiled. “They think they found something. But they were at the deepest point. It will take some time for them to get up here safely.”

“Good.” Justin stood as though he were ready to meet them right now.

“Sir, it will take several hours to make the ascent. You haven’t slept for too long. Get some rest. I’ll let you know when they arrive.”

Justin almost argued with that, but then recalled how often he had this very argument with Nova during tense situations. “Fine. A good nap and I’ll be out here. Don’t hesitate to wake me if... oof!”

EB slammed into Justin while he held a tablet in his paws. “JUSTIN, JUSTIN! WE GOT TROUBLE!”

Justin rubbed his stomach. “How many times have I told you not to run around like that?”

“We got a distress call.”

“From who?”

EB held up the tablet. “Dunno. The system went online and then just shut off. Not enough to trace. It’s a BADGE signal.”

Justin looked at the tiny bit of data. “This is bad. This is the max alert signal, but it could be from any of the world leaders who have our communication line, the station, or even New Meta City. Get in touch with the station, make sure it wasn’t them. Then tell them to contact all the known sources and find out who this is. Move!”

EB gave him a little salute. “On it, boss.” And zipped away.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

 Nova stood in the middle of the deck filled with the finely dressed mercs devoted to Lady Echidna. The ship shook and swerved as it continued the air assault on New Meta Citi’s outer defenses.

“We’ve taken out all but two of their turrets,” the gunner called back as he continued firing.

Nova calmly watched the window in front of the pilot. “I want all the turrets down before we land. Keep firing.”

Another man at the controls said, “Sir, BADGE is attempting to contact the city.”

“We took out the city’s communications array?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good.” Nova walked over to a computer on the wall and held a bar next to it so he could stabilize himself during this air combat. He worked the controls with one hand and redirected the comm signal to them. He replied to BADGE’s request for details, “All is well. Severe arctic storm has damaged our comm system. Will repair soon. All is clear.” With that signal sent, BADGE would assume everything was fine. At least long enough for him to do his job.

“Sir, the last of their turrets is down.”

“Good, take us in for a landing. Tell all the mercenaries to report to sector alpha. We’ll storm the front gate.” Nova tightened his black gloves and straightened his fine suit.

"Sir, should we attack head-on?" asked the soldier.

Nova smiled, “They are no threat to us. These people are weak and truly powerless. It’ll be a one-sided conflict. Just be ready to do as I say. Do not advance until I give the command. Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir.” The merc commander saluted and then barked orders at the others, who filed out the back once the ship nestled into the snow.

Nova calmly walked out, following them. He took no weapon with him, just his fine tailored outfit and a steely gaze in his one good eye.


A cool, dark night sky rested in the heaves, the vast ocean of stars reflecting in the waters of the Pacific. Justin stood on the calm deck and observed the incredible view. He lived in the stars on the station, yet seeing them from this place was unspeakably beautiful.

EB just zipped up next to him and was bouncing back and forth on his heels. “Whatcha thinking about?”

Justin let the gentle roll of the ship in the mild currents relax him. “Just how small I truly am. There are so many stars, so many planets. I’m trusted with such responsibility that some days it seems too much to handle. Yet, in the grand scheme of things, I’m nothing.”

“You are far more than nothing,” EB said.

Justin said, “They say there are more stars in all the galaxies than atoms in me. How can I think of myself as anything but a speck on the surface of everything?”

“It was once said that there are a hundred billion galaxies, and in those galaxies, a hundred billion planets capable of sustaining life. That would mean there are potentially trillions upon trillions of living beings out there staring at these stars from all directions. Yet, among all of those trillions upon trillions, there is only one Agent Justin of BADGE. It isn’t how big and powerful you are, it’s that you exist for a reason.”

Justin slowly looked down at the cheerful little bunny. “Where on God’s green Earth did you come up with that wisdom?”

“Someone once told me the same thing. At the end of days, when my homeworld fell to Legion, only a few of us survived. I wanted to die. I wanted to stay there and never leave, dead among the many of my kind who perished. A great leader of our kind begged the survivors to come with him and find a place to live and help, so that one day we might aid this galaxy in ridding itself of Legion. I said I was too small, yet he reminded me that as long as I breathed, I still had a purpose worthy enough for the universe to give me another day. After seven hundred years here, I have had a lot of days to help and I got to watch Legion fall and have helped stop many, many other big bad guys. We all have a purpose. It isn’t about us, it’s about how we affect others.”

“I guess I need to remember that. It has been hard without Nova to guide us. I feel so much smaller now than I did while in his presence.”

EB said, “You’re bigger without him, because you’ve risen to the occasion.”

“Thanks. And this might be the first real, serious conversation we’ve ever had. Where is this coming from?”

EB grinned, “I have my moments. Plus, I haven’t had any coffee for like three days. We ran out on the ship. And. . . what is that?”

They both looked out as a light appeared in the depths of the ocean, slowly rising to the surface. Finally, the team with the small box appeared.

“It’s the third team. I think they have something for us.” Justin got to the edge and lowered a ladder into the waters. He pressed a button on his wrist comm. “We need assistance on deck with team arrival.”

The four heroes climbed the ladder, the first bringing the box with him. The dark, obsidian man got onto the deck and his skin slowly changed from shiny stone colored glass to a normal dark complexion consistent with his Nigerian heritage.

“We found something. Aqua thinks it’s connected to Nova,” Obsidian said.

A woman shaped blob of water walked across the deck and slowly formed back into a person. She had on a small bikini and nothing else. EB smiled at her as she passed him.

“It’s an odd thing to have down that far. It survived such incredible pressures. I can’t imagine it isn’t important.”

The mermaid woman swam toward the ship. flipped up into the air, transformed into a bird, circled for a moment, and landed. She took the form of a human again. “There is a marking on the inside.”

EB hopped over, “Lemme see!”

Justin opened the box and saw the scroll inside. The light in the box was coming from the scroll, which was dazzling. “What is this?”

“I don’t know,” Obsidian answered. “We haven’t opened it yet.”

“That’s Nova’s!” EB called out.

Justin held out the scroll. “You’ve seen this before?”

“No, not that! THIS!” EB jumped up and pointed at the lid.

Justin opened it further, revealing the mark on the inside of the lid. “I’ve seen this before?”

EB said, “Yeah, in every place Nova worked over the centuries, he left that mark. It was his symbol, his way of letting people know he was there. That’s gotta be what he wanted us to find.”

“A. . . scroll? I expected something more. A weapon, or another one of these stones.”

EB hopped around Justin in a continuous circle. “Don’t keep us in suspense. OPEN IT!”

Justin held the end of the scroll and pulled as hard as he could. “I can’t get it open.”

Aqua held her hand out. “Let me try.” She held the scroll case and turned one hand back into water. She wrapped the liquid around the end and did everything she could to open it. After a few moments, she said, “I can’t budge it.”

Obsidian said, “If Aqua can’t open it, no one here can. She’s the strongest of us. Should we wake someone else?”

EB hopped up and nabbed the scroll and looked it over. “Yup. It’s magically sealed. I might be able to open it.”

Justin reached down and took the case back. “Not here. We need to get to the station. This has to be what Nova wanted us to find, and I want to be in a more secure location when we open it. Obviously, Nova sealed it with precision for a reason. I just hope it has the answers we need at this time.”

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

 Nova stood in the snows of Antarctica, looking at the impressive domed New Meta City. A powerful energy shield flickered over it and the metal plating system was fully intact and energized. They were at the top of their defenses. Smoke billowed out of the former turrets that were all destroyed, as well as the communication tower that was now scattered across the ice planes.

The commander of the mercs approached, “Sir, we are showing the energy defenses of New Meta City are currently over-charged. It will take much stronger firepower to disable them. We need to contact Lady Echidna and ask her for help.”

Nova let no emotion slip out of his face as he spent time looking at the city before him. Then he turned and said, “We don’t need her. I’m fully capable of taking this down.”

The commander did not show any confidence in Nova’s statement. “Still, I will contact Lady Echidna about the situation.”

Nova turned on him so suddenly the man nearly fell over. With a swift motion, Nova had the comm unit in his hand and clicked it off. “You will take my orders.”

“Yes, sir.”

Nova dropped the comm unit in the snow and held out his hand. A hilt appeared in his palm and from it grew a strange and beautiful sword that was far larger than most people could hold in one hand. On it flickered energy. “Tell the others to gather and get ready for what comes next.”

“Yes, sir.” The commander turned and gave signals with his hand, leading the others to gather quickly and stand in uniform lines, weapons at the ready. He finished his orders by saying, “The people under this dome are all morphonic in nature, but have not been inoculated against the Anti-Morphon Guns. We will vaporize them on contact. Focus on your firepower, not knives or fists. I want every last man, woman, and child turned to dust as soon as that dome comes down. Is that understood?”

A resounding voice bellowed in unison, “Yes, commander!”

Nova turned and gave the city one last look as he held his sword, ready for the strike.


Justin held the box with the scroll inside as he and EB stood on the deck of the BADGE naval vessel. Arx had command and was directing his people while they resurfaced from their mission. A blue portal opened wide and became solid like glass, with the other side showing the Operations center of the station. Strange Quark, holding a martini, waved them through.

Justin and EB stepped through, traveling a great distance in a moment. Both paused and became dizzy. Chase caught Justin while EB flopped on the ground.

EB muttered, “I hate that portaling of yours, Quark. It always messes with my head.”

Quark leaned over and looked at the small bunny. “It works.”

“Yeah, but I always feel like I’m gonna lose my carrots.” He got up and cleared his throat. “But it goes away quickly.”

Gar, standing in the front of the room, asked, “Is that it?”

Justin held up the box. “Yes. Right here. Let’s get into the conference room.”

Everyone gathered in the main meeting room on Level One of the station. Torrik was already inside chatting with Dr. Henderson. Justin walked in and set the box in the middle of the table.

“Glad you could make it.” Justin looked at Torrik.

The Satyr said, “I finished helping replenish the lands for the herders. I could do more. But, I think the land will do fine on its own now. Nature is best left to its own devices.”

Dr. Henderson asked, “Is that what Nova wanted us to find?”

Justin said, “We think so. EB recognizes a symbol on the inside belonging to Nova.”

Chase asked, “What is it?”

Justin opened it and took out the marble scroll case and set it on the table. “This. And, I cannot open it.”

Dr. Henderson punched a few keys on the computer in the room. “Sensors show incredible amounts of arcane energy infused in that. I don’t like these levels. It could be some kind of destructive device.”

EB said, “I don’t think so. Nova wanted us to find this, and he planted it a reeeeealy long time ago. Back before the bitc....uh....Lady Echidna messed him up.”

Gar asked, “What would he hide inside that?”

Justin said, “I don’t know. Torrik, if this is magical, can you open it?”

Torrik put a hand over the scroll case and closed his eyes. “I don’t know. This is old and powerful magic. I haven’t felt anything like this before. I’m a nature mage, not a true wizard. This is advanced magic.”

“Lemme try.” EB hopped up on the table.

“You?” Torrik almost laughed.

EB gave Torrik a smug look. “I’m a lot more than a cute little bunny. Now, stand back and watch.” He put his paws out and sensed the magic. “This is covered in extremely powerful magic. This is like really, really good stuff. So pure. Wow, it kinda feels like Nova. You know, he has this feeling about him that just exudes power. . . and a slightly musty pine scent. I wonder what aftershave he uses. Or does he just smell like a pine forest in the distance? I miss that smell. Wow, that sounded kinda weird. . . “

“EB, focus!” Justin slapped the table.

EB grinned sheepishly. “Sorry. So, okay, lemme see.” He ran his paw over the surface several times and then said something in his magical tongue. Finally, he pulled on the side and the top came off as the light emanating from it died down. “There ya go.”

“How did you do that?” Torrik asked in genuine astonishment.

EB smiled brightly, “Toldja, I’m more than I appear.”

Justin carefully pulled out a rolled up parchment made of thick paper with a gold gilded edge. The silence in the group was palpable. He carefully placed it on the table and unrolled it. A shaking hand betrayed his nervousness right now. As he opened the scroll, the lettering on it appeared and it was a type of ancient hieroglyphic. The symbols beamed a golden hue for a moment and then rearranged themselves.

“What’s happening?” Gar asked.

Torrik said, “That is a language spell. The spell was written in a way that it would translate itself for whoever opened it. This is often used when the author doesn’t expect their writing to be read for a very long time, so long the reader couldn’t possibly translate it on their own.”

Chase asked Justin, “What’s it say?”

Justin was silent as the color drained from his face. His hand holding it open trembled even more. His eyes were glued to the text.

EB quietly asked, “Justin, is it that bad?”

Justin looked up, terror in his eyes. He said nothing, merely turned it around so they could read the text.

Gar read it aloud, “Greetings to whoever you are, I am sorry it has come to this. I am known as Nova. Whatever language that is that you are reading this, the word is New. I was called by another name long ago, but betrayed a sacred oath and split my soul. I sacrificed much for the wisdom to contend against Lady Echidna so that I could spend my eternity in this realm making up for helping her rise to power. However, if you are reading this, then time is almost up for this world and possibly this universe. I write this to warn you to be ready for what comes after this life. The end of time is at hand. The only reason to give up on hope is if Lady Echidna has returned and has obtained all four powers. With them, she will bring the end of days and I will not be able to stop her. My last wish would be to see my old friend Midgard one last time.”

There was a long silence in the room as the words sank in. Fear permeated the air, and hopelessness settled on them.

EB broke the moment by saying, “Now I’m really insulted. I am his BFF, not that snake.”


EB’s mouth hung open, possibly at Justin unleashing foul language, but mostly because the truth truly hit him. He meekly whispered, “But it can’t be. Nova has always protected this world from the end.”

Chase reached over and ran her hand over EB’s head, “He isn’t with us. . . not anymore.”


Deep in the south, the icy winds blew hard as the mercs waited on their leader to direct them to an easy victory. For a brief moment, Nova looked upward into the sky as though he saw something. However, he returned his gaze to the city before him.

Nova stood with his back to his legion, his sword held out to the side as his body grew brighter and brighter. Wings appeared on his back and his clothing changed. The surrounding winds shifted and swirled, controlled by the awesome power he tapped into.

With one last look up, Nova gave a little smile finally as he observed the dome before him. “This is for you, my lady.”

Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

 A silent despair hung in the air of the BADGE conference room. Chase had held the scroll, but her powers didn’t work on it or the box. Torrik thoroughly examined it and determined it was too powerful to be a fake.

Gar asked, “What do we do, Justin? This can’t be the end of the world.”

Justin said, “I don’t know. I’m barely keeping BADGE together through all this. It may be beyond our ability to fight. We don’t even have Midgard to stand up against what she throws at us next.”

Chase said, “I could contact my father. He is powerful and has known Nova for a long time.”

Justin said, “Yes, try Santa. But I am not sure he can do anything about this.”

Dr. Henderson said, “Is this truly the end?”

“It might be. Lady Echidna has all four powers, the three stones and Midgard. I don’t see how we can stop her now. Worst of all, she also has Nova on her side. Even if a small part of him is desperately trying to aid us, I think it’s too late. I think when he wrote this he knew that it would be his last words to the world.”

Torrik quietly said, “I am sorry. I will return to my world and gather forces. Even if it is hopeless, we will make a stand at the Great Divide.”

Gar said, “Gather the heroes. They too would rather go down fighting.”

“No! We will not go down fighting! I won’t give up! I refuse to give up!” EB yelled.

Chase held his back. “Nova has given up. There is little chance.”

EB slapped her hand away and hopped to the middle of the table. He pointed at everyone angrily, “Nova is many things, but he never gives up. That man has faced trials that you have never even imagined. We fought Jinn, TWICE! We rewound time to fix this planet after the first battle. Drocha tried to screw up time itself and we stopped him with TWO Nova. This is not the end, it can’t be and I am ashamed of all of you. . . cept maybe Torrik. . . Nova is our friend and also one of the most brilliant minds this world has ever known. He wouldn’t just leave us an ‘I give up’ letter in the bottom of the deepest trench on Earth. How stupid are you people? Nova left this as a clue and we are sitting around acting like it’s all over!" He shocked the room when he clapped his paws together and a flash of magic grabbed Justin, yanked him halfway across the table and EB now held Justin by an ear. With the angriest face he could muster, EB growled in his ear. “BADGE never gives up on their own, especially on the man who has saved your asses more times than all the heroes on this planet COMBINED!”

After being released, Justin stood up on his feet. He was honestly scared right now. EB never got this mad. “What do you think he hid in this letter?”

EB walked over on the table and looked down at it. “Something is just not right. First, what does he mean about dividing his soul? Also, why did he call Midgard his old friend? Why single our Midgard? They were hardly friendly toward each other.”

Chase said, “This is true. Back during the Fenrir incident, I got to witness the time Nova left the Eye of Fenrir with Midgard. They weren’t friends, more like two people with a mutual interest.”

A warning siren blared, followed by the voice of Strange Quark, “Guys, better get in here. We have something happening near New Meta City.”

Justin hurried out of the room, followed by the others. “I thought we got an all-clear from them.”

Quark, in the command position, pointed at the screen. “Well, it’s not ‘all clear’ now. We have weapons fire and one hell of an energy spike. I have never seen this kind of arcane energy before.”

Chase rushed over to a computer, “Activating the optical sensors, focusing on New Meta City.”

The screen changed from charts and readings to a video feed produced by the station’s observation system. It quickly zoomed down to view the area of New Meta City in Antarctica. The massive domed city was a circle to them from above. A bright white light moved quickly around black dots that fired red beams at it. Four landing craft sat on the ice shelf near them.

“What is that?” Torrik asked.

Quark looked at a sensor reading. “I don’t know. But whatever that bright dot is, it is emitting a power signature that is off our charts.”

Justin said, “Quark, get Gar, Chase, and Torrik down there right now.”

“Right, hold your stomachs!” Quark waved his hand. He vanished, no one else did. He suddenly reappeared and staggered, “What the?” He zapped away again and then reappeared. “Okay, now this is making me dizzy.”

EB said, “Lemme try.” He clapped his paws and vanished, but then reappeared. “Oh, that hurt my head.”

Quark said, “I don’t know how, but that energy signature down there is interfering with my powers.”

Dr. Henderson gasped, “What is that? Blood?”

They saw the snowy white ground near the battle quickly turning red as the black dots scattered across the ground. The bright white light stood in place for a second among the gore and then a wave of light came from it and the four landed craft all exploded.

“Can we get a closer image?” Justin asked.

Robot 10915 answered, “Zooming in, heightening resolution. Maximum imaging on screen.”

They now could see the dismembered bodies of hundreds of soldiers littering the ground, their blood soaking through the snow. The burning wrecks of their ships billowing smoke into the sky. A figure walked away, clad in bright gold and white light. All they could see were wings on his back for a moment, but that faded as the light diminished. Soon, this person merely walked away into the ice fields.

“Who is that?” Torrik asked.

Justin said, “I don’t know.”

“I do.” Chase answered. “I saw that once before, during the fight with Fenrir. When Midgard attacked Nova. He started beaming a bright light. I could hardly look at him, but what tiny glimpse I got was... that. I couldn’t believe what I saw. It looked like some kind of warrior angel.”

“What are you saying?” Justin asked.

A deeper voice answered, “She is saying that she saw Nova’s true form.”

Santa Claus walked out from the lift.

Chase ran over to him. “Father! What are you doing here?”

He hugged her, a sorrowful look on his face. “My dear, I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time. I have dreaded it, but knew it would eventually come to pass.”

Justin asked, “What is it, sir? What do you know?”

“A secret I promised to keep to a man I trusted more than anyone else. A secret that I was only allowed to know because this day would come. Nova is not what you think he is. However, if he is embracing his true form, then the darkest days are upon us. Nova is an Arcblade.”

“I know that,” Torrik said.

Santa nodded. “However, do you know what an Arcblade is?”

“Not really.”

People know them as archangels. His return to his true form is a harbinger of the end of time.”

EB said, “Then, he is on our side! We have a chance!”

“No.” Santa said, “He is incomplete, his power split. This is how she can control him. And how she will defeat him. He doesn’t even fully understand what he is right now.”


Lady Echidna stood in the middle of her temple, patiently waiting for news from Nova. The only sound in the room was the whimpering of Midgard in the corner.

With a quick turn, she looked back in horror. “What is this? You unfaithful lover!”

There was a moment of serious confusion and rage in her before she calmed down. “This is how it shall be, then it shall be. Midgard, my precious pet, I am afraid it is time.”

She walked up behind Midgard and reached down, touching his shoulder. He quivered at her hand, but then lurched back and tensed up. His eyes were wide and his mouth open, but soon both closed as the color in him drained. His body slumped over and he fell in a dead heap on the stone floor.

Looking at her gloved hand, she whispered, “I had no choice. I really did enjoy watching you work.”

With that pitiful apology uttered, she strode into the middle of the room and held out her arms. “To me, my precious pets. Give me all that I gave you. Surge in me the power I deserve. The end of days is upon us and I will bring the sun to ruin, the stars shall fall, and this world will mire in darkness as I reclaim my rightful rule in Yohan.” The three eyes exploded and the power from them flooded her body.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

 NightShadow flew so hard that his body became surrounded by a white haze as he broke the sound barrier several times. He breached the Earth’s atmosphere and zoomed straight into space, passing the BADGE station and currently inactive Orbital Arena.

“This is bad, this is really bad.” He kept say this to himself as he knew the signs were only getting worse.

Soon, he approached a dark hole in the space that flickered with purple tendrils of energy. He paused before it as he observed it fluctuating. Focusing his own powers, he held out his hands and took hold of the anomaly and attempted to seal it. Just then, the light from the sun flashed and then grew dimmer. At the same time, the hole in space expanded. NightShadow tumbled backward in space.

Stabilizing himself, NightShadow spent a moment watching the sun. The light from it fading.

“This is not possible.” He turned and flew hard toward the station.


Justin watched the screen where ten news casts were displaying the information as panicked people raged in the streets.

“What is happening? I want information. Sensors, scan the sun!” He pointed at a robot.

“Scan initiating,” the robot announced.

Justin turned back to others, “Chase, take Torrik, Gar, and EB down to the surface. Get to New Meta City and follow Nova. I want you to get to him, talk to him.”

“Don’t try,” Santa said.

Justin glared at him. “We have to try something. He must be reasonable right now. Be able to give us answers.”

Strange Quark said, “Santa is right. What I sense down there is powerful. Something is protecting all of that area. We can’t get close. Portal or shuttle, nothing is going to get near Nova right now.”

Chase said, “That leaves everyone in New Meta City in danger, and we can’t even get in touch with them or send help.”

EB asked, “What is Nova doing?”

Santa answered, “The only reason I can fathom is that he means to fight her. His mind rages for vengeance, fueled by the remaining sense of honor. Something in him knows this is the end of the world. The sad part is that he probably doesn’t even know why. His soul is torn in two and without the other half, he cannot even remember why he fought her before and why he hates her so much now.”

NightShadow appeared in Operations. He staggered for a second and held the side of a console. “I tried. . . I couldn’t stop it.”

“NightShadow?” Justin turned with a shock at the sudden appearance of the hero.

NightShadow said, “I sensed the hole in space changing, growing. I flew as fast as I could to stop it, to contend against it. But it resisted me. And the sun. . . “

“We know about the sun,” Chase said.

EB added, “It’s all over the news. People are really going nuts over the darkening of the sun. Is something covering it?”

NightShadow shook his head. “No. It’s being absorbed by the void. Light in this area is slowly draining into the void. Something is tapping it. There is a power connected to it that is indescribable. I can sense it, but I cannot explain it other than one word, horror.”

Torrik whispered, “The sun is being eaten.”

NightShadow mused, “That’s one way to put it.”

“No, you don’t understand. Oh, by the name of Merlin! The clues were all there!” He ran back toward the meeting room.


Lady Echidna’s body flooded with the power of the beasts of her craftsmanship. She exuded a dark shadow and purple energy that ripped out and tore apart the temple dedicated to her. With a snap of her head, she looked up and the stone ceiling exploded into the sky. Flying out of the new opening, she flew quickly across the land toward the south.

Behind her, erupting from within the temple, was a giant Fenrir shadow monster that stomped across the world slowly in the same direction. Behind Fenrir came a massive monster of a sea serpent with a massive mouth filled with razor teeth. It slithered behind Fenrir in the same direction. Behind this Charybdis appeared a creature like a sea monster and dragon combined with five heads. It had enormous wings that it used to take flight and soar southward.

Lady Echidna moved much quicker than her children and in her wake, the darkness spread, shadow spilling across the earth. The sun above grew dimmer. The normally bright white light of day had diminished into a sick yellow that was turning orange.


Citizens in New York City rushed around in panic as the day turned to a sick night with the sun slowly going out.

“It is the end of days! Judgment is coming!” A man cried out from a street corner as he tried to gather attention from the terrified masses.

Several police cars stopped and eight officers jumped out and tried to calm down the people.

A superhero league landed nearby and moved in to help.

“Oh, good! BADGE is here,” an officer said.

Furious Squirrel ran over to him, “We are here to help with. . . “

People screamed even harder as a dark fog rolled through the streets. It was black as night and moved like fire smoke. Buildings were being consumed, cars wrecked when they lost sight, and people ran as quickly as they could to get away from the dark fog that rolled through the streets.

“What the hell is that?!” the officer yelled as he pulled out his gun.

Furious and his other league mates readied their own weapons. From within the fog formed misty creatures. Wolves, trolls, imps, and other demons. All made of this smoke with beaming red eyes.

“RUN!” Furious yelled at the citizens and then shot at an approaching wolf, which exploded in a puff of smoke.

The people tried to run, but the fog was too quick. As soon as it surrounded them they lost all their focus and gained silly smiles. They danced about with abandon like they had just joined a party and were in the throes of a grand ballroom dance. The heroes were unaffected, but set upon by the strange shadow beasts.


Nova stood before the stable portal between worlds. On the other side was the long walk across The Great Divide that parted the worlds. Heroes were coming here to challenge the ferocious beasts within, so to hone their skills. But he could never step foot in there unless he wished to suffer terribly.

“Why?” He whispered to himself.

Since Lady Echidna had awakened his mind to what it was before, to the darkness he once embraced, a part of him had flashes of memory. He recalled betraying her, but that part of him was small. A power in him, planted in his soul, forced him to love her, to obey her. Yet, apart from her, he had enough willpower to fight her machinations. But he still couldn’t remember why.

“What am I?” He asked.

“My lover, my friend, the reason to survive while in my dark exile.” Lady Echidna’s voice spoke behind him.

He did not turn to look at her, for fear he would fall into her eyes again and obey without question. “What did we do? This world was yours to control, yet I stopped you. Didn’t I?”

The harsh winds of Antarctica blustered around them off the icy planes as she patiently concocted her next statement. Finally, she said, “You betrayed me on the day of triumph. You became another man so that you would hope to repent in your soul and cleanse yourself of the darkness I spread. I, on the other hand, embraced that darkness in my soul and nurtured it. Fed it with every evil intention and greedy thought. One must embrace true darkness in order to control this universe.

“I can’t accept that. Goodness is not weak. Honor is not foolishness.”

“Oh, but it is.” She said, “This universe is broken, stained by the power of sin. By embracing that power, we could literally control everything. I have the power now to rip this world apart. But, to truly control everything, to rein unchallenged for eternity, we need to go to Yohan. Find the others. Rip out their hearts and feed upon them as I have feasted upon the creatures I created. Once harnessed, all will be clear.”

She waited for him to answer her. But he didn’t.

“Do you realize why I waited these three months? I was not just letting the people grow more nervous with each passing day, I was studying you and your friend. Midgard betrayed me once, as did you. I cannot afford to lose this time. I had to know. Part of me believed you passed the tests, you were obedient to me. Yet, you betrayed me again. But I will still give you one last chance. We can harness Yohan's immense power to become the gods we were always destined to be. Nothing will ever challenge us again. Don't you understand! I loved you more than any other in all my considerable life. I am willing to share ultimate power with you if you only show me you still love me!” Her tone had grown into a sorrowful plea that displayed the shred of emotion in her other than wickedness, true love.

Nova slowly turned around and looked at her. “I do remember one thing from before.”

“What is that?”

“I did love you. I once felt for you in a way I have never before, or since, for any other person. But, you proved to me that you love evil far more than anything else, including me. I did not embrace the darkness, I embraced you because I wanted to believe there was a chance you would return to the light. In that embrace, you planted darkness within me and I fought it them and I will fight it now. I will never succumb to the darkness you harbor as long as I live." He held out his hand so that his magnificent sword appeared.

Covered in shadow and bristling with energy, Lady Echidna rose in the air, “Then, I will kill you and take Yohan as my prize.” She launched herself at him.

He met her with his sword, the contact creating a wave of energy that cracked the ice-shelf for miles.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

The dark red day shrouded the world in a deathly glare that sent people seeking shelter from whatever was happening.

Rutkowski and his gang ran into the streets. Cars stopped all over as people abandoned them.

“PEYTON!” Rutkowski called out.

Private Eye Peyton ran along with the surrounding police. “Not now, Rutkowski, we have to get this under control.”

“I know! I’m here ta help.” Rutkowski sneered at him, “An I gotta an idea, but need yous to help.”

“What?” Peyton asked.

Rutkowski said, “Use our time powers. Ya know, freeze the city in a time bubble. It ain’t the best thing, but it might stop some of dis madness.”

“Everyone else will be frozen in time.” Peyton finally got it, “But they might be safe. Sure, let’s try it.”

The police chief said, “Peyton, are you gonna trust him?”

“Rutkowski is a no-good, thieving scoundrel, but he’s not a liar.”

“Thanks, I think. Now, get ready. We gotta do dis tagether.” Rutkowski held up his hands.

Peyton did the same. A wave of translucent energy expanded out from them and covered the city. Everyone and everything in time froze.

“Do you think that will work?” Peyton looked around, seeing birds mid-flight, people as statues, and some flying papers stopped in the air.

“It’ll have to work. Wait, what’s dat?” Rutkowski pointed.

A black fog rolled through town, unaffected by their frozen time. Beasts of shadow formed from within the mists.

"Aw, crap!" Rutkowski turned, but then the sight of the creatures freezing in time as they jumped out of the cloud they came from stopped him.

“What the hell is that?” Peyton looked at his BADGE comm from his coat pocket. “Holy Moses, there’s a black cloud covering half of North America, all of Europe, and is spreading fast.”

Rutkowski said, “We can’t freeze da whole world.”

Peyton looked up at the dimming sun, “Come on, BADGE, we need a miracle.”


Justin walked into the conference room with a tablet in his hand and Chase behind him. “Torrik, you had better have something good. The sun is almost out and a black fog is spreading across the planet.”

Torrik had several old books open with Nova’s letter in the middle. EB stood next to him on the table with Santa right behind him. Dr. Henderson sat in a chair nearby. The Satyr looked up with dread in his eyes. “Black fog?”

“Yes.” Justin frowned. “Do you know what this is?”

Torrik said, “Yes. Darkness. It consumed a whole continent in Yohan centuries ago. Shadow beasts form in it and attack those who are unaffected by its power.”

“What do you mean, power?”

Torrik said, “It seeps into the mind and drives people insane. Those who give in to its delusions will find safety from the beasts, but those who resist will face attacks. I suspect your heroes will be unaffected, as they have those strange morphons in them, which seems resistant.”

Justin put the tablet down. “The heroes are reporting beasts of all descriptions coming out of it. They are relentless.”

“It took centuries to quell the shadow war. And the beasts are still around in pockets in Yohan.”

“Then we need answers now. This world cannot lose its sun and fight a shadow war at the same time.”

Torrik actually smiled. “I do have an idea.”

EB hopped over to Justin. “This is so amazing, like totally mind-boggling. It was right in front of us all this time and we just didn’t see it. You gotta hear this.”

“Let him speak,” Chase said.

Torrik turned a book around with a painting of Norse deities. “When we studied your legends and myths to learn more about what Lady Echidna might do, I glanced over the myths about your Nordic legends, but dismissed them since we already saw Fenrir rise. However, I remembered the legend itself. It said that Fenrir would consume the sun in the end of days, or Ragnarok.”

Justin said, “But Fenrir isn’t around and the sun is just going dark.”

Santa said, “Often, myths and legends have a modicum of truth buried beneath artistic representation and fables. Listen to him, he has a good idea.”

Torrik said, “In talking with Santa and EB, I think we can pin down the period when Nova finally banished Lady Echidna. It was around your fourth century CE. In the Fifth century, legends arrived that spoke of a pantheon of gods, but had a lot to do with the end of days. They interpreted it as a religious lesson, but I think it was a warning and possibly a hidden message of how to avoid it. You see, the story tells of Hel, Fenrir, and Jormungandr. All three would play a pivotal role at the end of days. Hel, a goddess of death, who lived in a realm of perpetual darkness and held great disdain for mortals and gods alike. Sound like anyone you know?”

Chase said, “Lady Echidna. She was in the void all this time and she has absolutely no compassion for anyone but herself.”

Torrik said, “Then there’s Fenrir. His appearance after being bound would be the harbinger to the darkness to come, which would culminate in the consuming of the sun.”

Justin said, “The Eye of Fenrir was contained in that statue for centuries until released, and that’s when this all really started.”

Torrik said, “Finally, there comes Midgardsormr, or Jormungandr. Which he proudly called himself both names many times. He would fight Thor, the mightiest of heroes, and then fall. But then Thor would fall as well.”

EB said, “Midgard fought all the heroes of Earth and we won, but the darkness wasn’t stopped. It’s coming.”

"Recognize the face?" Santa asked, pointing to the image of Odin, a one-eyed king.

Chase said, “Wait, are you saying that Nova is Odin? I thought you just said he was an archangel.”

Torrik said, “We aren’t saying that Nova is a god of your Nordic people. I’m saying that he used the myths and legends to hide a prophecy in plain sight. Somehow, he knew exactly how this would play out, but he couldn’t let anyone know exactly until the right time. Otherwise, Lady Echidna, or Hel as he has written her, might change her path and all would be lost.”

Justin asked, “What about the other two, the Hydra and Charybdis?”

Torrik said, “The legend doesn’t include them, per se. However, it does reference that with Midgard’s appearance, the oceans would stir and great beasts would come. Both other monsters of legend are from the sea.”

Chase said, “This is all interesting, but how does it help? Everything you just said has come to pass, if this was a prophecy.”

Torrik smiled, “Because the last part of the legend was written in his letter. You see, he alluded to himself as Odin when he said he sacrificed to gain the wisdom to fight Lady Echidna. The legend says that Odin sacrificed his eye to gain wisdom. His letter also said he split himself, his soul.”

“His eye?” Chase asked.

Santa said, “Two years ago, as a special gift for Nova, I sent a hero on a quest to find a jewel. But, not just any jewel, a stone that was Nova’s eye. I knew he had lost it centuries ago, but I did not realize the significance of it.”

EB read the letter, “ ‘My last wish would be to see my old friend Midgard one last time.‘ This isn’t about his bestest friend. . . which EVERYONE knows is me. . . it’s him wanting to be reunited with his eye. And, for some reason, it has to do with Midgard. But we dunno why.”

Justin asked, “Where is this stone?”

Santa answered, “It was brought back up here and given to him. What Nova did with it after that, I don’t know. It isn’t in the BADGE vault. EB already checked the records.”

Gar’s voice blurted on the intercom, “JUSTIN! Get in here!”

Justin let out a heavy sigh. “What now?” He rushed out with the others.

They came into the Operations center to find the screen covered in images of the shadow enveloped cities. However, three large screens showed the monsters of Fenrir, the Hydra, and Charybdis, moving over the surface of the Earth.


Gar said, “They just showed up on sensors. They are taking up positions near Antarctica, protecting it. . . I think.” He pointed at a screen.

Justin looked at what was a snowy field with flashes of light blasting here and there as two things darted all over the place. “What is happening?”

Gar pointed at a robot and the image zoomed in as far as it would go. They saw a shadowy Lady Echidna attacking a brightly lit Nova.


Torrik said, “He said he can’t defeat her, and I‘m inclined to believe that. She is powerful. In fact, she appears far more powerful than before. He won’t last long, and there is nothing there to stop her from walking into The Great Divide once she takes him down.”

Justin watched this battle for a moment and then commanded, “EB, Chase, Gar, search this station for that stone. I don’t care what you have to do, rip out walls, tear up the floor, find it! Robot 10915, send an all-alert. I want heroes heading for Antarctica at once!”

“But, sir,” Chase said, “nothing can get through to that area.”

Santa said, “I can bring that barrier down. With the help of Torrik, we can interrupt it.”

“Are you sure it’s safe?”

“Of course it’s not safe.” Santa said, “However, Nova trusted us with this prophecy and we must see it through, or this is truly the end of days. I, for one, will go out fighting.”

Torrik said, “I‘m a warrior and defender. I will not back down.”

EB hopped up and said, “For Nova, anything. BFF’s!”

“Good. Everyone you have your mission. Move.”

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

Torrik sat next to Santa in the sleigh as eight reindeer pulled them at top speed through the cold air over the ocean. As the evening approached, the sun descended, yet the sky was already filled with stars. On the other side of the horizon rose a blood colored moon, the light of the sun no longer reflecting a milky white on the lunar surface.

“This is an interesting way to travel.” Torrik felt the side of the exquisite sleigh.

Santa said, “Perks of being a seasonal figure.”

“Magic animals pulling it?”

Santa snapped the reins, and they moved a little faster. “Magical, yes. But, they are not animals. They are constructed out of magic.”

“They certainly can move.”

Santa pulled slightly, and they shifted their approach to the south pole. “Trust me, they can move faster than this. But I don’t want to hurt you.”

Torrik looked over the side. “I think you might want to risk it.”

Santa looked over the side and saw that shadowy mist crawling across the ocean’s surface. In the distance, moving through the clouds, were the giant figures of Fenrir, Charybdis, and the Hydra. He reached down and pulled a lever and then yelled, “YA!” He snapped the reins and the sleigh blasted off much quicker, approaching the sound barrier.

Torrik, holding on for dear life, yelled, “Wow! This is better than wind riding!” An invisible barrier that encapsulated the sleigh parted the surrounding clouds.

Santa yelled, “What is that shadow? I have felt nothing like it before.”

Torrik said, “As I said before, it is the essence of the darkest magic ever concocted. It spawns creatures of darkness that only want to kill.”

They reached the edge of Antarctica, the dome of New Meta City in the distance. Without warning, Santa yanked hard on the reins and the sleigh diverted quickly while it slowed down.

“What are you doing?” Torrik asked.

Santa pointed out as the edge of the sleigh slid across a magical field that surrounded the ice continent. “That barrier is too strong. I can’t get through.”

Torrik cocked his head. “No barrier is perfect. We can. . . wait, what is that?” He pointed at flashes of light in the distance.

Santa reached behind him, into his gift sack, and produced a pair of military grade binoculars. He looked through them and let out a heavy sigh. “Look for yourself.”

Torrik spent a moment figuring out how to use the strange technology, but then saw for himself the battle between Nova and Lady Echidna. Nova kept her away from the barrier, but she was relentlessly trying to kill him in return.

“We have to get in there. Help him stop her.”

Santa reached back and pulled out a large BADGE laser cannon. “Then help me take down this damn barrier.” He used the weapon to fire an endless stream of power at the surface of the barrier.

Torrik concentrated on his hands, his horns both glowed and he pushed both hands forward. A steady stream of lightning blasted out and met the barrier in the same place as Santa’s weapon.


“I don’t know where to look,” Chase bemoaned as she and Gar left the vault.

EB hopped over and shook his head. “Not anywhere in cold storage or the food lockers.”

Gar asked, “If this was so important, wouldn’t he put it in a really safe place? Like the secure vault on Earth.”

Chase walked down the corridor as she answered that. “I won’t ignore the possibility. However, logic tells me he wouldn’t keep it anywhere on Earth. Lady Echidna would have a much harder time finding it up here. He would want to keep it away from her.”

Gar asked, “EB, you know how Nova thinks. Where would he have put it?”

EB laughed, “I never figured that guy out. He’s an enigma wrapped in a mystery, smothered in chocolate with a nice nougat filling… anyone else want some candy now? WAIT! THAT’S IT!”

Chase said, “I seriously doubt candy will help right now.”

“No, no, no. Don’tcha see. Clues! Nova loved clues. Come on!” EB ran ahead.

“Wait, we can’t run… and he’s gone.” Chase jogged along with Gar.

Gar yelled, “EB, COME BACK!”

EB zipped back to them. “Sorry. Got excited. Come on, it’s in Nova’s office. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before.”

“Think of what?” Chase asked.

“Don’t spoil the surprise. This is really great. Like, something so intricate.”

They ran back through the station, up to the top level, and into Nova’s old office. Justin was there with them, as he saw all three enter the Operations and run up the stairs.

“What are you doing here? Did you find the Eye?” he asked.

EB said, “Gimme a sec and I’ll have it for you.”

Everyone waited while EB hopped over to a couch beside a wall that had a glassed case containing artifacts as decor. EB punched in a simple security code and the glass opened up. There was an ornate egg with gold gilding in the middle of the objects.

“Here it is!”

Chase said, “Uh, EB, we scanned this office close to a hundred times. Nothing showed up.”

EB set the egg, with its golden holder, on the desk. “Do you remember when we found the Eye of the Hydra?”

“Yes.” Justin said, “I ordered it concealed in an egg like that and sent down to be protected. It didn’t work. Lady Echidna found it right away.”

“But, you see, that was Nova’s plan all along.”

Gar said, “But Nova was already gone. That was Justin’s plan.”

“Nope. We’re underestimating Nova’s calculating mind. He’s like a grand master chess player, only better. He figured Justin would do that. You see, he asked me to make him this egg a while back, and I did, because we are BFFs. And I thought nothing of it. Never really understood why he wanted to have an impervious egg made. But, he's my friend. When Justin came to me and asked for an egg that would be impervious to any kind of scan or detection, I just made another like this. I never realized it was part of a master plan.”

Chase said, “But your powerful magic on the outside would have shown up on the arcane sensors.”

“Nope. Justin sent the second egg to Neo Utopia to be locked in a time pocket so that it was outside of time. Don’tcha know? Nova has time powers as well. He locked this one in a time pocket too. So, it is protected. And, he left this clue, this egg protects what’s inside and cannot be detected by most things. He knew when the time came, only I, HIS BESTEST BEST FRIEND FOREVER, would realize it.”

Chase muttered, “Still bothered by Nova’s statement on Midgard?”

“Shut up.” EB sneered.

“Can you open the egg?” Justin asked.

EB put his paws together and cracked his knuckles. “Yup. Nova showed me a thing or two about time powers. Well, some things... and he didn’t really show me, I just watched him use them.... and he really didn’t like it... but I figured out this much.” He put his paws on the egg and concentrated. After a moment, the surface became blurry and then cracked and what appeared like thin glass shattered and dissipated, leaving the egg unchanged. EB tapped the top, and the egg made a satisfying clicking sound of gilded gears as the top spread apart like a flower blooming. Inside was a tiny cushion with the ruby sitting in the middle. “And viola, Nova’s missing eye.”

Chase said, “That? Are you sure? It looks like any large ruby.”

Gar slowly reached out, “I feel something from it. The magic inside this is… strange. I know it. I have felt this before.”

EB slowly turned and looked at the eye. “I feel it too. This is a Vexillian spell, or one very much like it.”

Justin asked, “What are you talking about?”

EB quietly said, “This is a talisman. Just as Jinn’s bottle was half of his soul. Nova literally split his soul in half and stored half of it here. My God! He was only half of himself and hasn’t even been near his talisman all these years, and he was so very, very powerful. What will this make him?”

Chase asked, “What do we do with this? Just bring it to him?”

EB reached out for it, “Yup. The closer it is to him, the more... Gah!” He held his heart.

Gar lurched as well. “No, what has happened?”

Chase caught EB before he fell off the desk. She asked, “What is happening?”

EB had tears in his eyes as he said, “Nova‘s… dead.”

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

Citizens across the planet were swimming in a sea of black mists. Yet, they laughed and played as though they were in the grandest of parties. In their minds, they could hear the melodic music of Lady Echidna as she sang their deaths to them. Presidents and Prime Ministers, the Pope and Dali Lama all waltzed about with the surrounding people, unaware of the dangers that lurked in the corners.

“No! Stop!” Tri-Blade raced across a dock and caught two people who were about to dance right into the ocean. He threw them back into the city street. Undoubtedly, his rescue caused them injuries, but they simply rose to their feet, laughed, drank from invisible champagne glasses, and continued their dance.

The massive Charybdis plowed through the ocean waters directly for the dock. It’s gaping maw swallowing everything before it. The flow of water toward its open mouth broke part of the dock under Tri-Blade’s feet. He jumped backward and got onto solid ground, his eyes never leaving the approaching beast.

“Watch out!” Nebula tumbled next to him, landing in a crouched position. She took down five shadow wolves bounding toward him.

“Thanks.” Tri-Blade whipped out his blades and readied for more beasts. “What is BADGE saying?”

“I don’t know. This fog is causing trouble with the comm.”

“Dammit! We need Nova. He would know how to fix this.”

Hundreds of heroes came swarming from all directions, attacking the monster in the sea. They drove it back, away from the city, but the fight was just beginning.

Nebula readied her attack as she said, “We can’t wait for Nova to return to us. We have to fight this ourselves. Let’s cut this fish up!” She launched herself off the dock with Tri-Blade on her heels.


Lady Echidna, a shadowy monster herself, dove toward Nova and lashed at him with large swaths of darkness billowing off of her.

Nova spun out of the way and deflected her attack with his sword. He then held up his hand and a blinding white light emitted from his palm. She screeched and lurched back. In her stumbling, he raced toward her, swinging his blade.

After being sliced across the middle, Lady Echidna's mid-section produced only smoke. She re-congealed and then hit him in the face with a blast of pure darkness. The force threw him backward across the snowy ground.

Rising, the cloud beneath her billowing as a sick fog of silky black, she said, “This is pointless, Nova! I contain the power of all four beasts combined with my own. There is nothing in this world that can bring me down.”

Nova used his enormous sword to get back to his feet. “I know. But, I must try.”

She laughed, her cracked chortle echoing around him as a thunder. “Pitiful warrior angel. I never could break that spirit of loyalty and honor in you. You were amazing. I enjoyed fighting beside you. I enjoyed laying beside you as well. But you will never accept that you broke yourself when you fell with me. There will never be enough light in this world to contend with what I am. You cannot find it any longer. What was in you is gone. I can feel it, I can see it in your eyes.”

Nova struck a fighting pose, holding his sword in both hands. His eyes locked with hers as the surrounding light grew. “The light you should fear is not that which I once wielded. It is all around us, every day. We just need to look for it. Seek it. However, I’ll show you just how strong I still am.” The light from him erupted, with his wings appearing in a blinding flash. When Lady Echidna lurched back at the sight, he lunged for her. She gathered her strength and lunged at him. The light and the dark meeting in the middle of the icy planes of Antarctica.

With each swipe of his blade, the continent beneath them cracked. With each lash of her shadow, the skies grew darker. The sun overhead, hardly bright enough to reflect on the ocean, seemed to turn to blood as the fight continued.

Torrik stopped firing at the barrier with his magic when Santa lowered his BADGE weapon. They both watched the world flash with explosions of incredible brightness as the battle waged.

“Look at them fight. The sheer power.” Torrik whispered this.

Santa said, “I’ve never seen Nova at this strength. I knew it was in him, and I feared it.”

“Why fear it?” Torrik asked.

“Because the only time he would ever harness it would be the day he was certain the world would end unless he gave his all.”

Torrik almost spoke when there came a crack like thunder breaking a thousand times at once. The flash of light shook the skies and lit up the world as if daylight had returned for a moment. However, darkness replaced it quickly.

Santa screamed, “NOVA!”

Torrik said, “The barrier, it’s falling.”

“Nova!” Santa snapped the reins, and the sleigh blasted off at incredible speed, moving where the barrier prevented only moments before.


Lady Echidna hovered around Nova, who was on his knees in the snow, his arms held out, his back arched so that his face was looking directly up. A silent scream falling out of his open mouth, and a shadowy dagger lodged directly in the middle of his chest. His wings faded away, crumbling across the ice.

She looked down upon him, a sense of pity in her otherwise bitter face. “So it ends. The last Arcblade to hold on to hope. Yohan is mine, the universe is mine. Nothing can stop me now.” She looked up at the portal in the distance and let out a victorious, sly smile.


Chase held EB, who sobbed uncontrollably in her arms. Gar looked as though he were about to fall over. He could shed no tears, but he was just as sad.

“What do we do now?” Chase whispered.

Justin looked back when another alert siren activated. “What else could go wrong?”

He raced out of the office and down to the Operations center. “Report, I… oh God, no!” He looked at the screens.

Robot 10915 said, “We detected these in the shadows moments ago.”

Justin watched the giant, shadowy figures of Charybdis, Fenrir, and the Hydra marching across the world. A dryness hit his throat as he asked, “What is their projected destination?”

10915 calculated and then said, “As far as calculations can determine, their destination is Antarctica.”

Justin said, “She has summoned her sentinels. We have no time. Send out a signal to all heroes they need. .. “

“Systems are not responding. Interference from the black cloud is creating a signal blackout.”

Justin said, “Hack every single communication satellite in orbit. Activate any that are dormant. Send the Black Alert out on repeat. Use Morse Code, flashing lights, anything. I need communication! I will be in the office.” He left operations and ran back into Nova’s office.

Gar met him with, “What is happening now?”

Justin went straight for EB. “It can’t get much worse. We have three shadow monsters heading for the portal and Lady Echidna is there. I don’t know if we can get to her in time, but I need to tell the heroes to move. EB, I need your magic.”

EB held Chase, his face buried in her shoulder. “I can’t go on like this. The darkness, the pain. This world is doomed.”

Chase said, “There is always hope. Nova was always the hope, even when people didn’t realize it. We have to find hope in another way. We have to try.”

EB hopped out of her arms and stood on Nova’s desk. He looked at the empty chair as he held the ruby in his paws. “I love this world, as does Santa. We are the last of our kind to live here. But, we didn’t stay just because we love this place. We stayed because Nova displayed honor unlike anyone we have ever known. Even Lord Dragon failed in the end. But Nova never failed. I swore an oath centuries ago that I would stand beside him in his darkest days and never let him fall, as long as he remained honorable. He has fallen... this world has fallen.”

Justin said, “No, you can’t say that.”

EB turned and shocked them all with his red, glowing eyes. “If we can’t save this world, by GOD, I will may that witch’s victory as hallow as I feel right now. I will tear her apart!” His body glowed as he rose in the air.

“EB?” Chase frowned.

He said, “Get out of here, now. Run.”

Gar quickly grabbed Chase and Justin and ran out of the room. He shoved his back against the closed door and pressed the emergency seal.

An explosion echoed, and the station shook so hard that half the robots tumbled away from their stations.

“Alert: hull breach in section alpha. Alert: Hull breach in section alpha.” The computer announced.

Justin yelled from his place on the floor, “Emergency force fields!”

“Activated. Decompression interrupted. Deploy repair drones.” The automated system reacted as programmed.

Justin got to his feet. “What the hell just happened?”

Gar pointed at a monitor. “Is that EB?”

They all looked at a video feed of what appeared to be a meteor blasting toward the planet’s surface.

Chase got to her feet and read the charts. “The energy readings are unbelievable.”

Justin watched the monitor. “Nova always said that EB was far more powerful that any of us knew.”

“But is he powerful enough to stop her?”

Justin checked his comm unit and smiled. “He isn’t alone.” He saw the comm line open on the main screen. Justin activated their rigged communication system. “Justin to all Heroes. Head to Antarctica and take down the shadow monsters and Lady Echidna. We have one shot at this or it is the end of the world. This is a doomsday alert. Do not hold back! For Earth... for Nova.”

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

Night filled the air, yet the sun had not set for the day. Light was almost gone from the heavens. Only a bright, warm light emitting from the portal to the Great Divide gave any illumination. Lady Echidna strode past the fallen Nova and headed for the portal. The shadow billowing around her gave the appearance of floating along in a fog.

Upon reaching the portal, her dark countenance intensified as the light illuminated her. The look of abject greed sparkled in her eyes. Her hand met another barrier that crackled with green energy, which prevented her from entering the portal.

“Nature magic? The satyr.” She turned to see Torrik running toward her. “Yohan’s last defender is a pathetic goat.”

Torrik cut his running with sideways drifting across the snowy surface. He held out both hands and spoke magical words. Vines erupted from far beneath the ice and attempted to wrap around her.

Lady Echidna deftly avoided each vine as she darted around on her shadowy base. She spun around, creating a dark tornado of mist and then thrust her hand forward, casting a blast of shadow at Torrik. “Die, little goat.”

Torrik clapped his hands, and a bright ball of light formed in front of him. The light created a shield that deflected her shadow. “Don’t think I haven’t fought dark magic before.” He threw the light at her as he ran at a ninety-degree angle away from the pitch.

She created a massive shockwave of darkness that spread out, throwing him away. When it died down, she rose and her voice boomed, “You’ve faced dark magic! Ha! I crafted the dark magic that forced Merlin to flee this world with all the other cowards! I am the darkness that haunted his nightmares!”

Torrik rolled over on the ice and slapped his hands against the surface. Large cracks formed and raced toward her, each beaming bright light. Her shadow fled as the cracks surrounded her. Vines erupted up and ensnared her body and bound her arms down.


Santa zoomed down on his sleigh, jumped out just as it swooped by. He had an enormous sword in his hands with which he aimed directly at her chest. “THIS IS FOR NOVA!”

The moment he was to meet her with his piercing strike, she let out a shattering screech that blasted him away, destroyed the vines trapping her. Santa fell out of the sky, rolled across the icy ground, and then came to a kneeling stop with his sword stabbed into the surface.

Lady Echidna exploded in a hurricane of shadow for a moment, pressing both adversaries to the ground. She let up and reformed as her beautiful self, dark wispy mists pouring off her body. “You cannot hope to defeat me.”

Torrik ran over to the barrier and stood before it. “I will not stop protecting Yohan from you until my last breath.”

“I will accept that payment. In Yohan, I will finally harvest the hearts of all nine dragons. Merlin delayed me, but I will be victorious. You cannot stop me. Nova couldn’t stop me.”

Santa said, “We will not stop trying.”

“You two strike a pathetic defense of this world.”

Santa smiled, “Three.”


Santa glanced up. “We have company.”

She looked up just in time to see the blazing red comet blasting toward her. Santa knelt down and protected himself just as EB met the ground, creating a sizable shockwave of his own. His body ignited in a powerful red energy, and he let out a primal scream that caused him to release a blast of red energy towards her with such force that it threw her miles away, crashing into the ocean.

Torrik waited a moment for the screaming to stop. “By the nine dragons, what was that?”

EB sat there, breathing hard through his teeth as he glared toward Lady Echidna. “I will tear her apart. I’ll rip her soul out and shred it.”

Santa walked over to him. “I don’t know if we have the power to stop her.”

EB’s red glow faded as he calmed slightly. “And she has brought others. The three damned beasts are battling the BADGE heroes, keeping them back.”

Torrik asked, “What are you holding?”

EB opened up his paws to reveal the ruby eye of Nova. “It was his last hope. It was a part of him.”

Santa said, “I sense something in it. Part of his soul. Could it be a talisman?”

EB nodded, “Yes.”

“Connect it to him.”

EB shook his head, “Why? He’s dead.”

“It might do something. Please, try.”

Torrik struck a defensive posture. “Do something, she’s coming!”

EB hopped over to Nova and looked at him. He still was on his knees, his dead eyes staring into the dark sky. Pulling out the dark blade, EB slowly pressed the ruby into the open wound. “I always knew you had a strong heart. Please, let it beat again.” He had tears in his eyes as he held Nova by the chest, pressing that stone deeper into him. “I miss my friend.”

“Something is happening.” Santa stood back.

A red glow appeared in Nova’s chest and EB hopped back. “Could he be alive?”

Nova faded on the winds as dust, evaporating into nothing as it flew away.

“Nova!” EB cried out in such agony that Santa lost control and wept as well.

A garbled beeping sound came from all three of them. Torrik turned on the comm device they had given him and a fuzzy voice of Justin said, “All heroes to Antarctica, Black Alert! All heroes to Antarctica...”

They heard fighting in the distance and could see small people flying around large, shadowy beasts. Portals and aircraft appeared in the skies above. A dirigible flew by, spraying electro cannon fire across Fenrir.

“They made it,” Santa declared.

Torrik said, “What good will it do? She is too powerful.”

EB looked to the side and saw the violent approach of Lady Echidna. “You don’t know what these people are truly capable of. We three cannot defeat her, but we can give them time to try.”

“How?” Torrik asked.

EB looked up at Santa, “The Garlor defense strategy.”

“You think it will stop her?”

EB moved over beside Torrik. “It stopped Legion on Vexillia long enough for us to survive their onslaught. We stand and protect this portal or die trying.”

Holding up his paws, EB cast a spell that created a clear glass-like shell around them and the portal. Santa stood next to him and held out his hands, which created a bright glow that crackled across the surface.

Torrik said, “I see what you’re doing. I don’t know your magic, but I will do what I can. HLIF BORG STOR!” He cast his spell, and another barrier formed around theirs, creating a double thick shield.

At that moment, the shadow of Lady Echidna met them and attacked the surface of their force-fields. They struggled, but maintained their postures.

EB said, “You’re dead, witch.”

Her face appeared in the midst of the shadows. “I will not lose.”

Santa said, “I’ve heard that before, and all those who said it are currently dead.”

Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

A massive black cloud of inky mists assaulted the barrier encapsulating the portal between the worlds. The three defenders inside struggled to maintain it, but the strain was apparent on their faces.

Torrik, still casting his barrier spell using his satyr horns as his casting tool, held up a hand and created a ball of bright light. The shadowy forces attacking them recoiled for a moment, but came back just as hard.

Lady Echidna’s face appeared in the clouds, though this face was far older and more wretched than the beautiful woman she pretended to be. “It is only a matter of time. My shadow is unstoppable and the heroes will fall to my minions before they even reach me. Give up.”

EB screamed, “NEVER!”

Just then, something exploded within her cloud, then beams of energy shot through her. She screeched and the attacking on the barrier weakened.

Torrik asked, “What is that?”

Santa let out a deep, laughter. “The heroes are coming.”

More blasts of energy struck her cloud and forced her to re-congeal into a figure instead of the darkness. In the sick darkness of the day, as the sun was almost nothing but a faded ball in the far distance, thousands of heroes rushed toward her. No monolithic creature stood in their way. Her minions had failed.

She watched them approach, her body flickering with black energy. “No matter. I will tear them apart. The battle has weakened them.” Swishing her hand through the air, she deflected several blasts of energy from the approaching Dirigible.

Santa said, “You are tactically wise and incredibly powerful, but they have an advantage you may not truly understand.”

Sending out a wave of darkness, she stopped, a barrage of energy blasts from the front line of heroes racing toward them. “What could these pests have that would be any advantage?”

EB said, “They aren’t just saving the universe, they’re here for revenge.”

She clapped her hands together and sent a blade of darkness at the heroes, cutting through them. However, she couldn't stop all the incoming attacks, and ten blasts hit her hard simultaneously. She flew back across the icy planes and crashed through a rock outcropping.

Santa dropped his barrier, which stopped EB’s defense. He produced his sword again. “Time to make this bitch pay.”

Torrik stood in the middle of the portal and summoned a thick covering of vines inside the opening and then enchanted an additional barrier. “I will stay here just in case. Go. Make her pay.”

EB produced two exploding eggs and said, “With great pleasure.”


Midgard’s broken body lay in the ruins of Lady Echidna’s temple. The crumbled remains of the ceiling above scattered around him. Darkness of the world left this room nothing but a void, no flicker of light graced his remains. The quiet of the room was as thick as the shadow that filled it.

Yet, a small particle of light appeared over him, then another, and another. They floated about as dust on a breeze, though there was no moving air in the room. Hundreds turned to thousands and a clean, glorious light filled this tomb of a throne room. The flakes of light drifted closer together and slowly formed the figure of a man in strange robes with glorious wings on his back, which chased away the darkness with glorious golden light.

He folded his wings, dimming the light slightly, and then knelt down next to Midgard. Reaching out with a hand, he touched the shoulder of the fallen ancient hero.

“What she stole from you she could not truly take. You do not remember, as you gave your memory to me for safekeeping. Now, my ancient friend from a bygone era, I return to you the part of your soul you left with me to protect this world.” This angelic being held out his hand, and Nova’s glorious sword appeared. The moment it formed, the man’s beautiful face changed to the wise Nova with one missing eye now filled with a red ruby. He placed the sword in Midgard’s hand and slowly closed the green fingers around the hilt.

“You will live on, my friend. You gave me strength to fight and protect this world. You trusted me to preserve that which made you whole. I never could tell you who you really were, and that we had a deep past between us as allies and friends. But you kept a strange honor that always gave me hope. You gave this world hope, even when you foolishly boasted and threatened with empty promises. I will never forget what you really were under the ego, a real hero.”

Nova stood back and looked up at the broken hole. His wings opened up, and a smile crossed his face. “The fight, my lady, has only begun.” He flew up with incredible speed.

As he cut through the skies, speeding across the land, the light in his wake split the darkness and sent it scurrying away. The mere sight of his passing destroyed the beasts that spawned from it, making them yelp and scream.


Lady Echidna stood atop a large rock and ice mountain with heroes all around her. Her body was half made of her shadow cloud. With it, she would strike out and bring down heroes and stop attacks. But there were innumerable heroes around her, pummeling her with weapons fire.

“I WILL NOT BE DESTROYED BY YOU PATHETIC MORTALS!” Lady Echidna screamed and her darkness sped out in a great wind that threw heroes away, smashing many into the ice, some even submerged deep in the bitter waters. The cloud condensed again, and she directed attacks with clear precision. A woman approached with her eyes blasting fire. The shadow stuck her right in the belly and ripped her apart with ease. Three shadowy tendrils gripped the legs and arm of the man, who had transformed into a large white gorilla, and ripped them from his torso.

“Pull back!” Santa yelled out and the heroes rallied behind him, putting distance between them and Lady Echidna’s slaughter.

Furious Squirrel drove his Dirigible directly above them and waited. He spoke over his loudspeaker, “What now?”

Lady Echidna rose and darted toward them.

Santa yelled, “We have no choice! Full boar! There is no backing down!” He ran as he created a blast of magical light from his hands directly at her.

The heroes all followed behind him in a single army, unleashing any form of power or weapon they had. The dirigible in the sky sped forward, its large cannon directly underneath it extended and charged. It let out a strong, steady beam. All this power met Echidna’s oncoming cloud.

She sent out thousands of tendrils of her shadow at them, one bisecting the dirigibles balloon, causing it to list to the side and head for the snowy fields. Her shadow killed hundreds of heroes and agents, but those remaining continued their attack.

“KEEP GOING!” Santa ordered. Lady Echidna’s body shrank and her retaliation weakened considerably.

With a horrid screech that shattered the ice for miles, Lady Echidna’s cloud exploded. The blast knocked people down. Instantly, the darkness nearest them faded away, revealing the stars in the sky again. The sun actually gained more glow.

EB sat up near Santa and said, “Did we do it? Is she really gone?”

Heroes rose to their knees, some to their feet. Santa used his sword to help stand. In the distance behind them the dirigible billowed with smoke, but Furious Squirrel flew down on his steampunk jetpack. Countless heroes littered the ground, the dead almost too numerous to count. However, more survived and were hesitantly joyful that the war was over.

“I think we did it.” Santa said.

The darkness sank in harder than before, almost blinding the people. The heroes felt the pressure of the darkness, and some of them found it difficult to breathe. Lady Echidna appeared in the middle, with the red glow of her eyes cutting through the shadow.


Santa gasped. He slammed his wrist down to activate his BADGE comm unit. He wheezed out, “Justin....she...is unstoppable....you have....no other choice...”


Justin watched this horror on his screen. The Earth below was turning to a solid black. It was as if no light could escape this darkness.

The words of Santa sent a sickening chill through his gut. He knew what was being asked of him, but he never wanted to do it. However, he knew it was the last chance. “10915, set the Omega protocol, authorization, Beta Pi Alpha Seven Seven.”

If the eyes of a robot could show fear, it would be visible now. But he did as commanded. “The station's core is set to breach. Directing thrusters. Setting destination, Antarctica.”

Justin whispered, “God forgive me for what I am about to do. 10915, engage.”

All the thrusters on the station ignited and the entire facility sped toward the planet’s surface. Upon impact, one of the biggest explosions would take Antarctica and everything on it possible. The repercussions would be felt for centuries across the planet, but there would be a planet left and that is what mattered.

“The escape pod is ready, sir.”

Justin said, “No, If BADGE is going down today, I will go with it.”

Chapter 13

Chapter 13:

Justin watched the sight before him. The world came closer at alarming speed. He had to hold on to the console nearest him so he didn’t fall over as the station rattled and rumbled. The underside was already blazing hot with their energy shields keeping the atmospheric entry from destroying them too soon. On most of the monitors, a warning flashed that the power core of the station was unstable. The impact would detonate the most powerful energy system ever created.

Tears rolled down his face as he knew what was coming. He would die today, as would thousands of others, including everyone in New Meta City. All in the hope that this was enough to destroy this immortal being of darkness.

“I’m sorry, Nova. I wasn’t good enough.”


Santa held his throat, struggling to take oxygen in.

A soft sobbing sounded next to him and he reached over and felt EB’s small, furry body on the ground. “Don’t cry, my old friend.”

EB said, “I really thought we could beat her. I thought we could get back my friend. It can’t end like this. Evil can’t win.”

Santa looked up at the small pinpoint of light that was the station careening toward them. “It won’t be long now. There is one last chance. But it will not be ours to see. Now, my old friend, we pass this existence and tread the next adventure, wherever that takes us.”

“It’s so dark,” EB wept.

A bright flash of light cracked the heavens, and the ensuing thunder shook the world. Santa gasped in a stronger breath, the darkness no longer holding him down.

“What… was that?” EB asked.

A brilliant ball of light sped over them, splitting the darkness in twain and sundering it into a mere fog that dissipated quickly.

Santa got up to his knees and watched. “It can’t be!”

EB was about to ask when he saw it. A winged angel flew directly at Lady Echidna, a bright sword in his hand as he met her with an incredible slash. Her scream rattled their bones, and the darkness faded even more.

A nearby hero asked, “Who is that?”

Santa held a quivering smile with tears in his eyes. “It’s Nova!”

Nova, the arch angel, flew around in the sky and a massive bolt of lightning spewed from his hands and met Echidna. She few back and rolled across the ground, recovering quickly with a rise into the air, her shadow still surrounding her. From their view, they saw her standing opposite the angel, who was surrounded by light, in stark contrast to her intense darkness.

She flew directly at Nova and attacked him, her darkness sending him sprawling. He recovered just as quick as she did and came back for a counterattack. Again and again they sparred, each attacking the other with their light and dark essence.

Darth Raider rushed up, “COME ON, LET’S HELP!”

Santa swiftly held out his sword to stop them. “No. We are no true match. We retreat and regroup. I don’t think he can defeat her, but he can hold her at bay long enough for Justin to finish this, I hope. MOVE!”

Everyone turned to run, but paused at what they saw approaching. The color drained from many faces at this sight. EB whispered, “Oh, my god.”

Moments before:

“How?” Echidna screeched as she saw her formerly dead opponent standing before her.

Nova, his red eye glowing brightly, answered, “I was one step ahead of you since before you returned. I knew this day would come, and so I prepared. You split your soul by selling your heart to hate and evil. I split mine by dividing the most pure of mine and placing it in this ruby. Once reunited, I am as I was before, an arcblade.”

She scoffed, “Still a fallen one. You cannot overcome that.”

“No. But I can now face you as an equal.”

Nova flew at Echidna and struck her with his sword of light. He sliced right through her shadow. It caused her immense pain, but she simply reformed. She twisted around and threw an arm at him, which sent a bolt of shadow at his mid-section. Her attack thrust him backward across the ice, causing him to scream in agony.

“End this, Nova! You know you can’t defeat me. I killed you once. I can do it again!”

Nova stood and held up his sword, causing it to beam extra bright. She lurched back. He answered her, “I vowed to defend this world from all evils. I will not back down, I will not stop. This battle is over.”

She held out her hands and brought them back together. All the dark shadows cast by anything around Nova came crashing in at him. He quickly covered himself with his glowing wings and the shadows sloughed off. He responded by thrusting his sword forward and casting a glorious light from it in a single beam. She held up her arm and a swath of darkness met the light and destroyed it.

“Face it, Nova, we’re equals. This battle will continue for eternity.”

Nova smiled and lowered his sword and took a step back. “You’re correct. We are equals. I am complete now, and a match for you. Your soul is dark. I am light. This will continue forever. I can’t defeat you.”

“Then you surrender?” She wasn’t backing down.

He shook his head, “No. I can’t defeat you... alone.”

“What?” her question was answered by the shaking of the ground and the crashing of ice as the continent was crushed.

She looked to see Midgardsormr stomping toward them in his fullest form. He walked through the ocean as one might stride through a pool, the ice parting for him as he moved. In his right hand held the same sword Nova once bore, only it was many times greater.

Lady Echidna called out her shadow to attack before Midgard got to her. However, Nova responded by summoning his light and restraining her. Midgard reached back with his great sword and came crashing down on her with the blade, slicing through rock and ice, deep into the heart of Antarctica.

From inside the fissure created by his attack, the shadow burst out and struck Midgard in the face. The mighty serpent reeled back a few steps, going half a mile away for a moment. The explosion of shadow threw Nova away as well, skidding him across the snowy ground.

Lady Echidna rose in the air, the shadow spinning around her in a torrent. "You cannot destroy me!" She exclaimed. “I am the heart of darkness, the evil of all things. I will never go away!”

A bolt of white lightning passed through her, and she crashed into the ground. Nova stood once more, his hands held up as the light from his body burned so hot that he cast deep shadows across the dome of New Meta City.

“We know what you are, and we know how to defeat you forever, my lady. Midgard, it is time!”

She struggled against his light. Her shadow couldn’t form in the brilliance that surrounded her. “What... what are you doing?” There was a pitiful plea in that voice. The first time she truly sounded fearful in known history.

Midgard stomped toward her, reaching out with his massive claw. He grasped her, taking her shadow into his hand as if he were gripping a branch of a mighty tree. She was in his grip.

He bellowed, “It is over!”

Nova, still beaming with light, flew up on his wings as Midgard rose into the sky, the light of Nova surrounding him and still restraining her.

“Nova! What are you doing? I can’t be destroyed! Midgardsormr, let me go!”


Santa watched this incredible sight as he and the other heroes fled the chaotic battle of the three deities.

“What just happened?” EB asked, sitting next to Santa in his sleigh.

Santa shook his head. “I don’t know. I think we won. Oh, no!” He snapped the reins and circled around the fleeing heroes. “Anyone who can help, get to the station. Stop it falling!” Heroes turned quickly and rushed into the sky to carry the station back to its place in orbit.

EB slapped the comm on Santa’s wrist, “Justin, stop the Omega thing. Now!”

“What?” Justin asked.

Santa spoke, “It is over. She is defeated. End Omega before you blow yourself up. I’ve sent heroes to help put the station back in orbit.”



Two days later:

Justin summoned a meeting in the station's boardroom, calling all the BADGE leaders, as well as Santa and Torrik. They spoke about the repercussions of the battle and how BADGE would respond.

“Chase, I’m putting you and EB in charge of speaking with the national leaders that contact us. Let them know we will do all we can to help to address the damages from this conflict. But remind them it is over.”

“Is it?” Chase asked.

Santa said, “It has been two days and there is no sign of Lady Echidna or her people.”

Gar asked, “I still don’t know what happened? I saw Nova... alive. He had wings. And Midgard returned. But they are gone. And…”

Justin stopped him. “There are a lot of questions, and I don’t know if we’ll ever get answers. I am inclined to believe it is over for good. But, without solid evidence, I just don’t know. I am still not convinced that was Nova in the end. As far as the report goes, Santa and Torrik found Nova dead with a blade buried in his chest.”

“I was him! I know it!” EB yelled.

Justin said, “I wish it was him. I wish he was here. We would have answers.”

Torrik said, “Well, I can tell you that none of my spells detect shadow magic on this world. Which is amazing considering how far spread her shadow went. So, it is over.”

Justin looked at the time. “I have a long meeting with the United Nations in ten minutes and we are not accomplishing anything. You have your orders. Let’s get to them.”

The meeting adjourned, and everyone left for the Operations center. However, the moment they stepped out of the meeting, something stopped all of them dead in their tracks.

Nova, in his normal outfit with an eye-patch over his face, turned and looked at them. He let out his signature little smile and said, “About time. I’ve been waiting for an hour.”

Chapter 14

Chapter 14:


“EB!” Nova attempted to pry the bunny off of him, but failed.


“Get off me!” Nova finally removed EB from his chest.

EB hopped down and was bouncing up and down with excitement. “What happened?”

Justin led the others down to the front of the room. Everyone, save perhaps Torrik, was misty eyed at the sight of him.

“Sir,” Justin softly said, betraying his failed attempt at holding down his own emotions. “Are you really back?”

Nova smiled and nodded. “Yes. And, to answer the question the world wants to know, Lady Echidna is forever gone. We cannot kill Lady Echidna, but we have contained her in a way that will hold her at bay until time itself stops.”

Santa said, “You have told me much about yourself. You confided many secret details to me, yet I was not prepared for what we witnessed. How did you survive? What… what are you?”

Nova looked around the people in this room, all waiting for this answer with bated breath. “I am Nova, defender of this world. That is all you need to know about me.”

Torrik asked, “You seemed to have a pretty good idea of what was going to happen. How come you let her rise to power and do what she did if you knew how to defeat her?”

“I didn’t know exactly how it would all play out. But I knew I needed to let her advance her plans far enough that she tapped into all her monsters she created. They were the true source of her power. Once she harnessed them, she had nothing left here to give her strength. Defeating her would mean she could never regain that power again. However, by allowing her to harness her power meant the fight would be at her strongest. I knew I couldn’t do it alone. I needed Midgard. He was far stronger than I.”

“What about Midgard? Where is he?” Justin asked.

Nova looked back at a monitor that displayed the space outside. “He is where he needs to be.”

Justin said, “Now that the world is truly safe from her, we can put our efforts into rebuilding.”

Nova nodded, “Yes. However, I am afraid that my actions have truly tarnished my image. I ask that you stand in for me for a while longer. I don’t know if I will ever be welcome again in this world.”

“I will be…”


“Don’t do anything stupid.”

“Would I ever do anything stupid?” EB grinned as Nova let out an annoyed sigh.

“I can’t stop whatever you’re planning?”



Four weeks passed as the world recovered from what Lady Echidna had done. On a select date, set by Nova, the celebrations began. Heroes and dignitaries filled the field of the Orbital Arena. Where the League Wars would normally occur, people walked around in exquisite outfits and enjoyed an elaborate party.

Nova walked with Chase, who wore an incredible red sequined dress. An ambassador and his wife both stopped and bowed to Nova and then walked on.

“I must admit, EB did a good job.” Chase took a flute of champagne from a passing tray.

Nova greeted a Prime Minister and then continued walking with her. “He spent two hundred million dollars on a huge publicity campaign to promote me. News stories about my victories in the past, constant interviews with heroes and BADGE agents to talk about how good I am, and those commercials reminding people I saved the world from the horrible darkness that spread. I’m surprised he hasn’t commissioned a full-length movie...” Nova saw a funny look on Chase’s face. “Don’t tell me... “

“Well, he has good intentions. And I think Chris Hemsworth would do a fine job of playing you.”

“He didn’t?”

She cleared her throat and looked over at the beefy Australian actor signing autographs. “I think he wants to talk to you about how to portray you.”

“This is insane.”

She fixed his bowtie on his tuxedo and said, “Go, talk to him. BADGE needs a good image and Hollywood blockbusters can help.”

“You go talk to him. Find out about this movie and let me know the details.”

“Fine.” She left Nova for the hunky Australian star.

Arx walked up behind Nova and said, “Why didn’t EB ask me? I’m twice as handsome as that bozo, and I have a perfect body. I don’t need a high-dollar trainer and fake tan.” The jealousy dripped from every word.

Nova laughed, “I think it’s still a good idea for you to stay out of the limelight. The last time you were in Hollywood, you nearly destroy the city.”

“Fair point,” Arx said.

“Did you need something?” Nova asked.

“Oh, yeah, we have a minor problem. EB caught someone who isn't supposed to be here, but he claims he was invited.”

“A gatecrasher? I think the security drones can handle that.” Nova waved at the Canadian Prime Minister.

“Well, they claim you invited them.”

Nova turned around and found EB standing next to Rutkowski in the far corner of the room. The gangster tethered by a long, magical cord made of licorice. “Actually, I invited him.” Nova left the crowd to get to the guest.

Rutkowski glared at Nova, “Is dis how yous guys treat an honored guest?”

EB tightened his magic cord, “Honored my furry butt. You’re here to scope out some sinister heist or something. Lots of expensive jewelry walking around this room.”

Nova said, “EB, let him go. I invited him.”

“Really? Oh, uh, okay.” He let go of the cord and it flopped to the ground.

Rutkowski fixed his 1930s striped suit. “See, told you I was invited. But, don’t get me wrong, I ain’t accepting no hero title or nothing.”

Arx asked, “What is he talking about?”

Nova said, “I heard that Rutkowski and Peyton worked together to help save Neo Utopia during the worst of the crisis. It impressed me that Rutkowski was the one who thought of it and never asked for anything in return. So, I thought it was time that he received some respect.

“I shoulda got some respect years ago.”

Nova said, “You might find being an honest man pays better than being a criminal. And, since the world knows how honorable you acted, you have a pretty good start.”

Rutkowski scoffed, “Great, now I gotta knock over a bank on da way home so I can fix my street cred.”

Nova laughed at that and walked away.

Rutkowski pulled out his cigarette case.

“No smoking!” EB jumped up and slapped the case out of his hand.

Rutkowski rolled his eyes. “Aw, come on.”

“Here, try these.” EB hopped up and handed him some carrots.

Rutkowski chomped on one and looked surprised. “They aint half bad.”


Nova walked into the middle of the extensive field as he greeted people along the way. He stopped at a hovering microphone and the lights dimmed so he was under a spotlight. Everyone watched him with great curiosity. The screens came alive around the stadium as they would during the League Wars. Across the planet, people in grand parties stopped to witness this.

“Thank you for coming to this celebration. Tonight, we aren’t here just to recognize the end of a terrible time during the Lady Echidna crisis. I called you together to pay respect to a hero that has given his all for the safety of this world. However, this is no memorial. He will be with us tonight, shortly, and will explain. I believe he is coming now.” Nova stepped aside.

A bright light shone down from outside the clear dome over the arena. A figure appeared in the light and stepped out. Midgard, in his human form, joined Nova.

“I told you I didn’t want a big celebration.” Midgard said to Nova.

Nova responded, “The world has the right to celebrate you, especially with what you are here to say.” He stepped back, giving Midgard the floor.

Midgard approached the mic and spent a moment looking uncomfortable. Finally, he said, “Hello. You know me as Midgardsormr, or possible as Jormungandr. For several thousand years, I have been with you, most of that time in secret. I forgot who I was for a long time and slowly gained a reputation. While I enjoyed my power, Nova drove me to understand honor... even when I rebuked his lessons. He is a good man, better than anyone truly knows. Centuries ago, we made a plan. We knew that our greatest foe would return and precise steps had to be taken to ensure the safety of this world. Regrettably, those steps would cause damage and cost some lives. However, we would achieve the goal. Lady Echidna is locked away as she was before. We have locked away Lady Echidna as before, but now all her power is sealed away with her, preventing her from feeding off this world. Even so, she is clever and dangerous. To make sure she never returns, I vow to stand guard in the void and restrain her for all time.”

There were many gasps and murmuring as he said this. He continued, “This world is a safer place because of BADGE and I know Nova will see to that. So… this is goodbye. It has been an interesting ride. Don’t mess it up.” The crowds applauded him as he stepped away from the mic.

The mic flew away as the ambient music returned.

Arx, Chase, EB, Gar, Justin, and Torrik joined Nova and Midgard.

EB’s lip quivered, “So... you’re leaving us for good?”

Midgard let out a hefty laugh. “Don’t tell me the puny little bunny now cares about me.”

“You aren’t so bad. You saved everyone. I’m gonna miss you.” He walked over and hugged Midgard’s leg.

“Gah, this is what I didn’t want, a mushy farewell. I’m Midgardsormr, not some Dorthy saying goodbye to the scarecrow!” He shoved the bunny off.

Chase laughed, “There’s that Midgard attitude we’ve come to love. Well, I’m gonna miss you too.”

“Bah! I’ll come back once a year to kick all your collective butts. Gotta remind this world who the real badass is.”

Justin asked, “What do you mean?“

Nova answered, “I agreed to a battle once a year. Midgard will return and fight the heroes in an epic showdown. No one kills anyone and nothing gets damaged. But the heroes will test themselves against one of the most powerful beings to walk this earth.”

“Ha! I like that. Never let anyone forget I am the strongest!” Midgard looked up. “I’ve been gone too long already. I need to get out of here.”

Nova walked up and took Midgard by the wrist in a powerful show of friendship. There was a glisten of a tear in his one good eye. “We’re going to miss you. You were a true hero, even when you pretended not to be. You touched all our lives and made this a better place. We owe you so much.”

Midgard replied, “Thanks. Coming from you, that really means something.” He pulled Nova in and came close to his ear, whispering something. He backed away and let go of Nova’s hand. Midgard grew brighter for a moment and then faded away.

Chase asked, “What did he say?”

Nova, who had gained a worried expression, said, “Don’t worry about it.”

Justin said, “I’m going to miss him.”

Nova quietly watched the stars above them. In a soft voice, he said, “He isn’t gone, not really. As long as we remember him, he will always be with us.”

World Eater
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

 A fresh wind blew around Torrik and EB as they stood out on a ledge overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Five BADGE shuttles flew in patterns around them while BADGE boats moved across the surface.

"I don't like this," Torrik muttered.

EB hopped around him, "Oh, don't be such a downer. We finally beat her to the prize. No big battles. No big tidal waves...nuthin!"

Torrik smiled, "Remember, I was the one who caused the surge in your ocean around the Eye of the Hydra."

EB stopped hopping, "Oh, right. Bout that, It was a magnificent spell, but you totally almost caused some serious harm to people."

Torrik walked away, heading for a path down to the beach. "I hoped to catch Lady Echidna in the spell, not your people. However, I'm sorry that I didn't realize I would put so many innocents in harms way."

EB brightened up, "No one was really hurt, so alls well that ends well I suppose."

They both walked out onto a beach where an encampment of BADGE tents were arranged. Computer equipment was strewn about with people analyzing the data of all the deep water scans.

EB hopped around, a silly grin on his face as he looked at all the amazing work. One of the scientist operating the system walked over and patiently waited. Torrik watched EB for a moment and then looked up at the scientist who quietly waited.

Torrik asked, "Do you have anything to report?"

The scientist watched EB and then said, "Yes, but protocol says I'm supposed to report to the highest ranking BADGE officer. Technically... that's EB."

EB stopped and his eyes went wide, "Oh, right! Oops. Not used to that. So, uh, sure, whatcha got?"

The scientist held up a computer tablet and showed them several read outs, "Dr. Morphosis has continued scanning this area with the help from Strange Quark. We're picking up minor energy readings, almost undetectable. However, if I'm looking at this correctly, they match the same readings as the other known items, the Eye of Fenrir and the Eye of the Hydra."

Torrik pointed at the tablet, "Does that magic mirror tell us where to find the item?"

"Magic mirror?" The scientist frowned.

EB said, "That's his way of asking if you can find it with the computer."

"Oh. Uh, no. But, it's a lead. We have several heroes who can handle the water pressure working down there to check for us. We could use more help."

"I can't breathe under water," EB said.

"What about Gar?" The scientist asked. "His body can handle any pressures."

EB said, "Ain't nuthin in this world gonna get Gar under water, especially this sea. He spent a LOOONG time down there and really, really hates it."

Torrik said, "Work with what you have. So far, we haven't had any sign of Lady Echidna or Master Nova. We have to get to this before they know we have an idea where it is."

"Will do." The scientist said.

"Hey, I'm the bunny in charge, I give orders. So... do what he said."

"Sure." The scientist returned to his computers and sent several messages down to the people under the water.

Torrik asked, "What is Gar? He is full of magic, and looks like a stone golem... but I've never seen a golem with personality. They're pretty mundane creatures. He's strange."

"It's a long story, which I'll be glad to tell you. But, you gotta know one thing, he hates being under water. I mean, really hates it. So, I told him he could help Justin while I'm out here with you looking for the next thingy."

A smaller than usual crowd gathered around the town square of Ka'an Dorado. A giant Krampus ghost lurched back, staggered for a moment, and then rushed forward after having been punched right in the face. Two large, green scaly arms wrapped around his neck and grabbed him. With a body throw worthy of any pro-wrestling star, Midgard tossed Krampus over himself, and slammed him head-first into the ground. The impact caused the giant monster to explode into a cloud of black mist.

Heroes and civilian spectators alike cheered and exchanged money. Midgard ripped free a large sail he had used as a blind fold and waved it around.


People yelled out suggestions and argued about what challenge they would pose to him this time. He had defeated this shadow of Krampus so many times he had turned to handicapping himself to keep it interesting. Basking in the glory of all the applause only made it sweeter.

Gar flew in and landed on a taller roof nearest Midgar's face. "Midgard!"

Midgard wasn't listening, he still enjoyed the accolades of glory from the people below.

"MIDGARD!" Gar yelled louder.

This time it was obvious that Midgard was ignoring him. "So, what will it be? Hand behind back? Tail tied to leg?" More suggestions were thrown at him. "No! I am not shrinking down, it's no fun that way!"

"MIDGARDSORMR!!!" Gar yelled.

Midgard turned and glared at him with his giant, serpentine face. "WHAT IS IT, STONE BRAINS? I'M BUSY!"

Gar was hardly intimidated. "Justin needs you."

"I'm not Justin's errand boy! I'm having fun. Go away!" He turned to continue taking suggestions from the crowd.

Gar flew up and got right in Midgard's face, flapping his wings to keep aloft. "This is important. It's about Lady Echidna!"

"Gah! Can't you people deal with that fashionista bitch! I'm busy!"

"Do you want to help Nova or not!"

Midgard's left eye twitched and he finally said, "Fine. Ruin my fun."

"You can come back later."

Midgard let out a heavy sigh, which was a gale of wind in Gar's face. "Let's go."

The shadow of Krampus reformed again since Midgard was standing in the square. Midgard waved a massive claw in the air. "You people deal with this one, BADGE needs me."

The jovial crowds scrambled to evade the enemy as they were now the focus of this monster. Their champion was no longer there to protect them.

Midgard snickered as he shrunk down enough to fit into the BADGE shuttle, "They lost their lust for combat when it's their necks on the line."

The ocean of black twinkled alive with stars and planets while the moon waded through the silent stillness. Torrik sat on the beach and watched the heavens while the BADGE tents remained active with people analyzing the incoming data.

EB came over and held up a box. "Dinner."

"Set it here." Torrik gestured toward the ground next to him.

EB set the food down and then sat in the sand. "Whatcha look'n at?"

"Your stars. They're so different than mine."

EB nodded, "I know the feeling."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not of this world, remember? It has been centuries since I was on Vexilia, but it was my home for a long time. I watched the stars above and our five moons as well. I loved the night skies. When we came here, it all changed. One moon, different stars. It's hard to imagine that the thousands of stars above could actually look so different, but they do."

Torrik smiled at EB, "That is the most mature thing you've said to me since I met you, if you don't mind my saying."

"I don't mind. I can be silly. And I don't care. I like to talk. It gets me in trouble, but people forgive me since I'm cute and fluffy. Seriously, this one time I totally ticked off Chase because I was talking about her outfit and how it made her chest look so sexy. She chased me into the arboretum and was going to stick me with a knife, right in the butt. But, I just gave her my best bunny eyes, wiggled my nose, twitched my tail, and she was nougat in my hands. Gave me this great idea of a Valentines candy made with nougat that is for the person who forgot Valentines Day, I called it my post Valentines forgive-me-nows."

"And, you are right back to silly." Torrik said.

"It's my lot in life. Now, I can be deadly serious, this one time... "

A giant blue and yellow eel jumped out of the water. It had a mans torso and head. Halfway to the ground, he transformed into a full man with bright red briefs as his only clothing.

"Dr. Morphosis?" EB jumped up.

The man rushed over, "We found something!"  

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

 Chase walked out of the lift on the station with two tablets in her hands. Acting Director Justin patiently watched the large monitor with several windows open to show him activity across the planet.

"So, have they done anything yet?"

Justin answered her, "No. I'm still trying to figure out how they hacked our computers. I've called him in to see if he's willing to answer questions."

"Good luck. As for me, I've looked over details about the new Battle Arena set up in the Great Divide. It looks like it'll be perfect." She stopped beside him.

Justin turned his attention to a monitor looking at the permanently open portal near New Meta City. This led to the realm between worlds where powerful creatures of myth and fantasy waited for intruders.

"What did the representative from the Great Divide have to say, exactly?"

Chase looked at the tablet, "Golub the Short..."


Chase laughed, "He is an old Goblin commander and leader of the Great Divides forces. Nice guy, if a little smelly."

"What did this Goblin have to say?"

"Golub said they welcome the challenge. Many of those creatures have been waiting there for centuries with very little to do. He said most of the larger creatures are extremely resistant to energies and magical powers, which is why they were placed there. So, our heroes shouldn't do much harm."

"That was my next question. I don't want our heroes to become executioners in some kind of Colosseum type of place. These creatures know this will be tough battles."

Chase changed tablets and showed Justin some information. "It isn't a prison or penal colony where criminals are executed by combat. It appears there is a powerful spell over the realm there, so that the creatures will go down before being killed and their bodies will be transported to a place where they can recover, which they do quickly. So, it will be very hard to accidentally kill one of them. I think the bigger issue will be for the heroes, the spell won't work on them, and they'll have to know their limits and not get themselves into trouble."

Justin said, "I have considered that. BADGE is officially setting up a special Hospital in New Meta City where they will tend to the heroes who challenge this Arena. Also, it will be a protected place to send heroes who need privacy while they recover."

"Sounds like a win win. I'll tell Golub that we're in and to be expecting first real combatants any time."

Justin turned and walked over to one of the robots. He said to Chase, "Not yet. I have one last detail." He then addressed the robot, "10915, I want you to craft an updated rules outline similar to the League Wars. I want rules for our heroes to follow."


Chase asked, "What is that for?"

"This is training and I'll allow them to push themselves, but only so far. There has to be limits or this could get out of hand. Just look at the Krampus shadow battle. Some heroes, particularly Midgard, spend all day there thrashing that beast in every conceivable way. Those creatures aren't shadow constructs that reform after a few minutes."

Chase muttered, "You know Midgard will have something to say about that."

Just then both EB and Torrik appeared out of a flash of magic. Torrik said, "That Midgard is a dangerous person. I have warned you about him. I have never felt such unmitigated power in one creature. Only the Legendary Dragons of old held greater power than what I feel in him, and he seems to not care how he throws it around."

Justin said, "Midgard is one of our greatest heroes, even though he would hate to hear me call him that. He has saved this world on several occasions. I'm fully aware how dangerous he is and his attitude is frightening at times. But, he remains honorable... in his own way."

Chase asked, "What are you two doing here? Aren't you supposed to be searching for the Eye of the Charybdis?"

EB hopped up and down, "We found it!"

"You did?" Justin looked pleasantly surprised.

Torrik laughed, "As usual, my companion is a little ahead of himself. We found something related to it, something vital." He snapped his fingers and a stone tablet the size of a grave stone appeared. It had strange writing on it. There were three symbols with hollowed out impressions in the middle, and a larger carving next to them with a figure on it and the same text.

"What is this?" Justin looked at it.

Torrik picked it up with one hand, "This is a re-creation of what is on the floor of your great sea of Mediterranean. The one below the waters registers with great amounts of the magic related to the eyes found so far. Your heroes and agents scanned it completely and confirmed that this hole here," He pointed to a hole near the bottom, "once held a stone with a slightly unique energy reading than the others. The holes are all cut to the right shape and size for these gems. It all adds up."

Chase asked, "Then, what is this?"

"It's probably a place-holder where the stones once resided. It was also likely the last place the eye of the Charybdis, but it was removed."

Justin let out a great scoff, "Then, a dead end."

Torrik shook his head, "No. It's not. One thing you must learn, Master Justin, any information regarding your quarry is useful in some way. This provides both evidence we are on the right track and gives us a glimpse ahead."

"What do you mean?" Justin asked.

Torrik pointed to the larger patch with the strange figure and writing. "We know of three eyes now, Fenrir, Hydra, and now Charybdis. However, there is something here that is the fourth. I know there were four items used, which I assumed was a fourth eye like the others. But, this one indicates something else, something bigger and more dangerous."

Justin asked, "What does this text say?"

EB hopped up and answered, "We don't know. That is the weirdest writing I've ever seen and I've seen lots. Looks like something from Lord of the Rings. You know, that cool Elf writing. Dontcha just love those movies! I mean, those elves were nice and cute... the girl elves that is. Some of the guys were kinda cute too, wait, forget I said that. You know, my companies were the ones who had all the contracts for the special candies for the movies and we did this one... "

"EB!" Justin bellowed.

EB grinned, "Oh, that almost sounded just like Nova. You're getting better at it."

Justin had a hand up to his face. "We need to translate this. It is vital. This is the first bit of information we have that might get us ahead of her. Chase have the computers scan this and search our database for anything even remotely close to it. Get in touch with all the antiquities authorities across Earth, this is vital."

"Right away."

Torrik gave her that flirty smile and said, "I'll be glad to help."

They left together for the laboratories where this replica of the tablet would be scanned into the computer.

Justin had to ask, "Why aren't you chewing through the bulkheads with jealousy? Torrik is a rival for Chase."

"He's just a flirt with all the girls. Not much for human girls, told me so. I trust him. He's a nice guy."

A robot announced, "Shuttle 423 arriving in bay one."

"Good, tell Gar to escort him up here right away."

EB frowned, "Who?"


"Oh, him. He's okay, but I don't really like the way he yells all the time and can be so mean. Tried to eat me one time, like one little bunny snack. Thankfully, Vexillians are harder to pick on than he realized."

"I need him to answer some questions and I hope he is receptive to talk, because this situation is about to get out of hand."

"What situation?"

Justin said, "An unauthorized, impromptu attack on Lady Echidna's HQ."

"You found it?"


Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

 "Isn't it beautiful." Lady Echidna cooed at the glowing blue Eye of the Hydra. The teardrop shaped jewel rested in her hand as she rolled it around her fingers.

Nova looked over to the wall where there was a place to rest this object. "Why not put it where it belongs?"

She smiled at him and lounged back in her throne. "If I place it, then it will become part of the grand scheme. However, I can harness it later, at a time when I need a champion to stand between me and those annoying heroes. If they think Krampus's shadow is a menace to deal with, just wait until they contend against the Hydra."

Nova left her to pace around the ancient throne room. "Hydra is the strongest of your creations. The Charybdis is still out there, but not as dangerous as the Hydra."

Lady Echidna leaned back and propped her legs up on the arm of the throne, still musing at the blue stone in her hand. "Oh, my dear Nova, the Hydra pales in comparison to the apex monster. The creation I would have used to end this pathetic world if I succeeded in the past."

Nova turned, frowning at her, "I... I don't remember the fourth beast."

"You'll not remember that masterpiece, for it was you who stopped him and laid waste to my plans. I have selectively prevented you from recalling my ultimate weapon."

"But, my lady, I am loyal to you and you alone! Surely I have proven that!"

She clicked her tongue at him, "tsk tsk tsk, let's not yell. I know your weaknesses better than you. This is a weakness. I cannot risk you stepping in the way. I may need the fourth beasts powers to finish my scheme, but I still intend on releasing him at the right time."

Just then two people walked into the throne room from outside. Both wore BADGE uniforms, one in a science department outfit, the other a security guard. Both held guns at the ready. They suddenly dropped down to one knee and bowed their heads.

Lady Echidna sat up and smiled, "Ah, my spies. What news do you bring me?"

They bowed low and the one in the science outfit replied, "BADGE has not uncovered the Eye of the Charybdis. However, they did find something connected to the eyes."

She sat forward, "What? What have they found?"

The soldier answered, "A stone tablet with strange writing on it. I could not get a good look at it. But, it did not contain any of the eyes."

Nova asked her, "What is this? What does it mean?"

She was lost in thought for a moment and then gave him a severe look. "I don't know. This tablet... what is it? Could you have left yourself a clue? Was this part of the original temple I crafted? I need more information."

Nova looked down upon the two cowering spies, "Perhaps they could tell us more if I were to... encourage them to remember more clearly."

She stood and smiled as a serpent about to feast. "Interrogate them, drive out those memories. We need to know more."

"Yes, my lady." Nova directed the now frightened spies out of the throne room.

Lady Echidna casually said to herself, "Perhaps I need to consider altering my plans. I might need my most powerful beast yet."

"JUSTIN! I DON'T LIKE TO BE BOTHERED WHILE I'M HAVING FUN!" Midgard, in his human size, bellowed as he got off the lift for the Operations center. He shoved Gar away as he marched toward Justin. Gar fell back into the lift and disappeared when the doors closed.

Justin had learned to be like Nova around Midgard, retain a firm, unrelenting attitude and not let this loud creature get to him. "While you and your friends are having fun, you're messing up my day."

"What are you babbling about, Justin?"

The lift doors opened and Gar exited properly this time. "I found Midgard."

"Already established that," Justin stated and then picked up a computer tablet and pressed a button. One of the screens on the main monitor displayed a Nordic symbol of a large circular serpent biting its tail. Under that it read, "FAANG"

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" Midgard bellowed.

Justin gave him a severe look, "The Foundation of an Altered Normal Generation."

Midgard returned that look with a furious, yet confused look, "THAT DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION."

Gar said, "They are your group, right?" His tone was honestly curious.

Midgard made a growling sound that was much larger than his current body should be able to muster. "What? I don't have a group with that stupid name."

Justin pressed a button and several people appeared in the midst of combat. They were dressed in barbaric clothing that made them look like cosplayers at a local Renaissance Festival. "This is a group that, until recently, BADGE has considered a harmless problem. They're made up of people with either partial morphonic infused powers or completely infused abilities."

"Infused?" Gar asked while Midgard was still growling at the screen.

Justin said, "An infused hero is one who uses technology to either enhance their morphonic powers in their body or give them powers through the tech alone. We have a number of BADGE hero allies that are listed as infused. However, this FAANG seems to be made of them entirely."

Midgard drew dangerously close to Justin, "And why am I listening about this pathetic band of stupid humans?"

"Aren't they yours? They seem to have adopted an ancient symbol of Midgardsormr as theirs, they dress like Vikings..."


"Noted," Justin calmly stated. "Regardless. They're loud, pushy, and have crossed a dangerous line recently. You, Midgard, are loud, pushy, and love crossing every line we set."


"Noted," Justin repeated himself. "So, are you saying these people aren't with you?"

"No! I don't even know who these humans are! What have they done?"

Justin turned to the screen and swiped a finger across the tablet in his hand. A video activated. These rowdy people stood around their own operations center that was filled with computers and pelts. It looked like a Viking hall on the set of a B adventure movie.

"BADGE has proven they are worthless in finding the greatest hero this world has ever known. Nova has refused to work with us in the past, but now we shall prove to him how much better FAANG is than BADGE and he will join us. We will find him, free him, and defeat our enemies. BADGE is so pathetic that it cannot even defeat a single woman who has kidnapped the greatest hero ever! HAZZAH!" The transmission paused with the group all thrusting their fists in the air triumphantly.

"HAZZAH? WHAT KIND OF MORON THINKS A VIKING EVER SAID HAZZAH?" Midgard was so furious his eyes were glowing orange.

Justin said, "They're going after Lady Echidna to rescue Nova. Since you have a strange friendship with Nova, and they used a symbol related to you as theirs, and they... well... act a little like you, I assumed you were at least goading them along."

"I know nothing of these fools! I would eat them for tarnishing my identity!" Midgard started to calm down. "I am not responsible for their stupidity."

Justin gave Midgard a cold look and then said, "I believe you. However, that leaves me with a bigger problem than before. I don't know how to find them to stop them."

"BAH! Let them hunt for Lady Echidna. They will prove themselves fools searching where BADGE has failed."

Justin let out a soft sigh, "Actually, the problem is... they do know where to find her."

"How is this possible?" Gar asked.

"We have found a way to plant something so that we could find her center of operations. We believe we have pin-pointed a location. However, one of their members is a computer expert who was able to hijack the tracking signal and they got the same information. So, they know where to find her, Nova, and her little army. And, they intend on a direct assault, if their transmission is accurate."

Gar said, "But, they'll be killed. She is very powerful."

"They aren't without some merits. You know BADGE steps in when people with inadequate abilities try to be heroes. We protect them from themselves. But, this group, though mostly infused heroes, aren't weak. They have done some good work. They are very strong as a group, one of the strongest freelance hero groups on BADGE's records. My problem is, we can't let her know we know where she is. Also, this might prematurely set off some of her plans that we aren't ready for. And, of course, it will not end well for them."

Steam trickled from Midgards nose and mouth as he glared at the paused image on the screen. "That is not the problem they should be worried about."

Justin, hiding his fear well, asked, "What is it?"

Midgard turned and bellowed, "THEY USE MY SYMBOL AS THEIRS AND WILL MAKE FOOLS OF THEMSELVES! I WILL DESTROY THEM BEFORE THEY DESTROY HER!" He ran out of the room, barely getting into the lift without smashing clear through the doors to do so.

Gar looked at Justin, "What do we do?"

"Follow him. I can't have him murdering them. I'll see if I can talk sense into these FAANG people. Go!"

Gar ran for the lift.  

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

 Torrik and EB watched the ancient tablet floating in the middle of an energy field inside the laboratory. After confirming removing the real one wasn't going to set off anything dangerous, it was retrieved and brought to the station. Several BADGE scientists examined it with various sensors. A plethora of numbers rushed by on screens that seemed to intrigue these engaged minds while EB speculated wild guesses.

"What if, now hear me out, what if this is a recipe?" EB laid over on his belly as he watched the tablet hovering in mid-air over the table.

Torrik frowned, "Recipe? What for? Lady Echidna's favorite mead from ancient times."

"Could be. She's a pretty picky lady. High fashion, fine wines, music. I kinda like her tastes... if she weren't a nasty, horrible, Nova-stealing, witch."

The doctor walked into the room from a different lab. She had a computer tablet in her hands which seemed to have all her attention as she nearly ran into Torrik. "Oh, excuse me."

"No problem. Did you find anything?"

She looked up at the tablet, "Only that the energy readings seem to be residual."

"What does that mean?" EB asked.

"Just that the energy is left behind from something. Like a grass stain from sliding across the ground. The cloth isn't made of grass or growing any, just has it smeared on the surface. This only proves the theory that this once held those powerful objects. However, inherently, it has no power of its own that our sensors can detect."

"Oh, poo. So, that's a dead end," EB said.

Torrik thought hard for a moment as he peered at the object. "This doesn't belong to her."

"What?" Dr. Henderson asked.

Torrik pointed at the tablet and said, "Lady Echidna never does anything frivolous. Everything has purpose and meaning. This tablet wouldn't hide the objects, it didn't have any power from or over them. Why use it? What good is it to her?"

Dr. Henderson said, "It wouldn't be good for her."

EB said, "Come to think of it. She never came sniffing around for it. Her people are always in our faces when we are looking for this stuff. We had a big whole operation camped out on that beach and lotsa stuff in the water looking around. It wasn't a secret BADGE was on the trail of this. And, her minions weren't there."

Torrik smiled. "Good analysis."

EB grinned. "I have my moments."

Torrik said, "This could only mean that she is either unafraid of this, or this worries her. She doesn't want it around. In either case, we need to know more about it."

Dr. Henderson said, "Unless you can decipher those strange words on there, we're out of luck. Our computers were unsuccessful."

EB hopped up. "I have an idea. Oh, oh, this is really gonna work." He blasted out of the room at top speed without telling them anything.

"What got under his tail?" Torrik asked.

Dr. Henderson shrugged. "Just EB being EB. But, he does come up with a good idea now and then. While we wait on him, I'll run another decryption program and see if the computer can figure this out."

Justin paced around the operations center. He worked to control his temper as he was about to speak to people that always got under his skin. He paused for a moment and considered how much time he spent here dealing with what this job entails. It never really occurred to him how much time Nova spent here until it was his job. Then he realized that at almost any time, this is exactly where he found Nova working.

"Incoming Transmission; F A A N G league headquarters."

"On screen at once."

The main monitor filled with the interior of the FAANG HQ. Three people stood before him, with a man at the lead. All wore outfits like vikings and bore great beards, long braided hair, and tattoos on their faces.

"BADGE, I'm Jarl Red-Beard of FAANG. Why have you summoned us? We are preparing for a glorious battle!" The leader bellowed with a phony Viking accent.

Justin groaned.

The man behind Red-Beard yelled, "We shall drink and sing of our glory while BADGE is filled with shame at having not joined us in this great honor!"

"Cut the nonsense. I want you to know that we're fully aware that you hacked our system and have learned about the tracing signal to Lady Echidna."

"Then you know we drink and prepare for glorious combat that will echo throughout the aeons!"

Justin huffed, "This is embarrassing. You aren't vikings and that isn't Valhalla. I am ordering you to stand down and not continue this foolish mission."

The red headed man at the head burst into a deep laugh. "What makes thee think I am beholden to your word? You do not command FAANG! Thou must be insane!"

"Vikings aren't Shakespearean actors, that's just pathetic." Justin muttered.

The leader lost the phony accent, "Fine, act superior to us just because you are well-funded and live on that opulent spacestation. While BADGE sits around and crunches numbers and over-thinks everything, we'll prove FAANG are the real heroes. After we find and defeat this Lady Echidna, BADGE will be nothing but a memory while the rest of the world turns to FAANG for protection."

Justin let himself cool off, not responding in kind to this idiot. "I have not contacted you to merely request that you stand down. I actually wish to make you an offer."

This intrigued all three of them. The leader inclined his ear slightly. "Speak, I'm listening."

There was a part of Justin that really, really hated doing this, but he hoped they took the offer regardless. "BADGE has analyzed your strengths and also noted that you have acted on the behalf of justice and morality. Our evidence of your exploits has shown you are genuine heroes."

"HAZZAH!" All three bellowed.

Justin groaned under his breath and continued. "We also know that your team is made up of people with considerable strength. You could be a valuable asset to BADGE as a new, recognized league. You would be granted all the permissions and benefits of being part of BADGE while retaining your unique identity, location, and have enough freedom to conduct your own missions within reason."

"But..." The leader held out a hand.

Justin knew this was coming. "However, on global, serious matters, FAANG would be required to cooperate with BADGE rules and take orders regarding procedure in the situation."

"I told you! Did I not tell you?" The leader looked at the other two who were nodding. He then sneered at Justin, "BADGE is scared we will steal their thunder. They bask in the glory of saving this world from the big threats. Now, we come along and prove the world doesn't need BADGE and they are scared. You want us to sign away our freedom and become just more servants of BADGE. Then you will send us to defeat Lady Echidna and claim the glory for yourselves."

"Don't be idiots. This is not about glory or honor. This is about organized work, not chaotic heroes."

"We will defeat this lady and then we will be the true heroes of Earth. This is our time to shine."

Justin pleaded with them. "Don't do this! I have seen how powerful she is. You will need help, you will..."

"Enough of this. I tire of this conversation. We have a glorious mission. Keep an eye on the news, Justin, this battle will be historic." The leader shut off the signal.


Robot 10915 said, "Do you wish to reconnect the comm line?"

"No. They wouldn't listen to me. Get me Gar."

There was a long pause and then 10915 said, "I have audio communications with Agent Gargoyle."

"Put him through." After a beep, Justin said, "Gar, this is Justin. Report."

Gar said, "I'm following Midgard. He is big and stomping mad. He keeps yelling about finding this FAANG place. I don't know if he knows where they are. I guess that's a good thing, he would probably stomp them flat, or worse."

"No. I want him to find them. I'm sending you the location of them and what we know of the whereabouts of Lady Echidna. They'll be somewhere in-between."

"But, he'll eat them. He said so."

Justin said, "He may want to destroy them, but I'm betting a good fight with him might make them reconsider their idea to find Lady Echidna. I just hope he can intercept them before they get to her."

"Okay. I hope you're right."

"Me too. Justin out."

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

 Torrik stood in the lab, carefully studying the tablet. Something about this writing on it seemed familiar, but he simply couldn't put his finger on it. He had even cast a memory enchantment on himself to help the thoughts congeal, but he still could not recognize any words.

"Sir, do you need something to eat?" One of the scientist asked him.

Torrik shook his head, "No. I want answers and I can't seem to find them."

"The rest of us are heading out for dinner. If you need anything, contact station Operations."

"Go on, have your dinner. I'll be fine." Torrik waved them out of the room, his eyes remaining fixed on the object before him.

There was a long, quiet pause as he was alone in the room. The strange computer devices were beeping softly and creating dancing lights, but they seemed utterly useless in his mind. Nothing provided answers they needed.

"Torrik, are you okay?" Dr. Henderson walked into the room.

"I'm fine."

"I was heading for dinner when I saw they hadn't sealed the lab. You can leave for a bit, get something to eat and rest."

"I don't need rest, I need answers." He said.

She said, "You sound like me. When I have a serious problem, I will set aside my health in pursuit of answers. It really doesn't help, in fact I find that it works against me."

Torrik said, "You don't understand. I haven't told Justin everything about my mission."

Dr. Henderson frowned at him and came around the table to draw his attention more to her. "What have you been keeping from us?"

"I wasn't keeping this from you because I didn't trust you, I kept it because I hoped you would never need to know."

"Tell me what you know. Any detail about this situation is vital."

Torrik said, "Months before I was sent on this mission, there was a strange incident at the Ghost Library..."

"The what?"

"It's a place where the memories of people are stored in mirrors and their image speaks from their memories."

"Fascinating. What happened?" She picked up a tablet to take notes.

"Some of the most ancient memory mirrors from the earliest days began giving out vague warnings. The memories within were recalling a time when something extremely dangerous was about to happen. They feared the world was about to end. A monster of incredible strength loomed in the distance and was ready to pounce. Our greatest minds studied the histories and spoke with these mirrors. All we could determine was that an apocalyptic event was stopped and that it's origins was the original home, the world we came from, Earth. However, they realized the event wasn't truly stopped, merely deferred. The end of a world was coming. And, if this world ends, so does ours. The two worlds are intricately connected."

Dr. Henderson took down some notes and then asked, "Why didn't you tell us this? Sounds pretty important."

"Because, my people believed it would be possible to upset this event again, to stop it before it started. We learned of the four beasts and knew that they had been reduced to gem stones. If we could obtain even one and keep it from the enemy, then the apocalypse would be deferred again, possibly stopped forever."

Justin walked into the room with Chase and EB at his side, "Sounds like your mission is more far reaching than you led us to believe."

Torrik said, "I apologize for not revealing all the details. I wanted to spare your world the fear this would cause. I really thought I could stop this more efficiently. I sorely underestimated our enemy."

"That is always the mistake that takes down the wisest heroes. If Nova has taught me anything, it is never to underestimate anyone. Don't worry, I still trust you, but I hope you have told us everything now."

"That is everything now. I just hope EB's plan works." Torrik looked down at the bunny.

EB smiled, "It will. Okay, so here it is. We were scared to have Chase use her powers to look into the past of this object because her doing this on those eye thingies has been bad. Like, totally bad. She was down for... well, you know the story. Anyway. When Dr. Henderson said this thing isn't magical, just has grass stains on it..."

"Residual energy readings," Dr. Henderson corrected.

"Yeah, that. Since it isn't magic, Chase should be fine. And, what better way of researching this than looking at its history?" He held up his paws to Chase.

Justin said, "Chase, you are free to do this or not. I know this magic has caused you serious problems already."

Chase said, "Sounds like we are facing the end of two worlds, a little headache is worth the risk."

Torrik said, "Maybe I can help."

"How?" Chase asked.

"I can't protect you from negative effects if there are any. However, I can project what you are seeing so we all see it."


EB asked, "How?"

"It is a seeing-eye spell, we use it with our trackers so we can see what they're seeing on the field. If her vision becomes that of the past she is seeing, then it should work the same."

"Sounds good. I'll get the popcorn..." EB was about to rush away when Justin stopped him.

Dr. Henderson released the tablet from the stasis field and it rested on the surface of the table. Chase walked over and spent a second preparing herself. With a quick motion, she grabbed it and everyone tensed up.

"I'm fine. I... don't feel anything wrong." Chase said.

Torrik put his hand up to her head and said a spell, a mark was left glowing on her forehead when he removed his hand.

A smoke filled the room and a projection lit up inside it. They all could see what she saw. The tablet in the lab, the scientists working on it, then it being brought to the station, then it being found in the waters of the sea. Time moved backward quickly for them. Once it was in the water, time zipped backward a blinding speed.

"Oh, it makes me dizzy," EB said.

Chase spoke as she continued searching this things past. "It takes getting used to. It's hard going this far back, my head is hurting."

Dr. Henderson said, "You can do it, I'm right here to help."

They watched the tablet suddenly lift off the seabed and float upward, returning from being thrown in. The tablet returned to the hand of some strange man in ragged clothes. He had others with him, all peering at it as he put a red stone into it, which he actually stole from it before discarding it into the sea.

"The eye! That was the Eye of Charybdis!" Torrik called out.

"Someone stole it in the past. But who?" Justin asked.

Dr. Henderson said, "I'm recording this, we can check with the historical computers."

Time continued backward as the tablet now rested in a room full of weapons and maps. They all saw Nova, dressed in strange clothes and armor, returning the blue Eye of the Hydra, which was when he had taken it to hide it in the past.

Chase held her head and groaned. "This is going too far back, I can't..."

EB hopped up and put his paws on her, an energy flowing from him to her, "Keep going! I'll help!"

She stopped being in pain and they watched Nova now returning the Eye of Fenrir. Then, both were removed in the past. Finally, he was carving something into the stone with a metal tool.

Chase fell down and held her head. Dr. Henderson rushed over and injected a medicine into her arm. The cloud vision evaporated quickly and the lab was back to normal.

"Chase! Are you all right?" Justin knelt down.

EB was right beside her with Torrik kneeling next to her as well. She said, "I'll be fine. That was just harder than I expected. Please, tell me you guys got all that, I can't do that again."

Dr. Henderson checked her computers. "Yes, the visual recording was complete. We have everything."

Justin said, "Doctor, send that to Operations, every station. Command all the robots to begin searching every last detail of the images, no matter how insignificant. EB, you're the expert on Nova, go help them look over the images. Point out anything that might be important."

EB gave a quick salute, "On it, boss," and zipped away.

Torrik helped Chase to her feet. "That was a brave thing you did."

"It was my duty."

Justin said, "I just hope this gives us an edge, something to go on."

The comms all beeped loudly and Strange Quark in Operations came through, "Justin, craps hitting the fan. Midgard is stomping all over the world in his search for FAANG, you've got some seriously pissed world leaders."


Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

 FAANG flew through the skies, some by powers while others used contraptions. The leader, using binoculars as he flew, guided them.

"I don't see anything," He spoke into his wrist comm.

A huskier hero sailed closer riding a device that looked like a windsurfing board, but with a propeller on the back. "All sensors indicate the signal to her headquarters is directly in front of us."

The leader looked at a small monitor on his wrist comm and then peered through the binoculars. "It should be right there. My guess is that it's well hidden. I say we strike first."

"But, we could hit a civilian target by mistake."

"I trust my gut. Head for this location and ready for an all-out fight. HAZZAH!"

The team replied in unison, "HAZZAH!" Then drove in hard toward their invisible target.

"My Lady!" One of her minions rushed up to her.


He held up a device in his hands, "We're showing a team of morphonic humans approaching fast. They're focused on our location."

Lady Echidna glared at the device for a moment and then called out, "Nova!"

In seconds, Nova was at her side. "Yes, my lady?"

"How is it that we have been detected?"

Nova looked around, "What do you mean?"

"A team of BADGE heroes is on their way to attack us. How did they know?" Her tone dripped with accusation.

Nova bowed to her, "You must trust in me. I would not betray you. I do not know the reason we are under assault, but we can handle this. Your soldiers are more than strong enough to deal with most of BADGE's hero teams."

"No, they are not. These heroes have proven to be stronger and more resourceful than I expected."

Nova asked, "Why not just mesmerize them into your legion? Heroes could prove useful."

Lady Echidna slowly stood up and checked her gloves as a thin smile crept across her face. "No. These morphon infected humans tend to be more resilient to my power. Regardless, I think it's about time I send a clear signal to BADGE, a signal in blood." She walked toward the door, her heels making a sharp click with each step. Her soldiers readied to follow, but she held up a gloved hand, "No. I'll deal with them personally."

Gar flew hard to follow behind Midgard as he stomped his way across the world toward the team that dared to embarrass him.

"You're scaring people!" Gar yelled.

"GOOD!" Midgard bellowed in response.

Gar swooped around and saw people below scrambling away as Midgard marched over a vast distance. BADGE was going to hear about this from every nation this monster has made a path through.

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" Gar asked.

"YES. NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" Midgard took a swipe at Gar like he was a gnat pestering him.

Gar fell back a little and then followed at a distance. He tapped his wrist comm. "Gar to BADGE Station."

Justin came through, "You have eyes on Midgard?"

"Yes. He's making a mess."

"I know. We've been fielding calls from national leaders across the planet."

"How do I stop him?"

Justin said, "Only Nova could do that. Truth is, Midgard is heading directly for FAANG, and they are just about to reach Lady Echidna's location."

"What do I do?"

"Keep an eye on this and report back to me."


Gar flew hard only to find himself slamming into the back of Midgard who had suddenly stopped. Gar fell five stories before catching himself with his wings and flying back up. "What did you stop for?"

Midgard was transfixed. Gar looked and saw something that has not been seen on Earth for centuries. A woman shrouded in shadowy black robes with a golden crown on her head stood on the top of an ancient temple. She cackled in glee as the shadow surrounding her lurched out and snatched heroes out of the air and eviscerated them in seconds.

FAANG fired weapons and powers at her, but nothing even got close. Everything was dissolved within inches of her. The shadow would grab another hero and rip his or her limbs off. She wasn't even moving, just had her hands up and the shadows did all the work.

"We have to help!" Gar turned to find Midgard just staring. "Midgard?"

All at once the shadow raced out and struck Gar, he fell from the skies straight down, slamming into the ground at Midgard's feet. Gar was unable to move, it was as though the magic that gave him life was frozen. The world went black for Gar and he experienced life as he had for centuries, a lifeless statue.

"Gar... Gar, are you there?" Chase spoke and he felt life returning.

Gar's vision returned and he could move his head. He saw Chase looking down at him with sky above and trees around him. "Where am I?"

"You are near the site...or former site of Lady Echidna's temple. Can you stand?"

Gar pushed to sit up and then nodded, "Yeah, I'm getting feeling back. I felt like a statue again. It was horrible."

"I imagine it was. Come on, Justin needs you."

Gar got to his feet and realized there was a legion of BADGE shuttles, agents, and other heroes standing around. Even Arx and his small team of ATLAS specialist were there. Justin stood inside a command tent with people working all around him.

Justin saw Gar and actually smiled, "Oh, good. I was worried something bad had happened."

"You know I'm indestructible," Gar stated.

Justin said, "I know, but with what we've seen today I have reason to worry."


Justin gestured to the computer monitors on two of the folding tables. There was gore smeared across the ground as forensics teams diligently worked to clean up the mess. "This is all that's left of FAANG, not even one intact body. Lady Echidna's forces were merciless. To make matters worse, we haven't found any indication that any of Echidna's men even fell, they took no damage from this attack."

Gar said, "Didn't Midgard tell you?"

Chase stated, rather harshly, "Midgard left without even warning us that you were down. All we know is that he went back to his hole he likes to hide in when he's not terrorizing stuff."

"I will bother him later," Justin said. "What happened? What did you see before you were attacked?"

Gar said, "None of Lady Echidna's men were responsible for this, and I don't even think Nova was part of this battle."

"Then who did all this? I know FAANG weren't the brightest, but they were very strong heroes."

Gar answered, "They were nothing compared to her. She was surrounded by some kind of shadow power. She stood on top of an old building and destroyed them one by one. I watched it until she attacked me."

Chase asked, "She attacked you all the way back here? But, you were over three miles from the combat zone."

Gar said, "She didn't even move. I was arguing with Midgard when there was that shadow, that hideous darkness. That's the last thing I remember."

Chase said, "That's... horrible. She must be more powerful than we thought possible."

Gar became worried, "We are so close to her. We need to leave this area."

"Don't worry. She has already left. The location we tracked her to is completely gone. Somehow she transported that ancient building away and we have no idea where she is. It will take time to adjust our tracking to find her again."

Arx came in, the color in his skin drained. "I have never seen so many random body parts. I don't think I can... " He leaned over a trashcan and vomited. After a moment, he said, "Sorry. I've seen things I won't soon forget."

"It's okay. You don't have to go back out there, our teams can finish this. And, the robots working with Dr. Henderson and her people can handle this better. Thanks for bringing your people in to help."

"Glad to be of service. I came to report that we have identified every member of FAANG, none survived."

Chase said, "How do we face her? I thought Jinn was bad, but she did this alone without effort. And, she has teams of soldiers, Nova, and legendary beasts at her command."

"I don't know. We can't stop trying and so we must push forward. I did learn something today," Justin said.

Arx asked, "What's that?"

"We are woefully under-prepared and we have precious little time to remedy that."  

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

 "WHERE ARE THEY!" Lady Echidna shrieked in fury as she marched through the throne room of her temple. She looked different, more ancient and clad in a dark black outfit befitting an empress, not her normal luxurious attire. However, as she approached her throne, her clothes subtly changed back to her expensive outfit and her face returned to her beautiful visage.

Nova rushed in quickly and knelt, "My lady, who do you require?"

"My spies! Bring them to me, NOW!" She turned and sat on her throne.

Nova left and returned with the two men that had been assigned to infiltrate BADGE. He shoved them to the ground in front of her.

"Which one of you did this?"

Both trembled in fear and did not respond.

Lady Echidna stood with a shot, a crack of thunder rumbling through the room. "WHO BETRAYED US TO BADGE?"

"My Lady, neither of us would do such a thing," The soldier declared.

The scientist said, "Why would be betray you? We love you."

Nova asked, "In what way have they betrayed us?"

"BADGE sends a team to us, directly. They knew where to find us and how. One of these fools must have been coaxed into telling them how to find us. Or, they allowed themselves to be traced."

"There is no trace on them, I checked," Nova said.

Her gaze turned cold as she glared upon them. "Then, they betrayed us by mouth. And, for that, there is but one punishment."

Nova began to protest when an inky darkness seeped into their bodies and they both gagged for a moment and then fell over dead.

"Did you have to do that? They were a good asset."

"A piece of fruit might be delectable, but if it becomes rotten, it's taste is sour and unpleasing. You discard such worthless fruit." She stated and then returned to her seat.

Nova motioned for his fellow soldiers to come and clean up the mess. "Where have you moved the Temple?"

"We are safe, far away from prying eyes. That is all you need to know."

Nova said, "I guess we return to our task of locating the third eye."

"Not yet. BADGE challenged me this day. They are brave and foolish. I tire of fighting them at every turn. I think it is time to rid this world of them and all other pathetic creatures that would stop my return to glory."

Nova frowned, "What are you saying?"

"I think it is time to unleash my greatest beast."

Turning his sights on a pedestal where the Eye of the Hydra rested, Nova asked, "Are you sure you want to unleash the Hydra? It is an extremely powerful..."

"It is not nearly powerful enough. I don't want a distraction, I want utter ruin. I want all of BADGE and every other human on this planet to face the same fate as those who opposed me. The stench of their courage, the unsightly way they thrive on hope, and the disgusting manner in which they protect one another must be eradicated once and for all. Then, we will finally be able to locate the Eyes and return to our home."

"You mean to unleash the fourth and final beast," Nova said.


"Tell me, what is it? Where do I find this particular eye?"

She stood and walked up to him, "I still do not trust you with this information. Oh, don't look so glum, it ruins that handsome face." She brushed a gloved hand across his cheek. "This is my mission. I know exactly where to find my champion."

Nova took that hand from his face and kissed the back of it. "Please, include me in your work. I must be a part of your life."

"Oh, how I want to. But, I know what happened before, and I will not allow it to happen again. I will leave, with a small team of my soldiers. When I unleash this beast, you will know, the whole world will know. Be ready." With that she slipped her hand out of his loving grip and strutted away, gesturing toward the special ops of her people and they quickly followed.

Justin led his command team out of the shuttle into the station. Arx walked up next to him while he spoke on his communicator.

"Yes, I understand. Of course, get to it. I'll be there shortly." He clicked it off. "Director, there is a flooding incident off the coast of Alaska."

"Then you'd better get going." Justin waved him off.

Gar asked, "What do you need us to do?"

"There's not much to do except search for the Eye of Charybdis. Gar, I want you to work with Chase and Strange Quark in locating it."

Chase said, "We don't even know where to start."

Justin entered the lift, followed by the others, and they zipped off toward Operations. "I hope we have something from the details Chase perceived about that tablet."

Exiting the lift, they walked out into the Operations to find both Torrik and EB talking with several of the Robots.

Torrik pointed at a screen, "Does this mirror have details about the crown?"

"Affirmative. Details are available."

EB hopped along the computer stations and stopped in front of another robot, "Look up all the stuff about every person to have worn it."

"Historical data is available. Accessing data now."

Justin walked over, "What is going on?"

EB jumped up and landed on Justin, his feet against Justin's chest and his paws holding him by the collar. With an excited look on his face he declared, "We found it!!"

Justin stumbled back at the attack as he said, "Found what? Get off me."

EB jumped off and stood on a nearby computer terminal. "Okay, so I was working with these robots looking at all that stuff Chase got from the tablet. It was cloudy and vague, but so cool to see what she sees when she does her special time thingy. So amazing. Anyway, I saw some details about their clothes that looked kinda familiar."

Torrik continued, "We found enough details to pinpoint the time period and potential locations. This amazing computer wizard thing came up with a discovery. Apparently, in the same year as the stone was taken, a unique crown was made for the Kings of a land called Bohemia. When we got a good look at it, we think we have identified the Eye of the Charybdis."

EB hopped up and down in pure joy. "Get this, get this! The crown has this legend, a curse. Anyone who wears it that's not supposed to will die a gruesome death within a year. And, it has happened, recorded in history and stuff. Last guy was some Nazi jerk during World War 1...or 2... I forget. He put it on, crowned himself illegally, and then BOOM, he died at the hands of his own soldiers. So, That kinda makes it real that this has the stone. The magic of those stones is dark and bad, which would make for one helluva curse!"

Justin asked, "Can you put the details on the main monitor?"

The robots put all the various screens with data on the monitor. Right in the middle was this extravagant crown with the title, Crown of Saint Wenceslas, under it.

"SEE, that big red one right there." EB pointed at a stone that was slightly different than the rest.

Torrik said, "It seems that this particular stone was impossible to cut, so they set it just as it was found. Your metal golems said that without the gold setting around it, the stone would have a teardrop shape."

EB laughed, "Golems....they're robots, silly."

Justin said, "So, we just have to convince Prague to let us extract a stone from an ancient, beloved crown from the Bohemian Crown Jewels."

Chase smiled, "I could steal it... I'm a pretty good thief."

Justin gave her a slanted glare. He ignored her suggestion and gave his orders, "Chase, Gar, find Strange Quark and head for Prague right away. Dress in your finest and be as diplomatic as possible, we need to get that stone before Lady Echidna's goons and Nova show up."

EB hopped around, "What about me? I can be very diplomatic! You know that chocolate speaks volumes, especially in Europe."

"No, I need you and Torrik to keep working on that tablet."

EB asked, "Why? We know where to find the Eye of the Charybdis now."

"Right now, I want to know what is written on it and what that fourth symbol means. I just witnessed the kind of power we're facing and I have to ensure we take advantage of every possible avenue of information. You two stand the best chance of anyone on deciphering that, so get down there and focus."

"What are you going to do?" Chase asked.

Justin said, "I'm going to have to get through to Midgard. He's the only one of our allies who stands a chance against that kind of power."

"But, he ran away from her," Chase said.

"He has always played by his own rules, fought when it suited his entertainment. I'll have to convince him to follow orders and obey... which will take some work on my part. God, I wish Nova was here. He could always get through to Midgard."

"I could help," Chase said.

"No. I have to earn his trust, and standing up to him alone might be my only chance. We all have jobs to do, lets get this done before the world comes to an end."

Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

 Torrik sat on a stool in front of the tablet that floated again in the beam of light. The computers were in low-mode, simply processing data while the scientists were gone for the day.

With his head in his hands and his face down, he remained as still and silent as the shadows themselves.

"Are you asleep?" EB hopped into the room and jumped up to stand on the table next to Torrik.

Torrik shook his head, "No. Just lost in thought."

EB huffed and looked up at the stone tablet. "It isn't going to help just sitting here. But, I suppose you know that. Hey, I got an idea! Have a breakthrough."


EB smiled,"You're looking for the big breakthrough, ya know, gett'n all the info right away with some flash of inspiration. Doesn't always work like that. But, when I'm trying to create the next big candy to take the market by storm, sometimes I get stuck just like this. So, I change my focus to a smaller part, something I can figure out, and then let that satisfy my need for advancing just long enough to rest for a bit. Feels good, cause I'm moving the right direction."

"That's actually wise. Okay, so how can I solve a small part of this?"

EB looked up at the tablet and smiled, "Hey, what if you review the video of Chase's vision about it. Maybe you can focus on a detail that'll help."

"Go ahead. I don't know how to work these magic machines. The images are stored inside them." Torrik looked around at the computers.

EB punched in a command and found the video. He impressed Torrik with his knowledge of computers, but the truth was he knew very little. However, playing a video was relatively simple. The images ran on the screen.

"I've watched this a dozen times. How can I find something new?" Torrik said.

"Dunno. Just try."

Torrik sat back. The video played all the way through. Just before it stopped, Torrik sat up, "There, stop it!"

EB hit the pause button. "What? Did you see something?"

"It has been right in front of me this whole time. I've watched him do that every time and never really added it together."

EB frowned as he looked up at Nova etching the words into the tablet. Which, from this point of view, was just Nova's face looking down since they saw this from the tablets prospective.

"You have your breakthrough?"

"Yes. However, this is the big one. Tell Justin, I'll have something for him soon." He reached over and pulled the tablet out of the beam.

Justin walked through the beautiful lands of the ancient Vikings. The green grasses and deep blue waters of the nearby seas were shrouded in a heavy mist from the morning dew. He stopped before a great metal door with runes carved into the surface.

"hurd myrkr!" Justin spoke the ancient Nordic words.

The great door slid down into a slot in the ground. Only one other person in BADGE knew the secret words to enter this place, and he was currently working for Lady Echidna.

Justin walked into the ancient ruins of a temple long forgotten by man. This place was the home of a legendary beast that was once feared by many and inspired great stories and songs among a people that have since passed into myth themselves.

Stone walls were cut deep with reliefs of serpents and monsters, gods and demons, all from the Asgardian myths of the old religion. However, this was no place of worship. It was a tomb with many men buried among the carvings. Those deemed worthy of divine burial by the only member of the Asgardian religion to ever truly live among mankind.

Delving deep into the great hall, Justin found a sorry figure seated before a roaring fire. In a chair formed of iron and bronze, Midgardsormr seemed lost in the flickering flames.

"I know why you're here, Justin."

Pausing in his approach, Justin said, "You do?"

"I froze. I couldn't stop her. She dismembered FAANG and all I did was watch. I, MIDGARDSORMR, taken by fear."

Justin approached him, "I've never hidden my feelings about you. You are dangerous, hard to control, impossible to contain, and enjoy breaking rules. When this world is in it's greatest perils, it is hard to trust that you'll take the time to use your amazing strength to defend us. At least, I always feared you would decide not to step in. Nova always knew you would do the right thing. And, he was right. Even though your methods are destructive, you have proven to be one of this worlds greatest defenders."

Midgard grabbed a healthy tankard of strong spirits and downed a sizable gulp. "Nova thought I was doing this to defend this pathetic world? Ha! I just enjoy a good challenge!"

"You can't fool me any longer, Midgard. I know why Nova always trusted you."

"And why is that?" Midgard's tone was a challenge.

Justin walked around to look this man in the face, "Because, you have honor. You hide behind a loud voice, rude attitude, and flaunting every rule. But, you have a choice to be a hero or villain and always choose hero in the end."

"Why are you here?" Midgard sank back into the chair and stared at the fire again.

"This world needs you. You saw what Lady Echidna is capable of, and you know what Nova is capable of. We are painfully under-prepared for this. I need to know that you're ready to stand with BADGE. No, not just BADGE, with the Earth. I can't wager on that honor to come through in the end, I need you on the team now."

Midgard pointed at him, "You just want me to make sure your plans work because you aren't Nova and he'd already have a plan to stop this."

"Yes!" Justin blurted out.

"What?" This admission surprised Midgard.

"I'm not Nova! I have to do this my own way. The safety of our world, and now another world, is firmly on my shoulders and I have to make this work. Please, don't ridicule me for not being Nova, I know my limitations. But, I have a plan and I need you to be a part of it. If I must beg, I am begging."

Midgard smiled, "I respect your honesty, few men have the balls to admit they need help."

"So, you'll help?"

Midgard looked away, "I can't."


"I CAN'T! There is something in me that felt fear when I saw her fighting that team. Fear! I have never known that in my life, which is considerable. I..." He seemed as if he were wanting to say more, but he simply shook his head, "Go away, Justin, make plans that don't involve me."

"Has it come to this? The end of the world is heralded by Midgardsormr showing cowardice."

Midgard looked at Justin with great rage, but backed down. "Go."

Torrik sat in the grasses of the arboretum and cast a bright green spell on the tablet. EB stood nearby, watching with great curiosity.

Torrik spoke as he processed his spell, "Watching Nova etch this, I realized he wasn't speaking the words he was writing, he was speaking a spell. It is ancient magic that creates a language unique to the object being written on. Nothing else in either world would have this language. With it, he could conceal some message meant only for those who can disenchant his spell, which I am doing right now." The tablet flashed bright and then the light turned blue. Torrik began reading it.

EB asked, "Well?"

Torrik's whole demeanor changed. "By all that is Magical! This...I... we're in trouble! Get me Justin, hurry!"

Justin was almost to his shuttle when his comm beeped. "This is Justin?"

Torrik came through loud, "It's Midgard!"


"The fourth beast, the creature Lady Echidna would use to end the world, it's Midgard. Nova inscribed a warning to never let Midgard return to his full strength, which can only be done through dark magic. Midgard doesn't even know. Find him, stop her from touching him!"

Justin turned and ran back, "I'm right with him, warn the station, I'm bringing him in, no matter what."

Midgard sat before his fire, pondering his place in the heroes and villains of Earth. Once he was feared, yet now the world looks upon him like a cherished hero.

A hand touched his shoulder.


Lady Echidna came around, smiling at him. "Oh, my darling, you have no choice."

"You! I will devour you!" He stood to take his full form, then he gagged and writhed as dark mist poured out of his eyes, mouth, and ears. "GAH! WHAT ARE... YOU DOING TO...ME?"

She pulled him closer, "Devour this world, my precious pet. Leave none alive."

Justin, bruised and bleeding, looked up from where his shuttle had been attacked. He saw a mountaintop explode as a monster rose from it. Justin reached over and dragged his broken comm to him and pressed the main button. The light flickered, it might not even be working, but he had to try.

"To all heroes, Black Alert, I repeat, Black Alert. Please, respond to my location, or the world will end today!"

The World Serpent, once believed to herald the end of all time, grew in size covered in a black, sick magic that crackled across his monolithic body.

"God help us," Justin whispered.  

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

Before Midgard attacked:

Chase, wearing a lovely red dress, walked with Strange Quark at her side. He wore a blue tuxedo with a golden duck pin where a flower would normally be. Walking behind them was Gar, dressed as normal, but with a bow-tie around his neck at Quarks insistence. They approached the Prague Castle.

Chase took in a great breath and smiled, "I love Prague, the history, the art, the buildings, all so lovely."

Quark smiled, "I love this building, so Gothic."

Gar nodded, "Reminds me of many buildings in Rome."

Pulling out her special BADGE card, Chase said, "We can be tourist later. We have a mission."

Walking onward toward the amazing building, all three were allowed through several check points.

Gar casually said, "I wonder how Justin is doing with Midgard."

Quark replied, "No idea. Nova had a hard enough time getting through to the old world serpent, Justin might not even scratch the surface."

"Why would Justin want to scratch him? Does he itch?" Gar asked.

Quark chuckled at that while Chase said, "He means, Justin doesn't have much of a chance. But, things might be different now. Justin really has proven himself a worthy leader, and Midgard respects strong leadership."

A finely dressed woman approached them, "As you requested, President Pavel is waiting to speak with you in St. Vitus Cathedral." She held out a hand for them to follow.

Chase was amused by this, "I see. We weren't required to make a case before he decides to meet us in the cathedral? Very accommodating."

The woman said, "President Pavel is aware that if BADGE sends three of their highest ranked officials to meet with him, then he should respond."

A small contingent of security and this nice lady escorted them through the many opulent corridors of the ancient building. Soon, they walked through a set of doors that led into a classical Cathedral sanctuary, where an older gentleman and three security waited for them.

Chase approached and bowed, "Your excellency, I'm honored you have given us your time."

Gar and Quark followed with silent bows.

President Pavel smiled, "I'm honored to have such high ranking members of BADGE paying us a visit. However, I'm aware that no visit from BADGE is without serious cause, and potential risk to my country."

Chase straightened up. "I'm afraid you're correct. There's a great danger here, an object that must be taken to BADGE for safe keeping. However, I'm also afraid that it is currently nestled into an important artifact belonging to the state."

"The Crown of St. Wenceslas," President Pavel said.

Quark asked, "How did you know?"

"So many legends have arisen about that crown that our people have always felt it was abnormal. Then, in recent times, the United Nations sent inspectors to locate unique energy readings. They discovered something odd about the crown, but it was not morphonic, so it was not reported to BADGE. However, when you asked to meet me about a special visit to this cathedral, I had a strong feeling that the crown was the reason. Am I correct?"

"Yes," Chase answered. "I don't want to disfigure such an important artifact, so I ask that you allow us to take it whole. I promise the utmost care will be granted to it, and we will have the finest jewelers on Earth remove the stone in question before returning it. But, at this time, it has to be moved otherwise..."

All three of their BADGE comm units came alive with Justin's pained voice, "To all heroes, Black Alert, I repeat, Black Alert. Please, respond to my location, or the world will end today!"

"What is this?" President Pavel demanded.

Chase had lost the color in her face as she looked up at Gar and Quark. "Black alert... we haven't had one of those since..."

"Jinn," Quark answered.

The President asked, "Are we in danger?"

"I don't think so. The location on this is far from here. We need to go, find out what is happening." Chase said.

Before anyone could respond, a familiar voice asked, "Going so soon?"

Chase took a step back when her eyes fell upon Nova and a team of finely dressed mercenaries, all wielding the anti-morphon guns. "Nova, how..."

"Don't be an idiot, Chase. I was the one who hid the stones, I kept track of them for centuries. Don't you think I know where they all are?"

She took a step forward and readied her magic throwing stars. "I'm willing to take you down, Nova. I know what's at risk."

"You know nothing. The power Lady Echidna wields is far superior to anything you could possibly fathom."

Chase's eyes narrowed on him, "We only know that we must stop her, and we will. You trained us all too well for us to fail."

"Oh, I did, did I? Like this poor fellow." He gave a little wave with a gloved hand and one of his mercs tossed the body of the badge guard that had been one of Lady Echidna's spies. It landed in front of Chase.

"What did you do?" Chase looked down at the broken corpse.

Nova drew in closer to her, no fear in him as she threatened with her blades. "The battle for this world has already begun. Midgard was her fourth beast, a creature she used once and now has access to again."

"Midgard?" Chase frowned.

Quark gasped, "Oh, sweet baby Jesus...the Black Alert!"

Nova laughed, "Better head for the fray, little heroes. The World Serpent will consume all life and he will be nearly unstoppable. That is, unless you want to try and stop me from getting the Eye of the Charybdis." His eyes flashed that bright white light that Chase witnessed during the battle of Fenrir.

Chase stood back, "If you retrieve it and leave without harming anyone, we won't fight."

"You have my word." Nova smiled with the slick grin of a devilish politician.

Chase backed up, "Go."

Nova and his men headed for the secure vault hidden in the Cathedral of St. Vitus where the Crown of St. Wenceslas has been kept safe for centuries.

President Pavel demanded, "You have no right to go there! I protest!"

Chase kept a keen eye on the mercs and Nova as they went about their business. "No, don't interfere. We can't stop him and there aren't heroes left to invite to this fight, they're all trying to save the world from Midgard."

While the President threw out angry words, Chase watched Nova and his men return with the case holding the crown. They casually stepped over the corpse he had deposited and left the building. Nova remained for one moment to give his parting shot.

"Chase, let Justin know that if BADGE continues to fight us, it will only end the same way for all the agents as it did for that one on the ground. Only a flicker of light in his eye before death befell him." With that he left.


Quark said, "Trust me, sir, if she hadn't let him go, we would all be dead. Besides, who can we send? The world is about to end and I don't even have a stiff drink to bolster myself before heading in to fight against the biggest badass in BADGE."

Chase walked over and knelt next to the man on the ground.

Gar said, "Should we go to the fight? If it is that bad, we need to help."

They waited while Chase simply looked at the man.

Quark said, "Chase, I can zap us all there right now, we need to go. It is a full black alert."

Gar, growing impatient, said, "Chase, what are you doing?"

She said, "Didn't you find that last word from Nova a little odd?" Reaching down she pried open the eyelids of the dead man.

"Do you see something?" President Pavel asked.

She nodded, "There is something in his right eye, like a fleck of sand. But, it is embedded. Quark, we need to get him back to the station now. If the real Nova is sending us another message, we need to decipher it right away."

"On it. Gar, you ready?"

Gar nodded.

Quark waved his hand and Gar was sent away to the fight with Midgard. Then, Quark and Chase vanished in a flash with the corpse.

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

 Gar was surrounded by blue energy for a moment, when he appeared he was incredibly high in the sky, barreling toward a Midgard that defied all expectations. The World Serpent was so huge that clouds were being bisected by his arms as he swung them. His tail stretched across the ground, laying over mountains and into the sea. An entire village had been crushed by his presence.

Heroes swarmed around him, blasting powers and throwing large objects at his head. Midgard, red in the eyes, screeched in sounds that were no language but that of a thrashing beast. He lurched to the side after a massive volley of firepower from several heroes, and then turned and went to slam his enormous forearm across the ground, which would have caused a massive earthquake. Several dozen heroes joined together and emitted a collective barrier made up of ice, psychic, and general power. The arm met the barrier and was deflected.

Gar swooped down and flew along the ground, heading for a team of heroes racing toward Midgard. When Gar saw a giant green fist coming down to meet them, he flew hard and body slammed the first, moving it to the side just far enough to crash into the sea. Gar tumbled through the air for a moment before catching himself.

Landing on solid ground, Gar gathered his wits after that attack. Shinobi raced up to his side.

"Thanks for the save, that was impressive." Shinobi quickly jutted both hands forward and huge chunks of earth flew up and crashed into Midgards abdomen.

The Avenger landed near Gar and held up a hand. Energy came flooding off the side of Midgard. Using his other hand he returned the power as a full-on blast.

"What's the situation?" Gar asked The Avenger as he continued his attack.

The Avenger said, "This battle is... strange to say the least."

"Strange? I'd say this is impossible! LOOK OUT!" Gar quickly grabbed The Avenger and took flight as Midgard swept a hand across the ground, razing trees, buildings, and dozens of heroes at once.

Getting back to his feet, The Avenger said, "Thanks. I can't drain enough energy from Midgard, he is too powerful."

"Why did you call it strange?" Gar asked.

The Avenger was already scanning for his next opportunity to attack. "If I'm not mistaken, it's like he's holding back. This battle is.... I don't know, not as bad as it could be."

Gar watched Midgard knock two dozen heroes out of the sky with one blast of his energy breath. "I'd say this is pretty bad."

"I know energy, Gar, there is something not right about this whole thing."

"Are you saying he isn't as dangerous as he seems?"

The Avenger looked at a reading on a screen in his arm armor. "No, this is still bad. If we don't stop him soon, our numbers won't hold and he'll begin a rampage that could cost millions of innocent lives."

Suddenly, Midgard turned to attack their location, energy from his mouth and both fists pummeling the ground.

"Run!" Gar grabbed The Avenger again and flew away as many other heroes around did the same.

The ground exploded and then was crushed, sending seismic waves that rippled out across the Earth. Towns hundreds of miles away shook and took damage from each land crashing strike.

"I can fly!" The Avenger yelled.

Gar let him go and the cybernetic hero zoomed off under his own power, heading directly for Midgard's face. Landing on a cliff over the ocean, Gar thought how he would approach this battle. To his amazement, another Midgard showed up, a hero grew in size to match that of this world serpent and grabbed the real Midgard by the arms. They struggled against one another, each fighting in an epic wrestling match. Heroes continued to shower the real Midgard with powers and other weapons.

Gar's comm device activated, "Justin to Gar, report!"

"You won't believe this, but someone as big and powerful as Midgard is holding him at bay."

"I know, that is one of the mimic heroes. He can't hold out for long."

"What do we do? Do you have a plan?"

Justin said, "I'm sending help. Tell the heroes to go full throttle when they see the signal."

"What signal?"

"You'll know." Justin's voice channel clicked off.

Gar looked around, not sure what to expect. Suddenly, out of a flash of blue light came a large portal. Furious Squirrels Dirigible flew through with a bright blue hero standing on top, it was Strange Quark. Gar ran to the edge and took flight, gliding up closer to the battle balloon. He had his comm ready for the all-signal, unsure what this could mean.

To his great surprise, he saw two enemies standing inside the pilot house of the balloon, Private Eye Peyton and the gangster Rutkowski. Both were completely black and white and glowing with a bright white aura.

Midgard's body flickered and he lost most of his color. All at once, he froze as if all time had stopped. Gar realized this was it, he pressed the all-signal, "HEROES ATTACK, ATTACK, HIT HIM WITH EVERYTHING, DON'T HOLD BACK!"

The battle dirigible unleashed a massive volley of rockets and energy beams, Quark shot blue energy from the top, and heroes far and wide joined in and pummeled Midgard with everything they had. Gar simply held his position in the sky as he watched this onslaught of pure power. Was Midgard already finished and they were attacking something dead? Could Midgard even die? What happens if this doesn't work?

A blinding explosion erupted from the center of Midgard and everyone was thrown half a mile away in a perfect radius. The Dirigible faltered and nearly fell into the ocean while Strange Quark fell free from it and splashed in the icy cold waters. When the smoke settled, there was no Midgard to be seen, nothing remained of the bewitched monster of legend.

"Gar! Gar! Report!" Justin came through the comm.

Gar, on his back laying on a beach, held his arm up, "I think it worked. Midgard is gone."

"He can't be gone. He was huge."

"I don't know what happened to him. But, it's over."

Justin clicked off the comm channel and pointed at robot 10915. "I want all our damage control teams to that part of the planet on the double. Get me in touch with every world leader in the vicinity of that battle, I know they will all want an update."

"Understood, Director."

Justin clicked his comm again, "Justin to Arx."

"Arx here. That was one hell of a battle."

Justin said, "I know. I want you to lead the damage control teams on the surface. I want you to ensure the locals that we'll everything in our power to help clean up the mess. And, also send out as many agents and heroes as you can spare, I want to know what happened to Midgard."

Arx, sounding fatigued after that battle, answered, "On it, sir."

Justin left Operations and headed down to Dr. Henderson's main laboratory. The station was strangely quiet, since most of the agents and even the training robots were down on the planet. Justin had ordered every available person and robot to join the conflict. The stakes were far too high.

When he got into the lab, he was met by Dr. Henderson and her nurses. They stood around the body of the agent that Nova had unceremoniously returned to them.

"What did you find?" Was his greeting.

Dr. Henderson said, "This man was killed by a strange power, something seeped into every cell of his body and turned it off. I'd say he didn't suffer, but I don't know for certain..."

"I want to know why Nova returned him and what possible advantage we can garner from this."

Dr. Henderson pointed at the dead agent. "His life mattered."

Justin calmed down from his stiff attitude, "I know. I hate to lose anyone. But, if we don't find a way to stop this, he'll not be the last to die. In fact, many died today, most of them innocent bystanders who were caught in the battle zone. So, I want answers, something to find the solution to this problem."

"I did find something. Nova left us a cryptic clue." She turned to a computer monitor and activated it. There was a fleck on a bit of microscope glass. "We found this in his eye. At first, I thought it was nothing. But, it was unusual to find something buried that deep in his eye. So, I had the computer magnify it. What I found was this." She zoomed and enhanced the image.

"A tiny computer chip?" Justin looked at the small device.

"It is hardly enough to hold any data, but there was a single line. A sentence that reads, 'To defeat your enemy, first you must know who they are', and then a series of numbers." The numbers appeared on the screen. "My guess is these are coordinates."

"Where do they lead?"

She said, "That is the strange part. This leads to the middle of the Mariana Trench."

"Looks like we are diving for clues now."

Dr. Henderson asked, "Are you sure we can trust him?"

"No. But, I have to find out what this is about, it is all we have."

Midgard, in his human form, washed up on the shore of a distant, cold beach. His body battered, his face bruised, and no breath coming or going.

A woman knelt down and turned him over so he was facing the sky.

"You fought well, but not well enough. You held back. I don't know why, but I will find out. Now, come with me, my pet. Your job in ending this world has not been completed." As she touched his face he gasped in a great breath and opened his eyes. They remained glowing red and he expressed no emotions.  

Between Worlds
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

Gar flew quickly with a massive boulder in his hands. Heroes raced back and forth from where the waters were threatening the cities. A BADGE shuttle zoomed up near him, with Arx at the controls. Arx’s voice boomed out from the speakers.

“Hey, Gar, we have the floods under control around New Zealand. Put the focus on Tasmania.”

Gar gave a nod and turned slightly in his flight. Dozens of other heroes carrying large objects joined him. One by one, they threw the massive boulders at the shore of Tasmania to hold back the raging seas.

Landing on the beach, Chase and the local head of the military joined Gar. She asked, “What does it look like from above?”

“The water is getting calmer,” Gar said. “But it’s still pretty bad.”

The military leader asked, “Does BADGE know where these strange disasters are coming from?”

“Not yet. But we’re stopping them.” Chase said and then pressed a button on her wrist comm. “Arx, how much more do we have to take care of?”

Arx flew over them as he answered through her comm, “We have it under control. The local Leagues should keep an eye on things, but I think the rest of the heroes can take off now.”

“Good to hear.” She clicked her comm off and spoke to the military leader. “Arx will be in touch. If anything seems to be getting worse again, don’t hesitate to contact him.”

He shook her hand. “This ATLAS program is certainly a welcome blessing for the world. BADGE is doing a great job.”

“Glad to hear it.” She walked over and Gar picked her up. They flew away toward the landing zone ten miles inland.

A large military boat rocked hard in the heavy waters far away from land. On the deck stood a legion of mercs and Nova in his finest attire. Inexplicably, he stood firm while the boat continued to bob heavily. His eyes were fixed on the distance as he watched the heroes finish their work. From this point, the heroes appeared as gnats against a blue sky.

“Sir, BADGE is through. We can return.”

“Send the divers down. I want to see that tomb. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I want to know how our tampering with the tomb of the Hydra caused the ocean to turn so turbulent.”

“Understood.” The leader of the mercs gave swift, rigid motions with his hand and everyone raced to their duties.

Quickly, ten mercs, dressed in their diving suits, delved into the ocean’s surface. The leader of this crew had a special contraption with cameras and lights on it.

Chase sat in the meeting room for the ATLAS program on the station. Arx walked around, checking files and computer tablets. As usual, he wore his ancient Greek outfit as his desired hero outfit.

“I love what I do, but I hate the paperwork.” He put a file down and signed a form, then turned the page and groaned at all the more places he need to sign.

Chase checked over a tablet and then set it down. “I know. But, this keeps the bureaucrats happy, and that keeps BADGE in the good favor of the nations.”

He stuffed papers into an envelope and set it in a basket. “And that’s what we’re here for, to keep the politicians happy.”

“No, ATLAS is here to protect the world from natural disasters. But, it is the perfect program to keep BADGE in a good light. After the World Corps tried to destroy our reputation, and now Nova is acting strange, we need good PR all the time.”

Arx asked, “Do we know anything more about Nova? I mean, you guys fought him at that Fenrir incident. Where did he go?”

“We don’t know. Justin is on that, as are many others. We have a lot to figure out before we go hunt for him. Obviously, whatever this Lady Echidna has done to him has made him impossible to deal with. And I still can’t shake the last images of him I have in my mind. He is... well... not human. And it scares me to think that.”

“Why? EB isn’t human, Gar is living stone,” Arx said.

Chase laughed, “True. But Nova is more than just not-human, he is something extremely powerful. From what I can tell, he and Lady Echidna are of the same origin. She is terrifyingly powerful. What does that make Nova?”

“I don’t know.” Arx set the last paper down.

Chase let out a long breath and then looked at Arx, “Why do you wear that flimsy outfit? It looks comfortable, but you can’t really fight crime in that.”

“I’m not a crime fighter. I’m a natural disaster response coordinator. You know my powers are limited. I can’t make it as a real superhero. But, I can do this.”

She shook her head, “Powers don’t make a person a hero.”

“True.” Arx shoved the papers and tablets over on the table and activated the hologram generator, prepping it for the meeting. “Truth be told. I like how I look. I mean, I have worked my whole life to look good. I partly crafted this body through science, but I also work out a ton and like showing it off. Nothing wrong with that.”

“I guess. Though, if I’m gonna be honest. I rather a man have a little hair on him.”

EB seemed to appear out of nowhere, standing on the table, grinning seductively at Chase. “You don’t say?” He was rubbing his paws on his furry chest.

“How did you... oh, those ears of yours.” She let out a disgruntled huff.

EB came closer. “You don’t get much hairier than a fluffy, cute, bunny.” He was now bouncing his eyebrows at her.

“EB, you know that I... “

“Off the table!” Justin came into the room, angry as ever.

EB hopped over and landed on a chair. “Right-o boss man.”

Chase asked, “Justin, are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Report!” His attitude was short and downright furious.

Arx turned on the simulation in the middle of the table, showing a scaled version of the recent ATLAS effort. “The ocean went craze around the Tasman Sea. From Scamander, Tasmania, to Jamestown, New Zealand, there were massive floods. Minor damage occurred right away, but ATLAS was able to mitigate that quickly. I ordered large boulders be placed in around the beaches to create breakers while heroes with water related powers worked to calm the seas.”

EB stuck his little hand up and hopped up and down. “I used magic to make the waters go way down. Though there were some gnarly waves and great curls. I mean, like serious surfing opportunities, if it wasn’t risking your life to try. Hey, what about a surfing contest? We could have a BADGE retreat and get all the heroes to bring surf boards, oh and get some hot beach babes to...”

“EB! Not now!” Justin demanded. “Do we have any indication of what started this?”

Justin’s stern attitude visibly startled Arx. He softly answered, “Uh, no. However, we have detected abnormal energy readings under the ocean.”

“Abnormal energy readings are not enough. I want answers. Chase, get on top of this, now. I have a meeting with the head of the UN.” Justin said no more and just left the room.

EB, his ears tilted back, cautiously looked over the table at the other two. “What’s up with him?”

Chase said, “I don’t know. But we all have jobs to do. Arx, keep a watch on that situation, be ready with ATLAS at a moment’s notice. I’ll see if we can figure out what caused these floods.” She left with EB as Arx

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Nova stepped into the grand throne room of Lady Echidna, taking a moment to bow. Behind him was the small legion of his best warriors.

Lady Echidna, seated upon her throne, looked into a beautiful mirror. “You return far earlier than I expected. Tell me you were more efficient than I believed possible.” She smiled at her own reflection.

Nova stopped in front of her and knelt down on one knee, and bowed his head. “We found the tomb of the Hydra, but it wasn’t there.”

She gazed upon her own beauty for a moment before slowly lowering the mirror. “How is this possible, my pet?”

“I don’t know. I had my men search every inch of the tomb. There was no sign of the Sapphire Eye.”

“Pity.” She set down the mirror and gracefully stood. “You still recall all of BADGE’s activity before I cleansed you?”

“Yes, My Lady.”

“Did BADGE ever recover the Sapphire Eye?”

“The Tomb was never discovered.”

She walked past him toward one of the four walls. On the surface was a relief carved into the stone of Fenrir. They had placed the red glowing stone in the eye of the relief. “I need all four if we wish to return to our rightful world.”

Nova stood, brushing off his five thousand dollar slacks. “There was one interesting thing about the tomb of the Hydra.”

“Don’t keep it a secret.” She turned back to him.

“The tomb itself was untouched. When we opened it, it set off a powerful magical spell that stirred the ocean so much that it activated BADGE’s ATLAS defenders.”

Her cool demeanor broke slightly. “Spell? You mean something one of those nasty little Vexillians placed?”

He shook his head, “No, my sweet. It was no simple Vexillian spell. This was far more powerful. It was a tiny seal on the tomb and yet it nearly destroyed New Zealand.”

“Did the island survive the torrent?”

He nodded.

“Too bad. This raises a big concern. We may have a third party in our little game, one that has a high stake in our failure.”

Nova frowned, “You don’t think it could be...”

She nodded. “It has to be. Who else would even know of the hydra and try to seal the tomb?”

Nova looked at the relief on the next wall of the multi-headed hydra. “If they have taken it back to Yohan, then we cannot hope to proceed.”

“Don’t be foolish. They would never take a cursed object back to their pristine little world of magic. It has been hidden here, in this world. And I suspect it was hidden recently.”

“Why? It has been buried for over two thousand years. It could have been moved any time over these centuries.”

She laughed and walked back to her throne. “No. If they had come seeking it before now, they would have contacted you while you were this world’s defender. With your noble heart, you would’ve helped them, as you did with the Eye of Fenrir. They would also have sought the others, such as the Eye of Fenrir, and yet it was exactly where your friend hid it. No, our enemy felt the power of the battle with Fenrir and it alerted them to the danger. It is the only logical conclusion.”

Nova asked, “What do we do? How do I find the Eye of the Hydra?”

She turned and sat down. “If it has been taken, it was taken for a reason. They either know what we are doing, or simply know they must keep the eye from us.”

Nova said, “Then, we look for it.”

She laughed, “Of course. But the problem is, they know we are actively seeking it. Thus, they’ll be waiting for us. The heroes of this world proved their determination by defeating both the shadow of Krampus and the shadow of Fenrir. I don’t want another major confrontation until I am ready. We must approach this differently.”

“So, what do you propose we do, my lady?”

With a wicked laugh in her chest and a daring gaze in her eyes, she said, “If someone from our former world is here, then they have crossed The Great Divide and opened a portal. Even if they have returned, the portals aren’t so quick to close. Perhaps we can use that to concoct a distraction.”

“What sort of distraction? You know we cannot return yet, they...”

“I’m well aware of our banishment!” she snapped at him. “No, we won’t try to go through. Only when we have all four eyes can we hope to fully return. However, we can cause havoc, which will buy us time.”

Justin stood in the middle of the Operations center, right where Nova normally stood. With a stoic gaze, he watched the monitor in front of him. Small windows were open to display the ongoing repair and aid to the flooded areas. Other screens displayed readings and charts for daily processing.

Chase walked into the room with a tablet in her hand. “We have triple scanned the area and worked out the metrics. Looks like everything is back to normal.”

Justin took the tablet and glanced at it. “Any indication this is connected to our clue?”

She shook her head. “We can’t find any evidence that these floods were part of that strange water drop gem Nova left in Midgard after the Fenrir event.”

“It can’t be coincidence.” Justin stated and slapped the tablet back in her hands. “Tell our teams to keep looking.” He walked away, heading for the office.

“Stop right there,” Chase demanded.

Justin paused and turned with a deadly stare. “What?”

“Don’t try to scare me with an intimidating gaze. You’re acting rude and short with everyone. What’s up?”

“I’m doing my job, and I hope you will find the time to do yours... which does not include psychoanalyzing your commanding officer. Get to work.” He left her for his office.

Letting herself cool off, Chase turned to the nearest robot. “Get me Krystal Fae.”

The robot connected the comm lines. A small window opened on the monitors and Krystal looked at her from an outdoor location. “Krystal here.”

Chase said, “I need you to take the team back to the Tasman Sea and check it again for any connection between the Lady Echidna situation and these floods.”

“We scanned the area with every available power and sensor and found nothing of worth.”

Chase said, “Get all our aquatic people on it. Look over the ocean floor again and find something to either prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is not connected, or find the connection. Justin won’t be satisfied with anything less.”

“I’ll get our people on it.” Krystal cut off the comm channel.

Gar walked into Operations from the main meeting room. Strange Quark was with him, drinking Tennessee Moonshine from a bottle using a crazy straw.

Chase asked, “How did the meeting go?”

Gar smiled. “It went well. The Prime Ministers of both Australia and New Zealand were very happy with our work and the people are happy as well.”

Quark finished a rather long drink and then said, “Yeah, they want to list all the heroes’ names who helped stop the floods. I told them we couldn’t give out all the names, some are secret. I suggested they just give BADGE and their local leagues, a big thank you. That’ll be good enough.”

“I’m fine with that,” Chase said.

Gar frowned. “What does Director Justin have to say?”

“He is not in a good mood... “

“Still?” Quark asked.

“Yeah, he’s not himself. But I’m sure he’ll be fine with your suggestion.” She picked up the command tablet. “Gar, I want you to take Operations for a while. I have to go do something.”

“Okay.” He accepted the tablet.

Quark grabbed her arm as she started to leave. “Hey, you don’t sound like you’re heading for a potty break. Where are you going?”

“I need answers.” She said.

Quark shook his head. “You aren’t going to try to connect with that water drop thing again.”

“I have to try.” She protested by pulling away from his grip. “Nova is still missing and in more danger than any of us want to believe. Justin is growing angrier by the day, and we’re going in circles trying to figure this out. That clue has something important I and I must find out what it is.”

Gar gently said, “The last time you tried, it only hurt you.”

“I was tired. It was too soon after the battle with Fenrir.”

“Justin said not to try again until he was certain it would be safe.” Quark said.

Chase retorted, “Justin is hardly in command as he sulks in his office and barks orders at people. He doesn’t know where to go with this investigation and I’m tired of waiting for something terrible to happen. We barely stopped that Fenrir thing and it was just a shadow. The Shadow Krampus killed people. What next? We sit around and wait for an actual monster to show up and flatten a metropolis while Justin refuses to put real effort into this?”

Justin surprised all of them as he said, “Fine. You think you know better. Go investigate that water drop. Do what you want.”

Chase shook off her surprise and said, “I will. And when I find answers, you’d better be ready to act on them.”

“Don’t worry. No one here wants to find answers more than I. Go, find them.” His tone was bitter and almost resentful. He said no more and returned to the office.

Chase waited for a moment and then left without saying anything to the others. The only sound present was the slurping sound of Quark’s silly straw.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

“I hate this place,” Lady Echidna stated as she stood on an icy hill clothed in the finest winter apparel money could buy.

Nova, in a bright while arctic suit, held up a pair of special binoculars and scanned the area. “I know. This place brings back terrible memories.”

They walked down the icy hill, away from a special landing craft that was surrounded by her soldiers, all dressed in thick, wintry military gear.

“What is that?” She pointed over at a large glass domed city.

Nova said, “That would be New Meta City, a BADGE facility.”

She turned on him with a sharp glare, “You told me BADGE wouldn’t be down here!”

“And I didn’t lie, my sweet.” He responded to her with a gentle smile. Looking once again through the binoculars, he said, “New Meta City isn’t a military or observation installation. It is a haven for meta humans who do not wish to be heroes. In fact, many people in there are at significant risk due to their unusual powers and that place is the only way they can live a normal life. No one there is looking for us or working for any Hero leagues. There is a minimal BADGE security presence. The only transport is one that brings supplies down once a week and sometimes transports new residents.”

A terrible glint in her eye gave off a mischievous plan forming. “So, you are saying there are super powered humans in this city?”


“Then, perhaps we could add them to our little group and harness that untapped strength.”

Nova shook his head, “Most of the people there are so weak in their powers, they aren’t of any real use. The rest either have powers that are not useful in combat, or are in need of containment all the time due to the risk of killing themselves.”

“Do I detect that old Director Nova sentiment in you? You are protecting them from me.”

“Hardly, my lady. I only wish to prevent you from obtaining unworthy subjects. Tactically speaking, they are more likely to hinder your plans than help them. And, if we do any harm to New Meta City, it will instantly alert BADGE that we are here and I don’t think you want a confrontation at this time.”

“True. They shall be left alone... for now.”

“However, I believe I see our target.” He handed her the binoculars and pointed in another direction.

She looked through them and saw a flickering purple light near a wide field of snow. “That does look like magic. My guess was correct. The magical barrier between worlds is weakest down here, especially after what happened to us. This was the perfect place for them to open a portal.”

Nova said, “We need to get to it in case it’s closing. It’s a two days walk for us. We can’t use any powers to move quicker, or the global sensors will pick us up.”

Lady Echidna shoved the binoculars back in his hand and snapped her fingers. Five of her men rushed over to do her bidding. “Time to move. We have a long walk, gentlemen.”

“Yes...my...lady.” The leader shivered so hard he staggered as he walked.

Lady Echidna hardly noticed his discomfort and marched ahead with Nova directly behind her.

Chase walked down the corridors of the Space Station. EB hopped along with her, chattering the whole time.

“Don’t be angry. We’re all under a lot of stress.”

Chase said, “We’ve been under a lot more stress, and Nova never treated us like that. Justin is way out of line.”

“He’s doing his best.”

She slapped a panel, and the door opened to the next hallway. “The only way this operation works is if we are all on the same page. He is a shut book with nothing but angry looks and few words.”

EB hopped ahead of her and then bounced backwards as he talked to her. “Look, you gotta be understanding. Justin is a great guy, like one of the totally best leaders under Nova. And I’ve known Nova for a long, LOOONG time. I don’t say that lightly. I remember this one time when Nova was still working outta Rome, he had this one general who was a complete dolt. To be fair, back then Nova was undercover all the time, so they thought he was just another member of the Italian military. But, anyway, this General Mastrovito was like all about flirting and politics and chocolate. That wasn’t so bad. He liked the chocolates I made. He didn’t know I made them, but I made some really good liquor filled chocolates that were a HUGE hit. Didja know I invented the whole liquor chocolate thing. I... OW!” He had hopped backward into a wall.

Chase turned another corner and said, “I don’t care. Justin has no right to treat us like he has been.”

EB, rubbing the back of his head, ran alongside her. “Chase, wait... STOP!”

She stood still and looked down at him. “What?!”

“Chase, you have to give him time. Nova was a good friend of his as well. Nova personally trained Justin. Justin looked up to him. Now, quickly, Justin has been given the biggest job in the world. And he’s gotta hunt down his former boss. We all know Nova is nutsy because of what that witch has done to him, but that doesn’t make it any easier. You were bamboozled a while back too, and that made us all upset. So, just... try to be understanding.”

She knelt down and brushed his head. “Okay, I’ll try. But I’m still going to see if I can figure out this clue Nova left us.”

EB followed her. “I know. That’s why I’m coming with you. Someone’s gotta be there if this goes wrong. I like Dr. Henderson, but she ain’t a mighty, magical bunny.”

They walked down several more corridors, moving through several security checkpoints. Security robots stood in place to keep anyone out who might try to get through.

Putting her code into the panel, a door opened into a high-tech lab. Dozens of computers lined the walls while various sensor equipment hung from the ceiling. Everything surrounded an energy field where the teardrop shaped blue object was suspended.

Dr. Henderson stood in front of a computer, checking data. A man was on the screen talking to her. “Thank you, Dr. Hostetter.”

“Any time. I’m sorry I wasn’t of much more help.”

“You did fine. I’ll be in touch if we need anything further.” She cut off the transmission. Standing up, she greeted them, “Chase, EB, I was waiting for you when Dr. Hostetter came back with his analysis.”

Chase asked, “Why ask him? Isn’t he a geologist?”

“Yes. I sent him all our scans and data on this thing. If he could tell us what this was made of, it might help. But he couldn’t find anything like it in all of his research. As far as we can tell, it isn’t made of a mineral from the Earth... if this is mineral at all.”

EB hopped up onto a moving tray and looked at the little object. “It looks like liquid water inside.”

“Yes, but it doesn’t register as water. In fact, it only has an arcane energy reading.”

“Magic?” EB asked, “But I don’t sense normal magic in it.”

“Nothing about this is normal,” Chase said.

Dr. Henderson asked, “Are you sure about investigating it again? The last time you tried it... “

“I know what it did. It took me a full day to recover. But there were other factors that could be part of that. We have to try. We are getting nowhere with finding Nova or Lady Echidna, learning more about their plans, or explaining why we suddenly have watery disasters right after getting this strange water relic.”

“Okay, but I’ll be right here to make sure you get immediate medical attention if this doesn’t work out.” Dr. Henderson stepped back and picked up a sensor device.

EB, still standing on the tray, said, “Be careful.”

“I will.” Chase slowly reached up and put her hand through the energy beam. She wrapped her fingers around the object and closed her eyes.

There was a moment of nothing, then she tensed up and gasped. “I... I see Nova. He is holding this. No, now he is pulling it from something. Wait... ah... I see faces, fangs, a monster... MY HEAD.... AHHHH!” She lurched back, her hand gripping the teardrop.

EB clapped his paws together and then threw them apart. A bright light flashed between her and the teardrop and she was thrown away from it. Dr. Henderson rushed over with her medical scanner.

“Chase! Chase! Are you okay?” Dr. Henderson asked.

Chase, laying on the ground and shaking, looked up at them. “I think... I know what this is.”

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

“Please... stop... I can’t... go on.” One of the mercs working for Lady Echidna fell down in the snow.

Nova ran back to the man, “My Lady, we’re not equipped for these conditions. This snow gear isn’t strong enough for a regular human body.”

Standing a good distance from her crew, Lady Echidna let out a long sigh and then turned back and pointed at a different soldier. “Fine. Head back to the shuttle and make sure he doesn’t lose any limbs. He’s no good to me in pieces. Nova and I will go on. I’m sure we’re safe without your help.” Her tone betrayed a complete lack of care for their safety.

Nova helped the man up and then gave him over to a pair of the others to head back toward their landed shuttle. After seeing they left, he made his way to the side of his mistress.

“You must remember, these humans aren’t as sturdy as our kind.”

She shook her head, “Once, we commanded legions of beings who could march across the deepest depths and tallest peaks without losing any strength. Now, we are stuck with sub-standard apes pretending to be a coherent society.”

As they walked, Nova asked, “If you loath them so, then why have a legion of them around you to do your bidding?”

She paused and looked back at him with a judgmental eye. “Are you questioning my wisdom?”

“Yes, but only because you seem to be standing in a contradiction.” His tone was congenial.

With a smile and a gentle pat on the side of his face, she answered him, “I don’t doubt your loyalty. You proved that to me when you retrieved the Eye of Fenrir. However, you must understand my logic. I don’t have a legion of humans around me out of any weakness on my part. They are there to do things that must be done without others realizing it is actually us. Besides, having them with me enforces the fact that humans are only worthy as our servants. When others look upon me and see my army of well-dress, handsome warriors, they will see the correct choice of servitude over death.” She spent a moment in thought and said, “I will admit, if I wish to maintain such an image, I should at least keep them alive and take into consideration their weakness. You have, as you are so good at, proven your wisdom in my service.”

He bowed his head to her. “Always yours, my lady.”

“Good. Now, let us find this portal. I’m eager to cause some havoc in our dear old realm.”

Chase opened her eyes to the glowering sight of Justin standing over her hospital bed. EB twirled around on the doctor’s stool next to her bed while Dr. Henderson checked on vitals.

“Oh, my head feels funny,” Chase moaned.

Dr. Henderson nodded, “It should. Your morphonic powers were rebounding and caused quite the stir in you. But you’ll be fine.”

EB stopped twirling around and said, “Oh, good. You’re awake. They still won’t let me see if a kiss will wake up the sleeping princess.”

“Good. The last thing I need is a slobbery kiss from a furry idiot.”

“Hey! I only wanted to help.”

“Sure you did.” Chase sat up.

Justin coldly stated, “I hope this was worth it? Did you find anything?”

Chase returned his unfriendly attitude with one of her own. “Yes, it was worth it. And, what I found, none of your sensors would ever detect. That isn’t a clue.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, it is living. This is why I had so much trouble checking into it before and why it messed with my head. I can’t use my power on living things.”

EB asked, “If you can’t, then how do you know anything about it?”

“It was living, then turned dormant. This object was part of a terrible creature once, but I don’t know what kind. I do know at one point Nova defeated it and then ripped this thing out of it. He then hid it. However, recently he retrieved it and the last thing I could see was him putting it into Midgard during their fight.”

Justin asked, “Where did he get it? Where was it hidden?”

“The information was quick and in tiny pieces. So, I don’t know. And, when I pushed into the past of the object just beyond his defeat, I encountered a terrible beast of incredible power. It stared back into me and that’s when EB broke the connection.”

“Do you know what this beast was?” Justin asked.

“No. All I got were demonic faces looking at me and the sense of water. What I believe is that this is an object like that Eye of Fenrir. This is the magical core of some terrible monster that Lady Echidna wants. Nova used his fight with Midgard as a method of passing it to us to keep it safe.”

“I don’t know,” Justin stated. “Nova helping us while he is also helping her still doesn’t make much sense. He has harmed our agents and heroes, he has handed her the Eye of Fenrir, he nearly killed Midgard in a battle and allowed a shadow form of Fenrir to run wild. These aren’t actions of someone helping us.”

EB hopped up on the bed and pointed at Justin. The bunny was as furious as he could be. “My buddy may be enchanted by this witch, but there is still our Nova in there. I know it. He’s trying to help us. He would not turn against this world. I have known him longer than anyone in this room. Hell, I’ve known him longer than most living beings in this universe. He is not our enemy, and if I hear one more word like that from you, then…”

“THEN WHAT!” Justin yelled, “One more word from you and I will have you removed from BADGE permanently, and don’t think I can’t!”

“You wanna try me, big shot!” EB beat his little chest and glared at Justin.

Dr. Henderson came up. “Cool down, everyone. This is not the time for yelling. Justin, apologize.”


“Justin. These people are your best hope of saving not only BADGE and the world but also our dear friend and leader, Nova. Do not treat them like this. Apologize.” She sounded like a mother right now, which only helped.

Justin turned and huffed, “Fine. I’m sorry. Now, we have work to do.”

“Justin,” Chase stopped him, “If this is another artifact like the last, then we have to know someone will come looking for it.”

“And we will be ready for them.” He left the room.

A BADGE agent walked along with four robots moving crates of supplies. He stood inside a massive domed city with green grasses, flowering trees and shrubs, and children playing in a park nearby. Streets lined in pleasant homes and shops bustled with activity. People went about their lives with a smile on their faces. A few were either solid red or bright green, or had an extra arm or leg, but for the most part, they appeared as normal people.

A woman in a suit walked up. She had bluish silver hair and bright white eyes with no pupils. “Good morning, Agent Willis. I see we got our shipment right on time.”

He handed her a tablet to be signed, “Would BADGE let your down?”

Scribbling her name on the tablet, she said, “I have been worried about the state of things. The World Corps incident left us a little worried and then Nova going missing added to the concern. We depend on the support of BADGE.”

He took the tablet back. “Don’t worry. EB promised to put aside a large portion of his fortunes to help fund this place in the incident of BADGE failing.”

“How sweet of him... oh, that was a terrible pun. Excuse me.”

Agent Willis laughed at her. “Fortunately, BADGE is operating fine. Nova’s disappearance did little to stop that. So, for the foreseeable future, shipments will be right on time.”

“Good.” She bid him farewell.

His robots finished unpacking the crates and then walked with him back to the entranced. He walked into a bay that had a door which led into the icy cold of the world around this pristine little community.

Just before he got into the shuttle, a man walked up who was half goat, with horns on his head and the waist to hoof of a goat. His abdomen up to his face was that of a well-built man.

“Can I help you?” Agent Willis asked.

“Does this shuttle go to the BADGE place?” This stranger asked.


“I would like a ride, kind human.”

Willis shook his head. “If you want to reapply for power inspection and potential League placement, you’ll have to contact BADGE administrative offices. Talk to Mayor Sherri, she...”

The man waved his hand, and a purple mist came out. “Please, just take me there.”

Agent Willis smiled again, “Of course. Right this way.”

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

“I could’ve taken him.” EB said as he hopped along with Gar.

Gar turned a corner and headed for the laboratories. “I can’t believe Justin yelled at you.”

“I might’ve provoked him by yelling at him first. But he was saying just the nastiest things about my bestest buddy, Nova. I know Nova is acting strange and has done some really bad things, but he is still also sending us clues. I just know he isn’t totally on her side. He’s like a double agent, or something. But, Justin... Sheesh... that dude needs to act better or I am going to shove an egg where... “

They both turned a corner and came face to face with Justin. “Where?”

EB glared at Justin and folded his little arms. “You don’t wanna know. Just remember this one thing, bub, I may look like a cute little fuzzy bunny and love to make candy, but I’m one of the most powerful, magical creatures on this planet... and don’t you forget that.”

Justin gave EB a critical glare for a long moment and then coolly said, “That’s what I need you for. Come with me.” He turned and walked in the same direction EB and Gar had already been walking.

They made it to the laboratory with the teardrop artifact hovering in the same energy field it has resided in since arriving on the station. Dr. Henderson checked readings near it and Chase stood beside her, simply looking at the object with a touch of fear in her eyes.

“Chase, good, you’re here.”

Chase said, “I don’t know how much help I can be. I told you everything I saw.”

“I know. But does this spark any other thoughts you obtained? Any tiny detail could help us?”

She looked at the teardrop for a long moment while everyone waited. She said, “I just know Nova had something to do with this thing, more than simply giving it to Midgard. Other than that, I also know it truly is the heart of some terrible beast. A magical relic like the Eye of Fenrir.”

Justin looked at the teardrop as well. “Then we must conceal it so our enemy cannot easily find it.”

Dr. Henderson said, “I don’t know if that is possible. Nova was extremely brilliant. He understood everything about BADGE and our technology. He might not have been able to fully use it as a specialist, such as myself, but he understood it better than most. Anything we use to hide this will be at risk of his knowledge, and I don’t think we have time to invent anything new.”

Justin turned around and looked at EB. “That is where you come in.”


“Yes. You said it yourself. You are extremely powerful. Your magic is unique. Could you conceal this with some kind of spell or magic that will hide it from our enemy?”

EB nodded, “I think so. I can put it inside a magical eggshell that will block any kinda sensor device or magical means of location. I mean, this stuff is really totally great at hiding stuff. I once made this for...”

“Not now.” Justin cut him off. “Do it.”

Gar asked, “What good would that do? They will know we will have this on the station.”

Justin answered, “If we can hide it in something, then we can move it. If they can’t see where it is, then we can move it without them knowing. From there, we can put it in a place Nova won’t so easily figure out.”

Chase said, “Nova gave this to us to keep it safe. That’s the only reason he would do this. Lady Echidna got the Eye of Fenrir, but she must also need this.”

“Precisely. And we’ll do just that. EB, get to it.” Justin stood back.

EB hopped up onto a rolling chair and held both his paws up in front of him. He concentrated with all his might, and a white ball of energy formed between his paws. Suddenly, a large egg-shaped object popped into existence around the floating teardrop. It looked like a piece of carved marble with exquisite decorations etched on the surface. The egg plopped down and rolled to the side, completely unfazed by the energy beam.

Dr. Henderson turned off the energy as Justin reached over and picked up the egg. “It’s heavy.”

“Of course it is. That isn’t just any ordinary egg or even chocolate egg. That’s made of pure Vexillian Marble, which can only be conjured by the most powerful of my kind. It’s enchanted to block all sensor devices. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, on this station can read inside that shell. Promise.”

Dr. Henderson scanned the egg. “He’s right. This scanner is the most precise scanner we use in the labs and it cannot penetrate that shell.”

“Told-ja.” EB grinned.

“Can you make four others?” Justin asked.

EB frowned, “Four? Well, sure, but it takes a lot outta me to do this. Might need to rest.”

“They don’t have to be perfectly like this. Just visually. I want this to be identical to the others.”

“Okay, I guess. I’ll get to them. Gimme a sec.” EB started concentrating again.

Justin hardly cast a glance at EB, let alone thank him for this, as he turned to Gar. “You’re also impervious to most sensors. You read as stone and are indistinguishable from most other stone on the planet. I want you to take this and prep five shuttles for departure. Get four other robots to take places on each one, each sending a false signal to read as stone. Give each of the robots a fake egg. Then, leave and take this egg to a destination that will be sent to you from our ground operations in Kenya.”

“Where will I be going?” Gar took the egg.

“I don’t know, and that is the point. No one on this station will know. And, the Kenya station will only have a computer generated response for you, which will be wiped after a one time signal. Take the egg to the destination and you will know what to do when you get there.”

“I will?”

Justin commanded, “From this point on, none of us will refer to this teardrop or anything else about it. We will call it ‘the egg’, and that will be the code. At no time, on any official or unofficial communication line, will you refer to this as anything but ‘the egg’.”

Justin stood in command in operations, with Chase and EB beside him. They all watched as the five shuttles departed the station’s docking bay. They didn’t even know which one contained Gar and the egg.

“I hate sending him out there alone with that. Who knows if Nova will find him?” Chase said.

EB waved his paw in the air. “Don’t worry. Aint no one finding that egg with the amount of magical protection I gave it and Gar is made of stone... magical stone at that. It’s all good.”

Justin said, “No, it isn’t good. We might be hiding that thing, but that is only a temporary measure. We need to know what it would do. Why does Lady Echidna want it? What is she up to? We are leagues behind her in understanding her schemes, and I don’t like it. We have work to do.”

EB hopped up onto a computer console and sat down. “Look. We have wracked our brains for days trying to figure all this out. Maybe a little R and R would be nice for the afternoon. With that teardrop thing gone, and well hidden, we can watch a movie in the theater or better, we can watch a round of simulated battling. The Fifth precinct has scheduled a big simulated battle with Fenrir and I love watching them in action.”

“No, we don’t have time for that.” Justin said.

EB said, “A little down time can’t hurt. I mean, Nova would let us if he were here.”

Chase was about to say something when Justin simply started yelling. “We don’t have time to relax! The whole world is waiting for us to find answers and fix this! You can sit on your furry butt and laugh about this all you want, but people are in grave danger, the world is in terrible danger and we don’t even know why! I don’t care what it takes, but we have to solve this! I have to fix this! And, for the last time, it is THE EGG, and that is all! I don’t want to hear another word out of you other than ‘yes sir’ and ‘no sir’! GOT THAT!”

Chase grabbed his arm. “Justin! That was uncalled for.”

He shook her hand off. “I’m Acting Director Justin, your commanding officer. If you two want to go and take in a movie, be my guest. But don’t expect to come back to your positions. I’ll find agents who are willing to do their job.”

“You can’t possibly mean that.” Chase took a step back.

“Try me.”

Before anyone could answer that challenge, a warning sign came over the screen and a robot announced, “Undocumented magical presence detected approaching station.”

“What? Where?” Justin demanded.

“Shuttle A313, on approach.”

“The New Meta City supply shuttle?” Chase said.

Justin pointed at another robot. “Contact that shuttle.”

There was a long pause and then the robot said, “No response.”

Justin said, “Close all shuttle bays.”

“Shuttle already entering bay alpha. Unable to close bay doors.” A robot announced.

Justin clicked his comm unit. “Station at Red Alert, everyone to battle stations. Potential intruder.

Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

“I want people down there, now!” Justin yelled into his comm.

He watched as all the security camera's active footage was on the screens before him. Legions of BADGE agents and robots filled the docking bay. Several trainee heroes were also there.

The supply shuttle’s back hatch opened and everyone took aim. The pilot stepped out and instantly jerked upright and put his hands in the air. “Don’t shoot!” He cried out.

Justin quickly tapped his comm. “Team leader, inspect that shuttle. Take the pilot...” He paused when suddenly vines came growing up out of the metal flooring with roots spreading out across the flat surface. People and crates were shoved around. Something dashed out of the shuttle just before all the footage was of vines and leaves.

Yells, gunfire, and a strange clopping sound came through the audio.

“He’s so fast!” “What is that?” “I’m tangled!”

“Report!” Justin yelled.

The team leader’s voice came over his comm. “Someone just exited that shuttle and we couldn’t get a single shot off. He was moving so fast. These damn vines are everywhere and they’re holding us down. We need backup.”

“Do what you can. We have to contain this intruder.” Just clicked off his comm.

Chase, next to Justin, readied her own blades. “Whatever this is, it has just made a mockery of all our defenses.”

“You and EB get down to the main floor, join the team down there. Do not let whatever that is get any further into our systems.”

EB hopped over onto Chase’s shoulder and put two pawed fingers up at his eyes and then back toward Justin. “We’ll go handle this, and then we’ll discuss with you just how replaceable we really are.”

“Not now.” Chase tossed the bunny off of her and headed for the lift.

Chase ran out of the lift with EB bounding ahead of her at his unnaturally fast pace. The remaining defense forces of the station joined them. They sealed doors in all the high security sections, leaving very few places the intruder could go from the shuttle bay.

Arx came running in with members of the TALOS team, “Justin just activated us. What’s up?”

“Intruder alert,” Chase said.

Justin came over her comm. “We’re reading the magical signal heading in your direction.”

“We’re ready and waiting.” Chase held a throwing star in her hand.

EB materialized two exploding eggs while Arx got his fists primed for a good fight.

For a moment, there was just silence around them. Then, a creaking alerted them to something happening. All at once, vines burst up from under the deck plating, breaking parts of the floor. Several agents had become entangled and thrust up into the air as they were at the mercy of these plants.

“This is magic! Here!” EB let his eggs vanish and then slapped both paws on the deck plates. A wave of blue energy spread out, and the vines were all stopped, then shriveled, and ultimately crumbled away as old, dead plants. EB continued to hold the decking. “I have to keep this up. There’s a powerful magic trying to make this place a jungle, which is kinda cool, but really annoying at the same time.”

The clicking of guns and sudden tension caused Chase to whip around and see their enemy approaching. She was taken aback by the sight before her. A man who was half goat from the waist down, and half man from the waist up, approached. He had horns on the sides of his head, and long, chestnut hair flowing down around his shoulders. His cloven hoof feet making a distinct clop with each step.

“My god, is that a satyr?” Chase whispered.

The man smiled at her. “So, you know what I am. But I’m not entirely sure what you are. Witch, sorcerer, demon... I don’t really care. I’m here for the Eye of the Hydra, and you won’t stop me from getting it.”

Chase took a bold step forward with Arx right beside her. “I don’t care what you think I am, but you aren’t getting anything from us.”

“I have fought many more powerful than you. Don’t push me. Just give me what I came for and I’ll leave your strange flying fortress.”

Chase said, “You’ll stand down.”

“Not today.”

Chase threw her blades at him, intent on cutting a few of those long locks away from his head as a threat.

“Slita!” He said with a strange, echoing voice, and the blades vanished.

She waited for them to return to her hands as they always did, but nothing happened. “What?”

He laughed, “Pretty weak magic.” Crouching, he prepared to run. “Okay, enough of this. I have a job to do.”

Chase calculated his movements and at the moment he dashed, she moved to the side and whipped around with her elbow meeting him in the chest. He flew back and skidded across the ground. The moment he came to a stop, Arx was right at him with a fist swinging at his face, but the Satyr ducked one swing and then dodged the next. However, the third swing met him in the gut and the Satyr fell to his knees.

“Take aim!” Chase commanded, and all the guns in the room were ready to strike down the enemy.

“Nice, you’re worthy fighters. But, not worthy enough.” He slapped a hand onto the decking and a vine grew up quickly, throwing him into the air. The laser fire from the agents’ guns hit the vine where he had been.

He came down with a hard smash into Arx and then quickly kicked Arx into Chase. Both tumbled away. The agents were now firing wildly at him, but he dodged their weapons with incredible agility. With one last slide across the ground, he blew across his palm. A spray of what looked like sparkling pollen bathed the room and the agents all fell into a stupor and acted silly. No longer were they even concerned about the enemy, they were more concerned about playing patty-cake with one another. Even Chase was dazed by this cloud of magical dust.

The Satyr stood up and laughed at them as they played with each other. However, a fist met him in the back of the head and he staggered forward.

Arx grabbed him by the arm and swung him around, and threw him across the room into the dining tables in the mess area.

Tangled in chairs, the Satyr rubbed his head as he said, “Why didn’t that work on you?”

Arx smiled. “I’m resistant to a lot of things. I guess your little sparkle attack is one of them.”

The Satyr smiled and fought with the chairs for a moment. “You are a well-built man. Nice chest, great legs, and some rock hard abs.”

Arx smiled as he flexed a little. “I know. Award winning body. You aren’t so bad yourself. What do you bench?”

The Satyr was to his feet, brushing his shaggy fur on his legs off. “Bench?”

“I am around 800lbs.”

The Satyr smiled with a sneaky grin. “You don’t look that heavy, but you certainly could use a prize for such a fine body. Here, have a flower.” With a quick stomp of his hoof, a flower erupted from the deck plating and wrapped around Arx with binding vines. The massive sunflower on the top came down and pressed Arx against the decking.

“Hey! Not cool, bro!” Arx struggled with all his fine muscles, but he was no match for this floral opponent.

“Now, where did they hide the Eye?” He looked around, only finding a bunny blocking his path. “What... someone lost their pet?”

EB glared at this man, “Pet! I ain’t no one’s pet!” He quickly threw an exploding egg at the Satyr.

With little time to respond, the explosion threw the Satyr back into the tables again. However, this time, he responded with an explosion of rose vines that flew at EB.

EB hopped up high and then came down quickly. A wave of purple energy blasted from him and the vines all vanished. He then threw five more eggs at the Satyr.

“SLITA!” The Satyr ran to the side, his echoing voice caused three of the eggs to vanish, but the last two erupted in blue flames where he had been standing.

EB hopped around, “You like them eggs, Mr. Goat Cheese! Try these!” He zipped around the Satyr throwing egg after egg, each one exploding either with smoke or fire as it hit.

“HLIF!” The Satyr cried out and a bubble of energy formed around him and blocked the attacks.

EB stopped his circular path and merely stood in one place and threw a steady stream of exploding eggs at the barrier around his enemy. “TAKE THAT YOUR HALF-NAKED PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A FARM ANIMAL!”

The Satyr slapped his hands together, “ENOUGH!” A wave of energy erupted from him. Both EB and this Satyr were flung away from each other. The barrier and egg attack were both cut off.

EB sat up and saw his enemy getting to his hooves.

The Satyr looked back at EB with shock and surprise in his face. “You’re magic… you are...”

EB didn’t give him the chance to speak. He threw one last egg and hit the Satyr in the head. He went down and held his face.

“Had enough!” EB ran over, two exploding eggs ready to strike.

The Satyr sat up and said, “You’re Vexillian.”

“Yeah, so?”

“I’m from Yohan.”

The eggs in his paws both evaporated and EB stepped back, “No... It can’t be...”

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

The blistering winds circled around the finely dressed pair in the middle of the barren wasteland of the south. The dark, starry skies cast a deep shade over the landscape. However, a glimmering, bluish glow flickered on their faces from a hole cut in the middle of the air.

“This is the exact spot where we first fell.” Nova commented.

Lady Echidna smiled, “Yes. Little did we know that our fall from grace was the greatest gift they could offer us. This world was so weak, so young, so ripe for expansion.”

“The magic was almost completely gone from this world. They stood no chance with us here.” Nova said.

She laughed, “I know. I wish we could go back and experience that utopia again. But, alas, we cannot.”

A particularly blustery gale crashed into them, and each held tight to their warmer clothing. Nova yelled over the gales, “The cold may not affect us as it does humans, but I still would rather leave this place as soon as possible.”

“I completely agree.” She said and waited a moment as that wind passed. “Now, to set new events into motion.” Reaching out, she went to put her hand into the glimmering hole in the air. An energy barrier rejected her. Pressing her palm into it, it appeared like a thick plastic sheet covering the opening. “Clever, very clever. Whoever came through was no fool.”

Nova put his hand on the barrier as well, “This can only mean that whoever came through is still here. This kind of spell cannot be cast from the other side. We should be leaving.”

“I do not fear any little fool who came through. They are no match for either of us, especially me.” Stepping back, she held a hand up and a black energy blasted the sealing spell.

Nova said, “Are you sure about this? It could have been more than one person, or they could alert BADGE.”

“When did Nova, the ArcBlade, become so worried about trivialities?” She mused, not addressing his concerns at all.

Nova let out a deep sigh and then said, “I can break this. You know I have the power... “

“You will not use that power. I will not allow it. Just stand there and look pretty. I shall take this down and then set our minor distraction into motion.”

Justin stepped out of the lift, with Chase beside him. The Mess hall was repaired and cleaned up after the battle. Several carts rolled by with large cuttings of vines piled in them. The broken floor plates where some vines had grown through were cut out and being repaired by the staff engineers.

“Remind me why I’m going to meet this person in our arboretum and not in the brig?” Justin coldly asked.

Chase said, “Because EB said we can trust him.”

“That’s not exactly a vote of confidence I would trust.” Justin stated.

Chase said, “EB may be silly at times and have questionable judgment about some things. But, if he says someone is trustworthy, I would listen to him. We both know how devoted he is to those he trusts.”

“Still, I’m not dismissing the guards just yet.” Justin walked through the mess directly into the large arboretum that made up most of the central level of the station.

Inside was a world completely different from the sterile, mechanical life of the BADGE space station. It was a grassy, tree filled haven for nature to flourish. Flowers were in bloom, honey bees buzzed about collecting pollen and nectar, and about twenty specially armed BADGE agents stood at attention around the room.

In the middle of the room, sitting on a boulder near a pond, was the Satyr chatting amiably with EB as he let a butterfly land on his outstretched finger.

Justin was halfway across the grassy field when EB noticed him and zipped over. “Great, awesome. You gotta meet this guy. He’s really cool and knows lots about magic and fighting, and is from Yohan. Can you believe that? Yohan!”

“What exactly does that mean?” Justin asked.

The Satyr stood and smiled at Justin, “Yohan is short for Yohan’anon’da, the name of the lands in which my people are from. Specifically, I’m from a region of those lands known as the Shakonohey Valley, west of the land of the Jade Elves.” He stuck his hand out. “Torrik Treeleaf, at your service.”

Justin did not shake his hand. “I’m Acting Director Justin of BADGE. Care to explain why you attacked my station?”

Torrik was unfazed by the unfriendly attitude of Justin. “A few months ago, in our world, we detected an ancient magic, one that once nearly destroyed our world and yours. Our scholars consulted the memory mirrors of Idore and discovered the four keys were active again. The four Eyes of Darkness. One had already been partially activated. They ordered me to come and find the others and bring them back to be sealed away so that The Fallen could never get their hands on them.”

“Are you talking about the Eye of Fenrir?”

Torrik nodded. “That was the first. But it wasn’t what we detected that alerted us. Someone is using dark, shadow magic. A forbidden magic that caused great turmoil many, many years ago. The person behind this, The Queen of Black Magic, was sent away during the first days of our realm just after our kind left this world.”

“Your people came from this world?” Chase asked.

“Yes. Eons ago, this was our world as well. We left, but that is another story. Right now, we know that once in the past, The Queen tried to rise to power here and use that power to break the seal that keeps her from returning to our realm. She needs four elements to do this, the four Eyes of Darkness. A noble hero once sealed away them, one of the original ArcBlades, but that was so long ago and somehow she has escaped. Now, here I am to find the elements and stop her.”

EB hopped around, “See, that is sooo cool. We Vexillians knew of the people of Yohan, but that was a loooong time ago. This whole thing is so amazing, like a real fantasy playing out. We could all play along. Hey! Let’s play some DnD. I’m always a Barbarian. Justin, you can be a Paladin, Chase is a thief, and Torrik is a total Druid. I mean, wouldn’t that be so cool? And... I’ll shut up now.” The burning glare of Justin interrupted EB’s exuberance.

Justin cooled down his irritation and said, “This all sounds pretty fantastic. All I know is that you bypassed a lot of security measures and nearly took out all our defenses. You tell us this story and all I have to believe you is the word of this idiot.”

“HEY!” EB retorted.

Torrik took a casual step toward Justin. “I’m here to help you and my people. From what EB has told me, which he told me a lot while we waited for you to arrive, this world is in grave danger. The Queen is up to something terrible and she has a good friend of yours trapped. I’m the Captain of the Royal Special Service and there’s very little you can do will stop me. I’m only standing here, obliging you, because we have mutual interests and I want to believe you are honorable. But if you decide not to listen to me or believe me, I’ll be on my way... and I don’t need your permission to leave.”

Justin spent a moment sizing him up and then said, “Chase is correct. If EB says you’re trustworthy, then I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. But, don’t take us for weak. You might have bested us before, but you haven’t faced the strongest heroes allied with BADGE.”

“Oh, don’t be a spoilsport. Torrik ain’t gonna start any fights, are ya, buddy?” EB said.

Torrik smiled at the excited little bunny. “No. I’ll do my job and try to stop this catastrophe from happening.”

“Fine.” Justin said, “But while you’re here, I’m in charge. This is our world and BADGE is my responsibility. You’ll work with us and listen to my orders.”

“I will be glad to be part of the team, for now.” Torrik said.

“Good. Chase, find him quarters on the station and then bring him to the briefing room so we can all get on the same page about what’s happening out there.”

“My pleasure.” She smiled coyly at Torrik.

EB noted this and instantly lost his zeal.

Torrik stepped over to her. “Chase, that is an interesting name. I love chasing things.”

She blushed and said, “This way, I’ll show you to the guest quarters.”

EB followed behind them as they walked ahead, muttering to himself the entire way.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

“I don’t like him.” EB said with a touch of bitterness in his voice.

Arx, seated at the same briefing table, asked, “Why?”

EB, the only other person present, said, “I just don’t.”

“But you were the one who convinced Justin to trust him? Do you no longer trust him?” Arx asked.

EB folded his little arms and pouted. “I trust he isn’t our enemy. I’ll grant that. But, he’s too pretty. I mean, those chiseled good looks, all those muscles, and sheesh, put on some pants dude.”

“Oh, I see. You’re jealous.” Arx smiled.

“Am not! He’s just too handsome and, too, I don’t know, flirty. Did you see the way he was winking and smiling at Chase? I mean, get a room... wait, no, don’t get a room. Don’t even think about that. Why can’t we find him a room on the base in Alaska? That’s the perfect place to put him.”

Chase walked into the room and sat. “EB, are you already complaining about our guest? You can’t be jealous of every handsome man who visits the station.”

“You called him handsome! Does he have a spell on you or something?”

She let out a heavy sigh. “He does not have a spell on me or anything. He is handsome. His smile is sweet, his chest is beefy, and he has the most adorable little tail.”

EB hopped up on the table, turned around and wiggled his little puffy tail at her. “What? Look, I have a cute tail, a charming smile, and... okay, so I don’t have all the muscles, but I am a bunny rabbit. I can’t exactly beef up. But, seriously...”

“This is neither the time nor the place to talk about that sort of thing.” Justin walked in with a tablet in his hand. “Where is our guest of honor?”

“I’ll go get him. He might be lost.” Chase said.

“You should be careful around him.” EB muttered.

Chase angrily asked, “Why?”

“Oh, you know, he’s a Satyr. I mean, haven’t you read the myths and legends? Satyrs are sex crazed tricksters. They’re disgusting, lecherous, ...”

Torrik walked in with a cup in his hand. “What else am I?”

Chase said, “EB was just telling us about the ancient legends of satyrs.”

“Oh,” he sat down in a chair, “I see. Most of my kind left this world four thousand years ago with the original migration to the magical realm. A few stayed behind. So, whatever you know about my people would be from those who were here long after the rest of us. I don’t know how they acted or what they did, but they certainly don’t represent those of us who moved away.” He took a drink and wretched, “Oh, that’s horrible.”

“What is it?” Arx asked.

“Something your kitchen maid in the messy place gave me called Caff...cov...um...”

“Coffee,” Chase said.

“That’s it. Coffee. This is terrible.”

“It’s an acquired taste,” Chase said.

Justin cleared his throat and said, “Mind if we get on with this meeting?” Everyone quieted down and looked at him. “Okay, this is the situation. We have all monitoring stations and leagues on the lookout for any suspicious activity from Nova, Lady Echidna, or any of her minions. I have put special measures into place to guard from another situation like the one in Stockholm. However, everything is quiet.”

“Lady Echidna is not on the move?” Arx asked.

Justin said, “I believe her operation is currently searching for the Egg. Gar is currently securing the egg where it will be protected for now.”

Torrik said, “What is this egg?”

EB said, “Uh, it is the... um... well, Justin will yell at me if I say it...”

Justin pinched the bridge of his nose. “It is the Eye of the Hydra you were looking for.”

“Hey, you said we weren’t sup’osed to say that out loud,” EB scolded him.

Justin gave EB a withering glare and then said, “We have it hidden in a secret location that will only be known to one person for now.”

“Then have that person take me to it,” Torrik casually said.

“Not yet. I have a plan. But I need some information first.”

Torrik sat back and asked, “What do you need to know?”

“Everything. Who is this Lady Echidna... or Queen of Black Magic as you called her? What does she plan on doing?”

Torrik said, “It is a long story.”

“Any information could prove vital.” Justin took his seat and waited for answers.

Torrik laughed, “All business, I like that. The Queen of Black Magic was once, long ago, a member of a group called the ArcBlades. They were the most powerful, skilled warriors in all the known universe. ArcBlades were seemingly immortal and had unparalleled powers. They were also honorable and devoted to protecting the innocent. At that time, the magical kinds who currently live in my world were living on Earth. The Queen of Black Magic started a war between the magical and non-magical kinds. However, she then divided the magical peoples against one another with those who believed in her ways against those who did not. We called it the War of Three Sides. It almost destroyed everything. Merlin the Great ended the war, and the Queen was defeated.”

“How long ago was this?” Chase asked.

“In your years, roughly four thousand.”

Arx asked, “Are you that old?”

Torrik snorted, “No. I’m only two hundred.” He said this as if it were a simple thing.

Justin asked, “If the Queen was defeated so long ago, what happened to her?”

Torrik said, “Our kinds left this world and settled in a new world that Merlin had founded for us. The Queen followed us there in disguise, falling into the ranks of the few remaining ArcBlades. She convinced others among the ArcBlades to continue her original plan for domination over the lesser magical peoples. She was defeated and exiled back here, along with a small legion of her own followers. Five others fell with her back to this world. We don’t know much more after that, only that she cursed four of the others and turned them into terrible monsters. We believe she transformed their power into stones that she used to control the very fabric of magic. Her goal was to return to our world and conquer it. But she was thwarted. Legend says that her first general was the one who stopped her and he banished her to yet another realm and hid the stones. That was the last we had in our history books. Not until recently, when we sensed the use of the dark magic, did we have any idea that she was still even alive.”

Chase said, “Could this general be Nova?”

Torrik shrugged. “I don’t know his name. I doubt anyone from my realm knows it. Much has been lost in all these centuries.”

EB said, “It is true. Nova is an ArcBlade.”

Justin asked, “What do you know?”

“Nova once told me about himself. When he learned who I was, who my people were, he knew that we were like the people of Yohan. My race, the Vexillians, are also a magical kind, but of another world. Your world has many non-magical people, which caused the problems that led to the magical people leaving. The Vexillians lived in a world where all were magical. But, long ago, our two peoples knew each other. He told me that he was a disgraced member of a once proud group called the ArcBlades. Though he lost his honor, he would get it back by devoting himself to defending this world and keeping it safe. He told me never to even say the name ArcBlade aloud. But, now that you all know, I guess it’s alright.”

Chase asked, “Does this Queen want to get back to your world still? Is that her goal?”

“I can’t say for certain, since I never met her or know what she is thinking today. But if history is repeating itself, then she is probably trying to get back.”

“Why?” Justin asked. “If she merely wants to subjugate a world, why go after yours when she is already here?”

“Again, I don’t know what is on her mind today. But, the truth is, she gained her power through an unforgivable magic... blood sacrifice. She murdered many to gain greater power. She even sacrificed her own to craft the stones that control the monsters under her command. Magical blood is powerful. She wants to return to obtain that power again. That, at least, was her original goal.”

Justin asked, “If you take the stone back with you, will she be able to get it?”

“No. She and her general were both banished by extremely powerful magic, which is why she needs the stones to return. Also, there is a great divide between our realms filled with magical beasts to stop any who try to cross it without permission.”

“Then we have our objective. Find the remaining stones and return them to your world for safekeeping.” Justin said.

Chase asked, “How do we do that?”

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

The dark of night bathed Nova as he watched Lady Echidna tear at the magical barrier preventing them from accessing the portal. The darkness of her shadowy magic only drank up what little light was left in this icy wasteland. Then, the fabric of magic broke wide open and the barrier split apart as though it were a thin layer of glass. The shards shattered and then evaporated in the wind.

Lady Echidna stopped, a glint of greed on her perfect face at the sight before her. “Come, we have work to do.”

Together, they walked through the portal and left the blisteringly inhospitable world of Antarctica. They stood in a strange land of broken mountains and dirty ground. Echoes rang out in the distance of roars and grumbles from beasts much larger than either of them.

“The Great Divide.” Nova whispered as he took in the sights with a hint of fear on his face.

Lady Echidna was basking in the surrounding glory. “Such a fabulous purgatory they created, and just for us.” She walked onward.

Nova followed her. “They created this to prevent anyone from entering their world without permission.”

“Don’t be so foolish, my pet. They crafted this in response to us. We inspired fear so terrible that they went to lengths such as these to stop us.”

Nova almost responded to her when both heard a terrible screech and then a great shadow fell over them for a moment. A dragon-like beast swooped over and flew away. Nova whispered, “Wyverns.”

She chortled as she observed the creature flying away. “They filled this divide with the most powerful creatures they could find. I’m sure we would encounter many awful things. I would love to harvest their blood and craft my own creations to wreak havoc.” She held up her hand.

“My lady, don’t...”

Her shadowy magic came out of her hand for a moment, then a red energy hit her and she stumbled back to be caught by Nova before falling to the ground. Holding her hands up against herself, she swore under her breath, “Curse that fool Merlin.”

“Apparently, that banishment spell is still active.”

“Obviously,” she retorted as she shoved her way off of him and back to her feet. “Soon, that spell will begin to eat at both of us. The closer we get to Yohan, the stronger it will be.”

Nova said, “We wouldn’t get the opportunity, look.”

Creatures of all descriptions rushed toward them from a distance. Wyverns, led by the one who passed over them moments ago, were the front line of this charge.

“I see the welcoming committee is on its way.”

“We can’t stay. Without our magic, they will devour us in moments.” Nova pulled her back toward the portal.

She laughed, “No, my sweet. They wouldn’t harm their queen.” Holding up the Eye of Fenrir in her hand, she blew across it. A mist of dark red became a billowing fog. She then spoke into it, her voice booming across the entire land. “Minions of great might, turn now to my evil delight. Stand strong and storm the Earth, give us time to seek rebirth.”

The ruckus of beasts slowed down and then stopped. The fog hid them for the moment, but it was already dissipating.

“How did you do that? Our magic is bound here by Merlin’s curse.” Nova asked.

She put the Eye of Fenrir away. “It wasn’t our magic I used. However, we must return. I feel the sting of that curse growing. I also would rather not be around when this portal breaks wide open.”


Torrik and Justin both stood before a large map on the screen in the briefing room. Arx, Chase, and EB were also present.

Justin pointed at Sweden. “The first stone was there, near Stockholm. Apparently, Nova hid it a long time ago in a statue. Somehow he retrieved the second before that and hid it by stabbing into the body of one of our own.”

“He did what?” Torrik asked.

EB hopped up and said, “Nova and Midgard, who is a big serpent dude who is really powerful, and a big mouth, and is kinda rude, and has been both a bad guy and good guy... long story. Um... what was I saying? Oh, right. Nova fought Midgard over the Eye of Fenrir stone. But during the fight, Nova was able to plant the Eye of the Hydra in Midgard’s body, disguising it as a wound. It was like totally brilliant.”

“I’ll say.” Torrik commented.

Justin said, “We aren’t sure where the Eye of the Hydra was originally hidden...”

Torrik said, “Oh, it was over here, near these islands.” He pointed at New Zealand and Australia."

“How do you know that?” Arx asked.

Torrik said, “When I arrived, I sensed the magic from it and followed the trail to a tomb under the water. It was empty. Someone had already gotten to the stone inside. So, I left a minor spell that would trigger when someone else tried getting to it. I assumed that the Queen of Black Magic would be looking for it, so she would meet a nasty surprise.”


“I suppose so. It would cause the waters to thrash around. What? Did it cause some problems?” Torrik looked genuinely confused as to their anger.

EB hopped up onto the table. “That flooded like five cities and threatened an entire nation. That was really, really stupid!”


Justin said, “The floods were a problem, but one that has been dealt with. Now that you’re working for us, we can handle things better.”

EB said, “No. It isn’t dealt with. There are loads of people still mopping out their basements because of this furball.”

Justin glared at EB, “Enough! When I say we move on, we move on. Otherwise, you can go back to your quarters. Is that understood?”

Torrik interjected, “Hey, cool off. He’s right, I probably shouldn’t have used such a potent spell...”

Justin turned his anger on Torrik. “I’m in charge, and I will reprimand my subordinates without your help. Is that clear?”

“Sure, whatever.” Torrik held his hands up in surrender.

“Good. Our next objective is finding the other stones. Do you have any idea where they are?”

Torrik shook his head, “No. I only sensed the one. And, it wasn’t really the stone itself I was sensing, but the search for it. She must have been looking to activate it next and thus was using her own power to seek it. That is what I tapped into.”

Chase asked, “Where do we start looking?”

Torrik thought about that for a moment. “If I could study your ancient mythologies, I might find evidence there.”

“There are so many from all the various cultures of Earth,” Chase said.

Torrik grinned with that handsome smile of his and waved his hand in the air. A thick scroll appeared. He grabbed it and then set it down. Unrolling it, he revealed a blank parchment. “Show me the history of sea beasts called Hydra.” The page gained images that looked like multi-headed beasts, several varieties. “See, we have information about some of the ancient monsters the Queen summoned in the past. She seems to be using a lot of her old tactics. I can cross reference what we know with what you have.”

Justin gave the scroll a critical look, and then with a curt nod, he agreed. “I’ll have all our information brought to you at once.”

“I’ll help.” Both Chase and EB volunteered at the same time.

Torrik rolled up the scroll and smiled at Chase, “I would love your help.” He held out his hand.

She took it and stood. “I know. Let’s go to the arboretum to study. Plenty of room to spread the books out on the grass.”

“Sounds lovely. I do enjoy being in nature. This metal environment is odd and unsettling.”

“Perfect.” She walked him out of the room.

Justin huffed and then sarcastically said, “Meeting adjourned.”

EB came close to Justin and was seething in a jealous rage. “See, I toldja he was nothing but a nasty flirt. I’d keep him away from her if I were you.”

“You aren’t me, so don’t tell me what to do. Go, find books and other materials on myths for them. Arx, return to the TALOS room and keep an eye on things. It is altogether too quiet on Earth right now.”

“On it. Oh, and maybe EB is right, that Torrik is flirting hard with Chase and...”

“I already have one jealous idiot. I don’t need two. Just do your job!” Justin barked at him.

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

Torrik chomped down on an apple while sitting on the grass in the arboretum. Chase was next to him, looking through several books on mythologies.

“This is truly amazing. I haven’t had an apple like this ever.” He was engrossed with the rosy fruit.

Chase laughed, “It’s just a red delicious apple. They’re extremely common.”

“Not where I’m from. We have loads of fruits, but nothing like these.”

“What is your favorite fruit?”

“Honey Bark,” He said without hesitation.


“Yeah, it’s this special type of tree that the bark grows a thick layer of sticky sap on the inside that gets really thick around fall when we harvest it. It is almost exactly like honey, perhaps a little thicker and less sweet, but it is exceptional.”

“Sounds wonderful. I’d love to try some.”

“I wish I could take you back to my world and show you some. But that would be forbidden.”

Chase asked, “Why can’t you just grow some here? You were growing a lot of vines and other plants.”

“That’s because I’m a nature mage. All Satyrs are nature mages. But, our magical plants are just like the trees grown by Wood Elves, not real. They cannot bear fruit or seed. And they will evaporate eventually. So, even the wood itself is useless. Temporarily, it is very useful, but in the long run, it’s worthless.”

“Too bad, that honey bark sounded delicious.”

He took another bite of the apple. “This is just as good, maybe a little more tart, but...here, you gotta try some.” He pulled out a knife and sliced some off for her. He reached over and put it between her teeth.

Not far from Chase and Torrik, a seething little bunny hid behind a tree, which he was gnawing on as he growled. His green eyes were witness to the flirty scene between Chase and Torrik.

“Dude, you’re tearing all the bark off the bottom of that tree,” Arx said.

EB let go and spit out chunks of bark. “That naked furry piece of goat-cheese is making moves on Chase!”

Arx huffed, “So? It’s not like she’s your girl.”

“She is my girl, well maybe not my girl like a total girlfriend situation. I’m working on that. But, they hardly know each other and he’s feeding her apples, and she’s giggling at him. It’s disgusting!”

“She’s just try to make him feel welcome.”

EB snorted, “Welcome, my lucky foot! That jerk is all over her. Right now, they should be working! Not sitting there, giggling and eating apples!”

“I agree.” Justin surprised both of them.

Justin walked toward the Chase and Torrik. Arx and EB sheepishly followed behind him, both caught spying.

Chase greeted Justin with a casual, “Hello.”

Torrik held up the apple core and was about to announce the glory of this fruit when Justin started in. “I sent you here to work. I questioned the idea of coming into this place to get anything done, but I thought better of it. Looks like I should have gone with my gut.”

“Hold on there, Master Justin, we have something.” Torrik said.

“Director Justin, not Master. And just what do you have? Plans for a picnic.”

Torrik stood up, tossed the apple core aside, and came dangerously close to Justin. “I’m here to help you. I have been a military leader for over a hundred years, which I have learned is a long time for your kind. Now, either you stop with the attitude or I can take my findings and go this alone. Got it?”

Justin glared at Torrik, not backing down. “What did you discover?”

Torrik said, “Looking at the information we dug through, there are several possibilities of creatures that she once tried to summon in our world that she could have replicated here. There is this...” Chase handed him a book. “This creature your people call Scylla is described very similarly to a monster she once summoned.”

Justin looked at the open book. “Great, a myth from a legend that has no basis in real geography. Do you have any idea where that monster’s location would be?”

“No. I hoped that you, being from this planet, might have a better grasp of the map.” Torriks’ tone was purposefully rude, almost to a challenging point.

Chase hopped up. “Considering the location of the legends, we can narrow it down considerably.”

Justin spent a moment looking at the artist's rendition of the legendary monster. “Are you sure about this?”

“No. But it’s the best we have.”

“Fine. I’ll have the computer start working on sorting through historical data and see if we can find anything to give us a lead on a location.” He turned and left, not giving them any sort of parting statement.

Torrik waited a moment and then asked, “Why is he so brusque? I know I arrived ready to fight, but we understand each other now.”

“It’s not you.” Chase said.

EB agreed. “Justin has been real rude and strict for a while now. Don’t know why. I tried giving him some really good chocolate and all, but he refused it. I mean, he refused MY best chocolate. You haven’t had anything like that. It’s just the best, and... what was I saying?”

Arx said, “Director Justin was acting this way before you arrived. I’m considering moving the TALOS initiative to the United Nations, or at least a BADGE location off this station.”

“You’d leave?” EB asked.

Chase said, “He’s not the only one. Have you seen Strange Quark around recently? Even Krystal and Chaz have stopped coming for news info. They just pick up the standard media wire from the computer. Justin has been rubbing everyone wrong for weeks. I’ve even thought about going home to my father for a while and working for BADGE on Earth.”

EB yelled, “Don’t leave!” then realized he shouldn’t have yelled that and said, “sorry.”

Torrik asked, “What is BADGE exactly? Is it just a global defense guild? A military force working for your kingdom? I don’t know much about your world and even less about BADGE. I just knew it was the security force keeping the Eye of the Hydra.”

EB said, “It’s a military organization, a reeeealy strict one. You know, you gotta wear pants... unless you’re a little cute bunny... and no fraternizing, and...”

“EB, shut up,” Chase said with a dismissive tone. She smiled at Torrik and took his arm, “Come with me, I’ll show you around and tell you about BADGE. It is an interesting place. I doubt you have anything like it where you come from.”

Arx and EB watched them leave, both a little green eyed at the sight of the pair. EB far more jealous than Arx.

“I’m going with them.” EB stated.

Arx said, “No, why don’t you go help them research locations for this next monster? I gotta go check on TALOS and make sure things are quiet.”

“But, I wanna...”

“Spy on them. Sure, I want to know what they are doing and I don’t want her and him being a couple, either. But she is not interested in me, and by now you should know she doesn’t like your advances.”

“Nothing of the sort. She likes me flirting. I mean, that’s why she is after that hunky goat. She likes furry, cute, magical people. Well, I’m all that and a bag of carrots. She’ll come around. But, I suppose nosing in on them isn’t the best thing. I’ll go help Justin... no, wait, he’ll just yell at me again. I’ll go and...ugh...read more myth books.”

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

“So, that’s what the word BADGE stands for. Interesting.” Torrik sat at a table in the mess area with Chase across from him.

“Yeah, it’s kinda a secret, but it is pretty obvious at the same time.”

Torrik sipped some hot chocolate and then said, “So, the humans of this world gained strange magics... “

“We call them super powers.”

“Oh, okay. Super powers. I guess that makes sense. It really isn’t magic. But, Legion sent those Morphons to your world, and that caused some of your people to have these powers. And thus BADGE formed to help organize and oversee these heroes.”

“Yeah. Nova has been protecting this world for a long time, much longer than BADGE has been around. And that’s the core purpose of BADGE, defending this world. But, we do it through cooperation between the heroes and BADGE. Unfortunately, there has also been a rise in people who gained powers who use them for evil, and BADGE has to deal with them as well.”

Torrik said, “One thing is for certain, when people have power, there are always those who use it for selfish reasons. Magic, superpowers, political powers... any kind.”

“Sadly true.”

Torrik took a big drink and then leaned back. “This really soothes the soul. I...” he looked up, his eyes widened, and he stood so fast the chair fell over. “Demon!”

“What?” Chase turned around just as Torrik cast a spell.

Gar walked up when vines sprung up and ensnared him. In a matter of seconds, he found himself tethered to the ground. Gar struggled for a moment before falling over. “Help!”

“Stop, no! Gar is not a demon!” She ran over and was pulling on the vines.

Torrik cocked his head. “He has demon wings, is made of stone like a wicked construct. And I sense powerful magic in him.”

“Gar is a good friend, and he wasn’t made of evil magic. His soul is from a Vexillian. Let him go!”

“Slita!” Torrik cast his counter spell, and the vines vanished into mists. “Sorry.”

Chase helped Gar to his feet. “You okay?”

“I think so. What’s that?” Gar pointed at Torrik.

“Oh, right, you’ve been away.” Chase smiled and held out a hand. “This is Torrik Treeleaf. He is from another realm and is here to help us.”

Gar smiled, seemingly unfazed by being attacked. “Nice to meet you.”

A white blur zipped up and hugged Gar’s leg. “Buddy! Glad you're back.”

“Hi, EB. Why are you acting strange? You never hug me when I come back from a mission.”

EB let go and frowned. “Things are bad up here. Justin is being a butt, and this guy is... well, I’ll fill you in later.”

Chase rolled her eyes at the bunny, but asked Gar, “When did you get back?”

“Just now. I heard you talking, so I came over to see you.”

“What are you doing here?” Justin walked up with a computer tablet in his hand.

Gar said, “Oh, hello. I just got back, I...”

“Obviously. I cleared your shuttle for docking. You should have come directly to me for a mission report.”


“Don’t be sorry. Follow the rules. You may have rock for a brain, but even you know procedures. Torrik ...” He had just turned to the Satyr when Chase interrupted him.


“What was that?”

Chase came closer and looked Justin directly in the eyes. “Apologize to Gar.”

“I have nothing to apologize for. If people would do their jobs according to the rules, then I wouldn’t have to reprimand anyone. Now, I have to talk to Torrik.”

“I’ve had enough!” Chase startled everyone with that outburst. “None of us can be good enough for you any longer.”

“If you would do your job and not just play around like this is some kind of game.”

EB said, “Well, actually...”

“Not now!” Chase stopped EB and then came dangerously close to Justin. “Playing around. Is that what you think we’ve been doing? I’ve put my life on the line for BADGE and this planet more times than I care to count. If you don’t appreciate what we do for you and BADGE, then you don’t deserve our support.” She whipped around and left.

EB hopped up on the table and said, “Yeah, you’re being a total jerk.” With that, he left.

Justin looked up at Gar. “Well, you have any pithy words for me?”

Gar spent a moment with reluctance written all over his face. Finally he said, “Nova was like a father to me. He yelled at me, but always with good reason. I do my best, but it isn’t good enough for you.” He, too, left in the direction of Chase.

“Dammit!” Justin blurted in a fit of rage and went for his comm. His hand hovered over it for a second, and he merely snarled at it. “Damn, Arx is in a meeting with FEMA.” He looked at Torrik. “I’ll get back to you when I have a proper team of agents.” He marched off toward the Operations center.

Torrik casually sipped the rest of his hot chocolate and stood up. He brushed himself off and headed for the lift.

Torrik walked out of the lift and found Operations cold and quiet, save light clicking noises from the robots operating the computer consoles. Justin stood in the center of the room, watching a large map of the world before him.

“I’m not ready for you.” Justin stated.

Torrik walked down the steps toward the lonely director. “I’m not here about my mission. I have something important to discuss.”

“What would that be?”


“Not now,” Justin stated.

Torrik snapped his fingers and all the computer screens went blank. “Right now.”

Justin huffed, “What’s this about?”

“A lot of things. I don’t know you well. In fact, I hardly know you at all. But since I arrived, you’ve been short-tempered and downright rude to those you lead.”

Justin turned away, looking back at the still blank screens. “We have work to do. Besides, you don’t have the right.”

“No, I don’t, but I do have the privilege.”

With a sarcastic tone, Justin said, “What?”

“I’m working with BADGE, but I’m not a member of this organization. I’ll follow your orders at my discretion. However, I remain an outsider.”

“We don’t have time for this.”

“We don’t have time for you to act like a tyrant. Your attitude is not only getting in the way of a properly running organization but also in stopping our enemy.”

Justin turned on him. “Look, Torrik, you have no idea what I’m up against. You have no clue what I was handed when I was thrust into the command of BADGE.”

“You think I’m just a silly magical man who grows flowers? I’m the leader of the most prestigious magical military in all of Yohan. I know about pressure and risk, I know about the struggles of command. Don’t you dare think you’re the only person who has felt those pressures.”

“I know how to handle pressure. I just have to be strong.”

Torrik said, “Being strong has nothing to do with being an ass.”

“What did you call me!”

“Stubborn mule. Funny thing, I found out that both worlds have a lot of the same animals. Mules are among them.”

“I don’t need this. We have work to do. Either we do it, or you leave.”

Torrik smiled. “I’ll decide what work we do right now. Right now, you have people out there who trust you, care about you, and are worried. You aren’t being yourself. Even I can see that something is festering under your skin, driving you to be ill-tempered.”

Justin looked Torrik dead in the eyes and said, “You don’t understand, and they have no clue. This job isn’t normal. It’s the hardest damn job in this world. I’m not Director Nova. He isn’t human, he is...now we know... something ancient and powerful. I’m just Justin, the human. And, right now, I’m in charge of the one organization that stands even the slightest chance of stopping an evil villain from destroying our world, and yours. Everyone is expecting me to find Nova and bring him back, while saving the world, and also manage a crisis team dealing with natural disasters. Do you know what kind of pressure that is? Do you realize what I have to deal with every damn day? Leagues fighting with each other over petty arguments. Bank robbers, military coups, alien invasions, floods, earthquakes, meteors, and a maniacal woman with god-like powers hell-bent on ripping apart this world. All of that is on my shoulders. ALL OF IT! I’M NOT DIRECTOR NOVA! I CAN’T DO THIS!” Tears were in his eyes as he screamed these words, not at Torrik, but at the fates themselves.

Torrik reached out and put a hand on Justin’s shoulder. “No one is asking you to be Nova. They’re doing their jobs at the best of their abilities, and that is all you can ask of them. They don’t expect you to solve all the problems, just be there to guide them. You may not be Nova, but you are Justin. You have strengths, use them. A lot of those strengths aren’t in you, but in those around you who want to help you succeed.”

Justin looked up at the darkened screen, his reflection staring back at him. “I really did make an ass of myself, didn’t I?”


“How do I convince them to come back and help?”

Torrik laughed, “True loyalty is often tested. You’ll find they aren’t as done with you as even they want to think. A leader guides not only by orders and planning, but sets the tone of emotions and focus. Now comes your biggest test as the substitute Director of BADGE, humility.”

Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

A woman in a thick outfit stepped out a set of doors on the side of New Meta City. Beside her was a smaller person, so bundled up it was hard to tell they were even human.

“Come on, Cynthia, we don’t want to take long.” The woman grabbed the small child’s hand.

“It’s cold!” The girl whined.

“I know. But this is my job and you will do this one day.” She pulled her around the side of the dome and stopped at a box. “These are environmental units. They monitor the conditions both inside and outside, so we are certain everything under the dome stays warm and nice. But, they can break down, so we just do a weekly check on them. See this... are you listening?”

The little girl made a whimpering sound and then screamed as she pointed away.

Turning quickly, the mother saw a blue scaled wyvern bearing down on them. It unleashed a torrent of blue flames, but missed as it was flying past.

“Run!” The woman grabbed the child’s hand and dragged her toward the entrance.

Both staggered and lurched to the side with the moving ice beneath their feet as the wyvern hit the ground in a heavy slam. It leaned its head back, preparing another blue fire blast.

The woman turned and ripped off her googles. She unleashed a steady beam of yellow energy that hit the wyvern in the face and sent it tumbling backward across the frozen wasteland. The beam continued for a long time and then came to a stop. Instantly, the woman fell over, completely passed out.

“MOMMA! MOMMA!” Cynthia pushed on her mother’s body.

A sensor on the woman’s wrist beeped and a robotic voice announced, “Unauthorized use of meta powers detected. Unauthorized use of meta powers detected...” this continued as the little girl cried over her mother.

Arx walked into the Arboretum to find Chase, EB, and Gar chatting while they sat in the grass.

“Guys? What’s up?” He joined them in the grass.

EB hopped over and gleefully said, “We told Justin off. That jerk was totally out of control and Chase got mad, boy is she hot when she gets mad. I mean, if I knew she wouldn’t do something absolutely terrible to me, I’d get her mad now and then just to see that sexiness.” A throwing star hit the dirt right next to EB.

Chase, who had thrown the blade, said, “You want to see my ugly side again?”

EB gulped and smiled at her. “No. I like you calm and sweet as well.”

Arx asked Chase, “You told him off! Why?”

“He’s out of control. He’s getting worse and worse at barking orders and telling us we aren’t doing enough. I... well, I lost my temper when he started berating Gar, and then he turned on me and said we are just playing around. I probably shouldn’t have let it get under my skin so much.”

Gar said, “Justin needed to be told. I don’t mind being yelled at. I make mistakes a lot. But, I learn and do my best. Nova understood, but Justin is just angry all the time.”

Arx asked, “Are you guys really quitting BADGE over this?”

EB said, “Maybe. Hey, we should start our own organization. I know we can call ourselves the Avengers... wait, that’s taken. Um... what about Chase’s Intergalactic Agency, the CIA... wait, that’s taken too. Nuts. Oh, wait, we could all use one of my factories. Or better yet, we could work out of the North Pole. Your dad would let us use his factory as a staging...”

“We aren’t quitting!” Chase interrupted EB.

Justin and Torrik walked up at that moment with Justin saying, “I’m glad to hear that.”

Chase said, “We may not be quitting BADGE, but I’m not ready to hear you berate us about this. Go away.”

“I’m not here to yell or berate. I’m here to apologize.”

This took them all by surprise. EB said, “Wow! We should’a quit sooner.”

“Shut up, EB.” Chase said.

Justin walked over and sat with them in the grass. “I knew it would be hard filling Nova’s shoes. In fact, I knew it would be impossible. Somehow, he always succeeded. He always seemed to have an answer. If he didn’t have it right away, he would find it. I cannot seem to find any answer. Everything was okay at first. We were on a global hunt for him, and I was sure if we found him, we could undo whatever Lady Echidna did to him. When we did find him, it all went to hell. He nearly killed Midgard and set off that Fenrir beast. He was right there. My chance at handing this job back to him slipped away, and I suddenly felt the pressure.”

Gar said, “But he helped us. Gave us clues about the Eye of Fenrir and then gave us that other stone that I hid.”

“That only made it worse. Nova, what part of him that remains on our side, expects me to solve this. He is putting faith in me, and I just don’t know if I have what it takes. So, after the Fenrir incident, I truly understood the responsibilities expected of me.”

Chase asked, “And because of this, you became a jerk?”

“It wasn’t intentional. I just felt I needed to be Nova, be in charge. He was so solid, so stern. I had to be like that. But, instead of being a great leader, I was an idiot. The harder I pushed you, the more I lost control over things. So, I only pushed harder, hoping it would fall into place. All I did was push you away. Truth is, I do know what all of you have done for BADGE. It exists because of the sacrifices and work you’ve put into it. Nova was an outstanding leader, but it was you who made that possible. I need you, BADGE needs you. I can’t replace any of you.”

EB hopped over and smiled at Justin. “You’re also part of the team. When Nova was leading us, you were right there.”

Justin smiled at him, “And our friend Torrik reminded me of that fact. I can’t be Nova, but I am Agent Justin. I need to focus on my strengths as a leader and do my best. You’ll do your best in spite of my inexperience.”

Chase looked around the group and then said, “Apology accepted. What are your orders, sir?”

A beeping came out of Justin’s command comm. A robotic voice announced, “Distress Signal received from New Meta City.”

Justin slapped his comm. “Report?”

“New Meta City sensors indicate direct assault on the exterior. Reported injury count, one. Unknown enemy.”

Justin turned around and looked at his team. “Time to get back to work.”

Chapter 13

Chapter 13:

Justin led the team into the Operations center where the main viewscreen was covered in small video feeds already.

“Oh my God, what are those?” Chase paused at the sight of the monsters attacking the city.

Justin frowned. “Are those... dragons?”

Torrik walked down to the front of the room. “No, those are Wyverns. And those other creatures are wild goblins, and...” He seemed lost for a moment as the images played out. “This isn’t possible. This is simply not possible!”

“Do you know what this is?” Justin asked.

Torrik nodded, “There is a space between our worlds. We call it The Great Divide.”

EB said, “You told us about that. It keeps the bad people from getting across.”

“Yes. It is a barrier to protect each side from the other. To cross it is dangerous. There are many guardians who protect it. Those creatures attacking that strange dome in the ice are from the divide. But the problem is, they’re not supposed to leave and they know it. It is a wild and dangerous place, but it actually does have some accepted order.”

Gar said, “Obviously, something has gone wrong.”

A robot announced, “Incoming transmission: New Meta City.”

“Put it through.”

A window on the screen opened that was bigger than the rest. The tired face of a disheveled woman appeared. She had white hair and eyes with no pupils. “Oh, thank goodness. Our communication system has been damaged. We jury-rigged this to get through.”

“Mayor Messenger, what is the situation?”

“We aren’t sure. One of our citizens went out to do a routine check of the system and a dragon attacked her. She barely survived the attack by unleashing her super power, which nearly killed her to use. Fortunately, her power detection system alerted us and we got her to the hospital just before the full assault started. We have been under direct attack for hours.”

There was a loud explosion behind the mayor and she looked to the side as the video feed fuzzed. “Oh, god! The west defense plates are buckling.” The image fuzzed more as she desperately called out, “We need help, send... “ the line was cut.

“Torrik,” Justin turned and gave the Satyr a severe look, “Is this an invasion?”

Torrik shook his head, “No. Not on our end. I don’t know what is happening, but those creatures should not be attacking outside The Great Divide.”

EB said, “I may think he’s a flirt and needs to put on pants, but I trust him.”

Chase asked, “What would Nova do?”

Justin looked at the screen for a moment and then said, “No, what will Justin do is all that matters right now. Chase, EB, take Torrik with you and get there ASAP. Bring with you medical supplies and a portal shield emitter. New Meta City is under our protection and we will not let it fall. I will summon the heroes. This may not be a planned invasion, but it is an invasion and we will stop it.”

Gar asked, “What about Lady Echidna?”

Torrik said, “I know she is behind this. This is just like her, to set off something terrible to distract everyone. Do not devote everything to her distraction. Protect yourselves from whatever she has planned.”

Justin nodded. “I will. But lives are at stake, and that is paramount. Please, hurry, there is little time to waste discussing this.”

Chase led EB and Torrik out of Operations in a hurry, but Justin stopped Gar before he followed.

“No, you stay.”


Justin watched and waited until the others left. “I have a special mission for you.” He walked with Gar up to the door that led into Director’s office.

A blistering wind raced around both Lady Echidna and Nova as they stood outside their landed shuttle. A smile of satisfaction sat on their faces as they watched the many mythical beasts raining terror down on the dome of New Meta City. Some beasts fought with each other while a few raced off into the distance.

Nova said, “It seems we have started something quite amusing.”

“I started it. You’re merely an observer of my brilliance.” Lady Echidna quipped.

“I stand corrected.”

“Ah, but you are correct in calling this amusing. Those beasts have sat far too long, waiting for something to come along and tease their delight. Just a small taste of my darkness, and they are feral beyond control.”

“BADGE will not know how to handle them quickly. This will be quite the job for them.” Nova said.

Lady Echidna asked, “What of the magical members of BADGE? That Easter Bunny is annoyingly strong, and there is the Fae woman, not to mention Santa.”

“They are wise, powerful, and well accustomed to adapting to any situation. I have no doubt they will make containing this problem easier. But this isn’t the same magic they are used to. Besides, the point, I believe, was a mere distraction.”

“True.” Lady Echidna said, “However, I want it to last long enough for us to obtain the Eye of Hydra from wherever they are hiding it. And, possibly, seek the third stone after that.”

Nova said, “Then we shouldn’t linger here. BADGE is efficient.” Nova turned and pressed the button to open the door.

Both stepped into the shuttle. Inside was the small contingent of her brainwashed mercs huddled near an electric warmer. They looked upon her return with the same eyes of a yearning puppy first seeing its master.

“What are your orders, my lady?” The leader of the mercs asked.

She smiled and gestured toward Nova. “He will guide us to the location BADGE has hidden the eye.”

Nova sat down in the co-pilot’s seat and activated the computer. “Take us up, out of this weather. Head for these coordinates.”

The pilot worked his controls, and the shuttle lifted off from the ground, fought against strong winds, and zoomed away from this frigid climate.

Lady Echidna stood behind Nova’s seat. “Where are you taking us? A BADGE vault?”

“No. I doubt they will be so foolish as to hide it in one of the vaults, which I am well aware of. I trained them better than that. We’re heading for Security Post Seven.”

“What is that?” She asked.

He pointed to a blinking dot on a map of the Atlantic Ocean. “It is a defunct oil rig that BADGE repurposed as a security observation post, which was only used when the League Wars Arena was still on Earth. This was to protect the arena from attacks by villains. Now that the Arena has been rebuilt as an orbital station, this post has gone back to being defunct. However, it has access points for BADGE communications.”

“Brilliant as always, my loyal general.” She kissed the side of his face while he worked the computer.

Two hours passed as the shuttle sped quickly over the ocean’s surface.

“Approaching coordinates.” The pilot announced.

The shuttle drew closer to the ocean’s surface and sped along toward a towering structure in the water.

“Damn, I’m detecting a small security force present.” Nova pointed at a blinking read-out on his screen.

“That is no problem. My team of mercenaries is more than a match for that small band of people.”

“We can’t start a fight. That would instantly set of automated distress signals from each BADGE agent on that station. Their body armor is designed to send out a signal the moment they’re attacked.”

She laughed, “Then, I suppose, I should adopt them into my ranks.”

“Good idea. Pilot, take us down cloaked and land on that helipad. Lady Echidna will take it from there.”

The shuttle hovered over the platform and slowly lowered down. Lady Echidna pressed the button to open the door. The four BADGE agents rushed toward the shuttle with weapons drawn. One was reaching to hit his alert signal on his comm when she cast a black fog over them.

“Get this party started, and start it right. I am here to be worshiped all day and night!” She sang these words, and the agents lost their stern faces and descended into a loopy state of mind. They were now in a dance club, swaying and enjoying the music that only they could hear under her spell. She stepped out and walked among them, touching their faces as she went, “Bow before me, that is this scene, obey me as you one true queen!”

The agents knelt down, bowed their heads, and said, “Whatever you desire, my lady.”

She reached down and lifted a woman’s face to look at her. “Tell me, are there others here who haven’t joined our little party?”

“No, my lady, we are the only detachment for this post.”

“Good. Join the others, and remove those abhorrent patches.”

The four stood and ran for the shuttle, ripping their BADGE patches off their uniforms as they went.

She looked back at Nova, who now stood at the door of the shuttle. “Find me the Eye of the Hydra.”

Chapter 14

Chapter 14:

Torrik ran his hand under the seatbelt across his bare chest. It seemed to amuse him. EB hopped around the cabin of the shuttle as it zoomed down toward Antarctica. A team of medical robots and Dr. Henderson sat in the back with boxes of first aid supplies.

“Remind me again why we’re strapped down?” Torrik asked.

Dr. Henderson said. “Standard safety procedure. If we crash, then you’ll have less chance of being hurt.”

“Then why is that one bouncing around?” Torrik pointed at EB.

EB scoffed. “I’m perfectly safe. Besides, unlike you, I can teleport myself with magic. Not too far, and not as well as Quark or others. But, I can.”

Chase finished talking to the Mayor of New Meta City on a tablet and looked up. “Good news. They have several people who can help defend with super powers. So, the city is stable for the moment.”

Torrik asked, “Is this another place where your leagues of magic hero’s work?”

“Not magic, superpowers.” EB corrected him.

Chase said, “No. New Meta City is a place where people who developed powers can go if they don’t want to use them, or can’t use them. Some use simple powers for daily activities, but aren’t really strong enough to fight with them.”

“So, is it a prison for them?” Torrik asked.

“Not at all.” Dr. Henderson stated. “New Meta City is a choice. People can leave if they choose. However, it is designed to adapt to those with morphonic powers. It is safer there for them and can help.”

EB added, “Also, there are bad people who like to get their hands on morphonic people and use them for experiments or to try and turn them all evil and stuff. Lotsa jerks out there who see people as tools and want to harvest these types of people. That’s why New Meta City isn’t exactly on the maps. Few know of it, so keep it secret.”

“Okay, I got it. I do have one other question. You said there are people using their powers to defend it. That woman the mayor mentioned used a power to blast a wyvern away. That is no small task. Surely, she could put her powers to use for the common good?”

Dr. Henderson said, “Some people have incredibly powerful abilities. However, using them is a danger to themselves. I know of this woman. I helped study her powers when she first came to BADGE. Debora has an extremely strong eyebeam power. But, it nearly kills her to use it. I’ll be checking on her right away when we get there.”

“Approaching New Meta City!” The pilot announced.

“Good, get ready...” Chase had to grab the arms of her seat as the shuttle was suddenly veering to the side.

“Incoming fire!” The pilot announced.

They watched as a wyvern swooped past them after unleashing a volley of fire.

“It’s chasing us! I can’t seem to lose it!” The pilot darted their shuttle all over the skies as they continued to take fire from the beast.

“Does this airship not have weapons?” Torrik yelled.

EB, who slammed into the bulkhead over and over, grabbed Torrik’s leg to stop his next crashing. “Nope!”

Dr. Henderson held the medical supplies from flying all over the place. “This is a medical shuttle.”

Chase said, “We do have some weapons!” She was looking directly at EB.

The bunny, still clinging to the goat leg of Torrik, snarled. “Damn.”

Justin stood in silence as he watched the ongoing battle of creatures against the dome of New Meta City. Hero leagues were organizing and moving toward Antarctica, but none had made it there yet.

“Has Gar reached the surface yet?” He asked.

A robot announced, “Affirmative. Strange Quark has transported Gargoyle to the planet’s surface.”


A different robot announced, “Agents compromised. Security Force seven seven nine has been compromised at Security Post Seven.”

“Do we have any confirmation on if they have been killed?” Justin asked.

“Negative. Signs indicate they have been manipulated. Mental sensor devices are offline.”

Justin let out a hard scoff. Dr. Henderson and EB developed a small device that all agents now wear to alert BADGE to any mental manipulation, especially from Nova or Lady Echidna.

Another robot announced, “Computer system compromised. Unauthorized access to BADGE computer systems detected at Security Post Seven.”

Justin let off a little smile. “So, they’re trying to get into our computers. With Nova and brainwashed agents on the site, blocking them will be impossible. But I suppose we shouldn’t let them just waltz right into our mainframe. Robots activate counter hacking protocols against access via Security Post Seven.”

The robots all went to work, energetically fighting the attempts to access the BADGE main computers. It would be a tit-for-tat battle between them and the ancient, brilliant mind of Nova, and they would lose. But Justin didn’t seem too worried.

Torrik held a leather strap that was attached to the roof of the shuttle as the whole cabin rolled. The pilot masterfully navigated around the attacks of the wyvern.

“Do I have to?” EB moaned.

Chase yelled, “Do it!”

“Fine. Here,” He jumped up and held tight to Torrik’s neck. “Are you ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

In a flash of sparkles, both vanished from inside the cabin. Instantly they were outside, tumbling down in the sky as the shuttle zoomed away.

“HOLD ON!” Torrik yelled and straightened himself out in their freefall. A giant leaf appeared under him and he stood on it, riding it like a surfboard. It zoomed down and then swooped up, gliding through the air.

“The shuttle!” EB yelled, still clinging to Torrik’s neck.

The wyvern was dangerously close to the shuttle. Torrik leaned forward, and they sped through the cold, thin air toward their target.

EB produced an egg in his paw and said, “GET US CLOSER!”

Torrik made a great swing in the sky, speeding up even faster as he headed directly for the beast. When it blasted the shuttle with a fireball, EB launched his egg. It met the mid-section of the monster and exploded with a great flash of light. The wyvern lurched to the side, and the shuttle had a clear path away.

“Aw crap, it’s pissed.” EB said as he watched the irate wyvern get back on its wings and stare daggers at them.

Torrik laughed, “This is gonna be fun.”

“You and I have completely different ideas of what’s fun,” EB said just as Torrik flew directly for their enemy.

The wyvern unleashed a torrent of flames at them. Torrik made a corkscrew spiral around the flames, getting ever closer to the beast. The moment they got within a few feet, Torrik jumped off the leaf, causing it to evaporate. He landed on its back, running down it a short way before grabbing one of the protruding spikes to keep from falling.

EB lost his grip on Torrik and went sailing away. He quickly grabbed at the tip of the tail, getting a grip on it with all the strength he could muster. “TORRIK!”

The wyvern swooped down in an effort to dislodge its new passengers. Torrik threw one hand toward the front of the beast and a great vine shot out and wrapped around its head, coming into its mouth like a bridle. With that grip holding him in place, Torrik sent another vine back toward EB and caught the bunny before he went sailing into the cold, clear sky.

“DO IT EB!” Torrik yelled.

EB, the vine around his waist, formed a purple egg in his paws and threw it toward Torrik. “Get it to this thing’s face!”

Torrik caught the egg and waited while they went into a spiral toward the ocean. Yanking hard on his bridle vine, he got the wyvern to swoop up before crashing them into the raging Antarctic sea. Once they were back into a climb, he threw the egg directly ahead of them and let it smash into the face of the beast. A purple ooze spread across it and the wyvern writhed around for a moment in rage and then calmed down.

“It’s falling asleep! Get us down!” EB yelled.

Torrik looked ahead and then back at EB, “I... don’t know how.”

“Gah! You shaggy piece of...” A dirigible zoomed up close to them, with a rope ladder hanging down.

A voice piped over the speaker from Furious Squirrel. “Get on!”

Torrik grabbed the ladder. EB was not far behind. They left the descending wyvern just as it crashed into the surface of the ice shelf, creating a long path in the snow.

The dirigible flew toward New Meta City with several hundred heroes arriving all around them, some in vehicles and others flying, a few coming out of portals.


Chapter 15

Chapter 15:

Torrik raced through the snow toward the fray. He made a forward flip and then jumped ten feet in the air to dodge a thrown javelin. When he hit the ground, a massive vine shot up at the feet of an approaching ogre. The ogre shot straight up into the air and then came down with a hard slam into the icy ground. Vines trapped it and kept it at bay.

“DON’T KILL!” Torrik yelled over the commotion.

Heroes of all stripes battled against the surging armies from The Great Divide.

Three skeletal warriors rushed toward Torrik, but were instantly scattered across the ground when a one-ton snowball crashed through them like bowling pins.

Midgard, who had thrown that particular snowball, glared at Torrik. “Why the hell not?” He then slapped the ground with a huge hand and the ensuing quake toppled a small legion of goblins.

Torrik cast a spell that sent flowers popping up in the snow and wrapping around the fallen goblins.

“Because they’re cursed with some kind of foul spell. They are not evil!”

Chase rushed by, throwing her stars at two trolls, nailing them down by their own ragged clothing. “This is getting harder by the minute, Torrik. We can’t keep holding them at bay. Their numbers are getting out of hand.”

“Killing them is not an option. I’m responsible for my people’s safety as much as you are for the people of this world. These are innocent victims. Don’t take their lives or you’ll have Yohan to deal with.”

Midgard laughed, “Bring it!” He grabbed an ogre in his giant hand and lifted him up to take a taste of the flailing beast.

Torrik sent a great blast of magic at Midgard and the monstrous serpent lost his intended lunch as the ogre fell back to the snow, unconscious. “I said, no killing!”

Midgard turned his wrath against Torrik, “You dare to challenge me, little goat man!?”

Torrik threw his hands to the side and enormous vines sprung up from the snow. He had an even more deadly glare on his face than Midgard. “Try me, snake. I’ve trained with the timeless dragons of old. You’re nothing.”

Midgard was in mid-motion to take down Torrik when a portal opened and Midgard slid right through and came falling out of another portal fifty yards away.

Strange Quark appeared and sealed his portal. “No in-fighting! Midgard, you know better. Torrik, don’t poke that particular bear.”

Midgard yelled in fury, but then turned his rage against two wyverns joining the battle.

“That one is dangerous,” Torrik commented.

Quark said, “We all know that. For now, we have a problem to solve. Krystal Fae is ready if you are.”

Torrik held up the strange technological device Chase had given him and spoke into it. “EB, Krystal, you guys ready with this?”

Krystal’s voice came through clearly. “Yes. I have the position.”

EB said, “I’m in my place. Just give the word.”

“Alright. When you see the beam of light, cast your magic toward it.”

Both said, “Got it.”

The battle raged around Torrik, Chase and Quark defended him so he could focus on his own magic. Thrusting one hand directly up, he cast a massive column of blinding light, clearing the clouds above. From either side of the field, two more beams of light shot toward him and met his. All at once, his beam became a massive wave of magical energy that spread out across the continent. Heroes were unfazed by the energy, but the creatures attacking them all staggered and fell back. The wyverns were grounded, and it stalled the warriors.

Everything remained quiet for a moment after the light faded. The creatures of fantasy seemed calm, even confused.

The first voice was from Krystal Fae. “Torrik, did it work?”

“I’ll check.” Torrik walked over to the ogre he had tethered down. The creature looked around and then spotted Torrik.

“Satyr, where is Gud?” The Ogre asked.

Torrik smiled, “Gud, you’re in a new world outside of the Great Divide.”

“Oh, Gud not supposed to leave Great Divide. Is Gud in trouble?”

“No, Gud, you’re fine.”

As Torrik surveyed the area, he saw the other fantasy creatures gathering their senses and some even talking to the heroes. Torrik clicked his comm. “It worked. The curse has been lifted. Good work, guys.”

“Toldja I could do it.” EB responded.

Krystal added, “With a little Fae help, as well.”

Torrik walked over to Quark and Chase while still speaking into the comm. “Everyone, please help guide my people back into that portal. This place is dangerously cold and it could hurt them. If any are injured, let me know.”

“Hey, you aren’t in charge.” EB commented through the comm.

Chase grabbed it and said, “Just do what he said.”

“Alright.” EB muttered.

Midgard, now much smaller and appearing more human-like, walked up and punched Torrik in the shoulder, nearly knocking him over.

“Hey!” Torrik turned, ready for a fight.

Midgard said, “I owed you that. And, next time you challenge me, better make it a fun fight. It’ll be your last.”

Justin chimed through, “Is everything okay down there? Sensors are showing a decrease in energy.”

Chase answered, “Yes. The fight is finally over.”

“Good. We still have problems. Get Torrik back up here.”

Lady Echidna, Nova, and their newly acquired minions stood in the control center of Security Post Seven. The brainwashed workers activated the computers and bypassed at the secure protocols.

Lady Echidna was amused for a moment at her reflection on a dormant computer screen. It then activated and had numbers running all over it. “What fascinating tools the humans have devised. Their technology is almost at the level of our earliest days of magic. But, still nothing compared to genuine power.”

“It is the tech of BADGE that stands in our way,” Nova said.

“Not for long. Have these people get us into their system and find my jewel.” She commanded.

Nova pointed at a person, and she rushed to the computer to access it. He then put in his command authorization codes. With a hard buzz, it rejected him.

“I should have known better. Justin would wipe all my command codes. But, he didn’t design the very base of all the BADGE computer systems... I did.” Sitting before the computer, his hands flew over the controls as he hacked his way through every system and security firewall.

Echidna said, “You certainly have a flare for this.”

“I invented more than half of all modern human technology. They just don’t realize it. Sitting around on this world for thousands of years gave me plenty of time to create. Which also means they have little they can hide from me, no matter how hard they try.”

Data flew by on the screens. Soon he was into the information about the Eye of the Hydra. Everything came to a stop with a map on the screen that had a single blinking dot.

“What is it, my dear?” Lady Echidna asked.

“I know where they have taken the Eye of the Hydra. They entrusted it to Gar, which is not a foolish idea. He cannot be brainwashed or enchanted, and he is damn near impossible to destroy. They sent it to Neo Utopia in hopes that we wouldn’t even think of looking for it there.”

Lady Echidna stood back and tapped her chin. “They cannot be dense enough to believe there would be any inch of this planet we wouldn’t search.”

Nova nodded, “True. But, this was more clever than that. It is hidden in a vault, but not a BADGE vault. This place is even more secure and secret than BADGE’s. It belongs to a notorious gangster, guarded round the clock by his own little army.”

“Oh, how clever. But not clever enough. I think we should pay a visit to Neo Utopia and see what this gangster has hidden in his vault.”

Chapter 16

Chapter 16:

Private Eye Peyton stepped out of his 32 Ford and gave the building before him a great snarl. He hated being here. It was enemy territory. But it was his duty to work with these people and make sure BADGE’s plans go off without a hitch.

“I’d rather be having a chicken dinner at Mildreds... Oh, well.”

The place before him was an old laundry business that still operated. However, Peyton and the entire police department knew this was just a front for one of Rutkowski’s operations. Walking inside, all he heard was the steady rumbling of the dryers working on some random persons’ sheets and underwear. Several haggard old women looked over their magazines at him, not sure why a P.I. was inside this place.

He made his way to the back and found the one dryer that had a permanent sign hanging in front of it that declared, ‘out of order’. Opening it, he pressed a hidden button and then closed the door and pressed the ‘on’ switch, which caused it to lower down. He stepped on top of the dryer, now flush with the floor, and it rose back up, taking him into a hidden part of the building.

The doors opened and what had been a dirty old laundromat turned into an opulent penthouse. The place was packed with plush furniture, gilded trappings, and heavy curtains. A radio blared some good old jazz while five gangsters sat around a table playing poker.

“Take yer shoes off! Don’tcha have any class, Peyton?” Steelfist yelled from the table.

Peyton sloughed his loafers and walked across the gooey, thick carpet. “Where’s Rutkowski?”

The voice of the infamous gangster spoke from behind the bar. “Ova here.” He shook a cocktail mixer. “Ya want a glass? Make’n some special drinks.”

Peyton asked, “Why? Celebrating something?”

“It’s not every day that one of BADGE’s top henchmen comes and asks me a favor, even gives me a big fat check, and offers to help clear my slate.”

Peyton walked toward the bar and then felt a stabbing pain. To this, he hopped around as he yanked a toothpick out of his foot. “Nice, real nice.”

Rutkowski, chewing on the end of a different toothpick, chortled as he said, “Now how’d that get there?”

“Funny,” Peyton retorted as he made his way to the bar. “I’m not here to celebrate. Justin wants me to ensure that you’re holding up on your end of the bargain. That item is extremely dangerous and could be catastrophic if the wrong people...”

“I know, I know. I got the rundown from that stone feller. I may like money and would probably sell my sister... if I had one... for a quick buck. But, I know the game. If the crappola hits the fan, then money ain’t gonna do me much good. I’ll do my part. Just make sure they hold up on their end. I’m tired of community service gigs.”

Peyton sat down at the bar. “BADGE is honorable. They’ll hold up their end of the bargain. Now, where is your super secret vault?”

Everyone in the room laughed at that question. Steelfist said, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

Rutkowski added, “So would the FBI, IRS, and the cops. Ain’t showing it to you or nobody. Justin asked me to hide it where no one will find it. Well, that’s exactly where it will be.”

“Then why did Justin send me here to find it?” Peyton asked.

Rutkowski said, “Because we have a special job to do. That jewel thing, it aint in the vault just yet.”


“You and me, we got something to take care of. We gotta use our special time power to seal that thing and then we’ll put it in the vault.”

Peyton took a drink of the cocktail he was handed and then asked, “Shouldn’t we do that closer to the vault itself? Unless it’s in this building.”

“It aint here, but yer right, we should do it there.” Rutkowski smirked at him.

Peyton realized his drink was an extra special blend. “You bastard.” With a hard plop, his head hit the bar, and he was out cold.

Torrik walked with Justin in the arboretum on the station. They looked over several maps of Earth on tablets as they discussed the next phase of this job.

“There, that’s the place I think we should start searching.” Justin pointed at a place in the Mediterranean.

Torrik agreed. “If your myths align with enough reality, then the Scylla should be there. Or at least we’ll find evidence of its location.”

EB and Chase approached with Gar behind them. EB hopped up and down. “That was a fun battle. I mean, all those cool fantasy creatures, it was like a totally LARPing. I punched an ogre, kicked a goblin, and totally got a critical roll against that Wyvern.”

“This isn’t a game,” Chase muttered.

“Let me have my fun,” EB said.

Justin said, “I’m just glad the situation is resolved so we can return to finding the last two stones before Lady Echidna gets to them.”

Chase asked, “Will you stick around and help?” She looked at Torrik.

EB said, “Oh, he should be going home now, faaaar away in that Yohan place. Like, forever.”

Torrik said, “Actually, I’m going to be hanging around for a while.”

“What!” EB bellowed and then saw everyone glaring at him. “Sorry.”

Chase asked, “What do you mean?”

“First, my mission was to find the source of this evil magic and stop it. We haven’t come close to that yet. I’m here for the duration. Also, I could be staying even longer if BADGE is up for the challenge.”

Everyone could hear EB muttering, “Please say it ain’t so.”

Justin said, “I think the idea has merit. Training is always good for our heroes.”

“Training?” Gar asked.

Torrik answered, “The portal between our worlds was supposed to be temporary... and for only one person. Thousands of creatures passed through it, ripping it apart and creating a permanent rift. The barrier between our worlds was crafted by the powerful magic of Merlin the Great... and he has been gone for centuries. No one knows how to fix it. This new rift is stable, so I had the idea that you could use the Great Divide as my people have.”

“I thought it was just protection between worlds?” Chase asked.

Torrik nodded, “It is. But, it also provides a good place to hone our fighting skills. Those creatures all love a good fight. So, the warriors of my people go there to training on a regular basis. I thought, since your world is facing all sorts of unique and strange threats, training with magical beasts might provide extra skills.”

“I like it. I know a lot of heroes who would love a chance to test themselves in that kind of arena.” Chase said.

Justin nodded. “My thoughts exactly. I have asked Torrik to be a liaison between his world and ours. He will provide help in this current crisis. In the future, he will remain a friend of BADGE who will aid us in this new training arena and in future crisis... which we seem to have in steady supply.”

Chase said, “Speaking of crisis. What about the Eye of the Hydra and Lady Echidna?”

“I have taken measures to protect the Eye of the Hydra,” Justin said. “As for Echidna and Nova, I don’t know. For now, we’ll have to take this one day at a time. Perhaps, for once, we’ll have the jump on them by finding the next eye before they do. Gar, walk with me. We need to discuss your recent special mission.” Justin excused himself and spoke with Gar.

Torrik smiled at Chase with that ten-million dollar grin and produced a rose in his fingers. He put it behind her ear. “There, a little color to break up all that black leather.”

She blushed, “Oh, how sweet.”

“Chase.” Justin called her over.

“Excuse me.”

Torrik watched her leave and then heard heavy breathing and muttering. There was a calmness to him as he realized the jealous little bunny was about to chew through the floor to control his green-eyed rage. “Look, EB, you don’t have to be so jealous.”

“I’m not jealous, I just think you are a big, fat, flirt!” EB went to hop away.

“You’re right. I am.”


Torrik laughed, “I like to flirt. It’s a nasty habit of Satyrs. I suppose that might be where we got our reputation for lecherousness. But, it is not well earned. Flirting is one thing. In reality, I’m not that attracted to Chase, or any human female.”

“What do you mean?”

“Not enough fur, no tail, no hooves. Those feet.... blech. Give me a sweet pair of goat's legs on a busty Satyr girl any day. Chase is a sweetheart and I love the way she smiles at me. But humans are kinda weird looking.”

EB was aghast and then a little giddy, “So... You don’t want her?”

“Not like you think. She’s all yours. Now, can we be friends?”

EB was bouncing six feet in the air. “Sure, no problem, great friends. It’ll be great to have another magical creature around to talk to. Krystal is nice, but always gone. Santa is my buddy, but so far away. Hey, do you like chocolate? I could...”

All their comms activated with a robotic voice. “Alert, Alert. Neo Utopia distress signal incoming.” The voice changed to Peyton, “BADGE. This is Peyton. It’s her. That Lady Echidna... she just attacked the vault. She got the Eye of Hydra!”

Eye of Fenrir
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

 A blinding blur raced across the dusty ground in the Savanna with animals hardly able to move before something buzzed by them. The white dot zipped by with amazing precision and speed. A hero in blue tights came running along and met up with this blur. Both moving at almost the same speed.

“Hey, EB, any luck?” Spark asked.

EB, as focused as he had ever been, shook his head, “No. I’ve been everywhere I can run, which is a lot of places.”

“The UCH League has been helping with the search as well, bupkis.”

EB charged ahead even faster, his feet now creating a spray of ocean water as he zipped over the surface of the Atlantic. “I’m not giving up.”

Spark rushed ahead to keep up with EB, “I know you want to find him, but this isn’t working. We aren’t going to just stumble across Director Nova, obviously he’s hiding.”

“He won’t be hiding. He will want to be found. I will find him. He’s my best friend.” He lost that determined look as his face fought not to cry again.

Spark yelled over the spray of water between them, “Justin wants you back on the station. They aren’t giving up, trust me.”


“Please. They’ve lost the Director, they can’t lose you as well.”

EB yelled, “We haven’t lost him forever! I’ll find him!”

“Yes, but let them help.”

EB turned slightly and headed for a small island. He came to an abrupt stop. Spark blasted right by him and had to turn around and come back.

The blonde hero stopped and held his knees as he huffed and puffed, “Man, you’re fast, and coming from me, that’s saying something.”

“Tell Agent Justin that I won’t stop looking.”

Spark said, “They aren’t giving up. But working together will be a better choice. They need everyone. When Nova left, it created a bigger hole in the organization than just one person.”

“Nova’s shoes are impossible to fill.” EB said and then snapped his fingers and a BADGE comm appeared, “It’s time. EB to Quark.”

Quarks’ voice came through, “Oh, good. They found you. I was looking in Australia for you.”

“Nope. I was in Africa. I left Australia like twenty minutes ago. Anyway, can you zap me and my friend to the station?”

“Sure. Stand still.”

“Wait...” Spark started to protest when a blue blast of light surrounded them and they were instantly on the station.

Spark looked around. “Oh, uh, I have to get back to my league. I was just called to find you because I could keep up.”

“Oh, sorry. Where’s your league?”

“Knoxville, Tennessee.” He said.

EB said, “Oops, sorry. Call Quark. He’ll get you there pronto.” He dashed up to the Operations center and found Justin talking with Chase while Gar was on a video feed.

“EB!” Chase called out, extremely happy.

He smiled at her without an ounce of his normal, flirty attitude. “Hi, everyone. Sorry I was gone for so long. I tried to find him, I really did, but he’s just not out there. I mean, he is out there, but I can’t find him. And, I will.”

“We will.” Justin said.

“Any luck so far?” EB asked.

Justin said, “No.”

Gar, with the city of Ka’an Dorado behind him on the screen, said, “No evidence here. The shadow of Krampus is still hanging around, but it only responds to heroes approaching it. It’s like a simulation on the station. He isn’t attacking until provoked. Once defeated, he can be summoned repeatedly. I think he’s just a distraction.”

They watched as yet another hero approached the city center, only to have a monster appear and attack her. No one seemed fazed by this.

“What’s the point?” Justin asked. “Why create this monster we can summon all the time? Only to then steal our Director and disappear?”

EB looked up at Chase. “Do you know more about what Director Nova left you in your thoughts? Have you sorted through the memories?”

“Not entirely. Nova and this woman are not from this world. However, they are ancient. They both were here long, long ago. What I can sort out is that they came as observers and helpers. Both were sent for honorable reasons. But she turned wicked, and he had to stop her. The rest is a hard to sort out. I think he didn’t want me to see everything yet. He is using my own powers to help me. I don’t know what he showed me, but I will discover it as we move forward.”

“What did he mean, ‘be clever’?” Justin asked.

“I don’t know. But I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”

Justin looked up at Gar. “You and Arx keep searching for clues. Anything out of the ordinary that might have been left behind. We need something to go on.”

“Will do.” Gar’s image faded.

“What do I do?” EB asked.

Justin said, “You know Nova better than anyone. Try to think of something we can use to figure out how to find him.”

Chase said, “But he told us not to look for him. It would be too dangerous.”

“I know what he said, but he’s not the Director any longer. I am. And, I say that our enemy has had him long enough. She needs him for her plans, then we need to take him away. Any tool we deprive her of will only hinder her all the more.”

“YES!” EB hopped up and down.

“I hope we know what we’re doing.” Chase whispered.

BADGE agents worked at desks and computers in a rather ordinary office. Without the insignia on the walls and stitched to their clothing, it would appear as just another office space. The people chatted with each other in Swedish while sipping coffee this early morning.

Justin came over the monitor, and his words were auto-translated for them. “This is Acting Director Justin to all BADGE offices. Be on the lookout for any signs of Director Nova. Your leagues are asked to create a dragnet to ensure if he is spotted, we will know about it. Remember, he is with Lady Echidna, a class 10 villain that is not to be approached. Justin out.” The screen changed back to a picture of the Swedish countryside.

A woman with the rank of lieutenant stitched under her badge clicked on a comm line. “BADGE office Stockholm to Nordic Dashers and Ice Bears. We have orders to search for Director Nova. We...”

“Ma’am!” An agent rushed over and tapped her arm.

The Lieutenant looked down at a tablet and saw a video of a man walking through their security checkpoints without any resistance. “Who is that?”

“I don’t know, but the guards aren’t answering me any longer. The security system is inactive.”

The Lieutenant grabbed the tablet from him, “That’s impossible. We have the best security system in the known world. It cannot be hacked or deactivated without... this...this is impossible.” The tablet showed her a complete shutdown of their perimeter security sensors.

“What do we do?”

She shut off the signal and pulled out a gun. “Agents, this is a priority alert. We have a potential intruder.”

The office quickly changed from simple clicking and chatting to full action. These office workers grabbed hidden weapons and prepared themselves. A buzzer sounded in all the corridors, alerting the security officers to go into action.

The intruder strode into the main office. He was dressed in an exquisite suit with a diamond studded cane in one gloved hand while he tipped a top hat in greeting. His eyepatch was stitched with a gold thread that created the outline of an eye.

“Director Nova?” The lieutenant whispered.

He smiled, “Obey me!” His voice boomed and a wave of energy infected every mind in the room. All the agents slowly lowered their weapons and stood up with dazed expressions.

The Lieutenant approached and stowed her gun inside her coat. “What do you wish of me?”

“The secret vault, I want in...now.”

“As you wish.” She turned and led him through the office.

They walked up a short flight of stairs and passed through several security barriers before entering a high-tech room not unlike the Operations center on the station. She punched in a code and a small door opened, hidden in the wall. Inside, she pulled out a key.

“Here, my lord. Take this to the secret vault in Skane County.”

Taking the key with a greedy glint in his one eye, he said, “I know where to take this. Thank you.” He reached over and shut the door on the wall.

Together, they returned to the office area where the people remained in a dazed state. He reached the door and said, “You will not remember anything.”

Moments later, she woke up and was looking down at the tablet again. “What...what were you showing me?”

He looked down at the screen. “There was someone there, but...I guess he’s gone.”

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

 The cool air mixed with a harsh cold from the north. People walked by dressed in thick coats. More than one person took note of the finely dressed man walking among them. Nova, in his black suit and top hat, strolled down the old streets of Stockholm. He paused near a limousine parked outside a high-end jewelry store. The driver stood at the side, waiting to open the door for his employer.

“Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?” The driver asked.

Nova smiled. “I need a ride.”

The man blinked and held his head as the power of Nova sunk in.

A woman in exquisite clothes, draped in a golden silk shawl, walked out. “What are you doing to my driver?”

Nova turned and held his hand out, “You will leave and I will take that shawl for my wife.”

“I will most certainly not. POLICE!” She called out and then went silent.

Nova stepped closer, “Now!”

She smiled and handed him her scarf and merely walked away. He folded it up and then turned to take a seat as the driver had opened the door for him. The driver closed the door and then rushed to fulfill his new boss’s orders.

EB hopped in a circle around Justin much as he often did to Nova. Justin appreciated with the same enthusiasm as Nova.

“Would you stop that? You’re making me dizzy!” Justin barked.

“Oh, sorry.” EB stopped and then asked, “So, you alerted all the leagues and stuff. Now what? Huh? I was thinking that we could access all the cameras and computers in the world. There are like billions of little cameras attached to EVERYTHING. We could see if anyone sees anything. I know, it breaks lotsa laws and stuff, but it would mean we would have eyes everywhere. Just, don’t look in locker rooms, I don’t need to see that much man-stuff, and bathrooms, that would be super creepy and kinda icky. You know, this one time I followed this hot babe all around town and accidentally ended up in the girls’ bathroom at a bar. It was weird. They were screaming, someone called animal control, and I... why are you looking at me like that?”

Justin waited a moment for EB to stop rambling. “We aren’t going to spy on every camera on Earth. Even if we did, we don’t have enough people to watch all that footage.”

“It was just an idea.”

Gar walked into the room with Arx beside him. “We’re back.”

“I know. I saw the shuttle docking. Do you have anything to report?”

Arx said, “No. We scoured every last inch of the throne room and questioned all the remaining witnesses, which weren’t many. Nothing to help figure this out.”

Gar said, “And the Shadow Krampus is like a game now. Heroes are coming just to beat him up and train.”

Justin looked up at the screen, which still displayed the ongoing battles with Krampus. “Let them train. As long as no one is getting hurt and no major property damage is happening. Besides, if Nova or that Lady Echidna shows up in Ka’an Dorado, we’ll already have a pretty powerful force there to tap.”

“What’s the next move then?” Arx asked.

“I don’t know. Patience... I suppose.”

“Incoming Transmission: Stockholm BADGE office.” Robot 10915 announced.

“On screen.”

The woman in charge of that office came on screen. “Acting Director Justin, we have a mystery on our hands. Something just happened here and no one can remember it. There was an alert that someone was here without permission, and then he simply disappeared. I first considered it nothing, but then we found that twelve minutes of time had lapsed that were not only erased from all our computers, security footage, and sensors, but our memories as well.”

“Is there any indication of what happened?”


Justin thought about this for a moment. “Our enemy used mind control in Ka’an Dorado to manipulate people. This is too much of a coincidence to not be connected. I will send Gar and Chase to check on this. For now, your office is on top level security. Activate your robot forces. They can’t be mind controlled as easily.”

“Already have the robots working.”

“Good. Alert me if you discover anything before my team gets there.”

“Understood, Stockholm out.” She turned off the signal.

Justin turned around. “Gar, go get Chase and prepare to leave immediately.”

“Right.” Gar left the Operations center.

Arx asked, “What about me? I’d love to help.”

“You’ve done enough so far. You’re in charge of the ATLAS program, and that needs your attention here. If we need your help outside of that, I’ll let you know.”


EB hopped up and down. “SEND ME! I can help. I know I can. Mind control doesn’t work so well on us Vexillians. I could be there and make sure no one else is hurt or mentally controlled. They won’t get me!”

Justin said, “I need you here. We’re down Nova, who was far more than just one man. With Gar and Chase going, and Arx in charge of ATLAS, I need someone here if something happens.”

“Gotcha... WOW, I get to be like your first officer, your Spock, Riker, or Chewbacca. SOOO COOL!” EB bounced around the room in glee.

Stepping out of the limo in his Louis Vuitton Manhattan Richelie Shoes, Nova gazed up at a hillside.

“Are you sure you want to stop here?” His driver asked from inside the limo.

Nova smiled as he put on a pair of Cartier sunglasses and put them on. “This is exactly where I want to be.”

He walked up the hill and looked out across the bay from this elevated position. The ferry boats scurried in and out of the docks as they transported people. The sun glimmered in the partly cloudy sky, and the winds were chilled, but pleasant. For a brief moment, the arrogant face of this new Nova turned into a softer smile. But, that didn’t last long. He climbed the hill and pressed his hand into a rock. His hand print remained behind and the rock sunk down. Dirt and grass fell away from an ancient door that parted, revealing a short set of stone stairs.

Walking into a long, narrow cave, Nova passed pedestals with artifacts on them that had gathered so much dirt and dust it was hard to tell what lay beneath. The last pedestal at the end of this tunnel was just as encrusted with natural debris as the others. Nova stood before it was a gleam of greed in his smile. He reached down with his gloved hand and picked up a strange iron key that had a shape on the end like a cookie cutter, not a key. It was the shape of a small face of some kind of beast.

“One step closer to the eye.” He whispered.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

 Nova walked down the hill from the ancient vault and paused to take another long look over the landscape. It was beautiful and peaceful at the same time. The sea roared with waves and many boats going to and fro on daily routines. The nearby city bustled with activity.

“Where did you hide it, my old friend?” He asked the wind and then pulled out an ancient map.

The map, scribbled onto a roughly cut piece of sheepskin flipped at the edges in the breeze. There was little writing on it, but something slowly appeared as he held the key over it. The surface gained more definition as red marks appeared. The coastline formed, and then mountains and a path.

“This is older than the cities here. But I don’t need to know where the cities are, just where this is.” He held the map up and established the orientation so that it matched. With a small smile, he saw that the dot was directly ahead of him.

“Sir?” The driver was now halfway up the hill, nervously waiting for his master to answer.

“What is it?”

“Should I drive you somewhere?”

Nova smiled, “Yes. Take me into Trelleborg. I wish to explore the city.”

“I will take you anywhere, my lord. But tell me what you wish to see. I can help locate anything.”

Nova walked beyond the man, back toward the limo. “You cannot tell me where to find the Eye of Fenrir, but that is okay.”

“I can try.” The man stated, desperate to please his master.

“Just drive.” Nova got into the car and waited while his driver hurried to please him by jumping back into the driver's seat and heading back toward town.

Chase stepped out of the BADGE shuttle that rested on top of the Stockholm HQ. A team of agents managed the landing pad, preparing to move the shuttle to a safe location. Gar stepped out next, which always drew some surprise by people who had never seen a walking statue in person. He smiled at them and then joined Chase.

Lieutenant Bonnie met them on the roof. “Welcome to Stockholm, Chase, Gar.”

Chase shook her hand. “Glad to be here. Wish this was just a vacation trip.”

“BADGE agents never really get to have vacations, do we?” Bonnie said and then led them to a stairwell.

Chase and Gar followed as she asked, “Do you have any further information for us?”

Bonnie pressed her security badge into a panel, and the door opened to the main operations center. “A few additional details that might help, though they mostly just raise further questions and concerns.”

“Like what?” Gar asked.

Bonnie pointed at one of her people at a computer and he put a video on the monitor, which was a quarter the size of the one on the station. Footage showed a man, nicely dressed, appearing out of nowhere. The screen flickered, and the next thing was him walking away.

“Who was that?” Chase asked.

“That’s what I’d like to know. His hat covered his face enough that we couldn’t get an ID. His clothing was all expensive, but unremarkable in any specifics.”

“What do you mean, expensive?” Chase asked.

Bonnie looked back at her agent. The young man put a still image from the footage on the screen and small windows opened that showed information, each with prices and names. “We have a Brioni suit with hat, Neiman Marcus leather gloves, Louis Vuitton Manhattan Richelie Shoes, and that is what our visuals could determine. You’re looking at over twenty thousand dollars in apparel. Not something you see everyday just walking around.”

Gar said, “Lady Echidna wore expensive clothing and so did her army.”

Chase looked at the screen. “But her henchmen weren’t this well dressed. This is opulent to the point of decadent. I’d say we have someone special to her, someone important.”

Bonnie asked, “Do you think this is Director Nova?”

“Look, he is using a cane. Nova uses one for special occasions.” Gar pointed at the screen.

The agent said, “We couldn’t get a maker on the cane, so no info there.”

“Doesn’t matter. Gar’s right. It’s a strong hint that this is Nova. But...what was he doing here? Why did he come and leave without a trace?”

“He didn’t. We do have something else.” Bonnie said.

Chase asked, “What is it?”

Bonnie walked over to the wall and pressed a button, revealing the code pad. She put in a code and then used a key to open a small door. “This is a highly secret, secure vault we use for extremely sensitive materials. When this place was first built, Director Nova insisted that we put one object in here and never let it out without his personal permission. A special key, which we have no idea what it was connected to. It was ancient and the only time I ever saw it, I couldn’t tell why it was so dangerous or important.”

“If he asked for to be this secure, there was a reason.”

“Whatever the reason, it’s gone. It’s the only item in this entire facility that is gone. We’ve checked everything ten times over. Nothing else is missing. And, we don’t have any computer files that he couldn’t obtain on the station or other locations. That was his only objective. However, something was left in the vault.”

“What, he left something?” Chase walked closer to see what Bonnie was pointing at.

Gar frowned. “A pebble?”

Chase leaned in and looked at it. “It’s not just a rock, it’s smooth and has something etched on the surface. Have you taken it out and examined it?”

“Not yet. We wanted to show you before we did that. I was worried it would do something to us.”

Chase looked back at Gar. “I know someone who can probably handle it without being hurt.”

Gar got the hint and walked over to the vault. He carefully picked up the small stone and held it in his hand for a moment. Nothing happened. The agent rushed over with a small scanning device and checked it several ways.

“I’m getting nothing. This is just a piece of granite, polished and etched. Nothing more.”

Bonnie looked at it in Gar’s hand. “What’s on the surface?”

The agent looked at his scanner. “It’s an ancient Nordic etching. The computer is having a hard time identifying it. Wait... I have something. I think this is an ancient symbol for Fenrir.”

Chase frowned. “Fenrir, the mythological dog from Nordic religion?”

Bonnie nodded, “Yes. It is said to be destined to swallow the sun at the end of time. But what on earth is this doing in the vault? Who left it?”

The agent scanned the stone again. “No fingerprints, DNA traces, or anything else to identify who left it.”

Chase asked, “Did anyone get into this vault prior to the discovery of the missing map?”

“No. That vault is under constant surveillance. Except for the twelve minute blackout of all data and memory, no one has gotten into that vault in two years. And since the blackout, I only opened it just thirty minutes ago when we found that stone and the missing map.”

“Then... Nova left this?” Chase walked around, pondering this. “That doesn’t make sense. Why would he leave this? Some sort of joke from Lady Echidna, a ploy to get us to be confused?”

Bonnie said, “Maybe he’s just teasing us, toying with us. Like a criminal who leaves a card behind to thumb their nose at the police.”

“That’s not like him.” Chase said, “But, then again, burglary is not like Nova either.”

Gar said, “He might be trying to help us?” He handed the stone to Chase.

“I doubt that.” Bonnie said, “With all the information we have, he is as mind-controlled as all her other soldiers. This lady Echidna wouldn’t let him...”

Chase’s eye’s widened, and she gasped, “Maybe he is trying to help us.”

“Chase?” Gar leaned in.

She looked up at him. “I sense... a memory. Something is buried in this object. My powers are connecting to it. I’ve never felt something like this before. It’s... strange. Very old. The only thing I know for certain, this memory is from Nova. He’s trying to show me something.”

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

 Nova stepped out of the limo with no small amount of curiosity from the locals. He smiled at them and strode down the street with all the flair bestowed upon anyone wearing such expensive clothes. His wife would have it no other way.

The path was gravel and grass as it led to a recreated Viking Fortress. He paused just before entering the museum and turned with a quick snap of his fingers. “No pictures.”

Several locals had just taken pictures of him on their phones. Now, they couldn’t help but delete the images.

He then said, “That’s enough. Go away.” His command was instantly followed, and the people left him as though they had never even seen him.

With that interruption out of the way, he pushed on the door to enter the historic recreation. The door was locked. He tapped it with his cane and the lock undid itself and he was allowed in.

The place was a nice replica of the ancient style of fortresses the Vikings used to build. They made most of the structures of wood. There was some stonework and flags fluttered in the breeze here and there.

“Where to begin looking?” He walked around the grounds for a moment, considering his options.

A woman rushed out, fury on her face. In Swedish, she yelled at him. “We’re closed until April. You shouldn’t be here!”

He casually turned to look at her. “Ah, a docent. How useful. Perhaps you can answer some questions.”

“Absolutely not. I said...” she shook and then her eyes glazed over.

He smiled again. “As I said, I have questions to be answered.”

“How can I help you, my lord?”

Nova walked toward the longhouse. “Where do you keep the genuine relics?”

She walked him toward the main museum. “We have a lot of genuine relics that date back...”

“I’m looking for something that has been here for more than eleven hundred years. Something that has not been moved from its original location.”

She paused. “Oh, sorry. Our museum has everything moved and cared for inside. Everything outside is a recreation for the experience.”

Nova pulled out the key and showed the end to her. “This, do you know where I could find an image matching this?”

She put on her glasses and gazed at the end. “It appears to be part of a rune, perhaps of an animal. It might even be Fenrir.”

“It is Fenrir. Where do I find the rune that matches this?”

“I’m not sure. I’ll check. Give me a moment.” With that, she ran back toward her office, eager to fulfill her new lord’s wishes.

Nova smiled as he waited for her, always amused at the power of obedience.

Just then, five superheroes appeared around him. Three flew down, one teleported, and one sped up and stopped. He was surrounded.

“Whoever you are, we are the Nordic Wind, the official League of Southern Sweden.” The leader, a man in a caped suit, hovered nearby.

The woman who ran in at blinding speed said, “I can sense morphonic powers. You’re off the charts, sir. Do...wait...no, it can’t be.” She gasped and covered her mouth.

Another flier came closer. “Nova, is that you?”

With a slow turn, he looked up at the hero and smiled. “Yes.”

The leader clicked his BADGE comm unit, but it merely buzzed. “What, it’s not working.”

“Mine is dead as well.” Another hero stated.

Nova casually laughed at them. “Don’t worry, you won’t remember a thing. But I think you have a pressing engagement at the south pole.”

The team all winced as their minds were being invaded by his powers. They struggled and held their heads. Three succumb quickly, but two resisted.

“What are you doing?” The leader flopped to the ground as he tried to shed the power overtaking him.

Nova stamped his cane into the ground and a wave of energy exploded out from him that covered their bodies. His voice came from his mouth like a thousand echos of the same words. “You will obey me. You have a mission in the south pole, GO!”

Everyone was now entirely controlled, and they headed out to fulfill this bogus mission he had planted in their minds.

The docent rushed out, “What was that?”

“Oh, just sending some pests away for a while so I can finish my work uninterrupted. Now, about this key?” He turned to her.

She smiled and held up a printout of a rune stone. “I found it. At least, I think this is it. The face matches that key end perfectly. But I don’t believe it can hold a keyhole.”

“Don’t worry about the details. I’ll deal with them. For now, you really want to go take a nap. When you wake, you won’t remember a thing about my visit.”

Her eyes drooped, and she swayed. “Suddenly, I’m very tired. I think I’ll go rest. Thank you for visiting the museum.” With an enormous yawn, she staggered away from him.

Nova left the recreation and headed back for his limo driver.

Once he sat down, the driver asked, “Where to, sir?”

Nova answered, “Tullstorp.”

“Right away, sir.”

Nova looked over the key as he mused about the impending success.

“My darling.” A sultry voice spoke around him.

Nova closed his eye and found himself standing in the shadows of a dark throne room. Lady Echidna sat upon a throne with her soldiers standing around her in their finest suits. “My lady, I am close to my goal.”

“Are you sure? I need to know you’re being faithful to me.”

Nova walked closer, though he was a shadowy figure in this room. “At this moment, I sit in a limo, riding toward the probable location of the eye. It will soon be yours.”

“Good. Do not disappoint me. That eye is important for step two of this plan.”

“Why not come and see the glorious moment of revelation when I retrieve it? The winters are so lovely here in Sweden.”

She stood from her throne and reached up with a gloved hand as though she were stroking his face. “Ah, my darling. I need to know you’re truly mine. You need to bring me the eye on your own, then I shall know your heart truly belongs to me.”

“It pains me to think you would doubt my loyalty.”

Lady Echidna walked around him. “You betrayed me before. You shoved me into the darkness of The Void and left me to rot for centuries. Trust, my darling Nova, must be regained. You’re under my power, but I know your strength as well as I know mine. I know you are clever. Hand me the Eye of Fenrir, and I’ll know where your heart truly lies.”

He reached out, and his shadowy hand met her face. “I will not fail you, my lady.”

“See that you don’t.”

All at once he was back in the limo seat, truly having not left. The driver was looking back at him through the mirror with a befuddled expression. He asked, “Did you say something to me?”

“No. I was speaking to someone else. Just drive.”

“Ma’am, we have a problem.” The agent in the Stockholm Operations center announced.

Lieutenant Bonnie asked, “What is it?”

“The daily update from the Nordic Wind did not happen. When I tried to contact them, there was no answer. They locked their base down and our sensors do not show any of their comm signals in the country.”

Chase, still there, asked, “Do you not have them on any tracking?”

“I’m expanding our sensor range to see if I can pick up their signals.” He ran his calculations and then answered, “I’m getting five pings, all the league is showing up... heading south.”

“South?” Bonnie asked.

He said, “Yes, they’re moving at top speed and their path is directly south. They’re currently over Morocco.”


Chase said, “This is getting stranger by the moment.”

Bonnie looked at the monitor, which now displayed the five signals traveling across the globe. “This does have one dangerous impact. The Nordic Wind was our only local league in southern Sweden. With them gone, we are much weaker.”

Chase said, “We need answers.”

Gar came in holding the rune stone like it was a precious prize. “The analytical people checked it all out. It is not dangerous.”

Chase said, “I need to use my power and explore this memory to see what this is and why it was left here.”

Bonnie asked, “Are you sure? You could take it back to the station and let the labs up there take a look. I know you just spent time in a coma because of someone tampering with your powers.”

Chase looked at Gar and then at Bonnie. “We don’t have the luxury of time. I have to try. My intuition tells me this was meant to help us.”

“I hope you’re right.”

Chase held the stone tight and focused on her powers.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:


The wind cut sharply around Nova as he approached the small park. The countryside was barren this time of year, with old piles of snow still resting in corners and shadows. There were no tourists or docents around this archaic stone, but it wasn’t in need of much protection.

Nova stopped before a circular path that had benches all directed inward. Everything gazed directly at an ancient runestone planted on a small mount of grassy earth.

“I wonder, is this it?” He muttered under his foggy breath.

Approaching the stone, he read the ancient script that ran around the outside of the image. With a clever smile he read, “Raised in monument to Ulfr. You sneaky snake, you made a monument to yourself to hide the keyhole.”

He pulled out the key and leaned in, looking at the face of the canine monster depicted at the center. The shape of the key, almost like a cookie cutter, matched the head of the beast.

“You can be clever, but not clever enough.” He whispered as he pressed the key into the face.

Chase held the stone in her hands, concentrating on her powers. She was ready to describe her vision, as normally she merely experienced the history in her mind and would be able to talk to those around her. However, the moment she truly began digging into the latent memory buried in this stone, she gasped and froze.

She was now the invisible observer of history. Her sight followed a man she recognized well as he walked along the grassy ground. Director Nova stood there, in rustic clothing from an age long ago, an eyepatch on his face, and a little more color in his hair. He approached a man who sat on a large stone, dressed in a roughly spun blue tunic with heavy boots and thick, grey pants of the same material. He had long hair and a thick beard. This person would blend into any crowd among the peoples of this land Nova had met. Only his eyes stood out in stark contrast, as they were a strange, glowing green hue.

The strange man smiled at Nova. “Another god of this world come to finish me?”

Nova paused and spent a moment sizing up this person. “Are you up for a fight?”

This drew anger from the strange man and he stood with a threatening posture. “I will not be bested by any pathetic creature of this world. I have eaten their strongest demons and crushed their most powerful myths. You, little human, are nothing to me.”

Nova was not intimidated. “If you’re so confident, why did you call me a god?”

“I sense something about you, something... strange. You aren’t like these pathetic meat bags.”

Nova casually approached the hulking man, “Then I have found the man I was looking for. You too are not of this world and are far greater in power, at least you once were.”


“Just a pause.” Nova added.

The man plopped back down on the stone with irritation. “It shall only last a few more centuries, ten at most. Until then, I will enjoy the hospitality of those meat bags that call themselves Vikings. They understand a good fight, a good drink, and pride.”

“They are also thick headed and doom driven half the time.” Nova added.

“Ah, but that’s what makes them fun. I don’t get attached to my pets, so it matters little to me.” The strange man laughed with a deep, hearty bellow.

Nova wasn’t laughing, his demeanor was cold and calculating.

The Strange Man’s humor lessened and turned to concern as Nova quietly observed him. “What do you want with me?”

“First, why are you here?” Nova asked.

The Strange Man gestured around him. “I told you, I like these Vikings. Their pitiful gods tried to have me killed, and I put them all to their own death. So, I celebrate their freedom with them.”

“You can lie to many people, but not me. For a man who claims to have killed the gods, you seem weak.”


Nova calmly said, “Why are you here?”

“Are you hard of hearing as much as you are hard of sight, winky? I said I like these Vikings!”

“I don’t mean these lands, I mean this world. I know who you claim to be. I know what the humans called you, Jormurgandr. You are a sign to the Nords of the end of time, Ragnarok.”

“BAH! I don’t care about their silly religion. I’m not the sign of the end of time. I’m just...”

“Extremely dangerous, unpredictable, and capable of killing many of the ancient titans who set themselves up as gods to the young humans.”

Jormurgandr snickered, “So, I am somewhat of a world ender. The word of false gods and pitiful deities. They tasted good, if I might add.”

“But why are you here, living as a man? I can sense your power. You aren’t nearly as strong as you could be.”

The Man leaned back on his palms against the rock’s surface. “I came here as I have to many worlds, seeking challenge, seeking balance between good and evil. I like things on an even field. I grew weak after the last world I balanced, and a creature called Loki summoned me here. He was what you call a god, but truthfully, just one of the titans of old who set himself up as a god among many in a pantheon called Asgard. I was fine. They were heavy drinking, partying, fun-loving people. That is, until the head guy, Odin, grew fearful of me once he realized who I really was. He threw me into the ocean and called on all the other titans to kill me. They threw everything at me, but they had nothing to compare. I ate up their demons and monsters, then I killed them. No titans, no problem. But, it cost me a lot of strength. Now I’m like this. I am not weak by the measure of a human, but I am certainly not the man I once was.”

Nova smiled. “I know of your story. I too came here to rid this world of the titans setting themselves up as gods. I and one other set out to bring peace to these people. The humans have a great potential they don’t even know yet.”

“Bah, who cares? When I am stronger, I will rid this galaxy of this world and move on to the next.”

Nova turned to him and said, “You will not. I will defend this world from all threats, including creatures as powerful as you.”

Jormurgandr leaned forward and said, “Just how do you plan on stopping me?”

Nova raise both arms and his body became a brilliant light that sent Jormurgandr tumbling backward off his rock and hitting the ground. Nova spoke, his voice booming like a great thunder rolling across the ocean. “I AM MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE AND YOU WILL NEVER CHALLENGE ME OR YOU WILL FACE A WRATH UNLIKE ANY YOU CAN FATHOM!”

The light died down and Jormurgandr trembled as he sat up. “What are you?”

“You have not earned the privilege of knowing my true identity. However, I see in you a kindness you hide well, a sympathy you hold in a secret place in your heart. This is why I sought you out, Jormurgandr. I need your help.”

Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

 The man calling himself Jormurgandr stood next to the rock Nova’s unique power had thrown him off of. There was a true ounce of fear in his eyes as he gazed at Nova.

“What do you want of me? What could I possibly help you with?” Jormurgandr asked.

Nova put his hand in a pocket of his robes and said, “You know of the beast the Nords call Fenrir?”

“Yes. It was one of the monsters they threw at me. I killed it and ate its pitiful form long ago.”

Pulling something out of his pocket, Nova said, “There is another being in this world who equals my power, the only other sent to watch over this place. However, she has turned wicked and delved into darkness. Evil is a trap for my kind. Once you‘ve tasted of that kind of power, your soul is eaten and your heart destroyed.”

“Sounds like a woman I’d like to meet.” Jormurgandr joked.

Nova gave him a chilling gaze. “No, she is far more sinister than you can believe. She would not entertain you. She would destroy you for being a rival.”


Nova’s eye flashed a bright light and Jormurgandr lost some of his zeal, “Even at your strongest, you would not be a match for her alone. As you are now, you would not survive.”

“Then why come to me for help?” Jormurgandr asked.

“She wants to begin an age of darkness in this world and use it as her divine realm of evil with which to spread the darkness across the universe. Her heart touches the darkness, and the more she has, the stronger she will become. She has begun this effort by crafting demonic creatures of great power based on the myths and legends of the humans. Her most powerful creature thus far has been a recreation of Fenrir, made of shadow.”

“I may not be strong enough now to fight such a creature.”

Nova laughed, “No, you are not. However, I was able to overpower its darkness with my light. I destroyed it... or so I thought. It is mere shadow, a being that cannot be destroyed while she lives. But I have contained it to the object that she used to cast it.” Now Nova revealed a ruby in the shame of a rhombus.

“Is that Fenrir?”

“It is... or rather was its eye. Once I destroyed the body, this is all that remained. She just needs to touch it and it will revive.”

“Do you want me to destroy it?”

“You cannot, neither can I. Only on her death can it be destroyed, and I fear nothing of this world can kill her at this time. So, I’m forced to find ways to contain her power. She does not know of you. Your conquests over the titans of old caught my attention, but she was focused more on her own burgeoning realm. Once I realized you could be an ally of mine, I made certain she never knew of you. With your power reduced, she is sure not to easily find you, or even know to look for you.”

“Is she out there seeking this?”

Nova shook his head, “Not at this time. I defeated not only her version of Fenrir, but her as well. I cannot destroy her, I have reduced her to a weaker state. However, she will regain her strength in time. I need you to take this and hide it, seal it so that it cannot be found easily. Do not even tell me.” He held out the stone.

Jormurgandr did not immediately take it. “Why would you trust me? You say I have goodness in me...bleh! I am the world eater! I killed the titans to amuse myself, not to make life better. I like killing things...that means I’m not the good guy.”

Nova held the stone closer to Jormurgandr. “You are a loud, brash, arrogant creature, and you enjoy being so. But, for someone who proclaims he enjoys killing things, you have left the humans relatively untouched. Why?”

“They aren’t worth killing.”

“Don’t lie to me. I may only have one eye, but I can see the truth in you. You understand the concept of justice. This is why you seek balance in the universe. Justice is balance.”

“Okay, maybe you’re right.”

Nova took Jormurgandr’s hand and put the stone in it. “I have few I can trust, but I know you will do what is right. And, in the future, when this is all done, I will help you.”

“How can you help me?”

“We will see. Just know, if you betray my trust, I will be as ruthless as you, and you have had a taste of my power.”

Jormurgandr said, “Fine.”

Nova turned to leave, but paused. “What do the humans call you?”

“I am Jormurgandr, the great serpent...”

“No, what do they call you to your face?”

“Oh, Ulfr the Loud.”

Nova laughed, “I like that. Fitting.”

“You will call me Jormurgandr.” His tone was demanding.

Nova said, “No. That is the name of a demonic force for fear and death. You are here, protecting this world as much as I am now. Another name for Jormurgandr is Midgardsormr, which is a way of saying this world. So, I think I’ll call you Midgard. That way you will know it is I who speaks to you.”

“MIDGARD!” He pondered that for a moment and then smiled. “I like it. If a man comes to me and says that name, I’ll know it is from you, and no other.”

“Good luck, Midgard. I go to continue my protection of this world.”

As Nova walked away from the weakened form of Midgard, the vision faded away around Chase. She watched the current world come into focus around her, with Lieutenant Bonnie and Gar both watching her.

Bonnie asked, “Well? What just happened? You were standing there silent for a long time.”

Chase fell to the side and was caught by Gar. She said, “That took a lot of my power to witness. Nova... left me a message, a piece of his past.”

“Why would he do this?” Bonnie asked.

Gar set Chase up and held her gently by the shoulders. “Is this a trick?”

“I don’t think so. I think Nova is trying to help us. He just showed me what he is here for, or rather, what Lady Echidna has sent him here for. Just like she recreated Krampus, she once created a version of Fenrir that Nova battled. He defeated it and reduced it to a single stone. If she gets it, she can use it for her own evil.”

“We defeated Krampus. This will be no different.” Gar proudly proclaimed.

Chase shook her head. “I think this is much stronger and much more powerful. We have to find where it was hidden before Nova can get to it.”

Bonnie asked, “Okay, so where do we look?”

“He asked someone else to hide it and never tell him where it was hidden.”

“That’s bad.” Bonnie said. “He already has a head start on us.”

“True. But I think I know who we need to ask.”

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

 “Are you absolutely sure about this?” Justin asked.

Chase spoke to him from the Stockholm location with Gar and Bonnie on either side of her. “Yes. I saw it myself. Nova gave this Eye of Fenrir to Midgard a long time ago and told him to hide it. Now, Nova is looking for it. And, trust me, if he gets it, bad things will happen.”

“Fine. I’ll try to get him. But you know Midgard really only paid attention to Nova.”

Chase said, “If he’s a problem, get me on his comm.”

“You think you can convince him?”

“I don’t know, but I will try.”

Justin huffed and pressed a button on his tablet, shifting the view screen to footage from Ka’an Dorado. Heroes sat around on rooftops as they cheered on the fight between Midgard and another incarnation of Shadow Krampus. This looked more like a pro-wrestling event, not heroes protecting the world from harm.

“Sheesh, this is getting out of hand.” Justin muttered. He pressed a different button. “Krystal, are you there?”

Her voice came through, with a lot of noise in the background. “Justin, I can barely hear you.” After she said this, he watched Midgard pile-drive Krampus into the city square as the heroes cheered.

Justin waited a moment and then said loudly, “I need to talk to Midgard!”

“You want me to find the local city guards?”

“NO I NEED TO TALK TO MIDGARD!” He bellowed into the comm.

“Oh, uh... that could be a problem.”

Justin stopped, changed the volume output on her end through his computer, and then said, “It is a matter of dire urgency. Get to him.”

“Okay. I’ll try.”

Nova waited while the runestone reacted to the key he had inserted into the face. The etching of Fenrir over a viking boat was a perfect example of the style for the age. He couldn’t help but be amused at the craftsmanship put into this. Slowly, a glow traced the etching, like someone lighting a long fuse.

“Who are you?” A woman rushed down the path.

Nova turned and smiled at her. “Just a tourist.”

“Do not touch that stone... what have you done!? Stabbed a knife into it? This…”

“Go away.” He commanded. “Do not remember anything of me. You were never here.”

She gained a glazed look and walked away.


He continued with his work. Nova tried to figure out how to open it.

“How did he do this?” Nova looked all over it. As his hands ran over the surface of the glowing lines, he felt the power surge in it.

A voice came from the stone. “This stone is impervious to all you do, but answer this riddle to get through. To death, the gods tried to have me put, where the battle their lives I took, know the answer without fail, if you know where they say I bit my tail.”

Nova stood back, “What on earth does that mean?”

The stone repeated, “This stone is impervious to all you do, but answer this riddle to get through. To death, the gods tried to have me put, where the battle their lives I took, know the answer without fail, if you know where they say I bit my tail.”

Nova grew angry. “I don’t have time for riddles and games.” He reached his hand out and a blinding light came from him, but the moment he did this, he grabbed his head and fell to his knees in pain. “What... what is wrong with me?” The pain left his head as he sat there.

The voice of Lady Echidna came to his ears, “My beloved, you aren’t trying to harness your power, now are you?”

“My lady, I only wish to use it to advance your plans.”

“No. You betrayed me once before. I’ll not have this again. Figure this out without using your full strength, or I’ll bind you forever in my dungeon and complete this task on my own.”

“No, do not forsake me, my love. I’ll do as you ask.”

“Good. Now, bring me that eye!” Her voice faded into the distance.

Nova recovered quickly and stood once again before the stone. “So, I must figure this riddle out. Fine, how complicated can it be coming from that oaf?”

“TAKE THAT YOU PATHETIC CHRISTMAS CRACKER!” Midgard, in his massive serpent form, grabbed Krampus from behind and then leaned back, tossing the shadow beast over him and slamming it headfirst into the ground. This time, the Krampus exploded into a black mist and the fight was over. It was night and most of this part of the city was vacant, except for the heroes. They had brought lights in order to shine down on the battle so the viewers could see better. Fortunately, BADGE kept the media from turning this into a global spectacle. Justin figured League Wars was enough entertainment from the heroes, the citizens didn’t need to watch this foolishness.

The crowds cheered, exchanged bets, and left to get refreshments. Midgard strutted around, taking in all the glory.

“WANT TO SEE ME DO IT A FIFTH TIME TONIGHT? HUH!” He egged on the crowds and they grew into a rowdy roar.

Krystal flew up near his head. “No time. You’re needed.”

He batted his giant hand at her, “Go away, gnat!”

She dodged his hand and came up closer. “Look, this is all fun, but they need...” she dodged his hand again.


Krystal recognized a lost cause, so she had to resort to Plan B. She tapped her comm unit, told Justin what to do, and then cast a spell that sent the small video feed from her wrist come as a floating image many times bigger. Chase appeared before Midgard on a flat, misty cloud.

“Midgard, we need your help.”

“What is this? I don’t...”

Chase held up the rune stone. “The man who gave you the name Midgardsormr is lost and in need of all of us. The woman who has bewitched him is using him to find something you hid a long time ago.”

Midgard’s demeanor suddenly shifted to shock and a little sadness. “The Eye of Fenrir.”

“Yes. I know of it. He shared with me memories of the day he first met you. Now, we need you before everything goes to south.”

Midgard looked around, seeing all the heroes paying attention to this giant conversation. He softly nodded. “I’ll be there.” He threw his hand out, destroying the image and grabbing everyone’s attention. “ENOUGH OF THIS! WE HAVE A LEADER TO FIND! NO MORE GAMES!”

Heroes balked at this. Some even threw their paper cups at him. He reached back and let out a massive, ground shaking roar, and said, “YOU HEARD ME! UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE DINNER, GO!!!”

This changed their attitudes quickly. Midgard transformed back into his smaller self, standing in the middle of the street that he had turned into an arena for too many days.

Krystal flew down and joined him. “Are you ready?”


“Where do I send you?”

He thought for a moment and then said, “Send me to Tullstorp, Sweden. Tell Chase and the others to meet me there. If Nova is looking for the stone, that is where he will be.”

“Tullstorp it is.” She waved her hand, and a portal appeared in front of him.

With unusual reluctance, he stepped through, traversing the planet in three seconds.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

 Nova paced in front of the stone, the sun setting behind him as he fought to think of the answer. The riddle played again and again in his mind.

He muttered it aloud as he thought, “This stone is impervious to all you do, but answer this riddle to get through. To death, the gods tried to have me put, where the battle their lives I took, know the answer without fail, if you know where they say I bit my tail.” He looked at the carving for clues. “So, the gods sent everything at him and tried to kill him, but where? They threw him in the sea... that’s it...” He yelled at the stone, “SEA!”

Nothing happened.

Growing more frustrated, he said, “Ocean.”

Still nothing.

“Maybe he used old Norse. That would make sense.” After a moment of recollection, he said, “Harr, Sear, Sand-himinn, vidir,... come on, those are all words for sea. These stupid Vikings loved their water!” He hit the stone.

There was a bright flash of purple behind him and footsteps in the gravel. A smooth, deep voice said, “The Nova I knew would never punch a rock just because he was angry.”

Nova turned around, his face red, “Jormurgandr. Pretty bold of you to show up.”

“You know me, loud and present. I like being where the action is. If I knew we were fighting rocks, I would’ve punched a few mountains on the way.”

“Don’t make fun of me, you pathetic snake. You know I can put you down.” Nova struck a bold pose.

Midgard smiled at him. Even in his small, human form, his smile was devilish. “The last time we stood here, in this land, I was weak and recovering from battling the gods and their minions. Today, little man, I’m much stronger and you, Nova, are much weaker. That woman has taken the strength out of you.”

Nova refused to back down. “I’m not weak. I’ve never shown this world my fullest strength. If you want a fight that you’ve never truly faced, Jormurgandr, I will give you one that will rattle even your immortal bones.”

“I’m not scared of you, Wink.” Midgard prepared to fight.

Nova spoke with a booming voice, “ON YOUR KNEES, SERPENT!”

Midgard stepped back, shaken by that power, but he merely smiled. “Nice try, but you know that would never work on me.”

Nova bellowed, “ON YOUR KNEES!”

Midgard laughed, “Keep trying, Wink, it’s funny watching you fail.”

“If you won’t take my command, then you will have to be put down.” A large, beautiful sword appeared in Nova’s hand, a sword he once used to fight Jinn.

Midgard chuckled, “Oh, gonna poke me with your toothpick?” He began to grow in size.

“Not today!” Nova held up his hand, and a white glow came from his palm. Midgards size change stopped, and it forced him back into a human size.

Midgard staggered back, holding himself. “Okay, that... was unexpected. I didn’t know you could do that.”

“There is little I can’t do, Jormurgandr.” Nova rushed toward Midgard, his sword ready to strike.

Midgard dodged a swing, then another, and with a third dodge, he planted a fist in Nova’s side. Nova stumbled away and Midgard grabbed him by the coat tail and threw him across the grass. “I JUST BODY SLAMMED A TEN STORY KRAMPUS, YOU’RE NOTHING, LITTLE WINK!”

Nova bounded up from his laying position, spinning directly into the air with his sword acting like a mower. Midgard attempted to dodge, but the tip met him.

Midgard fell, holding his face. When he pulled his hand away, he saw greenish red blood. “Okay, that’s new.”

“YAH!” Nova was coming down for a killing strike.

Midgard barely dodged it and kicked Nova in the gut, throwing him across the yard and slamming him into the Runestone.

A BADGE shuttle flew in, the door opening before the ship had fully landed. Gar flew out. Chase dropped to the ground and running. When the shuttle actually landed, Bonnie joined them with four armed agents.

“Nova!” Gar called out.

Chase asked, “Midgard, why are you here? We needed you back at HQ.”

“I’m here for my friend, not you.”

Bonnie, who held a small laser pistol, said, “Looks like your friend isn’t so friendly.”

Nova stood there, holding his sword at the ready. “Ah, BADGE, just in time.”

Midgard actually said, “Oh, no.”

Nova called out, “Your enemy is yourself, fight for me!” His voice echoed and everyone, except Midgard and Gar, grew dizzy and then looked at each other with fear.

“DON’T LISTEN TO HIM!” Midgard called out.

“Too late.” Nova laughed.

Chase threw her blades at Gar, whose stone body deflected them. Bonnie shot at Chase, but Chase dodged the attack. The four agents fought each other.


Gar got the message and rushed in to keep everyone from killing one another.

Midgard ducked his head down and ran toward Nova, who had his sword ready for the attack. Midgard’s arms grew green and scaly and a tail shot out the back of his outfit. He wasn’t able to grow to full size with how Nova kept him at bay, but he wasn’t human either. Nova swung his sword, but Midgard’s scaly arms deflected the blows with clever swings.

“You’re not my friend!” Midgard said as he dodged swings of the sword.

Nova spun around and went for Midgard’s tail, but missed. “You were nothing but a tool. Didn’t you know that?”

Midgard grabbed Nova’s arm and then head butted him, staggering him away. “I know my friend, Wink. The director I know...” he kicked at Nova’s leg, forcing him to a kneeling position. He grabbed the arm with the sword and twisted. Nova managed to maintain his grip on the blade, but it wasn’t much of a threat in this position. With Midgard’s other hand, he grabbed Nova by the hair and yanked his head back, “The director I know was my friend, and I say that about few living creatures across this universe. He hasn’t called me Jormurgandr for ten centuries. He gave me a new name, one that I hold with great respect and honor.”

The power of Nova over the other people vanished as his focus was tested by this ignominious position. They stopped and looked up from their haze to see Midgard ready to kill.

Nova, his head being forced back, looked at the stone from this upside down position and whispered, “The answer...it was right in front of me.”

“What, Wink?”

With uncanny agility and strength, Nova pulled his hand free from Midgard’s and swiped across with his sword. It hit Midgard in the chest and he stumbled back. Then, with his newfound freedom, Nova shoved the sword into Midgard’s gut and whispered, “I know the answer to your riddle... Midgard.” He ripped the blade out.

Midgard held his midsection as he fell to the side, defeated. “This is not possible.”

Nova looked at the stone, “This world, that is where the gods tried to kill you, where you fought their demons, and where the legendary Jormurgandr wrapped around the planet and bit his own tail. This world...Midgardsormr.”

The runes flashed and flickered as the stone crumbled apart, revealing a glowing red ruby.

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

 Chase ran to Midgard as Nova stood, holding the Eye of Fenrir.

“Oh, God.” She gasped at the sight of all the blood.

Midgard growled out, “I’ll live, but that bastard will not get away with this.”

Nova looked down at his victim. “I could have killed you. I wanted to see if you could take genuine pain for once in your life.”

“PAIN! I’LL SHOW YOU... ACK!” Midgard tried to move, but his wound prevented him from his attempt at throttling Nova.

Nova turned around and strolled away. “It is over, BADGE. There is nothing left for you to hope for.”

Chase stood and pointed her gun at Nova. “I will not let you take that to her. I saw your past. I know how dangerous it will be.”

Nova looked at her with a dismissive gaze. “What are you prattling about?”

“I know you were the one who brought that here, that you had it hidden. It scared you, which means I cannot simply let it go.”

Nova came close to her, the gun inches away from him. “I don’t care what you think you know. But, I do know that you... none of you, have it within you to kill your beloved Director. I am going to turn and walk away, graciously allowing you to live for today. But know I will bring you down if you try to stop me.”

Chase had tears in her eyes as she looked at him, the terrible image of pulling that trigger flooding her mind. Her hand trembled as it lowered.

Midgard said to the others, “Listen to him, you’re no match for what he is. I should know.”

Nova quietly turned from her and walked away. Everyone lost heart at the sight of his exit. They had spent so much time searching for him, and now he was right there before them and all they can do was watch him leave again.

The echoing sounds of sonic booms broke the moment. Each one grew louder than the last as something approached. Even Nova stopped and turned around at the sound of this.

“What trickery is this?” He asked.

Before anyone could figure out what was happening, a white blur hit him so hard that he flew fifty yards across the ground and rolled. A final sonic boom echoed around them, destroying trees, scattering gravel, and forcing everyone to grab their heads in pain.

When Nova came to a stop in the field, EB sat on his chest and was yelling, “I FOUND HIM! I GOT HIM! BUDDY! I’M HERE TO SAVE YOU FROM THAT NASTY, AWFUL, HORRIBLE, UGLY, NASTY....I ALREADY SAID THAT, UH...OH, WHO CARES! I FOUND YOU!!!” He grabbed Nova and held him like a sad puppy finally in his owner’s arms.

“GET OFF ME!” Nova shoved and fought against the bunny.

“I’m never letting you go, buddy!” EB stayed attached as Nova got up and attempted to pry the bunny off his chest.

Chase called out, “EB! You can’t help him! Get back here!”

“Listen to her, you annoying little rodent!” Nova yelled.

EB dropped off and smiled at Nova. “Oh, you don’t mean that. Though it’s so nice to hear that irate tone again. I missed you.”

“I didn’t miss you. Go, leave. I’m done here.” Nova turned around and bounced off an invisible barrier.

EB clapped his paws together and a golden cord wrapped around Nova's waist. “Nope. I gotcha. You’re coming home with me. We’re gonna make you all better and then go give that witch what’s coming to her.” As he said this, he was dragging Nova across the ground by an invisible force connected to that cord he had materialized.

“YAH!” Nova thrust his arms out and the cord burst apart. “Enough of this! I am leaving, and if you don’t stop trying to keep me here, you’re going to see exactly how mad I can get.”

EB turned, a strikingly angry look on his face. “You don’t realize that I am not the Easter Bunny, I am a Vexillian. I fought off Legion and survived to tell the tale. I faced Jinn, Krampus, and all the other jerks who have come up against BADGE. Don’t mess with me. You are coming back to the station.” EB thrust his paws forward and a magical force struck Nova.

“EB stop! You don’t know what you’re dealing with!” Chase said.

“PSSH! I can deal with this.” He summoned two eggs and threw them just as Nova got back to his feet. Both eggs exploded on contact, emitting clouds of colorful gas.

Nova wavered and seemed as though he were about to collapse when he shook it off and pulled out his sword.

EB laughed, “Weapons against me! HA! Just try to hit me!” He went to top speed, dashing around Nova, throwing eggs periodically as he went by.

Nova swung his blade, but kept missing. He would stumble to the side this way and that as eggs exploded against him. Another golden cord appeared and wrapped around him ten times, binding his arms to his sides and pulling him down into a sitting position.

EB stopped, holding the end of that cord. “See, I gotcha.”

All at once, Nova became a blinding light, and the surrounding cord dissolved away. Everyone had to cover their eyes at the sight of his power. The light rose, growing brighter as it did.

Chase looked up into the light for a brief moment and then cried out in pain.

The voice of Nova, now a thundering boom, came through the light. “I will not be stopped! You are nothing compared to me!”

EB shrunk away, covering his eyes. “Buddy... please, stop.”

The light vanished, and Nova stood there, simply in his exquisite suit. However, he was just as bewildered as everyone else.

“What just happened?” He asked.

Helicopters appeared from visibility blocking shields and lowered. A dozen finely dressed soldiers descended on ropes, each brandishing AMA weapons. A cloud of black smoke appeared. From within strode Lady Echidna in a red dress with a devilish mask on her face. Her diamonds sparkling in the light of day.

“Now, now, my love. What did I say about using your real power?”

EB threw an exploding egg at Lady Echidna, but Nova swiped his cane and deflected it.

She turned with a chortling laugh. “Nice try, little bunny.”

Nova carefully pulled out the Eye of Fenrir from his pocket. “My lady, I found what you desire.”

“Ah, the beauty. I did make such wonderful trinkets back in those days, did I not?” She did not touch it just yet.

Chase said, “please, don’t.”

Midgard, still on the ground, said, “Don’t let her touch it.”

The BADGE agents moved to stop her, but her soldiers drew closer.

She smiled at Midgard. “It is not time for the end. There is so much more to do. But for now. Perhaps a taste.” She snapped her fingers and her soldiers all grabbed their ropes and returned to the helicopters that brought them.

Nova stood next to her and smiled at them. “It’s been fun. I do hope you live through this.”

With that, Lady Echidna held his arm, and both vanished in a puff of black smoke. The smoke did not blow away, but continued to grow. In fact, it grew exponentially. Two red eyes appeared within.

EB ran toward Chase, “It’s another Krampus!”

Midgard whispered, “No, that’s not Krampus. This is much, much worse. That’s Fenrir.”

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:


The sun darkened as if a solar eclipse were happening. The land grew ominously shadowed with red glowing light seeping out of every crevasse. Fenrir, at least a shadowed version of him, left by Lady Echidna, slowly took shape as a behemoth dog with terrible fangs, dark fur, and glowing red eyes.

Chase, still holding the injured Midgard, felt her wrist buzz. She quickly clicked it on. “This is Chase. We have a situation down here.”

Justin came through, “Yes. A strange shadow is forming at your location. We cannot figure out where it is coming from.”

Midgard said, “Fenrir is eating the sun. It is destiny. But this isn’t the real Fenrir. That creature is dead. I killed it long ago. This thing is just a shadow demon, a monster emulating the real thing.”

Justin asked, “Can you stop it?”

“I doubt it.” Midgard said, “I hate to admit this, but we’re gonna need help.”

Bonnie rushed over, her BADGE agents taking aim at the forming monster. She spoke for Justin to hear, “We’re registering a power level much greater than the Shadow Krampus.”

“Understood.” The comm clicked off, and then the alert system buzzed and his voice came from all the comms present and across the world. “Acting Director Justin to all heroes. We have a code red in Tullstorp Sweden. I repeat, a code red in Tullstorp, Sweden. Respond with all force.”

“WATCH OUT!” Bonnie screamed as the giant head of the dog reached down to snap up everyone.

Midgard suddenly transformed into his massive size and grabbed it by the mouth, holding it off. He screamed with a painful yell and threw Fenrir away. “Don’t just stand there, KILL IT!” He yelled.

EB formed eggs in his hands and threw, “TAKE THAT YOU UGLY MUTT!” Colorful explosions rained across the side of its body.

Chase couldn’t help but notice the bleeding gash in Midgard as he fought. This was hell for him, but he wasn’t backing down. For the first time, she truly had respect for this loud, obnoxious monster. Today, he was truly a hero.

“You heard him!” Chase ran at the thrashing beast and threw her magic blades directly for its glowing eyes.

The agents stood back and took aim with their weapons, pouring fire at it. Gar ran fast and took to the skies. He swooped around Midgard, dodged a thrashing motion of Fenrir, and smashed it in the side of the head with one stone fist.

Fenrir whipped its head to the side and slapped Gar to the ground with a hard crash. It then rammed into Midgard, shoving him back. His feet scraping across the ground. Everyone below had to dive to avoid being crushed. The impact destroyed the BADGE shuttle, with Fenrir continuing to shove.

Midgard, working his best to keep it at bay, “WE CAN’T LET IT GO, IT WILL DESTROY EVERYTHING! AND I’M NOT LOSING TO A FAKE VERSION OF SOMETHING I ONCE ATE!!” He let out an enormous grunt as he head butted it right back, and then grabbed it around the neck.

Chase stopped fleeing the catastrophe and looked for an opening to hit this. “It’s not enough. I can’t do... we can’t do this.”

Bonnie ran up next to Chase, blasting away with a handgun. “Hit it in the eye again!”

“I won’t do anything.”

“We have to try. That thing will crush every city in Southern Sweden.”

The agents joined them and were firing.

Chase readied herself to fight, even if this was her last fight. She crouched slightly and was ready to run and throw her blades until she had no strength left.

EB ran up, with an egg almost as big as him. He threw it quickly to the ground just as Fenrir took a
step. The egg exploded with a massive ball of fire and Fenrir staggered to the side. “HA! Take that!”

Fenrir roared and let out a blast of red flames at Midgard and then turned its head toward the ground, ready to incinerate EB.

EB dashed around, avoiding both the flood of flames and the now burning patches of grass. “Hey. watch it! No burning the bunny!” He jumped, flipped over, and threw another egg at the dog, which exploded with a purple cloud that surrounded its face. “Like that smell? Now you sleep!”

Fenrir wobbled and Midgard grabbed it by the neck again and threw it over himself and slammed it into the ground behind them. The misty black cloud around it swirling about.

“WE GOT IT!” EB hopped around in joy.

The cloud reformed as a standing dog and it bit down on Midgard, its teeth digging into the existing sword wound. Midgard screamed in pain, perhaps for the first real time in centuries.

Chase threw blades at Fenrir while EB threw egg after egg at its face.


Fenrir hardly noticed their onslaught and shook its head as it almost bit Midgard in half.

Bonnie ran up to Chase, “We can’t do this! If Midgard can’t fight it, we’re lost.”

Chase looked down at her comm unit, it was blinking blue, “We aren’t lost, we just got backup.”

Portals and flashes of light appeared as heroes came running toward the battle. Ten BADGE shuttles rushed by with heroes diving out of them and taking flight. Dozens of speedster heroes rushed in from all directions. One hero, who was three feet tall, came running and met a large troll-like hero who threw the small woman in the air. Her hands became giant stones that crashed down on the abdomen of Fenrir. They forced it to release Midgard as she thrust it into the ground.


She ran toward the bleeding legendary hero, who was slowly shrinking down.

Midgard lay on the ground, holding his stomach as greenish red blood poured out. “Heh, betcha never thought you’d see me bleed.”

Chase said, “Listen, you are a true hero today. I never thought you’d be like this. So selfless.”

Midgard laughed, “Don’t tell anyone you said that, you’d ruin my reputation. Besides, I’m not here to save this world. I’m her to get revenge. Nova is my friend, and that bitch has him under her spell. I’ll crush her little shadow demons and then I’ll crush her.”

A hero in shining silver armor ran in and knelt next to Midgard. “Can I help?”

“You think you can heal a god?” Midgard asked.

“I can accelerate the healing process, but it will hurt like hell.”

“Just do it.” Midgard cringed.

The man put his hands on Midgard and closed his eyes. A bright light appeared in the wounds and they healed up. Midgard refrained from any outward sound of pain, but Chase could tell this healing was agony.

“Thanks.” Midgard got to his feet and looked up at the giant Fenrir as all the heroes battled it. “Time to tame this mutt.”

Chase said, “A worthy foe?”

Midgard scoffed, “Never. It just got lucky. Now to pound this puppy to a pulp.” Midgard cracked his knuckles and dashed toward the battle. With each step he grew bigger.

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

 Fenrir’s tail hit Chase and sent her tumbling across the ground. Pushing herself up, the darkness in the sky loomed heavy and the spikes of red energy grew bright where actual shadow should be. This battle would soon turn the world in to a hellish landscape of nightmare.

“If this is what Lady Echidna calls a sample of her power, what is she?” Chase whispered.

“WATCH OUT!” Gar swooped by and scooped her. Seconds later, one of Fenrir’s feet hit the ground and would have crushed her.

“Thanks.” Chase said.

Gar landed and set her up on her feet. Before them, hundreds of heroes battled the legendary wolf. Gar had a clever smile on his face.

Chase asked, “What do you have to smile about? We can’t beat this thing.”

“Midgard has a good idea.” Gar said.

Chase groaned, “Yup, this is the end of the world. If Midgard is our strategist, we are all screwed.”

Before Gar could explain, the heroes zooming around the beast suddenly took up more distant positions. Midgard, the only one left fighting it, grabbed it around the neck and struggled as it thrashed against him. He made a massive twist of his body and lobbed the wolf directly into the air. All the heroes took the cue and sent waves of powers at it. Those that didn’t have energy powers grabbed boulders and threw them. This caused Fenrir to roar in pain and fury, but that was obviously the plan. Five BADGE shuttles swooped by, each launching a missile into the mouth of the beast.

“Those are sub-nuclear charges. They’ll level half the planet!” Chase cried out.

“Wait for it!” Gar said with glee in his voice.

Several dozen heroes cast a great bubble around the beast the instant the flash hit. The explosion from within atomized the shadow monster, and the bubble strained, but held the explosion at bay. Sunlight broke through the darkness and the shadows of the world faded away, revealing a healthy blue sky day.

The cloud of radioactive debris remained inside the bubble as the heroes casting it, and a few helping them, rose high through Earth’s atmosphere.

Lieutenant Bonnie ran over to Chase, but looked up with her comm unit active. “Keep that bubble in place until you’ve reached space. Then release the radiation. Solar winds will take care of the rest.”

A voice on the other end said, “We got this, don’t worry.”

Chase looked over at Bonnie. “That was Midgard’s plan?”

She laughed, “Not exactly. I decided we had to take it down, so we would shove sub-nuclear charges down its throat and blow it up from the inside. Then contain the explosion and aftermath so to release it in space. Midgard came up with the idea of how to accomplish this.”

“No one let me in on the plan.” Chase said.

Bonnie laughed, “We didn’t have a lot of time to conference this. Fenrir was pushing us closer and closer to populated areas. Once we crossed that line, innocent lives would be lost and the fight would be almost impossible to contain.”


“HELP, HE WON’T GET UP!” EB called out.

Chase rushed over to find the bunny next to a normal sized Midgard, laying on the ground. “What happened?”

EB patted Midgard’s human face, “he was all cheering and acting like the hero and stuff. I came over to tell him off and he passed out. Like, when does this brute ever run outta energy? Seriously.”

Chase said, “He doesn’t. This isn’t good.” She waved at some of the other heroes. “Get him in a shuttle. We need to get him to Dr. Henderson on the station.”

Justin and Chase stood outside the infirmary, waiting on Dr. Henderson. There was a quiet tension between them as they each pondered all the events.

“I’m worried, Justin. If that’s a shadow of her power, what are we in for?”

Justin nodded. “I’ve been thinking about that as well. She has merely been toying with us, and each time, it’s almost a complete catastrophe.”

“I know.” Chase lingered in thought for a moment.

Justin caught this and asked, “Is something wrong?”

“Yes. I saw something that has bothered me, and I can’t explain it.”

“What? Something about Fenrir?” Justin asked.

“No. It is about Nova.”

“Was it something you saw in his memories?”

Chase folded her arms and held them tightly against her. “In a way, yes. First, it bothers me he seemed to give us a clue. That doesn’t make sense. But, in those memories, he displayed to Midgard his true power, but I couldn’t see what it was. It put fear into Midgard and that was enough to startle me.”

“What else?” Justin asked.

“Back in the battle, before Lady Echidna showed up, there was a moment when EB was battling Nova and almost had him. Then Nova revealed that same power to us. He broke EB’s bindings and nearly blinded us with light.”

“What did you see?”

Chase spent a moment and finally said, “I thought I saw wings.”


“I can’t explain it. I don’t understand it. But, yes, in the light around Nova, I saw wings.”

The doors of the infirmary opened and Dr. Henderson came out as she pulled off her mask. “I’ve stabilized him. Midgard is going to be fine.”

Justin asked, “What happened to him?”

“I wasn’t sure, at first. He seemed fine. But something was keeping him down. His energy was draining. I had to go in and explore a little and I found something. Once I pulled it out, his vital signs all got better and he’ll be on his feet in no time.”

“What did you find?” Chase asked.

“Come with me.”

They followed Dr. Henderson into the infirmary, past the operation room, and into the lab. She directed them to a box with a glowing blue object in it. It was the shape of a large teardrop and seemed to have liquid flowing inside.

“What is that, doctor?” Justin leaned over to look at it.

“I don’t know. It has an incredible power signature, the likes of which I’ve never seen. Stranger still, it was inside the wound where the sword penetrated Midgard’s body.”

Chase said, “But Paladin healed that over.”

“Yes, and Paladin made a mistake. This object was keeping the wound open. Paladin sealed the wound over it, which only caused this collapse.”

Justin said, “If this was inside that wound before it was healed, then it got inside before the major battle began.”

Chase finished the thought, “The only way this got in there is if Nova put it there when he struck Midgard.”

Justin nodded. “This could be another clue.”

Dr. Henderson asked, “If a Nordic runestone was a clue to a Nordic ruin, what would a teardrop full of water mean?”

“I don’t know, but we will need to figure this out before it’s too late.”

Musty old ruins sat in dusty and dirt with only flecks of light coming through cracks in the walls. Hieroglyphs were etched into the surfaces depicting monsters and demons alongside the script of an ancient language long since forgotten.

The sharp click of heels broke the quiet solace of this forbidden place. This was followed by heavier footsteps of soldiers. Artificial lights clicked on and flooded the room with greater illumination.

Lady Echidna and Nova walked through their little private army toward the back wall.

“Will it be enough, my lady?” Nova asked.

She smiled and stopped at a stone door. “All I need is one to gain access. I’ll need the other three to achieve my plans. However, returning here is a dream long since dreamt in the void.” She held the stone up and the ruby took on a brilliant light. The wall of stone responded with a minor point of light and then a portion of it slid down, revealing a staircase.

Lady Echidna basked in the stale air that wafted out and she held up her hand, snapped her fingers, and sconces along the walls burst alive with flames. She strode up the stairs in elegance and grandeur, followed closely by her loyal minions.

The next room was a grand, ancient throne room befitting the most powerful rulers of the ancient world. Carved from stone, marble, jewels, and crystal, this room had seats, tables, and a throne. The throne was made of gold, embedded with rubies, emeralds, jade, diamonds, and sapphires.

Lady Echidna stepped up and sank down into the seat as though it were the most comfortable place in the known universe. “Ah, to finally be home. How wonderful! Now, bow to me, my minions, glorify me.”

The soldiers were first to the ground, bowing as low as they could. Nova walked up, stood before her, and sank down to one knee, bowing with his face toward the ground.

“My lady, it is good to see you on that throne again.”

She laughed, “It is. Pity that they used your throne against you. Perhaps we will retrieve it when I’m done.”

“Whatever is your wish, my lady.” Nova answered.

She sat forward. “My wish, now, my darling husband, is for you to retrieve the next. Off to the Watery Grave. Awaken my precious sea monster and let no one stand in your way.”

“As you wish, my lady.”

Seething Shadows
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

With a loud thud, a massive fist sculpture landed on Woodward Avenue in the dead of night. Two thieves stood there, a little perplexed, as they assessed their quarry.

“So...what now?” One asked.

The other scratched his head. “I didn’t know it was so big. I mean, I wanted to get on the news for stealing this thing, but...wow, it was heavier than it looks.”

“Hey, I got an idea.” The first one announced.

Another voice above them said, “Actually, I have a better idea...no matter what idiocy was going to come out of your mouth.”

Starmaster hovered in the air over the two crooks, his arms folded and his expression less-than-amused.

“Aw crud, it’s a cape.” The first crook said.

The second pulled out a gun. “I ain’t go’n back to jail!” he shot, but the bullet merely bounced off.

Starmaster slowly lowered himself to the ground and said, “I see that you two aren’t much of a challenge, so I will not fight you. But...” he tilted his head, “I hear the police, on their way, responding to my call. Now you can try to fight, run, or turn yourself in. Whichever path you choose, you’ll end up in cuffs. Trust me.”

Exclaiming a few select expletives, both men knelt down and waited for the police. Starmaster picked up the massive tribute to Joe Louis and carried it to a safer place. He spent a moment examining the damage to the display itself.

The police arrived and had the two men in cuffs in a matter of moments. One officer came over to Starmaster.

“You think it’s damaged bad?”

“Nah, just some scratches on the arm. Will take a little welding to get it back into...”

Everyone jumped when they heard a loud thump, followed by another.

“What was that?” The officer looked around.

Starmaster looked up and down the thinly populated streets. “I don’t know. It’s the middle of the night. Detroit isn’t normally bustling too much at this hour in January.”

The officer clicked his walkie talkie just as a massive shadow creature walked around a building. Two red glowing eyes stared down at them.

“Oh, that isn’t right.” The officer said.

“Please repeat that.” The lady on the other end of his walkie asked.

Starmaster shoved him back. “Run, get away. That’s Krampus... I think.”

The officer didn’t need more encouragement and beat a hasty retreat, dragging along the crooks with him as he jumped into his car.

Starmaster rose in the air and stared down at the monster approaching him. “It can’t be Krampus. I watched him die out in the ocean.”

The monster, which had the body shape of Krampus, rushed toward him. There was hardly any definition to the figure, and an inky shadow misted all around him.

Before Starmaster could call for aid from BADGE, the monster set him upon. The fight was epic. Starmaster was not going down easily, but neither was this strange creature. The battle threatened to damage the city, so Starmaster drove the fight toward the water. The giant Krampus thing stepped back and then lunged for Starmaster. With a well placed psychic blast, Starmaster sent this thing stumbling backward, tripping it over the permanently docked riverboat. The monster plowed into the Detroit River.

While it lay on its back in the water, sinking down, Starmaster formed a psionic blade from the hilt he had made to enhance his powers. He made a massive arch in the sky and went for a heart stabbing motion at the creature’s chest.

Darkness followed a blinding smash as Starmaster was hit. He felt his body crash into the ground and was out for a moment. He awoke to the sounds and lights of emergency help. Local police and an ambulance were present, as well as a unit from BADGE.

“Starmaster? Are you with us?” Agent Justin asked.

Starmaster realized he was on a gurney being wheeled toward the ambulance. “I’m alive.”

“What happened?”

“It was Krampus...I...” A mask was placed over his face to provide extra oxygen.

“Please, don’t exert yourself too much. You need medical attention. Sir,” the EMT looked at Justin, “You will have to get his statement later.” With that, Starmaster was raced into the ambulance and taken to the nearest hospital.


EB hopped as quickly as he could through the BADGE spacestation. He dodged heroes and agents alike as he dashed for the operations center. He paused for a second, ogled a particularly cute girl in a revealing super suit, and then finished his mad rush to his job.

Blasting out of the elevator, EB zipped right over to Director Nova. “At your service, Mr. Director sir!” he stopped with a paw up to his forehead like a salute.

Nova handed a tablet over to Gar, who walked it back to a robot to be processed. The Director casually said, “Did you get through to him?”

“I did indeed. But, since Christmas was just a few weeks ago and this year he tried my idea of giving out actual gifts, which was a brilliant idea. I mean, seriously, the people of Earth are so happy to have all their Christmas gifts. And the heroes are looking better and BADGE finally is out of the dog-house with the United Nations. It’s like Christmas was great for us all. And... what was I talking about?”

“SANTA!” Nova bellowed and then pinched the bridge of his nose as he calmed down.

“Oh, right. Yeah, I got him. But, he wasn’t up for a communication right now. He said he can give you a report later.”

Nova looked up at the screen as reports and information flooded by. “We have a potential crisis on our hands and I need his input about this.”

EB looked at the screen, one eyebrow and ear cocked, “Uh, I know those are all really cool numbers and diagrams, but I don’t understand them. What’s the crisis that needs Santa’s attention?”

“You know that we have been getting reports of a strange shadow monster showing up and then disappearing?”

“Yeah. It’s real creepy. I thought it was the Spirit of Halloween, but... he’s not this mean.”

“No. And last night it injured one of our heroes.”

“THE BIG JERK! Who was hurt? I’ll go shove an egg up that shadows...”

“It was Starmaster. He’s going to be fine. But, he gave us some information we haven’t had yet.” Nova clicked a button and a small window activated with Agent Justin reporting in.

“This is Agent Justin. I am in Detroit, Michigan. Starmaster has encountered the shadow monster and has identified it as Krampus. He was the only eyewitness outside of one police officer and two criminals, all of which agreed with the description.” The video stopped.

EB frowned, “Krampus? But he died. We all watched him die.”

“I know. This is very confusing. The only person who knows the most about Krampus is Santa, and that’s why I need to talk to him.”

Chase walked into the room. “Don’t forget, Krampus was my uncle for more than three centuries.”

Nova turned to her. “I understand that. However, Santa was his brother and knew him for a lot longer. If there is anything that Krampus left behind that could do this, your father will know. That is, unless you know something that you haven’t told me?”

“No.” Chase admitted. “I’m in the dark as well. I don’t know what this is, but I just know it isn’t from Krampus. He was evil in the end, but he was not truly evil at heart. This thing is mindlessly wicked.”

Gar rushed over with the tablet in his hand. “Director, we are getting an active report of an attack by this thing in Buenos Aires. It is attacking NullForce. She is sending us active feed from her body cam.”

“On screen, now!”

Gar flicked his stone fingers over the tablet, and the video played on the screen.

A shaky, dizzying view of the metropolis filled the monitors. They could see hands and arms from the person wearing this cam as she sped toward a three story tall shadow monster.

“Nullforce! Don’t go in alone!”

“Sir, the communications aren’t active. She can’t hear you.” Gar said.

“Then activate them, I...”

They all cringed when they saw her hit hard by a giant claw and crash through windows of an office building, coming to a stop in a pile of chairs and a desk. On the screen, the camera was still feeding and they could see out the windows of this office. The giant shadow face of Krampus came close to the building and looked in. Then, it vanished like smoke being blown away on a strong breeze.

Chase pointed at one of the robots. “Contact authorities in Buenos Aires. Get aide to that location now.”

EB said, “what happened? Why did it stop?”

“I don’t know. But, I did learn something.”

Gar asked, “What?”

“It took her down and was able to attack the city, but stopped.”

EB now asked, “What does it mean?”

“That thing isn’t going after civilians, governments, or military targets. It’s after heroes and I want to know why.”

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

“I’LL TRY TO LEAD IT AWAY!” Furious Squirrel yelled into his comm from inside the pilot house of his battle dirigible.

Nova watched the scene over Neo Utopia as another manifestation of Krampus attacked. Local police and even some of Rutkowski’s men were battling it, but it had its menacing eyes on the dirigible. With a well-placed swing, forcing the balloon into the side of a building. Glass from the buildings’ windows rained down over the street below while the steampunk airship struggled to not go down.

“Furious!” Nova yelled.

“I....got...this!” Furious Squirrels voice came through in a struggle for survival.

The dirigible returned to the sky and then jets of steam came blasting out the back, forcing it to speed forward. The plan worked. Krampus went for the hero, leaving the non-meta humans behind, unharmed.

“He’s following me! I’ll head him out of the city.”

Nova pointed at a robot. “Do we have any other heroes nearby?”

“Negative. Furious Squirrel is only registered BADGE hero currently on the scene.”

“Same as every attack. One hero, and he or she is the focus.” Nova shook off his confusion and then said, “Furious, get the hell out of there. You can’t defeat him.”

The Dirigible zoomed over the landscape outside of Neo Utopia, flying over open land.

“I’m trying to shake him. He’s faster than my top speed. This thing is...”

Krampus lunged forward and nailed the tail of the Dirigible. It went spiraling out of control for a moment and then gained some control as it skidded across the ground.

“Furious...report!” Nova asked, breathlessly waiting for a sign of life.

Suddenly, Furious Squirrel came flying up out of his damaged ship on a rocket pack, two electro-pistols blasting the monster.


Furious couldn’t hear him, he fired wildly, but was hit by a fist and plowed into the ground. Krampus stopped for a second and then evaporated on the wind.

“GET A MED-TEAM TO THAT LOCATION NOW!” Nova yelled at a robot.

“Calling local medical, alerting BADGE health authorities.” A robot delineated its actions.

Chase and Gar exited the elevator at that moment. “Sir, we just heard there was a sighting...”

“Yeah, Neo-Utopia, it was Furious Squirrel this time.”

“Did he get hurt?” Chase asked, true worry on her face.

Nova said, “Too early to tell. He was hit hard. But, it was the same as before. He went down and then this monster Krampus simply evaporated.”

Gar asked, “Any idea where it will strike next?”

“No clue. I need to talk to Santa and see if he can help make sense of all this. Did you get to him?”

“Yup, he’ll be...”

Santa appeared next to Nova with EB sitting on his shoulder. “Ah, Director. I’m sorry for the delay. It was a tiring season. I understand you’re having an issue.”

EB hopped down and said, “I got to him and told him what I knew, which isn’t much. I mean, seriously, BADGE knows hardly anything. Just that Krampus is showing up, kicking a local hero’s butt and then, poof, gone. It’s soooo spooky. I still blame Spirit of Halloween. I bet he’s behind this. That jerk is always up to bad things. I know, I know, he’s never really hurt anyone, but who’s saying he didn’t decide nows the time to be meaner than usual? I...” He looked up at the eyes impatiently waiting for him to shut up. “Yeah, Director Nova, tell Santa what you know.”

Nova returned his attention to Santa Claus, “We have a giant shadowy monster attacking that takes on the appearance of Krampus. Every time, he shows up and demolishes a hero, and then vanishes away. There’s no way to predict where it will strike next.”

“I’m Santa, not a fortune teller. I doubt I can be of much help.”

Nova asked, “Do you think it might have something to do with your brother? Could this be something he left behind? Or is he really not dead?”

Chase jumped in, “Sir, my uncle died. I know it.”

Santa nodded. “My brother gave his life to save us all during the terrible event with Lady Phoenix. This cannot be him.”

Nova pointed at a robot. “Put up the images of the attacker.”

Instantly, the monitor before him filled with shadowy images of Krampus in the throes of battle with one hero or another.

Santa paled slightly at the sight of this. “That, whatever it is, certainly looks like my brother. However, it cannot be him. If he had left any of his magic to cause this, I would have sensed it. I wish I knew more.”

Nova let out a heavy sigh. “I had hoped you could help us connect the dots on this.”

“I will offer whatever help I can, but my knowledge is limited.”

Chase asked, “What do we do now?”

Nova looked at the images of this shadow monster. “We take precautions. Gar, get a tablet.”

Gar hurried over and picked up an official computer tablet. “Ready.”

“Take this down. To all Heroes, until further notice, it is strongly advised that no hero travel alone. At least two or more heroes travel together. If a sighting of the Shadow Krampus appears, send out the all-alert and be ready to respond to an all-alert. This thing does not seem to back down from a fight and there is absolutely no way to predict where it will strike next. We need to limit its ability to pick our heroes off one by one. Have any monitoring systems active that you have access to. I want data.” He waved his hand. “Send that message to all registered leagues.”

Gar tapped a button, and it sent the memo out.

Santa asked, “Are you sure that’ll be enough?”

“I have no idea. What I want to know is who is behind this.”

Chase asked, “Do you mean someone other than the Shadow Krampus?”

Nova said, “Yes. I have a strong feeling that we are only seeing what we are allowed to see. Someone is responsible for this act of violence, and I want to know who they are and what they want.”

“Who are you, and what do you want?” A BADGE agent demanded as a woman stood before the barred door of the prison.

A woman in an incredible black dress with long black gloves on her hands smiled at him. She had gorgeous hair draped down to her shoulders. Her lips were as black as her dress and her face was almost white. Her eyes were hauntingly dark and intoxicating behind smokey sunglasses.

Putting a hand up to the bar, she said, “I’m here for a few good men.”

“If you don’t step away at this moment, I’ll have to take you in for questioning.” He threatened her.

She smiled and put her hand through the energy field on the other side of the bars. This shocked him because it should burn her arm off right now. She brushed her hand down his chin and he relaxed with a goofy smile on his face.

“Too bad, you could have been a fun party guest.” Smoke poured out of eyes, ears, and mouth as he fell over dead. She leaned down and pulled his security badge from his uniform and deactivated the door.

Walking into the facility, she strode with the elegance of a queen and the air of the devil himself. Stopping at the banister of a walkway that looked out across the many cells holding the captured members of the World Corps soldiers, she held her arms out.

“Worship me.”

The cells opened and the men in prison jumpsuits stepped out, looking up at her with zealous awe.

“Hey! Who are you?” A guard ran toward her, his gun ready.

She casually turned and gave a simple flick of her finger toward him. “Kill him.”

The prisoners ran to her call and fought the man. He shot several of them, but this did not deter their attack. With a scream that echoed all the way down, they threw him over the banister and he hit the concrete floor far below with a sickening crack.

Having just committed murder, the now escaped prisoners fought to be near her.

She smiled at their devotion. “Come, my pets, the party is about to start.”

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

 Crowds of tourists and locals alike milled about on this fine sunny afternoon. The Left Bank was at its prime again after two years of reconstruction from the last incident in Paris. The sight of all those heroes battling Cupid was a fading memory to those who experienced it.

This was the least of concerns on the mind of Maurice, the head server of the oldest and most luxurious sidewalk bistro on the Seine. He hurried off a couple from Texas that were loud and annoying and breathed a sigh of relief when he set eyes on a high fashion woman of elegance.

“Welcome.” He said in French.

The lady in black approached with all the glamour in the world. Her stride was graceful, her appearance impeccable. “Ah, a table, my good man. One with a view of the Eiffel Tower.”

“Oh, but madame, the only tables with a good view are occupied. Perhaps one with a lovely view of the river.” He offered her a table.

She reached up and brushed her gloved hand down his chin. He gained an amorous smile. With a little pout, she said, “But I wish to watch the tower this afternoon.”

“Oui, Madame, it will be but a moment.” He rushed over and rudely demanded a gentleman to give up his table and leave. This was met with loud yelling from the rich customer, but Maurice was immovable in his passion. Once the table was free, he quickly ushered her over to it. “Will this do?”

She sank down in the chair like a cat slithering onto a perch before pouncing. “It will do just fine. Now, bring your finest wine.”

“At once, my lady.” He bowed and ran.

Another man approached from outside the cafe, wearing a fine black suit and with a little mask over his eyes, like he was going to a fine masquerade ball. “It is done, my lady.”

“Good. I shall enjoy this. Go, tell the others to move on. I will meet you in Ka’an Dorado. The party will begin there soon.”

“Yes, my lady.” He bowed and rushed away as if her order was of the utmost urgency.

She pulled out a pair of gilded opera glasses and looked through them. A figure of a woman stood on

the edge of the tower many stories above the ground. She had glorious butterfly wings and a purple outfit to match the extravagant colors. The dark lady cooed, “Now, my pet, let’s see how this little hero deal with you.”

Screams and a mad dash erupted throughout the heart of Paris as a monstrous shadow beast arose out of nowhere. With heavy growling, Krampus loped across the city, scattering people and objects in his path.

To the dark lady’s delight, the butterfly winged woman jumped into action and confronted this foe.

Director Nova walked with Justin and Arx as they gave him an update about the Atlas project.

Arx pointed at a tablet in his hands. “We have a complete registration from all the Leagues. Everyone wants to get the Atlas alerts.”

“Good. I like to hear the cooperation.” Nova said.

Agent Justin added, “This is the best PR BADGE has had since before the World Corps situation. The United Nations loves this, the people are praising it, heroes are all getting great poll numbers.”

Nova said, “I never wanted this work to be about popularity. But I understand the need for public approval. Good work, I...”

Gar’s voice came over the comm. “Director, it’s Krampus again. This time, he’s attacking Paris.”

Director Nova swore under his breath and clicked his comm. “I’m on my way to Operations. Get in touch with all the Leagues in the area.”

“Already trying.” Gar said.

Nova left the pair and rushed back toward the operations center. After a brief ride up the elevator, he raced out to the floor of the command.

“Report!” He came to a quick stop when he saw the monitors filled with images from Paris of the attack as it was happening live.

Gar said, “We have lots of images and readings from the local security systems.”

Nova frowned. “Who’s he attacking? I don’t recognize that hero?”

On the screen, the same butterfly hero fluttered around Krampus, keeping away from him and responding with blasts of pink energy from her mouth.

“We don’t know, sir. She appears to be an unregistered meta-human.” Gar said.

Nova asked, “Where is BADGE support? What Leagues responded?”

Gar said, “None. We couldn’t get through.”

“What! Give me that!” He grabbed the tablet out of Gar’s hands and typed furiously onto the screen. Nasty buzzing sounds was all he got in return for his attempts to contact someone. “What’s wrong?”

A robot answered, “Comm lines to Paris are down. Comm lines to surrounding areas are down. Fight Club comms are down. System in completely lock-down.”

Nova slowly looked up with a realization in his eye. “This was planned. Robot, use the bypass protocols to send a signal directly to that heroes comm unit. It should get through...”

“Negative. Hero is not registered. Hero must be registered to...”

“I know. Damn.” Nova looked up at the screen as this butterfly winged girl was now trying to run from the battle. “This is why I want heroes to register with us. We can help, we can do something to make sure they have all the support they need. She shouldn’t be alone. I...”

Both he and Gar gasped when they watched Krampus grab her, rip her wings off, and then slam her to the ground. The scene on the pavement was gruesome.

“Oh, my god.” Nova whispered.

Gar said, “I will try to get through to medical teams.”

“There’s nothing left to save. This... this just changed everything. This creature is willing to kill.”

While citizens were still in an uproar, the dark lady sipped her wine with one hand and continued to watch through her opera glasses.

“Wonderful. They’re just as weak as I knew they would be. You can go now, my little baby.” She said, and Krampus faded on the breeze.

Maurice approached her, also in a state of calm. “Will there be anything else, my lady?”

She set her empty wineglass down. “No. Sadly, I have work to take care of.” She stood up.

“Take me with you.” He begged.

“Now, now. Mustn’t be so vulgar. I need warriors right now. But, when I am finished, I will return for you so that you may serve me.”

“Oh, thank you, thank you.” He was kissing her hand between each word.

She strode away, a fabulous air of serenity while Paris recoiled from yet another attack on their fine soil.

Across the world, from every comm unit that BADGE still had control over, Nova’s voice came out. “This is Director Nova. The situation with the Shadow Krampus has turned much darker. Do not engage until further notice. If he attacks you, your first priority is the safety of the surrounding people, your second will be retreat. At this time, we are in retreat until there is enough information to deal with this. Nova out.”

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

 Nova quietly watched the monitors as the screen displayed every angle of the current recovery situation in Paris.

“Communication from: Chaz Hamilton.” A robot announced.

“On screen.”

One of the smaller windows changed to the image of Chaz standing in the middle of a busy room. “I have some good news. Well, as good as it can be in light of the situation.”

“What is it?”

“I was just sitting in at an emergency meeting at the United Nations. They’re worried about the situation with the giant shadow monster attacking and are putting all nations on top alert for sightings. However, they also share the condolences with the family of the murdered hero and say that they have declared that her efforts to stop the monster are a sign of how deeply devoted superheroes are to the safety of civilians. This incident has only raised the approval of BADGE and the heroes among the nations.”

Nova was as stoic as ever. “I understand this is good news. I just wish the cost wasn’t so high. Thank you for the report.”

“Any time.” Chaz shut off the signal.

Strange Quark and Chase appeared right next to Nova. Chase held her head. “That was a long trip, Paris to the station in one zap.”

“It was fun.” Quark said.

“Report?” Nova stated.

Chase stood up straight after the dizzying experience. “We investigated every inch of the incident and the surrounding area. Nothing. No trace of evidence that helps us.”

Quark said, “I checked it for all forms of energy and even multidimensional energies... nothing. The only thing I found out of the ordinary was a strange shadowy energy that felt similar to the shadow villain we fought months ago. But, it was so latent, it could just be residual from that battle.”

“It’s something to go on. See what you find.”

“On it.” Quark vanished away.

Chase asked, “What about Lady Papillion? Have we found her family or anyone connected to her?”

Nova gave a solemn, brief nod. “Yes. BADGE representatives met with her family several hours ago. I sent the standard condolence package, even though she was part of BADGE or an associated league.”

“Any more attacks by the Shadow Krampus?”

Nova shook his head. “Nothing. But, I expect one any time. I just hope no hero decides to try to be the one to defeat him. I don’t need another death on our hands. This thing is...so powerful.”

“No more than Jinn or Lady Phoenix.” Chase said.

Nova said, “No, but in those cases, we were able to gather forces and tackle them head on. This is appearing out of nowhere, striking at a local hero and then simply vanishing.”

A robot announced, “Incoming Message: Security Inspection Team Beta.”

Nova frowned. He had canceled all routine field reports until further notice. “Put it on screen.” He turned and muttered, “This had better be good. I don’t have time to waste.”

Another window opened, and a man stood outside the prison facility where they had been containing all the captured World Corps goons. Two BADGE security guards were being treated by EMTs. “Director, we have a situation.”

“What now?”

“I came to do my regular inspection of this facility and I found only two people here, no prisoners, no other guards. These two people were in a haze, hypnotized or something. They were standing guard and nearly dead from exhaustion and lack of food or water.”

“What happened? Who attacked them? Where are the prisoners?”

The Agent became visibly nervous. “Uh, I...don’t know. Both are still in a state of shock and hardly coherent. One keeps talking about a beautiful woman he dreamed he was dancing with. But that’s all he’ll say.”

Nova cursed under his breath and grabbed a tablet from a table. “I’m sending in an investigation team. You stay there. I want answers!”

“Understood. Agent Max out.”

Chase asked, “Do you think this is connected to the Shadow Krampus attacks?”

“I don’t know. But it is a strange coincidence that we have a bewildering prison break right in the middle of an equally bewildering monster attack. I don’t like this.” He handed her the tablet. “I want you to lead this investigation. Use your powers, see into the past, and tell me what happened.”

She took the tablet and saw a list of agent names and a few robot assignments for this mission. “I will do my best. I have to figure more out here than I did in Paris.”

Nova was silently staring at the screen, a little lost.

Chase paused before heading off for her duties. “Sir, is something the matter?”

He shook his head. “It’s nothing. Just... a touch of déjà vu.”

The heat shimmered off the grassy ground, the green lush plants adding some mist to the air. A small,

dusty road filled with a small cloud as a little car rattled down it. The old man inside the car came to an abrupt stop when he saw a woman standing on the side of the road.

Rolling down the window, he looked up at the incredibly gorgeous woman in a sleek black dress with expensive sunglasses on.

“What are you doing all alone out here?” He asked.

She smiled at him and leaned over seductively. “I go where I want, when I want.”

“Okay. Can I give you a ride?”

She reached over and brushed down the side of his face. “How sweet. But I don’t grace the inside of a vehicle unless it enhances my entrance. But, do tell, how far to the capital?”

“Ka’an Dorado is not far. Just down this road, beyond the jungle.”

“Then I am exactly where I need to be. Why don’t you go on and let them know I am coming?”

With a sparkle in his eye and a bewildered smile on his face, he said, “Anything, my lady.” And quickly drove on.

She mused as he sped down the road. Very soon, men in dark suits appeared out of the jungle, each carrying large Anti-Morphon guns. One approached her. “Should we go kill him?”

“Oh, don’t be so bloodthirsty, my pet. Killing him will not do much good. Letting him spread a little confusion is far greater a power. Now, are we ready?”

The man reached into his coat and pulled out a small controller. He clicked it once and a fabulous limousine appeared from under a high-tech cloak. “We raided the armory this morning. BADGE agents weren’t ready for us. The cloak was easy to grab, and we got this bullet proof limo from their impound. Once belonged to the gangster Rutkowski.”

“Lovely. The perfect entrance. Shall we...” she paused and looked back.

“Did you hear something, my lady?” He was ready to strike.

A wicked smile played on her lips. “No. My lovely monster is about to attack yet again.”

“Do you wish to observe?”

She patted the side of his face. “No need to run and steal me a helicopter. I’m sure this will be the same as the last. The last hero wasn’t part of BADGE. Next, one of their most famous heroes will go down and that will give me information and provide enough fear to really rattle that old cyclops.”


She chortled at him. “Of course you don’t understand. But, I don’t need your brains, just some brawn and something handsome to look at. Speaking of which. Before we crash the party, I want my attendees to be properly dressed.” She snapped her fingers and all their outfits changed slightly. The black suits changed into tuxedos, black flowers appeared on the breast pockets, and masquerade masks appeared on their faces. They were grotesque birds and beasts, all in black. “Now, my pretty little man, the fun can begin.”

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

 The beautiful palace of Ka’an Dorado sat in the middle of a bustling city. Colorful decorations and elaborate stalls of fruits lined the streets as the people happily went about their daily lives. The palace was ornate and designed with a lot of influence from ancient Mayan architecture.

Inside, the courtroom was loud as usual. Delegates that formed the Ka’an Dorado parliament were in a discussion about trade agreements and security issues. More than one was concerned about the potential of that shadow monster attacking their small country.

There was only one seat in the room, a throne that was as elegant as it was historical. It was an actual seat from one of the ancient Mayan ruins nearby. Decorated with gold and jewels, one man sat upon it in traditional garb denoting his place as prime minister. Everyone else stood around the columned room in suits and ties.

With a crack of sound from a stone hitting the arm of the throne, the Prime Minister called order to the room. The old man with wizened features spoke. “We have too many matters being talked about at once. First, Minister Bruno, please talk about security for Ka’an Dorado.”

A younger man in a blue suit stepped up and addressed the room. “We do not have any local meta-humans to protect our city. However, in a conference call with BADGE, I learned that, so far, this shadow monster has only attacked heroes. So, we might be safe. However, I have doubled all guards and asked that all shelters be stocked and prepared in case of an emergency.”

“Thank you, minister. Any questions?” The Prime Minister asked.

A luscious voice spoke from the far end of the room. “I have a question. Where’s the music?”

Everyone looked at each other and then turned their attention to the person standing in the back of the room.

The woman in black held a mask up to her face and smiled. “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I’m fashionably late to this party, but it seems to have gotten off to a rotten start. Where’s the music?”

The Prime Minister said, “I don’t know who you are, but this is a closed session. If you want to address the court...”

“Court! How dull. What this room needs is glamour, fashion, style. And, thankfully, I’m here.” She opened her gloved arms and out of nowhere, the chords of Dance Macbre started playing while dozens of men and women, in elaborate black fashion, appeared.

Minister Bruno barked, “What is the meaning of this?”

The lady walked into the room in her usual strut while her little army spread out. She glanced around and the people began to look dazed, happy, even dancing a little to the music. “The meaning, my little man, is that I want a country to rule from, and this place is just right.”

He tapped his smartwatch. “Security to throne room...” He gagged when she grabbed his throat. “Now, now. Inviting guests to my party without my permission is a serious faux pa.”

He grabbed her arm and tried to twist it. Just then, one of her loyal minions hit him in the face and sent him to the floor.

She casually said, “Looks like you don’t want to play. Pity.” With a flick of her hand, a knife stuck into his throat and he bled to death.

Half the court was now dancing dreamily with each other or with the members of her minions. The rest were scared and trying to find a way out.

The Prime Minister stood from his throne. “Whoever you are, leave at once!” His eyes were not looking at her.

“Worship me!” She declared to the room and people fell under her spell. Either they joined in the festivities or simply turned silent. When she turned to the Prime Minister, he was unaffected by this, still resolved to remove her. “I see you are not like the others.” She mused.

“What are you doing? What’s happening?” He demanded.

“Oh, dear me.” She walked up to him. “It seems you’re strong willed and you have the minor advantage of blindness.”

“Yes. I’m blind. What of it?”

Danse Macabre came to a climax as she shoved a blade in his cut and felt him lean against her. She whispered in his ear. “My only true love once gouged his eye out just to break my spell. I have learned to deal with this minor inconvenience.”

Throwing his limp, old body to the ground, she sat upon his throne and then laughed at the dancing people. “Those who love me kill those who are simply entranced.”

Her World Corps minions handed out blades to the former leaders of this little nation. The court members who were joyfully dancing turned on their companions that were simply dazed. Scream after scream came as anyone who wasn’t dancing at this party became a corpse on the ground.

“Director! We’re picking up a distress call from Ka’an Dorado.” Agent Justin rushed over to him.

Nova took the tablet from Justin’s hand and then sneered, “Another coup in a small country. Happens all the time. We don’t intervene in such matters.”

“The last report I got was that everyone in their court was murdered.”

Nova huffed, “Petty tyrants are always blood thirsty. They’ve taken advantage of the unrest from the current situation to grab power. Defer the matter to the United Nations. This is more in their purview.”

“Understood. I’ll send this right away.”

Nova returned to his observation of the monitor while muttering about everyone using the BADGE emergency signal for everything.

Arx and Gar left one of the meeting rooms and walked down the steps to the floor where Nova paced. Chase said, “We have been in contact with all the Leagues and there has been no sign of the Shadow Krampus.”

Gar added, “The League in Paris is sticking together and asking permission to speak on behalf of BADGE for the local media.”

“Tell them they can speak with the media, but to be clear that BADGE is doing everything in our power to find and stop this threat.” Nova said.

“I’ll let them know.” Gar walked back up.

Sirens screamed, and lights blinked. One Robot stated, “Alert Class 1: Sighting of primary target in zone seventy five, sector eight.”

Nova said, “New Amsterdam? Put in on screen.”

The monitors all changed to show various footage from around the city of New Amsterdam. Some were local security cameras, some were news images, and a few were from BADGE official security monitoring stations. All angles showed one thing: a giant Shadow Krampus stomping down the street.

Arx asked, “Is it just me, or does this one look even bigger than the last?”

“I believe it is because of its target.” Nova said.


Nova pointed at the lower right monitor, which showed a scaly green human standing alone in an evacuated street. “The Local League is out on a mission surveying the area for rogue World Corps agents. The only hero left to keep an eye on New Amsterdam is Midgard.”

Arx groaned, “Oh, crap. There goes New Amsterdam.”

“Not if I can help it.” Nova grabbed a comm and clicked it. He punched in a special communication code and then yelled in it, “Don’t fight this, Midgard! That thing is not normal.”


Nova yelled back, with the same rude attitude since that was just about the only thing Midgard respected. “YOU CAN’T WIN THIS! THE POWER LEVELS ARE OFF THE CHARTS!”


They watched the video feed as the massive Shadow Krampus turned a corner and glared down at the human sized Midgard. The scaly hero pulled out several vials of glowing liquids and downed them with a quick swig. His body instantly radiated a strange glow. He grew to an enormous size, bellowing laughter as he did.

“Are those enhancers?” Arx asked.

“Yeah, I didn’t think Midgard would ever use them. We designed those for the lower-powered heroes. They just boosted his power levels. The size growth is his own special abilities.” Nova clicked the comm back on. “MIDGARD! IF YOU INTEND ON THIS BATTLE, DO WHAT YOU CAN TO GET OUT OF THE CITY!”

Arx, Gar, and Nova all watched as Midgard met the Shadow Krampus with equal size and murderous intent in their eyes.

Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

 “The scene here is absolutely indescribable. Two monsters the size of fifty story buildings are fighting each other in the streets of New Amsterdam.” A News Reporter bellowed from inside the belly of a helicopter while it deftly zoomed around the scene of action. “Amazingly, the monster known to the world as Midgardsomr has managed to keep the fight from doing considerable property damage. One might think that he is actually trying to protect the city, which is amazing considering his known history. But...oooh, and that was a low blow by the shadow monster...and Midgardsomr swings...and he nails the shadow monster in the head. It’s going down, but...no, it just turned to a puff of smoke and reformed standing again.”

Nova cut his hand across his neck and that signaled for the news to be muted. “Did they hire a sportscaster for this?” He muttered.

Arx stood there in awe of the battle. “Well, it worked.”

A small screen opened with The Wizard and Macaia’s Daughter. “Sir, we are on our way.”

“Do not join this battle. That Krampus is still too strong, it’s going toe to toe with an enhanced Midgard.”

The Wizard chuckled, “Don’t tell me the big snake took Viagra.”

Macaia’s Daughter laughed, “Don’t ever say that in front of him, or your pet dragon will be his next meal.”

“What are you doing?” Nova interrupted their joking.

“We are going to help protect the city and keep an eye on this.”

“Good. Just don’t get yourselves killed.” Nova commanded.

Macaia’s Daughter landed on a rooftop two blocks from the monster battle. Both Krampus and Midgard were head and shoulders above their surrounding buildings, throwing punches and breathing flames.

“Midard is really pulling out all the stops. I’ve never seen him show any respect for property when he is in the middle of a good fight.” The Wizard said.

“He’s doing okay. But, it won’t last long. Look, they’re heading for the Brownstone district near the bridge.” Macaia’s Daughter pointed out. “Ah, rats. There’s a wreck and three buses are stopped.

The Wizard jumped up, “I got em, just make sure those apartments aren’t leveled.”

The two heroes parted at top speed.

Macaia’s Daughter zoomed so close to the battle that she had to duck a backswing and then dodged a flailing tail. Midgard had Krampus by his shadowy neck and was just about to plow him into an old brownstone apartment building.

“Not today!” Macaia’s Daughter hit the building with his hands and a shimmering shield of psycho-kinetic energy spread out. Krampus bounced off the barrier, leaving the building intact.

Krampus dislodged the hands around his neck and then kicked Midgard in the gut, throwing him toward a large public parking garage filled with cars.

“WOAH!” Macaia’s Daughter focused all her powers and caught Midgard mid-fall and forced him back up. Midgard used the newfound rebound and slammed Krampus in the face.

Krampus twisted around and just about plowed into three buildings. Macaia’s Daughter thrust both hands up and a wave of energy hit Krampus and threw him over, landing him in the street, which only crushed half a dozen cars.

Spending a moment catching her breath, Macaia’s Daughter said, “This is insane. It’s like refereeing a Godzilla boxing match.”

Just then she saw Midgard go to pummel Krampus with a double fist pound while the shadow enemy was down. Macaia’s Daughter dropped and put her hands on the pavement, sending out her strongest psycho-kinetic barrier. The slam hit, Krampus wheezed under the pressure and Macaia’s Daughter nearly blacked out, keeping the road system from being wrecked beyond repair.

Macaia’s Daughter groaned as she looked at her aching hands. “This is crazy.”

Krampus exploded into a cloud of dark mist and reformed, standing upright. He swung to punch Midgard. Macaia’s Daughter prepared herself for the next object she would protect. However, Midgard strategically dodged the first swing, then the second, and then caught the arm of the third. He twisted his body around. Macaia’s Daughter created a barrier to protect the building across the street. Midgard’s considerable tail crashed into her barrier and didn’t smash the buildings. While she did this, Midgard swung Krampus around like a giant shot-put and released him with an enormous roar. Krampus sailed over New Amsterdam Bay and just before he crashed into the water, a blast of energy from Midgard’s mouth obliterated the villain in a violent explosion of the black smoke. This time, it didn’t congeal, but fell apart, evaporating on the wind as a slight echo of a scream rolled across the city.

Macaia’s Daughter sat there, stunned. “He...he did it.”

The Dark Lady sat on her throne as her minions danced in glee in their finest fashion. She was celebrating her conquest of this land with an elegant party and all the champagne they could find. This party was no mere rave or simple booze bash. It was a high fashion event where everyone dressed in their finest apparel and each had the essence of importance written on their face. Though each looked upon the Dark Lady as a goddess worthy of adoration.

“My lady, the military is coming to attack.” Her most loyal from the former World Corps Goons knelt down to one knee next to her.

She brushed her hand over his face. “Now that won’t do. It would spoil all this fun. I shall deal with it.”

“Do you want protection?” He asked.

She laughed, “not for this. These are just normal people, the mundane. I can deal with them. Go on, enjoy yourselves. Remember, this party is celebrating moi.” Standing, she patted his cheek and then strut out of the throne room while the party continued.

Stepping out of the capitol building of this little country, she found the street lined with men dressed in green and yellow uniforms, each carrying a firearm. Two men, decorated with many medals, walked up the steps to her.

“We demand you surrender, woman.” The one with the most decoration ordered.

She smiled, “Woman...how crass...how mundane. Now, I’m having the most luxurious party inside, but I’m afraid there’s a dress code. That drab, horribly clashing outfit ensemble everyone is wearing simply won’t do.”

This drew confusion from everyone. The commander again ordered her to leave and submit to their justice.

She laughed in his face and lowered her dark glasses to gaze at them. “I have no intention of stepping down. In fact, this little country is a mere stepping stone. Soon, it will be the sight of a terrible battle. But, for now, I need obedience. I must have your complete capitulation. Worship me.”

As she said these words, the commanders lost their zeal, and the soldiers lowered their weapons. Some tried to approach and even fought one another for the luxury of getting to her. The others simply went into a trance-like state.

“Ah, good. So many new worshipers. How lovely. If you adore me, kill those who aren’t moving.”

The commander who had been talking to her slowly pulled out his pistol and shot his companion, who was in a trance. Behind them, half of the soldiers were gunning down the other half.

She strode back toward her glamorous party, only to stop and look up in shock. “So...my pet has been defeated. What a...” a vicious smile crept over her face, “wonderful turn of events. This is going to be so much fun. Come on, gentlemen, the party awaits.”

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

 A man stepped up to a podium at the head of the United Nations conference. Cameras flickered before him as he addressed both the gathered representatives and the viewers across the world. Behind him, a screen came alive with footage from the Shadow Krampus attack in New Amsterdam.

“Ladies and Gentlemen of the world, we witnessed a terrible battle over one of the most populated cities on the planet. As in the past, heroes stepped up to contend against this villain and protect our lives. However, the United Nations would like to acknowledge and commend BADGE for their efforts. Three of their heroes were involved in this battle. One, a hero who has had a dubious history, went toe to toe with this monster and bravely fought. We thank the hero Midgardsormr for his act of courage.” There was lengthy applause as people watched clips from the fight shot from afar by news.

“Next, another hero, who we are told is called Macaia’s Daughter, no word on her name, just her relationship apparently. She came precariously close to the combat and used her own powers to protect private and public property. Saving not only billions of dollars in damages but also the homes and businesses of innocent victims. People can go back to work and home today without having to dig their lives from the rubble.” A single shot of Macaia’s Daughter protecting a building with her mental powers flashed on the screen and drew even more applause.

“Finally, another hero known as The Wizard came to the aid of civilians trying to escape the city. Due to the panic, a truck overturned and two buses were nearly sent over the side of the Bay Bridge. Dozens of lives were at stake and he saved them all.” The final footage was of The Wizard standing on top of a bus he had teleported to a safe location. During the applause, the head of the United Nations said, “This battle cost zero lives and minimal property damage. The villain was, presumably, destroyed, and BADGE has been vindicated. It is at this time the United Nations completely absolves BADGE of any scrutiny from former events and extends our hand to them to once again work together for a better future.”

Nova signaled for the video to go to mute while the roar of applause was deafening.

“Why didn’t you go? I know they invited you to this.” Gar asked.

Nova said, “I have always enjoyed working behind the scenes and in the shadows. I don’t need public accolade. I sent Arx and Agent Justin to accept this honor, as they also have a meeting with the United Nations about the new Atlas initiative.”

Gar said, “It’s a good thing the world still doesn’t know that Arx is alive, and he works for us now. They don’t realize the man they are showing representing BADGE is the same villain they wanted dead.”

“I’m just glad that BADGE had regained a positive status around the world.” Nova said.

Gar frowned at Nova, “Why do you still look worried?”

“This isn’t over.”

“That Shadow Krampus is dead.”

“He isn’t dead, he’s gone. First, we’ve watched him vanish on every occasion, so I don’t know if this was for good or just for now. Second, where did it come from? Something like that doesn’t just appear. The real Krampus is dead, I’m certain of that. Who or what would take a form of him and then terrorize heroes all over the world?”

“What do we do now?” Gar asked.

“The same. Heroes aren’t to be out alone and we must keep our eyes open for another attack. I just hope Chase finds something out at the prison. There has to be a connection there and I want to know what it is.”

Chase walked around the outside of the prison, looking over the barbed wire fences and the security gates. BADGE trucks and stations were all over the place. There was no civilization for miles in all directions, and this was a no-fly zone. The deafening silence was cut only by the whisper of winds through the dried, tall grasses.

“You see anything?” An older man in a suit walked up. He had a BADGE insignia stitched onto his breast pocket.

Chase said, “Investigator Barnaby, if someone got through the gates and walls around this place, they did so without disturbing anything. I don’t even see any grasses or dirt that is out of place. We’ve tested every door and gate using my power. I can’t see anything. No one has opened them outside of the normal weekly deliveries.”

They walked into a larger tent with two medical beds. Dr. Henderson inspected one of the two guards found at the entrance.

“Doctor, when did you arrive?” Chase asked.

The doctor looked up, a weird device over her eyes that gave her the appearance of a surprised bug. “Oh, Agent Chase. Glad to see you. Just arrived moments ago. They needed a second opinion on this matter. Oh, who is this?” She noticed the handsome gentleman behind Chase.

Chase stepped aside. “This is Agent Barnaby. He works with BADGE.”

Barnaby took her hand with a warm smile. “I work with the London Office, mostly.”

“Barnaby, that’s right. You’re one of the foremost detectives in the world. Nova has spoken highly of you before.”

“He called me in on this case. A jailbreak with absolutely no evidence of a jailbreak. Now, there’s a mystery for you.”

“What have you figured out so far?” Dr. Henderson asked.

The older man shook his head. “Nothing. We specially set aside this place to house only the members of the former World Corps. They were highly trained and considerably dangerous. So, BADGE put them in a prison designed to keep them. When the inspectors got here, there wasn’t anyone left alive who remembers anything, except these two.”

Dr. Henderson said, “I doubt they’ll be of much help. Their minds are mashed potatoes. I’ve never seen such a case of a mental mess. They don’t even know how to feed themselves any longer. I have no idea when...or if, we’ll ever get anything out of them.”

“Do what you can.” Chase said.

Barnaby walked with Chase out of the tent and toward the building. “Okay, so if I recall correctly, your particular power is around seeing the past through touching objects.”


“Then we need an object for you to touch.”

Chase said, “I have tried everything I can think of. The gate handles, the doors, even the weapons on the guards themselves. I’m limited in what I see. It has to be near the object.”

“Then, we need something that was touched by the person who exacted this break-out.” Barnaby said as he opened the gate to the building.

“What if it was an inside job? What if it was just the prisoners breaking themselves out?”

“If that were the case, then this would be a much messier. Also, our two friends inside would not be so keenly baffled.” Barnaby opened the door to the building itself and allowed her to enter. “So, logically, this was someone else who arrived and executed this escape with precision.”

“Okay, but if they were so precise, then they certainly wouldn’t be foolish enough to leave something behind.” Chase said.

Barnaby walked forward, giving careful consideration to his steps. He stopped just before the banister. “Now, If I were someone who wanted to get everyone’s attention, as I assume our criminal would. And, I would need to do so quickly. I would stand here and call out like this. HELLO!” He said this and the open center of the box-like building echoed.

Chase was impressed. “So, if you’re correct?”

He put his hands on the banister. “I would at least hold this for a moment, to keep better balance while yelling.”

“Brilliant.” Chase said. “Move, let me.” She took his place and put her hands on the banister. Closing her eyes, she focused her powers. She saw herself step up, then walking in. She saw the lights go out for a long time. Then activity bustled around this place as the prisoners quickly exited their cells, or from her reversed perspective, returned to their cells. Then she saw a brief glimpse of a woman in black, then two bright red eyes appeared and a shadow surrounded her. A terrible voice yelled in her head.


The sound of this was so powerful that it filled Chase’s mind and she couldn’t hold the banister any longer. Falling to the ground, she held her head and cried out in pain. Barnaby rushed to her, but he couldn’t break this.

Suddenly, an icy feeling of something entered her neck, and she relaxed. Dr. Henderson knelt next to her, having just administered a hypo-spray. “Chase...Chase! Are you okay?”

Chase looked up and whispered, “It was just like Jinn.” and then she blacked out.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

 “For the last time, a kiss will not wake her. This isn’t a fairy tale!” Nova bellowed.

EB pouted while he folded his cute little arms. “You’re talking to the freaking Easter Bunny and you say this isn’t a fairy tale. Chase is out cold and we can’t wake her. What’s the harm in trying?”

Nova stood outside the infirmary on the station with the angry bunny. He let his irritation subside and calmly said, “Think about it. If it doesn’t work and she wakes and is told you were kissing her while she was unconscious, imagine what she’ll do to you.”

EB gained a horrified look on his face. “Good point.”

Investigator Barnaby approached and gave a little head nod to Nova. “Director. I just arrived. The team is still at the prison, going over everything for the tenth time. I doubt we’ll find anything new, but I’ll not rest until we find something of value.”

“I commend your devotion. Now, tell me one more time what Chase said when she came around before she blacked out.”

“It’s like I reported earlier. She said it was just like Jinn and then went cold.”

“How did it happen?” Nova asked.

“I can’t say. All I know is she grabbed the banister, closed her eyes and went silent for a moment. Then she suddenly reared back, held her head and started screaming in pain. She was inconsolable. I yelled for the doctor and when we calmed her down, she said something about Jinn and then was gone.”

EB hopped up and down so far he was eye level with this man. “HOW DARE YOU PUT CHASE IN DANGER! I OUGHT TO POKE YOU RIGHT IN THE...” Nova snatched him mid-hop and dangled him by his ears.

“Cool it. Chase was just using her powers like normal. There was no way we could have predicted this would happen.” He dropped EB and then asked, “Do you think that this could be connected to Jinn?”

EB shook his head. “I doubt it. Jinn’s dead. Like, smoked beyond return. It takes a lot to kill a Vexillian, and he went down hard. You were there, you saw it.”

Nova asked, “Could this be some residual effect of Jinn’s magic?”

EB frowned. “Maybe something left behind, but still doubtful. When we die, all our left-over spells and stuff usually vanish. I mean, during the war with Legion on our world, loads of my people went down and their work was, POOF, gone. A real problem, since we would conjure weapons and shelters and stuff like that. One dude bites the dust and entire fortresses vanish from existence. There was this one lady who created a...”

“I get the picture.” Nova interrupted EB.

Barnaby interjected. “It also wasn’t the modus operandi for Jinn. I read all the reports and witnessed his work personally in the Ireland incident. He would dupe others to help him, but he never relied on minions. There is no reason for him to release the world corps people.”

“Do you think the person behind this prison break has done so to use these soldiers in their own army?” Nova asked.

“Logically, yes. If the culprit behind the break-out wanted to simply cause havoc, there are much more dangerous and powerful villains in other BADGE prisons. Releasing the inmates in Purgatory Pen alone would cause global chaos. Also, if the culprit were just playing around, there was no reason to go to the lengths to release these prisoners rather than any other prison. This was too meticulous for someone simply showing off. Lastly, we know that the World Corps soldiers were devoted followers and good at being henchmen. Thus, logic dictates that the person behind this wanted the henchmen for their own little schemes.”

EB swooned, “Wow, that was all Sherlock Holmesy. And with that Brit accent of yours, it was even cooler. You should write a book or something.”

“Yes, of course.” Barnaby was a little bemused by the excited bunny.

Nova said, “Your logic does make sense. Whoever broke them out is using them. Jinn never used minions. But then why did she say that?”

EB said, “What about the World Corps? Ben Talos is still alive. Maybe he’s up to something evil. He was really nasty, like...a total jerk.”

“And clever.” Nova said. “Barnaby, head to Purgatory Pen and make sure Ben Talos is completely clear from being part of this.”

“I will do my best.” Barnaby gave off another brief nod and then walked off.

EB said, “I had a good idea then, right? Ben is probably behind this. I mean, who else would want the World Corps goons?”

Nova turned and walked away from the infirmary wing. “I’m not sure Ben is part of this. Whoever is doing this had the power to recreate Krampus and then send him all over the planet. They bypassed one of the most advanced security systems BADGE has, and were able to mess with Chase so badly, she is still unconscious. Drochah, yes, but Ben was just another pawn in Drochah’s plans. I...”

“Director Nova to Operations. Incoming transmission.” A robotic voice announced.

Nova hurried with EB through the station back to the Operations center. He found Gar standing at the command, waiting for him.

“Director, we have a transmission from the distress system.” Gar pointed to the blinking window on the screen.

“Yes, I just got the alert. Put it through.”

The screen opened up, and a man in a military uniform was speaking. “We are under attack by Ka’an Dorado forces. They are stronger than expected. Please, BADGE, send help.” It repeated the message again, which was cut short when Nova signaled for the mute.

EB scoffed, “Don’t these little nations know that BADGE isn’t here to settle land disputes?”

Nova pondered this for a moment. “Odd, that’s two distress calls from the same area of the world. Maybe this threat isn’t just petty land disputes between small countries. Robot 10915, do we have any images from Ka’an Dorado within the last two days?”

The robot scanned through millions of bits of data and then said, “Affirmative. We have access to fifty-seven security cameras on the streets of Ka’an Dorado, including bank Automated Teller Machines, Traffic Cameras, Home Security Cameras..”

“Stop. I want images inside their capital.”

EB asked, “Inside? What are you looking for?”

“Just seeing who is behind the little coup that overthrew that government yesterday. If I see a petty warlord, I’ll alert the United Nations. But if I see something unusual, it might be worth investigating.”

10915 reported, “Negative. All recording devices within the capital building of Ka’an Dorado were disabled forty-eight hours ago.”

“Whoever did this coup had it planned.”

10915 said, “Additional information related to request is available. Images of Ka’an Dorado capital building during requested time-frame are available.”

“Good. Put them all on screen. I don’t care how blurry they are.”

Two dozen images appeared, all stills taken from cameras all over the city. Most were extremely blurry, while a few were partially clear.

“Geeze, haven’t these people heard of High Definition?” EB muttered. “OOOh, why don’t you enhance them like they do on those cool Crime Scene shows?”

Nova rolled his one good eye. “This is reality, not science fiction. We can’t take out-of-focus images and make perfect....wait...10915, expand image twelve.”

A blurry image of the street before the capitol building took up most of the screen. Several men were walking into the building, each wearing a tuxedo. They carried something in their hands.

“10915 can we identify that weapon?”

“Affirmative. Image matches known specifications of the Automatic Morphon Atomizer, known as the AMA weapon.”

EB said, “I think we found our missing prisoners...and they’re all dressed up.”

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

 Nova walked into the conference room on the Station. Quark and EB were discussing the best tasting liquor filled chocolate. Dr. Henderson and Agent Justin looked over several computer tablets. Arx and Gar sat near each other without saying a word to the other.

“Good, everyone is back.” Nova said, and walked up to the front of the room.

EB hopped up and stood on the table. “Is Santa here?”

Dr. Henderson said, “Yes. He’s with Chase at this time.”

Nova took his seat at the front of the room. “Give me a brief update on Chase.”

“She’s stable. Her vital signs are all good. I simply cannot wake her up. However, my sensors indicate she’s being held by some kind of arcane energy.”

EB said, “Santa’s really good with that stuff. Better than me, just don’t tell him I said so. If anyone can break the curse or spell on Chase, it will be him. Though I still think a kiss might do the trick.”

“Enough of that. Sit.” Nova pointed at the seat next to Quark, which the bunny reluctantly plopped down in.

“Quark?” Nova looked over at the blue hero. “What did you find in New Amsterdam and Paris?”

He shook his head. “With the help of local leagues and the police, we checked every last detail. I looked into the local energy spectrum as well. I could only see a residual trace of strange energy. But it’s the same energy I’ve seen at every attack. So, I know it’s connected to this Shadow Krampus. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help much.”

“Damnit. We need something. I know this isn’t the last of that thing.”

Quark sat forward. “There is one thing we did find...or rather, never found. At no time did we see any of the former World Corps goons involved. I gathered every speck of footage from New Amsterdam, security cams, ATMs, traffic cams, even cell phones. We ran everything through tracers and not one face pegged the sensors. There doesn’t seem to be a connection.”

Nova said, “I think we found the World Corps goons. They have overthrown a small country in Central America, Ka’an Dorado.”

“Ka’an Dorado? That’s like a spot in the road.” Arx piped in.

Agent Justin said, “Ka’an Dorado is one of the world’s leading gold resources. It is a small country, but they are extremely wealthy. They have never challenged any of their neighbors, but they aren’t weak. Their military is bolstered by the most expensive mercenaries money can buy. The fact that these world corps soldiers could so quickly overthrow them is...odd.”

Nova said, “Investigator Barnaby spoke with the United Nations security office and found that Ben Talos is not talking, however he hasn’t had any visitors since they incarcerated him. But, as we have seen before, masterminds can do things behind bars that defy logic.”

“Are you assuming that Ben Talos is behind this?” Agent Justin asked.

“I don’t know, but it does make sense. He would want the funds that controlling Ka’an Dorado would bring him. He would also automatically have the loyalty of the former World Corps Goons.”

Strange Quark asked, “What do we do?”

Nova said, “Simple. Ka’an Dorado sent us a distress call. We’ll answer it. Strange Quark, take BADGE representation with you and go remove the World Corps goons from this situation.”

Arx asked, “Just a few BADGE people. Not like a bunch of Heroes or a few leagues? These goons were a problem to fight before, and they just overthrew a whole country.”

Nova laughed, “They’re still using AMA weapons. We have enhanced our heroes and even agents to resist those weapons. This should be an easy extraction.”

EB stuck his hand up and waved it around.

Nova let out a soft sigh. “What?”

“Do ya think that these world corps idiots are behind Shadow Krampus?”

“I doubt it. We haven’t seen the connection yet. I’m beginning to think these two incidents might be separate after all. So, the objective is simple. Quark, you and your hand-picked team will go and deal with the World Corps. If you need backup, you’ll have access to the BADGE comm system. We will continue to investigate the Shadow Krampus situation and move forward with that.”

EB added, “And have a big wake-up party for Chase when she comes around.”

“No. We won’t. Just...get to work.”

Quark said, “Arx, Agent Justin, EB, you guys are with me. “

Arx cracked his knuckles, “Good, I’ve been wanting to smack around some of these world corps goons.”

Nova said, “Son, BADGE isn’t about revenge, only justice.”

“Hey, sometimes they are the same thing.” Arx said as he followed Quark out of the room.

Nova walked into the infirmary, where Santa knelt next to his daughter’s bed. He had a hand on her

head and was focusing on his magic.

“Nova?” Santa looked up.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you.”

Santa stood up and held his head. “This is...powerful magic.”

“I knew it was powerful magic, but Vexillian magic is the strongest.”

Santa walked out of the room and got himself a cup of coffee at a little station in the waiting area. “You know that isn’t entirely true. There are other magics in this universe. Some of which are terribly powerful.”

Nova stepped into the room and quietly watched Santa for a moment while the old man sipped his black drink. There was a deep concern written on both their faces. Finally, Nova said, “It can’t be. The last of the darkest magics were destroyed a long time ago. I know, I did it personally.”

Santa sat down and wiped his hand across his sweating brow. “I’m worried, my old friend. Something changed recently, something that gave me reason for pause the moment it happened.”

Nova gently took his seat across from Santa. “I had hoped we solved that problem before it became a problem.”

“A force of pure darkness tore a hole in space. But you and I know that it wasn’t living in a void. It was from the darkest depths of the layers of space that anything can possibly live. The place where the most vile of evils has seethed for millions of years.”

“The Darkness was connected to Legion. Their actions formed it.”

“That may be true. But it wasn’t Legion that created the realm in which The Darkness thrived all this time. Why do you think it wanted to open a hole in space and spread darkness across this universe? It wants what that realm has wanted since the dawn of time....dominion.”

Nova stood and walked away. “We have been monitoring that tear in space since The Darkness first appeared. NightShadow has been in constant contact with us about it, to ensure that it was dormant. It will close, naturally, and be done with.”

Santa pointed a finger at Nova. “Since when do you underestimate evil? Since when does the amazing Director Nova not plan for the worst? It’s because you worry she has returned.”


“Don’t lie to yourself! You’re scared to your very heart she has returned, and that’s why you’ve turned your remaining eye away from thinking it possible. You’ve let technology and other people’s opinions rule this situation. That hole was torn, and it leads to a place where you banished her.”

Nova walked toward the door, back to the main hallway. “If she had returned, I would know it.”

“For the sake of humanity, I hope you’re right. But blithely ignoring the possibility is dangerous.”

Nova paused just as the door opened from his push of the button. “Look, I’m not completely unaware of the possibility. I just...desperately want it to be anything else. I would rather it be Jinn right now, or even Krampus. But if she has returned, then I’ll need your help. The heroes...they don’t...they are strong, but they don’t know what true evil looks like. They haven’t faced the kind of horrible wickedness that lives in the heart of such a person.”

“I will be there for you. But her power is beyond mine. You know this.”

“I know. Just, for now, bring your daughter back. I need my first in command back at her station.” With that, he left the waiting room.

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

 A BADGE shuttle lowered down to the center of the beautiful capital city of Ka’an Dorado. There was no traffic, no pedestrians, just a quiet city. A bright glow from the mid-day sun filled the humid air while a deafening silence broken now and then by the squawk of a tropical bird.

Strange Quark and Arx stepped out of the shuttle and looked around. Each grew worried by the lack of attention their arrival stirred. Nova insisted they arrive without cloaking the shuttles, so the people of the nation knew help had arrived and it would draw out their enemy that much faster.

Arx said, “For a nation that was just overthrown, there is a serious lack of battle damage. Everything looks so clean and nice.”

“I don’t like it.” Quark said, “Not the lack of damage. That’s fine, but we should have some kind of reception. I’m not even sensing anyone hiding in trees or behind buildings. No ambushes, nothing.”

Agent Justin stepped out next, with Krystal Fae and EB behind him. He had a small device in his hands. “The palace is that way.”

Krystal Fae walked up to Quark. “I’m glad to help, but it looks like I won’t be of service.”

“I doubt this’ll be easy. Let’s get to the palace and find out what the heck’s going on.”

EB bounced around. “This place is pretty, like, so colorful. I like it. Now, where’s a World Corps goon so I can smash an exploding egg in his face?” He materialized an egg in his paw.

“You’ll get your chance. Hold still, I’m going to zap us into the palace.” Quark looked around and then snapped his fingers. They all vanished and then reappeared in the same place.

EB looked around like he was about to fight, then paused. “Hey, we’re didn’t move. What gives?”

“I don’t know. Something blocked my transport.” Quark tried again and had the same results.

Krystal Fae held her head. “Okay, that’s enough. You’re gonna give me a massive headache.”

Justin leaned over and held back vomiting. “Yeah, please don’t do that again.”

“Looks like we’re on foot.” Arx marched onward.

Once they reached the palace, after a long walk, they found the outside just as dead as the city.

Justin said, “I don’t like this. No welcoming party.”

Krystal added, “It’s like they don’t even care to protect their new acquisition.”

Quark charged ahead, walking inside the palace. They went through several doors, down a long hall, and then opened the last door to the main throne room.

It was pitch black in the throne room. Krystal Fae reached up to conjure a ball of light, but an unknown source blew it out.

“I seriously don’t like this.” EB said, hiding behind Quark’s leg.

Music echoed around them, as though a symphony had now taken over the room. The dark, haunting melody of a waltz cried out. While it played, little candles appeared in the darkness. They moved toward the group, lightly bouncing. The more candles, the more light, and now the silhouettes of dark dressed individuals appeared. Women in elaborate gowns and black bird like masks. Men were in dark tuxedos with devil like masks.

A woman sung to the waltz, her voice dark and threateningly vicious. There was a joy in her words, like she was about to feast upon their very souls.

a song

a dance

a twirl

a chance

Let your mind be taken

let your soul reawaken

Be mine forever more

a song

a dance

a waltz

a trance

Let your heart now sink

Let your body shrink

as you die upon my floor

A song

a dance

this is your last chance

to be a glamorous child

a song

a dance

no words

just a glance

let the world fade away

night into day

your very last breath

will bring to you death....

There was a great blue explosion of energy, and it thrust everyone out of this nightmare. They had been dancing in the middle of the room with what they thought were other members of this party. Instead, they stood midst all these finely dressed people, each aiming one of their AMA weapons at them.

Strange Quark, who had broken through this insidious spell, was now half a giant blue duck, from his waist down. He had his hands out and was in a state of near-panic.

The dark lady sat upon the throne, a smile on her black lips. “Oh, how very clever. You, blue one, have the power to transcend dimensions. How wonderful.”

“That was quacking nuts.” Quark stated and then stood up, still half a duck. “Enough. I don’t know who or what you are, but that is over. And don’t think your weapons are threatening us. We’re immune to the power of those weapons.”

“How very rude of me.” She rose to her feet with all the grace of a queen. “My name is Lady Echidna. You should fear not the weapons, but me.” Without a glimmer of trepidation in her face, she strode toward them.

Krystal Fae stepped up. “Beware, she is magical.”

“Ah, what do we have here? Some little creature who touches magic.”

Krystal formed a ball of energy in her hand. “I do more than touch it.”

“Darling, you have no idea the true depth and breadth of magic.” Lady Echidna blew as though she were snuffing a matchstick, and the energy in Krystal’s hand simply evaporated.

Quark remained stern, even though he was still sporting the hindquarters of a waterfowl. “What’s going on here? Why are you controlling the World Corps soldiers? Why did you take over this nation? And do you have any connection to the Shadow Krampus?”

She laughed at him in a dismissive tone. Turning, she swept back to her throne and graced it again. “So many questions. But you aren’t ready for answers. What I know, what I am, what I have done, what I will do, all are brilliant questions. But you aren’t worthy to ask them and are certainly unworthy to receive an answer from the likes of me.”

EB hopped up with an enormous egg in his paws, “Why... why do I know you? You feel so familiar?”

“The Easter Bunny. How precious. Too bad I couldn’t bewitch you. It would be so much fun to have that kind of power among my followers.”

Justin prepped his gun. “She’s not going to give us answers. We shouldn’t waste our time.” Taking a stand before Quark, Justin said, “You’re under arrest for the unlawful...un….the…where am I?” he swayed and began to smile like an idiot.

“I feel funny.” EB held his head as he dropped his egg.

Lady Echidna opened up her arms. “Worship me!”

Everyone went groggy and fell to their knees.

“No...I won’t...” Krystal struggled the most, refraining from being taken.

Quark was overcome for a moment, even smiling at her as though she were the most beautiful thing in the universe. Then, he turned entirely into a duck and said, “What...you’re not getting away with this!” He flashed back into his normal self and sent out another wave of energy. All the others broke free from her spell, but he was focusing to maintain this. His blue energy contended against a strange force that acted like a great wind in the room.

Lady Echidna stood up and said, “My, my, you are strong. I can’t have that. Tell Nova to send his finest to strike me down. They won’t win. But I will entertain him and he knows it. Only Nova will I deal with...tell him...his wife is waiting for his return.”

With that, a blinding flash of black energy struck them. Everyone felt as though they were being flung across the city. In moments, each landed with a hard crash on a metal surface, crashing into tables and chairs. They were back on the BADGE spacestation.

Krystal sat up, looking around in a state of confusion. “Did she say she was Nova’s wife?”

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

 Nova ran from his office when a warning buzzer sounded. He skidded into the center of the Operations center.


Gar pointed at the screen. “The robots detected a cloud over Ka’an Dorado?”

Nova looked, praying this was just a storm moving through the area. Instead, he found a strange black cloud building over the city, directly over the Capitol building. “What do we know?”

10915 answered, “Particle density indicates that this is not a natural weather phenomenon. Sensors are detecting the same energy signatures as the other Shadow Krampus events.”

Nova paced as he watched this. “I don’t like this. Is it taking a shape, is it Krampus?”

“A humanoid shape is forming in the cloud now. Energy signature is growing. It has already surpassed the size and strength of known energy signatures.”

Gar asked, “What does that mean?”

Nova looked at the data read-outs. “My god. This is already more powerful than the Shadow Krampus we last saw, and it took Midgard to take him down.”

The doors of the lift opened, and EB blasted out, running into Nova. He was hugging the director’s leg. “I’m so happy to be back here. She was crazy!”

Strange Quark led Krystal Fae, Arx, and Agent Justin down a bit slower than the hysterical bunny.

Nova looked at them with shock and a little irritation. “What are you doing back here? Did you make it to Ka’an Dorado?”

Quark nodded, “Yeah. We made it alright.”

Agent Justin came around to stand in front of Nova. “The situation there was completely unexpected. Some woman is in control of the World Corps soldiers and probably the rest of the nation. She has some kind of mental altering ability. If Strange Quark hadn’t been able to break her power, we would’ve fallen victim to her control.”

EB bawled, “I was so scared I would never see you again. She is a scary, mean, nasty woman. I mean, like a total witch. Promise me you won’t go! She is horrible!”

“What are you babbling about?” Nova demanded.

Krystal Fae stepped over to him. “Sir, this woman isn’t just another meta human. In fact, I have no idea what she is. Her power was...terrifying. I have never sensed a more cold, cruel heart. Even Jinn had an ounce of light in his black soul. She is utter darkness.”

Arx said, “She said something really crazy about being your wife. What’s up with that?”

Nova went pail. His gaze shifted away from them, and he slowly turned back to looking at the screen.

EB, now a little worried about Nova, hopped around and looked up at him. “Buddy, you alright?”

“No. I’m not. It’s her.”

Agent Justin said, “She called herself Lady Echidna. Do you know her?”

Nova calmly said, “Lady Echidna, so that’s what she’s calling herself now. Fitting, I suppose.” He seemed to be talking to himself as if they weren’t there.

“Nova, you okay? You sound like you are in a daze.” Krystal said.

EB gasped, “OH, NO! SHE’S GOT TO HIM! WAKE UP, BUDDY, WAKE UP!” He hopped up and slapped Nova with his little paw.

Nova took it without even budging. The fact that he let EB act like an idiot and even strike him without any recourse was enough to rattle everyone in the room.

After a moment of silence from their fearless leader, Nova gazed down at EB. “You know who she is. You’ve met her at least once before.”

EB stumbled back and put a paw up to his face, “Oh, no! Not her! Not...”

“Yes.” Nova whispered and then turned back to the gathering, “What did she say? Is she behind all these attacks?”

Agent Justin replied, “She said if we send heroes, they will not win. But she will entertain you. She has invited you to meet with her. I have no idea what she wants to negotiate for...”

“I do,” Nova said.

EB folded his paws, “Well, that witch ain’t getting you. I mean, what kind of dumb, ignorant fool does she take you for?”

Nova smiled. “I’ll have to think about this.”

Quark said, “You wouldn’t even consider this...would you?”

“I have to consider all possibilities. I am the protector of this world, and if that requires me to parlay with that woman, then I will. But I will consider all other options first.”

Lady Echidna’s voice boomed throughout the room. “What options would those be?”

Everyone turned to see her smiling at them from every screen in the room. She sat upon her throne, fanned by two of her loyal minions, while she sipped a fruity concoction.

“Lady Echidna, is it?” Nova greeted her.

She laughed and swirled about her drink. “You should come just to enjoy these little beverages. A delicacy of this lovely land I’ve acquired.”

“You know I won’t be part of your schemes ever again. I’ll take you down as I have before.”

She chortled at him, “Oh, the confidence, the arrogance. I think it’s why I find you so irresistible. Of course, you were always good in bed as well.”

EB made a gagging sound while everyone else looked terribly uncomfortable.

Nova was unfazed by her words. “Enough of this. I don’t know or care how you returned to this world, but I will send you back as I have in the past.”

“I wouldn’t count on that. You see, there is one little detail you are unaware of. I have, in my hand, the heart of one beautiful little lady who tried to look into my past.”

“Chase.” Nova whispered.


“As excitable as always.” She casually stared at the fuming bunny.

Nova demanded, “What are you going to do to her?”

“Let’s see.” She pretended to ponder this. “I could take her life right now. However, if you come and meet with me, I will consider releasing what I stole from her.” Before he could respond, she leaned forward and said, “You have twenty-four hours to meet my demand. And don’t think about trying to send in your little heroes to stop me. My champion will meet them.” She raised her glass, “See you soon, my dear husband.” and the screens changed back to normal.

EB was still fuming as the others stood in a state of shock. Gar asked, “What will you do?”

“I have no choice. I have to go to her.”

Krystal Fae said, “Are you sure about this? Chase is my friend too, but you’re more valuable.”


Nova put a hand out to stop EB from going on a rant. “I won’t sacrifice anyone. I’ve put my life on the line for a long time to protect this world, and sometimes that means protecting just one person. However, I’m also not a fool. We will make a plan.”

“Can we plan down in the mess? I need a few stiff drinks.” Quark said.

Justin said, “I could use a bite to eat.”

“Come on. Gar, transfer all data about Ka’an Dorado and the current situation to some tablets and bring them along. 10915, send a message to NightShadow, I need him here as quickly as he can make it.”

“Understood.” The robot went to work while the others left for the mess hall.

Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

 Nova walked into the command level conference room. Arx, Strange Quark, and Gar were already present. From another door walked in Agent Justin with EB.

“The plan is perfect.” EB said right away.

Nova nodded. “We hashed out some good ideas down in the mess hall. Now, I have formed a complete plan from them. Right now...”

Just then, another person walked into the room. The hooded dark figure of NightShadow.

“Ah, NightShadow, good.” Nova walked him with a firm handshake.

NightShadow looked around the gathering. “Glad to be here. I hope you aren’t expecting me to have information about the Shadow Krampus. I already spoke with Investigator Barnaby about it. I don’t know much. The shadow energy it was made from was similar to the Darkness, but not quite the same. I...”

“Thank you, but that’s not why I called you.” Nova directed him to a seat. “I have a special request for you.”


“I’ll get to that in a moment. Just listen to the situation, which will explain most of what you’ll need to understand before I ask what I need to ask.” Nova stood at the front of the room and turned on the monitor. An active video feed from the capital of Ka’an Dorado displayed the monstrous figure of Shadow Krampus looming over the city. “This is the current situation down on the planet. A Shadow Krampus bigger and more powerful than any others has appeared and is waiting.”

“Waiting?” Gar asked.

“Yes. You all know that Lady Echidna summoned this thing, but she has not set it on the war path yet. It’s merely her guard and insurance that I obey her.”

NightShadow asked, “Who is Lady Echidna?”

EB said, “Nova’s wife....or Ex-Wife, I’m not sure.”

“WIFE!” NightShadow blurted out.

Nova said, “For another time. Right now, the most dangerous person I can imagine is waiting for me to come and talk with her. She knows that there are thousands of heroes who will come to my call, so she has set this guardian to ensure that only those she desires stand before her. And if I should try to overpower her, I would be alone. But, I have another idea. I’m going to meet with her and I know what she wants. But, I’m not going alone. Strange Quark and EB will go with me, as they are strong enough to stand against her. She won’t perceive two others with me as a risk. She has a whole hoard of minions at her command. However, at the same time, Gar, Arx, Justin, you will summon the heroes of Earth and tell them to take down Shadow Krampus. He isn’t moving, but they can provoke him.”

Justin spoke up, “Sir, I know we talked about this part of the plan in the mess, and I still don’t agree. They constantly blame BADGE for collateral property damage, not to mention risk to lives. Why provoke an attack when there is no attack happening on the enemy’s part?”

“Because the true enemy is not the forty story Krampus in Ka’an Dorado. The enemy is Lady Echidna. She is ten times more dangerous than that shadow monster. I’ll distract her while the heroes battle that thing and bring it down. Once she’s deprived of her guardian, the heroes can come to my side and we will force her back out of this reality. That’s where you come in.” He looked at NightShadow.


“Yes. More than five hundred years ago, I, with the help of some friends, removed her from power by forcing her into the void. That tear in space created by the Darkness last year allowed her to return. I mean to fix that problem.”

Strange Quark said, “I like the idea, I really do. But she is horribly powerful.”

“Yes, she is. There are a few who can resist her power, and I’m one of them. Besides, I know she’s weaker now since she has only just returned. Her power is growing and we need to do this before she becomes a serious problem.”

NightShadow asked, “What do you need me to do?”

“I need you to watch over the tear in space from here. Also, use your special connection to the void to keep this station and BADGE from her watchful eye. She has already proven capable of spying at her leisure. That ends now.”

“I can do that.” NightShadow said.

Nova stood up and fixed his gloves. “Justin, take Gar and Arx and rally the troops. Do not engage until after I have landed and am talking to her. I don’t want her to know what we are up to. Strange Quark, EB, you’re with me.”

Quark stood up and said, “Say the word and we’ll be on her front doorstep.” He had his hand up, ready to snap his fingers.

“No. No teleportation. She’ll sense that right away. Besides, we need to give Justin time to get this message out.”

EB jumped up and ran across the table. “Nova, buddy, don’t go. I can take her. I won’t be bamboozled again...I promise. Quark can even take your form and fool her long enough for me to feed her an egg filled with...”

“You know how clever she is. You know she’ll see through any ruse that isn’t me.” Nova said.

EB pouted. “I just don’t want you to go. She is soooo mean.”

“I know exactly how cruel she can be. But I can deal with her. You and Quark get the shuttle ready. I’m going to take care of something.”

The hushes of a breathing machine softly broke the deathly silence of the infirmary. Dr. Henderson had to put Chase on life-support as her body was slowly shutting down.

“Nova?” Santa looked up from where he had fallen asleep watching his daughter.

Nova walked over to Chase’s bedside and looked down at her. “I’m going to save her life, my old friend. I promised I would take care of her when you first sent her to me, and I mean to see that to the bitter end.”

“You’re going to confront that demon?” Santa asked.

Nova nodded, “Yes. I have to.”

“Are you sure she’ll give Chase back?”

Nova shook his head. “I don’t know. But, I have to try.”

Santa stood up and walked over to Nova. “Why? Every time this witch gains power, you take it personally. It’s like you’re repaying a debt, but I don’t see the debtor?”

“The debt I owe is far older than you, Santa. You do not know what I did. If it weren’t for me, this witch would never have gained the power she has. Every time she rises to power and begins killing people, their blood is on my hands. I will not allow Chase’s blood to stain my hands while I live. I would rather die.”

“I’m coming with you.”

Nova smiled at Santa, “I would welcome your support, but I need you to stay out of this.”


“I need to know that you are safe here, watching her and BADGE. I know you never wanted to play hero, but I need you to be strong in case...in case I don’t make it. Besides, I’m taking EB with me.”

“But, EB is not a military leader. I was the Grand Admiral of the Vexillian armies.”

Nova laughed, “True. But EB helped me vanquish this witch once before.”

“He did? I didn’t know that.”

“It’s a long story and I don’t have time to tell it. I just needed you to know I’m going and if I succeed, Chase will wake.”

“I will do as you ask. But I still think I should go instead of EB.”

Nova looked back, “Could you grab me a cup of coffee from the waiting room? I could use a hot drink before heading out.”

“Sure.” Santa left the room.

Nova put his hand on Chase’s head, “This is for if I don’t return, but you do.” He closed his eyes and waited a moment.

“What are you doing?” Santa was now standing next to Nova.

Nova gently removed his hand. “Just wishing her well. Thanks.” He took the coffee and walked out of the infirmary.

Chapter 13

Chapter 13:

 Agent Justin and Arx stood with Gar in the Operations center of the BADGE station. They watched with no small amount of dread in their eyes as the ethereal monolithic Krampus loomed over Ka’an Dorado. The BADGE drones keeping an eye on this were far above the city so that they could see from border to border of the city itself, and this only enhanced the surreal nature of the monster.

NightShadow stepped out of the lift. “I’ve secured the space around the station. If anyone tries to use shadow powers to spy on us, they will be blinded.”

Justin asked, “Do you know if anything else has come through?”

“I can’t be certain. I don’t know when this Lady Echidna came through. But it is so small now that it would need to be widened if anything tries to enter this reality.”

Arx said, “I get the feeling this lady doesn’t want to get anywhere near that hole in space again.”

“That’d be my guess.” Justin said. He looked at Gar. “Where is the shuttle now?”

Gar looked at a special tablet that was built with top security. “The shuttle has landed near the palace.”

“Okay, that’s our cue. 10915 activate the Black Alert Comm line.”

The lights changed color to a red hue and a beeping sounded to indicate the top-level alert status. Comm windows opened to League HQ’s all over Earth. Some had people already there to take this call.

“This is Agent Justin. We have a situation in Ka’an Dorado. Another Shadow Krampus has shown up, and this time, he’s much bigger and stronger than any other before. You are to go in and strike it down. Once you have completed this task, you are to proceed to the Ka’an Dorado capitol building and lend assistance as necessary. You will be given further instructions once you have entered the Capitol building. Remember, BADGE wants minimal property damage, but your focus is taking out this Shadow Krampus. For the duration of this battle, Director Nova is unavailable. I will be in charge of BADGE. Agent Justin out.”

Gar said, “That was good.”

Justin whispered, his eyes quivering at the ominous sight before him. “God, I hope this works.”

Nova walked into the capital building of Ka’an Dorado with Strange Quark on his left and EB on his right. Men and women dressed in elegant outfits lined the hall as a greeting. No AMA weapons were present, only party guests.

“Wow, that’s creepy.” EB stated when all the men and women slowly turned to look at them. Masquerade masks still on their faces.

Nova said, “She was always one for making an impression. Ignore them. She has no intention of attacking us now.”

Strange Quark waved his hand over his face and created a duck-style mask that resembled theirs. When Nova gave him a slanted glare, he smiled. “Hey, just thought I’d try to fit in.”

Before Nova could scold him for this, that sultry voice echoed down the corridor. “Welcome home, sweetie.”

It did not rattle Nova. At least he didn’t show any emotions to this, but his focus was all the more determined.

EB hopped along beside him, an explosive egg in his paw. “She looks nothing like the woman we fought before. I didn’t even know it was her. She’s a lot sexier now, in an evil villain that might eat your soul kinda way. But, still hot.”

They were let into the throne room by two men who opened the doors for them. Lady Echidna was draped across the throne, smiling at them. “How nice of you to say, Easter Bunny, or is it EB these days?”

“Look, darling, you can call me whatever you want. I’m still gonna shove this right...”

Nova stopped him. “I’m here. If you think this changes anything, you’re wrong. I still protect this world from the likes of you.”

“Oh, so you are still the champion of this little race of children. Sad. You are worthy of so much more. Once, you recognized that.” She beckoned to one of her servants, who rushed to give her a glass of wine.

Nova said, “I don’t have time to play your games. Give me back Chase, let her go and I’ll consider not shoving you into the void again.”

She sipped some wine and smiled. “Do you know what it was like, all those years, in the vast nothingness between realms? Terrifying, and a little sweet. I learned a great many new tricks there, things that even the great...what do you call yourself these days...Nova, don’t know about.”

Nova looked around the room, “I command you to submit! Obey me!” His voice became a booming echo that rattled the walls. Only EB had ever truly experienced this power of his before. Strange Quark was a bit befuddled.

The surrounding minions were swaying, and some held their heads in confusion. Lady Echidna merely sipped a little more wine and then said, “So, that was your game? You come in here and expect to erase my control over my new army. Like I even needed them.”

EB chortled. “That’s not our only plan, babe. We’re so far ahead of you!”

“Are you now?” She sat up and set the glass back on the tray of her servant, who had regained his vacant look. “You mean the other plan to attack my pet Krampus with all your heroes and then overtake me and force me to give you back Chase before shoving me into the void? That plan?”

EB stopped smiling, “Uh...no...that’s not our plan...um...”

She rose and swept over to Nova. “You think I’m not prepared for your little tricks and tactics? I’ve been preparing for this day for the past five hundred years. I have every moment meticulously planned out. Want to see how far you are from being able to defeat me? Watch!” She waved her hand and clouds of darkness formed in the air, each containing a view of the outside.

Heroes stormed in and attacked the Shadow Krampus. The fight was raging and Midgard eventually slammed the giant figure against the ground, which was followed by hundreds of energy blasts that destroyed the creature. EB was already celebrating when two more Shadow Krampus rose in the city and went after the heroes.

She whispered in Nova’s ear, “They can summon him again and again, and they will continue to defeat him. But, he will return. They will spend hours, days, even weeks hoping to defeat him but they will fail in the end. Even the strongest heroes you have cannot last forever, but my pet has no end. You lose.”

Nova grabbed her by the throat and spoke with that commanding voice. “YOU WILL OBEY ME, YOU WILL SUBMIT TO ME!”

She smiled and laughed at him. “You forget, sweetie, you could never control me.” She vanished and reappeared a few feet away from him. “But I certainly can control you.”

Nova pointed at her. “I’ll never obey you!”

“Oh, then watch them die.” She returned to her throne.

Nova heard gagging sounds and realized that his two companions were on the floor, clutching their chests. “EB! QUARK!”

EB’s eyes rolled back into his skull while Quark transformed into several creatures, each one in the same agony.

“They will die. I could have killed them the first time, but I chose to let them bring you to me. All those I touched with my power before have the darkness seeded into their hearts. In moments they will die, as will your precious Chase.”

Nova slapped the comm unit on his arm, “JUSTIN!”

Gar came through, “Director, Justin is on the floor in pain. I think he’s dying.”

Nova flicked it off and asked, “What do you want from me? Please, don’t do this!”

“Begging. That’s a pleasant start. Oh, how I missed being able to bring you to your knees. But, I’m also not unreasonable. My demand is very simple, Nova, sweetie. Return to my side. Obey as you once did. Then, they will be released. Be quick about this. They don’t have much time.”

Nova felt something he had rarely felt in his life. Helplessness. When he heard EB gasping for breath, he knew he had no choice. “Fine...I’ll join you.”

“Say it.” She demanded.

“Let them go, first. And, I will say it.”

She smiled, “I know you to be a man of your word. Do not disappoint me.” She snapped her fingers and both EB and Quark gasped in a breath and then were transported away in a flash of black mist. “Now, say it!”

He stood firm and clenched his fists. “I will...worship you.” With those words, he became as vacant as the other minions.

Chapter 14

Chapter 14:

 “You’re gonna pace until there’s a hole in the floor.” Arx said to Justin.

“The heroes have taken down several Shadow Krampus in Ka’an Dorado and he just keeps coming back. How can we send heroes in to help Director Nova if they keep fighting those shadow things?” Justin continued to walk.

Gar said, “Maybe Nova doesn’t need the help. EB and Quark are really powerful.”

“I don’t know. I just don’t like this. I feel...I feel strange.” Justin staggered and fell against a console as he gripped his chest.

Arx hit the deck on his knees and held his throat. “I...I can’t breathe...gah...” He gagged.

Gar panicked, “Justin, Arx! Someone help!”

A robot announced, “Calling Doctor Henderson.”

Gar turned around twice. “NightShadow?”

Nova’s voice burst through the comm, “JUSTIN!”

Gar grabbed Justin’s comm unit. “Director, Justin is on the floor in pain. I think he’s dying.”

The comm cut off.

“Director! Help!” Gar shook the comm device.

Dr. Henderson rushed in with an aide and quickly checked the two men. “This isn’t good. Arx is out, and Justin is...stay with me!” She pressed a device up against his neck. “I can’t get oxygen into him. Nothing is working. I don’t understand.”

Arx suddenly gasped and panted. “I...can’t...I can breathe. What...”

Justin did the same, gasping and then breathing as though he had just returned from drowning.

“Calm down, calm...” Dr. Henderson administered some medication and helped him sit up. The aide assisted Arx.

Two flashes of light appeared and both Quark and EB landed in the middle of the Operations center.

“Oh, my head.” EB flopped on his back. “That bitch, she got me.”

Quark turned into a toad, “Aw, crud. I almost croaked. Now, I’m a toad. Someone dump some water on me, or better yet, vodka.”

Justin stood with the help of Dr. Henderson. “No time for jokes, Quark. What happened?”

Quark, still a toad, answered, “I’m not entirely sure. She had control of everything. It was a plan. She knew we would come and Nova would try to use the heroes as a backup. She demanded Nova’s obedience. In exchange, she would spare our lives. I sorta lost focus after I heard all that. I guess he agreed to her demands, otherwise would likely be dead.”

“NOT A CHANCE!” EB roared and then grabbed his forehead. “Oh, no yelling until this headache goes away.”

“Where’s my comm?” Justin looked at his wrist.

Gar handed it back.

Justin clicked it on. “NightShadow? Where are you?”

NightShadow’s voice came through. “I was outside, checking on my defenses against the void, and something grabbed me. I couldn’t move, couldn’t use my powers. It was like I was frozen. I was just released. What the hell is going on?”

“Get in here. I think our plans just went down the toilet.” Justin changed the comm line. “Agent Justin to Krystal Fae, report?”

Krystal flew hard toward the looming shadow Krampus that swiped a massive claw at a dozen heroes. She spoke into her wrist comm, “This is the seventh Krampus I’ve fought so far. There’s another on the other side of town. Midgard is...” She dove and then zoomed hard to avoid a spray of energy from the monster’s eyes. Once stable, she continued, “Midgard is taking on a third in the Market District. I hate to say this, but we are hardly able to keep this city from being damaged.”

“Our priority is stopping Lady Echidna. Do what you can to move heroes toward the Capitol.”

“That may not be possible.” Krystal cringed when a massive explosion rocked the city behind her.

“What was that?”

Looking back, she smiled, “Looks like Midgard just smote another Krampus and I’m not seeing it reforming. And...” A second explosion echoed across the country, “there goes number two. All that’s left is the one in front of me.”

“Take it down and then get to Nova now. His life may be in serious danger.”

“Understood.” Krystal charged at the last Krampus while every other hero in Ka’an Dorado converged on the beast.

Punches, kicks, rocks, cars, and anything else joined hundreds of energy beams, bolts, and blasts the heroes could throw. This last Krampus exploded in a ghostly mist.

“Done.” Krystal said and clicked on her comm, “All heroes, to the Capitol Building.” She led the charge, only to find a new Shadow Krampus form as they approached the square in front of the Mayan pyramid shaped building. “This...isn’t right.”

The heroes went to work attacking it. Midgard body slammed it and ripped the shadowy head from the body and threw it away. It was a quick battle, but just as the heroes tried to cross the square again, another Krampus formed.

“Wait!” Krystal called out. “There’s something wrong.”

“I ENJOY MAULING THIS JERK!” Midgard yelled.

Krystal said, “But, he isn’t attacking... he’s just standing there.”

“What’s going on?” Justin asked into his comm.

Krystal came through. “Every time we defeat Krampus and then approach the Capitol Building, another Krampus forms. These are... not as strong as the others. It’s like a defender who can’t be beat, but isn’t really that strong. We can’t kill it, but we can’t get past it.”

“This isn’t right.” Quark said, still a toad on the ground. “Lady Echidna is just holding us back, keeping us from getting to Nova.”

“What’s she doing to my Buddy? I’m gonna go in and stop her myself!” EB hopped toward the lift.

“Wait!” Justin said.

“No. That bitch is just keeping us away. She’s doing something terrible to my bestest friend and I won’t have it.” EB jumped up and slapped the control to call for the elevator.

Justin said, “Look, I’m pissed too. But running head first at this won’t do much good. We have to plan.”

“So, we’re going back?” EB came back to Justin in a flash.

Justin nodded. “Yes.”

“She’s so strong. This may not be a good idea.” Quark said in a strangely croaky voice.

Justin straightened up. “While Nova is away, I’m in command. I say we organize ourselves and rescue our leader and friend. We’ve faced demons, monsters, dragons, and time itself. This creature calling herself Echidna is just another villain to be vanquished. She raised the stakes when she stole Nova, and I won’t have it. Quark, pull yourself together and work with NightShadow. We have to disrupt her power over the void. Arx, Gar, I want you to...”

The lift opened, and Chase stepped out with Santa at her side. She was pale and had to use her father’s arm to keep standing up straight.

“CHASE!” EB bound over to her and was hugging her leg.

She smiled at the affectionate bunny, but then gave Justin a grim look. “I know what you're doing. Nova told me you would. But you cannot do this.”

“What are you talking about?” Justin asked.

Chase kindly removed the bunny and then worked her way down to the front of the room with Santa’s help. “Nova connected with me while I was in that coma. He gave me knowledge about him, about this woman, and about his plan. He knew she would want him, need him to come to her side. Her love for him is psychotic. Using that, he would bargain for our freedom, for my life. But, he said to me, if I woke and he had not returned, to keep everyone from going to his rescue.”

Gar asked, “Why? We love him too. He’s our family.”

Chase went silent as she processed her thoughts. “He told me everything. He showed me his history. I’m still sorting it out. It’s like a nightmare I’m trying to piece together after waking. What I learned is what she is and who He is. Nova... he’s nothing we imagined. Both him and this woman are powerful beyond measure. If we go to his rescue now, we’ll all die. None of us is truly ready to face her.”

Justin asked, “That’s it? He commanded us to abandon him?”

“No.” Chase said, “He saved me, but we must now save the world. His last command he wanted me to convey to everyone is this; be clever.”

The Delta Paradox
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

Thousands of heroes fill every available space of the BADGE space station. Teams huddle together, but seem to mingle well with other teams. Former enemies in the arena are talking over tea while serious rivals joke with one another.

“Excuse me.” Chase pushes past a group who are watching a news monitor near the main mess hall.

Gar sidles along, his large wings making it extra hard to get around such a crowded space. He smiles as he says to Chase, “look, Darkwrath and Mr. Stupendous are eating lunch together. I thought they hated each other.”

“They did. At least after Faction Wars, they were bitter. But, I suppose getting shoved together in here has made them put aside grudges.”

“So, there is something good about this,” said Gar.

“Sure.” Chase muttered and found her way into the lift for the operations center.

She and Gar stepped out of the lift into the command center and found it too had a lot of extra people here. Heroes sat among the robots at the operation stations. Some helped do work, while others looked positively bored.

Santa met her at the front of the room. “Angela! Good, the call is about to start.”

“Incoming communications on secure channels.” A robot announced.

“Put it through.” She glanced back at a tech hero sitting among the robots. “Charlie, I want you to monitor all the tech and be certain no one hacks this signal.”

Two screens opened, one with Prime Minister Shizue and one with Mayor Christopher of Neo Utopia.

“Prime Minister, Mayor Christopher.” She greeted them.

Shizue asked, in a tone like a mother, “how are you, Chase?”

“As well as I can be under the circumstances. How are the heroes under your care?”

Shizue gave a soft nod. “We have over five thousand refugees in our borders right now. Most of them are unregistered supers that are too young or too old to be fighting anyone with their powers. No BADGE leagues made it inside before we were forced to seal the barrier. But we have a lot of amateur meta-humans helping protect us.”

Chase asked the Mayor, “what about Neo Utopia?”

“We don’t have any leagues present, either. Our focus was to get children and unregistered metas here. We have over ten thousand refugees in this city. I’m afraid some are sleeping in tents in the parks. Strangely enough, Rutkowski’s men have been seeing to security both on our border and on the streets. This city has never been safer. However, the combined forces of the World Corps and the UN are standing watch for any crack in our defenses.”

Shizue said, “the same here. We have a massive army standing just outside my barrier wall. The moment they see a crack, they will invade. I do not want war in our streets, but I won’t back down to their threats, either. My people have had enough bullies.”

Mayor Christopher asked, “what did Nova say is the next move? All the legitimate heroes of Earth are on standby, but for how long?”

“I...I don’t know. Director Nova never told me his plans. He simply didn’t want BADGE going to war against the nations. Any action against the World Corps would be viewed as an attack against all the nations. It would be civil war across the entire planet.”

Christopher said, “we must consider the next action. Without a plan from Nova, it’s up to us.”

“I concur,” Shizue said. “We cannot stand idle forever. My people will starve. We can barely support ourselves.”

Chase waited for someone else to pipe in with an idea or comment, but everyone simply looked at her. She recognized those eyes. It was the same look people gave Nova when it was time for a new plan. “I...I will...we...I will have to consider what to do and get back to you. All I can say is to be vigilant and don’t let harm come to those people. BADGE out.” She cut off the signal.

Santa kindly said, “that was well done, Angela.”

Chase put her face in her hand and whispered, “oh, God, what do I do? I’m not ready for this.”


Gamma sat in the command center of the secret base for the World Corps. On a screen was a view into the temporary HQ set up near the United Nations. Judge Alpha and Beta sat in that room talking to other people on other monitors.

“Judge Alpha, the situation in the streets of Cairo is drastic. The Dust Devil gang is wreaking havoc. They are meta humans and known villains. My people cannot fight them with the regular police. We need your heroes to do something.” An ambassador from Egypt complained.

Alpha smiled at him with all the diplomacy she had. “I understand. Our heroes were only recently trained and assigned. I’m sure something will be done soon.”

A woman said, “just this week, two meta humans destroyed three banks and carried off the vaults. They are flaunting their actions in the face of our constabulary, knowing they can’t be stopped without heroes present. Tell your people to do something!”

Beta said, “we hear your concerns and I’ll address the UN soon about this. I’m sure our Commander Gamma will deal with this. I’m afraid our search for BADGE and their villains taxed our resources more than expected. Tell your people we will have the matter in hand.”

The screens to the UN cut off, and both Alpha and Beta turned to the secret monitor and looked at Gamma with severe eyes. Alpha demanded, “what’s going on, Gamma! We just gained the public’s trust. We can’t violate it now.”

Gamma shrugged with a loud huff, “tell that to our mighty leader. He said I would have command over the augments, and yet all I have been able to do is coordinate our mercs with the UN forces. The augments are only worried about finding BADGE and obeying Delta.”

“Where is Delta?” Beta craned his head to look around Gamma.

“Didn’t show up. Still back in the lab researching something.”

“Go and tell him what’s going on. I don’t care how much he threatens us, even he must realize we must do something,” commanded Alpha.

Gamma left his seat and walked back to the labs. Pushing the doors open, he found Delta glued to a complex computer terminal. Dr. Osteen was at another station, working on some genetic research. The fat doctor gave Gamma a shrug. Even he knew everyone was unhappy with Delta right now.

“Hey Delta, we have a growing problem.”

Delta ran several calculations and watched a map of the Earth. “It is out there, the time particles are fluctuating at the precise frequencies and 2200 hours. I will find you.”

Gamma stepped closer, “aren’t you listening to me?”

The map had a red marker show up and beeped wildly. Delta burst out with joy, “there! There he is! That is the temporal vortex that opened for seven point nine seconds. That must be how and when he got here. Now, I just need to find him.” He grabbed a tablet and walked away, just as focused on this new device as he had been on the computer.

“Delta!” Gamma watched him walk out of the room.

Delta casually waved a hand behind him, “yes, yes. Don’t bother me.”

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Gamma stood in the laboratory, frustrated and at a loss for what action to take. The bays that were formally filled with the augmented people were vacant. The testing facilities were offline. Only a few computers remained operational. The only other living soul here was Dr. Osteen, and he had his nose buried in his own computer.


“It’s doctor Osteen. I didn’t suffer twelve years of college and a painful dissertation to leave that part out.” Osteen declared and then continued working.

Gamma stomped over to him. “Fine, Doctor Osteen. Do you have any idea why Delta is acting so...strange lately?”

Osteen shrugged, “who knows? That dude has been a bundle of nerves since the day he broke me outta prison. He has been more up tight lately.”

“Can you show me what he has been working on in here?”

Osteen sat back and said, “everything he works on is locked out to everyone, including me. He keeps his secrets. However...” Osteen gained a devilish smile. “I can hack into just about anything. One of the many reasons I’m the most wanted scientist in the world.”

“Prove it.”

Osteen shoved off against his own station and wheeled across the lab in his chair, landing in front of Delta’s station. In a show of pure theater, he cracked his knuckles, wiggled his fingers, and then went to town on the keyboard. “Lets see...simple firewalls, password check points, some basic diversionary programs...and....here...we...go. Eleven seconds and I’m in. Not my personal best, but pretty good.”

“So, what do you see?” Gamma leaned in and was met by a blindingly confusing array of numbers, graphs, and simulations.

“Interesting, very interesting. Looks like Delta has been using this lab to track disturbances in time. Wow, would you look at that? Time is fracturing all over the world. This is really odd and seriously bad.”

“Fracturing?” Gamma asked.

“It’s like that episode of Star Trek Voyager when the ship is broken up into different time periods. It was a Chakotay heavy episode, but still good.”

“In non-nerdspeak please.”

“Basically, the theoretical fabric of time in this solar system has small cracks in it. They’re all pretty tiny, hardly enough to cause any significant problems. But, for a moment, a crack opened that was huge, but then sealed itself. That’s what Delta was looking at.”

Gamma paced behind the doctor. “I guess something like this could be concerning. Although, why is he keeping it to himself? If there’s a problem like this, we should all know. Do you have any more info on the time situation?”

“No. It looks like he found the big fracture and stopped testing the time problem.” Osteen scrolled through screens of data, which included DNA mapping, diagrams of the morphon crystals, and more.

“What’s all that?” Gamma asked.

“This is my work, but he has...I don’t know...changed it. No, wait, he didn’t do this, I did. Fascinating.” Osteen leaned in closer to read a report.

“You did something?” Gamma was still lost.

“Delta’s strange additions he had me design during the development of the augments have a purpose. I can’t tell what it is, but it’s more important than anything else. I think these alterations are the crux of all his plans, but I can’t tell what they do.”

“What did Delta have you do? Aren’t the augments just programmed to follow orders for the Word Corps?”

Osteen shook his head. “On the surface, yes. But there’s something more. Do me a huge favor and keep an eye out. I’m going to sort this out and I don’t want Delta vaporizing me for digging through his files.”

Gamma said, “I’m no computer expert, but wouldn’t he already be alerted to you digging round top secret folders?”

“Seriously, you are a real noob at this stuff. I didn’t just barge into his files and start poking around. I cloned his info and am looking at an independent system. As far as he is concerned, his files are still locked down and secure. However, if he sees me looking at this, I’ll have a hole in my chest, you know that.”

“True. Keep reading. I’ll go make sure you aren’t bothered.”

Gamma strolled into the command center as casual as any other day. To his great relief, Delta was focused on the comm screen, so he hadn’t noticed the intrusion to his private files.

Judge Alpha spoke to him from her location near the UN, “we can’t just sit around and wait while villains attack cities. The world is counting on our heroes to replace BADGE.”

“Tell them, once we have Nova, then our heroes will keep their people secure. Not before.”

“We can’t do that!” Alpha yelled in reply. “The Australian Prime Minister just said that Kangaroo Killer has already taken a whole town. His minions have all the city’s leadership tied up in the middle of the street. We have to do something.”

Delta huffed, “put the Prime Minister through to me.”



Alpha slammed a control and her screen changed to the office of the Australian Prime Minister, who was more than shocked at the sudden appearance.

“Hello, to whom am I speaking?” She asked.

Delta cooled off. “I’m Delta, a member of the ruling counsel for the World Corps.”

“I have never heard of you. I was speaking with your superior, Judge Alpha. Please...”

“You’re speaking with me now. When I have Director Nova in my hands, then my heroes will help protect your people. His capture is far more important than petty criminals.”

“I would hardly call Kangaroo Killer petty. He was threatening to kill all the city officials just for fun, on live streaming. Fortunately for the both of us, someone else stepped up and put a stop to the crime spree in that city moments ago. Kangaroo Killer and his cohorts are currently in custody.”

“What!? Who did this? Was it Nova?”

“Doubtful, Mr. Delta. Some mechanical heroes arrived and saved the city. I do not believe they are superheroes, but they are certainly heroes to my people. The lack of hero support from the World Corps has severely tarnished my opinion of you and your actions. I will be filing a request for an inquiry with the United Nations.”

“You do that.” Delta cut the communication off.

Gamma asked, “who stepped up to save that city? I thought all heroes were currently in hiding.”

Delta casually commanded, “computer, scan Australia for any rise in morphonic activity.” A map appeared, and the country was scanned ten times.

“Negative: no heightened morphonic activity registered in the area of Australia.”

Delta brushed this off. “Must be some jokers who decided to play hero. Not our concern.” He slapped the comm button and Alpha was called up again. “Tell Beta we’re about to call on the UN for an emergency meeting, now.”



Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Nova’s office seemed so big right now. Chase couldn’t decide it if was because she was alone on a station jammed with wall-to-wall people or because Nova filled the room so much when she was here. Running her gloved hand over his desk, she wanted so much to be on the other side, talking to him.

“Dammit, Nova, where are you?” She whispered as she activated a small computer. It held all his secret orders and commands. She had access to information that Nova wouldn’t allow God to see if he asked. Yet, she didn’t care about some of his deepest, darkest secrets, just the last page of orders and plans he had written out.

On the screen were simple words, spelling out: Contain all heroes, keep them safely out of World Corps hands, do not retaliate, be ready for the right time."

Gar stepped into the room. “Chase. Are you okay?”

“No. I’m a child playing house in an adults room.” She sat back. “Tell me something good, Gar.”

He fumbled with his words for a moment and gave this request serious thought. Finally, he smiled, “you look pretty today.”

“That’s not a proper thing to say to your C.O.”

“Oh, I just...”

She smiled at him, “but it was sweet.”

“Um...uh...oh, I do have good news.”

“I could use some right now.”

He said, “the protests outside some of the Fight Club’s have broken up. People are restarting their protests against the World Corps.”

“That’s something I suppose. Oh, Gar, what do I do? The world is tearing itself apart, and all Nova left me was a three sentence plan of doing nothing about it.”

“Director Nova was a clever man. We should trust him.”

“How far do we take that trust?” Chase asked.

Before Gar could stumble over another answer, a red light blinked on the desk and she was summoned back to the command room.

Chase led Gar back into Operations where all the robots and assisting heroes watched the giant monitor on the back wall. “Report!”

A hero said, “The Stygian has broken free from captivity and is attacking New Amsterdam. She has a small band of minions from the prison with her. The local police have been told to keep their distance since they don’t have...uh...hero support.”

On the monitor, they could see the garishly green clad villain leading a hoard of marauding hooligans as they ransacked the high-end shopping district. The Stygian unleashed green bolts of energy, playfully destroying water tanks on top of old apartment buildings.

A woman on the news spoke about the chaos. “It is mayhem in downtown New Amsterdam. The Chief of Police has requested all citizens evacuate the East Side. Right now, the National Guard and Police are working together to create a barrier, hoping to keep the enemies contained. However, if a concerted strike on any one point of such a barrier is executed, it is unclear if any normal methods of containment can hold. The Mayor has called upon the World Corps to send in their heroes, but so far there has been no response.”

A hero sitting with one robot muted the monitors. “We can have our team ready in moments! Send us down there.”

Chase watched the atrocities being executed in the defenseless city.

“Director!” the hero demanded her attention.

“Chase...” Gar tapped her shoulder.

She did not turn to answer, “no.”

“NO!? But...why?”

“It’s what Nova wanted. We must...”

“Nova didn’t want us fighting the World Corps or the UN. These are just villains.”

Chase said, “no. We cannot move without drawing everyone in. We must wait.”

“Wait, wait, wait! That’s all you say! We’re going down there.” The hero stormed away from the desk toward the lift.

“Carol! Look!” Another hero stopped the enraged woman.

The screen was unmuted when everyone watched a team of three large, two-legged robots appear with people piloting them. They unleashed a volley of lasers that took down all the general rabble in one shot. The Stygian rushed in to fight, but it was a brief battle. Soon, she and her companions were quickly rounded up and hauled off.

The news anchor said, “I’m not sure what these devices are. They have never been seen before either by a known world power or by BADGE. They have markings on them, but they match nothing in use by the World Corps’ forces. More about this as this story unfolds.”

Chase gave a slicing motion across her throat and the sound was cut off. “Do any of you know who or what those are?”

None of the other heroes in the room answered.

Chase said, “fine. I don’t like the idea of an unknown rogue party stepping up to fight villains, but at least they were quick and efficient.”

Gar asked, “do you think these are part of Nova’s plan?”

“I don’t know, and I have no idea how to find out.”


Delta sat at the command table in the secret HQ. Before him was the large monitor with small windows displaying faces of men and women from the UN.

“Who are you?” A man asked.

“I’m part of the commanding council of the World Corps.”

An Indian woman said, “we only speak with the leader or formal representative. Where is Judge Alpha?”

“Judge Alpha reports to me. I’m the last word in the World Corps.”

An American man said, “I always thought there must be someone pulling her strings. I thought it was your own little group of representatives, your own private little United Nations.”

Delta smiled from behind those dark sunglasses of his. “I have dissolved that little committee. For now, I’m the only vote that matters.”

“What is it you want to cast your vote on, sir?” A woman from England asked.

“We have a serious problem.” Delta said.

The Indian rep said, “yes. Villains are roaming our streets and cities unchecked. We need hero support from the World Corps now.”

“That problem is secondary.”

“Secondary!” The American barked. “People are being kidnapped, banks are being robbed, entire cities are being taken over by these petty tyrants. What about this is secondary?”

Delta laughed, “meager problems that will be resolved quickly once the actual situation is dealt with.”

“And just what is the situation you speak of?”

Delta gave them all a cold, quiet pause and then said, “Director Nova remains at large. Our combined forces have failed to bring him in. We must have him, or all our efforts for peace will be for nothing.”

“Bah!” The French rep replied. “Nova is on his station with the other heroes. We don’t have time to worry about one man who has had all his power curtailed.”

“Nova is still here, on Earth. I know it. The time vortex opened and closed AFTER the heroes evacuated!”

“Time vortex?” The rep from England frowned at him. “What are you talking about?”

Delta calmed himself down. “I have evidence of Nova’s activity after the heroes evacuated. It happened after the last shuttle left, after the last portal was sealed. He’s still here. And if he did, somehow, make it to the station, we have a bigger problem.”

The America thrust a finger at the camera. “We have wasted enough resources for the World Corps’ plans. We aren’t spending any more time, people, or money for a single man-hunt. He’ll be found, eventually.”

“I’m not asking for a bigger man hunt. I have a proposal.”

The Indian woman asked, “what sort of proposal?”

“We know there isn’t just one, but three safe havens for the criminals of BADGE. The BADGE space station and orbital arena are the primary location. However, they have also hidden people in Neo Utopia and North Onnotangu. From those locations, Nova can orchestrate a retaliation using all the combined heroes and agents of BADGE.”

“Nova wouldn’t do...”

“Have you so quickly forgotten Hollywood, destroyed by a BADGE force? Washington D.C. assaulted by a BADGE led force, Poseidon Island was leveled by BADGE heroes. Pretoria was nearly reduced to rubble. Should I go on? Do you want to wait until more cities are destroyed, more lives are lost?”

The rep from England nodded. “the evidence appears damning. However, what can we do to stop him when we cannot find him?”

A slight, demonic smile crept across Delta’s face. “We have to do to them what they did to you. You have developed the sub-atomic weapons.”

“That is top secret! How do you know...”

“It is still secret enough. I learned it from good sources. These weapons were designed to save this world against a villain like Jinn or Krampus if BADGE failed to stop them. BADGE cannot stop these weapons, or even see them coming, no one can. You have the power to reduce all three safe havens to radioactive ash. Do it, and the future of this world will finally be safe from the evils of Nova.”

“We will...discuss this.”

“You have twenty-four hours. If you fail to give me an answer, I’ll withdraw all my heroes from your countries and there will be nothing to save you from the villains.” He clicked off the comm channel, a look of supreme satisfaction on his face.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

Chase stood on a table in the middle of the mess hall of the station. Several dozen leaders of Leagues and other heroes listened to her.

“I know you want to return. The world is a mess right now and we could help. But we must be patient and wise. Nova has a plan...”

“Nova is not here.” Hotwings said.

“I know. And I’m not clear on his plan either. But I know it will work. We must have faith in that. For now, we must sit and wait.”

“I’m through waiting. We’re not controlled by BADGE like those augments with the World Corps. We can go home and do what we do best.” Bartman said with a lot of agreement from the others.

Chase was quiet for a moment and let them murmur until they gave her back their attention. She said, “you’re correct. You’re not programmed automatons of BADGE. You simply listen and obey out of loyalty. BADGE has always kept this world’s best interest at heart, which is a lot more than the World Corps can say. However, instead of vague orders to sit and wait, I offer a compromise. Give this one more day, just twenty-four more hours. If nothing new makes this plan clear, then you’re free to go home. All I would ask then is that you be wise about confronting the World Corps directly. Deal with the local villainy, but don’t push this world into a global war that could be devastating.”

All the league leaders talked to each other and finally it was Hotwings who answered. “Fine, twenty-four hours.”


Delta sat in the conference room, those same sour faces on the screen from the United Nations security council.

“Well, what is your decision?” was his greeting to them.

The woman from India spoke without hesitation in her voice, “the answer is no. We will not use the sub-atomic weapons on cities or nations simply to strike at one man.”

The fury in Delta’s eyes was palpable. “You would be so unwise as to not see the opportunity to execute the most dangerous man in history. What if you could use this to kill Jinn before he rose to power, or Krampus, or Hitler? What do you want to tell future generations who will look down in shame knowing the chance at global peace was in their hands and you threw it away out of fear?”

The American said, “it is not fear, Mr. Delta, it is wisdom. We’re not in the business of mass murder simply to hope to kill off one villain.”

The rep from England added, “so far, we still cannot fully corroborate your evidence that BADGE was behind all the attacks you mentioned. Some attacks seemed obvious, but others were more than questionable.”

Delta said, “all the evidence, right in front of your eyes, and you are blind.”

“We aren’t stupid.” The American said.

The French rep said, “also, it is our choice to condemn the World Corps for failing to fulfill their promise of protection and for harboring secret information highly guarded by the United Nations. We will launch a full investigation into how you came about the information about the sub-atomic weapons at our disposal. Such information should not be public knowledge.”

Delta shook with rage, “you...condemn...ME!”

“We do.”

He stood up and glared at them with an odd green color in his eyes. “Then the blood shall be upon your hands.” He cut off the comm signal.


Gamma listened to this exchange, cold inside as he realized how close this came to utter destruction of millions of lives. He quickly left the door of the conference room and hurried toward the laboratory.

Slamming open the door, he called out, “Osteen! Where is that data? I want to...Osteen?” He found the lab vacant. The automated lights flickered on at his presence.

“Osteen!” He called into his wrist comm.


A lone computer was active at Osteens’ usual station. Gamma found several files on the screen locked behind coded security. The moment he came close to them, his wrist comm activated, and he was met by the voice of Dr. Osteen. “Sorry to leave you, but this has gotten way too big for me. If Delta is there with you, tell him hi for me. If he is not, just say bugle horn.”

Gamma frowned, “Bugle Horn?”

Those words unlocked the files on the computer. Osteen was clever. He chose this tactic so that Gamma would accidentally open these files only if Delta wasn’t present.

As he looked upon the data, the color in Gamma’s face faded. It was one line after another of stats and results of tests. Simulations ran over and over.

“I have to talk to the others.”

Delta burst through the door of Conference Room B. Gamma sat in the room with Alpha and Beta on separate screens. They were obviously in a deep discussion. A holographic screen hovered in the middle of the room, which was shut off quickly.

“Good. I wanted to see all three of you.”

Alpha coolly said, “coincidentally, we need to talk to you. Sit.”

Delta sat down at the table, a lack of rage in him at her command, which was almost as scary as his fury would be. “I see you must have something terribly important to tell me. First, Gamma, what happened to all the soldiers around this place? Have we forgotten to pay them for their services?”

“I sent them home.” Gamma calmly answered.

“Now, why would you do such a thing?”

Alpha said, “it’s over. Your continued new plans have only driven an excellent scheme into catastrophe. In a matter of days, you have turned the United Nations against us. We had them in our back pocket.”

Beta said, “just moments ago, I got a summons to meet with the United Nations Security Council about a condemnation over illegal actions. They want me to draft an official statement against the World Corps. These are the same people I had convinced to do whatever I wanted them to do.”

“You’ve gone too far,” Gamma added.

Delta hardly made eye contact with them as he examined his fingernails. “It matters very little what the UN thinks of us. Soon, this will all be nothing but a bothersome memory.”

“Why? Because of this.” Gamma turned the holo screen back on.

Delta sat forward and looked at his own private plans. “Oh, I see you have been busy. Digging into files you really shouldn’t see. I told you I had secrets not meant for your eyes.”

Alpha barked, “what is this? You had Dr. Osteen program some kind of secret code into the DNA of the augments. Something that came from your own DNA. What is it? Why are the morphon crystals so important to all of this?”

Beta said, “these simulations show you gaining powers, powers that go beyond anything we can imagine. How, why? What purpose would that serve?”

“That is not for you to know. Even if I explained, you couldn’t possibly understand it.”


“You will do what I say when I say it. That is all that matters. That you learned these secrets is hardly concerning. You can’t understand this data. Only that it shows that I am mo

re powerful than you is all that worries you. That is no surprise. I have always been more powerful than you. Now, stop worrying about this, stop yelling at me, and do what I say.”

“And what are you glorious commands, Delta?” Alpha asked.

Delta said, “the United Nations needs to learn genuine fear of me, of the World Corps. We need them cowed like the small children they are. Therefore, Gamma, use the meta-command module on the augments and order them to kill all the world leaders and their families.”

A wave of gasps ran through the three others. Gamma said, “I will do no such thing.”

Delta calmly looked at the others. “Any of you willing to follow this order?”

Beta said, “no. I will not be party to such an act of murder.”

Alpha said, “this ends here and now. I’ll not allow you to do this. The World Corps was always about power and control, but never that depth of depravity. I will turn you over to...to...” she grasped her throat and gagged.

Beta and Gamma were in the same position, gasping for breath, but unable to draw in any air.

Delta stood up from his seat. “Pity. You were such useful idiots. I guess your time is over. As your hearts beat their last pitiful pulses, I remind you that you were given a chip to help keep us connected so that no one would ever be lost. This chip also is a fail-safe against a coup.”

All three fell dead.

Delta took off his glove and pulled out the control mechanism. “Such is the end of all petty tyrants in history.”

Calling up a command screen on the computer, he accessed a special communication protocol. “Delta to all augments across this world. Kill the world leader you have been assigned to, kill their families, kill their staff. Make it as public as possible.”

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

The main monitor in front of Chase had the horrible events spread across it like a nightmare that simply wouldn’t end. Gray skinned augments flew around, attacking palaces, court houses, homes, planes, and other forms of official transport. Jets attacked the augments, but their firepower was no match for the amplified morphonic abilities of these people.

The man reporting the news spoke in a professional, but sorrow filled tone. “So far, over seventy-eight world leaders have been assassinated in less than six hours. Prime Ministers, judges, governors, and ambassadors are among the dead. We have not received a count yet, but we know that many of these people have had their homes attacked, killing everyone inside. This unprovoked coup, led by World Corps heroes, caught everyone off guard. The same words are ringing from every corner of the world. BADGE save us! Two hours ago, the United Nations officially declared all outstanding warrants against BADGE and their associated heroes nullified and have called for aid from the organization deemed criminal just a few days prior. We at the International News Network also call for BADGE. Please, if you can hear us, Director Nova, we need your heroes.”

Chase cut off the sound and looked back at the people sitting at the stations with the robots, then she looked at Gar. “Come on, everyone, down to the mess, immediately.”

It was a quick rush down through the station to the main hall, where most League leaders were currently waiting for their answer. The ultimatum was given less than a day ago, and they were sure it was time. On tablets, small screens, and mounted televisions, the same horrible news echoed through the halls of BADGE. Heroes stood in stunned silence at the sight of such merciless killing.

Chase pushed through the crowd and stood on a table. She pressed a button on her comm and all the screens went silent.

“Everyone! I’m sure you have heard the news.”

“LET US GO DOWN NOW!” Hotwings demanded.

Chase gave him a nod. “I see no reason...”

There came a great blue flash of light behind her and she knew the color of it as it reflected off everyone’s eyes. Turning, she let out a yelp of joy at the sight of Director Nova, Strange Quark, EB, and an odd man in red armor.

Nova stepped up, giving everyone a surprised look. Finally, he said, “well, what are you waiting for? Save the Earth!”

A jubilant cheering broke out as portals were opened and people rushed back to their duty. Strange Quark joined the transportation and helped zap heroes back down to the planet.

Chase called out, “head for portals and teleporter heroes, don’t use the shuttles. No time. Go, go, go!”

Turning back to Nova, Chase slowly stepped down. She just about said something when EB rushed at her and jumped up, latching on with one of his famous hugs. “I’ve missed you sooooo much. I love Nova, but he’s a stick-in-the-mud. I needed my hot babelicious Chase.”

Chase hugged him back for a moment. “You know, I kinda missed your inappropriate flirting.”

“Dawwww!” He was nuzzling her.

“Okay, enough.” She dropped him.

Nova approached, “I’m so sorry for handing you this job so suddenly. But you kept everything in one piece.”

“All I did was follow your plan. Keep the heroes away from going to war against the World Corps. But...I didn’t know what to do after that.”

Nova said, “you did exactly what you had to. The world stopped trusting us. They turned to another source of protection, not realizing they had gotten into bed with the vipers. What we needed was for the world to see the enemy for who they were. By not engaging the World Corps directly, we gave them enough rope to hang themselves. They expected an all-out war against BADGE, but we didn’t give it to them. Once the world, as a whole, turned back to us and asked for our help, it would be time.”

“But why wait for the world to need us, to call for us? We aren’t always welcome, but we always do our job.”

Nova said, “if we had retaliated when the World Corps wanted us to, we would fight not only them, but the armed forces of their new allied nations, against the forces of the United Nations, against the media, and against public opinion. Now, we have only one enemy, the only true enemy we had from the beginning, the World Corps.”

“So, is this it? Is it now over? There is little chance the World Corps has the manpower to fight the combined forces of BADGE and the military forces of the world,” asked Chase.

The man in the red armor said, “not by a long shot.”

Chase cocked her head at him. “Who are you?”

Nova smiled and said, “pardon me, introductions are in order.”

EB hopped around, “oh, this is sooo cool. He’s...”

The man shoved EB away as he slowly walked toward her. “Chase...it has been so long.”

“Do I know you?” She paused and gave him a closer look. “Wait, I think I do know you. No...it can’t be...but...”

“Yes, Chase, I’m Nova from a distant future.”

“Sir?” She looked at Director Nova.

He nodded, “yes. He and I are the same person, just around 1300 years’ distance between us.”

“How...why...what?” Chase could not form a logical question now.

General Nova huffed, “we don’t have time for all this.”

“Come on, let’s head for operations. We’ll explain everything there.” Director Nova guided them toward the lift. His future self seemed a little misty as he looked around, but hid it as well as he could from them.


A large plane billowed smoke from its right engine as two augments attacked it. With one well-placed blast from the enemy, the plane sailed toward the ground near a large brick wall.

A blurry light covered the plane, and it stopped falling from the sky. In the distance, on that brick wall, three people held out hands and cast this telekinetic field to save the plane. A different man held up his hands and ten people flashed next to him, the occupants of the plane. Once they were safe, the plane was allowed to fall to the ground.

The two augments rushed the wall. The moment they got within ten feet of it, everyone quickly covered their heads in foil, including placing the same hats on their rescued people. A little girl holding a small doll looked up and her eyes went inky black. Both augments held their heads and screamed in pain. They turned and raced far away.

A man in uniform met the rescued people. “Welcome to North Onnotangu.”

“Oh, thank you, thank you. I’m General Bigos, head of the Mokash Military. We have the president’s family with us. The president was murdered by…”

“We know. It’s an old story by now. You’re safe here.”

Their new guests were escorted off the protective wall around the nation.

The general knelt down and smiled at the little girl. “You did well. I hope you gave them bad dreams.”

She toyed with her doll. “They will wet their beds for a long time.”

“I hope...”

“Sir, there is someone approaching. He’s running through the trees near the wall.” A man held a hand to his head, sensing this with his powers.

The general looked over the wall. “I see him. Ari, get him up here before we’re attacked by another augment.”

A woman with unnaturally long legs jumped down and grabbed the man and jumped back up. He landed near the general and was wobbly for the trip.

“Welcome to North Onnotangu, who....YOU!”

Dr. Osteen looked at the general. “Hello, I really need to talk to your leader right away.”

Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

Director Nova and Chase stood in front of the main monitor with EB, General Nova, and Gar behind them. On the screen, Hotwings reported in.

Nova asked, “hows it look out there?”

“Not good. The President of the United States and his family have been murdered. Seventeen senators were killed at the same time. The US military was able to smuggle out as many dignitaries as they could.”

Chase asked, “what about the augment assigned to Washington now?”

“We have her on the run. She’s tougher than we expected. She punched Midgard right in the chin and sent him flying. I’ve seen no one do that since the battle with Jinn. I don’t know if we can stop them. These augments are incredibly strong.”

Nova said, “do what you can. As long as you can keep the augments occupied, they aren’t killing innocent people. Take them down if you can, but don’t get you or your team killed in the process.”

“Don’t worry about us. We can handle this. Hotwings out.”

The screen shut off.

General Nova stepped up, “I have word from the seventh battalion. The mechas are on the move in London. They have the augments under control there. The heroes from BADGE are ready for an ambush just outside of the city.”


Gar asked, “what’s a Mecha?”

General Nova answered. “Mecha are robotic suits piloted by humans. In the future, they’re the means that keep the earth safe and the tools for friendly competition...mostly.”

Chase asked, “do you organize them like the Leagues today?”

The General said, “not quite like BADGE. I help organize the mecha armies across many planets in our galaxy. In the future, there are many villains. However, there is one chief villain who has evaded complete destruction, an alien known as Drochah. He can travel in time and has used that to his advantage for as long as we’ve been fighting him and his forces.”

“Is that why time is fractured?” Chase asked.

General Nova said, “yes, and no. You see, however terrible Drochah is, he understood that interrupting the natural flow of time would be of no one’s benefit. It would destroy everything. His travels into the past were always careful and with precise work to keep from interrupting the flow of time. However, he made a terrible choice to abandon that conviction and altered history to his advantage.”

Gar asked, “what did he do?”

“Drochah was once, in the far distant past, the leader of a group you know called Legion. He was deposed by Kruhl and sent out of Legion eons ago. Since then, he has worked to regain his place as the most feared leader in all the known universe. Each time he was defeated, he would jump in time to avoid death. One time, his jump was disastrous, and he ended up stuck in this time period. He disguised himself as a human and took on the name of Delta.”

“Delta’s an alien and member of Legion!?” EB bellowed.

“Don’t yell.” The Director said.


The General continued, “yes. He organized the World Corps and used it in an attempt to overthrow this world.”

“So, that is the disruption in time?” Chase asked.

“Not exactly. His coming to the past and becoming Delta were all recorded in history. I remember it clearly. It was a paradox; It happened because it already happened. But something is terribly wrong. In my memory, the battle in Pretoria, South Africa, was their last conflict before being exposed and brought down.”

Gar said, “but, that happened.”

“The battle happened, but what I remember as the outcome and what you remember are two vastly different things. In the real timeline, the attack ended with the revelation to the world that the World Corps was behind everything. When I sent Chase, Gar, and Strange Quark to find the secret base, they found it and they also found the four leaders of the World Corps. Delta revealed himself to be an alien, killed the other three leaders and attacked you. However, he was still in a weakened state and you defeated him. He returned to the future before being killed. Somehow, he was able to jump back into the past and prevent that failure. The world never learned the truths that were uncovered there. Delta continued his plans, and here we are.”

Chase asked, “why are you here? Did you follow him back in time?”

Director Nova answered that. “I have time powers, but I lack the ability to travel in time by will alone.”

General Nova said, “in the future where Drochah is from, he tried one last effort to destroy us and take over Earth. He was so sure of his victory that when defeat came, he went insane. He jumped back into history, his own history, and altered it. That act fractured time. Today those fractures are tiny. By my time, it has utterly broken time. I could ride a wave of disrupted time back, following it to an origin point. I came out too late to stop Drochah from doing what he wanted, but I am still here to help.”

Director Nova added, “apparently some of your mechas were swept away with you, which are out there helping keep this world safe while we look for a way to fix this situation.”

“How do we stop him? He has already broken time.” Chase asked.

EB said, “this is a doozy. We Vexillians have powers to alter time, and that clock thingy is really stinking powerful. But, to fix this mess, I doubt even we could. Specially since it’s only me and Santa right now.”

General Nova said, “I don’t have that answer. But, I know a few things. First, your people are clever and have saved this world more times than you realize. You can find the answer, I know it. I trust it. Second, Drochah’s plans aren’t to destroy time. That was an unfortunate consequence of his insane move to change his failure in the past. He may not even realize how much damage he has caused, nor does he care. Drochah’s goal remains the same as it has always been. Use Earth as a staging ground to rebuild Legion in his image. He wants not to be the emperor over that horrible band of tyrants, he wants to be a god.”

“Why Earth?” EB asked.

“Because the combination of our sun and morphonic energy creates a unique power that cannot be found elsewhere. With it, he can craft powerful creatures that will be unmatched by any around this universe. He will conquer every world, rule every sector, he will place himself as god-king of all that exists.”

“But if he has broken time, then it will destroy him before he can do that.” Gar said.

“No, it won’t. It will take centuries for time to fully collapse. Before that happens, he will craft his new Legion. Time will reach a critical stage and implode. This system and all around it will be sucked into a black hole and time around the rest of the universe will continue normally.”

Chase said, “all this time talk is making my head hurt. I don’t understand.”

EB said, “well, time isn’t just one single line. It’s this wibbly wobbly timey wimey thing.”

“You stole that from Doctor Who.”

“I know, but it makes more sense that you realize.”

Director Nova said, “now we are all up to speed. The next step is to figure out what the next step will be.”

“That’s about as helpful as EB.” Chase said.

“Hey!” EB retorted.

General Nova said, “what we need is an advantage. Something to give us an edge right now to help.”

A robot announced, “Incoming Message: Prime Minister Shizue.”

“Put her through,” both Nova’s announced.

Shizue came on the screen and gave the two Nova’s a funny look. “BADGE. I have someone who is desperate to talk to you.”

The leader of her military yanked a bound and restrained Dr. Osteen in front of the camera. The fat doctor gave them a timid smile. “Hey, there, BADGE. Yeah, so, we need to talk.”

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

The Operations view screen had North Onnotangu up with Dr. Osteen nervously waited for a response. The only reply he got was nasty looks from everyone in front of him on the station. Even EB was particularly miffed.

Dr. Osteen finally broke the silence. “I know, I know. I’m the last person you expected to see. But if you don’t get me up there now, Delta will find me and skin me alive.”

Director Nova said, “we’ve already been infiltrated by one of your own. Beta pretended to be our ally and then stabbed us in the back. So, you can understand my reluctance to believe anything you say.”

Osteen said, “look, I’m not turning all goody two-shoes here. I’m still out for me. I don’t care if BADGE wins or all the good little people are safe, I just care if I’m safe. I’m not coming to you with any hidden agenda. But I’m coming to you with information you won’t find in a million years. Now, either you believe me, or you let Delta smoke me and lose your last chance.”

Prime Minister Shizue had her people pull Osteen to the side so she could speak. “Look, Director, I have no more reason to trust this monster than you. However, I had a young man with telepathic powers scan Dr. Osteen. We found no lie in him. As far as he’s concerned, he’s telling the truth.”

General Nova said, “we do need information.”

Director Nova pointed at Gar. “Go get Craig and bring him up here.”

“Sure thing.” Gar ran off.

Nova then said, “Strange Quark!”

In a blue flash, Quark appeared with a bottle of brandy up to his mouth. He swallowed and said, “what’s up?”

“I need you to zap Dr. Osteen from Onnotangu to us, right here.”

“Oh, sure. First...” Quark snapped his fingers, and a bucket appeared next to him.

EB asked, “what’s that for?”

“You’ll see.” Quark smiled and then snapped his fingers again.

In a great flash of blue light, Dr. Osteen appeared right next to Quark with a briefcase clutched in his cuffed hands. He was confused for a second and then turned green, bent over, and hurled into the bucket.

“Ew,” was EB’s answer to that.

Nova said. “Thanks, Quark. You can get back to work.”

Quark said. “I’m helping fight these augments in Africa. They are...different. So strong.”

“Do what you can.” Nova said and Quark vanished away.

Osteen staggered back up and wiped his mouth. “That was horrible.”

“Teleportation at that distance in an instant will cause some discomfort.” Director Nova casually stated.

Osteen gave him a stinky look, knowing that was planned. “Fine, you had your fun. Are you going to listen to me?”

Nova pulled out his gun, but merely held it at his side. “Sure. I hope, for your sake, you have something worth listening to.”

“I do. No need to flash the weapons. Here,” Osteen shoved the briefcase at Chase. “I printed off as much as I could. Couldn’t risk downloading it to anything, they might hack it and delete the files. These people have incredible control over things. Anyway, those files are full of data that scared the crap outta me.”

Chase plopped the case on a table and opened it. She pulled out the paperwork. “It’s all calculations and graphs. This is complicated.”

“Of course it is, idiot. That’s some high-level science work.”

Chase held out her hand as a blade appeared. “Want to call me names again?”

“Look. Here’s the deal. I helped develop the augmentation program for the World Corps. In fact, I crafted the idea before I met them. Delta had research they already completed that I combined with mine and together we could perfect the augmentation. Using morphonic inclined people, we could...”

Director Nova interrupted, “we know how it worked. You kidnapped people who could harness morphons for powers, modified them, and turned them into living weapons.”

“Yeah, that’s the gist of it.” Osteen stated, seemingly uncaring that he had just admitted to mass murder. “Anyway, things were going pretty good. The augments were what they wanted. I had achieved my goals, and I was about to be richer than Midas.”

Chase asked, “so...why turn against them? Sounds like you were sitting pretty.”

“Gamma asked me to do some digging. I thought it would be fun hacking into the files they didn’t want me to see. But what I found scared me to death. Delta gave me instructions to include certain coding into the augmented DNA. I couldn’t understand it at the time and didn’t think to question it. When I looked into his files, I discovered the dirty truth. The augments are merely a part of a larger plot. They can absorb morphon energy and are continually growing stronger. Delta has a plan to use them to craft something horrible.”

Chase pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to Nova. “I think I found what you’re talking about.”

Both Nova’s looked at the paper. “Neutral Morphon Core?”

Osteen explained, “as much as black is the combination of all visible colors, this Neutral Core is the combination of all frequencies of morphons. This core would be weak to none, strong against all. It will be able to nullify all others, making it completely resistant. Whatever used this would be unstoppable.”

Nova asked, “so, why would this worry you? Your boss would become supreme.”

“Sounds pretty cool, and I was okay with that. But then I found his master plan. His ultimate phase of all of this isn’t crafting the core, it’s eradicating all life on Earth. He means to exterminate every living thing on this planet. I do not know why, but I know I have given him the power to do this. I don’t want to die.”

“So, you’re just here to save your sorry hide.” EB muttered.

“Yeah, so?” Osteen retorted.

General Nova said, “this is exactly what Drochah wanted all along. Creating a supreme being of power and then using this planet as his base for the next Legion. I did not realize how close he was to that goal. We are on the cusp of extinction.”

“We have to stop him.” EB said.

“That is obvious.” Director Nova replied.

Osteen smiled, “that is where I come in. I have an idea that just might work. My anti-morphon technology could be changed to weaken a foe who is using a neutral core. But I need the labs and tech to craft these weapons.”

“We are not creating hero murdering guns!” Chase stated.

“Look, I don’t want to vaporize heroes. My anti-morphon guns wouldn’t be able to harm a neutral hero like that, anyway. He will be too powerful. But, I can use the same tech to build something new. Unless you still don’t trust me. In that case, we’re all doomed.”

“I don’t trust you,” Director Nova said. “But we have little choice but to work with you.”

“Good. Just point me to the lab and...”

“Not so fast.”

Just then, Gar came in with Craig. “Found him in the arboretum.”

“I want to help.” Craig said.

“Good, I have a job for you. Take our friend here and watch him like a hawk. We’ve sent all our agents and heroes down to stop the augments mass assassinations. You, and a team of our scientists, will work with him. If he steps one foot out of line, you’re ordered to take him down.”

Craig looked at Osteen and his face changed, his eye twitched and he balled one hand into a tight fist. “This...this...JACKASS! What...he...he is the one who...”

“We know who he is. Contain your rage, he just might be our only hope right now.” Director Nova said.

Osteen smiled, “oh, if it isn’t pretty boy. I see you’re still sporting some of my special enhancements.”

Craig grabbed him by his collar and pulled him nose to nose. “If you want to see any of my enhancements in action, just push me one inch. I dare you.”

“Enough.” Nova said. “Take him to the lab. I’ll inform Dr. Henderson to get a staff ready for you. And, remember, Osteen, you’re guilty of so many crimes, firing you into the sun is fully permitted to me.”

“You’re kidding...right? He’s kidding?” Osteen was shoved along.

“Move!” Craig forced him into the lift.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

Standing on a rooftop, Furious Squirrel used both of his steampunk laser pistols to shoot at the augment flying through downtown Detroit.

“On your right!” A voice came through Furious’s earpiece.

Taking a flying leap off of the Cobo Center rooftop, Furious was grabbed by Captain Ultra as he flew low. “I can hit him, but it doesn’t do much good!”

Captain Ultra said, “don’t stop! Try to annoy him.”

Furious shot at the augment with abandon, hitting him as many times as he could.

“He’s gonna get to the plane before the governor can get away!” Furious yelled.

Suddenly, the augment they were chasing bounced off a large, invisible barrier near the airport. He flew back, crashing into trees and skidding across the ground.

Furious and Captain Ultra landed near the fallen augment. Rysh appeared near them, a smile on his face. “Thought that barrier would do the trick.”

Bartman skateboarded over to them and pointed at the sky. “She’s in the air.” A jumbo jet took off.

“Good, now we...” Furious stopped and looked at the ground near them. “The crystals?”

They looked over as a patch of freshly grown crystals slowly evaporated into dust, the power in them flowing into the augment.

“This can’t be good.” Bartman said.

The eyes of the augment flew open, and he screamed. A wave of power blasted out and threw all four heroes away. Launching off the ground at supersonic speeds, the augment hit the plane and bisected it in one slice. The fuselage broke in half and both parts fell to the earth, a trailing black smoke following them.

Furious sat up, gathering his wits. The explosion of the plane hitting the ground shook him even at this distance. “What just happened?”

Captain Ultra stood up and brushed himself off. “We failed, that’s what happened. Come on, we have to find that augment before he kills again. MOVE!”

Furious pressed his comm unit, “BADGE, something crazy just happened.”


A little smile plays on the lips of Delta as he watches his glorious augments murder. The news from all corners of the planet provided him a wonderful display. In a strange moment for him, he let out a laugh when one of his augments punched a BADGE hero right through a mountain.

Flicking off the mute button, he listened to a report from England. “The royal family has all been killed. Only the Duchess remains and she is being protected by twenty of BADGES finest. This is a dark day for the United Kingdom as it is for many, many other nations. In better news, we are receiving reports that some of the augmented heroes from the World Corps are showing erratic actions and are struggling to keep fighting. For whatever reason these people are acting strange, it is unclear. However, this presents a tactical shift that might help bring this war of heroes to a close. We turn...”

A red light blinked on the wall and Delta clicked off the monitors. He strolled out of the room, stepped over the bodies of the mercs he killed in the hallways, and headed for the landing platform. He stepped out and found three augments waiting for him. They twitched, groaned, and had crackling energy crawling over their bodies.

“Ah, my children have returned. Good.”

The woman looked at him with fear in her eyes. “What...have I...become...”

The man next to her grabbed his face. “I...I was in a car...then...I don’t remember. What is happening to me?”

Delta stood in front of them again. “You are what you were meant to be all along. My source of power. Come, I shall end your pain.”

Holding out his arms, the energy in their bodies turned to a find mist. They screeched and screamed in agony, but it fell on deaf ears. Gathering this energy in front of him, he held it aloft between his hands. Once the last ounce was extracted, all three fell dead at his feet.

“So...it begins.”


Nova, Nova, and Chase listened to Furious Squirrel give his report about the augment absorbing the crystals.

“Thanks. Keep fighting the augments.” Director Nova said, “we’ve received a dozen reports in the past few hours of this. They gain power, but then lose control. Keep them occupied. We need these assassinations minimized.”

“Will do. Furious out.”

Chase asked, “why are the augments absorbing the energy from the newly grown crystals?”

Director Nova said, “Osteen said that the augments absorbed morphonic energy, and we learned the crystals are created by morphons, so it makes some sense. Why they are surging in power and then losing control is still unclear.”

General Nova said, “Osteen also said that the augments were just a part of Delta’s plan to craft this neutral core. What if...what if...” He walked over to the computer and began working.

“What if...what?” Chase asked.

“Give me a sec. Damn...this is bad.”

Director Nova came over and looked at the screen. “You’re doing a morphon level scan?”

“Yes, and it shows the particles per million in the atmosphere have dropped by ninety-five percent.”

“What does that mean?” Chase asked.

Director Nova pressed his comm, “Doctor Henderson, activate your screen.”

A small window on the main monitor opened up with her. “Yes? We have little to report yet, Osteen...”

“THAT’S DOCTOR OSTEEN!” he yelled from off camera.

“Fine, Doctor Osteen is just beginning.”

“That’s not what I have to ask you. I’m sending you some current scan data and information. What do you think?”

She looked down at another screen, her brow furrowing. “Morphons down ninety-five percent...the crystals, wait the crystals are absorbing high quantities of the morphons from the atmosphere.”

“Doctor, something about this is affecting the augments, and I want to know why.”

“Lemme see.” Osteen nearly shoved her out of the way. “Oh, crappola! Yup, this is part of my work. The crystals were formed by corrupted morphon energy dispersion. The fast-growing crystals were all made of corrupt morphons. Too unstable for human bodies, but totally safe to make fast growing crystals.”

“Good to know.” Nova said. “Why is it causing the augments to act strange?”

Both doctors looked over the data. Henderson reported, “it seems their bodies are absorbing only the fast growing crystal energy. It’s overwhelming their system. Too much power.”

“Oh, monkey spit!” Osteen blurted out. “I see it now! The augments are batteries. Delta is using them to absorb the energy. Morphons act differently when they come in contact with a living conduit. Just sucking them out of the air won’t make them useful, but gathering them and then forcing them into the augments is like feeding grass to a cow, you get milk. He’s milking them. But this process would kill them.”

“Why is he taking this energy?” The General asked.

“Dunno. Most likely to make his neutral core. He’s either gonna make another augment and turn it into some kind of super-super being, or...I don’t know. But if we are at this stage, he’s getting really close to completion.”

“We’re running out of time. Osteen, Henderson, work fast.”

“On it.” He gave a bad salute and shut off the signal before she could answer.

“Please let me punch that jerk when this is all over.” Chase muttered.

“Gar, I need you...” Nova turned to the oddly silent man standing behind them.

Gar was frozen as though he had reverted to a statue again. General Nova walked over and touched his arm. “Gar...”

Gar’s body flickered. He looked at General Nova. “General, good. I need to tell...it is...time is...broken. Drochah...Drochah...across time...mecha army too powerful.” Gar stopped moving for a second and this his body returned to normal. He looked around, “what, why are you looking at me like that?”

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

The city of Toronto is vacant, having been evacuated less than twenty-four hours ago. The three augments assigned to the Canadian Capital cannot fulfill their master’s wishes as the hero League, Hydra, keeps them occupied in a fierce battle.

“We have one down!” Martial Law announced over the comm channel.

The Gentleman answered, “the female augment is coming down Yonge Street. I’m gonna take her down, get some hero support over here to watch her.”

“On it!” Martial Law barked orders into the comm for the other heroes.

The Gentleman listened from around a corner. The sound of a high-pitched whistle rang in his ear. The augmented woman zipped by, flying so fast that she almost broke the sound barrier. He stepped out and clotheslined her mid-flight. She flipped over and over in the air and crashed into a corner bistro, destroying half the building.

The Gentleman held his arm, “Gah! That hurt! I hope she took that in the face! Man!” He clicked on his comm, “I have her. She just plowed into Maple Jacks Bistro. I’ll keep her down!”

“On our way!”

He took a timid step over the rubble, ready for a good fight. “Hey, sister, where are ya?”

The sound of moaning and some rubble being moved caught his attention.

She pushed aside the debris and stood up in the middle of the wreckage. Her body quaked and energy spiked all over her skin. She looked at The Gentleman with desperation in her eyes.

“Please...help me...I hurt!”

“What the?” He wasn’t sure how to handle this.

Death Ape, Martial Law, and Tri-blade arrive just then, equally ready for a fight.

The energy all over her body turned vibrant. She held her head, screaming. All at once, the energy flowed free of her and she crashed to the ground.

Tri-blade rushed over and checked her. “She’s dead.”

“I didn’t mean to kill her.” The Gentleman whispered.

Tri-blade said, “I don’t think you did.”

“No, you didn’t. I just got word from the others. Both the other augments just lost all their energy and died at the same time.”

“What the hell is going on?” Deathape asked.

“I don’t have a clue.” Martial Law said, “better tell BADGE.”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I listened to Old Nova say something about morphons in the air and then I was standing there with all you guys looking at me.” Gar said.

General Nova said, “you were touched by time. Something happened to you, but I don’t know what.”

Chase asked, “could it have something to do with the time fractures? Maybe he was reliving something from the past.”

“Couldn’t have.” Director Nova said, “he mentioned Mecha’s and Drochah, neither of which has Gar had any experience with before now.”

EB zipped into the room and jumped up on a console. “You guys better come down to the arboretum, like now.”

“What is it?” Director Nova asked.

“Santa is here, and he brought friends. Come on.” EB zipped away so fast that no one could see where he went.

“I miss that little guy.” The General said.

Director Nova asked, “you want to bring him back to the future when you go?”

“Ha, you say that. But, he really is your best friend. You’ll come to understand that one day. For now, let’s find out what Santa has to say.”

Everyone headed down to the arboretum to find Santa standing with Rutkowski, Peyton, and Father Time. What surprised both Nova’s the most was that Santa currently held the powerful clock that Father Time desires so greatly.

“Santa, care to explain?” Director Nova said.

“Of course. Oh, good, you brought Gar with you.”


“Yes. This is about you. About an hour ago, we all felt something in time. Something came backward in time.”

Chase said, “time is fractured all over the place, or so I’ve been told. What is strange about this one incident?”

Father Time said, “because, it was on purpose. Someone has created a tether between two time periods.”

“Tether?” Nova asked.

“Someone has tapped into the fractured time and used a stable point in both the future and past that is connected. This requires something extremely powerful that exists in both times. Through this link, the future is trying to communicate with the past. But this is an extremely delicate and difficult process.”

“Wait, Gar, you were talking about things from the future. You are the link.” Chase said.

Peyton nodded, “Santa quickly gathered us and we all agreed it had to be Gar. He is timeless and his core that gives him life is extremely powerful. He is both touched by magic and morphons. Thus, he is a perfect conduit.”

Gar frowned, “huh?”

Rutkowski huffed and explained in his usual eloquence, “theys saying you’re a time-telephone. Someone is try’n ta ring the past up and you’re da answering machine. Capice?”


Nova put a hand on Gar’s arm to stop him from asking more questions. “So, what is the message?”

“We don’t know,” Santa said. “That’s why we’re here. Using the clock and our combined powers, we can try to stabilize the link and get the message clearly.”

Father Time said, “for someone to do this must mean that it’s of vital importance.”

Gar looked at Director Nova. “Do we trust the mob boss and Father Time?”

Nova looked at them and then slowly nodded, “they may be despicable criminals...”

“Hey!” Rutkowski took offense.

“But even they don’t want to see our world annihilated. We can trust them.”

EB hopped up, “besides! If they try anything, you got us right here.”

Director Nova said, “we need information. We need to know what the future is trying to tell us.”

“Okay. I’ll do it.”

Nova’s comm beeped. “Nova here.”

A robot announced, “You have one hundred and fifty-eight messages coming from Earth.”

“Talk about timing. Okay, Chase, you stay here with Gar and monitor this. We’ll head back to operations and find out what is going on.”

Director and General Nova left them with their work.

“Report!” Nova barked the moment he got into Operations.

Dozens of small screens were open on the monitor. Heroes all talked at the same time, but then stopped when they heard the cacophony.

“Robot, mute the others. Just put Krystal Fae through.” Nova pointed at one of the little windows.

Krystal’s window opened up. “Sir, all the heroes I’m working with are reporting the same thing. The augments are...dissolving. Well, not fully. Their power is evaporating and then they just up and die.”

Nova looked around the screen, “is that what everyone is reporting?” People nodded.

General Nova walked over to the computer station to the side. “I’m reading a massive buildup of morphonic energy in the middle of the ocean.”

Nova said, “that must be where he is gathering the power. All heroes, get to a BADGE center and be ready to receive special equipment. The moment you have it, you are to head to those coordinates.”

Krystal asked, “what special equipment?”

“Something you’re going to need to battle this. Get moving. Nova out.”

General Nova said, “if Drochah is moving to the last stage of his plan...”

“Then the next step is total eradication of life on Earth. I know, we’re running out of time.”

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

Nova and Nova walked into the laboratory. Craig sat in a chair in the corner, glaring at Osteen. A team of scientist buzzed around him, working on equipment.

“Tell me you have something.” Director Nova said.

Osteen smiled, “of course. I’m the most brilliant scientist on Earth.”

“That’s debatable,” Dr. Henderson stated.

“What do you have?” Nova insisted.

Osteen swiveled in his chair and picked up a mechanical glove. “Okay, this is one of three pieces of equipment. This is the Neutralizer Glove. It focuses the users’ powers while neutralizing the specific morphon, giving the hero strength. You punch with this, it will still deliver a massive blow that can put a hole in a mountain, but it won’t register as a strength type morphon hit. Oh, and this,” he put the glove down and picked up a visor, “neutralizing eye beam emitter. Same type of stuff, use laser eyes and will do damage without registering. And there’s this, “ he picked up a boot, “same thing. Kicking will work the same.”

“Good. How fast can we replicate this stuff?” Nova asked Dr. Henderson.

She checked her tablet. “My team is inputting the data into the atomic-3d printer program now. All our locations across the planet will begin printing these items. We can put out at least a hundred an hour at max capacity.”

“Get them going as soon as possible. The moment you start printing, signal all bases. The heroes are already waiting for them.”

“I’ll do what I can.”

Nova turned, “I’ll be in the arboretum if you need me.”

“Mr. Nova.” Osteen stopped him.


“I was hoping this might help me not be in so much trouble. I mean, I know the moment all this is over, I’m going back to prison. Perhaps you can put a good word in for me doing all this to save this world.”

Nova said, “this world is in danger because of you. Many lives have already been lost because of you. I promise, there aren’t enough good words or favors anyone can do for you now. All I can offer is perhaps I might convince them to not execute you...but I make no promises.”

Without another word, Nova and Nova left the lab.

Santa held the clock aloft with his magic while the others focused their power. Gar stood in the middle, an odd aura of energy emanating from him. When he turned his head or moved a wing, there was a delayed shadow of himself. He was not moving in regular time.

Nova approached this scene. “Well?”

Chase, not part of the process, answered, “I don’t know. They’re trying to reconnect, but Gar hasn’t begun speaking about the future.”

General Nova watched this next to his counterpart. “If my people found a way to communicate backwards, we have to know what they need to tell us.”

Director Nova nodded. “If they know the outcome of our plan, and are either warning us or telling us what worked, we need to know.”

Suddenly, Gar looked directly at General Nova. “General...”

Santa said, “he is making a connection to you. Go to him before it is broken.”

General Nova walked over to Gar and reached out. “What is it? What do you need to tell me?”

Gar quickly reached out and took Nova by the arms, holding him tight. Both of their bodies phased in time.

General Nova stood in a realm of energy and light. In front of him was Gar.

“Where am I? What is this place?”

Gar looked at him with a happier face. “General Nova. Is this the past?”

Nova nodded, “you are in my past. Wait...” he looked at Gar deeper, “you are different.”

“I was sent to tell you something important that will save the future.”

“Why? What has happened?”

Gar strained as he faded for a moment. “This won’t last much longer. Drochah and his legions are fighting the mechas while he is fighting the heroes. The battle is crossing all time. They said that time is falling in, but I don’t understand. Gah!” Gar faded completely and then returned. “I’m slipping back into the future. I have to tell you what must be done. He can be stopped, but only in the future. But, you must bring with you the six, only they can take away his heart. Bring us the six...it is the only...” Gar faded completely.

General Nova opened his eyes, and he was once again in the Arboretum. He stood before Gar, who was now not phasing in and out of time.

Gar asked, “what just happened? I was here, but then I was in a scary place where big robots were fighting and something was cracking the sky. I couldn’t understand it.”

Santa wiped the sweat from his brow. “You exchanged places with your future self.”

Father Time added, “someone had to make direct contact and be pulled into the time slipstream, otherwise, he couldn’t communicate.”

“Boy, I gotta headache. Any of you bums got a powder?” Rutkowski sat on the grass and held his head.

“Chase, escort Rutkowski and Peyton down to Medlab 1. They can give them something for the pain.” Nova ordered.

Santa asked, “did it work? Did you get their message?”

General Nova nodded, “yes. Drochah is in the future, fighting the Mecha armies. He has broken time to a critical point. Time is about to collapse into a black hole...if I interpreted the information correctly.”

“If he is there, does he leave this time for the future?” Director Nova asked.

“No. His power is great, his control over time even greater than I imagined. I know now what he plans on doing. The core is not meant for an augment or some other creation, it is meant for him. He will put it in himself and become godlike. With that kind of power, amplifying his already powerful control over time-travel. He’ll break time and be in both time frames.”

Father Time said, “that makes sense. However, since time is already fractured and changing, it is possible to interrupt his plans still.”

“The only way we can stop him is to take away his power. Gar from the future gave me a clue about that. Drochah must have his power ripped out of him completely.” General Nova said.

“How?” Director Nova asked.

The General said, “Gar said something about the six. These six can tear his heart out. Do you have any idea what he is talking about?”

“Yes, I do.”

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

Director Nova quietly stood in front of the six holding units containing the six avatars. Each in a state of suspended animation. A soft beeping echoed around him from the system set up to monitor their life signs.

EB hopped in with Chase beside him. EB said, “heroes are picking up their neutral weapons from the BADGE locations.”

“Good. Let’s hope it’ll work.”

Chase asked, “do you really think these are the six people Gar was talking about?”

Nova said, “they have to be. It makes perfect sense. The neutral core was crafted by knowledge gained from the cores stolen out of these creatures. If we can revive them, they may stop him.”

“How do we revive them?” asked EB.

Just then, General Nova, Dr. Henderson, and a disgruntled Dr. Osteen walked into the lab.

The General said, “I wager these people would have an idea about that.”

Osteen complained, “I did what I said I’d do, designed those neutral weapons. I was busy playing Warcrafter. This jerk just yanked my headset right out of the computer.”

Nova gave Osteen an icy stare and then turned to Dr. Henderson. “Are we sure these Avatars are still alive? They have been away from their cores for a long time.”

Dr. Henderson checked the monitoring system. “As far as I can tell, there are still signs of life in them. They aren’t alive like a human, they are more like Gar, a constructed thing with a living energy in them to make them alive. We are still reading traces of that energy in them. I could be wrong, but I would say they are still alive enough to bring around…if there is a way.”

Dr. Osteen asked, “so, why worry about these things? They can’t do much like this.”

Nova slowly turned and looked at Osteen. “These six avatars are mankind’s last, best hope for survival. Without their help, time will utterly annihilate this solar system. You, Doctor, were the one who figured out how to extract the core of these avatars. You know where they are currently stored. And, hopefully, you know how to restore them.”

Osteen looked at the sleeping avatars. “I don’t need to restore them. Just freeing their cores will cause them to join with their bodies. We had a hell of a time figuring out how to keep their cores from trying to reabsorb into them. If I tell you how to find them, will this reduce my prison sentence? I’ll only keep working for you if you can promise...”


“Alright, alright, I’ll do it. Don’t get so angry! Sheesh!”

Nova dropped the fat doctor. “We need to know where the cores are?”

“The base you guys are currently attacking. They’re inside there, inside my lab where I created the augments.”

Nova left the room with the others. No more words to be said to this criminal. EB hopped over and handed Osteen a colorfully wrapped egg. “Here, no hard feelings.”

“Oh, uh, thanks.”

EB hopped away, snickering.

Chase walked by and grabbed the egg. “Don’t eat that. He filled it with deathpepper puree.”


Krystal Fae hovered in the sky above the waters in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. All around, other heroes waited for orders. Many were readying their newly acquired neutral gear.

“I see nothing?” Hotwings flew by.

Krystal said, “we know he has to be here. The energy spike here is too big to be natural.”

A hero blasted up out of the waters, his body mostly a slithering blue eel's tail. He held himself aloft in the air, swimming as much as he would in the water. “No sign of any structure under the water. The fish down there have seen nothing.”

A giant Midgard came stomping through the ocean. “WHERE IS MY PREY!?”

Hotwings laughed, “you look like Godzilla.”


Strange Quark appeared next to Krystal. “I can see it. The base is right in front of us. There’s a forcefield surrounding it that is phased a millisecond outside of normal time, which keeps it out of our reach.”

“What can we do about that?”

Quark laughed, “this.” He lifted his arms, and a bubble of energy appeared in the air, buzzing and crackling. A large platform with a building on it appeared inside. “There, destroy the barrier!”

Midgard cracked his considerable knuckles. “WITH PLEASURE!” He reached back and smashed it over and over.

Heroes blasted it and punched it. In moments, the field broke, and the base appeared right in front of them. Above it, a mist of gray energy streamed into it like smoke reversing down a chimney.

Krystal clicked her comm. “Alright, people, you have one job, find and take down Delta. Quark and I must get to the cores. MOVE!”

Heroes entered the compound at every entry point they could find, or simply smashed a hole in a wall. Midgard shrunk down and joined them at a human level. He had wanted to simply destroy the entire base in one shot, but even he knew they needed to see Delta’s body floating dead in the water before they could assume this was over.

The base was deep, going down into the ocean at a great depth. They found countless dead bodies of augments who had been extinguished like all the others. In deeper hallways, they found dead mercs murdered in cold blood. It was a stinking morgue, not a secret base.

Krystal and Quark ran deeper than the others, both following the scent of the morphon cores.

“This way, I can smell the pure morphons.” Quark said.

Krystal had an energy coming from her hands providing some light. “Osteen said they would be in his lab, which would likely be in a highly protected location, deep in this place.”

“There! I see them behind locked doors. That must be his lab!” Quark pointed down to the end of a hall.

Blasting open the sealed doors, both entered the horrible lab where the augments were birthed. The many bio-tubes that once held these poor victims were empty. The vast computer systems to process this were all dark. A clear tank held the six cores, each floating freely.

However, none of this caught their attention first. Delta stood in the middle of the room, smiling at them. In his hands, he held a gray glowing orb that was absorbing the misty energy.

“Welcome to hell.” was his greeting and the next second was a blinding blast of light, hot wind, and debris. Krystal and Quark were caught in an explosion that destroyed the entire base.

Krystal gagged and coughed as she woke, floating on the surface of the ocean. Heroes around her were just as disoriented and scattered. Wreckage from the base was strewn as far as the eye could see. Hovering above them, holding that orb aloft in his hands, was Delta. His face and body had changed. The normal suit he wore was gone, just a pair of pants like the augments wore and nothing else. His body was greenish yellow with scales. His face was even more alien, with a ridge of thicker scales on his bald head. His ears had tree spikes growing along them, and his eyes were a bright green.

Krystal whispered, “who are you?”

He heard her as he answered, “the face I am proud to finally reveal is the face of your doom. I am Drochah oh-Thyehgr, one of the Forerunners, former leader of Legion, and future god of all creation. In moments, I shall have the power to end life on this pitiful world and begin anew.”

“LIKE HELL!” Midgard grew to an enormous size and took a swing at the small Drochah. Other heroes came up out of the waters and went in for the kill.

Drochah held out the orb and a wave of energies in six different colors spread out. The heroes were thrust back into the waters and even Midgard stumbled back.

“Pathetic.” Drochah declared, and then sped away.

Krystal yelled, “stop him! He’s not finished. You must stop him before he completes that thing!”

A great cacophony of splashing and sonic booms came as the heroes raced after the enemy.

Quark came floating by as a blue duck. “So, Delta turned into an ugly green alien…who’ve guessed?”

Krystal lifted out of the water and looked around. “The cores?”

Quark tilted his duck head toward the water. “See for yourself.”

Both watched as six colored lights rose from the depths and breached the surface. They sped faster and faster upward, heading for the distant atmosphere.

Quark said, “they’re going home.”

Krystal tightened her fists. “Let’s hope it isn’t too late. Come on.” She zipped away, heading for the battle.

Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

Fires burned in cities along a line from Yokohama, Japan, to Daegu, South Korea. Air raid sirens blared across Seoul. Citizens ran for cover, not sure what was coming next. Some yelled about more augments possibly attacking, while others were worried that the World Corps was sending in Mercs.

Krystal Fae flew as fast as she could, along with the other fastest fliers of the BADGE heroes. They were leaving the slower heroes far behind, but they could hardly even see Drochah in the distance.

“He’s heading for Seoul!” Nova said over the comm.

“We’re trying to intercept, but I doubt we’ll arrive in time.”

“Do something. That city has ten million people in it.” Nova said.

Sunspark flew up hard next to Krystal. “That monster is going to murder millions if we don’t stop this. I’m going in. Make sure I don’t die in vain.”

This caught her by surprise. “Wait...what?”

Sunspark charged his body until he was glowing as bright as a star. He shot off at near light speed, casting amazing sonic booms in his wake. He met Drochah mid-air and plowed the villain into the earth. The explosion from the impact shattered the land for miles and sent a massive cloud of dust and debris into the atmosphere.

The flying heroes were all stunned, knowing that Sunspark had just killed himself to stop Drochah. Finally, Quark came through the comm, “don’t slow down. Get to him, make sure he got Drochah!”

When they reached the crater, they found a single person standing at the epicenter. Drochah was glowing bright yellow with that orb in his chest as though someone had shoved it into his body. Flames burned at the edges and no remains of Sunspark were to be found.

The heroes raced toward him, ready to fight, but he merely held up his hand and the heroes were stopped. In a single, effortless motion, he slapped everyone to the ground.

“It is finished, my core complete. I am god. Whatever you thought you were before, you now are nothing but insects.” His body grew in size, dwarfing even Midgard at his greatest.

Krystal Fae had dirt in her mouth and her nose pushed against the solid ground. Next to her lay Strange Quark. His body flashed odd shades of blue, fading in and out of this reality.

“Krystal....I...I have to stop him.” Quark said.

She pushed her arm over to him. “You can’t, no one can. He is...too strong.”

“I can. Just...tell Gar...he was my best friend, and he needs to tell...Chase...the truth...”

“No, don’t do it.” Krystal had tears in her eyes.

Quark screamed as he ripped something off of him, peeling away Drochah’s power. He grew in size, his body swimming with colors and lights.

“What’s this? Some pathetic little mortal wishes to challenge me?” Drochah looked Quark in the eye, seemingly amused.

Quark shoved his hands right into Drochah’s chest, attempting to rip out that orb. He screamed and had actual tears in his eyes as his own power was being shredded.

Drochah put his hands on Quark’s neck to rip his throat out. Both of them phased in and out of reality. The heroes on the ground slowly regained control of themselves.

Suddenly, Drochah lurched back as Quark almost pulled the orb out. Drochah jammed his hands into Quark’s chest and ripped his body in half. Quark screamed and turned a bright shade of blue that exploded in a beam of light. Somehow, Quark had used his own body, even in that state, to emit one last beam of strange quantum energy.

Drochah was thrown back, crashing through a broken hole in the air. He fell into another place...or really, another time. The heroes rushed in to finish him. As they reached the rip in the sky, they passed into the future.


Moments before:

Nova walked into the largest medical laboratory on the station. The six Avatars lay on beds around the room. Dr. Henderson and Dr. Osteen checked data in a computer station.


Dr. Henderson turned to him. “Sir, the Avatars regained their cores a short time ago. All of them are showing immediate signs of life.”

“Good. How soon will they be able to join the battle?”

“Give em a month or two.” Osteen crassly stated.

Dr. Henderson said, “sir, they are extremely weak. I was worried about this. They were in suspended animation for months, their energy reduced to almost death. Recovering from that will be a slow process. I don’t see how they will stand up today, let along actually fight anyone.”

“Find a way, Doctor. Our enemy is making his ultimate move.”

Father Time appeared next to Nova. “Our enemy has made his move and we are out of time.”

Nova was more than shocked to see this villain appear next to him. Then he turned to find EB, Santa, and Rutkowski in the room. “What’s going on?”

EB said, “you need to see this.”

Nova raced back to Operations, where he found the General watching the screens. The view of Earth was unbelievable. Time was falling apart. A great hole hung in the skies near China. From it, fractures were forming in time, shredding the planet.

“What happened?” Nova demanded.

General Nova said, “Drochah gained full power, but Quark tried to stop him. Their unstable energies caused a rift in time. Drochah has fallen back into the future through that rift and your heroes have followed to stop him.”

“What happened to Quark?” Nova whispered.

EB sniffed, “he didn’t make it.”

General Nova said, “Drochah ripped him apart. His power...is...is unbelievable.”

EB said, “but we still have our weapons. The six can stop him, right?”

Director Nova shook his head. “They’re too weak. They can’t go out there like this. They are going to need help even standing.”

General Nova turned with a shot and said, “that’s it! That’s the answer!”

“What is?” Director Nova asked.

The General said, “Gar from the future said several things. First, the six are our answer. However, he also said the battle would take place in the future. I didn’t understand that until now. They knew Drochah would end up there. That’s where he must be defeated.”

Father Time, standing with Santa and Rutkowski, said, “it is true. Drochah is tied to the future, that is where he is from, and where he started this time disaster. If he is defeated there, then time might fix itself, might return to the point before he broke it. We must travel to the future to stop him.”

Director Nova said, “but the avatars...”

“Are still the key.” The General interrupted. “You say they can’t hardly stand right now. What you need is the ability to give them legs. I just happen to have the technology to put them in mechs, give them strength, and put them in the battle. That must be it, that has to be it.”

Director Nova turned to Santa, who once was a great general of his people. “Is this a good plan?”

“I believe it is our only hope. There is just one issue you might not like.”


Father Time stepped up. “ We cannot simply go through that rip in time to the future with the avatars. We would be thrust right into the battle with Drochah. We must create an alternate rift to travel through. I am the most proficient among us at time travel. But I need the clock you took from me.”

Nova stepped over to Father Time. “I agree. I don’t like this. But I know it is our only choice. I also trust that even while you have evil intentions for that clock...”

“you can trust me in this, Director Nova. I may have ideas about time that you don’t like, but I have no desire to watch this planet be crushed into a black hole.”

Director Nova said, “General, EB, head down to Medlab 1 and help the doctors to get those avatars ready for transport. Santa, I’m trusting you to watch Father Time and keep us safe.”

Everyone gave Nova a quick nod.

Nova pressed his all-comm button. “Heroes, those who can still hear me, head for that rip in time and follow it to attack Drochah. We’re going to need everyone for this. Time is against us.”

Chapter 13

Chapter 13:

1300 years into the future, the fractures in time glide across the planet like ice bergs. Time is nearly ready to collaspe entirely into a black hole. Max and Ginna are the remaining command staff working for General Nova, who disappeared the moment time broke across the planet. Using a gravity generator, they have been able to keep the base and surrounding area free of time fractures, but that is not going to last. Mech pilots have gathered around the compound, waiting for help to arrive. Gargoyle is in this future as well, since he is timeless, but he is unable to do much help with the problems at hand.

In the skies, looming over the planet, is a giant Drochah who fell through a crack in time hours ago. His movement has been slow as if he is outside of their time. Moments ago, his movement grew faster and superheroes came pouring out of the rift.

Max rushed out, “what the hell is that?”

Ginna said, “I don’t know, but Drochah is moving faster now. He must be getting closer to normal time. We have to move.” She banged on a metal scrap to get people’s attention. “EVERYONE! WE HAVE SHIPS COMING IN TO PICK US UP. I DON’T KNOW IF THEY CAN HOLD ALL OUR MECHAS, BUT WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE.”

There was a commotion of people whispering and murmuring in the back of the crowds. Many were not paying her any attention.


Just then, General Nova stepped through the crowds with a strange bunch of people behind him. He smiled at her, “leaving so soon? But it’s just about to get interesting.”

“General!” Ginna gasped.

A white blur zipped around the people and ran right into Gar. It was a large, funny looking bunny who was hugging the statue around the middle. “Gar, buddy!”

Gar looked like he was about to cry, “EB...is it really you?”

“Yup, a blast from the past, so to speak.”

General Nova approached and introduce everyone to the man standing next to him that bore a strong resemblance. “Everyone, this is Director Nova...me from 1300 years ago.”

“1300 years? But...then...you...” Max stammered.

“Yes, Max, I am very old. Right now, that’s not the point.” The General stated.

Director Nova said, “we have a situation. Time is collapsing throughout history. Delta...I mean, Drochah has initiated a battle against the last vestiges of superheroes from my time. We have work to do to make sure they win.”

“That makes little sense.” Max said.

General Nova laughed, “of course it doesn’t. But, it is all true. First, we have to make sure we can operate. Nova, are your people ready?”

Director Nova looked back at a tall, old man dressed almost like a wizard, a 1930s gangster who appeared angry to be here, and someone dressed as Santa Claus. “We need to stabilize the time here so we can work without the fractures getting too close.”

The old wizard said, “the time here is horribly damaged. It will take all our strength to keep it from imploding, and I doubt we can hold that for long.”

Ginna approached the younger Nova. “Who are they, and what are they doing?”

“This is Father Time, Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, and Dan Rutkowski. They all have the power to control time. They will keep this place from falling into a time vortex before everything implodes.”

Ginna frowned, “Santa...Easter Bunny...Father Time...I must have completely lost my mind.”

The Easter Bunny hopped up and handed her a chocolate egg he had materialized out of thin air. “Nope, you’re just as sane as the rest of us.”

“Take your places, everyone.” General Nova said. “EB, join them, Father Time, we’re going to need you.”

The legendary people, and the strange gangster, took up positions around the compound and then held up their hands. The broken time fractures moved even further away.

General Nova asked Ginna, “do the sensors show stabilized time?”

She ran inside and grabbed the scanner. Ginna examined the area and then nodded. “With whatever those people are doing and our gravity generator, time is very stable for five square miles.”

“Good. Director, it’s your show.” General Nova spoke to his counterpart.

Director Nova pressed a button on his wrist comm and a hole opened up in the air. Two scientists walked alongside a large hover cart carrying six hibernation tubes.

The doctor came up to the director, “their life signs are all stable, but they’re still very weak.”

“I know, Dr. Henderson. This is our only chance. Get them woken up and we’ll handle the rest.”

“Understood.” She turned to the other scientist, “Osteen, start the animation protocols.”

Max came over to the General and asked, “what’s going on? Who are those people in the tubes?”

“Our only chance of stopping Drochah. Max, I want you to round up six Mecha’s that have flight capability. I have schematics in my computer for special bio-link hook ups. Have them readied to hook into the system in less than an hour. Can you do that?”

“Sure. I’m a whiz at this kinda stuff.”

“Then, get to it!”

Max rushed off.

“Come on, people. We have a world to save.” General Nova led everyone else back into the command center. “Alright, people, we have a task. If we move fast, we might bring this to a proper end sooner than expected.”

Ginna pulled up her calculations. “Time is almost completely broken. It is shattered all over the solar system and those fractures are growing. However, the gravitational center of this time disaster is about to go completely unstable. At that point, it will collapse entirely into a black hole.”

Gar asked, “what did that all mean?”

Father Time answered, “time has a way of managing itself. This universe is on a strange, but stable, temporal constant that only fluctuates mildly in places. When something like this happens, the universe will ultimately correct itself. By collapsing into a black-hole, the time fractures will be destroyed and time will resume normally...or at least as normal as it can around the gravity of a black hole.”

“I still don’t understand.” Gar said.

Director Nova replied, “we have to fix time, or we all die. That’s all you need to understand.”

General Nova explained, “the anchor for all of this time disaster is 1300 years in the past. Drochah went back in time once before and tried to take over the Earth, but failed. In a fit of insanity, he returned to that timeline, replaced himself, corrected the failure. This altered history and broke time. It has taken these thirteen centuries to finally reach the collapsing point, but it is here. If we defeat Drochah while he is in this space of broken time, it will loosen that anchor, and all of his changes will revert to the original timeline.”

Ginna asked, “one thing I don’t understand. If he changed history and time has been breaking ever since, why don’t I remember that? There should be 1300 years of growing fractures in time, but I know nothing about that.”

Father Time said, “time is like a river. It keeps flowing. You are the water that is at the end of the flow. If someone were to throw a stone into the middle and cause a ripple, then only the ripples would know of the stone. Those ripples only reached this time recently. So, you remember the river before the stone, while all those who have been inside the ripples remember a different river.”

“I guess that makes sense.” Ginna said, not sounding too confident.

General Nova said, “the situation is this. Superheroes from the past are fighting the giant Drochah in the sky. Out there, we have six beings called Avatars of the Morphons. They have the combined power to rip the newly crafted power core out of Drochah. They are the only creatures in this universe that can stop him. But they are extremely weak right now.”

Ginna asked, “how do we help them?”

The General said, “that’s where we come in. We will plug the avatars into mecha’s. The mecha’s will be their strength to enter battle. Once we position them, they will do their duty, and Drochah will be deprived of his victory.”

Director Nova said, “however, we must first send ourselves a message back into the past so this all plays out correctly.”

“You just came from the past?” Gar said.

The General smiled, “of course I did, and I heard the message already. This is what they like to call a paradox. I know what must be done because I was there when it was done. If we don’t do this, then we will change history again...and at that point, time will implode instantly.”

Ginna asked, “how do we send a message back in time?”

“That is the part I must play.” Father Time said. “There is one among you who is in the past and present. One who is not human and his body can handle the displacement power that must be used on him.” He slowly looked at Gar.

Gar pointed at himself. “Me?”

Director Nova said, “yes.”

“You’re going to send me into the past?”

General Nova nodded, “that’s the plan. You’ll take a message back with you. It’ll be short, but you’ll deliver this to me in the past.”

“What message?”

Director Nova said, “there are six beings who we need to stop Drochah, who we call Delta in the past. If...”

All around them, claxon and sirens blared.

Two mecha pilots rushed in, “General! The giant Drochah just sent some kind of energy wave across the land. His old Mechas are popping out of the time fractures all over the place.”

General Nova swore under his breath. “Just what we didn’t need.”

Director Nova said, “if Drochah’s mecha’s join the battle against the heroes, this could be bad.”

The General said, “this is going exactly as I remember Gar telling me.” He slammed a button on the table and spoke into a mic, “all mechas launch! We have incoming enemies. Keep this compound safe! I repeat! All mechas launch!” Ginna ran out of the room, heading for her own mecha.

Father Time said, “we have little time. It is going to take some focus and power to send Mr. Gar back.”

Director Nova held Gar by the shoulders and spoke sternly, “Go back, tell them that the six are who we need to save us. The fight must come to the future. We must defeat him in this time or it won’t work.”

A voice yelled over the comm, “there are so many mecha’s!”

Gar trembled as he looked at all the people. “I can’t...I don’t...”

“Yes, you can.” General Nova said, “you are a great hero, Gargoyle, and my oldest friend. I know you can do this. I have already seen you do it.”

Father Time held up an enormous clock in his hands and stood before Gar. “Be ready, Mr. Gar. Once you go, it won’t be long before you will be drawn back to this present.”

Gar squared his shoulders and wings and nodded, “do it.”

Chapter 14

Chapter 14:

Gar traveled back through time and found himself in the middle of the arboretum on the BADGE spacestation. For a brief moment, he touched General Nova and was able to deliver his message. Time pulled against this and he was drawn back to the future.

Gar fell and hit the ground. He was now in the command center with both Nova’s and Father Time looking down at him.

“Did you do it?” Father Time asked.

Gar quickly nodded. “I think so. I spoke with you, General, in the past.”

General Nova helped pull Gar to his feet. “Then you succeeded. I remember that conversation.”

“I wasn’t clear. I was so scared and slipping. I hope I didn’t confuse you.”

The General laughed, “it was a little confusing, but we figured it out, eventually. Don’t worry.”

All at once, the whole compound shook, and the lights flickered. The sound of explosions and laser fire immediately grew closer. Again, the place shook, and the power failed, then kicked back on.

Director Nova ran to the door. “Looks like the enemy is taking shots at the base.”

General Nova joined him and both watched the mecha’s belonging to Drochah firing wildly at the base’s defense shields. Friendly Mecha’s were attacking them, but it seemed like they were focused only on the base.

“This makes little sense.” Director Nova said. “Why would they let themselves be destroyed to attack the base?”

The General ran back in and looked at the sensors on the main map. “It makes perfect sense. Those Mecha’s aren’t driven by real people, just clones designed to obey Drochah. They have no fear of death.”


The room shook again as more fire hit them.

The General said, “They have been ordered to attack us, and they will do so even at the expense of their own safety. I don’t understand why? I thought they were just a distraction to keep my forces from attacking Drochah directly.”

Director Nova said, “he must realize we have a plan. He will send everything at us to stop whatever we’re doing.”

“He might succeed!” The General yelled over another explosion. He pressed his comm button. “Max! Where are those six mechas?”

“Almost finished! Just tell those jerks out there to stop firing at us. This whole building is about to fall on my head.”

A massive explosion rocked the place, and a brilliant orange ball of fire consumed the main watching post. The General yelled, “hurry!”

Ginna slammed against the side of her cockpit as she took a heavy blow from one of Drochah’s older clone mechs. She turned and blasted a hole in the enemy’s side and then shoved its remains over. Putting one mechanical foot up on the fallen mecha, she showered the enemy lines with hot lead.

“DIE YOU BASTARDS!” She screamed.

A voice came over her comm. “Commander, the enemy is still primarily targeting the Nova Compound. It has taken heavy damage.”

“We have to stop them at all costs!” Pressing down on her controls, she charged forward, all weapons blazing.


Ginna yelled, “what I have to! Follow me! If we succeed, we will never even remember this day. I won’t have happened. If we fail, we’re dead anyway!”

With a last yell of courage, she plowed her mecha into a group of heavy artillery mechs that were attacking the compound. Five Mechas, six including hers, exploded in an amazing fireball.

Her sacrifice was not lost on the others. They may not have understood all she said. They understood the need. In moments, the lines of ally mechas launched themselves at the enemy. One by one, they destroyed legions of Drochah’s mechs at the cost of their own lives.

“All mechas, stand back!” A voice spoke from a distant hill.

The lines of friendly mechs all stood in awe of an old mecha, one of the earliest designs. It had a dangerous, nuclear core that has since been outlawed. The pilot flashed a signal and all the friendly mechas hunkered down. The giant green mecha rocketed up and then slammed down in the middle of the battle zone. The eruption was followed by a mushroom cloud that split the heavens. Enemy mechas and a few friendly were scattered across the area as nothing but debris.

The cheering of the surviving friendly mechas was cut short when a new line of Drochah loyalist came marching over the distant hill, still focused on the compound.

A young man turned on his comm. “CHARGE!”

Director Nova rushed outside to see that mushroom cloud in the distance. The shock wave met the shields of the compound and buzzed across them.

“What the hell just happened?”

EB, still holding his little paws in the air, said, “some big, ugly green mecha just dive bombed those nasty mecha things and blew them to heck.”

Rutkowski, the gangster, added, “them mechas on our side, they are going kamikaze on the enemy. Bravest bunch of numbskulls I ever seen.”

General Nova joined them, “my people know the meaning of courage, sacrifice, and the dangers of failure. I hope their sacrifices won’t be in vain.”

“They won’t.” Director Nova assured.

Father Time stepped out and looked at the clock in his hands. “Time is falling apart. Hurry.”

Director Nova walked over to his scientists. “Are they ready?”

Dr. Henderson gestured to the open bays and the six strange-looking people groggily waking up. “This is the best I can do.”

General Nova tapped his comm. “Max, are you ready?”

“On my way.” As he said this, seven large mecha suits stomped up to the compound and then lowered down and opened their cockpit doors. Max clicked off his comm and smiled at them from the lead mecha. “See, no sweat.”

“We’re sweating hard, Mr. Max.” Director Nova stated. “Dr. Henderson, get them in.”

Both scientists and both Nova’s helped the six avatars into the mechas. It was a strange group, one was just a living book, one looked like he was part lion, another was a beautiful pink woman, yet another comprised mechanical parts himself. None were simply human.

Once they were secured, General Nova tapped his comm unit. “Okay, avatars, I’ll be guiding you from inside my base, and Max will take the lead once you get up there. Listen to us and let the mecha’s work on their own. I am just getting you into position. From there, you know what to do.” With a set of six acknowledgment beeps, they were ready.

Director Nova told his people, “Dr. Henderson, Dr. Osteen, get inside with the General.” He pulled a gun with one hand and an enormous sword with his other. “Gar, you know what we have to do.”

The Gargoyle of this time period joined Director Nova. “Yes.”

The six mecha jets activated, and they rose into the air. None of the avatars were piloting them. The navigation was being handled by the General from inside the compound. Outside, Director Nova and Gar watched with bated breath as their last best hope rose into the sky. Max blasted off as well, rising above them.

“INCOMING!” EB suddenly bellowed.

A volley of missiles slammed into the mechas from one enemy in the distance. Three of the six faltered for a moment, but continued upward.

Gar took off and flew up. He let the next volley hit him in the chest. The explosion sent him flying back, crashing into the ground. He brushed himself off and then rushed right back into the defense.

An enemy mecha raced toward the compound. Nova ran toward it, firing his gun at first, but then meeting its leg with a well-placed slash from his sword. Several important cords were severed, and the mecha crashed to the ground. Nova didn’t stop there. He dashed toward the enemy lines, with only his sword and gun to attack.

Father Time levitated in the air, his eyes glowing a yellow light. The clock he carried hovered in between his hands. When another set of missiles bypassed Gar’s defenses, Father Time turned them into arrows that did no damage. He waved a hand and the lasers on one of the mecha’s turned into old flashlights.

EB laughed, “keep it up, changed them all into old model T’s.”

“I can’t alter time that much, or risk damaging everything.” Father Time said as he turned more weapons into useless antiques.

EB looked up at the ascending mechs with the avatars in them. “I hope to god this works.”

Chapter 15

Chapter 15:

Krystal Fae charged up all the energy she could muster and took aim at the large orb jammed into Drochah’s massive body. Unleashing her power, she attempted to crack the orb. Her attack was joined by dozens of others. Yet, for all their fury, Drochah seemed unfazed by the whole combat. The giant figure stood there, stoic and still, not even paying them attention. The surrounding heroes swarmed like mosquitoes, looking for a place to land.

Gar flew by with Chase kneeling on his back. She threw her magic blades repeatedly, aiming for Drochah’s eyes. “Any progress?” She yelled.

Krystal shook her head. “I sense no change in his strength.”

“I have the answer!” A man yelled through their comms.

A dirigible came flying through the time rift, Furious Squirrel at the helm. He pulled down a large cone shaped pipe and talked into it. “I have Peyton with me and Time Bender. They have info!”

Krystal Fae swooped around and came toward the large dirigible. “What?”

Peyton grabbed the pipe and said, “Drochah is stronger here. This is his time period. I can sense his power. But, I also know that he is slightly outside of our time. It’s hard to explain, but since he broke through time first, he’s ahead of us by just a short time. Our attacks can’t hurt him, just like we couldn’t see his fortress in the ocean.”

Hot Wings yelled through his comm, “how the hell does that help us?”

Time Bender took the pipe, “Peyton has a brilliant idea. Everyone with any level of temporal powers focus your strength on him, and he’ll blast a time beam at Drochah, shoving him a few seconds in time. That’ll bring him to our speed and we can actually hurt him.”

Peyton grabbed the pipe, “the catch is, we gotta hit him hard as soon as he is in our time. He is one powerful mug.”

“Gotcha.” Krystal said and then clicked her comm. “Everyone, on my cue, send your time powers at the pilothouse on that dirigible. Everyone else, pull back and get your best shot ready. I want Drochah to feel this one.”

With a barrage of agreeing comments, it was ready. Krystal flew up, followed by a few others. She prepared herself and then cast a spell at the dirigible that signaled the others to act. A great energy formed around the pilothouse and Peyton became a bright light. He pushed both hands forward and a beam shot out from him. The moment it contacted Drochah, the giant enemy finally displayed some level of emotion. He stumbled and fell back slightly. His body flickered and the shade of him changed slightly.

The next moment came with an eruption of power from all the heroes. Weapons, energy attacks, throwing stars, globs of goo. Every sort of attack they could muster all hit him at once. This time, he almost fell down from the damage.

Peyton yelled into the comms, “he’s in our time. Keep hitting him, now!”

The dirigible unleashed several volleys of missiles, exploding against Drochah’s face.

Not unlike King Kong swiping at airplanes, Drochah went after the surrounding heroes. He hit more than one, but he too was being hit and now it looked like it hurt him.

Chase wore a strange gray glove on the hand that materialized the throwing stars. Releasing them one by one, she nailed Drochah in one eye.

Gar, still carrying her, said, “it’s working!”

“Yeah, somehow this glove is neutralizing the morphon type. He’s feeling this.”

“What about the plan? Where are the avatars?” Gar asked.

Chase looked down at the land far below. “I don’t see them. Look at that place. The world down there is broken like glass.”

Indeed, the land below appeared like a mirror that had been shattered. At the center was a normal land with a compound in the center and large robots around it. But, at a distance around it and as far as the horizon, the land was in pieces. Each piece was a different time, a different era in human history.

“LOOK OUT!” Gar turned hard in the sky.

Drochah unleashed a massive blast of energy that threw heroes away from him. He then held his right hand out and cast a great wave of energy at the ground below.

“Look, the heroes!” Gar said.

Chase watched the heroes grasping at their chests as their bodies emanated different hues. “He still can hurt them through their morphon types. Damn. What the?” She saw armies of mechs were appearing out of the time fractures and attacking the compound. “He summoned his mech armies?”

Gar gasped, “the avatars...he must be trying to stop them!”

Chase clicked on her comm. “He’s trying to kill the avatars!”


The heroes flew around Drochah, dodging his physical attacks. They joined in a massive flying V with the Dirigible at the lead. Drochah projected another morphon controlling wave and sent more than half of them reeling out of control. The remaining heroes focused their powers and blasted the orb with a strong single attack.

A great crack formed in the orb and that was followed by an eruption of power that toppled even more heroes and nearly crashed the blimp.

Below them, a mushroom cloud exploded upward from the ground as the battle between the mechs intensified.

Drochah stumbled back, almost falling over. The color in his skin and the brightness from his eyes dimmed.

“WE’RE WINNING!” The Wizard called out in glee.

Time Bender yelled, “LOOK OUT!”

Drochah’s body flashed, disappearing and reappearing in the same place he had been. His orb was still cracked, but his body had regained all its color. He held out his hand and the surrounding heroes were locked. The morphon energy in their bodies was under his control. Like the weapons Osteen designed, he was dissolving the heroes one by one by tearing the morphons from their very DNA.

“It is over, heroes! Your pointless war ends now. The Earth is destroyed, Legion shall be reborn!” Drochah declared.

Chase gasped as her body ached. She could feel her blood boiling as the morphons in her were being torn out. Gar held her in his arms, unable to help her. He was one of the few who wasn’t being hurt, but he could not stop this.

The sound of rocket jets caught their attention and seven Mechs rose through the atmosphere, heading for Drochah. This seemed to put genuine fear in him as he let go of murdering them and went after the mechs.

Chase gasped in air and weakly held her comm unit. “Attack...Drochah...now...”

The heroes took this opportunity to go after him again. They were injured and in pain, but they didn’t hold back what they had left. Each unleashed their attacks at his orb again. The immediate taxing of their powers caused many to finish dissolving as they spent their last living breath to save the earth. Hundreds of heroes evaporated around them. Chase watched Hot Wings, Krystal Fae, Peyton, The Wizard, and more simply vanish as they gave their lives for this.

One by one, six mechs flew up and surrounded Drochah. His orb broke further under the onslaught, his power weakening. From each mech, a different color of light came forth. Red, orange, green, purple, blue, and yellow. They made contact with the orb and each drew out that same color from him. Drochah writhed and screamed, but he could do nothing to stop this. Those mechs fell away as the occupants floated out, still drawing his strength from him. The six avatars drained Drochah’s bastardized core.

The orb in his chest grew dark and then broke, crumbling as though it had turned to ash. The color in his body faded, his eyes lot their light, and he screamed an agonizing plea for death. Falling from the heavens, crashing through the atmosphere, and landing in the middle of all the fractures below, Drochah was torn into a dozen different pieces as his body was shredded into different time frames across all the history of this world.

Chase watched this in a state of shock, unsure what to think. Suddenly, the fractures all beamed a bright light, and she was taken away into a realm of nothingness.

“Is this it?” She whispered into this void. “Has time collapsed? ….

… Is this the end?”

Chapter 16

Chapter 16:

Chase existed in a place she couldn’t describe. It was as though time had absorbed her. Soon, she felt others, people who were part of this existence.

“Who is there?” Her voice echoed endlessly across this unknown expanse of nothingness.

Those same three words resounded back to her, but from different voices. She knew them, her father, EB, Father Time, Nova, Quark, Peyton, Rutkowski. They were all speaking. But were they real? Did she simply want to see someone so badly right now that her mind was playing tricks?

“Drochah is dead, but were we too late?” She thought to herself. “Did time itself collapse at the last moment, destroying everything in our solar system? Did we fail?”

Suddenly, a great tunnel formed through this expanse. It was made of energy, spiraling across all existence. Though she could not feel her physical form, Chase could follow this tunnel as it bore through time.

All at once she could see the inside of a conference room. It was a place she had been to once before. It was a room inside the secret compound of the World Corps. Yes, it was certainly that same place. During the attack on Pretoria, Arx had shed his powers and given BADGE what they needed to find the World Corps and finally stop them. Quark had transported her and Gar here, but they were too late. Right now, Judge Alpha, Gamma, and Delta were standing in the room watching screens displaying Ben Talos addressing the UN while the other showed the shuttle coming in toward Pretoria.

“No, this is not right. They weren’t here at that time.” She thought aloud.

Suddenly, the room froze as the rift in time opened. Drochah stepped through and changed his image to that of Delta.

Eight voices spoke in unison, “he is going to break time!”

This caused Delta to look up upon hearing that. “Who is here? Who is watching me?!”

As one, they all said, “Go! Never return! Go! Never again cross time! GO!”

Delta instantly transformed back into Drochah and was thrust into the rift, thrown back into his own time.

Chase left that scene and stood on the stairs in the back of the Operations center of BADGE. Director Nova stood before the screen, watching the shuttle return children to Pretoria in one window and the infiltration of the World Corps on the other.

Director Nova also appeared next to her.

“Director? But...how?”

“We are both outside the flow of time for the moment.”

“What happened? Did we defeat Drochah?”

“Yes, and no. We defeated him in the alternate future. But, in doing so, we were drawn into the time stream he used to alter history. We could stop him from doing what he did to change history in the first place. Drochah, now, never changed history and it will unfold as it should have.”

“Then how come I remember that? Shouldn’t we be back in our normal time frame, unaware of all the changes that will never happen?”

“We are touched by time in a special way, not unlike Drochah. We have time powers. We will recall the alternate history. So will Father Time, Peyton, Rutkowski, Santa, EB, and Quark.”

She asked, “what was that I saw? The conference room and Drochah appeared, and I think we sent him away.”

“That is exactly what happened. We all ended up at the point where he broke time. We could stop that moment from happening. And, together with our time powers, we banished him from using his time power ever again.”

“What now? Why are we standing here? Why are you down there and up here?”

They both looked up at the events unfolding before them. Nova said, “we are coming in sync with real time. Soon, we will both return to the place we should be at this moment when time broke.”

“What is happening? What are we watching?” She saw the shuttle lowering toward Pretoria and Ben Talos on the screen.

Nova quietly said, “we are watching events that cannot be changed. Drochah will not have broken time and things will turn out for the better. But there are dark events that must happen because they are part of real time.”

An icy feeling crawled over her skin. “The shuttle with the kids...”

“It cannot be changed.” He whispered as they both watched the augmented Torrin Wolf blast the shuttle and murder all the children being returned.

Chase covered her eyes and turned around. “No!”

“Why are you yelling?” Gar asked her.

Chase looked up and was now standing in the corridor outside the conference room on the World Corps’ secret base.

Chase looked around. “We’re here. The shuttle..what..where am I?”

Quarks smiled at her. “It’s a little confusing, I know. But this is finally the real timeline.”

“Quark!” She grabbed him in a hug.

“Yeah, yeah, the old duck is still quacking. It’s scary being torn in half, glad that never really happened.”

Gar frowned. “What are you two talking about?”

“Nothing you need to worry about.” Chase said.

Quark smiled. “I think we’re going to set things straight.” He held up a small computer device. “You just finished hacking into their security system, and I’ll broadcast this live. Hold on to your shorts. This world is about to get a bit of breaking news.”

Across the world, all networks were pre-empted by a hacked signal from the security camera inside the World Corps conference room. Alpha, Delta, and Gamma were oblivious to being observed.

“I don’t care what you tell them. Make sure the media is watching the public schools.” Gamma said.

Beta asked, “when?”

“In ten minutes. We’ll have the augment lay waste to all the Pretoria schools. Our sensors show kids in two buildings that are supposed to be safety zones. Make sure the cameras are focused on that area and then make it clear all the children are dead.”

“What if they don’t all die?” Beta asked.

Alpha said, “Don’t worry, our agents on the ground will slaughter any kids who don’t die in the attack...wait...what is that?”

Their computer systems displayed the fact that they were being broadcast across the planet.

“WE’RE LIVE!” Beta yelled.

Quark, Chase, and Gar came into the room just then. Quark said, “smile, you’re on candid camera.”

“TURN OFF THE SYSTEMS!” Alpha screeched.

Chase said, “good luck, I seriously rigged your systems.”

Quark laughed, “hey, world, check out the actual face of Delta.” He waved his hand, and the camouflage was dissolved, revealing the genuine alien face of Drochah.

“What the hell are you?” Alpha jumped back.

“Damnit!” Drochah reached out and murdered both Gamma and Alpha, and then attacked the computers.

Gar raced toward him. “He’s trying to destroy the evidence!”

“Like hell!” Quark hit Drochah with a quantum energy blast. Drochah screamed, then dissolved.

“What did you do?” Chase asked.

“Just unplugged his tether to our time. He’s back where he belongs. Let’s make sure we get those computers uploaded before the system defaults blow this place to heck.”

One week later...

Nova brushed off his the sleeve of his dress uniform as he watched the news being broadcast all over the world. 

“This is the scene at the United Nations as a former member, Ben Talos, has been taken into custody pending criminal hearings after it was discovered that Mr. Talos was a mole for the World Corps. Mr. Talos is charged with treason, sedition, murder, conspiracy, and thirteen other charges that will be brought up to a special court being organized by the UN. After BADGE infiltrated the World Corps HQ, they have presented the United Nations with data taken from the computers of the World Corps, including plans to use the mercenary forces to control nations. In related news, Doctor Jason Osteen has been found and taken into custody. Officials say that he has agreed to a plea deal in which he is providing evidence against his employers in exchange for commuting a death sentence. He has revealed the augmentation program the World Corps used to craft the villain Arx, the attackers against Washington D.C., the attacker against Pretoria, South Africa, and many others. Experts say it will take years to sort out the details. However, it has become clear that BADGE was being framed for many actions they are not guilty of. To discuss this matter, we have a panel of experts who disagree about BADGE’s total innocence. We turn to...”

EB hopped over to him, “Come on, buddy, the party is downstairs and it won’t start till we’re there.”


Chapter 17

Chapter 17:

EB raced through the thick crowds of the party guests. Dodging under legs, around tables, and over a few shoulders, he came to a stop right next to Chase.

“Hey, babe, I got the Director down here.”

“Good. And don’t call me babe.” Chase walked past EB.

EB hopped along after her. “Okay, sweetheart, darling, cutie pie...which works best for you?”

“How about Chase, or you can call me Chase-who-will throw-you-out-an-airlock if you use one of those names again?”

“Aw, not far.” EB pouted.

Chase found Gar talking with Prime Minister Shizue. “Gar, where is he?”

“He is in the corner over there.”

Chase said, “I’m going to get Nova so he can make sure he knows.”

“Chase, I hope you aren’t running off so soon. I’ve barely had time to speak with you.” Shizue smiled.

Chase gave the Prime Minister a proper bow greeting, as was the tradition for her people. “Sorry, it seems even when I’m supposed to be at a party, I’m still on duty.”

“Don’t overwork yourself. We have all earned a rest.” Shizue said. “My own Second Minister wanted me to go over the legal paperwork for the Osteen case with the head of the United Nations security council and I told him I’m not talking business tonight, not like that.”

Chase said, “oh, that’s right, they’re going to hold Dr. Osteens official trial in your country.”

“Yes. The United Nations will hold the trial while inside our borders. We’ll allow the U.N. to combine his transgressions against our people, as well as what he did for the World Corps. I simply hate that the worst we can do to him is a life sentence.”

Gar said, “his testimony and evidence he had secretly gathered against the World Corps has been wonderful.”

Chase added, “yes, without his testimony, the United Nations might still wonder if BADGE was a willing part of the World Corps plans.” Chase grabbed a champagne flute from a passing tray. “I have some questions about the children you had been protecting, those orphans with superpowers.”

“Oh, things are going great. We’ve established a special school where a few BADGE heroes and one agent are teaching and guiding the children. We also have some adults coming forward who had hidden their powers out of fear of being executed by our former leader.”

“Oh, excuse me for a moment.” Chase pointed across the room. “Gar, go get Peyton and take him to talk with Nova. Tell them I’ll be over in a moment.”

“Oh, sure. Nice to talk to you, Prime Minister.” Gar bowed out and sidled through the gathered officials.

“Excuse me, excuse me, oh, sorry, yes, excuse me. Sorry. Hello. Nice to see you..excuse me...”

“You should be in movies with a face like that.” A reporter said loud enough to grab Gars’ attention.

He turned to find Strange Quark standing with Craig, formerly Arx, as they were talking with the INN reporter.

Craig gave off his amazing smile and puffed up his half naked chest. “So I’ve been told.”

Quark said, “Craig here is a recent addition to our team up here on the station. He’s just learning what he can do.”

“I wouldn’t mind doing a movie or two. I love acting,” Craig said.

Chase joined them. “But BADGE discourages their representatives from getting involved with acting and movies. Our jobs are to protect the planet and that’s a full-time job.”

“Why, yes, it is. And you are?” The reporter smiled at Chase.

“Agent Chase, I work directly with Director Nova.”

“Yes, I thought I had seen you with the Director during some of the League Wars events. Tell me, we’re curious about the condition and current whereabouts of the augmented people left from the World Corps situation.”

Quark answered, “BADGE has no official response to that yet. However, I can say that we are treating them as victims. Even though the few still out there are resisting detention and view us as the enemy, that was programmed into them. They’re innocent people. If we can undo the damage and release the real person under the augmentation, we will.”

“That sounds pretty official to me.” The reporter stated.

Chase added, “Nova will draft an official response soon for press release. Now, if I can leave you with our friend Craig, Quark and I have to speak with the director for a moment.”

She took Quark with her and left Craig to do what he does best, glow for the camera.

Quark said, “are you sure it’s wise to leave him alone? Nova is worried that they’ll find out he was Arx.”

“Trust me, Craig is far more worried about that being discovered than anyone else. He’ll keep his secret. Besides, BADGE needs a good front for meeting the Media. Nova comes across as a grouchy old grandpa. I would rather be much more discreet, you are...let’s face it...strange. Craig is handsome, charming, and knows how to speak well during interviews. He’ll do good in this role for now.”

They continued swimming through the throngs of guests, dodging a few more interviews from other media outlets, requests for attention from dignitaries, and greetings from fellow heroes. Finally, they came upon Nova, who was speaking with EB, Peyton, and Rutkowski.

“Sorry it took so long. There are many people here who want our attention. I still don’t understand why you wanted to invite all these media and UN reps.”

Nova said, “we’ve been on the barrel end of the media’s cannons for months. They’re finally admitting we aren’t the villains. It’s time we reestablished relations with them and the politicians. I hate media and politics, but they are necessary evils for a properly running society.”

EB said, “speaking of necessary evils, what is Rat-kowski doing here?”

“Dats RUTkowski, you little vermin.”

EB threatened with an exploding egg, but Nova stopped him.

“Enough. I asked Rutkowski here for a special reason.” Nova stepped back, guiding them even further from the crowds.

“What’s up?” Peyton asked.

“We’re among the very few on this planet who know what happened in the alternate timeline. We have a special connection. But, we must keep the alternate history to ourselves. What almost happened could start a panic.”

“I ain’t gonna spill, if dats what yer worried about.” Rutkowski stated.

Nova said, “I wasn’t worried that you would, though it’s nice to hear you say that. I wanted to say we have a few loose ends. First, Rutkowski, you may be a low-life, despicable, greedy, power hungry criminal, but you showed genuine heroism that I cannot dismiss.”

“That is the best backhanded compliment I ever got.” Rutkowski said.

“What I’m trying to say is that, even though there is no way I can prove it to the courts, you have gained some trust in my eyes. I know you would rather rob a bank than start a food pantry, but when the cards are down, the safety of this world matters to you. That means a lot to me. As far as BADGE is concerned, your slate has been cleaned.”

Rutkowski looked astonished, maybe even misty eyed. “I don’t know what to say. Thanks.”

“Just try to keep your nose clean when it comes to BADGE related matters. You want to keep your seedy antics going in Neo Utopia. That is between you and the police.”

“I’ll try. Is dat all?”

“No. We have another problem, one that I might need your help with.”

“What now?” Rutkowski’s congenial nature vanished.

Quark said, “Father Time. He never returned the clock.”

Peyton slumped his shoulders. “That clown is still at large?”

EB said, “Father Time is slippery and powerful. He could pass as one of my kind if I didn’t know better.”

Chase asked, “do you think he’ll use the clock and mess with time again?”

“I have no doubt he’ll try. But he’ll wait. He knows we’re on to him. He’ll go deep into hiding and bide his time. I doubt we’ll be able to hunt him down right away. But, we, with time powers, need to be aware that he will try something, eventually. I want all of you to stay alert and inform me the moment you sense something unusual.”

“Dat’s no problem. If I get one sniff of his sorry hide, I’ll let ya know. Now, I want to go an enjoy dis here party. I ain’t no mob boss, I’m a real estate mogul.” He put on his businessman smile and strode away to meet the rich guests.

Peyton followed behind. “I’ll keep an eye on him.”

Nova watched them leave with Quark, Chase, EB, and Gar around him.

EB said, “Father Time is still out there.”


Chase said, “the Augments are still causing trouble.”


Gar asked, “The World Corps isn’t gone, is it?”


Quark laughed, “the world is still a mess, but then we’d get bored if it were any other way.”

Nova put on a gracious smile as another politician approached to greet them. “You know, I think I’d like to try some boring peace for just one day of my life.”

Strange Allies
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

 Nova stood before the grand monitors on the station with Agent Justin and Gar at his side. Dozens of news services were displaying stories from across the planet. Many were talking about protest marches in major cities.

“Enhance and unmute screen seventeen.” Nova ordered.

One of the smaller screens expanded and came alive with sound. A serious-looking man spoke to the camera from his desk. “I’m Jack Nickleby for the International News Network, and this is At This Hour and my guest today is a correspondent with the News Sentinel, Mr. Chaz Hamilton. Thank you for coming on our program today, Chaz.”

Chaz fidgeted with his lapel mic for a moment and then answered. “Hello, Jack, I’m more than happy to be here.”

“Mr. Hamilton, the current situation across the world is that of confusion. People aren’t sure if we can trust superheroes or BADGE. In some cities, we’re seeing protests against the World Corps. In other cities, they’re in solidarity with the World Corps position against BADGE, and there are even those who are against all superheroes, even those employed by the World Corps.”

Chaz nodded, “I agree. Everyone has been driven into a state of confusion by conflicting information. However, history has shown that the most heinous people have risen to power through inflicting confusion. Propaganda is a powerful tool in the hands of both good and evil people.”

“I agree, Mr. Hamilton. Since you work more directly with BADGE, I was hoping you might provide us with a clearer picture of what Director Nova is doing right now and what he means to accomplish by these attacks on major cities.”

“Now, hold on a moment, Jack. You imply that Director Nova is behind these attacks. That has not been proven by anyone. In fact, I can say that BADGE has been against these incursions at every instance.”

“Are you trying to tell our viewers that Nova and BADGE are not behind the attacks on Washington and Pretoria?”

Chaz nodded again. “That is exactly what I want your viewers to know. Heroes sent by BADGE stopped these attacks, at substantial costs, I might add.”

“Then who would you say is behind this? We know for certain that the most recent attack was conducted by a man who wore a BADGE insignia.”

“Well, Jack, anyone can slap on a pin and call themselves the president, but that doesn’t mean they are. I believe people are too soon to forget the atrocities conducted by the organization calling itself the World Corps. They were kidnapping children and abducting people when this attack was launched. I have it on good authority that the World Corps was behind both attacks as a means of enacting their own ploy.”

“And just what would that ploy be?”

“I don't have all the information about that, but I can say that this ploy would not be for our benefit. That is for certain.”

Jack gave off a warm smile. “Now, Mr. Hamilton, I can hardly believe your opinions are not without bias. Isn’t the News Sentinel just another extension of BADGE’s own propaganda?”

“Wait, no. We work with BADGE and are often the first to get information about the goings on of the heroes and BADGE. However, we are an independent news service.”

“Sure, then has the News Sentinel informed the world of the true identity of the attacker of Pretoria?”

Chaz tensed up, “we...don’t have that information.”

Jack held up a tablet with a photos of Agent Torrin in uniform as a BADGE security officer and as the transformed villain. “One of BADGE’s own documented heroes was the villain who attacked Pretoria. That does not look good on their part, and on the part of the Sentinel who seems to have either been left in the dark on this damning evidence, or covered it up.”

“The News Sentinel is not in the habit of covering up crimes of anyone!”

Jack said, “then you’ll admit the Sentinel was ignorant, and that BADGE attempted to use that ignorance to cover their crimes?”

Chaz stood up, plucked the mic off his blazer, and walked off the set.

Nova swiped a hand in the air and the robot muted the screen before the host could respond to that. “I knew Mr. Hamilton shouldn’t have been on that program.”

“But you cleared him?” Justin said.

“I don’t have that authority. All I did was say I agreed it might be helpful. Now, I realize it was a mistake. The media is out for sensationalism, and we’re their targets. We have to get this under control.”

Justin picked up a computer tablet and checked it over. “We have heroes across the world still active, but in secret. They aren’t stopping their work just because the World Corps has turned the public opinion against us.”

Nova let out a calming sigh, “well put, Justin. I have always hated politics. I worked in secret because I never wanted to worry about public image and political opinions. Small-minded people arguing with each other over their petty power struggles never really accomplish much but annoyance.”

A robot announced, “Incoming Message: IboShin Gu.”

“Put it through.”

Another window opened with IboShin Gu holding several large crystal points. “Director, I have a strange situation.”


“I was checking on one of the crystal deposits and found that its growth was more than double what I expected. Plus, I’m seeing more shards growing in various places near the deposit. These crystals grow fast...but this is strange.”

“Bring them to a nearby BADGE facility for analysis and monitor this.”

“Understood.” The screen went blank.

Gar asked, “what do you think this is about?”

“I don’t know. Could be nothing. I’m more concerned with what the World Corps is up to through all this bad publicity.”

Delta strode through a corridor on a hidden base. In his hand, he held a rather large specimen of the

crystals that grow around Earth. He stopped at the end of the hall and flashed his key card to open a top-secret door.

Inside the room sat Alpha with Beta and Gamma on the screen behind her.

Beta looked up from his office at the UN. “Delta, where have you been? This meeting is half over.”

“I’m busy. I doubt you’ve said anything that I needed to worry about.”

Alpha shot him a severe look. “Everything about our plans concerns all of us. This is no small task we’re in the middle of.”

Delta sank into a chair and plopped his feet up on the table. “Global domination is never a minor job. Now, what are we talking about?”

Beta sternly stated, “I was in the middle of my report about the situation at the UN. I have the committees all tied up in useless discussions. The representatives are all in my back pocket. They’re so grateful for my help in exposing the true villain, BADGE, that they trust everything I say.”

“Good.” Delta stated.

Gamma said, “I just arrived at our programming facility. We have over ten thousand soldiers ready for deployment at a moment’s notice.”

Alpha said, “very good. We need to hold back for a little while. Let the fear and panic fester. Once it dies down, we’ll strike again, and this time we will move to the first part of our ultimate plan.”

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Chase and Craig walked down a busy street in the middle of Detroit, dressed in simple apparel. The passerby remained oblivious to who they were.

“Would you stop that.” Chase muttered under her breath.

Craig smiled at some girls that giggled at his muscles bulging through his shirt. He shot them a little finger gun and a wink and then continued on his way. “This just feels natural. I don’t remember being the superstar Arx, but this adoration seems...real. I like it.”

“Well, you need to cool it. Arx gained an ego the size of a small moon and you see where that led him.”

Craig softly said, “I know. And you don’t have to talk about Arx like he’s another person. He’s my past.”

“Your past is dead and buried. The man who did that died in the lab when they burned those memories out of you. Now, if you….what are you doing?”

Craig was looking in a window of a building. He stopped and coyly smiled at her. “I was just...um…”

“Flexing at your reflection.”

Craig continued with her. “I know it seems so egotistical, but Dr. Henderson said that one augmentation I had done is still with me, this incredible body. These muscles just stay. I don’t have to pump iron or anything. I look good all the time. It’s...it’s strange and nice. I suppose I just like to look.”

Chase said, “fine, I guess that’s okay. You’ll get used to the body. I’m glad you’re flirting with other girls and mirrors and not me.”

Craig laughed, “I don’t flirt with girls who are already taken.”

“Arx flirted with anything that moved.”

“Well, as you said, I’m not Arx. I don’t know what I turned into, but before I came to Hollywood, I was taught to be respectful.”

Chase frowned, “wait, you said taken. I’m single.”

“Oh, really? I could have sworn you and Gar…”

“We’re just friends.”

Craig said, “not the way he looks at you.”

“Well, we have a complicated past and...oh dear.”

They both stopped and found a cluster of protesters outside the local Fight Club, which was their destination. Men and women of all ages held signs and yelled at the guards standing outside. Chase ran ahead, pushing through the crowds. A man stood at the front, yelling in the face of the Fight Club director, who staunchly stood his ground.

“We know these Fight Clubs aren’t just free gyms, they’re secret training facilities for BADGE minions! Close the doors! Leave our city!”

Another woman yelled, “BADGE isn’t welcome!”

This drove the crowd into a louder dither.

Chase stood with the club director, Craig beside her. “What’s going on, Bill?”

Bill tried to answer her, but the lead protester got in his face to answer her, “we’re shutting down this dangerous villain training camp.”

“We don’t train villains!” Bill yelled.

“You’re poisoning our city!” another man yelled out.

A woman said, “clean up your mess and leave!”

Chase said, “people, please. This location will close for the day, go home and cool off.”

The lead protester got in her face now. “And why should we?”

She held out a blade to his nose, “if you really think we’re villains, then you’re an idiot. Now, either you throw a punch or leave, I’m tired of talking to you.”

While leaving, the leader yelled about how this was proof they were villains and how he would tell the news of how he was attacked.

“That wasn’t smart.” Bill said.

Chase let her blade vanish. “I know. Nova won’t be pleased with me. Right now, I want to know what’s going on.”

“Come on.” He led her inside.

Chase and Craig followed him into the dark Fight Club.

“We sent everyone home two hours ago. I thought we could wait for that protest to break up and then the regular gym people could return. It only got worse out there.” Bill said, he looked at Craig, “who is this?”

“This is the hero I was bringing here for you to help train.”

“Oh, sorry, kid, no training today.”

“That’s fine.” Craig asked, “what did they mean we are poisoning their city? That’s an odd thing to say.”

Chase said, “just a colorful way of attacking our presence here.”

Bill opened a special door to the meta-human section of the gym. “They’ve been throwing some interesting terms at us, but this isn’t one of them. There is something happening. I was just about to report it with that gaggle of idiots showed up and started causing trouble.”

“What’s wrong?” Chase followed him through yet another door into the special storage area.

Bill pulled open a chest that held the energy cores for the unique superhero training equipment. Inside, he produced three large blue crystals. “The people have been finding these all over the city. Not large amounts of them, but they’re showing up randomly and growing way faster than before.”

Craig asked, “what are these?”

Chase took one. “These crystals have been growing in pockets around the world for years, just after the first super heroes started showing up. We don’t know what they are, exactly, but we’ve found uses for them. Did you say they are showing up all over the city?”

Bill nodded, “yup. People said they found them in parks, by the river, and in their front yards. Now, I aint see much more than a few dozen, but I aint looking for them either. Been kinda busy keeping those protesters from knocking down our door.”

Craig asked, “what does this mean?”

“I have no clue.” Chase handed him the crystal and then clicked her comm. “I have to report this.”

Nova spoke to Chase through the main monitor at the station. She told him all she had seen today, from the protesters to the crystals. His stoic silence was tense and cold while she reported.

“That’s all we know. For now, the club is closed for the day.”

Nova finally spoke up in this conversation. “Keep the club closed until further notice. Bill, I want you to gather up as many of the supers that you’ve been training that you trust and find those crystals.”

Bill nodded. “No problem. I’ve got some good kids working on their powers. What about the local hero league?”

“I don’t like getting them out in public too much. I’ll tell them to search in secret, but they’ll have to organize that themselves. Your responsibility will be the non-BADGE supers that have been working with you. They aren’t heroes, and I doubt people know they are supers yet.”

“Gotcha. What do we do with the crystals when we find them?”

“Bring them back to the club and wait. One of the league members will collect them and bring them to us for analysis.”

“Will do.”

Nova turned to Chase, “you and Craig keep moving. Visit other cities and clubs. I want to know how widespread this strange crystal growth is. Stay in civilian clothing. Neither of you are very identifiable and can fly under the radar of the media and protesters.”

Craig asked, “you want me to work, like, as an official for BADGE?”

“I want you to assist Chase. You’re not under my authority, so you may decide not to if you wish. But we can use help.”

Craig smiled. “I’ll be glad to help. Just call me agent Craig.”

“Craig is fine. Now, get going. The last thing we need is another crisis in the middle of this mess.”

“Understood, Chase out.” The screen went dark.

Nova turned and found Gar frowning. “Something wrong?”


Nova passed him while saying, “she isn’t interested in Craig, focus on our job.”

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Chase and Craig exited the cloaked BADGE shuttle in the middle of Oxford, England.

“Come on, the Fight Club is downtown.” Chase looked around, to be certain no one was paying them any special attention.

Craig followed behind her. “Do you manage these clubs?”

Chase crossed a street and then headed down the sidewalk. “I don’t manage them. I have helped establish most of them. I know this world better than most since I spent a lot of years traveling all over.”

“Oh, a jet setter?”

“Not exactly. I liked expensive things and would find clever ways of obtaining them...illegally.”

“Oh, I didn’t know you did that.”

Chase turned a corner and continued, “I was good at what I did and gained a lot of skills that have helped me. I also used my superhuman abilities for this, which gave me a special advantage. Looking back on it, I’m not proud.”

“Trust me, I know what it feels like to look back and feel shame about your actions.”

Chase nodded. “I guess this is why I’ve felt kindness and sympathy for you since you woke. I know the pain of a stained past and the desire to better myself. I want to help you be a better person than the villain you had been. I got a second chance. You deserve one as well.”

He smiled, “thanks.”

Chase gasped, “what the hell?”

Both saw the Fight Club was a smoking hole. The front of the building had been blown off completely, glass and fragments of the building littered the street. Two police cars and an ambulance sat outside.

Running up to the police blocking the public, Chase whipped out her BADGE id. “What happened?”

The officer looked at it with scrutiny and then begrudgingly let her through. “It was some kind of superpower attack. Protesters were gathered and yelling, then someone threw a punch and this happened. Ten people have been put in the hospital. Thankfully, no fatalities, only minor injuries, cept that one dog fellow, he got hit pretty hard.”

“Dog fellow? You don’t mean?”

Just then, Fleagle was rolled out on a stretcher. He was awake, but whimpering like a wounded puppy.


He turned his head toward her. “Chase, what are you doing here?” He wheezed and whimpered.

“What happened? Did a protester do this?”

“I don’t know. I got a face full of something bright and everything went crazy.”

The EMT said, “we have to get him to the hospital.”

They watched him be put into the van. Running inside the building, Chase found the Club Director taking care of a woman who had a severe bruise on her head.

“Don, what the heck happened?”

He looked up. “Chase? Wow, BADGE was quick to respond. This just happened twenty minutes ago.”

“I was on my way for other reasons. Who attacked?”

Don handed the woman a fresh cold compress and then joined Chase and Craig. “Well, a few of our regulars were here early when that protest group showed up. Most of my people left out the back, but Fleagle stayed to help.”

Craig asked, “this, Fleagle, did he do this?”

“Hardly. Fleagle and I held our ground, so the protesters wouldn’t break our windows. They came with these strange objects, crystals I think. They were yelling at us about spreading them around the town. Fleagle yelled at them, then they yelled back and he threw a punch. A woman in the crowd blasted us with a strange light from her mouth and the next thing I know, I’m laying on the floor in the back of the gym with glass all around me. Protesters were everywhere, injured, and Fleagle is out cold.”

“Was the attacker injured as well?”

“I haven’t seen her at all. I tried describing her to the police and EMT, but they didn’t see her. She must’a run.”

Chase said, “Report to Nova about this. We’re going to find her. Come on, Craig.” She dashed out the gaping hole that was at the front of the building.

Nova let out a heavy sigh… again… as he closed out the window from speaking with Don from Oxford.

Gar asked, “what do you think is going on?”

“I don’t know. But somehow the energy crystals we’ve been harvesting are now a part of this strange game.”

“So, you think that the World Corps has something to do with the crystals?”

“I don’t know. But, I don’t believe in coincidence. This is stirring up trouble when the World Corps needs us mired in problems. Our heroes just went into hiding and we’ve gone to silent mode, and suddenly the crystals act strange. That is too convenient for our enemy.”

“More than you think.” A voice spoke behind Nova.

Sirens activated throughout the station and the robots at the computers all stood up, readying weapons. A voice called out, “Intruder Alert!”

Nova looked up to see the ragged old man who called himself Father Time. “What now?”

Father Time held up his hands as Gar went to grab him. “I’m not here to do any harm. I’m here to help.”

Gar took him by the arm and pulled him down the steps to the base level where Nova stood. A dozen lasers were trained on his head. Nova had a hand on his own weapon, but had not pulled it yet. “I find it hard to believe you are here to do anything good.”

“I wouldn’t call it good, just a warning.”


“Time is broken.”


Father Time said, “I have been healing ever since our little battle in your arena. The natural flow of time heals me. However, I noticed something was amiss. Time is fractured. I worried I had damaged it beyond your abilities to repair...”

Gar said, “you wanted to break time, of course it’s fractured.”

Father Time rolled his eyes at the stone hero. “My goals were only to benefit humankind with time compression. It isn’t breaking time, just adjusting how it flows.”

“Enough exposition. What do you mean time is fractured? Did you leave lingering damage?”

“I thought so, but as I examined the flow of time, I realized that this is not just lingering damage. Something or someone is currently damaging it. Something is outside the natural flow of time. However, it is acting in such a way that the natural flow of time is progressing, but with a growing wound.”

“That doesn’t help much. Who or what is doing this?”

“I don’t know. I can’t locate it. Besides, without the clock, my powers would be too weak to fix it.” He gave off a sly smile.

“If this is some ploy to get the clock back, you’re a bigger fool than I already know you to be.”

Father Time’s eyes narrowed. “Obviously, I want the clock back. I know I am the most suited to repairing time issues. But I am not the fool you take me to be. Time is fragile if tampered with too much. We both know this. I’m warning you because, of anyone alive today, you can mend this.”

Nova asked, “does this have anything to do with the growth of the crystals?”

“I don’t know about crystals. But, if strange things are happening, you must treat them as potential elements of this threat.”

There was a long pause as Nova gauged this information. Finally, he asked, “will you aid us in this?”

Father Time shook his head. “I’m still too weak. My health is tied to the flow of time. The more it breaks, the weaker I grow. Unless you give me back the clock, which I know you won’t, I can be of no service other than a warning.”

Nova waved a hand at Gar. “Let him go.”

Gar begrudgingly released the villain.

Nova said, “go, you’re free. If you gain any further insights, bring them to me.”

“I will. Don’t forget what I have done, Nova. You owe me.” With that, Father Time vanished away.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

Chase stepped out of a store in Oxford, Englandk, and found Craig flirting with a street vendor of flowers.

“I can’t give you my number right now. It’s a little top secret.” Craig winked at the girl selling flowers.

She giggled at him, her eyes checking over his well-defined physique, which was displayed through his tight clothing. “So, James Bond, what sorta work do you do?”

Chase yanked on his arm to pull him away from this scene. “He’s busy. Come on.”

“Hey, I was just getting info.”

“You were just getting your ego stroked.”

Craig said, “not true. I found out that she saw a woman running away from the explosion.”

Chase stopped, “oh? The shop keeper saw nothing. What did that vendor see?”

“Said this woman was holding her face and running like mad down this street, this way.” he pointed ahead of them.

“Good work. Just remember, we aren’t in the habit of using sex appeal to get information. We’re not that kind of agency.”

He grinned. “I got the info first and then flirted. Nothing wrong with being admired by a cute chick.”

Chase was just about to scold him for that comment when they both heard screaming. A building shook and all the windows on the front of an old warehouse blew out, scattering glass across the street.

The doors opened to the warehouse, and two men came scrambling out. One had a severe burn on his arm. Chase and Craig rushed inside. They found an almost empty warehouse with a middle-aged woman pacing around the floor.

“Ma’am, you might want to leave.” Chase said.

The woman looked up, her eyes wild, her hair a mess, and a large blue crystal in her right hand. She screamed, “I must destroy everything!” following that with a strange light blast from her mouth that cut a hole in a wall.

“Holy crap!” Craig yelled and ducked behind a metal girder.

Chase hid behind an empty shipping crate. “Ma’am! We’re from BADGE. We can help you. You need to stand down!”

“THE WORLD WILL BURN!” Another light blast hit and part of the ceiling came crashing down.

Chase dodged broken shards of sheet metal and found herself in the direct line-of-fire. Another light blast came from the woman’s mouth, but Craig intercepted it. His body flashed a silver sheen, and the energy bounced off of him.

“Good move.” Chase said and then threw a blade at the woman’s hand holding the crystal. It made contact, and the crystal flew from her grip.

Craig picked up an old crowbar and slowly approached. “Look, lady, you gotta stand down.”

Chase said, “we won’t hurt you.”

The woman went wild and screeched. Her mouth produced another ray of light and this time blew an entire wall off the warehouse and destroyed part of a building nearby. The energy didn’t stop coming. She moved her face and more of the warehouse was destroyed, along with part of the street and two cars.

“She’s gonna blow up the city!” Craig said, he rushed toward the woman to tackle her. A blade hit the woman in the arm, and this stopped her for a split second. In that time, Craig got to her, slugged her in the face and then plowed her to the ground.

Chase walked over and checked the woman’s neck. “She’s alive. Good. I didn’t want to have to kill her. Call the local authorities. I need to talk to Nova. This problem just got much, much worse.”


Nova stepped out of a BADGE shuttle that landed in the middle of a large industrial compound. Gates and guard towers protected several buildings. The central building was a cavernous storage area where crates were being filled with collected crystals.

A hero rushed up to meet him. “Sir, we’ve found no info from the World Corps here, but they left all the crystals they had collected.”

“Good work. Get out there and help find more of those crystals.” His wrist comm beeped, and he flicked it on. “Nova here.”

Chase appeared on the screen. “Sir, we have encountered something new, and you will not like this.”

“I’m used to bad news. Go ahead.”

“We encountered a civilian holding a crystal. Somehow, it had given her super powers and driven her insane. She destroyed our Fight Club in Oxford and then nearly took out the whole town. Craig and I were able to take her down, but the damage is pretty bad.”

“Any casualties?”

“Not that we’ve found. Fortunately, she chose a pretty abandoned part of town to lose control.”

Nova said, “this further complicates the situation. However, we had a big break today. One of our heroes uncovered a plot by the World Corps to gather and store the excess crystals. They fought off the guards, and we have taken their facility.”

“What does this all mean? How do the World Corps and the crystals connect?”

“I don’t know, but we’re going to find out. I want you and Craig to get the undercover heroes to gather those crystals. We do not need more incidents like the one you just encountered.”

“Understood. Chase out.”

Nova clicked off his comm and met Dr. Henderson as she stepped out of another shuttle from BADGE. A small team of scientist came out with her and immediately went to work unloading equipment.

“Doctor, we have a lot of work ahead of us.”

Dr. Henderson looked at a tablet with a checklist of equipment. “We have spent too many years using these crystals without understanding them enough. At least, that’s how I have always felt. So, this is an opportunity.”

“I just wish we had time to spend on this and not a strict schedule. We need to know everything we can about these crystals and why they are acting strange.”

Dr. Henderson laughed, “we need to first discover what they are all about. We barely know how they work, just that we can use them for special tools and enhancements. I have never been entirely comfortable with the way we use them without fully understanding them.”

“Now’s your chance. As for me, I have an...unfortunate job to do.”

“What do you mean?”

“I need to ask for help from someone, and I’m reluctant to admit it.”

She frowned, “who?”

He cleared his throat, leaned closer to her, and whispered, “I need EB’s help. He...OOF!” A bright white blur blazed past all the security checkpoints and slammed into his side.

EB, clinging to Nova tighter than his own uniform, said, “OMG, OMG, OMG, you said it! You really, really said it! I love to help. I am sooo awesome at hero stuff. I know, I know I have been working for you for a long time now, well not so long when you consider how old I am, but what’s age got to do with anything? This is going to be amazing, EB and Nova, on the job. We’ll be like Sherlock and Watson, Batman and Robin, Laurel and Hardy. Hey, we should get matching hats, or badges, or hey, what about I make us a special chocolate that will be just our own flavor, the Nova and EB Bar. I don’t normally put my name on my own candy, I...” EB was unceremoniously peeled off Nova and dropped to the ground.

Nova let out a calming sigh, which toned his red face down just a few shades. “I’m going to need you to focus. This isn’t about fighting villains, this is about something strange happening that could be fracturing time. You’re very powerful with magic. I’m going to need your help.”

“I’m your magical rabbit. Show me the problem and I will...” he snapped his fingers and a flash of magical light exploded next to him.

Nova said, “you know, I might just ask Santa.”

EB grabbed his leg. “No, let me, let me, let me, pleeeeeeeeese!”


Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

Delta smiled as he watched the news on the screens in the meeting room. Some screens showed World Corps agents handing out the crystals while others were news services.

“Today, a woman of eighty-two in Toronto, Canada, attacked people in a park near a small farmers’ market. A local unidentified super human helped the police stop her before she did any serious harm. This is the ninth incident in the past two days of reported super humans appearing in public locations and randomly attacking. Authorities are currently not hypothesizing on the reason behind this, however, the UN will make a statement at noon on the situation. This has led people to believe this has something to do with BADGE’s illegal hero activity. We turn to...” the screen went to mute quickly.

Alpha stood behind the table, her hands on her hips. “Care to explain?”

Delta turned in his seat and smiled at her. “Everything is going well, wouldn’t you say?”

“We’re in the middle of a plan that has taken years to perfect. Now, you set off this new scheme right in the middle of it. Why?”

“We need the people to turn against BADGE...”

“And we have done beautifully so far. This development is unnecessary.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “We have to all remain on the same page at all times, no secrets.”

Delta stood from his seat and cracked a smile. “Secrets. Our entire operation is built on layers of secrets.”

Alpha came around the table and typed into the computer, shutting off the news and accessing the communications network. “We may hold secrets the world will not know, but we must be truthful with one another. I’m shutting down this crystal operation of yours. We have to focus on the next phase of the plan.”

Delta pulled her away from the terminal and held her close to him, his fingers pressing into her arms so hard she winced in pain. An honest look of fear filled her eyes. He brought her close to his face. “Never forget who put you in power. Never forget who created the World Corps and crafted this plan. You may be in charge according to the paperwork, but I can bury you in the ocean in a heartbeat and no one will even care. You’ll do what I say when I say it. My plans are not all open and exposed to you or the others. My plans will be fulfilled and in the end, the goal of global control will be achieved. Now, sit down, shut up, and do what I say. Is that understood?” He let go of her.

She backed up and fell into a chair. With a shaky nod, she agreed.

“Good. Now, sit here and monitor the media. I want every station on this planet covering what Beta is about to announce from the U.N. I’m going down to the labs to make sure we’re ready for the roll-out.”

Without letting her respond to him, he left the room.


Delta pushed aside a door and entered a nightmare. The room was filled with alcoves that each held a gray-skinned person. The men and women were all hooked up to tubes and nodules. Thousands of these specimens lined the walls, stacked high up, and along massive corridors.

Gamma walked by a row of the people and checked off from a list while Dr. Osteen examined data on two computer screens in the corner.

“Are they ready?” Delta asked.

Gamma turned with a sharp motion. “Oh, Delta, I didn’t see you come in.”

“Are they ready?” He repeated.

“They’re inactive, but ready. At a moment’s notice, we can activate them and they fulfill their programming.”

“Good. Dr. Osteen,” Delta turned to the scientist, “is the harmonic process ready?”

Osteen called up a screen that showed a large crystal and then a flurry of numbers flying by. “As with the first test subjects, the powering worked perfectly. Each of these people are low-grade morphonic conduits. But the crystal energy has made them superb.”

Gamma walked over and frowned at the computer screen. “Crystals?”

Delta said, “yes. We’re harnessing the crystal energy to create the augmentation process.”

“I don’t understand.”

Osteen gleefully answered, “Six years ago, I stumbled across something about morphonic energy. In my study on the anti-morphon weapons, I learned morphons have different frequencies. People who used morphons were aligned with one, sometimes two, of the six different types. It was a breakthrough, but it hardly proved useful until I could study the avatars.” He called up an image from a different lab, six containers each held extremely bright lights floating in them, each a different color.

Delta said, “Dr. Osteen’s work was more groundbreaking than he’ll ever know. Even Legion didn’t know the varied frequency of morphons. Extracting the purest form of them from each of those avatars has given us what we needed.”

Osteen turned to Delta with a curious frown. “How did you know what Legion knew?”

“I know a lot you don’t.” Delta coolly replied and then leaned in, peering at those six cores. “Sadly, these six avatar cores are almost useless to us now. They’re incorruptible. Keeping them simply prevents those avatars from living.”

Gamma asked, “so, what about the crystals?”

Delta smiled, “they give us the power to use morphons, even corrupted morphons. Without them, the whole augmentation process would be impossible.”

Osteen said, “the only problem is that corrupted morphons cause the user to exhibit the worst in his or her personality. They become uncontrollably evil, such as when Arx went mad and destroyed Hollywood.”

Gamma said, “what are you saying? Our army has a limited time usage?”

“Precisely.” Osteen answered.

Delta said, “don’t worry, Gamma. This army is not a permanent source of power, just the last tool before ultimate domination. Everything is going according to plan.”

“No, the plan was to put these people in place and then we use them to control the nations. I was to lead the augment army.”

“And you will, while that part of the plan is enacted.” Delta answered.

“No, it was supposed to be permanent.”

Delta calmly said, “don’t panic, Gamma. Everything will work out perfectly in the end for all of us. Trust me.”

Gamma quietly said, “I will trust the plan.”

“Good.” Delta walked toward the door.

Osteen stopped him. “Sir, one last question, if I may.”


“You asked me to program in that special resonance. I did. Every augment contains that special energy signature. However, I have yet to find a reason for it. Care to explain?”

“No.” With no further words, Delta walked out of the room.

Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

EB and Nova watched the news in the back of the BADGE shuttle. A video showed a young boy punching through walls in buildings, then the footage shifted to the boy destroying police cruisers while the local authorities try to apprehend him.

“This was taken from drones and cell phones across several city blocks of New Delhi, India. The boy, who remains unidentified, destroyed six structures, caused serious damage to twelve others buildings, and destroyed five cars. He was finally taken down with help from a local superhero. This marks the seventy-eighth confirmed case of super powered individuals attacking in cities across the planet. BADGE has remained silent and refuses to comment on the situation. Ambassador Ben Talos will address the U.N. later today on this situation.”

Nova hit the mute button. “I wonder what they’ll do next?”

EB hopped around the shuttle. “I don’t see why you don’t let me punch that Ben Talos right in the balls! He’s asking for one hell of a beating, working for the World Corps, duping all of us in BADGE, being a total, big fat jerk.”

“Attacking him would only prove we’re villains. He’s viewed as just a peaceful functionary of the U.N. We can’t accuse him of villainy, we have little proof of that.”

EB punched the wall. “That big jerk. They set us all up to look bad and then we take the fall without being able to respond. I want to just shove an egg right up his...”

“Enough. Being angry doesn’t solve problems.” Nova said.

EB hopped up to the seat next to him and sat down. “I know. It’s just, all the heroes are my buddies. Now, my buddies are being treated like crooks while the real crooks are getting away with it.”

“We’ll find the answer. They’ll slip up some day. Right now, we have a much more important task to take care of.” Nova watched as they passed through a security barrier outside Neo Utopia and came in for a quick landing in a parking lot.

The moment they exited the shuttle’s aft door, five goons from Rutkowski’s gang met them with Tommy guns.

“Hold it, ya knuckleheads, we’s workin with BADGE right now.” Rutkowski walked up.

Nova greeted him with a quick head nod. “Rutkowski.”

“If ya here bout my top goon hoarding da crystals. I let one of ya heroes take em. Steelfist is pay’n fer disobeying me, trust me.”

“What did he say? I can barely understand him.” EB whispered.

Nova answered EB, “Steelfist stockpiled up some crystals and tried to use them to give himself superpowers. But Rutkowski stopped him and made him turn them over. And I trust Rutkowski to deal with his own people.”

“Glad we’re on da same page.” Rutkowski said.

Just then, Peyton stepped up. “Ah, Nova, you said you were gonna stop by. We got the city under strict lock-down. No World Corps idiots allowed in here.”

“I’m not here about the World Corps. I’m here about a different situation. Both of you have time powers. I need to know if either of you have felt strange fluctuations in time. Fractures or something else like them.”

Both enemies gave each other a curious look, then both nodded. Peyton said, “I have felt something isn’t quite right. I couldn’t put my finger on it.”

Rutkowski said, “ya, things feel just...I dunno...off. Not like when ole Father Time made a mess before.”

Peyton added, “true. This is new. The damage to time from Father Time’s last incursion has been fixed. This is new.”

“Can you give me anything else to go on? Father Time paid me a visit, warned me that this was a real problem.”

“You gonna trust that geezer?” Rutkowski asked.

“I don’t think Father Time would pay me a visit just to warn me of something he’s up to. He was worried, and that worries me.”

Rutkowski narrowed his eyes at Peyton. “You good to help with this?”

“Let’s just do it.”

Both closed their eyes and put one hand out to the other. Touching palms, they quietly waited while they worked through this. Finally, they opened their eyes with a look of agreement between them.

Peyton said, “we can feel the fracture time, but it’s moving in waves. The waves are coming from an eastern direction.”

Rutkowski added, “far off, not just to the coast of the states. Real far off. I bet if ya get closer, the time fracture will get stronger.”

“Thanks. Peyton, could you join me? I could use your help as well in finding this.”


“Hey, you don’t trust me?” Rutkowski asked.

“No. But that’s not why I’m not asking you to come.” Nova said. “Right now, your gang and the Neo Utopia police are the only reason the World Corps hasn’t overrun this city. There are a lot of scared meta-humans here hiding out. I don’t want to see them hurt.”

“I’ll buy dat. Good luck.”

The large mega-screen in downtown Neo Utopia, normally running paid ads, shifted to the International News. “Breaking News from the United Nations.”

The screen changed to the floor of the United Nations. Ben Talos stood with a contingent of representatives as he read from a prepared paper.

“It has become apparent that BADGE is conducting the worst security scam in the history of mankind. They’ve set dozens, possibly hundreds, of super powered people loose to cause havoc. Then, they send in their heroes to save the day to re-assert their domination as our only hope for protection from dangerous meta-humans. The United Nations not only condemns this scam, we have now asked the World Corps to send in their own superhumans to provide the security that BADGE has denied us. This act will secure our people and provide peace in this troubled time. The United Nations will take a vote on this soon. This announcement is directed at BADGE. Your time protecting this world is over and you must admit defeat and accept the proper punishment for your actions.”

The screen exploded in a spray of sparks as Rutkowski showered it with bullets from a tommy gun. “Dat rat!”

EB jumped up and threw an egg that exploded against the screen. “Ya. Take that!”

Peyton held his face while Nova said, “destroying public property won’t solve anything.”

EB snarled, “but it felt good.”

Rutkowski held up his gun. “You want me and my men to plug that stuffed shirt mouthpiece of the World Corps?”

“Sadly, your men would likely all perish. The World Corps is stronger than you think. No, we’ll deal with this. Just keep this city safe.” He walked toward the shuttle, but stopped to add, “But, if one of those augmented people shows up to enforce their will on this city...do what you have to do.”

Rutkowski smiled, still holding that gun. “With pleasure.”

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

Gar walked across the storage facility that BADGE was using to gather the strange crystals and study them. Agent Justin waved at him to come to the laboratory section. Suddenly, a hole opened and Nightshadow appeared with an armload of crystals.

“Where do I put these?”

Gar jumped back in shock and then pointed toward the bins in the second building. “Take them there. The agents will sort them.”

“Gotcha.” Nightshadow strolled on.

Gar gathered his wits and found Justin with Dr. Henderson and several other BADGE scientists.

“Oh, Gargoyle, good. Have you heard from Nova?” Justin asked.

“No. He left for his special mission with EB. Why?”

“I have important news.” Dr. Henderson held up her computer tablet. “You’re the senior official here, so I need to report to you.”

“Me? But, Justin...” Gar pointed at the man next to him.

“I’m in charge of the agents, but I report to either you, Nova, or Chase...and sometimes Strange Quark. The only one here is you, so that leaves you in charge.”

“Oh...uh...okay. What did you find?” Gar put on a stern face, as he imagined Nova would look.

Dr. Henderson walked over to an area where several other scientists were busy at work with crystals and large computers. “We have determined that the crystals directly result from Morphonic Energy.”

Gar asked, “but the crystals haven’t been on Earth for a long time?”

“We have always known that they are a recent development, and the scientific community suspected they were connected to morphons. However, extensive testing has not been conclusive. Right now, though, with all these crystals and the accelerated growth, we are able to understand them better.”

Gar asked, “if Legion sent the Morphons to Earth, and the Morphons create the crystals, is this just part of what Legion wanted?”

“Not exactly. Dr. Bigos, if you would.”

A bald man turned a swiveled computer screen to show his myriad of data. “Our sun emits a sort of radiation that is rare. It is otherwise harmless and has gone relatively unnoticed by astronomy until this incident. That radiation reacts with the morphons and causes the crystals to grow. It forces the unique frequencies of morphons to bond together.”

Dr. Henderson said, “what we found is that these crystals aren’t all the same. Each is 99.89 percent identical, however that last tiny percentage makes a pretty big difference. The morphons inside them resonate with one of the six known frequencies, making each crystal slightly skewed toward one morphon element or another.”

Justin asked, “how does this help explain the current situation. Why are they giving people powers? Why are they growing so much faster?”

“We don’t have those answers. I’m afraid it would take a lot more time to figure that out on our own.”

Justin said, “we need answers soon. If the World Corps is behind this, we need everything we can to stop them.”

Dr. Henderson calmly answered, “we’re already working on a way to, hopefully, expedite answers. We’re going to wake up one of the sedated Avatars and hope they can provide answers.”

Gar said, “but they’re permanently put to sleep by the World Corps. How do you wake one?”

Another doctor walked over, holding one crystal. “I’ve been studying the Avatar’s data. They aren’t living beings like you or me, they are much more like our Mr. Gar here.”

“Me? How?”

She touched his chest, “you’re made of stone, you’re not a living being by biological standards. However, you were crafted out of raw materials and then given life through a core of energy. It’s the same for all the avatars. They each contained that sort of core. We saw this when they first arrived. Now, when we study them, we find that the core energy is missing.”

Dr. Henderson took the crystal from her associate. “That’s where these come in. We believe we can craft a core of the same harmonic energy type of one avatar and introduce it to them. If all goes well, it’ll work like a transplanted organ and they’ll come back to life.”

Justin said, “that’s a stretch. Bringing them back will be hard, hoping they have answers is just a gamble.”

“We can only hope.”


Delta sat with Alpha and Gamma in the meeting room. Beta remained on a screen, remotely joining from the U.N. HQ in New York.

“Are you sure this will work?” Gamma asked.

Delta nodded, “yes. The mercs will make the drop off in a few moments, and we’ll sit back and watch the mayhem.”

Beta looked over the sheet of paper. “I gave you these twenty locations. I can get at least ten more in moments. Protests are popping up across the world hourly after this vote was announced.”

“No, these twenty will do fine. Just be ready to grab the attention of the news before BADGE has a chance to say something, even through their sycophants at the Sentinel.”

Alpha slapped the table, “this is completely unnecessary. We have BADGE on the run. The public opinion continually grows our direction. Why send more crystals out to random people and cause trouble at these protest rallies?”

Delta sat forward with rage in his eyes. “Because, BADGE is still allowed out there. No one has fully called for the sweeping arrests of anyone connected to BADGE. I want Nova cowering on his pathetic little space station, unable to return to this planet before we complete this. I need him out of the way! Our plan is moving too slowly!”

Gamma kindly said, “but, sir, BADGE has gone into hiding. Everyone fears them. The public loves our heroes and looks to them for security. What if one man is still free? What good is Nova without BADGE having power?”

“Nova is a dangerous man! More dangerous than any of you can possibly fathom!” Delta spent a moment fuming while the others gave him strange looks. He suddenly snapped to a screen and pointed at a merc waiting, “deploy! Now!”


A crowd of anti-BADGE protesters filled the street in front of the local Fight Club in Mexico City. They carried signs and chanted against BADGE and its heroes. The club director and two heroes stood outside to protect the place from property damage. Even when bottles and trash were thrown at them, they remained stoic and calm, not responding.

“Get out of our city! We don’t want villains here!” A man yelled and threw a baseball at the head of a woman in superhero tights.

She caught the ball and dropped it on the ground without flinching.

This same pattern of violence had continued for three days, with the heroes remaining silent and still in the face of this anger.

A man ran up between the club and the protesters and yelled, “if they were villains, wouldn’t they have hurt us by now? Think! They are good people!”

This was met by a hard right hook and he went down. The crowd turned even more violent after that.

The director tapped the hero on his right and whispered, “look up there?”

Both saw darkly dressed World Corps mercs watching. Before either could do something about this, five different people went wild with powers blasting through the crowds. Bodies crashed into each other and the pavement exploded. Random civilians held those powered crystals and were attacking like mad people.

The last thing the club director saw were the eye-beams from a fourteen-year-old girl before his body was thrust back through the glass doors of the club.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

Nova quietly waited while the BADGE shuttle zoomed across the skies, going unnoticed by anyone while under its own invisibility cloak. EB and Peyton were along for the ride.

“This is pretty good stuff.” Peyton ate on a rather large chocolate egg that had an orange colored filling.

EB bounced around the cabin like a toddler on a long car trip. “That’s my all-in-one meal egg. It tastes like candy, but fills you up like a good meal. I wanted to market it, but I realized I had to use magic to make it and Santa said that using too much magic on humans could be bad. I don’t mind it, it makes a nice thing to make for friends. I have lots and lots of friends. Nova is my bestest buddy and then there’s Gar, and the hotty Chase, and all the heroes, and Santa. I wish Easter was bigger than Christmas, but Santa gets all the breaks. He just does his job so well that I can’t complain. I love his toys, he makes really awesome toys, there was this one...”

Peyton groaned and held up his hand. “I’m sensing stronger currents in time. We’re getting closer to the disturbance.”

EB turned and his ears perked up, taller than normal. “I sense it too. This is bad, really, really bad.”

Nova said, “this is part of the reason you’re with us, EB. Do your thing.”

“Oh, right.” He hopped up to the front of the cabin next to the pilot and then waved his paws in the air. A bright purple flash exploded out from the shuttle. Instantly, large bubbles appeared in the surrounding sky. “Watch out!” EB yelled.

The pilot turned hard to avoid contact with a bubble.

Peyton asked, “what are those?”

EB peered out the front window. “Those are time disturbances. We’re getting closer to the source of the problem. They shouldn’t be too bad right now, not really that far outside of normal time. But, if we intersect one, it might cause some strange effects on you guys, since you both have time powers.”

Nova stood from his seat and also looked out the window. There was a strange seriousness etched into his face. “Pilot, where are we heading?”

“We are on course for Egyptian airspace.”

EB looked up at Nova. “You don’t think...”

“It’s possible.”

Peyton asked, “what?”

Nova coldly answered, “I think I know exactly where we are heading.”


Chase and Craig arrived at the collection area where Justin and Gar managed the crystal stockpile. Dr. Henderson had her staff working diligently in the middle of a warehouse as they prepared a strange contraption.

“What is going on?” Chase asked.

Gar met her, “we’re going to wake an avatar.”


Justin explained, “Dr. Henderson feels we can awaken an avatar with enough morphonic energy from the crystals. I’m having the selected avatar brought down from the station right now.”

“Has Nova returned from his private little mission?” Chase asked.

“No, and somehow that makes me nervous.” Justin answered.

Craig said, “oh, why worry about the old fart? Nova is a tough guy. He can handle himself.”

Chase said, “if you ever want to be an agent of BADGE, you’ll never call him an old fart again.”

Chase’s comm badge activated. She flicked it on. “Chase here.”

“This is Chaz, you need to turn on the news now! No time to explain.”

She gestured at Justin, and he ran over to the main computer monitor. They were met by the face of Judge Alpha from the World Corps, speaking to the United Nations.

“It is with a heavy heart that we fulfill this agreement. I thank the United Nations for putting such faith in the World Corps and hope this is the first step in a long and fruitful relationship. The World Corps will place heroes at all capitals across the planet. Hopefully, our heroes will deter further BADGE attacks, however if there is another attack, they are trained and ready to handle the situation. Fear not, the World Corps will keep this world safe.”

A great deal of applause followed as she stepped back for Beta to take the stand. “Thank you, Judge Alpha. As of three PM Eastern Standard Time, the United Nations has declared that all of BADGE is now considered a criminal agency and all of their agents, heroes, and their leader Nova are wanted. Every nation aligned with the United Nations has issued arrest warrants for all BADGE officials, and Interpol has issued a red notice in the name of each member of BADGE. The priority targets are the heroes and their leader, Director Nova. Under the authority of the United Nations and the signed agreement of all nations involved, all World Corps Heroes are hereby ordered to arrest on sight any member of BADGE, if they resist, you may use any and all abilities you have to remove them as a threat, including execution. We will make this world safe! We will have justice!” This drew a loud eruption of applause from the members of the United Nations.

Justin turned off the sound and quietly looked at Chase. “Someone has to warn Nova. If those world corps augments see him, they’ll murder him.”

Chase shook her head, “trust me, he’s a survivor. Right now, we have to keep our heroes safe. Justin, contact all leagues and tell them they must evac to either North Onnotangu or the station. No other options are available.”

Justin said, “what about Neo Utopia?”

Chase shook her head. “Neo Utopia will remain a haven for non-BADGE meta humans. Gar, get in touch with Prime Minister Shizue and tell her she will be housing a lot more guests. Dr. Henderson, work faster.”

“What can I do?” Craig asked.

Chase smiled at him. “Help protect this place. We may not have much time to find answers before we must flee.”


Nova turned off the monitor in the shuttle. He, too, watched the same announcement from the UN.

“Do you want me to do something about this?” EB asked in a kind voice.

Nova shook his head, “no. We’re almost there.”

“Sir! The shuttle instruments are really going crazy.” The pilot announced.

Peyton stood up and pointed, “look!”

They were approaching what looked like a fountain of light coming up from a craggy canyon in the desert.

EB jumped to the front of the shuttle and slapped his paws on the dash. All the controls returned to normal. “There ya go. Good as new, for now.”

“Uh, thanks.”

“Take us down.”

The shuttle landed, and they all disembarked, save the pilot. Before them was a narrow opening in the cliff that opened up wide to a tall, walled crevasse with a strange temple. Stone statues lined the walls, each holding enormous weapons. A throne was at the back with a hole where a jewel once rested. Someone stood before the throne, holding the air with his hands. It appeared as though he were holding brightly colored fabric in the air, which the energy fountain spewed up from.

“What is this place?” Peyton asked.

Nova answered, “the Throne of the Defender, a temple built using ancient, forgotten powers.”

“Who did they worship? Ra?”

“This is not a place of worship, it was a prison. It is a long story and we don’t have time.”

Marching up to the throne, Nova taped the shoulder of the man standing there.

Strange Quark looked back with a smile. “Oh, good. I wondered how long it would be before you got here.”

“What are you doing to time?”

Quark nodded his head toward the rift in his hands. “Right now, doing my best to keep it from breaking. This is one nasty gash in time.”

“Did you cause it?”

“Nope. But I can tell you that something is trying to get through, something incredibly powerful. And what scares me most...I don’t know what it is.”

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

“What do you mean you don’t know what is on the other side?” Nova asked.

Quark, holding the growing hole in time together, said, “something, or rather someone, is trying to come through. I felt this days ago and raced here to stop it.”

“And you decided not to report this?”

Quark shrugged. “Everyone is busy with the World Corps nonsense. I thought this would be easier. I thought it was just a tear in time from all the damage Father Time did during his two attacks this year. It turned out to be something completely different. Once I got this under control, it became impossible to move or lose that control. I knew someone would eventually come. This hole is still getting larger, even with me holding it back.”

Peyton asked, “do you think this has anything to do with the World Corps?”

“I have no idea.” Quark said.

Nova shook his head. “I may have been wrong to assume that part of their plot. This might be something completely different. This is bad. If we have an incursion by a dangerous force while the World Corps is enacting their plans, we could be in serious trouble.”

EB hopped up and smacked Nova on the shoulder. “Don’t be such a Debbie Downer, bud. We’ve handled worse. Remember when Jinn unleashed ghosts all over the world and turned himself into the devil? We got through that, didn’t we?”

“This is different. That was one enemy with one plan.” Nova said.

Peyton sat down on a broken piece of a statue. “This is one hell of a doozy. I...woah!” He fell off the stone as it lifted and joined back together with other stones to reform the statue.

“What the?” EB hopped around, avoiding more stones that moved backward in time to return to an earlier state.

Quark strained as he said, “time...is breaking...this is about to open...I can’t hold it alone.”

“Gotcha!” EB held up his paws and created a bright flash of light. The time reversals slowed down.

Quark strained, “thanks, but this is still growing. We have to stop this.”

Nova took in a deep breath and released it slowly. He held up a hand and the time disturbances stopped. The statues repairing themselves froze in place.

Peyton rubbed his hands together and prepared to use his own powers, but Nova stopped him. “No. You must leave!”

“What? I can help. I’m not as powerful as you, but I can help.”

Nova pointed with his free hand. “Get out of here. Take the shuttle back to the crystal drop zone.”

EB said, “buddy, we can use all the help we can get.”

Nova said, “no. We’re strong enough to hold time together inside this place. We can stay here for years inside this pocket of time. Whatever is trying to come through must be held at bay until the heroes have dealt with the World Corps’ plans.”

“What do you want me to do?” Peyton asked.

“Go back to Chase. Tell her she is now in charge of BADGE. Tell her to never come here, send no one else here to save us. We’ll stay here until we no longer can hold this place. When the heroes are strong enough, when the World Corps is defeated, then we will face what comes through that rift.”

EB said, “he’s right. My candy factories will go on without me, but this world might not survive two invasions at once. Go.”

Peyton gave a quick nod and then ran, leaving the three heroes behind to keep time from breaking.


Chase walked with Justin around the storage facility. Heroes stood guard along the fences. A small clutch of heroes sat around a tall, bald man in a lab coat. Each held their heads with fierce concentration.

“Dr. Stone, how goes the deflection?”

The bald black man smiled as he answered, “right now the World Corps heroes are attacking a compound ninety miles from us.”

“I hope they aren’t hurting anyone?” She asked.

He laughed, “nope. They’re destroying an abandoned depot with no living soul inside. We have their minds twisted in a deep fantasy.”

“Keep it up.”

Justin held up his comm to his ear. “Alright. Landing zone two is open.”

A blustery breeze cut through the grounds as a cloaked shuttle landed.

“Chase!” Gar waved at her from inside the main building.

“What is it?” She approached.

He smiled and pointed at the table in the middle of the room, surrounded by computers and scientists. “Dr. Henderson said she has good news.”


Dr. Henderson came up and showed her the computer tablet. “We have gathered enough magic morphon energy to attempt a resuscitation of the magic avatar. It’ll be strange reviving a book, but I suppose it will be the same process as any of them.”

“Then, get to it. We need answers fast.”

Dr. Henderson gave the go-ahead to her team, and everyone jumped into action.

“Chase! Chase!” Peyton came running up, out of breath. He stopped and held his knees. “Boy, I gotta start jogging or something. I am outta breath.”

“Peyton? Where’s Nova and EB?” She looked around.

“That’s why I’m here. We found the source of the time fractures. It’s a place in the middle of Egypt. Strange Quark was there, trying to keep it together. But it only got worse. The place was going nuts, everything reverting in time. Worst of all, some kinda strange creature is trying to come through.”

“Damn. This is not the time for some alien invasion. Our heroes are currently scattered, running from the World Corps and the United Nations. I will have to contact...”

“No! He doesn’t want you to send help.”

This stopped her cold. “No help? He can’t possibly try to fight something like this on his own.”

Peyton said, “he aint trying that. Nova, EB, and Quark are holding that pocket of broken time together. Their combined powers are awesome. But the catch is they gotta stay there. They’ll stay there until we find a solution to the World Corps problem.”

“But who will lead BADGE if Nova is stuck there?” Justin asked.

“He put Chase in charge.”


“Yeah, you. He trusts you to save this world.”

Chase stood there in stunned silence.

Gar gently asked, “are you okay?”

“I...I don’t know. I feel like we just lost him. I’m not ready for this.”

Justin said, “all you can do is take it one step at a time. We have a crisis on our hands and need leadership. Right now, that’s you.”

“What do I do first?”

Dr. Henderson came over. “We’re ready to revive.” She frowned at Chase. “Something the matter?”

“No.” Chase straightened her shoulders and said, “go ahead.”

Dr. Henderson pressed a button on her tablet, and everyone waited. Five lasers emitted energy drawn from stockpiles of crystals. Each beam met in the center of the area, charging a focusing apparatus. Finally, a single beam came from the center and hit the book. The process was quick and everything went dark.

“Well?” Chase asked.

Before Dr. Henderson could answer, the book opened and closed on its own. It lifted into the air and gained the magical aura normally around it. A wave of glee swept through the room, but was soon replaced when a loud, screeching scream came from the book and it changed colors. A blast of magic exploded out from it and destroyed all the equipment while throwing everyone back.

“I MUST DESTROY EVERYTHING!” the book boomed, then sent another wave out that destroyed part of the building. Several heroes attacked it, but they were quickly subdued by its formidable powers.

“It’s registering massive amounts of unstable morphonic energy!” Dr. Henderson yelled.

Chase slapped her comm badge. “All heroes who can hear my voice, we need you at my location. NOW!”

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

A bright blue explosion of energy erupted from the center of the storage facility, destroying most of the buildings and sending unfastened objects flying away. Heroes were tossed by this hurricane of power, slammed into random debris and each other. At the epicenter of the explosion was the Avatar of Magic, corrupted by the unnatural crystals used to craft an artificial heart.

Gar sat up from the attack and then quickly turned and covered Chase with his body, his wings acting like a wall behind him. Another wave of energy exploded out, destroying the energy barrier protecting the facility from prying eyes.

“We can’t stop this thing!” Chase yelled.

“We have to try!” Admiral Prometheus replied and then let loose a blast of mental energy at the enemy.

The floating book was pushed down toward the ground by the force of the mental strain.

Dr. Stone joined Prometheus and used his mental powers to further attack the enemy. He said, through his mind, “this avatar is weaker to mental attacks. We can suppress its awesome strength.”

More heroes with mental powers joined the battle and attacked the avatar with their minds. The book closed up and the glowing energy from it dimmed.

Nightshadow called out, “everyone else! Get ready!” He held up his hands and then slammed them to the ground. A great wave of shadow spread out and heroes vanished like the floor had dropped beneath them.

One by one, heroes appeared out of dark circles near the Avatar of Magic and attacked it, giving it no chance to see them coming. All the while, it was being restrained further by the mental onslaught.

“We can do it!” Hotwings called out and blasted the avatar with lasers.

All at once, there came a concussive wave of sound and force at the same time. The book released another explosion and the attack against it was stopped. The heroes moving via shadow were thrown first, the mental attackers all hit the ground, holding their heads in agony.

A ball of energy formed in the center of the Avatar as it prepared yet another eruption of magical energy.

“WATCH OUT!” Nightshadow slapped the ground again and all the heroes vanished for a single moment in a dark void.

The wave of magic spread out, sending even more of the debris scattering further away.

Everyone reappeared and gasped in a breath. Chase demanded, “what did you just do to us, Nightshadow?”

He gave off a coy grin. “You were compressed into a black hole for a fraction of time. Sorry.”

“Don’t be. You saved us. But, that was...uncomfortable.”

Dr. Stone held up both hands to his head and focused his mind. “We have to hold it at bay!”

“That didn’t work last time.” Chase said.

Dr. Henderson ran over. “It helped. The magical power of the avatar is off the scale. However, as the heroes use mental attacks, the frequencies of the magical morphons become unstable. If we can destabilize it long enough, we might unravel the corrupted magic and bring it down. We need magically inclined heroes to attack it when it is at its most vulnerable.”

Chase clicked her comm. “Krystal Fae, we need magic support, now!”

She responded, “on our way, I have The Wizard with me and Santa. We felt the magical disturbance.”

“Get here! I don’t know how long the heroes can hold it at bay.”

“On it.”

Chase looked at the avatar, listening to it screech and the heroes contend with its random acts of magic. “Gar, I’m not ready for this. This world is not safe in my hands.”

“BADGE is in your hands, not the world.”

“Right now, it feels like the same thing.”

The Wizard rode on the back of his dragon with Santa’s sleigh to his right, and Krystal Fae to his left.

“Do you see what I’m seeing?” The Wizard pointed down.

Krystal flew up closer. “Yes. There must be several hundred World Corp merc vehicles in that convoy.”

The Wizard said, “I see some U.N. Military, U.S. Military, and about five dozen of those augmented heroes. Where do you think they’re heading?”

“The same place we are.”

The Wizard frowned. “They’re heading to help stop the avatar?”

“No. I think they’re heading in to attack the heroes.”

“This isn’t good.”

Santa called out, “we don’t have time to worry about them. If we don’t stop that avatar, this entire world is in danger.”

“You’re right, of course. Come on, let's move!” The Wizard coaxed his dragon along and all three sped up.

The trio of magical heroes covered the distance quickly. The night sky was broken by the amazing light ahead of them. Where the storage facility was, there was now just debris and a circle of heroes defending themselves from the unrelenting attacks by the avatar. A large group of heroes stood off to the side, focusing their minds on the avatar.

“I can sense it. The avatar’s magical power is weak. We can strike.” The Wizard said.

Santa said, “we have little time. Those mental heroes are about to lose their grip on it.”

Krystal charged her hands with magic. “Then we take it down.”

She stopped about ten feet above the avatar and stuck her hands into the air like she was pushing her fingers into a wall of thin glass. The air cracked and crumbled. Santa joined her on the other side, pushing his hands into the strange field of magic around it. Finally, The Wizard and his dragon met this magical barrier and crashed right through it.

The book lost the light emitting from it and fell to the ground. It screamed and screeched, blasting magical attacks that were far less threatening than before.

The Wizard landed right next to it and put his hands inside the pages. He chanted a strange language and pulled his hand up. A blue light with shadows of black flowing through it stretched out of the book like pulling gum from a sidewalk. It held tight for a moment, but then burst free. He threw the energy into the air. Krystal Fae and Santa destroyed it with two well-placed blasts of light.

Everything quieted down, the book now closed and laying on the ground. There was a hesitant calm, followed by a slight movement from the heroes. Dr. Henderson ran a quick scan from a distance and then rushed over to the avatar. She smiled and called out, “it’s back to dormant. All signs of the corrupt energy are gone.”

This created a fresh wave of relief among the heroes. The injured were quickly tended to while the exhausted spent a moment gathering their wits.

“Chase!” The Wizard ran over to her with Krystal Fae behind him.


“We have another problem.”

She almost asked when they heard a distinct rumbling in the distance. “What is that?”

Krystal said, “the problem. A massive army of World Corps mercs and augments are coming and they have backup from the U.N. This place is about to be overrun.”

The news seemed to overwhelm Chase for a moment. She lost most color in her face and she looked for rescue from anyone. Santa jumped down from his sleigh and came over to her. “Angela, the wise course of action is retreat. The heroes here are in no shape to fight that force, and even if they did, it would just start a war. That is what the World Corps has been trying to do all along.”

She gave a quick nod and then looked over at Justin. “Sound the evac, tell everyone to head for the station and orbital arena.”

“Right away.”

Santa smiled. “I will do what I can to stall them. Get these people to safety.”

“I will, father. Just...don’t get hurt.”

“Bah! I can handle a few hundred enemies. Besides, I’m not going to fight them, just distract.”

Soon, the gathered heroes and BADGE scientists were evacuating the area quickly. Heroes that could teleport were working hard to move everyone. Chase had to stop Midgard and others like him from going full rogue and attacking that approaching army. For her first days as leader, this was a trial by fire.

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

 Heroes evacuated the storage facility, what was left of it after the battle. The non-meta humans working for BADGE gathered up the scientific equipment with the help of heroes and got it safely away. A small team of specialists collected up the now dormant Avatar of Magic and returned it to a safe holding unit to escort it back to the station where the other Avatars were kept.

“Director Chase!” Dr. Henderson ran up to her, with Dr. Stone beside her.

“Please, don’t start calling me Director.”

“Nova left you in charge. That makes you the temporary Director.”

“I know. But it feels like we’ve given up on him and I can’t stand that thought. What did you need?”

Dr. Stone stepped up. “Chase, I was linked with the mind...if that’s what you can call it...of the Avatar for a brief time. There’s a living being inside that book.”

“I know. BADGE has declared all the avatars sentient beings, Dr. Henderson filed that report herself.” Chase gestured to the other doctor.

Henderson said, “I determined sentience based on the factors of life according to science, save perhaps the ability to procreate. The Avatars exhibit the qualities of sentience. However, Dr. Stone has tapped into something I never could, the mind inside the being.”

“What’s wrong?” Chase sensed this wasn’t good news.

Dr. Stone softly said, “it’s in great pain. Even in the state of sleep, there’s mental activity at a minor level. I believe all the Avatars are like this. They’re in great pain and sorrow. They are hollow and it is nearly unbearable.”

“What does this mean?”

Dr. Henderson said, “it means we need to find the core stolen from each of them. If we learned anything from this failed experiment, its they need their original core to thrive. They’re innocent beings, infants just learning to live, and they had their hearts ripped out.”

Chase watched a shuttle leave with a large contingent of supers flying along to protect it. “Look, this is scientifically fascinating and I do feel bad for them. But we have a lot on our plate right now.”

Dr. Stone said, “I know, and I didn’t bring this up just to ask for help to save them. I also tapped into another thought within the avatar. Fear.”


“Yes. It is horribly afraid. Something is coming, something so terrible, so unbalanced in the morphons, that it is scared. If something that powerful, that in-touch with the balance of the morphons, is so scared, we should find out what it is.”

“That’ll be your task, Doctor, when we get back.”

Just then Santa came swooping down. Hovering over the ground in his sleigh, he called out. “I stalled them as long as I could. They’re almost here. Looks like you are nearly evacuated. Get out, now!”

Chase looked around and found the heroes and support staff were nearly all gone. There was but one team coming up and she was worried about this group. Midgard stomped over in his fullest form, with Skelanimal behind him, as well as the others from their teams.

“I DON’T RUN FROM A FIGHT!” Midgard bellowed.

Chase huffed, “you will today. We can’t...”


Skelanimal cracked his bony knuckles. “I wouldn’t mind punching a few stupid World Corps jerks.”

“I’m the current leader of BADGE, which means you will listen to me...”


Santa kindly interjected, “if you would allow me, Angela?” She gave him a nod, and he lifted higher. “Look here, world eater, Nova has known you longer than any other living being on this planet. You listen to him because there is a genuine fear of him in you.”


“Really?” Santa waited.

Midgard sneered, not admitting what was behind that fear Santa spoke of. But, by his silence, there was admission.

Santa continued, “now, while my daughter is working in his stead, you’ll obey her as much as you obeyed Nova.”

“Fine.” Midgard shrank down to his human size and joined his team as they left for the station.

Chase said, "I know it is hard to not fight when we all want to, including me. But, Nova's right, we fight back, it will be a war. Sadly, it will kill a lot of civilians. The World Corps will put this world in the middle of that fight and billions of lives will be in danger. We will figure this out, I promise. Just...trust me."

Santa looked at his daughter. “Time to go. They’ll come over that hill in moments.”

Chase joined the others in the last portal crafted by The Wizard that led them away from this place and back to the safety of the space station.


Delta coolly watched the screens as the videos from the attempted raid on BADGE’s location failed. Alpha sat with him while Gamma and Beta were on screen in smaller windows.

“All your clever plans, Delta, and BADGE escaped.” Alpha stated.

Delta laughed, “BADGE ran back to their station where they’ll be nearly impossible to assault. But it got them out of the way. What we didn’t see was their pathetic leader. I wanted Nova’s head on my desk, and I’m still waiting for that.”

Gamma asked, “what’s so important about this Nova? He doesn’t seem to be a priority target.”

Alpha held up a computer tablet. “We have our augments stationed in every capital on this planet. Every state, prefecture, province, everywhere except Neo Utopia and North Onnotangu, and they hardly count in the grand scheme of things. What more do you need? Not one leader on this planet can make a move, write a law, sneeze, without us knowing. We can control them...”

“My plans are still not finished.”

Gamma demanded, “what more do you need!?”

“Power beyond anything your little minds can possibly imagine. I’m about to roll out the next phase...”

“Next phase, next phase?” Beta huffed. “We’ve moved to the ultimate phase of this. BADGE is on the run. Their heroes and agents are all wanted and will face prison or death. We control the world. There are no more phases to this plan.”

“There are moves left in this game. Especially with Nova still out there. I have to take him, otherwise all this will fall apart.”

“Pray tell, what are the moves left in this game so we can at least have some notion of when it will finally be done for?” Alpha asked sarcastically.

Delta almost answered, but then lurched forward. His face shifted slightly, gaining scales and a greenish tint for a second, then back to human. “No...it can’t be. This is not possible. He should be dead!”


Delta looked up and whispered, “The General.”


The time pocket in Egypt remained held by the four. Quark stood at the threshold of the rip in time while EB, Nova, and Peyton prevented it from breaking any further.

“So...you wanna play a word game while we stand here for eternity?” EB ventured.

Nova groaned, “of all the mythics to be stuck with.”

“Hey, you invited me.”

“I know, and I have forever to regret that decision.”

Peyton chuckled at that comment while EB frowned at him. “Fine, be rude. I’m only helping save your world.”

“I’m sorry, I just...”

There was a great flash of light, and the pocket of time rippled.

Quark cried out, “Something is pushing really hard. I can’t...hold it.”

“But, why?” Nova asked. “The four of us should be able to stop this.”

Quark struggled with the tear. “Something is wrong. Someone in here is connected to this time fracture. It’s causing an inversion.”

“Someone here is part of the time problem?” Peyton asked.

Quark was thrown back when the tear exploded. He landed on the ground between them. The bubble of frozen time burst, and the statues continued reverting to less damaged forms. Quark said, “yes. The time fracture is connected to someone here.”

Suddenly, standing on the plateau above them around the rim of the crevasse, were strange looking robots with heavy weaponry. A figure stepped through the rip in time. As soon as he did, the rift shut itself and all the time fluctuations stopped.

Nova readied himself for a fight, but stopped the moment he saw the man standing before him.

Quark scrambled to his feet, an honest look of shock on his face.

Peyton had his gun out, but stopped short of taking aim.

EB gasped and then said, “but...that’s not possible.”

The man had a craggy face and an eye-patch. He bore red, battle scarred armor and a confident gait. “Hello, name’s General Nova.”

“You...are me?” Nova asked.

“Yep. I’m here to save our future by helping you stop someone who is not even supposed to be here. I think you know him as Delta.”

Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

Screaming children raced through the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Cars screeched to a halt, and the local police yelled out orders from the megaphones attached to the tops of their cars. Marching down the streets were a small unit of black clad military soldiers. With them were a pair of gray skinned super heroes, flying along.

The super hero at the front held up a small device and spoke into it. His words translated into the tongue of whoever was listening. “Please, do not panic. We are here for your protection. No one will be harmed. All meta humans will present themselves for questioning and examination. No exceptions.”

A woman rushed over and threw a bottle at the hero, smashing it and its liquid contents all over the place. She yelled, “you cannot take him!”

The hero flew toward her. The bottle thrower screamed and cowered at the sight of his imposing presence. Without a word against her, he merely looked up at a man hiding behind a car. “Take him.”

The soldiers rushed over and grabbed the man like a wanted criminal. He struggled and yelled. The soldiers aimed their anti-morphon weapons at him and this ceased all resistance. The soldiers took him away, binding his hands with a super-power suppression cuff.

“Jorge!” She pushed the superhero and tried to run after him.

The super grabbed her and pulled her back. “If he has nothing to hide, he has nothing to fear. We are only sorting out the villains from the heroes. We will return him and the others at the earliest possible time once questioning has been completed.”

She fell to her knees sobbing as the unit of military continued on their way through the town. One soldier separated and escorted Jorge to the nearest landed craft from the Word Corps.”


The command staff of BADGE watched the events from the Operations Center on the space station. Nova huffed hard, fury written in his eyes, but a calmness to his posture. Chase had a hand on her mouth, covering the constant gasping. Gar stood stone still, sorrow in his features. On the screen, he watched a dozen news casts from across the planet. Each one spoke about the people being picked up by the officials from the World Corps.

“Screen seven, sound on.” Nova commanded.

The screen activated and a reporter spoke on the streets of New Orleans in America. “Earlier today, teams of the World Corps officials entered all the public and private schools and escorted out twenty-seven students. Most of these students were unaware of their hidden morphonic talents, but sensors employed by the World Corps can detect the latent powers. So far, the World Corps press department has declined response to inquiries about abduction of children. It was spelled out to our national leaders that the World Corps is only looking for active villains. Local government representatives are bound by the Federal Government’s decision to allow this. However, they have raised the concern about abducting children who obviously have committed no act of villainy.”

“Sound off. Activate sound on feed fourteen.” Nova commanded.

The screen nearer the bottom moved up and expanded, the sound activating. A parliament member from the UK was being interviewed. The Parliament Member said, “we are curious who these heroes are who are serving the World Corps. They appear similar to the heroes that attacked Washington, D.C. earlier this year. None of them show up on any records we have and BADGE has not indicated they are registered with the BADGE official system. This leads us to believe that BADGE has been harboring the villains and these heroes are stepping up now that they can contend against the nefarious deeds of BADGE and their cohorts.”

The reporter asked, “does it not strike you as concerning that no cameras have been able to get a clear image of any of the reported gray skinned heroes?”

“It is troubling that they somehow can deactivate any visual recording of them at a close range. Yet, what is more troubling is the fact that known villains have been seen working with BADGE. I’d say we can give this World Corps some leniency on this matter.”

Nova waved a hand, and the sound cut off.

Chase quietly said, “how can they justify kidnapping children? How can these government officials blithely ignore this?”

Nova said, “It has been my experience that politicians worry more about image than the good of the people. Right now, the people are scared and believe what the World Corps has said. Instead of contending with actual facts and obvious flaws, the politicians are allowing this injustice to sate fears and make themselves look better.”

Gar said, “how can they turn on us so quickly? We have saved this world over and over. My fathers died to keep this planet safe.”

“Don’t sell yourself to the anger.” Nova said.


Nova turned away from the scattering of news stories and said, “heroes have always dealt with the ungratefulness of humankind. It will always be that way. As a group, people and scared and stupid, but individually, they will begin to question this. Our job is not to feed into their fears by becoming the enemy they believe we are. We will figure this out. For now, we must do what we can.”

Chase asked, “have we seen any of the superhumans working with them?”

Nova shook his head, “no, and that bothers the hell out of me. We have got a distant glimpse of them, but nothing close enough to register. Somehow, when they arrive, all local security systems go offline. No footage, no sound. All we get is what little the media is allowed to show and a few eyewitness accounts.”

A bright blue flash filled the room, and suddenly both Strange Quark and Chaz Hamilton stood there. Chaz spent a moment gathering himself as he said, “wow, that always makes me dizzy.”

Quark said, “it’s okay. Next time, eat peanut butter before we travel.”

“It keeps you from vomiting?” Chase asked.

Quark grinned, “nope, it just tastes the same coming or going.”

Chaz looked back up, less green now. “Thanks. I’ll log that away.”

Nova said, “what do you have?”

Chaz said, “I have some good news. Australia has declared themselves a safe zone for heroes. They aren’t allowing the World Corps any footing. Prime Minister Shizue in North Onnotangu has also declared her country a safe zone. Heroes will be safe there.”

Quark said, “Neo Utopia’s city council is considering making the entire city a safe-zone, against the Federal orders, but so far they are still just talking. The good thing is, the World Corps hasn’t made it to Utopia just yet, so there is time.”

Nova shook his head, “Thank you, Chaz, for being our contact. Now, we have to do something about this. I hate the idea of telling heroes to go hide in safe zones while the world is in crisis.”

Chase said, “if we don’t keep the heroes safe, then how can those heroes keep the world safe?”

“Fair point.” Nova said, and then clicked on his communicator’s emergency signal. “Nova to all heroes. I know most of you have taken refuge in your League HQ’s. This is good. However, there are a lot of scared meta humans out there who are at risk. I will send you lists of locations where we know metas are, go and help them get to safety. If you can, move them toward the nation of Australia or North Onnotangu. I know the order to hunker down and hide is not a welcome thought, but we still have to figure this out. Nova...out.”

Quark asked, “what do we do next?”

“Quark, Gar, head for North Onnotangu. We need to find any info on those guns.”

“We’ve already…” Quark began to protest.

“I know we’ve tried. Try again.”

Quark said, “it would help if we had Chase with us. Her powers could prove useful.”

“I’m willing to help.” Chase added.

Nova looked at Chase. “I promised Santa I would keep you as safe as possible. Quark and Gar are both devoid of Morphonic powers. They’re safe from those guns. But, you aren’t.”

Chase said, “I can handle myself. Besides, Shizue has made her country a safe zone. She is the only meta-human world leader. I know she’ll do her best.”

“Fine, Quark, zap them both there and return here. Chase, get me some information.”

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

The World Corps Court quietly waited while Judge Alpha spoke from the central podium.

“I’m aware of the concerns you have for your nations. Rest assured that this will be fine. We will only apprehend true villains. Many will be set free once we have cleared them. Soon, everything will be back to normal, only much safer.”

A light beamed down over the representative from Australia. He said, “where did the World Corps recruit those other heroes? Why haven’t we heard or seen anything about them yet? I was under the impression that the MHA, the Meta Human Activities branch, would not be like BADGE and have their own hero teams.”

Alpha smiled. “It was determined the military operations of our task force should remain secret. Those volunteer heroes are dedicated to our goal and are only employed to make sure we don’t face opposition our normal security forces cannot deal with. The MHA under Marshal Gamma is strictly a task force, not a league of heroes like BADGE.”

A light beamed down over the representative from North Onnotangu. “What about those anti-morphon guns? I am not comfortable with such deadly weapons.”

“The guns are only an insurance that we won’t face deadly resistance. They will only be used in extreme circumstances, such as the lethal attack on Washington D.C. So far, we have yet needed to use one since the D.C. attack. Now, enough questions. I have matters to attend to. Thank you.” Many more lights came on, but she ignored the questions sent her way.

Stepping down from the podium, Alpha walked out of the room and down a corridor. She entered her office and then twisted a planter near a wall. A door opened, and she walked into an elevator. Soon, she was inside the dark room where Delta and Gamma waited on her.

“I don’t like to hear their suspicions.” Gamma stated.

Alpha said, “I enjoy them. By being suspicious, they appear legitimate to the world. They seem actually concerned about the well-being of the people.”

Delta added, “as long as they keep debating the merits of our plans, we can continue. Politicians have a wonderful way of taking their time coming to decisions. This gives us ample opportunities to finish what we started.”

Gamma said, “I don’t see why we need them? What use are these politicians working for us if they aren’t part of the scheme?”

Delta coolly answered, “our court of puppet politicians will one day replace the U.N. Then, not only will our little organization run things behind the scenes, we will have complete control over the puppets running things in front of the public. It is a perfect plan.”

“Enough of this.” Alpha sat down at pressed a button. A screen activated with a figure hidden entirely by shadow. “Beta, can you hear us?”

A disguised voice answered. “I have clear access.”

“Good.” Alpha turned to Gamma. “Update on the gathering of heroes.”

Gamma said, “it’s going slower than expected. BADGE has declared a League Wars event and that has sent many of their registered heroes scurrying up to that space station of theirs. Also, two nations have declared our presence illegal. We need the support of the UN to bypass any barriers in our way.”

Delta said, “Let them host their little competition, it will play into our hands. Right now, BADGE is running away from us and that is perfect. When we reveal the grand finale to this, there won’t be any BADGE to stop us, and the heroes hiding in Australia or Onnotangu will be easy targets.”

Beta spoke through that strange voice. “I hope you’re right. We can’t change anything now. Everything must go according to plan.”

Alpha said, “don’t worry. Everything is. It really doesn’t matter how slowly Gamma’s gathering of meta-humans takes. As long as you play your role, this will all fall into place. Are you ready, Beta?”


“Good. Get started right away.”


An old school bus raced down the highway, dangerously coming close to several cars. Behind it rolled two large military vehicles with the World Corps symbol on the side.

Justin drove the bus, sweat beading across his forehead. Five children held on tight, two crying loudly as they almost hit the floor.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let them get you.”

He dodged another car when a bright green blast hit the side of the bus. It almost went off the road. Two tires lifted and then slammed back down. One of those gray heroes flew beside the bus, her hands filled with more green energy. She yelled, “STOP THIS BUS!”

Justin pulled out his laser pistol and shot the glass out of the window and nearly hit her. “LIKE HELL!” He plowed his foot into the gas pedal and tried to outrun the hero.

There came another green blast, this one hit the back of the bus. One third of the bus exploded, sending the front half careening down the highway toward the edge of a large city. Justin kept it from completely rolling, but they hit several cars and slid to the side before coming to a complete stop.

Justin gathered his wits and looked back. “Is everyone okay?”

The eldest child, a teen girl, emitted a strange energy that protected the center of the bus from damage. This protected the other children from that catastrophe.

He grabbed a small child and then rushed out the side door. “Come! We have to run!”

The children followed him down the road. Cars screeched to a halt with the highway now blocked by wreckage. The military vehicles behind them plowed through the bus debris. Their accompanying hero flew toward them, that green energy ready to fire.

“They wouldn’t kill children, would they?” Justin said as he ran for the city limits.

A green blast hit the ground in front of Justin, and he went flying. Rolling, he kept the child safe just as he hit a light post. The kids got to him and cowered as the augmented hero and the military vehicles arrived.

A legion of those weapon toting soldiers rushed out and surrounded Justin. Their hero hovered overhead.

The commando in charge ordered, “release the children into our custody. By international agreement we...what the hell?” The gun in his hand changed into a tommy gun.

All the soldiers’ guns changed. Their communicators turned to walkie talkies, and their uniforms appeared from World War 1. Suddenly, a fire hydrant hit the flying hero, and she went down.

Rutkowski and his gang came around the cars, his hands emitting a gray light. He spit out a toothpick in his teeth and looked at the World Corps military. “This here is my city. Yous guys wanna cause trouble, ya gonna deal with me. I don’t like bullies, and I don’t like nobody hurt’n no kids.”

Steelfist had a post box in his metal hands and was just about ready to throw it.

Private Eye Peyton and the Neo Utopia police showed up next. Peyton had a gun trained on the opposing military. “As of noon today, Neo Utopia is a safe zone. Kids, get behind us, now.”

Justin got up and ushered the kids behind the gangsters and police officers.

The leader of the World Corps military threw down his tommy gun and pointed a figure at Rutkowski. “by international law…” a bullet flew right by the man’s ear. It came from Peyton’s gun.

Rutkowski said, “now, yous gotta know, I don’t care much for laws, specially bone headed crap like you try’n ta pull. Get your butts outta my territory and don’t show your face round here again, capeesh?”

The World Corps people all spent a moment waiting, but soon enough, their commander gave them a signal and they returned to their vehicles and left. The Neo Utopia police rushed out to help the pile-up of civilian cars on the highway.

Justin stepped up to Private Eye Peyton. “What’s going on?”

Peyton looked at Rutkowski and smiled. “Let’s just say he offered to do community service.”

Rutkowski sneered, “I don’t like work’n with flatfoots or coppers, but I really don’t like these world corps goons. I like to steal stuff, but those jokers are taking kids and grabbing people like me and mak’n em disappear. For now, my gang will help keep those jokers outta this city. Just tell Nova to do something about this.”

Justin shook his head. “He’s not gonna believe this.”

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

With a sour sneer on his face, Nova quietly listened to Justin give his report. Beside Justin were two men who hated each other as much as anyone could. However, all three were standing in united.

Justin finished, “that’s when Peyton showed up with Rutkowski and saved us. We would’ve all been captured had they not stepped in.”

Nova frowned at Rutkowski, but then turned his attention to Peyton. “How did you agree to work with this scum?”

“HEY!” Rutkowski barked.

Peyton said, “I know, I know, he ain’t trustworthy, and I’d be damned if I believed he was being honest about anything else. But I know the man better than anyone, including you. He is a lot of things, but he ain’t no liar. When he told me he wanted to help protect super humans, I knew he was tell’n the truth.”

“Look here, cyclops,” Rutkowski interrupted, “I don’t like you, BADGE, or Peyton. But one thing I ain’t abiding is kidnapping kids. You just don’t do that. These people are bad news and I aim to keep them away from my city, got it! I don’t need your lip, blinky.”

Nova let a moment of silence pass and turned his attention back to Justin. “Are you safe?”

“Right now, yes. The city is protected. Between Rutkowski’s men, the police, and a few local heroes, this place is sealed tight. Tell other heroes that the city is a safe haven.”

Justin shook his head. “No. Nothing solid. I can say that she had the same skin color as the augments that attacked Washington. Can you send a League here to help out?"

"No. The League Wars started today. I know it seems like the time to summon up the heroes, but we can't show too much force yet or the World Corps will paint us the aggressors. Right now, we need to stay a low. Holding League Wars will keep our heroes occupied for a time while we hopefully will sort all this out."

"I don't like it, but I guess it has to be done. This place will be safe for meta-humans."

“Alright. Stay in Neo Utopia for now and help. I will check in on Gar and Chase.”


The small nation of North Onnotangu was still recovering from the incident with Skelanimal and Krampus. There was visible damage all around the capital, but it was on the mend.

Right now, Chase and Gar were being escorted through the capital toward the border of the land. They rode in the bus with a few officials.

“The Prime Minister is near the West Border that runs alongside the capital city. We will reach her in moments.” An official from the palace stated.

Chase looked at a large gathering of people in a park. "Big celebration today?"

The official said, "oh, yes. We love League Wars here, it is the most popular sport to watch now that we can. Our people love to cheer on the heroes. We have fan clubs."

Gar commented, "you are probably the only ones. Most people aren't watching this time."

Chase looked out the windows and smiled. “Look at the change. The last time I was here, this street had large sections of the alleys covered in cardboard with tattered tents all over the place. Oh, and the trash was practically waist deep.”

The official said, “With help from the UN and BADGE, our people are pulling themselves out of the poverty that was life for too many years. Many of the condemned buildings have been refurbished to give the poor and homeless a place to sleep that is warm and dry. We began a program that paid people to clean trash from the streets. And several private charities have given our people a lot of food and clean water to restore our health. This is a good time for our people.”

Gar said, “I hope it only gets better.”

Chase asked, “Shizue said that the World Corps was originally helping them.”

The official sneered, “the World Corps was caught attempting to scan and detain our people for suspicion of being morphon powered. Minister Shizue would not allow this violation of our rights and threw them out of the country. She is determined to make this country both safe and free.”

Chase added, “that is, if we stop this evil organization from causing any new trouble.” She gasped, “what the?”

The bus pulled up to a large brick wall that ran as far as the eye could see. It was five stories tall and had a large military force just inside.

Gar asked, “what is with the brick wall?”

“That is our protection. Come, Minister Shizue will be waiting for you.”

The bus came to a stop. Chase and Gar were escorted off and over to the wall where a small section was currently open. A healthy contingent of military officers stood around a well dressed Minister Shizue as she spoke to someone on the other side of the wall.

Chase and Gar stopped at the extent of the soldiers. They could see the forces of the World Corps stood with one of their gray skinned super humans.

The super said, “Minister, it is in the best interest of your people if you agree.”

“I am sorry, but your assessment of our interests is inaccurate. Human rights prevent me from believing that it is in anyone’s best interest to let a foreign agent come and detain my people without probable cause.”

The super said, “our goal is for your own good, for the good of this world. Sort out the good super humans from the villains. North Onnotangu should be the first nation to understand this goal. You were nearly destroyed by a villain. The ensuing fight with BADGE only did more damage.”

Shizue answered in a sweet, diplomatic tone that was underscored with strength. “My nation was under the oppressive thumb of idiotic despots. Our former leader and his loyal military generals were not morphonic super humans, they were simple, normal people. They were far worse than the enemy that attacked. So, you see, your logic is flawed. You wish to sort out evil from good, then you will never succeed. Evil grows in the hearts and minds of anyone, whether or not they have super powers. My people are recovering from all that our former leader did to us, and they don’t need your kind coming in and causing problems. Now, kindly leave.”

The super was obviously annoyed, but kept her calm voice. “It is difficult to discuss this with you, a superhuman. You're biased against us because of your fear we will interrogate you. So, since it seems you’ll blindly ignore the threat of villains, we will have to consider alternate options, including using force. Is that what you want?”

Shizue smiled, “do what you think you must. However, consider all the implications of your actions before you take them.” With a wave of her hand, the wall filled in with bricks and cut the World Corps people off from this country.

Once the wall was closed, Shizue swayed and had to be held up by one of her own soldiers. Chase came rushing over. “Minister, are you okay?”

Shizue stood up again, “oh, Chase, Gargoyle, it is nice to see the both of you. Pardon my weariness. Keeping this wall intact is taxing all my strength. Having to negotiate with these fools isn’t helping.”

Gar asked, “aren’t you worried they will attack?”

“No. They aren’t ignorant of the repercussions of that action. If they attack us without provocation, then the world will turn against them. All their allies in the nations that support this violation of human rights will suddenly question everything they’ve been told. Let them reveal the villains they are, and then we will have them.”

Chase held Shizue by the arm to walk her back to the bus waiting for them. “You’re a clever politician.”

“No, I am a woman who has spent her whole life protecting the ones I love. Now, I’m pleased to see you. I have something to show you.”

Chase asked, “out here?”

“No, no. Back at the Palace.”

“The official told us to meet with you directly.” Gar said.

Shizue nodded, “I know. I told them to bring you to me when you arrived. I did not realize these World Corps people would show up now. What I have to show you I have kept a secret, in case any spy might find it.”

Chase helped Shizue board the bus. “I’m glad we came out here. I got this.” She held up her wrist comm and showed a small, but clear picture of the super standing on the other side of the wall.


“Would you shut up!” Arx bellowed.

EB hopped around in the hallway just outside the invisible barrier to Arx’s holding cell. “Nope! You need to tell us what you know, so I’m gonna get it from you. Nova said I’m not supposed to use any magic on you, but that don’t mean I can’t talk, and boy do I love to talk. This one time I actually got a criminal to confess while I was out hiding eggs. It was a glorious time. He was this big-shot local thug that was doing this whole protection racket thingy. I was...”

Arx slammed his fist against the forcefield. “Look here, rodent. You can blather all you want. I can’t tell you guys anything more. I don’t know any more.”

EB stood there, uncharacteristically silent for a long time...at least for him. “Fine. Perhaps a little time will jog your memory. Nova said you could watch television, so let’s just watch the news, shall we?” EB jumped up and pressed a button on a wall monitor.

The news was in the middle of a story with a reporter inside a school. “...the principal has said there is more to be expected. As parents arrived, many are searching for their children only to find a form letter from the World Corps informing them they will see their children again after they are questioned. Local authorities have raised the question, ‘why interrogate a first grader who didn’t even know they had morphonic abilities yet?’ “

Arx stopped his raging and leaned against that energy field as he watched the screen. There was a flicker in his eye as he saw the footage of children being shoved into military craft at gun point.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

Chase and Gar followed Shizue back to the palace. The large gated wall that surrounded the place had been torn down and replaced by a secure but accessible fenced area.

While stepping off the bus, Chase asked, “Where are the limos and other government cars I saw earlier?”

Shizue used Gar’s hand to help get off the bus. “We still have a few of the armored vehicles for special events, like escorting a dignitary. But, many of the luxury cars were the over indulgence of our former leader and his people. I had them sold, and the money given to our public transportation program. We needed buses, not limos.”

An SUV with heavily tinted windows rolled up with two police escorts. Gar asked, “who is that?”

“That is Ambassador Ben Talos, from the UN. He just flew in today. I was expecting him a little later, but you get to meet him. He has been a good friend to Onnotangu.”

A man in a nice suit stepped out. He had a brilliant smile, nicely kept sandy blonde hair, and was about as tall as Gar. He approached with a quick step and an outstretched hand.

“Why, if it isn’t Chase and Gargoyle from BADGE. A pleasure to meet you!” He pumped Chase’s hand and then took Gar by the hand. “Wow, you really are made of stone. Amazing!”

Gar was grinning in almost the same manner as this man. “Yes. I am stone. You are a very nice man.”

“Why thank you. I try. Oh, I hate I am missing League Wars. I love following that, but I have so much on my plate.” He turned to Shizue. “Now, I know I’m early, Minister Shizue, but I just couldn’t wait to get here. I have wonderful news!”

Shizue walked the other three up the steps to the palace. “Ambassador Talos has been working hard getting aid for North Onnotangu since the fall of our last dictator. So many nations and we don’t have a single ambassador to send out, not yet anyway. So, he has done the work for us.”

“My pleasure, my supreme pleasure. This nation deserves a chance, and I mean to help. So, I just got word from Japan that they are donating enough school supplies to completely restore all of your public schools. Desks, computers, whiteboards, and a lot more.” He was practically glowing.

Chase stopped him. “Ambassador, may I ask your position on the World Corps situation?”

“I wondered if you’d ask that. I think it’s an absolute travesty. No one should be allowed to violate human rights for any reason. This World Corps organization has gone too far. I can’t do much in my current position, but I’d sure like to help put a stop to this so it can be handled better. I would sure like to talk with Director Nova about it, see what I can do.”

Chase was pleasantly surprised. “I’ll see what I can do to make that happen. Right now, the Director needs political support in the UN.”

“I’d be glad to help.”

Shizue said, “Ambassador, if you would please meet with Minister Tamoko about the school supplies. I have a private meeting with my friends from BADGE.”

“By all means. Glad to meet both of you, and don’t forget to get me in touch with Nova at once.”

Shizue bowed to him and then led Chase and Gar into the building.

“He is a nice person.” Gar said.

Shizue answered, “he has helped us in so many ways. Our roads wouldn’t be built, our hospital wouldn’t have a full staff, and we wouldn’t have the trash service without all his efforts. Now, come this way.”

She led them into her office, which was the opulent office of the former leader. There was a bookcase in the back that opened up with a secret panel. Inside was another large room that had several people working around computers and equipment.

“What is this place?” Chase asked.

Shizue snarled, “this room was our former leader’s personal pleasure den.”


“I now use it as a secret room to study the last bits of tech left from Dr. Osteens’ work. I don’t want anyone getting their hands on this.”

Chase asked, “why haven’t you sent this stuff to BADGE for disposal?”

Shizue stopped and looked at a set of strange instruments that appeared like torture devices made for a bad sci-fi movie. “Osteen and his people experimented on my people with this tech. Many are still in the hospital or permanent care because of it. If we can learn a little more about how it worked, we might reverse some of the damage. I know, BADGE is better suited for that. I just want to take care of my people.”

Chase put a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry. I trust your intentions are noble. Now, what did you want to show me?”

Shizue waved over one scientist. He bowed and then said, “Agent Chase, we have found something that be believe was once part of Dr. Osteens’ personal computer. Just before he was captured, he destroyed his equipment. Until now, we didn’t know there was any part left. It isn’t anything we can use but...”

“You think my powers can help.”

“Yes. If you would.” He held his hand out and showed her the shard of plastic and metal that was once part of the casing for a computer.

Chase put her hand on it and closed her eyes. “I can see us entering the room. Now it is going back to when it was found days ago...now I am going back faster. It is dark, in a dark place. Now, I see it being destroyed by a hammer.” She pushed herself, watching Dr. Osteen move backwards as time passed in reverse around this object.

Gar asked, “do you see him working on the morphon guns?”

“No…nothing yet. Wait, I see schematics of the weapon. But I don’t see him building any. Now, I am going back before he came here, when he worked at a laboratory in California. Wait...who is that? No, it can’t be. It’s Arx, before he was all silver skinned. Oh, my god. He paid Dr. Osteen to enhance him. Everyone knew he paid someone to make him more powerful for his movie roles, but Dr. Osteen. Wait, I see more data on his computer about augmentation...gah!” She dropped the shard and held her face.

Gar rushed over and held her. “Chase!”

“Don’t worry, I’m fine. I just...pushed myself too hard. I can watch things in reverse, but it gets harder to see details the further back I take something. I tried to stop the flow and that gave me one heck of a headache.”

Shizue asked, “did you find anything of value?” her tone was hopeful.

Chase nodded. “I think so. We know Arx is deeply tied to Osteen. He may know more than he is letting on. I also know that most of this equipment here was part of Osteens original experimentation. We need to bring it back to BADGE. It might hold the key to stopping those awful anti-morphon guns.”

Shizue looked at her scientist for a long, quiet moment and then said. “Pack it all up. We are sending this back to BADGE.”

“But, Prime Minister...” The lead scientist began his protest, but was stopped when she calmly held up her hand to him.

“However, BADGE must promise to give us information they find that could help our people who have been hurt by this.”

Chase said, “you have my word that we will help.”

“I trust you. Now, hurry.”

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

Delta walked through a dark corridor that was lit occasionally by a dim light to ensure he didn’t run into a wall. Distant echoes of strange sounds wafted through the various corridors he passed, but they did not turn his head. Finally, he pushed aside two large doors that opened into a massive room with hundreds of cells.

Lines of people were marched into the room under the care of the World Corps guards. They were put into the cells and sealed inside behind the thick, plexiglass doors. Children cried while adults trembled at the sight of the guns held to them.

Surrounded by a unit of soldiers for protection, Dr. Osteen worked hard at a computer in the middle of the room.

“Osteen. Progress?” Delta commanded.

“And hello to you.” Osteen sarcastically responded. “The augmentation is going just fine. The first batch is already made up. This new batch will be tricky. I haven’t worked with children yet.”

“Then you will learn.”

“What if they don’t survive?”

Delta coldly answered, “then you will learn how far the limits go for children. Now, get back to...”

“I WON’T BE TREATED LIKE THIS!” a man bellowed.

Delta looked up at one of their captives shoving his way out of line. He was restrained, but continued yelling. “Ask your damn questions and then let us go!”

“You will be silent.” Delta answered.

“I promised myself I wouldn’t use my powers, but I’ve had enough!” The man shoved his fist out and a wave of energy hit the nearest guard and sent the man flying. The man turned and punched again, and the other guard slammed into a holding cell. He yelled out to the other captives, “Fight back! If you want to live, fight back!” He shoved his hands out at Delta, but was met by the butt end of a gun to the side of his head.

Delta calmly approached the man. “Pity. You have great potential. But I must make an example for the others.” He grabbed the gun that had been used to hit the man and then shot. The man was vaporized instantly by the anti-morphon gun. Children and adults screamed. Delta handed the gun back to the guard. Speaking to the other captives, he said, “you stay alive by obeying. You’re all expendable.” With that, he walked out of the room.


A shuttle decloaked just outside the BADGE space station and entered the main docking bay. Robots approached quickly to assist those disembarking. Chase stepped out first, followed by Gar, and then Ambassador Ben Talos.

“Wow, that was quite a ride! I’ve never been on a space shuttle before.” Ben said.

Chase replied, “it is an experience.”

They were stopped by lines of people being registered by BADGE officers and robots. Another shuttle came in and opened up to unload ten more people.

Ben asked, “what’s with all the people?”

Gar answered, “we are trying to find all the people who are at risk from the witches.”

“Witches?” Ben asked.

Chase answered, “he means witch hunt, that’s what Nova has called this.”

“A good assessment. I thought there were safety cities and even the nation of Australia?”

“These people are from third world countries and other remote locations. Right now, a lot of our heroes are currently at the League Wars stadium, competing. If we had the stadium free, we could house some of these people there, but for now they get packed into this place.”

“I didn’t realize how many superheroes were around the world.”

Chase said, “many of these people have extremely minor affinity for morphonic energy. Most will never be able to use it at all. But even the tiniest amount of affinity is enough to get hauled off by the World Corps. It is a big job finding them before those mercs show up.”

“I’m sure you are doing a fine job. I’ll tell the UN how wise you are handling this.”

Chase and Ben continued talking about all the operations happening as she led them up the special elevator to the operations center for the station. No sooner had they left the elevator did they run into Quark, downing a large bottle of whiskey. He wiped his mouth, burped, and then greeted them.

Ben frowned. “Are you drinking on the job?”

Quark said, “I should think so. I was waaay too sober.”

“I see.”

Chase took the ambassador by the arm and led him down the steps. “Don’t mind Quark, he’s....strange. Ah, here’s the Director.”

Nova gave the new man a funny look. “May I help you?”

Chase introduced them. “Sir, this is Ambassador Ben Talos from the UN. He has been helping Minster Shizue in Onntangu and is sympathetic to our situation. He wanted to meet with you. Our comm channels out of North Onntangu were being tracked by World Corps goons stationed just outside the wall. So, I had to bring him up here.”

Ben shook Nova by the hand. “A real pleasure, sir. I’m a big admirer of yours. You have done some great work. I wish I could help more here than just talk to you. My specialty with the UN is organizing aid resources. I see you could use some food and medical supplies for all these new people, but I’m not in a position to get it up here at this time.”

Nova freed his hand from the energetic politician. “Thank you for the thought, but the BADGE station is well equipped to handle the people at this time. I need to speak with my people.”

“Oh, sure. I won’t get in your way. Could I use a comm station to contact my office? I need to tell them where I am.”

Nova snapped his fingers, “Unit 10915, assist the Ambassador with the comm system.”

A robot escorted the ambassador to a computer station on a far end of the room.

Nova turned to Chase. “A politician...really?”

Chase answered him. “Ben is sympathetic to our situation...”

“You mentioned that.”

“He’s also a voice in the UN. I would think you would want to have that in your pocket during this delicate situation. Face it, Director, you aren’t a smooth talking politician. He’s energetic, but a good talker.”

“He could be of use. For now, I need to know what you found out in Onnotangu.”

Chase said, “A lot. For starters, we have a whole shipment of tech used by Osteen during his time there, some if it specially designed by him.”

“That should have already been turned over.”

“I know,” Chase said. “They had their reasons. It is in our hands now. However, the biggest bit of information I got was from a shard of Osteen’s old computer. I discovered several facts. Not only did he start the designs for those guns, he was already designing augmentation before these World Corps people got ahold of him.”

“That is interesting. But how can that help us?”

Chase smiled, “because, we have his very first test subject in custody on this station.”

“You don’t mean Arx?”

“I do. But I’m not talking about the augmentation they did to turn him into that supervillain back during the Hollywood attack. Everyone knows Arx had his super abilities and physical appearance altered back when he got his start.”

Nova nodded. “it was like plastic surgery. He got a super buff body, silver skin, and some enhanced powers to be a better action movie star.”

“Yes, but guess who gave him that initial upgrade?”

Nova’s who face changed to a hint of shock. “Dr. Jason Osteen.”

“The very same. And, from what I could see, Osteen had all his research and information out in the open when he worked on Arx.”

Nova asked, “Did you see what it said?”

“I couldn’t. My powers are limited to details like that as I move backward. But he might remember something.”

Nova scoffed. “I doubt he’ll be any help.”

“There might be something.”

“He has yet to give me reason to trust him.”

Chase said, “Sir, I think you should at least talk to him.”

“I suppose we could ask him. Though interrogating him has given us practically nothing of value.”

“We have to try. Oh, and there was one more item I got.” She held up her wrist comm and typed in a command. She nodded toward the main viewscreen.

Nova turned to see the same picture that she took at the wall with Shizue. The gray-skinned hero stood on the other side of the wall, looking in at the prime minister.

Nova actually smiled. “Now, this is good news. Robots, I want a detailed analysis of that face. I need information, asap.”

All the robots in the room went to work. That photo transferred to all their screens and every sort of sensor and analytical program possible went after it.

Nova turned to Chase, “let’s go have a chat with our superstar.”

Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

Judge Alpha stood before a gathering of representatives at the U.N. Beside her stood a woman with a stack of files in her arms.

“I understand your concerns and we are doing the best we can with what we have to work with. Bringing in everyone with morphonic powers for questioning is not a straightforward job, but necessary.”

A representative from Belgium was allowed to speak. “Judge, it seems difficult to justify taking children without proper cause. We have laws that forbid the detaining of minors without parental consent.”

The woman next to Alpha quickly pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to her. Alpha read it. “Under the special laws written to oversee meta-human activity, any person of any age can be detained until said person has been determined to be without harm to themselves.”

Another woman rose to her feet. She had a BADGE emblem on her nation marker. “Those laws were enacted to protect people from themselves. In rare cases when the morphonic powers were so dangerous that even the user was at significant risk, we had to be careful.”

Alpha smiled at the BADGE rep. “Ah, I see. So, BADGE can have laws that allow them to take children, but we cannot. Yet, it is BADGe who harbors known villains and mass murderers.”

“BADGE is not in the business of kidnapping children!”

Alpha responded, “BADGE is in the business of attempted world domination.”

“World domination?” Another representative piped up. “Care to explain that accusation?”

“Of course. While BADGE is spinning our benevolent act as a violation of human rights, they hold a League Wars right now. Showcasing to the world the power their people have. League Wars is nothing but a display of weapons by a dictatorial organization that makes no pretense about feeling they are above the law. We gathering a few people for questioning and they throw accusations at us. They are worried that we are stopping them from doing the very act they blame us for. They capture meta humans and turn them into weapons of mass destruction. They set loose their own villains so their own heroes can look good, all the while crippling nations in the ensuing battle. BADGE is evil and we mean to make it clear to the world.”

The BADGE rep calmly answered this. “BADGE has always had the world’s best interest at heart. Before you make a decision about their supposed benevolence, let them return all the people they have captured. Ask to allow a third party to go into these detention facilities and see that the people are being treated fairly.”

A buzzer sounded signaling the end of the session.

The man in charge of this meeting said, “we will discuss this in further committee meetings. Thank you.”

The meeting concluded, and Judge Alpha left, answering none of the questions being brought to her personally. The committee members all began discussing the next orders of business as the wheels of bureaucracy slowly turned onward.


Nova walked through the twelve check-points to get into the high-security detention sector of the BADGE space station. There were only a few cells in this area, but they had the highest security known to mankind. In fact, at a moment’s notice, if a captive was at risk of escaping and causing catastrophic disaster for Earth, the entire wing could be ejected into space.

Nova punched in his security clearance at the last check-point and walked into the area where Arx was being held. EB hopped around, flipping channels on the two different screens. Each time, he would stop on yet another news broadcast of the current crisis on earth.

Nova paused, “EB, I didn’t clear you to come in here today?”

EB stopped and smiled, “yeah, so?”

“I didn’t put in my clearance, and I haven’t upgraded yours for this high of level.”

“Yeah, so?”

Nova’s eye twitched. “How did you get in here?”

EB grinned and winked. “I’m the Easter Bunny.”

Letting this go, for now, Nova turned his attention to Arx. “I see you accomplished a miracle.”

Arx looked up at Nova with a frown on his silver skinned face. “What?”

“EB isn’t chattering incessantly.”

Arx quietly said, “no, he’s just been catching me up on the news.”

Nova turned and watched the muted screen near him that had running footage of the fighting in down-town Detroit. “I see.”

EB said, “it’s gotten waaay worse out there. Parents and others are brawling in the street with the mercs. Those World Corps jerks aren’t using their guns on em, because they are normals, not super. The world’s gone nuts. Now the regular humans must protect the superheroes. And I’m missing League Wars! No one is watching League Wars, all the media is focused on this stupid...”

“Enough, EB.” Nova kept his eyes on Arx. “We are watching street wars where regular people are protecting their own friends and family. Most of the morphon people aren’t even able to use powers, they are so weak.”

“It’s gotta stop!” EB hollered.

“That’s why I’m here.” Nova coolly stated.

EB smiled and hopped around. “Now yer gonna get it, Arx. Whatcha gonna do, Nova? Bamboo under his toenails, a good poke in the eye. This one time, I got a confession outta a jerk by giving him a wasabi filled Easter egg. He just about...”

“I want to help.” Arx interrupted the bunny.

Nova frowned, “you want to help? What do you mean?”

Arx stood from his bench and walked over to the barrier. “Just what I said. I want to help in any way I can.”

“Why?” was the only word that could come to Nova’s mind right now.

Arx looked up at the screen with the people throwing objects at the World Corps military. “This is my fault. I helped these people start all this. They used me. I know what I did is unforgivable. I murdered people in spite and reckless ego. But I was wrapped up in my mind, my little world where Arx was so important to mankind that I could do whatever I wanted. Now, I see that I’m nothing. I’m worse than nothing. I helped create this disorder, this chaos. This world is crying over their children being taken and I’m to blame. I have to make amends somehow.”

EB had his mouth agape while Nova spent a moment rethinking his words he brought with him to this moment. “I want to believe you. My trust isn’t earned easily. Are you going to talk, to give us what we want to know?”

“I want to try. However, I have not been lying. I have told you all I know. They kept me in the dark about so much of this. Obviously, they intended to allow me to escape, knowing I would likely be captured. So, they made sure I knew as little as possible.”

EB frowned, “that was a really smart statement from you.”

“I’m not the idiot everyone thinks I am. I’m just not the smartest guy in the room most of the time.” He replied, in anger, to EB. Returning to his peaceful attitude, he spoke to Nova. “If there is any way I can help, I will. Please, believe me.”

Nova looked at Arx for a long, tense moment. “I can’t trust you, not after just a few good statements. However, Chase seems to think you can change. I will see if her feelings are correct. Just know, there is not an inch of this station I can’t see. You’ll be watched and at the first sign of betrayal, you will find yourself floating in space.” Nova reached over and pressed his thumb against a special sensor. The forcefield came down. Nova looked Arx in the eye. “Come with me. We will try to jog that memory of yours.”

He turned and led Arx out of his cell. EB bounced behind them, throwing a few threats toward Arx in case this was yet another scheme.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

Director Nova walked out of the lift and into the Operations center. Chase stood in the center of the room in command and met him with an update.

“The kidnapping of people continues to rise and so far, the World Corps has released none of their detainees. One of the World Corps people just made a big speech about how League Wars is just another intimidation tactic of BADGE, showing superpowers to the world. It was a sick spin on the games and the politicians were eating it up.”

Nova stood next to her and watched the view screens with all the various news broadcasts. “Any good news to report?”

“Only that Ambassador Talos has been on the phone with his contacts in the UN about this. He is in the conference room on deck two.”

“That’s the best news yet.”

She asked, “what about Arx? Any luck getting new information from him?”

“No. We tried telepaths. There are a dozen telepathic people currently on the station, among all the refugees we are housing. None of them can get through his enhanced body.”


Nova sneered, “those enhancements he got back when he turned himself silver gave him an invulnerability to energy weapons and most super powers. This is working against us. Our people aren’t able to get into his mind well enough. EB even tried giving him some magic eggs to eat.’

“What could eggs do?”

“EB had a good idea. He enchanted the chocolate to cause Arx to have a better memory. It wasn’t enough. He couldn’t remember enough details to give us any clues to follow.”

A robot announced. “Analysis complete. Data ready. Director Nova, alert.”

Nova turned and said, “report.”

10915 looked at the main screen and a myriad of windows opened, with data sprawling across them. The face of the hero Chase met in North Onnotangu was in the center, and five other photos appeared around her. “Analysis complete.”

Chase looked at the photos with a deep frown. “She isn’t a hero at all. Look, she’s going to work. That’s a photo from what appears to be an office party.”

Nova pointed at the info sheet. “Her name is Susan Miller. She’s a schoolteacher at Barkwood Elementary in Featherville, Massachusetts. She has no previous record of even knowing she had morphonic abilities.”

“What is she doing working for the World Corps?”

“My guess is she has been augmented and brainwashed. The reports we got back from the Washington attack indicated the augments there were not in their own minds. When they became more lucid, they were confused.”

Chase said, “then their loyal little superhero army is nothing but a bunch of brainwashed augments?”

“That’d be my guess. They grabbed them off the streets long before this even started. Look, Susan was reported missing five months ago.”

“Oh, my god. If the UN gets wind of this...”

Just then, Ambassador Talos walked in through a door that led to the stairs. “Are my ears burning? Did someone mention the UN?”

“Yes. We have a situation that you need to bring to their attention.” Chase said.

Ben smiled, “you’ve given me many things to bring to them. I just got off the phone with the director of the Human Rights Council.”

“What did she have to say?” Nova asked.

Ben said, “Well, they share my concerns about the violations of human rights and are very willing to look into these cases. However, they are also worried about the potential of super villains hiding among your heroes. And, though you don’t want to hear this, it makes some sense.”

Chase said, “you can’t arrest everyone in a city just because one of them might rob a bank tomorrow.”

“I agree and said a very similar thing to her. But, you know bureaucracy, it never moves fast.”

Nova pointed to the screen. “We might have something that will expedite the bureaucrats.”

“What in heaven’s name is all that? Who is Susan Miller?”

Nova answered, “evidence that the organization that created the villains that attacked D.C. and the World Corps are the same.”

Nova spent a long moment explaining all the details of this new evidence. Ben had to take a seat and was in a sweat at the implications.

“You mean we’re dealing with the villains trying to tell us they are protecting us from other villains?”

Nova said, “that has been a ploy of evil since the earliest days of mankind. No better way to hide true evil than to pretend it is your only hope.”

Ben said, “I need more.”

“What?” Chase blurted out.

“What I mean is, I know these people. They will listen and some will immediately believe you. However, all it takes is one person to throw in a shred of doubt to the validity of your theory, and then the cogs of politics screech to a grinding halt.”

Nova looked back at the screen. “You are, unfortunately, correct. We need more than one case. We need more pictures of other augments to prove that the supers employed by the World Corps are all missing persons.”

Chase asked, “how? These people have been very clever in hiding themselves from any cameras. They block any media and local CCTV from getting photos.”

Nova pointed at 10915. “Robot, I want our system to scan all social media networks. I want pictures taken by cell phones, tablets, anything that has been uploaded by citizens. QUARK!”

There was a great blue flash, and Quark appeared. He had a bottle of sake in his hand. “Hey, I was in the middle of lunch.”

“Take it with you. I want you to get any photos of those gray heroes working for the World Corps. Do not engage them. In fact, it would be good if they never even knew you were there.”

Quark swigged down the rest of the sake and then tossed the bottle. Halfway to the floor, it transformed into a small duck and flew right over the Ambassador’s head.

Quark said, “Sounds like a plan. I couldn’t get anywhere with Arx. His stupid enhancement kept messing my powers up. I turned him into a giant turkey for a moment...but, then again, I guess that was redundant...ha!”

“Just get going.” Nova said, not giving Quark the satisfaction of a laugh.

In another blue flash, Quark was gone.

Ben stood up. “Arx? I thought he was dead?”

Nova said, “He has been our prisoner since his attack ended. He poses no threat to anyone.”

“Still, a little…uh…stunning to know he is still around. Anyway. I will see if any of my contacts out on the field have pictures of these augmented people.”

“Thank you.”

“My pleasure. Oh, look at the time. I have to get in there and set up the online meeting. Good luck.” He rushed back toward the stairs that led to the conference room below Operations.

“Incoming message from League Wars Orbital Arena.” A robot announced.

An image appeared on the screen from the League Wars arena. Chaz spoke to Nova. “The League Wars rounds have all finished. They’re about to get their trophies. Um, where are they supposed to go? Home or the station?”

Nova was quiet for a moment as he pondered this. “The situation down on Earth has only gotten worse. But I see no reason not to let them go home for now. Tell the Leagues to head back to their HQ’s and hunker down for now.”

“They aren’t gonna like that.” Chaz said as the heroes were partying behind him after the last round.

Nova answered. “They’ll have to live with it.”

“I’ll let the shuttle pilots know. Chaz Hamilton out.”

Nova turned to 10915. “Prepare a briefing video to show all the leagues to update them on the current situation on Earth. I don’t want any of our people in the dark. And let them know that staying out of sight is not a request, it’s an order.”


Nova looked back at the screen. “The world is in great danger and I am forced to tell all the heroes to avoid helping. This is madness.” 

Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

Quark hovered over ocean waters as he checked his comm unit.

“Nova? What’s the emergency?”

Nova’s voice piped through. “You need to head to WMD HQ on the double.”

Quark shook his head, “why is it always them?” He vanished in a crack of sound and a blue flash. Moments later, he appeared over what appeared to be undeveloped land surrounded by mountains. A helicopter was parked in the middle of a field and from it poured out a small legion of the black-clad soldiers of the World Corps and two of their superhumans.

“Nova, we have a serious situation here.” Quark said. “The World Corps is present and they are zeroing in on the entrance to the Base.”

“How did they find that information? That League HQ is a secret. Get down there and make sure this doesn’t start a war with WMD. The last thing we need is Midgard to get pissed.”

“On it.” Quark flicked off his comm unit and rushed down.

The moment he approached the ground, he saw The Wizard and Hot Wings strolling out to meet this invading force. It made him happy that two of the cooler heads of WMD were out here to meet with the World Corps. He landed near them before they reached their enemy.

“Quark?” Hot Wings was a little surprised by him.

“Nova got the alert. I was nearby. When did they get here?”

The Wizard answered, “Just about ten minutes ago. They were circling the area for two hours before landing. I don’t know how they found us.”

“Trust me, Nova is livid right now.” Quark said.

Hot Wings muttered, “we aren’t too happy about this either. But, let’s hear them out.”

All three stopped and waited. The World Corps soldiers lined up and took up a defensive posture, even holding their weapons ready to fire. The two heroes, a man and woman, approached with a confident strut.

Hot Wings attempted a polite greeting. “Welcome to our base. I...”

The female super stated, “WMD will submit to questioning. The ones called Midgardsomr and Skelanimal will be apprehended and processed at the World Corps detention center. This is not a negotiation.”

The Wizard answered, “like hell. We are not under your jurisdiction. In fact, this location is currently owned by BADGE and is not under the authority of any one nation or even the UN.”

The male super said, “per UN directive 60714 subsection 13, all property that is owned by BADGE remains under the authority of the UN in cases of emergency or security risks. By this directive, you are to obey.”

Quark smiled, “sure, go command Midgard to obey and see how far that gets ya.”

The female super looked at Quark. “Agent Strange Quark of BADGE. I see our suspicion is correct. BADGE is harboring and protecting villains.”

Quark answered, “sure, BADGE is in the habit of protecting the heroes that fight to defend this world. Sure, Midgard has had a few slipups, and he is a little much to listen to. But, so far, he has helped save this world from countless enemies. You, on the other hand, have only traumatized this planet and sent the population into hysteria. So, right now, the points aren’t in your favor. Now, get back on your little helicopter and get outta here.”

The male super smiled, “or what?” the line of soldiers charged their anti-morphon guns.

Hot Wings narrowed his eyes at the two supers. “Trust me, you don’t want to mess with us.”

The two supers hovered a little higher off the ground. “You will come with us.”

Quark waved his hand and said, “hey, if I can interrupt the ego show. I just need to get a picture.” He held up his wrist comm and frowned. “Hey. How’d you...oh, look, you’re using tech morphons to mess with the cameras. So, that’s how you’ve kept yourself hidden. Nice work. But, I’m Strange Quark so....SAY CHEESE!” He held up his hands.

The two supers called out, “stop him!”

There was a great blue flash and Quark stood in the middle of the arboretum with all the other members of WMD staggering around. Even the ones hiding inside the base were now on the station.


Quark looked at a photograph he had in his hand of those two heroes. “Listen, snaky, Nova doesn’t want us outright fighting them yet. That would only make the situation worse. You will just have to rest your slithery hide here for a while.”

Midgard growled out words no one understood. Hot Wings said, “try not to antagonize him. He’s pretty tense being forced to stay put for this long.”

“Take him to a training room and let him smack around a few training robots. I need to get this to Nova.” Quark vanished away and reappeared next to Nova in the Operations center.

Nova nearly stumbled into him. “Quark! You startled me.”

“I’m back from the WMD HQ.”


“Good news. I prevented the situation from turning into an all-out fight. However, that means we have the WMD team up here now and the World Corps people were back at their base. Which means...”

“Which means we can’t send them back until this situation is resolved.” Nova stated.

“Or we find them another home.”

Nova said, “we have already had two more reports of League HQ’s being surrounded by World Corps. The others aren’t secret locations, but this is getting out of hand. Please, tell me you have something for me?” Nova pointed at the photograph.

“Yup, with a little of my special magic, I got a nice picture of the two heroes they had with them.”

“Don’t call them heroes.” Nova snatched the photo.

“True. Supers are a better term for them.”

Nova handed the photo to one of the robots. “Get to work on this right away.”

“Any luck with Arx?” Quark asked.

“Not yet. Chase is down there trying to help.”


Arx sat in a special chair in the middle of Dr. Henderson’s laboratory. Sensor devices beeped and buzzed all around as screens displayed information. Dr. Henderson stood next to Arx with a small sensor device while Chase leaned over him and had both her hands on his head.

She strained and grit her teeth as she groaned. Finally, she pulled her hands away and wiped sweat from her brow. “It’s no good. I just can’t use my powers on a living thing.”

Dr. Henderson said, “I know. I just hoped there was enough artificial stuff in him to trigger your abilities.”

“It doesn’t work.” She said.

Arx, bare from the waist up, grinned at her and bounced his well chiseled pecks at her. “You’re kinda cute.”

“WATCHIT BUSTER! SHE’S NOT INTERESTED IN A BOZO LIKE YOU!” EB hopped up and sat on a table near Arx, attempting to look as fierce as a bunny can.

Chase kindly removed the angry bunny and said, “Arx, you’re a sexy guy.”

“Not that sexy.” EB muttered.

She continued, “you’re also a convicted mass murderer. You poisoned me twice, tried to destroy this station, and helped an evil organization. I’m not interested in you.”

Arx’s entire form deflated slightly as he sunk into the seat. “You know, I always wanted a lot of awesome credits. Lots of blockbuster movies, big awards, sexiest man alive five years in a row....but I guess I will always be remembered for all that horrible stuff. And I don’t blame anyone for it. I did it. I can’t undo it no matter how much I wish I could.”

Dr. Henderson picked up one device confiscated from North Onnotangu. “There is one last idea I have, but it’s risky.”

Chase frowned. “You aren’t planning on using that stuff?”

“I’ve been studying these instruments, and the data gathered by the scientists in Onnotangu. This might work. In fact, it has the best chance of getting exactly what we need right now. But my medical ethics prevent me from wanting to go through with it.”

Arx cleared his throat and asked, “how risky is this?”

“All data shows that every person who ever had this used on them ended up dead.”

“Will it work?”

Chase said, “you can’t seriously be considering letting her do this to you?”

Arx said. “I have to consider my options. Will it work, doctor?”

“I believe so. Think carefully before you make a choice here, Arx, if we start, we can’t stop.”

“I know.”

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

Chase and Nova both had special headsets on as they communicated with people. Each stood in the middle of the Operations center while watching the main screen.

Chase held her earpiece. “No, don’t run out in the open. We don’t want the media to see that. Get to a secure location and send the signal. Either Strange Quark will get you or there will be a cloaked shuttle waiting.....yes, I know, teleportation makes me queasy too.”

Nova walked by her while he spoke into his. “No, do not engage them. Yes, I know they have guns aimed at your headquarters, but do not engage. Use the secret escape hatch in the back. The shuttle will land in five minutes.....yes, your league is large, but there will already be another league in that shuttle. Just be uncomfortable for a few moments.”

Chase pulled off her headset and let out a heavy sigh. “I have never had to talk to so many people at the same time. How many leagues have they hit so far?”

Nova turned off his headset. “That would make seventeen. And four were top secret locations. How the hell the World Corps is finding them is anyone’s guess.”

Chase asked, “Why are we evacuating them? Why not just tell them to stand their ground? The World Corps may have many people and their own supers. But they will be hard pressed to break into any League HQ.”

Nova said, “I want them to make that first move. To break in.”

“You want them to break in? Then why evac our people?”

Nova pointed at a picture of the gun in the hand of a soldier. “While they have those, too many of our own are at substantial risk. One shot, and they are atomized. Once we can be secure from their weapons, I want to provoke them to make the first move. Then, and only then, can we fight back. If the world sees us as the aggressors, then we are lost. But, if we are defending ourselves, we will be seen as the victims. And that is our only hope of swaying public opinion back to our side. Against all my personal feelings, public opinion is important if we are to maintain our operation in keeping this world safe.”

Robot 10915 announced. “Director Nova, analysis complete. Identifications confirmed.”

“Finally. On screen now.”

The various images from the League HQ’s being attacked changed to two pictures taken from the WMD attack. One side of the screen showed the male super, the other side was the female. Each had dozens of files on the screen with other pictures of each person.

Chase read the data aloud. “Dr. Lewis Mathews, surgeon at the Morristown Hospital in Hamblen County, Tennessee. Missing three months ago.”

Nova pointed to the woman. “Paula Frank, housewife and blogger. No children. Reported missing four months ago.”

Ambassador Talos came in, wiping his forehead. “Wow, you would not believe how much talking I have to do to get through to some of these politicians. I thought my committee work was arduous. Trying to convince these politicians that BAGE isn’t horrible is like talking to a brick wall that is currently trying to fall on you. Your robot monitoring me even looked bored, ha! Hey, who are those two people?” He stopped next to Nova and looked at the screen.

Nova said, “evidence. We now have confirmed three of the supers that are employed by the World Corps are missing persons who have been augmented. This proves that the augmented people that attacked Washington were created and used by the World Corps as a ruse to enact this current situation. Not only are they guilty of manipulating the UN and nations, they are mass kidnappers conducting illegal experimentation.”

Ben rubbed his chin. “That’s a lot of supposition from just a few pictures.”

Chase said, “it makes sense!”

“Now, now, don’t get angry at me. I have to think like the politicians I have to deal with. They always try to see the angle. And, you have to admit, that BADGE has an angle. But your evidence is pretty damning.”

Nova turned and headed for the back. “I’ll address this with the UN myself. They need...”

“Hold on, don’t rush into this.” Ben stopped him. “I know you want to make a point, and you certainly have one. You are still suffering under the propaganda spun against BADGE. I still have the better avenue to get this to their attention.”

Nova was silent for a moment and then pointed at 10915. “Get him the details. Ambassador, we need this done as quickly as you can. This situation could go south quickly.”

“Understood, on it.” Ben was led by the robot back to the conference room.

Chase asked, “what now?”

“Now, we find the information we need. You need to keep helping organize the evacuation of our people. I need to see Arx. He may be our only hope in finding the information.”

“Good luck.” She muttered and then put her headset back on.


Arx quietly watched the Avatars sitting quietly in their caged cells. Doctor Henderson let him take a break from all the attempts to harness his memories. He spent a long time just examining these noble creatures. All the Avatars of the Morphons were here, still frozen from whatever Dr. Osteen did to them.

He paused next to the Avatar of Strength, who was more lion than man. “Why did I have to be so arrogant? Look how much suffering I helped cause.”

“You didn’t do this.” Chase walked into the room. “You were merely another tool in the hands of evil men. Like these creatures, you were used and then tossed aside when they deemed you unnecessary.”

“I want to believe that. But they did not come willingly. They were forced here and then had to be restrained. I worked with the enemy. I helped them. I knew they were doing horrible things, and I went right along. How can I justify that to myself?”

Chase asked, “why the change of heart? The Arx we captured was all arrogance and ego. Even after we defeated you, you were nothing but a stubborn child. Yet, now you seem to have gained some wisdom. I’ve known a lot of villains who spent time behind bars. Most of them remained just as evil and stubborn as the day they were captured.”

Arx continued looking at the creatures in the cages. “I told you I felt shame for what I did. I am to blame.”

“I know. But I want to know where this came from. It takes a lot for someone of, if you will excuse me, the kind of ego you had.”

Arx smiled. “The world kept spinning without me. Hollywood is making movies...without me. My fans are now fawning over someone who is not me. Sitting up here, I realized I wasn’t the superstar I thought I was. I wanted fame and glory, and I had it, but it was a fleeting shadow. Ultimately, I was nothing more than a has-been. It hurt to realize this, but it also helped me see the world through humbled eyes. There was great suffering, and I helped it happen. Why did I do it? Looking back, I cringe when I realized I was just after more fame, more glory. There are people running scared, children crying in dark rooms, parents begging for help...all because of me. My legacy isn’t just tarnished, it has become toxic waste. I hate myself almost as much as I once loved myself. Do you know how that feels? I went from a flicker of light on a screen that made people happy for two hours to a villain that has left people in permanent pain. What kind of monster am I?”

“You understand humility, and it can sting pretty hard. But you can start recovering by helping us.”

Arx said, “I know. And I think I want to try something pretty drastic.”

Chase quietly said, “I know. Dr. Henderson told me about the procedure with that stuff we recovered from Dr. Osteens’ original lab. Nova wants this information, but he cannot order you to put yourself at such risk. It goes against our ethics.”

“Then I will spare your ethics. I’ll submit to the procedure. Whatever it takes, I’ll help. If this costs me my life, then I guess I will have paid for my crimes.”

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

Nova stood off to the side of the second largest conference room on the station with Ambassador Talos talking to the Human Rights Committee via a video call. Three massive screens displayed a panoramic view of a meeting room filled with representatives of many nations.

Ben Talos pleaded his case. “I have personally approached each of you over the past few days and provided a lot of information. Surely this has given you reason to show a little more trust for BADGE?”

A man with a heavy Indian accent said, “Mr. Talos, we appreciate your position. But we have also been approached by members of this World Corps with mounting evidence that BADGE is harboring villains.”

“They are skewing the facts. Yes, BADGE has a few members who have shown they are willing to act wrong. But they have been punished. Each of those members has also saved this world frequently. That must be considered.”

A woman spoke with a British accent. “BADGE has contradictory policies. They imprison some villains and allow others to remain among their ranks. That is troubling.”

“More troubling than kidnapping children?” Ben asked.

The Indian man replied, “there is no evidence that the World Corps is kidnapping anyone. They are merely being questioned.”


An American man said, “I agree. It is troubling to see them take children without parental permission. However, we have yet to see proof that this is an act of villainy, as you are inferring.”

“I have sent you the evidence that BADGE has collected. Three individuals that have been missing and now altered and working with the World Corps. If that does not concern you, then I don’t know what will.”

There was a light murmuring among the delegates and finally the Indian man said, “we find this concerning, but we are still waiting for an answer from the World Corps representative on this matter. For now, this evidence has given us pause in our decision on whether to recall BADGE’s authority.”

“Thank you.”

There was a chime, and the meeting ended, the transmission cutting off.

Nova said, “looks like they are not listening closely enough.”

“They never do. They always want someone else to give them the answer. They don’t like deciding, only debating facts until the facts die of old age. I just wish I could be there when this World Corps rep shows up to give them answers. I would love to know how they try to spin this.”

Nova led him out of the room. “I hate politics, always have. Nothing but power hungry people who love to use words to choke each other to death. At least you seem to handle them.”

“I have a flair for it.”

“Perhaps, once this is all over, you might consider a position as a BADGE official representative. I could use a man with your talents helping keep things smooth with the world governments and the UN.”

“It would be my honor.”

“Get some rest and something to eat. I have to see how things are progressing with another project.”

Ben asked, “what project is this?”

“I’d rather not tell you, for your sake.”

“I understand. Good luck, Director.”

Nova walked through the crowds that filled the BADGE station. Heroes from every corner of the planet were mingling and looking for a place to be comfortable in the throngs.

Gargoyle flew up spoke through a megaphone. “Hero Leagues who have been assigned to sections fifteen through thirty board the shuttles for the League Wars arena now. All others assigned to the arena, be ready to leave within the day. Thank you.”

Nova watched the crowds shift and move as large sections gathered and headed for the docking bay. Soon, the League Wars Orbital Arena was going to look like a refugee camp, but at least it gave them more space to spread out. The Leagues just got home from the last League Wars and now they are back up here.

After a long trek through the station, Nova finally found a calm, relatively empty area. He passed a series of special check points and was allowed into the laboratories. Dr. Henderson and her staff worked around the room with a table in the center where ARX was laying. He was naked, save for a skimpy pair of briefs, and had a dozen cords attached to him.

“Where are his clothes?” Nova asked.

Dr. Henderson came over as she checked a computer tablet for readings. “From what we can tell, this process will cause a surge of energy across his body that would likely set any clothing on fire. The last thing we need is the fire suppression system to activate and fill the lab with foam before we finish.”

Nova asked, “will this work? Will we get what we need?”

“I have no clue if this will actually work. But it stands the best chance.”

“What, exactly, will this do?”

She showed him her tablet, which was a blindingly complex series of calculations. “We will pull out the energy from his body, which will extract the energy that operates his mind. From that, this system will reorganize his memories into three-dimensional images. We will literally be able to project this in one of the holo simulation rooms and see everything around him.”

“If it is just what he saw, then why can’t we just get it out of him without this whole process?”

Dr. Henderson shook her head. “The mind is a powerful and strange thing. We don’t fully register everything we see. It is logged away as an image. By processing this image, we can see what he never really paid any attention to. Now, this won’t be a perfect replica of what he once saw, but it will be a much clearer image than he can produce...if this works.”

“Pulling the energy out of him...won’t that take his ability to think away?”

“Yes. In all the cases we have from the North Onnotangu records, the person was left either dead outright, or a vegetable.”

Arx spoke up, “Director, I’m willing to give my life to do anything to save the world from these people. They used me as a weapon. I want you to use me to stop them.”

Nova coldly replied, “I was told by the U.N. to execute you the day we captured you. I guess this will be a better way to accomplish that.”

Arx laughed, his face still facing the ceiling. “I’m sitting here, giving my life for this, and you still don’t trust me.”

“I don’t.” Nova answered without explanation.

Dr. Henderson was handed another tablet, as all her assistants came to a stop. She read it and then quietly said, “we are ready.”

“Do it.” Arx said.

Nova nodded, “get me results.”

The doctor waved her hand. “Okay, everyone out of the lab. Into the observation room. Arx...I don’t know how this will feel. I would give you something for the pain, but I can’t be sure if it would cause any problems.”

“Just get this over with.” Arx said.

Nova followed the staff out and watched them enter a separate room where they could observe and control the process.

Chase came up to him. “Are they ready?”

Nova nodded, “they are going to do it now.”

She headed for the observation room, but Nova stopped her. “No. I don’t want you seeing this.”

“But I promised I would be there for him.”

Nova held her arm and gave her the look of a father protecting his child. “You don’t need to see this.”

Suddenly there was a dimming of the lights in this section. The sound of whistling energy was outmatched by the screaming of a man. Chase held Nova’s arm and clenched her eyes shut.

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

Chase and Nova stood outside the lab, each trying not to cringe at the screams of agony coming from within. The screaming stopped and was replaced by an alarm. The computer announced, “Emergency protocol seven in place, emergency protocol seven in place.”

“What is that?” Chase asked.

“Nothing good.” Nova raced into the observation room and found lights flashing and the scientist in a whirlwind of activity. The large windows looking into the lab with Arx had massive metal doors covering them.

Dr. Henderson yelled over the sirens. “Shut down environmental protocols before the fail-safes destroy our work. Mr. Decker, redirect all incoming data to the back-up systems on deck one NOW! Computer, shut off that damn siren!”

Nova pressed his personal badge into a control station and the siren shut off instantly. “What the hell is going on?”

Dr. Henderson held up a hand in his direction, indicating she wasn’t able to respond. “Dr. Lightfoot, I need those systems back online asap. I want to know when it’s safe to go back in. Allison, get the emergency medical drones active. They will need to be on hand if we have a bio-hazard mess in there.”

“Yes, doctor.”

Nova came closer. “Did this go sideways?”

Dr. Henderson sat down on a short chair and looked at the computer screens before her. “Yes. Our systems were set to a specific level to gradually increase in power. However, all the programming failed at the same time, and the process activated at full power. Every computer system in that room was fried in an instant. We’re lucky that our systems are designed with enough back-ups. We got a lot of data out of him, but it almost didn’t work before everything went crazy.”

Chase whispered, “I...I will never forget the screaming.”

Dr. Henderson took a moment to answer that. “Neither shall I. I have violated my oath as a doctor and scientist in doing this. But the results could save millions, and he was willing.”

Nova quietly asked, “where can I view this information?”

“Go to deck four. I have the computer processing the information into a simulation there. It should already be compiling it. I’m going to check all our systems and see what the hell went wrong.”

“I will go see what we got for all this.”

Dr. Henderson grabbed his arm before he left. “Find something useful, please.”


Nova stood outside the doors of the simulator room. A small screen indicated the level of compiling left before it was ready for him to enter.

Agent Justin approached with robot 10915. “Director, I brought the robot?”

“Good. Robot, I want you to connect to the computer and record our observations.”

“Understood. Inquiry, Director. My primary role is operations of League Wars Arena...”

“You want to know why I asked for you.”


“All the other robots are hard at work maintaining this place with all the heroes present. Your role is currently on hold. Now, get ready to take notes.”


Nova pressed the now green blinking button, and the doors opened. They walked into what looked like the fever dream of a Hollywood celebrity. Images and settings that overlapped from all the various places Arx had been. His mansions and lavish apartments, celebrity parties and movie premiers. They walked through the set of The Afternoon Show where he was being interviewed.

“What are we looking at?” Justin asked.

“Arx’s memories, his life. We have ripped his very mind out of his body and put it on display. Now, we need to sift through this and find any part that was connected to Dr. Osteen’s work.”

“Okay....oh, I didn’t need to see that.” Justin held his hand over his eyes as they walked through the photo studio of the famous Playmodel Magazine shoot. Arx was their July centerfold nude model.

10915 pointed, “visual sensors have located evidence of a science laboratory.”

Nova walked ahead, and they left the famous life of Arx for the earliest days of his career. His bit parts in small movies and TV shows when he was still normal looking. They stepped out of that into a dirty old lab in the basement of a building. Arx was strapped to a table with a young Dr. Osteen standing near a computer.

“This is a nightmare. Look at this old equipment, and the state of this place violates all codes.” Justin sneered at the lab.

Nova said, “I don’t care how messy Dr. Osteen was. I need information. 10915 what do you have?”

The robot scanned with his mechanical eyes and then said. “I have found information on augmented morphonic powers.” it pointed at papers strewn near a computer.

Justin looked at the papers. “These are so clear. I can read them all.” He reached out, but the paper was as much a part of the desk as the paint itself. “Why can’t I hold it?”

“This is only a memory. Arx’s brain captured all the data, but only what he saw. 10915, is it enough to work with?”

“Processing....Processing...data provides over seventy percent of information required to decode process of augmentation.”


Justin pointed another direction. “The main computer is still compiling. Look, another lab is forming in the hologram.”

The trio left this laboratory for yet another nightmare, only this one was not dirty and disgusting, just filled with weapons. Arx lay on another table. This time he was already silver, but Dr. Osteen looked much older as he worked on him.

“I know this place.” Justin said.

“What?” Nova asked.

“The report we got from the others about the lab in Canada. This looks like what they described before it was destroyed.”

“This is likely that lab.” Nova said. He turned to say something when his one eye widened. “And I think we found what we’re looking for.”

They all gazed at a detailed blueprint of the anti-morphon gun. There were notes and studies taped around the board. Justin looked at the information. “Anti-Morphon Atomizer, or AMA. Looks like we have a name for it now.”

“What we have is a way to save our people and many others. 10915, report.”

“Processing...Processing...data is ninety-five percent complete. All information required to decode weapons is available.”

Nova actually smiled for the first time in too long. “Finally, a break. That man, he just saved this world.”


Nova turned and said, “Arx.”


Nova charged into the operations center of the station, with Justin behind him. Gar was in command and currently talking to a gloomy Chase.

“Finally, good news.” Nova opened up with.

Chase wiped her eyes and said, “did you learn something?”

“Yes. We have finally had two big breaks in this situation.”

“Then it was worth it.” Chase said.

Nova took her by the shoulders and said, “He saved us all. I know I said I didn’t trust him, but I cannot say anything other than praise for what he just did.”

“I didn’t love the man. He was arrogant and flirted worse than EB. But I sensed his broken heart in his last words to me. He finally understood right from wrong.”

“Arx will be remembered as a hero.”

“Arx?” Ambassador Talos came into the room.

Nova let go of Chase and addressed the Ambassador. “Yes. Arx just made a noble sacrifice to help us learn what we needed to know so we could turn this situation around.”

“Arx...as in the Hollywood celebrity who took over Los Angeles and committed mass murder?”

“The same. He had a change of heart.”

Ben gained a brilliant smile. “That’s wonderful. I mean, it is wonderful that he turned himself around and was able to help. I am sorry to hear that he perished. What did you learn from him?”

“Enough. We can now decode how they make these augmented people. But, more important than that, we have learned how to stop those horrible anti-morphon guns.”

“Those are incredible breakthroughs, and timely as well. I’m ready to return to the U.N. for an official visit. They have given me the floor to address all the delegates this week. With all the information we already had and now this, I’m sure we can turn the U.N. back to our side.”

“Good. Head down to the docking bay and find Strange Quark. He’ll get you there either by shuttle or portal.”

“I just need to grab my computer tablet with all this info on it, and I’ll be on my way. I have a lot to tell those politicians and this time they will listen to me.” Ben was off with a giddiness in his step.

Gar asked, “what do we do now?”

“Have some patience. Soon, we will move forward with a new plan to stop the World Corps, and this time, they won’t know we are ready for them.”

Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

“What do you mean they have the specs on the weapons and our augmentation process!” Alpha bellowed at a screen.

Delta looked at her from his place in a distant location. “They extracted information from Arx that led them to this. I didn’t think we let him see enough to tell them anything, but I have underestimated BADGE’s resourcefulness.”

Gamma narrowed his eyes at the screen. “Have you told Beta this?”

“Beta knows. In fact, we are ready to proceed with the next part of this plan.”

“How!” Alpha shrieked. “If they figure out how to stop our weapons, we won’t be able to fight them. Our augment army isn’t big enough to take on all those loyal to BADGE. I am already getting reports of non-morphon heroes taking guns away from our mercs. This is out of control!"”

Delta remained cool and confident in the face of her rage. “Judge, I have a backup plan for this situation, one that will keep us in charge of everything.”

“What plan is this?”

“We will let BADGE make the next move and see what they do. If they proceed how I anticipate, I will move. Trust me, we will keep this world distrusting BADGE.”

“You had better make this work.” Alpha grimly stated.

Nova walked through the station back to the laboratories. It was still packed with people, but not as bad, since they moved a large portion of them over to the arena. After navigating the crowds, he returned to the same laboratories where they had been working with Arx.

Walking into the tech lab, he greeted them with his usual, “Report!”

Agent Justin smiled, “good news. We have already cracked the AMA weapons.”

“So soon? We just got that data six hours ago.” Nova hovered over where several engineers were working on computers. Complex numbers and diagrams filled the screens.

Justin gestured around the room. “Several non-morphon heroes have procured AMA parts from mercs.”

“I specifically ordered heroes not to…”

“I know. But, with those parts and this information from Arx, some of our tech savvy heroes on the station have cracked this.” Justin directed Nova over to a hero at a workstation.

Furious Squirrel pointed at the screen in front of him. “This was designed to use morphons to destroy morphons. It is actually amazing to see. It displaces the morphons in the target and since morphonic energy permeates all the cells of a conduit person, he or she has all of their cells destroyed in a matter of seconds.”

“Can we fight this? Can we stop it?”

The Avenger answered, “I’m already calculating a formula.”

“What?” Nova asked the cyborg hero.

The Avenger nodded toward his computer. “If my calculations are correct, then I can create an energy infusion we can use on a morphonic being that will make them impervious to the weapons abilities for up to five years.”

“What?” Nova asked again.

Justin explained, “he is working on a system like a tanning booth. Only, it will infuse an energy over the body of a hero and for a period of time that hero’s morphons cannot be affected by this weapon of theirs.”

“Will it work?”

The Avenger said, “we’re about to begin the first test. All simulations look promising.”

“Get me results. We have a world to save, and this could be our best chance of getting those horrid guns out of the hands of our enemy.”

Justin said, “I’ll call in more assistants from the heroes. We’ll get this done as quickly as possible.”

“Get on it.”

Justin hurried out of the lab.

Nova leaned over to check the readings on the computer when EB came rushing into the room. “NOVA, BUDDY!”

Nova caught him by his ears and held him at arm’s length. “EB, this is NOT the place for you to destroy anything.”

“I know, I know. I just gotta get you. Dr. Henderson said that something is happening in the biolab. There was this signature thingy and then she got all worried and confused and the door is locked and you need to bring your card or the system won’t open it. I don’t know what it is. I offered to get in. You know I can get in wherever I want. I am the Easter Bunny, but she said it was too dangerous. Like I need to worry. I am a mythic...”

“Dr. Henderson needs me?”

“That’s what I’m tell’n ya.”

Nova left the room with EB still firmly in his grasp.

Turning two corners, Nova returned to the place where Arx had been. Dr. Henderson stood outside with a sensor device held up to the door.

“Oh, good. EB found you.”

Nova dropped the bunny and approached. “What’s the problem?”

“I think someone sabotaged the system.”


She nodded. “Yes. I have clear evidence programs were deleted that caused a cascade failure which made the system activate all at once. If Arx hadn’t been as enhanced as he was, he would have been completely atomized before we got a speck of data out of him.”

“Can you find out who?”

“I don’t know. I need to go in there and see if anything is still working. However, I scanned before going in and...well...I am detecting something organic in there.”

“What? You mean something is alive in there?”

“Yes. The damage to the room has made our internal sensors unreliable, but my independent scanner is still registering it.”

Nova typed in his personal code to the door lock, unsealing it. He then put his card against the lock and it flashed green. The door creaked open halfway and then stopped.

“Oh, dear god. Look at this place.” Dr. Henderson glanced in the room, finding all the surfaces blackened. Every glass object was shattered or melted. Flickers of light came from under smears of black clinging to the surface.

“Hello?” a voice said.

Nova’s face turned to fury. “Who is in here?”

A completely naked man with a perfect body stepped through the door. “I’ve been in there since I woke up. Something bad happened in there.”

EB covered his eyes. “Sweet cheese and crackers. He’s naked!”

Dr. Henderson ran her scanner up and down his body. “How are you alive? The radiation in there is deadly.”

“I don’t know. I don’t know how I got there. I’m Craig.” he smiled and looked at his reflection in a nearby window.

Nova asked, “Arx, is that you?”

“Wow, I’m looking good today.”

Nova said, “yup, it’s Arx.”

Arx turned back to them, completely unashamed of his state of undress, and asked, “who are you? Where am I?”

EB, a paw over his eyes still, said, “we are BADGE superheroes, and you are on a space station.”

Arx knelt down and smiled. “A talking bunny. How cute.”

EB removed his paws and then said, “OH GOOD HEAVENS, IT’S RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! I’M GETTING YOU A COSTUME!” he raced off.

Arx yelled, “I need something that’s Greek!”

“Gotcha!” EB replied.

Dr. Henderson ran her scanner up and down Arx several more times. “He has lost all of his enhancements, and the energy in his brain is different now. But, it looks like his own natural super powers protected him enough to save his life. Amazing.”

“Superpowers. Oh, right, yeah. I got those. I want to use them as an actor, not a hero or anything. I’m up for a role in a television show about ancient Greece. Doesn’t pay much, but it’s a start.”

Nova was in a state of awe. “You don’t remember being enhanced with silver skin and better powers, being a mega star?”

Arx laughed, “mega star. I wish. It’s my dream to be a big action star. But all I’ve done are a few commercials and a lot of model shoots.”

EB zipped back and in a flurry of movement, he dressed Arx quickly in chiton and himation, two traditional ancient Greek parts of a man’s outfit. Stopping next to Nova, EB said, “there, still shows off the buff physique but we don’t gotta look at little Arx and his pals.”

Arx admired his outfit in the window's reflection. “Nice. This is good stuff, not the cheap costume materials I have to put up with. I look good in this.”

Nova pulled Arx away from the window and looked at him. “Son, I don’t know where to start.”

“Son? Are you my father?”

“Hardly. This is going to take time.”

A small team of radiation experts came through with devices to clean up the mess. Nova directed Arx along with him. “Come with me. We have a lot to talk about.”

Chapter 13

Chapter 13:

Chase sat with Arx in a small conference room while they watched various clips from his movies. The whole time, Arx had a stunned smile on his face.

“It’s all true. That’s me.” He whispered.

Chase nodded. “Yes. You were the most sought after Hollywood action start for the better part of the past decade.”

“It’s like watching my life through a dream. I’m seeing what I’ve always wanted, but I cannot remember any of it. Do I have an agent? I bet I have movie deals waiting for me.”

Chase said, “your career ended when you did something bad.”

“Bad? Like what?”

“I...uh...don’t think it’s time for that yet. It could be an awful blow to your mind right now. It would be best if you stayed up here with us. The world isn’t ready for you to show up again.”

Nova’s voice came through the comm system. “Chase, report to Operations.”

“On my way.” She clicked her comm off. “Arx...”

“Call me Craig. I don’t know the name Arx.”

“Right, you took that screen name after you were enhanced. Craig, you don’t have quarters assigned yet, since we are way over capacity for this place. If you want to go get something to eat, I’ll find you a place to rest later.”

“Can I stay and watch one of these movies? They’re great.”

“Sure. Here, this is my favorite.” She called up his biggest seller, Alien Dominion part 1. “Sit back and relax. I have to go to work.”

She left him to his movie and walked out of the conference room and down a short hall into the Operations center. Director Nova, Gar, and EB were watching the main screens with the various news casts going live.

Nova saw her approach and asked, “how’s Arx doing?”

“Fine. It’s like we re-set him. He knows nothing of what happened since he first came onto the scene in Hollywood.”

Gar hesitantly asked, “are you attracted to him still?”


“You said you liked looking at his body when we watched that movie with him in it.”

EB said, “of course not!”

Chase laughed at the irate bunny. “I’m not attracted to him, not romantically. He has a nice looking body, but I need more than that to be truly attracted to a man.”

Nova said, “on to matters at hand. Our scientist had had a breakthrough. All tests with the AMA weapon’s energy are good. We are moving ahead with the next phase.”

Chase asked, “what’s the next phase?”

Nova gestured at a robot and the screen changed to the interior of the League Wars arena. Heroes moving at near-light speed worked on constructing what appeared to be tanning beds. “We have enlisted the speedster heroes to work with our robots and tech experts on constructing the Introduction System Beds. Once they are online, a hero will be placed in the ISB and be subjected to a mild irradiation that will allow them to survive any blast from the AMA’s.”

“This is amazing.” Chase watched the quickly constructing beds. “How soon will we begin?”

“They should be online within the hour. This is going to be fast and precise. Once we have all the heroes ready to go, they will return to the planet and begin confiscating those weapons.”

Gar asked, “wouldn’t that be like attacking this World Corps? Didn’t you want to avoid conflict with them?”

Nova nodded. “yes, I wanted to avoid direct conflict. But, the situation is growing critical. The people of the nations are getting polarized. Half the planet is scared that their neighbor might use morphonic powers and want the World Corps to abduct them. The other half wants to defend the rights and freedoms of people against being taken without reason.”

EB said, “listen to me, I have watched humans operate for centuries. Bad tyrants always set neighbor against neighbor so that the civilians are fighting while the tyrants quietly take control of them. It’s ugly and efficient. These stupid World Corps people are doing just this. Scaring humans into hating each other. Makes me want to shove an egg up...”

“EB is correct,” Nova interrupted, “the World Corps is only causing further discord. If we can disarm them, then they will have a much harder time enforcing their plans on the people. This will calm the population. At the same time, we have Ambassador Talos at the U.N. presenting our evidence against the World Corps. It will be a flanking attack that should finally put us back in charge of this situation.”

“Then what are our orders?” Chase asked.

“Gather heroes, get them ready for the infusion, and then inform them of their objective. I want our people getting those AMAs away from the World Corps mercs. Tell our heroes to do their best to have as little conflict in the disarming process. We aren’t taking captives, just their weapons. Once they are disarmed, they won’t pose much of a threat. I still want to avoid as much open conflict as possible.”


The screen changed behind him, and Dr. Henderson stood there with a big smile on her face. “Director, we have twenty-five units ready for infusion. Send me some heroes.”

“At once.” He turned to the others. “Get out there and get the heroes moving.”

“Director Nova: Incoming transmission from Prime Minister Shizue.” A robot announced.

“Shizue?” Nova looked at the screen again. “Put her through.”

Shizue came on the screen with a gentle smile on her worried face. “Director.”

“What is the problem, Minister?”

“I don’t know. I just got a frantic call from Ambassador Talos. His communicator you gave him has been stolen, and he needs to speak with you right now. So, he called me, hoping I could make the connection.”

“I see. Put him through.”

She nodded to a person off to her right and the image changed to the inside of a poorly lit bunker. Ambassador Talos was disheveled and dirty. “Oh, thank goodness.”

“Ambassador, what’s going on?”

“They came. Those mercs from the World Corps showed up and attacked my office. They got my BADGE comm unit and were destroying the place, looking for something. I got into my security bunker under the building, but I don’t know if they are still there.”

Nova said, “they must know we have evidence against them. They want to keep you from telling the U.N.”

“I saved the evidence file. It’s in my pocket. I never took it out. I’m too scared to get out of here. I don’t have a security detail. I’m not that important. Can you help?”

Nova nodded. “I’ll send you a BADGE security to stick with you until this is all over.”

Talos asked, “can you send that agent that observed me? He and I work well together.”

Nova grabbed a tablet and smiled. “Agent Torrin Wolf. Sure thing. He’s a low-grade morphonic hero, which is why he works as an agent. He’ll be put through the ISB process right away and sent to help.”

“Thank you so much.”

Chapter 14

Chapter 14:

A large unit of World Corps mercs set up camp near the WMD HQ. A grey skinned augment hovered around the area, keeping a close eye on things.

The commanding officer asked a subordinate, “can we get inside yet?”

The junior officer shook his head. “The security system is still keeping us out.”

“They want us to get into their computer system and we can’t do this standing on the front lawn. Get me in there. I don’t care what explosives we have to employ.”

The subordinate said, “sir, we already tried most of the explosives with us and the super has even attempted to gain access. Something is keeping us out.”

They both jerked at the sound of rumbling beneath them. “Where is that noise coming from?”

“I don’t know, sir. Our sensors cannot give us much information, other than a large life form is registering. It…well…uh..it looks like a dragon on our heat sensors.”

“Nonsense. We’re dealing with advanced tech, not mythical creatures.”

A bright flash of light appeared, and The Wizard said, “oh, but you are. In fact, you are dealing with my dragon, and she isn’t too happy right now.”

The mercs quickly mobilized and pulled out their weapons. The commander said, “halt, surrender...hero.”

The Wizard laughed at them. “I don’t think so. I’m upset, my dragon is enraged, and my team, well, my team is ticked off. Trust me, you don’t want to mess with us.”

Large green hands pulled aside the trees as Midgard came through with the rest of WMD. Midgard bellowed, “HAND OVER THE GUNS, PUNY HUMANS!”

The super came closer, hovering over the line of mercs with their weapons out. She said, “good, you’ve returned. Turn yourselves in for questioning and this can be over quickly. We have you outnumbered and outgunned.”

Hotwings tightened his gloves and smiled at her, “oh, you think so. Guys, enough banter, get the guns and kick their sorry butts outta here.”

The commander yelled, “fire!”

The mercs blasted away with their AMAs. The energy hit the heroes and nothing happened. Hotwings and The Wizard distracted the mercs, battling with them. Midgard grabbed their flying augment and spiked her right into the ground, leaving a pretty good-sized hole.

Shadows grew darker around the feet of the mercs, and suddenly Shadowwalker reached up and nabbed the guns out of their hands. Skelanimal jumped up and plowed right into the mercs one by one, also taking guns away.

Hotwings punched a soldier and then yelled, “Midgard! No killing! We’re only after the guns!” Midgard had a merc halfway to his mouth, ready to bite him in half. With a growl of disapproval, the giant serpent tossed the man aside and then smacked another merc against a tree.

“RETREAT!” the commander finally ordered, and the team rushed away.

“Let them go. We have their guns.” DaMon said.

Hotwings clicked his comm unit, “BADGE, we have guns.”

Nova came through, “good, deposit them at the nearest BADGE drop and keep going. I want all their guns before they turn them on the innocent.”



Nova watched the monitor as many visual feeds came through. Heroes were all over the planet, confiscating weapons and sending the World Corps units retreating.

“Good work, Madam Marvelous. Check in with your League and make sure all the soldiers in the city are gone.”

“Yes, sir!” Madam Marvelous dashed through Tokyo with five guns in her arms, ready to drop them off.

Krystal Fae looked at him from her location. “Director, the World Corps soldiers have five of their augments with them. It’ll be a big fight if we go after them.”

“Where are they?”

“They have created a base camp in the middle of Hyde Park.”

“Don’t engage. I’ll send Quark with some speedsters. They’ll take care of the weapons. Just make sure those mercs stay put.”

“Understood.” Krystal Fae’s feed cut off.

Nova watched all the heroes working hard, a tally on the side of the screen showing the amount of guns they had already confiscated.

Furious Squirrel appeared on a screen from within the station. “Sir, we have been using the dismantled parts to make gear for the heroes.”

“Good, recycling is always welcome. Keep it up.”

“Aye sir.”

Robot 10915 announced, “message from Dr. Henderson. Please, report to medical bay five.”

“Tell her I’m on my way. If I’m needed, patch me through there.”

Nova left the Operations center with 10915 in charge. He walked through the station to the medical wing. Inside the standard med unit, Nova found Dr. Henderson checking data on a computer next to Arx, or Craig as he calls himself now. He was still wearing that Greek outfit with a distraught look on his face.


Dr. Henderson spoke softly, “Craig, Director Nova is here.”

Craig looked up like a child to his parent. “Oh, you’re here.”

Nova asked, “why did you need to see me?”

Craig said, “you were the first person I saw when I got out of that lab. You have been nice to me. I feel like I can trust you.”

“You can.”

“I saw the news reports from when I attacked. I hurt so many people. I destroyed Poseidon Island, murdered people in Hollywood…I…I can’t get the images out of my head!.” His words became a mumbled mixture of crying.

Nova calmly said, “I wish you hadn’t learned your unfortunate past alone. I had hoped to give you much more time before you knew anything about that.”

“I’m a monster. The world must hate me and they are right to.”

Nova pulled over a small chair and sat next to the bed. “The man who did that was not you. He was a creation of evil science and festering ego. Listen, you have an opportunity that no one else has ever had that I know of. You are the man you were before you made a string of decisions that led to that act of evil. You know what this path of ego leads to and now you can take a different path. The Arx the world feared and now hates is dead and gone. You can become someone else, someone better. You can learn from your own mistakes.”

“Even so. I know what I did. It will haunt me forever.”

Nova smiled, “you don’t know all of it. In the end, when you came to realize your mistakes, you offered your life to give us a fighting chance. Because of you, we have the information to contend against a threat greater than you ever were. Fate was kind. You survived the process and have a second chance. Don’t use this second chance to mire in self pity and regrets. The Arx you were died a hero in the end, now Craig can rise from the ashes.”

“I’ll try.”

“And I’ll help you.” Nova’s wrist comm beeped. “But we have an ongoing situation and I am needed in Operations.”

“Wait.” Craig stopped him.


“I remember some things, flashes of my life before. There is a man in my memories named Delta.”

This grabbed Nova’s attention. “What about him?”

“I know where he is.”

Chapter 15

Chapter 15:

Nova and Chase watched the events unfold through the various news reports coming in from across the planet.

A news reporter spoke to the London audience. Behind him could be heard the sounds of a fight. “Earlier today, heroes from BADGE attacked the location of a World Corps encampment. We were informed by the World Corps that the BADGE officials were attempting to free villains that the corps has apprehended during their questioning process. However, cameras only caught those same heroes disarming the World Corps soldiers. The heroes working with the corps attacked the BADGE heroes, and the fight is still going on.”

There was a flash of purple light and Krystal Fae stood next to the reporter. The sounds behind them had reduced considerably as heroes flew and walked away, each carrying armloads of debris.

“Oh, my. Oh, hello, are you with BADGE?”

“Yes, I’m Krystal Fae with the News Sentinel and member of BADGE. I wanted to state clearly for your audience that we have only come to remove lethal weapons from the hands of the mercenaries the World Corps hired. As you can see, we did as little harm to them or their superhuman as possible.”

He asked, “what about their detainees? We have been informed that your targets were those detained for questioning.”

She smiled, “we’re only carrying away the remains of those horrible weapons. There aren’t any detainees among them. Where they have put them is as much a mystery to us as it is to you.” A member of the World Corps’ security was coming toward them, obviously ready to address this. Krystal smiled at the camera. “I’m afraid we must dispose of the weapons. Thank you for your time.” In a flash, she was gone.

On the station, Nova let out a relieved sigh. “That was a good interview. Even though I asked our heroes not to speak with the media, Krystal did a fine job.”

Chase said, “she has experience.”

“Yes. And right now, we have the World Corps on the run. They can’t fight us, they can’t stop us. I just hope we can clean this mess up before they have time to shift gears and regain control.”

The elevator opened, Gar stepped out with Craig. EB sat on Gar’s shoulder, chattering away. “So, there I was, eggs all over the place, and these hunters were trying to find me. Dumb rednecks thought they could catch me. But, oh, no, I’m WAAAY faster than them. I think they were drunk. I swear I smelled moonshine. Oh, hi buddy.” EB hopped down and bounced around Nova. “It worked! Toldja it would. He ate three of em and BANG, his memory is that much clearer. It’s sooo much easier using magic on him now that he has all those old dumb enhancements drained from him. He’s a pretty cool guy, not the arrogant, pompous, Hollywood jerkface that...oh, sorry, Craig.”

Craig shook his head, “don’t worry. I read all about Arx on and off camera. I really got a big head for a long time. I never want to be that person again.”

Nova said, “we all appreciate the effort. Now, about that memory.”

Gar handed Nova a tablet. “He put in everything he remembered while under that memory charm EB placed on the eggs.”

Nova looked it over. “Interesting. So, they had a location in Canada, then they had a place in Nevada. But this...this is the most interesting place.”

“Where?” Chase looked at the tablet.

“The World Corps HQ. Looks like it has a secret sub-basement that is guarded by tetyron energy barriers. We have nothing that can see through that. But how did you know? I doubt they brought you there for experimentation.”

EB hopped up and down. “He had this brain blast, real memory explosion...BOOM! There he was, on the table. They thought they had him out, like sooo out he wouldn’t...”

“Let him explain.” Nova stopped EB.

Craig said, “like he said, they had me strapped down and Dr. Osteen pumped some kind of chemical into me to put me out. But, I guess my enhancements blocked it enough I could still hear. Dr. Osteen left the room, and this guy named Delta talked to a woman. He spoke about this place and that it was their HQ. I recalled the word tetryon. That is as much as I could recall, everything else is...gone.”

Chase said, “yeah, from what Dr. Henderson said, your memory isn’t just blocked or locked away, it was stripped out by the process. Nothing but bits and pieces left.”

Nova added, “It’s a miracle you remember anything at all. But this will give us a way to put a stop to them. Quark!”

A blue flash appeared and a five foot blue duck stood in front of them. “I was in the middle of my bath.”

“You bathe like that?” Chase asked.


“What kind of tub?”

“A quasar.”

Chase muttered, “of course.”

Nova said, “get back to normal...at least what you call normal.”

“I hate that word.” Quark changed into his normal blue self. “So, what’s up?”

Nova handed him the tablet. “Can you get a team inside this place asap?”

Quark looked at the specs. “Hmmm, I can get you to this island. But not inside. Tetryon energy is in flux with normal space, which is why it’s so powerful. I might get through it, but if my fluctuations are off a tiny bit, it will scatter atoms across the entire solar system. Do you know how long that would take for me to put myself back together?”

Nova said, “Take Gar and Chase. Find a way to get inside that secret base. Apprehend members of their hierarchy and bring back their data.”


Before anyone moved, a robot announced. “Director Nova: UN emergency meeting is happening.”

“What? Talos was supposed to meet with them tomorrow.” Nova and the others looked up at the main screen. “Put it through, now.”

To their surprise and ire, the screen showed all the delegates of the U.N. listening to Judge Alpha. “My people have been accused of kidnapping and murder. BADGE knows no restraint in their blatant attempts to thwart true, honest justice and security for this world. As you all have been seeing on the news, BADGE sent their enforcers into our camps to disarm my people, removing any modicum of balance against their power. And now, I find they aren’t just taking weapons out of our hands, they are leaving death in their wake.” The screens behind her showed entire legions of the mercs, laying in pools of their own blood. “We have volunteer heroes working to defend my people, but they are no match for the brute force of the BADGE villains.”

Chase gasped, “our people didn’t do that...did they?”

Nova shook his head, his face turning a new shade of red. “No. The World Corps murdered their own to craft this story. I underestimated the lengths they would go to.”

Alpha continued. “This news was only brought to my attention early today. I had come to make a different announcement, one that would hopefully put to rest the false narrative BADGE has created. It has been said that we are kidnapping people and never returning them. Due to the interference of BADGE and their allies, our process has taken much longer than expected. However, we are glad to be returning over three dozen children to their parents in Pretoria, South Africa, tomorrow. This will be the first of many returns that will show we only mean to do what is best for the world. Thank you.”

“What does this mean?” Quark asked.

Nova said, “it means that they are already changing gears to regain the upper hand. What I know is that they aren’t simply returning children. There is a deeper, darker reality behind this act. What I don’t know is what they plan on doing during this. They could be distracting the world from our report from Talos that will go live tomorrow. But, I just don’t know. Quark, Chase, Gar, get moving. We have to put a stop to them before it’s too late.”

Chase paused and gave Nova a smile, “at least we still have Ambassador Talos. Hopefully he can sway the U.N. to not trust Alpha and her lies.”

“I hope he does a fantastic job tomorrow. Now, move.”

Chapter 16

Chapter 16:

 The tension in Nova was tangible. Even the robots on duty seemed to notice. He stood as still as Gar as he watched the large monitor. One screen showed a shuttle flying through the skies over South Africa, dozens of news cameras taking shots of it. The other screen was the general assembly of the United Nations.

“Report from Agent Chase.” A robot announced.

“Put her through.”

The news screen shrank as a new window opened, with Chase standing inside the hallway of a military compound. Quark and Gar stood behind her, looking around.

“Report.” Nova commanded.

“We got inside. The place is abandoned. They rigged it to blow once we got here, but Quark turned all the explosives into frogs. We’re outside the tetryon field, blocking the innermost area of this place. It could be rigged as well. Quark couldn’t see in there.”

“Proceed with caution, but get in there now. We need their data.”

“Understood.” The screen changed back to the news.

A woman reported, “In moments, Ambassador Ben Talos will address the U.N. General Assembly on behalf of BADGE. It is unclear if this will happen before or after the drop-off of the children in Pretoria, South Africa. The World Corps has removed all of their agents from the streets of Pretoria, only local authorities will be present for the return of the children. We have footage from inside the shuttle.” The video changed to the interior of the shuttle where children gleefully played and chattered while reporters sat with them, just as happy to be there. “As you can see, the atmosphere inside the shuttle is one of joy.”

Nova watched all of this, hardly betraying any emotion. Agent Justin approached and handed Nova a computer tablet with daily reports. “Sir, what they are saying is true. The World Corps has removed their agents. It’ll be hard for us to prove they are villains if they keep acting so...well...honest.”

“True villains know how to capture the hearts and minds of people, Justin. Never forget that. They are playing their hand well. However, once we present our evidence, the tables might turn on them. One kind act is hardly enough to excuse all that we know they have done and are still doing.”

The screens all changed when Ben Talos stepped up to the podium with files in hand. An announcer spoke, “The U.N. General Assembly recognizes Ambassador Ben Talos, speaking on behalf of BADGE. You have the floor, sir.”

Nova whispered, “why isn’t our agent with him?”

Justin shook his head. “I don’t know.”

Ben Talos addressed the room. “Ladies and Gentlemen of the United Nations. I came here with vast quantities of evidence gathered by BADGE to prove maleficence from the World Corps. Recently, BADGE has set their heroes on a task of gathering weapons, weapons that are the only true method of keeping heroes at bay. The AMA is a weapon that no hero can truly defend against until BADGE cracked the system and developed a defense.”

Nova frowned. “What is he doing?”

Ben held up papers. “They have tracked the heroes of the World Corps to expose an evil ploy by this organization. However, I’m finding other evidence, other issues that BADGE has yet to explain to this body.”

Justin asked Nova, “what did he just say?”

Large images appeared behind Ben on the screen of Arx before and after his recent transformation. “BADGE not only has been working hard to thwart the plans to protect this world, they have been doing so with the aid of one of the most dangerous villains in recent memory. Arx, calling himself Craig now, gave them the information to crack the AMA and develop a method of defense against it. Any modicum of trust I had for BADGE was destroyed when I learned this.”

“WHAT IS HE DOING!” Nova yelled at the screen, causing Justin to take a step back.

The news screen was automatically changed when Chase came through. “Sir, we have something you must see.”

“Not now!”

“No, you have to see this.” She turned her wrist comm toward a computer screen in the World Corps HQ. Four images came through clearly on a large monitor, each one denoted with titles. Alpha, Gamma, Delta, and the last one, Beta, who had the same face as the man speaking to the U.N.

Nova lost color in his face, “Beta...is Ben Talos. What have I done?”

On the other screen, Talos called out, “It is time this body votes not only to sanction BADGE, but to hold the entire organization in contempt and remove any protections against their criminal activity. It is time to end their power by any means necessary.”

The computer tablet in Nova’s hand broke under the intense pressure of his grip. “Put me through to the U.N. at once! I want that image from the World Corps HQ and all the other data we have on the augments that he was supposed to present.”

“Sir, how can you get through?” Justin asked.

“I started the U.N. dammit, they will listen to me.”

A robot said, “all data pertaining to augments and their identities has been erased, back-up systems have been purged, data loss is complete.”

“I should have guessed he wouldn’t let us keep any of that data.” Nova threw the broken tablet on a table and picked up another. “We can recover lost data. There has to be a way. Justin, get me Dr. Cyber from the Wisewolf League, he...”

“EMERGENCY! NEWS ALERT!” a robot called out.

“Now what?” Nova turned to the screen to find that the news broadcast over Pretoria was dominating all the channels.

The shuttle was still heading for the city, but it now had smoke billowing from a hole in the back of it. Before Nova could ask what happened, a blast of energy split the shuttle in half. The ball of fire spit out two smoking hulls that slammed into the city. Sirens went wild in Pretoria. A gray skinned man flew through the cloud of fiery smoke and released yet another blast of energy that destroyed a large bridge in the middle of town. He hovered in the air and looked directly at the news camera. Around him flew orbs of colored energy, and on his uniform was emblazoned the word BADGE.

“Another augment.” Justin said.

“Get me a closeup of that face.” Nova commanded.

The screen zoomed in and scanned the face. A picture from the BADGE files appeared next to it.

Justin whispered, “It’s Torrin Wolf, our agent we sent to help Talos. What have they done to him?”

“Turned him into one of their puppets, a tool of mass destruction.”

Torrin flew away from the camera and sent a green ray of energy at the ground. In one swath of power, he obliterated an entire golf course, two buildings, and split a major highway in half. With a gleeful smile, he lifted his hands and split himself into two identical villains, each attaching different parts of the city.

“What do we do?” Justin asked. “If we send in heroes, they’ll spin it like they did the Washington attack. If we don’t fight, millions are at substantial risk and we’re blamed for not stopping him.”

Nova grabbed his special comm unit, “I don’t give a damn about public image right now. Too many lives are on the line.” He clicked it. “All heroes, this is a top priority. Get to Pretoria now. Stop the Augment, save the people.”

Justin took Nova by the arm, "Sir, Torrin is one of our own, he's my friend."

Nova gave Justin a pained, yet stern face. "His life has been taken from him already. Right now, we have millions in greater danger." There was a moment where Nova had to collect himself. He spoke uncharacteristically soft with his next words. "Losing good people will never be easy. We have to focus, time will come for mourning."

Chapter 17

Chapter 17:

Sirens blared across Pretoria as heroes swarmed in two volatile clusters. The villain that destroyed the transport and attacked the city had somehow split himself in twain and was now two entities.

Midgardsomr threw a colossal punch at the augment, but his fist met a powerful energy barrier that caused the massive serpent to reel back. Another hero ran up the slithery hero's scaly hide and vaulted off Midgard’s massive head. Crystal Meth Anubis met the augment with a hard slash from his blade. The augment crashed into a building, creating a sizable hole.

Hotwings flew by, preparing his next attack. “Crystal! I thought you were...”

Crystal said, “nah, no time for recreation. I’m gonna take down this jerk.”

“STOP GABBING AND SMASH HIM!” Midgard bellowed.

Heroes poured out powerful attacks against the hero after he had regained his airborne position. The morphon orbs that flew around him seemed to keep him from taking much harm.

Midgard went to grab the augment, but the gray man vanished and reappeared next to the serpent’s head. Another hero bounced right off of Midgard’s head and shot the augment with two laser pistols.

“I AM NOT A STEPPING STONE!!!” Midgard screamed.

Furious Squirrel landed after his attack and skidded across a roof. He shot again, and hit the augment with a clean blast. Tapping his ear he said, “hey, guys, I just figured something out. This dude’s resistance is shifting. Looks like he’s weak to tech stuff right now.”

Punlork landed next to Furious and shot from his weapons. “Thanks for the heads up.”

Skynett flew by, readying some tech fists. “I figured that out thirty minutes ago.”

Furious huffed and took aim just in time to see a blast of psionic energy coming his direction. “Ah, nuts.” He was hit and flew hard off the roof. Furious tried to use his jetpack to control the flight, but he only achieved a faster arc across the city. With a long roll across the ground, he landed beneath the cluster of heroes fighting the other incarnation of this strange enemy.

A large fireball was thrown directly at him from the augment. He didn’t have time to react, but fortunately Madam Marvelous landed next to him and quickly changed to stone to protect him.

“You okay?” She asked.

“I’m alive, if that counts.” Furious got to his feet. “I figured it out. These augment guys can alter their resistance. We just...”

“Yeah, we know. This guy is currently taking lots of damage from magic.”

“Crud, I don’t have magic.”

Marvelous directed another blast away from them. “Don’t care, just shot him!”

Both heroes returned to the fight. Ringmaster raced by, shoved Madam Marvelous out of the way and unloaded a massive volley of firepower at the villain.

“Watch it!” Marvelous responded to the shove.

“Stay out of my way!” Ringmaster continued firing long enough for the augment to take a special interest in him.

Marvelous joined Ringmaster, but noticed the change in the augment. “He’s resisting our attacks!”

“That just means we need more pressure.” Ringmaster increased his firepower.

Marvelous jumped out of the way just as the augment plowed into the ground, shoving Ringmaster through a wall.

Street Fighter and Dun Ringill came up quickly and used mental powers to confuse the augment. This gave a wide open shot for Ringmaster to slug the enemy right into the air. Unearthly Mitch the Lich summoned a demon who caught the augment and drop kicked him across the town.

The two augments were coming closer as both sides had them on the run.

Skynetts’ voice came through, “their defenses against physical attacks are down, both are reading complete vulnerability to that morphon power.”

Marvelous answered, “we gotcha. Take them down!”

Anubis got one last shot at the primary augment and knocked him into the other augment. Both met and absorbed into one another. Ringmaster and Madam Marvelous joined power and hit the completed villain with one final blow. The swirling energy around the gray man evaporated and he crashed into the street below. All that remained of agent Torrin Wolf was a bloody corpse on a broken highway.


Nova stood in the middle of Operations with Chase, Gar, and Craig at his side. They all watched the emergency meeting of the U.N. 

The Secretary General spoke. “After reviewing all the evidence from the events in Pretoria last week, the United Nations has renounced BADGE authority across borders, remove all funding for the BADGE organization, and condemn the members of BADGE that attacked Pretoria, South Africa. The criminal who murdered the children and other occupants of the shuttle was killed by BADGE’s own operatives, leaving us a difficult position of placing blame. We have issued an order of apprehension for Director Nova, who must be held accountable for the actions of his people. We have also issued international warrants for known villains among the ranks of BADGE and have placed an order of restriction against any so-called heroes who work for the various Leagues associated with BADGE. Until such a time that BADGE answers for these crimes, it is disallowed from operating within the borders of any allied United Nations entity.”

Chase almost spoke when there was a strange interruption on screen. A delegate stood up with Prime Minister Shizue beside her. 

“Prime Minister, you have not been given the floor.”

Shizue said, “I don’t care. This body has no right to condemn without proper evidence. You have ignored the many instances of the heroes saving this world from minor crimes to global threats. The nation of North Onnotangu does not recognize the U.N.’s orders and will not continue to be part of the United Nations until this body agrees to hold proper hearings.” Without another word, Shizue stood and left. With her walked out several other representatives from other nations.

Gar said, “at least we have some allies.”

“She is a good ally,” Nova said. “Shizue knows better than anyone how dangerous politics can be when evil people manipulate populations.”

Chase whispered, "I just wish they knew that it was a friend who died, forced to work against his will."

Nova said, "we will remember Torrin and will not let those who did this to him go free."

Craig asked, “what happens now?”

Grandfather Time
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

December 31st, almost midnight:

Heroes rush in to the center of Neo Utopia’s town square. One old man, with a clever smile on his face, stands in the middle of the fray. Hero after hero attacks, but his ability to shift in time keeps them incapable of doing harm. More than once he blasted out a beam of strange looking clockfaces. Each time anyone encounters this beam, they are not harmed; they are turned into infants, naked and crying as they crawl out of the pile of costume that once fit them so snugly.

“Face it, heroes, I am beyond your powers. I am time itself!” Father Time taunts them.

Private Eye Peyton dashes into the square with a handful of heroes around him. Each has an odd fuzzy field of energy around them that makes them almost a blur. Father Time blasts them with his power, but it evaporates off the surface.

“What is this?” Father Time lost that confident grin.

Peyton skidded to a halt and took aim with his gun. “You aint the only guy in this city with time powers!” He shot, but Father Time shifted away.

“So I see. What do you think a small rag-tag group of heroes can hope to do against me? I am outside of time. Even with protection against my powers, they cannot hope to stop me.”

The heroes surrounded Father Time, keeping their distance. Peyton strolled up, still holding his old revolver. “Oh, we aren’t here to defeat you. That seems impossible. However... I used my power to help someone else.”

Father Time frowns. “Who?”

“Chase! Now!” Peyton called out.

Chase ran in, both her blades ready to strike. Father Time gained a strange look on his face at the sight of her. When she threw her blade, he shifted in time, but then everything slowed down. He saw all the heroes come to a standstill. The fires burning around him stop flickering, the babies stop crying.

“How is this happening?” He asks.

Chase comes right at him and nailed him in the face with a well-placed punch. “I can move time backward. With a little boost from Peyton, I can use my power to put myself in your past. You can’t shift while time is not moving for either of us.”

Father Time reached out to blast her with his power, but she moved out of the way and then grabbed the enormous clock he had hung around his neck. He fell over as she pulled it free of him.

“NO! MY POWER!” He cried out as she smashed the clock against the pavement.

Chase smiled, “now, it’s all over.”

Screaming people, blaring sirens, and flicker flames all returned to normal speed. Heroes moved again, babies crawled around. Then, those babies became adults. The various pockets of changed time reverted to modern time. The city returned to its modern appeal.

Peyton smiled, “looks like you did it!”

Chase nodded and then covered her eyes. All the heroes that had been babies were now naked adults. “Oh, that can’t be unseen.”

“Father Time, you’re under arrest.” Peyton aimed his gun at the old man.

Father Time smiled. “This is far from over.”

The world slowed down again and then began moving backward.

“Is this your doing?” Peyton asked Chase.


Then, as if someone had reset all reality, everything rushed backward in time. They moved quickly through the days that had transpired since this all started. Suddenly, Chase and Peyton were standing in the middle of the Conference Center with Nova on a stage speaking.

“And as we continue to further our political connections with national...Peyton, what are you doing here?”

Just then, Rutkowski and Steelfist came rushing into the room. Two BADGE security guards were hot on their trail.


Nova yelled, “arrest them!”

“Wait, I ain’t done nuthin wrong dis time! Hey get yer hands offa me before I…”

“Hold on! Wait!” Chase called out. “Rutkowski isn’t here to cause trouble.”

That put a stop to the fight. The security paused in their attempt to arrest the pair of gangsters and Nova was red in the face. “Chase, explain yourself!”

Chase looked at Peyton. “He shouldn't be here. Rutkowski said he only got in just before everyone was trapped in the advent calendar.”

“You’re right. Look!” Peyton picked up the large clock she had been holding. “Father Time’s clock.”

Santa came over, his eyes filled with awe. “Where did you get that?”

EB joined Santa, his eyes glistening with a touch of fear. “Oh no, not that thing. Who had it?”

Chase said, “this belongs...or belonged to Father Time.”

Rutkowski said, “that’s the mug I was here ta warn ya about. he’s on the loose!”

Peyton said to Chase, “I think we changed time.”

While Chaz Hamilton scribbled down all that was happening, Nova calmly, but firmly, asked, “Chase, what is going on?”

Chase said, “Peyton will have to explain this. He was there.”

“Peyton?” Nova was not happy with that notion, but he turned to the P.I. and asked, “care to explain?”

Peyton went through the entire story from where he and the others here had been trapped in an advent calendar box created by Santa to the fight with Father Time that ended moments before New Year’s Day.

“And Chase and me ended up right here, in the middle of this conference. I guess this is where it all started. This time, though, it seems that we changed time and things are working out differently.”

Nova turned to Santa. “What do you know?”

“Him?” Chase asked.

Nova answered, “He locked us all in an advent calendar to protect us, apparently, and he has some knowledge of this device.”

Santa walked over to the clock in Chase’s hands. “This is a very special, magical timepiece. I should know. I helped create it.”

“You created this?” Chase held it up.

Santa slowly nodded. “Early in the exile here on your world, my people came up with an idea. We could use our powers to alter time. It is a dangerous magic that is horribly risky. But we desperately wanted to mend our lost world, return it to its former glory. I designed this with some help of the others. It was decided that it would be too risky to try it on our world. Too much time had elapsed. Then, there was a disaster here on this world and we used time magic to fix it, but it went wrong and we needed this to help solve the mistakes. So, I built it and it is infused with a massive amount of time altering magic.”

“Why didn’t you destroy this thing? It is dangerous.” Nova asked.

EB explained, “Destroying it would be impossible. It is protected by time. It has a spirit of its own, a will to exist and work. When it encountered the soul of a man that had the aptitude for power in him, what you would call a morphonic affinity, it bonded with him. We have been fighting to keep it out of his hands for centuries. How he got it this time, I don’t know. With all that events around the war with Jinn, it is any wonder that stuff went missing.”

Peyton eyed Rutkowski. “maybe he had help stealing it.”

Rutkowski glared back at Peyton. “Look, gumshoe, I ain’t ever helping that geezer. He has tried to ice me for years. He wants to suck my power away, and yers. But, he ain’t nothing without his little watch. When I saw him with the clock, I knew it was trouble. I ain’t fight’n him with this thing in his hands, it’d be suicide. So, I ran to the only jerks I know who can try to stop him, BADGE. And you can call off yer goons, Nova. I’m on parole. I ain’t break’n any rules today.”

“See that you don’t. Now, get out of here and keep your nose clean.”

“Yeah, whatever. Come on, Steelfist, let’s go feed some pigeons or something.” Rutkowski walked out with his hulking goon on his tail.

“You want me to trail him?” Peyton asked.

Nova said, “do whatever you want. This conference is over. We are taking this clock back to the station and checking to see if there was any residual damage from the time shifts.”

EB hopped over and got near Chase with a big smile. “Looks like you get a second try at Christmas, and I just happen to have put up Mistletoe ALLLLL over the station.”

“I told you to take all that down.” Nova stated.

“And not put it to good use. No siree.”

Santa held onto the clock and joined the group returning to BADGE.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Two weeks pass normally. The world remains almost oblivious to the time warp that nearly destroyed the planet. Only a select few among BADGE know of the alternate timeline that was created by Father Times’ attack.

EB bounced around the Operations center with all the energy of a two-year-old toddler full of espresso.

“I love New Years! It’s a great holiday, dontcha think? People celebrating, kissing...I love the kissing....I got a kiss from Chase last night. It was great, GREAT, GREAT!” He bounced off of computer consoles, broke the head off of one of the working robots, and smashed a monitor screen.

“EB!” Nova bellowed.

“Sorry, I lost control. I didn’t mean to do that. I have been doing so much better lately. I haven’t broken anything in at least two weeks, unless you count that one door, and the window in the arboretum, and that computer tablet in the mess hall, and...”

Nova huffed and clicked his comm. “Maintenance, robot and computer repair needed in Operations.”


EB bounced in a circle around Nova.

Nova clicked his comm again, “Dr. Henderson, what’s the most potent sedative you have?”

“Bidenarline, though it often causes the user to mumble incoherently for a while after it wears off. Why?” she answered.

EB continued his circular bouncing. Nova muttered, “just checking. Nova out.”

Gar and Chase walked in. Gar beamed the same congenial smile he always had while Chase looked as tired as EB was energetic.

“I see you’re still hung over?” Nova said.

Chase shushed him with one finger. “I don’t normally drink like that. But, after all the crap that happened during the holiday season, I sorta let go. I think I got so wasted I kissed a rug...I woke up with fur on my lipstick.”

EB called out, “That’s rabbit fur, baby, and you LOVED it!”

“Oh, god. What did I do last night?”

Gar said, “you kissed EB for five whole minutes.”

EB hopped over to her, landing on a nearby computer station so he could be closer to her face. He winked and said, “and you loved every second of it.”

“You little rodent! Is that why you kept offering me those chocolate liquor filled eggs?”

“Don’t tell me you didn’t like em?” He smiled at her.

She glared at him. “if my head wasn’t pounding, I would pound you.”

He smiled even bigger. “sounds like a good time to me.”

“UGH! Gar, throw him out an airlock!” She stomped away.

Nova stopped this little conversation. “Enough. We all have work to do. At least, today should be a simple one. Chase, you can take the morning off. I don’t like my agents to be hung over while on duty. Gar can take your shift. EB, you can go help clean up the mess hall from the New Year’s party.”

“Hey, that’s robot stuff,” EB protested..

“That reminds me, don’t break anything while you’re down there.”

EB hopped away while muttering aloud, “fine way to treat a legendary figure. Make me pick up trash. Just because I was snogging the hottest girl on the station last night doesn’t mean I need to be punished, but no, I...” The elevator opened and Santa stood there.

“Oh, Easter Bunny, good morning.”

EB said, “Santa, whatcha doing up here?”

Santa walked into Operations. “I’m here about the clock.”

“Already?” EB asked. “I mean, I know we gotta get that thing secured, but it’s pretty safe up here.”

“You know as well as I how dangerous that thing is. Father Time got it once. If he gets it a second time, we could be in real danger.”

Nova spoke up, “I hate to interrupt this conversation in my operations center, but what is going on?”

Santa walked down the stairs to the main floor and spoke to Nova, “the clock, we need it returned to a secure location. I have spent the past two weeks bolstering the security around the holding place in the North Pole. This time, no one will get their hands on it.”

Nova said, “I would like to wait and see if fractures form this time. “

“Fractures?” Chase asked.

EB answered, “oh, there was this...”

“EB, enough.” Nova ordered.

“I was just gonna tell her...”

Santa said, “EB, we really should keep that to ourselves for now. Nova, I don’t believe we should be worried. I would much rather it be away from this station. It is too close to...uh...perhaps we should talk in your office about this.”

Nova looked at Chase and then back at Santa, “that would be wise.”

“Is there something you’re not telling me?” Chase asked.

Nova gave off a clever smile. “Of course, about many things. For now, just get the clock out of the secure vault and prepare for transport. Gar, EB, go with her and keep it safe.”

Santa quickly added, “Angela...sorry....Chase, whatever you do, do not use your powers on that clock.”

“Okay. I won’t. Come on Gar, let’s go.” She left with EB and Gar close behind her.


Two cargo boats left the dock on the river that ran beside Neo Utopia. Each was loaded down with empty containers being shipped out to sea.

“So, you ring in the new year?” Bill asked the dock agent as they watched the ships depart.

Greg, the agent, said, “like always, snoring my head off. I don’t have the luxury of staying up all night when I have to be up at four AM.”

“It was the same as last year, big colored ball drops, confetti all over Times Square, and then people sing an old song. I watched it, then went back to my poker game.”

Greg scribbled on a paper clipped to a board. “You got any plans for the next League Wars?”

“Yeah, the guys and I are getting a big watch party put together. My favorite League is gonna win this time. I just know it.”

“Sure they are. Like you said they would last time.” Greg laughed.

“I blame the rankings! Everything is all messed up. Now, this time, I’m sure the matches will be more even, and then you’ll see.”

Greg walked out as he said, “blame the rankings, blame the score board, blame the referees, but never blame the players. That’s a sports fan for ya.”

“Look, the referees last time were all blind. Did you see how....what the hell is that?” Bill stopped and stood back.

Greg looked up to see what appeared to be a large crack in the middle of the air. It was wide and had a strange energy coming out of the edges. Inside the crack was like looking back in time. They could see the river and land behind it, but the buildings were decades out of date. Suddenly, a great horn screamed as a ship came crashing through it. Parts of the vessel met the edges and were shorn off. The boat rocked forward and then a new siren blared a warning as it instantly sank. Soldiers dressed in WWII uniforms were diving off to avoid going down with the ship.

“Are you seeing this?” Bill asked.

Greg nodded and then realized the catastrophe in front of him. He dropped his clipboard and rushed back to an emergency phone. “EMERGENCY, WE HAVE A SINKING SHIP, I REPEAT, WE HAVE A SINKING SHIP!”

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Chase and Gar followed EB through the station to a set of elevators near the detention area. Each had to put in their own personal security code and then have their id checked by sensor. Once cleared, they were allowed in and zoomed down to a lower level deep in the bowels of the station.

The air hung thick in the dark corridor that lit up at their presence. Only one door was secured at the end, with yet another double security check system. After clearing their id’s a second time, they were allowed into the sparsely filled room. Pedestals were set around with items on them under heavy security glass, which was only one layer of the security for each item.

“I have not been down here before. What is this place?” Gar looked at a sword that had flames flickering up and down the blade.

EB hopped along. “Nova’s personal trophy room.”

“No, it’s not.” Chase stated. “These are special, powerful items that have been secured by BADGE over the years.”

EB said, “most of which were obtained by Nova during one of his many exploits. OOOH, looky, it’s the Star of Astoroth, now that’s a story I’d love to hear again. Hey, this is the Eye of the Storm, a ruby that once caused the biggest hurricane ever. Like, I...”

“We aren’t here to chat about all the other items. We need to move the clock.” Chase stopped at the large watch-like clock on a pedestal in the back."

Gar asked, “I thought the vaults with all the super secure stuff were at the old BADGE HQ in New York?”

Chase said, “most of the stuff is still down there. Nova wants to gradually bring it all up here. A lot less likely anyone will break into an orbiting space station. Even though the HQ security is incredibly firm I...” she touched the glass and all at once she was standing in the middle of Rome. It was on fire and there were giant cracks in the sky. The cracks each revealed a different sky than the real one. Suddenly, she was standing in a different place. Shadowy figures stood around a small crib. One had to be Santa, but she did not recognize the other. A voice said, “so, you named her Angela?”

“Chase!” Gar called out, and she found herself once again in the vault, with Gar holding her arm. She had been yanked away from the case.

“What just happened?” She asked.

EB frowned. “You just stopped talking and then stood still.”

“I was standing in Rome, and it was on fire. The sky was strange, like it was made of glass and someone had broken it. Then I saw...I don’t know what I saw, something about my past, I think?”

Gar asked, “did you see the future? Is Rome in danger?”

“I can’t see the future, only the past.”

EB casually said, “no one can see the future. What she described was the time when we broke Rome. Well, we didn’t really mean to. It was Jinn. He fought us and there was a big time reversal we had to use, and that caused time to fracture. I was a scary time, like so scary I thought we were all gonna die.”

Chase said, “wait, you told me this story before. Jinn tried to take over the world centuries ago, but you guys had to stop him. He had wrecked most of Europe in the process, so the Mythics all used a special power to reverse time back enough to undo the damage.”

“Glad you were listening.” EB smiled.

Gar said, “Chase told me that story. But she forgot the breaking sky part.”

“I didn’t tell you that because EB didn’t say the sky broke.”

EB shrugged, “it was after all that happened. And it was kinda too scary. Besides, we got it fixed. The clock saved us.”

“The clock?” Chase asked.

EB looked back and pondered this for a moment. “I suppose Santa won’t mind me telling you this much. Besides, I like story-time with you. Can I sit in your lap when I tell it?”

Chase said, “no. Just tell me about this clock.”

EB pouted for a second, but continued anyway. “Fine. Well, time magic is very, very dangerous. Like SUPER dangerous. No one of my kind has the power to truly mess with time. Humans that have time based morphon powers are limited to small shifts, or local stuff. The big stuff, like reversing all time, is too much for anyone to handle.”

Gar said, “but that Father Time guy was doing it?”

“Don’t interrupt.” EB said. “Like I said, it isn’t for any one Mythic. However, after Jinn totally messed up half of your world, we had to do something. We couldn’t allow anyone of our kind to do this much damage. It would have taken years and years for your people to fix it all. So, it was decided that we would culminate our powers and reverse time just enough to reset the world to just before Jinn messed it up. It worked and everything seemed hunky dory. But then time fractured. Those fractures turned into more fractures. Time was overlapping in places and stopping in others. It was bad. There were like dinosaurs walking around Egypt, and some Roman soldiers trying to take over Beijing. This one guy was sailing and went right through a fracture and ended up crashing into himself as a boy and that was a big time explosion. It was worse than the time I hid all the eggs two days early. I know, it was a mistake, but I had so much on my mind that year, and then the chocolate companies were behind on stock, and...” he could see the looks on their faces. “Sorry, rambling. Anyway, Lord Jade had a good idea. We craft an object that would be just outside of normal time and use it as an anchor for time. That’s when we created the clock. Santa made it, he’s really good with the metal smithing and jewelry making. The rest of us pooled our magic and created a spell that fixed time.”

Chase frowned, “so, this clock keeps our time from falling apart?”

EB laughed, “oh, no, no, not like that. Once we had finally fixed time, this clock was no longer needed. We just needed something that was outside of the fracturing time. However, the clock is still extremely powerful and holds a great deal of time altering magic, which is how Father Time used it.”

Chase said, “I didn’t know about that. But...”

“But, what?” EB asked.

“I saw something else. I saw...my past, I think. Santa was talking about me with someone. I don’t want to believe it, but I think the voice I heard was Father Time. Do you know what that means?”

EB became nervous. “I...uh...well...I can’t say.”

“But, I can.” Santa replied, walking into the vault with Nova behind him.

“Father? What did I see?” Chase asked.

Nova said, “Santa, are you sure about this?”

“Yes. She deserves to know. Chase, my dear, Father Time....is your grandfather.”

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

Chase was taken aback so much that she nearly fell into Gar. He held her up and made sure she wasn’t too close to the clock.


Santa said, “the night we found you, after that fire broke out, I wasn’t aware that the fire was started by a scientist who was experimenting with dangerous items. He was possibly the most brilliant human alive for his time. However, his work was too dangerous, and he nearly got himself killed. He was selfish, cruel, and dangerous. But, he was also a conduit.”

“Conduit?” Gar asked.

EB said, “he could use morphons, something a few of the humans have, like Chase.”

Nova said, “in my personal work, before the outbreak of the morphons, I tracked all the conduit humans I could find. They had in them the ability to go beyond normal human capacity. Most never realized it, but a few did. Da Vinci, Copernicus, Newton, Curie, many turned out to be brilliant men and woman who advanced science and knowledge. However, a few used their talents for evil, which is why I kept tabs on them.”

Santa walked over and held Chase’s hands. “Just after we found you, your Uncle Krampus searched for any relatives. He wanted to send you back to the humans. The only relative we found was your grandfather. His heart was wicked. He wanted to find a way to live eternally. When he saw you, he said he had no use for a child. I never wanted you to feel abandoned by your only living relative, so I never told you about him. If he had ever reconsidered, I would have allowed him to be a part of your life. But he was altogether evil. I’m so sorry for not telling you this before.”

Chase smiled at him. “father, you protected me all my life, and that meant keeping me from a man who would likely have rather left me for dead. I forgive you.”

Gar asked, “so, this Father Time is three hundred years old?”

“Not exactly,” Nova said. “The man who became Father Time discovered a way to save his mind and transfer it into the body of others. Chase’s real grandfather died centuries ago, but his mind lives as it jumps from body to body when his current body nears death.”

Santa added, “Father Time fooled me. His experiments weren’t just about his living longer, they were about time itself. Somehow, he has worked for centuries on a way to get to the clock, which he did recently. His obsession with living eternally has driven him to want time compression, so no one ages ever again. He is a dangerous madman.”

“Why tell me this now? It seemed like you and EB wanted to keep this secret from me just moments before we came down here.”

Santa looked at EB and then back at Chase. “We have a problem.”

Nova waved his hand. “Come with me.”

Everyone left the secured vault and walked back through the station. At each checkpoint, they had to reaffirm their identities and be scanned for any stolen goods. Finally, they stepped out into the arboretum. Students and faculty alike were pressing their faces up against the large windows overlooking Earth.

Chase paused and gasped. Large gaps were forming in the atmosphere, with crackling lightning spreading between them. Looking through each gap revealed a different time for Earth. Some were showing darkness of night, others had wild hurricanes, still others revealed a wasteland of volcanoes.

“Are these fractures in time?”

Nova slowly nodded, “yes, and they are getting worse.”

Santa said, “this is far more broken than before. Before, we merely moved time in one direction last time. Father Time’s attempt at compression moved time erratically. I feared it was too great a strain on the temporal balance, and I was right to be worried.”

“We must use the clock and fix this!” Chase said.

Nova looked at her, “you are correct, we must use the clock to fix this. But...we are going to need Father Time’s help.”


Santa said, “he has inherent attunement to temporal flux. He can control time better than any one Mythic. Last time we had many of my kind working together to fix this, this time it is only EB and myself. We aren’t strong enough. We will need help.”

Chase asked, “how do we find him? He vanished after the battle in Neo Utopia.”

“That is why we had to tell you the truth. We are going to need you to bring him here.”

“Like I know where he is.” Chase retorted.

“No, you don’t need to know. You only need to call him.” Nova said.


Santa turned to her and took her hand. “What little is truly left of your grandfather still resonates with the same power that is in you. You have temporal powers, which you inherited from him. By touching the clock and calling out to him, he will hear you across space and time itself. We must put our hope in his willingness to respond.”

“Sounds like a pretty big risk.” Chase said.

Nova gestured to the world below. “If we don’t risk this, then we will lose everything.”

Chase let out a hard sigh. “I’ll do it.”

Nova and Robot 10915 stood in the middle of an empty League Wars Arena field. As they walked along, 10915 would click a remote and the large light fixtures would lift off from their nested positions and hover in the air, coming to life.

“I want all the cameras to be completely inactive.”

10915 answered, “visual recording devices are offline while not in use for League War events.”

“I know. I just want you to double check. The last thing we need is for the media to see us working with a villain.”

“Understood.” 10915 walked away to check on the media controls.

EB came out and hopped alongside Nova. “I don’t like this. I don’t like it at all. Working with a villain is bad enough, but you are handing him a powerful tool that he has already used. In fact, he used this to cause the problem that we are asking him to fix. Didja think about that? I mean, that’d be like finding Jinn and asking him to take over the world again. We are gonna really be sorry if he messes this up. I know it’s bad, but is it really this bad? Could we do something else, I dunno, like combining other heroes’ powers together and seeing if they could do something? There are heroes with time powers that might be able to do this. There is a guy that can bend time and this one babe who can freeze time in a bubble. She is totally hot, but froze me for like two days in a bubble when I just offered her an egg. Well, I did try to tuck it into her cleavage and she didn’t like that, but it was a good and wide hiding spot, right there. Who can blame me? She is so...”

“EB!” Nova finally barked at the rambling rabbit.

“Sorry. I’m just a little nervous. I don’t even remember the fight with Father Time, and I know it was bad news.”

“You’ll get over it.”

A bright blue flash startled them and Strange Quark stood there with Rutkowski and Peyton on either side of him. Both looked about ready to punch the other. “I rounded them up.”

Peyton started to say something, but Rutkowski interrupted him. “Look here, Nova, I aint one of yer stooges. Yous can’t just come and call me up fer duty.”

“What is HE doing here?” EB blurted out.

“Look here, furball, I aint here on my own free will, got it.” Rutkowski replied.

Peyton said, “I know you have your reasons, but trusting Rutkowski is not something you should consider.”

Before Rutkowski could hurl insults at Peyton, Nova said, “Enough. Peyton, Rutkowski, you have been briefed on this situation.”

“Yes, sir.” Peyton answered.

Rutkowski sneered, “I got da message. But I still don’t like work’n fer ya.”

“You aren’t working for me. You are helping protect the planet. If this goes smoothly, you won’t have to do anything.”

Rutkowski leaned in, “so, if I ain’t got ta do anything, do I still get some time shaved offa my community service shtick?”

“Yes. Now, Quark, you know the placements. Get them where they need to be and you two be ready to react if the time calls for it.”

“Ya, ya, I know what I’s gotta do.” Rutkowski followed Quark with Peyton beside him, both ready to punch the other in the eye.

Chase walked out with Santa near her. He carried the clock.

Nova met her. “Are you ready for this?”

“Not exactly the family reunion I expected, but then I guess I’ve gotten used to that.”

Santa held up the clock. “Let Nova and me get into position, and then you do what you have to do.”

“Yes, father. Good luck.”

“I hope we don’t need it.” Santa walked away with Nova.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

The League Wars Orbital Arena was active with the lights aglow, but there were no spectators or hovering holo screens. A few people dotted the perimeter of the field while Chase stood in the center, holding a large watch in her hands.

From here, the large fractures in time could be seen all over the earth. The chaos was unimaginable, time was imploding with no sense of past or present anywhere. The rifts would soon expand beyond Earth and the station would be overtaken by them.

Chase wasn’t thinking about time breaking or the danger to the world. She was thinking about the next person she would speak to. It was possible he wouldn’t answer their call, and that could spell doom for the world. Yet, she felt a tight knot in her stomach at the thought of meeting her grandfather.

Holding up the clock, she did as her father, Santa, told her and used her power. She moved with it backward in time through its existence. She slowed the process down when she arrived at the last time it was in the hands of Father Time. Normally, she could only observe the past through this process, but by the power of this clock, she could interact, but only with those who had the power to hear her.

“Father Time, we need your help. Time is breaking and will soon cause a catastrophic destruction that will consume the entire solar system. You have the power to control this device and, with it, undo the damage to time. Follow this time stream back to the present and meet me in the Orbital...”

“Angela, I am here.” His old voice surprised her.

She let go of her power and found Father Time standing in front of her in the middle of the field. The other people around her were equally shocked at the sudden appearance of this foe. “Father Time, where did you come from?”

He smiled with his aged face. “Time moves instantaneously. I heard you and I came. I wondered if BADGE would ask for my help. Time is splintering so terribly.”

Chase gulped back the tightness in her throat and focused herself. “You caused this problem. You need to help fix it.”

“I did not cause this. The sudden cessation of my time compression caused time to fracture. If I had been allowed to complete my goal, then this would not have happened.”

Chase said, “no one could live in such a world. Time must move.”

“I see you have been led to the same lies as your adopted father and all the others. Fools. My goals are for the good of all, yet no one can see it.”

“Please, we don’t have time for this. Will you help?” She held up the clock.

Father Time smiled and looked at her. “You are a beautiful woman. I am proud to be your grandfather. It is a shame that you had to be taken from me. I could have made you immortal, just like me.”

“I don’t want your immortality, stealing lives of other simply to live as a parasite.”

He laughed, “parasite. I take only the bodies of those near their own end. With my power, I can live in this old body for decades, when the original owner had mere days.”

“You aren’t doing them any favors.” Chase spat out.

He shook his head, “how you fail to understand me. Oh, well. I suppose that is my fault. I should have taken you three centuries ago and not let you be raised by hopeless fools.” He reached out, “I will take the clock and fix time.”

Chase hesitated to give him the clock.

Nova called out, “Give it to him, Chase. It’s our only hope.”

“Yes, Angela, I am your only hope.”

She thrust it into his hands. “don’t call me Angela. My name is Chase for you. Get this over with.” She stepped back and crossed her arms.

He caressed the clock and smiled. “I see Santa has unsealed its powers for me. How nice. I will need this level of control to accomplish what is needed. Ah, the feel of pure time power, how wonderful. Yes, this will suffice.” He produced a strange wooden staff in the air and attached the clock to the end.

Santa called out, “what is that?”

“Just a tool. Don’t get your beard in a twist. Now, watch a master of time work.” He held up the clock and his body crackled with energy. All at once, the energy filled the clock and a powerful wave exploded out of it. It rang like a perfectly tuned gong. It rang again, and then again, each time the sound and vibrations growing with intensity.

Everyone watched with bated breath at the fractures in time. The holes slowly sealed themselves. One by one, they closed. Where people and objects had emerged from them, the items out of time vanished as their fracture closed. Soon, the world had no more fractures, and all was back to normal.

With the last gonging sound, Father Time lowered the staff with the clock on the end. He beamed with pride at his work.

“There, all repaired, and with time to spare...if you don’t mind the pun.”

Chase held out her hand. “Thank you. Now, return the clock.”

He lowered the staff and pet the clock for a moment. “It is such a shame to hand this over to people who don’t respect the incredible power that is time itself.”

“Now!” she insisted.

Father Time smiled, “to think, with this I now have the power to compress time and achieve my centuries-old dream. I would be the savior of all humanity. The end of death and suffering.”

Chase produced a blade with her free hand. “Give it back, now.”

“I don’t think so.” He held it up and another gong sound came and she was thrown aside by the power. “Time is at my mercy!” He stabbed the staff against the ground and a brilliant light shone from the clock.

“PLAN B!” Nova called out.

Santa, EB, Nova, Rutkowski, and Peyton all held out their hands. A barrier formed around the field. The power emanating from Father Time met this barrier and stopped.

“Clever, Nova, as always. Your collective time powers can stall me, but you cannot fight me and keep it active.” He held the staff higher and the power from it grew. The barrier rippled hard while those crafting it strained to keep it active.

Chase threw her blade, but Father Time simply avoided it by shifting in time. She clicked her comm. “Gar, Plan B!”

Gar, in the Operations center on the station, pressed the all-call button on the computer station.

“Heroes, Father Time has betrayed us. Get to the League Wars Arena! All heroes! FIGHT!”

Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

 Heroes rushed to the League Wars Orbital Arena after Gar’s call. The place where they often competed against one another became a unified battlefield against a single foe. Quickly, Father Time realized he was overwhelmed and used his unique talents to split himself into two beings to face off against the enemy on two fronts.

Father Time used his newly crafted clock-staff to blast out waves of temporal energy. Fleagle rushed across the field, heading directly for Father Time when one of those blasts hit and he was encapsulated in a bubble of frozen time, leaving him mid-jump at his enemy. Two more heroes tried a sneak attack and were turned into babies for the effort.


Doug grabbed one baby and dodged a blast of energy. Sliding to Astra’s side, both were now in custody of screaming, naked infants that were heroes moments ago. Doug said, “how can we fight him?”

“Dunno. Just don’t get hit!” Astra shoved him aside, and both barely missed being frozen in time.

“OVER HERE!” Aflima rushed by, also holding a baby.

Astra asked, “who...”

“It’s Rosa, just move!” Aflima ran straight at Nova.

Doug zig-zagged slightly as he ran behind them. “Hope you gotta plan!”

“First, don’t get turned into an infant. Second, get them with the others!” Aflima was shoved right into Astra and both were hit by Doug when he crashed into them.

Crossroads jumped back, having pushed them out of the line of fire for a time blast. “Careful you three...uh....six...oh, crud, more babies!”

Astra was quick to stand and pulled Doug up with one arm. “Yes.”

“This is bad.” Crossroads said. “We can’t hit him, we can’t fight him, and before long, BADGE is going to be nothing but a daycare.”

Krystal Fae ran as best as she could in her condition and used her own power to deflect a time blast. “Get them behind the time line. NOW!” She swung her hands in the air and another blast was deflected.

“The...what?” Astra asked.

“Over there!” Aflima pointed at Nova.

Without further questions, all three, each carrying a baby still, ran hard. Soon, they got to Nova. He had his hands up and a strange energy came from them.

“Nova? What...WATCH OUT!” Doug flinched as a time blast came right at them. Just as it met Nova, a barrier of energy crackled and the blast was dissipated.

“What is this?” Astra asked.

Nova, straining to hold his stance, said, “those of us with time powers are creating a barrier to keep Father Time restrained. He can’t leave this place while we are holding him captive, but we can’t do this forever.”

Aflima set the infant down among a gathering of other crying babies. “Look at how many are here.”

“And there are more.” Crossroads said, pointing out to the new crop of infants.

“This is insanity. We fought Jinn, and it wasn’t this...impossible.” Doug said.

Nova made a strange grunting noise and then said, “we won’t be able to hold this line forever. If we drop it, he’ll get out of here in a fraction of a second.”

“I don’t know what to do. All the heroes with time powers are making up this line.” Crossroads said.

“What is she doing?” Astra pointed out at Chase, who was running head-long at the nearest incarnation of Father Time.

Nova grunted again. “I don’t know, but she must have a plan. All of you, go save babies before something happens to them.”

“On it.” Aflima tightened her gloves and lead the charge back out into the fray.

Chase dashed across the field, jumping over infants, side stepping frozen heroes, and dodging more than one time blast from her own grandfather.

“Crap, he’s onto me.” Chase muttered as she saw Father Time change his time-shifting moves and now had his eyes set on her. There was a toying smile on his face as though he was eager for her to try something.

She threw her blades, but he was quick to shift away from her throws. Her blades were magical and could re-materialize in her hands, but they took longer than she needed, considering how fast he was.

A blast hit her and she found herself frozen in time. Yet, it was as though she were inside a pocket of thick air with a light fog around her. The people outside were moving so fast, but then she could see the others frozen in time that were still stopped. Why could she tell the difference? She moved her hand, and it slid through this.

“Time must work different for me, or it’s because we are family.” She said, which echoed oddly around this pocket of space.

Pushing her way through this, she dropped out of the pocket and was back in normal time. There was a look of genuine shock and some fear in the eyes of her grandfather.

“Not this time, Grampa!” she yelled and made another dash for him, far more confident for her safety now.

“I have more than one trick, little girl.” Suddenly, two father times were in front of her. The other that had been battling on the other side of the arena showed up.

Half a dozen blasts of energy came after the second figure and he was forced to shift away.

Furious Squirrel yelled as he used two steampunk blasters to shoot. “WHATEVER YOU’RE TRYING TO DO, DO IT!”

Chase had her opening. She threw her blades and between her and Furious, the duo Father Times were kept off guard. Soon a dozen more remaining heroes went after the second Father Time and he was pushed back further and further.

Sliding across the field like a baseball player stealing second, Chase dodged one last blast and reached her target. Before he could shift away, she put her hand on his staff. He shifted, but took her with him. Both vanished and reappeared seven times before he realized he couldn’t shake her.

“Let go!” He tried yanking his staff from her hand.

She pulled back and punched him right in the face. “Not a chance.”

Father Time let go of his staff and fell down. His doppelgänger vanished instantly as he lost control of the supreme power of the clock.

Chase, holding his staff, said, “looks like you’re pretty weak without this.”

“Don’t underestimate me.” He vanished away. There came a great wave of energy across the barrier, still being produced by the time heroes around the perimeter. Father Time reappeared and rolled across the ground. When he came to a stop, he coughed hard and looked at Nova. “Fools, you can’t trap time!”

“Looks like they can.” Chase reached up to rip the clock free from his staff.

“NO! YOU CAN’T! IT’S TOO DANGEROUS.” Father Time cried.

Chase plucked the clock free, and she was instantly overwhelmed by a peculiar power. Everything around her froze in time. This differed from before. She wasn’t stuck, everything else was simply stopped. Holding the clock, she could feel time. She was certain she could move it like one might move leaves on the surface of a pond. It was an awesome, terrifying feeling.

Looking at the gathered babies off to the side, she waved her hand and they were all transformed back into adults. Then the bubbles of frozen time trapping heroes were dissolved away, freeing the heroes inside.

Holding the clock, she focused her mind on it and slowly severed it from the flow of time. Once again, it would be returned to just being a powerful relic.

Without even trying, her own powers activated, and she was exposed to raw time. She looked up and saw a handsome man standing on the other BADGE station, wearing what looked like an ancient Greek outfit. Nova said to him, “I now know the truth thanks to you, you have earned my trust.” Then she saw a man hovering over a burning city, dressed in an ominous gray super suit, his skin colorless, his eyes glowing, and the bodies of heroes littering the ground amongst the fire.

She was thrust out of that and back into normal time. Santa had the clock in his hands now. “Angela, are you okay?”

“I don’t know. I just had the strangest experience while holding that.”

“The clock is extremely powerful. You’re not accustomed to it. It can do odd things to the mind. You need rest and you’ll feel better.”

Chase held her head. “Rest would be nice. We can take my grandfather...where is he?”

Nova came up. “The moment we broke the barrier, he shifted away.”

Santa smiled. “He’s weak and injured after all this. I doubt we’ll see him for a long time...no pun intended.”

Chase saw the heroes around helping each other, most gathering clothing to return to the naked heroes that had been babies. Rutkowski and Peyton were arguing as they headed for the nearest shuttle. EB hopped around, giving heroes chocolate eggs.

Nova gestured toward the landing bay. “Let’s get back to the station and get the clock to a secure location.”

“Sounds like a fine plan.” Santa followed them out of the Arena.

The Gathering Storm
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

 With a good grip on the bar, Bill lifted it from the rack on the bench. His body beaded with sweat, his feet firmly planted, his back arched, he grunted and shoved the weights up. After ten repetitions, he replaced the bar.

Gerald came over and looked down at Bill’s reddened face. “Boy, that was some lifting. 1,200 pounds.”

Bill pulled himself up and dabbed his face with the towel. “Been getting stronger for some time. Real strong. Don’t know how far I’ll take it.”

Gerald gave Bill an inquisitive look and then waved at him. “Come with me.”

The aged Fight Club director snaked his way through all the men and women working out in the main part of the gym. They came to a door where Gerald had to swipe a card to unlock it. The moment they stepped into this room, a body slammed against a nearby wall.

“GOTCHA!” a woman bellowed.

People in colorful spandex applauded around the room as the man picked himself up off the floor. “Good shot, Stella. Wanna try that again?” The man brushed debris from the seat of his outfit.

Gerald interrupted this. “Wait a moment, I found another potential.”

All the people in the room took an interest in Bill. The fading red on his cheeks returned as he found all the eyes on him. “Hi.”

Stella came over to Gerald. “you sure?”

“He just bench pressed 1,200 pounds and wants to do more. Nuff said?”


Bill asked, “are you guys superheroes?”

As the other heroes nodded, Stella answered, “yup. This is the reason these gyms are called Fight Clubs. We train and practice our enhanced skills back here and then test each other in combat.”

“Cool. Can I watch a match?” Bill asked.

“Nope. Not unless you pass. Only supers are allowed.”

“How can I tell if I’m a super?”

Gerald came back with a small controller in his hand. “That’s my job. Everyone, stand back, don’t interfere with the scanner.” The other heroes all took steps back, standing against the walls. Gerald pointed to the middle of the room. “You, go stand there.”

Bill waited where he had been directed. The room darkened and a blue light filled the area. Everyone had a strange light glowing from them except Gerald. Bill suddenly realized he too had that light glowing on his skin.

“What’s this?”

Stella answered, “that would be morphonic energy. You’re a super.”

Gerald turned the scanner off, and the room returned to normal. “Yup, but a weak one right now.”

“What do you mean I’m weak?” Bill took umbrage at that description.

Gerald put the scanner away. “Now, don’t get your tights in a twist. I mean that your morhponic energy is lower than standard. You can still train up and become a super if you wish, but take some time and train here. Then, you can decide. It ain’t an easy life, kid.”

“Oh, okay. Do you mind if I think it over?”

“Take your time. Just be careful with your training. Heroes train in here because this equipment and their partners can handle stronger people.”

“I’ll just go clean up my bench and think.” Bill left the room to get his towels and cell phone.

Leaving the special room he glimpsed a person heading out the front door with his phone. “Hey!”

Running into the street, two men in black uniforms met him. They pressed something into his neck and the world went blurry.


Dozens of men and women sat in rows around a circular amphitheater. Small lights illuminated each so they could see whatever paperwork was in front of them. A beam of light bathed the podium at the center of the room where Director Nova stood. All the others were sitting in the shadows it cast. Behind the podium was a massive screen displaying the image of soldiers being held captive.

Director Nova faced the gathered people. “These are the surviving members of the World Corps guards sent to bolster the BADGE station security. Every single World Corps guard turned on us and attacked, injuring and killing many BADGE agents in the process. They also kidnapped not only one of our closest advisors, but the person we were trying to protect.”

A woman with a small flag on her stand for the nation of Italy asked, “What are you saying, Director? We ordered this attack?”

The representative from Canada added, “that would be difficult to believe. The Word Corps is anything but a military.”

Nova waited quietly for them to stop interrupting his opportunity to answer. Finally, the room was silent. “I’m only informing you of the facts. I’m here to find answers. If one or two soldiers had acted on their own, then I would be inclined to believe they were spies for yet another organization. However, the entire security force acted as one. Each one checks out, they are members of the Word Corps security forces.”

This drew a considerable amount of murmuring from the people. Several yelled out questions or comments, but their mics had not been activated. Nova refrained from responding to any of them.

Suddenly, a sharp sound of heels against the floor approached. A wave of silence befell the room as each person realized who was approaching. A woman stepped out of the shadows near the base of the conical shaped amphitheater. She was short, skinny, and had a tightly pulled hairstyle. Her face was ridged and severe, her makeup only enhancing the severity. Her dark purple pencil skirt suit blended well with the shadows until she was nearly into the direct light.

“Nova, this story of yours is… hard to believe.”

Nova gave her a single raised eyebrow. “And just who are you and who do you represent?”

She stepped up to the same level as the director, her back to the room, her eyes glaring up at him. Yet, there was still that thin, self-confident smile on her lips. “I am Judge Alpha, leader of the Word Corps.”

“Why haven’t I heard of you?” Nova asked.

She laughed, “amusing, you truly think yourself so powerful, so above us mere mortals that you know everything. The World Corps is a representative organization, dedicated to democratic ideology to further peace on Earth. As the leader of this organization, it is my duty to stand back and let it operate until my voice is absolutely needed. And, my dear Nova, it is needed when someone comes with false claims about our actions.”

“False!? I spent days in the infirmary after nearly being killed by your guards. My station was nearly destroyed. I have two missing...no, strike that, I have seven missing people. What more evidence do you need?”

She was just as calm and collected as him. “What I need, Nova, are my soldiers back. I want to hear from them what happened. We all know BADGE enjoys its autonomy. That autonomy has left you with the idea that your word never requires scrutiny. You come here, accuse this body of authorizing an attack on your station, and then expect us to just accept that. My dear Nova, that is not how it works.”

“We will return your security team when we are done questioning them.” Nova stated.

“You will return them at once, or we will revoke BADGE’s autonomy and have the UN and other nations recall all their support.”

“You can’t do that.” Nova stated.

She came dangerously close to him. “Try me.”

“I still have missing people. A member of my chief staff has been taken and we cannot…”

“That is your problem. And I wish you the best of luck. However, you will return our soldiers and let us deal with them. If we find they were part of some scheme, we will do what we can to fix the situation.”

Nova spent a moment in silence, considering his actions. He finally said, “Fine. We will return them after…”

“If they are not planetside, in our custody, in twenty-four hours, then we will act accordingly. And, that means returning any of the bodies as well.”

Nova picked up his tablet, shutting off the image on the large screen. “It seems I have little choice.”

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

 Nova walked across an artificial island in the middle of the ocean. It was massive, with a pyramid shaped building in the center. Small parks were on each side, with landing platforms stuck out over the water. The entire island sat on a metal base that had pillars going deep into the waters. Flags from almost every nation on Earth flew around the main building.

With a heavy sigh, Nova sat down on a bench near a glistening clear pond that had lilies planted around it. A single blue duck bobbed in the tiny waves.

Flicking open the comm device on his wrist, Nova said, “Shuttle five, you can return and pick me up.”


The duck waded toward him. “This place sucks. The water smells like chlorine and the lilies are all plastic.”

Nova laughed, “this whole place is like that, fake.”

The duck flashed and became Quark, who stood knee deep in the pond. “So, how’d it go in there?”

“Bad. I don’t like this new organization. There is something about them that simply doesn’t feel right. But, I can’t put my finger on it.”

“What did they have to say about their men attacking the station?”

“Not much. They seemed genuinely surprised by what I had to say, but then didn’t want to believe me. That’s when their head judge showed up and she is a real piece of work.”

“Oh? Is she cute?”

Nova gave Quark a snarly glance. “Hardly. She is arrogant, pushy, and obviously doesn’t like BADGE. She accused me of lying about the whole situation.”

“What? How?”

“Just like a good politician, with dismissive words and double talk. She didn’t come right out and say we were lying or staged the event, but she might as well have. I doubt we’re going to get much help from them. And, now, we have to return their men.”

“Like hell! Those guys are in for some serious questioning.”

Nova said, “I’m angry too. But, if we don’t play their game for now, they could cause us trouble. The last thing we need is diplomatic troubles in the middle of this investigation.” Nova hit his fist against the bench, “if we only had something to go on! More information.”

“I know.” Quark sat next to him. “It’s been three months and no one can find any of the avatars or EB. Those mercenaries have all vanished, and Arx knows nothing of value. Trust me, I’ve probed that doofuses mind like a hundred times. What isn’t empty space is filled with popcorn. Whoever did this to him, kept their secrets well hidden.”

Nova nodded. “Arx was a guinea pig. They promised him glory. In exchange, he let them experiment on him. I’ve seen this kind of crap go down a dozen times. The moment they got the info they needed, their promises dry up and their guinea pig was abandoned.”

Quark said, “I just want to know how they can be powerful enough to keep someone like EB hostage. That little guy is seriously strong. He’s a Mythic.”

Nova stood when the shuttle appeared over the island. “They are able to hide from the dozens of heroes searching for them using powers of all kinds. This has given them the one thing that is the most dangerous for a villain to have...time. The longer they work on their plans, the more likely they are to succeed.”

Nova and Quark boarded the shuttle.

“Why did they make you send our shuttle away?”

Nova let out a snarky sigh, “only World Corps ships may land or dock on their private little island. I think they just wanted to make it harder for us since they don’t like us.”

“Well, I’m learning I don’t like them right back.” Quark clicked his belt.

Nova sat down and waved at the robot, “get us back to the station.”


Quark asked, “where are Chase and Gar?”

“They should be back from Neo Utopia now that the situation there is cleaned up. They’ll meet us at the station.”

Quark said, “we will make new plans and figure this out.”

“We have to. This dark organization has remained ahead of us for too long. I want them brought down, I want… our people back.” He seemed to be covering his real thoughts.

Quark smiled at him. “Admit it, you miss EB.”

“I don’t like leaving anyone behind.”

“EB is your longest, closest friend.”

Nova huffed, “he is an annoying, energetic, annoying…”

“You said that twice.”

“I meant to. EB is one of the oldest friends I have ever had. He bothers the hell out of me most days, but I appreciate him. I honestly never thought he could be caught by a human or hero. He is fast and powerful. It scares me that this group of people have the technology to capture him and hold him hostage. And, I’ll admit that I owe him many times over for saving me, BADGE, our heroes, the world, and so much more. He must be so scared right now.”

Quark said, “careful, Nova, that almost sounded sincere.”

“It was. I will deny it the moment I see that bunny, but he is my friend and I know he actually cares about me. Which isn’t the easiest thing to do. I won’t let him be hurt by these people.”

“With any luck, he is talking their ear off so badly that they will throw him out just to get him to shut up.”


A teenager ran across an open field near Enid, Oklahoma. He skidded to a stop and then bent his knees and jumped five miles in one bound. His hands were aglow with light and his long, dark hair flew

around in the wind. He landed in a cloud of dust next to a small row of homes surrounded by open plains.

“HEY, GUYS! CHECK IT OUT!” He was waving a paper wildly.

Several people came out of the homes, all covered in oil stains.

“What’s all the yell’n, Dakota?” An older guy asked. "What're you wearing? Is that a swimsuit?"

Dakota showed off his skin-tight outfit. "This is my supersuit."


Dakota shoved the paper toward the man. “I got this today. It’s official!”

The man took the paper and read it aloud to the others. “Dear Dakota Brown, BADGE has reviewed your recent morphonic energy scans and has cleared you for a two semester education on the BADGE space station. Please, report to the local Fight Club in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to register with a BADGE official for transportation. Signed, BADGE Corps Recruit Center.”

A different man asked, “what’s this bout? I thought they required heroes to be educated up there or something like that? This sounds like you applied.”

Dakota snatched his coveted letter and smiled at it. “Only the real powerful ones are required to be assessed in the BADGE training program. People like me, with low levels of the Morphonic Power, must apply. Some don’t make it, but I did. In a year I’ll be in a League, might even be competing in League Wars!”

A younger man pushed his way to the front. “Oooh, can ya get me that Chase’s autograph?”

A different man said, “to hell with her autograph. Can ya get me her number?”

A woman in overalls shoved a man aside and said, “ferget that Chase chick. I wanna meet that Gargoyle feller. I’d like to polish his boulders if ya know what I mean?” Everyone gave off a round of lewd laughter.

Dakota remained serious. “I will be call’n it quits, boss. No more oilfields for me. I’m heading into town to buy some new clothes and get my stuff in order to leave.”

The boss took Dakota around the shoulders. “How bout we buy you a round to celebrate. Yer gonna make one hell of a hero, kid.”

Dakota left his crew of oilfield workers and made yet another giant leap toward town. He landed in an open parking lot. He folded the letter up, tucked it away in his overalls, and strutted into town, feeling about twenty feet tall.

“Dakota Brown?” A man in a dark suit asked.

“Who’s ask’n?”

The man smiled, “I’m with BADGE.”

“Oh, really. I was expect’n ta head over to the Fight Club and register.”

“No need. Come with me.” The man escorted him around a building and toward a car in the back.

Sliding into a seat he frowned at the men dressed in dark combat uniforms. “What’s going on?”

Before he could get an answer, they pressed something into his neck, and he passed out.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Nova and Quark stepped out into the Operations center. Chase and Gar stood down front, observing the large map.

“Anything to report?” Nova asked, which was his way of greeting them.

Gar turned and rolled his shoulders, “I’m getting movement back in my body.”


Chase walked over to Nova. “I see you aren’t in a cast any longer. All healed up?”

“Almost. My ribs are still sore, but nothing too concerning.”

She turned her attention to Quark. “any luck?”

“No. I couldn’t find one trace of EB or those people.”

Gar asked, “did you check Canada again?”

Quark and Nova walked with Chase down to the front of the room. All gazed up at the map of the world. Quark answered the question. “I’ve searched Canada seven times. I scoured the site where Arx destroyed that underground laboratory. We checked all over the entire country, out into the waters. Nothing. Those people are good at hiding their secrets.”

“Then we are back at square one.” Chase said.

“Not exactly,” Nova firmly stated. “We know where they aren’t, which is a start. Now, we just need to find more evidence of where they are?”

Chase materialized one of her blades. “Let me have a stab at Arx again. I can crack that Hollywood egomaniac.”

Nova shook his head. “We have all the information we’re going to get out of him.”

“I’d still like to draw a little blood from him. Scar that pretty face of his.”

Gar said, “revenge isn’t the answer to our problem.”

Chase tossed her blade aside, “but it’d make me feel better.”

Nova said, “we need to change our focus. We have been simply looking for them, for a way to follow them. They’re too clever at hiding their trail, at covering their tracks. What we need is to look at this with a unique plan.”

“And what plan do you have in mind?” Quark asked.

Nova turned his attention to Chase. “We need help from someone who knows hiding places better than anyone in this world. Someone with a connection to EB that might give us the boost we desperately need right now.”

Gar frowned, “who? Chase?”

Chase answered, “he’s talking about my father.”

“Santa?” Quark gasped. “But, he said he wanted to get away from the superhero business.”

Nova said, “I know. Santa made that clear to all of us, and we will respect that wish as best we can. But this is a unique situation. I think Santa will be convinced to help if it is to save EB. But…”

“You want me to ask him.” Chase said.

“Yes. He’s a friend of mine, but each time I go to see him, it is to ask for his help. It might be nicer coming from you.”

Chase took Nova by the shoulder. “You don’t have to convince me. I don’t get many opportunities to see my father.”

“Can I come?” Gar asked, almost sounding like a little brother begging to be brought along.

Nova nodded, “yes.”

“Director Nova: Incoming transmission from Hero: Ace.” A robot announced.

“Put her through.”

All four turned their attention to an in-set screen on the monitor. A hero stood in the street near a Fight Club. “Director Nova, my League has been patrolling the streets around Paris and the local Fight Club called in a missing person report.”

“This is a matter for the police, not BADGE.” Nova answered.

Ace said, “I thought the same thing. However, the man in question had scheduled a test for morphonic powers, as he had already set the initial sensors off. He never showed up. When the police checked out his flat, he’s gone. He hasn’t shown up for work, church, anything. The camera outside the Fight Club shows him arriving, but then he turns and walks down the alley, and that’s the last he’s seen anywhere.”

Nova stroked his beard. “I don’t like this. An untrained super could get himself hurt, or hurt others.”

“What should we do about this?” Ace asked.

“Work with the police for now. Let them be in charge, but make sure to be part of the investigation. Also, make sure the Fight Club is under constant observation, just in case.”

“Will do, Ace out.” The com ended, shutting the small screen off.

Quark asked, “something wrong?”

Nova shook his head, “It’s nothing...I think.”

Chase asked, “you think? What is it?”

“I hope it is just a coincidence. But our enemy has a penchant for kidnapping their victims. This is probably unrelated, but it bothers me.”

“Should we investigate?” Chase asked.

“No. You head to the North Pole with Gar. Quark will continue the general search. I’ll monitor things up here.”

Chase and Gar hurried out of Operations for the shuttle bay. Quark merely flashed and was gone. Nova spent a long moment looking at the screen. One might see the glint of light on the corner of his eye as he stood there in silence, wishing an annoying little bunny was talking his ear off right now.


“HEY, I WANT TO TALK TO SOMEONE! YOU GUYS ARE GONNA REALLY BE SORRY WHEN I GET AHOLD OF PETA OR THE ASPCA! THEY DON’T LIKE ANIMAL ABUSE! EVEN TALKING ANIMALS MATTER. I mean, they don’t know I can talk. I tried calling them to tell them what I think of their efforts to save bunnies from having their feet chopped off for some silly superstition, and they hung up on me. Me, The Easter Bunny. But, what can ya do? They aren’t all rude. If they really KNEW I was the Easter Bunny, they might not have been so huffy. There was this one guy who talked to me about what they were doing to help fight the fur industry. He was nice and all, but kinda dumb when you really listened to him. He went on and on about how much he liked his pet tree, like you can have a pet tree. It wasn’t even a bonsai. Now there are interesting trees, humans really…”

“WOULD YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!” Dr. Osteen walked into the lab, carrying a small device in his hands. He now sported a large metal plate across half his face, and his right leg was artificial, all thanks to the explosive exit by Arx, which destroyed his former lab.

EB, locked in a special cage, banged on the side with his tiny fists. “I ain’t shutting up until you let me leave. I want out of this stupid closet. I have been in dirt holes with more room than this place. What do you do, store your toilet paper in this room? Hello! You can have that stuff delivered nowadays. You don’t need a room like this. Hey, did you know they will deliver toilet paper right to the bathroom if you order from...WOAH!” The irate doctor yanked his small cage up. “Where are you taking me? Letting me go, I hope!”

Dr. Osteen used a gravity beam to hold the unique cage aloft as he marched down a long corridor. “Oh, I’ll let you leave...THIS PLANET!”

EB rolled around the cage as he was unceremoniously carried into a large room. This place had tech in it that looked to be from a far future. Computers, special equipment, screens floating in the air, and glassed in smaller rooms where cords hung from the ceiling. In the back of the room were six containment units, each holding one of the Morphon avatars in specialized stasis, depending on their unique powers. EB was slammed down on a pedestal in the middle of the room.

“Hey, I like the idea of leaving and all, but I get space-sick. No off-earth travel, thanks. Just open a door and I’ll be on my way.”

Dr. Osteen pressed a button that activated a menacing laser carried by an arm attached to the high ceiling. “Oh, don’t worry about space travel. This anti-magic beam will turn you into ashes. At least that’s the theory. So, you will be a test subject. Goodbye, you chattering, annoying…”

“Now, now. That isn’t how we treat such honored guests.” Commander Delta came in and causally yanked the control out of Osteens’ hand.

“I want to test it on this subject.”

“No. We will not vaporize the Easter Bunny. He’s too valuable.”

EB said, “At least someone gets it. I’m a big time celebrity and…”

Delta leaned over and glared at EB. “You’re only alive because you’re connected to BADGE and we need your information.”

EB folded his tiny arms. “Well, you aint gett’n it from me. No, sir. Nuh uh.”

“We’ll see.” Delta snapped back around to Osteen. “Put him with the others and restrain him so he can’t talk.”

Osteen grumbled while he took the cage and placed it next to The Avatar of Strength.

“Osteen, we have the last of our subjects to begin phase 3 of the project. Get to work.”

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

Chase checked her sensors again, wiping snow off the screen. Behind her, Gar lay in the snow.

“What are you doing?”

Gar got up and brushed the snow off his stone body. “Making a snow angel.”

She looked and saw he had merely made an imprint of his own body, with wings outstretched in the snow. “You have an advantage, real wings. Though, normally angel wings aren’t bat-like.”


She laughed, “sorry, dragon-like.”


She slapped the side of the sensor and then shivered as a new breeze cut by. “This dumb blizzard is making it hard to find the old entrance.” A shadow came over her and two large wings wrapped around her body. Then two arms held around her waist.


She couldn’t contain the coy smile. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to flirt.”

“I am trying to make you warmer. We’re just friends.”

A kind, older voice said, “And I shall never have a grandchild while all the men in my daughter’s life remain ‘just friends.”

Gar opened his wings and turned. Chase ran around him and right into Santa’s arms. “Daddy!”

He stood there, his famous sleigh behind him. “Chase, dear. What brings you up here?”

“Nova sent me.”

“Ah, so work related. Oh, well. Guess I’ll take any kind of visit from my only daughter. Hop in.”

Chase jumped in with Santa and the sleigh took flight. Gar flew behind it, using the strong winds to keep up.


EB sat on the floor of his cage, situated along a wall with the other prisoners. From here, he had an excellent view of the entire lab, including the containment units near him that were currently unoccupied.

“This place totally sucks.” He muttered and then looked over at the lion man hooked up to tubes and cords in his own cage. “Wow, you’re, like, really ripped. You awake? Oh, right, one of those avatar dudes. The magic guy was nice, really informative and stuff. I liked him. He told good stories. Bet you’re the avatar of strength, or is it physical? I don’t remember the terms well. I just remember that you don’t have a name, just ‘avatar of…’. You should be called Leo, that’s cool. Man, I wish these people would just let me outta here. I want to go home. I bet Nova is worried sick about me. Oh, he pretends he doesn’t like me, but I know better. That guy doesn’t have lots of friends, but I am one of them. Known him the longest. We even fought together in…”

“You really do like the sound of your own voice.” Delta came into the room with several laboratory assistants wheeling in tables with naked men strapped to them.

EB looked away. “I ain’t talkin’ to you.”

“I don’t care. Just stop talking.”

“Sourpuss.” EB threw his paw out and an egg appeared, but it didn’t go beyond the cage and merely bounced back. It splattered all over him with a sticky goo he had intended to hit Delta with.

Delta chortled at him. “Nice try. Magic resistant cages, thanks to the information we got from the avatar of magic. Now, stop fighting, stop talking, and you might survive long enough to see us take down BADGE.”

“Like hell. Nova is gonna mess you up. He’s dealt with WAAAY worse than some arrogant scientists and their well-dressed smartasses.”

Delta ignored EB while several assistants wheeled in tables with men on them. Dr. Osteen came in with a small device that he typed on. He casually waved at the holding bays, “put them in there.”

The assistants propped the men up in the glassed rooms, standing them as though they were awake. Their bodies already had round patches glued to their skin at specific locations.

“Are they worthy?” Delta asked.

Osteen showed him his tablet. “The data came back. They are all conduits. They can use the morphonic energy as powers.”

“Good. Begin the process. Alpha will pay us a visit soon, and I want progress to show her.”

Dr. Osteen walked into the bay of the first man and hooked various cords to the patches on his body. Each cord had a different color of energy flowing through it that fed into the body. Once he was done with one, he went to the next and then the next.

Delta watched him work on the last man. “How are they standing without being awake?”

Osteen finished and left the small room, sealing the glass door. “That’s part of the initial preparations. We have almost complete control over their bodies. If at any point they aren’t doing what we order them, we can control them like puppets.”

Delta said, “but we’re wiping their minds. They’re merely drones doing our bidding.”

Osteen walked away with Delta behind him. “The human brain is a complex computer that we still don’t fully understand. If one regains his free will and turns on us, we could have another Arx.”

EB watched this horror show as the scientist left the room, turning out most of the lights. From his place on a ledge, he was right next to one bay where a man stood, attached to multiple tubes.

“HEY! DON’T LEAVE THEM IN HERE LIKE THIS! I DON’T WANT TO SPEND MY TIME STARING AT SOME NAKED MANS JUNK! HEY! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!?” He punched the cage with his tiny paws. After throwing that fruitless tantrum, he looked up at the poor soul being experimented on. The color on his skin was draining, leaving him gray. “What are they up to?”


Chase stepped into a memory once forgotten. This room was the picture of a Victorian Christmas card. Plump armchairs near a crackling fire in a stone hearth. Stockings hung from the mantle, holly strung across the walls, and a tree hung with glass and wooden ornaments in the corner. A toy train ran circles around the base of the tree, giving off the rumbling, clacking sound as it moved.

Taking gentle steps in this pristine room, Chase slowly approached a short table with books and toys on it. Sinking to her knees, she picked up a book and brushed the dust off the cover.

Santa came up behind her. “I could never bring myself to move that. It has sat there for a long time...well, since you left.”

Chase smiled at the hand-painted cover. “Winter Poems. I loved listening to you and Uncle Krampus read them to me by the fire.”

“It was a different time, a peaceful time.” Santa sat down in one of the two rocking chairs.

Chase wiped her eyes. “Some days, I wish I had never remembered my past. I get so sad when I think of Uncle Krampus and what he was to me back then. That he died to save me… I can’t keep from feeling terrible.”

“I think it is good you are sad for him.”

Chase tenderly put the book back. “Why? Sadness is pain.”

“No, it is truth. You remember him for who he truly was. You brought out the man under all that hate and anger. He grew so bitter during his time here on this world, then you came along and I saw a new light in his heart. He fought it, but could not defeat the truth. In the end, it was that truth, the real brother I once knew and loved, that returned to save you. I would never want you remembering him as someone you hated or feared. I certainly don’t.”

“It was a happy childhood.” Chase quietly said.

Just then Gar came in playing with a paddle-ball, or at least doing his best to make it work. “You got some neat stuff here.”

Chase put her hand on her face. “We don’t have time to play with toys or reminisce.”

Santa said, “yes. I believe you were sent by our friend, Nova. What is the purpose of your visit, if I even need to ask.”

Chase said, “we need your help to find EB.”

“I thought as much.”

Chase stood up and took the paddle-ball from Gar before he tried one more time. “Father, I know you want to distance yourself from BADGE, but we need your help.”

“I know. And I don’t want to fight any more wars or battle any more supervillains, but Easter Bunny is an old friend and I cannot allow him to stay captured. You can join my effort to find him.”

Gar said, “but, we came to ask you to help us find him?”

Santa chuckled, “oh, you think I don’t know what is going on? I knew of his capture almost as soon as it happened. I have already put a lot of effort into finding him. And I do have an idea of how to locate him. We’re going to need Nova’s help.”

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

EB sat with his arms, and legs tucked up against himself and his chin resting on them. His eyes were cast down as he rocked a little.

“Wonder what Nova’s do’n right now? Probably worried sick about me. This place sucks.” He gazed up at the glassed in room where a different man was being augmented using their strange technology. “At least it doesn’t look like it hurts them too much. How many are they going to do? Why are they all naked? Why are they all guys? I mean, this place stinks and I hate what’s happening to these people, but one girl would be a nice change of pace. Something fun to look at. What am I saying? I don’t want to see anyone in those cells. I doubt they are doing anything nice to them. Bet they kidnapped them. These sickos love kidnapping people…”

“Do you ever stop talking?” Dr. Osteen walked up to the cell and checked the data on the monitor.

EB snarled at him. “Gotta have a decent conversation with someone intelligent around here.”

“Pfft.” Osteen responded and made several notes on his tablet.

EB asked, “so...what’s up with the naked guys and those tube thingy’s you got stuck in them?”

“Just working on the project.”

EB stood up and smiled, realizing he was getting some info. “Really? What’s the project? Why are they all colorless when you’re done?”

Osteen opened the door to this person’s cell, adjusted a tube, and then left, resealing the room. “We’re pumping them with a special morphonic energy that I devised using the data gathered from the avatars. Each person has a proclivity toward a morphon type, so we are augmenting them. Really, these are still just test subjects for the big project. I can’t wait to see that one in action.”

“Wow, so cool. What’s that project going to be?”

“We are going to...wait, why am I spilling this to you?” Osteen stepped back.

EB grinned, “Oh, what harm is it to tell little ole me? Who am I gonna tell, the sleeping kitty next to me?”

Osteen rolled his eyes. “Nice try, bunny. I told you too much. Now, shut up.” He walked on.

EB plopped back down, “fine. Try to have a decent conversation round here? Sheesh. Man, I’m hungry.”

Osteen checked a different cell. “Feed yourself. You can do it, I’ve seen you.”

EB materialized one of his famous eggs. “Sure, chocolate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Even I’m sick of that. Bring me a carrots, or a steak, something. What’s this place, a torture chamber?”

“Shut up.”


Osteen stomped over to him. “You’re nothing but a big mouthed rabbit.”



“Now, now, Dr. Osteen, stop arguing with the vermin.” Delta walked into the lab with a woman at his side.

Osteen slapped EB’s cage for good measure and then greeted his guests. “Delta, who is this?”

The older, craggy woman in a red pantsuit answered. “I’m Alpha, I’m here to check on the progress.”

Dr. Osteen smiled, “glad you’re here. Things are going great. The army is almost completed, and the first augments are ready for deployment.”

“Show me everything.” Alpha demanded.

EB perked his ears up and listened to everything that was said. What that idiot didn’t spill to him already he was gleaning from this conversation. His sneaky little smile quickly turned to horror as he learned the depth of their evil plans.


Santa set his sleigh down in a grassy pasture in the middle of New York State. A pair of guards stood outside what appeared to be an abandoned old shed.

Gar landed, having followed behind on his own wings. “What are we doing back here? I thought you wanted to see Director Nova.”

Santa disembarked his sleigh and then helped Chase down. “We are going to find what we need here.”

They approached the guards. One look at the trio, the guards stepped aside and opened the door to the shed. Inside was the lift that led down to the original HQ of BADGE before the construction of the space station.

After a long trip down, they stepped out into the hallways of the old base. Lights flickered on at their presence.

“Is anyone still working here?” Gar asked.

Chase nodded. “Yes, we have a small team of specialists to monitor the vaults.”

Santa looked up and down the corridor and then headed toward the old command center. “This is where BADGE still maintains their artifact vaults. This is possibly the most secure vault on Earth.”

Chase smiled, “yeah, back in the day I dreamed of getting in here. Tried to on a few occasions.”

Gar said, “I know. I caught you, twice.”

“Once.” Chase corrected him. “I broke in once and you caught me when I missed that last sensor and set off the alarm. The second time, I wasn’t trying to break in, but you still grabbed me and detained me. That was when my father sent me to help Nova with the whole Cupid situation.”

Gar said, “lucky he did. You joined us after that.”

Santa said, “luck had nothing to do with it. I wanted my little girl to stop being a thief and do something useful with her life. She had skills that could help people and BADGE would put them to proper use.”

Chase said, “you were always looking after me, even when I didn’t know you were my father.”

“Of course. A parent never forgets their child. Ah, here we are.” He tapped the button on the door and it opened.

All three walked into the old command center of the underground base. A hologram greeted them in the middle of the room. It appeared to be Justin, but it was just an AI designed to operate the base.

“Greetings, Santa Claus, Agent Chase, Agent Gargoyle. How may I be of service?”

Chase said, “we need access to Nova’s secret Vault.”

“I am sorry, Agent Chase, but access to that vault is prohibited to any other person except Director Nova.”

Santa said, “we know. Please, contact the Director at once.”

The hologram flickered off and the screen on the view screen activated, with Nova looking at them from the Space Station. “I see Santa has joined the search. Good.”

Santa said, “Actually, they are joining my search. But we share the same goal. However, we need access to your personal vault to continue the search.”

“My vault? Why?”

Both Chase and Gar were just as curious. Santa hadn’t divulged this yet to them. Santa said, “I know EB has given you one of his special favors. You’ve never used it. Unless I’m mistaken, and I rarely am, it should be in your vault.”

Nova nodded, “you’re correct on all accounts. However, how will this help?”

“Trust me. I understand our magic better than anyone else. It’ll do the trick.”

Nova said, “Nova to BASE One, Clearance Gamma Seven Seven Pi. Access is granted to Santa, Chase, and Gar to my private vault.”

The hologram returned. “understood.” He walked through the table as though it weren’t there and the door opened as he approached it. “Follow me.”

Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

The hologram led all three deep into the base to a room that seemed to be a dead end. The back wall beeped as a hidden panel flashed when the hologram inputted a code. Panels lifted and parted, revealing a multilayered door.  Each door required a new code and was timed so that if the code was not entered fast enough, the vault would re-seal itself back to the first door.

“Wow, even I wouldn’t have been able to get into that.” Chase said.

Once it was finished opening, the hologram turned and said, “you have full access for one hour only.” then flickered off.

Santa was the first to step in. The vault was considerably smaller than the other containment vaults at BADGE. Shelves were lined with items of all natures. Swords and spears, glowing golden armor, bottles of shimmer liquid.

“What is all this?” Gar asked.

Santa paused as he looked at a helmet from the Mesopotamian culture. “Relics of a warrior’s life. Each contains some level of power or magic, which is why they are sealed away here and not merely placed in a museum. I could linger in here for years, telling you the amazing stories of the few items that I know about. But, we don’t have time.”

Gar asked, “what are we looking for?”

Chase answered, “This.” She stood before a pedestal with a glass dome on the top. Inside was a glowing crystal egg.

Santa said, “precisely.”

“What is that?” Gar asked.

Chase said, “EB gave one to me around the first time we met. It’s a magic egg. When broken, EB will come to your aid.”

Santa gently removed the dome. “He doesn’t give these often. Only when he believes the holder is worthy. EB might be silly and playful, but he is wiser than anyone gives him credit.”

“How will this help?”

Santa took the egg in his hand. “This is a unique magic, something EB created before we even came to this world. It’s a tiny piece of his magic. That is how he knows exactly where it is when it’s broken. However, that connects it to him in a special way. Once broken, a link will be made from this location to him. If we are lucky, it will bring him directly to us, as that is how the spell works. However, even if that fails, it will create a connection from this point to him. Giving us something to follow. In either case, it will be our way of finding him.”

“What are you waiting for? Bust it.” Chase said.

“Let me.” Gar took the egg in his hand and then crushed it. A flash of magical light burst out and bathed the room for a moment.


In the middle of the high-tech city of Neo Utopia, two heroes wandered down a bustling street.

“What the hell are we doing here?” Skelanimal moaned.

Midgardsomr walked with him, both the size of a regular person right now. “We’re on patrol! That’s what we’re supposed to be doing.”

“I’m bored!” Skelanimal whined.

“I know. I am Midgardsomr. I shouldn’t be saving felines from trees and stopping simple heists. But, we’re still on probation with BADGE.”

“Probation...bleh!” Skelanimal stuck his tongue out. “Just because I tried to take over a small Asian country and kinda messed up a whole city doesn’t mean I need to do this crap. And why are you out here? You’re big and stompy, but you didn’t do anything wrong...that I know of.”

Midgard gained a devilish smile. “Oh, I have made enough trouble. Also, I was told to escort you on this. Nova’s orders.”

“I hate this whole thing, and Nova can just stick it!”

“We’ve only got two hours left today. Stop griping.”

Both their earpieces buzzed and Hotwings came through. “Hey, guys. We got a ping on the sensor for Neo Utopia. Looks like there could be some action.”

Skelanimal said, “what, a little girl lost her balloon?”

“Shut it! This looks like something big. Something is heading your direction.”

Midgard smiled, “good. Some action.”

“Don’t destroy the city.” Hotwings said. “If you need help, signal.”

“We can handle anything.” Midgard stated.

The signal cut and both turned yet another corner, now walking down the central square of the city. People stopped and stared at them more than once. No one dared approach the fearsome duo.

“Why are there so many news vans and that helicopter?” Skelanimal noted.

“Don’t know, don’t care.”

All at once, two people came flying toward them. Each wore gray suits with capes. While their bodies were devoid of color, their eyes beamed with bright color, each eye different.

“Who the hell are they?” Skelanimal asked.

Before Midgard could answer, these strange men attacked them with beams of energy. In a flash, Midgard grew ten times his size and went after one enemy while Skelanimal launched himself at the other.


EB stood at the edge of his cage, squinting to watch the monitors. The media was alive with reports from Neo Utopia where Skelanimal and Midgard were both battling villains. Only EB knew these men were not villains, but augmented heroes brainwashed in this lab.

EB shook, and his body flashed. “What?” The energy barrier around his cage made a buzzing sound and rippled. His body continued to flash and partially fade. “One of my eggs! I’m transporting! Oh, happy day!”

Delta turned around. “What’s all the commotion?”

The alarms went off, and the computer announced. “Disturbance in magical containment unit E1.”

EB gave off a quick little rude salute and said, “bye suckers!” And he flashed away. He reappeared five feet outside the cage, in the middle of the lab. “Uh...that didn’t work right. Your stupid barrier messed up my spell!”

“HE’S FREE! GET HIM!” Alpha screeched.

“Not this time!” EB zoomed around the room, dodging hands and weapons as both Delta and Osteen went after him, along with five mercenaries that rushed in at the sound of the alarm.


EB threw an enormous egg at Osteen, which exploded with a stinking green fog. “So long, fatso!” he hit the door and bounced off an invisible barrier. “Ow, stupid anti-magic stuff.” Just before a pair of hands nabbed him, he zipped away, leaving an exploding egg in his wake.

Over and over, he threw eggs and dodged the people. No one was fast enough to catch the Easter Bunny.

“Oh, just let me leave. You guys are embarrassing yourselves.” He slid under the legs of one man and threw an egg at another, covering him in a thick goo that stuck his hands to his sides.

“STOP THAT RODENT!” Delta screamed.

EB stopped on top of the computer console. “Know what Nova HATES about me? Huh, huh? I break things.” He ran across the computers and left a dozen exploding eggs. Stations erupted in sparks and fire as he blasted an entire wall of tech. “This is fun!”

A blinding flash of light hit EB and he went flying into a wall. One of those colorless, augmented men stood there, his eyes glowing from where he had blasted EB.

Osteen sneered, “Looks like you just proved my heroes are as fast as any super out there.”

“End that vermin!” Alpha ordered. “Come, we have to get moving.” She led Delta out of the room.

The augmented hero grabbed EB up. The drooling bunny mumbled, with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. “I can’t feel mah face…or anything.”

Osteen smiled and said, “Strap that rodent to the table. I’m gonna slice the Easter Bunny in half.”

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

Nova simmered in fury as he watched the screens. Every news outlet across the world was showing the battle in Neo Utopia. Partially destroyed buildings smoked while overturned cars blazed on fire. Large sections of the Central Square of the city were smoking holes. 

A newscaster spoke in front of a camera. “We are still unclear about the identities of the responsible parties. BADGE has, thus far, refused to comment on the situation.”

“Mute this!” Nova ordered, and the screen in front of him went silent. “Get me Hotwings, NOW!”

In a matter of seconds the monitor changed  to show Hotwings  with both a normal sized Midgardsomr and Skelanimal. “Sir, the situation is under control here.”

“Could’ve fooled me.”

Skelanimal said, “it was a strange fight. They came in like they had some kinda grudge against me and Midgard. The way overused their powers, blew a lotta crap up, and fought like they ain’t ever fought a hero before. It was kinda fun, but...oof!” Hotwings elbowed him.

Midgard added, “they went down quickly. The fight was bad, but quick. Too quick if you ask me.”

Nova nodded in agreement. "It was over so quickly, I hadn't even had time to call for back-up."

"We didn't need backup." Midgard stated. "Two puny supers attacking us was hardly anything to worry about. Although, they seemed bent on causing a lot of damage in the fight."

Nova spent a moment considering this and then said, “yes, something about this doesn’t seem right. Bring those villains back for…”

Hotwings interrupted him. “Sorry, we can’t. They’ve already been apprehended.”

“By who? We’re the only organization capable of containing super humans.”

Skelanimal answered, “some dudes from something called the MHA…”

“Meta Human Activities.” Nova growled out. “A branch of the World Corps. This is definitely deeper than a simple attack. Get back to your HQ. A BADGE shuttle should already be waiting nearby.”

“Alert: Announcement involving BADGE!” A robot blurted out.

Hotwings looked at his wrist monitor. “I just got something too.”

“Put it on the screen.” Nova commanded.

Judge Alpha stood before the gathered members of the World Corps Representatives. Cameras flashed as she opened a folder on her podium. “Ladies and gentlemen. I am Judge Alpha with the World Corps. You may not know much about us at this time, but we are an organized, democratic body established to help secure our world against threats. In the recent years, those threats have gone from normal to supernatural.”

On the screen, images of destroyed cities appeared as she spoke.

“Rome Italy, Bursa Turkey, Paris France, Lawton Oklahoma, Naha City Japan, Fort Knox Kentucky, Tokyo Japan, North Onnotangu, Hallows Port North Carolina, Poseidon Island Florida, and recently Hollywood California. All severely damaged or destroyed by these threats. At the center of each threat is an organization that you believe to be protecting this world, BADGE. While BADGE claims to be protecting us, it seems that they do the exact opposite. Lives are lost, property is damaged, history is irrevocably destroyed. They placate the world with their competitions called League Wars, using an age-old tactic of feeding the masses entertainment while secretly enacting dangerous actions. And, just now, in Neo Utopia, the prime example of who BADGE truly is.”

On the screen was displayed the battle involving Midgard and Skelanimal against the two strange men.

“Neo Utopia, a city of hope and dreams, a city built on advancing peace and knowledge. Crassly attacked by two KNOWN super villains. Skelanimal tried to overthrow an entire country and did considerable damage. Midgardsomr has, on many occasions, shown complete disregard for human life, even attacking Tokyo with the help of other known agents of BADGE. This isn’t an organization of heroes, it is an organization of thugs, villains, and murderers. One can only imagine what their ultimate goal is. They have pretended to be the protectors of this world, but once we depend on them solely for our protection, what then? It is the logical opinion of this body that BADGE is attempting to take over this world. We are ordering their fight clubs closed, their leagues disbanded, and their members called in for questioning. We must end this threat before it is too late.”

The room erupted in applause at first. Nova could hear the seething sounds of Midgard on the other comm as his breath cut between bared teeth. Skelanimal smashed his monitor on the ground and then had to watch it over Hotwings’s shoulder.

Nova was about to mute this when he heard the reporters present call out questions. They asked about the threat level, about the danger, about how to truly stop super humans. Then came a voice he knew well.

“Judge Alpha! Chaz Hamilton, News Sentinel. I find your logic hard to accept. I have been present in many situations where BADGE heroes have been active. They didn’t cause the damage, they stopped who was causing it. Also, many heroes have given their lives to ensure the protection of this world. All I have said is well documented with irrefutable evidence. What proof do you have of your allegations?”

The reporters all fell silent to that question. Alpha calmly looked at him. “We will be glad to review your alleged evidence. However, we must also take into account the mountain of evidence we have, which is just as irrefutable.”

“Would you be willing to produce that evidence for the media?” Chaz asked.

Alpha shook her head and then turned away from him. “I’m afraid this news conference is over. We have a lot of work to deal with. Thank you for coming.” She brushed off the several dozen more questions thrown her direction, many of which were similar to Chaz’s.

Nova turned back to the other two. “This is a new turn of events, but not entirely unexpected. That you were attacked only proves to me that this World Corps is behind all of this. To what degree, I don’t know. But I know there is a great deal more to this than meets the eye. Midgard, Skelanimal, go back to your HQ now and stay there.”

“Aw! So we get grounded!” Skelanimal moaned.

Nova rolled his one good eye. “No. I want you out of the sight of the media right now. I don’t believe you were behind this. You are not to blame...this time. I believe this was a set-up. But, we have to get a handle on this situation. Hotwings, keep your team on high alert and be ready for anything.”


Nova pressed a button on his wrist comm, “Santa, I want good news right about now.”


EB squinted in the bright light shining in his eyes. His four paws were currently strapped down to a table in the middle of the laboratory. A laser lowered and aimed right at his head. He struggled against the restraints, but could not do anything.

“Not fair! I just wanna go! How are you keeping me here? Seriously, how? This has to be some awesome tech to hold a mythic.”

Osteen walked over, bug-eyed goggles on his face. “Thanks to our magic book friend there, I learned how to make restraints for any magical energy user, even you. Now, shut up and get ready to be divided.”

“Hey, you don’t have to do anything rash. I’m a bunny. You want more than one, gimme a little time. Of course, I’m not really a bunny, but I could, ya know, make things happen. You don’t have to split me down the middle. Though, I still doubt you can do that. I am way more powerful than even you give me credit…” a hand clamped over his mouth.

Osteen leaned in with his hand pressing on EB's face. “You know, I’m not going to miss the constant chatter from you. YEOOOOW!” EB bit his hand.

“Yuck! What did you last use that hand for?”

Osteen walked over to the last working computer terminal and checked the growing energy signature. “Come on, charge already. I got a bunny to fry.”

EB laid his head back against the table. “You know, I always wanted to be in a Bond movie. And here I am, in the clutches of a mad scientist working to help take over the world. I’m even strapped to a table with a laser pointed at me. The only thing I’m missing is a Bond babe...and that’s like the best part.” His thoughts lingered on that smashed crystal egg. Someone was looking for him. But would they find him in time?

Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

Kid Chaos and Triblade skidded as they rounded a corner. People dodged them as they ran down the street.

“Are you sure it’s this way?” Kid Chaos asked.

Triblade checked a read-out on his wrist monitor. “The alert came from the Sixth Fourth Bank on Main street. It has to be down this way. Nevets and Crossroads should meet us there.”

They came to a stop near a blockade of police cars. An officer handed off his bullhorn and approached Triblade. “We have a situation here. Two psychos are in there with a bank full of hostages. They are currently unloading everything of value, but they also have a bomb...or at least they have reported a bomb. We can’t approach without risking blowing the place to hell and killing everyone.”

Just then, Nevets and Crossroads showed up. Triblade said, “Crossroads, can you slip into that place and find out if they have a real bomb present, or are bluffing.”

“No problem.” She waved her hand over her body, and her super suit changed to civilian clothing. She then turned her body and appeared to spin into nothingness.

Nevets said, “should we just storm the place?”

Kid Chaos answered, “not unless we wanted a lot of dead people to answer for.”

Crossroads re-appeared, in her hand she held two guns. “Those bozos are busy looting the safe and left their guns on a counter. Oh, and their bomb is a paper towel roll duct-taped to an old VCR and spray painted. The only bomb that’ll happen is if they put in Waterworld.”

The officer turned to his men, but Triblade stopped him. “Let us. This shouldn’t take long.” He gave his team a nod, and they zoomed and portaled into the bank.

In seven minutes, they were shoving a pair of bewildered wannabe criminals out while the hostages gleefully ran to the arms of their worried family and friends. There were cheers, and a local newspaper reporter rushed up to get an interview.

“So, you’re with the local Super Hero League.”

Triblade answered, “yes, we are Fifth Precinct Omni…”

Just then, several dozen men and women came running toward them. Many carried signs that said things like, “down with BADGE” and “Arrest Nova!” Objects were thrown at them as well as harsh words.

“Go away, villains!” “Your kind aren’t welcome here!” “Let the police do their jobs, we don’t need heroes!”

A glass bottle hit Kid Chaos and shattered. He caught the second bottle and was about to throw it right back when Nevets stopped the potentially deadly return projectile.

“No, don’t respond.”

Another band of loud protesters came from a different direction, this time with actual weapons. They carried a banner proclaiming ‘The Anti-BADGE Peoples Militia.’

Triblade grabbed the others. “Let’s get outta here. No confrontation, just move.”


Nova watched the screes before him, each showing a different protest happening all over the planet. Quark stood with him, a new tint of blue as he controlled his anger.

“Incoming transmission. League HQ connections active.”

“Good, put them on screen.”

The massive monitor changed to dozens of video feeds from inside the League HQ’s across the planet. Leaders of these leagues all waited for Nova to speak.

“Everyone is present. Good. Okay, first order of business. Dr. Stone, has your Psy League investigated the protests?”

A bald black man in a lab coat answered. “Yes. We scanned the minds of several of the larger protests. You were right. There are instigators seeded among the people. They aren’t who they appear to be and they are stirring the protests to become as violent as they can. But, we couldn’t dig out any useful information.”

“At least we know that this is not just spontaneous protests.”

“How does that help?” Necromaniac asked.

“It tells me we can put a stop to this once we end the real threat. Remove those sending in the instigators and the protesting should fade.”

Ace said, “sir, we have been tracking the transmissions from the local police across the planet. People are going missing by the hundreds. Every single case is a person who registered as a conduit for morphonic powers, but they never got the full test before they vanished. This can’t be a coincidence.”

“Our enemy is up to something and these people are part of it.”

Suzie X asked, “what do you need us to do?”

“It may be hard to say this, but I need all Leagues to refrain from being outside their HQs as much as possible. We have to curb the insanity. These are civilians being encouraged to violence. Let’s remove their target. Small time crimes will have to remain in the hands of the police. Low-level villain activity will have to go unchecked. Just keep your comms open for when I give the signal. I know something is going to happen and soon. I’ll have Quark and non-hero agents out looking into these kidnappings.”

“Understood.” Several stated, and the screens went dark.

Quark asked, “what now? Do we know who our enemy is?”

“Not exactly. But, I’m absolutely certain that this Judge Alpha is part of something deeper and darker than just the World Corps. So far I have met a Gamma and now an Alpha…”

“Don’t forget Arx mentioned a man named Delta.”

“Yes. These must be cover names for a secret organization.”

Quark asked, “what are they after?”

“From my experience, a good villain will shift the blame for what they are doing to their enemy. So, they are accusing us of trying to overthrow the world governments. I wager that’s exactly what they’re up to.”

“World domination...unoriginal but problematic.”

A siren went off and one robot turned on a monitor, which showed a billowing cloud of smoke. “Alert, large energy explosion in the middle of the ocean. Morphonic energy signatures are extremely high. Location: Last known location of Agent Chase and Agent Gar.”


EB trembled and eggs appeared beside his restrained hands. They would hit the ground and scattered chocolate everywhere. Above him, the beam hummed as a little light grew brighter on the tip. Dr. Osteen walked over to check part of the laser. Each time he created an exploding egg, an anti-magic beam would destroy it before it could explode.

“Come on, you don’t want to do this? You don’t want to be the man responsible for murdering the Easter Bunny? I know, I can be annoying. Everyone says that. I talk too much, I’m accident prone, and I talk too much...I already said that. But that’s no reason to kill me. You want money? I can make you a very, very rich man. I’m filthy rich. I got cash all over this world and I hardly use it. How about some of the best chocolate you’ve ever eaten? I mean, magical stuff I don’t normally give to humans. You look like a guy who likes his candy. I mean, I’m not calling you fat, you’re fluffy. That’s cool. Come on, pleeeeeeease, I don’t wanna die!” He was crying and making eggs without even meaning to.

Dr. Osteen snatched a chocolate egg before it hit the ground. “Thanks, but no thanks. My new friends are already making me rich beyond my dreams. Also...I don’t like you.”

Osteen marched over to the computer and slammed his fist on the big, red button. At the same time, a new hole was made in the wall and Gar came blasting through, with Chase right behind him. The action forced the laser emitter to break free from the ceiling and it blasted Dr. Osteens’ metal leg instead.

Santa jumped in from his sleigh and held a sword in his hands. “EB!”

“I’m on the table! HELP, HE’S TRYING TO FRY ME!”

Chase ran over to him while telling Gar. “Get the Doctor!” She sliced through the bindings with her magic blades and picked up the bunny. “You okay?”

He whispered, “I need...mouth...to mouth…”

She dropped him. “He’s okay.”

Gar ran for the doctor. Dr. Osteen, with a missing metal leg, pressed a button on his eyepiece and the floor opened up and he slid away.

“Damn! Get him!” Chase ran for the hole, but not before the room shook. The lone computer had a twenty-second countdown on it.

Santa said, “this place is going to explode. We have to leave!”

Gar scooped up EB, but the bunny jumped free of his hands. “No! The Avatars. They’re still here.”

“Gar, help!” Chase ran for the caged, sedated avatars.

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

Delta stepped into a darkened room where two people sat behind a long desk. Judge Alpha and Marshal Gamma watched tablets on the desk as the news reports were feeding through.

“Delta, I see the laboratory has been compromised.” Marshal Gamma stated as he held up his tablet, showing footage from the explosion at sea.

Delta nodded. “BADGE was able to track the Easter Bunnies location. Dr. Osteen was forced to use the self-destruct.”

Alpha asked, “what of the Avatars?”

“We lost them as well. Osteen survived.”

Gamma fumed for a moment. “We have lost a lot of expensive property in this project. Three Laboratories.”

Delta smiled, “Don’t worry. Osteen completed the army project in time. I evacuated all the subjects. We no longer have use of the Avatars. Dr. Osteen’s research with them is finished.”

Alpha waved a dismissive hand at him, “then eliminate him.”

“Don’t be so hasty. His skills with the weapons are invaluable. He helped design these guns for North Onnotangu. We may still have a use for him.”

Gamma asked, “what is the next move in this? Are we ready for the takeover?”

“Not yet.” Alpha stated. “The people of this world aren’t falling in line as quickly as we anticipated. They still have some faith in BADGE. However, the next phase of this plan will hopefully erode that faith enough to give us what we need.”

Delta nodded. “Agreed. I have selected the trio that will instigate the plan. When Dr. Osteen is ready, we will prep the weapons.”

Alpha said, “then, move. We don’t have time to waste.”

Gamma said, “I will prepare our secret prisons and ready the teams for the arrests.”

Delta gave a quick nod and turned to leave. However, he turned back and asked, “where is General Beta? I have not seen him once since we started this process.”

Alpha answered, “He is exactly where he needs to be. Don’t worry about Beta, just make sure this plan continues with no further glitches.”



Chase lay back inside an oval-shaped object, bobbing and rolling as the sound of water crashed around her. Laying next to her was EB, smiling like he had just won the lottery.

“Are you sure you can’t zap us out of this egg you created?”

EB shook his head. “I made an especially powerful shell to protect us at the last minute. Can’t teleport outta here. Besides, this is kinda the perfect ending to my personal secret agent movie. The babe, in a boat, floating away on the ocean.” He put his paw on her thigh. “Wanna neck?”

She calmly said, “you touch me like that one more time and I will make you eat a throwing star. Got it?”

He slid his paw off of her. “Fine. Don’t have to be so stuffy about this. Just wanted to kiss and all. Not like Gar would see us.”

“Why would Gar care?”

EB gave her a frank look, “duh, he’s totally still into you.”

“I’m not blind. I know he still has a boyish crush on me. But, we agreed to be just friends a long time ago.”

EB smiled, “so, that means you’re available. I mean, the only guys around you are Gar, Nova, and Quark. If Gar’s outta the picture, then that leaves Nova and Quark. Nova is waaaaaay too old for you. Like, that dude is really freaking old. I don’t even know how old he is.”

Chase laughed, “he’s not my type.”

“And Quark is...well….”

Both said at the same time, “Strange.”

Chase said, “I don’t need romance. I’m too busy. And that includes necking with a flirty little bunny.”

“Fine. I know I’m cute, you know I’m cute. I could have any girl I wanted, except the one I want the most. The hottest vixen I have ever met. You are so cool, and strong, and HOT!”

Chase was about to tell him what she thought of his assessment when they both were jerked around. The egg stopped bobbing in the waters and was now flying.

“What’s going on?” EB asked.

“Like I should know.”

They were set down, and suddenly a stone fist punched through the shell. Gar reached in and ripped more of the shell away and revealed the sunny blue skies over an island in the middle of the ocean. The smoking husk of the lab nearby. “Oh, good. Chase! I was worried!” Gar helped her out.

EB said, “sure, worry about the chick but not the traumatized bunny. You don’t know what these jerks did to me. I’ve been thrown in cages, yelled at, threatened, forced to watch naked guy after naked guy get altered. Then they strapped me to a table and totally tried to slice me in two. But, sure, worry about her first.”

Nova walked over and pulled EB up out of the broken egg. “You okay?”

EB gained the broadest grin he had ever had. “You were worried about me?! Little ole me! NOVA BUDDY!” He hugged him around the neck.

To everyone's surprise, Nova hugged him back. “You may be the most annoying hero I have ever had to work with, you’re still my friend.”

EB said, "You came all the way here, from the station, just to make sure I was safe."

Nova quickly removed the hugging bunny. “I needed to be here, to check on the info...not because I was worried about you." No one was convinced by that statement, so Nova shifted into his normal stern mode. "We have a problem. This lab is a complete loss. Nothing left to give us any info. As always, these people know how to clean up their tracks.”

Chase asked, “did you save the Avatars?”

Gar said, “Santa has them. We got them out just in time. The place blew, and you guys went flying out inside that egg.”

Nova said, “Santa got the Avatars into his gift sack, cages and all. He’s bringing them to the station with orders for our people to find a way to free them from their special bindings. Right now, we need to find something to go on. I know these people are up to something and it has to be big. But, I don’t know what it is.”

Quark asked, “EB, what happened in there? What can you tell us?”

“Loads. First, they zapped me with this beam that hurt like the dickens. Shot me several times, then everything went black. Well, more like blurry, then I was dreaming, had this wonderful dream where Chase and I were on a beach and…”

“EB, FOCUS!” Nova barked.

“Oh, sorry. So, um, yeah, they dragged me here, put me in a small cage with an anti-magic field around it. Made it impossible for me to get out. It was terrible. I was treated like a common animal. But, I suppose you want to know the juicy stuff. Okay, so, they got these people, don’t know where. All guys, all big and muscly, and naked. Like, free hanging wing-wang dangling in the wind naked...ew. They jammed them in holding cells and pumped them full of chemicals. Their bodies drained of color and their eyes gained light in them, each one different. They must’a done like two hundred a day. Lots and lots of them. Then they all disappeared, and that’s when they tried to murder me. They put something in their heads. I...I could sense them dying.”

“Dying?” Chase asked.

EB nodded, a sorrowful look on his face. “Their conscience faded, like a person who dies. Whatever they did to these people, they killed the person inside them. What’s left is an automaton, programmed and changed. Cold and emotionless. It really hurt me to feel them going like that, one after another after another.”

Quark said, “the missing people!”

Nova nodded. “I had the same thought. These must be the people who have been going missing all over the planet.”

“What now?” Chase asked.

Nova headed for the landed shuttle. “We plan for their next move. I don’t know what it will be, but it will be soon. This is the first time they have failed to cover all their evidence. EB survived. That means they will move quickly. Quark, get back to the station, put the Leagues on high alert and tell the robots to get our sensors over the planet to work triple-time. “

“On it.” Quark flashed away.

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

Workers pushed hover-carts carrying the avatars still in their holding cages toward the laboratories on the BADGE space station. Heroes gathered near the sight, each watching with shock and dread in their eyes.

“Director Nova?” Agent Leslie approached.


She gulped as the Avatar of Supernatural was pushed by, “are...they dead?”

EB hopped up and down between them. “Nope. Just sedated. They are gonna be so sore when they wake. I might make a chocolate with aspirin in it, or something stronger. I…” Nova grabbed him by the ears.

“Not the time for candy talk.”


Nova dropped EB. “The situation is bad. They aren’t dead, but we don’t know how to free them.”

A young student hero came up with about a dozen other people with him. “Sir, um, are the protests still happening? Can we go planet side yet?”

Nova took a moment to see the timid eyes of the inexperienced heroes. “The protests are growing in frequency. There’s an evil organization preying on new morphonic people. You need to stay here until it is safer down there. For now, BADGE will continue working to protect everyone.”

Just then, Chase and Gar walked up. Chase said, “Sir, Quark has some info up in operations.”

Nova looked back at the student heroes. “Study and remain calm.”

EB hopped over to the heroes. “As an instructor here. I think I should...woah!” Nova had grabbed him again.

“Come on. You need to be part of this.”

EB threw his arms out and foil wrapped eggs scattered all over the place. “Have some chocolate, it makes everyone feel better!”


The skies boiled with rolling clouds over Washington, D.C. A rainstorm had just soaked the city and was about to break. Cars and people still trudged through the sloppy streets, always busy with something important to be done. Even on this cold, wet early autumn day, the political engine of the USA had to continue churning.

Three figures appeared high in the clouds and flew down as if carried by invisible strings. They showed no effort to move other than a slight turning of their heads. Each was a male with a brightly colored super suit and glowing eyes. Their skin was almost devoid of color, making them nearly as gray as statues.

At first, this grabbed little attention, but soon enough, people noticed these strangers getting closer to the ground. Those that paid the most attention to them were an angry mob of protestors outside the gates of the White House. A woman leading the protests aimed her megaphone at them with one hand and held up her anti-BADGE sign in her other hand.


The three men hovered directly over the crowd, their emotionless faces scanning the people.

A military vehicle stopped, and a man stepped out. “Heroes! No heroes have unlimited clearance for this airspace. Please return to your HQ and contact proper authorities.”

The protest leader smugly added, “SEE, YOU AREN’T WANTED!”

Finally, one of the trio spoke. “BADGE doesn't need authorization. We may go where we wishes. BADGE is under its own authority and you will accept that or die.”

“I’D RATHER DIE!” she screamed into her megaphone.

The super next to him held up his hand, and the woman dropped both her megaphone and sign to grab her throat as she gagged for air. The protesters screamed and threw objects at the trio. The woman lifted from the ground, still gasping for air. There was a great crack, and she went limp. Tossing his hand to the side, her body flung away, sprawled across the rain-soaked pavement.

The super leader nodded to each of his companions and they flew away from him. He then spoke to the camera phones trained on him. “BADGE needs no further cooperation with those nations beneath us.”

Everyone yelled and ran as there came a tremendous explosion to their right and then another to their left. Massive balls of fire rose into the sky.


Quark pointed at the screen behind him. “Our sensors have scanned the rubble of that lab to the quantum level. Our people have scoured everything we can. We have come up with nothing.”

Nova scoffed, “great. We need a lead…”

Quark interrupted him. “What we do have is this.” He held up his hand as a shard of metal appeared. “A chunk of metallic debris from the lab. I took it from the rubble in front of the central computer station.”

EB hopped up and sat on Gar’s shoulder. “That’s where Dr. Fatso worked all the time. He also played Fort Knight there a lot, while his bosses weren’t watching.”

Quark handed it to Chase. “You’re the best at looking at the past. Give us something to go on.”

She took the metal and focused.

EB said, “she’s so hot when she does this.”

She cast a glare sharper than her shuriken at EB. As he forced his mouth closed and covered it with his paws, she refocused. “Okay. I’m back to when this was part of the floor. Now, I can see the lab. Yes, Dr. Osteen spent a lot of time here. I….I can see the computer screen. But, it’s distant from this angle. I don’t see the data itself. I see a world map… with dots all over it. Major cities, smaller cities, no, I see some words on the screen...military compu...no, compound. Oh, god, they’re targeting nearly every major military location on the planet. Wait, Dr. Osteen and his men are moving a bunch of sedated people out of the lab. They are all dressed like heroes, the sedated men. Strange.” She let go of it and rubbed her face. “That is all I could get.”

Nova took the shard of metal from her. “It was enough. Our enemy is planning a major coordinated attack. But, when?”

“Alert! Alert!” The computer blurted out as all the screens flipped on to images of Washington, D.C.

“Report?” Nova asked.

“Media: on screen.” A robot announced when the screen flipped to the news.

A news woman spoke while the shaky camera scanned the billowing smoke on the horizon. “Moments ago, three heroes from BADGE leveled the two largest military installations near Washington, D.C. The Pentagon was not targeted, but bases were, limiting military response. There are no casualties reported yet. By the blast zone, the numbers are expected to be high. The military has scrambled a counter assault. Five fighter jets have been dispatched...they are approaching the...oh god!”

The camera shifted to the three heroes hovering over the city. Bolts of power came from the heroes and blasted each of the jets. Seconds later, more explosions scarred the streets and buildings of Washington.

“This is...unthinkable. They hardly moved a finger and...I can’t believe what I’m seeing.” Now the image was of three tanks being helplessly lifted by unseen forces. They then threw the tanks through the air and crashed them into approaching military transports.

One hero looked directly at the camera and spoke. “BADGE IS IN CHARGE NOW. STAND DOWN, U.S. MILITARY, OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!”

Nova grabbed his comm and hit the call-all button. However, Chase held his arm before he could make the call. “Sir, we can’t send heroes in...they will blame us for all of this.”

Nova shook her hand away, “I don’t give a damn about bad PR. I’m not letting all those innocent people be in danger.”

EB said, “Buddy, those guys are pumped with a lot of power. I mean, serious power. It’ll take a heck of a lot of strength to bring them down.”

“We have no choice.” Nova clicked the comm again. “Leagues, Heroes, everyone, head to Washington D.C. Bring those men down, now!”

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

Heroes flew around Washington D.C. firing madly at the three villains that hovered over the buildings.

Furious Squirrel used both his Steampunk Pistols to blast at the Green hero, nailing him twice in the chest. Then Furious jumped from an overturned car and threw a special disc into the air. It grew in size until it was as wide as a beach towel. An energy blast from the villain met the mirror-like disc and reflected harmlessly into the air.

The APS dashed next to Furious and then skidded under a laser blast. A large section of the road exploded behind him as he threw a spear at the flying hero. He then snapped his fingers and a black dog raced by him, and bounded up the side of a building and snatched the spear from the villain, ripping it out of his side and bringing it back to The APS.

Furious blasted twice again with his pistols. “Hey, APS, watch it! Nova said we had to minimize property damage.”

The APS deflected a laser with a wrist shield. “Sure he did, but he also said we are to bring these jerks down. A little burnt asphalt is worth getting the shot.”

Silver Paladin landed on the ground and then jumped to the side when an energy beam almost spliced him. He stopped and shook the large mechanical fist on his arm. “Work, you piece of junk!”

Furious rushed over. “What’s that?”

“A Tech Fist I got from BADGE hero support. It’s short circuiting or something. WATCH IT!” Silver Paladin shoved Furious away just in time for a laser to miss both of them.

A voice came over the comm, “Nova to heroes, disengage the Tech Fists at once. Something is interfering with them. Remember to focus on keeping the city as intact as possible. Also, bring those villains in alive…”

Zombie Ex-girlfriend growled over the comm, “Are you serious!? Alive! They’re trying to murder people!"

Nova answered, which everyone could hear both of them at this point. “Yes. These are brainwashed, innocent people. We have to try and save them. However, bringing them down is the top priority.”

Silver Paladin muttered, “this is going to make this battle take twice as long...ugh!”

The comm ended, and the heroes returned to their fight. More than one shed the special BADGE tech that was malfunctioning.


Delta chortled as he and Dr. Osteen watched the battle from their safe location inside yet another dark, secret laboratory.

“I applaud your ingenuity, Dr. Osteen. However did you interfere with that BADGE tech?”

Osteen smiled while a woman flying by their brainwashed augments struggled to remove the large glove over her arm. The augment was chasing her at the same time. “They use a wireless tech that employs a type seven Bluetooth programming. A simply hacking program messed with all of them at the same time.”

“And, in the middle of the battle, perfect.” Delta’s glasses flashed as explosions flickered on the screen.

Osteen asked, “what if the augments finish off the heroes?”

“They won’t. That is not part of the plan. Let the heroes think they won. All I need to know right now is, do you have the weapons ready for the ultimate act of this little play?”

Osteen gestured to a series of large weapons on a table behind him. “They are completely upgraded and ready for your soldiers.”


Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

Silver Paladin flew with The Painless over several buildings, heading right for the green clad augment. The APS had the enemy distracted with clever cat-and-mouse tactics in the air. Other heroes fired at the villain from the ground or air. Most of the heroes were keeping their distance. When they ganged up on him, he would use some kind of force wave to scatter them all over the place. 

“Should we get this close?” Silver Paladin asked.

The Painless sneered with a glint of anger in his eyes. “I want to put a boot up this guy’s arse. Hang back if you want to.”

“I’m all in.” Silver said.

Both sped up and met the green villain with a double punch to the back. The enemy was flung forward and came face to arm with Gar, who clothes-lined the man. The villain tumbled out of the sky.

The APS went after the falling hero while Silver Paladin paused. “Gar... what are you doing here? I didn’t think…” suddenly Gar spoke with a female voice.

“It’s me, Madam Marvelous.”

“Oh, makes sense. Good work. You nailed him.”

“With a little help. Now, let’s go kick this jerk’s butt.”

They dashed for the ground where several heroes had converged on the fallen enemy. He would gather energy to respond to their attacks, but before he could use it, someone else shot or punched him. It became a tennis match between The APS and The Painless as they punched the man back and forth.

“Looks likes he’s gonna be minced meat.” Madame Marvelous, still appearing as Gar, said.

Silver huffed, “Not good.” He swooped down, shooting a white beam of energy that knocked the Augment clear of the other heroes. This last attack sent him down.


Silver answered, “Nova said bring him alive.”


Madame Marvelous landed near the fallen enemy. “Uh, guys, something isn’t right.” She knelt down, seeming to speak with the green augment on the ground.


Across town, nearer the Capital Building, the pair of augments were going round after round with the

other half of the heroes. Hot Wings dodged and fired back at the enemies while Lumpsum and Skynett went directly at the villains.

“They’re weakening!” Lumpsum yelled out.

Skynett said, “good! You get blue, I got red!”

They each got to a villain and flew around them to distract them. Lumpsum got one excellent shot and sent the blue villain flying backward. The red villain dodged an attack by Skynett and kicked the hero square in the face. Skynett turned to respond when a thrown Might Glove hit the villain in the head.

Chromatic death stood on a nearby rooftop, laughing. “BEST USE OF THAT PIECE OF CRAP TODAY!”

The two villains quickly regrouped and were charging with energy. However, just as they were about to unleash hell, Midgardsomr grabbed one by the leg and use him like a bat to slam the other directly into the pavement. He then threw the other straight down, crashing him into his compatriot, creating an even larger hole.


Skelanimal rushed up to the two slammed villains and grabbed the top one and started beating the man still in the hole with him. “I...don’t…like...being...used. I...ain’t...no….villain….!” Each word constituted yet another slam of one body against another.

“STOP!” Nova jumped out of a hovering BADGE shuttle. His voice boomed in an unnatural way, causing all the heroes, even Skelanimal and Midgard, to come to a standstill. “I said to take them alive.”

He walked over with Chase at his side. Chase asked, “are they dead?”

Skelanimal dropped the man he was using as a weapon. “They’re still breath’n.”

Nova pointed at the hole. “Get them up. I want restraints on them now.”

Gar landed near and said, “Director...the media is already here.”

Nova looked up and saw several helicopters coming way too close. In fact, several flying heroes had to get out of their way. “Great, just what we need.” Clicking on the comm, he said to the heroes. “Don’t interfere with the media. Do not answer any questions. Don’t give them any ammunition right now. Any hero not part of clean-up or security, get back to your HQ as soon as possible.”

Many heroes left the scene immediately. A few went to work clearing up the debris. Chase and Gar held morphonic restraints in their hands. Chase said, “get them up so we can put these on them.”

Skelanimal held one of the two villains up by his collar while Hotwings helped the other. Midgard remained present, in case these two became a threat.

“Good.” Nova ignored the helicopters getting even closer. “I want you to…”

“Please...what...what’s going...on?” The man in blue asked.

The man in red weakly looked up. “I am in so much pain. I can’t move...where am I?”

Chase gasped. “Oh, my god. They’re coming around.”

Just then, Silver Paladin arrived with another Gar carrying the green clad man.

“Nova, good. We have a problem. He’s talking to us.” Silver said.

Gar looked at himself. “But...who…” his doppelganger changed back into Madame Marvelous after setting down the green man.

Nova looked at the men. “I don’t know what’s happening, but I hope we’re seeing a reversal to whatever changed them.”

A great commotion stirred all the gathered heroes and media. Several dozen men in what appeared to be military garb rushed up. They wore insignia bearing the letters MHA.

“We are here to apprehend the villains, surrender them, Director Nova.”

Nova, who had a legion of heroes behind him, glared at these men. “Not a chance. Go back and tell your Judge Alpha that her jurisdiction is null and void, as I have found no record of it in any international or national agreements or treaties. I…”

“You must comply.” The commander ordered.

“I must do no such thing. I…”

“Who...what is…” the green man looked up.

“GO, GO, GO, THEY’RE ACTIVE!” The commander gave a signal, and the soldiers lifted bulky laser runs and fired. The villains were vaporized instantly.

“STAND DOWN AT ONCE! HOW DARE YOU!” Nova was taken aback and unable to construct a solid response.

Chase quickly held him back from approaching the men. “Those guns...those are the anti-morphon guns they used in North Onnotangu.”

Nova seethed while the surrounding heroes all grew extremely nervous. “International agreements ban those guns. I know, I wrote those agreements myself.”

“The MHA or World Court does not recognize your authority.”

While the other heroes were scared, both Midgard and Skelanimal looked like they were about to rip these people apart.

Nova said, “Stand down, everyone. Return to your HQ’s...NOW!” This last word sent the heroes, even Midgard and Skelanimal, away.

Once the heroes had left, Nova said. “Tell Judge Alpha this is far from over.” Without another word, he led both Chase and Gar back into the shuttle.


Three hours later, on the space station, Chase, Gar, and Nova watched a special speech from Judge Alpha. She spoke from her podium at the World Court. Behind her were images from the battle, most of them during the last few moments.

“It is with great sorrow we were proven correct. BADGE, in an attempt to conquer the United States of America, sent three of their so-called heroes to invade. When it appeared they would not get full capitulation, they pretended to battle these three heroes. This thinly veiled attempt at coercing the world to believe BADGE is legitimately in the business of protecting freedom and liberty was a complete farce. When the battle concluded, which cost both civilian and military lives as well as terrible property damage to the US capital, the culprits were seen being escorted back to BADGE. They are so brazen and arrogant that they didn’t think we’d see them helping their own after they play-acted this little incursion. We caught them red-handed. The troops of the World Corps arrived and dealt with the primary enemies. However, we were unable to fully stop BADGE. Let me say this. The World Corps does not believe that all heroes are evil or have nefarious plans. But, we cannot recognize the good from the bad, we must interrogate. Therefore, upon reviewing the evidence shown here, we have convinced nearly all nations to allow us to apprehend and interrogate the heroes within their borders. Do not worry, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. We will be fair and honest. When we are done, we will bring BADGE and their villains to justice. This I swear.”

Chase looked at the stoically silent Nova. “What do we do now?”

Nova said, “what we must.”

Dial N for Nova
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:


Cars rattled down the road, people hurried along the streets, and vendors called out their services. This was your ordinary day in Neo Utopia. A city built as a dream to bring cultures together. Don’t be fooled by its name. Neo Utopia was filled with crime, and plenty of heroes to keep the scum at bay.

One such hero walked about the city just now. An unassuming man in a simple business suit strolled down main street, observing the passersby. In his right hand he held a steaming hotdog smothered in mustard and dill relish, his typical Thursday lunch from Tim’s Street Food.

Pausing before the First National Bank of Utopia, he marveled at the amazing Gothic design and accents. He finished his hotdog as he considered the gargoyles on the corners and the five story tall columns.

BOOM! Screaming!

“What the?” The detective felt the road rock, the air shake, the entire city become instantly uneasy. Someone had just set off an explosion in the bank. However, when he reached inside his sport coat for his cellphone, he found an empty pocket. Pulling his hand out, there was no color on his skin. In fact, his coat had gone grey-toned, so had the street, the cars, and even the sky.

Women changed from jogging clothes and slacks to long dresses and loads of curls in their hair. The cars zooming by changed to roadsters and towncars. Phone booths popped up here and there. Even a police box appeared right next to him.

More screaming!

A gaggle of gangsters rushed out of the bank, several holding Tommy guns while the rest held bulging bags of loot. A line of Cadillacs waited for the getaway just as the sirens of the old cop cars raced toward the scene.

It was then that the detective saw a short man hang out of the window of the car, ready to return any fire from pursuant police. He wore a pinstripe suit, had short hair and an even shorter stature.

“Rutkowsky.” the name growled out like yesterday’s coffee...whatever that means.

Slamming open the police box, the detective dialed an extremely long number and then waited. “Yes, operator, reverse the charges.”


Nova sported a heavy boot on his right leg, still mending after a terrible break. With a step, then stamp, then step, then stamp, he made his way out of the elevator and down to the front of operations. Robots worked as usual, and Chase stood in command for the morning.

“Sir, did Dr. Henderson say you should be back at work?”

“What does that woman know? I’m not sitting around and waiting for things to heal. My brain is fine and I’m going to do my job. I’ve worked through worse than this.”

Chase gave him a snide grin, “so, that would be a ‘no’. Oh, well. I certainly don’t outrank you. I don’t see how standing around here all day could be worse than sitting in your quarters.”

“Who said I’d be standing! Get me a chair.” He motioned with his hand.

She retrieved a chair from the corner and he sat down with a lot of old-man noises. “Better, sir?”

Nova nodded, “yes. I may defy her orders to do nothing, but I sure as hell won’t make things worse by standing on this broken leg all day. Now, anything to report?”

“I’m not sure. We had an alarm, but it went silent before I could check on it.”

“Alarm? Where?”

She gestured toward one robot that put a map of the world on the main screen. A circle blinked around Neo Utopia with small bits of data rolling by.

Chase said, “our sensors detected a surge in morphonic power and there was an alarm set off from the bank...but it went silent before we could check. I sent a standard request for information, and they haven’t gotten back to us. I suspect it was an accident or a false alarm. Nothing else is showing up on sensors there.”

“Are you sure? What about that morphon surge?”

Chase shrugged, “nothing too worrisome. With all the heroes in and around Neo Utopia, I suspect the morphon levels in the area are on the high side anyway.”

“Lets check it out, just to be certain.”

Chase picked up a control pad from the robot and checked through the sensors. “See. The levels are high, but nothing to worry about. No singular spike anywhere.”

“Something doesn’t feel right.” Nova said. “Those numbers are too even across the whole city. And, look at that other sensor. The digital data traffic leaving Neo Utopia has bottomed out. A city that large and no digital traffic.”

Chase frowned. “I didn’t notice that. No internet signals, no wireless transmissions. That’s weird.”

“Do we have any drones around there?”

Chase checked through sensors. “Yes, we have several in the vicinity. What the hell?” She had just flicked on an image that was miles above the city. Green hills and splotches of suburbs surrounded a gray zone.

Just then, Gar came rushing into the operations center. “Director, something just happened.” He held an old dial telephone in his hands, a cord dangling from the back of it, unattached to anything.

Nova let out a hard sigh, “let me guess, it was ringing.”

“Yes. And I punched every button on it and it wouldn’t stop. So, I brought it in here, it has stopped.” He held up the old telephone.

Nova had a hand to his face. “That was our only basic telephone on the station, and you ripped it out of the wall.”

“This is not a telephone. Telephones have screens.” Gar stated.

Chase shook with a deep chuckle. “I forget how young you really are, Gar. That’s a telephone.”

“I’m over seven hundred.” Gar said.

Nova said, “There is only one person who would use a phone to call me. And, by the looks of things, I just know it was him.”

“Who?” Chase asked.

Nova spit the name out like it was a bad piece of steak. “Peyton!”


Nova spent a moment mulling this over. He looked up at that image of a gray town, the countryside slowly losing color as this anomaly expanded. “Chase, Gar, I have a mission for you. Both of you head to Neo Utopia. Check out the First National Bank and see what happened. Then get back here quickly. If this is what I think it is, you shouldn’t stick around for too long.”

“What about this Peyton?” Chase asked.

Nova almost growled for a moment as he simmered on that name. Finally he said, “don’t worry about him, just get back here.”

Chase turned to leave with Gar, but Nova stopped them.

“Wait.” He pulled out an old business card. “Here. If, by some horrible chance, you need help. Look him up.”

Chase took the card and left for their, hopefully brief, mission.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:


“What is Neo Utopia?” Gar asked

Chase checked their ETA on the nav console in the shuttle and then answered. “Neo Utopia is a city built back in the twenties to bring cultures across the world together. It worked, there are a lot of different people all working nicely together there. It grew a lot over the past century. However, with growth comes crime. Loads of nasty people and even some gangs and mafias have set up shop in that city. It’s the most technologically advanced city on Earth, but it is also a...wait, something doesn’t look right.” She leaned over.

The pilot said, “we’re coming in for a landing. Something must be wrong with my sensors. The sky doesn’t look right.”

“Just get us down.”

The sky was gray, tarmac was gray, every building, car, and tree was gray. The world… was gray. Chase and Gar walked across the open airfield, a breeze rushing around them. When Chase turned to see the source of this breeze, she saw an old Ford Trimotor plane with BADGE emblazoned on the side.

“That’s weird? What happened to the shuttle?” Chase asked.

Gar gasped, “what happened to you!”

She looked down and realized that her arms were just as colorless as the rest of this strange environment. “I’m… gray?”

“AH! ME TOO!” Gar yelled.

Chase said, “you were always gray.”

“Oh, right.”

“Come on, let’s go check out this bank and get the hell out of this before it gets any worse.” She pushed onward, with Gar close behind her.

Walking down the streets of Neo Utopia led them backward in time. Old cars rumbled down the road, boys hawked news papers from the street corners, some women dressed like flappers while others were in smart pantsuits clutching small purses.

“What happened here?” Gar asked.

Chase watched a police officer walk by, giving her a stern, disapproving look. “I don’t know. Oh, there’s the bank.”

First National Bank of Neo Utopia had police all around it with newspaper photographers snapping pictures with over-sized cameras and massive flashbulbs.

“Looks like the scene of the crime.” Gar said.

Chase walked him over and moved aside police tape to get nearer the Bank. A man in a suit rushed over to her, shoving her back.

“Woah, woah, woah, there. No citizens allowed, darlin.”

Chase flashed her BADGE credentials. “I’m here to gather details for Director Nova.”

The man snorted and chuckled. “A dame a police officer, that’s rich. Go, play with yer strange winged friend outside this police line before I have to take you in for indecent exposure.”

“Indecent exposure!?”

Several men on either side of the police tape whistled suggestively at Chase. Gar threatened them with a severe look.

“Move it, sweetheart, yous mak’n a scene. Now….YEOOOOOW!” He was poking her with a finger and now that finger was just about bent off his hand by her grip.`

“Back off before I break it off.” She shoved him away. “Come on, Gar, let’s see what we can find. These bozos won’t be of any help.”

Halfway up the steps, Gar stumbled and fell to his knees. “Chase… I don’t feel so well.”

“You don’t feel well? How is that possible?”

He jerked and his arms came closer to himself. “I. . . am. . . going stiff. . . I can’t…”

“GAR!” She watched him shrinking slightly.

There was a strange wave of energy that boomed out and stumbled her back for a moment. The world went hazy. There came the loud report of guns blazing from around a far corner. Dozens of suited men carrying Tommy Guns descended upon them, showing the cops with bullets. The cops dove behind cars and returned fire. Oddly, it seemed no one hit anyone else. They just kept each other at bay.

The gunfire stopped, and the gangsters strolled up the steps. A large, mustachioed man held up a metal fist. “When will you realize, coppers, this city is ours now? Neo Utopia is now Rutkowsky city!” He fired his weapon into the air, causing the citizens to dive, or scream, or run.

The suited officer that Chase had injured yelled out, “What are your boss’s demands?”

The tall gangster laughed. “I’ll get back to you with a list. HA!”

“Hey, Steelfist! Lookit this!” A goon ran over and examined the now solid statue that was Gar, which had become only three feet in height.

Steelfist laughed, “wouldja look at that! The Maltese Gargoyle! Rutkowsky’s gonna be happy ta see this. Get it, boys!”

Chase blacked out just after watching them dragging Gar away.

This room, it smelled of sweat, anger, and cigarettes,… mostly cheap cigarettes to be honest. Men swore, laughed, and threatened each other around over turned boxes and ratty old tables. Playing cards were thrown around, littering the ground, the remnants of each brawl over poker. Everyone cheated, and no one liked to be cheated, which was a dangerous mixture among thugs and henchmen.

Suddenly, the dimly lit haze was set afire by the light coming from the freshly opened doors. Shadowy figures came in by the dozen. A scraping, grinding sound followed them as they dragged Gar’s frozen form inside this abandoned warehouse.

“HEY, BOSS! WE GOT SOMETH’N FOR YA!” Steelfist yelled out.

The gathered thugs and miscreants rushed to see the loot. This, again, instigated fights between members wanting to get more of their unfair share.

“BOYS! ENOUGH!” A voice yelled out.

What power, what presence! This voice put every greasy gangster down. They shut up and backed away as their leader strode through the smoke.

A short man wearing most of a suit with the arms torn to reveal his muscular arms appeared. With an unlit cigarette dangling out the side of his mouth and a two-bit floozy hanging off his left shoulder, he cut a commanding figure. Everyone held their breath as he approached. No one moved. He snatched a match out of his pocket and struck it across the bottom of his shoe. Lighting that cigarette, he finally approached the statue.

“So, what do we have here?”

Steelfist timidly answered, “the Maltese Gargoyle, it’s worth a fortune. And, it’s all yers boss.”

“commere.” Rutkowsky wiggled a finger at Steelfist.

The brute leaned over. “What?”

With a sudden slap, Rutkowsky sent the behemoth reeling. “You worthless piece of gutter trash! It’s the Maltese Falcon, not Gargoyle. I wanted a mcguffin. This ain’t no mcguffin you moron! Now I’m gonna have BADGE flatfoots after me!”

“BADGE? Who the hell is that, boss?” Steelfist asked.

Rutkowsky waved a hand. “Nevermind. Jus get this here statue in the back, outta the light. I gotta figure this out.”

The gangsters dragged poor Gargoyle through the abandoned warehouse while their boss postulated a plan. The gangsters playing cards slowly returned to their rowdy games, coming to blows more than dealing new hands.

“Whatcha think’n bout Mr. R?” the floozy asked.

Rutkowsky smiled, “nuthin ta worry ya pretty little head. STEELFIST!”

In a matter of seconds, the brute and his closest thugs rushed to their bosses beckoning. “What?”

Rutkowsky slowly walked back through the fog in the room. “Take the guys and go mess up the city real good. North side and South side, don’t let nobody through from the outside. This city is ours and till I get my hands on the real mcguffin, I don’t want any problems.”

“Right away, boss.” Steelfist slammed his steel fist through a card table, scatting shards and cards all over the warehouse. This grabbed the attention of every gangster in the room. “Yous guys heard the boss. Get yer tails in gear! MOVE!”

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:


It was 3 in the afternoon when she walked into my place. The sky was dark, rain soaked the streets. Why is it this dark at three you might ask, the ambiance required it. Still, the mood was right for her to walk into my life.

I could hear my secretary stating. “Mista Peyton not seeing no one today.”

Then I heard her voice. “I must see him, it is important. He’s the only man in this city who can help me.”

“I tell ya, he ain’t seeing no dame today.”

My secretary was dead wrong. I always make time for a good look’n dame. And, I could tell by her voice that she was one I didn’t want to miss. Her shadow crossed the frosted glass of my door and I knew my instincts were right.

“Eva, let her come in!” I called out.

“Alright, boss.”

The door opened and the shadow was only the sampler of the incredible dish served. She stood there, lips that glimmered in the dim light of the room, smoky eyes that beckoned every male with a heartbeat, and legs that wouldn’t quit. She would be wearing red if this story wasn’t noir and everything was in this blasted black and white.

“Private Eye Peyton?” She asked in that sultry tone.

I took my feet off the desk, tossed a toothpick in the waste bin, and gave her as good a smile as I could muster. “Who’s ask’n?”

“I… I can’t really recall. I think I murdered some guy and that I was making fried chicken, or was it pies?”


“No, that’s not it. Chase.”

“I don’t have time for any car chases.”

She came around and sat in the chair in front of my desk. “No, Mr. Peyton. My name, it’s Chase. I’m so confused.”

“You need a doctor, not a gumshoe.”

Using her silk gloved hand, she drew out my buisness card from her purse and placed it in front of me. “I woke up on the street and couldn’t remember anything. I had nothing on me except this card, and I knew you could help.”

I picked up the card and realized what this meant. My past was coming crashing to me, my present reality about to shatter. I was enjoying the story so far, but now things were going to get serious.

“Mr. Peyton, why are you narrating everything?”

“Oh, sorry. Force of habit. Moves the story along and is cliché. Fortunate for you, I’m the only person who can help you, and you’ll be able to help me.”

“How can I help you? I don’t even know how I ended up in the street.”

I stood and turned to the window. Opening the blinds slightly, I let in the light, cutting in stark slats across the room.

She asked me. “why did you do that?”

“Mood lighting. We need smoke or dramatic lighting and I don’t smoke.” I turned and came around the desk to her. “Look, Chase, I need to take your hands.”

She drew back like I was about to mug her. “Mr. Peyton! I’m not that kind of girl… at least I don’t think I am.”

“No, I aint gonna do anything like that. Just, take my hands.”

She took hold and I used a gift that I rarely let anyone know about. In moments, she was dazed and finally woke to reality.

Looking at her arms in shock and then touching the dress and large hat on her hand, Chase stood up. “What the hell is going on! Where am I? How...WHO ARE YOU?”

I tipped my hat to her, “Private Eye Peyton.”

“What? Why did you narrate yourself and who… wait, Private Eye Peyton? That card!”

I held the card up to her, “yeah. Only one guy I know has a card from me. Director Nova. If you had this, then he sent you. I tried calling to warn him, but the phone disconnected.”

“Gar pulled it out of the wall, he...GAR! They took Gar!”

“Someone stole your car?”

“Not car, Gar. My friend, he came to help. Something happened to him, he froze and became a statue and was dragged off. They called him the Maltese Gargoyle...which makes no sense.”

“Makes perfect sense to me, sweetheart. Those thugs are just as brainwashed into this as you. They was changed. But, if they thought he was some item, then he’s probably safe.”

“What’s going on? Why am I dressed like it’s 1940..”


“WHATEVER! Who changed my clothes and how did I get in here?”

I knew she was one serious dame…


“Sorry, sorry, part of the shtick. I’ll try to control it, no promises though. Anyway. Here’s the deal. There’s this lowlife named Rutkowski who operates the local product delivery service. Big business, but just a front. He’s really a seedy gangster boss who has super powers.”

“What kind of powers?”

“You look’n at em dollface.” He held out his hand to the window, showing the city.

“The gray?”

“More than graying everything. He alters reality. Rutkowski has a goal, turn the world into his permanent gangster kingdom, with him as king. He has a massive army of thugs and lowlifes that are as loyal to him as they come, including a few superpowered villains. I have kept him in check for decades, but he tries this once in a while. Something, though, is giving him on hell of a boost. He altered the whole city in a matter of moments and it’s already spreading. The burbs are almost over come.”

Chase went for her communicator, “we have to call BADGE and...what the hell?” her communicator was now a compact with blush and a mirror. “Makeup? Who needs makeup when everything is gray?”

“Part of the problem, doll. Reality is bent, everything here is genre specific. Your clothes weren’t changed, just altered. If you call in the BADGE’s little army, they’ll end up just like you, memory wiped and adjusted to this reality.”

“How are you not altered?”

“Same thing that gave him gave me powers. Our first struggle happened over that?” I showed her a beautiful grandfather clock.

She walked over and examined it. “McGuffin Clock Company, what is it?”

“A device that lets someone change reality to any time they want. It don’t work no more, but the power was given to each of us. He can change reality, I can unchange it. However, he’s stronger than me.”

“We need to find a way…”

The phone rang and both knew by the change in musical tempo that it wasn’t a cheerful call.

I picked up the phone. “Private Eye Peyton here.”

Rutkowski’s voice came through loud and clear, “Peyton, I know that dame from BADGE is in yer office. Tell her that I got her buddy, the stony guy. If she don’t want me to have my boys smash him to bits, I suggest you keep outta my business.”

Chase, who could hear all of this, said, “Gar’s indestructible. BADGE is gonna have your hide…”

I stopped her, “you heard that. Your threats are empty. Give up, you can’t stop both me and BADGE.”

“All I’s got to do is wait fer the alteration to cover the world, Peyton. Your buddy might be indestructible, but he can sink and I’m feeling like go’n fish’n. Now, my boys are gonna keep this city secure, till reality is done chang’n. You keep your nose outta my business and we’ll all be kosher, capeesh?”

“You’re in over your head, Rutkowski.”

Rutkowski laughed as he cut off the call.

Chase asked, “What are you going to do, Mr. Peyton?”

“What I have to, dial N for Nova.” After a few moments and a load of connections, I heard the voice of a man I knew never wanted to hear my voice again.

“Oh, god, you’re narrating yourself again. This must be serious.” Nova was his chipper self.

“Sorry. Yes, it’s happened. We need your help. The city is being held hostage by hoards of thugs led by Rutkowski’s head henchman. We can’t even begin to find out how to stop him without getting them outta the way. Think you can send me some help?”

“Yes. I will send the leagues in…”

“Not in, just to the outskirts. The moment they get in the city, they’ll be taken by the reality change. Just have them scare the thugs and Steelfist back into hiding and let me do my job.”

“Fine, but I’ll still send in more help. Just a few, think you can handle them?”

“Alright, we’ll do it your way. But, only send in a few. My power only works so much.”


Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

 Steelfist swung hard as he punched hero after hero. However, he was on the receiving end of most of the blows. Chase led a team directly toward him. She materialized her throwing blades, but found that they were two nail files instead.

“Stupid altered reality!” Still, she threw. They met Steelfist’s tiny glasses and his spectacles went flying.

“YA STUPID DAME!” He bellowed and came down hard to smash Chase.

Der Engle pulled Chase aside just in time and the fist plowed into pavement and stuck.

Zombie Ex Girlfriend grabbed Steelfist by the other arm and yanked him out of the ground as she flipped him over and slammed him, face first, into the pavement.

Silver Paladin took advantage of the enemy’s inglorious position and blasted him with a powerful beam of light. Steelfist crashed through a building, across a street, into the mast of a ship, and down into the harbor.

Chase and the others paused when they saw this and waited a moment. Finally, Painless said, “I doubt someone with a solid steel fist would float. He’s a goner.”

Silver Paladin came up. “The fight against Rutkowski and his men isn’t going so well.”

Suddenly, Der Engle yelled, “What the hell!” He stumbled back as his color drained.

Chase huffed, “the reality altering is still happening.”

Silver Paladin asked, “what do we do now?”

“We move. We have to help them bring Rutkowski down. It’s a long way across this city. We have to move fast or be sucked into this reality.”

The heroes launched themselves into the streets and over the buildings. All were heading toward the smoke and fires of the fight on the north side of town.

Private Eye Peyton punched two goons in the face and then pulled his gun and fired, nailing another in the leg.

Heroes were fighting against not just one man, but Rutkowski’s entire regiment of mobsters.

Midgardsomr punched the ground, creating giant potholes in the pavement. Rutkowski was quick enough to evade being smashed.


Five goons rushed in, each firing Tommy Guns. Heroes dodged and protected themselves from the bullets.

Rutkowski laughed, “Nice try, capes. You ain’t got nuth’n on my crew. Surrender.”

“Like hell!” Skelanimal rushed between Midgard and the goons. He dodged bullets and grabbed one Tommy gun. He used it like a bat to slam into the side of another mobster and then used his fist to gut-punch a third. Lumpsum dashed over him and clotheslined the last two mobsters.

“Take that!” Lumpsum stomped one gun, destroying it.

Private Eye Peyton grabbed his walkie talkie, “heroes, focus on Rutkowski. His goons are endless. Cut the head off the snake…” he saw that glare from Midgard. “Rutkowski, not the giant scary monster fighting with us.”

Heroes poured over the buildings and converged on the seemingly unstoppable crime boss.

Rutkowski merely laughed and his eyes created a burst of white light that spread over the incoming heroes. People rained down, falling to the ground and curling up on the streets. Their color instantly drained, their clothing changed. The mob boss laughed, “welcome to my world, capes.”

Peyton saw even Midgardsomr was colorless and shrinking down to a human size. No one had a reason to fight. They didn’t know why they were even here.

Rutkowski strolled up to Peyton. “See, it’s over. You and I, we both love this time. This here reality, it was the best and can be again. Booze, jazz, and flappers.”

Peyton nodded. “Your right, I loved this time. It was my favorite era. The curse of living for so long means fewer and fewer people are around to remember what we remember, to enjoy what we enjoyed. Life is too damned fast now.”

“See. Now yer talk’n.” Rutkowski grabbed him around the shoulders and walked him away from the suffering heroes. “Give me a few days. This world will be mine. You join my gang, and it’ll be swinging speakeasies every night.”

Peyton nodded, “sure. It’ll be the world I once loved. But, this world ain’t mine to decide how it works, and it sure ain’t yours.” There was a loud bang and Rutkowski stumbled away. Peyton pulled his gun from where he had tucked it at his side. The crime boss held his ribs where he had been shot.

“You stupid gumshoe. I offer you the world and this is what ya repay me with. KILL HIM!”

Peyton ran, ducking as the guns fired from the goons still around the parameter. He dove behind several of the changing heroes and found the man he wanted. “Please be the one.” He grabbed the man’s hands and pulled him back to reality.

“What the!? What just happened to me?” The man asked.

“No time. You that wizard guy?”

“Yes, The Wizard...HEY, SOMEONE’S SHOOTING!” He ducked when bullets flew past.

“Just help me out. I need someone to give my power a kick in the pants. Think you can do it?”

“I’ll certainly try.”

Peyton grabbed his hands again and when The Wizard gave him a signal, he focused his powers with all his strength. A fresh wave of energy exploded out and this time even the color came back to the heroes. Their clothing remained changed, but they were all instantly aware of their real life.

“Don’t just stand there, STOP RUTKOWSKI!”

Chase picked herself up off the ground and looked to see that the others with her were in the same state.

“What just happened to me?” Silver Paladin asked.

“We were all changing to this reality. I know the feeling.” She answered.

Der Engle ran by, “I hear fighting!”

They gathered themselves and dashed around a corner. Skidding to a stop, they found all the goons on the ground and Rutkowski being held by a furious man in a green suit.

Moments later, the local police arrived with a herd of ambulances. They strapped Rutkowski to a stretcher, heading for the nearest hospital to remove the bullet. “This aint over ya flatfoots! You can’t hold Rutkowski. I’ll be back on the streets in no time. Nuthin has changed, I’LL STILL WIN!”

Chase spoke with Silver Paladin and Hotwings, “Get the heroes out of this city. The reality is still altered, and I don’t want any more problems.”

Silver asked, “what about Gar?”

Peyton came over. “Chase and I’ll get him. I know where Rutkowski keeps his favorite hostages.”

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll get Gar and get back to BADGE.”

Hotwings and Silver Paladin left to gather the heroes.

I walked with her into the belly of the beast. Well, maybe not so dramatic. But this place stunk of old bathtub gin and cigars.

“You’re narrating yourself again.” Chase said.

“Sorry, force of habit. Besides, it just feels right.”

“You can keep narrating to your strange little heart’s content. I want Gar.”

I led her through the maze of rooms and tunnels. This place looked innocent, but it held lots of hiding places. It was at the end of a dark hall, inside a dimly lit room, that we found a strange statue.

“Can you shut up long enough to see if you can change him back?”

“Change him? Look, dollface…” a blade was aimed at my throat by this vixen, and she didn’t like me calling her a vixen neither. “Sorry, but I ain’t no sculptor.”

“He isn’t a statue. Well, he is, but he lives. It’s a long story. Just change him back.”

I wasn’t sure if this dame was daft...ooh, there’s that blade again. Taking hold of the stone hands on this thing, I used my powers. You couldn’t have paid for better shock treatment than what happened next. That statue grew in size and then lifted its wings and said thank you. Yes, I almost wet myself.

“Chase, why is he talking like that?” The statue asked.

She rolled her eyes. “Ignore him. Gar, are you okay?”

He stretched his wings and rolled his shoulders. “I think so. What happened?”

“I’ll explain later. We both need to get out of here.”

They followed me back out of this maze, that statue staring at me the whole time. We got through town and back to the airstrip where a BADGE airplane waited.

“Why are we getting into an airplane?” the statue asked.

Chase shoved him toward the door. “Just get in, it’ll be a shuttle soon enough.”

Finally, it was her and I. A fog blowing across the tarmac, a soft piano playing in the background...who was playing is anyone’s guess.

“So, when will this world turn back into a modern city?” She asked.

“Soon enough. I’ll be here to help protect it. Glad you and BADGE were around though, it was a tough job.”

She smiled in a way that I liked. “Well, even though you were annoying, you saved us. So, I suppose you are capable.”

“I’ll take that as a high compliment from you. I just hope we get to work together someday. I like you, you have moxy.”

She stepped up the ramp to the plan. “Don’t count on it. But, if you need us, you can…”

“I know how to reach you, I just dial N for Nova.”

A Hollywood Ending
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

“I’m on my way!” Starmaster walked across an open field. He approached the levitating person.

The Master of Mental sat in a meditation pose, hovering above the ground. Her purple skin emanating a strong glow.

“Ah, one who uses my blessings approaches.” She spoke directly into his mind.

Starmaster responded with a telepathic voice. “Mental, I’m here to check on you.”

“You are here at the orders of BADGE from Director Nova. He wants to know where we are and what we are doing.” The thoughts in his head were rifled through and he saw her examine the conversations he had with Nova just an hour ago.

“Very good. I suppose a creature made up of mental morphons would have exceptional telepathic powers.”

With a clever smile on her face, she answered him. “I am what I am.”

“What are you doing here?”

Reaching down, she caressed the grass. “Here, long ago, was a source of great wisdom. A library was here before it burned. Many brilliant minds came here and educated themselves. I can still feel the residual mental power.”

“Power? These people had morphonic powers?”

“No. This was before the Morphons enhanced the humans. However, morphons enhance what exists. Morphons do not create powers, they give them a new strength, a new avenue of use.”

Starmaster sat next to her. “I see. How interesting. I suppose you have a point. Strength isn’t new, super heroes just have enhanced strength. And, technology wasn’t created by morphons, we just use it differently. I never considered this before.”

Mental closed her eyes and suddenly he had a glow around him. She said, “You had a powerful mind before the morphons changed you. This is why your powers manifested in telepathic and telekinetic ways.”

“Yes, I don’t wish to sound arrogant, but I was always more thoughtful, more willing to learn than the people around me. I suppose my mind was stronger, though I never really realized that until this moment.”

Mental opened her eyes and looked at him. “In all humans is the capacity to grow, learn, and be something greater than they realize. However, many choose to remain small for it is comfortable.”

“Are you saying all humans could be superheroes? That everyone could be enhanced with Morphons?”

“No. The ability to tap into the strength of Morphons is unique to a few. However, all humans do have the ability to be more than they give themselves credit. In my short time since awakening, I have learned that many humans limit themselves and it makes me sad.”

Starmaster gave this some thought, diving deep into her wisdom. After a moment, he asked. “I was wondering. What... exactly... are you? A living creature, a human given powers… or something else? I…”

“Someone is coming!” Mental stood up, ready to fight.

Starmaster was to his feet the moment he heard engines roaring their direction. Half a dozen black helicopters blazed across the skies. “What are they doing here?” Starmaster readied for an attack.

“I cannot sense minds on those approaching vehicles.” Mental said, as though it caused her pain.

“They are a secret organization that has been giving BADGE trouble. I have seen that helicopter design in an image from BADGE.”

Mental snarled, “I have seen it as well when they tried to take Merlin’s Tome before Magic awoke.”

Starmaster laughed, “I doubt they’re ready for a god-like creature and a superhero working together.”

“I am not a god, do not be arrogant, be focused.” An energy filled her hands.

The ground shook hard, and dirt sprayed everywhere. Both stumbled and had to regain their posture.

A familiar voice spoke behind them. “Surrender or this will get messy.”

Starmaster turned and audibly gasped. “Arx? Where the hell did you come from?”

“Let’s just say I have a new agent and he’s setting me up for one hell of a new part to play.” Arx lunged at Starmaster to punch him.

Starmaster blasted Arx back with a telekinetic power. When he went for a second blast, Arx used a special device on his arm to create an energy field that absorbed the attack.

“Enough!” Mental opened her hands as a massive wave of psionic energy exploded out and sent Arx tumbling away.

“Good hit!” Starmaster said and then vanished, reappearing right next to the fallen Arx. He went to hit the man in the face when Arx kicked his leg and toppled the hero.

A strong breeze whirled around the fields, and deep shadows fell over the fight. The helicopters arrived, with mercenaries jumping off. Mental used that psionic blast one more time before they hit her with a wide, purple beam of energy from strange weapons.

Starmaster used a powerful wave of his own telekinetic powers and sent Arx stumbling back. He then vanished and reappeared near Arx and nailed him with a foot in the back. However, his victory was cut short when he saw the hoards of Mercenaries rushing toward his location.

“Starmaster to BADGE, HELP!”


Small shuttles darted to and from the orbital League Wars Arena. Several dozen space suited workers diligently repaired and upgraded the facility. Director Nova observed all this activity from the large windows in the mess hall of the BADGE space station.

“Good afternoon, Agent Justin. Who is this?” Nova asked.

“How did you know I was behind you?”

Nova pointed to the glass. “The reflection.”

“Ah. Well, this is Dr. Stone, Brian Stone.”

Nova turned around and took the red-headed doctor’s hand in a firm shake. “Glad to meet you. Yes, Dr. Stone. I have heard great things about your work with morphonic energies.”

“I’m pleased to be so well known. I’ve only been studying the phenomenon for the past three years and barely scratched the surface.”

“At this time, Dr. Stone, you’re the greatest expert we can trust.”

Dr. Stone asked. “Agent Justin wasn’t entirely clear about why you asked for me specifically. I assumed BADGE had the greatest minds for understanding the unique powers granted through morphon energy.”

“We have extensive knowledge in the field of superpowers. However, recently there has been a rise in new individuals, creatures calling themselves Avatars of Morphons. I don’t understand them and that annoys me. However, what annoys me more, an evil organization has been seeking them and desiring their knowledge. To what ends, I do not know. We need to know more about this situation so we can properly protect the Earth. That is where you come in, doctor. Study the morphons and these creatures will be a top priority.”

“I see. Well, I will do my best for the good of Earth.”

Just then EB slammed into Nova and jumped up and down, “Nova, Nova, Nova!”

Nova snatched him mid-air, holding him by his ears. “What is it?”

EB pointed back. “Just got a message from Starmaster. Something big is happening. Those mercenary jerks are attacking Mental, and there are TONS of them.”

“Crap.” Nova dropped the bunny and pulled out his comm. “Nova to Leagues, converge on Starmaster’s location, NOW! Be prepared for a fight.”

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

A pile of computer components rested on a table with five emitters aimed at them. Dr. Osteen placed a pair of dark goggles over his face and pressed a button. The lights in the lab dimmed as the emitters produced bright yellow beams. This energy lit up the tech on the table and then it died down. He quickly checked over the results of this and gained a wicked smile.

The door of the room opened and Arx came in. “Yo, doc. We got her.”

Osteen took off the goggles and tossed them aside. “It’s doctor. And, where did they put her?”

Agent Delta stepped in, bandages on his face and neck. “Here, of course.”

“Oooh. Lemme see her.” Osteen grabbed another sensor device and followed them out of his lab.

They walked through the storage area where the caged animals rested. Mercenary agents of the secret organization waited around the parameter with weapons ready. In the last cage rested the bluish purple woman with bright red hair. A device wrapped around her head and they bound her hands behind her.

Osteen hesitated when he saw her, even hiding slightly behind Arx. “Is it safe to be around her? I don’t want her messing with my head.”

Delta flicked the cage with his hand. “She’s asleep, and even if she weren’t, this cage blocks her powers. That restraint on her head is also designed to dampen her powers. If your data on morphonic radiation is accurate, our tech is perfectly suited to keep her contained.”

“My data is just fine. Don’t forget, it was I who first awoke the avatars.” Osteen stepped around Arx and held up his scanner to read her.

Delta said, “yes, of course. It was your work that revealed these creatures to us and provided us a tool which will grant us our desires… so long as you continue to produce results.”

“Don’t worry. I have always been reliable. Why do you think I’m the most wanted scientist in the world, I produce results no matter the costs.” He chuckled with glee.

Arx said, “there were a lot more guys working with me. I didn’t know you had so many extras.”

“They aren’t extras, they are mercenaries. We added to our ranks recently. The next phase of this plan requires a lot of encounters with those Avatars and BADGE. We need a distraction, something to keep them busy. So, my organization just hired a lot more thugs who want to play at being some kind of special forces. They will go and randomly mess with the heroes around the world while we continue with the plan.”

Arx asked, “what’s this big plan of yours? You said I was part of it. I like a juicy part, but I gotta know how to prep for it, ya know?”

“Just keep following our orders and you’ll play your part perfectly.” Delta said.

Arx smiled at his own reflection in his flexed, shiny arm. “Awesome. Just so I get my adoring audience back. I miss all the girls drooling over me.”

Delta ignored the egomaniac and asked Osteen, “what do you need next?”

“Just tell your soldiers to move the equipment from storage room five into here and set up one of the units over this cage. I’ll set up the next process to extract what we need.”

Delta snapped his fingers and the nearest soldiers rushed to fulfill this order. “Anything else?”

“No, that’ll do fine.” Osteen checked his readings with a lusty smile. “However did you get the information I needed? This kind of data would have taken me years to extrapolate.”

“I read it in a magic book, which we will obtain soon enough.”

Osteen asked, “You mean the Avatar of Magic? That old Tome of Merlin? I thought that was just a fable. Was it real?”

“Yes. BADGE had it. We got it, I read it. They think I’m dead and that they saved the book from our clutches. BADGE underestimates our organization or that I’m trained to have a perfect, photographic memory.”

“What’s a photogenic memory?” Arx asked.

Delta said, “photographic, you idiot. It means I don’t forget things. Now, go take selfies in a mirror, I’m sick of the glare off your biceps.”

“Will do.” That insult went right over Arx’s head, and he located the nearest mirror.

Osteen said, “I can have…” his sensor let out an alarm.

“What’s that?” Delta asked, his soldiers ready to strike.

“I see we have a guest, just as I suspected.” Osteen rushed back toward his lab.

Upon opening the door, they found that pile of computer components forming into a humanoid figure. The technological man smiled at Osteen. “Greetings friend. Been a while.”

Osteen said, “I see super charging that stuff with tech specific morphons was just the right bait.”

“Bait? What for?” The Master of Tech asked.

Delta said, “you.” His soldiers shot Master of Tech with five special beams and he went down.


Footage from the battle with the mercenary forces filled the monitors in the Operations room. Shards of tech, scraps of cloth, and a few fallen mercs were being examined by drones and people on the scene.

Starmaster, sporting a nasty black eye, looked up at a hovering drone. “We’ve searched the area more than a dozen times, no sign of Mental. She’s gone.”

Nova said, “we can’t find a single scrap of footage of her abduction during the conflict.”

“It was a hairy fight. They used weapons I’ve never seen. We’re lucky we didn’t lose anyone. There were a lot of them. I didn’t expect such a horde.”

Nova stroked his goatee. “I suspect our enemy has bolstered his ranks with more mercenaries. Probably a lot of scrappy wannabe mercs that’ll do anything for a paycheck.”

“Whoever they were, they made a mess.”

Nova continued looking over the other drone images. “Gather what you can from that debris and begin searching for our enemies’ HQ.”

Shinobi, who held a small bit of the fallen tech from the fight, joined Starmaster. “This stuff is unique. I’m sure we can trace it like we traced the tech on that giant robot that attacked Vegas earlier.”

“Good. Then get on it.”

Starmaster said, “we have a few minor problems. Small bands of those mercenaries have attacked heroes outside this area. I don’t know if this is just other organizations taking advantage of the situation, or if our enemy has some motive for random strikes.”

Nova said, “our enemy just kidnapped one of the Avatars. Locating the others will be their top priority and ours. My guess is that their soldiers are out there searching for clues. We need to find the head of this snake and cut it off. Tell the heroes to be aware that the risk level is heightened, but the objective remains the same. Find our enemy and protect the remaining Avatars.”

“Understood.” Both Shinobi and Starmaster answered.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

 The large monitor at the front of the Operations buzzed with various images and videos. Connections had been made with League HQ’s across the planet. All the while, Nova kept a keen eye on everything.

“We don’t have any sign of trouble here, sir.” Shinobi said through his small screen.

Nova looked over at Kid Chaos. “has your team found any leads we can follow?”

Chaos said, “not yet. We’ve been scouring New Amsterdam’s seediest places for info on this secret organization. These crime bosses know nothing. I’d wager this secret organization doesn’t deal with the regular street-scum.”

“I don’t think so either. Keep searching for clues, for anything that will give us a lead.”

Chaos gave a swift salute with two figures off his forehead, and the signal ended.

The elevator behind him opened, and both Chase and Dr. Stone came out. The doctor stopped at the sight of all the people on the screen now looking at him. “Wow, is this where all the heroes are commanded?”

Skelanimal, on a small screen in the upper corner, replied, “hell no. We just answer his call when we feel like it.”

Nova muted Skelanimal’s feed and then addressed Dr. Stone. “Ignore him. Doctor, we have a growing situation and I hope you have something to help me.”

Doctor Stone came up with a computer tablet in his hand. “Agent Chase brought me up to speed on the way. I just finished installing my computer equipment in the lab and I think we can use it to help… I hope.”

“In what way?”

Stone went to hand the tablet to a person behind one of the computer stations and jerked back at the sight of the faceless robot operating the system. “Uh… can I talk to it.”

“How can I be of assistance?” The robot asked in a dry tone.

“Oh, uh, here, use this to connect to my lab.”


Nova asked, “what is this?”

“I have developed a sensor system that can identify spikes in morphonic radiation. Specifically, I can see when it is in use. If my theories are correct, these Avatar creatures are made mostly of morphons, thus their bodies utilize them like our bodies utilize calories. This means that when they simply breath and walk, they are using morphons that should show up like a glowing light in a dark room. At least that is the theory. I wanted to test this more before putting into any sort of use.”

Nova said, “trust me, we often test things as we go. Fire it up.”

Stone watched the robot do its work, then took the tablet and used it to control the system. “Can I put it on the main screen, that will help see this working.”

“Do as he asks.” Nova turned back to the monitor just as all they cut the channels off, replaced by a large map of the planet.

Stone walked up and punched controls. “Okay, so… activating the sensor net… connecting to the BADGE satellite system. Annnnd, it should go active… now.”

A yellow fuzz covered the map. This completely blocked the continents.

“What’s that?” Nova asked.

“That would be the morphonic radiation in the atmosphere. The system is reading the broad spectrum, it will take a second to narrow down spikes.”

Chase asked, “is there that much morphonic radiation in the air?”

“More or less. This is highlighting it, so it makes it look like a lot more. But, it is over the entire planet.” Dr. Stone said as he continued his controls. “Don’t worry. As far as we have determined they’re harmless outside of creating super powers in people.”

The image changed, and the yellow haze faded into thousands of dots all over the planet.

“What are those?” Nova asked.

“That would be the location of all strong concentrations of morphons. Likely, these are all the people who are currently using morphons for powers.”

Chase folded her arms and sneered. “I don’t think I like this. You can track all the heroes without their knowledge. It just doesn’t feel right.”

“This system would have a hard time tracking people by name. But, yes, I suppose it could do that.” Stone was oblivious to her discomfort.

“What about the avatars?” Nova asked.

“Narrowing the sensors down to the strongest signatures. And… there.” The yellow dots almost entirely vanished, only four remained.

“Four? Only Four? There should be six.” Nova said.

Stone shrugged. “This is what my sensors are reading. I can run them again, but I doubt they’ll come up with anything different.”

Chase said, “what if... they are dead? Would that effect the morphonic signature?”

“I don’t know. I have never studied a user of morphonic radiation before and after death. If they dissipate when a person dies… I don’t know.”

Nova asked, “can we determine which is which?”

“Not at this time. I have to refine the system to determine specific radiation signatures within the morphonic field.”

“We have locations, that is enough for me. Robots, I want each of those four tagged by all our sensors. Get me the nearest heroes to each one, I want people to find them and protect them.”

Chase frowned as she cocked her head. “Is that one… in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?”

“Looks like it.” Stone zoomed in on one particular dot that moved along the Atlantic Ocean, almost directly in the middle.


Timebender raced across the ocean surface. The waves were hardly moving and his feet stepped on the liquid as though it were rock. Being able to slow time has its benefits.

Reaching a US Naval cruiser, he gets on board and re-started time.

“Hey! Where’d you come from?” An officer barked at him.

Timebender flashed his BADGE card and then tapped the comm in his ear to speak with his HQ. “Hey, do I know where I’m going?”

Stevie Krayne answered through the comm, “yes. Nova’s coordinates are in the middle of the ocean. You’re almost there.”

“And… this is where one of those Avatar guys is?”

“That’s their best guess.” Stevie answered.

The officer tapped Timebender on the shoulder. “Look, I don’t care if you’re with BADGE, we don’t take passengers, especially in the middle of the ocean.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll…” he was stopped as he slid to the side and grabbed a rail to keep from toppling over the edge of the boat. The waters grew turbulent, and a siren blared from the ship.

“Warning! Unknown submerged vehicle surfacing!” A voice boomed over the intercom.

The officer asked Timebender, “are you here to fight a supervillain?”

“Not on the menu today, skipper. I have no idea what this is.”

The ship’s crew went into action, getting ready to defend their vessel. Everyone paused and their mouths went agape in unison as a World War II era German warship lifted out of the water’s surface. It was covered in decades of sea-life and debris, the name Scharnhorst still visible on the side. Standing on the deck of this lifting ship was a man made of water and rock, his hands held out as the waters beneath the damaged warship carried it up.

The officer on the US Navy ship muttered, “holy crap.”

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

 Timebender spent a moment taking in what was before him, a sunken ship from seventy years ago. The naval crew around him were at a loss for words. Suddenly a hand grabbed Timebender by the shoulder and spun him around. A gruff old man with a lot of decoration on his uniform glared at the hero.

“What is going on here?”

“Hello you to you as well.”

“Don’t smart off at me. I want to know what the hell is going on!”

Timbender said, “look, captain, all I know is that one of the Morphon Avatars just appeared and he has a boat with him. I’ll go over and check this out. You tell your guys here to not load their guns just yet. I doubt we have a problem.”

The old captain huffed and then said, “fine. Get over there.”

Timebender let out a deep sigh and put on a friendly smile. Deconstructing this problem had landed on him, and he was fine with that. He walked to the nearest part of this ship to the German warship. He smiled as he picked up a life jacket from the deck. Tossing it overboard, he focused his power, and time nearly stood still. The jacket hovered between the two ships, its descent to the water imperceptible to the naked eye now. He jumped from the Navy ship to the jacket and then hopped over to the warship. Time returned to normal, and the jacket hit the ocean surface.

Avoiding slimy debris and mounds of barnacles, Timebender approached the strange humanoid creature still working on this boat.

“Hey there, so... whatcha doing?”

The Master of Elemental turned and smiled at him. “Ah, you are a user.”

“User? Oh, you mean I use morphons for powers. Sure thing.”

Elemental became concerned. “I have explored the great depths of this world. There is much like this scattered about the floor of the oceans and seas.”

“Yeah, this boat sunk a long time ago during a war. I bet you’ll find lots of this kinda stuff.”

“Should the people of this planet not wish to clean the floor of the mess they make?”

Timebender rubbed the back of his neck. “Good point, and I will bring it up at the next meeting. However, right now I’m not as concerned with cleaning the oceans as I am with the current situation.”

“Situation?” Elemental cocked his head.

“Yeah, some of your buddies have been captured and might even be dead. I…” he paused when the distinct sound of helicopters roared in the distance. He could see a fleet of military helicopters racing their direction. “What has that captain done now? Idiot.”

Timebender reached up to cup his mouth and yell at the captain of the navy ship when a missile plowed into the side of it, burrowing a great, fiery hole. Timebender said, “Crap, I don’t think that’s a friendly fleet.”

“Those are the vehicles that attacked us when we searched for the Tome.”

“That’d be my guess. I’m going to help our friends, you get the hell out of here.” Timebender said.

“Wha…” Elemental froze in place, as did most everything else.

The world slowed down as Timebender focused his mind. He set his eyes on the navy ship and counted the lifeboats. He had to get over there, get the people to safety, and then get back here before time resumed. “Okay, I can do this. As long as the mercs focus on the avatar, those sailors will get to safety.” He told himself and then dashed for the edge.

Jumping, Timebender aimed for a shard of debris flying through the air. He would leap from it to the deck in the same fashion that he got here. However, mid-jump, a blast of yellow energy hit him and he crashed backward, sliding across the deck of the old German ship. Time instantly returned to normal as he lost all focus on his powers.

Winds blasted around the deck as the helicopters lowered toward the German ship. Several dozen black-clad mercenaries dropped, all armed with enormous weapons.

“You want to dance?” Timebender got to his feet quickly and readied for a fight.

“Get the Avatar, neutralize the hero!” A man ordered.

The soldiers went into action, then time slowed way down as Timebender grabbed a man and twisted him so that he would run into his companion. A blinding blast of yellow energy hit him again and time returned to normal. Two soldiers ran by, throwing small devices on the ground. A field of that yellow energy spread out, and Timebender felt as though the energy within him had been sapped. “What...how are you doing this?”

A massive wave of water crashed over the ship and took out half a dozen soldiers at once. That was followed quickly by a stream of fire. Master of Elemental fought with all the elements at his command.

“STOP HIM!” the leader ordered.

“Surrender!” Elemental yelled, and then thrust his hands forward, creating a twisting vortex of air. One helicopter lost control and spiraled into the ocean.

Five mercenaries raced up, each holding a bulky gun attached to a tank on their backs. They fired a foam that hit Elemental. This encased his legs and one arm. He struggled against this strange restraint, but could move nothing they had covered.

Timebender reached up with one hand just as Elemental looked at him and said, “save yourself!” A massive wave of water crashed over the ship, taking Timebender and a dozen mercenaries with it.

Splashing into the ocean, Timebender watched helplessly as these mercenaries encapsulated Elemental and then carried him away.


The massive screen in Operations of the BADGE space station was filled with the face of Gar. Behind him, the Avatar of Strength fought against several other heroes in one of the Fight Clubs meta-human rooms.

“He does not wish to leave. I tell him how dangerous it is, but he only says he invites the danger.”

Nova answered, “It is his way. He looks for challengers. You have to convince him these people will not meet him in fair combat, they will use whatever they can to trap him.”

“I will try.”

Just then, a red light beeped on the screen. A special emergency signal had been activated. Nova quickly signaled a robot, and Gar’s transmission was replaced by a wet Timebender sitting in a life raft. “Nova… good, I was worried this thing wouldn’t get a good signal out this far.”

“Report? Why are you in a life raft?”

“I found Elemental. He was playing with sunken boats. Just when I thought we were ready to leave, those strange mercenaries showed up and attacked.”

“What the hell happened? I thought you could…”

“Look, Nova, I tried. They used technology like I haven’t ever seen. They bypassed my time bending powers, locked me down, and then used some strange foam to trap Elemental. Had he not washed me off the ship, they would have murdered me. A few heroes arrived afterward and helped rescue sailors and me. These mercs... they are dangerous. Where they got this tech is beyond me. I thought I knew everything about temporal technology, but this was… amazing.”

Nova spent a moment mulling this over. Finally he said, “this is bad, really bad. Get back to your HQ, we’ll take this from here.”

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:


A hot Florida sun beat down on the large city of Poseidon Island as loud noises burst from within the local Fight Club branch. Both superheroes and civilians watched in awe as the Avatar of Strength flipped a four armed brute and sent him crashing through a wall. People cheered and exchanged money on bets they had placed.

“I was sure Maximo would’ve taken that cat!” the club director moaned as he handed another man a wad of cash.

Gar watched this exchange of currency with great interest. After a moment, he turned his attention back to the Master of Strength. The lion man roared and challenged everyone he saw. All the heroes backed down from the challenge, most of them still sporting bruises from their last bout with this fighter.

“Mr. Strength, I think we should be going.” Gar said.

Strength roared again and then said, “Why? I am having so much fun! SEND ME ANOTHER CHALLENGER!”

“There are none. You have beaten them all. Let’s head back to the station to celebrate.” Gar tried yet another tactic to get this creature out of here.

Strength laughed and said, “I celebrate victory with more fighting! SEND ME CHALLENGERS NOW!”

“You do not understand. Your friends, they have been taken. You’re in danger.”

“HA! Danger! Only those who oppose me face danger!”

The club director said, “Mr. Gargoyle, you ain’t gonna get through to him. If he ain’t fight’n, he’s looking for a fight. Unless someone can beat him, he ain’t going anywhere. He breaks everyone he fights, so you can’t win.”

“Breaks?” Gar smiled. “Strength, I challenge you.”

“HA! I ACCEPT!” Strength beat his chest and growled.

Gar stood across from him and readied his fists. Strength barreled across the mat and slugged Gar right in the chest. This shoved Gar back into the cracked wall. Gar grabbed Strength by the arm and flipped him over, slamming him into the ground. This drew a great applause and cheers from the onlookers. Strength got up and grabbed Gar by a wing. He swung Gar around and nearly hit three heroes as he threw Gar across the room. Gar turned, met the wall with his feet, and launched himself directly at Strength. He punched him in the jaw and then grabbed his arm and pulled him forward, head-butting the lion with a hard crack. Strength stumbled back and then threw a fist at Gar, hitting him in the face and smashing him through a wall. Gar came out of the hole with unhindered ferocity.

Strength caught Gar, and both stalemated each other in the middle of the mat. “You are stronger than you appear. Do you not feel pain?”

Gar smiled, “No. And I don’t break either.” He thrust his knee up right into Strength’s crotch. Then swiftly kicked and sent the man crashing into a wall.

Strength lay on the ground for a moment and then roared with glee, “FINALLY, A WORTHY OPPONENT!”

As he rushed back into this combat, the bets were taken and more onlookers joined in.


Agent Justin readied himself as his shuttle approached St. Peter’s Square. A second shuttle followed. Crowds were gathering near the Pontiff’s balcony with dozens of camera flashes showering the building. The glorious wings of the half-dressed Master of Supernatural could be seen as he spoke with the pope himself.

“What is he doing?” Justin asked.

The pilot shook his head. “I don’t know.”

“Tell the teams to be ready. He’s a prime target standing out there on that balcony.” Justin charged his laser pistol.

The shuttles landed after the crowd finally made space for them. Justin rushed out, directing BADGE agents as he went. “Go, go, go. Disperse these crowds. I don’t want any civilians here while we get to him.” Both shuttles were emptied.

The agents went to work escorting the devout away from the square. Several of the Vatican’s Swiss Guard ran up to Justin.

“Sir. You do not have jurisdiction here. What are you doing?”

Justin flashed his credentials. “I’m from BADGE. We have a problem. There is an elite strike force hunting that man. They will kill anyone who gets in their way.”

“We need to get you inside!” The Vatican security chief ran with Justin into the main building while his people worked with the agents to help clear the crowds.

In a short matter of time, this security chief escorted him through many check-points and into the Popes room. The sudden appearance surprised and highly agitated everyone. The security chief knelt down on one knee.

“What is the meaning of this?” One of the Pope’s personal assistants intercepted them.

“We have a security risk.” The chief said.

The Pope stepped in with Master of Supernatural behind him. “What is going on?”

The chief said. “Holy Father, BADGE has sent a security force due to a threat to your guest.”


Justin bowed slightly and said, “I am sorry to intrude. But, we have a high risk of attack. The Avatar must come with me for his protection and yours.”

The Master of Supernatural said, “I can defend myself. I…”

Just then, the scream of a missile came, followed by an explosion. After this came the roar of helicopter blades.

Justin’s comm came alive with the shuttle pilot. “Sir, a missile just destroyed shuttle 23. We have incoming.”

“Understood. Get into position.” Justin looked up at the Swiss Guard. “get the Pope to a secure location.”

The Pope said, “No need. We are quite ready for this.”

“I don’t think you understand.”

The Pope’s assistant went to the wall and pulled a painting aside, revealing a hi-tech panel. He pressed a code in and the color outside changed. He said, “After what happened last year, we installed this morphon based positron energy barrier.”

Justin watched as those helicopters released another volley of fire and it exploded against an invisible bubble around Vatican City. “Nice work.”

The Pope turned to the Master of Supernatural. “You may stay if you like, for your safety.”

“No, sir. Thank you for the offer, but I shall not put you or others in danger. These enemies are relentless in their pursuits. I will go with the BADGE agent. Once we leave, your city will be safe again. Thank you for the conversation, it was enjoyable.”

“I agree.” The Pope offered his ring, and the Avatar kissed it and then left with Justin and the Swiss Guard.

After a quick trek back through the Vatican, Justin and his team rushed Supernatural to the nearest BADGE shuttle. The Swiss Guard were at the ready to defend the Vatican.

“How are we going to get away with them right there?” One BADGE agent asked Justin, while watching the barrage of weapons fire from the helicopters.

The Chief of the Swiss Guard smiled. “Don’t worry. Just get airborne and we’ll take care of the rest.”

Justin wasn’t sure what to make of that, but he had no other ideas. “Pilot, get us out of here.”

The doors closed and the three remaining shuttles took off. Just as they were passing through the barrier, there came a fountain of flares bursting up from all over Vatican City. The enemy helicopters stopped firing as their systems couldn’t pick targets. By the time the flares stopped, the BADGE shuttles were gone.

Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

The map of the world still covered the large monitor at BADGE with the sensor readings showing. They had three dots left, one moving extremely fast. Dr. Stone worked from a station to monitor the situation.

“Director, I still cannot find the fourth dot. After that one vanished, it is just… gone.”

Nova stroked his beard as he scowled. “Did you see which direction it went?”

“That’s the odd part. We saw that dot in the middle of the Atlantic and it moved slightly at one point, then it disappeared. Right there, in the middle of the ocean.”

“Head down to lab seventy. All of our Morphon related studies are conducted there. I want to know if a dead body that had morphons in it loses it’s morphonic signature after death.”

“I’m not sure if I can determine that.” Stone said.

“See what you can find and tell me. We have people’s lives at risk here.”

Stone got up and left in a hurry.

“Incoming transmission.” A robot announced.

A small window opened on the screen with Justin sitting next to Master of Supernatural.

“Director, I was able to get Supernatural out of the Vatican. Man, those guys have some serious defenses.”

Nova had a little smirk. “Trust me, that place has seen its share of crap over the centuries. I expect them to be secure. Did our enemy show themselves?”

“Yes. They attacked, but the Vatican’s defenses repelled them long enough for us to get away. We haven’t seen any sign they’re following us.”

“Good. At least you got away. I still haven’t seen any evidence of Magic and Gar is struggling with Strength as we speak.”

“I’m sure Gar can convince him…”

“You don’t understand. Gar and Strength are fighting. I tried contacting them and I just got the Fight Club’s director.”

Master of Supernatural said, “this is not good. Strength won’t stop fighting until he wins or is defeated. If this fight does not end, it will be near impossible to get him to listen to reason.”

Nova shook his head, “crap. Gar is beyond sturdy. He can fight for days without stopping. He won’t feel pain or fatigue. This is bad.”

Supernatural said, “take me to him. Perhaps I can convince my fellow Avatar to retire his fight and join us for his safety.”

“Be quick, I do not know how these people find your kind so easily, but I doubt there is much time before they’ll be after Strength and you. Get back up here as soon as you can.”

Justin said, “will do, sir.”


The snoring animals ignored the presence of other captives in their midst. Dr. Osteen walked down a row of cages, where three individuals were currently being restrained. He stopped at the cage with Master of Mental inside. She had energy beams connected to her head and was in a constant, frozen state of agony. Next to her was a cage holding Tech. They connected his various parts to magnets that created a barrier. The energy, which was his authentic form, traveled between the technical components in a constant movement, never able to settle inside one for long. The last cage held Elemental. He was in a solid block of clear poly-resin, like a bug trapped in amber.

Osteen checked the read-outs on the sensors attached to each cage. He made some notes and then turned and yelled in shock when he almost ran into Delta.

“Report.” Was Deltas response.

Osteen caught his breath. “How the hell are you so quiet? When did you get here?”

“Report?” Delta demanded.

“Fine, sheesh. I’m still gathering data from these specimens. There is so much to learn from them, it would take years to fully uncover what they can teach us. For now, I’m able to derive information to help with Project Neutral.”

Delta looked in at the frozen Master of Elemental. “Is it… dead?”

“No. All the readings show life inside there. How he survives like that, I don’t really know. But there is a lot about these creatures that defy science.”

“Have you been able to get what we need from him?”

“Yes. Inasmuch, I could get the power you wanted to add to Project Neutral. I was just about to apply the final implementation.”

“Good. I want to observe this.” Delta held his hand out, directing Osteen to continue.

They left the captives for another room. This one had a large table on it, with Arx strapped down. Various tubes and cords were attached to his body.

“I really gotta pee.” A voice spoke in their heads.

Delta glared at Arx. “Don’t use mental powers around me without my approval!”

Arx said, “oh, sorry. I’m still getting used to having this power. It’s really cool. But, seriously, I gotta pee.”

Osteen attached yet another cord to Arx. “hold it, this will only take a moment and then you can get off the table.”

“Fine, but I had a ton of pop with lunch and it’s…”

“Shut up.” Delta said.

Osteen checked a computer and placed two vials of liquid into a console attached by those cords. “Okay, ready to go. Activating the morphonic infuser, powering up the genetic splicer. The alteration beam is online. Glasses up!” He put on his dark goggles and Delta merely slipped on his sunglasses.

A large lever activated a bright white beam that hit Arx. Cords and tubes all lit up and poured energy into Arx’s body. Machinery whined and beeped as Arx screamed. Then the light went dark and the machines all quieted down.

“Arx! Are you okay?” Osteen asked.

Arx groaned and then said, “I don’t gotta pee no more.”

Delta shoved Osteen aside and looked at a sensor display. A greedy smile spread across his face. “Perfect, just perfect. These results are exactly what my people are after. Can you duplicate them?”

“I think so, but more tests will need to be made on other subjects.”

Arx pulled those cords and tubes off of him. “What did you guys give me this time?”

“More power.” Delta stated.

“Smartass. I mean what kinda powers, and somebody get me a drink of water, I…” Water came out of the nearby sink and flowed through the air over to him. He held up his hand, and the water became a sphere. “Duuude, did I do that?”

“Yes. Now you have the power of the elements, along with your other powers.” Osteen said as he scanned Arx.

“What else can I do?”

Delta said, “plenty. And, we’re not done. However, for now I have a mission for you, one that will use those new powers of yours.”

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

 Director Nova spoke with Dr. Stone in the Operations center. The scientist hovered over a computer while he checked several monitors at once. “I don’t get it. How they can just vanish? Everything I studied in the lab points to the fact that once morphons are in the body, they stay. I cannot find any reason to believe otherwise. So, dead or alive, we should see these avatar people.”

“We have to assume our enemy has the technology to block our sensors.”

Dr. Stone sat down and rubbed his eyes. “If they do, then they’re smarter than us. This tech, these sensors, are entirely unique. No one should even know how they operate. I invented them a short time ago.”

“I have learned never to underestimate this enemy. They are many steps ahead.”

A robot said, “Director Nova. Incoming transmission from World Corps Security Office.”

“Good. Put her through.” Nova walked down to the front of the room, standing now in front of the main monitors.

An older woman glared at him. “Director, please update us on the situation with those Mercenary forces?”

“We’re still tracking and working to stop them. However, we have little information to share.”

“That you are willing to share.” She attempted to correct him.

Nova kept that calm demeanor, even though her tone was rude. “BADGE is not part of the World Corps, there are things we must keep secret. In this case, I’m telling you all we know. This enemy seems to be ahead of us at every turn.”

“I suppose this is why you sent this interesting request to my desk.” She held up a tablet.

Nova nodded, “yes. The safest place to hold these Avatars from being captured is on the BADGE station. I don’t want to move a lot of our heroes up here while the enemy is still active on Earth. However, BADGE does not have a large dedicated security force. It would be in both our interests for you to grant my request.”

She gave him a long, quiet glare. “I will discuss this with the others. You will have your answer soon.”

“Thank you.” The screen shut off, and he muttered, “bitch.”


A BADGE shuttle maneuvered over the peninsula of Florida, heading south as they followed the long state. Soon, they were over open water just before reaching a highly developed island.

“What is this place?” Master of Supernatural asked.

Justin said, “This is the city of Poseidon Island, a large resort town that is nearly as crowded as Tokyo.”

“Sir, I have a lock on the location of the Fight Club, but no landing zone nearby.”

“Get us in the street. We don’t have time for formalities. If the local government complains, I’ll let Nova deal with it.”


A hero flew up and waved at them from outside.

Justin clicked his comm unit and spoke to this person. “Do us a favor and monitor the skies. If you see anything coming, let us know.”

The hero gave a swift wave of approval and flew away.

A crowd cheered and passed money around as they gathered in the streets. It was nearly impossible for the BADGE shuttle to land amid this chaos. No sooner had they landed did several police cars come screaming up to them.

Justin stepped out, his BADGE credentials already in his hand to show the cops. “Hello, we’re from BADGE. I’m sorry about blocking the street, this won’t take long.”

The police officer shook her head. “We aren’t here about you, we’re here about this crowd. It has already blocked three streets.”

“Has something happened?” Justin asked.

“I don’t know. This crowd has been growing for hours and I’m here to break it up.” She reached the thick gathering and tapped a man on the shoulder. “Sir, what’s going on?”

He looked back and became worried at the sight of the officer. “Uh, sorry, there’s this fight going on in there that’s like totally amazing. Both are just beat’n the crap outta the other.”

Justin let out an annoyed sigh as he said, “I think I know what’s going on. Those two are why we’re here. I’m here to get them out of here.”

The officer narrowed her eyes at him. “Then get them out before this gets any worse.”

Justin pushed and pulled on people. “Hey, move it. BADGE officer coming through. I…”

A man shoved him down and then said, “wait yer turn, puny.”

Justin stood up, brushed himself off, and pulled out his gun. However, before he could get their attention, Master of Supernatural put a hand on his shoulder. “Allow me.”

Backing up, Justin wasn’t sure what to make of this action. However, he was sure that this creature was more than capable of getting people’s attention. Master of Supernatural stepped up to the crowd. His wings stretched up and beamed a brilliant silvery white light. He spoke with a massive voice that echoed across the city. “MOVE YOURSELVES OR YOU WILL BE REMOVED!”

The crowd lost its noise as many turned to see who just bellowed at them. Several gasped and immediately dove away. Some bowed and left, a few conducted prayer rituals at the sight of him. In a matter of seconds, there was a wide path for them to follow.

Laughing, Justin slid his gun back into the holster. He moved through the crowd with Supernatural right behind him. He could hear the crashing and banging ahead as two people continued their unending fight.

Master of Strength flew backward and crashed into a wall. He quickly grabbed a large set of barbells and swung them just as Gar reached him. The barbells cracked against Gar, shattering the weights and sending the stone hero flying through a wall. No sooner had Gar hit the ground did he have a pair of weights in his hands that he threw right at Master of Strength.

“Hey, guys! Enough!” Justin attempted to intervene and almost got clobbered when Strength shoved him aside to go after Gar.

Gar hit Strength in the jaw as Strength hit Gar in the stomach and both flew away from each other. The crowds outside were slowly losing their awe and returned to their cheering and betting.

Supernatural held out his hands, and a light glow came from them. A light pushed both Gar and Strength back. “End this fight, now!”

Gar stopped struggling, but Strength roared and pushed past the light and raced toward Supernatural in a fit of rage. Supernatural coolly twisted around, grabbed Strength by the hand as he passed, and threw him out of the building and into the street.

Justin rushed over to Gar. “You okay?”

Gar calmed down from his fury. “I… I think so. I got lost in the fight. He was so powerful.”

Justin looked around the Fight Club. “You wrecked the whole place. This is a disaster.”

“Oops. Sorry.”

“Don’t fret. BADGE will rebuild it. Right now we have to get those two back to the station, pronto.”

Justin led Gar out of the Fight Club in a hurry to find Supernatural pinning Strength down to the street with some kind of white energy restraint. The Angelic Avatar said, “this is over. You have proven yourself.”


Supernatural said, “Not this day. The fighting is over.”

Arx landed in front of them, his body emitting a powerful glow. He smiled as he said, “Oh, I think the fight has just begun.” A fleet of those black helicopters buzzed overhead as Arx laughed viciously at his next victims.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

 Justin held his gun at the ready as he spoke to the police chief. “Get the civilians out of here, now!”

She watched while dozens of black-clad mercenaries traveled down on ropes from the hovering fleet of enemy helicopters. “I can have the force here…”

“No, get the civilians away and keep your people at bay. These mercenaries are dangerous and won’t
think twice about killing everyone.”

She ran, shoving citizens. Justin joined Supernatural and Strength as they stared down Arx.

Arx said, “so, here’s how it’s going to go down. Either these two come with me willingly, or I’ll use my powers to take them and probably do a lot of damage to this nice little city.”

Strength said, “you want a fight? I’LL GIVE YOU A FIGHT!” Just as he lunged for Arx, Supernatural held him at bay.

“Wait. Do you not feel it? His power, the morphons in him.”

Strength paused as he absorbed this sensation. “Yes. The power in you, it is unnatural. It comes from the others. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THEM?”

“Your friends are the guests of my employer. You can be our guest too.” He held out his hand in invitation. Several dozen mercenaries joined him, holding various weapons at the ready.

Supernatural answered, “we will not join you. Furthermore, we will get our friends back and remove what which you have stolen.”

“So, it’s a fight. Sadly, you’ll lose. Perhaps you will be a more interesting fight than the others. They were so easily taken, I…” A two-ton barbell crashed into Arx and sent him flying backward through his mercenaries.

Gar came out, another massive barbell in his hands. “That jerk talks too much.”

Arx, coughing as he caught his breath, yelled, “GET THEM!”

The Mercenaries went into action. They focused on Supernatural first, firing strange golden, glowing nets at him. Gar intercepted the nets with his wings and then dashed at the soldiers, punching them in the face.

Supernatural released a broad, white beam of light that struck several soldiers just as another net hit him and his wings were wrapped around his body, and he fell to the ground. The nearest mercenaries were almost upon him when laser blasts hit their helmets and they fell back. Justin stepped up and defended Supernatural, who struggled to remove the net.

Gar punched and kicked at the soldiers. They fired weapons at him, but he was impervious to most of what they had. One came running with strange tech hammer that had lights and controls on it. He swung it to smash into Gar’s head when Master of Strength caught the hammer and wrenched it out of the man’s hand. Strength then swung it around and cracked the helmets of two soldiers with one blow.

“Good one!” Gar said and then spun around, using his wings like blades to knock back the mercenaries.

Strength dodged the wing spin and then slid under Gar and used the element of surprise to grab a man by his legs and yank him down. With a swift punch, he broke the helmet and part of the man’s face.

Five more of these mercenaries came running up with those electrified hammers. They had on armor that appeared to be the same style of technology.

Strength got to his feet and punched, but the armor reflected his power, causing him to fly back. However, Gar caught him, twisted around, and threw him into the air. Strength came down with a hard slam of his fists right into the shoulders of two men, breaking their bodies.

Gar held out his arms and wings and dashed through the soldiers, clothes lining several on the way and allowing those electric hammers to crash into him without damage. Finally, he and Strength were back to back, fighting with the same gusto they had been competing against one another.

“It is good I know your moves, my stone friend.”

“I guess the training is paying off.” Gar answered and then kicked a man in the crotch so hard that he flew into the air.

Strength roared, “THIS IS FUN!”


Justin fired over and over, fighting off these soldiers. He lost ground quickly and that net still trapped Supernatural.

“I could use some help!” He said to his earpiece.

The BADGE shuttle lifted and turned, laser turrets on the bottom opened up and blasted entire sections of the soldiers.

“HA! Take that you…”

A missile came from the overhead helicopter and the BADGE shuttle exploded. Justin flew through the air, his eyes filled with fire and the bodies of mercenaries raining down.

Arx stood over Supernatural with his hands held out, a bubble of energy protecting him. “Nice try, BADGE, but this is my show now.”

“I don’t think so.” Supernatural stated and then shoved the net away from him. He released a beam of white light and hit Arx in the face. The villain stumbled back, blinded by the power.

Supernatural got to his feet and punched Arx in the chest with a fist, and then twisted around and kicked him in the gut.

Arx fell onto his rear. “You overgrown pigeon!” He launched directly into flight at his opponent.

Supernatural flew straight up, dodging the attack. Sailing right over a building, Supernatural avoided several laser blasts from the helicopters as he landed on the roof. He moved left and right to keep from being hit and then used both hands to throw blasts of energy straight up, slicing the blades from the vehicles. Both helicopters spun out of control and crashed into the alleys.

Just as Supernatural was about to examine the damage below, Arx landed in front of him. “You think I’d go down that easily?” Arx held up his arms and various parts of the destroyed helicopters came flying up, joining into a weapon for him.

Supernatural readied a blast of energy, but was hit by a newly created mechanical arm. Crashing through a water tower, he careened off the roof and down a street below. A new model corvette broke his fall. Arx slammed into the ground next to him, massive tech arms attached to his body. He swung down to crush Supernatural, but the winged Master got away just in time, allowing Arx to finish demolishing the sport car.

Supernatural formed a ball of light and threw it at Arx. It destroyed the massive right mechanical arm. “Enough of this, human. You may have our powers, but you don’t know how to use them.”

Arx yelled and thrust his remaining mechanical arm at Supernatural. The Master dodged this and the arm crashed into the pavement, shattering the amalgamation of broken parts. With a primal scream, Arx yelled, “I CAN PLAY ANY PART! TRY THIS!” He used a blast of mental powers.

Supernatural blocked the blast by covering himself with his wings. He spread them out, dissipating the energy. “Not enough. Give up, you don’t stand a chance.” He flicked his wrist, and a blast of light hit Arx and threw him through a newspaper stand.

Arx lay there, tattered papers flying all around him. A New York Today paper hit him in the face and he peeled it off. Before throwing it away, he saw the headline. Role of Arx in newest movie recast. “They can’t replace me so quickly! I am Arx... THE ARX... I defined that role!”

“Time to give up.” Supernatural strolled toward him.

Arx threw the paper away, air cutting between his teeth. “Want to see my power? Fine!” He slapped his hands onto the pavement and a green energy crawled over him. Supernatural stumbled and then fell back as the earth rolled and rumbled. Waves grew quickly, rippling out from Arx like a stone thrown into a pond. Buildings rocked and rolled, cars smashed into each other, hotels fell to the ground, trees crashed into walls. The entire island rocked with the unmitigated power of the Earth.

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

 Helicopters buzzed over the massive piles of rubble. Smoke billowed in areas where the fires had been put out while raging orange and red infernos still glimmered in the night sky. Flashing lights of emergency vehicles flickered along the debris strewn streets. Yellow and orange vested people risked the danger to climb over broken walls to find the survivors.

A BADGE shuttle flew over, mingling with the rescue helicopters. With Nova sat five BADGE workers in yellow vests. A small screen hovered in the air with the ZNN news. The woman on the screen spoke as their cameras took in the same sights below them right now.

“This is what remains of Poseidon Island, the once popular destination for tourists from around the world. The massive Earthquake that struck the area defies all conventional seismological data. There have been no threats in the recorded data from sensors planted throughout the area. There has never been a quake of this magnitude in this part of the Gulf of Mexico. So far, the death toll has reached seventeen hundred and is expected to continue to climb throughout the night. Not one building remains standing and most of the infrastructure underground was demolished by the strange style of quake the struck. Eyewitnesses reported some kind of foreign insurgent forces surrounded the island, but at this time, official sources can not corroborate this. Rescue workers are needed as…”

Nova turned the holoscreen off. “Pilot, are we detecting any signal from the BADGE shuttle we sent here with Gar and Agent Justin?”

The pilot checked the communication logs. “I’m picking up a weak signal from the shuttle’s beacon.”

“Get us as close to that as you can.”

Nova watched while they came in closer to the piles of rubble that were once Poseidon Island. There was a bright flash and then an echoed popping sound. Everyone looked up to see the medical ship, USNS Mercy, appear near the wrecked docks. The Coast Guard immediately went to work constructing a floating bridge and make-shift docking ramp. Two heroes zoomed off the upper deck of the dock, heading for this shuttle.

Once the shuttle got nearer to the ground, Nova opened the hatch and the BADGE workers jumped out to the most stable place they could find. He ordered them, “Go, help the rescue teams. Stay in touch with BADGE. Heroes will arrive at all times, work with them.” They charged into action.

Starmaster and Strange Quark arrived, hovering above the ground. Starmaster said, “I did it, I transported an entire boat. That made my head dizzy.”

“With a little help from me.” Quark added.

“Good work, both of you. Right now, I need to find Gar and Justin. They’re still missing.”

“No contact yet?” Quark asked.

“Nothing. We’re right near where their shuttles beacon pinged the sensors.”

Quark turned a new shade as his body beamed brighter. “I’ll find them.” He flew away, emitting that light over the ground.

Starmaster almost said something when he dropped down. He vanished and then reappeared with a woman in his arms. “She’s still alive. God knows how many are still alive under this rubble.”

“Get her to the Mercy and join the rescue teams. They need all the help they can get.”

“Will do.” He vanished in a flash of light.

“NOVA!” Quark called out from a short distance away.

“Move us!” Nova barked, and the shuttle shifted to where Quark waved.

“I can sense them, down here.”

“You sure?”

Quark nodded. “I know Gar’s energy better than anyone. Wait... I got this.” He grew in size ten times and then reached down and peeled back the fallen walls and lampposts. With great pitches he threw the debris far into the ocean, blocks away. Finally, he uncovered Gar, who was bent over, covering himself with his wings.

“GAR!” Nova called out.

Gar looked up, revealing that he was hunched over a bloody and unconscious Justin. Gar gave a pitiful plea, “he is not well.”

“Get him to the shuttle, now.”

Quark shrunk down and then put his hands on both Gar and Justin. They all flashed and were now in the back of the shuttle.

Nova shut the door and then ordered, “get us back to the station.”


There was an uneasy quiet in the corridor. Gar stood still, looking at the door of the infirmary with unwavering eyes. Quark paced in the form of a duck, and Chase approached from another part of the station.

“How is he?” she asked.

Gar said, “I don’t know.”

Just then, the doors opened and Nova came out. “Agent Justin is going to make it. His injuries weren’t as severe as they looked.”

Quark flashed back into his human form. “Whew, that’s good news.”

“What we need to know is what the hell happened?” Nova asked as he started down the corridor with the others.

Chase said, “That’s why I’m here. There is something you need to see.”

They hurried through the station to the operations center. Dr. Stone worked with a robot, using his sensors while the screen at the front had a frozen image on it, looking down at the destruction on Poseidon Island.

Gar looked at the screen. “A picture of the island?”

Chase said, “It’s more than that. We were able to piece together a video from surveillance satellites.”

“Play it.” Nova ordered.

The image changed, reversing quickly backward through the destruction. Finally, it stopped and moved forward. First it zoomed in on the street near the Fight Club.

“This is just before the battle breaks out.” Chase said.

The video quickly moved through the initial battle and then followed Arx and Supernatural as they fought.

“Here!” Chase motioned toward a robot. “Watch this carefully.”

Everyone was almost breathless as the video zoomed in close to Arx. He placed his hands on the ground and the earthquake started. The video slowly zoomed back out as the waves of Earth rolled and leveled everything in its path.

“Dear god!” Nova whispered.

Dr. Stone came up with a computer tablet. “I have analyzed all the data from those sensors. Arx currently is exhibiting high levels of morphonic energy, the highest I’ve ever registered in any living creature, even those avatar things.”

Nova said, “then it’s true. They’re harvesting the avatars to give him power. What about Supernatural and Strength?”

Chase said, “All monitoring systems in orbit went offline just after this. It appeared to be some kind of glitch, but it happened to multiple systems at a precise time. Which means someone wanted to cut visual. The next video we have started after the rescue began. So far, none of our rescue teams have found anything left from those mercenaries, Arx, or either of the avatars. It’s as if they were never there. If we didn’t have the video of their initial arrival, we couldn’t even prove they were there.”

Nova said, “we must assume that they were taken, which means they have five of the six avatars. We have to protect Magic and we have to find where they took the others.”

Chase said, “sir, we can’t find any other signatures like before. I think they might already have the Magic avatar.”

“I’m not so certain. Arx is not displaying any magic related powers. Somehow, Magic has hidden itself, and we need to find it before they do. If they get Magic, we may not be able to stop whatever plans they have.”

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

 Arx leaned over a sink and smiled at his reflection in the mirror. His silver skin shimmering in the bathroom lights. He rubbed a towel over his cheek and could see his reflection in his reflection.


He stood back and flexed up his arms, admiring his chest through his minimal costume. “Oh, yeah. Still got it. Hollywood will beg me to come back when this is done with. Sex sells in the movies and I’m one hunky hero.” he smiled, his teeth literally flickering in the light.

“Arx!” Delta barked from outside the bathroom.

“That’s my cue.” He gave himself one last smile and then strutted out of the bathroom. Stepping into the laboratory, he found Dr. Osteen hard at work, five mercenaries waiting, and Delta glaring at him. “Hey, why so serious? My mission was a complete success. Two of those… things in one grab.”

Delta said, “you destroyed an entire island. We want as little notice as possible when we do our job. Not only did you draw the attention of everyone there, you decimated our forces. Our extraction teams pulled out more of our people dead than alive. Do you know how much these men cost us? Do you realize how hard it will be to replace them? We still have one avatar left to find and not enough men to do the job.”

“You got hundreds of mercs run’n around.”

“Those are just random mercenaries we hired to distract the heroes and BADGE. Our special operations teams are highly trained and unique. We can’t replace them quickly!”

“Hey, I didn’t have any choice. They were all over us. Those guys fight like animals. Did you see the muscles on that lion dude?”

Delta came dangerously close to Arx. “You got mad because your part was recast, then you lost your temper.”

“It was MY part! I created it. They named it after ME! I have a right to be angry. I…”

“You will do what you’re told!” Delta interrupted him. “We aren’t here to placate your Hollywood ego. You’re an expensive, important experiment to my people and I won’t have you acting up just because you’re worried about your dead movie career.”

Arx pointed a finger at Delta, and the wind in the room moved faster. “Don’t push me around, little man. I crushed an island…” all five mercenaries aimed at him with the anti-Morphon gun.

Delta, without an ounce of fear, said, “Strip.”


“You have an ego problem, time to put that ego in its right place. STRIP!”

“Look, I don’t do nude scenes without…”

Delta reached up, grabbed the thin band of spandex running up Arx’s chest and yanked it back. He pulled out a small knife and cut it. “I SAID STRIP!” The soldiers charged their guns.

Arx begrudgingly removed his outfit, stripping down to nothing but his skin. The whole time, those five mercenaries kept their guns aimed at him. Before he had time to ask anything, Delta told one soldier to strap him down. The man shoved Arx into the experiment station and then put powerful restraints on his arms and legs and one around his waist.

Dr. Osteen pressed a button, and the station turned so that Arx was now laying back. Bright lights glimmered off his shiny body. Delta reached up and held Arx by his face. “You’re nothing but an experiment. Your public hates you and Hollywood has already forgotten you. If you believe you’re anything more than a pitiful excuse of a lab-rat, you’re sadly mistaken. Be thankful, we’re turning you into a powerful man, but understand that power belongs to us. So, shut up and do what you are told.” He yanked his hand away, throwing Arx’s head to the side. “Get me results, Osteen.”

Osteen put on a pair of thick goggles. “This next session is really gonna hurt. Just...don’t scream too loud, I need to pay attention to the sensors.” He flipped a switch, and Arx yelled in agony.


The water sped by as both heroes zoomed toward their destination. Gar glided next to Krystal Fae.

“I wish we could have used a BADGE shuttle, it flies faster than my wings.” Gar said.

Krystal said, “Our enemy seems to find us no matter where we land. So far every BADGE shuttle landing has been ambushed and every time we use teleportation, they find us. Our last option is the simplest, just fly.”

“Do you sense anything?” Gar asked.

Krystal closed her eyes and waited a moment. “Yes. That magical sense is growing. It’s still directly ahead. I’m still uncertain it is the Avatar of Magic, but it’s all I got to go on.”

They flew over Japan and came into a low flight near Kyoto. Soon, they were making circles in the sky, with Gar following Krystal. The locals paused and watched the spectacle.

“What are we doing?” Gar asked.

Krystal said, “that sensation, it is here, but it is blurry. I can’t pin it down.”

Gar looked and then said, “I think I can help.” he flew down and landed on an old garden path.

Krystal followed and found that they were standing before a Torii arch. “Ah, the gateway. Do you think it will let us in?”

“I think so.” Gar stepped up and went through the arch, vanishing as he did.

Krystal followed, and they left Kyoto for the private sanctuary of Lord Dragon and Lady Phoenix. As they walked, they found the plants were slightly overgrown, and some withered. The pristine ponds were covered in layers of fallen foliage. It wasn’t the crisp, clean world they had visited before.

“What happened to the gardens?” Gar asked.

Krystal said, “when Lord Dragon and the others left, this place was abandoned. The servants they had here were magical constructs. When he left, they vanished away. No one is taking care of this place any longer.”

“Sad.” Gar commented.

Krystal was about to say something when she stopped both of them. “However, I don’t think we’re alone. There is someone here, I can feel a presence, a strong presence.”

“Do you know who it is?”

“No. Be on your guard just in case.” Krystal formed orbs of magical energy in her hands, while Gar simply made fists.

They cautiously walked through the gardens and into the main throne room. It was dark and had leaves scattered on the floor, blown in from the interior garden.

“Do you see anyone?” Gar whispered.

Krystal shook her head. “No. But, I feel them.”

Suddenly an old man’s voice spoke, “Do not worry, my friends.”

“Who said that?” Gar turned around twice.

A book lifted from the seat of the throne, magical energy bubbling out of it. “It is I, the Master of Magic. I came here to be safe and taste of the ancient wisdom that permeates the very air of this palace. When I sensed your arrival, I assumed my only disguise. But, I know you, Mr. Gargoyle, and you Krystal Fae.”

Gar asked, “how do you know us?”

“Why, you both have been here and been touched by powerful magic within these walls. I know all about it. Such strange times happened here. It is a sad place now, lonely and in need.”

Krystal said, “I understand, and we can talk all about this later. We need to get you to the Station. They have captured all the other avatars, you are all that remains.”

“Then, by all means, let us retreat to a safer place. Though, the barrier that protects this unique location prevents any sort of teleportation.”

Krystal said, “I know. We have to get you away from here, and then we can find a way to the station. Let’s just hope our enemy hasn’t found us yet, they’re good at what they do.”

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:


Delta walked through the holding area where the beasts and avatars were all being kept sedated and restrained. Behind him, in the lab, Arx continued to scream in agony as Dr. Osteen finished his work. There wasn’t even the slightest reaction to the pain of the man being experimented on. Delta even held a tiny glimmer of a smile as he listened to this.

A small device in his pocket buzzed and he pulled it out. For a moment he looked around and then walked into another room, putting that noise behind him. He set the device down and it beamed an image on the wall. Three other people sat at a desk, their faces obscured by shadow.

“Report, Delta!” a craggy woman’s voice barked.

“We have captured five of the six avatars. The experimentation on Arx has provided incredible amounts of data. I am sure we will move to phase three of this plan on schedule.”

A man leaned forward, his face still obscured. “What about the sixth avatar? Why haven’t you captured it yet?”

“There has been a glitch in the plan. While Arx has proven useful, his attitude and ego have provided some issues. We lost a lot of soldiers during the capture of the last two Avatars.”

The woman said, “glitch! We know that they have already secured the last Avatar on the BADGE space station. Retrieving it will prove difficult.”

“Impossible!” the man yelled.

“Not impossible.” Delta coolly answered. “In fact, I already have a plan in motion. It will take a little longer to finish this task, but it will be done according to my plan, I am sure of that.”

“How can you be so certain?” The woman asked.

“Have any of my plans failed yet? You put me in charge of this mission because I am the most capable of tactical thinking. Trust in my skills.”

The man said, “your skills have proven infallible...so far. But, this glitch with Arx could prove too risky. If he messes up again, causes more mayhem where we aren’t prepared for it…”

“His ego is exactly what I’m counting on. He will play his part perfectly, just be ready when I signal.”

“Don’t let us down.” The woman stated, and the signal cut off.


Nova waited while the screen on the main monitor activated. Strange Quark and Dr. Stone greeted him from a grassy location in Africa. Between them was a cone-shaped device.

“What have you found?”

Quark kicked the device. “This is the third one of these things we came up with.”

“What is that?”

Stone pried off a panel and moved the camera closer to show the amazing circuitry. “This thing has been sending out false morphon surges. We picked up one in Antarctica and followed the trail to it. When we shut it off, another signal came from Montana. This one replaced that.”

“Decoys.” Nova said.

“Clever decoys. Each one is an amazing piece of work.” Stone leaned over, looking inside. “I haven’t seen tech like this anywhere.”

Quark said, “My guess is that they made these using knowledge our enemy gained from harvesting the Avatar of Tech’s abilities.”

Nova said, “That leaves us with a big problem. We can’t let them lead us around by our noses, and we can’t waste time following shadows.”

Stone slapped the panel closed. “We aren’t doing any good out here. My sensors are going to be fooled, there is just no way to differentiate between these things and the real deal.”

“I agree. Get back to the station.”

“Understood.” Quark said. Before Nova could warn Dr. Stone, both flashed and were suddenly standing next to him.

Dr. Stone wavered, held Nova’s shoulder, and controlled the urge to throw up. “Wow...ugh...that really messed with my head.”

Quark said, “it’s the change in gravity and air pressure. It’s hard on the human system, sorry.”

“Dr. Stone, head back to the labs. Work with our people on ways to perfect the morphon sensors.”

“Sure... after I get a ginger ale.”

Nova led him out of the operations center and toward the mess hall. Gatherings of BADGE soldiers, who were fully armed and covered in body armor, met them. Heroes mingled with them. Some groups were sitting around, chatting and eating. Other groups marched in units. They stationed a few in positions around the area.

“Wow, expecting a visit from the President?” Quark asked.

Nova said, “just precautions. The Avatar of Magic is here and I want to make sure we don’t lose him.”

“Dontcha think this is overkill?” Quark said.

“Every time we’ve encountered those mercenaries of our enemy, they out flank us, out maneuver us, and basically show us up. Not this time.”

“Where is the avatar?”

Nova walked him over to the window that looked out into the arboretum. The Avatar of Magic floated in the middle of a grassy patch with several heroes around it. They were deep in a conversation with the book. Krystal Fae had EB in her lab as they both listened to the vast magical wisdom of this strange book.

Quark said, “it looks safe. I can’t imagine many getting to it here.”

“It’s as secure as we can make it.” Nova said.

Quark almost said something, but frowned when he looked at the expression on Nova’s face. “Something wrong?”

“Yes. This was too easy.”


“Gar and Krystal got that Avatar here without any fuss. Not one sign of our enemy.”

Quark laughed, “sounds like you should be happy, considering all the others were a disaster.”

“That’s just it. No one showed up when they went for it. Not one mercenary was even close when they searched. They got it here and still nothing. I expected something to happen. I had every BADGE sensor aimed at the planet, just waiting for any sign of enemy movement. Nothing happened. And that worries me.”


“Our enemy has shown us one thing, they are devoted to their plans. Nothing stops them. Their lack of movement, their inactivity now, everything about this must be part of their plan. We have been behind them by many steps along the way, and that is exactly where we are now. What are they planning? Why did they take the others? Who is behind this? When why they show up next? None of these questions can we answer. We can’t even theorize.”

Quark nodded. “I highly doubt that this is just about giving Arx more powers. Frankly, if I wanted to turn a human into a god, I would choose a better specimen.”

Nova put a fist on the glass, his breath fogging the window. “We have to find them. We have to stop

whatever they’re doing before it’s too late. Thousands have already died because of these people and, frankly, I feel helpless to stop them from doing it again... and that bothers me most.”

Quark said, “don’t worry, Director, we will stop them.”

Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

 Chase and Nova rode the lift toward the Operations center. A pair of security personnel stood at attention inside the lift on either side of them.

“What’s your plan?” Chase asked.

“My plan is to be cautious. We may not know the next move of our enemy, but that does not mean we won’t be ready for them.”

The lift stopped and both stepped out. The security guards in the lift remained, as that was their station. Inside the operations center were a dozen more soldiers, all stoically watching.

Chase said, “where did we get all these soldiers?”

“They are a special detachment made up of soldiers from the World Corps.”

Chase frowned, “World Corps? BADGE isn’t part of that organization?”

“No. But, since we’ve saved this world countless times, they owed me a favor. I want to be damn certain if we have an encounter with those mercenaries, I have enough soldiers to keep us and the Avatar of Magic safe.”

“I guess precaution is worth asking for help.” Chase said.

Nova stepped to the middle of the floor. “Which is exactly what I’m going to do now. Robot, activate League HQ Emergency channels.”

The robot at comm pressed several keys and the large monitor lit up with dozens of video feeds from within the various League HQ locations around the world. It also automatically activated the BADGE locations. As the screens became active, people responded.

“Hey, it’s Nova.”

“Oh, guys, BADGE is calling.”

“Oh, crap, right in the middle of our game night... DON’T LOOK AT MY CARDS WHILE I’M AWAY!”

The heroes all jumped to their screens.

Nova waited until he had their silent attention. Finally, he said, “We have a serious situation. A dangerous organization has been attacking and kidnapping the Avatars. Where they will strike next is beyond me. I have the last Avatar protected here on the station. However, that doesn’t preclude that they’ll move on with their plans without it. Thus, I’m sending out locations to all Leagues across the world. You will be assigned a crucial area of the world to protect. Strategic locations that could potentially be a target. World capitals, high security installations, and secret locations known only to a few. These targets would be a terrible loss if they were attacked like Poseidon Island. Be warned, these mercenaries are dangerous and efficient. Arx is far more dangerous than them. Do not let your guard down.”

Legionnaire Solomon asked, “these locations are only a few compared to the many highly populated locations. What if they attack a metropolis that isn’t classified as a strategic location?”

“I’m giving special orders to rogue agents who are not part of Leagues to be on watch in these locations. They won’t engage, but report. Be ready to move. Once the call is given wherever a strike happens, you’ll need to be quick. We don’t have time for more questions, please follow those orders.”

One by one the league channels clicked off, most of the BADGE channels went dark as well. One stayed on with a hero standing in where a BADGE official normally would.

“Uh, Sir, my league is far away. Should I join them?”

“You are the one that has been helping track our enemy. I need your help. I’m sending you to the last known location of an enemy HQ. I have no idea if they’ll be present, but that’s as good a place as any to start the search. And, be forewarned, they still have countless merc thugs working for them, so you’ll have to watch your back.”

“I enjoy punching those morons.”

Nova says, “just don’t engage with their special forces or with Arx.”


Once the screens were all off, Chase asked, “will this be enough?”

“I hope so. We are doing what we can with what little we know.”


Delta quietly watched the sedated Master of Strength from outside the cage he was in. He tapped a control panel and checked the vital signs.

“Impressive. So powerful, even in this state.”

Just then Dr. Osteen walked up to him. “Sir, it’s about time to wake him.”

Delta gained a wicked little smile. “Did you harvest all the data you needed?”

“Yes. Once the experiment was over, I had the data. I know what I need to about infusing the powers into the body. He is so strong now, it scares me to even think about what we’ve done to him.”

“His power is terrifying, and that's what I'm counting on for my next move.”

“But, if he loses control again after we wake him, it’ll be so hard to stop him. I don’t need him awake to continue the experiment. Once we have the last avatar, I can simply infuse that power, glean the data, and then we can terminate him.”

Delta shook his head, “no. I want him awake, now.”

“Your choice.” Osteen led him back into the lab.

Arx, naked to the world, lay strapped on the table where they had been forcing those powers into his body. The moment Delta entered the room, the team of mercenaries joined them with those anti-morphon weapons at the ready.

Osteen flicked several switches. “Activating sensors, charging monitors. I have the detention beams ready.” Devices moved and positioned themselves all around Arx. Lights focused on him, creating a powerful glare on his silver body. “Now to wake him.”

“I’m already awake.” Arx said, which caused Osteen to jump back and the soldiers to tighten their grips on their guns.

Delta chuckled. “I wondered if we could sedate you with the amount of power we have placed in you now. It must feel fantastic.”

Arx lay there, his eyes still closed. “It scares me to know what lives in my blood. The power in me is… incredible.”

“You sound wiser.” Delta commented.

Arx opened his eyes and smiled. “I guess that was a gift from the supernatural power in me. But, really, I just had time to consider what I’m going to do. I had time to realize I’m beyond you now. You don’t control me. I was your toy to play with, now I’m your god to fear.”

“You’re still just another pretty Hollywood face with a big ego.” Delta coolly replied.

Arx slowly sat up. “Don’t be so foolish. You forget, I can read minds now.”

“You can’t read mine.” Delta calmly answered.

“No, I can’t. But, I can read theirs. These soldiers may seem emotionless and fearless, but I know what makes them scared. Osteen fears me, they fear me, and that means you must fear me well.”

“I’m not scared of you. Get off that table, go back to your quarters, get dressed, and wait for my orders.”

Arx laughed, “your orders! I follow no one any longer. I’m ARX, legend of Hollywood, and now the most powerful human alive. I’ll give my own orders. If you don’t like it, tough.”

The soldiers charged their weapons. Delta said, “stop being a fool. Listen to…”

Arx lifted his arm and the guns all fell apart. “I had time to realize something. I have the power over tech, those guns mean nothing to me!” The restraining beams activated on the devices, but they moved away and restrained both Osteen and Delta. “More tech. Geese, you guys called me stupid.”

“Get him!” Delta ordered.

The soldiers all took one step and then were flattened against the walls by a wave of psionic energy.

“You have no power over me. I’m a god and the world will bask in my glory once again.”

“You betrayed the world. They hate you.”

Arx got down from the table and came nose to nose with Delta. “I’ll make them want me. If I can’t have their fandom, I’ll have their fear.”

There came a blinding flash, and the lab exploded. Arx flew straight up, through a hole in the ceiling, vanishing into the sky.

Chapter 13

Chapter 13:

 “We are back with the One Hundred and Fifth annual Academy Awards.” The announcer said as the gathered celebrities applauded. “And here to speak is Director Benjamin Mastrovito.”

A tuxedo clad B.S. Mastrovito walked out as he waved to the A-listers. “Thank you, thank you.” He stepped up to the mic. “As you know, this past year we began production on the latest Arx movie.” A murmuring came with that mention. “I know. We were all stunned when our beloved Arx turned against the heroes of Earth. We’re thankful that the genuine heroes of this world worked together and defeated him before he could do any real harm. We wanted to thank BADGE and their heroes for taking down Arx. Trust me, world, Arx does not represent the true nature of this industry. We respect honor and goodness, not selfish arrogance. At this time, I would like to take a moment and make the official announcement on who will replace the role of Arx in the movie.”

Suddenly, a giant H crashed through the ceiling and killed Benjamin Mastrovito. People screamed and raced away from the stage. The doors of the room sealed on their own and no one could open them.

Where this H had crashed through the ceiling, Arx came flying down. He wore nothing but a pair of royal purple briefs and a glimmering smile. The room fell silent as the trapped celebrities watched him take the stage.

“What, no applause?” He stepped onto the stage and pointed at the tables. “SIT!”

The people had no other choice. They timidly returned to their seats.

Arx smiled, “now, let’s go on with the show, shall we?” He waved his hands and the cameras worked on their own, his control over tech empowering them. “I think it’s time to get some things straight. First, the role of Arx cannot be recast. I AM ARX! The next movie will come out and everyone will go see it. Second, it’s time this town learns to respect me. I’m no longer just another actor, I’m a god. Every studio will bow to my whims, every media outlet will obey. I’ll be the biggest celebrity this industry has ever produced.” He smiled at a pretty actress near the stage. “For now, I desire a harem of the best. I’ll provide a list of names. Those women will come to me and give into my desires. Everyone else, you’ll bring me your awards and your money as tribute. You will worship me and...”

An older man said, “you’ll not get away with this. BADGE will stop you, they did it before!”

An invisible force yanked the poor man out of his seat, and he flew across the room. His neck met Arx’s hand. He gagged as Arx said, “BADGE hasn’t been able to stop me yet. Who are you to threaten me?” He looked down and the golden statue on the table came to him. He read it, “a film editor. I’d expect such balls from a producer or exec.” The gagging stopped when the man’s neck snapped. The old man fell on the stage, dead. People in the room gasped at the sight of his limp body.

Arx laughed and rose into the air. He held out his hands, and the cameras lifted and hovered around him. “Alright, heroes of the world, just try to stop me. It’s your funeral. I don’t expect anyone, even BADGE, to dare touch me. If you want to try, I’ll be on the Hollywood sign, where these bozos will bring their tributes.”

He flew straight up, blasting another hole in the ceiling. The cameras crashed to the ground, and a general wave of silent fear permeated the room.


Nova fumed as he watched the spectacle on the screens before him. Dozens of media outlets displayed the sickening display of Arx lounging on the Hollywood sign, with a broken H, while lines of people fed into piles of stuff for him.

A man spoke on the news, “this is the continuing scene in Los Angeles. Arx, a villain once thought dead, now controls the city and it’s population. Strange forces of nature prevent any military movement. It seems the once Box Office hero has become even more powerful as a villain. Earlier at the academy awards…” The screen suddenly changed as Arx used his powers to force the flying media drones to get closer.

He smiled at the cameras and ran his hand down his body. “Enjoy the view, my public. I am the perfection you can never have! Adore me!” He grabbed a handful of grapes and shoved them in his mouth as he let the drones fly away.

Chase came into the room. “Sir, we have made certain that the civilians within a hundred-mile radius of L.A. have been evacuated.”


She said, “the problem now is… we can’t get anyone inside L.A. to protect the civilians there. His powers are too strong. Nature bends to his will, I don’t know what we can do.”

Just then, EB zipped into the room and stood in front of Nova. “Let me at ‘em. I’m get that silver jerk the egging of his life. He thinks he’s got powers, he ain’t nothing compared to a mythic!” He hopped around, shadowboxing.

Nova answered, “No. I need you here to monitor Magic.”

EB stopped, “really?”

“Yes. Arx is dangerous, but he has one vulnerability, his ego. He has challenged us, and that means we can get to him if we meet his challenge.”

Chase asked, “what if it’s a trap.”

Nova picked up his Emergency Comm Unit. “Arx is many things now, but clever isn’t one of them. No, he wants the challenge merely to prove his superiority. He believes he is unstoppable and that will be his biggest flaw. He has given us an opening, and he doesn’t expect us to take the bait, but we will, and that will truly surprise him. Now, get to the shuttles. I want the heroes on the station moved down to the planet and ready to strike. EB, go to the Arboretum, you’re in charge of making sure Magic remains here and safe.”

“Aye, aye, buddy, come rain, sleet, mercs, or bad actors, I’ll not be stopped.” He gave a quick salute and zipped away.

Nova clicked on his special comm unit. “Nova to all Leagues and rogue heroes, we have a situation in Hollywood. Arx has challenged us, go meet his challenge, and do not fail. Use all opportunities to save civilians once you are inside the L.A. perimeter. Arx must be stopped! MOVE!”

Chapter 14

Chapter 14:

A group of Japanese tourists screamed and ran down the street, beams of energy following them. The road exploded, sending asphalt raining down over everything. The tourists barely made it to a side street before the explosion consumed them.

“HELP!” the tour guide yelled over the explosions.

Heroes darted all over the city, battling a single figure that dashed around, toying with them in the skies. Often, stray beams of energy, or bolts of plasma, would miss the intended target and blow a hole in a building or the street below.

Suddenly, Arx landed in the middle of the wrecked street and smiled at the tourists with that insane, glimmering grin. He lifted his hands, and the ground began to shake violently.

“JISHIN!” The Japanese tourists yelled.

Something slammed into Arx and sent him flying back. A strange-looking man with blades on his hands had body slammed the villain.

“Oh, crap! I FOUND MORE OF EM!” the hero called out and ran over to the huddled group. “Don’t be so scared. I’m a hero. Pain-guin is the name, I will... OOF!”

A blast of yellow light hit him and Arx came flying by, pouring out his power at this hero.

Another hero landed near the group, a man with a metal arm and white wings. “Over here!” Solomon called out.

Magnificent Punlork appeared on a tour bus. He slapped the side, and the door opened. “Get in!”

“HE’S COMING!” Hotwings yelled as he swooped by.

Arx came blasting down the street again, his eyes set on the bus. This entire battle he has been selectively targeting their efforts to get the civilians out of danger. However, just before he got to the bus, The Avenger, Slayer B.A.S., and The Gentleman met him and shoved him back.

“Get in, hurry!” Punlork shoved an old lady in last and then slammed the door. “Hold your hats!” He slapped his hands on the side of the bus and it vanished with him.

Arx laughed and stopped just long enough to allow several heroes to get closer. Opening his hands, he sent a wave of psionic energy. Many heroes were thrown away, a few went down with massive headaches.

WhiPs darted up through the falling heroes, her large metal claws buzzing with electricity. Arx smiled at her. His grin always set to flirt. He dodged her first swipe and then caught her claws with his hands, the blades not penetrating.

“Nice try, sweetheart.” He twisted around and threw her.

Lumpsum caught her mid fall as he flew at Arx. With a good pitch, he sent the bladed hero back at Arx as he, too, went for her. Hotwings joined them with Midgardsomr stomping through the streets. Arx met hero after hero with punches and kicks, blasted several with mental attacks, and blinded one with a divine orb of light. When Midgardsomr got to him, Arx backed off, landing on a building. The giant world eater serpent bore down on him just as the skies twisted into a storm. A catastrophic gathering of lightning bolts hit the serpent in the face and actually threw him back.

“WHAT AREN’T YOU GETTING? I. AM. A. GOD!” Arx bellowed in glee.

Krystal Fae snatched a child off the streets and sent her by portal to a safe place. She dodged an explosion by flying up to a rooftop. WhiPs crashed into the rooftop next to Krystal.


The bladed hero pulled herself up. “This guy is too much. I thought Jinn was bad, but... nothing even touches him. Did you see what he did to Midgard?”

“Yes. His power level is something I haven’t felt before. I don’t know how we’re going to stop him.” Krystal suddenly waved her hand and portalled a falling hero safely to the ground.

Whips charged her claws again. “We can’t stop. That jerk needs to go down.”

“Wait. I think I sense something…” Krystal watched Arx fight hero after hero in the sky.

Whips frowned, “well? Don’t keep it to yourself.”

“He can match anything we throw at him. He nullified our strengths.”

“Great, just what we didn’t need to hear.” Whips said.

Krystal shook her head. “It is what I don’t feel that is important. Magic. He is demonstrating strength, tech, elemental, supernatural, and even mental powers. But, he hasn’t once used a magic attack.”

Whips said, “they never got their hands on the Avatar of Magic… maybe that’s why?”

Krystal gasped, “That’s it!” She clicked on her comm. “Heroes with magic powers… stop saving civilians and go after Arx. Everyone else, keep distracting him and saving people, but let the magic users focus on him.” Krystal looked at Whips, “you help with the rescue efforts, I have to lead this attack.”



Nova watched the battle from the drones hovering over the city. Now that Arx was occupied, their drones weren’t being shot out of the sky.

“This is out of control.” He muttered.

Justin stepped up with a tablet in his hands. “Sir, listen to this…” he played the communication that Krystal just sent to all the heroes.

Nova actually cracked a smile, “so, they found a weak spot.”

“Will it be enough?”

“We can only hope. Go, check on EB and Magic. See how they’re doing.”

Justin left Nova to his silent observing. Moments after Justin left the Operations center, the elevator opened and five soldiers stepped out.

“Everything okay?” Nova asked.

“Everything is fine, sir. Just reassignments.” The leader stated, and the men took up positions around the room.


EB darted around the Arboretum, zooming by trees, through the legs of several of these special soldiers, and then back to the Avatar of Magic. The old book floated in the air, always aglow.

“No sign of evildoers.”

The book tilted toward him. “Nothing has changed since you checked two minutes ago. I believe we are safe.”

“One can never be too cautious.” EB spoke with a lowered, gravely voice.

The book chortled, “you are the amusing one. Merlin was right about you.”

EB flopped on the ground, laying on his belly, kicking his legs as he put his chin in his paws. “Merlin talked about little me?”

“Why, of course he did. That human was most curious about magical things. You fascinated him. He wrote about you, or what he assumed about you. I have all his thoughts in my pages right here.”

EB snapped his fingers, and an enormous egg appeared. He peeled it open to reveal a pile of caramel popcorn. “Tell me what he wrote about me.” He crunched a mouthful of popcorn.

“Master Merlin believed you were some kind of spirit from another world. He wasn’t certain if you were good or bad, but believed you were good. It was his opinion that you were a protector of children, possibly a forest guardian too.”

EB’s eyes twinkled. “He really thought all that about me? So amazing. What else, what else?”

Justin walked up at that moment. “Uh, EB, Master Avatar… everything okay?” there was a serious concern in his voice.

EB said, “everything is hunky dory. This outstanding book is telling me all about what Merlin thought about me. He got stuff wrong, but he really thought I was nice and all. It is so cool that I made that kind of impression on someone as smart and good and neat as Merlin. I know, millions of people have loved me for a long time, but to have someone like him talk about me is flattering. Its like watching one of those silly Easter movies about me. Some are cool. There was this one about an Easter Bunny that leaves home to become a rock star and played drums and met celebrities and I loved it and…”

“EB!” Justin interrupted him.

“Sorry. You want some?” He held up the popcorn filled egg.

“No, thanks. I was just concerned.”

“Why? I found nothing unusual. Been patrolling all day.”

Justin motioned around. “There are three times as many guards here as when I last checked in.”

EB looked around and shook his head, “I thought Nova told them to come.”

“He has changed no orders.”

“Oh... guess they’re just doing their job. Come on, sit, lets hear this story about me.” EB patted the grass next to him.

Chapter 15

Chapter 15:

Arx jockeyed between buildings, toying with the heroes that chased him. He dove under an overpass and then set his eyes on an incoming hero. The Wizard cast a massive beam of magic at Arx. He deftly avoided it and met the magical hero with a powerful punch to the gut. The Wizard crashed into the side of a building.

“Now, where are those civilians hiding?” Arx looked around, completely ignoring the many magical heroes flying toward him.

Krystal Fae and Aphrael flew side by side, dozens of heroes behind them. Krystal pointed to the side, and Aphrael nodded. They split, dividing the heroes and going for a pincer attack. Arx seemed to either not notice or not care as he hovered, examining the streets below. Just when they were almost on him, he looked up with that gleaming smile of his.

“Nice try.” He clapped his hands together and then threw them out. A vortex of twisting winds spun around so hard that several billboards were instantly ripped from their stations and tossed into the gale. The magical heroes struggled against this attack as Arx casually left them in the tornado.

He flew fast toward four school buses being escorted by heroes. “Aw, don’t take my audience away.” Swooping down, he ripped the tops off of two buses and threw the tattered yellow metal at the heroes. However, when he turned to bask in the fear of the civilians, he found empty seats. “What the H…”

A giant fist nailed him, and he smashed into a street. Midgard reached up, balled both fists together and came down with a hard crash. Arx was smashed deep into the pavement, a crater forming that threatened the foundation of several nearby buildings.

“TAKE THAT YOU POMPOUS ASS!” Midgard bellowed, his hands still holding Arx down in what was hopefully his grave.

Hotwings came flying over and laughed, “I knew he couldn’t resist scaring civilians.”

The hero, Chains, rushed over with his wife, Whips. “Got em?”

Midgard laughed, “NOTHING BUT A SILVER SPLATTER UNDER…” Midgard lurched forward, a strange look of surprise on his face.

All the heroes gasped and stepped back. Suddenly, Midgard’s fists lifted against his will, and then he was yanked forward. Arx, holding Midgard, met the massive serpent with a fist to the jaw, and then belched out an incredible torrent of flames that sent the World Serpent crashing backward.

The heroes were so stunned by this that it took them a moment to realize the battle was far from over. Arx, more insane than ever, screamed and wave after wave of psionic energy exploded, sending all the heroes crashing into buildings, the street, and through windows.

Midgard pushed himself up just in time for Arx to push his hands forward and cause their school buses to shatter. Their little decoy turned into a cloud of mechanical parts. This formed into giant cuffs that wrapped around Midgard’s neck, arms, and tail. It forced him to the ground, held in place by this newly crafted restraint.

Arx rose into the air, his body glowing, his face contorted into a ferocious snarl. “We were just playing before! Now, it’s time…” A multicolored magical blast hit Arx, and it threw him clear out of the city.

Aphrael landed with Krystal Fae and several other magical heroes. Krystal said, “excellent shot.”

Midgard roared as he tore the restraints away. “WHERE’S THAT PIECE OF CRAP!?”

Aphrael said, “with any luck, sinking into the Pacific. That was one hell of a blast we just hit him with.”

Krystal pulled out her comm. “BADGE... BADGE come in…” she looked to the others, “that’s odd. I’m not getting a signal.”

“WATCH OUT!” Hotwings sped by.

Suddenly, bodies of Navy sailors rained down, all dead. A series of shadows that fell over them followed this. All looked up to see a fleet of powerful US Navy ships flying in the air. A battlecruiser suddenly fell, heading right for them. Midgard caught it and spent a moment struggling with it so that it didn’t fall and crush several city blocks. With a massive grunt, he lobbed it back into the air. It flew for a moment and then stopped and rejoined the fleet.

Arx appeared, hovering in the middle of this armada. Energy crawled all over his body and then flickered over the metal hulls of the ships. “ENOUGH PLAYTIME, HEROES! IF THIS CITY DOESN’T WANT ME, THEN THIS CITY WILL FALL. AND YOU, SECOND RATE HACKS, WILL FALL WITH IT!” He thrust a hand forward and an aircraft carrier hit the ground and plowed three blocks down Santa Monica Boulevard.

The heroes scrambled to stop him and the ships he was throwing at the city.

Krystal stopped Furious Squirrel. “Can you get BADGE? My comm isn’t working.”

Furious checked his special tech. “The signal is working, BADGE just isn’t responding. Weird.”

“I guess we’re on our own, I...what?”

Furious showed her his sensors. “I’m detecting nuclear activation.”

“What does that mean exactly?”

Furious looked at his sensors and then pointed at one of the Navy ships. “The nuclear weapons on that ship have been activated, and since the sailors on those ships are no longer alive, my guess is that…”

Krystal finished the thought. “Arx is truly going to raze Southern California.”


The screens at BADGE were nothing but static fuzz. Nova tapped his comm device and looked back at the robots. “What is going on? Why have we lost signal?”

There was a dead silence from the robots.

“Unit 100232...10915?” he tapped the side of a robot and it flopped forward, inactive. “Complete shutdown, but I didn’t authorize that. Damn, this is no time for our systems to crash.” He shoved the robot up and pressed the comm button, but it merely buzzed at him. “Soldier, come over here, I need assistance.”

The soldiers in the room were completely still.

Nova slowly stood up from the console and took a step back. He quietly assessed the men around him and then turned to those fuzz filled screens, his back to the soldiers. “So… this isn’t a simple computer malfunction.”

The soldiers lifted their guns.

Nova held the tiniest of smiles on the corner of his mouth. “Trust me, you don’t want to do that.”

Chapter 16

Chapter 16:

Heroes flew around the flying armada. Gales of wind blew some heroes around while weapons fired madly off the decks of the ships. Blasts of holy light and mental energy crippled heroes who attempted to approach the center of this storm, Arx.

Hotwings and Warmachine flew toward Arx, both blasting a volley of power at the villain. Arx dodged and responded with amazing speed.

“Distract him!” Warmachine said and then split from Hotwings.

Hotwings doubled his weapons fire and focused his powers on Arx. It worked, Arx turned his attention away and shot Hotwings out of the sky.

Suddenly, Warmachine crashed into Arx and started punching him. Arx responded with blows and kicks. Then time slowed down slightly as Warmachine used one of his unique powers. Arx barely moved as Warmachine repeatedly nailed him in the gut and face. All at once, Arx broke the time dilation and hit Warmachine in the face and then grabbed him by the arm and flung him off of him with a massive swing.

Gar swooped by and quickly snatched Warmachine out of his freefall. Landing on a nearby roof, Gar set Warmachine on his feet.

“You okay?”

Warmachine nodded, “sure. Just...winded.”

Punlork appeared and tumbled across the same roof. “Ow!” Sitting up, he said, “this is getting out of hand.”

“Hey, Gar!” Chase spoke into his ear through the comm link.


“Furious Squirrel has pin-pointed a nuclear device that is activated on the ship directly in front of you.”

“I don’t know how to deactivate a bomb.”

“We need ideas.” Chase said.

Punlork said, “what about slowing time? It worked for Warmachine...briefly.”

Warmachine answered, “no. He can break through that somehow. Timebender had the same problem.”

Gar watched ahead as Arx hovered between his flying fleet. The ships showered the heroes with weapons fire, and Arx added blasts of his various powers. No one was getting close. Suddenly, Midgard rose and threw a water tower at Arx, which was destroyed by a blast of light from the enemy.

“Hey, what about Midgard? Have him throw that boat out to sea or something.” Gar said.


Chase said, “Midgard, a nuke isn’t puny.”

“I DON’T CARE!!” Midgard bellowed and then rushed toward Arx.

Gar said to Chase, “what about teleporting it?”

Now Starmaster answered from another part of the battle, “I don’t think that’s a good idea…” he grunted and yelled at something and then finished, “teleporting can mess with stuff like that. It could blow across the portal, which would spread that explosion, not to mention the fallout.”

Just then Skynett landed next to Gar. “What if we retreat? This city has already taken a beating, but all the civilians are gone.”

Chase answered, “that bomb is under his control. We leave, he turns it off and follows us. Or he might even detonate it over another city.”

Skynett dryly said, “then we take down Arx and release his control of it.”

“How?” Gar asked.

Skynett squinted as she watched Midgard go after Arx. “we wait for an opening and then unleash hell.”

Gar frowned at that, not really certain what she was saying, but Chase got it. Through the comm, she said, “heroes, regroup and ready for a power-strike. This is a code black attack. Noone hold back. Wait for my signal.”

All over the city, heroes rushed to a circular line around the incoming navy ships. Several heroes formed energy barriers that prevented the ongoing weapons’ fire from hurting anyone. Only Midgard remained in his attack, as he often ignored any orders during a battle. Heroes charged their eyes, hands, and other powered appendages. Others activated guns, lasers, and tech. Gar joined the many who picked up objects to throw. A code black was not called on often, and could only be done during extreme circumstances.

Gar said, “Chase, what about Midgard?”

“He is part of the plan, just wait.”

“Chase… this could hurt you.”

Skelanimal came through, “Gah! Would you two lovebirds stop the mushy stuff!”

Gar said, “We aren’t…”

Chase yelled, “NOW!”

Midgard had grabbed a smaller navy cruiser and used it like a bat to smack Arx. The silver hero was sent flying through the city, his fleet slowly losing elevation while he tumbled out of control. When he came to a stop, he barely had time to check his head when the barriers came down. Several thousand attacks all came at him in one volley. Bullets, knives, boulders, and some thrown cars joined lasers, fire blasts, ice beams, and electric shocks. He tried to respond, but the sheer power culminated in one explosive blast.

Normally, a collective code black attack would cause a deadly explosion that could hurt, or even kill, some users. In this attack, it seemed to be absorbed by Arx, but not on purpose. His body shimmered in an array of colors, and there was an immense explosion of energies out of him. He flew back, punching a hole in the lower hull of the USS Saratoga. The fleet in the sky rained down over the city. Huge navy cruisers crashed and crushed two thirds of what remained of Hollywood.

Heroes dashed out of the way as waves of dust and debris erupted all over the place. Many flight heroes were carrying non-flight heroes to keep them from being overtaken by the catastrophic collapse.

Gar landed with Chase in his arms. He gingerly set her down among the wreckage of the mangled navy ships.

“I can’t believe you survived that.” Chase said.

Arx, half covered in metal debris, gagged out a laugh. “It’ll take a lot more than that to end this superstar.”

She held up her scanner. “Your power levels are laughable. Oh, and your little bomb threat; I guess crashing the ship shut off the computer running it. So, you’re done.”

Arx chuckled with a wet cough. “You think I’m going out like this? No, Arx won’t be remembered as the celebrity who was defeated, he’ll be remembered as the greatest villain in movie history. I’ll have the last laugh.” His eyes flashed.

“What did you just do?” Chase threatened him with one of her blades. However, he merely continued to mock her with laughter.

Warmachine and Furious Squirrel appeared on top of the debris above them. Furious said, “that nuke, it just went active again! It’s got seconds.”

Arx said, “see, I’m going out with a bang, and taking you with me.”

Chase yelled into her comm, “GET TO THAT NUKE!”

Heroes rushed over, following the tech specialists toward the mound of wreckage where the nuclear signal came from. Midgard and other heroes tore through the piles of debris, throwing large chunks of ships all over the city.

“We can’t get to it fast enough!” Furious said, as he watched his monitor.

Punlork said, “I can’t portal people away fast enough either.”

Warmachine said, “I’ll get to it!” He dove headfirst into the debris, blasting a path to the bomb with his powers.

Furious yelled, “IT’S DETONATING!!” Everyone flinched. Several zapped themselves away.

Nothing happened.

Cautiously looking up, Chase asked, “was it a dud?”

Warmachine spoke through the universal comm. “No, it’s going off, and I can’t stop it.”

“Where are you?” Chase looked around.

“Down here, under the rubble.”

Starmaster snapped his fingers and vanished. He reappeared next to Warmachine, who held the side of a nuclear missile, it was beeping and flashing, but everything was slowed to a near crawl.

“What did you do?”

Warmachine smiled, “I got to it just as it exploded, but I could slow the time.”

“Good, we can…”

“It’s too late. I’m slowing the flash point, but it moves so fast that it’ll over take me in moments and then will continue in normal time. If I move, it will explode instantly. I...I can’t save myself.”

“We have to try.” Starmaster said, looking around for the answer.

Warmachine shook his head, “no. But...we have a chance. Portal me away.”

“Portaling might not work.”

“It will. We have a few seconds. The portal won’t set off the bomb, that has already occurred. You get me somewhere, in another dimension, where it won’t hurt anyone else.”

“But, you’ll die.”

Warmachine nodded slowly, “the risk of being a hero. We don’t have time for sentimentality. Just do it.”

Starmaster had tears in his eyes as he waved his hands and watched both the missile and Warmachine vanished away.

Chapter 17

Chapter 17:

 A small fleet of BADGE shuttles broke through the atmosphere, heading directly for the space station. Inside the lead shuttle, Chase and Gar watched over their prisoner. Arx sat in the back, in nothing but his purple thong and the most sophisticated restraint system developed to hold meta-humans.

“Are you sure he’s different now?” Gar asked.

“I’ve looked over the readings a hundred times since the battle ended. His power levels are almost negligible. Even with all the powers he had, nothing can reduce this signature artificially. He’s nothing but a has-been.”

“HEY! Watch the language. I’m just… on hiatus.” Arx responded.

Chase laughed, “sure. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be the star of the prison’s playhouse. Trust me, you’ll have a captive audience.”

Arx slouched back in his seat, “great, stuck with a D-grade comedienne.”

Chase was about to tell him where to stuff his opinion when the pilot alerted them. “Agent Chase!”

She looked out the window and gasped, clasping her hands over her mouth. The top level of the station, where Operations was situated, had been removed and floated aimlessly in space while the rest of the station remained in its normal orbit.

“What the hell is going on?” Chase asked.

“I don’t know, but I am not reading any power signature in the station at all.”

Gar started to say, “Can we dock, I…” he and Chase were surrounded by a blinding flash of light and they found themselves standing in the Operations center.

Chase stumbled and fell against Gar. “Whoa, that made my head spin.”

Quark rushed up to them. “Sorry about that. I needed you guys.”

“What happened here?” Chase looked around. The robots were all damaged, and only two emergency lights were flickering.

Gar gasped and rushed away, “Director!” He found Nova lying on the floor, a giant sword in his hands, two dozen security guards around him.

Chase ran to his side. “is he…”

Quark said, “thank goodness, no. He isn’t dead, just out. But, this station won’t activate while separated. It requires his code, or three class one agent codes.”

Chase said, “that would be us.”

Chase, Quark and Gar put in their security codes and the top level of the station activated and reconnected with the base. The computer slowly reactivated, going into emergency operation mode.

“That should set up the reboot.” Chase said.

“We need to get him to the infirmary, and hope someone is still alive down there.” Quark said.

“Do what you do best.” Chase answered.

Quark put his hands on Nova, and the others waited. All four flashed away and were quickly inside the infirmary. Chase fell over and held her head for a moment. Gar lifted Nova up onto the nearest bio-bed.

“No damage here.” Quark commented.

“GET OUT, I HAVE WEAPONS!” a woman called out.

Gar said, “Dr. Henderson, it’s us!”

Dr. Henderson slowly came around a corner, two laser scalpels in her hands. She had a wild look of fear in her eyes, but slowly relaxed at the sight of them. “Oh, thank god. I thought we were going to die out here.”

Chase asked, “how do you still have power?”

“The infirmary has independent power systems. Oh, dear lord, Nova!” She ran over to him and punched buttons on the sensors.

Quark said, “I found him like this. I would try to heal him, but I might accidentally turn him into a duck.”

Dr. Henderson read the scanner report. “He has a massive concussion, five broken ribs, a broken arm, internal bleeding...how did he survive that fight in this condition?”

“Do you know what happened up here?” Chase asked.

Dr. Henderson placed several bone mending devices on Nova’s chest and then injected something into his neck. “Not exactly. The entire station went on lockdown. I tried contacting Operations, but I couldn’t get through...entirely. The visual link worked, but audio was dead. I could witness what happened there, but I couldn’t do anything. Fortunately, the infirmary also has a special locking system to protect the patients from enemies. I was safe in here.”

Gar activated a monitor on Dr. Henderson’s desk and accessed the data. A video played back what she watched in operations. “Who are they?”

Chase and Quark joined him and watched the security team ganging up on Nova, who had his back to them. Quark said, “those are the special security team Nova requested from the World Corps to help defend the station.”

Before they could discuss this, they watched Nova materialize a special sword out of seemingly nowhere and catch the enemy off guard. He swung and dodged with incredible precision. They fired lasers at him from all angles, but he deflected them with his sword and hit the soldiers with their own fire. More than once they hit him, but he kept fighting. Soldier after soldier he fought, striking and moving with a speed that none of them have truly seen him utilize. Again and again he was hit, but he never wavered in his defense. Computer stations exploded, the lights in the room flickered, a warning light beamed as the emergency separation system activated. The last soldier went down, and Nova fell to his knees. The moment he collapsed, the operations center ejected and the line cut.

Chase said, “damn...I didn’t know he could fight like that.”

Quark looked back at the unconscious Director. “I've seen him fight like that once before, when we faced Jinn.”

Gar asked, “wait, what about the Avatar of Magic?”

Dr. Henderson said, “I don’t know. Last I heard the Avatar was being protected in the Arboretum, EB was with it.”

Quark snarled, “and about five dozen of those mercs.”

“Crap.” Chase muttered and raced out of the infirmary.


Chase, Gar, and Quark rushed through the station. The power was slowly coming back on, but it was still dark in most places. They rushed through the Mess Hall and into the Arboretum.

“Oh, my god!” Chase came to a stop at the sight. Dozens of soldiers littered the ground, some wearing the BADGE insignia, and some had the World Corps patch. Colorful, broken eggshells littered the ground.

Gar whispered, “what happened?”

Chase knelt down and looked at a fallen soldier. “Isn’t it obvious, this is where they fought to capture the Avatar.” She looked up at Quark. “Do you sense the avatar?”

Quark closed his eyes and spent a moment in silence. He opened them and slowly shook his head. “I don’t sense the Avatar… or EB.”

“What?” Gar asked.

A man coughed and caught their attention. Looking over, one BADGE soldier leaned up against the trunk of a tree, blood trickling out of the corner of his mouth.

Chase rushed to him. “Oh, god. Hold still. Gar, get help.”

Gar raced off while Chase helped the man.

He looked at her with tired eyes. “I’m sorry, ma’am, we tried our best.”

“What happened?”

“They...they turned on us. I don’t know where they got their weapons, but they fought against the Avatar with tech I ain’t ever seen before. The Easter Bunny was amazing. He was the last to go down. They trapped them both in some kind of energy restraint. I watched them leave. I couldn’t do anything to stop them. I can’t feel my legs.”

Just then Gar returned with two training droids, which were carrying a stretcher. He helped place the man on it.

Chase said, “you did what you could. You didn’t fail, they tricked us.” She nodded to the droids, and they carried him away.

Quark asked, “what now?”

“I don’t know. But, we aren’t done yet. They have won this battle, but the war...this war is far from over.”

Arcane Knowledge
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

A beautiful blue woman walked along a road in the middle of a busy city. The blazing sun cast a deep shadow beneath her, and the breezes were a mix of salty air and dry sand. None of this seemed to cause this strange woman any discomfort. She continued on her walk, the red hair dancing as the winds picked up.

“Hey, lady. You want to get out of the street!” A motorist yelled at her in Arabic.

She turned and slowly cocked her head at the man waiting for her to pass. “How dare you speak to the Master of Mental, little human.” her mind said to him.

He gasped, “I heard that… in my head. What are you?”

She waved her hand as a blast of psychic energy shoved his car back, sliding it sideways and nearly tumbling it over. “Be gone!”

Almost immediately, sirens blared and police cars were heading her way. She cast her eyes around and dismissively sighed. Holding out her hands, she lifted into the sky and flew five stories above the ground. People were concerned, and the police sent a few cars to follow.

Soon she landed in the middle of an excavation site. She knelt down and felt the ground. Suddenly a wave of red energy blasted out and covered all the surfaces for a moment.

“What are you doing?” A man rushed up to her.

She looked at him with a brief smile. Through her mind she said, “Ah, a man of learning.”

“Woah, where did that voice come from?” He looked around.

She cocked her head at him, “tell me, is this the famous Library?”

He searched for the source of that voice in his head. “Uh, yeah. This was a storage area for the Library of Alexandria. It was destroyed about eighteen hundred years ago.”

She softly shook her head, “then, this is before our time. Pity, it made such sense.” Without warning, she flew straight up, away from the ancient excavation site.

Hovering several miles in the sky, she called out with her mind. “I did not locate the Keeper. My search was in vain.”


In a distant museum, long after hours of operation, the winged figure of the Master of Supernatural
stopped and looked up at a painting. He studied it for a moment, focusing on the book in the hands of a person.

He spoke aloud, answering that voice in his head. “I too have failed to find the Keeper. Evidence of its existence has proven impossible to find.”


The Master of Strength fought two heroes at once in the Tokyo Fight Club. He grabbed both and bashed their heads together. Dropping the unconscious bodies on the ground, he paused and looked up.

“The Keeper may not be formed yet. Have you not considered this?” The lion man suddenly twisted around and kicked a third hero that was trying a surprise attack.

The voice in his head from the Master of Mental said, “no. I have sensed its presence since I awoke. It came to be before us. It has been granting us life. We must find it.”


A rush of a wave crashed against the Hawaii shore. The water formed into a man and continued walking toward a lava flow. Once it reached the lava, the water exploded into steam and the lava then took on
the same human form.

The Master of Elemental looked at his liquid rock hand and smiled. Then he looked up at the night sky and closed his molten eyes. “I sense the surge of morphon. The power grows steadily within the realm of nature. The Keeper will be with us soon.”

The voice in his head said, “How can you be sure of this?”

“I know what I know. This Keeper, this last Avatar of the Morphons, will reveal itself when the moon is the fullest. Only then shall we see them in their true form.”

The voice spoke, “then, we must be ready for its arrival. Protect it from those who wish to use it for harm.”

The Master of Supernatural said, “Where would be safe? How could we know where it will reveal itself?”

That voice said, “I do not have the answer.”


“But, I do.” A pile of computer parts and other debris shifted around in a room within the concrete walls of a strange cell. The pieces came together and slowly formed into a humanoid figure.

The voice spoke to him, “Master of Tech, we have not heard from you.”

“They have given me a home with friends. I believe I am their captive, but I do not feel bad. These people mean well. I have enjoyed my time resting among brothers and sisters.” he ran his foot through the random technological components littering the space.

The voice said to him. “What do you plan?”

“As we all awoke, we were met by friends. I believe we can trust these friends and they can help us.”

Master of Mental said, “If you feel this is the wisest course of action. We shall follow your lead.”


Nova stood in the middle of the Operations center. Chase walked in, nursing a hot cup of coffee. She stood next to him and grumbled out something that was supposed to be “good morning.”

“I see you’re still recovering from that poison Arx gave you.”

“Dr. Henderson thinks the dose he gave Quark, and me was a different formula. I guess he didn’t want us going out of our head before we got him back up to the station. I still think about how I drooled over that guy and acted like an idiot. I mean, he’s hot, but I don’t remotely like him like that. I’m not some guy crazed…”

“I get it.” Nova stopped her.

A robot announced, “incoming message from Hero: Krystal Fae.”

“Put her through,” Nova said.

Krystal appeared on the main monitor, her hair glowing brighter than usual. “Nova, good. I have something interesting to report.”


“I started feeling strange over the past few hours. Not bad or sick, just… more powerful. I checked with others, and only magical heroes are feeling this strange surge.”

Nova said, “just what we need, one of those avatar things are about to show up and challenge everyone.”

Chase sipped her coffee and looked at a robot. “Any report from our morphon scanners?”

“Negative, Agent Chase.”

Krystal said, “I checked the morphon fields as well and even contacted Quark before calling you. No strange localized spike yet. So, we can’t be certain this is an avatar appearing.”

Nova said, “lets assume, for the moment, that it is. Contact the magically inclined heroes and start the whole contest. Get a head start on this. If this turns out to be a false alarm, at least you guys can get some practice in.”

“Understood, Krystal out.”

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:


Nova stepped out of the BADGE shuttle and was met by two security guards. They each saluted and then walked with him through the overgrown field in the middle of nowhere.

“There has been a strong energy spike in the area, be careful.” Nova said. He stopped before a door on the side of a small concrete bunker.

One guard asked, “what should we look out for?”

“I don’t know. These morphon creatures have been popping up all over the place. That is the type of energy we’re seeing.”

The other guard asked, “are these avatars dangerous?”

“Not intentionally. But, they could pose a threat. Just be ready for anything.”

The guard pushed the door open for Nova. “We always are.”

Nova stepped in and the room was nothing but an elevator. Pressing a switch, he sped downward through the Earth.

It had been a few months since Nova was last in the former Headquarters of BADGE. This place was now simply another outpost to keep watch. It took a focused mind not to get lost in nostalgia as he rounded each corner. Finally, he entered the room he spent most of his time in when this was his base. The operations room was active with many screens watching the various views of North America. Once these screens were tuned into every corner of the planet, not they simply monitored this part of the world. Agent Justin stood in Nova’s place in the center of the room, a tablet in his hands.

“Agent, report! What was the emergency?” Nova waited for an answer.

Justin turned and said, “we have a guest.” and simply pointed to the side.

Nova turned and found the golem of computer parts smiling at him. The Master of Tech creature simply waved at the Director. “Greetings, human leader of BADGE.”

Nova frowned, “I thought we locked him up.”

“I thought so as well.” Just said.

Nova pressed the intruder button and an automatic force field surrounded the Master of Tech. “Sorry for the inconvenience. I don’t like uninvited guests in a BADGE facility.”

The Master laughed, put his hand up against the buzzing field, and then simply walked through it. “I enjoy that sensation.” He walked back and forth through the field.

“How are you doing that? That field is the strongest this base can make.” Nova was honestly stunned.

The Master stopped amusing himself and answered, “I am tech.”

Justin said, “apparently, since his power involves technology, we can’t use technology against him.”

Nova asked. “Then, he was our prisoner...by his own volition?”

The Master of Tech answered, “I wasn’t your prisoner. I was merely communing with other tech. All of us have been doing this. Once our challenge was met, we understood the humans are using our blessing correctly and so we have been exploring our element. Mine is technology, and this place is full of it. My brethren are exploring their own powers through your world.”

Nova asked, “what is it you want? Or are you just out and about to pet the machinery?”

“I am enjoying your lovely technology. However, my objective is not to simply explore. We seek answers and you need to help us.”

“We...you mean the other Avatars?”

The Master said, “yes. They tasked me with getting your attention, and I have.”

Nova narrowed his eyes. “I don’t like being manipulated.”

The Master looked up. “Ah, they are here. Come.” He walked out of the room.

Suddenly the comm came alive with the guards outside. “Sir, we have a situation up here!”

Nova rushed his way back up to the surface, even becoming a little lightheaded with the quicker ascent up the elevator shaft. To his great surprise, the Master of Tech was already at the top. The two guards were on full alert with their weapons out, and four other people standing around. The first was the lion man, Master of Strength. Next to him was a man made of rock, water, and even fire burning on his head, the Master of Elemental. An angelic man with his wings almost glowing, the Master of Supernatural, gave Nova a stern look. Last was a beautiful blue woman with red hair and streaks of red energy periodically flickering on her skin, the Master of Mental.

Nova stood before the two guards and put out his hands, “lower your weapons. I do not believe they pose a threat.”

A voice in his head stated, “we are not here to threaten you.”

The guards looked at each other in confusion, but said nothing about the disembodied voice.

Nova spent a moment looking at this strange gathering, his way of establishing a level of control by getting the focus on him. “So, you’re all here. My agents have had a hard time keeping up with your movements.”

The Avatar of Elemental said, “we know about your agents tracking us. We presented no threat to the populations of this world, thus we ignored our observers.”

“Oh, stop this talking! We have an issue to deal with!” The Avatar of Strength bellowed.

Nova said, “yes, apparently we do. What are you doing here?”

The Avatar of Supernatural stepped up, his imposing wings only overshadowed by that glowering look on his face. “Master of BADGE, we come seeking your help.”

“My help? You avatars have ignored BADGE and our requests since you first showed up, and now you expect me to help you. To what end?”

“You want to fight! I will…” The Avatar of Strength was held at bay by Supernatural.

Mental said, “this situation concerns the security of your world. There is one more of our kind we seek, but we cannot find it. We believe you can help.”

Nova said, “I have agents and specialist all over the planet keeping tabs on the morphonic spikes that accompany your appearances. We will see when the next one arrives.”

Master of Tech said, “this one is different. The last one is actually the first. It has been on this world for a long time, resting.”

“It… you keep referring to this as an it.”

“Many of your years ago, a human learned of what you call magic. He practiced human forms of sorcery, but upon learning of true magic from a creature named Jinn, he wanted to know more.”

“Jinn. Do you mean the time when he worked for the Ottoman Empire?”

“Correct.” Mental projected. “A man named Merlin began studying this new magic and writing everything down in a special book. He was not aware that he was touching the very essence of morphons. The magic used by this Jinn was harnessed through morphons, but only a very specific type. By dabbling in this, he infused those morphons into this book. It remained dormant for centuries, but it became the embodiment of Magic, the Master of Magic, an Avatar of Morphons.”

Nova whispered, “Merlins Tome.”

Supernatural asked, “you know of this?”

Nova softly nodded, “I have been protecting this world for a long time. In that time I collected and sealed away dangerous objects. I know of Merlins tome. It had strange properties that caused problems several centuries ago. It is in the archives in the BADGE UK outpost.”

Elemental said, “we must retrieve this. The morphons will awaken and the tome will become the last Master. We need him and we must protect him.”

Supernatural said, “the morphons of magic around this world have gained strength at his arrival.”

“That explains the heightened strength in the magical heroes.”

Mental said, “precisely. Our time is short, we must get to the Tome before he awakens.”

“What sort of danger does this avatar pose?”

Mental said, “it is not the Master of Magic that poses a risk, it is the information he holds that could potentially be used for nefarious deeds. There are those among your kind that seek knowledge they do not deserve to know. They desire to use this knowledge for terrible actions. We will not allow that.”

“I won’t either.” Nova pulled out his comm.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:


The BADGE helicopter flew over the crashing oceans near the shores of the United Kingdom. Nova and Justin observed out the windows as they sped through the skies.

“Any luck?” Nova asked.

Justin pressed several buttons on his communicator. “UK base, do you copy? I repeat, do you copy?”

A strange fuzz came through, and then a few whistles.

Justin set it down. “No, sir. I’ve tried every method of contacting them.”

Nova picked up an old style handset in the helicopter and put in a code. After a few moments he said, “yes, this is Director Nova with BADGE. We have lost contact with the UK base. I need assistance.” He waited a moment as the person on the other end spoke. Then he continued, “understood. Nova out.” he hung up.

Justin asked, “what did they say?”

“An hour ago there was an explosion near our UK base and the area is completely without power. They are sending in local law enforcement to check it out. MI6 is on alert.”

“I didn’t know we had a connection with MI6?”

Nova laughed, “there isn’t a national security agency we don’t have connection to.”

Justin was about to ask a question when he looked out the window. “Oh, no. Look at our base!”

Nova leaned forward to see that the unassuming location where the UK BADGE base was located had a large black hole in the side of it with smoke pouring out.

“Get us as close to that destruction as you can, pilot.” Nova commanded.

Justin asked, “do you think those avatars had anything to do with this?”

“I doubt it. They didn’t ask for our help just to attack our UK base.”

The helicopter landed in a field near the base and no sooner had the landing skids hit the ground was Nova out, running for the base.

A team of BADGE agents approached, with a woman at the lead. “Director, it’s good to see you again.”

“Commander Troy, what happened here?”

Troy said, “I can’t say. We had a proximity alert and before I could send a message to the Space Station, the power was knocked out. In fact, there isn’t an ounce of power in a forty square mile radius.”

Nova shook his head, “sounds like an EM pulse of some nature.”

Troy said, “I sent out as many agents and heroes as we could find to help mitigate the damage. Two medical facilities in the area were completely wiped out, we’re transporting patients to the nearest powered medical facility.”

“Good work. What about the attack? Who was it?”

Commander Troy opened her mouth to answer, but merely gasped as the Master of Supernatural flew down and landed beside Nova. Then the ground rumbled and a stone figure rose, the Master of Elemental. Mental and Tech were next. The last to arrive was the Master of Strength, who had his sword out and appeared ready to fight. The agents with Troy readied themselves for combat.

“Stand down.” Nova ordered.

Troy said, “what are they doing here?”

Nova answered, “don’t worry about them. I want to know who attacked this place?”

Troy spent a moment looking at the gathered avatars. “Uh... oh, right. The attack happened in a flash. We heard the explosion, and some people reported the sound of helicopters or jets. Then it was all over.”

Nova let out a hard sigh, “the same as the attack on Osteen’s prison.”

“Do you think the same organization that released Dr. Osteen conducted this?”

“I don’t know. But it seems too similar. An attack that is well executed to leave no witnesses on a location that seems impregnable.”

Troy said, “they killed several of my agents who could have seen them, but they failed to remove all witnesses.”

“You have someone who was present?”

“Yes.” She gestured to one man with her. “This is agent Chan. He was outside the compound, having tea in the grass.”

“Tea in the grass?” Nova frowned.

Chan smiled, “I enjoy my afternoon tea while I watch the ducks.”

Nova said, “you remind me of one of my agents. Well, what did you see?”

Chan said, “I saw two large black helicopters. A team of men dressed in solid black gear fired a missile at the side of our compound and went in. By the time I had gotten to the compound, they were gone and three of our agents were dead. I’m sorry for not being faster.”

Nova said, “It’s alright. If you had been any faster, they probably would have killed you as well. What did they take?”

Troy said, “that’s the strange part. They only took one thing.”

“Merlin’s Tome,” Nova said.

Troy nodded, “why, yes. How did you know?”

Supernatural said. “That’s why we’re here.”

Troy asked, “what would they want with that ancient book?”

Mental projected with her mind, “to learn secrets they do not deserve to know. The information they seek could prove disastrous for this world.”

“Who said that?” Troy looked around.

Nova said, “don’t worry. Chan, do you have any idea which way they went?”

“They went south from here.” Chan pointed east.

Master of Strength bellowed, “it is too late! They have the book! The humans have failed us!”

“Calm down.” Supernatural stated.

“CALM! WE NEED RAGE NOW!” Strength lifted his sword.

Troy said, “There may be one redeeming possibility. The book is locked.”

Nova nodded, “yes, I know. The lock was crafted by Santa years ago when I first obtained the book. But, if they found the book, the key…”

“Is no longer sealed here.” Troy stated.


Troy smiled, “you didn’t expect us to keep both the book and key together. Even though they were separately sealed in vaults on opposite ends of this compound, I felt the risk was too great.”

Nova asked, “how did you know the book was a danger at all. I don’t even know what is in it.”

“I didn’t need to know. That the book was locked with a magical seal crafted by a legendary figure was enough for me to be concerned. I had the key moved to our vaults on the Isle.”

Nova said, “then we must assume that is where they’re going.”

“How can they possibly know about the isle?” Troy asked.

Nova said, “these people have been ahead of us at every step. They shouldn’t even have known about this location, or that the tome was here, and yet they did.”

Supernatural asked, “where is this Isle? We will go immediately.”

Troy said, “we can’t divulge that information to just…”

“The Isle is on the international date line, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Head back to the Helicopter with Agent Justin and he’ll give you the exact coordinates.”

Justin led them away while Nova stayed behind.

Troy said, “I’m sorry, sir, but I thought that place was the most top secret location BADGE owns. Not even MI6 knows of it.”

“I trust these people. They are single-minded, and their desire is for our protection. I know they aren’t a security risk. Besides, they’ll get there far faster than anyone else. You stay here and get this place back in operations. I’m going to get to the Isle and make sure they succeed.”

“Understood, sir.” Troy saluted and waited while Nova left her.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:


A trio of black helicopters flew fast over the open ocean. There were no markings on them, no lights to show them off, just the machines. Against the black night sky, they were nearly invisible.

Inside the lead helicopter, a team of black-clad soldiers patiently waited. In the center of this legion sat a dark suited man with a large, old book in his lap.

Delta carefully caressed the book, touching the leather straps binding and the golden lock, keeping it sealed. Ancient letters were etched into the wooden cover. Each letter emitted a strange glowing light.

“On approach to target.” The pilot announced.

Delta stood and approached the front of the craft. He leaned over and looked out across the dark watery landscape. “Do we have eyes on the target yet?”

“We have the island on radar and on visual.”

Delta said, “good. Now, prep the EM cannon.”

A soldier in the back flicked several switches and then pulled out a small computer screen on an arm attached to the side of the helicopter.

The pilot said, “we have anti-aircraft weapons activating!”

In the ocean near the building, large pillars lifted in the water, each carrying a massive laser emitter.

Delta said, “EM blast!”

Outside the helicopter, on the underside, a rectangular box opened, and a weapon extended. A bright blue energy blast shot out and hit the side of the building. A wave of the same blue light exploded in all directions, eventually dissipating before reaching the helicopters. The lifting pillars stopped moving and any lights on the building were all extinguished.

The soldier at the weapon controls said, “registering a full hit. We have neutralized all electronics. Residual magnetic effects have already ended.”


The man shoved the controls back against the wall and then asked. “Should we prepare a rocket launch?”

“No.” Delta looked at their scanner readings. “It is as I thought. That building could withstand a nuclear blast. Have all three teams ready for combat. We deploy as soon as we arrive.”

All three helicopters hovered over the building. Lines were dropped and the black-clad soldiers rained down, taking up a defensive formation around the surface of the flat roof. The last soldier to descend from Delta’s command helicopter had a metal lockbox in his arms. He set it down and then stood over it.


One of the other soldiers said, “from what, sir?”

The ground shook, and waves grew with intensity. Suddenly a man on glorious white wings landed in front of the leader, the Master of Supernatural formed white lights in his hands. The Master of Tech flew in using rockets on his feet. He dropped The Master of Strength in his first pass and then landed next to him, his arms forming into laser cannons. The Master of Mental came down, floating through the air with grace.

There was silence as she seemed to look at the lead soldier with focus. Finally, she grew worried and spoke with her mouth. “Why... why can I not read your mind?”

The soldier tapped his helmet, “best armor in the world. Now, stand down!” He took aim, as did all the other soldiers.

Supernatural let a bright flash of light burst out to grab everyone’s attention and then said, “do not fight us, humans. We will not be defeated. Give us the Tome or perish!”

The leader pointed directly at Supernatural and said, “I don’t take orders from you.” He shot, but Supernatural dodged the bullet.

Strength launched himself at the soldiers and sliced guns to pieces. A small team of the soldiers met his attacks, using special energized weapons to counter his moves.

Tech attempted to assist Strength, but another team of these soldiers targeted him with magnetic weapons, blowing parts of his body away. He would swing around and absorbed the fallen parts while he shot his lasers at them, but they were faster than him. Each time he regained a limb, they blasted another off.

Supernatural went for the leader. He was incredibly swift and avoided the gun fire. He grabbed the leader by the throat and threw him across the roof. Five other soldiers bore down on Supernatural. His speed was blinding, but they were keeping him at bay.

Mental swooped down and attempted to use mind-blasts to upset the soldiers, but their helmets protected them from her power. She then used her powers to create waves of telekinetic energy, but they blocked this with energy barriers that they formed from special arm bands.

Mental landed and pushed her hands out, creating a telekinetic barrier to stop them from attacking her. She projected with her mind to the others. “They are ready for us! We cannot best them. Elemental, you must sink this island, it is our only hope!”

Strength yelled, “We can stop them!” He suddenly twisted around and threw his sword. It went right through the chest of a soldier attacking Supernatural. He dodged his own attackers and slid under several fighting against Tech, and ripped his sword out of the corpse of his victim. He spun around quickly and kicked another soldier in the gut. “CHANGE ENEMIES!”

Supernatural turned on those who had been attacking Strength, Tech turned his attention to the soldiers fighting Mental, and Mental went after the men fighting against Tech. The battle was suddenly shifting. However, so was the entire building. The structure rocked and rumbled as the earth moved and the tidal waves crashed against it.

The pilot turned the helicopter as they made another pass far over the building.

“Sir, it looks like our soldiers are being overwhelmed.”

Delta merely smiled, “I expected no less. Those creatures are incredible, I never believed mere humans could best them, even with our special enhancements.”

“You expected this battle to fail?”

“It isn’t failing.” Delta stated.

Suddenly the building cracked as part of the island slid into the ocean. A full corner of the structure was now hanging over open water, and it was about to fall.

“They’re going to sink the island!” The Pilot called out.

“I know.” Delta’s smile was vicious now. After a moment, he said, “get me closer to that building.”

“I’ll try.”

They flew over the opening in the building, and Delta opened the side door. He jumped out, landing in the middle of the combat. He entered the opening in the wall and was gone.

Master of Strength grabbed a man and flung him over the side into the ocean. He roared and then looked for his next enemy. What he found was his compatriots standing, and a rooftop filled with fallen soldiers. The building lurched to the side, and he had to kneel to keep from sliding off.


The building stopped moving and all the Avatars approached the metal box.

“Is this it?” Supernatural asked.

Mental reached down for it, but she was stopped when Delta crawled out from the hole. In his hand he held a glowing golden key. He smiled at them, “Ah, how nice to finally meet you. It would benefit my work greatly if you would come back with me to be studied.”

Strength readied himself to fight. “What do you want?”

“The Arcane knowledge of Merlin’s Tome.”

Strength grabbed the box and held it, his sword ready to strike. “You won’t survive to learn it.”

Delta looked around at his fallen army, “I suppose I won’t. Too bad, it was such a good plan.” He took out grappling gun and shot it straight up, hitching onto the helicopter that took him away.

Supernatural looked at Mental, “who was that?”

She shook her head, “I couldn’t read his mind.”

Tech said, “at least we have the tome, that is all that matters.”

Strength grabbed the box and ripped it apart. He roared in rage as he dropped the empty box.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

 Nova stepped out of his helicopter onto the slanted roof of the Vault. Bodies of the fallen soldiers littered the roof. The Avatars were there, quietly waiting. Only Strength made any noises, as he continued to growl.

The roof suddenly shifted upward, and the crack closed up more. Nova had to steady himself. “What was that?”

Mental said, “Elemental is currently repairing the island, so this structure does not fall into the ocean.”

“I see. What happened? Where is the Tome?”

Strength bellowed, “WE WERE FOOLED!”

Supernatural explained, “our enemy drew us into a combat over the Tome, but used the battle to break into this structure. We tried to follow once we realized the ruse, but they were untraceable. I could not see them.”

Nova quietly dove into thought as the Avatars watched him. He finally looked up at Mental. “Has the Tome awakened yet?”

“No. I do not sense it’s awakening.”

Nova said, “then there is still time. You five can sense the morphons better than our sensors. Spread out, search the world. The moment you sense the awakening, contact me. We may still be able to stop them before they do whatever it is they are seeking.”

Mental gave a soft nod, “we will help.”

“Then, go.”


Delta sat in the helicopter as it blazed through the skies. In his lap he held the Tome. In his hand, he held the key.

“Sir, Alpha and Beta want an update.” The pilot pointed at the small monitor.

Delta pressed a button, “This is Delta. I have the artifacts. We’re on our way.”

An altered voice came through, “This is Alpha. You have authority to open the Tome. Do not wait to return to base.”


The pilot turned on the cabin light as Delta pressed the key into the lock and turned it. The sound was that of a large, old door unlocking. Not a small book. He removed the key and carefully pulled apart the leather straps. His hands almost trembling, he opened the cover. He flipped through several of the pages.

“Well!” That voice demanded.

Delta said, “it’s blank.”

“What! Not possible!”

Delta continued flipping through the ancient pages. “It could have been a decoy.”

“I want…”

Delta stopped him, “Wait... I found something.” He moved the book to the side and watched as the edges of the pages glistened in a strange myriad of colors as they left the light of the cabin. “The pages are changing.” He reached up and turned the cabin light off and moved the book around. Color grew brighter as he did. Finally, he shifted it into a shaft of moonlight coming in the side window. A few letters could be seen written on the pages, not entire words. “It’s moonlight.”

“DELTA REPORT!” That voice commanded.

“Sir, the book is responding to moonlight. But, I still can’t read it.”

“We’re sending coordinates, go to them and do what you can to read this book.” The voice cut off immediately.

The pilot frowned. “New York?”

Delta slowly closed the book. “Tonight is a full moon, pilot. And that is where it will be most visible.”

The helicopter landed in the middle of a farmer’s field. The night sky was as clear as it could be, with millions of stars twinkling around a glorious pink moon.

Delta stepped out of the vehicle and crunched over the churned earth of the cornfield. He paused and looked up at the moon for a moment.

“Hey! What are you doing in my field!” A farmer in his night clothes ran out with his cell phone in his hand. “I’ve called the police.”

Delta waited a moment, not even looking at this irate man. The moment the man got close enough, Delta swiftly pulled out a small gun, shot, and then continued on his way. The farmer lay on his field, dead.

The pilot now joined Delta, “that is an amazing moon tonight.”

“It’s a super moon. Now, let’s see what we have here.” He opened the book again and smiled. All the letters were visible, glowing with various colors. The script was an ancient language, just like the text on the front of the book. “It’s all here.” he whispered as he turned page after page.


Nova patiently waited while his helicopter raced across the sky.

“Are you sure this is them?” The pilot asked.

“Local police were just called about a large helicopter landing in a farmer’s field in upstate New York. It’s our best lead.”

“Okay, sir. I will... woah!” The man looked to the side just as Mental joined them, flying along.

She looked in directly at Nova and spoke into his mind. “We have sensed a strong gathering of Morphons.”


“Near the location we first met you this morning.”

Nova said, “that base is in New York. So, we’re heading in the right direction. Are we too late?”

“We do not know.” She answered.

“Pilot, push this bucket as hard as you can.”


“Sir! This is getting brighter!” The pilot of Delta’s helicopter called out.

Delta, still reading the book, was surrounded by a brilliant light. The book emitted an orb of energy that gained intensity with each passing moment. “I’m not done yet, don’t bother me!” Delta flipped back to the first page again and began reading.

“We have incoming!” The pilot pulled out his gun.

Nova’s helicopter landed in the field as the five Avatars made their appearance. In a matter of seconds, Delta and his pilot now had six enemies glaring at him.

Nova yelled, “Hand over the Tome!”

Delta continued flipping pages as he answered, “I have already won this, Nova.”

Strength yelled, “WE DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS, HE IS AWAKENING! KILL THE HUMAN!” He launched himself at Delta just as a bright flash of light exploded from within the book.

The shock wave sent Strength flying back and the others to stumble away. It threw delta across the

ground and slammed into his helicopter with such force that a large dint was left in the side.

Once the light calmed down, the tome lifted into the air, colored smoke and light swirling around it as it moved in the air. An old man’s voice came out in a jovial tone. “Greetings, human, avatars, it is good to finally be awake!”

Mental stepped forward. “Keeper, are you safe?”

“Why, of course I am. It’s a lovely moon this eve, is it not! Oh, look, there’s Nova.” The book flew across the area and got right in front of Nova. “It has been many years since we last had contact. Though, then you did not know I was aware. My author, Merlin the Great, thought highly of you.”

Nova said, “and I thought highly of him.”

“Yes. Now, I’m pleased to realize that you initiated the contest of magic champions already. How wonderful, how wonderful indeed. The humans, they are using my gift with great efficiency.”

Nova said, “yes, the contest is almost concluded. However, right now we must get you to safety. There are those who wish…”

“Yes, yes, I know. Learn the valuable knowledge within me. Let us leave. I will be seeing you again, Nova.” The tome opened up and became a bright light, then vanished.

Without a word of thanks, all the other avatars left just as quickly.

Nova’s pilot said, “that was quick.”

“They are good at that. Now, let’s see what we can learn from our enemy and his helicopter. We finally have a chance to…”

The enemy helicopter, with Delta laying on the ground near it, exploded. Nova dove just in time to not be skewered by a shard of propeller.

Looking up from the ground at the burning pile of debris, Nova muttered, “damn.”

On a distant cliff, days later, a man stood and looked out across the ocean. His dark suit was tattered in places and his face was bruised. He picked up a cell phone and put it to his ear.

"This is Delta, reporting in."

The voice on the other end spoke.

"Yes, we lost the Tome. But, I have committed it all to memory. We have what we need."

Bad Publicity
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

A silver, muscular hero smashed through a wall and flew straight into the sky carrying a lovely damsel in distress. He set her down on the roof of a building and gave her hand a swift kiss.

“Oh, Arx, you saved me!” The woman said.

Arx laughed, “all part of the job description. Now, back to finish the job.”

He flew away and met a giant man with a power punch right to his chest. This towering villain stumbled back and fell against several buildings. He swiped his hand through the air and knocked Arx down two city blocks. The hero crashed into the street and then plowed a long distance until he finally came to a stop.

The giant blue skinned man turned and dashed toward him, crushing cars, street vendor carts, and other various items along his path.

Arx came around quickly and grabbed the end of an empty bus. He spun around and threw the vehicle at the approaching giant. This did little good as the giant merely caught it and tossed it aside. However, this wasn’t an attack, just a distraction. Right behind that bus flew Arx. The giant wasn’t ready for the second powerful object heading for his face and was hit in the forehead. Arx quickly grabbed the monster’s ears and yanked him down, slamming his head into the pavement.

Standing right next to the fallen villain, Arx put his hands on his hips and said, “had enough?”

The giant shrank down, revealing a meek scientist, shivering in disgrace. The nerd admitted defeat and let the police take him away.

Chase stuffed her mouth with popcorn as she watched this spectacle on the screen of the station’s theater room. On one side sat Krystal Fae, on the other sat Gar.

As the credits rolled by, Krystal said, “I just can’t get enough of these Arx movies.”

Chase nodded, “I love him.”

Gar gave them both a quizzical look, “movies about heroes saving the world? But, that is what we do all the time?”

Chase laughed, “I know. But, he’s so hunky. I just love watching him.”

Gar frowned, “hunky?”

Krystal said, “it just means we like to look at his body. And, trust me, Arx enjoys showing it off.”

“I don’t get it?” Gar answered. “I have big muscles just like him, and I don’t cover myself, so anyone can see them. What makes him special?”

Krystal said, “why, I think you’re jealous.”

“I am not jealous. Just curious.”

Chase reached over and rubbed his arm. “Trust me, I enjoy looking at you too. But, since we work together, I look at you differently most of the time. We are good friends and coworkers.”

“I don’t understand.” Gar said.

Just then Director Nova came down the aisle near the wall. “Don’t worry, Gar, there is much about women you will never understand.”

Chase said, “and we like it that way.”

Just then a blue flash of light filled the room as Strange Quark appeared in the seat next to Gar. “So, the movie over yet?”

Nova nodded, “looks like it.”

Chase said, “tell me again why Arx sent us a preview copy of his newest movie. It isn’t even streaming yet.”

Krystal answered that, “when he sent it to me to bring up here, he said it had something special in it for us. But, to get to it, we would have to watch his movie.”

Nova looked up and huffed, “looks like we’ve got an hour of credits to go through.”

Quark laughed, “it’ll take that long just to roll through all the personal assistants Arx had while making this movie.”

Gar asked, “who is this Arx? Why would he have a message for BADGE?”

Nova said, “Arx was formerly known as Craig Wenzel. He was a nobody trying to make it in Hollywood. He contracted with some scientist who experimented with a growth hormone that was infused with morphonic properties. It changed him and made him big, muscular, and apparently attractive to audiences.”

Krystal asked, “if he was given powers, did they send him to BADGE to be tested?”

“Yes. And he trained just long enough to learn how to use them without killing anyone. To be honest, he really isn’t that powerful. More than half of the crap he does in those movies is CGI. Mostly, they made him beefy and have silver skin. He’s no stronger than any other body builder, he just doesn’t have to lift weights to keep that body. I was glad when he wanted to leave us, he was too camera hungry. I don’t need heroes who want to make a big splash for the media to see.”

Quark said, “what if he’s wanting to join up with BADGE again?”

Nova shook his head, “not that fame-hungry celebrity. He would have to work up here. Down there he can just smile for the camera, flash those over-sized shiny muscles, and get paid in fame and fortunes. Besides, I told him he wasn’t welcome.”

Chase asked Nova, “so, do you have any idea what he wants?”

“Probably to get us to come to his next premier. Now that you guys are getting more famous and he plays superheroes, he probably wants photo ops. I won’t allow it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s all this is.”

The credits ended, and a new video started. Arx sat in his dressing room, smiling at a camera. “Hey, I hope Nova is watching this. I got some info for BADGE. I was shooting on location in Canada a few weeks back. I was out doing a meet-and-greet in this tiny town in the middle of nowhere Canada, Tumbler Ridge. While I was there, I saw this dude that looked just like the guy you’re hunting, you know, the one who built that thing that attacked Vegas as while back. Well, anyway. I’m still up here shooting and I’d love to go on a mission with some genuine heroes to check this out. Arx out! PEACE!” he flashed a peace sign, and the video stopped.

When everyone looked over at Nova, they found him pinching the bridge of his nose.

Chase asked, “how would he even know about that scientist? I thought Dr. Osteen’s identity was top secret.”

Nova said, “that moron has kept the BADGE gear I told him to return. We sent heroes to retrieve it, but he, somehow, still has some of it. That is the only plausible explanation for why he knows about this. And, if we don’t go there and see to this, he might go in alone. The last thing I need is to have an international celebrity get himself killed by a mad scientist.”

Quark said, “sooo, you’re more worried about a bad PR situation than his life?”

Nova said, “just get yourselves down there and see what you find. Don’t make a mess AND don’t let him use you for any publicity.”

“Understood.” Chase answered.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Dr. Osteen set up a series of blood tests with a large vial of blood drawn from several of his creatures. The computer began the process, and he sat down in his chair. Kicking his feet, he wheeled across the room and punched in a command to a different computer and looked at specs from a circuit board.

“Good. This is a much better design.” He changed the screen to a 3d model that allowed him to change components and test them in a virtual setting. “I love working for people with limitless funds and access.”

A sharp ding startled him, and then he wheeled across his lab in a new direction and popped open a microwave. Taking out the steaming hot burrito, he set the plate on a counter and slowly blew across it. While he sat there waiting for his lunch to cool off, he took in the glorious view out the window. Sharp, white capped peaks, with thick trees halfway up. Above were blue skies filled with wispy clouds and a few screeching hawks.

“Man, I love it here. Wish I had a hot tub out there.”

Suddenly a covering slammed shut over the window and the lights went out. The only light in the room was from the tiny dots of emitted by buttons and screens glowing with readings.

“Dangit! The generator is…”

The lights snapped back on and across from him, on the other side of the table in the middle of the room, stood the strange man named Delta glaring at him.

“Oh, it’s you. How d’you get in here?” Osteen asked.

Delta said, “I can come and go as I please, anywhere.”

“Cool. Hey, can you get me into…”

“I am not here for a chat. I am here for a progress report.” Delta stated.

Osteen got up from his seat and straightened out his lab coat. “I’ve been submitting them like you guys wanted me to. What’s with the personal visit? Did I do something wrong?”

Delta looked at several of the computers as he strolled about the room. “You’ve been prompt with your updates and information. However, I have some concerns.”

“Concerns?” Osteen asked. “What concerns?”

“Have you been able to identify anything more about the avatar situation?”

Osteen picked up several tablets and found the one he was looking for. He flipped through pages until he had his data. “Yeah, so, I was able to isolate the morphonic frequencies and determine the variations among them. I was on the cusp of learning something and then BAM, I have some kind of living thing calling himself an avatar.”

“Yes.” Delta said this slowly as he looked at the data. “It appears you had a breakthrough that will only help us.”

“In what way?” Osteen asked.

Delta spent a moment in silence and then said, “for now, just keep studying this phenomenon. Send us your data and we will decide how your proceed.”

Dr. Osteen cautiously said, “to continue this, I need to study phase two of my plan, infusing power into a subject.”

Delta actually smiled, “good. You are showing progress where we have failed. This is exactly why we recruited you.”

Dr. Osteen said, “I have a subject in mind as well.”

“We know,” Delta stated as he stood near the microwave. “You have been reckless, Osteen. Heading into town without any care about concealing your identity.”

“You guys send me all the supplies I need, including food. But, it’s all healthy crap. A man needs a twinkie now and then.”

Delta poked the hot burrito. “Of course. However, your face is on the most wanted list of every national and international intelligence agency. One traffic camera glimpses you, and they will have a team of specialist combing these mountains for you.”

Osteen gulped, “oh, uh... I doubt this tiny town is sophisticated enough to have cameras everywhere. Besides, if I hadn’t gone there, I wouldn’t have discovered my subject.”

“Precisely why we aren’t as angry with you as you deserve. We know who you found, and we’re pleased with the initiative. Just, send us a list of the items you want and we will make sure all your... culinary desires are met. Do not go back into any populated area again.”

“I will. Thanks.”

“Don’t thank us, just deliver results. Soon, your subject will be here and that is where our next phase begins. Here are your orders.” He handed Osteen a small tablet.

Reading it over, Dr. Osteen frowned, “this is elaborate.”

“Just follow them. We will monitor the data on our end and garner what we need. He will prove most useful for this part. Don’t, under any circumstance, allow him to know of us. Are the guns ready?”

Osteen quickly retrieved one of the weapons from North Onnotangu. “Yes, the Morphon atomizers are all ready, updated to the specs you sent last week.”

“Good. Then we are ready for the plan. Don’t fail us.”

Just then the lights went black again and then came back on almost instantly. Dr. Osteen was once again by himself.

“Wicked.” He commented.


The BADGE official shuttle lowered through the clouds and headed down toward a landing zone marked off in the middle of an abandoned parking lot.

“Tell me again why we are arriving like this?” Quark asked.

Chase said, “because, this is a small town that a Hollywood crew has already invaded. If a band of BADGE superheroes just popped in, it might scare the locals.”

Quark shrugged, “so a few people wet their pants. Big deal. It takes two hours to get from the station to this landing zone. I could have us there in four-tenths of a second.”

Chase said, “no, thank you. I get incredibly dizzy when you zap me from the station to the surface.”

“I don’t get dizzy.” Gar said.

Quark smiled, “so, if you don’t mind. Gar and I will just…”

The robot at the helm said, “prepare for landing.”

Quark sat back and huffed as the shuttle settled down onto the pavement.

Chase stepped out first and was followed by Quark. Gar stopped at the door and marveled for a moment, “it’s pretty here.”

Chase looked up at the Rockies in the distance. “Yes. It is beautiful.”

Quark muttered, “and this town could fit in the stations arboretum.”

“Well, we’re not here on vacation.” Chase sad. “We’re here to investigate this situation Arx has alerted us to.”

“Speaking of Arx, where is he? He said he would meet us here.” Quark looked around.

Just then a limousine rolled up and stopped. A chauffeur stepped out and opened a back door. “Mr. Arx has sent me to escort you to the set.”

Quark was all smiles and jumped right in. “you comm’n? This is ritzy.”

Chase shook her head, “we don’t have time for this, but I guess.”

Gar tried to get in, but his wings prevented it. He smiled at the snooty chauffeur and said, “I will fly along behind.”

“Very well, sir.”

With that, all were off to the filming encampment on the other side of town.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:


The limo stopped near a field filled with trailers, tents, and dozens of workers taking care of the day-to-day operation of a movie set. People all stopped and gawked at the arrival.

Chase stepped out with Quark close behind, drinking straight out of a bottle of champagne. He stopped, burped, and then said, “man, he had some good stuff stashed in this limo. Maybe I’ll…” he went to go back in and retrieve a selection from the bar.

Chase grabbed his arm and yanked him back. “Later.”

Just then Gar landed next to them. He gave a small wave and smile at a crewman that was grinning at them. “What is this place?”

Chase said, “this is a movie set.”

“Wow? Where do they keep the monsters?” Gar looked around as if he expected to see giant monster actors waiting for the cue.

Quark laughed, “they keep them in computers back in California.”

Chase said, “right now, I’m just concerned with where Arx is.”

A man rushed up to them, as giddy as he could be. “There they are, the superstars of the world. Real heroes, right here, on my set.” He pumped Quarks hand. “Love the skin, love it. Give me your makeup artist’s number.” Without giving Quark a second to retort, he went to Gar, “Love the wings, baby. So, alive, so natural. And that stone skin, fantastic. You must be that living statue person I’ve heard so much about. You’re amazing.” Finally, he grabbed Chase’s hand. “Gorgeous, love the look. Mysterious vixen. I could make you a star, I could…. YEOOOOOW!”

Chase had him on his knees with how she bent his wrist. “We aren’t here for a screen test. We are here for Arx.”

Quark interceded for the poor man. “Chase, please. Don’t injure the man.”

She let go. “Sorry. I don’t like pushy people. And I don’t like Hollywood.”

Just then the glamours figure of Arx came walking through the crowds, wearing his signature spandex super suit. His suit was designed to reveal more of his chest than was necessary, just a strip of form fitting spandex from his belt up to his neck, only about five inches wide the entire way. “Friends! So glad you could make it. I see you’ve met my director. Ben here is the best, been directing all my action movies since I was in The Vindicators.”

The Director, having quickly recovered, introduced himself. “Benjamin Steven Mastrovito, but you can call me B.S.”

Quark snorted, holding back a guffaw, “B.S... really?”

B.S. sneered at him, “yes, I’m the hottest directors of tinsel town. Wherever you find Hollywood, you’ll find B.S.”

Quark muttered, “That’s for certain.”

Before the director could tell Quark where he could stick his comment, Arx said, “come on, lets have some lunch in my trailer. I have a few hours to kill before the next shoot. You can look over the script and tell me what you think.” He directed the three genuine heroes through the throngs of workers and extras as he chatted about the script.

B.S. pulled a walkie from his belt, “I need extras to set three, we’re going over…” he walked on, giving his marching orders to all the underlings of this production.


Chase, Gar, and Quark stepped into a mansion on wheels. It was a luxury trailer that had both a small swimming pool and hot tub behind it. The central room was a lounge with enough room for even Gar and his enormous wings.

Chase said, “must be nice to be a superstar.”

Arx walked in. “It has its benefits. Though, don’t get me wrong, it’s a lot of work.”

Quark plopped down into the plush, leather massage chair, “sure it is.”

Arx walked over to the bar, “care for a drink?”

Quark said, “always.”

Gar quietly watched Arx while the silver superstar mixed some hard drinks. Finally, Arx asked, “what’s up, big fellow?”

Gar cocked his head, “I am trying to understand why Chase finds you so attractive.”

Chase blushed as her eyes widened, Quark snickered, and Arx gained a smile. “Oh, she does, does she?”

Chase said, “I just...it’s just that...oh we were watching the movie you sent, and I said I enjoy watching you...I mean your movies.”

Gar said, “no, you said to me the other day that you thought he had a great body.” he then cocked his head more when Chase covered her face.

Arx came around the bar, handing a drink to Quark, and then brought one over to Chase. He handed it to her as he bounced his pectoral muscles. She took the drink and glanced away. He laughed, “It’s okay. When I bought this body from that scientist, I wanted to impress girls. I guess I succeeded.” He looked at Gar, “But, then again, you’re just as impressive. Could use a little extra shine. Maybe a wax.”

Quark muttered, “or a rock tumbler.”

Chase sat down and said, “okay, we’re here because you said you had info on the scientist. At least I hope that’s true. You mentioned something about a script out there, and you should know BADGE…”

“I know, I know. BADGE heroes aren’t allowed to take contract deals for movies and commercials and stuff.”

Gar said, “too busy being heroes.”

Arx said, “the whole script thing was for the others. I couldn’t let them know why you were here. That scientist dude, he’s totally top secret. And don’t deliver Nova’s scolding for having some BADGE monitoring equipment still. I know it upset him, but I keep it well hidden and only use it to help keep my eye out. I may be a celebrity, but I still think of myself as a hero. And, in this case, it paid off.”

Chase asked, “give us the details.”

Arx picked up a remote and clicked it. Small screens covered the windows as a larger screen rolled down from inside the ceiling. A projector lifted from the table. Arx used the remote and showed them images of Dr. Osteen in the town. “I was out, doing a ribbon cutting with the mayor at their new Dinosaur fossil museum, and I saw this guy. I got as many shots as I could with my phone and then brought them back and checked them against the BADGE database. There’s no doubt, it’s him, this Dr. Jason Osteen. What the heck he’s doing in this backwoods town, I don’t know.”

Chase said, “it’s unlikely he’s just in hiding, he’s using this place as a cover for his work.”

Arx said, “my thoughts exactly. I borrowed a drone from the camera crew and did a few fly overs of the area. I saw this place,” He clicked, and they had an aerial view within the nearby mountains. A small, unassuming shack sat in the middle of a rocky field.

Gar said, “that could be just a normal place.”

Arx said, “I thought about that. I did some checking. This town is only forty years old. They built it to house the coal miners after they made a find. That building looks too old to be out here, unless someone wanted it to look old. So I checked all the land and building permits... that place shows up on nothing. According to all local and province records, that doesn’t exist. It has to be his secret location.”

Chase said, “wow, you really did your homework.”

“I’m not just a pretty smile, fantastic pecs, and incredible actor. I’m a superhero as well.” He smiled and a literal glint of light twinkled off his teeth.

Before Chase swooned, Quark said, “thanks for the info. We’ll look into this.”

Arx shook his head, “I’m coming with you.”

Gar said, “that might not be a good idea.”

Arx said, “I’m going in to find this jerk, with or without you.”

Quark looked at Chase, “what do you think?”

She was biting her lip, staring at Arx. “I think it’ll be okay. Shouldn’t be too hard to deal with. And Extra help can’t hurt.”

Quark rolled his eyes as Gar remained a little curious about Chase’s attitude.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:


Arx lounged on his couch and used a controller to navigate the skies over the mountains nearby using a drone. Chase kept track of details on a BADGE computer tablet, and the massage chair buzzed while Quark changed the settings again.

Chase pressed a button on her tablet. “Gar, you seeing anything important?”

The drone camera turned to the right and they could see Gar gliding along with it. “Nothing special. It’s pretty out here.”

“I know. Might make a trip back up here.” Chase noted and then said, “we’re almost on the location. Get the equipment ready.”

They passed over a final ridge and came to the grassy slopes with the shed.

Gar said, “I see it.”

Chase said, “so do we. Be careful. Land before you get too close. Don’t want to set off any security systems he might have in place.”

Gar landed with the drone lowering to the ground next to him. He held up a smaller device, “I’m at the location. What do we see?’

Chase checked her readings, “I’m definitely picking up unusual energy readings. But, I don’t know what they are. Running the analysis... yes, I’m reading a strong signature of that special alloy that dampens morphon powers. That has to be where he is hiding.”

Quark spoke, his voice vibrating as the chair hummed. “Sounds like we found him. Should we call Nova or something?”

Arx laughed, “Nah! Lets go grab em and get out. He can’t be expecting us. It’ll be easy. And, boy, will it look good on the news.”

Quark said, “sorry, Nova didn’t want this to become some PR stunt.”

“Well, Nova is in orbit and we’re here. He isn’t a movie star that needs to stay on the news as much as possible. This is gold and I’m not letting it get away from me.”

Chase said, “I agree with Arx. We can take this guy. If he gets some publicity for this, then fine. It’s not like we’ll be on the news.”

Quark said, still vibrating, “fine, whatever. I just want to get this done.”

Arx stood up and said, “lets get moving.”

Chase stood up with him, “Gar, we’ll be right there. Stay put.”


Arx picked up his cell phone. “I can have my helicopter here in thirty seconds.”

Chase got extra close to him, smiling as she ran a finger down his shiny, silver arm. “Don’t worry. We can zap ourselves there in five seconds. Though, a limo ride with you sounds heavenly.” Her hand continued down until she got a grip on his behind and squeezed.

“Oh!” He jumped a little.

Chase shook her head, “oh, um...so sorry. Don’t know what came over me.”

Arx grinned, “I have that effect on the ladies.”

Quark stood up. “Ugh, lets get going.” He waved his hand and there was a giant flash of blue light, but instead of them changing location, he merely turned into a blue duck. Waddling back and forth for a second he said, “that ain’t right.”

Arx said, “lets just take the helicopter.”


Dr. Osteen watched a monitor as he typed into his computer. Several cameras watched the terrain near his little hiding place. There was an alert and one camera dominated the screen, showing the winged figure of Gar crouching on a hill.

“Ah, I have company. Just one... where are the others?” He changed the view back to the smaller screens.

Another alert sounded moments later, and the view changed to show the incoming helicopter. This vehicle had a gold signature painted on the side with the name Arx written out.

“Oh, so now the game has begun. Good. Playtime.” He pushed back on the desk and wheeled halfway across his lab. He stopped near a table with one of those special anti-morphon lasers sitting on an analysis unit. He unplugged it and turned it on.

“Computer, activate defense drones, full unit.” A wall moved aside in the back of the lab, and it presented him with more of his special robotic creations.

Red dots of light appeared in the bay's darkness as the computer announced, “initializing defense protocols. Orders…”

“Orders: Elimination.”


Arx hopped out of the helicopter and then turned to give a gallant hand to Chase. She used it to step out onto the grasses. In her other arm, she carried a blue duck.

Arx called out to the pilot, “get a good distance from here, stay safe. I’ll call you back when I’m ready for you.”

The helicopter lifted and left them quickly.

Arx and Chase ran on to find Gar, belly down on the ground, using a pair of binoculars to spy on the building.

“Anything yet?” Arx asked.

Gar said, “nothing.”

The duck asked, “any change in the energy readings?”

Gar frowned at the duck and then smiled when he realized who it was. “No changes.”

Quark said, “Then, we should... oh, I’m changing…” he flapped out of her arms and in a blast of light became his humanoid form again.

Arx said, “I say we just go storm the place. He can’t know we’re coming.”

Chase said, “might not be a good idea, we should contact Nova…”

“Ah, Nova is an old stick-in-the-mud. I’m going in. Someone get this on video.” Arx got up and ran.

“Hey! No! Dammit!” Chase jumped up to follow.

Quark huffed, “idiot. Come on, Gar, before something bad happens.”

Arx was halfway across the field toward the small shack when several robots popped up out of the ground. They were almost skeletal with wires and other parts showing. In their arms, each carried a large laser gun. One shot at Arx, but he jumped just in time to not be hit.


Another robot popped up in front of Arx, and it nearly blasted him when a blade split its wrist from the arm. Arx threw a punch and cracked the faceplate of the robot.

Chase, preparing another blade, nearly ran into a robot that appeared. It took aim, and she didn’t have time to throw. However, Gar landed right next to the robot and put his fist through its chest.

“Those are the anti-morphon guns!” Chase yelled as she threw her blade to destroy another robot that appeared.

Arx grabbed a robot’s arm and twisted it around, slamming it into the ground. He pulled the laser free and shot at another robot, blowing it apart. “This is kinda fun!”

Suddenly a dozen more of these robots popped up at once, each brandishing the same anti-morphon weapon.

“I GOT THIS!” Quark skidded to a stop in the middle of the field and threw his arms out. A wave of blue light exploded outward. Nothing happened for a moment, then a rain of living ducks fell all over the place.

Arx yelled, “what the hell was that supposed to do?”

“Crap! I don’t know what’s wrong.”

The robots shot lasers at Chase, Quark, and Gar. Chase deftly avoided being hit, Quark phased in and out of reality, letting the blasts go right through him. Gar flew up and dodged the blasts as best he could. Arx dashed between robots, blasting them, and ducking when they fired back.

“This is easy!” Arx declared as he shot robots. “I should be filming this. Would make a great battle scene in my next…” a laser blast hit him in the center of his chest and he flew back, plowing across the ground.

“ARX!” Chase called out.

A robot almost got Chase but Gar landed directly on it, smashing it. He ripped its arm off and used it to knock the head off another robot.

“Retreat!” Quark called out as he threw ducks off of him, they seemed to be attracted to him.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

Gar slammed into the ground, rolling over and over for a short distance, and then finally coming to a stop. He unfurled his wings and his arms, letting Chase go from where he had rescued her. Strange Quark flashed next to them, then vanished and appeared somewhere else, and then was back beside them as a duck.

“DANGIT!” He stamped his webbed foot.

Chase gathered herself from the tumbling and sat up on her knees. “What just happened?”

Duck Quark said, “that idiot tried playing hero and got himself killed.”

Gar stood up and looked back. “Those robot things are still coming our direction. We have to get moving.”

Chase pulled out her BADGE comm and flicked it open. “We need help. I’m going to call on the Canadian Leagues and see how fast they can get here. We have to stop those robots before…” the sound of an explosion stopped her. That was followed by a yelling and then more explosions.

All three jumped to their feet and raced toward the hill overlooking the robot army. All three, duck included, had their mouth hung agape as they watched Arx plowing through robots with his fists. He ripped arms off and used them to smash robots, then grabbed up a gun in each hand and lasered robots two at a time. The whole fight the robots blasted him with their weapons, and the laser blasts reflected off of him doing no harm.

“That’s not possible,” Chase whispered.

Quark said, “how can he do that?”

Gar stated, “like that.” He pointed as Arx ripped the head off the last robot and smashed it between his hands.

Arx threw down the debris of his last victim and then waved at the bewildered heroes on the hill. He yelled, “I’m going in!” and raced toward the shack.

“WAIT! STOP!” Chase ran toward him.

Quark flew on his little duck wings. “That idiot.”

Gar had his comm out, “BADGE, we have located the robot doctor. Arx is going in. Send help!”

They ran as hard as they could, Gar pressed his wings against himself and grabbed Quark out of the air, holding the duck like a football.

“This is so humiliating,” Quark said.

Chase held up her comm as they pushed forward. Nova’s voice came through, “stop that actor from getting himself killed. I’m sending in help!”

Chase answered, “too late. He just went in.”

“Gah! DAMN! Get in there and help him! Heroes and a BADGE unit will be there soon.”

They slowed down as they got closer to the shack. Almost ten feet away they heard a strange rumbling sound, and the ground shook. Lights flashed in the two meager windows. Gar turned and wrapped his wings around Chase while he kept Quark in his arms. The shack erupted in a ball of fire that sent flaming debris scattering across the ground, setting the grasses aflame.

Arx crashed into the ground, having been blown clear over Gar out of the shack. He rolled for a second and then laid on his back.

Gar slowly opened his wings once the destruction was over. Chase ran to Arx and knelt next to him.

“You okay?”

He smiled, coughed for a second, and then said, “I’m fine. Guess I’m more durable than I realized.”

She bit her lip and put her hand on his upper right pectoral. “You’re lucky, stupid, and brave. A combination that is dangerous.”

He coughed and meekly held her hand, “tell me something...cough...am I...still sexy?” then he grinned with that multi-million-dollar smile.

She giggled at him and said, “yes, and dirty, scorched in places, and your costume is almost seared off.”

He sat up and pulled away the burnt remains of the meager costume he used over his upper body. “It was just a prop, anyway.”


Gar and Chase walked among the many BADGE agents and heroes now scattered around the field. People gathered every scrap of remains from the robots. The lasers were each taken to a special unit to be handled with extreme care. A few heroes, led by Dracomeander, worked inside the still burning remains of the laboratory. Only those who could handle the heat could go in.

Gar met Tri-Blade near the building. “What are you doing here?”

Tri-Blade answered, “I came to help. Nova put me on sentry duty.”

Chase frowned, “sentry?”

“Well, not really. They have ordered me to keep all other investigative teams out of this until BADGE is through. Everyone wants to get in here and check out the damage. Due to the nature of this event, BADGE has primary authority to deal with this.”

Chase said, “speaking of Nova, where is he?”

“Back there, at the main tent.”


They found Nova at a table inside a command tent, looking over a collection of debris brought up from the underground lab.

“Director?” Gar approached.

“Gar, Chase. Where’s Quark?”

Chase shrugged, “he said he was having trouble with his strangeness and had to spend some time outside normal space.”

Gar said, “yeah, he kept turning into a duck.”

“He is a strange creature. Right now, I’m concerned with the strangeness of this.” He gestured to the debris on the table.

Chase said, “so what is the prognosis? What was he doing in there?”

Nova shook his head, “no clue. They designed all this equipment for work with weapons. I would guess this was for the anti-morphon lasers. It makes sense. He was part of the team in Onnotangu that helped develop the original weapon. But, there are things about it that make little sense.”

“Like what?” Gar asked.

“If someone were paying him to continue work on this weapon, why did he have so many of them

manufactured? If these were all the missing weapons from Onnotangu, why would they be in his lab. If I were a secret organization interested in this weapon, I wouldn’t put all the working versions in a lab somewhere. We simply need more data.” He looked up, “what did you need to see me about?”

Chase said, “well, we might have an issue. The media is here.”

Nova gave this a dismissive wave, “the media is always sticking its nose in these events. Just keep them away for…”

“You don’t understand. They’re currently interviewing Arx.”

Nova put his face in his hand, “and just what is he telling them?”

“A lot.”

Nova stormed out of the tent, followed close by Gar and Chase. BADGE agents and heroes alike bolted when they saw the look in his eye.

They came upon the gaggle of reporters and cameras hanging on every word of the half-dressed hero. Arx stood there, his pants burnt up to the knees. From his waist up he was bare, glistening in silver glory as the sun shone overhead. He had left the smudges and dirt on his body for show.

“Yes, that is exactly how it happened. After defeating a horde of robots armed with deadly lasers, I decided there was no time to wait for help, I had to do what a hero does, save the day. I got inside that house of horrors and found the mad scientist hard at work devising the destruction of all we hold dear. It was a quick fight, but he was more clever than I expected and set off a self-destruct system that eliminated his work and his lab. The explosion cost him his life, and he was obviously hoping it would take me out as well. But, as you can see, I’m fine.” He smiled, his teeth glistening in the bright lights aimed at him.

A reporter asked, “so, what impact will this have on the completion of your newest production?”

Just as Nova got to the front of this spectacle, Arx grabbed him and held him beside him. Arx smiled brightly as he said, “I’m canceling the production and quitting Hollywood. This world needs heroes far more than it needs actors. I’m officially joining BADGE!”

Nova bellowed, “WHAT!”

Chapter 6

Chapter 6:


Chase, Gar, and Nova sat in the BADGE shuttle with Arx seated in the back. Chase would smile at Arx and then stop, trying to control herself, then return to smiling at him.

“So… which league do you want to join?” Gar asked.

“What?” Arx casually checked a small monitor near him, poking at random controls.

Gar said, “you said you wanted to be a hero, so you will join a League and help protect the world. That is what heroes do.”

Arx laughed, “not all heroes. You and this lovely creature here,” He flirted with Chase, who blushed, “work directly for BADGE. That’s what I want.”

Nova scoffed.

Arx continued, “me joining a league would be difficult. I am, after all, THE Arx. How would I possibly choose which league to bless with my presence?”

Nova said, “I think we need some mustard.”

Arx cocked his head, “what for?”

Nova, without even looking at Arx, said, “with the amount of bologna in the shuttle right now, I think we should at least have some sandwiches.”

“And I said you didn’t have a sense of humor.” Arx laughed.

Nova replied, “I’m not laughing. You aren’t joining BADGE or a League. You’re going to give us a full report of what you saw in that lab and then get the hell off our station and out of the hero business for good.”

“I think I’ll make my own life choices, thank you.”

Before Nova could tell Arx what he thought of those choices, the robot pilot announced. “Arrival at BADGE station in forty-five seconds. Prepare for docking.”

The shuttle contacted the airlock, and the back hatch opened. A team of specialist immediately unloaded the gathered anti-morphon lasers and placed them on carts to be moved to the science department.

Nova got up and said, “Gar, I want you to escort Mr. Arx here to the briefing room and have Dr. Henderson bring her equipment for analysis. Chase... Chase…” he snapped his fingers.

Chase had been staring at Arx. She shook her head and looked at Nova. “Oh, sorry. What?”

“Check in with the medical department and then head to the Operations center. You’ll keep watch while I debrief our superstar.”

“Oh, uh, sure.”

Nova left the shuttle, a permanent look of disgust on his face. Gar stepped out and waited.

Chase paused before leaving. “Well, I would like you to stick around.” She winked at Arx and then left.

Gar watched her leave, his face scrunched up with intense curiosity. Arx stepped out and smiled at Gar, “let’s go.”


Arx sat at the large, round table in the middle of the briefing room. A selection of specialized instruments beeped and blinked nearby as Dr. Henderson took readings. Nova stepped in and yanked out a chair to sit down near Arx.

“Doctor, you ready?” Nova asked.

Dr. Henderson nodded, “yup, all the systems are online.”

Arx frowned with that boyish smile of his. “You hooking me up to a lie detector or something like that?”

Dr. Henderson replied, “on, no, Mr. Arx. Just doing an initial scan. I can analyze morphonic data, and this brain scanner helps me see if you are being influenced by anything. I have to say, Mr. Arx, it’s such a pleasure to be working with you. I’ve seen all your movies and you…”

“Doctor,” Nova interrupted this.

“Sorry, sir.”

Nova said, “okay, Arx, tell me what happened in that lab?”

“I told the news all about that. Just watch tonight, I’m sure it’s all over the place by now.”

“I don’t want the news report of this, I want your report. I want details you spared so you could flirt with the cameras. Anything could help us.”

Arx said, “fine. I’ll tell you what I saw in there. I got in that old shack and found nothing, but I knew better than that. There I was, surrounded by dust and spiders…”

“This isn’t a movie script. Just the facts.”

“Oh, sorry, force of habit. Okay, I located a hidden door under some floorboards and smashed my way through. I got down to an underground laboratory where this little fat crazy guy was cowering in a corner. This dude didn’t even have a gun on him. I told him to surrender, and that’s when he hit a button and these crazy spider bots showed up and attacked me. I smashed and busted them up quickly. He headed for an escape tube or something like that, and I stopped him. I told him he was going to talk or else. Well, he took the ‘or else’ seriously and hit a self-destruct button. The computers blew first, then the whole place blasted part. Next thing I know, WHAM, I’m being ejected out of the ball of fire like a stunt double.”

Nova asked, “what about those computers, and the equipment? Any indication of what he was doing? What he was working on?”

“Not really. Mostly just tech stuff. I saw some stations with equipment to work on those laser guns. He was running a dyotronic computer processing system, really advanced stuff.”

“You recognized that?”

“Yup. You forget, before I got into the whole Hollywood scene, I went to school for computer tech. I still remember some of that crap.”

Nova said, “Perhaps you could be of further help. Have a look at the tech lab where we’re analyzing those weapons. See if you can recognize anything.”

“Sure thing.”

Nova gestured toward the door. “You can step out now. I’m sure you’d like something to eat, it’s been a long day.”

“No problem. Glad to be part of the team.” He slapped Nova on the shoulder.

Nova coldly stated, “you aren’t part of the team. Just helping.”

“We’ll see.” Arx left the room.

Nova looked at Dr. Henderson, “well, what did you get?”

She said, “I did a complete scan. His morphonic signature is much stronger than the last data we had on record for him. His powers have grown considerably.”

“That would explain how he survived that explosion. Unfortunately, this means we will need to consider him possibly joining a team. Just what we need.”

Arx stepped out of the lift from the operation levels and out into the large food court. Dozens of heroes and workers gathered and were staring at him. Some girls were just about to swoon while a few guys had movie posters in their hands, waiting to be autographed.

Arx waved and gave them his famous smile. “It’s so nice to see I have fans even up here. I…”

A white blur smacked him in the face, and EB hung off his collar. “Oh my god, oh my god, DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE? I looooove your movies. So exciting. And all the hot babes you get to kiss, I’m sooooo jealous. You’re amazing. I’m EB, THE Easter Bunny. I know, I’m way more famous than you, but in my own special way. You’re so cool. I want an autograph and maybe talk about a deal with you being a spokesperson for a line of chocolate I’m selling. I make chocolate, own tons of companies that do that. Do you like chocolate? Everyone loves…”

Gar peeled EB off of Arx, “Calm down.”

EB, dangling from how Gar was holding him, held his paws out toward Arx. “Don’t you know who this is!”

Arx laughed and patted EB on the head. “I never imagined I’d have a living legend as a fan. I’m honored.”

EB swooned, “he called me a living legend.”

Arx waved at the crowds again. “Hey everyone. It’s so great to meet you. If you haven’t heard, I’m joining you up here with BADGE. And, to celebrate, let’s have a little cocktail party out here, tonight. I mix a mean drink. And…” he walked over and pulled Chase out of the crowd.

EB lost that fawning look, “what’s he doing with Chase?”

Arx said, “I have a lovely date for the party already.” he kissed her hand.

While the crowds applauded and hooted, EB yelled, “HANDS OFF! THAT’S MY HOT BABE! LEMME AT ‘EM!” He wriggled around as Gar held him back from attacking Arx.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:


The lights low, candles graced the tables, and heroes chatted amongst themselves as they sipped various mixed drinks. Music echoed throughout the halls while some heroes were brave enough to dance.

Arx strolled out with a pair of drinks in his hands. He stopped at a standing table where Nova quietly watched the party with a judgmental gleam in his eye. “Hey, sourpuss. This is supposed to be a fun evening. Where do you keep your smiles stored?”

“Don’t push it. I’m barely keeping myself from sending everyone back to their quarters for the night.”

Arx held up a drink, “come on. Have something to drink. This is my specialty.”


“Just have one. Might loosen you up.”

“I don’t need loosening up.”

“Yes, you do.”

“Fine. If it will get you to stop talking to me.” Nova snatched the drink and took a sip.

Arx bid him farewell and joined his date. Chase waited for him at their table. She was now in a slinky red dress with her hair up. She accepted the second drink from him and they chatted and laughed.

At another table, Gar sat with EB, who was smoldering with jealousy. “Who does he think he is? Big shot celebrity come along and try to steal MY girl.”

Gar said, “I thought you were a big fan of his?”

“I was, till he started smooching Chase. What if I…” he snapped his fingers and an enormous egg appeared above Arx.

Gar said, “I don’t think that’s wise.”

The egg vanished, “true. I’d hit chase with that mega-stink bomb as well. Can’t do that. He deserves it. Though, he makes a good drink.” He sipped his drink.

“I didn’t know you drank alcohol?” Gar said.

EB nodded, “I don’t. This is a special carrot juice blend he made. It’s really fantastic.” He noticed Gar’s new appearance. “You look… different?”

Gar rubbed his hand across his stone chest, which was glistening. “I tried using something to shine myself. Chase seems to like that.”

EB laughed, “so, you’re jealous too.”


“Sure.” EB said and then sipped some more.

Nova fumed as he finished his drink. Arx was showing off and doing exactly what Nova didn’t want any hero to do, be arrogant. BADGE doesn’t need heroes who are in it for the appearance only.

His comm beeped, and he punched a button on his wrist. “Nova here.”

“Sir, we’re looking over the analytics of the anti-morphon lasers. I think you should come see this.”

“I’ll be right down there.” He punched the button again and finally had a smile tonight. He had a reason to leave this event.


Nova entered the main computer lab on the station. Dozens of stations surrounded the room with

various forms of equipment for analyzing and working on technical items. The anti-morphon weapons were hooked up to more than half of the stations, with the computers running continually.

Several scientists hovered over one of the primary stations, each giving the read-out some deep thought.

“Report?” Nova asked.

The lead scientist answered. “Sir, we have put these weapons through every test imaginable. The system on the gun is sophisticated and unique. However, there is little about this that makes it any different from a regular laser weapon.”

Another scientist in a wheelchair rolled up and typed in a command, which changed the screen. There were several videos showing firing tests in a controlled room. “We used this on every target at our disposal, they read as basic lasers.”

Nova looked over the specs and said, “I don’t pretend to know how to interpret all of this, but there has to be something you are missing. Unless, these aren’t the weapons from North Onnotangu.”

A woman shook her head and held up her computer tablet. “I’ve checked all the metallurgic data. These guns were manufactured in North Onnotangu and are the same age as the guns used there. Unless whoever designed these went to outlandish extremes to fool us, these must be the same weapons.”

The lead scientist said, “there may be the possibility that we’re missing something. That one tiny, seemingly insignificant element of this weapon is hidden from us, yet poses a lethal threat to a morphon based meta-human.”

Just then the door opened again and in came Arx carrying a small tray. “So, this is where you guys are hiding. You’re missing one heck of a party.”

Nova huffed, “why don’t you go back to the party, we are busy in here with actual business.”

Arx came over and doled out drinks from his tray to the scientist. “Everyone on this station is down there except these poor people. I thought I could come and share a little of the fun with them. Besides, I might lend a hand. I studied computer engineering in college, you know.”

Nova’s one good eye twitched, “I think you ‘expertise’ is not quite up to the task.”

“Oh, don’t be so stiff. Let me see if I can help. After all, I’m joining the hero game and want to be a contributing member of this team.”

Nova looked back at the lead scientist, “just finish your thought.”

“Oh, uh, sure. What I was saying is that this weapon defies our ability to determine its function to neutralize morphonic people. The only way to fully test and see what part of these causes that to happen would be to fire it at a living creature with a high content of morphons in its system. However, if this weapon works exactly as reported, that would vaporize the target and…”

Nova finished that, “would be murder.”

Arx set the tray down, “you could fire it at me.”

Nova muttered under his breath, “don’t tempt me.”

“What?” Arx asked.

“Nothing. I’m afraid we can’t do that.”

The scientist said, “it is curious that the weapon didn’t harm you. But, it would be far too risky to try that a second time.”

Arx said, “well, it was just a thought. Why don’t you let me look at this over here.” he walked around to another station. “Oh, cool! You have the dytra seventy five analytic decompiler! I worked with the fifty back at Walters State.”

The woman joined him, “you know about this equipment?”

“Sure. I loved reverse engineering. Being able to take apart something and see how it was made was a thrill. Let me take a shot at this. Oh, you got this hooked up here.” He pulled a cord out and plugged it in another slot, “here would be better. Now, lets see how this reads.” he worked the controls.

Nova said, “perhaps I underestimated your abilities.”

“People always do.” Arx said as he continued to work.

Nova looked to the lead scientist, “he can stay and help as long as he is helpful. The moment he becomes a distraction or a problem, kick him out.”


Nova left the laboratory and paused outside the room. He held his head and wavered for a moment. “I only had one drink. Must just be tired.” He then headed back toward the party to send the people back to their quarters for the night now that the guest of honor was busy.


Agent Justin laughed louder than was called for a terrible pun Cosmic Infinity just made. Then Cosmic Infinity passed out right on the table. Just had a bleary look in his eyes, the same as everyone else. His comm device beeped and made a strange noise.

“What… what is going… on?” He picked it up. “The computer… she’s so funny. I laugh at the computer all day long…” he fell over. His comm device continued showing him a warning, but he was too gone to notice it.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

 Nova’s head hurt all night, even in his dreams. Everything around him was tilting and moving. Waves of nausea washed through his body. He called out for help in his dreams, to no avail. Suddenly, a loud siren blared, and he was shaken hard. Both the shaking and the siren grew so intense that he woke up just in time to roll out of bed.

Holding the side of his bed, he realized that both the sound and the tremors weren’t part of his dream. His entire room was rattling apart.

“Computer...oh..my head.” The swimming feeling in his head remained as well.

“Alert! Alert! Stabilizers compromised! Planetary Entry Imminent!”

Nova looked out the window of his room and realized that the stars moving weren’t just part of his strange hangover, the station was crashing. “Computer!”

“Alert! Alert!” The computer continued the warning while not responding to his direct order.

“I have to get to Operations.” Nova gripped the wall to get to his feet. The doors to his roo wouldn’t open, so he used the emergency lever to force them open and then stumbled out into the hall.

Running into walls and falling over several times, Nova staggered down the corridor toward central deck. Just before he stepped out into the mess hall, he almost fell over a body laying in the middle of the corridor.

“Dr. Henderson!” He came down and felt her neck. She was still alive. Still in her party dress, she hadn’t made it far from the cocktail evening.

Pushing ahead, he walked out to the party from the night before. Tables were strewn with people laying across them, or on the floor. No one had left from the party, and they were all completely out, even EB.

“What... what the hell… happened?” He struggled and then realized the only person not present. “Gar?” He pressed his comm, “Gar... come in.” nothing but fuzz. “Gar, if you can hear me, get to Operations!”

Unsure if Gar would get that, or if anyone else on the station was moving, he struggled onward.

Nova fell out of the lift and hit the deck of the Operations center. The computers were all spitting that fuzzy noise while the robot controllers were frozen in place. The primary screen at the front of the room had all the windows in the same garbled situation, save one.

“What...is going on?” Nova saw that the only working monitor had a rotating feed on it, cycling through the various cameras on the station.

“Alert! Atmospheric Entry in seven minutes! Solar shields unresponsive!”

Nova crawled his way over to a computer station and shoved the non-working robot over. “The back up...computer...is still operating. I have to reboot the station.” It was an arduous process fighting through this haze in his head and the constant need to vomit welling in his stomach, but he had no choice.

Finally, a screen came on with a working image. A voice said, “rebooting system.” Nova almost relaxed at that when the screen glitched, flickered, and a warning sigh filled it for a moment, then fuzz. “No... this... this can’t happen.” Then it dawned on him, “a virus… someone has put a virus in our system.”

“Bravo.” A new voice entered the room, followed by a slow clap.

Nova turned and found Arx strolling down the steps at the side of the room. “You... what... what have you done?”

“Not much, really. Dr. Osteen designed most of this. He planted it in the computer chips he replaced on those anti-morphon guns. All I had to do was make sure they got plugged into your mainframe. Once they infected your computers, it was only a matter of time before this station lost the ability to stay in orbit.”

Nova struggled for a moment as his stomach lurched. Then he growled out, “Osteen...you’re working with that madman!”

“Why, yes, I am. He isn’t mad, he’s a genius. He enhanced my powers in ways no one else would. I’m now the most powerful superhero Earth will ever know. Which will come in handy once BADGE is disgraced and most of its heroes are toast.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Arx laughed as he walked down the stairs toward the main floor. “Oh, you see, my contribution to this master plan was the idea of how to destroy BADGE with a little bad publicity. Publicity is sorta my gig being a megastar. I had him leave the cameras working. Then, he devised that additive I put in the drinks. After this station crashes, we’ll edit the camera footage, show how everyone here got sauced on booze, and then crashed the station. BADGE will be gone and people will have no one to look to for salvation from their enemies... and in I step. No longer just a cinematic hero, but a genuine hero.”

Nova said, “this is about fame! You posturing idiot! You… you are going to murder all these… people for… fame?”

Arx flew up and grabbed Nova by the neck, “I was the biggest celebrity on Earth! EVERYONE worshiped me as the superhero! Then your people come along and save the day again and again. My box office numbers are tanking. Who wants to pay to see a fake hero when you can turn on the news and watch the real deal. Well, I’m just taking out the competition and upping my game.”

Nova choked out, “you’re mad.”

Arx threw him against the floor. “No, I’m just doing what we do best in Hollywood. Look out for number one. Now, if you don’t mind, this station is about to make a big splash and I need to look good for the sappy interviews I’m gonna give. Don’t worry, I’ll say all kinds of nice things about you at your funeral. I might even…”

A stone fist nailed Arx in the face and he flew over the computers and against a far wall.

Gar helped Nova to his feet, “Are you okay?”

“No, but… I will be. Glad you got my message.”

“I didn’t get a message from you?”

“Who told you to come?”

Arx lifted in the air, red beams coming from his eyes hit Gar and slammed him into a wall. “YOU DAMNED ROCK! I’LL PULVERIZE YOU!”

A blue beam of energy hit Arx and he crashed into the front monitors. Sparks and shattered glass showering him as he hit the ground.

Strange Quark stood on top of a row of computer consoles and laughed. “That drink you gave Chase, and me really messed me up. It made her all goofy, but I suppose it works differently for different people. As for me, I haven’t been that strange in a long time. Was kinda nice. But, playtime is over.”

Arx stood and readied to fight, however a dozen more heroes appeared. “What... how?”

Quark flew down. “I’m an agent of BADGE. My comm unit was alerted to a crisis. I made a few calls. You really didn’t plan this well enough. That video feed you tapped, we can access that from any BADGE facility. I’ve seen everything you were doing.”

Just then the computer announced, “gaining altitude! Stabilizers activating.”

Quark said, “oh, and that would be about five dozen heroes putting us back into orbit. Nice try, but your game is finished.”

Arx laughed, “oh, really. Well, if I kill all of you now, I can still bury this place on the planet and…”

“And nothing.” The Closer said. “I piped this signal to all the media stations. I wanted the world to see who was behind this. You scared a lot of people down there.”

“The world was WATCHING!” Arx yelled.

Nova said, “how’s that… for bad publicity?”

Arx looked around at the appearing superheroes. “So, you want a fight? I’ve been given powers beyond anyone here, ANYONE! I’ll prove that. I’ll have my fame, my glory, even if I have to become the villain!” He flew straight up, smashing through the station and out into space.

“What... what is he doing?” Nova wavered as Gar held him steady.

The lone working screen suddenly changed to a close-up image of Arx. It was the official League Wars broadcasting system. “Hey planet Earth! So, you seen me at my worse. Well, you ain’t seen nothing yet. I’m calling out all the heroes. Come up to the League Wars arena and just try to stop me. I’m gonna beat all your stupid heroes and look good doing it. Oh, and heroes, if you don’t meet my challenge, you’ll face me over a nice big city. It’s here or we level a metro area... your choice. ARX OUT!” The camera was smashed in his hands, ending the signal.

Nova said, “looks like... we have to do something. Heroes…” he fought to give his order.

Gar pressed the button on his comm, “Heroes, report to the Orbital Arena. Take down Arx!”

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

 “THROW ME!” Zen dashed across the League Wars Arena.

Shinobi deflected a blast of energy with his blade and then quickly scooped up the penguin and threw him directly at the flashy super-villain.

Zen darted through the air, his bladed flippers ready to slice and dice. The moment he reached the battling villain, Arx grabbed him and then kicked Zanazola right in the face.

“let me go, you silver jerk!” Zen stabbed at the shiny arm gripping him.

“Smile for my InstaBlab,” Arx held Zen and took a pic with his selfie stick.


“My pleasure!” Arx twisted around and spiked Zen right into the arena floor.

Five more blasts of energy hit Arx and his reflective skin sent the power flying in all directions. Arx was showing signs of damage, but he fought all the harder. He swung to the left and nailed Lumpsum in the chin, swung to the right and punched Magnificent Punlork in the chest. With a quick dodge, he avoided a flying chair thrown by Sevon and then grabbed the hero by the neck and plowed him face first into the ground.

“When will you learn, I’m unbeatable!” Arx flew up and grabbed Yucca by the foot and spun them around, throwing them out of the arena like a shot put. He stopped to catch his breath, the pain in him obvious.

The masses of heroes settled slightly and Arx flew back down, “see. Just bow to my superiority and I won’t keep…” his little speech was cut short by a clothesline to the face.

Skelli skidded to a stop and looked back at Arx. “What were you saying?”

Arx pushed himself up a few inches, and then his feet were grabbed by a giant hand. Midgardsomr swung him over his head and slammed him to his right, then his left, and then his right again. Arx wheezed as he lay in the crater made by his own body. Midgard leaned over and said, “just like my favorite movie scene, and it wasn’t one of your crappy movies.”

“YAH!” Arx flew straight up and hit Midgard in the chin, sending the massive world serpent stumbling back. The sight of this behemoth of a creature being bested by a small villain set a few heroes back. Arx hovered in the air, seething in rage. “I will not be treated like this! I AM A SUPERSTAR! I AM…”

He was once again cut short when a flying hero crashed into him. Hotwings shoved him through the air, and right into the wall of the stadium. Before Arx could recover, Hotwings tied Arx’s own cape around his head.

“I think it’s time to bring the curtains down on this actor!” Hotwings quipped and then repeatedly punched Arx in the chest and stomach while the villain struggled to get out of his own cape.

Arx ripped the cape free and reached out to strangle Hotwings, but his arms were grabbed. Hotwings pulled the same move as Arx and swung him around. “SKELLI!”

Arx flew across the field, and Skelli flipped over, kicking Arx with a hard smash. The villain tumbled right into Midgard, who nailed him with a fist, sending him back to Hotwings, who caught the remains of his cape and spun him again. “BACK ATCHA!” He threw Arx back to Skelli, who sent him to Midgard, and then Hotwings. Finally, as Arx flew for his last time toward Hotwings, the hero didn’t catch him, but punched him right in the chin. Arx flew over the Arena and right through the barrier. He was now at the mercy of naked space as he tumbled toward the planet.

Hotwings landed in the middle of the arena, surrounded by hundreds of bruised heroes. A few were being carried off using the League Wars medical equipment.

“Is he coming back?” Hotwings asked.

Midgard peered out from his extreme height. “He’s out of control.”

“I guess someone should go get him.” Hotwings looked around. “Are there any space worthy heroes here?”

The Wizard hobbled over, nursing a broken arm. “None that are awake. I could try, but I’m in bad shape.”

Midgard snarled, “let him pop in space. He deserves no better.”

Hotwings pulled out his comm, “no, we’re heroes, not executioners. Nova, this is Hotwings, we have a situation.”

Gar came through. “We need help. Nova won’t wake up.”

The heroes returned to the BADGE station and helped gather the poisoned people. The only person on the station left standing was Gar. A few of the heroes who were capable with medicine worked in the infirmary helping the sick. Quark had zapped to the planet to get some medical help from the surface.

Krystal Fae stood next to Nova’s bed, her hand held over his face. A purple light shone between them. When it stopped, she smiled and said, “I think you’re okay.”

Nova, awake now, said, “that was some nasty stuff he gave us. Have the chemist figured out what it was?”

SuperRakly, standing on the other side of the bed, answered. “We sent the information down to the lab at the Henry Ford center, but they can’t confirm anything yet.”

“Henry Ford Center?” Nova frowned.

Rakly shrugged, “We’re kinda working blind here. All the staff are still pretty out of it. You’re the first to wake. Gar isn’t a doctor or chemist. So, we went with the ideas we had.”

“Thank you for helping. Has anyone gone to pick up Arx’s body?”

Krystal said, “I had a shuttle sent out to search for him, but there was no sign. I wager he entered the atmosphere and is nothing more than a cloud of ash by now.”

“I suppose that’ll have to do. I’d prefer a different punishment.”

Rakly said, “he gave us little choice. He was really powerful.”

Nova started pushing himself up, but Krystal held him at bay. He said, “I need to get to Operations and start the search for Dr. Osteen again. I have work to do. Let me up.”

Krystal pushed him back down. “No. You may be better, but you aren’t well. Gar has command of Operations and we have Leagues all over the planet back on the search. Trust in us.”

“I don’t want to lie here while a madman creates super villains.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll find him before he makes another Arx.”

Just then the patient next to him came around. Chase groaned and slowly put her hand to her head. “Wow... I have the worst hangover. What... what happened?”

Krystal stood next to Chase’s bed. “You were poisoned.”

“Poisoned!? Oh...it was Arx, wasn’t it?”

Nova asked from his bed, “how do you know that?”

“He gave me a drink back in Canada and then I lost control. It was like I was in a dream or something. I was enchanted by him, in a daze of some sort.”

Krystal asked, “what do you think of him now?”

Chase groaned and put her hand over her eyes. “I’d love to see him.”

“Oh, dear.” Krystal shook her head.

Chase finished her thought, “so I could smack that arrogant smile off that chrome face of his.”

Nova laughed, “that sounds like the real Chase.”


Arx gasped and sat up on a metal bed. The world was blurry for a moment, only bright lights and a few human-shaped shadows around him.

“Good, you’re awake.” A voice said.

Arx squinted and shielded his eyes from the brighter lights. “Who’s there? I’m warning you, I have the best lawyers…”

“Oh, you won’t need lawyers. At this point, you’re dead.”

Arx blinked and rubbed his eyes, working them back into focus. “Who are you? Where am I?”

Dr. Osteen pressed something against his neck and then looked at a small device in his hand. “Good, it is operational.”

“Osteen, where...how…”

The man speaking to him said, “You fell to Earth. It was a spectacular fight you had. However, your real mission was a failure. We sent you to destroy BADGE, and all you did was get in a big fight.”

Osteen added, “it’s a good thing I super charged all your powers and strengths. You survived that fall and that battle.”

Arx looked at this dark dressed man. “Tell me who you are?”

“I’m Delta, Dr. Osteen works for me. That’s the only information you’ll receive. As of this point, you’re now a subject.”

“Subject. Hey, wait a minute. I didn’t sign up for anything.”

Delta leaned over, getting in Arx’s face. “Yes, you did. The moment you accepted all this new power Osteen gave you, you agreed to obey us. You became a part of a much bigger plan.”

“I WON’T…. AHHHHH!” Arx tried to use his laser eyes, but something around his neck sent waves of pain through him instead. He felt a metal collar on him. “What’s this?”

“Insurance. You’ll obey Dr. Osteen and he will use you as a subject for our grand plan.”

Arx snarled at him, “and just what part of this plan am I?”

“You’ll find out.” The lights went out and then came back on, Delta was gone.

Arx looked around, “where’d he go?”

Osteen laughed as he prepped an injection. “I have no idea, but it’s the coolest thing ever. Now, hold still, this might sting…”

Eire Story
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

 The shuttle ride was unusually quiet, especially since EB was on board. Normally, he would bounce around, pass out chocolate, and chat everyone’s ear off. Nova would typically threaten to nail him to a chair or stun him with his blaster, to which EB would laugh. Not today. There was a solemn silence throughout the gathered heroes.

“Are you going to be okay?” Chase asked the small bunny.

EB looked down at the hat in his hands. “No. But, I want to do this.”

Quark said, “it has been hard on us all. Last year we all lost friends in both the incidents with Jinn and the Ruby Crisis.”

Chaz Hamilton cleared his throat and asked, “Um, I was wondering if I could ask a few questions. For the paper.”

Agent Justin, in the pilot’s seat, announced, “landing in Ireland in two minutes, prepare for departure.”

Nova said, “after we land, Mr. Hamilton.”

“Oh, okay.” Chaz sat back and tightened his seatbelt.

The shuttle came to a soft landing, and the door opened. Nova quietly stood up first and took the hat from EB and then, in a move that surprised everyone on this shuttle, he held out his arm and let EB jump up to his shoulder. Together, they left the shuttle first.

Chaz was the last to leave, following behind Gar and Chase. He just about tapped Gar on the wing when he gasped and gawked at the glorious sleigh that landed near them. Santa jumped down from the sleigh and came to greet his friends.

“Santa too?” Chaz said.

Chase answered, “of course. He wanted to be present for this.”

Chaz made a note on his computer tablet and then rushed to catch up with everyone.

In the misty morning air of an early Irish spring day, EB and Santa gently placed a green hat on a stone that was inscribed with words from a language impossible to read by anyone but a Mythic.

Santa said, “Here we will remember the life of our dear, dear friend, Leprechaun. Though his life was marred with poor choices, in the end he made a noble sacrifice that saved this world. He was my friend for many years. At this time of the human year, we will remember the joy he spread in the days when his heart was light and his cheer grand. He...” Santa teared up and couldn’t continue.

EB hopped over and placed a four-leaf clover on the hat. “He was a good friend and a genuine hero in the end.”

Time passed, and the small memorial service was over. The gathered people sat on a small series of stones and listened as both EB and Santa told stories of Leprechaun.

Chaz leaned over and asked Chase, “what happened here?”

“What do you mean?” Chase asked.

“Before I came on this trip, I looked up all the info in the media files surrounding the Carlingford incident last year. The reports were vague, at best. I learned about a strange coin hunt heroes were on. Something about the Leprechaun. And… nothing more. Who was this Leprechaun? I mean, the legends here are of many Leprechauns? Was he just one of many?”

Gar, who was sitting nearby, said, “He was my uncle.”

“Uncle?” Chaz made a quick note.

Chase answered, “not really his actual uncle, but as close as he could be. It is a complicated story.”

Chaz realized everyone was now listening to him. “So, uh… I would like to know more. I mean, the news about this event last year was spotty and hushed up. Even Krystal Fae refuses to talk about it, citing some BADGE rules.”

Quark said, “it was classified to keep people from getting hysterical about it. Plus, they didn’t want too much frenzy about a real Leprechaun being here.”

“Oh.” Chaz set his tablet down, defeated.

Nova rubbed his chin, “I think we can declassify this.”

Almost everyone said, “what?” to that.

Nova nodded, “I think it has been long enough. BADGE has gotten a reputation for covering things up. And most of the time it is for good reasons, but this time I think it can be told. Also, I think you have the best chance of getting the correct details.” He signaled with his comm. “Agent, report to my location.”

Chase smiled, “that’s right, it was Justin with me in the Leprechauns home.”

“You were in his home?” Chaz frowned.

Chase said, “yes. It’s a long story. Hey, maybe we should call Fleagle...” She saw that look in Nova’s eye, “or Justin and I can handle the story without him.”

Chaz scooted closer, “I want to know everything. Don’t spare any juicy detail.”

Chase said, “it all started before St. Patrick’s day last year. The whole Cupid incident was behind us, and I had formally joined BADGE and was in training. That’s when Nova called us to a meeting….”


Dangerous Research
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

The walls of this prison were thick and cold. Chains bound the hands and feet of the prisoners any time they were going to leave their cells. A tiny window, covered with thick bars, allowed a pitiful streak of sunlight into the otherwise dismal place. On the bed, chained to the wall, sat a heavy-set man with long, thinning hair, unkempt face, and thick glasses.

“Hey, Osteen, lunch will be half an hour late.” A guard passed by.

“It’s Doctor Osteen! Doctor Jason Osteen!”

The guard scoffed as he left, not acknowledging this.

Dr. Osteen glared at the chains binding his hands. He was put in these an hour ago, waiting to be led to the lunchroom. But, once again, they are late and he sits here hating his life.

There was a sudden sound of a helicopter. This was a no-fly zone, so this interested him.

“Probably some high risker,” He muttered.

The helicopter landed right outside his window, in the small yard inside the prison walls. At first there was shouting and then gunfire. Dr. Osteen dove under his cot and trembled, not sure what was going on. The gunfire grew and then sirens screamed from every corner of this place.

“What the heck is going on!” He yelled.

Then came a loud thump against his wall. It came again, only louder. The third time he heard cracking. Finally, a fourth thump crashed right through. Dr. Osteen watched as the wall to his cell and the surrounding cells crumbled. Two men dressed in solid black came in, each carrying special rifles.

“Dr. Osteen?” One asked as he scanned the area.

“That’s me.” He slowly scooted out from under his bed.

“No! I’m doc Osteen!” The man in the cell next to him, who was now looking through the newly opened hole, yelled.

The man in black looked at a small screen on his wrist and then swiftly shot the other prisoner in the skull, killing him. Without missing a beat, he turned and said, “come with us.”


Yelling and feet trampling across the ground came from the other side of the bars. The prison security was rushing in.

The soldier said, “our organization will trade your freedom for some help with a project. Otherwise, I have to kill you for seeing us.”

Dr. Osteen got the message and was quickly to his feet. In no time, they got him out of his cell and into their special helicopter. The prison guards arrived and fired at them, but these soldiers fired back, killing ten men in less than a minute.


“I said no,” Chase stated as she walked down the corridor of the BADGE station.

EB hopped along, bouncing high enough to meet her eye to eye every other bounce. “But, why not? Valentines is just around the corner.”

Chase turned down another hall, heading for the classrooms. “I just don’t think I want to go on a date with a bunny.”

“Come on. I’m no ordinary bunny. I’m THE Easter Bunny. I mean, I am like super famous, fabulously wealthy, and you will get the best chocolate you’ve ever had.”

Chase paused and looked down, “hey, can I have a chocolate egg?”

“Oh, sure.” He snapped his fingers, and a colorful egg appeared, which he presented to her.

She took it, unwrapped part of it, and chomped down. “I don’t have to date you to get chocolate.”

“Rats. Okay, fine. That’s no big deal. But, think about it, I can pay for any place you want to go. Paris for dinner or a happening five star place in Singapore. Oh, oh, oh, I know, there’s this place where they make incredible steaks in Tokyo.”

Chase paused, “you eat meat?”

“Just because I look like an herbivore doesn’t mean I only eat salads. I like a good steak now and then. I am an ancient, magical being from another world.”

Chase continued on her way, “I forget that some days. Then again, I start conversations with animals only to remember that they are just dumb animals. My life has gotten so weird.”

They both stopped beside a closed door. EB said, “just think about it. What other choices do you have? A hunky stone statue that has a crush on you... wait, that doesn’t help my case.”

Chase leaned over and patted his head, “okay, I’ll think about it. Right now, you have a class to teach on arcane powers and how to combat them.”

EB smiled, “yup. My first class... hope I do well.”

“Just, focus. Don’t go down any rabbit holes.” she grinned.

He rolled his eyes, “you were just waiting for a chance to use that one, weren’t you?”

“Yup.” She pressed the button on the door and it opened. Inside was a large, theater style classroom filled with people who have just discovered their new powers.

EB hopped in, “good morning class. I am The Easter Bunny, no I won’t sign autographs… right now that is. Now, lets get to know you...”

Chase let the door close and went on her way. She pondered how well EB could teach a class. He was smarter than people realized and extremely clever, but he had a wandering mind and could get sidetracked so easily.

Just then her wrist comm buzzed. Nova’s voice came over it, “Chase, Gar, report to Operations right away.”

Chase walked out of the lift into the Operations center. Nova and Gar were already there, standing in front of the monitor. When Gar saw her, he would smile and his wings would lift slightly.

Nova waved her over. “We have a problem to deal with.”

Chase approached saying, “good morning to you too.”

“No time for pleasantries. Comm, put her through.” He nodded toward a robot at the computer.

On the main monitor appeared the office of Prime Minister for Onnotangu, Minister Shizue sitting at her desk.

“Oh, good morning, Chase, it is good to see you again.”

Chase bowed slightly, “Prime Minister, I’m pleased to see you as well.”

Nova asked, “please explain the situation to them.”

“Of course.” She pressed a button on her desk and the face of Dr. Osteen appeared, wearing an orange jumpsuit with a line of numbers under him. “This is Doctor Jason Osteen. He once worked for the leader of this nation before his fall. Dr. Osteen is a brilliant man with several doctorates and many patents to his name.”

Chase asked, “what about him?”

“This morning, there was a jailbreak, and he escaped a high security prison.”

Gar asked, “why tell us? He isn’t a meta human.”

Nova answered, “the break out was orchestrated by what they reported as an elite team of specialists. They murdered dozens of guards and a few prisoners, then left.”

Shizue added, “we have found no trace of anything at the scene to identify them. The security cameras were all disabled at the same time. They left no evidence at the scene to help. They left no one who saw them close up alive to talk.”

“This is serious.” Chase commented.

“More than you know.” Shizue said, “Dr. Osteen worked for our former leader in developing some of the most powerful and hideous weapons. He was the one who helped design those awful guns that vaporize meta humans. His work with genetics is legendary and terrible. He experimented on prisoners in our state prisons for projects that we still haven’t been able to fully understand. The only reason anyone would want him out of that prison is to use him to further evil plans.”

Nova asked, “could one of the generals under the former leader of North Onnotangu be a part of this?”

“I doubt it. Most of them died during the battle with Krampus and Skelanimal here. However, I cannot confirm this is impossible. All I know is that he must be found and whatever work he is doing must be stopped.”

Nova looked at Chase and Gar, “I’m sending you two down to that prison to help investigate and find out what is going on. I want to know who is behind this.”

Shizue said, “the prison is a special location only known to the Onnotangu government... or so I thought. It was once a place for political prisoners of the state. We have used it to imprison the villains who persecuted our people. I will send you the coordinates. Please, do what you can to stop him.”

Nova handed Chase a special tablet that held the information. “Head down to the docking bay. One of our stealth shuttles will take you there. Do not tell anyone about this yet. I am not sure who we can trust.”

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

The truck rumbled and rocked as it went over the gravel of a road, or maybe it was driving across fields away from roads. Dr. Osteen wasn’t sure, they had covered his head with a black bag and kept quiet. They tied his hands behind him, keeping him from doing anything but sit and wait.

“Where are we going?” He asked.

There was no answer.

Finally, the truck stopped, and people went into action. No one spoke a word, only the sounds of feet moving, doors slamming, and the large doors on the back of the truck opening. Then two hands grabbed him and forced him up and moving. They escorted him down from the truck and walked in across grasses, the smell of the woods giving him his only clue about where he was.

The thought that they were taking him to execute him in some creative way crossed his mind several times. He had done some pretty terrible things that he was proud of. Many nations and special organizations would like to see his head on a stick somewhere, displayed for millions to jeer at. Then again, they killed others to get to him. If these were people seeking justice, they would be less likely to murder so many guards at a prison.

After what felt like miles of walking through the woods and then on a concrete floor, they stopped him. He was turned, shoved, and then pushed down into a seat. Finally, a door slammed shut, and the bag was swiftly removed from his head.

The room was a stark, concrete box with a single table in it and cameras planted at each corner. A mirrored wall was obviously the observation room for those on the other side. A man sat across from him, dressed in a nice suit. Beside him were two of these soldiers, stoic and passively staring straight forward. “Please forgive our methods, Dr. Osteen. We must go to extremes to keep ourselves safe and secret.” The man stated.

Dr. Osteen pulled on his hands, but they were bound behind him. ”I’m no threat. No need to keep me tied up, this is killing my shoulders.”

The man smiled and snapped his fingers. One soldier approached, flicked a large knife and cut the bindings. He returned to the corner and his normal stoic stance.

“Again, apologies for our methods. Now, the pleasantries, I am Commander Delta and you are the famous Doctor Jason Osteen, five time doctorate holder, most brilliant mind in robotic engineering and genetic engineering. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

Dr. Osteen rubbed his wrists. “So, you seem to know everything about me. All I know is your name, and I highly doubt that is actually your name. Probably a rank of some sort. Am I right?”

Commander Delta laughed, “be careful how you use your genius. Put that brilliant mind to work for us, and we will reward you in ways no one else could possibly match.”

“I was rewarded pretty good by Shoju Kahn... before they murdered him.”

Commander Delta quietly chuckled. “Trust me. Our operation is far greater in wealth and power than even the former dictator of a tiny, third world nation.”

“What exactly do you want of me?” Dr. Osteen asked.

Commander Delta slapped a file on the table and slid it over. “It’s spelled out in there.”

Dr. Osteen opened and looked at the first few pages. “Genetic engineering... wow, evolutionary genetic engineering. What is this for? You want to make animals into people?”

“Not exactly. There is a need for soldiers, special soldiers that can combat the abominations that run around this planet calling themselves super heroes. They have powers and strengths that are beyond any regular soldier.” He gestured to the two people beside him. “We created these people by altering parts of their physical makeup. They are smarter, faster, stronger, and more accurate than any human. They are also blindly loyal to us alone. However, they still aren’t enough. We need to harness the powers and strengths of nature itself. Use that against these people. But, we can’t do that without you.”

“Me? What makes you think I can do this? Obviously you have other scientists who are doing great work for you.” He also gestured to the soldiers.

“They’re good. But not good enough. You’re the best.” Delta leaned forward. “Here’s the deal. We will set you up in a secret lab, give you everything you need, and let you work. There is no timetable, just be certain you don’t stop until you are successful. We will check in on you now and then, but otherwise you will be left alone. You give us results and we will set you free with wealth that would make Jeff Bezos look like a pauper.”

Dr. Osteen looked through the files a little more, a smile growing on his face. “This will be the biggest challenge of my life. I like a challenge.”

“Then we have a deal.” Delta sat back, satisfied.

“Not yet. If I’m following your logic here, I will be highly exposed. If anyone like BADGE discovers me, I will get my butt toasted. Will you send me protection?”

Delta answered, “check the last page of the file.”

Osteen looked it over and became nearly giddy, “my robots!”

“What we could find. Now, I know you can protect yourself long enough with those to get away safely. Trust me, we will make sure you escape. However, we cannot be close to you at all times or risk exposure.”

“Then, it’s a deal.” Osteen held out his hand.

Delta took the hand but used it to pull him in closer, almost coming nose to nose with Osteen. “Understand this. We are not to be doublecrossed. If you mention one word about this to anyone, we will know and you will not live for much longer. Got it?”

With a deep gulp, Osteen nodded, “got it.”

“Then we have a deal.” Delta finally shook his hand. “Now, you will pardon us for what comes next.” One soldier approached.

“What do you...” A hypospray was pressed to his neck, and he blacked out almost instantly.


Chase and Gar stepped out of the BADGE shuttle. It had landed in nearly the same spot as the helicopter had. To the guards, it looked like the two stepped out of thin air. The shuttle’s holographic cloaking system kept it completely blended into the surroundings.

Right now a team of prisoners cleaned up the bricks and other debris from the shattered wall. Body bags were lining up along the wall with tags on them. A prison doctor checked each body and marked tags as she went.

The warden and his first in command met them.

“Welcome to Fortress of the Waves prison. I am Warden Yoritomo Li and this is my first in command, Kisada Jao.”

Chase executed the proper Onnotangu bow, “thank you. I am Chase and this is Gar. Prime Minister Shizue sent us.”

“Yes, we got the message a short time ago. Please, excuse the mess. We have only begun cleaning up. Sorting out the rubble from the bodies took time. The bodies of the dead will be transported as soon as the medical helicopters arrive. This place is not meant to be easy to get to.”

“We understand.” Gar said. “Please, show us where the break out happened?”

Warden Li led them in while Jao continued directing the clean-up process. The prison was on complete lockdown where possible, and the guards were all on high alert.

“It is amazing and disheartening how easily and quickly our defenses were broken. No one has ever escaped from this prison before.”

He showed them to all the damaged cells and had them speak to several guards who had a little knowledge of the event.

“And, this is the cell he occupied.” Li moved aside a barrier and showed them to the cell that had been cloven in half by the destruction. “We could not find any information. If I didn’t know it was a special operation, I would think an Earthquake had done this. If there was only a way to look back and see.”

“I have the power to witness the history of inanimate objects.” Chase knelt down and touched the floor. She looked up and used her powers to follow the history of this room through the stones under her fingers. She saw herself enter and then time reversed faster. The clean-up crew came through, then the attack came. “I see them. Soldiers in black. I… I don’t see any markings or insignia. They are too covered to identify. There is nothing. They killed the only witness in the cell next to us. Now the wall is returning to normal. Dr. Osteen hid under his bed, shaking. I doubt he was expecting this.”

“That takes us to the time before the attack.” Warden Li stated.

Gar said, “too bad. You didn’t see anything helpful.”

Chase, still using her power, frowned. “No, wait. I see Dr. Osteen the day before the attack. He is putting something inside that wall.” She let go and pointed at an unbroken part of the wall.

Gar walked over and saw a loose brick. He pried it open and found a small space with a metal device in it. Warden Li took it out. “What is this?”
Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Chase and Gar stepped out of their shuttle again, this time in a much more opulent location. Once again they were in front of the Government headquarters for North Onnotangu. This time, they were welcomed by the military escorts and waved at by the people coming and going from the central building.

“Looks like you guys really cleaned up the place.” Chase stated.

General Hoturi said, “we had a lot of help from South Onnotangu. They sent in teams of workers and a lot of supplies.”

Gar said, “they are eager to help. That is good.”

“Our southern cousins have wanted to reconnect with us for a long time. But, with Supreme Leader Shoju in power, there was no way to connect. Now, we have a growing relationship with them that may become a day in which we reunify into one nation.”

Chase asked, “how would that work? You have been two separate governments for so long, it might be difficult to combine.”

Just then a familiar voice answered, “we are considering options to maintain a two state system under a single government head. But, that is a long way off.”

“Shizue!” Chase called out and ran over to her.

The two women hugged. Shizue said, “it’s nice to see you again.”

Gar approached, “Prime Minister.” he bowed.

“Ah, Mr. Gar. How nice to see you again as well.” She and Gar had had a long conversation at the BADGE party after Christmas. Shizue asked, “I understand you wanted our help with the investigation. We’ll be glad to be of service, but I don’t know what we can do that BADGE cannot.”

Chase pulled out the small device that they found in Dr. Osteen’s cell. “The investigation is not going anywhere right now. We had no evidence to follow until I found this.”

Shizue and her top General both peered at it. General Hoturi said, “I have seen nothing like that before.”

“I know. Using my power, I could follow its history. Dr. Osteen was building this, but we don’t know for what purpose. However, some parts led me all the way back here.”

Shizue frowned, “here?”

“Yes. Apparently, someone here has been sending him parts to build this.”

General Hoturi asked, “do you have any idea where this person would be?”

Chase shook her head, “not exactly. What I saw was it sitting on a table in a laboratory filled with computers and advanced robotic stuff. I’m afraid that some of my powers are limited the further back I trace something.”

Hoturi pulled up a communicator, “This is General Hoturi to all security, lock down the entire Capital Compound. No one is to enter or leave. Send out all patrols to pick up any scientists who are not currently in the labs.”

Gar asked, “what’s going on?”

Shizue answered, “our former leader, Shoju, had all laboratories destroyed unless they were inside this compound. He wanted to control any kind of technological development. We haven’t had time to build any more anywhere else.”

Hoturi added, “if that was in a laboratory here, it is within this compound. Come with me.” he gestured for them to follow as he led them into the principal building. A pair of soldiers came and escorted Shizue to a safe location.

Gar said, “wow, the soldiers are quick, and this place is locking down faster than a red alert on the station.”

Hoturi stated, “one good thing about this place being the former palace of a paranoid dictator, the security is top-notch. Fortunately, we now use it to protect everyone, not just a selfish tyrant.” his words dripped with acid toward their former leader.


Dr. Osteen woke up sitting in an old sedan. His eyes were blurry and his mouth tasted like dust. As his sight quickly returned, he realized he was in a desert and it was early in the morning.

“Where am I?” He asked, hoping someone would answer.

No one said anything, for he was alone.

“This isn’t my car... wait, what’s this?” He found a stack of papers next to him. Apparently he had purchased this used car in a car lot in Dustbowl, Arizona. They had his signature on them and it showed it was paid for, tag and title both in his name. “These people are good.”

Stepping out of the car, he found himself in front of an old, small building. It was dirty and seemingly abandoned. But a key protruded from the doorhandle. Knowing nothing is what it appears with these people, he walked in and found what he expected. A dirty, abandoned room with nothing but broken glass and rotting walls. There was a counter with a note on it. He picked it up.

‘Hold the light fixture, make sure your fingerprints are on the glass.’

He frowned and looked around. There was an old light sconce on the wall, the only one with a glass bowl on it. He reached up and touched it. Instantly the glass flashed a green light. The counter rolled back, revealing a stairwell that lit up.

The stark, old, dusty world was left behind for a metallic modern environment. At the bottom of the steps, he grinned at the sight of a fully functional laboratory. Every bit of equipment he could desire. There was nothing he couldn’t study here for his genetic research and biological studies.

“What’s this?” He saw a flashing green light on a computer tablet sitting in the middle of the one empty table. Pressing it, Commander Delta appeared in a recording.

“Greetings. Doctor Osteen. This is your new home. This laboratory contains the most advanced research equipment on Earth. The computers are highly secured and will send your information to a unique storage unit at our HQ to ensure that nothing is lost in the case of disaster. As per our needs, we have collected and housed a selection of subjects.” He gestured to the right, and a wall lifted, revealing a massive holding area with hundreds of cages, each holding a different animal. Lions to birds, horses to dogs. It was a zoo. “All these animals have been outfitted with special devices to keep them sedated and healthy until you need them for your purposes. If a specimen dies, we will replace it at once. Finally, as per your request for protection against any meta human warriors.” A final wall lifted and Dr. Osteen smiled as though he were seeing his child after a long time away.

Delta stated, “Do not fail us, Doctor. We have put a lot of money, time, and faith in you for this.” Suddenly the computer tablet flickered off and then burned.

Dr. Osteen, his eyes still glistening at the sight of his baby, said, “I think I’m gonna like it here.”
Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

Gar and Chase walked through the compound with General Hoturi. Security was on high alert as everyone was rounded up and either placed in secure locations or questioned. All the scientists on the premises were questioned severely. Though, the methods were a great deal more humane than during the previous administration.

A soldier came up and reported, “General, we have questioned all the medical scientists and feel they are not part of the conspiracy. They are being detained in the North Wing.”

“Good. Just, be courteous. We don’t want anyone feeling we are returning to previous methods of torture. This is a security issue, not a loyalty test.”

“Understood, sir.” The soldier hurried away.

Gar said, “I am glad you are being nice. Chase told me how bad this place was.”

“I wasn’t here during that time, but I know all about what they did. It is shameful. We need to be better.”

Gar frowned, “you weren’t here?”

Chase asked, “tell me, what relation are you to the commander Doji Hoturi of the South Onnotangu military?”

Hoturi raised an eyebrow, “that is me, but how did you know? I wasn’t well known then.”

“Let’s just say that I was once chased out of the royal treasury by you. I thought you looked familiar.”

He frowned at her yet had a brief smile, “so, you’re The Chase we once had as a wanted criminal.”

“The same. But, I changed my ways.”

“I would hope so. In any case, my parents escaped this country thirty years ago when I was very young. I joined the military of South Onnotangu and when the call came for volunteers to move North and help the new government, I jumped at the chance. I grew up dreaming of a day I could return and help make this place safe and find my relatives I was forbidden to see. I hadn’t expected to be made the head of the military, but I’m glad to offer my services in the name of peace and security.”

“Very noble,” Gar commented.

“Thank you. Ah, here we are.” Hoturi stopped at an enormous set of doors. “From the description, I believe this might be the laboratory you saw with your abilities.”

Chase stepped in and looked around. “I… think so. My perspective was from this device, or really a part of it. Let me...” she leaned over to where her head was near the height of the tables.

Gar walked in and looked around the room. It was filled with metal tables and engineering equipment spread around the room. Devices and components for computer development was along one wall, another wall had robotic parts. He asked, “what is this?”

Hoturi said, “this is the former robot and weapon development lab. Prime Minister Shizue has ordered that it be changed to study robotics for advancing our manufacturing and artificial limb replacement. This technology is very advanced and could be put to better use than designing weapons and toys for a petty tyrant.”

“This is it!” Chase called out. She was beside a table with her head laying on it. “This is the place I last saw this.”

Gar asked, “so... what do we do now?”

Hoturi pulled out his comm, “call in the scientists.” he walked away to give his orders.

Chase looked around the room. “If I had something else to go on, I could trace its history and maybe find something. This feels like a dead end.”

“Why? He’s calling in the scientists. One of them must be the guilty person.”

Chase shook her head, “all I saw was a gloved hand holding this for a moment. My vision got blurry going back any further.”

Just then three people were escorted into the room by a soldier. Two women and a man.

“What is the meaning of this?” The oldest woman asked.

Hoturi held up his hand to her and then addressed Chase, “do you have any idea which one it might be?”

“Which one... what?” the woman demanded. “I am Dr. Iku, head of this lab. I demand answers!”

Chase looked them over for a moment. “I don’t know.”

“Okay, do any of your know something about this device?” Hoturi took the device from Chase and held it up.

Dr. Iku said, “I have not seen that before.”

The other two shook their heads.

“This is getting us nowhere.” Chase said.

“GLOVES!” Gar blurted out.

“What?” Hoturi asked.

Gar pointed at the women’s hands. “Chase said she last saw the gloves. She can read the history of an inanimate object. She can read their gloves. That will tell us.”

Dr. Iku held up her hands, which were covered in special insulated gloves for robotics work. “What is that strange thing talking about?”

Hoturi held up his hand, “please, present your gloves for inspection.”

The younger woman presented hers first. Chase held them and eventually shook her head. Then the man presented his, Chase did the same thing with no results. Finally, Dr. Iku begrudgingly presented hers. Chase held them and spent a longer time examining their past. She then opened her eyes. “It was these gloves.”

“Arrest her!” Hoturi immediately barked.

“What, I haven’t done anything!” Dr. Iku protested.

“We will determine that. Soldier, escort the doctor to...”

“Wait.” Chase stopped him.

“What is it?” Gar asked.

Chase slowly looked over at the sweating man. “These aren’t her gloves. He wore these when he put the objects in a package to be sent. I can see him clearly in this.”

“I... uh... she is wrong... I didn’t do anything.” The man backed up into a corner.

Hoturi gestured at his soldier, “arrest him.”

The man suddenly slapped a part of the wall, and a small panel opened. “SHOJU FOREVER!” He yelled and hit a button.

All over the room small, spider like robots came out of holes in the walls and from under counters. They rushed at the soldier first and cut his hand off. If Chase hadn’t pulled him out of the way, he would have been stabbed clean through. Hoturi shot at the robots, destroying one, but five more lunged his direction. Gar threw out his wing and protected the general. Then he used his stone fists to smash these little monsters. Chase jumped and dodged to not be sliced up. She kicked one into the wall, but it rebounded and came after her.

The other two scientists jumped into the containment unit and locked the door. However, the robots were ignoring them and only going after the others, likely part of their programming to protect the wicked scientists that once worked in here.

“Watch out!” Hoturi grabbed his bleeding soldier and shoved him under a table.

A robot jumped on the general’s neck and nearly stabbed a blade-like leg through it. Gar grabbed the robot and crushed it in his hand. He then yelled, “get out, they can’t hurt me!”

Hoturi took hold of his wounded solder and followed Chase out.

Gar, now free of having to protect anyone, went wild and used his arms, wings, and even legs to smash these things. He took great pleasure in crushing them into debris as they attempted to stab him. Several damaged themselves when they tried to injure him. Finally, after a few minutes of wild smashing, he stood, both hands filled with sparking remains, in the middle of the carnage.

“HA!” He yelled as he tossed aside the rubble.

Suddenly, a loud siren blared overhead, and a voice called out, “alert, alert, compound compromised. Seek shelter!”

Gar rushed out, hoping to find the others. He was certain this alert was unnecessary since he had dealt with the problem. However, upon leaving the room, he found both Hoturi and Chase fighting a giant spider robot that had lasers. Other giant spiders were walking up and down the corridors, blasting at fleeing people. Military were rushing in, returning fire as best they could.

“You have got to be kidding me.”
Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

Gar grabbed a metal spider by its leg and yanked it toward him. He threw a fist that smashed into the eyepiece guiding the machine. Then he flung it over his head and slammed it into the ground, scattering its remains everywhere. Another spider raced toward him, blasting lasers across his body. It didn’t do him any harm, so he waited for it to get to him. Suddenly, a shuriken cut its laser in half and then another buried into the eyepiece. It stumbled around, unable to direct itself now that it was damaged. Chase slid past Gar and threw her blades again, this time burying them in the large body under the legs. It exploded, sending those legs in all directions.

“Is that all of them?” Gar asked.

Chase looked around at the carnage, robotic parts were scattered across the floor. “I don’t see any movement.”

Hoturi knelt next to the already wounded soldier. The General now had a nasty burn wound on his left shoulder. He held his communicator up and then said, “we are far from over. Those spider things are popping up in the front courtyard, and these are even bigger. We can’t get the security lockdown to shut off. Everyone is trapped inside with those things. It’s going to be a massacre.”

“Not if I can help it.” Gar dashed through the halls.

“Wait for me!” Chase called out as she pulled up her BADGE comm unit. “Nova, we have a problem here! Robots are attacking the palace, some kind of booby trap left by Shoju’s former scientists.”

Nova answered, “I’m sending an emergency call for heroes. Keep those people safe.”

“We’ll try.”

They rounded a corner and found the grand entrance doors in ruins as soldiers leaned out to fire their guns at the attacking machines.

“How many are there?” Chase asked of the commander.

He shot a few more times and then said, “we see at least ten, maybe more. It’s too dangerous to take them on out there. We have to hold them back from getting inside.”

Chase almost spoke, but was pulled aside by Gar as a laser blast zipped by her. She quickly threw her blades and nailed the robot in the laser emitter, but it was only one of the five this model had. “These are much bigger!” She threw again, hitting another of the five weapons.

Gar jumped over the soldiers, “I’ll keep them out of here!”

“It’s too dangerous!” The commander yelled.

Chase threw again as she said, “don’t worry, he can handle them. But, I don’t know if he’s enough.”

Gar rushed at the nearly two story tall robot and punched one of its eight legs. It responded by kicking him with another leg and rolling him across the ground. Two robots blasted him with dozens of shots, but he simply rolled over and then grabbed two legs and yanked them down, planting the robot into the soil. He stomped on its main body and buried his foot inside. It jerked and sparked, then stopped. He had destroyed it, but now his foot was stuck. He yanked and pulled, but it was no use. Suddenly one of these giant spiders kicked him and sent him over. Instead of blasting him with lasers, it pounded him with its feet. He wasn’t injured, but was completely pinned down.

These ten spider monstrosities were joined by five more that appeared out of the ground or burst through walls. These things were everywhere, and they could do little to stop them.

Gar saw the spiders line up and take aim. Their lasers were charging to give a massive blast. They would take down the entire building with this. He struggled, hoping to do something before they murdered hundreds of innocent people. But it was too late. All the lasers went off. However, they didn’t hit the building; they met a new brick wall that appeared out of nowhere.

Suddenly Prime Minister Shizue came through that wall and held her hands up. Domes of bricks formed over several of the spiders. She slammed her arms down and those domes flattened, crushing the spiders. She twisted around and two walls of bricks appeared and she threw her hands out and the walls flung to the sides, shoving more of the spiders away, crushing them against the buildings and one expensive car.

Just then a series of blue energy blasts hit the spiders attacking Gar and one exploded, the other stumbled away. A blade sliced through the metal casing Gar’s foot was still stuck in. Shinobi yanked him to his feet.

“Having fun, stony?” Shinobi laughed and then quickly spun around and used his blade to deflect laser blasts. Running with incredible speed, he dodged the lasers and got under one robot, then another and another. All at once, the three robot’s legs split in half and they toppled to the ground.

Gar saw a spider rushing toward Shizue, who had her back to it. He ran, jumped up high using his wings and then came down hard on it with both fists. He crushed the central body, eliminating it instantly.

A series of laser blasts hit one of the remaining spiders and it exploded. Furious Squirrel fell from the sky and tumbled into a perfect kneel. He used his two pistols to shoot at more spiders. Hotwings landed next to him and grabbed a spider by the leg, flew up, carrying it, and then dropped it from enough distance to break it.

Gar, still ready for a fight, paused long enough to realize they had destroyed all the spiders.

Shizue asked, “are we safe?”

Hotwings landed again and nodded, “I don’t see any more of those things.”

“Good.” Shizue waved her hands and all the various bricks she had conjured evaporated into a fine mist that faded away.

Chase rushed out of the capital building, “is everyone okay out here?”

Gar said, “I think so. I took the most beating, but they can’t do much to me.”

“Where did you learn to fight like that?” Chase asked Shizue. “I had a teacher.” she bowed her head to Shinobi.

Shinobi bowed to her, “you did well, my student. I’m sorry that I was away when this started.”

Chase looked at Hotwings and Furious Squirrel. “You guys got here quickly.”

“We were already on our way when Nova called the emergency.” Hotwings said.

Gar asked, “you were on your way?”

Furious answered, “yeah. Nova told me you guys found some tech that was evidence in this case. I am sorta an expert in tech stuff.”

Chase said, “good. We have something you might help us with.”

Chase, Gar, Shizue, and Furious Squirrel stood in the laboratory again, people still cleaning up the first spider attack mess. A soldier had the criminal scientist by his arm. Furious used a special eyepiece to examine the device they retrieved from Dr. Osteen’s cell.

“If I’m not mistaken, this is a controller. Some kind of remote for something.”

Chase asked, “is it active?”

“No. It’s incomplete. It doesn’t have a power source.”

Chase turned to the scientist and materialized a blade in her hand to point at his face. “What was this for?”

“I’m not telling you anything.”

She stepped closer, pushing the tip of her blade against his neck. “I can make it where you bleed to death over five days of the worst torture you can imagine. And, after you tried to massacre all these people, I would be in my rights. Now, answer or suffer... your choice.”

Sweat glistened on his forehead as the realization of her honesty flashed in his eyes. “Fine. It’s a controller for these robots. Dr. Osteen was going to use them to break out of prison. But, someone else broke him out. That’s all I know."

Shizue asked, “where would he go once he broke out?”

“I don’t know. Honest.” The scientist was now dripping in sweat.

Chase gave him one last glare and then put her blade away. “This is a dead end.”

Furious said, “I don’t think so.” he had the device as close to his eyes as he could get it.

Gar asked, “what do you mean?”

“This has a unique signature to the design. The metal on this is the same as the metal on those robots outside. I have seen nothing like this before. To most sensors it would appear as steel. But, it has a strange additive that makes it strong against morphonic energy.”

Shizue asked, “what does that mean?”

Furious answered, “it means that this and those things out there were designed to resist super heroes who use morphon based powers. It isn’t all that strong, but I suspect this was just early stages of development for a new, anti-hero armor.”

Chase asked, “how does that help us?”

“If I’m right, I can rig a sensor to trace this metal. I would suspect that Dr. Osteen would use the same metal wherever he is now. No doubt to protect him.”

Chase said, “get on it.”

Shizue added, “use whatever you need here, my people are at your disposal for this project.”

Furious was already heading for a workstation as Chase said, “okay, Gar, let’s help them pick up the mess.”
Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

Dr. Osteen carefully placed the blood sample in the machine and pressed the button. Instantly it analyzed and deconstruct the DNA. He rolled his chair over to the computer and watched the different read-outs running across.

“Good, very good. Now, lets introduce some mutations...here.” He activated a beam of green light that shot down into the top of the machine.

The readings went wild as the blood changed and mutated. Data raced across the screen. A psychotic smile grew on his face. Then a red warning sign interrupted the process and the words, “experiment failure detected.”

He slapped the desk and huffed. “Two hundred failures in a row. How am I supposed to make any progress if everything I try fails?”

Another computer beeped at him, and he let out an annoyed sigh. Shoving against the desk, he wheeled across the room and turned himself toward the screen. All it had on it was “Daily update required.”

Putting in a code, he activated a recording, “Doctor Jason Osteen, day two of work. Just beginning the process of attempted forced evolution. It is my theory that with the right balance of mutations we could introduce extra information into the DNA. And, under controlled conditions, I can force those mutations to produce the desired evolved creature. However, at this time, all attempts at introducing mutations have only produced a loss of genetic information and ultimately self destruction of the DNA. My next project will include splicing DNA to create specimens with genetic combinations. That is all for now, end log.” The log transmitted, then the computer wiped its memory.

Dr. Osteen wheeled himself back to his former workstation. “Okay. Let me check over the results before the failure. I want to see what I can glean from this.”


The BADGE shuttle landed in a parking lot. It was night, but the light of this city was more than enough to illuminate their arrival. Fortunately, they were still invisible.

Chase and Hotwings were the first out. Both squinted at the bright lights. Hotwings stretched out his wings and shook them.

“I hate riding in shuttles when I can fly.”

“This was faster.” Chase stated.

Furious Squirrel came out next, his eyes glued to a device he had designed. “I’m picking up a trace reading of that metal. It’s near here.”

Gar was the last out. He smiled brightly as he took in the sights. “Wow! What a beautiful place!”

Chase snarled, “on the surface. Las Vegas has a slick veneer over a seedy town. Though, they have a lot of vaults stuffed with cash and other valuables.”

Hotwings laughed, “and I’m sure you’ve perused each one in your time.”

“Just a few. Like these idiots will miss a few million. Now, I want to... where’s Gar?”

Gar had wandered off, mesmerized by the sights. Several people stopped and took pictures with him. He had been on the news enough times to become a spectacle.

“Gar!” Chase yelled. “Come on!”

Gar bid farewell to a man in a purple outfit and rushed back over. In his hands he held a pamphlet. “Sorry.”

“What is that?” Chase asked.

Gar held it out. The front picture was not suitable for civil settings. “That nice man invited me to a special viewing where they will be stripping something. Why would people want to watch stripping?”

Chase snatched it and tore it up. “I’ll explain later. Now, focus.”

Furious came over. “I can’t pinpoint its location. Something is scattering the readings.”

“What do you mean?” Hotwings asked.

Furious said, “someone is purposefully blocking these readings. It looks like a general scattering field, but this kind of field is only used by high-level government security agencies and dangerous people. Whoever this is, he is close and doesn’t want to be found.”

Chase asked, “if we get closer to it, will the sensor cut through the scattering field?”

“Probably. We will have to be on the ground to make this work, the higher up we are, the less this sensor will get through the scattering field.”

“Good enough for me. Let’s do a good ole fashioned search.” She signaled the shuttle to leave.


Dr. Osteen rubbed his eyes as he leaned back. The computer ran a series of calculations. A buzzer sounded and he let out a groan. Sitting up, he saw that same warning symbol.

“This is ridiculous. They expect me to play god.” He pressed a button and flushed the materials out of the system. “I think I will work on these other theories for a moment.”

He got up from his chair and opened the main doors to the zoo. He extracted a sample from the horse and another from the lion. Placing these samples in a different system, he ran it through a series of tests.

“Let’s see. If I splice this segment and... yes, I can add this. I will need to introduce at least two more DNA samples to combine these. However… the intelligence is off. Not good. Can’t have this creature only have the brain of a lion or a horse. Now, if I...”

“Warning!” The whole lab called out.

He ran over to the same computer he used to communicate with the people paying him. A sensor system displayed a map of the region and several dots on it.

“No, no, no! Capes! How the hell did they find me already!” He punched in the code for the emergency relay, “this is Dr. Osteen. I have heroes nearby. I’m showing them using a scanner of some nature and executing a search pattern. I can only assume they are looking for me. Be ready for an extraction. I will try to hold them off... or kill them if I can.” he sent the signal and hoped they were listening.

Pressing a new button, the wall lifted to the special bay. He walked in and put a code into a command console. “Okay, time to shine. Your target, heroes. Location, Las Vegas. Level the town if you have to, kill any hero you can. Do not lead them back to this location. Authorization, Dr. Osteen, Omega nine one eight.”

Lights flickered, and the ceiling parted. A lift carried his precious creation up to be deployed.


Hotwings ate a hot dog while Gar took another picture with a local. Chase sat on a bench and tried not to fall asleep.

“Are we even close?” Chase asked.

Furious, still walking around almost like a dog sniffing out his buried bone, answered. “I do not know. The signal is still scattered the same here as it has been for the last six hours.”

Chase said, “it’s three in the morning and I’ve been up for more than a day now. I think we should split up and some of us get some sleep. Gar can go forever without sleeping, maybe he can keep running the scanner.”

Gar came back over. “I can... what?”

Furious said, “I don’t know. This is advanced. Gar isn’t... um... all that...”

Gar snatched it away, “I know how to use computers!”

Furious let out a sigh and then turned the device over in Gar’s hands. “At least hold it upright.”

Chase said, “he can hold it and you can tell him what to look for. He doesn’t need to know how it’s built.”

“Fine, I can... wait, it’s picking up something.” He grabbed it back from Gar. “Yes...it’s definitely picking up something. Wow, and it’s quickly getting stronger. This way.” Furious ran down the street.

The others followed close.

“Where?” Hotwings asked.

“I think it’s moving. Wait, this can’t be right, it’s...”

Just then a small pawn shop exploded in a fireball. People ran down the road screaming. Cars scrambled to turn around and run away, regardless of which lane they were in. The sound of giant steps crunching through the road came just before an orange blast of energy picked off a truck and blew it up.

“What the!” Hotwings jumped back.

Just then, a giant, barrel shaped robot came around the corner. It looked like something out of a cheap 1950s sci-fi movie. Lifting a thick arm, it shot a beam of orange energy and blew a hole right through another building.

“YAH!” Gar launched himself into the air and raced toward the robot. He met it in the chest and shoved it back nearly a full block. It fell over and stopped moving.

Chase said, “that was easy.”

“Too easy, it’s moving!” Hotwings took off as well.

The robot pushed itself back up and shot a beam of light right into Gar. He was blasted backward and crashed into the ground, digging a massive trench right down five blocks of the road.

Chase yelled, “Furious, help me get the people to safety, NOW! Hotwings, you and Gar, keep it occupied.”

“OCCUPIED!?” Hotwings dodged its swinging arms.

“Just try!” Chase used a blade to cut open the door of a damaged car. She pulled the driver out and helped him to his feet. She then flipped open her BADGE comm. “Nova! Get heroes to Las Vegas now! As many as you can find! We’ve gone a big problem!”

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

A line of expensive cars exploded as a ray of energy cut across them. Three heroes slammed into the middle of the car lot and quickly fled as another beam demolished the Mercedes Dealership, scattering pricey car parts all over the city.

“We have to get this under control!” Chase called out as she ran with a baby in her arms.

Zanazola raced up to her, snatched the baby, and then zipped away to a safe place.

The Closer landed in front of Chase and emitted a barrier that stopped a blast of energy. “That thing is tough! Our powers aren’t doing much good!” He dropped the barrier and then shot a blast of his own.

Furious Squirrel rolled across the ground and coughed as he caught his breath. “It’s… it’s weakening.”

Chase continued to scan for civilians in danger. “Are you sure?”

“Yes… cough … the power signature is at twenty percent and going down.”

Chase materialized her shuriken and smiled, “then, let’s bring it down to zero. HEROES! FULL POWER!”


Nova paced in the BADGE operations center on the station. The screen displayed the massive attack on Las Vegas. Hundreds of heroes were swarming the robot. Voices filled the air as the comm channels piped through.

“Sensors, what are you reading?”

A drone at the sensor station stated, “enemy target is at fifty percent damage capacity, estimated. Energy levels are also dropping below thirty percent.”

“Good. Tell… wait… they got this.” He smiled, watching the heroes go into full charge. He was about to order them to ramp up their attacks. Gar led a team of flying heroes and plowed into the side of the monster and shoved it down a street, pushing it away from the main strip. “The heroes are learning to work together. Good. Sensors! Any sign of Dr. Osteen or his laboratory?”

“Negative. There remains a sensor dampening field outside of the city that prevents long range sensor data. It is advisable to send observational operatives to the area to scout...”

“No. Not until that thing is a pile of rubble.”

Suddenly a siren blared and several red lights came on. Two robots went into action. “Alert, alert, destruction detected.”

Nova asked, “what sort of destruction?”

“Sensors indicate a type fifty explosive device has been armed within the shell of target robot. Detonation is imminent. Evacuation orders must be declared for area of...”

“No time.” Nova quickly shut off the barrage of comm channels with the activation of his single emergency signal. “Heroes, listen to me. That robot has a failsafe. It is arming a massive bomb within it’s body. It will level the city and most of the surrounding counties. Get it the hell out of there, NOW!”


Furious Squirrel ran up to Chase, “Hey! I detecting some kind of explosive device inside that thing.”

Chase shut off her comm, “yeah, that’s what Nova just said.”

“Oh, it damaged my comm unit. We need to get that thing away from here and away from us.”

Hotwings landed and spent a moment catching his breath. “Okay, the heroes are moving that thing away from the city.”

Chase looked up and saw that the vast majority of heroes were now on the left side of the robot, blasting, pushing, and otherwise finding creative ways to move it out of the city. The robot flailed around, but it was no longer shooting any weapons. She said, “good. Keep it up.”

“It won’t be enough.” Furious stated.


Furious showed her his steampunk sensor readout. “That thing isn’t shooting weapons because it is building up the energy. If that thing goes, it’ll level this city and kill most of the civilians, not to mention a lot of heroes.”

“Damn.” She went for her comm unit.

Hotwings stopped her, “I have an idea. Tell the heroes who can create barriers to shield this city in a dome. I’m going to get that thing in the sky.”

“How?” Chase asked.

“No time. Just tell them.” Hotwings ran and took off in a quick flight.

He flew fast over the city. Smoke burnt his eyes and heat from the fires lifted him higher. He came down on the shoulder of the giant Midgardsomr. “Midgard!”

“STOP BOTHERING ME! I’M FIGHTING!” Midgard punched the robot with a massive fist and sent it reeling further away.

“No, wait, that thing’s gonna blow. We have to get it out of here!”

Midgard finally stopped his fighting. “How?”

“Do what you do best, use that strength and get it airborne. Tell the heroes to help if they can.”

Midgard actually smiled at that. He bellowed, “HEY! IF YOU CAN, HELP ME LIFT THIS THING!”

Heroes focused telekinetic and magnetic powers to slowly lift the robot up, which was a tough job with its massive weight. Midgard slithered up to it, grabbed it by the legs and then spun like a shot-put thrower. With a deep grunt, he flung the robot high over the city.

Chase came through the comms, “shield the city! Barriers in unison!”

Heroes cast magic and technical barriers, they made some of ice, some yellow energy. A few formed rock walls in the sky. Those that couldn’t ducked down. All at once, a tremendous explosion followed a flash. The shock wave of it shook the ground and toppled several people and objects. Metal parts rained down and bounced off the barrier, sliding to the ground just outside the city.

Chase looked up from where she had cradled a small child that was fleeing the madness. Bits and pieces of the robot still trickled down from the barrier, but it was mostly gone. The heroes protecting the city slowly lowered their powers so that the sun would once again shine through.

She stood up, holding the hand of the crying child, and used her other hand to speak into the comm, “Nova, this is Chase. The robot is destroyed. The city is safe. Get all the fire and rescue squads in the surrounding areas here, now.”

Nova stated, “good. I will assign heroes to assist in cleanup and rescue. You and your team keep looking for Osteen, he has to be close.”


Dr. Osteen rode in a helicopter with three black-clad security officers and Commander Delta. They watched the fiery explosion over Las Vegas; the shock wave rattling the helicopter even at this distance.

Osteen grinned nervously, “well, that’s done. All cleaned up and outta there. They won’t know...”

“This was a mess. And your foolishness caused it.”

Dr. Osteen asked, “what? I did nothing to attract them. I was underground working.”

Delta held up a shard of metal. “You created this. Albeit a brilliant armor that diminishes morphon powers, it is unique and traceable. Our sources from Onnotangu say this is how they found you.”

Osteen looked away in shame. “I didn’t realize it would be so easily tracked. But, don’t worry. That robot was the last of it I had made. It takes time to synthesize that stuff.”

Delta tossed it into Jason Osteens lap, “you won’t. That shard will be sent to Antarctica, where they will track it needlessly. We will move you to a more secure location and then you will give us results. Next time they find you, we won’t come to your rescue.”


Chase, Furious Squirrel, Gar, and Hotwings stood inside the run-down shack where Osteen had worked.

“Are you sure?” Chase asked.

Furious nodded, “the signature ends here. This is the place where it came from. This has to be where he was, and where that robot came from.”

Gar frowned. “This place isn’t big enough for all that.”

Furious showed him his scanner, “there are a whole series of structures under here. However, they’re currently filled with concrete.”

Hotwings said, “and I bet if we dig it out, it will give us nothing. These people seem to be one step ahead.”

“Ten steps,” Chase muttered. “But, we won’t stop looking. I will report to Nova. Hotwings, Furious, head back to your leagues and see if you can help in Las Vegas.”
Chase the Myth
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

December 24th, 1777:

Snow froze in the thick beard of Santa as he snapped the reins of his trusty animals. The magnificent sleigh rode through the turbulent storm that blanketed the villages and small towns below. Flickering, dim light danced in the windows of the small wooden buildings and in the lanterns hung along the street. Few people currently walked these streets, only a constable down the main street, and a young man carrying a large basket.

Flying through the mild blizzard, Santa carefully landed behind a building and jumped out of the sleigh.

“What are you doing?” Krampus asked from the back.

Santa laughed, “just lending a poor little fellow a hand.”

“Oh, come on. We have work to do.” Krampus moaned.

“Spreading cheer is my work, and I’m going to do it.” He touched his nose and instantly transformed into the image of a different man, dressed like the nearby constable.

Krampus slunk down in the back of the sleigh and muttered nasty things about his brother. Santa ignored the grumbling and strode out into the street, as calmly as he could. No sooner had he turned the first corner did he bump into that hurrying little child.

“Whoah, there. What is thy hurry, chap?”

The boy stumbled back, worried at the sight of a constable in front of him. “Oh, pardon me, fine sir. I am late home. My family needs this bread. Work was late this eve.”

“Christmas Eve? Surely your family would spend time in the chapel this eve?”

“Nay, kind sir. My father is ill, and my mother weary from tending to him. I am the only child old enough to work so we might have food.”

Santa knelt down, “tis a fine young man who thinks so maturely at such a youthful age. Here, let this be of some cheer to your family in this time of woe.” He pulled his arm from around his back and presented a large bread pudding wrapped in a heavy wax cloth.

“Truly! The smell is so wonderful. But, I cannot accept this!”

“Please. Be sure your father eats at least a mouthful. It will do him well.”

“I shall, Happy Christmas to you, Happy Christmas!” The boy bounded away.

Santa stayed there, a smile on his face as he watched the child leave.

“You enchanted that with a healing spell... didn’t you?” Krampus startled his brother, slinking behind him in a shadow.

Santa turned and walked back toward his sleigh, slowly transforming into his former self. “What if I did? No child should face a sick father this time of year. These humans have just survived a brutal war to gain independence here in this new country of theirs. They need this cheer, all of them.”

“These humans are weak and live brief lives. We shouldn’t worry if they’re sick, they won’t live for long as it is.” Krampus climbed back into the sleigh.”

Santa got back in and snapped the reigns again, “I wish I could break you of that habit.”

“What habit? Knowing my superiority to these creatures.”

“Yes. Being different does not make you superior. In fact, our gifted lives give us the great joy of helping those in need. Can you not see that?”

Krampus held his green sack, “I only know that this is the one night you let me have any fun. So, let’s stop wasting time and get to the next house.”

“Bah! You’re such a grouch. But, you do a good job teaching the naughty little children their lesson.” Santa sped the sleigh up as they moved to the next small town.


“Come on, are you done yet?” Santa looked down a chimney.

Krampus held his sack, which was bulging at this moment. “Almost. He’s gonna really need to recover from this nightmare.”

“Now, you aren’t torturing them. You have limits to what you can do to them.”

Krampus rolled his eyes up at Santa, “I’m not torturing. This brat got his father to kill his sister’s favorite pony, claiming it was rabid. But, it wasn’t. He just wanted to punish her for not getting in trouble as often as him. He is one naughty little kid. Right now, he is being chased by that undead pony. Should leave a nice mental scar for a while.”

“Okay, it’s been long enough time to...” both jerked as a loud bang echoed across the whole village. A bright orange flash lit up the house, then a steady glow flickered against Santa’s face.

“What just happened?” Krampus asked.

Santa looked to the side, a shocked expression. “Oh, dear heavens! The gun powder stores just blew up. Several homes are on fire!” He glanced down, “put that child down and get up here. We have to help!”

Krampus tumbled the kid out of his bag and then zoomed up the chimney. Santa was already in the driver's seat of his sleigh.

“Lord Dragon doesn’t want us to interfere too much!”

“I don’t care. We can’t just sit here and watch people die. Those homes had children, I already visited them.”

“Fine.” Krampus jumped in.

Santa drove his sleigh, in the sky, over a section of the town that was on fire. A warehouse and several buildings were completely destroyed, currently engulfed in flames. Homes nearby were also on fire with significant damage to their roofs.

“We need water!” Santa looked back at his brother.

Krampus gave a nod and zipped away with his unnatural speed. He used his sack to draw up a massive quantity of water from the river and came back. Santa swooped down and used his own sleigh to ram into a wall, knocking it inward so it wouldn’t fall over onto another building. It crashed down and smothered part of the warehouse fire.

“I have water!” Krampus held up his sack.

“Dump it on the homes!” Santa commanded.

Krampus got on the back of the sleigh and held his sack under one arm while he pinched the tip so it would spray the water. The sleigh moved back and forth over the home fires as Krampus doused flames. They fought the fires for as long as they could before the locals got involved and began fighting this.

“Why are we staying here?” Krampus asked as he peered over the side of the sleigh.

Santa watched the people put out the last of the flames and rescue the living from the rubble. “Just want to be sure everything is okay. Such a tragedy, and to have it happen on Christmas morning. Oh, those poor families.”

“Yeah, yeah, it’s real sad. They have this under control. Can we go home now?”

“They’re leaving.” Santa said.

Krampus replied, “they’re through. They’re leaving. We can leave.”

“Not yet. I sense something.”

“What do...” Krampus fell over as Santa turned the sleigh sharply toward the ground.

They landed in the middle of one of the burnt homes. Smoke and fire blackened everything. Before Krampus could protest, Santa jumped down from the sleigh, into the middle of this mess. With a reluctant huff, Krampus joined him.

“What are you doing in here?”

Santa quickly held up his hand over Krampus’s mouth, and then carefully walked among the debris. Soon, both could hear the crying of a baby. “Oh, dear god.” Santa said.

A woman was in a crouched position, her body wrapped around a child. The woman was dead, black marks covering her body, her clothes completely seared off. Santa carefully unfurled the dead woman and found the living child she saved.

“Is the baby okay?” Krampus asked, a hint of genuine concern in his voice.

Santa nodded, tears in his eyes, “just a little smoke. Her mother saved her life.” He touched the child’s head. “I... I sense no family. This baby has no relatives left in this world.”

“What a pity. We should bring the baby to an orphanage.”

Santa sat there, holding the crying infant. “What a cruel fate. To be born into a world, then lose both parents without ever truly knowing them. Then to be sent to an orphanage to live hoping a kind soul would give you the love other children enjoy.”

“Come on, we need to get going. Someone is bound to see us.” Krampus pulled on Santa’s shoulder.

“Krampus. I can’t do it. I can’t let her go.”


“She is so little, so innocent. She deserves the love of a parent. I want to give her that.”

Krampus gasped, “this isn’t like giving a kid a cake or toy.”

“I know. This is the most valuable gift in the world. I want to hold her in my arms, as my daughter.”

Krampus let out a soft sigh, “Lord Dragon will not approve of this.”

“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” Santa stood with the baby cradled in his arms.

Krampus took him by the shoulders and whisked them both back into the Sleigh, which blasted off into the early morning sun, heading back toward the North Pole.
Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Krampus snaked his way through the workshop. He stepped over a pile of wood remnants and avoided a collision with a tray of cookies. In his hand, he carried three sharp throwing knives.

“Angela!” Krampus called out in that deep, gruff voice of his.

A ten-year-old little girl ran to the edge of the raised walkway above him. “Uncle Krampus!”

“I’m back, and I have something for you.”

Just then Santa joined her on the walkway, looking down at his brother. “Oh, when did you get in?”

“Just now. The meeting with Lord Dragon was shorter than I expected. He asked about you.”

“I expected him to.”

Krampus tossed one of those knives up and caught it by the handle. “He said you’ve been missing too many meetings.”

“It’s just for him to check on us. He knows I’m the busiest of our kind here on Earth, and none of us have seen one morphon particle in the atmosphere, so no Legion either.”

Krampus smiled up at the little girl. “Wanna try these babies out?”

She looked up at Santa, “can I?”

Santa frowned. “I still don’t like you teaching her a combat skill. But, she enjoys it and I have to get ready for Christmas Eve in two days. Go ahead. Just...don’t hurt yourself.”

“I won’t.” She ran off.

Krampus smiled as Angela raced up to him, bouncing along the way. She grabbed a cookie from a passing tray before reaching him. He held the blades up for her. “These are special, made by the finest metal smiths in Japan. Very sharp and perfectly balanced...at least by human standards.”

She shoved the cookie in her mouth and took the three throwing blades. “They feel better than the knives I learned with.”

“I know. Now, try to hit me.” He zipped back away from her about ten yards.

She took aim and threw with precision most humans would envy. Krampus dodged the first, then the second, but the third almost got him in the arm. He caught it in his claws.

“Gotcha!” She bounced around in victory.

“Yes. You’re getting better. Next time, don’t miss with the first two. Try again.” He handed her the blades and then moved back again.

Angela threw at him for hours, almost hitting him many times. He was quicker with his hands than her and could catch any that would make contact. The last round she threw her second blade, which he caught, but didn’t catch that third blade. He quickly whipped his head to the side and used his horn to deflect it, deflected it away from his face.

Angela gasped, “sorry!”

He picked up the blades. “Don’t be. That was impressive. I’m no easy target. You show considerable skill, especially for a human.”

Santa arrived just then. “That is because she’s a very special little human, she’s my daughter. Now, Angela, Uncle Krampus and daddy need to get things ready for Christmas. Play with all those nice toys in your room.”

“Can I come with you this year? Please, please, please. I want to see other humans.”

Santa said, “no, my child. Now, get going.”

She took her blades and raced toward her room.

Krampus came over to his brother. “Why won’t you let her come? She’s been living up here for ten years. Eventually she’ll need to be with her own kind. This isn’t the place for a human to spend their life.”

“Why not?” Santa softly asked.

Krampus gave his brother a sideways look. “What?”

“I love her, she’s my daughter. I don’t want to see her leave... ever.”

“She is not your daughter, she is an orphan you rescued. She is not one of us, and she needs to live with her own kind someday.”

“I guess. But, the longer she is with me, the more I dread that day coming.”

Krampus shook his head, “come on, let’s plan out our trip.”

“I was thinking...Krampus...it might not be wise...what I mean is… maybe this year, uh, you don’t need to go.”

“What!? This is my job as much as it is yours.”

“I don’t know about that. I give them gifts, you terrorize them.”

Krampus said, “the deal was, you give the good little kids gifts, I give the brats a lesson.”

Santa said, “I was just thinking... maybe it is punishment enough that I don’t give gifts to the bad children. We don’t need to traumatize them.”

“I can’t believe I’m hearing this!” Krampus growled and grunted, then pointed back toward the living quarters, “it’s because of Angela, isn’t it?”


“Oh, yes, it is! You want to protect her from the likes of me, and you extend that to all children. Well, this world is just like ours was, hard and difficult. We can’t coddle all these people with pretty toys and sweet candy all the time. Hard lessons help them grow into better humans.”

Santa said, “fine, it’s true. The more time I spend with her, the more I realize how innocent and sweet she is. The idea of her going through what you do to children... scares me.”

Krampus got in Santa’s face, “I will do my job, you do yours. I’ll go out on my own if you won’t give me a ride. You can’t stop me.”

“I understand. We will go together.”

“Get your fat butt to the map room, we have plans to go over.” Krampus stomped away, fuming mad.


A beautiful woman in a warm, red outfit strolled into Santa’s office. She smiled at him as he folded up an ancient map.

“How’d it go?”

Santa stuffed the folded map into the drawer of his antique desk. “Perfectly. This was a great Christmas Eve. The weather over most of the world was decent, unlike last year.”

“Oh, yes. The blizzard in North America was terrible. I have never worried about you like that before. Glad it wasn’t that bad this year.”

“All was well. And, I stopped and pick this up for you. It is all the rage in England and America.” He handed her a book.

She held it, “oh, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. What is this, a song book?”

“No, it is a fable about three spirits visiting a miser and teaching him to have a kind heart. I dare say this has revitalized Christmas in the world in ways I thought impossible.”

She hugged him, “you give the best presents. I will begin reading it right away.” Opening it, she marveled at the drawings inside the cover.

Santa touched his nose, and a tray appeared with two cups on it. “Here, let’s have a nice sip of some Christmas tradition.”

“ooh, Eggnog, my favorite.” She took the silver cup and drank some of the rich liquid. “Oh, this is the best kind. So creamy.”

“Now, off to bed. I have other presents waiting for you in the morning.”

“Dad, you don’t have to treat me like a little girl.”

“Just enjoy it. No other child has Santa Claus as her father. Let me have my fun. Off to bed and don’t spend too much time reading.”

She gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek and then walked away, sipping the drink and looking at her book.

Krampus came in after her, “you give it to her?”

“Yup. She loves to read. I wanted to find an original copy of the book, not just a magical reproduction I made.”

“Well, I hope it’s worth the trouble. We spent too long searching London for that book. I missed several excellent opportunities to really have fun with some terrible children.”

“It’s worth it to see that smile on her face.”

Krampus sniffed the air and looked at the cup, “oh, I see you’re still at it.”

“At what?” Santa pretended not to know.

Krampus shook his head, “you have been slowly infusing magic in her, our magic. She is sixty-seven years old and doesn’t look a day over twenty. She’s human, let her be human.”

“But, she will grow old. I... I can’t bear to watch her pass of old age.”

“It will happen, eventually. You can’t keep this up. If you infuse too much magic in her, there’s no telling what it will do.”

“What would you have me do?”

“Wipe her memory, give her a basic life, set her up in a home in a human city, then set her free.”

“She’s no captive!”

“Yes, she is. And, she is holding both of us back.”

Santa sat there in silence, not responding to his brother.

“You can’t let her stay. I will inform Lord Dragon if you don’t do something about this.”

Santa looked up at his brother, “don’t you care about her? Don’t you feel like she is family?”

“She is nothing more to me than a pet around here. I like her and have enjoyed some of our time together, but there is a time when you have to prioritize. She must go.” He turned to leave.

Santa stood up and touched his nose, Krampus’s green bag flew to his hand. “You won’t tell Lord Dragon.”

“Give it back.”

“You know that Lord Dragon gave me the right to control you after what you did on our world before Legion left. I can take your power and stop you from ever leaving this place.”

“You would choose that human over me?”

Santa slowly nodded, “I love her. She is my daughter. I will protect her.”

Krampus came up, snatched his bag, and then said, “I won’t divulge her to Lord Dragon. But, mark my words, this will not end well.”
Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Santa paced in his workshop while the elves carefully filled his magical bag with all the goodies they had made. A team rushed by with wrapped up fruitcakes and other baked treats. The flurry of activity was not uncommon for Christmas Eve, but Santa seemed even more worried as each moment passed.

“Is he back yet?” Angela asked as she approached.

Santa continued to pace. “No. I haven’t a word from him at all. I can’t believe he convinced me to let him scout the European front. It’s madness out there.”

“If anyone can handle themselves in the middle of a war, it’s Uncle Krampus.”

Santa shook his head, “you don’t understand. During the war on our world, he took fiendish delight in stirring up trouble for both sides. He has a chaotic spirit that loves anarchy. I keep him under control.”

Angela lost any sense of happiness on her face. “With the Great War happening, this could be trouble.”

“I know. He has grown increasingly unsatisfied with his work in the last fifty years. This might be too much temptation.”

Angela smiled again and took a cup of hot cider from an elf. She held it up to Santa. “Right now, we don’t have any idea what he’s up to. You could be worrying about nothing.”

Santa took a drink of the steaming beverage. Spending a moment to allow the warmth to fill him, he calmly said, “you’re right. When did you get so wise?”

She grinned. “I think it was on my one hundred and thirtieth birthday.”

Santa drank down the rest of the cider and handed her the silver mug. “Well, even though this world is at war, we still have a lot of children who will need the Christmas cheer. Help me get the sleigh ready. I have to make sure the reindeer have had enough sugar.”

“SANTA!” An elf ran up to him.

“What is it?”

“We’ve had a sighting over the north pole. Someone magical is approaching.”

Santa frowned, “over the pole... Krampus doesn’t fly. Might be a visit from Lord Dragon. Angela, you know what to do.”

“Right.” She gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek and then left to hide.

Before Santa could do anything else, someone swooped in through a tall window and landed. Cupid shook off a layer of snow and then shivered across his half naked body. “How can you stand all this cold?”

“I wear clothes,” Santa muttered. “What are you doing here?”

“We have a problem. It’s your brother.”

“Krampus... what about him?”

Cupid said, “I have been watching over Europe during this horrible war. Lord Dragon won’t let me intervene, just observe. What I’ve observed is your brother instigating more and more fighting. They were calming down. But where he goes, the fighting gets worse. It’s like what he did before we came here.”

“Damn. I worried about sending him to the front. Can you help me get him out of there?”

Cupid nodded. “I’ll help. But, we have to help the humans. Krampus has stirred them into a frenzy. This war was terrible enough, but it will be a bloodbath over night if we don’t cool it down.”

Santa shook his head. “A bloody war... on Christmas day. I...” he looked up with a twinkle in his eye, “I know what to do. You get help, get Krampus back here on the double. Restrain him however you can. I will take care of the front lines.” Santa marched off toward his sleigh.

Cupid called to him, “what can you do?”

“My job. Trust me. I have this. You just make sure Krampus is stopped.”

Cupid pulled out his bow and then ran for the doors.


Santa swooped over the battlefields of Europe. Thousands of soldiers fought in the bloody rubble of what was once beautiful country sides. Men too young to be losing their lives were riddled with bullets and left to die in the mud as their fellow officers raced to do the same to their enemies.

“Oh, Krampus, what have you wrought?” Santa could sense it, the power emanating from the humans. Krampus had spread a lust for battle, a greed for evil, and thirst for death in them. He didn’t cause this war, and they would still fight, but they were hardly more than wild animals at this point.

Santa turned the sleigh up and drove through thick clouds. He spoke the ancient tongue of his people. His sleigh lit up and waves of golden energy rushed through the clouds like lightning. Snow trickled down, touching all the people below. The intense struggle slowed down. Some people stopped entirely and hunkered into their holes and trenches. The violence ceased.

This amazing snowfall fell over the continent. To the people below, it seemed just like another wintry Christmas Eve. They had no idea that the snow itself was infused with the fundamental magic from Santa, cheer. British soldiers sang Christmas carols, then their German counterparts joined in. They declared truces, men who had formerly been shooting at one another were now joining hands in celebration of the holiday. Santa sighed in great relief as he watched this transpire. Hours had passed since he began this snow, and it was working. He knew this magic wouldn’t last more than a day at most, but it would remove whatever Krampus had done. Now this was free of Krampus’s influence. He turned his sleigh northward and headed back.

Santa lowered the sleigh into the special opening above his workshop. He stepped out and found Angela waiting for him.

“What are you doing here?”

She trembled as she said, “Lord Dragon is here. I’ve been hiding.”

“Good girl. Stay here. I will deal with all this. Be ready, I will need your help tonight.”


Santa nodded. “Yes, but I will tell you later.” he patted her on the head and left.

It did not take long for him to hear the yelling of his brother. Krampus was on his knees in front of Lord Dragon, Lady Phoenix, and Cupid. A magic arrow protruded from his back, doing no physical harm, but it restrained him from getting up.

Santa came into the room, “Lord Dragon, Lady Phoenix... I don’t believe I have ever seen you in my workshop. I was not expecting Cupid to ask for your help.”

Lord Dragon sternly said, “he didn’t. We came because we sensed what you did.”


Krampus bellowed, “see! I’m not the only one who bends the rules!”

“SILENCE!” Lord Dragon spoke and Krampus could no longer speak, his mouth was bound shut.

Lady Phoenix said, “Santa, did you use your Vexillian magic in its fullness tonight?”

“I... I did.” Santa admitted.

Cupid gasped, “what?”

Santa explained, “my brother had cursed many thousands of humans, sending them into a madness. I simply couldn’t allow it to continue. If I had used my half-powers, it would have taken too long. So, I connected with my talisman and cast a very special spell over the battlefields. It worked.”

Lord Dragon said, “I’m sure it did. But, these humans will suffer even greater battles if Legion sensed that.”

“I knew the risk. I felt I had little choice.”

Lady Phoenix said, “Lord Dragon and I were able to conceal it before the echo of the magic left this planet. We are safe. But, that was an extremely foolish move.”

Lord Dragon said, “foolish it may have been, but necessary. I do not condemn you, Santa Claus, for what you did. Your brother, on the other hand, deserves great condemnation.”

Santa softly said, “I shall deal with my brother. I promised to be his keeper when we came to this world... and I failed. It is my duty to continue to watch over him. Give me the ability to restrain his magic.”

Lord Dragon bowed to Santa, “it is yours. The talisman of Krampus is under your control. Now, we must leave you. All of us.” He looked up at Cupid.

Cupid quickly bowed out and left. Lady Phoenix leaned over and kissed Krampus on the forehead. “Perhaps some time of punishment will help you.” In a flash of fire, she vanished away.

Lord Dragon stepped up and looked at Krampus, who struggled to tell him something, but couldn’t open his mouth. “It is only by mercy and grace that we allow you to live. Do not forget that.” He just about transformed when he looked off, “I sense another of our kind... I believe... the sensation is extremely weak.”

Santa looked back. His eyes widened when he realized what this was. With a gentle smile, he did something he had never done before, lied to Lord Dragon. “That is probably my sleigh. It is still mildly over charged from the use. It will fade quickly, I’m sure.”

“Of course.” Lord Dragon vanished away.

Krampus spoke, now that Lord Dragon wasn’t present to keep him silent. “He can sense her. You’ve used too much magic to keep her alive.”

“Leave her alone.”

“When I tell him...” Before Krampus could finish his taunt, he vanished away and was sealed inside a block of ice, deep inside the snow outside.

Santa walked back to his Sleigh and found his daughter waiting on him. “Well... what happened to Uncle Krampus?”

Santa gently took the old green sack out of the sleigh. “He’s being punished. His myth will return to just that, myth. I have a long night ahead of me and I’m behind schedule. Care to join me?”

“ME! YES, YES, YES! I’ve wanted to go along my entire life.”

“Then, get a warm outfit on and let’s get going.”
Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

Santa walked down the long ice path into the dark depths inside the prison he created. It held one occupant and had only one cell, but was a vital prison for the safety of the world. When he reached the furthest extent of this place, he looked back to be sure his elves did not see him. His brother stood in front of him, motionless, trapped inside clear ice. Santa reached up and placed his hand on the ice, a green aura lit up around Krampus.

Krampus’s head moved as if the ice weren’t there. He cried out, “Brother... what have you done to me?”

“I had to. You were a danger to this world and to my daughter.”

Krampus glared, “don’t treat me as a fool, brother. It is only your daughter you cared about.”

“If you truly believe that, then you are a greater fool than I thought possible. I love this world. I care about these humans. I do what I do for them, not just Angela. Yes, I feared for her safety from you, but I also feared for all those people you were cursing to kill one another.”

“They were going to kill each other anyway. What I did was only make the pain quicker. You might say I was the more generous of us. Tell me, how goes this Great War of theirs? Did you step in and stop it?”

Santa quietly said, “that war, which is known today as World War One, ended sixty-one years ago.”

“WHAT! How long have you trapped me in this?”

“Sixty-three years. And, I find no pleasure in this, brother. We were once the best of friends. But, you have changed.”

“It is both of us that has changed, dear brother. You would never have considered such an act against me before.”

Santa said, “I did not come to bicker. I wanted to ask you to be my family one more time. Just for the day.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s Angela’s two hundredth birthday. She... she doesn’t know all the evils you have done. She knows you are imprisoned here, but she still harbors the love of her uncle. We are the only family she has ever truly known. I thought, perhaps, you would like to join us in celebrating. I thought you'd want to say a real goodbye.”

Krampus scoffed, “to that brat! I should have tossed her in my sack for good when we found her.”

Santa was taken aback, “what? How can you say such a thing?”

“That child changed you. Changed everything between us. You loved helping these pathetic humans, then you raised one and learned to love them, act like they are worthy of us. You bound me in this prison to protect her. You choose her over your own blood. I want nothing to do with her.”

Santa softly said, “she loved you.”

“I don’t care. I have no room in my heart for love of an insect not worth being my servant. Tell her that. Tell her that her beloved Uncle hates her, loathes her and her kind.”

Santa turned from Krampus, “I can’t do that.”

“Then she will be as weak as her little father. You may still have your magic, brother, but you’re still weak. When I get out of here, and I will, I will show this world just how little and pathetic they are. Lord Dragon fears Legion will come, HA! I shall be Legion to these people.”

Santa turned and had his hands up, power running over them. Krampus wheezed and gasped, “I can kill you right now, brother. You are so weak in your powers that it would take a mere thought of mine to execute you.” He tightened his fingers together, squeezing the life out of Krampus. Then he let go and stumbled back. “No... I won’t do it. I won’t be like you.”

Krampus gagged and wheezed, “see... weak.”

Santa waved his hand. The ice returned to normal, and Krampus no longer taunted him. He walked away, whispering, “I shall never see your face again, if I can manage it, brother.”

Santa walked through his workshop, dozens of elves tirelessly taking care of the never-ending job. They smiled at him, but he did not return the joviality. He paused in the middle of the work floor and looked up at a hallway that led to the quarters.

“Cocoa, Mr. Santa?” A little woman elf came up and held out a tray with a steaming silver cup of hot cocoa.

He took the drink and smiled back at her, “Thank you.”

“My pleasure.” She scurried off.

He watched her and the others. These creatures he used for this task were as old as this workshop. They weren’t real. He could only sense the basic magic he used to craft them seven centuries ago. They had personalities, thoughts, and emotions. Yet, they were no more than characters from a book, not living, breathing creatures. They were not like the one soul he could sense in this place. Angela was deep in the quarters, sitting in the main room of the palatial suite he called home. As he stretched his powers to sense her, he grew more worried.

“Mr. Santa, is something wrong?” Bernard stopped and asked him.

“Nothing you can help with. Please, excuse me.” He handed the elf the cup and walked down the corridor.

Santa stepped into a room right out of a Christmas painting. The walls were deep brown wood, gold gilded books lined carved wooden shelves. Plush, red and green chairs encircled a low table with holly and candles on it. A mighty fire crackled in a deep hearth, illuminating the room. A light scent of natural woods, wood smoke, and wassail filled his nose.

Angela sat in a deep green velvet chair, reading a book. She flipped pages as she munched on fresh sugar cookies.

“Good afternoon, Angela.”

Sitting up with a burst of motion, she snapped the book closed and pushed it to the side. “Oh, hello father. I was just... reading.”

“Where did you get this book?” Santa came over, a knowing twinkle in his eye.

She blushed and showed him the novel. “I... found it as I scouted yesterday.”

Santa took up the book, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. An amusing tale?”

“Oh, yes. I would love to visit this factory in the book. They need these special tickets and... are you angry with me?”

Santa sat down across from her. “I gave you the responsibility of helping me scout the world before planning the route for the year. But, each time, you steal more stuff. Why do you do it? I will give you whatever you want.”

“I’m sorry, father. But, there are times I see things that I cannot ask for, since I don’t know what they are. So, I take them. Don’t worry, Uncle Krampus taught me how to take things without people knowing. I’m really good at it.”

“I know you are. I wish you wouldn’t rely in your uncle’s teachings as much as you do. He taught you too many skills I don’t like. Throwing knives, stealing, sneaking.”

Angela asked, “is what Bernard told me true? That I shouldn’t be able to fly your sleigh.”

“When did he tell you this?”

“When I brought it back in after scouting. I asked him to help me fly it into the bay, but he said he couldn’t and that I shouldn’t. It is only supposed to work for you.”

Santa said, “he isn’t wrong, but isn’t right either. That sleigh is very special. You know that. It requires magic to fly, and only those of my kind can fly it. I have... gifted you much magic over the years. Too much, I fear.”

Angela didn’t appear to understand, “oh. Um...so, are we going to have a birthday party? I am excited about this.”

“Yes.” He clapped his hands and a team of elves rushed in with food, gifts, decorations, and all the cheer you would expect to find.

It was a wonderful evening of happiness. They sang songs, gave gifts to Angela, and played little games. One elf presented a special book filled with pictures and paintings of all the birthday parties.

Santa sat with his daughter and flipped through the many pages of images. The elves filled the room to watch as he talked about each special moment. While Angela found this amusing and good fun, Santa grew sad with each passing moment.

“Father, is something the matter?”

Santa wistfully said, “Angela, you have given me a special meaning to Christmas. Each year, we celebrate your birthday just before the holiday. You, my child, were the greatest gift I could ever receive. Two hundred birthdays along now, and I still treasure each year.”

“I love you too, father.”

Santa waved his hand and the elves all filed out of the room. He then motioned for Angela to stand. Taking her hands with his, he said, “I have a special birthday gift for you. One that will change your life.”

“Oh... what is it?”

A tear rolled down his face. “Angela, my sweet, sweet child. There are things in this world that you don’t understand. Evils that are lurking very close. There comes a time when a parent must choose what is right for their child, and not just what makes them happy.”

“What are you saying?”

Santa fought tears and spent a moment gathering himself, “Angela...my...baby girl. You cannot stay here any longer. The power I use to keep you with me is seeping deep into your soul. Soon, you will be a risk to yourself. I cannot keep hiding you from the world and from my kind. I must... I must let you go.”

She pulled away from him, “father! What do you mean?”

“Humans do not live for two hundred years, as you have. They believe I am a myth and that this place doesn’t even exist. I must let you go back to your kind and forget me, forget this place, and especially forget your Uncle.”

“I don’t want to go.” She held her chest, “father...don’t make me leave.”

“It is for your own good, my dear.”

She cried. “Please, don’t do this.”

He came over, took her in his arms and held close. Her weeping stopped as his magic overcame her. Now limp in his arms, he put his face on her shoulder and whispered through his tears, “I will always love you, my daughter.”
Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

The cold stung Santa’s face as he slowly came around. He could still feel Angela in his arms that last day he was with her. The tears felt fresh on his face. Deep in his mind, he still questioned his choice to send her away.

Then came a loud explosion followed by a wave of heat that pushed aside the cold air for a moment. This abruptly changed his mental state. He woke and recalled what he had been doing just prior to losing strength. Before falling, he had jumped back in his sleigh and raced across the frozen north to help stop his brother and Lady Phoenix. It was his responsibility to face his brother. Then his energy faded. Something stole it and the sleigh crashed into a snow-covered part of Iceland, near to the battle. Now, he looked up, battered and bruised, and watched a figure step out of the fire.

“Angela.” He rasped as he saw Chase standing there, transforming into the lovely image of Lady Phoenix, “no...you can’t do this to her. My baby...” He passed out just after watching her fly off with Krampus.

“We have him!” A voice spoke over him as hands lifted him out of the snow. He wasn’t sure how much time passed since he blacked out again. Sounds of people and machinery got through to him, but he was too weak to even open his eyes.

Nova said, “oh, god. Not Santa as well.”

Starmaster answered, “he’s not the only one.”

Nova said, “get him to the shuttle, now. And, make sure we collect his Sleigh. I want double security around all found talisman, Chained Angel I need...” his voice trailed off as he gave more orders.

Time flew by again, and Santa felt a hand on his forehead. Warmth returned to him slowly, and the world grew more real by the second.

“Come on, big fella, wake up.” EB’s voice was a welcome sound.

Santa forced his eyes open, blurriness filling them at first. He could see the tiny figure of the Easter Bunny right next to his head.

“Stand aside, please.” The Wizard came over and waved a hand over Santa. “Ah, good. He’s doing much better.”

Santa managed to say, “I am alive, what’s left of me that is.”

EB held up a brightly colored object, “Here, eat this. It’ll help.”

They guided Santa to a sitting position with the help of The Wizard. He took the nicely wrapped egg and opened it to find a peppermint white chocolate egg. He knew exactly what this was for. Taking a generous bite, he tasted the infused magic, and that pepped him up quickly.

“Feel’n better?” EB asked.

“Much. Thank you.” He took another bite and looked around the room. Maneki-neko, Ananzi, Cupid, Quetzalcoatl in his human form, and the Tooth Fairy sat on similar beds, eating EB’s special chocolate. “Oh, my.”

EB nodded, “all were sapped of strength by Lady Phoenix. I’m trying to help, but I can’t replace the magic she stole.”

Santa felt his chest, “I feel... emptier. Like, part of me has been taken.”

“She absorbed power from all of us.”

“You too?” Santa asked.

“Not as much. When I got to North America to help, they had the evacuation under control and I tried to assist in that first. I set an egg up to be a light, instead of me. When she drained magic from us, she hit my egg first. About the time she got to sapping myself, the ruby was broken. So, I am stronger than the rest of you. But, still... I’m missing strength.”

Santa stood from the bed and had to spend a moment gathering himself with help from both The Wizard and EB. Once he stopped wobbling, he said, “I’m fine. I can move on my own. I need to see Director Nova immediately. Is he here?”

The Wizard said, “Sure, he’s with Lord Dragon.”

“Lord Dragon,” Santa whispered that name, growing a little distant in his thoughts. “He... he is here?”

EB and The Wizard exchanged worried looks. The Wizard said, “he’s in the Arboretum... he’s much weaker than the rest of the Mythics.”

“Take me to him, now.”

EB materialized his Basket filled with colorful eggs. He held it up to The Wizard, “here, more medicine for them. Do not let any humans eat this chocolate, it won’t agree with them.”


Lady Phoenix, in her flowing red outfit, strolled through a town on the Eastern Coast of America. Beside her followed Krampus, scaring people as he passed. In fact, he would stop and growl and roar as children stared at him. Their screams of terror made him laugh with joy.

“What are we doing here, my lady?”

She smiled and toyed with her hair as they continued toward the water’s edge. “For seven hundred years, my husband spent his time sitting on a throne and remaining indifferent to human affairs. His one goal was to maintain the balance among our kind. He was a ruler of Vexillians who was content to remain in that same position.”

“That is interesting, my lady. But, how does it answer my question?”

She stopped at the edge of a cliff that overlooked the ocean. “I spent my time studying the humans. Learning their histories, their myths, their cultures. At first, I wanted to help our fellow Vexillians discover the myths they emulated. However, I grew more knowledgeable about this world and it’s people.” She held out a hand and the waters at a distance rolled and bubbled.

“I understand. You helped me learn the story of Krampus, and I have enjoyed this role greatly. But, what does this have to do with our goals or why we are here?”

Her hand still held out, she smiled and answered, “one inescapable truth of this world is that they are a people of fear. They fear new things. When new, more dangerous enemies arose, they would scramble in fear, they would cower and call upon their pathetic deities to save them. They created terrifying myths of horrible demons and monsters so to give names and images to their fears.” The waters turned turbulent as she continued to control something.

Krampus asked, “And?”

“In the end, their stories always came to the heroes. Those who stepped up to fight the enemy that seemed impossible to face. This became a truth in reality as they stepped up against the tyrants, the empires, the dictators, and toppled them. They are a blood-thirsty people.”

Krampus was about to ask another question when something breached the waters. Tall lights on thick poles broke through, followed by ceilings and walls. Massive stands of empty seats came next, surrounding a mighty field. Water poured off the surfaces, fell through every hole, cracks spurted out fish and seaweed. The former League Wars Arena rose from where BADGE had hidden it away. Then, joining it, another object burst through the waters, then another. Rusted hold hulls from long forgotten ship wrecks rose. Large parts and various metallic debris came up as well. Ropes, tires, chains, and other items joined this cloud of sunken flotsam.

Lady Phoenix turned back to Krampus, now both hands held up. Behind her, this collection orbited the old Arena. She lifted up, taking Krampus with her. Both hovered out toward the metal.

“We want heroes to come to us, to prove to us they are worthy of being the founding members of my new Legion. We must provide them a temple of power, a focal point of their fears.” As they passed through the cloud of debris, metal bent, ripped apart, slammed together. The stadium broke apart and rearranged itself.

They stopped moving and simply hovered directly over the former stadium field, while it changed and molded into something different. Krampus watched this transformation, “what are you making, my lady?”

“A temple of fear. The weak shall flee, but the strong shall attempt to prevail. Those worthy will become Legion. The unworthy shall perish.”
Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

Chromatic Death sat on a large stone in the Arboretum and strummed on his guitar. For once, he wasn’t blasting sounds or shredding out a harsh chord. This was a soft lament. Honey bees zipped around him, birds sung in the trees nearby, the artificial sun met its apex on the dome of glass. Little robots worked on repairing parts of the glass still, the adventures of Halloween leaving marks all over this beautiful oasis among the stark, metallic world of the BADGE space station. Krystal Fae walked by and quietly said, “if you don’t mind, please find another place to play. I don’t want to disturb him.”

With a huff, Chromatic stopped. Just as he was about to jump down from the rock, a deep voice said, “please...don’t stop playing.”

Both Chromatic and Krystal looked over to the massive dragon laying on his side in the middle of the Arboretum. Lord Dragon gently turned his head and looked at Chromatic with sad eyes. Chromatic gave a half smile, scooted back onto the rock, and continued the music.

Krystal walked over to the battered dragon, “sir. I didn’t know you were awake.”

“Sleep has evaded me for days. I remain still as I consider all that has happened. I think of all I have been forced to do. The lingering memories that hang in my tortured mind prevent rest. It is only by this music that I find any respite from the deep pain.”

“Can I do anything about the pain? We have medicine and I know a lot of special magic for healing.” She offered.

Lord Dragon said, “no, my dear. Mage or potion can not heal this pain. This is the pain of a heart forced to execute his own son, forced to fight his own wife. The pain that dwells in my soul is born from the regret of what my kind has done to your precious world. Woe is it to be tortured without fail. I brought our people here in hopes of peace. We sought refuge away from an enemy most foul. An enemy that destroyed without fail. We spent seven hundred years protecting this world from the sight of that enemy. Yet, they came anyway.”

Krystal smiled, “we fought and defeated Legion many times. We broke down their organization and sent the dregs of their armies fleeing. I’d say we did pretty good. And I know you and your kind helped us be ready for that. We owe you much.”

Lord Dragon turned his mighty head away from her, “ah, what you owe us? No, it is we who owe the people of this world. My son cost so many lives, turned so much to turmoil. Now, my wife, the woman whom I love greater than all others, is filled with evil and I cannot do anything to stop her. I fear we all are lost.”

“Lord Dragon, I...”

Lord Dragon turned his head away from her. “Ah, the music. Music, a language both our peoples speak. A skilled teacher, a great peacemaker, a simple harmony that binds the universe together by the essence of sound itself.” He mused as Chromatic strummed his gentle song.

Krystal quietly left the sorrowful Dragon and headed for the exit to the Arboretum. Director Nova walked in with Skelanimal beside him.

“Sir, he’s really depressed. I can’t help him.”

Nova held up his hand and continued. Skelanimal passed her, a strange collar around his neck. Krystal gave the villain a glare.

Director Nova approached Lord Dragon, “enough moping, we have a lot to figure out!”

Lord Dragon didn’t even look at Nova, “not today, my old friend.”

Nova walked around, grabbed one of Lord Dragon’s horns, and yanked his head to the side so they would look at each other. “We don’t have time to wallow in regrets. I want you to be part of this.”

Lord Dragon spent a moment looking at Nova, and then a brief smile came to his enormous mouth. “Always on the job. As you wish, I will be a part of this.” He flashed and transformed into his human appearance.

Nova shoved Skelanimal in between them. “Okay, talk.”

Skelanimal pushed his fingers around the collar, “I don’t need this thing. I said I ain’t your enemy no more.”

Nova scoffed, “Like I’m gonna trust you. It stays, and you stop complaining about it. Now, you said you wanted to tell me something about this whole ruby situation. Talk!”

Skelanimal sneered at Nova and then gained a little fear in his eyes at the sight of Chromatic Death sitting on the rock nearby. “Right, the ruby. Well, it’s like this. You know that I, sorta, had dealings with Legion when they were here.”

“Yes, you helped them occasionally.”

“I also fought them too,” Skelanimal protested. “Whatever. Anyway, I learned about a device they used to corrupt people and turn them evil. Well, not evil, it just enhanced their most wicked tendencies. The most goody person out there would suddenly be greedy and mean. Anyway, I had this idea. What if I took some powerful people and helped them let loose? Ya know, really be strong.”

Lord Dragon said, “evilness is not strength.”

“Yah. Yah, I know. Anyway, I thought I would get help from a Mythic, one that wasn’t popular. If I could team up with him, then I could build a bigger team. Kill at League Wars, get all the trophies, that kinda stuff.”

Nova was pinching the bridge of his nose. “You unleashed Krampus and tried to use an evil inducing machine just to get better trophies in League Wars?”

“It seemed like a good idea at the time.”

Nova said, “what about the ruby?”

“Right, I used an old Legion laser to free Krampus, and he agreed to help me. Well, I realize now he was using me, but it was working. He had this plan, you see. Lady Phoenix lost her ruby, it was busted up real good by Jinn. We find all the shards, we can bring her back. Or, at least part of her. He said something about a host or whatever, I don’t know, this was all way above my head. I just knew we would have three of the most powerful people on Earth.”

“Three?” Nova sarcastically stated.

“Yeah, me, Krampus, and Lady Phoenix.”

“I count two, but go on.” Nova waved a hand.

Skelanimal sneered at him and continued, “anyway, that’s the deal. I don’t know if the machine is still around or not. But, if he used it on whatever that person is that came out of the fire, she’s as wicked as she can be. That thing really does a good job mess’n with people.”

Nova looked at Lord Dragon. “Lady Phoenix has always been the embodiment of good and kindness. I don’t see how some Legion tech could turn her evil?”

Lord Dragon said, “it is a sad truth, my old friend, that evil lurks in the hearts of all. It is the choice to be kind that defeats it. We Vexillians contain great power, and power can breed wickedness, as we found my in son, Jinn. Thus, it is possible.”

Nova asked Skelanimal, “you said he needed a host?”

“Yeah, something about putting the Lady Phoenix into someone. I said we could just nab someone on the street, but he said that wouldn’t work. He had an idea, and since he seemed to know more about this, I just went with it.”

Lord Dragon grew more interested in this, “what was his idea?”

“Not really clear on that. He grabbed that Chase chick, said she’d work. He seemed interested in her from before we got our hands on her. So, I think it was her.”

Nova said, “why Chase?”

Lord Dragon said, “this makes little sense to me. Bonding with a human is not possible, not with our power. I don’t understand.”

Just then Santa approached with EB at his side, “I believe I can answer that.”

EB ran over and hugged Lord Dragon’s leg, “it’s so good to see you awake, sir.” He quickly held up an egg, “here, eat this.”

Nova asked, “Santa, what do you know?”

“I have something to tell you, something that no one here knows of. Chase…. is my daughter.”

“What?” EB, Chromatic Death, and Nova all said this at the same time.

Lord Dragon’s eyes narrowed, and a look of fierce anger grew on his face. “Explain!”

Just then Nova’s comm device buzzed and Commander Justin came through, “Director, please come to the Operations. Something’s happening you need to see.”
Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

The theater inside the BADGE station flickered with the dull light of It’s a Wonderful Life. Currently, George Bailey stood near the edge of a bridge, contemplating the many tragedies that piled up on him. The rushing icy waters under the bridge reminded him of that fateful day in his childhood, and a kind face appears to give him hope... even though he doesn’t want it. Strange Quark tossed another bottle on the pile and immediately grabbed a new one and flicked the cap off with his thumb. He upended it and drank a healthy amount. He took a drink as Clarence jumped into the waters.

“Come on, Gar, I can sense you in the room.” Quark said after downing practically another entire bottle.

Gar walked down the aisle to the front of the theater. He’s demeanor was that of a child who had watched his puppy get hit by a car. “I... I didn’t want to disturb you.”

Quark laughed, tossed the newly emptied bottle with the rest, and then said, “go on, disturb me. I’ve watched this movie ten times in a row already.” He pressed a button on the arm of his chair and the sound muted for the movie.

Gar walked over and sat down in a rather large seat to compensate for his wings. He tried to say something, but fought to find words. Finally, he decided on a different topic, “um...how...how are you doing?”

Quark picked up another bottle, but then didn’t open it. “Better, I guess. I haven’t felt normal in a long time. Okay, normal for me, that is. Now that I know I had something in me, I realize what this was.” He rifled through his collection of liquors and found a fresh bottle. “How are you holding up?”

Gar seemed to grow distant as he answered, “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know how you feel?”

“No. I have been guilty, then angry, then mean. I have yelled at Director Nova, I have punched things, and I have sat quietly. I am happy to have you back, very happy. But, I am still... still... not whole.”

Quark said, “I heard you were next to my bed in the hospital, telling me jokes. That means a lot to me.”

“You did the same thing when I was turned into a statue by Jinn.”

“True. And I suppose we both did it for the same reason.”

Gar said, “back, when my father was killed. I was alone. No one in this world even knew of me...at least I didn’t think they did, Nova somehow did. But, when I buried my father and sat by his grave, I wanted to stop living. Life had no meaning left. Then, Nova took me in, and then I met Chase and you… and that gave me a new meaning.”

Quark looked up at the screen, watching Clarence talk to George. “I think I understand.”

“When we lost Chase, I would do anything to save her. Then we lost you, and I was ready to fight Krampus on my own just to get both of you back. We got both of you... and then... we lost her.”

“I know what you mean. I could see everything, hear everything. Krampus messed my head up real bad, but I could still fight. I did everything I could. We were winning, dammit! It was finally going to be over. The three of us back together, pestering Nova, saving the world. But,...” Quark threw his bottle and smashed it against the screen, “GAH! Why did she have to take her! Why did I have to lose my mind at the wrong time! WHY!”

“Quark... I have never seen you so angry.”

Strange Quark sat back, “I’m sorry. I have been trying to bury this so I wouldn’t lose my temper like that. It’s just... I know something that I don’t want anyone else to know. Yet, I will have to tell them eventually, and... I don’t want to.”

Gar frowned, “what?”

Quark had actual tears in his eyes, “Chase is going to die.”


Santa sat with EB and Lord Dragon in the Arboretum. He had spun the whole story of how he found Chase as a baby and raised her. Both EB and Lord Dragon ate chocolate eggs. Lord Dragon needed the strength, EB just likes chocolate. Santa quietly said, “after that, I set her up in a new life. I only took away her memories of her life with me. Her skills and even most of her knowledge about history remained. She woke in a hospital believing she had a terrible case of Amnesia.”

EB asked, “what would she do for money and a home and stuff?”

“I provided her an apartment in the name I gave her. Then I set her up in a job working at a toy store in town. I thought she would enjoy that. I kept a watch on her.”

EB flopped over on his stomach, put his face in his paws, and wiggled his feet as he asked, “so, when did she become this super sexy master thief?”

Santa frowned at that description. “It didn’t take long for her to guide her own path in life. I couldn’t interfere. She used the skills my dear brother taught her and became a master thief. I watched her and did what I could to discourage this. My only relief was that she never used her skills to kill innocent people. She was a thief... but she had some morals about the sanctity of life.”

EB chomped on his chocolate egg and then said, “kinda cool that she was one of the people who gained morphon powers. How fortunate was that?”

Lord Dragon finally spoke, “not fortunate, designed. By infusing her with our power, she was a conduit for morphonic energy. It is amazing she didn’t garner even greater powers.” his tone was cold and angry.

Santa nodded, “yes. I realized that the moment I saw she had gained powers. I knew it was my fault. Lord Dragon, I am very sorry for keeping this secret from you all these years. Until this situation, I saw no reason to divulge this. I had hoped she would live out her life and all would end well.”

EB laughed, “I don’t see a problem. You saved that cute little baby and raised her. She musta had some great life, living in Santa’s workshop. Boy...I...I...” he saw that look on Lord Dragon’s face, “I... should probably shut up now.”

Lord Dragon slowly turned his stone gaze from the bubbly bunny to Santa. “It is impressive that you spent two centuries keeping such a secret from myself. I respect your position in finding that baby and feeling generous toward her. Your generosity has been one of your greatest features. However, this is why I forbid us to be too connected to humans. You fell prey to the weakness we would all suffer. Watching them grow old and pass on is painful, but a fact of life on this world. We do not age as they.”

“I just couldn’t watch her die. She... she was family. My brother was and is a spiteful, arrogant, haughty, tyrant. He was always like this. To have a family who shared a laugh, enjoyed life, and wasn’t evil was a dream. I lost everyone when we left our world, except my wicked brother. I spent five centuries here with only Krampus to keep me company. My elves aren’t even real creatures. Angela was the most beautiful part of my life.”

Lord Dragon said, “I cannot condemn you for this. I have realized that I gave myself a luxury that no one else was afforded. The company of a loving family. You were the only other of our kind to have a family with you, and I only assigned Krampus to you so you could keep a close eye on his evils. I had my wife with me every day. I lost sight of the pain I inflicted on our people by separating us and then ordering everyone to keep distance between them and humans.”

“I have come to accept that I had a choice entirely of the heart, and I do not apologize for that. I would never trade my time with my daughter for anything.” Santa took in a shaky breath as he grew morose. He said, “Lord Dragon, I need to know.”

EB frowned, “know... what?”

Lord Dragon spent a moment, a great sorrow growing on his brow. “Yes, Chase will not survive this. We have no choice.”

“No,” Santa whispered. “There has to be a way.”

“Lady Phoenix is crucial. She is still alive. We must save her, for the sake of our people and the humans. It is a great weight to my heart as well, but Chase’s life is a small cost compared to what could happen.”

Santa stood up and yelled, “I won’t accept that!” And marched out before Lord Dragon could rebuke him.

EB hopped up, “Santa!”

“Let him be,” Lord Dragon said. “He needs to come to terms with this. We must prepare ourselves.”
Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

Tri-blade knelt at the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean. Peering through a special set of binoculars, he observed the growing structure over the water. Metal and other objects continued to gather and assemble into a demonic castle.

Clicking on his communicator, he said, “Hey, Closer, it’s still growing.”

“What do you propose?”

Tri-Blade watched as a school bus floated around this castle, shredded into thousands of pieces which were absorbed into the structure. “I don’t really know. This thing looks dangerous.”

The Closer said, “Fifth Precinct is keeping the media at bay. Don’t want any downed helicopters or other civilian casualties. However, they’re going to want to get in there, and BADGE already gets enough blame from the media for concealing this kinda stuff.”

“I know. But, they’re just going to... wait, he’s coming back.” Tri-blade put his communicator down as a large spray of water moved toward him.

Shadow Walker blazed across the surface of the ocean, leaving an impressive jet of water in his wake. With a well-placed foot on a jutting stone out of the surface, he used his incredible momentum to make the leap up to the cliff. He landed next to Tri-blade, wobbly at first as he calmed down.

Tri-blade asked, “well?”

“My shadow clone got a good look at Krampus. But, he’s not alone. That fire lady is there as well.”

Tri-blade clicked on his comm, “Hey, Closer. We’ve got a positive ID on Krampus.”

The Closer said, “Good. Then, I say we move right in. Catch them off-guard.”

“Woah, woah, wait,” Shadow Walker said and then grabbed the comm out of Tri-blade’s hand. “Krampus is up there for sure, but the sensor device picked up a signature that is off the charts. This thing was designed to find that Jinn jerk. What we are reading from her... makes Jinn look like just another bad guy.”

The Closer said, “all the more reason to use a surprise attack. They’re still preparing for something. Let’s not give them time to finish.”

Tri-blade said, “wait, we should...”

The Closer said, “who’s the leader of this group?”

Both men huffed and reluctantly replied, “you.”

“Good. Now, call in the rest of our League Mates and go.” The comm clicked off.

Tri-blade stood, ready to head out, “next time we take a vote on leadership, I want a recount.”

Shadow Walker smiled, “he’s headstrong, but good. Now, let’s move.” He jumped off the side of the cliff, doing a perfect tumble. As he headed for the water’s surface, he projected a dozen more of him, each a shadow clone. The moment all met the water’s surface, they took off at top speed, running right over the surface.

The massive castle of Lady Phoenix coasted above the ocean waves. The once mangled remains of shipwrecks, refuse metals, debris, and the old League Wars arena were now a glorious castle. Not the glistening fairy-tale castle or a majestic ancient structure, but a dark creation that appeared deadly at a distance. Walls surrounded it with large spikes lining them, the surface was a solid, rusted looking metal. Statues of nightmarish creatures stood guard at the corners along the walls. Layer upon layer of walls rose higher, creating this mountainous castle.

The field that once held the grand battles of League Wars was the center of this monolithic structure. The colorful designs and surrounding seats were gone, only stark walls and rusted metal. Above, the sky was open as it had been before. At the back of this enormous court rested a huge mound of stairs that led to a point where a throne rested. Upon it sat the glorious Lady Phoenix.

Krampus stomped into this courtyard, his deep voice echoing across the vast space. “We have company. A small team of heroes approaches.”

Lady Phoenix smiled, “it is as I said. Some shall cower, some shall attack. Let them come. They will only further my plans.”

Krampus looked back toward the opposite end as he cracked his knuckles and then craned his head side to side. “Good. I’ve been wanting to bloody my claws.”

“You shall only go as far as I will allow you, and no further.”

Krampus turned back to her. “Let’s not forget who is really in charge here. You may be the power on the throne, but I gave you life.”

She flicked her hand at him, and it threw him across the field. “Do not presume to be anything more than my servant! Let’s not forget who holds the power!”

Krampus pulled himself up. “Yes...my lady.”

Just then a man landed on the ground in the middle of the arena, his giant mechanical fist punching the ground. Another arrived next to him, deftly moving as shadow versions of himself appeared. Another came flying over the side of the walls, flipped in the air, and slid to a stop on his skateboard.

Lady Phoenix leaned over on her throne, giving them a dismissive look. “And what do you want?”

The Closer stood and pointed at her with his normal hand. “It’s over. Surrender and come back to BADGE for processing.”

“What a tempting offer,” she cooed. “I would like to thank BADGE for the use of their former arena. A well-built object, to be sure. But, I have other plans.”

Just then Dr. Silver-Strange appeared with Tri-blade and Nevets. The Closer smiled as his forces grew. “Sorry to interrupt your plans, but Earth has had enough super powered psycho’s this year. GET HER!” Her dashed toward Lady Phoenix.

As his team joined the assault on the throne, the Lady didn’t even flinch from her casual position. Suddenly, the brutish form of Krampus intervened and The Closer literally bounced off of him. With an enormous swipe, he sent the rest of the team tumbling back.

The Closer punched Krampus, but Krampus merely absorbed the blow and then punched right back, sending the mechanical hero reeling. Dr. Silver-Strange blasted a purple beam of energy at Krampus and actually caused the brute to stumble. Tri-blade caught Krampus by the arm using his two energy blades.

“YAH!” Krampus screamed as the blades dug in deep.

Shadow Walker and his army of shadow clones raced in to help when Krampus lifted his arm with Tri-blade still attached. He swung the hero around, smashing clones around and then crashing Tri-blade into Shadow Walker, both falling away.

The Closer came running, his arm charging up. Krampus returned to his feet just in time. Suddenly The Closer’s arm buzzed and shorted out.

“Not now!”

Krampus laughed and then grabbed The Closer and rammed him with his forehead. Both fell away from the other, The Closer taking the most damage from the attack.

Dr. Silver-Strange came running with Nevets at his side. He blasted a bright beam of power right at Krampus’s face and then purposefully fell to the side when Krampus attacked. Nevets deftly avoided the strike as well and then grabbed Krampus by the arm and twisted his entire body around into a judo-flip, using Krampus’s massive weight against him.

“STUPID HUMAN!” Krampus used his floored position to kick Nevets.

Nevets slid away slightly, but withstood the full power of that kick. He twisted his body around and kicked Krampus in the side.

Krampus screamed and then shoved himself up. He punched Nevets right in the face, but the hero held his ground and didn’t even flinch. Nevets smiled, “I can take a hit.” He then made a perfect flip backward, nailing Krampus right in the groin.

While Krampus roared from that attack. Ten shadow clones fell on him and pulled him down. The Closer was tossed into the air by aid of Dr. Silver-Strange and came down with a massive blow right to Krampus’s gut.

“FOOLS!” Krampus suddenly grew to ten times his size and all the heroes, and clones, were tossed aside as ants that had been crawling on a piece of bread.

The Closer and his team scrambled away from the behemoth and regrouped in the middle of the old arena. “Get ready, we almost had him.”

Krampus let out a fearsome roar and then bellowed, “I suffered the attack of hundreds of you pathetic heroes, and they failed to bring me down. What do you plan?”

The Closer held up his comm. “We are Fifth Precinct, we have a lot of friends.” he clicked the emergency league call button. “Come on! Let’s take him down!” The Closer rallied his league.

“Enough!” Lady Phoenix’s voice boomed as a flash of light exploded in the middle of the room. The heroes were sent flying, crashing into distant walls. As they gathered their wits from that attack, Lady Phoenix floated up in the air, flying next to the enormous Krampus. She held up her hand and out of the sky came a rain of fire. Piercing beams of power struck the heroes, melting the shadow clones, and pressing the others into the ground. “Play time is over, children. That was amusing, but now it is time to move on to the important matter.”

“Let me tear them apart!” Krampus took a step closer.

“No, not yet.” She cautioned with one hand and then hovered down directly over The Closer. “You, leader, I commend your valiant effort, but this battle was over before it began. I let you and your team live for one purpose. Tell the world that a time of sifting is at hand. Send me your heroes, let them test themselves, and see if they are worthy.”

The Closer groaned under the crushing pressure of the energy. “What...if we...don’t...accept.”

She grew closer to him. “Then my wrath shall be glorious to behold.” With a flick of her hand, the entire team lifted out of the arena, into the sky, and was thrown into the ocean.
Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

Nova stepped out of the elevator with Skelanimal right behind him. He lifted his hand and yanked it forward as if he were pulling a mule along. Skelanimal’s neck brace buzzed, and it thrust him forward, nearly causing him to fall on his face.

“I said you don’t have ta do that! I’m not gonna be bad.”

Nova ignored him as he approached Commander Justin. “Report!”

Justin pointed to the monitors, half showing various views of the evil castle, others displaying news reports. “I think we’ve found Lady Phoenix and Krampus.”

Nova scanned over the screen for a moment. “I would say so. They’re not even trying to hide anything now. Wait... are those parts from the old Arena?”

Justin nodded and then pointed at one of the nearby robots. Half of the main monitor changed to show images and a few bits of video from above as Lady Phoenix and Krampus stood on the coast and lifted the arena out of the waters. “This was our first indication. Satellites picked up activity at the old arena and we found this. I wasn’t sure what they were up to at first, but then Fifth Precinct got a closer look.”

“Fifth Precinct? What are they doing?” Nova asked.

“They’ve been doing their best to keep civilians and the media at bay.”

Nova had a surprised look on his face. “They presumed what my orders would be, and they were correct. Nice work.”

Skelanimal, still picking at the collar, said, “at least they ain’t gonna be hard to find.”

Nova shook his head. “No, they won’t be, and that worries me.”

“What do you mean?” Justin asked.

Nova spent a moment watching all the various images, from the construction to the floating castle. “An enemy that flaunts their power like this either is a fool or is so strong, they have no reason to fear us. I don’t take either Krampus or Lady Phoenix to be fools. They are strong, and they know it.”

Justin asked, “what do we do?”

“Get closer to that thing, get readings, images, something. We need info. I am not going in this blind. But, don’t get too close, we don’t need...”

“Fifth Precinct already went in.”


Justin gestured to another robot, and a small window opened on the screen. The Closer was speaking, “This is The Closer with Fifth Precinct. We have been monitoring the strange castle for a while. I ordered my league to go in and called on the other leagues in our circle. We attacked Krampus, but it was just a ploy. He wasn’t hurt and nearly killed several of us. That Lady Phoenix... she defeated us with one hand. We only survived because she has a message for BADGE. She has issued a challenge, she wants heroes to come to her. I don’t really know why. Be careful.” He turned and was waving at more of the Fifth Precincts various leagues, directing them away from the castle. The screen fuzzed out.

Nova slowly turned and looked at Skelanimal. “Now, why would she be issuing a challenge?”

“I dunno. Why look at me?”

Nova’s good eye twitched and his thumb played with the punishment button on the collar controls. “It’s a good thing I know you’re truly an idiot.” He turned back to Justin, “Commander, I want all the Leagues primed and ready for combat. However, tell them to not go in. They’re to keep the media and civilians away from danger. We don’t need another North Onnotangu situation.”

“What about military forces?”

“Advise them to keep their distance. And, this time, tell them it would be smart to listen to us.”

“You know how well that will go over.”

Nova scoffed, “we can hope. Now, get me Lord Dragon up here as soon as possible.”


Santa stood in a room with his Sleigh. Around him were the gathered talisman that BADGE had saved after the battle. When the Mythic’s fell to the power drain from Lady Phoenix, their talisman also fell. Now, BADGE had them under the tightest security possible. Running his hand over the surface of the sleigh, he spent a long moment merely looking at the deep red wood.

Just then the door of the room opened and spread fresh light across the otherwise dim collection. Three figures approached him.

“Santa?” EB hopped up to the Sleigh and looked into his friend’s morose face.

Santa smiled at EB and ran his hand over the bunny’s head. “Did you bring them?”

“Like you asked. Here’s Gar and Quark.”

Quark asked, “how did you get in here? This is the most sealed room on this station. I would have a hard time getting in.”

“I’m Santa Claus,” was all the explanation he gave.

Gar asked, “what did you want to see us about?”

Santa, who hadn’t turned around yet, said, “I wished to speak to you about my daughter.”

“Daughter?” Quark blurted out.

EB quickly said, “yeah, Chase is...”

Santa stopped him, “Angela is my daughter, but you know her as Chase.”

“You’re kidding!” Quark said.

Santa regaled them with the long story of how he came to have Angela as his daughter and what happened to turn her into Chase, and now the Lady Phoenix.

By the end EB was bawling, “and... and... when you had to let her go... that’s so saaaad!”

Gar asked, “when she came to BADGE, wasn’t that your suggestion?”

“Yes. I wanted her to turn her life around. I wanted her to stop being a thief and become something better. This is why I wanted to speak with you, both of you. I sent her here in the hopes she would gain a new life, but so much more happened. She found friendship and even felt love in her heart. For this, I am grateful to both of you.”

“Us?” Quark asked.

“Yes. You, Strange Quark, became her friend despite her past. Gargoyle, you felt a real, honest attraction to her, falling in love with her heart.”

Gar nodded, “I still have feelings for her she doesn’t entirely share with me. But, we remain good... friends...” he trailed off, a deep pain setting in.

Santa said, “for this, I believe you should know what comes next. I believe you already understand this.” He looked at Quark.

“I do. However, the details are a little vague.”

Santa spent a long moment gathering his thoughts and emotions. “The truth is, this is my fault. Chase was never meant to live for over two centuries. She was meant to live a normal human life. In her soul is the magic of my people, particularly my magic. That is the only way Lady Phoenix could bond with her. However, Lady Phoenix is not a physical presence, but pure power. To stop her and to save Lady Phoenix, we will need to remove the power in her. That will mean taking out what I gave her.”

Gar asked, “wouldn’t that be a good thing?”

Quark quietly put a hand on Gar’s shoulder and solemnly said, “that power keeps her alive. Without it, she will die. Her body is over two hundred years old...it cannot survive without that magic.”

“THEN DON’T DO IT!” Gar yelled.

Santa said, “we have no choice. To return Lady Phoenix to us, and hopefully return her mind to a more stable state, we must extract her. Also, she stole parts of all the Mythics magic. We will all suffer and die, quite soon in fact, if we don’t do this.”

“Not me.” EB said. “I protected my magic from her. She only got a few bits. I’ll be okay.”

Santa nodded, “true. But, you will be the only one left of us. And, if we don’t do this, the darkness in Lady Phoenix will only grow stronger and she will remain evil. She is a danger to this world, and many others, if we don’t stop her.”

Gar struggled, if he could he would be crying, “please... there has to be another way. I... I can’t lose her.”

Santa was shedding tears, “believe me, Gar… a father would never wish to watch their own child die. If there was another way, I would take it. I just don’t know if I can watch this happen. I don’t know if I can... handle...” he put his face down against the sleigh and wept, unable to form words. EB walked over and held him.
Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

Nova paced in the Operations Center, quietly wearing a path in the metal floor. Justin worked tirelessly contacting all the leagues and making sure they had their orders. Skelanimal leaned against a wall, grumbling about having to wear his collar. Just came down the steps to the main floor and held up a tablet for Nova. “That’s it. We have almost all the leagues coordinated.”

Nova took the tablet, “ninety-eight percent. What about the other two percent?”

“You know some of these leagues. They like to act like rogues. But, I have word from all the leaders, even the other two percent, that they won’t go in without BADGE authorization.”

“Fine. I guess we still need some boots on the ground in case of bank robberies or other minor issues. Let them be rogue. What about the military?”

Justin took the tablet and used it to activate a small window on the main monitor. A map of Earth spread across with red lines slowly moving out from countries, all heading for the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. “They completely ignored your request to not send in support before it was petitioned.”

“Idiots!” Nova spat. “What are their orders?”

Justin opened another window on the tablet. “They’ve been ordered to engage. They are to destroy that floating castle.”

Skelanimal piped in, “hey, if they’re gonna do that. Why not send in the heroes as well? You bring that thing down, it’s a big win.”

Nova didn’t even turn to acknowledge Skelanimal, “because, we don’t know her power. If you recall your little attack on North Onnotangu. With just a taste of Krampus’s magic, you were able to lay waste to most of their military forces.”

Skelanimal grinned, “yeah, they went SQUISH... ahem... sorry, I mean... yeah, I remember.”

Nova, irritation in his voice, said, “Krampus only had half his power when he did that to you, and you only got a tiny portion. Imagine what she can do at fully strength.”

“Oh, crud. They’re toast.”

Nova said, “what is the ETA of the first strike by military forces?”

Justin looked over his data, “earliest is three hours.”

“Then we have to try negotiation.”

“Negotiation!” Skelanimal blurted out, “you gonna talk to her. Krampus was thick headed, she aint gonna be any better.”

Justin casually asked Nova, “do we have to keep him around?”

“Sadly, yes. He’s still our best source of info from the inside.”

Just then the doors of the lift opened, and the regal figure of Lord Dragon stepped out. “Director Nova, you wished to see me?”

“Yes. Come over here.”

Lord Dragon walked down the steps, passing Skelanimal without any note of acknowledgment. “How can I be of service?”

Nova said, “we have a critical situation, and it’s about to get worse. I need your helping dealing with your wife.”

Lord Dragon somberly said, “I’m afraid my powers are extremely limited. Jinn broke my talisman and my wife absorbed some of what I have left.”

“I’m not sending you to combat, I’m asking you to speak with her.”

That stunned everyone. Lord Dragon said, “speak with her? How? I confess to be frightened of approaching her. Her mind is twisted and her power great.”

Nova said, “Commander Justin has discovered something.”

Justin cleared his throat and bowed a little to the Mythic. “Sir, the enemy... I’m sorry, your wife used our old League Wars arena for the basic structure of her castle. While she has drastically changed a lot of the form, there are bits of the tech that are still intact and operational. We could hack into the old holo-projector. With this we should be able to make contact at a distance.”

Lord Dragon asked, “will she be able to respond to what I have to say?”

Justin said, “yes. This will work as a two-way communication. Fortunately, she will be roughly four hundred kilometers away from us, so the risk should be minimal.”

Lord Dragon said, “never underestimate one of our kind.”

Nova asked, “will you help negotiate with her?”

Lord Dragon looked at Nova with steely eyes, “I will do whatever it takes to remove this threat from your world.”

Nova gave Justin a nod. “Do it.”

Justin stepped over to the communications robot and went to work. The main monitor flickered off and then came on with a lot of fuzz. Slowly, the imaged faded from the blurry fuzz and became the interior of the old League Wars Arena. The bleak, cold metal walls and floor a stark contrast to the woman enthroned in reds and oranges.

Suddenly, Krampus stepped in front of the screen. “What is this!”

Nova spoke first, “Krampus, we wish to speak with the Lady Phoenix.”

“HOW DARE YOU SPY ON US!” Krampus roared and slashed a claw through the hologram, which did nothing but cause a momentary pixelation.

“Stand aside!” The stern, powerful voice of Lady Phoenix echoed throughout the room.

Krampus gave one last snarl at the screen and then stomped away.

Lady Phoenix stood from her throne, a good distance from the screen. She lifted from the ground and flew toward them. “My, my, how clever of you to find a way to contact me. If I weren’t impressed by your ingenuity, I should be angry at you impudence.” Her fiery gaze settled on Lord Dragon, “why, husband, it is good to see you survived your foolish attack on me. Do we have your little human friends to thank for your wellbeing?”

Nova spoke before Lord Dragon could, “Lady Phoenix, I do not know what you want with challenging us, but we don’t take kindly to threats.”

“Threats. Oh, no, my dear Nova, my challenge was no idle threat, it is a fact. I am going to thresh the grains of this world and find the worthy few seeds with which I shall build a new Legion. Many will perish in the challenge, but they do not deserve to live.”

“You have no right to decide who lives or dies.” Nova calmly stated.

“Oh, but I do. I am the most powerful being on this planet right now. That gives me the authority to decide such matters.”

Lord Dragon stepped up, “My lady...my love. Please, I know this not to be your true attitude. You are kind and peaceful. You have a loving heart that was ever unmatched by any.”

“Love, peace, kindness, these are words of weakness. Nothing more.”

Lord Dragon answered, “love is not weakness, you taught me that. These humans understand that, probably more than just about any other alien race we have encountered. Can you not see this? We love this world, it has been our home for many years.”

“What you call a home was more of a prison. We were locked away, only allowed to be part of these creatures’ lives at tiny intervals. They didn’t even know we were real until our son showed them genuine power. And, for that, you murdered him!”

Lord Dragon looked down in shame. “What happened to Jinn was unavoidable. We gave him every opportunity to turn around and refrain from his evils. What came to him was his choice.”

“His choice... well, my dear husband, this is my choice. Legion failed to bring this planet down, but that only proves that these people are worthy of being members of my new Legion. At least those truly strong enough.”

“I will not allow you to do this.” Lord Dragon stated.

She came close to the screen, her eyes flashing a brilliant light. Lord Dragon gagged and fell to his knees. “You will not ALLOW! You do not seem to understand the power I hold!” Her voice shifted from one tone to another, as if a dozen people were speaking at once. “You are broken, weak, useless. You will beg to be my consort, but never a part of my Legion!”

Lord Dragon was pressed in a prostrate position as he struggled to breathe.


Justin pounded the computer screen, “I can’t!”

Lady Phoenix, in those many voices, said, “Do you know why we failed to stop Legion on our world? We are so strong, so powerful, yet we failed when you little humans succeeded. It was his fault! My dear husband! He feared them so. He worried we would all perish. Oh, the war was horrible, and many failed, but we could have won. My son, Jinn, proved that. But, no, we followed our leader in his cowardice! We fled to a planet of insects unworthy of calling themselves sentient. Lord Dragon, king of FOOLS!”

Suddenly a metal seat crashed through the comm station and the whole view screen went dark. Lord Dragon flopped on the ground, taking in hard breaths. Nova looked back and saw that Skelanimal had ripped a robots seat out of the floor and thrown it.

“Uh… good work.”

Skelanimal gave a quick nod, “when all else fails, break something.”

Nova came down to Lord Dragon, “are you okay?”

Lord Dragon looked up, his face a pale color, “I saw into her soul. This is worse than I thought.”
Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

Starmaster landed on the cliff near The Closer. Both watched dozens of heroes zooming in. Those heroes already present were taking up positions around the floating castle.

The Closer clicked his comm. “Dr. Silver-Strange, go tell Timebender to keep his league at a greater distance. We don’t want to provoke her any more right now.”

His league mate gave him a wave and then flew over to intercept the newest additions.

Starmaster asked, “can you get in touch with BADGE? My comm isn’t working.”

The Closer punched in the key code and all that came through was fuzz. He shook it and tried again. “Nothing.”

“This isn’t good. If we can’t get Nova on the line, we’re going at this blind.”

The Closer said, “they should have this corrected quickly. If not, I can...” both jerked when the scream of jet engines blasted by.

Starmaster watched a team of military jets flying toward the castle. “What is that?”

“My guess, the military is sending in their guns.”

Starmaster shook his head, “the last orders I got was to keep all civilians away from this.”

“They’re military, not technically civilians,” The Closer stated. “But, they are no match for her.”

“What do we do? Stop them?”

The Closer huffed and held up his comm device, “we need to alert BADGE.” Using his mechanical arm, he shot something into the comm.

“What are you doing?”

“Making a call.”

Nova paced in the Operations center. Two repair robots focused on the damaged communications station. Commander Justin assisted, though he was merely observing.

Nova asked, “any progress?”

One robot turned its head around while the hands continued to work. “Installation of a secondary junction will take approximately two hours. You will be informed upon completion.”

“Work faster.”

“Command unclear. Please restate..”

“Shut it. Just keep working.” Nova beat his fist against his forehead. “This is ridiculous.” Nova jumped when a loud fuzzy sound filled all the speakers. The flickering of light caught his attention as he turned to find the main monitors coming back on. “What the?”

An Operations robot stated, “unknown program. Communication incoming from unknown source.”

Commander Justin left the repair bots and checked the station. “Sir, we have someone hacking in through the old signal. They’re bouncing a signal off our satellite and using the comm system in the old base in New York. We are receiving this through… a general data port on deck seven. How’s that possible?”

Suddenly the fuzzy screen became the image of The Closer looking at his communicator. “Oh, good, BADGE HQ.”

“How did you...”

“Nanites, hacking computers, and using an emergency backup system on the station. Lots of details, not the issue. We have a bigger problem.” He swung his communicator over and showed the jets flying by. “My people have counted at least four dozen military craft already approaching. And I bet there’s a lot more coming in.”

“Damn! Why don’t they ever listen?”

“What do we do, sir?” The Closer asked.

Nova gave this some thought before finally saying, “can we use this uplink to access the old BADGE comm system?”

“Sure. Just track the link back. Should be fine.”

“Good. Now, hold your positions and wait further instruction.”

“Understood.” He clicked off his comm, but the fuzzy screen remained.

Justin worked at the station, “this is crazy. He has hacked right through the old system and created a new uplink program.”

“Do we have full access to BADGE New York?”

“Yes...now.” Justin looked up as the screen changed back to normal, as it had been before the destruction.

Nova turned and went right to work. “Computer, access emergency military contact data, authorization, Nova Omega Beta Pi Alpha.” The computer put the code in and then waited with a blank screen. “Okay, computer, access all communication channels for military forces in the Atlantic region.”

Justin asked, “what are you doing?”

“I’m trying to save their lives.”

The computer said, “communication systems bypassed. Full access.” Suddenly there were dozens of voices coming through, people giving other people orders or reporting on what they were seeing. These were the pilots of the aircraft currently flying toward the castle.

Nova cleared his throat and said, “This is Director Nova of BADGE. Call off your approach of the castle over the Atlantic.”

Several voices answered at once. Finally, one voice came through alone. “This is Captain Nelson with the United States Airforce. You do not have clearance to be on this channel.”

“Like hell I don’t. But, we don’t have time. Listen to me, Captain, if you provoke the enemy inside that castle, you won’t live to report this to anyone above you. Turn your crafts around, now.” More voices came through.

A British voice said, “Get off this channel at once. We’re going into full silent approach.”

Captain Nelson said, “agreed, all pilots, silent approach. Comms off.”

This was followed by clicking sounds and a growing silence.

Nova yelled, “Listen to me! Turn around!”

Justin answered, “no one is on the line.”

“Sensors, weapon’s report!”

A robot stated, “all approaching aircraft are arming weapons and applying target locks.”

“On screen!”

They watched from above as the jets approached the castle from all sides. A barrage of missiles flew out and met the sides of the structure in a spectacular explosion. The jets flipped up and shot into the sky to avoid the blast. There was a moment of hopeful silence that this foolhardy attack actually accomplished something. The ball of fire and smoke blew away, and the castle remained unscathed.

Suddenly an indicator beeped wildly as a robot announced, “power signature growing at rapid rate. Danger detected.”

A bright light formed inside the castle.

“No!” Nova looked back, “ALL COMMS, NOW!”

Justin flicked a switch and nodded.


The Closer raced away, smashing through a passing plane and grabbing the pilot right out of her seat. Other heroes were either fleeing themselves or rescuing pilots. Starmaster vanished away and reappeared holding a man by the arms.

Fleagle yelled as he dashed across the ground. “GET AWAY, IT’S GONNA BLOW!”

The castle flickered and then flashed with the brilliance of an atomic bomb. A wave of energy exploded out from it, not hurting a single shred of the metal structure. All the aircraft disintegrated in the explosion.

The Closer turned to watch as the energy came upon them faster than they could flee. He turned his back to the wave, keeping the pilot he held protected by his body. The energy didn’t even move him. Yet, the woman in his arms screamed and was atomized, blowing out his grip as if he held ash.

“What... the?”

Hotwings landed nearby, “my pilot... he...”

Starmaster came between them, “she punished the pilots for what they did.”

The Closer looked back at the castle, “Oh, god, what kind of power does she control?”

Nova watched with bated breath as they witnessed that same wave of energy spread out.

“Sir, The Closer is contacting us.”

“Put him through.”

The Closer came on, “Director, we tried. We had them. But…” his image flickered and went black.

The Lady Phoenix replaced him, smiling from her throne. “Hello again, Nova. Hope you enjoyed the little show. Now, enough of this stalling. The challenge is set. I am waiting.”

Nova yelled, “We aren’t playing your games! No one is going to accept your challenge!”

“Pity. Then, I shall punish your world until they capitulate.” The screen flicked off.

“What does she mean?” Justin asked.

“I dread the thought. Sensors, full spread. Get me the heroes, we...”

That beeping again, the robot announced another power surge.

The Closer waited with the others as their comms were all still blank.

“This makes no sense. Nothing I do will make it work. It’s like something is blocking it from operating. I…. what is it?” Fleagle had been tapping his arm.

Starmaster rose higher, “oh dear lord.”

A ball of energy formed from the top of the castle. The giant orange and red orb grew with intensity, beaming out a bright light.

“RUN!” Starmaster yelled just as the energy ball blasted out.

The heroes were just about to flee when the energy bypassed them. They all watched in horror as it careened into Hallows Port, a city with massive docks and a shipyard right on the coast. An aircraft carrier, several destroyers, hundreds of small civilian crafts, the dock, the buildings, the streets, everything exploded, showering the ocean water with debris.

Nova went pale as the scene played out on his monitors. A city the size of Knoxville Tennessee was completely leveled in one second. Suddenly the screen flicked back to the Lady Phoenix.

“My dear Nova, perhaps now we can discuss who will challenge me?”
Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

Lord Dragon sat on a large stone in the middle of the Arboretum. Around him were the other Mythics, save Santa and EB. There was a timid quiet in their eyes as he looked at them. “My friends. It has been too long since we gathered such as this. It is a sad reality that the reason is so terrible.”

Cupid asked, “is there any good news?”

“None that I offer.”

Quetzalcoatl asked, “what is the dire news, my old friend? Please, tell us.”

Director Nova walked up just then. “Lord Dragon, you asked to see me?”

“I did.”

“Please, make this short. The situation is quickly getting out of hand.”

Lord Dragon looked around to all these people. “I made contact with Lady Phoenix with the help of BADGE. What I learned is worse than we thought possible.”

Maneki-Neko asked, “what could be worse?”

“Krampus used Legion technology to bring out the evil within the heart of Lady Phoenix.”

Nova said, “we know this. Skelanimal divulged that bit of information.”

Lord Dragon said, “what he, nor Krampus, realized, is that during the process of her regeneration, she tapped into us. She drew from us power. I believed this was merely a siphoning of our magic to help her become stronger. The reality was that the combination of that horrid technology and her unstable state, she drew from us the most wicked desires, evil thoughts.”

Cupid said, “but, we aren’t evil. We contend against evil.”

Lord Dragon said, “in all of us resides the capacity to do evil. Wicked thoughts enter out minds. However, we do not react to these thoughts and emotions. The ability to choose evil is as much a part of us as the choice to be good. However, she drew from us those evil thoughts and intentions, whether or not we ever acted upon them. That machine uses such wickedness to drive the mind into a state of pure corruption. Her soul is twisted, her mind darkened. We must draw her from Chase if we hope to have a chance of saving all of us.”

Director Nova said, “Your intentions are noble, but if she resists and we can take her down...”

“You do not understand,” Lord Dragon stated. “Her power is catastrophic. She is too blind by her own evil to understand that she is unstable. She will continue to feed off of wicked thoughts and evil of this world. Her power will grow until it collapses. In that collapse, it will destroy the Earth. In fact, it could destroy this entire solar system. Saving Lady Phoenix is the only hope of saving every living person under the light of this star.”

Everyone paled. Nova said, “this is what you meant when you said it was worse than you thought.”

“Yes. However, I have a plan.”

Nova said, “I hoped you say that.”

Lord Dragon looked around. “We must perform a special spell, a ritual that will require all of us to cast. We will take hold of her energy form and separate her from her physical form. Once we have her energy, we can remove the corrupting influence.”

Ananzi said, “but, that won’t do much. She will need a physical form, or the energy will still explode.”

Lord Dragon solemnly said, “I will give her my physical form. I will relinquish my energy and take hers. My soul will perish, but she will survive.” There were gasps and whispered refusals from the group. “My friends, I do this of my own accord. I accept my fate.”

Quetzalcoatl said, “please, there must be another way.”

“If there is, my friend, we do not have time to locate it. This will work. However,” Lord Dragon directed his attention at Nova, “it will require a distraction. We must have her attention entirely spent on another source, otherwise she could become aware of this too soon.”

Nova cracked a smile. “Funny you should say that. She has made it clear we must accept her challenge. We will send in heroes right away. Krampus is to be her champion.”

Lord Dragon said, “you must make sure that this truly draws her attention away.”

“I don’t know. She has displayed uncanny powers. I’m reluctant to let heroes get slaughtered by her.”

Quetzalcoatl said, “if this spell is the one I believe Lord Dragon wishes to use, then once we begin, she will immediately lose much strength. If you catch her off-guard long enough to not draw her ire, then we can begin. Once she realizes you aren’t following her rules, she won’t have the strength to stop you.”

Nova gave him a nod, “sounds like a wise plan.”

Lord Dragon said, “once your heroes have begun their attack, let me know immediately, and we will begin.”

Nova turned and looked around the group, “should I have Santa and EB brought in?”

“No. This act will mean the death of Chase, instantly. Truly, we will feel her death as if we were holding her in our arms. I cannot bring myself to force Santa to do this to his own daughter, and I know that Easter Bunny maintains strong feelings for her as well. We can accomplish this without their help. There is enough pain and suffering at this time, at least in this we can prevent a portion of it.”

Nova replied with a nod and took one step to leave. He paused and looked back, “it isn’t just Santa and EB who has strong feelings for Chase. I care for her. She was a good agent and a fine friend. Even more, Gar and Quark... they made a connection with her that surprised me. I know this is hard for you, but I want you to know that we face this pain as well. We will all mourn together. And, we accept that this is the right thing to do... even though it will hurt.”


The collection room was dim while the three consoled each other. Santa sat on the ground near his sleigh with Gar and Quark on either side of him. EB continued to produce eggs for them in various flavors and colors.

Quark drank from an egg that was filled with fine whiskey. “Good stuff. Where’d you get it?”

EB smiled, “magic. It’s just a replica of a fine whiskey.”

“Tastes the same.”

Santa held a gold wrapped egg in his hand, “you know, Christmas Eve is just a few days from now. I doubt I will be going out this year. I am too weak to make the trip.”

EB asked, “what will happen to Christmas?”

“Oh, it will happen. I didn’t invent Christmas, and I don’t make it happen each year. I merely help. But, how can I bring cheer to others when I feel not cheer in my heart?”

The door of the room opened and Nova walked in. He had a grim look on his face. “I thought I’d find you guys here.”

Gar, who had been as silent and still as a statue, looked up. “Any news?”

Nova sat down and let EB actually hug him. There was a tear in his eye. “Yes, actually. I wasn’t sure if I should tell you before it happened, but I realized that it is your right to know.”

“Oh, no.” Santa whispered.

Nova gulped back the lump in his throat, “I just ordered the invasion of the floating castle. The heroes are to attack Krampus while your people...deal with Lady Phoenix.”

Santa sat back, holding his chest, “then...it’s almost time.”

Nova softly nodded, “in a matter of hours, it will all be over.”


Quark said, “well, I’m going...”

“Please, don’t.” Nova held up his hand.

“What? You can’t stop me!”

“I know. But, I ask that you stay here. The plan is good and you won’t be needed. For centuries I have been blind to the pain that loss can be. I worked alone for so long. Now, I have you, my friends...my family.” He put a hand on Gar’s arm. “We... we...” he struggled, “we must let ourselves mourn. To go would be too much pain for all of us. I don’t want any of you to watch what is about to happen. Please, stay here.”

Quark said, “I... will stay.”

EB said, “so will I.”

Gar struggled to speak, only nodding. He put his face in his hands and moaned out his sorrow. Santa, with tears coming down his face, reached over and put a hand on Gar’s shoulder. A red glow came from him. “A gift, my friend, of something you have needed for too long.”

For the first time in his existence, actual tears fell from Gar’s eyes.

Moments before:

The Closer waited with all the heroes gathered. A thick line of meta-humans circled the castle, ready at a moment’s notice. The only sound was the crashing of waves below.

Then came the sound of the full-alert. The comm devices all turned on at once. Nova’s voice came through. “Heroes, it’s time to take action. I want you to invade that castle and focus on Krampus. If Lady Phoenix calls you to compete, let her believe you are in agreement. Then, move in. Take Krampus down. Do not, I repeat, Do not attack Lady Phoenix. This is our once chance to do something, do not fail.”

The Closer yelled out, “FIFTH PRECINCT! MOVE!”

Other heroes followed suit, and soon the mass of gathered heroes converged on the demonic castle of Lady Phoenix.

Chapter 13

Chapter 13:

Krampus stood in the middle of the arena in his human size. The Lady Phoenix quietly waited on her throne. There was an eager smile on his wicked face as they both heard heroes arriving. Men and women screamed a battle cry, some blasted with jets of fire, others flapped enormous wings. The ruckus was unmistakable.

“Are you ready, my champion?” Lady Phoenix asked.

Krampus grinned, “more than you know.”

Just then a hero slammed down on the surface of the arena. He was dark purple in colors with brilliant purple energy rolling over his body. “Time’s up, Krampus.”

Krampus grinned, “ah, my first challenger. Who might you be?”

“Nightshadow. And, trust me, I won’t be the last.” Without giving Krampus any more time to parlay, Nightshadow threw out a hand and suddenly Krampus fell back. Then Krampus was lifted as if gravity had failed and then slammed back down with intense force.

“YAH!” Krampus yelled and dug his claws into the metal surface and raced toward Nightshadow.

Suddenly a dark hole opened to the side of the arena, and it threw Krampus sideways. Then another opened on the other side, and he was unceremoniously crashed into the railing across from him.

“Tough to fight gravity.” Nightshadow laughed.

Krampus slammed a fist into the surface of the metal and a bolt of red energy flew like lightening across the ground and hit Nightshadow. This freed Krampus from the gravitational attacks and he went in for a kill. However, at the last second, a blast of energy hit him directly in the face and he flipped over and over, tumbling backward through the arena. A brown and gold clad hero, wearing a League Wars victory belt, swooped down and blasted Krampus again.

Nightshadow laughed, “good work, Punlork!”

“THAT’S MAGNIFICENT PUNLORK TO YOU!” He said and then landed behind Krampus and gave him a massive punch to the skull.

Krampus face planted and rolled with a quick motion, nailing Punlork in the side with a well-placed kick. He then jumped up and grabbed the hero and threw him at Nightshadow. Punlork vanished and reappeared behind Nightshadow, rolling across the ground.

“Is that all you got!” Krampus bellowed.

The Wizard appeared as he teleported in Moonrider and Lumpsum. Other heroes came flying down and joined the fray.

Moonrider and Punlork went after Krampus again while The Wizard zoomed over to Nightshadow. “You okay?”

“Sure. He packs a punch, but he seems easier to hit.”

The Wizard nodded, “I agree, he doesn’t feel as powerful as he has been, and that worries me.”

“I’m not worried, let’s just take him down. Where’s the rest of your team?”

“A complication has arisen.”

Before Nightshadow could ask about that, Lumpsum slammed into him, having been thrown by Krampus. The Wizard dodged the crash and then cast a beam of energy at Krampus.


Rescue workers crawled over debris to find any signs of light in the former city of Hallows Port. Helicopters and emergency vehicles worked their way through the wreckage. Two rescue ships were at sea near the port, but they couldn’t approach through the mangled remains of the docks floating around.

The Police Chief of the nearby community grabbed his walkie talkie. “This is Bigos, I need a report on getting that port cleared.”

A man came through, “sorry sir, we haven’t been able to get to that yet. We’re still clearing roads for the rescue workers.”

“Damnit, we’re losing people who are stuck out in the water.”

“I know, but there is little we can do.”

Just then Furious Squirrel ran up, “Chief, we’ve cleared the north road and the entire highway to the nearest town. The Red Cross is already constructing a hospital in the field.”

“Thank you. Now, were are the other heroes? We need their help.”

Furious shook his head. “They could spare only a few of us. If they didn’t go after that challenge, this would happen to more cities. Trust me, they are saving more lives this way.”

“I don’t understand. But, right now we have to stay focused. Go, help clear the docks if you can, we...”

People screamed, and a helicopter blazed by at a dangerous speed. A new shadow loomed over the town. Overhead, the massive castle of Lady Phoenix came terribly close. Part of it hit the last standing lighthouse off the coast and knocked it into the sea.

Chief Bigos yelled into his walkie, “GET EVERYONE OUT OF HERE! MOVE MOVE MOVE!”

Suddenly, the waters bubbled, and a giant figure rose from the surface. The green, scaly monster known as Midgardsormr pushed aside debris and grabbed the side of the castle. Hotwings zoomed in as well as The Avenger and DaMon. All held the side of the Castle and pushed it back out toward the sea.

Just then, Skelanimal appeared next to Furious Squirrel with Krystal Fae by his side.

Furious said, “what are you doing here?”

Skelanimal said, “saving the day, duh! Nova sent me back to help my league kick Krampus’s butt.”

Krystal added, “we saw the castle coming close and decided to help before heading in.”

Furious checked one of his sensors. “Looks like it’s moving away now.”

Skelanimal cracked his knuckles, “good. I wanna get some payback.”

Krystal snapped her fingers and both of them vanished away again.


Krampus threw three heroes into more heroes and then was hit in the chest with a massive icy blast. The Closer raced up beside him and smacked him in the rubs with his mechanical arm. Krampus grabbed the arm and flung The Closer over his head, crashing him into five of the shadow clones coming from Shadowalker.

Just then, the Arena jostled as it changed directions. Krampus didn’t stumble, but enough heroes were that he got a grip on Nevets and swung him around like a bat, hitting hero after hero. Though battered and bleeding in places, Krampus appeared to be enjoying himself.

Nevets vanished from Krampus’s hand, and he nearly fell over with the sudden change in weight. The room shook and the entire castle seemed to lurch. Krampus looked up to see he was surrounded by hundreds of heroes now, and at the forefront was a team he had personally used. Skelanimal stood in front of WMD, with a giant Midgardsormr behind him, as well as Hotwings, DaMon, The Wizard, The Avenger, and the Mighty Morphon Power Ranger.

“Ah, Skelanimal, my old ally. Come to see my victory.” Krampus grinned with his grotesque fangs.

“Nah, we’ve come to kick your ass. GET EM!”

“ENOUGH!” a wave of red light pushed everyone back. Lady Phoenix rose from her seat. “This is no challenge, it is war.”

Krampus looked back, “don’t stop this. This is perfect. Let me sieve them at once. Let me use my full power!”

She mulled this for a moment and then laughed and sat back down, “by all means.”

The heroes took off toward Krampus, but he exploded in size. A green aura of energy surrounded him and he now fought with the power twice that of Midgardsormr. “FOOLS, INSECTS. YOU HAVEN’T FACED ME AT MY FULLNESS. I HAVE MY TALISMAN BACK, I AM WHOLE AGAIN!”

The Lady Phoenix laughed as she observed this onslaught. The whole event amused her greatly. It was only at this moment that she realized something odd. “Why are they ignoring me?” She asked of herself. Not one hero had even tried to attack her. They have ignored her rules of this conflict and ganged up on Krampus, yet not one has attempted to approach her.

Then she realized what else was missing, her family. Rising from her seat, she looked upward. Suddenly she screamed and writhed, grabbing her head. She could hear voices speaking, the voices of the Mythics. They were chanting something, and it was tearing her apart.



Santa sat with his friends, Gar still weeping actual tears. No one had words to say. They all knew what was happening at this moment, and the pain dug deep inside them. All at once, both EB and Santa gasped.

“What is it?” Nova asked.

Santa held his chest and bent over, “They are beginning the process...but...something is wrong...Gah!...terribly... wrong.”
Chapter 14

Chapter 14:

Two days had passed since Krampus achieved his full strength. Heroes pummeled him relentlessly, yet he remained strong. His movements would rock and rumble the floating castle, but he was hardly stumbled at any point. Chaz Hamilton stood in the shadows, with his back to the wall, no color in his face, and a trembling hand typing furiously into his note keeper.

Starmaster slammed into the back wall and slid down, crashing to the ground in a heap. He caught his breath and wiped some blood from the side of his face. For a moment he wondered who’s blood this was, his or another hero near him.

Chaz rushed over, “Are you hurt?”

“Obviously. What the hell are you doing here?”

“I have special permission, The Wizard zapped me here. I...watch out!”

“YAH!” Another hero careened into the same wall, just a few feet away.

Starmaster crawled over and helped the woman sit up. “Krystal... Krystal, you okay?”

Krystal Fae sat there, dazed for a moment. “Oh, that came out of nowhere.”

“Can you stand?” Chaz asked.

“Sure, if you would find me my legs first.” She leaned back against the wall. “Chaz, get to a safer place.”

“I’ll try.” He ran toward a dark corner of the arena.

Krystal looked up at Starmaster. “This battle… it feels like the Jinn battle all over.”

“I agree. He’s so strong. I sense a power in him I haven’t ever before.”

Krystal pushed herself up, still leaning on the wall. “It’s his talisman. Once he got that back, he doubled his strength.”

“If we could find it, we could curtail his strength. Bring him down.”

Krystal shook her head, “we can’t find it. It’s a part of him now. He didn’t absorb it, but it’s like he’s wearing it. And, I wouldn’t venture a guess on how to target it alone. No, our only option right now is to pour our strength out at him and hope we are powerful enough.”

Starmaster smiled, “then, I suppose we get back to it.”

Krystal nodded and then both flashed as they teleported back into the thick of the combat.

Krampus grabbed a flying hero and slammed her into the ground. He went to step on her when Hotwings flew by, grabbed a horn on his head and yanked him back. As Krampus reached up to snatch the hero, Midgardsormr punched Krampus directly in the throat.

“FOOL!” Krampus screamed and grabbed Midgard by his throat.

For the first time in any battle, Midgardsormr was the one struggling. He attempted to pry the fingers loose from around his neck, but could not. Krampus lifted Midgard and then slammed his body into the ground, crushing several heroes in the process.

A small team of flying heroes zoomed by, attempting to hit Krampus in the face with weapons fire, but he used the body of Midgard to swat them away. With this throw, he pitched Midgard into the left wall of the stadium, rocking the building to one side.

Krampus laughed and went after Midgard again, gleefully ready to use him as a living weapon. Just then a strange series of symbols appeared in the air around him and his body froze in place. A team of arcane heroes were casting a spell of binding, holding his magic down. This left an opening for the other heroes to attack him.

Energy and weapons scattered across his massive body. Several heroes got dangerously close and punched, kicked, and otherwise battered him. The Closer was launched into the air by help from another hero, and he came down hard on Krampus’s skull with a well-placed punch by his mechanical arm.

“YAH!” Krampus thrust his hands out and the magical binding dissolved. He then used both enormous hands to pound the surface of the arena and cause a huge Earthquake that rattled the heroes. “How dare you think your pathetic magic can stop me! I AM MADE OF MAGIC!”

Then came a scream followed by a brilliant orange light. The sound stopped Krampus, and he turned to see where it came from.

“My lady?”

A red, orange, and white energy cloud was pulled from Lady Phoenix as she screamed. Instantly, this changed the form of the person back into Chase. She writhed and cried in agony as the energy grew further away, yet it was still attached to her, stretched from her by a thin glow that remained connected. The heroes watched this in both awe and horror. The heat growing from this sent many heroes scrambling away. Then the entire castle shook and rumbled. Seams where the metal met to form walls and floors separated. What held this place together was losing all strength. Large sections crashed into the ocean. Still, the power would not leave Chase’s body.

Krampus first reached for her, but then he too lurched and gagged as his body emitted a strange green aura.

Krystal cast a spell and her voice boomed over the din, “HE’S WEAKENING! ATTACK HIM, NOW!”

Midgard came up behind Krampus and grabbed him by his horns, yanking him back hard. He nailed Krampus in the spin with a fist, and they could hear a distinct cracking sound. Zen raced across the ground and hit Krampus in the shin by burying his bladed flippers in flesh. He used this to climb up, stabbing over and over. When he got to a knee, he stopped and then sliced, stabbed, and tore, bringing the enormous behemoth down kneeling. Starmaster opened up his arms and dozens of non-flight heroes appeared over Krampus and rained down on him, punching and slamming him.

Hero after hero attacked. The energy pouring across Krampus now lit up the arena so that from the ruins of Hallows Port to the city of New York, a light brighter than the sun itself shone.

Krampus screamed, “MY LADY, HELP ME!”

No one was certain exactly what happened next. A blinding explosion bisected the castle and sent a wave of immeasurable energy out. Heroes and debris showered across the ocean waters. News media and military aircraft were tossed away and the ensuing waves almost capsized several Navy battleships.

Chromatic Death hit the waters with a hard splash and then felt two hands grab him by the armpits and drag him away. Had he not been saved by this random other hero, that massive section of the old League Wars arena would have crushed him. In any case, it crashed into the ocean waters and sent him and his rescuer even further away.

“Who...” he tried to seek his savior, but water kept filling his mouth.

Skelanimal, kneeling on a shard of floating debris, said, “you okay?”

“YOU! Ah, damn!” Chromatic realized who had rescued him.

“You’re welcome, jerk.”

Chromatic splashed around for a moment, “MY BABY!”


“My guitar!”

“Oh, that sunk. I couldn’t grab it and you.”

Chromatic nearly cried, “lost at sea… bummer.”

“What the hell is that?” Skelanimal pointed up.

Chromatic looked and saw a ball of spiraling flames growing in size where the castle once was. “I dunno, but I don’t like the looks of it.”


Santa rounded a corner and ran with all his strength through the station. Nova, Gar, and Quark were right behind him.

“This guy moves fast for his size.” Quark stated.

Nova replied, “he visits millions in one night, trust me, he’s fast.”

They all came to a skidding stop in the Arboretum's doorway. Santa gasped at the sight of the Mythics floating in the air. A beam of energy connected all of them. Each was in a frozen state of terror, as if time had stopped just as they were on the brink of death.

EB rushed up to Santa, having already been there. “It’s bad, really bad.”

Nova asked, “what’s going on?”

Santa slowly walked in. “I can feel her. She’s connected to them. Pulling the life out of them.” He approached the others and held a hand out, intersecting the energy connecting them. He tensed up and cried out, “it’s her! Oh, god, it’s her!”

“Lady Phoenix?” Quark rushed up.

“No… Chase… she is suffering. What have I done! My magic, it’s causing this! They can’t draw out Lady Phoenix, the magic is in her soul. Oh, god, the pain... the suffering... make it stop!”

“Let go!” Nova yelled.

“I can’t!”

Quark clapped his hands together and then thrust them forward. Santa vanished from where he stood and reappeared next to them.

Sitting on the ground, he gathered his breath. “Thanks. Any longer, and I would be like the others.”

Quark used this again to remove Quetzalcoatl, but it threw him back by the repercussion. “Ow, that didn’t work. They’re too deep. I can’t touch them.”

Nova asked, “what do we do?”

Santa looked up, “the power...it’s so chaotic. She is stronger than before, yet unable to control the power. If we don’t stop her now, it will erupt and take this entire planet with it.”

“Then we stop her.” Gar said.

“Easier said than done. She still is filled with rage and evil, she will resist any attempt.” Santa got up by help from Gar’s stone hand. “But, I have a plan. Nova, call back the remaining heroes. Tell them to regroup, their task is not finished.”

“Okay, and what will you do?”

“Prepare my final gift.”
Chapter 15

Chapter 15:

Xcentric crawled out of the ocean and flopped over on the beach. Near him, dozens of other heroes were in the same state of fatigue. He wasn’t a poor swimmer, but he was not ready for a trek this far. Many other heroes had gone out to rescue those fallen from the battle into the waters. He let them get to the injured first. Just then Zen came darting out of the waters and waddled up onto dry land. He shook hard to sling water off of him. “I enjoy swimming, but after four hours of this rescue crap, I’m worn out.”

Xcentric asked, “how can you help rescue people?”

“Same as any hero. Drag the live ones ashore.” He waddled over to Xcentric, “you good? Not too injured?”

“Nothing more than tired. I didn’t take too much of a beating at the fight.”


Krystal Fae landed near them, along with several dozen other heroes, all leaders of their various leagues. “Zen, how goes the rescue operation?”

Zen said, “we got most of them. Others are gett’n themselves out of the water. It was a real mess out there.”

“And, it’s still not done.” She nodded toward the glowing red ball of flames. “That’s getting bigger by the second. It’s either going to explode or do something terrible. We have to contain it, destroy it safely, or... something.”

“Something? That’s a great plan.” Zen muttered.

Xcentric stood up, “what does BADGE have to say?”

“I haven’t been able to get Nova on the line. Commander Justin doesn’t know. He agrees, the BADGE sensors are reading massive power coming from that thing.”

Zen said, “well, let’s go blow up that fireball.”

All of their comm units beeped and Nova’s voice echoed across the beach. “All heroes, regroup on the coastline near the danger zone and stand by. Do not engage until ordered to. I repeat, do not engage until ordered.”

After that ended, Zen said, “welp, that changes our plans.”

Krystal clicked her comm unit back on. “League leaders, get your teams ready, we’re not done.”

Zen groaned, “fine. Colony Five, let’s go. Maybe we can find a fish somewhere, I’m hungry.” he waddled off, muttering in irritation.


Santa’s Sleigh slowly approached an open shuttle. Santa Claus guided it along with several robots helpers. EB, Gar, and Quark waited with him.

Nova came in, “Santa, I have given the standby order. Are you sure about this?”

Santa quietly watched his Sleigh for a moment. “Yes. It is the only way.”

EB asked, “what is the only way? You haven’t told us anything.”

Nova said, “he told me. That’s all we need.”

EB said, “no, not enough. We’re a part of this too. I want to know your plans.”

Nova answered, “EB, this is a priority mission. Some details only I need to know. As an officer of BADGE, you will get the info you need, and nothing more.”

EB hopped up on Santa’s sleigh and snapped both fingers. The robots froze in place by his magic. “Listen here, Nova, I may work for you as a consultant, but, I’m one of these people. The Vexillians are my family. What happens to us is my business. In this case, I am not BADGE, I am the freaking Easter Bunny!”

Both Gar and Quark had their mouths hung open, this may be the most forceful and angry they had ever seen EB.

Santa said, “EB… my old friend. Chase is suffering in ways that no one, not even our kind, has ever endured. She is trapped and cannot escape. Only when the energy becomes critical and explodes will she be free.”

EB said, “but that’ll destroy this world.”

“And all of us, yes. The only other option is for someone to take that power in her, from her. To act as a substitution in her place.”

“But, that was what Lord Dragon was going to do.”

“Yes. He was. But, his method failed. He is trapped and cannot escape. Someone must go to her, interact with her. Only there can this be done. And, that should be me.”

“No! Not you! Please. That will...”

“Kill me, yes. As Lord Dragon expected, this act will consume the caster.” He smiled and ran his hand over EB’s head as the little bunny blubbered. Santa softly said, “this has been my responsibility for too long. I inadvertently cursed Angela by giving her too much of my magic. I set into motion these events, and I must be the one to end them. This world will survive without Santa Claus, but it won’t survive at all if I don’t stop her.”

“There... there... there has to be another waaay!” EB bawled.

“No. There is no other way. But, the bright side will be that my sacrifice won’t be only death, it will bring Lady Phoenix back to us as a living, breathing person. Her soul will be restored and the real person inside this monster will be brought back. Take solace in that.”

EB grabbed Santa in a hug, “I’m gonna miss ya, big guy.”

Santa hugged EB back and then set him down on the ground. EB, still sobbing, snapped his fingers and the robots returned to normal.

Gar said, “I am sorry. If I could give my life for hers, I would. But...”

“You may have the heart of a Vexillian, but you aren’t really one of my people. You can’t do what is needed.”

Nova said, “I don’t want to sound indelicate, but we don’t have much time to talk about all this. Santa, are you ready?”

“Almost. I have one last thing to offer.” He held out his hand, palm up, then blew. A chill filled the docking bay and swirled around into a great, cold gust. Bright, sparkling magic came from him and spun into a small cyclone over his hand. A pinpoint of light transformed into a beautiful snowflake. It grew in size and beamed a brilliant light. Finally, he stopped, and the winds died down, only that enormous, crystal snowflake remained. Nova asked, “what is that?”

Santa held it up, “my most precious gift I offer each year. Christmas Cheer.”

“Cheer?” Quark frowned.

Santa chortled, “yes. Cheer. The joy of the holiday season is the ability to let go of selfishness and think of others, the become the best version of ourselves. Few truly understand the strength in helping a friend, in being selfless. With this, my last gift for my last Christmas season, I will spread this over all the heroes of Earth. They will need this to garner the strength to face the foe we are about to take on.”

“The heroes are going to fight her?” Gar asked. “I thought you were going to stop her.”

Santa said, “no. She is too powerful at this time. They need to weaken her, distract her, give me the chance to do what must be done. And, with this, they might stand a chance. Now, the Director is correct, time is of the essence. Nova, tell the heroes to be ready for my signal. Once they see it, they are to attack her.”

“What will be the signal?” Nova asked.

“Trust me, they will know.”


Across the coastline near the decimated Hallows Port, hundreds of Heroes stood in waiting. There was a tense silence permeating the atmosphere as the sun set, yet the daylight did not leave. The ball of glowing fire had grown so that even at this distance, they could feel the heat.

Starmaster and The Wizard approached her. Starmaster said, “we’ve got the reports back from the military and our own people, almost the entire East Coast has evacuated inland.”

Krystal said, “it may not be enough. If we don’t stop her soon, there won’t be any safe places left on Earth.”

The Closer walked over. “Hey, are we just gonna stand here forever?”

“Nova said to wait for a signal from Santa. No one has seen that yet, so we stand here.”

“Well, what the hell is the signal gonna be?” The Closer asked.

“I don’t know.”

Just then the ball of fire fluctuated and expanded out like two large bird wings. The flames turned and bent into the shape of a giant firebird. At the heart of this blazing creature was the Lady Phoenix, a tiny figure against her fiery form.


Heroes readied for the fight, but none jumped just yet. Eyes turned to Krystal.

The Closer asked, “is that the signal?”


A giant snowflake appeared in the sky above them, followed by a bright silvery light blasting across the entire gathered heroes. A bright, twinkling magic glistened on their bodies. Everyone smiled, some even cheered. Santa in his Sleigh, tethered to Gar, came flying down.

“HO, HO, GO!” Santa bellowed.

Chapter 16

Chapter 16:

The shuttle zoomed down from the station, Santa already in his seat at the helm of the sleigh. Gar put his arms through the straps of a special harness designed by the BADGE official uniform creator. Quark helped him cinch it tight and then checked the lines connecting Gar to both the sleigh and Santa’s reins.

“You sure this will hold?” Quark asked.

Gar said, “the uniform creator makes all the hero costumes, and they withstand all kinds of damage.”

“I suppose if it can design something to withstand a nuclear blast, you won’t have any trouble guiding Santa’s sleigh.”

Santa said, “don’t worry, you two. This sleigh can fly on its own. I’m just a little weak with the power Lady Phoenix drew from me. I only need Gar to make sure I have enough speed and direction. He’ll be fine.”

The pilot of the shuttle announced, “approaching drop zone. Everyone get ready.”

EB hopped over to Santa and hugged him about the neck, “I wish I had more time to say goodbye my old friend.”

Santa smiled, “me too. But, time is not on our side.”

EB held up an egg, “wanna nother to bolster your strength?”

“No. I’ve had quite enough. You’d better get going as well.”

EB hopped over to Quark and jumped into his arms. “Ready.”

Quark said, “good luck you two.” and then jumped, vanishing away.

Santa held his reins, “okay, pilot, open the hatch.”

The back hatch opened, and the sleigh fell out backward. Gar opened his wings and slowed their fall. Suddenly they both blasted off, flying under the shuttle, heading directly for the bright ball of fire over the ocean.

Santa held tight with one hand to the reins as Gar flew with all his might. Lifting his free hand, Santa produced that amazing snowflake he had created. Throwing it up into the clouds, it exploded and a shimmering silvery light burst down and showered the heroes gathered near the cost.

“HO, HO, GO!” Santa’s deep voice boomed out and the heroes below launched themselves at the fireball, a dazzling aura emanating from them.


Heroes flew, portaled, and sped over the water’s surface. Hundreds poured out all their strength at the blazing Phoenix. Swirling tendrils of flame flew out and hit hero after hero, knocking them back. Some returned the blast and stopped it from making contact.

Midgardsormr grew to his enormous size and stomped to the edge of the continental shelf. Using a large open hand, he slung a giant spray of water at the fiery enemy. She lurched back and then pushed both hands forward. A funnel of flames nailed Midgard in the chest. He stumbled back and then fell into the ocean with a giant crash. Rising back up, he roared as he grabbed a chunk of the former castle and lobbed it at her. She dodged it and then sent another giant fireball in his direction.

The fireball suddenly slowed down and seemed to nearly stop. Timebender came flying by, a pocket of bent time slowing the fire down.


Midgard leaned to the side, and the fireball continued in normal time, missing him as it snuffed itself into the ocean.

Timebender hit the surface of the water, which was slowed so he would just bounce right off. He flew straight up and caught another fireball in a time bending. He reversed the time and sent the fire back at its creator, but that did little harm to a Phoenix. She grew angry at him and spread both hands out, sending waves of red energy speeding toward the heroes. It was too fast for Timebender and he was thrown back hard. He skipped a few times across the surface of the ocean and then sunk.

Hotwings dove into the surface and came blasting out at top speed. In his arms he carried Timebender, coughing on a lungful of saltwater.

“Is she too fast for ya?” Hotwings stated.

“Just a little.” He gagged a few more times and then said, “drop me, I can handle myself now.”

“Whatever you say.” Hotwings dropped Timebender, and he fell a few feet before taking off under his own power.

Hotwings sped around Lady Phoenix. He used a laser pistol from BADGE to shoot at her, but it was a pointless attempt. She turned to him and just before she responded, The Wizard and Krystal Fae appeared out of portals and created a massive barrier that stopped her attack.

“You good?” Krystal asked.

“Better now.” Hotwings said.

The Wizard spoke into his comm unit, “get ready!”

“For what?” Hotwings asked.

Both magical heroes flew down and held out their hands as they sped across the surface of the water. Dozens of portals opened, and each one produced at least one hero riding BADGE water speeders. Furious Squirrel led a large team of tech heros as they zoomed across the waters, heading toward Lady Phoenix.

Furious shot at Lady Phoenix with his multiphasic laser, large beams of various colors piercing her fires. “Everyone, stop her attacks. Target the fire balls and fire whips!” He yelled.

Fleagle, Bartman, and Judgment Day used similar weapons to cut off attacks before they hit other heroes. This left room for the flying heroes to get closer and go directly for the woman in the center of the flames.

Fleagle said, “we’re really pissing her off!” He shot and stopped another attack.

Furious yelled, “good! The angrier she is, the more distracted, and that’s the goal. Now...”

Suddenly Lady Phoenix turned and released a massive wave of flames at the floating heroes. Their weapons were not nearly strong enough to stop it. One hero on a water speeder zoomed up and held up both hands. A giant snowflake appeared in the air and met the attack. Both exploded, creating a shower of ice shards and mist. The icy hero flew back off his speed and crashed into the ocean.

“GLYCE!” Furious called out.

“WATCH OUT!” Fleagle yelled, and the heroes split up before another fire blast could hit them.

Bartman sped over to the floating blue hero and circled him. After a second he simply sped away and spoke into his comm link, “another hero down, we’ve lost Glyce.”


Santa zoomed around the swirling mass of heroes and fire. More than once he had to dodge either a hero attack or something from Lady Phoenix. Gar kept him going, flying with all his might. He reached over and held out his hand. A blast of ice met a ball of fire and dissolved it. He did this several more times.

Strange Quark flew up, EB now standing directly on his back, throwing exploding eggs at Lady Phoenix.

“Santa!” Quark said. “We aren’t doing much to hurt her! She’s too strong!” He shoved his hands forward and created a portal that absorbed a ball of fire from getting to them.

Santa dove and looped up around to the other side of Quark and EB. “They just have to keep trying. They don’t have to defeat her, just tire her own and keep her distracted.”

EB threw a rather large egg that exploded near one of the Phoenix wings, evaporating it for a moment. “We got her distracted, but I don’t know if it will do any good.”

Santa said, “then, I have no choice but to go in now. Tell the heroes to focus her attention to the East, I will approach from the west. Gar, time to let me fly solo.” He snapped the reins, and they fell away from Gar.

Gar flew to the side, “good luck, Santa.”

EB, Gar, and Quark flew away from Santa. Gar was giving the new order to the heroes in his comm.

Santa held tight and flew toward the blazing inferno. Sweat glistened on his brow as the heat intensified. The heroes below were already working to move her, and it was working.

“Angela, I am truly sorry for what I must do. Please… forgive me.”
Chapter 17

Chapter 17:

“Why is this happening? How did this go so wrong?” He thought to himself as he heard the deafening explosions, felt the intense heat, and saw the flashes of light. “Angela, I remember that day we found you. Cradled in the arms of a mother who gave her life for you, a fire will still consume you in the end. What have I done?”

The world swayed as the waves rocked harder under him. More heroes were joining the fray, but their comrades were battered and worn out.

“Angela, I never meant this to happen. I want to go back. I want to be in those days when we would play in the workshop. You loved playing with me. I never thought I could enjoy being with a child so much, so free and happy. You taught me much more than I ever taught you. But… something went wrong in me. I made choices I regret.”

Just then a new voice spoke in his head. It was the voice of Santa, “Krampus, is that you? Are you still alive?”

Krampus, now appearing as a human, floated on his back in the waters. Blood stained his body where gashes still bled. “Brother. I am weak.”

“I am glad you are alive.” Santa said. “I wanted to say goodbye.”

“I am sorry, brother, for what I have done. Now, close to my death, I realize too late the fault in me. My path I chose was twisted, and I never saw it.”

“I forgive you. I never stopped loving you as my brother, I just wish things hadn’t turned out the way they did. I too made choices I regret. Now, I am forced to rectify a situation I created.”

Krampus gasped in a wet, raspy sound. “Angela! You… you aren’t...”

“Yes, brother. It has fallen to me.”

“No. Please, not Angela!”

Santa laughed softly, “don’t tell me you care for her now? I thought she was just another brat, and pet of mine.”

“I was wrong. Please, don’t take her life. I… can…”

“This is the only way. At least, in a few moments, we will all be together again. I have little time left, Lady Phoenix grows weak.”

“No! Please... Santa... BROTHER!” Krampus called out in his mind, but there was no response.

Forcing his eyes open, the blurry image of heroes darting around the magnificent firebird hurt his old eyes. He had drifted away from the battle zone, the surrounding waters filled with a cloud of red blood streaming from his many wounds. No one above would recognize the man in the water. He was no longer the myth of nightmares.

With a weak movement, he reached up. “Please… don’t”


Santa held tight to his reins as he drove hard toward the Lady Phoenix. He swooped around her several times, avoiding being struck down before making contact. The heroes had distracted her, but he was still struggling to get in around the battles fray.

“yah!” The sleigh dropped suddenly, and he struggled to pull it back up. “My power is growing weaker, I must get in there before I crash into the ocean.”

Suddenly the heroes poured out an intense onslaught and took the Lady Phoenix off guard. She fought still, but was now lurching back, her bird dissolving into the surface of the ocean as she. Steam burst upward as the fire met water.

“This is my chance!” Santa snapped the reins and drove toward the woman in the midst of this inferno. Heroes dove out of his way, and some even flew alongside to make sure he wasn’t hit by fire. He yelled a long cry as they approached her. The Lady Phoenix looked up at him, her eyes displaying a sense of fear at his sight.

“HELP SANTA!” Krystal yelled and cast spells to keep the fire from immolating the Sleigh. Heroes focused their attacks.

Santa flew hard, heroes around him peeling off as he grew dangerously close to the heart of the flames.

“WHAT IS THAT?” Hotwings yelled as he pointed.

Another figure darted directly up at Lady Phoenix and met her at the same time as Santa. Upon impact there came an intense blinding light, then nothing. No explosion, no more fire burned, nothing happened. The heroes came to a standstill as they all looked for any signs of Santa, Sleigh, or The Lady Phoenix.

“Is it over?” Hotwings asked.

Krystal shook her head, “I don’t know.”


Chase floated in a strange place. Fire surrounded her, yet it did not burn. There was a song in the fire, a sound that was melodious and sad.

“Hello, where am I?”

“Angela.” A soft, kind voice spoke from behind her.

She turned in this weightless world and beheld a strange person. He was handsome, strong, and half dressed. He had green pants on, and nothing more. “Who are you?”

Holding up his arms he said, “this is how I appeared seven centuries ago, before I changed myself into the humans version of my appearance. But, even so, you should know me.”

Chase looked him in the eyes and said, “Uncle Krampus, is that you?”

“Yes. Angela, my sweet little friend. I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you.”

“What happened to me? Where am I?” She looked around the flames.

“You’re between lives. This is my power, a very special ability. Unlike all the others of my kind, I could touch the void. It is where I could put children to torture them. A nothingness. I have brought you here so I may do one good thing in my horrible life.” He groaned and held himself. At the same time, this strange place shook.

“Uncle, what’s wrong?”

“I’m near death. I have little time left.”

She held his hand, “no. Please, don’t go. I just remembered you.”

He laughed, “I too remember those days when we were happy. You were such a good little friend. I only wish I had become the man you saw in me, not the monster I was.”

“You were not a monster.”

“Yes, I was. It is only at the end of my days I realize it was wrong. But, I have one gift left to give.”


He spent a moment straining from the pain and then held out his hand. Black shards flew from all around and came together. They joined into a single gemstone. “I saved the broken ruby of Lady Phoenix. I intended to keep it so she couldn’t be split again, and I could keep her evil. But, now I am going to use it to do what no other could, save you.” He held it up and let it float away from his hand. “Lady Phoenix, return to us!”

Chase gasped as the surrounding flames swirled into a great storm, then flowed deep into the black gem. It grew in brightness and turned a deep red hue. Then, an aura of energy resonated all over Chase. She strained and cried out as it split from her and also returned to the ruby.

Krampus grasped it and smiled, “she is free. The evil in her has been tamed.”

“How and why does this save me? I don’t understand.” Chase asked.

Krampus came closer to her, “your heart is filled with the magic of the man you called father. It cannot stay, once you leave this void, it will evaporate and you will die. But, I cannot let that happen.”

“How can you save me?”

He drew her in and held her in a hug. “Angela, my niece, I give you what remains of my magic.” A light grew between them. As this exchange happened he reached out and took the ruby, “and to you, my Lady, I give you my physical form. To my people and to the humans, with this I make amends. To you, I say, live a good life. I love you, Angela.”

Chase held him tight and whispered, “I love you, Uncle Krampus.”


Krystal spoke into her comm, “BADGE, we aren’t seeing anything.”

Nova came through, “I need eyes on Lady Phoenix, she should be back.”

“We’ll keep looking.”

Just then Quark and EB flew up. Quark said, “we can’t see anything.”

EB added, “I can’t sense her, Santa, or anything. I’m worried. They shouldn’t have disappeared.”

Krystal just about said something when another bright light formed. Energy exploded out, causing great waves of water to spread out and heroes to fly back. Suddenly, there came a tremendous burst and everyone covered their eyes. When it faded, a red object rushed out of the flash and fell toward the ocean.

Gar flew hard and caught Santa’s Sleigh before it crashed. Several other heroes joined him and carried the sleigh back into the sky.

Quark flew over with EB in his arms. The rabbit bounded into the Sleigh and gasped, “It can’t be! Santa! Chase!”

Santa opened his eyes and looked at the gathered heroes. “What… where am I?”

Quark asked, “is she alive?”

Santa looked over and his face drained of color, “Angela!”

Chase softly woke and smiled, “father, is that you?”

“LOOK OUT!” The Closer flew away from them, his arm ready for combat.

Heroes watched as an unfamiliar figure appeared. A man was suspended in the air, one that no one here, save Chase, could recognize. Krampus hovered in the air as his body grew in brightness. Beams of light burst out of him and a flame ignited across his flesh. An explosion of light and fire engulfed him and transformed into a firebird. Heroes dodged her and some fired weapons at her, but she didn’t respond.

Lady Phoenix spoke with a booming, yet gentle voice. “BE AT PEACE, MY FRIENDS! THE BATTLE IS OVER.”
Chapter 18

Chapter 18:

Nova led Lady Phoenix into the Arboretum with Chase, Gar, Quark, EB and Santa.

“LORD DRAGON!” EB raced over to the leader of this group and shook him. “Wake up!”

Nova stepped over to Cupid and looked down at the man, “are they… dead?”

Lady Phoenix walked through, her body emanating an aura of fiery energy. “No, but it is like a state of death. Their power has been drained.”

Gar asked, “is it in you still?”

She knelt down and brushed her hand over Maneki-neko. “Not anymore. When Krampus put me back together, that which I stole was removed.”

Nova asked, “can you save them?”

Lady Phoenix stood and gave a soft nod, “yes. I am whole again, my talisman and I are reunited. This gives me power that I haven’t had in seven hundred of your years. It is how they will be brought back as well.” she stepped into the middle of her fallen comrades.

Lady Phoenix rose up, and a great power emitted from her. Above each Mythic an object appeared. A bow rose over Cupid, an African Ceremonial Mask over Ananzi, a large gold coin over Maneki-Neko, a crown of colored feathers over Quetzalcoatl, nothing over Lord Dragon. Suddenly Lady Phoenix jerked back, and each item dissolved and the mist flowed into each person, with a small portion out of each entering Lord Dragon.

“Please, giving willingly.” She held her hand out toward Santa and EB.

Both bowed their heads and a small point of light shone from them and entered Lord Dragon.

The world returned to normal as each of the Mythics groaned and came around.

“Oh, what happened?” Cupid asked.

Maneki-Neko gasped, “my Lady! You live!”

“Yes, I am with you once again.”

“As am I,” Lord Dragon sat up. “But… I don’t know how.”

Lady Phoenix said, “each of you gave your all to help, but the evil within me stole life from you. I have been returned to my original form, I am whole again. To save you, I have returned all of you to your original forms as well. You are Vexillians once again.”

Lord Dragon looked down at his hands, “this is not possible. Jinn’s destruction of my talisman forever divided me.”

“I took from each of us a portion of magic and gave you the strength you lost. None of us shall ever truly be whole, but we are as close to our original strength as we have been since the day we first set foot on this planet.”

Lord Dragon smiled as he looked up at his wife and then Chase, “but, how can you be with us?”

Santa walked over with Chase at his side. “There is much to explain. However, I believe it is time I formally introduce all of you to my daughter.”

Nova quietly escorted Gar and Quark out of the room. “Let them have their moment. We have much to do.”


One week later;

A gala event clamored on the BADGE space station. Heroes and dignitaries alike mingled. There was a lot of Christmas cheer with cookies, presents, trees, and all the works. Santa missed the holiday, so he gave this party all the charm of the season.

“You’re pretty.” Gar said, with a big smile, as Chase walked up to him.

She laughed and took a sip of champagne. “We’re co-workers, I don’t think that’s appropriate.”

“I don’t care. I like looking at you.”

She sidled up to him and brushed her hand down his beefy, bare, stone chest, “You aren’t so bad to look at either.”

“Stop petting the statues.” Nova said as he approached.

Chase laughed, “you’re in a good mood.”

Nova said, “it feels good right now. The world feels peaceful again.”

Just then Krystal Fae walked up with Chaz Hamilton beside her. “Director, I hope you don’t mind, but I escorted Mr. Hamilton up here from the Sentinel.”

Nova took Chaz by the hand and gave him a firm handshake, “not at all. I’m glad you’re here.”

“You… are. I… I don’t know what to say.” Chaz appeared as though he might swoon.

Nova said, “you were the only reporter to stick around and give a full report on the incident. I’ve known a lot of the media in my time and no one has been quiet as brave as you. Most of your reports are being used by top-level officials to get a better picture of what happened. You have earned a right to be the official reporter on all BADGE events.”

“I… have? You can’t be serious! I just... what about Krystal? She’s always up here with you guys?”

Krystal leaned over, “don’t blow this by asking dumb questions.”

Nova said, “Krystal is good with the media stuff. But, she is also a hero who has a lot on her hands dealing with that. I need someone dedicated to media, and that’s you, unless you don’t want it.”

“I WANT IT!” He blurted and then calmed down, “uh, sorry. I accept.”


“I can begin right now, if you don’t mind. I wanted to ask Chase some questions.”

Chase said, “sure.”

“What is it like being the daughter of Santa Claus?”

“It’s kinda strange, really. I remember decades of time when I didn’t know my past. Yet, now I remember centuries lived with him in his workshop, and those years feel like a warm memory that has always been with me. It will take time to sort it out. But, I am glad to know my past. I have a father again, and that makes me feel better. I just wish I hadn’t lost my uncle.”

“Uncle? Oh, you mean Krampus. Yes, I was wondering about that. I’m still unclear about the whole Krampus situation...”

Nova said, “let’s leave that for another time. I’m sure Chase can offer you an in-depth interview when time permits. There’s someone else here who wants to see her.”

Just then Starmaster approached with a finely dressed woman in elegant Onnotangu garb. “Chase!” The woman rushed over and hugged Chase.

Chase said, “Shizue, is that you under all this?”

Shizue stood back, “yes. Thought I’d dress nice for tonight.”

Starmaster said, “And, it’s Prime Minister Shizue now. First Meta-human world leader.”

“Prime Minister?” Chase asked.

Nova said, “yes, after all the mess in North Onnotangu, the people elected her their first true democratically appointed Prime Minister.”

“They have a lot more faith in my leadership than I.” Shizue admitted.’

Chase said, “I’m sure you underestimate yourself.”

Nova nodded, “a trait that is common among the best world leaders I’ve met.”

Shizue said, “I have had some help from the World Corps.”

“World Corps?” Gar asked.

“Yes, Marshal Gamma has been instrumental in taking care of all the horrible technology our former dear leader had created, especially those awful weapons.”

“Marshal Gamma?” Nova was even surprised by this.

“Yes, he... oh, there he is. Marshal!” Shizue waved a man over.

A man in a strange military uniform, covered in badges and medals, approached. He had a bright smile, red hair, and a piercing blue eyes. “Director Nova, at last. I wanted to make your acquaintance.”

Nova cocked his head, “I’m afraid I am at the disadvantage. Who are you and what is this World Corps?”

Gamma retained that charming smile, “I’m with the World Corps, a new unity of nations born out of the former United Nations. They created a division called MHA, Meta Human Activities. My job is to monitor and handle situations involving super powered human, alien, and… other creatures.”

“That is my job. BADGE already deals with the meta-human activities on Earth.”

“Oh, I’m not replacing you. No, not at all. Merely, assisting. The MHA reports directly to the World Corps, so you don’t have to. I’m sure we won’t step on each other’s toes.”

“I’m sure.” Nova replied in a dry tone.

Just then EB and Quark approached, “NOVA!” EB grabbed Nova in a neck-hug. “Buddy!”

Nova peeled him off. “How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!”

EB playfully flicked Nova’s nose, “like I’d listen.”

“What do you want?”

“Oh, we just got out of the meeting with Lord Dragon and boy have I got stuff to tell...”

Sudden the crowds of heroes and dignitaries hushed and moved as the glorious team of Mythics entered the floor.

EB said, “oh, looks like he’s gonna tell you first.”

Lord Dragon and Lady Phoenix approached, both dressed in glowing, regal apparel befitting their myths. The other mythics were equally impressive to see.

“Director Nova.” Lord Dragon bowed.

Nova returned the bow. “I understand you have had a meeting.”

“Yes. And, it is time to inform you our decision.”


Lord Dragon spoke so that all could hear him. “Seven centuries ago, my people arrived on this world, refugees of the horrible group known only as Legion. We took on the forms of the myths of your people and helped guide you to be ready for the day Legion arrived here. Though our goal was one of peace and protection, I regret that we have also brought about turmoil and pain. My son, Jinn almost destroyed this world twice in his pursuit of power. Krampus wreaked havoc last year and then again this year, both times causing death and destruction. Through the valiant efforts of the heroes of this world, both super powered and normal, neither Jinn nor Krampus prevailed. However, it burdens my heart to know that my people have caused so much chaos. Now that your world has faced and defeated Legion, we are no longer needed to help you. It is time we leave. Those of us who have regained our fullest strength will find a new place to call home. We shall be near this system of planets and offer aid at the request of Nova of BADGE, for he ranks as the most honorable of humans we have ever dealt with.”

“Now wait a minute!” Marshal Gamma stepped up, “there remains a criminal among your kind who needs punishment. The Phoenix will be summoned to the court of the World Corps.”

The fury in Nova’s eyes was only outdone by the rage in Lord Dragon who bellowed, “how dare you!”

Nova said, “Marshal, you’ll inform the court that the fault of the recent incident will be attributed to Krampus, not Lady Phoenix. And, tell them they have no say in this.”

Marshal Gamma left the room.

Lord Dragon turned back to Director Nova. “I am glad you understand our judgment on this matter.”

Nova bowed his head to Lady Phoenix, “completely.”

Lord Dragon continued, “there are two of our kind who have chosen to stay here.”

Santa Claus said, “I will remain here and continue to bring Christmas cheer. I will also offer any assistance to BADGE that I can.”

“I am glad to have you, old friend.” Nova said. Then, his voice weakened, and he almost whispered, “who is the other?”

Causing Nova to flinch slightly, EB bounced up and yelled, “ME!”

“Oh… I see.”

EB hopped around, “I have a lot of responsibility. Not only to my companies that make candy, and boy do I have a lot of new candy ideas. You know, I came up with several spicy chocolate ideas over the past few days, really want to try them out, gonna tastes so good. And, oh, what was I gonna say? Oh, right, I also have a job here at BADGE, helping. I mean, you’re good and all and have Gar and Chase, and Chase is like so hot and I just love being around her, and Gar is great, and Quark, I love his jokes, but also I gotta make you this special hot chocolate I came up with….”

EB rattled on and on as the party continued. By the end of the day, the rest of the Mythic’s bid their last farewell and left the station for a new home. For the last time, the mythics gazed upon the world they had come to love as home.

Strange November
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

Chase ran across a field, blades flying from her hands as she dodged arrows. People around here were shooting energy beams, throwing large objects, or ripping up sod to throw. A cloaked villain laughed as he buried arrows into the hearts of these heroes. It did not kill them, merely dropped them to the ground in misery. Chase felt a terrific fear growing in her as she jumped over a fallen woman and then skidded under an arrow that nearly got her in the heart. She threw her blades, but that strange man swiftly moved at the last moment and shot again.

Suddenly she stopped and waited while the heroes converged on this enemy. The world became foggy, the lines of reality blurring around her. Color drained from everything and it was as though she were merely watching this as a movie.

“Where am I? This feels so familiar. Why am I here?” She asked herself.

“Chase!” A loud, gruff voice bellowed.

She looked around, still on the battlefield. “Who is there?”


Chase sat up in a chair, her face cold on one side from resting on the metal surface of a table. Krampus stood next to her, an ugly sneer on his normally abhorrent face. She groggily answered, “What...oh, sorry. I must have drifted off.”

“We don’t have time to be taking little naps.” He muttered. “We have incoming signatures. I need you to be ready in case any heroes show up.”

Chase roused herself with stretched arms with a yawn. “Do we have full access to the computer equipment yet?” She walked across the impressive operation center of this new location.

Krampus shrugged, “The sensors are working, that’s all I know.”

Chase checked the computer. “I’m definitely picking up a vehicle approaching.”

“Vehicle? They fly tours over the volcano here all the time.” Krampus pushed some of their equipment into place.

“This isn’t a plane. This is a shuttle. And... yes, it is from BADGE.”

Krampus growled, “This can’t be. How could they have found our new location so quickly? Does this stupid League HQ have any anti-aircraft weaponry?”

“How should I know? This is the WMD headquarters. I still don’t know why we ran up to Iceland and take over their base.” Chase checked over the computers. “If it does, we don’t have access.” Suddenly the computer beeped. “They’re signaling us.”

“Don’t answer.”

“Why don’t you just go out there and use some of your mythic magic to take them down? Or are you afraid to get your hands dirty anymore?” She asked.

He sneered at her, “Even with my magic being bound, I am more than a match for these heroes. Get yourself ready.”

Chase shut down the power to the room, leaving only tiny lights active on consoles and tablets. Each slid into a shadow and readied for a fight. Moments later they heard the distinct sound of engines approaching the landing pad. Once the sounds stopped, there was a long silence before the door opened.

The bright light outside broke through the dark room, and a shadowed figure stood there. Krampus lurched forward, but stopped. Chase threw a blade, lodging it in the intruder's thigh.

“OOOOOOW!” Skelanimal yelled. “WATCH THE BLADES!” he hopped around on one leg, while carrying a body over his shoulder. He attempted to pull the blade out, but the person he carried prevented most of his arm movement.

“Skelanimal!” Krampus barked, almost angry.

Chase said, “Oh, I’m sorry. Here I’ll...” She went to help him.

Krampus got to him first. Yanked the blade out, which drew a louder scream, and then said, “I see my plan worked. Spirit got you out.”

Skelanimal flopped a blue body onto a table and then gripped his thigh with his bony hands. “Yeah. That twerp messed them up good. He left me alone, outside of breaking me out.”

“It was a risk getting his help. I had to convince him he this was just all a big, fun trick for Halloween.”

Skelanimal said, “the plan worked. I got in there by being captured, and then you got me out. Along the way, I got a few treasures.”

Chase frowned at the sight of Strange Quark laying on the table. “I think I know this person. Why did you bring him here?”

Krampus interrupted this question by asking, “Did you get the shards?”

Skelanimal pulled up a sack and smiled under his bony mask, “Of course. Wouldn’t have spent all that time up there without something to show for it.”

Krampus snatched the bag and opened it. He went silent, lost in that glittering greed flickering in his eyes. He turned to the holding device where the other shards waited. Pouring this out, a smile grew on his face. “This is all of them. It’s almost done.”

Skelanimal, limping slightly, came over and went to turn on the machine. “Then, put this sucker back together.”

Krampus grabbed Skelanimal’s hand and nearly squeezed the blood out of it. “NOT YET!”


Krampus threw the hand away. “We can’t force it back together just yet. That would only draw his attention. We aren’t ready for him yet. No. We need to plan this out. Chase!”

Chase, still looking down at Quark, said, “Why is it I want to laugh when I see him? It’s like he’s just told a joke...I...I don’t know what’s happening to me?”

Krampus said, “Chase, I have a mission for you.”

“Who is this blue man?” She asked.

“Not your concern.”


“NOT NOW! We have immediate issues. I need something special. And, I need a thief to go get it.”


“Here.” Krampus handed her a computer tablet.

She read it and then asked. “You want me to break into Santa’s workshop? That’s impossible.”

“Trust me, you can do it. Just, avoid any contact with anyone, especially Santa. Bring that back to me. Go, time is not on our side.”

Chase resupplied her throwing blades and then left the room.

Skelanimal asked, “Is this wise, keeping her around? I mean, she almost recognized this blue guy.”

Krampus smiled, “She’s still under control. The mental lock will keep her from fully recovering her memories. We have other issues to worry about.”

Skelanimal frowned at Quark, “Why d’you have me get this dude?”

Krampus stood over Quark, “in him is the key to everything. I did not understand where the power had gone. But, when he encountered the shards, I realized it was alive, in him. Now it is merely the matter of extracting it.”

Skelanimal held up a clawed hand, “Let me. This guy has been a pain in my butt...”

“No. We need him alive for the process. Getting this out of him will not be like drawing blood or extracting a kidney. But, I don’t have time to educate you on the finer details of energy dynamics.”

“Energy… what?”

Krampus walked away as he said, “It’s a good thing you’re useful for other things than thinking.”

“Hey!” Before Skelanimal could describe his usefulness to this master plan, several sensors went on full alert. Skelanimal rushed over and activated external monitors. “Oh, crud. Looks like we have company.”

On the screens, the entire WMD league landed on the snow covered rocky shores of this tiny volcanic island. From Midgardsormr to Hotwings, the entire team marched on their own stronghold, a fierce look in their eyes.
Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Chase landed the stolen BADGE shuttle in the vast, frozen wastelands of the north. The shuttle’s cloaking device worked perfectly, leaving nothing to be seen. Opening the back, she deftly made her way into the snow. Using a piece of Legion tech Krampus had given her, she too cloaked from sight. Through wuthering winds and blinding snow, she raced toward a nearly invisible location. Almost as a shadow on the horizon, Santa’s vast workshop lay before her. However, she didn’t head that direction; she turned toward a new location. Pulling out the computer tablet, she checked to make certain she wasn’t heading for the wrong place. To her, every direction looked like just more snow drifts.

“I hope he knows where I’m supposed to be going.” She grumbled under her breath.

To her surprise, she found a strange shard of stone jutting up through the snow. It might be missed as just part of the natural landscape, but something about it stood out to her.

“Why isn’t it covered in snow?” She finally realized the problem. Everything up here was buried, or at least holding snow. This bit of stone was void of snow over most of it.

Feeling the surface, she checked it over. Krampus was vague about how this worked. Finally, she felt a difference in the surface. It was minor, and she almost dismissed it as just more thin layers of rock. Pulling up on this layer, it moved and revealed a handle. She pulled it out, twisted it to the right and let go. When it sunk back down, the stone shifted over, pushing snow with it. Underneath this artificial protrusion was a narrow, ancient stone staircase, leading down into a dark hole. Though disregarded for centuries, she was met by the smell of old stone and baked cookies. With this aroma, she knew this was the right place.

Clicking on a small wrist light, she carefully descended into this darkness.

Krampus reached for Skelanimal as he dashed for the exit. “Wait!”

“What for? You stay behind. Maybe I can convince them to leave or something. They were my league once.” He shoved open the door.

Outside, on the black pumice, Midgardsormr led his team toward Skelanimal. Hotwings buzzed by overhead and then landed in front of Midgardsormr, between him and Skelanimal.

Skelanimal put on a smile, “Hey, old friends. Good to see you. Great job on the last League Wars! Wish I could’ve been there to help, but looks like you didn’t need it. Eh?”

Hotwings looked at Skelanimal with an angry scowl on his face. “What are you doing here?”

“What am I doing here? This was our base, or don’t you remember?”

Midgardsormr shoved Hotwings aside and bellowed at Skelanimal, “I ONLY REMEMBER KICKING YOUR SORRY BUTT IN ONNOTANGU! WEAKNESS I CANNOT ABIDE!”

Skelanimal frowned at him, “That was... um... just... let’s say I had my reasons. Why don’t you go and...”


Skelanimal stepped back. “Midgard, I know you like to be loud and pushy, but this is... kinda scaring me.”

Midgardsormr screamed with incoherent bellowing and then lashed out with his claws. Skelanimal swiftly avoided laceration, jumping back and landing ready for a fight. “Watch it. I’m not alone and I won’t go down easily.”

While Midgardsormr growled and mumbled insults, the rest of the League just stood there with angry eyes. No one, not even the enraged legendary serpent advanced. It as like they all were in a trance.


Just then, Krampus left the compound and stepped up next to Skelanimal.

Skelanimal laughed, “Oh, I see. You ain’t afraid of me, but my friend here gives you reason to hold back. Well, if you don’t want him ending you fa good, your gonna listen...”

“Shut up.” Krampus interrupted.


Krampus ignored Skelanimal and walked passed him toward Hotwings and Midgardsormr. “I see you interacted with Spirit of Halloween.”

Hotwings slowly turned his head and gave Krampus a wicked smirk. “He... helped us see the light.”

“Good. Very good.” Krampus walked up to Midgardsormr, looking up at the writhing giant serpent-man. “You look like you are in need of a good fight.”


“Now, now. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’ll let you have that kind of fun later. For now, I have a mission for you, my new League.”

DaMon stepped around Midgardsormr and asked, “anything for you, my lord.”

This gave Krampus a bigger grin, “I love obedience. We need a distraction. I have plans and interference by BADGE or any of the other Leagues could prove... disruptive. I need you to distract them. Follow Skelanimal, he’ll lead you in this mission.”

“Me?” Skelanimal was taken aback. “You want me to lead them. I have never been able to deal with them, especially Midgard.”

“Trust me, they’ll listen to you.”

Skelanimal looked up at the seething serpent and then the rest of the heroes, all waiting for his command. “Okay, this could be fun. What do you want me to do?”

“Take them to a large city and destroy it.”

“Which city?”

“I don’t care, just far away from here.”

Skelanimal licked his lips. “Sounds like fun.” He left Krampus and walked among his former league with a gait of an admiral in a cheap movie. “Alright, heroes, you’ll do what I say, when I say it. Even you, Midgard.” They responded like a horde of zombies waiting on their summoner. “Okay, Wizard, zap us outta here.”

The Wizard stepped up and cast a spell that enveloped the team. In a matter of seconds, they all vanished.

Chase crept for what felt like miles under the ice of the North Pole. It was freezing, but she ignored it by staying focused on her mission. Eventually, a warm light at the end of this tunnel broke the long darkness. That smell of baked goods had become stronger and was joined by the scent of mint and fresh hay.

At the edge of this tunnel, she paused as the sound of working grew. A set of old wooden doors blocked the exit. Opening them, she came out inside a stable filled with stalls and hay all over the floor. The stalls each held large, majestic looking reindeer.

“I told Vil that I needed at least five candy canes for the job.” A small man entered the stable with a small woman next to him.

Chase quickly slipped into the nearest shadow, forgetting a cloaking device covered her. The two small people approached each of the reindeer and fed them large buckets of candy.

The woman said to a reindeer, “Now, Comet, you know it’s getting closer to Christmas, you need to be ready. Eat hearty.” She held up the feedbag, and the reindeer crunched through the pile of sugary treats.

Once they had left, Chase exited the shadows and looked around. Nothing noticed her. All the animals crunched on their food. Relieved the cloak was working, Chase checked the computer tablet again. “Well, I guess Krampus doesn’t know everything. This was supposed to be the storage facility, not the stables.” She checked the information and then slowly left the stables for the main halls.

Whispering to herself, she looked around. “The sleigh room... where would that be?”

Two elves walked by carrying a single, long leather strap covered in heavy, ornate sleigh-bells. Chase followed quietly, using the jingle of the bells to cover the sounds of her footfalls.

The elves delivered the freshly polished bells to a room where a glorious red sleigh waited. Once they left, Chase stayed behind, in awe of this room.

She stopped by a wall where Santa’s amazing traveling cloak hung on a hook. The incredible embroidery dazzled in her eyes. She reached out and felt the soft, plush texture. After a moment, she found herself curious. “Why...don’t I want to steal this? It’s worth a fortune.”

As she pondered this odd feeling, she turned and beheld the sleigh. It was truly the most magnificent thing in this room. Every inch a meticulous creation of the finest craftsmanship. Gold gilding, silver bells, perfect leather interior, incredible wood from Lebanon cedar. However, it wasn’t the magnificence of this creation that stopped her; it was the fact she remembered it.

“Why does this feel so familiar? I have been here before... I think. But, why can’t I remember. Why don’t I want to steal this stuff? What’s wrong with me?” She turned off the cloaking device and looked at her own hands, not sure if she was the same person she knew yesterday.

Chase looked up and saw two objects tethered to the back wall, two sacks. One was red and had a golden cord. The other was green and ragged. She slowly stepped up and felt the red bag for a moment, still lost in those fighting memories.
Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Santa sat at his desk in an office. Using a golden feather quill, he dipped it in a special silver ink and wrote a name on the list. As he continued working on his famous list, he slowed to a pause. Setting side the parchment and quill, he looked around. “Something isn’t right.”

Stepping away from his desk, he walked out directly onto the main floor of the workshop. Hundreds of small elves dashed around, taking care of the finer details of this operation.

“Sir?” An elf rushed up to him. “Something wrong? Is the list ready?”

“No, sorry, the list isn’t ready yet. However, there is something terribly wrong.”

The elf asked, “what?”

“I don’t know. I feel something... unusual. Have some elves go outside and look around for signs of any intruders.”

“Intruders! But, no one can find this place.”

Santa shook his head, “almost no one can. However, it is the few who can that I’m most concerned about. Go, quickly.”

The elf spared no more time and rushed to gather help. Santa slowly walked along the railing above the main floor and pondered the feelings in him. Suddenly his eyes widened, and he said, “no...it can’t be.” He hurried away, a look of genuine concern on his rosy face.

Leaving the manufacturing floor behind, he rushed passed the stables and to the most precious room of this entire facility. Throwing open the doors, he entered the Sleigh room. “Angela!” He called out.

The room was as it should be, the sleigh, his coat, his bag, and no one else. He approached the sleigh and felt it. Then he looked at his coat. Finally, he headed for his bag, only then realizing what was missing. His eyes fell upon the hook opposite his bag.


Chase walked into the League HQ of WMD and tossed the green, ragged sack on the table.

“There it is. Not sure why you wanted this dirty old thing, but I got it.”

Krampus stepped away from a dark corner and slowly approached the sack. His eyes were as that of a child on Christmas morning. For the first time, he didn’t hurl an insult her direction the first thing. His hand shook as he slowly reached down and picked up the sack.

Chase waited a moment for him and then finally asked, “what is with this thing, anyway?”

Krampus held the sack in his claws, his eyes glistening as he looked at it. “This is my talisman, this holds the other half of my power.”

Chase said, “it wasn’t really that hard to find. Though, it was deep inside Santa’s workshop.”

“You need not worry about that. You brought it back to me, that is all that matters.”

Suddenly there came a strange thumping sound. Chase looked down, “What’s that?”

“Just something under the floor. Nothing to worry about.”

Chase looked around the room, “Hey, where’s that blue guy?”

“I have prepared him for the next phase of this plan. That is all you need to know. Go, watch the sensors and monitors. I want to know the moment WMD begins their attack.”


“JUST DO IT!” Krampus bellowed and then walked over to the ruby shard station, activating elements of the process.

Nova left the elevator for the Food Court on the BADGE station. The student heroes and workers were gathered around tables, eating and chatting. Construction crews continued to work on the damaged systems. Several exposed bulkheads were being held together by temporary force fields. Large, cumbersome looking robots carried debris away for dematerialization.

Leaving the main floor, Nova traveled via two more elevators to a special Fight Club floor. It wasn’t a real Fight Club like the ones on Earth, but it had all the same features for Meta-humans. The exercise equipment could handle super powers, the walls, floor, and ceiling could withstand incredible impacts. And there was a holographic system to create extremely dangerous sparring opponents.

Dr. Henderson stood outside the door to the Fight Club training room.

“Oh, Director, I’m glad you came. He’s worse today.”

Nova waited a moment as he heard screaming, thumping, and crashing sounds. “How long has he been at this?”

“Seven hours. I tried talking to him, but he doesn’t want to listen. I’m an expert counselor, but even I have my limitations for how to deal with this kind of aggression.”

“I had hoped he would have released this rage after some time punching a few holograms.”

Dr. Henderson shook her head, “Sir, you know what he needs. Only you can help him.”

“I know. I don’t like it, but I know. I have to go in and talk to him.”

“Be careful.”

Nova said, “I can handle it.” He punched the button and opened the door to the training room.

As soon as he entered the room, a large punching bag flew by him and exploded against a wall. Sand and other material scattered everywhere. Three holograms appeared and yelled as they rushed at Gar. Gar screamed right back and punched the first so hard the holographic matrix exploded. He grabbed the second by the throat and slammed him into the third. The third hologram was on the ground, being pounded on by the body of the second, as Gar used the hologram like a hammer. Each time he slammed one body into the other, he yelled.

“Computer, deactivate training holograms.” Nova commanded.

Gar wasn’t prepared for this. Just as he was about to slam the one man into the other on the floor, both vanished. His fist made a large indentation in the floor. He looked up with a shot and glared at Nova. “I wasn’t done!”

“Yes, you were. This has gone on long enough. Come on, let’s go.”

“No.” Gar stood, dusted himself off, and turned from Nova. He found another punching bag and throttled it with both fists.

Nova approached, showing no fear of the enraged man. “I understand why you are furious...”

“No, you don’t! To you, heroes are just tools. These are my friends! You don’t care about them.” He punched the bag so hard his fist went clean through it.

Nova was actually impressed. “You’re stronger than I give you credit.”

“Then let me go down there and find them. They are my best friends.”

“Where would you start?” Nova asked.

“Earth is that way.” Gar sarcastically answered, gesturing out of the room.

“We are searching, the heroes...”

“Chase was missing when you allowed that League Wars. How many heroes were looking then, huh?” Gar walked past Nova, intentionally hitting him with his wing as he did.

Nova did not react to Gars rudeness. “Listen. I know what you are going through. I have lost a lot of friends over the years. I have had to face tough decisions. Yes, we held League Wars while she was still missing, but that doesn’t mean we stopped caring about her or looking for her. This is a complicated situation. I can’t just have heroes running around without organization. We will find her and Quark.”

Gar, looking at himself in the floor-length mirror, said, “I will find them. You can’t keep me here any longer.”

“No, you can’t...”

“I CAN AND WILL!” Gar turned and said, “I lost my father and no one was there to help me. I will not lose my friends while no one helps them.”

“BADGE will do this. You can’t go.”

Gar headed for the door. “You can’t stop me.”

“YES, I CAN!” Nova spoke, his voice booming in an unnatural echo.

Gar froze and turned, looking at Nova with fear.

Nova said, in that same voice. “KNEEL!”

Gar knelt. “How... are you doing this?”

“THAT IS NOT YOUR CONCERN!” Nova’s voice returned to normal. “Gar I... I can’t lose you. I’ve spent so many years fighting for the Earth alone. I had allies and even commanded legions of heroes. But, the truth is, you’re as close to family as I have ever had. I care about you in a way I have never cared about another. You’re like my son. Chase and Quark are also my friends. We have formed a unique companionship among us, and I won’t rest until they are safe. That means I must protect you. Do you understand?”

“Do you understand that I must find them? I must know they are safe. Every day we wait to find them hurts so much more than the last.” For the first time, Gar stopped raging and let out the sorrow.

A new, friendly voice said, “I might be able to help with that.”

Nova looked up and actually jumped, “Santa! How the hell did you get in here?”

“I’m Santa.” Was his entire explanation. He came closer to them and said, “I have disturbing news.”
Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

Santa paced in Nova’s office while Nova and Gar waited on him to speak. From here, they could look down through large windows to the main floor of the food court. “This is the most secure location on this station.” Nova said, “what is this dire information?”

Santa watched the robots repairing parts of the Arboretum. “I believe Chase has been in my workshop, quite recently.”

Gar lit up, “really? When… where?”

Nova held up his hand. “Please. First, what makes you believe this?”

“I know Chase... better than anyone. I know what she is capable of and how she garnered these skills. She is the only person who could break into my workshop and go unnoticed by almost everyone.” He turned to them and said, “someone broke in, and they stole exactly one item. Krampus’s sack.”

“And, you believe this is Chase?” Nova asked.

“It has to be. There are few people on this planet who can even see my workshop, let alone get in undetected. Most of the other Mythics can’t even find it. Chase is one of those people.”

“Why?” Gar asked.

“For another time, son.” Santa answered. “The fact that she stole the only item belonging to Krampus tells me she is part of his plan.”

“What is this sack?” Nova asked.

Santa sat down, “It is his talisman, the object in which he split his power back when we first arrived seven centuries ago.”

“A sack?” Gar asked.

“To properly represent the myths, we each took on a special talisman related to our new identities. I got the Sleigh whereas Krampus got a sack. The myth was that I would deliver toys to all the good children of Earth. Krampus would snatch the bad children and stuff them in his sack, to be eaten later.”

Gar was aghast, “he ate children!”

“No. That was the myth. The reality was, back in the early days when he wasn’t so wicked, Krampus and I worked together. Some children were especially bad and needed a really good awakening. He would snatch them and scare the living daylights out of them. We would then return them home, leaving them to wake Christmas morning believing they had the worst nightmare ever. They would have no presents and hopefully learn a lesson about being good children.”

“What happened? Why did he change?” Nova asked.

“After a while, he grew to enjoy the fear he instilled in humans. It gave him power. I warned him, before we changed, that taking on the myth of fear could lead to a corrupted mind. I was right. It is a long story, but eventually we had to take away his power and restrict him. Since he is my brother, I was given charge of holding him. We sealed him in the North Pole so I could keep a close tab on him. Lord Dragon sealed his power, and I confiscated his talisman.”

Nova said, “I didn’t know he’s your brother?”

“It is not something I like to admit. He wasn’t always this cruel, but he had a wicked element to his heart that I feared. It was no accident he searched for a fearful myth to emulate. He sought it out.”

Nova asked, “now that he has his sack, does this mean he has his powers back?”

“No. His power is still partly sealed. With the sack, he is stronger, but I don’t know how much. Our talisman only holds our power, to harness it requires power within us. To be honest, I am uncertain what he plans. Though, this can only mean bad things.”

Gar asked, “How do we use this to help find Chase?”

Nova added, “Do you know where he is?”

“I don’t know where he is right now. But, the moment he accesses the power in his sack, we Mythics will know. I am here to help. I am sure EB will be willing to aid us. It won’t take much to find them.”

“What about Lord Dragon?” Nova asked.

“He is... still mourning his wife. He has grown so weak since his talisman was broken that he never leaves his palace. He spends most days sitting in front of the memorial he created, thinking about the woman he loved for so long. I wouldn’t ask him to help, he needs this time alone.”

Nova said, “I can understand. I believe we have enough mythic magic to help. Plus, with all the Leagues back home and ready to work, we will have the planet covered. Just tell me when...” The lights outside in the main room turned red and a loud siren buzzed. Nova slapped a button on his desk, “Report!”

EB came through, “We got some serious crap going down. You’d better get in here.”

Nova stood up and was about to rush off when Santa touched his nose and all three vanished and reappeared in the Operations room.

“Woah.” Gar nearly fell over.

“Sorry.” Santa said.

EB hopped up and slapped Santa on the shoulder, “Hey, big guy. Been a while.”

“Report!” Nova commanded.

“Oh, right. Take a look!”

Everyone watched the monitors as a dozen news casts blasted out from various small screens. Explosions and sirens filled the room.

“They’ve gone mad.” Nova whispered.

Earlier that day:

Skelanimal stood on top of a skyscraper, letting the winds whistle around him. A clever smile crept over his face as Hotwings, DaMon, and The Avenger, approached.

“The others are in place.” Hotwings said.

“And the citizens?”

DaMon smiled, “They’re asking for autographs.”

Skelanimal laughed. “Sure, the winners of League Wars. The most celebrated heroes of Earth... for now.”

The Avenger asked, “Why Tokyo?”

“Dunno. Seems right to have a giant green monster attack this city. Might even make a movie about it.” Skelanimal watched the densely packed population rushing about their daily lives below.

“What are your orders?” Hotwings asked.

“I so love hearing you say that. Okay, here’s the plan. Set Midgard off, let him start this rampage. Then, when all the eyes are on him, you guys destroy bridges and other roads. Keep the people from escaping. We want the world worried about this. After that, just blow crap up. Don’t care what, just make a mess.”

Hotwings gave a quick nod and then flew down from this dizzying height. He swooped off toward the bay. The others descended the side of the building and headed for the edges of the city. Skelanimal merely smiled and sat, dangling his bony legs over the side.

“Man, wish I had popcorn. This is gonna be good.”

The Mighty Morphon Power Ranger signed a newspaper with his picture on it and then took a selfie with two Japanese girls.

“Arigato!” They giggled at him.

He waved back and tossed the pen to them. Just when he was going to sign another copy of the paper, Hotwings spoke into the communicator in his ear. He smiled under his mask and looked up at the waters of the bay. Without saying another word, or acknowledging any further requests for his attention, he simply turned and walked away.

People watched him with great curiosity. His whole demeanor had changed. Then the docks rattled and rolled. The water became turbulent. Boats tossed around, a couple capsized. Then, out of the nightmares of a dozen Japanese monster movies, a giant green serpent rose from the sea and bellowed a horrid cry. Midgardsormr reached out and swiped an enormous claw at a series of docks, smashing them to pieces and sending boats flying. He grabbed up a yacht and threw it like a dart right at a nearby building.

Citizens screamed and ran away in a panic. Cars screeched to a stop. Police and other security officials rushed at the scene, brandishing weapons. The moment they caught sight of the monster, they halted their idea of defending and merely grabbed citizens and ran.
Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

Chase watched the monitor as various news broadcasts displayed the attack on Tokyo. Midgardsormr was surrounded by dozens of military craft that buzzed him with bullets. A few heroes were already present, blasting at him with powers. Nothing seemed to stop him. He grabbed a bus and slammed it through the side of a building. Suddenly the news changed to show the famous Rainbow Bridge. Hotwings swooped around it, blasting the supports with lasers. The Wizard appeared at the center of the bridge and then cast a bolt of energy straight down as he flew up. The ensuing explosion split the bridge in half.

Horror riddled Chase’s eyes as she observed the unadulterated destruction. “Why?” She whispered.

“What was that?” Krampus asked from his station.

She knew better than to speak against his plans. So, she said, “I was just amused by the attack. What are you doing?”

He laughed, “the most important job.”

She left the distressing videos and approached him from behind. “The ruby? Is it put back together yet?”

“Not yet, but soon.” He watched as the shards hovered in that energy beam. They gravitated toward each other until several would align and then stick together. Once together, all the cracks between them would seal and they would become one solid piece.

“What will happen when it is fully restored?”

“It will be glorious. That is all you need to know.”

Chase left him and walked over to the corner where Krampus had placed the same chair he had strapped her into when this all began. Though, she was completely unaware of that now. Tied down and fastened to all the equipment was Strange Quark. He was still out cold.

“What are you going to do with him?”

Krampus slowly looked over at her. “So many questions. So curious.” He stood and walked her direction.

Chase, her back to Krampus, leaned over and looked into Quark’s sleeping face. “Why do I know this person? Why do I have these strange feelings when I see him?”

“Do you not know?” Krampus drew ever closer to her.

“Of course not. How could it? I have never met him. I mean, other than battling with him at Fort Knox. I... I just don’t understand... maybe if I...” she gingerly reached out and touched Quarks hand. Her eyes flashed, and she stumbled back. “What... what just happened?”

Krampus, now looming over her, his shadow darkening this corner of the room. “What did you see?”

She paused and considered the images that just flashed in her mind.

Krampus held up his claw toward her. “Tell me, now! What did you see?”

Chase calmed down and turned to Krampus. “I... saw myself battling him at Fort Knox. Strange, it was like I was reliving it. Not sure how that happened.”

“Anything else?” Krampus appeared like a lion about to feed.

Chase looked at him with trembling fear. “No. Nothing. Just that strange flashback. Why are you so angry?”

Krampus stroked a claw across her cheek. “I’m not angry. Now, monitor the situation in Tokyo. I have work to do.” He left her.

Chase stood there, keeping her calm. She wasn’t sure if he was telling the truth, or if he had other plans. What she knew was that she had lied. In her mind, replaying itself, was a powerful memory of her, Quark, and Gar in a movie theater, laughing and having fun. Though she still did not fully understand this, she knew more about who she was at that moment. She also knew that something terrible was about to happen, and she had to somehow stop it.

Nova stood in the middle of Operations barking out commands as he watched the terrifying destruction of Tokyo. Santa and EB waited behind him.

“Fifth Precinct, scramble your people into place. Get your leagues out there to the outskirts and help the evacuation. NMDS, I want you to help evac’ing hospitals and nursing homes. Aquatic heroes, get to the bay and ocean area, rescue those who have fallen or jumped in.”

Shinobi appeared in a window on the monitor, “Sir, we need help! Midgard is...” the image rocked as a massive explosion scattered debris across a street behind him. “This is crazy!”

“Help is on the way!”

“Good, we...” the image shook and then fuzzed.

“Shinobi!” Nova called out, but the image remained as fuzz.

“What do you want me to do?” EB asked.

Nova said, “Take the student heroes from this station that have passed the basic training level one, and get them there as quickly as you can. They are to escort people to safety. Do not have them engage.”

“Can do.” EB rushed away.

“Wait!” Nova said, and that white blur zipped back to him, landing on his shoulder.

EB batted his eyes, “wanna kiss goodbye, buddy?”

Nova shoved him off. “No. Once you get there, join the primary team and stop WMD. I want you to find out what’s wrong with them. This is not normal. They may be brash and Midgard can be loud, but they aren’t like this. Something has gone wrong.”

“I will try.” EB gave his usual salute and then rushed away again.

“What about me?” Gar asked.

Nova said, “This is obviously a distraction. I don’t know what Krampus did to WMD to cause them to go insane, but the timing cannot be coincidence. He has the shards, he has his sack back, and we are missing Quark. Suddenly, one of our most powerful Leagues goes out of their minds and attacks a city. No, this was meant to distract us.”

Gar said, “It is a smart distraction. We have to move heroes to Tokyo, or millions will die.”

“I’m glad you can see that. But, this means our job is clear. We need to move, now. We can’t let him off. Santa, I need your help.”

Santa gave a quick nod. “I will do what I can.”

“Good. Though we have nothing to go on as of yet. Get out there, search for evidence of Krampus. No one knows him better than you.”

“I’ve already searched. Starmaster and I searched for him and Chase for weeks.”

“Search again.” Nova said. “Logically, he would send the distraction as far from his location as possible. Use that as a starting point. Get on the other side of the planet. And... take Gar with you?”

“Me?” Gar asked.

Nova gave a solemn nod. “Yes. Help Santa find Krampus and Chase. I don’t have any heroes to spare and I know you will do whatever you can to find her, and that will lead us to Krampus.”

“Thank you, Director.” Gar almost hugged Nova, but refrained.

“Get down to the shuttle...”

Santa interrupted, “Nope. Get to the Arboretum, I parked my Sleigh there. We’ll get down there faster on that.”

“Oh, get to the Arboretum.”

“Yes, Director.” Gar hurried out of the room.

Santa stayed a moment longer. “You know, you should let him call you father instead of Director.”

“I’m not that boy’s father!”

Santa smiled, “I know. But, you are much more than just his commanding officer. He has such a wonderful child’s spirit about him.” With a touch to his nose, Santa vanished away in a red, sparkling mist.
Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

The east side route out of Tokyo was a mess, with road material scattered everywhere. Cars, buses, trucks, and a few train cars dotted the landscape. Citizens had already been evacuated while the battle ensured. The Wizard blasted spell after spell, destroying more property and sending police, military, and heroes flying everywhere.

Dracomeander ran head-long at The Wizard. Time slowed slightly as he blasted into his super-speed. At just the right moment, he jumped up to deliver a fire fueled fist to The Wizard’s face. Suddenly a portal opened, and he went tumbling through. He rolled across the pavement, slamming into a piece of broken asphalt. Zen, the Penguin, lost his footing and fell down.

“Watch it, you oaf!” Zen barked.

“Sorry, he caught me off guard. How the hell did he catch me while I was running that fast?”

“He’s a wizard, you dolt. Now, get back to it.” Zen picked up a rock and threw it at The Wizard.

Dracomeander jumped up again and ran toward The Wizard. This time he faked him out and side stepped another portal. He went round and round the man, creating a funnel that sucked the oxygen out.

Another voice yelled, “Keep it up!”

Dracomeander glanced up to see the leader of Times Arrow League, Timebender. The hero jumped over a large piece of asphalt and then tumbled under a random blast of magic. Finally he jumped up and time suddenly slowed down. Everything in the area moved to a crawl, even Dracomeander. Timebender slid on the ground toward The Wizard and deftly snapped a cuff on his left wrist. Then he yanked him around, pulling his arm behind him, and snapped the second cuff on the other wrist.

Time returned to normal, and Dracomeander skidded to a stop. The Wizard had both hands held behind him, his face pushed to the ground. He screamed and twisted his body around, yelling various magical words. Nothing happened.

Dracomeander held his knees as he huffed and puffed, “How’d you do that?”

Timebender struggled to keep The Wizard down. “Special arcane cuffs. BADGE had them made for Jinn, but they weren’t going to be strong enough.”

Zen waddled over and said, “Strong enough for this jerk. Take him to jail.”

Timebender leaned over and looked at The Wizard, “He’s foaming at the mouth. And... where’s his dragon? Doesn’t he usually have that dragon with him?”

“Who cares.” Zen stated and then waddled away, “I’m going back to the water. Gonna see if any people are out there still.”

Timebender pulled The Wizard to his feet. The Wizard howled and said things no one could understand.

“Let’s take him in.” Dracomeander said.

Skelanimal sat on the edge of the building, watching the glorious carnage below. He laughed when Midgardsormr threw The Closer through a building. Then he almost fell off the side while cheering as Hotwings plowed Fiero into a street.

“This is just too good.” Skelanimal held onto the edge while the entire building shook as Midgard stumbled and crashed into the neighboring structure. “Woah, I may need to move.”

Fortunately, Midgardsormr regained his footing and grabbed two flying heroes and threw them across the city.

“THAT’S RIGHT, SHOW THOSE HEROES WHO’S BOSS!” Skelanimal waved his hands in the air like an overexcited football fan.

Pavement spewed as Hotwings shoved Fiero down a street. Both winged heroes were locked in combat. She unleashed a blast of energy that threw him away. Sloughing that off, he came in for a direct smash to her head. She grabbed his hand at the last moment and threw him over her, crashing him into the pavement directly behind.

“I won’t kill you.” Fiero said as she pulled herself up. “But, I won’t let you kill others.”

Hotwings rolled over and then stood, flexing his wings. “You’ll have to do better than that.” his tone was grim, almost thirsty for more punishment.

Fiero held out her hands, “Trust me, you haven’t felt my true power yet.”

Hotwings dashed toward her, his fists ready to pummel her. She held still, with her eyes closed. Suddenly, Hotwings slowed down. At the moment he reached her, he was no longer ready to fight. He swayed, groaned, and then his eyes cleared up. He looked around for a moment. “What... where am I?”

Fiero strained, “This...is so strong...I can’t contain it for long...” She focused all of her mental powers at him.

“YAHHH!” DaMon ran at Fiero and slammed her with a bare-knuckled fist to the side of her face at point-blank range.

Fiero hit the ground, face down. She had just pulled herself up when DaMon got her in the side with a well-placed boot to her ribcage. She flipped over and landed on her back, her wings bent in painful angles.

Hotwings returned to his delusional state. He screamed and joined DaMon in his next strike on the fallen angel. Suddenly, two hands appeared out of the shadows of their feet. Each grabbed an ankle on both heroes. DaMon and Hotwings fell face down. DaMon flipped over and heel smashed the ground where that hand was, but it had already slipped through the shadow. Then an arm came out of the shadow under DaMon’s head and wrapped around his neck. He was yanked down, gagging as he struggled.

Fiero, sitting up, held out her hand and hit Hotwings with another mental attack. The winged hero stopped again and swayed. She held the other hand at DaMon and focused. She grunted out, “Midnight-walker, let go. I need you up here.”

The arm slipped back into the shadows. Then, near a wall behind Fiero, a purple hero stepped out of the shadows.

“What are you doing to them?”

“Dunno. But, it’s working.” She strained to hold their minds. “Cuff em, now!”

“Oh, right.” He pulled out the special BADGE hand cuffs and locked them on the wrists of each enemy.

Fiero let go of them with her mental power and sat back, breathing heavily after that stress. Both heroes returned to their psychotic state quickly. She panted and said, “Glad you were there.”

Midnight-Walker said, “everyone is so focused on Midgardsormr. I saw you get hit by Hotwings and followed the shadows here.”

“Thanks. What about the others?”

“They’ve got The Wizard, that’s all I know.”

Fiero used his hand to get back to her feet. She pulled out her BADGE communicator. “We’ve gotta get these guys to a transport and then find the others.”

Nova watched as the battle raged in Tokyo. He had never expected to be sending heroes after heroes. They focused most of the cameras on the battle with Midgardsormr. This was going to take some serious work to bring him down.

A window opened at the bottom right corner of the screen, Fiero spoke, “BADGE, we have DaMon and Hotwings, come get them.”

Nova looked back at a robot. “Signal the retrieval unit, lock onto Fiero’s coordinates.”


He looked back to find Fiero still there. “Anything else to report?”

Fiero said, “I have discovered something. I used a mental attack I normally use to control a villain by messing with their minds. However, when I hit Hotwings and DaMon, it was like I was hitting a separate mind within theirs. There’s a powerful force in their heads causing them to do this. I was able to dampen it for a moment, but it took all I had to just keep it controlled long enough to bring them down. The moment I let go, that power reasserted itself.”

“This could be the answer we need. Gather the psy heroes and lead this charge. We have to stop WMD before they level Tokyo.”

Fiero added, “Or we level the city stopping them.”

“Exactly. Now, go.”
Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

Krampus worked carefully at his station. The ruby was now three parts, all the shards were combined to these three. He used special tools to push two of the sections together. When they met, the blending process began and the cracks between them slowly sealed.

“How goes the battle?” Krampus asked.

Chase, standing at the monitor, watched dozens of videos. “They have taken down most of the enemies. I think only that big serpent remains, and he’s not going down.”

Krampus chuckled, “Midgardsormr at his fullest strength is more than a match for Earth’s heroes. They should have sealed him away long ago.”

Chase looked back at him with a timid worry on her face. “But... they will stop him?”

“I don’t know, I don’t care. If they fail to bring him down, she will.” He nodded toward Strange Quark.

Chase was about to respond to that when she caught the mistake. “She?”

Krampus didn’t respond to that. He merely held out his claw and his sack flew over to him. “It is almost ready. Keep your eyes on that battle. I want this done while they are still fighting.”

Chase turned back and watched the monitor. The heroes were teaming up on the giant serpent.

Furious Squirrel used a pair of blasters to shoot at Midgard from the ground. He slid under a swoop of a giant tail and then threw a snaring rope at the monster’s arm. The rope wrapped Midgard’s wrist and then two powerful magnets stuck his right arm to the ground. Midgard roared and swiped at Furious with his left hand. Krystal Fae blasted Midgard’s wrist, causing it to miss Furious by a few inches. She then pushed both hands down and used that same magic to hold Midgard’s left hand in place. Other heroes fired at him and threw objects at his head.

Fiero led a team of telepathic heroes to the roof of a building. Several heroes with telekinetic powers flew by, taking up positions near the raging serpent.

“Ground team, you ready?” She spoke into her communicator.

Kid Chaos answered, “We’re ready. Better get this show on the road, I don’t know how long the others can hold him.”

Fiero tapped a new command and then spoke so that every communicator in range could hear. “GO!”

All the psychic heroes blasted Midgard in the head with their unified attack. The one thought conveyed was to suppress the alien power controlling him. For a moment he stopped writhing and looked like he was coming around. However, at the wrong moment, he freed his right hand, hit Krystal with a well-placed strike, and then slapped five heroes out of the air. Two flung right into the group of psychic heroes. The distraction was too much, and their attempt failed.

Kid Chaos’s voice came through to Fiero. “It didn’t work. He stopped us too soon.”

“We can’t do it.” Fiero admitted. “I saw his mind. This isn’t entirely the foreign power in him. This has tapped that dangerous part of him. We have to beat him down further.”

“We... AHH!” Kid Chaos and his team had to run when two buses sailed toward them. He came back through, huffing as he ran. “We.. can’t... he’s too... strong. We... might have to... destroy him...”

“That may not be possible.” Fiero admitted.

Chase watched this battle, her heart in her throat. She did not understand what they were doing, but she knew it was a failure. If Midgard wins this battle, he won’t stop with Tokyo. She wanted to do something, to go help, to warn BADGE, but she didn’t have the ability to do this. One wrong move and Krampus will end her right there.

There came that thumping again. Under the floor, something was fighting hard. She had been hearing this for some time. Krampus refused to explain what was down there. But she knew it had to be important. He had gone down there when they first arrived and prepared… whatever this was.

Turning away from the monitors, she causally walked down the computers and examined them like she was strolling through the park looking at flowers. When she happened upon the schematics of the base, she took a moment to check all the cameras. The last image was that of a cave with artificial lights planted in the rock. A creature slithered under the ground, flailing around, slamming into the walls and the metal ceiling. There were small devices emitting an energy net over the room. Chase had seen these before, back when she last broke into BADGE’s main vault. Arcane suppressors.

“What are you doing? How goes the battle!” Krampus looked at her.

She turned, her heart racing. “Oh, it’s still raging as you planned. Nothing new to report. Don’t worry, if it ends or something big happens, I’ll let you know.”

“See that you do.” He held the remaining two parts of the whole ruby and put them inside his sack. Then he continued working with his head and arms inside the sack.

With him covered, this gave her an opportunity. She tried the authorization code he had given her, but it didn’t turn off the suppressors. With a trembling gulp, she checked the systems down there and traced the power back to the main junction on the second floor. It was her only hope, and she wasn’t even sure if this would do anything to stop Midgardsormr or Krampus. She flicked a switch, put in the code, and the power on two levels shut down, including all the power to the cave. The camera stopped sending the signal, and the thumping stopped.

“IT’S DONE!” Krampus called out as he sat back.

Chase turned, terrified of what he was about to do to her for what she had just done. Yet, he was thrilled. A red beam of light burst from inside the bag, making a strange noise. He grabbed it quickly and tied it shut.

At the same time, outside, the nearby volcano erupted with a small spout of fire and smoke as a Dragon blasted upward into the sky.

“What was that?” Krampus looked around.

Chase, failing to appear casual, said, “how..how should I know?”

Krampus glared at her, “what have you done?”

“Nothing.” She stepped back, palming a blade hidden inside her sleeve.

He was nearly on her when he looked up at the screens, a rage filling his eyes. “What! THIS ISN’T POSSIBLE!”

Midgardsormr tore through downtown Tokyo, wrecking every building he got near. Heroes attempted to mitigate his destruction by fighting him, but it was a futile battle. Some heroes had used their fullest strength, bent on killing this creature. Some remained hopeful they could subdue him and bring him to his senses. Both sides were losing the battle.

Shinobi landed on a rooftop near Fiero and Krystal. “We can’t stop him. He’s getting stronger.”

Fiero said, “His mind is more shadowed than the others. Whatever was done to mess with them was three times as strong on Midgard.”

Krystal added, “added to that is his already volatile temperament.”

Shinobi readied his blades, “we will have to take him down, if possible. I... what is that?”

They all looked up to see a Dragon flying toward Midgard. Five balls of magical fire were unleashed and plowed into the serpent. Midgard stumbled back and then roared. As he was about to grab something to throw at the dragon, it slammed him in the chest and pushed him back two city blocks.

“Maleficent!” Krystal gasped.

“Who?” Fiero and Shinobi said.

Krystal laughed, “The Wizard has a pet dragon... or really, he’s her pet most of the time. Anyway, that’s her. If anything can go toe to toe with Midgard, it’s Maleficent. And, by the looks of it, she’s pissed.”

Shinobi clicked on his communicator. “HEROES! HELP THE DRAGON, GET MIDGARD DOWN.”

Fiero clicked her communicator, “Psychic heroes, get ready. We might have one more chance at this.”

Maleficent and Midgardsormr fought an epic battle of magic and might. Maleficent’s power and pure rage matched Midgard’s fury and power. He threw her into a building; she slammed him into a bridge. With one well-placed attack, Maleficent got Midgard by the arm and threw him over and slammed him face first into the pavement of a street. Dozens of heroes blasted him. Several used sticky substances to glue his hands down. One wrapped her entire body around his neck and squeezed. Maleficent slammed hard against his back. Finally, after all the punishment, Midgard began to fade.

Fiero and the team of Psychic heroes launched their mental attack one more time. For a moment, Midgard lashed about in resistance. However, this time, he could not fight back. His eyes closed, and he fell asleep. Finally, his body shrank back to the human size he normally attained and a special set of the arcane cuffs were slapped on him.
Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

Skelanimal jumped to his feet when he watched Midgard go down. He backed up, getting away from the edge. “Oh, crap. This ain’t good.” Tapping his communicator, he called out, “Krampus. I’m gonna need help. My team is down. I ain’t got anyone to transport me back. Krampus?” There was nothing but fuzz.

Heroes moved away. Zooming off or boarding their vehicles. A few remained to work with the authorities on cleanup and rescue. Some also worked with BADGE to bring in the WMD members.

“Okay, so they’re busy, that’s good. I just gotta find...” he fell over when a boot hit him in the face. “ow!”

Nevets landed on the roof, ready to fight. His black dog zoomed to his side, a strange aura of shadow around the creature.

Skelanimal laughed, “Oh, I can deal with you.”

Suddenly he went flying forward after a kick to the back. A sword flew through the air and stabbed his loincloth into the rooftop, pinning him down. Shinobi stood there, another sword ready. “Go ahead, Skelanimal, try. I can have a dozen heroes over here in a matter of seconds. And, this time, you don’t have any extra power to help you.”


Chase gagged and fought as Krampus pinned her to a wall, his claw around her throat. He growled at her, “WHAT DID YOU DO!?”

“I...I...” She tried to answer, but he was preventing her words.

He suddenly threw her away, slamming her against another wall. “I should have known you would betray me? How long have you known your true identity?”

She coughed and held her throat from the pain. “I...I don’t know...who I am...Just that...you have me trapped. This... this isn’t right. I had to help.”

He let off a little smile, “Help? Ha! You merely interrupted the distraction. That league attacking Tokyo was nothing compared to what is coming.”

She pulled herself up by use of the wall and said, “I don’t know everything about me. But, I will stop you if I can.” With a burst of motion, she threw her blades at him.

Krampus calmly caught each one, inches from his face, and then crushed them. “How pathetic. You are good. But, your skills are in thievery, not taking on a god.”

“You’re no god.”

“Soon I shall be. And many worlds will fear me as much as they once feared Legion. Now, I will allow you to live, that you may bear witness to my greatest triumph.” He turned from her, heading for Quark.

Chase stood there, unable to process this. She was completely free to move around, but she couldn’t do anything to stop him. He was far too powerful. All that remained for her was to sit here, in the darkness, and watch him destroy the world.

Skelanimal flew back against the wall of the same BADGE cell he had spent so much time in. All at once an arm hit him in the back and shoved his bony face against the metal surface.

Nova, holding him in this merciless position, yelled, “WHERE ARE THEY?”

Skelanimal fought against him, but found Nova stronger than he expected. “I ain’t talk’n”

Nova pressed harder, “You are lucky this cell is still being repaired. You would be in a world of pain.”

“I can handle it.”

Chromatic Death approached, “Woah, dude, you get’n serious. I like it.”

“What do you need?” Nova asked.

Chromatic said, “Oh, we just put all the WMD in special holding cells. Telepathic heroes are work’n to help them.”

Nova shoved harder on Skelanimal, just for the sake of his anger, “anything else, Chromatic?”

“Not bout them. But, I do have an idea with this one.”

Nova asked, “what?”

Chromatic worked his guitar for a moment and then said, “Can ya hear this?” He played something.

Nova said, “no.”

Skelanimal said, “Ow!”

Chromatic smiled, “Yup, the report on this scumbag said he’s got better hearing. Thought this might help. Hey, bonehead, I’ll stop this when you start talk’n,” He began a steady strumming that was amplified by his power.

Nova frowned as Skelanimal squirmed. Suddenly the glass surfaces on monitors and in the light fixtures popped and shattered. Several of the security robots reacted in strange ways, and a warning siren beeped.

Skelanimal whined and cried, finally yelling, “MAKE IT STOP, I’LL TALK, JUST MAKE IT STOP!”

Nova dropped Skelanimal, who flopped down on the floor in a pile. Chromatic stopped his guitar and leaned back against a nearby wall. “He’s all yours. I’ll just stick around to make sure he keeps talk’n”

Gar flew beside Santa’s sleigh, both gliding along over the frozen north. The bright sunlight above made the white world below glow with amazing brilliance. After a long distance of this traveling, the ice broke up and gave way to crystal blue waters. A few boats watched in awe at the spectacle above them.

“Where did Nova tell us to go?” Gar asked.

Santa swooped around him, “Iceland. That’s all Skelanimal knew. He said it was the WMD base, but we would need their help in finding it and they are in no shape to talk right now.”

“So, we search an entire country?” Gar asked.

“Well, Iceland isn’t exactly a large country.” Santa snapped the reigns and his sleigh shot off. Gar beat his wings and picked up speed to follow.

Chase held the side of a table, sporting some injuries from being thrown across the room. She wanted to find something like a knife or blade to throw. Even if he killed her for it, she had to injure him, to slow him down. Do something.

“What are you doing?” She whispered.

Krampus towered over the chair where Strange Quark was bound. He flicked switches and activated special power cords. “This is a little treasure from the days of Legion. Back, during their long reign of power, they came across people worthy of being part of the core of their villains. However, these people were too noble, too honorable to accept the offer to be members of Legion. They created this through study of psychic energies. It alters a person, changes them to indulge their most evil desires. I have changed it so it will not only turn a person to their darkest passions, but make them obedient to me.”

Chase slowly walked toward him, “You...you used that on me.”

“Good, very good. You do have some logic in you.”

“This desire in me to steal, to hurt people... that thing did this to me.”

Krampus stood back as the machine became active. “I only enhanced what was already in you. If you embrace this, you can join me and be a part of a new order.”

Chase thought about this for a moment and then watched the energy of the chair pour over that strange blue man. He woke up and started screaming. His eyes went wild, his body changed color over and over. The surging pain exploded out as horrible cries of agony.

“STOP!” Chase begged. “You’re hurting him!”

“I know. I don’t care.” Krampus pushed a lever, and the energy intensified.

Chase covered her ears in a futile attempt to block the sounds of this poor mans screams. She knelt down behind the table and wished she could run from this. Tears fell down her face as she desperately wanted to know who she was and why he wanted her. Why she was so important that he used her to bring about this horrible ending. Chase wept, blubbering out an inconsolable pain in her.

Suddenly, buried deep in her mind, she heard a voice. “Chase, you are not the person you once were. You are a hero now.” Who said his to her, she didn’t know. But, she knew it was the voice of someone she cared for, someone who she trusted implicitly.

“I am a hero.” She said through her tears. Then she understood something. If she was a hero, then her skills were meant for good now. “If I am a thief, then a thief I will be.” She jumped up and grabbed the sack with the ruby in it.

“NO!” Krampus saw here and reached out his claw. His sack nearly flew from her hands as he drew it toward him.

She grabbed it by the cords and yanked right back.

All at once, the cords loosened, and the sack flew back to him, while the ruby fell free. Chase jumped to grab it, but was caught in a wave of red power that exploded out from it. Even Krampus stumbled back by this surge. The Ruby did not fall. It hovered in the air, beaming a brilliant red glow.

“NO, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!” Krampus called out.

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

Lord Dragon sat before a small shrine dedicated to his late wife. Small paintings of her decorated the elegant memorial. Five piles of melted wax remained from the long-since spent candles. Only a tiny shaft of light creeping through a meager opening near the door allowed light. One would assume he was merely a statue, a memorial himself to the mighty leader of the Mythics.

Suddenly a red glow filled the room for a moment. Crusted layers of gathered dust fell from his clothes, cobwebs broke that had grown between him and the ground. He slowly sat up and looked at one of the ancient paintings.

“My lady?”

Color returned to his face as he took in deeper breaths.

“It...it cannot be.”

Suddenly his body transformed into the fabled Dragon and he burst out of the room, splintering the door as he crashed through it.

Santa flew in a circle around the sparsely populated island. People stepped out into the snow around their villages to see him go over. Some children waved with eagerness. He smiled and waved back, but his eyes were ever scanning for signs to lead them by.

Gar flew up and grabbed the side of his Sleigh. He put a foot on the runner and leaned back, letting the Sleigh carry him for a moment. “I cannot find anything. I asked people if they knew. No one did.”

Santa shook his head, “I doubt it will be obvious. And, under this fallen snow, it might be near impossible to see anything from this far up.”

“I did get one clue.” Gar said. “One fisher said a volcano erupted, but then stopped. He said it was not a normal eruption.”

“Ah, but Gar, there are so many volcanoes around this area. And, they hardly are predictable.”

“We could at least look.” Gar said.

“Yes, lets...” Santa paused, “what was that?”

Gar almost asked when a red wave struck both of them.

Santa gasped, “It cannot be. I sensed it.”

“What was that?” Gar felt himself.

“I know where they are.” Santa turned the Sleigh hard, changing course that took them directly across the Island toward a smaller island in the south-western corner.

Moments before:

Krampus let go of Chase and ran for the floating Ruby. He was ready with his sack to cover it once again. In the corner, the chair still poured energy into Quark, who screamed, laughed, and made all sorts of strange animal sounds.

Just when Krampus was about to reach the Ruby, it burst with a brilliant wave of red energy. He flew back hard, crashing through tables and computer equipment. Chase was pressed against the wall. When she looked up, there, floating in the room, was Strange Quark. His body had changed to a deep red hue. The chair he had been sitting in was now scattered across the floor in hundreds of pieces. In his eyes was a strange glint, like that of a deep greed mixed with fury.

“It is time.” Was all he said.

Krampus reached out, “no...it’s too soon...”

Quark reached out for the ruby, “I do not hear the words of the pathetic.”

Taking the ruby in his hands, he held it before him, pressing it between his palms. A red aura encompassed him, floating around the room like a horrible red fog. Quarks eye’s grew brighter as he gripped the ruby. His voice boomed with two distinct voices. One was his, the other a woman’s.

“It is time! I SHALL BE MADE WHOLE!” A glowing light shone between him and the Ruby. The room shook, lights burst, the computers exploded, the walls cracked. Outside, the volcanoes on and near this island rumbled and belched out smoke as they spewed lava.

Chase held her arm up to her face. She could no longer stand the heat and pressure against her. It felt as though her bones would crack, but not before it seared her skin off. Whatever was happening, this was going to end her life. She looked to the only other person, but Krampus was gone. Only his sack remained on the floor.

Just then the doors on the other side of the room were ripped off and two figures came in. Chase saw the first and instantly recognize him.

“CHASE!” Gar screamed as he came flying through the room.

The Ruby became a ball of light, Quark was dropped to the ground, and everything exploded. The last thing Chase saw was the shadow of a statue leaning over to protect her.

Nova paced in the Operations center while dozens of videos played on the screen, each muted. They were observing the rescue and recovering in Tokyo, and related news broadcasts. They also had several news broadcasts talking about the strange seismic activity near Iceland. The robots were processing all the data, looking for connections.

All at once, EB slammed into Nova. The doors of the elevator were still opening from where he had arrived.


Nova huffed, “What is it?”

“Something terrible is happening, down on Earth.”

Nova let out yet another sigh, “Yes, I know. We stopped WMD, but...”

“No, something's worse. I can sense it.”

Just then a loud alarm blared in the room. In fact, this alarm rang throughout the station. All the screens shut off and changed to an external view.

“Warning, Warning, solar activity! Danger, Danger!” The computer called out.

“REPORT!” Nova yelled.

The alarm silenced as a Robot answered, “Solar activity critical. Temperature of the sun has decreased.”

“Decreased? What? How?”

“Unknown. Readings are contrary at this time. Need more data.”

Nova was about to give an order when another robot stated, “relevant data. Energy spike on earth.”

“Energy spike? Location.”

“Icelandic island, Surtsey. Energy, unknown. Reaching critical levels.”

“On screen now!” The view changed first to an orbital view, where they could see a red dot on the planet. The view changed several times until they were now looking over the Icelandic area from a drone. A brilliant red dot of light blazed near the southwest corner of the country.

“What the hell is that?”

Chase’s body felt heavy. Her arms wouldn’t respond to her thoughts, and she wasn’t even sure she had legs. She forced her eyes open and looked up at darkness, with blurry red light coming around it.

“Chase! Chase!” A voice called her name, a familiar voice, one she found great comfort in.

“I... I know that voice.”

The darkness moved, more of that red light came through and caused her to clench her eyes shut again.

“Chase, come on, wake up!” He held her, his hands so cold and rough, yet gentle.

His hand touched her bare skin on her arm, and memories flooded her. She relived a past she had forgotten. She saw herself with Gar, Quark, Nova. She recalled the fight with Jinn, the League Wars she had helped organize, the space station, everything. His touch activated her super power, and she traveled through history with him, remembering who she really was.

“GAR!” She came around quickly, lurched forward and wrapped her arms around him.

“Chase!” He held her, wrapping both his arms and wings around them.

“I had forgotten everything. It was like being in a horrible dream that I couldn’t wake from. Oh, I am so sorry for what I did to you, to everyone.” She never wanted to let go.

Suddenly, a fresh voice said, “No time for that. We have to get out of here.”

Gar let go and moved aside. The first thing Chase saw was a brilliant, ominous red light and swirling red clouds overhead. As her eyes adjusted, she then saw Santa holding Strange Quark’s body. Both were in terrible shape.

“What’s happening?” Chase called out.

“I don’t know! It isn’t safe here! We need to go!” Santa turned to run for his Sleigh when that red light blasted out a wave of energy. Santa fell over and Gar was shoved back.

Suddenly, a powerful female voice spoke over the din. “I am complete again! I am whole! I am supreme! There shall be no other light than mine! All will bask in my glory alone! I SHALL DARKEN THE SUN TO PROVE THAT NO OTHER LIGHT IS GREATER!” The skies above slowly dimmed, the land lost most of its color. The only remaining color was the reflected red glow from the ball of brilliance lifting higher into the sky.

“GAR! WE NEED TO LEAVE!” Chase cried out, but he didn’t respond. “Gar?”

Suddenly a cloth flew over her, and she fell in darkness. It was as though a void had absorbed her. Then she saw Gar tumbling out of control. Next, falling down above her was Strange Quark.

“What just happened?” Her voice trailed off into a distant echo, lost in this terrible void.

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

Chase floated in this darkness, neither falling nor flying. It was like being in space, or what she imaged it would be like. A hand reached out and took hers. It was Gar.

“Chase.” He spoke, but his voice was miles away.

She answered him, but even to her own ears, the sound was distant. She pointed toward Quark. Gar got the message and left her to get a grip on their friend. Wrapping an arm around his chest, Gar took hold of Quark and then reached back for Chase. He moved his wings and flailed his legs, but it wasn’t so easy to move in here. Chase reached back for him, their hands almost touching at the fingertips.

Suddenly they fell across a cold, hard ground. It was like waking up from a bad dream, but their hands were still outstretched toward the other and Gar still had Quark about the chest.

The first thing Chase noticed was the warmth. It had been cold where they were, now there was a strange warmth. Yet, she knew she was outside. Sitting up, she found the world an odd darkness. It appeared to be nighttime, where the world should be bathed in a placid moonlight. Yet, that moonlight was blood red, not milky. Not too far away was the source of this light, a ball of red energy, swirling around.

“Stop dawdling! Get to your feet!” Krampus scared her from behind.

She looked back and found him holding his sack, glaring down at all three. “What... where am I?”

“Not your concern. It is time for the sacrifice.” He grabbed her by the arm.

Gar suddenly grabbed Krampus’s wrist and pulled him away from Chase. “LEAVE HER ALONE!” He went to punch Krampus, but was thrown away.

Chase fell back to the ground and then got to her feet. “I’m not going down without a fight.”

Krampus laughed at her. “If the living statue is no match, what do you think your chances are... human?” He stomped toward her.

“As good as I can make them.” She materialized her magic blades for the first time in months. With a quick flick, she sent them toward his eyes.

Krampus quickly hit them away and grabbed her with both hands. “Nice try.”

“I’m... not done...” She struggled against his grip. Both blades reappeared in her hands and she stabbed them, one in each of his arms. Yanking back, she dug them through his flesh. This caused actual pain in the Mythic and he let go of her, throwing her across the hard, rough ground.


Gar sped across the ground and body slammed Krampus, both tumbling away. Gar landed on top of Krampus and pinned him down with his legs. He then punched him repeatedly. “LEAVE... HER... ALONE!”

All at once, Krampus grew in size by five stories. Gar was dropped to the ground. “Typical mortals! I am a GOD AMONG YOU PATHETIC BEINGS!” He swiped across the ground with a massive claw and sent Gar smashing through the pumice of this volcanic island.

Chase cowered near Quark, her blades ready. She knew they would do little good, but it was all she had. “Quark... come on... wake up. You’re the only one here who might stand a chance.” She pushed and nudged Quark.

Krampus watched this and then let out a boisterous laugh. “You think that creature is any match for me! His mind is gone, his life will be spent soon!” At that moment, Gar returned, flying right for Krampus’s face. Krampus caught him like one might catch a baseball. He then slammed Gar into the ground at his feet. “STAY DOWN, INSECT!”

“Gar!” Chase looked over, hoping Gar had not shattered under that impact.

Gar lay there, dazed, but still moving.

Krampus turned from them and held his enormous arms out in worship of the glowing light. “My lady! Respond to my call!”

That disembodied woman’s voice answered, “Who calls upon me?”

“It is I, the one who has brought you back, Krampus. Join me, be my ally, help me rebuild Legion in our image. Let us bring terror across the galaxy. Let us rule all creation!”

Nova sat next to EB in a BADGE shuttle as they zoomed across the darkening skies over Earth.

“Are you sure?” Nova asked.

EB answered, “I have no doubt. I sensed this power, this energy, for some time. It seemed so familiar, yet I couldn’t put it together. Now I know who this is.”

“Is she dangerous?”

EB gave Nova worried eyes, “More than you can possibly imagine.”

The robot pilot said, “Director Nova, incoming communication.”

“Put it through.”

A holographic screen appeared in front of Nova. A scientist spoke to him, “Sir, temperatures across the world are dropping rapidly.”

“How much danger are we in?” Nova asked.

“Hard to say. It can’t be good. However, we have never experienced a situation even remotely like this before. The sun disappearing is not something we could plan for.”

Nova asked, “what can be done to protect the population?”

“We don’t know. World leaders are already moving people into safe places. But, I doubt there are any prepared safe places for such an event. And, this doesn’t account for the population in areas that cannot be reached easily or who do not have a safe place near enough to save them. Sir, we could be looking at a massive death toll in a matter of hours if this isn’t fixed soon.”

EB hopped over onto Nova’s lap, “BUDDY, BUDDY, BUDDY!”

“Not the time!” Nova shoved him off.

EB hopped right back up, “No, it IS the time. Look, outside. LOOK LOOK LOOK LOOK!”

Nova pulled down the small shutter and looked to see Quetzalcoatl flying next to the shuttle. On his back was a large spider and Maneki-Neko.

“What the?”

Just then that spider creature jumped off Quetzalcoatl and flashed into the shuttle. The spider transformed into what looked like a traditional African tribal shaman.

“Hello Director, long time.” The man smiled.

Nova frowned, “Anansi?”

“No time for reminiscing, Director. We know what’s happening. This world will perish in a short time. We can help save it, but this will leave her to the heroes.”

“What do you mean?” Nova asked.

Anansi pointed out, “Look.”

Nova watched as Maneki-Neko suddenly jumped off of Quetzalcoatl and held up her golden charm. It grew to an enormous size and beamed light. Quetzalcoatl flew off, his body already growing in light.

Nova asked, “Computer, show me a world live map.” The hologram changed to a globe composited with all the footage from BADGE satellites. Small points of light appeared all over the planet.

Anansi said, “It is all we can do. We cannot replace your sun forever, but long enough so that your world does not die while you deal with this darkness. Go. Stop her.” He flashed out of the shuttle.

EB hopped up to Nova’s lap again and gave him a friendly punch in the shoulder. “I’ll take care of North America. You...save the world.” He blasted off in a white blur, leaving the shuttle by means that Nova couldn’t figure out.
Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

The members of the WMD league muttered and raged inside their special holding cells. An especially large cell held Midgardsormr with many extra restraints and anti-arcane devices. None of the heroes were very coherent, other than screaming about destroying the world.

“Would you guys just shut the hell up? I’m try’n ta sleep!” Skelanimal yelled.

Midgardsormr’s voice echoed down the hall, “I WILL EAT THIS WORLD!”

“Oh, give it a rest, you big lizard!” Skelanimal turned over and put his hands over his ears. “Stupid plan, stupid league, stupid Krampus, I... what’s that?” An orange glow shined on his cell walls. Turning over, he saw Spirit of Halloween smiling at him. “Oh, it’s you. Uh... sorry about fool’n you and stuff.”

“A good trick you played on me, not something done so easily. But danger you bring upon the Earth, by giving wickedness a new birth. Payment for your crimes must be made, I will free, the world you will save.”

“Okay, enough poetry. What’s up?”

Spirit cackled and flew out of the cell. His voice now boomed throughout the station. “I free thee, League of woe, to the Earth you shall go. Summon heroes far and near, save your base, end the fear!” He spun around and that orange mist blossomed out.

All the members of WMD that had been bewitched stopped their writhing and screaming and spent a moment waking up. Their cells unlocked on their own, the restraints fell to the ground.

Spirit said, “Time for penance has come, do your best, may the battle be won!” Then he vanished.

“Who dares to shine a light brighter than mine!” That disembodied voice bellowed from the glowing ruby.

Chase, still laying next to the fallen Quark, looked up and saw something strange on the horizon. A light glow rose like the first rays of sunlight. Yet, another joined it on a different part of the horizon. Then a third.

Krampus reached down and snatched up Chase. “Worry not, my lady. It is time to become whole again.”

“Let me go!” Chase dug her blades into his arms again, but it did no good.

On the ground below, Gar drug himself across the broken earth, reaching out for help. “Quark... please, help... wake up... Quark.” He could see that Quark was still breathing, but unresponsive. “Quark. Please, wake up... he is going to kill Chase.”

Suddenly, something exploded above them and Krampus stumbled back. His enormous feet shaking the ground.

Gar turned and gasped, Lord Dragon had plowed into Krampus and was now breathing a torrent of flames at him.

“CHASE!” Gar saw she was still in Krampus’s claw.

He mustered the strength to stand, but couldn’t get airborne. He ran across the quaking earth, but he could not manage flight.

“STOP, YOU’RE GOING TO KILL HER!” He yelled at the raging dragon.

All at once, a giant, green and purple turkey appeared in front of Gar. He skidded to a stop and frowned, “What... the?”

“Turkey dinner, turkey dinner... hahahaha.” Quark was awake and singing madly.

“No time!” Gar swiped his hand to knock away the bird, but it exploded in a flash of light and he felt something enter him from it. An amazing new strength blossomed in him. He beat his wings and took flight without having to run. He swooped up and over as Lord Dragon blazed against Krampus. Krampus punched Lord Dragon and was then suddenly struck by a writhing tail. This caused him to lose his grip on Chase and she fell. Gar flew under the arm, over the dragon, and caught her mid-air.

Gar landed with Chase near Quark. “Are you okay?”

Chase fell to her knees next to Quark, breathing heavily. “I… I think so.” Suddenly she held her arm up as a giant explosion came from Lord Dragon against Krampus. “Looks like we’ve got help.”

“We need to get out of here. Quark, can you transport us... Quark?”

Strange Quark lay on the ground, looking around with wild eyes. He fixed his eyes on Gar and blurted out, “DUCKS ARE EATING MY SPAGHETTI!”



Chase shook him, “No time for weirdness!”

His eyes cleared, and he looked at Chase, “Boy, no wonder Gar likes you, you are pretty. TURKEYS!” He flopped back to the ground.

All at once Gar jumped over them, covering both with his body and wings. A wash of fire spilled over the area. Then came an enormous thud as something hit the ground. Gar slowly lifted his wings, and they watched Lord Dragon smolder on the ground.

“Lord Dragon!” Chase called out.

Krampus reached for him. “Enough, old man! You lost your pearl, you are less powerful than I!”

Quark laughed and then yelled, “GET THE TURKEYS!” A huge blue, sparkling turkey blocked Krampus from getting to Lord Dragon.

“What is this?” Krampus stopped, a little stumbled by this oddness.

Gar gasped, “Hey, I know! This helps.” He reached out for the bird.

However, the bird reached over and pecked Chase. When it did, the bird popped into a strange spray of mist and flooded into Chase’s body.

“What’s going on?” Chase wiped her hands across herself, trying to get this off.

“No, it’s good!” Gar said.

“What?” Chase looked up, but then yelled, “WATCH OUT!” Krampus reached for them. She materialized one of her blades and threw. It flew with a glowing, rainbow colored sparkling energy. When it hit Krampus in the palm, he lurched back and screamed. She looked at her hand, “how... did I do that?”

Gar said, “Don’t know. But that turkey gave me a boost... for a moment. Use yours!”

Krampus reached for them again. Chase materialized her blade and threw, this time nailing him in the shoulder. The giant monster lurched back and nearly fell over. He screamed in pain.

“How are you doing this!?” Krampus bellowed.

Chase materialized both her blades and threw them right at his face. He swiped his head to the side and used his horns to deflect them. She materialized them again, only this time there was very little sparkle left. “The power is fading.” She threw, and they merely stuck into him, not doing any harm.

Krampus reached down for her, but Lord Dragon bit his arm and pulled him away. Krampus grabbed the dragon with his free hand and ripped him off. Lord Dragon was flung through the air, but turned the wild motions into flight and came back with a mouth full of fire.

Just then a shuttle flew down and landed on the rock. The door was shoved open by Nova, who stood at the side, brandishing his gun. “GET IN!”

Gar scooped up Quark and followed Chase across the shaking battlefield toward the shuttle. Both dove in as Nova fired at Krampus with his weapon.

“All in?” Nova asked.

Chase said, “Yes.”

“Good.” Nova jumped back in and yelled, “Let’s go.”

The shuttle lifted off and then suddenly lurched to the side. The robot announced, “Executing evasive maneuvers.”

“Obviously.” Nova held the walls to keep from toppling.

Chase said, “This is not good. Krampus and... whatever that thing is...is too powerful for Lord Dragon to take on. We have to help.”

Nova gave off a clever smile. “Trust me. He’s not alone.”

Gar smiled and pointed at a window, “Look, heroes!”

Chase looked out the window to see hundreds of heroes flying by. The Wizard rode his dragon near the shuttle so he could wave to them.

“The Wizard!” Chase said, “but... he was part of the team Krampus brainwashed.”

Nova smiled, “Looks like Spirit of Halloween had other plans. He’s not happy to have been used. He released them from the brainwashing and from their cells. They have gathered heroes from all over the planet and are coming in to help fight Krampus.”

Gar smiled, “Good. That will stop him.”

Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

Heroes flooded over the small volcanic island of Surtsey. Krampus took a barrage of weapons fire, superpowers, and direct punches. Lord Dragon swooped and spun around the heroes as he used their aid to fight his enemy.

Drift, as a shadowy figure, zoomed across the field, then took physical form and threw a pair of large blades. Drift became shadow again and sped up toward Krampus as Lord Dragon slammed him in the face. Using the opening, Drift attempted to throw another blade right into Krampus’s exposed neck. At the wrong moment, Krampus slapped the blade out of the air and in the same motion, hit Drift. The shadowy figure crashed to the ground as a puff of smoke and then regained his physical form.

“How the hell did he do that?” Drift groaned as other heroes ran by in the thick of this combat.

Skelanimal yanked him to his feet, “He’s an immortal mythic thing, duh.”

“SKELANIMAL!” Drift punched him in the face and then gave him a swift kick to the gut.

“YOW!” Skelanimal stumbled back, holding his abdomen. Just before Drift stuck him with a blade, he yelled, “I’m with the good guys!”

Both waited as a series of explosions rocked the island, then Drift said, “Likely story.”

“It’s true. Spirit of Halloween set me free, but I have to help my old league fight against Krampus.”

Drift glared at him, “I don’t have time to figure this out. You turn against us and I will...”

“I know, I know, stab me, punch me, whatever.” Skelanimal ran away, heading directly for Krampus.

Drift transformed into a puff of smoke again and went for the giant beast the heroes were facing.

Nova watched the action from inside the hovering shuttle, the holographic screen showing him footage from a drone while Chase and Gar both watched out windows.

“Looks like Krampus is a little overwhelmed.” Nova said.

Gar watched through the small window for a moment and then said, “He is really strong. They need help.”

Chase materialized her blades, “Gar, let’s go down there and give them a hand.”

Nova watched the holo-screen, “I agree. We bring Krampus down first.”

“YOU WILL LOSE!” Quark yelled from the back seat, then said, “MY BUTT IS A BLUE LIGHT BULB!”

Gar asked, “What?”

Nova waved a hand, “He’s just too sober. Don’t pay attention to his ramblings. Get down there.”


Chase went to press the button to open the door, but Gar stopped her. “Gar?”

Gar had his eyes on Quark, “Turkeys?”


Nova asked, “Gar, what is going on? Get out there before...”

Suddenly the shuttle rocked to the side, and sirens blared. A red wave of light filled every window. Then several thumps banged into the hull. Chase let out a shriek when she saw a hero crash into the shuttle.

The robot pilot announced, “Alert, alert, impact warning. Heroes down, heroes down!”

Nova looked back to the screen, “Oh, god!”

Moments before:

Krampus swiped and punched, kicked and stomped. Heroes fought with all their strength, and he was keeping up with them.

Crimson Guardian raced across the ground, came to a skidding stop and used the energy to throw something like a football. Zen, his legs and wings tucked, flew through the air and smacked right into Krampus’s face.

“Stupid hairball!” Zen flicked out his bladed flippers and stabbed Krampus in the right eye.

“YAH!” Krampus reached up for the pest, grasping at his own eye.

Zen spun around, slicing deep into the monster’s eyelids. “How ya like that!”

Krampus smacked himself in the face, then pulled the little nuisance off. He held Zen in his enormous fist and was about to crush the life out of the heroic Penguin when Midgardsormr suddenly nailed Krampus in the gut with a fist. In a fluid continuation of motion, the giant serpent hit the hand holding little Zen.

Zen flew out of the hand and was caught by a passing hero before he crashed to the ground.

Krampus looked up at the monstrous serpent now his size, “Oh, mighty world eater. You lost to a pitiful little Dragon, what makes you think you defeat me?”

Midgard grabbed Krampus by the horns and yanked his head forward, bashing him with his own head. Krampus stumbled back. Midgard yelled, “I WILL REPAY YOU FOR USING ME!”

Krampus reached up to go after Midgard when a dozen blasts of energy hit him. He didn’t have time to respond before Midgard had him by the horns again, throwing him into the side of the volcano. Krampus lay there, rocks trickling down his shoulders. That onslaught truly dazed him. Heroes focused all their efforts and raced to finish him.

Just then, the powerful, disembodied voice from the ruby said, “ENOUGH!”

The light they had ignored for Krampus became a burning red blast. Waves of red energy exploded out. Heroes of all sizes and powers were thrown away as leaves in a storm. Even Midgardsormr was tossed clear off the island into the frigid ocean waters. Some heroes attempted to return to the fray, but the booming blasts of red energy acted as hurricane winds against them.

Drift held tight to the ground as that energy poured over him. He wanted to turn to shadow, but was certain it would only allow this to send him even further away. Looking up, he saw white blinking lights on every hero. A signal was coming to their BADGE comm units; retreat.

The BADGE shuttle sped away from the growing power. Nova observed the holo-screen.

“Good, the heroes are helping each other get away.”

Chase said, “What just happened?”

“I don’t know. Obviously, we focused on the wrong villain.”

“How could we fight both? Krampus was hard enough.”

The screen changed to an emergency channel, Santa looked at them through the holo-screen. He was haggard and laying on the snowy ground. His voice strained as he said, “Nova... this is bad... she is... stealing our light, our power. We won’t be able to protect the Earth... from the darkness.”

“What is happening?”

“My energy...is so low...I can’t...” He passed out and his comm signal ended.

Nova ordered, “Global image, NOW!”

The hologram turned into the globe again. The little light dots around the planet were all flickering and growing dim. Only one dot grew, the one over Iceland.

Chase asked, “What do we do now?”

“I don’t know.”


“Can you quiet him down back there?” Nova asked Gar. The holo-screen suddenly popped back on with a map of the earth. Thousands of dots appeared all over the place. Nova huffed, “What now?”

A robot from the station came on, “Alert, Director Nova, strange activity detected across planet.”


The image changed to dozens of pictures of large turkeys walking all over the place. Each was glowing wild colors, some flashing, others sparkling. The robot reported, “Unknown fowl appearing across the planet. No direct threat. Unknown origin.”

“Turkeys?” Nova leaned in to look at the strange birds.


The robot continued, “Creatures exhibit strong morphonic signatures.”

“Morphonic signatures?” Nova stroked his chin.

Gar suddenly said, “That’s the answer!”


“Quark is trying to help us. Back when I fought Krampus, a turkey appeared and when I touched it, it turned into mist and strengthened me.”

Nova frowned, “You aren’t making much sense.”

“No, he is.” Chase said, “same thing happened to me. A wild-looking turkey appeared, touched me, and gave me a boost in power. I think Quark is trying to help, even though he has gone a little more nuts than usual.”

Nova looked back at the screen. “Morphonic powered turkeys... that might work. If these things enhance super powers...” Nova clicked on his communicator and put in the all-contact signal. “Heroes of Earth. I know this is going to sound strange, but it’s our only hope. Glowing, colorful turkeys are wandering all over the planet. Get them. They will give you greater strength. Find them all and then get back to Iceland. No time to waste, MOVE!”
Chapter 13

Chapter 13:

Quark sat up in the back of the BADGE shuttle with Chase and Gar on either side. He looked like he had the world’s worst hangover as he downed a large bottle of vodka. Chase said, “Good thing we found that abandoned liquor store in Reykjavik.”

Quark groaned, “I have never been so out of my head. I don’t know what happened. The last thing I remember was the fight at Fort Knox. No, wait... I remember a chair and a lot of pain. I heard voices, or really another voice in my head.”

Nova asked, “Who was in your head?”

“Lady Phoenix. She was...” Quark looked up, sorrow in his eyes, “scared. She is terrified. But, she isn’t there now. I feel normal. Okay, well, as normal as I can be this low on booze.” He took another swig.

“How did you know to create those turkeys?” Gar asked.

“Turkeys… turkeys…” Quark gasped. “Then, that really happened! I knew heroes would need help, so I gathered up the ambient morphons in the air and transformed them into something tangible. I guess I was thinking about Thanksgiving and all.”

“Whatever you were thinking, it seemed to help.” Nova turned back to the holographic image in the middle of the shuttle. A scientist waited to be addressed. “Update on the solar situation?”

“It’s getting much worse. The Mythics are providing enough light and warmth to help the evacuations. But, they’re losing power quickly. I estimate we have less than five hours before they can no longer help us. That won’t be enough time to reach everyone.”

Nova said, “That’s why we’re going to stop this at it’s source.” He flicked the screen away with a swipe of his hand. “Chase, Gar, get ready to head out, I’ll need you to help lead this battle from the ground and air. I will be here, monitoring things.”

Quark said, “wait, what about me? I...” He stood up to protest being left out, but wobbled and flopped back into his seat. “I think I will help observe from here.”

Nova looked back at Quark, “Good idea.”

Quark reached over and held both Gar’s and Chase’s hand. “Here, one last blast before you head out.” He lit up a bright blue and that sparkling energy covered them. He let go of their hands and said, “give ’em hell.”

Krampus, still as tall as a building, stood in worship of the glowing red ruby. His hands held out, he called to it. “Why do you steal the light, my lady? I will bring you a worthy host to return through.” “I need not a host. As I gather the power from the sun, I will remake myself.”

Krampus frowned, “But, my lady...” a blast of energy stopped him. Turning, he swatted at a pair of heroes flying directly for him. “PATHETIC PESTS. HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO DEFEAT YOU!”

The shuttle landed on the island of Surtsey, the side doors immediately opening with Gar and Chase both racing out. Heroes of all stripes returned, each with a new aura of energy around them thanks to the turkeys they had all found.

Gar spread hid wings and ran hard. Once he was moving fast enough, he lifted off and swooped up into the skies. Chase dodged left and right as heroes came bounding across the ground.

The moment the heroes came close enough, the ruby blasted out that red power. Waves of energy spread over the armies of heroes. This time, it did not instantly throw them away. Sunspot led several other heroes who grounded themselves by standing firmly on the black pumice. Each returned the onslaught of red energy with waves of orange, white, and yellow energies coming from their hands. The ruby’s power diminished, and the heroes bore down on both enemies.

The voice from the ruby yelled, “STOP THEM, YOU FOOL!”

Krampus launched himself at the throngs of heroes. He lashed out with his massive, clawed hands, kicked at them with his enormous feet, and fought with all the strength he had. This time, though, they were overwhelming him quickly.

Gar flew down, with Fiero and Hotwings right behind him. He led them toward Krampus’s face. With a quick turn, he swooped back up, grabbed one of Krampus’s horns and yanked his head back. Hotwings nailed Krampus in the cheek with an energy blast while Fiero shoved him with a massive telekinetic push. Krampus stumbled back, shaking the Earth as he struggled to stay upright.

Gar let go of the horn and flew down. He yelled at the heroes on the ground, “GET HIM DOWN! WE NEED HIM DOWN!”

Half the heroes on Surtsey focused on the overwhelmed Krampus. Energy bombs. Laser beams and other various projectiles hit the unbalanced enemy, and he fell. The shaking of the ground stumbled more than one running hero, and the flying heroes broke away for a moment to regroup.

Like the Lilliputians ganging up on Gulliver, the heroes stormed the fallen Krampus. They almost had him when he suddenly slammed the ground with both arms, causing an even greater Earthquake. In the moment of confusion, he flashed and was back to a normal human size. With speed to match any hero, he zoomed through the heroes, nailing one after another with well-placed punches and swipes of his deadly claws. Men and women flew away from his blurry onslaught, blood and bruises left in his wake.

Gar recognizing this attack from his encounter in Australia. He watched the blurry enemy zipping around the heroes, out matching their attempts at stopping him. With a surge of that temporary power, Gar sped down and hit the ground right in the path of Krampus. Both Krampus and Gar met in a body slam, each flying away from the other in uncontrolled tumbles.

Krampus lay on his back, a little winded for the encounter. Heroes were ganging up on him again, at least those who were the least injured in his speed attack.

“I can still fight the lot of you!” Krampus pushed himself up. However, just as he was about to his feet, he was met by waves of water. Then a giant green hand grabbed him.

Midgardsormr rose from the waters, glowing in that aura. He towered over the heroes and held Krampus in his hand. “TIME FOR A REMATCH!”

Krampus struggled for a moment, then suddenly also grew to his enormous size. “LET’S GO!”

At that moment, a massive explosion was followed by a huge fireball. The ensuing shock wave was so great that it threw even Krampus and Midgard clear into the waters.

Gar, laying on the ground, looked up at the blazing light and gasped, “no!”

Moments before:

“No, focus on the ruby! Destroy it!” Chase called out as she led a smaller band of the heroes.

Heroes threw everything they had at the glowing ruby hanging in the sky above the island. Arcane heroes were focusing all their power in a spell to encapsulate the ruby, hoping to cut off its ability to draw power from the sun and Mythics. Others blasted it with energy and basic weapons.

Furious Squirrel ran next to Chase, his guns ready. “How do we fight a rock?”

Chase said, “We break it. That’s our only option.”

“Will it be enough?”

Chase shook her head, “I have no idea. But, I’d rather try than let the sun go dark.”

“True.” Furious stopped and unleashed a volley of laser blasts from his pistols at the ruby.

“FOOLISH MORTALS!” The ruby bellowed and blasted hard waves of red energy at them.

Krystal Fae held up her hands, and a barrier formed that blocked this energy from hurting them. The power thrown against her barrier shoved her across the ground and caused her pain. The Wizard joined her and cast his own barrier. He said, “I can sense incredible magical power coming from that ruby.”

Krystal said, “I know. Push it back.”

Krystal Fae and the Wizard both fell as the ruby blasted even harder. A red bolt of energy came from the ruby, targeting both of them. Suddenly Maleficent, The Wizard’s dragon, landed in front of them and absorbed the blast. She then unleashed her own blast of magical energy right back at the ruby.

Chase came over and helped Krystal to her feet. Krystal said, “we can’t contain it with magic, and our powers, even enhanced, aren’t enough.”

All at once everyone jerked when a blaring sound cut through the battle din. The screeching chords of a guitar sliced through the air. The ruby stopped blasting energy and even screamed.

Chromatic Death wailed on his weapon of choice as he yelled, “Can’t handle the power, can ya!”

Everyone paused at the sight of the stopped battle. Chase suddenly realized what he was accomplishing. “GO! GO! Attack it now!” She rushed for the ruby, throwing her power enhanced blades. All the other heroes regrouped and attacked with all their might as Chromatic kept the ruby rattled.

There came a flash, then an enormous explosion that sent a ball of fire right back at the heroes. Maleficent covered as many as she could with her body, Krystal Fae and The Wizard helped protect many others. However, a few were extremely close and disappeared in the blast, including Chase.

Krystal lowered her hands, her ears ringing and her face burning with the residual heat. Part of the volcano had been destroyed in that blast. Heroes were strewn everywhere, most already gathering themselves, a few still down. Fires burned across the pumice. There was no sign of red energy, or even red light.

“What’s this?” She reached down and picked up a ruby shard, only it had gone completely black.

“LOOK!” Shinobi yelled out.

Sunlight broke through the clouds and bathed the world once again in its life-giving glow. The sky was blue again, the eternal night washed away. But it wasn’t the sun or sky that caught everyone’s attention at that moment.

Krystal watched the unbelievable as Chase strode out of the deepest part of that blazing fire. She seemed unharmed and even smiling. “Chase?”

Chase laughed and then laughed harder, her voice growing from a normal tone to a deep, echoing volume. Her body broke out in a fire, her hair turned red, and her clothing changed in the flames. Her face was the last to change, she was Chase no more. There stood a malicious-looking Lady Phoenix.

“Ah, physical form. It has been too long.” She held out a hand and Krampus lifted out of the waters and flew toward her. “Come, my pet. Our powers shall be Legion.” And she vanished in a ball of fire.

Tricking the Trickster
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

Director Nova spent most of his time in silence as he watched the monitors in Operations. Robots clicked away, sifting through the voluminous data streams coming in from all sectors around Earth. Before him was the enormous, two story tall view screen that held an intricate map of the world at all times. Small, in-set, windows were open with constant running footage from news casts, security cameras, body cams, and other sources. BADGE was keeping a vigilant eye on the world, and Nova was that eye right now.

“Incoming report from: Hero Starmaster,” the computer announced in that dry, robotic tone.

“Screen one,” Nova commanded.

A larger, in-set screen opened with Starmaster standing inside a white room. He shivered and they could see his breath. “Oh, hello Director. I...” Just then a small set of hands held up a silver tray with an ornate cup of steaming cocoa. “Oh, thank you.” The tray vanished.

Nova said, “I see you are still at Santa’s.”

“Only returned yesterday. Santa and I scoured practically the entire northern Arctic looking for any signs of Chase or Krampus. Nothing. Sorry, sir. If she’s up here, I have no way of finding her, and Santa is at a loss.”

“Thank you for your efforts. Return to your league for now.”

“Thank you, sir.” The screen shut off just as Starmaster shivered his cup up to his face for warmth.

Nova spent another moment staring at the large monitor. The sound of leather squeezing came as his fist clenched tight. He whispered, “I need answers.”

A robot asked, “Please, restate request at a higher volume.”

“Disregard. I’m going down to lab seven.” He turned on his heels and left Operations for the nearest lift.

One ride later, he stepped into the elaborate laboratory on deck four. Several robots diligently worked at stations, sorting data. Dr. Mark Hostetter stood by a bay with Krystal Fae next to him.

Director Nova approached. “Report?”

Dr. Hostetter nearly hit the glass wall in front of him as he jumped. “Oh, Mr. Nova, you startled me.”

“It’s Director Nova. What have you found?”

Dr. Hostetter, a Geologist and Gemologist from the University of Tennessee, stepped aside to show him the interior of the case. Inside were several dozen shards of the ruby. “Not much to tell, yet. Though, we think we have determined a potential count of the remaining shards.”

Nova stepped over and looked at the spread of ruby pieces, each still glowing with energy. “How could you determine that?”

Krystal Fae said, “You see. We’ve mapped all the shards we have. Over half of them have a matching piece that connects, like a puzzle.”

Dr. Hostetter pulled over a monitor attached to an arm, he pressed several buttons and a short video displayed a digital recreation of the shards. “See, here is the work so far.” The shards moved into place around a wire frame. A large, diamond cut gem had shards filling it in places like a puzzle with half the pieces. Green lights buzzed into place to fill in the holes, but show where they were lacking.

Nova frowned, “So, how does this determine how many shards are left?”

Dr. Hostetter pointed at the shards on the monitor. “These shards have a strange, but identifiable shattering pattern. This gem was destroyed from the inside, like something blew it apart. The fragments broke in a specific way. Now, my calculations show...” he punched up another page filled with numbers and diagrams.

Nova said, “Wait, hold it. Give me the total.”

Krystal stepped in, “Sir, we estimate that the broken gem would have split into around one hundred pieces.”

“Are you sure?”

Dr. Hostetter nodded, “Give or take ten. But my estimates show a likely ninety five individual pieces.”

Nova looked back at the glowing shards. “This is bad. We have forty-five...which means...”

Krystal finished the thought, “Krampus has the other half of the shards. Unless there remains one or two out there.”

Nova said, “I doubt it. We haven’t detected any. All recovered shards after the Fort Knox incident have turned out to be unrelated to this gem, and there has been no reporting of Chase or Krampus stealing anything. All this points to the shards being in our hands and his.”

Krystal said, “Then that means one thing. Eventually he’ll be coming for these.”

Nova said, “That’s my problem to figure out. You two need to use every resource we have to figure out why he wants these.”

Dr. Hostetter said, “I’ll do my best. No promises though, sir.”

“That’s all I expect. I’ll be in Operations if you need me.”

Krystal Fae stopped Nova before he left the room. She spoke with a soft, gentle tone. “Sir, you may be needed elsewhere right now.”


She walked with him toward the door. “You know. He doesn’t have any family, and his best friends are both hurt or missing. He needs a friend, and...well...a father.”

“I am not that boy’s father!”

Krystal laughed, “Not biologically. But you’re the closest he has right now. Talk to him.”

Nova relented with a softened face and slumped shoulders. “I’m a military tactician and commander.”

“And a leader which is what you need to be right now.”

Nova gave a brief nod and left her with Dr. Hostetter.

Nova stepped into the elevator. For a moment, his finger hovered over the Operations button. However, he pressed the medical deck button and zoomed away.

He entered the extraterrestrial department and spent a moment in the decontamination beam. He was then led to a special room by a robot nurse. Dr. Henderson worked at a computer here. She had several monitors running with data flowing by. Her eyes were glued to one monitor, the reflected numbers bouncing off her glasses.


Dr. Henderson looked up and pulled her glasses off. Rubbing the blur out of her eyes, she said, “Oh, sir, I wasn’t expecting you.”

“I wasn’t planning this until moments ago. Any progress?”

She gestured around the room. “I’ve run scans, blood samples, and even a tissue sample through our computers. This is the result. Whatever makes up Strange Quark is baffling the most sophisticated computer ever built. Every answer I get raises two more questions.”

“Is he still unconscious?”

“Yes, in a way.”

“What do you mean?”

“Best I can figure, his body is trying to slip out of our reality. Though I don’t have any idea how it works, I know he can shift to other dimensions. In this state, he can heal himself of almost anything. Even unconscious, his body is trying to do this. However, each time he phases, something keeps him here. So, he never slips out. Don’t ask me to explain it or tell you how to stop it, I barely understand what I’m looking at.”

“Monitor his condition. Send all of your information down to the labs studying the energy readings from the ruby shards. There’s a connection, and maybe they can find how to help him.”

Dr. Henderson sat back and looked at the doors to the next room. “He hasn’t left for three days.”

Nova let out a soft, slightly annoyed, sigh. “He’s why I’m here.” With no further questions, Nova stepped over to the doors and they slid open.

The moment he entered he heard, “At what time does a duck wake up? At the quack of dawn. What do you call a cat that swallows a duck? A duck-filled-fatty-puss. Did you hear about the duck with a drug problem? He was a quackhead. What do you call a duck that steals? A robber ducky.”

Gar sat on the floor, cross-legged, with his back to the door. Strange Quark lay on the medical bed, glowing a red hue. The lights in the room were dimmed, the diagnostic systems providing the most light.

Nova walked around the large wings and looked down to see Gar reading from a ragged, old joke book. He was also naked.

“Gar...what are you doing?”

Gar looked up. “Oh, Director. I didn’t hear you come in.”

“Obviously. Why are you reading those terrible jokes?”

Gar flipped the pages with his thumb. “Back, when Jinn stole my soul and I wasn’t moving, Quark sat by me and told me jokes. He wanted to make me laugh myself awake. It wouldn’t work with me, not with my soul stolen. But Quark is all here. Maybe if I can make him laugh, he’ll wake up.”

“Sorry, son. That’s not proper medicine. Bad jokes never solved any problem.” Nova watched as Gar’s already glum mood grew darker. “Look. I...want you...I...need...” he struggled to be encouraging, but all he could think of was giving orders. “Uh...look, Gar, I need you out there helping me. I trust you more than anyone else. You’re honest and loyal. You’re all the remains of my core team. Helping me do my job will help us find answers to help Quark and Chase. We’ll all be together again, but only if you and I stay the course and remain vigilant.”

Gar shut the book and slowly placed it beside Quark on the bed. “I will do whatever it takes to put my family back together.” He stood up and said, “What do you want me to do?”

Nova looked at him and then looked away. “Put some pants on and join me in the Operations center.”

“I can do that.”

“Why are you naked, anyway?”

Gar looked down at himself. “The shorts I wear were a gift from Quark. They didn’t feel like they were on me, but everyone saw them, so it was okay.”

“That makes no sense.”

“I know, but Quark gave them to me, so they didn’t need to make sense, just keep everyone happy.”

Nova asked, “Then why aren’t you wearing them now?”

“Don’t know. They vanished a week ago.”

“Well, go put on some regular shorts.”
Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Chase stood behind Krampus as the brutish man gently placed pieces of the ruby shard together. His tongue even stuck out from the side of his fangs as he focused. One after another, he picked up a shard and attempted to match it to the piece in his hand. With a growling huff, he slapped a piece down and snatched another. “Do you need to watch me?” He barked.

Walking around him to get a better look, Chase said, “What else do you need me to do? We have all the shards on Earth and I can’t get to that station.”

Dropping the shards, he stood up. “Enough of this. I thought putting them together might induce some reaction. Something to help. But this is pointless. We can’t move forward without the rest of this ruby.”

Chase walked away and punched a button on the main computer, showing a general image of the BADGE space station. “Get me on there and you’ll have the rest of the ruby.”

Krampus marched over to her and snarled. “I wouldn’t let you step one toe on that station. The risk is too great.”

“Risk? I infiltrated Fort Knox, had ten guards in one room with guns trained on me. I got out of there without a scratch. That station is hardly a vault. They don’t even have a large superhero contingent up there. Get me up there, I will get your ruby shards.”

Krampus pushed her aside and shut the image off. “No! You don’t understand, but if you go there, then you could face a bigger problem. It...wouldn’t be safe.”

“Then what do you suggest?”

“We do have one ally up there already.”

Chase snorted, “You don’t mean Skelanimal?”

“He’ll do what I ask of him. However, he’s an idiot and wouldn’t make it far without a little help.” A deadly smile came to his nasty maw. “I believe I should contact an old friend.”

“Who?” Chase asked.

Krampus turned and walked toward a dark corner of the room. “Stay here and do nothing. I’ll be back shortly.” Using his own magical power, he slipped into the shadows and was gone.

Chase sat down in a chair and waited a moment, making sure she was truly alone. She picked up a tablet and accessed a picture she had stored there. When Krampus saw the way she looked at this image before, he grew angry and tried to delete it, but she had one last copy in this file. It was the same image she has stared at for days. The blast when Strange Quark blew up while holding the ruby shards. Behind him stood a man with stone colored skin and big wings. Both this Strange Quark and the winged man stoked a latent memory in her. A feeling welled up in her chest, but she couldn’t explain it within herself. She wanted to know more.

The cool sea air brushed over the rocky surface of the Mediterranean waters. Birds squawked and called out in the afternoon sunlight. Speedboats played in the waters, some dragging skiers behind them. A large cruise ship approached the idyllic Venice Harbor.

Chromatic Death took in this glorious vista as he rocked back and forth on the small water taxi he had hired. His guitar on the seat next to him, he slumped down, threw his head back and took in the warm sunlight.

His pilot asked, in a thick Italian accent, “Are’a you sure about this?”

Chromatic said, “For the last time, yes.”

“Okay. That’a place, it’sa haunted.”

Chromatic huffed, “Don’t care.”

“I justa warning you. We are almost there.” The pilot drove the little taxi harder across the water’s surface.

Eventually they made it to the dilapidated dock on an island. An old, run-down building surrounded by overgrown foliage. Some of the structure had been shored up with scaffolding and boards, but it was in no shape for living.

The pilot shuddered, “Thata old asylum makesa me sick to the stomach. Why you want to go there?”

“If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me. So, let’s say it’s classified and leave it at that.” Chromatic stood up and grabbed his guitar. “I guess this is my stop. Stay here.”

“No, sir. I go. You call when you want pick up.”

Chromatic stepped off the boat and turned back to the man with a fierce look in his eyes. “We had a deal. I pay you a crap load of money and you stick around until I’m ready to leave.”

“I give refund. I no stay here. You go. When you want to leave. Call office.” Without another word, the man sped away on his boat.

Chromatic growled out a hard sound and prepared to blast that stupid little boat with his guitar. But he knew better than to get in trouble with BADGE for sinking some civilian boat, even if they deserved it.

Slinging his guitar around to his back, he looked up at the spooky old asylum. “Poveglia Island, the most haunted place in Italy. I aint scared of no ghosts.” He snickered at that reference and then blinked a few times. His eyes turned to prisms again, and a swath of colored light spread about before him. With a wicked smile, he walked along the old path. “Still got her trail.”

Chase kept that picture up on the monitor. She fought deeply to recall this person. All she could seem to conjure in her memories was his laugh. A faint image remained in her mind of him smiling and then laughing. That brought her great joy, yet she couldn’t figure out why.

She jerked hard and nearly fell off the stool she sat on when a buzzer sounded. In a flash, she shut down the image so that Krampus would not see it. To her great relief, it was not Krampus but the proximity alarm.

The computer announced, “Intruder alert.”

Chase swiftly made her way to a computer terminal and checked the external monitors hidden outside. The computer replayed ever instance this person had been present within camera range. She frowned at the strange colored lights showing up from nowhere. Then she noticed a pattern.

“Computer, run all recorded video back five minutes and play on loop.”

The images replayed over and over. She watched them, growing astonished and worried at the same time. She turned her attention to the live feed, following this odd man through the abandoned asylum. “How is he doing that?”

“Doing what?” Krampus’s voice broke her concentration.

“Oh! You scared me.”

He gave a half-cocked smile. “I’ll take that as a compliment, you impress me with your skills of observation.”

“We have a problem. Someone is here, on the island.”

Krampus looked over the monitors. “Oh. Another ghost hunter looking for spirits?”

She shook her head. “I doubt it. He has powers.”

Krampus gave off a rumbling chuckle. “So, the heroes think they can find me. Well, no worry, they’ve checked this island before, and not found the entrance.”

She pointed at the monitors. “Don’t be so confident. I don’t know how, but he has followed the exact path I use when coming here. He is two turns away from the secret entrance.”

Krampus spent a moment watching the recorded monitors and then settled his eyes on the live feed. “How interesting. This one is good. Very good.”

“Too good. I’ll take care of him.” She pulled out a blade.

“No.” Krampus pushed her arm down. “Let him get in here.”


“Trust me. I have a plan. Now, collect all but twenty of the shards and then stay out of sight. Do not let him see you.”

Chase didn’t argue, she simply complied.

Chaz Hamilton tapped a pen against his desk, while sitting in his office chair, leaning on his left elbow, staring at a blank computer screen. He had been drumming out this solo for about forty-five minutes.

Turning a lazy eye toward the blank screen, he thought about finding another story about those ruby shards to write about. But he was tired of interviewing the average bystander. For some reason it seemed he got stuck with all the country bumpkins each time he went out to find something juicy about those strange ruby shards. The last guy he tried interviewing spent most of the time talking about his pig’s constipation issues.

Suddenly his boss stepped into his cubicle and removed his glasses. “Hamilton, I have an assignment for you.”

Chaz hardly glanced at him. “What, transcribing the TV listings?”

“No. It seems BADGE has finally given your media clearance the green light again. Don’t ask me why.”

Chaz perked up. “You mean I can go do an interview with someone who has most of their teeth?”

“You promised me an interview with Director Nova weeks ago, and now you will get the chance. I’m sending you to the BADGE space station. You will meet with Krystal Fae...”

Chaz’s excitement faded. “Oh...she’s going to be there as well?”

“Yes. I’d hoped you two could work together on this. But she is busy helping them.”

“Fine, whatever, as long as I get to take lead on this and I get the byline. When do I leave?”

His boss handed him a special card from BADGE. “They have a shuttle departing tomorrow evening.”

“Oh, I would like to get going on this sooner. Don’t they have one going up today?”

“No. But, if you want to get there quicker, Krystal Fae has offered to transport you.”

Chaz held his stomach. “Uh, no, I...would rather not. I’ll be on the shuttle.”

His boss turned to leave, but said, “Don’t screw this up like last time. You get black listed again and you might be out of a job.” With that, he left.

Chaz sat back and muttered, “I don’t even know what I did last time.”
Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Nova stood before the massive monitor again, watching the world with his vigilant eye. Dozens of BADGE drones flew over parts of the Earth, visually scanning for evidence of Krampus or Chase, and always looking for crimes and other problems.

Gar walked into the room, holding a steaming cup. “For you, Director.”

Nova actually smiled and accepted the coffee. “Thanks. I didn’t ask for this, but I can use it.”

“I know. I remember when I first came to BADGE, and you had me help by doing little things like coffee. It was a happier time.”

Nova took a sip and then gave off a little laugh. “You know something, Gar. Over the many years I’ve been around, I find we always look back and believe life was easier yesterday. It feels that way because I believe our minds like to cling onto that which made us happy and fight to forget what was unhappy. It is a gift, I suppose, to ourselves. But, let us not forget that not that long ago Jinn almost destroyed this world. Before that, Legion came to city after city, attacking and challenging, and before that they buried you at sea. The past, my friend, isn’t as kind as we wish it to be. Though, it’s good to remember what was gentle and kind about the past, so we know what we want tomorrow to be like.”

Gar said, “You have seen many bad things. Do you think of what was good about the past?”

“True, I have seen some dark times and fought to protect this world. I have helped raise up defenders every generation, so they defeat the bad things. Does this mean that I only remember what was bad? No, not at all. I remember what was good. In my long years, I have seen many heroes rise, many of which were mere humans with no inkling of superpower. Yet, with some encouragement, they have overcome evil and bravely ensured good survives. I think of them, of the hope they gave, of the days when we could breathe in peace. I may seem grim, but I too know how to seek happiness.”

EB hopped into the room. “It’s true. Once, I heard it said, that someone actually heard Nova laugh. It was about three hundred years ago, I think.” He teased with a big grin.

Nova rolled his one good eye. “Just because I withhold my emotions doesn’t mean I don’t feel happiness.”

EB hopped up and perched on Gar’s shoulder. “Not true. I have offered you some of my best chocolate eggs, and you never eat them. How can anyone be happy without enjoying chocolate?” He materialized a chocolate egg in his hand, wrapped in blue, shiny foil.

Nova snatched it from EB and peeled a portion of wrapper with one thumb. He ate a big bite and said, “There!”

EB grinned, “Okay, fine, so you have a soul.” He laughed. Gar wasn’t even smiling. EB asked, “Hey, what’s the matter? I’m sorry you can’t eat chocolate...”

“No. I just was thinking about how much Chase liked your candy eggs.”

Nova handed the half-eaten egg back to EB and said, “We need to get back to work.”

EB tossed the egg, and it vanished, “True.”

Nova drank some of his coffee and then asked, “Did you come up here to give a report on the ruby shards?”

“The shards? No. They’re still working on it. It’s a real doozy. I came up because I had a thought.” He hopped off of Gar’s shoulder and landed on the handrail in front of the screen.

Nova snorted, “This could be dangerous.”

EB ignored that and asked, “Why hasn’t Skelanimal even tried to escape?”

Gar said, “Because he can’t. This is the best prison.”

Nova agreed with a nod, “This place is top-of-the-line. No one can escape.”

“True. But Skelanimal isn’t exactly the sharpest crayon in the box. Also, he’s escaped from some pretty good places. I would expect him to at least try. Unless he’s done something you haven’t told me about, he’s just laid there in that cell, refusing to answer questions.”

Nova looked at the bunny, “You may have something. Why hasn’t he even tried?”

All three were silent as they pondered this. A robot said, “Director Nova, incoming transmission.”

He looked up, “Put it through.”

The screen filled with Chromatic Death’s face. “Awesome! Oh, hey Stony!” He waved at Gar.

“Chromatic, report?”

He held his communicator up and ran it around the room, giving them a dizzying view of the inside of what appeared to be a laboratory. “I found it! This must be where that Krampus creep has been hid’n out.”

Nova said, “Stop moving that camera!”

“Oh, sorry.” The image returned to his face.

“How do you know this is his lair?”

“Because of these.” He turned the camera down and showed them a large collection of glowing shards.

“Well, that makes an excellent case. Where’s Krampus?”

Gar added, “Where is Chase?”

“Sorry, dude, haven’t seen your girlfriend or that hairy thing. This place was empty when I got here. I did find something interesting. Look at this mess.” He turned the image over to the computer rigged with the BADGE communicator.

Nova’s one eye widened, “No wonder they’ve been ahead of us. That thing’s tapping our comm channels. How in hell haven’t we picked up the tap?”

“Not my expertise. But I’ll snatch the communicator and these shards and get my butt outta here. That chick scares the crap outta me and I don’t even want to think of what ole Krampus will do to me.”

“Wise choice. I’ll divert a shuttle to your location.”

“Gotcha.” He flicked the comm line off.

EB hopped around in glee. “Looks like we beat Krampus.”

Nova snatched EB by the ears, dangling him in front of his face. “What have I told you about bouncing around my new Operations Center.”

EB folded his arms and pouted, “You’re no fun.”

Nova dropped him. “If Chromatic brings us the rest of those shards, then we will be ahead of Krampus. However, I never overestimate my circumstances, and I won’t underestimate my enemy. We’re still unclear what purpose these things serve.”

Gar added, “And we still haven’t found Chase.”

“Good point,” Nova said. “So, when he gets back here with those shards and they’re all accounted for, we’ll turn our attention to getting back Chase.”

EB said, “I’ll do everything I can to find her. You know that.”

“Yes. I do. Go to the lab and help however you can.”

“RIGHT-O.” EB gave a comical salute and then zoomed away.

Gar said, “He’s getting better about obeying your orders.”

Nova muttered, “Yes, and so far he hasn’t crashed the station.”

Gar asked, “What should I do now?”

Before Director Nova could answer, a robot announced. “Communication for Director Nova. Arena Maximus is prepared for inspection.”

“Tell them I’ll be there shortly.”

Gar frowned, “The League Wars arena?”

“Yes. I know, I know. Holding that event right now might seem odd. But life must go on. Until there is a crisis needing heroes to fight, there is no reason to not hold this. Besides, EB’s right...never tell him I said that...if we have all the shards, then Krampus might be unable to finish his plans. This whole problem could already be solved.” He patted Gar on the shoulder. “Operations is yours. Monitor Earth and tell me when Chromatic gets here.” “Yes, sir.” Gar watched him leave and then turned and looked at the giant monitor.
Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

“WAIT!” Chaz raced toward the special landing pad where a sophisticated shuttle was powering its engines. The back door closed already, and the side door swung down as the shuttle lifted into the air. “I HAVE A PASS! WAIT!” Chaz yelled as a blustery wind exploded when the engines came online. He made a flying leap, grabbed the handle on the side of the shuttle and shoved himself into the closing door. In fact, he was now being pressed in two by the door as half his body was in and half was outside.

“What the?” A man in a purple outfit jumped up from his seat at the sight of Chaz.

Chaz was squished between the door and the frame. He called for assistance, which came out as "Melp me!"

The purple hero pressed the emergency release, and the door opened again. He pulled Chaz inside and then shut the door.

Chaz hit a seat and let out a long sigh, “That was too close.”

“Who the hell are you?” The purple hero asked.

Chaz held up his pass. “Chaz Hamilton with the Sentinel. I have a press pass. Who are you?”

“I’m Wicked Pitch, part of 5th Precinct. I didn’t know that they were allowing press up to the arena for this League Wars.”

Chaz, still gathering himself, said, “I’m not going for League Wars. I have an interview with Nova. Been waiting a while to get this interview.”

“Oh, cool.” Wicked Pitch frowned at Chaz, “You look awful. I think you’ve gone green.”

Chase reached over and tried to pull a shutter on the window, but there wasn’t any. “I’m not too fond of heights.”

Wicked laughed, “You realize we’re going all the way up to the station. That’s a serious height.”

“I will...burp...do anything to get this interview before Krystal.” Chaz sat back, wishing he had taken Krystal up on the teleportation offer. Either way, he was going to barf.

Wicked got up and reached into a compartment. “Here, this will help.” He opened a small, generic first aid kit and pulled out a chewable item.

Chaz chomped on the cherry-flavored stomach aid. “Thanks.”

“No problem, I...hey, what’s going on?” Wicked pointed out the window.

Chaz frowned, “We’re flying over the ocean? I thought we were supposed to be heading up.”

“Pilot, where are you taking us?” Wicked asked.

A robot turned its head all the way around and answered. “Our flight plan has been diverted to pick up another hero. Please excuse any inconvenience.”

They zoomed across the ocean and then over land. Once again they were over open water as they approached an island.

“Did we just pass Venice?” Wicked asked.

The pilot answered, “Destination, Poveglia Island, Italy.”

Chaz said, “I’ve heard of this place. Real creepy.”

“Wonder who we’re picking up?” Wicked asked.

As if to answer his question, the shuttle landed, and the door slid open. Both men watched as Chromatic Death slowly entered, holding a box in his arms. He said nothing, merely sat in a seat and stared forward.

The pilot announced. “Leaving Poveglia. Destination, BADGE orbital space station. Be prepared for alterations to artificial environment.” Without further announcement, the shuttle zoomed up.

Chaz smiled at Chromatic, “So, one of the heroes of the Fort Knox incident. Nice to meet you. I'm Chaz Hamilton with the Sentinel.” He stuck his hand out.

Chromatic didn’t even look at him.

Chaz and Wicked exchanged curious looks. Chaz tried again, “So, since we have a few minutes, maybe I could do a small interview with you. Like, can you talk about why you were on Poveglia?”

Chromatic remained silent.

Wicked stood and looked into the box, “Wow! You found more of those shard things! Nice! Were they hidden on that island?”

This elicited a response. Chromatic turned and gave them a wicked smile, “Much was hidden on that island.”

EB hopped along the path through the detention cells. At each checkpoint, the scanners immediately registered his identity and let him through. He approached the large cell where Skelanimal rested. As per usual, the villain’s back was to him.

An egg materialized in his little paw. He tossed it up a few times, a devilish smile on his little furry muzzle. “HEY, WAKE UP!” EB threw the egg, and it exploded against the barrier.

Skelanimal fell out of the bed and hit the floor. “WHOA! WHAT THE HELL?”

EB stood there, examining his little claws with a nonchalant gaze. “Oh, did I disturb your beauty sleep, because you could really use it.”

Skelanimal sneered at him, “What do you want, rabbit?”

“Answers would be nice.”

“If I ain't gonna spill for Nova, what makes you think I’m gonna say anything to you?”

“You asked what I wanted. I told you. However, all I really wanted to do is give you a delightful gift. You know, I’m the Easter Bunny, giving things isn’t just what Santa does. Here.” He materialized another chocolate egg and held it up.

“No thanks.”

EB pushed his paw right through the forcefield, using his own magic to bypass the protection. “Come on, it’s real tasty.” He wiggled it around as he grinned.

Skelanimal suddenly lurched at the field, baring his teeth and claws. EB jumped back, stumbling against a wall. This made the villain laugh heartily as he returned to his bed. “Such a brave little bunny. I ain't taking anything you’re offer’n. Krampus warned me about you.”

EB, with a tinge of terror in his eyes still, stood up and brushed himself off. “So, what did my old friend, Krampus, say?”

“Oh, he just said that you would try to give me one of your eggs. It would make me tell the truth. All that mythic magic and stuff. I ain't that stupid.”

“Really, so Krampus warned you about being questioned here?”

“Yeah, so?” Skelanimal sat on the edge of the bed.

EB grinned. “Thanks.”

“What for?”

EB hopped back down the corridor. “For finally giving up some information.”

The shuttle landed in the docking bay of the station. Chromatic exited first with Chaz right behind him.

“Nice talking to you.” Chaz shook Wicked's hand.

“No problem. Haven’t done too many interviews. Hope you can use it.”

“I’ll find space. I’d love to do more hero interviews, Krystal seems to get all those assignments.”

Wicked waved at him as the door closed. “Good luck.”

Chaz watched the shuttle lift off again, to take Wicked to the arena for the League Wars. After that, he turned and realized he had no idea where he was. “Um, Mr. Chromatic! I could use some directions.” He raced to catch up to the hero heading out of the bay.

Chromatic pressed a button, and doors opened. He stepped into an elevator, followed closely by Chaz.

Chaz caught his breath, again. “Wow, this place is enormous. Maybe you could show me around. I was hoping to get a tour along with an interview.”

Chromatic smiled with that terrifying grimace. “I’d be more than happy to escort you. Just hold still.”

They zoomed off as Chaz let out a horrified scream.
Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

Gar watched two screens that displayed the ongoing battles in the giant, orbital arena. Heroes fought each other with incredible displays of powers. Holographic screens floated around the stadium where fans on Earth cheered as one hero scored a point.

“I don’t like this.” Gar muttered as he continued to pace.

A robot said, “If the optical display is not set to your preference, it can be changed. We have one hundred and seventy-seven active visual feeds to display the current League Wars, they range from...”

Gar interrupted this, “No, not the League Wars. I don’t like that we have all the heroes up here, playing games, while Chase is still down there, captive.”

“Please, rephrase objective or need,” the robot stated.

Gar had a sudden realization. “Oh, um, I know. I know Chase better than Director Nova. Maybe I can help.”

“Please state objective or need.”

Gar spent a moment thinking. “Um, we know where Chromatic was. Send many drones to scan for Chase there.”

The robot stated, “Poveglia, Italy is under close examination by four hundred and twenty-five BADGE sensor devices. No current indication of operative Chase or criminal Krampus detected.”

“Oh, I didn’t know.” Gar thought as hard as he could. “Um, scan for Chase’s stuff.”

“Please rephrase inquiry.”

Gar let out an annoyed grunt. “Chase uses knives. Scan for knives.”

“Metallic objects found on island. Determination of origin in processing.”

Gar grumbled to himself. “Not those stupid knives she threw at Fort Knox. Magic knives..um...what did she call them. Shore...share...um...” He grew frustrated, “Robot, what is a throwing blade that looks like star.”

“Throwing blades shaped like stars are known as Shuriken to the Japanese, they are also known as...”



“Okay, scan for magic shuriken.” He smiled, sure of himself.

“Arcane sensors have not detected any known energy signatures from that island at this time.”

Gar said, “I don’t care. Keep scanning for them.”

Dr. Hostetter held a computer tablet in his hand, flat. It projected a holographic representation of three different energy signatures as graphs. He laughed as he looked at these. “What I wouldn’t give for this kinda stuff at the University. Do you know that there is a department that still has a DOS system operating to keep up with stuff?”

Dr. Henderson said, “I know. I’ve been working for BADGE for four years and I still catch myself marveling at the stuff they have.”

“So, how’s the patient?” Dr. Hostetter looked at Strange Quark still laying in the bed.

Dr. Henderson ran a sensor over Quark. “Not changed, if that means anything. This person is not human and, well, I just don’t know what to do for him.”

“What did you need my scans for?”

“Oh, just thought you might have found something that could help me connect dots over here.”

Dr. Hostetter looked at his holographic graphs and then at her sensor readings. “There is one spike there that resembles this here. Does that mean anything?”

She looked at the one energy reading he pointed to. “It could mean something. But, what to do with this information, I’m at a loss.”

“Why don’t you give me your readings and I’ll check them against all my other data.”

“Sure thing. This...oh, hello.” She stopped at the sight of two people standing in the doorway.

Chromatic Death and Chaz Hamilton stood there, both a little bewildered.

Chromatic said, “Uh, where am I?”

Dr. Hostetter said, “Hey, aren’t you the hero that met me in my classroom? That means you have the other shards for me.”

Chromatic looked down at his box, “Oh, yeah, right here.”

“Come with me. I need to see those right away.” He excused himself and led Chromatic out of the room.

In moments, Dr. Hostetter led the other two into his lab. He took the box and used a glove to set the shards into the machine. “Oh, I count twenty. I know there has to be more than this. Are you sure you found them all?”

Chromatic looked around the lab, “I’m not even sure how I got up here. I can remember finding these, talking to Nova. Then I...I was...I...I don’t remember exactly. I can remember getting on the shuttle and flying to the station, but it’s like a dream I had.”

“Strange.” Dr. Hostetter commented and then turned to his work. “Might see Dr. Henderson, she’s the person for that sort of stuff.”

“Might do that.”

Dr. Hostetter held an eye loupe and leaned over to look at a shard. “Who is your friend? I don’t believe we’ve met.”

Chromatic turned and looked at Chaz, “I don’t know this dweeb. He’s been follow’n me since I got here. Wait...no, he was on the shuttle.” Chromatic approached Chaz, “What’s going on? Why can’t I remember anything?”

Chaz’s wicked smile grew, “This is going to be fun.”

Chromatic sneered, “Dweeb. Hey, doc, what d’you say about those shards?” He walked over and looked at the collection.

“Oh, that I expected twice as many. This can’t be all of them. See this here...” They both stopped looking when Chaz suddenly slumped over and then crashed to the floor.

Chromatic frowned, “Hey, dweeb, you alright?”

Dr. Hostetter put down his equipment. “Sir, do you need help?”

All at once, the lights flickered, and the monitors fuzzed off and then on. The room went dark, then the lights came on. A distant, strange cackling laughter rang out.

Chromatic flipped his guitar around into his hands. “That can’t be good.”

The Wizard let out a deep sigh and plopped down on a bench behind several protective energy barriers. He grabbed a towel from the nearby pile and wiped the sweat from his face. He watched as two heroes blasted each other in the center of the enormous stadium. Both heroes could fly and were using energy beams from various body parts, in attempts to knock the other one out first.

“YOU GOT THIS ZAN!” The Wizard cheered and then jerked when a beam of energy hit one barrier near him. A massive green explosion created a wave of heat that washed over him. “HEY, WATCH IT!”

The announcer called out, “Timer is running out! The score is still seven thousand twelve to Six thousand, nine hundred and ninety-eight.”

The Wizard was about to conjure up a nice bottle of cold water when he shivered. “No, that can’t be.” He paused and looked around. All at once another green energy explosion made him fall off the back of the bench. “Those two are not hold’n anything back.” He muttered while getting back up.

He snapped his fingers, and a bottle of water appeared next to him. He picked it up and went to drink, but paused again when he felt something. “What’s that?” He stood up and scanned with his eyes. To him, everything gained a purple haze. Through this he could see eddies in the flow of magic. This far above Earth, he shouldn’t see anything outside of this arena. In the middle of the massive battle ground, there were several destablized vortexes of magical energy, leftover from recent arcane attacks used during the League Wars. He just about dismissed this as him being overly tired from his last round, but then the BADGE space station flew by and he felt something unusual.

“I think I need to warn Nova.”
Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

“HEY, DWEEB, WAKE UP!” Chromatic rattled Chaz by shaking him against the floor in the lab.

Dr. Hostetter calmly said, “We might take him to the infirmary. I don’t think this is helping.”

The lights in the room flickered off and then on again, then all the computer screens turned to fuzz.

Chromatic sneered, “Naw, he’s com’n around.”

Chaz smiled, “What...kinda soup did you use to defeat...skeleton?”

Chromatic frowned, “What the hell are you talk’n about?”

“Director, I jus wanna say, it is an honor to interview you. Now that I know you wanted to give me a medal and make it a big surprise, I forgive you for blacklisting me.”

Chromatic scoffed, “This doofus is in la la land.” He reared back and slapped Chaz, “Wake up!”

Chaz opened his eyes and frowned, “Director Nova?”

“I’ve got both my eyes, buddy. I ain’t the director.”

Chaz came around and then stretched his jaw. “Who hit me?”

“I did.” Chromatic stated without apology in his tone.

Chaz pulled himself up. “How did I get in here? Where’s Director Nova?”

Dr. Hostetter said, “Director Nova and Krystal Fae are both at the stadium for the League Wars.”

“Dangit! I was supposed to interview him.”

Suddenly the room went pitch black, not a single light came on, not even the emergency lights.

“Welp, that sucks,” Chromatic said.

The monitors all came on, still fuzzy. The sound coming from them grew higher and higher, other sounds joined in, each one growing in intensity by the second. The sound grew so much that even

Chromatic held his ears. One monitor shook and the screen cracked. Another rattled right off a counter. “LET’S GET OUT OF HERE!” Chromatic screamed over the sound. He yanked Chaz to his feet and shoved him out the door.

All three lunged out the door just as the remaining monitors erupted, spraying sparks all over the lab.

Dr. Hostetter popped his ears and then said, “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know, doc. But, the fact that I can’t remember anything, this doofus was in la la land, and that room when haywire cannot be coincidence.”

Chaz asked, “How did I get in that room in the first place? I was supposed to be meeting with the director.”

“Look, dweeb, by now you gotta realize, none of us got answers. We just...” The lights in the hall flickered, screens along the corridor turned to fuzz. “Aw, crap. Not out here.”

Dr. Hostetter said, “I think we should get to the infirmary. It might be safer...what?”

Chaz had a hand up, “Do you hear that?”


Chaz waited with his hand up. At first he frowned, and then his eyes grew wide. A deep, terrible, cackling laughter came from inside the lab they had just been in. Then, it changed, and came from down the hall.

“This ain’t good. We’re heading for the Operations, NOW!” Chromatic grabbed Dr. Hostetter by the arm and dragged him.

“Wait for me!” Chaz followed.

Nova sat in his highly protected, plush observation box at the stadium. He held a glass of excellent vintage in one hand, and a computer tablet with the running scores in the other.

The massive field below was vacant for the moment. On the monitors, millions of people watched from hundreds of stadiums and theaters across the planet. An announcer called out. “Wasn’t that an exciting round! Next we have Furious Squirrel and Starmaster. Furious Squirrel lost his first round, so he got the choice of arena for the second match. He chose, cityscape. Good luck!”

The field lowered and holograms appeared, creating a city with wide streets, tall buildings, cars, buses, and other random objects found in a normal metropolitan area. A hovering platform flew down with Furious Squirrel waving at the crowds. He had a large following from the Steampunk enthusiast since that was the theme of his normal costume. The roar from the viewership grew even greater when his opponent appeared, flying under his own power. Starmaster descended to the city streets. They each took their positions and waited while a giant holographic number three began the countdown. Millions of people, using hundreds of languages, counted down. When the buzzer sounded, both heroes took off after the other.

Nova set his tablet down and sipped the wine. A bright orange blast lit up his face and a steampunk hero crashed into the forcefield near him. Furious Squirrel clicked his boots, and they took off with rocket jets. He pulled out two laser pistols and shot back at Starmaster.

The Wizard approached from behind. “Sir!”

“Great match, Wizard. Very well executed.” Director Nova said.

The Wizard smiled, “Thanks, but I’m here on other business. I have a strange feeling something is happening at the station.”

“What?” Nova sat up.

Just then Krystal Fae appeared in a flash, “Sir! Oh, Wizard...I suppose you felt it too?”

The Wizard nodded with worried eyes.

Nova stood up. “What’s going on?”

The Wizard said, “I began feeling strange arcane energies coming from the station a few moments ago.”

Krystal Fae added, “I just tried to transport myself back there, and I couldn’t get through.”

Nova let out a hard huff, “Damn. Get to the shuttle, both of you. If there is arcane mischief, I’ll need your help.”

Gar watched the giant monitor as they focused their scans on the islands near Venice. He kept finding new ideas to help them re-calculate their sensors. Data flew by as the computer analyzed it.

“Where is she?” He whispered.

Suddenly a red light blinked and a buzzer yelled. The computer announced, “Power outage in laboratory section!” Then the light went back to normal.

Gar turned around, “What happened?”

“Please restate question.” A robot asked.

Gar huffed, “What happened to the power in the laboratories?”

The robot plainly stated, “All systems are operating within normal parameters.”

“But it just said...”

The computer buzzed again, this time with yellow alerts on the main screen. Gar quickly turned around and watched as the drone’s cameras all focused on an old island.

A robot announced, “Scans are indicating a positive reading at this location. Probability this is location of Operative Chase is ninety-nine point…” The robot flopped over.

“DON’T STOP!” Gar yelled.

Suddenly the screen flickered, and the lights flashed sporadically. The robots working their stations flailed around with sparks flying out of their joints.

“What is going on?” Gar grabbed a flopping robot.

“Please...please...please...restate...bacon and eggs…unicorns are mythical…”

He dropped the malfunctioning robot and picked up a standard comm device. “Director! Come in!” A loud white noise came through and then a screeching whistle.

The robots began to all speak, randomly spouting facts and idiotic statements. They were bolted down, which was the only reason they didn’t fly out of their seats with the way they jerked around.

“I need help.” Gar rushed to the elevator and jumped in.

“WHAT IS GOING ON! HEY! I’M HUNGRY!” Skelanimal yelled from his cell.

The lights down the corridor strobed and the robots guarding this place had all dropped to the ground. The robots rambled out strange words at various volumes. Suddenly, the lights all went off, not even the emergency lights were active. The robots stopped talking, and all was deathly silent.


An odd, orange glow appeared down the corridor.

“What the hell?”

A wicked laughter echoed throughout the detention section. “Skelanimal!”

“Who is there? If this is another trick by Nova...”

“TRICK! HAHAHAHAHAHA! This is most certainly a trick, from the best trickster.”

“You...you can’t scare me.” His tone betrayed his words.

“Oh, yes, I can. But I’m more interested in the others. No, I have a promise to fulfill. I have a message for you from your friend, Krampus.”
Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

Gar’s elevator sped down toward the main level. He kept sending out the distress signal from his communicator. No one responded. He continued to check the indicator, which would blink with a green light the moment someone picked up the signal.

“Come on, Director, something is not right here.”

The lights in the elevator flickered off, and it came to a screeching halt. Gar waited a moment and then said, “Elevator, deck five please.”

The elevator’s speaker buzzed and beeped. Just when Gar was about to turn on the little flashlight on the comm unit, the elevator sped off again, this time going sideways along a tunnel. Then it went up, back down, back up, right, left, up, down. A hard stop just long enough to throw Gar into a wall met each change in direction, then it would blast off again. A warning buzzer screamed when the inertial stabilizers went offline. Gar’s crashing into walls became stronger as there wasn’t any system cushioning the inertia changes.

The elevator shot up, slamming Gar into the floor. He felt as though it was going to blast right out of the station. It abruptly stopped, crashing him into the ceiling, and then sped downward, keeping him pressed against the top. It moved faster and faster, rocking and screeching as it careened the full length of the station. Now Gar was certain it would smash through the base of the station and fly off into space. At the mercy of this speedy freefall, the elevator crashed into something and Gar hit the floor. His body made a full indentation in the deck plating, his wings even cutting into the sides. If he were organic, this would have been the end of him.

Ripping himself out of the Gar-shaped hole, it relieved him when the door partly fell open. He yanked the door away, bending the metal inward. With a lot of work, he squeezed through the opening and flopped out on the floor on the lowest deck of the station. He lay on his back and recovered from that ride.

“What...is happening?”

Just then a white blur rushed up to him and stopped in the middle of his chest. EB looked down at Gar. “Boy, you’re hard to follow. I was looking for you and ran all over the place.”

“The elevator went crazy.”

“Everything’s going crazy around here. I sense magic on the station and it’s messing with the systems. Lights are going on and off, screens are making horrible noises, and robots are dancing and singing, which is hilarious if you really think about it. This one robot was doing the bunny hop, I wanted to join, being a bunny and all, but I had to find someone. Did you know I invented that dance, just for fun...”

“EB.” Gar stopped the rambling.

“Sorry. Um, oh, right. I think Skelanimal has something to do with all this.”

Gar sat up and set EB on the ground. “What? How can he?”

“Dunno. I talked to him and realized he was sent here. I mean, Krampus meant him to be caught and brought here.”

Gar got himself up and looked around. “We need to get back up to the main decks.”

“Where are we?”

Gar ran down the corridor. “This is the reactor, it powers the station. This is the bottom of the station. We need to be up. We can’t take an elevator.”

“Yeah, not a good idea.” EB hopped ahead of him.

“The ladder system is ahead. We’ll go that way.”

“Good. I’m sticking with you.”

Gar opened a door and mounted a ladder that climbed up the dizzying height of this station. EB sat on his shoulder and cheered him on. Fortunately, EB didn’t annoy Gar as much as he did Nova.

Chaz stopped and held the wall as he huffed and puffed. “How...big...is this...station?”

Chromatic stopped and rolled his eyes. “It’s huge. Why do you keep stopping?”

“I’m a reporter, not a hero. This is a long run for me.”

Dr. Hostetter stopped as well. “I haven’t been much of a runner in years. A breather might be nice.”

Chromatic scoffed, “This is a bad situation and I’m stuck with a dweeb and nerd. I’mma going ahead. You guys can catch up.”

“No, wait,” Chaz yelled as Chromatic left them.

“It’s okay. I think I know the way to the...what did he call it? Operations.” Dr. Hostetter said.

Chaz held his knees, “I’m going to get the interview, I’m going to get the interview.”


“Nothing. Just affirming something.”

Just then their communicator buzzed and Chromatic came through. “Hey, guys. Head for the arboretum, that’s the safest place.”

“Arboretum? Where’s that?” Chaz asked.

Dr. Hostetter said, “Oh, I know. It’s right near the food court.”

“Good, lead the way.”

EB and Gar stepped out from the ladder chute. They had come to a dead end of the climb and were now walking out into the primary area of the food court.

“Why doesn’t it go all the way up?” EB asked.

Gar said, “Director said that the upper levels are higher security and require special access.”

“Oh, makes sense. Now, where do we go from here?”

Gar was already looking for a way to go up further. “We need to get to communication room.”

“That’s up to deck two, we...” EB stopped when Gar’s comm device beeped.

“Gar...come in...Gar...” Nova’s voice came through.

“DIRECTOR!” Gar grabbed the device.

“Good. Get to the arboretum right away. Our culprit is in there.”

“The arboretum?” Gar asked.

“Move...we...” the sound fuzzed off.

“Who’s our culprit?” EB already had a weaponized egg ready to throw.

“I don’t know. The arboretum is right around this corner.” Gar raced off with EB speeding ahead of him.

They left the dining area and rounded a corner into another large walkway that had windows lining the side. Doors led into the enormous gardens. In the distance, they saw three people running toward the far doors.

“CHROMATIC!” Gar waved.

Chromatic, Dr. Hostetter, and Chaz Hamilton all raced into the arboretum. None of them noticed Gar or EB.

EB hopped back to Gar, “I don’t like this. I sense some powerful magic.”

“It might be Krampus!” Gar ran toward one of the open doors.

EB raced behind him. “Wait! I...” Just as Gar reached the door, he vanished as though he had run through a mirror. EB went right in, running across the soft grasses. “Gar? HEY GAR! WHERE’D YOU GO?” He looked around and found nothing. “CHROMATIC! DOCTOR! ANYONE!” He hopped through the gardens.

Suddenly the area filled with a glowing orange hue. A deep, horrid cackling echoed off the glass walls of this massive arboretum.

EB’s ears fell back, and he dropped his egg. “Oh, my god.”

Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

Gar came to an abrupt stop in the Arboretum. He turned around twice, frantically searching. “EB? Director?”

“Gar, help!” A familiar, yet impossible voice beckoned him.

Gar turned slowly toward that sound. “Chase?”

“Please, help! I’m lost!”

“CHASE!” He ran through the trees and jumped into short glides over flower patches.

“HELP ME!” This time it was Quark calling out.

“Quark!” Gar ran faster, dodging trees and jumping over jutting roots. The forest grew deeper and deeper, it was much larger than he recalled for this station.

“PLEASE, I’M LOST!” Chase called again.

Gar called their names over and over as he ran, the trees becoming so dense he couldn’t see the glass windows or the stars outside. Bright lights flashed, cutting through the deep shadows. The sounds of weapons fire echoed between the thick trunks.

“CHASE, QUARK! WHERE ARE YOU?!” He shoved small trees over, dodged larger trees, and wanted to get airborne so he could fly over this forest and find his friends faster, but he couldn’t.

“GAR, KRAMPUS IS GOING TO KILL ME!” Chase yelled, and then let out a blood-curdling scream.


Quark screamed, “HELP! I DON’T HAVE MY POWERS! HELP, GAR!”

Gargoyle stumbled over a root and went head first into a tree. He hit the ground and spent a moment gathering his senses. The sounds of weapons fire grew louder and the voices of his friends no longer called his name. They screamed in terror.

Gar let out a hard growl and suddenly gripped the trunk of a tree and began a quick climb, his fingers digging hard into the bark as he pulled himself up. Launching into the air, he threw his wings out and flew in a glide as fast as he could toward the flashing lights and screaming voices.

The treeline ended near a large body of water. Two people lay on the sands of the beach with blood spilling out from the bodies. Gar dropped out of the sky with a hard slam and rushed to his friends. Quark was oozing a blue blood from a hole in his side, his eyes were open and still. Chase was face down in the sand, burn marks all over her body and her own knives protruding from her back.

Gar fell to his knees, trembling as he had never before. He reached up with both hands and screamed in both pain and fury. In the distance, a deep voice cackled in glee.

Chromatic walked across a patch of open grass in the arboretum. His guitar was out and ready for battle. He scanned the area with his eyes, using his powers to search for signs of life.

“Director? Hey! Nova! Where the hell are ya?”

There wasn’t any sound.

He said, “Hey guys, I think...guys?” He turned around, “Doc...dweeb? Hey, where’d ya go?” He marched off, looking around the flower beds and into the trees. “THIS AIN’T FUNNY! I’m not yer babysitter! HEY!”

That deep laughter echoed behind him. He turned with a shot and scanned the area again. This was a voice he knew, it was the same laughter that came from the laboratory when it went nuts. “Alright, you stinking pile of crap. I ain’t one to mess with. Show yerself, or I’ll blast the hell out of this whole damn place and watch you squirm.”

That voice taunted him. “Oh, really? How can a tone-deaf polka reject like you even hope to play that instrument?”

Chromatic’s face turned a deep red. “Oh, yer gonna get it!” He strummed his guitar with all of his strength. To his horror, it sounded just like any electric being played without power. He tried again and again, but the only sounds he got was a defunct electric guitar and a laughing menace.

Suddenly the world went gray, he couldn’t see any colors at all. He blinked and attempted to use his ability to spread colored light, but it didn’t work. Chromatic yelled, “HEY! MY POWERS!” This only led him to his worst discovery. He couldn’t hear his own voice. Yelling and slapping his ears, he realized he had gone deaf.

Chaz Hamilton slowly walked around these amazing gardens. “Nice place. But where’s Nova? I really need to get to that interview.” No one answered him. “Um, hello? Anyone with me here?” He turned and realized that the two people he came in here with were gone. “Aw, crud. Sure, leave the normal human alone on the big space station, real funny.”

Suddenly the arboretum went dark. For a moment, Chaz wondered if this was a program to simulate night for the plants. However, it seemed odd that it would activate so quickly. He stopped and scribbled a few notes about this when he realized that there was light again. It wasn’t the daylight that was formerly simulated in here, but an orange glow.

“And what have we here?” A deep, mocking voice said.

Chaz looked up, that orange glow lighting up his face. “Wha...what...what are you?”

The light grew brighter, and the laughter began. It started as a chortle, but quickly grew so loud, and so deep that it rattled the windows and shook the ground.

“Okay, I’m get’n outta here!” Chaz turned and fled the arboretum the same way he came in. He skidded into the dining hall and ran for the nearest door marked, ‘elevator’.

“Going so soon?” That mocking voice was right behind him.

Chaz turned to see where this thing was when he turned a corner and ran into a wall. He hit the ground hard and then the whole station tilted. Before he could get to his feet, he was sliding down the corridor, running into trash cans and other stationary objects. Harder and harder the floor tilted until he was nearly in a freefall. His fall came to a sudden end when he landed inside a domed window. He was now standing in what appeared to be nothing but glass, looking down at the planet far, far below him.

“Oh god, oh god, oh god. I hate heights, and this is the worst.”

That voice responded, “You don’t say. BWAHAHAHAHA!”

Chaz watched small cracks forming in the glass. He dug his fingers into the metal floor plating behind him, hoping to get off this window, but it was too late. The window exploded, and he was shoved out of the station by a harsh blast of decompressed air.

Gar wanted to cry, much as he wished to when he held his dead father. He heard that laughing voice and the rage erupted out of him. He took off at great speed over the water’s surface, the wake from his flight splitting the water behind him. The orange glow on his face grew brighter as he approached the menace responsible for the deaths of his friends.

As he flew he lost sensation in his legs, then his arms. His wings took more and more work to beat against the air. All at once his body became immobile and his flight quickly descended. With an enormous splash, his flight ended. He could still see, but that was all. The dark waters enveloped him. That orange glow above the surface dimmed as he sank. Deeper and deeper he fell until his stone-hard body slammed into the floor of this lake.

Gar knew these waters, the sands and rocks, the debris from ships and other man-made objects. This wasn’t the waters of the arboretum, these were the waters near Italy, the place they buried him for centuries. Unable to do anything, Gar was left with the one feeling he knew the deepest, fear.
Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

“Station, come in!” Nova held the call-button on the shuttle.

Krystal navigated while The Wizard stood behind both of them. She said, “Sir, we can’t dock yet, the bay doors won’t respond to the code.”

Nova let go of the comm, “Nothing is responding. My communicator won’t work, the shuttle’s comm won’t work, it’s like the station is dead in space.”

The Wizard frowned as he leaned over to get a better look, “I can still sense both magical and normal power over there. The station isn’t dead.”

Krystal agreed with a nod, “The power isn’t dead, but it is fluctuating. I can sense it as well. Systems are going offline and then coming back. Surges are racing through conduits throughout that place.”

Nova grumbled, “That is the most sophisticated piece of technology ever built by humans.”

The Wizard said, “That may be true, but if something arcane is happening to it, the tech doesn’t stand a chance.”

They moved closer to the docking bay doors. Krystal said, “I would try to open a portal so we can at least get inside, but with the way the magic is messing with this place, I would hate to cause a decompression or put the shuttle in the middle of your office.”

Nova asked, “What about Skelanimal or Krampus? Do either of you sense them?”

The Wizard closed his eyes and held out his hand. A glowing orb of light appeared. At first he simply stood there, then his face scrunched and strained. “I...I can’t break through the magic barrier. I sense nothing.”

Nova said, “Okay, well, we have one other option. There is an emergency hatch we can dock with. Take us over the station and head for these coordinates.” He punched in a set of numbers.

Krystal looked at his commands. “Really? I didn’t know about that?”

“It’s a secret. We have to have ways of getting in and out of that place enemies aren’t aware of.”

EB hopped through the station, an egg at the ready to strike. His ears were up and constantly moving, his nose twitched nervously.

“I know you’re on the station. You know I’m Vexillian, I can handle whatever you got.” He quickly turned and almost threw his egg, but there was nothing behind him. His ears went down, “You...you don’t scare me.”

Just then that voice spoke over him. “Then why are you so scared, little bunny.”

EB trembled. “I’m not just a bunny.”

That voice was now right behind him. “Oh, really?”

EB turned and threw his egg. It exploded with a bright blast of colorful energy. He waited a moment, only to find nothing behind him. That laughter echoed around him and then seemed to flee down a corridor. Against all the fear in his belly, EB followed the sound as he materialized a new egg in his hands.

“Hop, little bunny, hop.” The voice mocked him.

EB saw that orange light around a corner and he ran faster, pushing himself to have courage. His trembling stopped, his worry sank, all he felt was fierce determination. Sliding around the corner, he came to a dead stop. All at once, the terror returned as he looked at bodies scattered across the floor.

“Chase!” He rushed to her side and felt her cold face. “No, who did this to you?”

He gasped and ran over to Gar and then to Strange Quark. “Guys! Come on, get up! Don’t be...NO!” He raced over Gar to Nova’s side.

“Buddy! Nova! No!” Tears were in his eyes as he pushed on Nova, hoping to rouse the fallen man. “You can’t die!”

That laughter bellowed above him. The light in the room drained, only that orange glow cast deep shadows across the fallen people of BADGE. EB put his forehead on Nova’s arm and cried deeply.

The evil voice asked, “Where are your friends, little bunny?”

EB pushed away from Nova and looked up at the dead face of the Director. “NO!”

“Denial, how sweet.”

EB swiped the tears out of his eyes with quick, angry motions. “This...this can’t be real.”

“Of course it is. Fear is as real as you make it.”

EB smiled and held that egg up. “You made one mistake, my old friend. Nova isn’t on the station.” The egg grew so bright that the orange light was cast away. With a rocking explosion, it blew apart, spreading a golden mist out in a concussive wave. The surrounding bodies were blown away, then they too turned to dust and vanished.

EB turned and looked up at a floating pumpkin with a carved face. “Nice try, Spirit, but I’m not so easily fooled.”

“Hee hee hee, so much fun.”

“FUN! YAH!” EB threw another egg at The Spirit of Halloween, but the spectral entity dodged the explosion and then flew around the room, cackling in glee. EB followed with several more throws, but he couldn’t hit the enemy. The spirit vanished through a wall and was gone.

EB spent a moment waiting for his enemy to reappear, but he didn’t. “I have to find help.”

Skelanimal skulked through the corridors of the BADGE space station. The robots guarding the detention area were all out of commission. Whatever that strange spirit had done to the tech up here was more than enough to keep him safe. He paused and looked into a room with four beds. “Another living space,” he grumbled and then prowled down the dark corridor further.

He found more and more of these simple, spartan living spaces since he was in the dormitory wing of the station. The student heroes would stay here for the brief time, learning and adjusting to their powers. Right now, they were at the Orbital Arena either participating or helping during the League Wars, which suited Skelanimal just fine.

“Where are those damned shards?” He grew tired of staring at empty beds and storage closets. “I need to find their laboratory.”

“Lab..labor...lab...” a voice buzzed.

Skelanimal jumped and then punched something behind him. He pulled back his sore fist as he had just smacked a metal wall. A flickering panel buzzed and then showed a map. “What’s this?”

“Laboratory...lab...deck...labo...” The computer wasn’t able to construct a decent sentence, but the map was clear enough.

“Aw, great. It’s five levels up.”

He found the elevator and punched the button, but nothing happened. Grousing and grumbling, he located the nearest emergency chute and began the arduous climb. After one hundred and twenty-five rungs of the ladder, and even more bitter words, he stepped out onto the Laboratory deck.

Skelanimal jumped and looked behind him as he heard the throaty laughter of that strange spirit. The orange, translucent thing flew through the bulkheads and then sped away. Skelanimal found a dark corner and hid for a moment, not sure if anyone was chasing this thing. He had come too far to be caught now. No one appeared.

“That thing’s really having fun. I better get outta here before he leads those idiots back to me.”

He began searching the labs. This was an easier task, since the power was almost completely out and one lab had a steady red glow coming from the darkened doorway. He stepped in and a smile crossed that wicked face. The glint of ruby light flashed in his beady little eyes.

“Krampus is going to be so happy, these dumb humans have made this easy.” He snatched a bag from the corner and began piling the shards in like a bank thief at the vault.
Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

Nova piloted the shuttle toward the station and sent a code. A small panel on the outside of the hull of the station opened and revealed a docking slot.

“Sir, why is this here?” Krystal looked up at the metal wall approaching the shuttle.

Nova carefully turned the shuttle around so the aft door was lined up with the slot. “There are several docking ports built into the station to give access for emergency exits. To be honest, I never expected to use one to gain access.”

The Wizard asked, “Where will this put us?”

“Near the food court. It’s the most centrally located port I could find and the nearest to the command center.”

The Wizard looked back as the shuttle’s automated system attached to the station. “Did they not build any nearer the Operations center?”

“No. In case of emergency, we can eject the Operations center from the station and have its own thrusters to help it make a safe landing on the planet.”

“Oh, good to know.”

The whole shuttle came to an abrupt stop, and the lights blinked to indicate that the internal systems had connected. Nova turned off the controls and activated the aft door. It opened, and they were staring at a metal wall. Nova stood there and waited.

“Sir?” Krystal ventured.

“It appears the station’s systems aren’t working right. This should have opened with the back hatch, even without power. It has a general battery back-up.” He pulled off a panel and pulled a lever, the door split open, and then stopped.

“I got this.” The Wizard put his hands together and then slowly lifted them apart. A blue magical field formed and pulled the doors open.

“Excellent work.” Nova grabbed his gun and headed for the door.

Krystal smiled, “At least we know our magic still works here.”

Nova paused and said, “Krystal, I want you to head to the labs and make sure the shards are safe. Wizard, see to the detention area. I’ll head for operations and find Gar.”

Both answered, “Understood.”

Nova led them through the door and stopped. “I want you to...” he looked back and realized they were gone. “Krystal? Wizard?” No one answered. Even if they used magic to transport themselves, he would have heard or seen something.

The lights flickered, and the station rattled. Explosions rang down the corridors as an eerie orange glow came from every corner.

“Hello! Gar! EB!” Nova called out.

He walked through the food court, debris scattered everywhere. All the lights were broken, the deck plates cracked and strewn with rubble. The massive glass windows holding the vacuum of space at bay had fractures webbed across the surface. The station was a complete disaster.

“WHAT’S GOING ON!” Nova yelled, hoping for some kind of answer.

He watched missiles flying through space, going over the station. Suddenly a great flash of light filled every window. Moments later, a massive shock wave knocked him over. Before he got back to his feet, he watched a large section of the League Wars arena floating by, shattered and broken with fires burning across the ragged edges.

“Oh, god!” Nova scrambled to his feet and ran for the Operations center. He reached an elevator and was whisked away at top speed.

Nearly shoving the door open faster than it would move, Nova rushed into the Operations center and came to a dead stop. The large screen was a flashing mess, the robots lay about with sparks spewing out of their joints, and rubble scattered across the floor.

Nova walked down to the front of the room and felt a cold ice fill his body. All breath in him was stolen by the sight on the floor at his feet. He fell to his knees and gently picked up Gar’s severed head. Broken from his body as if a hammer had smashed the stone he was made from. The rubble of his remains were scattered before him. For the first time in many years, Director Nova of BADGE had tears in his eyes.

“What could do such a thing? Oh, Gar, what have I done?”

Just then the screen flickered on. A live video displayed the destruction of the League Wars Orbital Arena, now in three massive pieces. Bodies of heroes lifelessly floated by, their skin covered in the ice of naked space. Not one hero was moving, no shuttles or escape pods were active. It was a complete massacre.

Without warning, the screens changed to several news broadcasts. Disheveled news anchors across the planet spoke from burning and wrecked news rooms. The images behind them of war and death. Mushroom clouds expanded over every major city.

“This is TNN asking, where were the heroes? Earth is facing extinction. Every known, and a few unknown, villains were able to enact some kind of doomsday plan. Unless something miraculous happens, they will exterminate human life. In a matter of hours, the surface will be completely irradiated, there is no hope in sight. Say goodbye to your loved ones.”

Nova sat there, holding Gar’s remains, unable to speak. All he had worked for his entire life was gone. His worst possible fear had been realized.

Suddenly, something hit the screen and exploded. Then another object hit it and exploded. Each time a bright flash of light followed and then faded.

Nova looked around, but found nothing. Only a faint voice came to him saying one word, “Buddy.”

A third object hit the screen, and this time the flash of light remained. A fourth object hit the light, and it exploded outward, spreading that light like a field of energy. As it passed over Nova, the head in his hands vanished, the surrounding rubble vanished, and the images on the screen vanished. All that remained was the face of that reporter, looking him in the eye.

“What the hell?” Nova stood up.

Just then, EB jumped up and landed on his shoulder. He threw an egg right at the smiling reporter. “TAKE THAT YOU JERK!”

The egg popped, and the reporter melted away and turned into an orange light. It quickly took the shape of the Spirit of Halloween, a Jack-o'-lantern with a green energy aura around it. It cackled and flew directly at Nova.

The Wizard came running by, “Watch out!” He then said something and a magical barrier deflected the spirit.

The Spirit of Halloween flew off, vanishing through a wall.

Nova looked around, still stunned. The robots were lying around, but they weren’t nearly as broken. The screen was fuzzy, but it too was in far better shape. “What...what just happened?”

EB explained, “Spirit has been up to his old tricks. Though, I have never seen him go this far. He’s spreading fear like never before. I mean, he’s good at that. You know how he is. Normally he likes to possess people and really mess them up, but this time he is really going all out to scare the crap outta everyone. I was so scared, I thought you had died, really died, I was so upset that I cried and then got really mad and...”


“Sorry, rambling again. Anyway, I chased that jerk around the station when I ran across some of his magic. I found this guy locked in a hex from Spirit. I pulled him out of it, and he said you were here. I knew just where you would go and where Spirit would torture you at.”

The Wizard said, “Yeah, I don’t know what he was doing to you, but he really got me. No sooner had we stepped out of that shuttle did I find my precious dragon attacking me. I tried to stop her, but my spell killed her. I was so….well, it was just an illusion, a nightmare really. EB broke the spell over my mind and we found you.”

“Good. EB, you did well. We need to find the others.”

EB hopped up and down, “I’ve tried finding other people. Don’t know where they are. I could use some magical help. Mr. Wizard guy here can help, but if I had one more, we might be able to unlock all the spells.”

“Krystal!” Wizard said.

Nova nodded, “We have the extra help, but we need to find her. I have no idea what kind of torture he’s putting her through.”

EB continued hopping, bouncing nearly up to Nova’s face each time. “Were you crying?”


“Yes, you were. What could make Nova Cry? I betcha thought I was dead.” He grinned.

Nova snatched him out of the air mid-hop. “We don’t have time to talk about this. Use that magical brain of yours and help find Krystal Fae, NOW!”
Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

“HELLO! IS ANYONE HERE?” Krystal called out in the station's darkness. Her hands were filled with magical energy so as to provide light.

“Help!” A strained voice called out.

Krystal dashed through the station, the darkness growing deeper as she moved. She attempted to cast the darkness away with more light from her magic, but it wasn’t working. Corner after corner she turned, the station seemingly bigger than before.

“Someone help me!”

Krystal sped around that last corner and came to a skidding stop. Director Nova lay against a wall, a hole in his chest. Blood streamed from his mouth as he weakly reached up to her.

“Director!” She started across the room when he stopped her.


Just then a child appeared in the middle of the room. A little girl stood there, quietly smiling at her.

Krystal stepped back, “Who are you?”

“Don’t you recognize me?” The girl stepped forward. The minimal light in the room illuminated her better, and the shocking red hair became apparent.

“No...it can’t be. That’s not possible.”

“But it is. Come, let me give you a hug.” The little child reached up.

Krystal stepped back again, “No. Stay there. We have to help him.”

The child laughed and her head cocked to the side, “Oh, there is no help for him, he’s already dead.”

“No! We have to help, he might not be...”

The girl took a few shaky steps toward her. “Your magic cannot help. You know that. Even you have limitations. Life, precious life, cannot be returned through magic. The only spells you know that can do that bring back a cursed soul, a wicked abomination. Or should we forget about what happened before?”

Krystal’s heart pounded, and the magic in her hands blew away by an invisible force. “Who are you?”

The little girl cackled in glee as her body suddenly bulged and twisted. An enormous leg burst out of her, blood drenching the thick, hairy, needle-like appendage. Then another leg, and another. Eight Legs burst from the laughing child. The human limbs and lower torso tumbled across the ground as it lifted the body on the legs of a giant spider. The shoulders and head jerked around and flopped back, then forward, revealing dozens of black little eyes, glaring down at her.

Krystal whispered, “Tsuchigumo.”

“Hold still little Fae, this will only take a moment.”

Krystal was unsure of what happened next. She found herself strung up by thousands of spider threads. Hundreds of smaller spiders crawled all over the room. Tsuchigumo, with its child head,

opened the mouth to reveal black-stained fangs dripping in poison. It approached her to feed. Krystal screamed and writhed, unable to break the threads. A blinding flash of light hit the spider, and it fell back. Another hit the floor beneath it and a wave of light melted away many of the spiders as if they were shadow.

“Break the spell!” EB’s voice called out.

“Spell?” Krystal had to recall her own powers, it was as if her mind had lost connection to her own abilities.

Another flash of light followed by a blue glowing beam filled the room. The Wizard could be heard chanting. EB called again, “Come on, you can do it!”

Krystal closed her eyes and pushed her fear down with all the strength left in her. She suddenly remembered herself and cast a spell of disenchantment. Her magic combined with the white and blue lights and it cleared the room of spiders, threads, or that horrid demon.

“Krystal!” Nova came over to her and held her by the shoulders.

Krystal caught her breath, sweat glistening on her forehead. She looked around to find herself in the middle of an empty classroom. She hadn’t even fallen down, yet a moment ago she felt ten feet off the ground.

“What..what happened to me?”

The Wizard came over, holding up a flashlight. “Spirit of Halloween, he’s loose and really going all out this year.”

She wiped tears out of her eyes. “That was...horrible.”

“I’m sure it was,” Nova said. “We’ve all experienced terrible things. We need to break his hold on this station and the people.”

“Director, we have to be careful. I have dealt with this character before. He is something else entirely.”

EB said, “Trust me, I know. I have run into him a few times as well. Back in the nineteenth century there was...”

“Not now.” Nova growled.


The Wizard said, “We have a plan. The three of us cast a disenchantment spell, with EB at the lead, and we might break Spirit's hold over this station.”

Krystal said, “We need to move to a central location with open space.”

EB hopped out of the room, “My thoughts exactly.”

They walked through the station to the food court. EB stopped just before the entrance to the Arboretum. “This is the most centralized location on this station. However, I sense a lot of magic here, and the last time I walked in, everyone else with me vanished.”

Krystal said, “Probably into their nightmares.”

The Wizard said, “We can probably do this out here, in the food court. It is not as central as the arboretum, but I don’t want to end up back in that nightmare.”

“Me neither.” Krystal shuddered.

Nova pulled out his communicator, “I have linked with one of our observation satellites orbiting the station. I can monitor both this place and the arena.”

“Good,” EB said. “Okay, here’s how this will work.”

“Wait,” Krystal stopped him. “I’m BADGE’s authority on arcane matters.”

“You’re powerful, but I’m more powerful. Trust me.” EB smiled.

Krystal frowned, “Fine.”

“Okay, I will create an annihilation egg like I used to break the spells on you. I will pour as much power into it as I can. At the same time, you two cast disenchantment spells at the egg itself. They will surround the egg and when it explodes, it will spread both your spells and mine at once. A three-way disenchantment.”

“Good idea,” The Wizard said.

“I know. Now get ready. Nova, buddy, stand back.” He waited while Nova got a suitable distance away. He then held up his little paws, and an egg appeared above him, hovering over his head. It was crystal clear with a powerful light emitting from it. He focused, and the egg grew. The light became brighter, forcing Nova to put a hand up to shade his one good eye. Krystal focused her magic and cast a spell at the egg, as did The Wizard. Now the bright light was tinged in shifting colors of purple and red.

Nova turned away from this light and watched his monitor. He shifted it to the arena and realized that they could see this light from the arena.

“HOLD ON!” EB said and then sent the egg up higher. It reached the ceiling and exploded. A wave of red energy blasted out, followed by a wave of purple energy. Finally, a beam of white light glowed as if they had placed a new star inside the station.

Krystal called out, “I can sense the magic breaking.”

The Wizard said, “I can feel other people inside the Arboretum. They’re shifting out of the spell holding them.”

Krystal exclaimed, “It’s working!”

The bright white light abruptly stopped, and EB stumbled back. “Oh, my head. That was a lot of power.”

Nova came over and asked, “Is it done? Did you stop him?”

“I don’t know,” Krystal said.

The Wizard jumped back as an orange glow filled the food court. “WATCH OUT!”

Spirit of Halloween came flying over them and then stopped, “Nice try, but I’m far from done tricking you.” He flew back toward the Arboretum, cackling in glee.

“Follow him!” Nova yelled and ran.

All three entered the Arboretum and stopped at the sight of a giant Spirit of Halloween filling the dome above them.

“TRICK!” It bellowed and a massive wave of nebulous orange energy exploded out, spreading from the station.

Nova grabbed EB and ran out of the room, with Krystal and The Wizard right behind him. They made it back into the dining area.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

EB looked around and then started feeling Nova. “You okay? Not dead or anything like that?”

“I’m fine.”

Krystal said, “I don’t think he could entrap us in an illusion since we have all been disenchanted. But what did he do?”

Nova grabbed up his communicator and his face drained of color, “Oh, no.”
Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

The League Wars Orbital Arena roared with fans as the heroes stood, wearing medals won. The holographic screens from all parts of the Earth were filled with millions of fans cheering their heroes on. Lining the grounds, and standing on holographic platforms, leaders of leagues accepted the adulation as robots presented the highest awards.

The announcer spoke, which calmed the boisterous fans. “This League Wars has proven to be one of the most eventful yet. After a controversial start with leagues battling for opening positions, to the first ever recorded double overtime. It is with great pride we are ready to...” he paused as everyone watched the heroes turn their attention away from the ceremony.

Fleagle rushed up to the middle of the stadium and held a hand up to his eyes. “What the hell is that?”

The BADGE space station emitted a brilliant orange glow. The dome on top was a beacon of this strange light. Next came a bright white light that replaced the orange and seemed to send it away.

The announcer spoke, “Ladies and Gentlemen, I am not sure what is happening. We seem to be experiencing an interruption. If you could wait just...WHAT IS THAT!”

Suddenly a bright wave of orange light exploded out from the station. Like an ominous orange fog, this energy enveloped the station and continued to expand. The heroes all held their heads and stumbled around. A few fell over while some fought to stay upright.

Suddenly, Fleagle yelled, “STOP! NO! TREES, TREES ARE PEEING ON ME! NO!” he ran around, yelping and howling.

Other heroes screamed about being covered in spiders or roaches, some fought invisible foes that were defeating them. One of the league leaders sat down and cried with tears streaming down his face.

One of the arena’s workers ran by yelling, “RACCOONS! I HAVE TO GET THOSE RACCOONS BEFORE THEY GET ME!”

Every living thing in the stadium was lost in fears and terror. Not one of them used their powers.

Nova held his communicator, watching the broadcast. “This is madness. They’re all at his mercy.”

Krystal pulled out her comm and checked it, “Spirit has them locked in this illusion. No one even knows that the others are nearby.”

EB stated, “This is gonna really look bad on Earth. All those millions of people watching heroes wet their pants will kill ratings.”

Nova sneered at the bunny, “I’m not worried about people on Earth right now.”

“You should be,” The Wizard said as he pointed toward a window.

They all looked up to see that the growing nebulous orange cloud, heading for the planet.

“Damn,” Nova swore. He turned to Krystal, “What do we do?”

“I...I don’t know. We tried to disenchant this, and it didn’t work. Now, the spell is even bigger, stronger than before.”

The Wizard said, “What about us?”

“Who else do you think I’m talking about?” Nova stated.

“No. I mean, how come we’re immune to this? How did this happen?”

“Easy,” EB piped in, “you know it’s fake.”

“Explain,” Nova demanded.

EB shrugged, “This spell is a mind spell, it is only real in the mind. Once you know it isn’t real, the spell cannot work.”

The Wizard said, “That may be true. But we only know this because you broke the spell for us.”

Krystal asked, “How did you break it? Why aren’t you affected? Does it not work on Mythics?”

“Oh, it worked alright. But, he did something so wrong that I realized it couldn’t be true and the moment I realized that, the spell broke.”

The Wizard gasped, “THAT’S IT! We need to convince the others here that it’s not real.”

Nova said, “There are hundreds of heroes out there. EB doesn’t have the time to go wake them all up before this reaches the planet.”

EB hopped up, “No, this can work.”

“How?” Nova asked.

EB grinned at him, “What we need is someone to go in and tell them to wake up. Someone with a special power to command people.”

Krystal asked, “What’s he talking about, sir?”

Nova ignored her and grabbed EB, walking away with him. “You know I don’t like using my power. No one is supposed to know about it.”

“That’s okay. I won’t tell the others. It will still be our little secret. Once they wake, they won’t realize it was because of your unique talent.”

Nova set the bunny down and returned to the group. “EB has a point. I can help, but I don’t know how.”

EB pushed Nova to the middle of the group. “Okay, this is how it’s going to work. All three of us are going to direct a spell at you. Guys, follow my lead. You’ll know when it’s begun. At that moment, just tell the heroes to wake up, and they will listen. Hopefully, it will break the illusion down and destroy Spirit's hex.”


EB shrugged, “Nothing is settled science, you know that.”

“Wait, maybe we...” Before Nova could finish his protest, a beam of white light hit him. Then another and another. The brilliance of this drowned out his sight for a moment. Suddenly, he could see faces, dozens at first, then hundreds. They were cast down, screaming, or filled with tears. There was no sound, just faces.

“Here goes nothing.”

Gar remained frozen, unable to move, filled with dread and fear. It felt as though he had been down here for years, but time passed so strangely those centuries he spent under the waters. He tried to calm himself and accept his fate, but it still scared him.

“Wake up!” A voice called to him.

The image of Nova stood before him, in the darkness of these depths.


“Director? You can’t be here?”

Gar sat up with a shot. He found himself in the grasses of the Arboretum. A brilliant orange glow bathed him from above. He looked up to the sight of that horrible pumpkin spirit.

Chromatic crouched with his arms wrapped around his legs and his head pushed down onto his knees. He cried, which was entirely unusual for him.


A sound! How did a sound break through his deaf ears? He looked up and saw Nova standing before him, in full color, calling out.


Chromatic gasped and opened his eyes. He was on his back, laying in a patch of daffodils in the arboretum. “What the hell?” He held a hand over his eyes against the blinding orange light directly overhead.

Chaz Hamilton continued his fall toward the Earth. Though he was in bare space, he could hear himself screaming in terror at the unspeakable height he now fell from.


He looked up to see Nova standing still in front of him. “This...is not possible. How is he not falling?”


Chaz jerked and opened his eyes. He lay on the metal floor of a random hallway on the BADGE station. His face was covered in drool and he was on his stomach, but he was no longer falling.

One by one, heroes all over the arena came out of their illusion. The spell over them was much weaker than the others. Each paused for a moment, either looking for the horrible thing they had just envisioned, or for where Director Nova had gone.

The wave of orange fog quickly evaporated, as if a wind had blown it away.

Furious Squirrel rubbed his face, “What just happened?”

Fleagle growled as he said, “I don’t know, but I’m gonna bite somebody's ass over this one.”

Just then, their communicators all gave off a unison emergency beep.

Nova blinked out the spots in his vision as the station came back into view. All three magical people lowered their hands.

“Well...did it work?” He asked.

Just then Chromatic came stumbling out of the Arboretum and Chaz came around a corner, looking particularly groggy.

Chromatic demanded, “What the hell just happened to me?”

Krystal quickly said, “We’ll explain later. Look!” She held up her communicator and they watched the heroes of the arena all coming around.

Nova smiled, “Good. We just have one more issue.”

“What?” The Wizard said.

To answer this, the bright orange, translucent Spirit of Halloween barged through the wall, furious. “WHO DARES INTERRUPT MY TRICK! THIS IS HALLOWEEN, IT IS NOT WELL TO INTERRUPT MY TRICKS THIS DAY!”

Nova boldly stated, “You’re done here!”


An egg exploded against Spirit, and it thrust him back through the wall, into the Arboretum. EB readied another. “I never liked that jerk, anyway.”

Krystal grabbed The Wizard, “Come on, we have to contain him. No telling what he’ll try next.”

Nova followed the arcane people into the Arboretum. They used counter spells and other barrier magic to keep the Spirit from leaving the room.

“You’ve met your match!” Nova called out.

“HAVE I NOW?” The spirit rose, growing once again. The station trembled, and this time it was for real. That orange fog exploded outward again, heading for the planet.

Nova’s communicator beeped. He flipped it open and gasped. “He’s destabilizing the station’s orbit. Crap, he’s messed with all the major systems!”

“What do we do?” Krystal asked.

Nova said, “Keep him busy, you’re about to get help! You!” He grabbed Chaz by the arm, “With me.” He pulled Chaz out of the Arboretum.

“Thanks, sir, really. But now’s not the time for the interview,” Chaz said as he followed.

“What? No! I need hands and eyes in Operations.” Nova pressed the emergency signal, “HEROES, WE HAVE A CODE RED SITUATION ON THE STATION. GET HERE NOW! SPIRIT OF HALLOWEEN MUST BE STOPPED!”

Chapter 13

Chapter 13:

Roars of applause met the heroes as they waited for their medals. The giant serpent hero known as Midgarsormr took center stage with his fellow leaguemates. More than one other hero remained leery of this team, and not just for their prowess in this contest.

The announcer boomed over the stadium, “Now that we have the situation back under control and the heroes have returned to their places. We can continue. We would like to award the medals for the winners of each division. Unfortunately, Director Nova has been called away for unknown reasons...most likely dealing with whatever just happened here.” There was a round of boos and awws from the viewing audience.

“What about the medals!” DaMon, standing next to Midgarsormr, yelled.

The announcer said, “yes, we have...”

At that moment, an orange cloud of energy exploded out from the station.

Hot Wings huffed, “Not again!”

Just then the main comm system of the Arena changed and all the comm devices the heroes carried activated. Nova ordered, “Heroes! We have a code red situation! Get here now! We must stop Spirit of Halloween!”

Midgardsormr growled and yelled, “what now! Puny mortals are getting annoying!”

Even with his bitter complaints, he followed the heroes away from the arena, heading for the station.

“Ladies and gentlemen...um...the awards will happen...momentarily. For now, let us review some of the more exciting highlights of League Wars.”

Nova shoved a defunct robot off of its console and activated the controls. “There, basic interface.”

Chaz looked over the dizzying array of controls and commands. “Um, is this….windows?”

“It was designed for BADGE. Doesn’t take too much. Watch those panels. I need eyes open around this station.”

“Huh?” Chaz watched the screens.

Nova pointed at the main monitor, “Get me the cameras going. I need to know what is happening.”

“Oh, right.” Chaz carefully touched a screen and activated an image. “Oh! Here it is. What am I looking at?” He could see the inside of the food court. Other various colored lights met orange flashes of light. “Oh, so this controls….that...and...I think I can...” he changed the view and now the main monitor displayed the battle between the few heroes inside the Arboretum and the giant pumpkin headed menace. “HA! Figured it out!”

Nova, patiently watching the battle, said, “Good. Now, get me images outside.”

“Outside….outside...lemme see.” He changed the camera five times, changing from one view to another then another. Just about when Nova was going to yell at him, the screen displayed the view of the stadium. “There...WOW! Look at that!”

Both watched as hundreds of people...and other various creatures…. flew, portaled, and rode devices off the orbital arena heading for the station.

Nova smiled, “looks like we’ve got company.” He activated the access ports above the arboretum. This way heroes didn’t punch through glass to get in.

Chaz eagerly said, “Hope they kick that pumpkins ass...or whatever it has. That thing was vicious.”

Nova said, “Spirit is a problem, but it really isn’t a villain. It always likes playing tricks around this time of the year. I have no idea what it is, no one does. And he is extremely powerful. But, I have never seen him do anything like this before.”

“Then, do you want the heroes killing it.”

Nova laughed, “I doubt there is enough power among all the heroes to kill that thing. No, they’ll just end his trickery. He is overzealous this year, needs to be controlled. Speaking of that. I need to check in with some contacts on Earth about the potential danger of that nightmare cloud reaching the planet. Keep both eyes on those monitors. If you see anything I need to know about, get my attention.”

“Yes, sir!” Chaz was more than enjoying this, wondering if Krystal had this much fun working for BADGE.

“TAKE THAT! YOU OVERGROWN GOURD!” EB chucked an explosive egg and hit Spirit on the side.

Spirit laughed, “This isn’t your time of year, bunny!”

“Shove it!” EB threw another egg, which Spirit dodged.

Chromatic Death jumped over the bunny and strummed a hard chord that sent a wave of sonic force at Spirit. The enemy bellowed right back, the two forces canceling the other.

Krystal cast a barrier just as an orange energy blast nearly hit Chromatic. “We...we can’t keep this up. Nothing hurts that thing.”

Gar swooped by, distracting the pumpkin. He swung a fist at Spirit, but it went right through as if he were grabbing at shadows.

“How wonderful! You remind me of some great costumes!” Spirit followed Gar for a moment.

EB said to Krystal and Chromatic, “It is just toying with us. We need help.”

“Looks like we’re about to get it.” Chromatic pointed up.

All three watched as heroes poured through the invisible barriers in the dome. Others appeared out of portals. A few came running in through doors, having docked with the station. Energy blasts rained over Spirit while a few went for the direct assault. Some of this actually caused Spirit to react. He flew away, fazing through heroes. He vanished into a few of the men and women...and other...only to fly right out of them.

“What is this! I cannot control you?” He grew smaller and flew around the confused heroes.

“Give up!” Midgarsormr yelled.

Spirit laughed, which grew louder and even rattled trees and windows as he bloomed in size. “I haven’t had all my fun yet. I may not be able to control you, but I certainly can still play tricks. LET’S HAVE SOME FUN!” A thick orange cloud billowed forth.

Creatures from nightmares formed from this new cloud. Demons, murders, monsters, goblins, and zombies. A clown with a red balloon, an ax wielding maniac, two little girls with greasy black hair. It was a sea of every horror creation in the history of Earth. Heroes struggled against these demons as they also fought against Spirit.

Chaz watched the screens, not sure what to do about all the crazy things he was seeing. Director Nova had spoken with several people, each person requiring a different language. This gave Chaz some ideas for the interview. How many languages does Nova speak? How did he learn them all? That should be worth some interesting words. Better than anything Krystal has dug up on Nova over the years.

“Hey!” Nova snapped his fingers in front of Chaz

Chaz gasped and looked down at the screens. “Oh, sorry. I was in reporter mode. Coming up with questions for our interview.”

“Not important at the moment. Right now we need to keep eyes on this situation. Sensors are coming online again, and they are pegging every meter. What do our monitors say?”

Chaz looked over the screens. “Uh, I see a lot of battling and craziness. What the hell? Is that The Headless Horseman! AND CHUCKY!”

Nova reached over and pressed a button, so the main monitors showed what Chaz was freaking about. Sure enough, all sorts of crazy monsters from fiction were rampaging throughout the station, with heroes of all stripes fighting them. The main screen displayed Spirit as it fought directly with dozens of heroes as well.

“This is a mess. We have to contain it here. If this gets to earth, it will cause mass hysteria.”

Chaz stabbed a screen with his finger, forcing it to grow bigger on the main monitors. “Mr. Nova, look at this!”

They both watched as Dr. Hostetter ran through the station, followed close by what appeared to be a chupacabra.

Nova grabbed his gun. “Crap. We haven’t trained him yet on responding to meta-human activity. I have to get him into a safe room. You stay here!”

“What? Is there a safe place for me to go to? I don’t have any powers either!”

Nova jumped into the elevator, “Ops is a safe place. Stay here.” the damaged doors closed and he was gone.

Chaz sunk back into his seat, wishing he had never set foot on that shuttle. He hardly noticed the strange alarm beeping on the console next to his. The robot monitoring the holding cells was slumped over it’s station, covering the fact that the holding cells were currently compromised.
Chapter 14

Chapter 14:

Midgardsormr slashed at the giant floating pumpkin while screaming wildly. Other heroes blasted it, a few threw bombs. All the while, Spirit of Halloween seemed to be having fun.

Midgardsormr yelled, “I’ll give you something to laugh at!” And grabbed the enemy, then threw him across the arboretum. After that, he led a massive charge of heroes toward the thrown villain.

At the same time, The Wizard blasted apart a recreation of Frankenstein’s monster and then blocked a fire blast from a demonic-looking firebird. He jumped over another hero and cast a spell that sent the firebird away.

“We have to do something. This is endless!” Wizard yelled.

Creepshow smiled from under his mask. “Don’t know bout you, but this is kinda fun.” The black clad hero held out his arm and clothes-lined a rampaging demon-clown as it ran by chasing Furious Squirrel. Furious skidded to a stop and shot the clown with one of his pistols.

The Wizard came up close to Creepshow, and the pair fought back to back against more of these demonic creations. “I don’t get it!”

Creepshow kicked a screaming doll, “What?”

“No one has been hurt!”

Creepshow shoved The Wizard back as he caught a dive bombing skeletal bird. He thrust it down and used his knee to shatter the empty skull. “Sure. We’re just too good.”

“I’d love to believe that. But, statistically, we shouldn’t be doing this well. I think Spirit is just toying with us.”

Creepshow grabbed a crazed, bloodstained dog by the throat and threw it across the arboretum. “What do you suggest?”

“If you...” The Wizard blasted a bolt of electricity at a demon-tomato, blowing it apart. “If you can get Midgardsormr to direct Spirit to the middle of the room, I might be able to deal with this.”

“If you think you can, I’m willing to give it a go.” Creepshow jumped over a puddle of monster ooze and then tumbled through the grass.

He ran hard toward the thick of this combat, bypassing opportunities to kill more of these strange illusions. Even he had to admit it seemed odd how well the heroes were doing. These images of horror were ugly, scary, and bloodthirsty, but they were rather easy to defeat.

Just then a man with mechanical wings landed right next to him and shot a pair of lasers at a rampaging ax-wielding snowman.

“Hotwings!” Creepshow yelled.


“Get Midgardsormr to direct the attack toward the center of the room!”

Hotwings blasted the still moving head of the mostly melted snowman. “What? Like I can get that loudmouth to follow orders.”

“Just try, will ya? Wizard has an idea, and right now I’m willing to try anything to take this guy down.”

“I’ll do what I can.” Hotwings jumped and then blasted off.

The Wizard cast a wide swath of electricity and decimated a swarm of terrorizing ravens. He dodged heroes and jumped over fallen horror illusions. More than once he had to move extra quick not to be caught in the crossfire of other heroes battling their demons.

He saw his objective and raced harder. EB threw eggs with incredible speed as he pelted Spirit from afar. The Wizard slid across the ground like a baseball player stealing a base. “EB!”

“BUSY!” EB yelled and then lobbed several eggs at Spirit, missing him as he flew by.

“I have an idea!”

EB finally stopped fighting long enough to ask, “What?”

“We need to open a cross-dimensional portal.”

“A dimensional portal? Spirit is too smart to be caught in that kinda trap. WATCH IT!” He threw an egg and blew apart a flaming pumpkin.

“Normally, Spirit wouldn’t. But I can sense his use of magic is taxing him. He’s fighting hundreds of heroes while spreading that fear fog all the way to the planet. This might make him susceptible.”

“I don’t know. But I’m willing to try it.”

The Wizard got to his feet and quickly cast a shield to stop another flaming pumpkin from reaching them. “Find Krystal, tell her to get to the third point, I’ll start it. When they get Spirit in the center, we open the portal.”

“Right away!” EB blast off, dashing under the feet of both allies and enemies.

Midgardsormr, now three stories tall, punched Spirit, slamming him against the glass dome. Several other heroes swarmed around, firing rapidly at the enemy.

“SURRENDER!” Midgardsormr bellowed.

Spirit laughed and then became translucent, fazing through the terrible serpent. “And end the best Halloween party ever. Hardly.” He flew beyond them, cackling in glee.

Midardsormr growled and raced after his enemy, his fury growing every second.

Even translucent, Spirit wasn’t impervious to the power thrown at him. He dodged fire and was hit a few times. It appeared weaker, but no less joyful in this battle.

Hotwings swooped up and waved at Midgardsormr, “Hey!”

“NOT NOW!” Midgardsormr slapped Hotwings away.

Hotwings nearly hit the ground and then zoomed back around the stomping hero. “Watch the hands! You just about did me in.”

“Don’t care.” Midgardsormr caught Spirit by the stem on the top of his head and threw him.

Hotwings flew up in front of Midgardsormr again. “STOP FOR A MOMENT AND LISTEN!”

“WHAT!!” It appeared the giant serpent was about to destroy one of his allies at this moment.

“Get Spirit into the middle of the room.”


“I don’t know. Some heroes have a plan. Just do it!”

“I don’t listen to puny mortals. I can deal with this little pest myself! MOVE!” He shoved Hotwings away.

Hotwings blasted him in the face. “JUST DO IT! If it fails, then you can have him all to yourself!”

“FINE! Once their little plan fails, I FINISH HIM!” Midgardsormr roared and went for his enemy.

By now, the rest of the heroes fighting alongside Midgardsormr were just about defeated in battle with Spirit. Midgardsormr punched Spirit and then bellowed, “GET TO THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM, YOU PATHETIC SPECK!”

The others caught on quickly and used their fight to direct Spirit toward the middle of the room.

Spirit was flung through the air, blasted a few times, and punched hard. He laughed and said, “What little trick are you to play on me? Oh, what joy will this be?”

Suddenly three beams of light created a triangle that filled the arboretum. The Wizard, Krystal Fae, and EB each held the corners of this triangle, emitting the light from their hands. In the middle, a swirling vortex of energy formed.

“What...what is this!” Spirit finally stopped laughing.

Midgardsormr now was the one laughing, “your end.” He slammed his fist down on top of Spirit. More than one hero blasted their weapons on top. Finally, Hotwings flew directly down and shoved Spirit into the vortex.

“But...I haven’t….” Spirit called out as they thrust him out of this dimension.

The moment he sunk into the portal, his orange fog inside and outside vanished. The horrific creations instantly faded away. Heroes stood still, breathlessly waiting for what horror they would face next. After a few moments of calm, the tired warriors slowly cheered. It was finally over.

Director Nova stood with his back to a corner, Dr. Hostetter tightly held behind him.

“Sir...what...do we do now?”

Nova took aim as the shadow of the chupacabra came around the corner. “I don’t know. I’ve hit that thing twelve times, and it’s still coming.”

“Are we going to die?” Dr. Hostetter asked.

“Not today. Just...stay still.” Nova waited with his gun.

The growling, hissing, huffing sounds of this legendary goat-eater announced its presence. The gnarly, oily, wiry-haired creature turned the corner and looked at them with its beady red eyes, and gloppy drool spilling across the deck plating.

“Say adios.” Nova took aim for its skull.

Suddenly the creature vanished in an orange puff of smoke.

Nova stood there, his gun still ready. “What...just happened?”

“Did you kill it?” Dr. Hostetter asked.

“I don’t think so. I don’t know what happened.” He pulled out his comm, “anyone read?” There was nothing but the same fuzz that had been coming through since he arrived. “I don’t know what’s going on. But, optimistically, this is over. I need to get back and check on things. You need to head to a safe place. Head for deck twelve, one deck down. Look for the room marked with a red triangular symbol. That is a safe place.”

“Don’t have to ask me twice. Do me a favor, if my wife asks what I’ve been up to here, tell her nothing about this.” With that, Dr. Hostetter rushed off.
Chapter 15

Chapter 15:

Director Nova and Gar stepped out of the elevator into the operations center. The open windows on the

primary screen were still displaying news reports from Earth and footage from around the station. The news reported on League Wars and speculated about the strange orange cloud that approached the planet, but vanished. The video feed from the League Wars Orbital Arena displayed the heroes arriving back from the battle with Spirit. What Director Nova didn’t find was the reporter. “Chaz? Where are you?”

Just then Chaz stuck his head up from behind the console Nova had assigned him. “Is it safe?”

Nova frowned, “yes. Were you hiding?”

“Um...maybe. You left me here, I heard all this strange noise, and...well...Look, I’m just a reporter here to get an interview. And I had better get it after all this.”

Gar laughed, “hiding behind computers wouldn’t help.”

“It kept me from wetting myself,” Chaz admitted under his breath.

Nova let out a long sigh, “fine. You’ve done more than enough to warrant an interview. But only after we get some of this mess cleaned up. I’ve got a team of repair droids working on the station as we speak, but the operations droids are still out. I could use a hand here, if you don’t mind.”

“As long as nothing is going to kill me, I’m glad to help. Will make a good part of my article.”

“Fine. Just...” A white blur appeared out of nowhere and slammed into Gar.

EB lay flat on his back at Gar’s feet. “Ow.”

Gar frowned, “why did you run into me?”

“I’m not used to people being stone. Normally it doesn’t hurt like that. Oh, Nova, buddy!” He bounced right up and then hopped up and down in front of Nova. “You made it out with less bruises than most. Outstanding work. You’re really good at this. I mean, even I have some nasty bruises under all this fur, and I’m a dang-near immortal legendary creature. You...”

“What do you need?” Nova interrupted.

“Oh, right. Uh, before all this mess began. I talked with our friend down in the holding cell. I think he is part of this plan.”

Nova looked back at Chaz, “Holding cells, now!”

“Holding cells?” Chaz looked at his monitors.

Gar walked over and pushed the droid off the console next to Chaz. He typed in a command. The primary screen displayed the cell where Skelanimal should be. To their great relief, he lay there under a blanket.

“Oh, good. I guess he didn’t escape.”

Gar looked at the computer. “Strange. Power went out in that sector and only just came back on. The robot guards are still down.”

Nova scoffed, “that lazy idiot probably slept through this. Never even saw his opening to escape. But we should check on him.”

“I’ll do it!” EB went to run when the screen flashed on and the award ceremony for League Wars was starting….again. “OOOH, finally. I hear we had quite the upset this year.”

Nova waved a hand, “turn up the sound. I’d like to hear this.”

Chaz obliged, and they all watched the long awaited award ceremony. Hotwings stood at the center of the station with Midgardsormr beside him, as well as the others from his victorious league.

Robot 10915 walked up with an arm full of gold medals. He presented them one at a time to each of these victorious heroes. The announcer spoke for the crowds watching from Earth.

“It is with great pride that we finally get to decorate the victors of Division One of League Wars, WMD Black Order.”

Hotwings took a mic from the robot and spoke as he waved to the crowds. “It is with great pride that we accept this. Our opponents were fierce. I wanted to personally thank The Wizard for both contributing to this battle and for being instrumental in helping defeat the villain Spirit of...”

“ENOUGH OF THIS!” Midgardsormr shoved Hotwings aside and grabbed the mic from him. (To be continued)
Chapter 16

Chapter 16:

Hotwings took a mic from the robot and spoke as he waved to the crowds. “It is with great pride that we accept this. Our opponents were fierce. I wanted to personally thank The Wizard for both contributing to this battle and for being instrumental in helping defeat the villain Spirit of...”

“ENOUGH OF THIS!” Midgardsormr shoved Hotwings aside and grabbed the mic from him. He spoke into it while glaring at the lines of heroes waiting for their moment in the spotlight. “Our victory came today because your most favored team of heroes RAN FROM BATTLE! YES, EARTH, THE HEROES YOU COME TO WORSHIP AND HAVE THE GUTS TO CALL THEMSELVES AVENGERS RAN FROM BATTLE. ONE LOOK AT OUR MIGHT, AND THEY CHANGED DIVISIONS, ALTERED THEIR ENTRY FORMS, AND PLAYED THE SYSTEM SO THEY WOULDN’T HAVE TO FACE US!” The people in the massive audiences gasped and murmured, some even called out boos. The leagues below were shocked.


With that, his league followed him off the stage and out of the arena. Most of the heroes there were not sure what to make of this. The Avengers sat, seething, one being held back by two others.

Chaz, EB, and Gar waited for Director Nova to say something. All watched this blustering announcement with a tinge of fear in their eyes.

“Sir?” Gar started. “What do you make of this?”

“I don’t know. The Avengers league did scramble in the end to change divisions, so not to face certain opponents. I didn’t expect anyone to make such a deal about it, but that Midgardsormr is never at a loss for attitude.”

EB asked, “do you think he’ll try something drastic. To show off.”

Gar asked, “would he go and attack the Avengers outside of League Wars?”

“I don’t know. He is hard to predict. He is often a lot more bluster than action. But he is not one to tangle with. We’ll just have to keep our eyes on him. I’m not too concerned just yet.”

Gar pointed out, “They weren’t the only ones who tried to use that loophole to change positions.”

“Regardless, this is just a contest. As long as they do their jobs and keep this planet safe, I don’t care what place they made in League Wars.”

Just then Chaz jumped when his console beeped. “Uh...what’s that? Oh, looks like a message.” He pressed a button on the computer.

Dr. Hostetter’s voice came over the comm, “Doctor Nova...”

“It’s Director.”

“Oh, sorry. Sir, we might have a problem. Come down to my lab.”
Chapter 17

Chapter 17:

Nova rushed down the hallway, heading for the laboratories. There was a lot of damage here, seemingly more than most of the station. Spirit had done a great deal of playing with these computers and lights.

He arrived at the door to the lab where Dr. Hostetter had been working. Debris filled the room, and only a small part had been shoved aside so anyone could get through. Computers remained broken and spewing sparks. Large tubes hung down from the ceiling, with bright cords dangling out of them. The few working lights fought to stay active.

“I should have assigned more repair droids to this section.” Nova noted. He called out, “Doctor!”

“In here, sir.” Dr. Hostetters’ hand waved above piles of wreckage.

Nova managed his way over, under, and around the damage to find the doctor. Dr. Hostetter stood in front of the holding area with the shards. Nova asked, “what is the problem?”

“We may have a problem, sir. Unless this station has a fail-safe security system to keep objects secure.”

“Not that I know of. Only for radioactive elements.”

Dr. Hostetter gestured to the holding area. “That’s what I was worried about. I thought, maybe, something had removed the shards to a safe location during the disaster in here. If that wasn’t the case, then they’re all gone.”

Nova looked down, only now realizing what was missing. “What! Are all of them missing?”

“As far as I can tell. I have searched under all the rubble I can move and scanned with what little still works. Nothing so far. Now, it’s possible they flew out of there and are in a corner, behind some hunk of metal too heavy for me to move.”

Nova held up his comm, “Repair droids seven through fourteen, report to Lab forty four at once. Bring lifter units and dematerializers.” An acknowledging beep sounded. Nova turned back to Dr. Hostetter, “When those units get here, direct them as best as you can to help find this stuff. They can move this debris out of the way.”

“I’ll do all I can.”

Nova left the lab just as several of the robots arrived. He walked toward the elevator when his comm device beeped him. “Nova here.”

Gar came through. “Sir, we have communications from members of the league, The Avengers. They are really not happy.”

“I didn’t think they’d be. Midgardsormr did go a bit too far. Tell them I will speak with them once I’m done down here.” He stepped into the elevator and pressed a special code.

Gar asked, “what’s going on down there?”

“Not sure yet. Hopefully, just cleaning up and finding some missing items. Nothing to worry the heroes about just yet. Let me go check on Skelanimal first, then we can start worrying.”

“Oh, uh, understood.” Gar’s signal ended.

Nova smiled, “I’ll let him deal with Avengers right now. I think I’ll have a personal chat with that WMD league. They need to know where to draw the line.” He talked to himself until the door opened.

Nova stepped out into a dark hallway with flickering lights and spewing sparks. This was not unlike the lab, only less debris scattered around. He turned on the small flashlight on the comm device and walked down the corridor with caution. He had to step over several fallen robots and avoid a damaged, flickering security field.

“This place is a mess.” He muttered, “Computer. Status of security systems.”

The computer answered, “security systems are at fifty-three percent activity.”

“What about the high level detention?” Nova asked.

“Detention levels are at maximum.”

Nova smiled again, knowing that their dedicated work to keeping these cells impervious to escape was paying off. This place was in utter ruins, and yet the cells were still holding their prisoners. Or really, the one prisoner.

He turned the last corner and passed what would have been a full check point. In front of him was the cell where Skelanimal still slept on the metal bed attached to a wall.

“Hey, Skelanimal! You missed the show. Apparently, the league you’ve worked with before, they just won the League Wars. I guess they didn’t need you.” He mused. “Hey, wake up!”

Skelanimal didn’t move. This drew some deep concern from Nova, that concern for life that keeps him from wishing even this poor creature dead. He quickly deactivated the forcefield and ran over to Skelanimal.

The bony villain appeared to be asleep. He was breathing, but didn’t react when Nova pushed on him.

“Skelanimal?” Nova felt his face and instantly realized something was desperately wrong. He felt a small, metal object, but couldn’t see one. Then his one eye widened. “A holo-fielder!” He felt the forehead again and pulled the invisible device free from this person.

A holographic field left the body and what had been Skelanimal was Dr. Henderson, laying on her side.

“Oh, no!” Nova turned to leave when the holo-fielder in his hand emitted a loud whistling noise.

The force fields around the cell all activated again. The lights came on and the robot guards stood up. They pointed weapons at Nova, surrounding the holding cell.

Skelanimal’s voice came out of the holo-fielder, “Good work, patchy, you discovered my little ploy. Now, time for the real fun.”

Nova opened his comm device. “operations!” nothing came through. “OPERATIONS!” still nothing.

“Oh, right...that was...um...what was that first question?”

Chaz scrolled until he came back to the top. “Oh, why did you start your first chocolate company?”

“Oh, yeah. Well, you see. I had time to learn all about human candies and sweets. I traveled all over the place looking for great ways to make better candy. I found honey of all kinds. Did you know that there is a stark difference in honey depending on the tree it comes from? I found this sourwood honey that was sooooo great. But then I came across this tropical variety that I couldn’t get enough of. So good. But getting it and using it to make luscious chocolate was a lot harder three hundred years ago. But so worth it. I tried getting the bees, but I really needed the hives to be near the trees...”

“Wait, I...can’t keep up.” Chaz struggled.

“Oh, well, I can type fast too. So...” Just then the lights in the room changed to a flat white, and the screens went off. It was like being in a movie theater after the show is over.

EB looked around, “What just happened?”

Gar, who had been keeping an eye on the monitors, said, “All the videos just powered down.”

“Obviously.” Chaz replied.

Gar spoke into his comm device. “Director, we have a problem up here.” He waited and said, “Director? Are you there?” Nothing came through.

Chaz looked at his monitors. “I don’t know what this means. But this says we’re transmitting an “all clear” signal.”

“The all clear?” Gar checked the communication terminal near the front. “That is strange. I can’t send or receive anything. This system is just sending out the basic all clear.”

“What’s that mean?” EB asked.

Gar said, “I think Director Nova told me that’s the basic signal sent, so that everyone knows things are good up here. I can’t turn it off. I should be able to.” He jammed a stony finger into the controls, with no results.

“I’ll check on Nova.” EB raced off toward the elevator, but stopped when the door wouldn’t open. “Hey, open up!”

Chaz stood up, “I can’t get my console to respond. Nothing’s working.”

“I have an idea.” EB hopped over to Gar. “I’ll call some of my magical friends over at the arena.”

“How?” Gar asked.

“Magic, silly.” EB laughed and then waved his paws in the air, forming a strange energy. “Krystal...Wizard, buddies….I need you…” He kept this up for a moment and then frowned. “This...this can’t be right. I don’t sense them over there. I don’t sense anyone over there. The arena is empty.”
Chapter 18

Chapter 18:

The Leagues all stood around the center field. Each wearing their various medals they had won this League Wars. The screens, now fully repaired, hovered around them as the millions of fans cheered and applauded their leagues.

“Ladies and Gentlemen...please...” The announcer calmed the robust audience. “Thank you. We end this, the fifth League Wars, with honor and pride. It has been a strange event this time around, but the heroes only proved their merit by battling a true villain in the midst of this contest. Now, we would like to thank our international sponsors who have made it possible for people of Earth to see this, free of charge.” Images flashed on the screen from the sponsors for a moment, then the screens flickered and an orange haze swept into the stadium. “I’m sorry, but it appears to be some kind of technical difficulty.”

Krystal Fae left her league and rushed to the center stage. “No, not again!”

The cackling voice of Spirit of Halloween boomed out, “Truly amazing, friends. Such a wonderful trick to play on me.” His face first appeared on the screens.

Shinobi groaned, “Not this guy again.”

Fleagle growled.

Starmaster called out, “What do you want this time?”

Suddenly, from the middle of the field, a giant, semi-transparent Spirit of Halloween rose. It filled the arena with its size, and continued to laugh as he rose higher, above the heroes. “Did you really think you could trap me in another dimension? A good trick, but certainly not permanent.”

Chromatic Death yelled, “I’m ready whenever you are!” He strummed his guitar.

“Time for tricks is over!” Spirit said, “you have tricked the trickster, now it is time for the treat. Powered candy, a gift to the heroes who gave me the best Halloween in many years.” He grew in size and rose higher until he was outside the station. Suddenly he exploded and a shower of colored dots rained down across the planet below. Some of the dots landed inside the arena.

Everyone spent a moment looking at each other. Krystal reached down and picked up a piece of this candy. “This is...just candy? No, there is more to this.” She unwrapped and closed her hands over it. Other heroes were picking up pieces, investigating them. With a shot, she opened her eyes and gasped, “morphon enhanced candy. We need to get this before it causes any trouble.”

Starmaster came over holding up his communicator, “I just tried contacting the station. I’m getting the all-clear, but I can’t contact Nova.”

“Must still be fixing things over there.” She ran up to the mic, still at center stage. “Heroes, we have a job to do. Time to gather some candy. Spread out, cover the Earth. Find all this candy.” Heroes rushed away from the arena, having picked it clean of the candy.

Heretic and Dredge came over to Krystal. Dredge begrudgingly said, “Should someone go tell WMD about this? They’ve already left the arena, after that mic-drop moment from Midgardsormr.”

Krystal thought for a moment. “I don’t know. Are they back on Earth yet?”

Heretic snarled, “I don’t know, and I don’t care. They’ll figure it out. And, if they don’t, more for the rest of us.”

“Fine. You guys head off. I’ll join my team and get to work on this.” They left her for their league. She vanished in a flash of purple light.

While the sponsors were still running across the screens, the Arena completely emptied.

“Okay, this is just nuts.” EB kicked a door.

“What?” Chaz asked.

“Nothing will open. I can’t even get this door to open for the access shaft. We have to find Nova.”

Gar came over and punched the button. When it buzzed at him, he suddenly reached back and then laid a fist into the door, broke a hole in it, and ripped it clear from the wall. “There.”

“Whoa, gett’n serious.” EB said.

Gar growled, “I’ve had enough. Find Nova, now.”

“Aye, aye, sir.” EB gave a salute and then blasted down the shaft at his normal, near-light speeds.

Gar walked back to the center of the room. “We have to get the controls working.”

Chaz tapped buttons, but nothing responded. “It’s active, at least it looks active. It’s like looking at a painting of it working.”

“Computer, authorization code Omega Seven Pi Alpha.” Gar called out his clears code, but the computer didn’t respond.

Chaz jumped up. “What about pulling out the plug?”


He looked around, “Um, you know, when my TV box is totally screwed up and the remote won’t work, they tell me to unplug it and wait a few seconds and then plug it back in. It causes it to reboot.”

“Computers wear boots?”

Chaz shook his head, “no, it means it will reset it. Maybe it will go back to what it was supposed to be doing before. Do you have any idea where the main power plug is for this place?”

Gar smiled brightly. “Yes! I think I do. Director Nova told me about the main power junction that connects the Operations to the rest of the station. I think he said something about a power connection.”

“Worth a try.”

Gar ran over to a part of the wall near the main monitors. He ignored the bolts required to remove the panel and just tore it free. Inside was a lot of smaller cords, and one giant, red glowing cord. It had hazard warnings all over it.

Chaz joined him, “Looks good. Now, what do we use to disconnect it and not get electrocuted?”

Gar smiled, “can’t electrocute stone.” He leaned in, wrapped his arms around the cord, and pulled hard.

EB raced into the security area, “NOVA! BUDDY!” He jumped over and around fallen robots. “Man, it’s dark.” He created a glowing egg and paused in the middle of the hall. “NOVA!”

“DOWN HERE!” Nova yelled.

EB smiled, “Oh, that way.” He ran a few feet, jumped over a robot, but hit its arm as it was now moving. He tumbled across the floor and landed on his face, the glowing egg rolling away.

“Intruder! Intruder!” The robot stated and rose to its feet, taking aim with its gun.

EB was about to say his access code, when the robot shot. He jumped and bounced off walls to avoid being lasered in the face, “HEY, WATCH IT!”

“Intruder!” Another robot stated and stood up, then another joined it. All those robots he had jumped over, and some he had yet to pass, became active.

“YIPES!” He had to jump all over the place to avoid the dozen lasers being fired his direction.

“Intruder, halt...halt...intruder.” The robots spoke in jagged speech, and their movements were worthy of a bad zombie movie.

EB formed an exploding egg and threw it as he flew through the air. It exploded on contact and blew the head off of a robot. “What’s going on?”

“EB, HELP!” Nova called out.

“BUDDY!” He threw another egg, this one exploding with a lot of sticky taffy that stuck two robots together. With an opening formed, he raced down the hallway.

Rounding the last corner, he slid to a stop at the sight of the robots pointing their guns at Nova, who was inside Skelanimal’s cell.

“LEAVE MY BUDDY ALONE!” EB formed several eggs and threw them one after the other. Heads, arms, and legs were all destroyed by his onslaught. In a matter of moments, the robots guarding these cells were piles of smoking, sparking debris.

Nova rolled his one eye, “That’s gonna cost us.”

“You okay?” EB jumped up and pressed the open button. The field didn’t come down.

Nova said, “I’m fine. But our friend is gone and has left us with these nasty surprises.”

EB hopped up several times, tapping the button over and over and over. “Stupid thing. It’s like this down in Operations. Nothing’s working.”

“intru...in...truder...intruder...” The robot guards came from around every corner. New ones were activating and joining this army.

EB turned, pressing his back against the wall. “Crap, crap, crap. This is bad.” he formed eggs in each paw.

“Get away, they can’t hurt me and...” Just then the lights went off, the robots all went silent, and all electronic sounds buzzed off.

EB asked, “what...just happened?”

“I don’t know.” Nova answered.

The lights all came back on and the robots remained still as the lights on their heads flickered.

“What’s that?” EB asked.

Nova frowned, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say they are resetting.”

Gar’s voice came over the comm, “Director, we have reset the station. Systems are coming back to normal.”

EB hopped up and slapped the control again. This time the field came down. “IT WORKS!”

Nova stepped out, “Good work. I need an internal scan. Skelanimal is loose.”

Gar said, “Sorry, systems are still re-shoeing...” Chaz said something, “Oh, um, they are rebooting. Sensors aren’t working yet.”

“Get me those sensors. Lock down every access port on this station. Make sure the escape pods are sealed and locked.”

“Um… okay.”

“Do your best. I have to find Skelanimal.” Nova flicked off the comm.

“Do you think he’s still here? Wouldn’t he have gone a long time ago?” EB asked.

“The shuttles and pods were all accounted for after the Spirit event. There is no other way off the station for him. And I know Skelanimal cannot teleport.”

“Where would he go to hide?” EB asked.

“He would try to get off. Hopefully, we can trap him in a pod if he...tries to...oh no.” Nova started running.

“WHAT?” EB followed.

“I have to check on something. You go back and get Dr. Henderson to medical.”

“Right-o sir.” EB raced back to the cell.

Nova ran through the station as fast as he could muster. Most of the systems were back online, but some remained in rebooting. He shoved two doors open and launched himself through the food court and toward the same door he had returned to this station days ago.

Sliding to a stop, he pressed a code in and the docking doors opened. His face drained of color and he let out a soft sigh. He stood before an open hatch with force fields keeping space from pulling him out of the station. What he should be looking at was the inside of the small shuttle he had arrived on. It was gone.

Slapping his comm he said, “Gar, do you see a shuttle outside?”

Gar said, “No. We don’t have sensors yet. But we have visual. No shuttles.”

“Sir, are you there?” Suddenly Dr. Henderson’s voice came through his comm. She sounded muffled, like a person fresh from the dentist's office.

“Doctor, are you okay?”

“I’ve been better. But we have a situation down here.”

“What now?”

“It’s Strange Quark….he’s missing.”
The Thief
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

Nova stood in the middle of the primary operations center of the new BADGE space station. Massive monitors displayed read-outs for every kind of sensor and visual recording device available. Screens flicked from Hong Kong to London, New York to Mexico City. Data flew by as they scanned these locations with intense scrutiny. Robots worked dozens of computer consoles that operated the vast array of visual and sensor equipment available to BADGE. At any given moment, they were processing a trillion gigabytes of data.

The screens were silent, the robots hardly made any noise, and Nova stood as still as a statue, his one eye never leaving that screen.

The door of the room opened and Agent Justin came in carrying several computer tablets. He paused at the sight of all the robots furiously working and the dazzling lights of the screens in motion. Finally, he approached the stoic Director. “Sir? Any news?”

Nova spent a good moment deep in his thoughts. He broke his silence and said, “Nothing. Not one iota of a trace can be found of her across the planet.”

Justin gulped and held up the first tablet. “I just got word back from Santa and Starmaster, they have searched both the north and south pole...nothing. Santa has explored all of Krampus’s known hiding places and came up dry. If Santa Claus cannot find someone...what does that mean?”

“She is out there. They took her for a reason. If they wanted her dead, we would have a body. I will find her.” Nova’s tone never wavered, his passion present in his eyes.

Justin shifted tablets and handed the next to Nova. “We have our initial data back from the ruby shards we have collected.”

Nova accepted the tablet and looked it over. “I see. They show a strange, foreign energy. It doesn’t read like anything we’ve seen before.”

Justin said, “Nothing at all. We even compared it to all known Legion tech we’ve found, it doesn’t resemble any of it.”

Nova scrolled through the data. “This is strange. Each piece has the energy in it like it’s being stored. Could this be some kind of alien data storage device?”

“We are exploring that possibility. We are calling in any alien born heroes who might identify it.”

“Good. Tell them to report to you on this matter. I am going to send our people out there and keep gathering these shards. Whatever they are, they are part of Krampus’s scheme and I want to make sure he doesn’t have them.”

Justin gulped and then said, “As it stands, Krampus has seven shards, we have three.”

“I know he is ahead of us. Right now we need to get ahead of him. Tell Quark and Gar to report to me at once.”

“Understood, sir.” Justin gathered the tablets. Before leaving, he said, “Sir, there is one more thing.”


“A reporter with The Sentinel would like to interview you. I wouldn’t bother with this right now, but he said he works with Krystal, and...”

“Chaz,” Nova nearly growled that name out.

Justin was surprised. “Yes, Chaz Hamilton, that’s the one. He...”

“Doesn’t get the interview.”

“He said you agreed to do this after you returned from North Onnotangu. It can be done over screens. Won’t take...”

“No. The interview is canceled.”

“What should I tell him?”

Nova gave Justin a deadly glare. “He knows what he did. Now, you have orders, get to them.”

“Yes, sir.”


A cool afternoon breeze rustled the leaves in the young trees. Flowers jostled and then gave a resting place for butterflies and honeybees. A stone hand reached down and gently caressed a plump marigold. He did not pick the flower, merely admired the deep orange hue. A honey bee landed on his stone arm and examined him for a moment before rushing over to a large lavender plant in full bloom.

“These are her favorite flowers,” Gar said to himself. He sank down to the ground in a cross-legged position, calmly watching the little bed of various marigolds. Beyond this small flower patch, he looked across a placid body of water. Fish pecked at the surface now and then, giving off little ripples. A single duck waded across the pond. What stood out among this glorious afternoon day was what reflected in the water's surface, a black, starry sky. This wasn’t the park in some city on Earth, this was the arboretum in the middle of BADGE space station. The reality of this off-world location made clear when the second BADGE facility appeared in the dome above. The reflection of the League Wars orbital arena passed by, both the station and arena close neighbors in orbit of Earth.

Gar looked down again, disregarding the wonder of this amazing, artificial world. All he could see were those beautiful flowers.

That duck stepped out of the waters and waddled a few feet before transforming into a blue hero. Strange Quark wagged his head around and beat out water from one ear. “How is it I can’t get in the water as a duck and not get water in my ears?”

He joined Gar near the flowers and plopped down in a similar cross-legged position. “So, you still moping, eh?”

Gar gave a brief nod and brushed a hand over the flowers.

Quark patted him on the shoulder. “Buck up, they’ll find her. Just because Nova didn’t send you out to look for her doesn’t mean no one else can do the job. I mean, seriously, he’s sending some of the best.”

“I know,” Gar said. “Director Nova said I don’t have the skills or powers to help well enough for this job and I could be put to better use in other tasks.”

“Dry, dull, and to the point, but accurate. Nova knows you want to find her, we all do. He also knows how to organize things. I’m upset that I haven’t been able to locate her. I mean, I should be able to. I’m still a little off my game. But, I stopped flying upside down...” he had that look in his eyes, a look that said he wanted someone to indulge him for a punchline.

Gar glanced his direction. “Upside down?”

“Yup, I stopped….quaking up!” he burst out laughing.

Gar cracked a smile and even gave off a little laugh.

After a long guffaw at his own joke, Quark asked, “Why are you staring at marigolds?”

“Chase loves marigolds. They are her favorite flower.”

“You still sound like a love-sick puppy some days, you know that?”

“I’m not sick?” Gar didn’t get the metaphor.

“I mean, you’re still acting like you are in love with her.”

“I am not in love with her. But she is as close to me as a friend as you. I don’t know how to feel when she is in danger like this.”

“Act however you feel you need to. But keep your head in the game. Doing our job for BADGE will only help BADGE find her, no matter what our job is...even if it is cleaning toilets.”

Justin approached them. “There you guys are. I’ve been looking all over this station. The computer said you were in the primary training facility.”

Quark nodded. “We were, for a while. I’m still trying to figure out why my head has been all messed up since Melbourne.”

“Are you better now?” Justin asked.

Quark shrugged. “Good enough.”

“Fine. Then report to Nova in the operations center. He has orders for both of you.”

“Right away.” Quark gave a comical salute as his body flashed and he was gone, then he reappeared in the same spot. “Ow!”

“You okay?” Justin asked.

“Sure, just...still getting everything in order. Come on, Gar, let’s walk. It’s not that far. I hope Nova has some of that good scotch left.”
Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Krampus observed the readouts on a display. Before him hovered the seven shards of ruby they had gathered. A blue sensor beam shined through the shards for a moment and a massive amount of data flew by. Behind him, on the map. Several markers lit up. “Good, very good.” He turned his attention to the map now. He punched in a few commands and checked over the readings.

Just then, Chase approached him, her steely gaze split between the monster and the map. “What do you want of me?”

He smiled. “Much. For now, I have a few locations I will be sending you to. I have discovered a way to read the energy of the shards better and can detect them more precisely.”

She came close, brushing a seductive hand down his hairy arm. “What do you need these for?”

“Ah, I can’t tell you that, now can I?”

“Why not? Do you question my loyalty?”

Krampus said, “Yes. I do not trust anyone. And I’m still not entirely certain the process worked on you.”

Chase gave off a little laugh and said, “Not an ounce of me isn’t loyal to you. What you ask of me, I will give.”

“Good. Still, I won’t divulge my plan. Even if I trusted you, I cannot risk anyone getting the information out of you. Not even the idiot, Skelanimal, knew everything about this. Though, he did come up with part of it.” He pointed at the map. “Go to San Francisco, they have a shard there. I want it. Get it back to me, and I might trust you a little more.”

“It will be yours.” She left him without making a sound.


Gar and Quark entered the operations center and paused when they both heard someone crying, loudly. The robots remained at their computers, furiously working on their orders, and the screen still flashed with various readings of sensors and data logs.

“Where’s Nova?” Quark asked.

Gar shrugged, then he tapped a robot on the shoulder. “Mr. Robot, where is Director Nova?”

The robot looked at him with that faceless head, “Director Nova exited Operations Center at 1322 hours. Entered office.” With that, it turned back and continued working.

Quark said, “These new processing drones they use for the station's computations work are creepy, and I know a thing or two about creepy stuff.”

Gar was about to respond to that when they both heard another loud wailing cry coming from the door of Nova’s office. “Do you think he is crying?” Gar asked.

“I don’t think Nova can cry...or laugh for that matter.” Quark led the way across the room and to the door of the office.

Gar pressed the buzzer, and the door opened immediately. They both beheld the Director sitting at his desk, his head in his hands, and EB standing on the desk bellowing a long wail.

“Director?” Gar ventured.

Nova looked up, a twitch to his one good eye. “Get in here.”

Gar and Quark came in and before they could say anything, EB bellowed. “WHYYYYY! IT’S JUST NOT FAIR!”

“What is not fair?” Gar asked.


Nova said, “You’re good at hiding things, not finding them.”

“I CAN DO BOTH!” EB said and then blubbered more.

Quark asked, “Can’t you just go on your own? I mean, you are an ancient, magical alien. And richer than Bill Gates.”

Nova begrudgingly said, “Lord Dragon ordered EB to obey my commands. He is, technically, under my authority.”

Gar asked, “Why not let him look?”


“I am not a meanie...oh, god, look at what you made me say.” Nova stood up and came around his desk. “I have sent thousands of heroes on the search for her. I need people here, good people. Even though EB can be a pain in the rear, he is powerful and...at times...useful.” At that, EB hugged Nova’s arm.

“I didn’t know you cared so much.”

“I don’t.” Nova shoved him off. “However, I need you to help with research on these strange shards. They are exhibiting an energy signature that is registering as potentially arcane. I have Krystal Fae helping with research, but you know more about other magics than she, and I don’t have access to any less annoying mythics.”

“Aw, thanks...hey!”

Quark asked, “What about us?”

“First, I need to know how you are, Quark. What did the doctor say about your power failures?”

Quark frowned, “Not failures, just...fluctuations.”

“Don’t have time for semantics.”

Quark bounced his eyebrows like Groucho Marx, “I didn’t know you were anti-semantic?”


After a short laugh at his own joke, Quark answered the original question. “Dr. Henderson went through all the tests you guys can do and found nothing. This is no surprise, I baffle myself. Your equipment doesn’t know what to make of me either. The only thing that he suspects is that the morphonic parts of my powers might be having issues.”

Gar asked, “Morphonic? I didn’t know your powers were morphon based.”

“They aren’t, technically, but morphons enhance my powers in this plane of existence.”

Nova asked, “What about the battle with Krampus? Could he have done something to you?”

“Don’t know. EB looked me over and didn’t see any connection.”

EB hopped up to Nova’s shoulder and said, “Yup, I looked him over. He is one strange, blue, thing. But, I couldn’t tell if Krampus did anything to him.”

Nova said, “As long as you feel up to doing your job, we still need you.”

“Glad to hear it.” Quark helped himself to a large glass of scotch from the Director's personal supply. “Though, I can’t transport myself. That is still screwing up every time I try. Getting back to Earth will be hard.”

“Nope, it will be normal,” Nova said.

Quark shuddered, “I hate that word.”

“Still, we have plenty of shuttles. Here are your orders.” He handed them a computer tablet. “There is a list of known locations of shards. BADGE has contacted each local government and laboratory to explain the situation. Some are ready to hand over, some might still have a few questions. You know the answers; we have a potential global crisis, and we will return them once the crisis has passed.”

Gar asked, “What if they resist turning them over?”

“Be courteous, but firm. If they refuse to cooperate, let me know and we will use international diplomatic resources. I do not want another North Onnotangu situation.”

“Understood,” Quark said and then downed the entire glass in one gulp and went to pour some more.

Nova snatched the expensive scotch and handed Quark a bottle of cheap vodka. “Good, get going. It will take some time to get back to Earth via a shuttle.”

Quark looked at the stout, cheap booze with a little sneer, “Sure. Come on, Gar. It’s gonna be a long trip.”


Nova watched the shuttle depart the station from a large window in the mess hall. At this hour, the station tilted toward Earth, giving them a dizzying view of the planet. Around him, in the mess, a dozen people ate and chatted about their work. Each was a hero-in-training, a person who recently learned of their morphon abilities and was learning how to use them.

After a moment of enjoying the view, Nova walked onward. He turned a corner and sped down a long distance on an elevator. He exited into a narrow hallway with special cameras mounted all over the place. He was stopped by a security droid who scanned him twice and then deactivated a forcefield. Once allowed through, Nova proceeded down the corridor filled with holding cells. Each was empty at the moment, their lights off. At the end of a long walk, he found one active cell.

Laying on his back on a bench in the spartan cell, Skelanimal let out a hard huff and said, “What now?”

“You have information, I am here to get it.”

“Like hell. I don’t care if you caught me, doesn’t mean I’m spill’n the beans.”

Nova said, “The only reason you are not currently sitting in the darkest hole at Purgatory Penitentiary is because you have information we need. Once I am convinced you either know nothing, or you will refuse to cooperate, I will send you on your way. And this time, you won’t break out.”

Skelanimal grinned, “Sure I will. Done it before, will do it again. Heck, I might get tired of this lovely room and break outta here.”

Nova tapped the invisible forcefield, creating a shrill buzz for a moment. “Honestly, I’d love to see you try. Even Purgatory isn’t as secure as this.”

“Big deal.” Skelanimal turned over, his back now to the director. He reached back, flipped up the loincloth cover, and pointed at his butt. “Kiss it or leave, I’m not interested in talking.”

Nova grinned as he put in his security card and pressed a button. There was a fluctuation in the lights and Skelanimal screamed, jumped off the bed, hit a wall, and then the floor.


Nova casually said, “Just a few extra surprises I had installed. See, when it comes to global security, a lot of the basic conventions for prisoners are removed. Now talk!”

Skelanimal glared at the director, “bite my….AAAAAAAAA” The director had hit the button again, and the floor sent a massive jolt into the obstinate creature.

Nova stopped the torture, pulled out the card, and turned. “That was just a taste of what I am willing to do to protect eight billion people. Something to think about. I will be back.” with that he left the villain to ponder his situation.
Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

BADGE shuttle 4 descended from the station toward the planet’s surface. Inside the cabin, the artificial environment left the passengers unaware of the massive changes to gravity and air. The only two passengers were Gar and Strange Quark, with a robot at the helm.

“This is embarrassing,” Quark stated.

Gar said, “I like riding in shuttles. It is fun. Almost as fun as flying myself.”

“Yeah, well, I can zap myself across the same distance in milliseconds. I can cross dimensions that no one has ever heard of. And here I sit, a passenger on a shuttle.”

“At least I have company.” Gar attempted to shed some light on this.

Quark thought for a moment and then said, “I’m gonna do it.”

“Do what?”

“I will try to transport myself. I mean, I feel fine now. Just need to try harder.” He clenched his eyes shut and focused. Gar leaned over, highly intrigued. All at once, there came a great flash, and Quark was gone. However, instead of being absent, he was now a red duck.

Gar laughed. “That’s a good one. Red duck!”

“I DIDN’T MEAN TO TURN INTO A DUCK! AND WHY AM I RED!” Quark stomped his little webbed feet and quacked.

The computer called out, “Alert, alert, unregistered wildlife detected!”

“Oh, shut up!” Quark flashed again and was his normal self, though he was tangled in the seat belt. He struggled for a moment, and then Gar unfastened it and helped him out of his new predicament. “Thanks.”

“Seat belts are hard for me too. They are not made for wings my size.”

Refastening the belt, Quark said, “I just don’t know what to think. It’s like I’m losing my powers.”

“Uh...” Gar pointed at him.



“Red?” Quark looked at his arm and then saw the striations of red going through his normal, blue complexion. “RED! WHAT THE?”

“Arriving in five minutes.” The robot announced.

Quark closed his eyes and his body returned to the normal blue tones. “Good, that’s all better now.”

The shuttle lowered through a dense cloud layer and landed on a helicopter pad outside a small airport.


At the busy California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, it was school day. A woman in an orange jacket led a group of school children into a room filled with rocks, gems, and other mineral oddities. The kids each looked at various signs and stones as they filled out their worksheets.

“This way, please.” She waved a hand at them.

The school teacher shooed the kids toward the docent, “Follow her. I know you have a worksheet to fill in, but you’ll have time. She’s going to show us something interesting.”

The docent smiled at the children with a patient silence while they gathered around a display in the middle of the room. There was a pedestal with a cloth covering a small dome. Next to it was another woman, checking the lights.

The docent spoke after the children were focused on her. “Okay, thank you. Today I’m going to show you something exciting. The scientific world is a place where new discoveries are celebrated. Each time we find something we don’t understand, that only means we are about to grow in our knowledge about the world around us. Yes?” She pointed at a little boy in the back.

“I gotta pee.”

The class teacher shuffled the boy off toward the restroom.

The docent continued, “Recently, we have discovered a new mineral that is baffling scientists across the globe. To make this discovery even more baffling to us, this gem was found on the ocean floor by an expedition to research bottom feeders. It was brought here only a few days ago, where it will stay until it moves to a laboratory for further research. We are very lucky to have the opportunity to show it to the public before it is fully researched.”

She turned and walked over to the stand where that other woman was still working. A quiet pause came. In a hushed voice, the docent asked the other woman, “What are you doing here?”

Chase, dressed in the same orange outfit as any other museum worker, looked up. “I was just checking on the security. This is my first day and I don’t want any problems.”

“Oh, good. Uh, if you would stand back, I need to keep these kids’ attention.”

“Of course.” Chase stepped out of the velvet corded circle and then casually walked away.

The docent returned to the class and slipped off the cloth. “This registers as a ruby, but there are elements to it that make little sense. First, we have...yes, what?” she addressed the hand of a little girl in the front.

“What ruby?”

Only now did the docent look to see that the beautiful case and clear glass holder with nothing on it. “It was there just moments before the class...that woman!” She grabbed her walkie talkie and mashed a button. “Security, we have a theft. The woman just left the gem room with our new ruby!”

Almost instantly, security was all over the place, buzzers sounded, and doors locked.

The docent addressed the frightened children, “Don’t be alarmed. We have this well in hand. People try to steal stuff all the time, but we are...”

Just then a man in a security uniform looked in the room. “Did you see her?”

“Yes, she left here just before I notified of the theft.”

“I know. But we can’t find her.”

“That’s impossible, it would take her half an hour to get to an outside door from this room, she has to be in the building.”

“We’re still looking, just keep the kids in this room.” The man ran off, hollering into his walkie talkie.


Gar and Quark waited in the small, quaint Parliament building of Reykjavik, Iceland. A few of the parliament members stopped by to welcome them or ask a question before moving on to a meeting.

A man came in with a box in his hands. “Oh, here ya are. President Jóhannesson sends his apologies. Very busy day. We do hope you can return these when you are done with them.” He opened the box to reveal two red shards.

Quark answered, “Sure thing. Just keeping them safe from bad people. Well, you know, BADGE sent the memo to everyone.”

“Ya. Take good care of them now.”

Gar reached over and took the shards, placing them in a secured container from BADGE. “Thank you for helping.”

They left the building, stepping out into the chilly air. Just as Quark was about to complain about the cold, both of their comm devices went off. Gar tapped his and Nova came through.

“Gar, Quark, we have a situation. Apparently, one shard was just stolen from San Francisco.”

Quark asked, “Krampus again?”

“Not sure. From the reports, it was a woman, and she didn’t do any harm. So far, Krampus has left a trail of blood each time he has taken one. This doesn’t seem like his M.O.”

“What is mo?” Gar asked.

Nova said, “Later. Anyway, this could mean we have a jewel thief after these. You will meet a specialist at the next destination, he will help you find this thief. Meet him in Knoxville, Tennessee. They have a shard at the University. Collect it and coordinate efforts with the contact.”

“Understood,” Gar answered.

Quark squared his jaw and said, “No time for problems. We have to move.” He grabbed Gar’s arm, and both vanished...then reappeared five feet further. Gar fell over and Quark face-planted in the dirt. His muffled voice said, “damn.”
Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

Krampus carefully monitored the world map. He typed in a command and the image changed, adding blue dots along with the red dots. A vicious smile crossed his hideous face. “So, BADGE shuttles are moving all over the planet. They don’t seem too interested in finding those shards. They must be going crazy looking for them.”

Just then a console beeped loud and voices came through. Krampus hurried over to where they had rigged the BADGE communicator with about a dozen cords and cables. This was how he has been hacking into the BADGE information, which gave him a way of seeing just where the shuttles were going, or where BADGE was sending heroes.

“What is this?” He checked the communicator and activated the interface. All the conversations coming through were being displayed as text on the screen. “Now this is interesting. Those fools, they are only making this easier for me.”

“Krampus, come in!” Chase’s voice came out of a different speaker.

He reached over and pressed a button. “Did you finish in San Francisco?”

“I got it. Those idiots are looking for me, they don’t have a clue.”

“Stop gloating.”

“Sorry. Where next? France?”

Krampus looked at the long communication being typed out by the computer. “No, the plans changed. Where are you now?”

“I am approaching the airport, still in Frisco.”

“Good. Board a plane for Kentucky.”

There was a long pause and then she said, “Kentucky? Why?”

“Our friends in BADGE are about to make a foolish mistake.”


Gar and Quark walked through the University of Tennessee's main campus. Students and workers paused at the sight of the odd pair. One Italian student stopped and got a picture with Gar, and an art student asked what color of paint Quark used for his skin. “Is it over here?” Quark asked, pointing down a street.

Gar shrugged. “I don’t know. I thought you knew where we were going.”

Just then a man approached them. He had long, shaggy hair, a grungy, faded T-shirt, and ragged leather pants and jacket, both black. A few chains dangled off him. Slung around his back was a large electric guitar. “You two are quite the pair.”

Quark said, “Look, we’re busy. Get to class...or whatever it is you are heading for.”

“Wait,” Gar interrupted Quark. “Do you know where the natural science building is?”

The grungy man laughed at them, his chains clinking as his body bounced. “Seriously, I thought BADGE’s finest would be better than this. Come on, follow me.” He turned and walked without them. Gar and Quark didn’t move, they just exchanged bewildered looks. The man turned back around as he continued. “Well, move it!”

They followed along, each as curious as the other. After a long, circuitous journey across the campus, they entered a building. It smelled of old paper and sharpened pencils. Students ducked under Gar’s wings that took up most of the hall as he walked.

Finally, they came to a hall with rooms filled with science equipment and a lot of natural samples of plants, animal parts, and rocks. Their guide led them into a room filled with gems, geodes, crystals, fossils, and other strange minerals. The room was missing one thing, people. No students or professors.

“Gah, he’s still not here. I’ve been checking on this place for an hour.” The grungy man hoisted himself up and sat on the professor’s desk, his heel slowly banging into the side as he swung his foot.

“Who is supposed to be here?” Gar asked.

“The professor, who else?”

Gar became interested in some beautiful geodes while Quark angrily approached their guide. “Look, I don’t know who you are, but I don’t think I like your attitude. We are representatives of BADGE, not students looking for their classroom.”

The grungy man chuckled at Quark. “I know who ya are, blue balls. Nova sent me to help and I’m gonna help.”

This made Quark take a step back. “You’re the other hero Nova sent to help us?”

“Somebody give Smurfette at gold star.”

Quark’s eye twitched. “Who are you?”

“Who am I? I’m the loudest, fastest, rudest hero in the world, Chromatic Death.” He held up his hands like a rockstar waiting for adulation from the crowds.

Quark purposefully ignored this action and answered, “Never heard of you. What, are you some kind of Glam Rock reject?”

Chromatic Death jumped from the desk and grabbed Quark by the collar, pulling him in closer. “WHAT D’YOU CALL ME! THRASH...I ONLY LISTEN TO THRASH!”

Quark shoved him off. “When did annoying become a superpower?”

Just when these two were coming to blows, an older man walked into the room with an arm full of files and books. “Sorry I’m late, Johanna said I had a request in here.” He wasn’t even looking at them as he piled his stuff on a counter. The first thing he saw was Gar standing there. “Oh, my. Look at this. A perfect example of stone masonry, German I think, but I’m no art history professor. Look at the stone itself. I’ve never seen such a perfectly cut stone. This has to be laser work.” He came closer to gar and touched his arm.

Gar said, “No, magic.”

“YAH!” The man jumped back and nearly fell over a desk. Quark caught him.

“Sorry, my friend is made of stone, but he is also alive.”

The professor yelled again at the sight of the blue person. “What’s going on here?”

Gar answered, “Sir, we are from BADGE.”

“Oh...oh, right, sorry. I got the memo late yesterday that you would be coming. So sorry. Hello, I’m Dr. Mark Hostetter.”

“I’m Strange Quark, the statue is my friend Gar, and the smelly guy back there is Bicarbonate Breath.”


“I see.” Dr. Hostetter said in a slow tone. “Anyway, I understand you’re interested in this strange ruby.” He maneuvered around the desks and found a box on the counter. “A student brought this back after his summer trip to Japan. He said he found it in a pond in some park near Kyoto. He didn’t find any others.” He opened the box and revealed the stone.

“Awesome. Let’s grab it and go.” Chromatic was already heading for the door.

Quark asked, “Did you study it?”

“Briefly. Haven’t had it too long. However, I can tell you it is baffling.”

Chromatic came back and said, “Fascinating, but we have more of these to collect.” He grabbed the box from the professor and returned to his over-dramatic exit.

“I guess we’ll be going.” Quark waved at Gar to follow.

Dr. Hostetter said, “Do you want to know what else I found out about it?”

Quark turned back around. “What?”

Dr. Hostetter pulled out a file full of papers. “This stone has an energy in it that set off the nuclear alarms at first, but was deemed not radioactive, at least not on a lethal level.”

“Yes, we know about the energy,” Gar said.

“Oh, good. The only other thing I could determine was that this stone was once part of a much larger structure.”

This caught their attention. Quark asked, “What do you mean?”

“It was part of a larger stone, a matrix perhaps. Not sure. But the break marks on it tell me that some catastrophic process destroyed it. Something blew this thing into shards. However, that doesn’t seem possible. This registers as the hardest material ever recorded. The destruction I have seen on the edges...well, it just isn’t possible.”

Chromatic came back and pushed Quark toward the door. “Thanks for the info, we’ll be sure to pass this along to BADGE.”

Quark quickly turned, so he wasn’t being shoved any longer. He grabbed the box from Chromatic and handed it to Gar. They placed it in the proper container. “Thank you. We may be in touch for more information.”

“Anything I can do to help.”

“let’s move Papa Smurf!” Chromatic left the room.

Quark rolled his eyes and followed with Gar right behind him asking what a Smurf was.
Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

Gar and Quark walked through the California Academy of Sciences. Ahead of them was the same docent who was with the children and the head of security. Guests stopped and stared at them as they passed, but no one interrupted.

“We have never had anything stolen like this. And it really is bad we were given the special opportunity to show this before it sat in a laboratory for years.” The docent lamented.

Quark asked, “Why were you given this special opportunity?”

She answered, “The head of the mineral department is close friends with the specialist at the laboratory. They needed time to set some stuff up, so they agreed to let us show it for a few days. Just a few short days, and it’s stolen.”

The head of security said, “We’ve checked every avenue of entrance and escape. Whoever did this was amazing. She disturbed nothing and our cameras never stopped, but never caught her. If we didn’t have a classroom of eyewitnesses, I’d say the stone just vanished on its own. We don’t even know which direction she went after leaving the room.”

Gar smiled. “We brought someone who might help.”

Quark scoffed, “So he says. I think Nova should have sent someone else. Where is that metalhead anyway?” He turned around to find they were missing the third hero.

Before he had a chance to look, everyone lurched forward when an earsplitting roar from a guitar echoing down the hall. It was followed by hi-pitched screeches and then a low rumbling. People throughout the museum covered their ears, some even fled to the safety of the outdoors.

“This way!” Quark pointed.

Gar frowned, “WHAT?”


They followed the ever-growing cacophony of a shrieking guitar solo up to a huge landing where a faux dinosaur statue. The skeleton towered over a crowd of cowering people holding their ears. Chromatic Death stood before it as he wailed on his guitar.

Quark failed in an attempt to say something through the deafening noise. He finally held up his hand, and the green striped guitar flashed and suddenly Chromatic held a duck.

“WHAT THE HELL!” Chromatic nearly strangled the creature.

Quark and the rest of the people all popped their ears and checked to see how much damage was done. Gar seemed the least affected, but even he poked a finger in his ear as he attempted to dig out the remaining ringing.

Quark said, “What in heaven’s name were you doing? Trying to deafen everyone?”

Chromatic held up the duck. “CHANGE IT BACK, THAT WAS A SPECIAL MADE PRS CUSTOM 24.”

Quark sneered but waved his hand, and the guitar returned. “There. Now, can we get back to work?”

“Fine.” Chromatic walked a few steps and then bellowed, “WHAT HAPPENED TO THE STRINGS!” He wagged around the now broken set of strings on his prized guitar.

Quark snickered, “oops. My powers are not working right.” He left.

Gar gestured for Chromatic to walk and the pair followed Quark back to the waiting docent and security.

Gar asked, “Why did you play that loud thing?”

“Oh, some brat asked me why I had a guitar. I said I like to play music, and it’s one of my weapons. He said, ‘you can’t play that without it being plugged in.’ So I showed him.”

When they got back to the waiting museum officials, there was a moment of explaining, and then they entered the now sealed gem and mineral display room.

After time for the security to detail what little they knew, Chromatic stepped up. “Okay, so it’s my time to shine.”

“And just what are you going to do?” The security asked, still perturbed by the impromptu concert.

“I ain’t called Chromatic just because it’s fun to say. I have special powers over both musical energy and color spectrum. Watch.” He looked around for a moment and then his eyes became like prisms, shining colorful light. The room filled with this display, bathing all the surfaces in swirling hues.

Gar mused, “It’s so pretty.”

“Ya and makes really cool effects when I’m performing for my fans.”

Quark asked, “What’s the point of all this?”

Chromatic stood beside Quark and yanked his head over, pointing at the floor with his other hand. “See that, blue cheese. To you, it’s just a psychedelic coloring, but to me, I see footprints and waves of residual energy. I can see where our friend went.”

Quark pulled away from his grip. “So? How can you tell? They’ve had dozens of people checking this room, and there was an entire classroom of children.”

“Trust me, I can tell the differences. This is our culprit. I just need to follow this.” He walked around the pedestal a few times and then right out of the room. Gar and Quark followed Chromatic, the head of security was behind them, calling ahead so that their path was clear.

After a long walk, up a wall, and to the roof, down an exterior wall, and across the park, they stopped right next to a bus station.

“So, it’s a dead-end?” Gar asked.

Chromatic said, “Nope. We just gotta take the same bus.”

They waited a long time, going through several buses before the right one arrived. A ride later, out of the terminal, and over to the airport, they came to a desk where the Gamma Airlines agent gave them a funny look.

“Can I help you?”

Quark said, “I hope so. We’re looking for a woman who we believe stopped here yesterday and maybe bought a ticket?”

“I see. Well, you will need to contact the police and have an official warrant issued so we can search our files.”

“We don’t...stop it...we don’t...what?” Quark looked up to Gar, who had been tapping his shoulder. Gar pointed away.

Chromatic Death had continued walking and now stood in the middle of a set of seats. He hollered out, “Hey Blueberry Muffin, she sat here and waited a while.”

Quark’s right eye twitched, and then he regained his congenial smile and asked the clerk. “What flight left from that terminal yesterday after 2 pm? I doubt we need a warrant to ask that.”

“Let’s see. Yesterday, we had a flight from that...yes, we had one to Kentucky at 2:30 pm, and then at 5...”

“She wouldn’t have waited that long. She went to Kentucky? Why?” Quark asked.

The agent said, “I don’t know?”

“I wasn’t asking you. Thank you for your help.” He left the desk and ordered Gar, “Go get our friend, I need to contact Nova.”

Quark stepped outside the airport and held up his communicator. The interior of the Operations center on the station came on the screen, with Nova at the center. “Quark, I have good news.”

“What, sir?”

“The President of the US has helped coordinate an international effort and with the help of the UN, they have transported all known remaining ruby shards to United States Soil. This was done in secrecy, though I would liked to have been informed of the operation. However, it was accomplished without any issues. The delegates of the UN were able to transport their shards without notice in the guise of a special UN council meeting.”

“That’s good, sir. Where are they being stored?”

“The President authorized storage space within the deepest secret vaults of Fort Knox.”

“Fort...Knox, as in Kentucky?”

Nova stuck one eyebrow up. “Yes. Is that a problem?”

“We have reason to believe our jewel thief left for Kentucky yesterday.”

“This is not good. Get to Fort Knox at once.”

“Understood.” Quark flicked off his communicator just as Gar came out with Chromatic.

Chromatic said, “What’s up, bluebell?”



Quark spent a moment considering the amount of trouble he’d get in for turning another hero into a brick. Disregarding this, he said, “We have to head to Kentucky right away. Come on.”
Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

Chase strolled around the outside of the relatively simple, light brown building. She held up a cell phone and snapped a picture. When a guard looked at her she smiled at him, snapped her gum, and then turned and took a selfie, throwing a peace sign with her fingers. The guard waved at her and continued his general patrol.

“Chase,” Krampus spoke through a tiny comm in her ear.

She turned and pretended to thumb through her photos as she spoke. “I’m here. Getting in will be tricky, but I think I can do it.”

“I’m sure of that. What of the shards? Have they all arrived?”

She gave off a bubbly laugh and then pretended to text on her phone as she said, “No. Soon, though. They just raised security to prepare for something in-coming.”

“Good. I have been scanning BADGE channels with our hack, they are aware of this movement. No doubt, they will try to get those shards before us. Don’t let that happen.”

Just then several large military vehicles rumbled down the road going around the compound. They turned and headed for the main gate. “Gotta go, time to make my move.”

Chase hurried over, as casually as she could appear, and took dozens of pictures of the vehicles and the people gathering around to protect them.

That same guard approached her. “Ma’am, what are you doing?” He held a hand up.

She turned on the ditsy attitude. “Oh, hey there cutie. I was just wondering what was going on here? I’m, like, from L.A., and I always wanted to see all this super-secret stuff. Like a spy movie and all. Really cool. You know, I’m going to be in movies and will try out for a part as a super-secret spy. Like, so cool. Thought I’d come to a big super secret place and, like, see it for myself.”

Though mildly charmed by her, he said, “Sorry. This isn’t a spy place, it is just a storage facility. Civilians aren’t allowed without special permission.” He kindly took her arm and directed her away from the current caravan making their way in.

She turned with a shot and nailed him in the face with a well-placed punch. Before he could respond, she did a backflip, and caught him in the chin with her feet, sending him down. “Like, totally sorry.” She giggled at the unconscious dupe and ran for the caravan.

Five Knox guards and a few agents from the UN caught sight of her approach. She came to a stop, smiled, and took a bunch of pictures again. “Like, so cool.” She mused aloud.

One of the UN agents called out, “MA’AM, YOU NEED TO LEAVE, RIGHT NOW!”

“But, I need to learn about this for a big movie part.” She whined and then took more pictures.

All the Knox guards became alerted and ran over to her. They seized her by both arms, took her phone, and pulled her away from the entrance. The guards she hit came over, rubbing his bruised face. “She’s no actress.”

Another man said, “Looks like we caught the jewel thief. BADGE and the President will be glad. Detain her inside, do not take your eyes off her.”


The BADGE shuttle landed just outside Fort Knox. Gar and Quark sat in the two seats while Chromatic lounged on the backbench, restringing his guitar.

“I can’t believe you made us stop at that music shop,” Quark muttered.

Chromatic strummed the strings that were now replaced. “You’re lucky I don’t blast you to Pluto for doing that to my precious baby.”

“Baby?” Gar looked back.

Chromatic burst out laughing. “Boy, you’re dumb as a rock.”

Quark growled, “Don’t make fun of him!”

“Cool it, bluebell, you tell bad jokes all the time. At least I’m funny.”

Quark stood up, ready to give this guy something to laugh about, but the holographic screen appeared with Nova staring at them. “Quark, what are you doing? Sit down. I have a special report.”

Quark sat down, the daggers in his eyes still present. “What?”

Nova ignored the attitude and continued. “It appears our friends at Fort Knox have helped us. They have captured someone suspicious. They think it’s the jewel thief, but we can’t be sure. Get in there and find out what is going on. Get the shards, and if this is the actual thief, bring them in for questioning.”

Chromatic called out, “if the thief has been found, can I bugger off?”

Quark answered, “By all means, leave.”

“No,” Nova stated.

Both Chromatic and Quark said, “What?”

Nova said, “If this isn’t the thief, then we’ll still need your help in finding them. Besides, three heroes present are better security for this mission.”

“Whatever.” Chromatic sat back and strummed out a song.

Nova ordered, “Get in there and get to work.”

Quark answered, “Understood.”

The holoscreen vanished just as the door opened for them to leave. Quark led Gar, and a disgruntled Chromatic, out of the shuttle. A team of combined Knox personnel and UN representatives met them.

“Hello, I’m General Horace, you must be the representatives from BADGE.”

Quark greeted him, “Yes. I understand you caught the jewel thief.”

“Earlier today. We have detailed her inside one of our most secure rooms.”

“Take us to her.”

“At once. Follow me.” General Horace led the trio into Fort Knox.


Chase sat at a metal table with five men staring at her, as well as a host of cameras bolted to the walls. She was quiet and still, only her foot tapping. Her hands were behind the back of the chair with cuffs tightly binding them. She still gnawed on that same piece of gum.

“Hey, what happens when I need to go to the bathroom?” She asked.

No one answered.

“I see.”

The silence continued. She casually looked up at the clock on the wall. She snapped her gum and then said, “You know what’s interesting? I’ve been here before. Yup, got away with a whole brick of gold, and no one ever knew. It’s hilarious, but there is a perfect fake down there, in the vault. Why did I do it? Just because. Wanted to see how hard it was. Kinda disappointed that it was so easy.” She blew a bubble and popped it. “Want to know what else is interesting? Your systems are all extremely precise. Amazingly so. Every bit is timed in a practically perfect way. So much so that I know in less than two minutes your people will have finalized putting those shards in a secret vault. After that, it is only a matter of getting into that vault and out of this place before the cycle of your system again. Oh, and it is so much easier nabbing something from a vault rather than trying to steal it from a team of couriers.”

The guards all became that much more alert, holding their guns tighter.

She smiled at them. “You know what else is interesting. Metal tables.” She suddenly slid right under the table, pulling the chair over as her arms nearly slipped out of their sockets.

The men responded, but she flipped the chair around using their attempt at restraining her. The metal chair legs cracked right into the shin of one man and hit another in the groin. When they went for their guns, she popped up with her back, shoving the table over. They shot, but the table deflected the bullets. She jumped back up, dodging another bullet, sat in the chair again and this time flipped backward so she fell with her back against the ground and the chair under her. She scrunched up her body and kicked the chair seat, sliding it out from behind her cuffed hands and right into the legs of two men. All this was done in such a quick flurry, they couldn’t get a shot at her.

Rolling over, she dodged bullets and tripped a man, sending him into another. Once the first hit the ground, she got the keys to her cuffs in her smiling teeth.

Just then two more guards came in the door with their guns ready while three of the original guards regained their posture.

“STAND DOWN!” The leader commanded with his gun aimed at her head.

She laughed at him.
Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

Chromatic, Gar, and Quark walked through the famous military compound. Security was on high alert with people stationed at every door and corner. General Horace led them on a circuitous route as he got them through checkpoint after checkpoint.

Gar asked, “Is security always this strong?”

“Fort Knox has impeccable security, however, this is well above normal. Not only do we have those strange gem fragments to protect, we still have several representatives from the UN and our own Federal Government visiting.”

“Can we see the gold?” Chromatic asked.

Quark muttered, “That is not why we’re here.”

Chromatic shot back, “So? When do we get the chance to see that kinda loot?”

General Horace said, “Son if you get permission through Director Nova and the Federal government, I would be glad to personally escort you on a tour of our gold storage. However, the point of this visit is to hand those fragments over to BADGE and to assess the threat of this thief. Though, to be honest, I doubt you should have any interest in the thief.”

Quark asked, “Why?”

“I’ve seen some clever infiltrators in my time here. She wasn’t clever. If she hadn’t beaten up one of our guards, we might have handed her over to the local police and left her at that. But her attack on our personnel was enough to warrant heightened attention.”

Gar said, “Since BADGE knows a woman thief has been looking for these shards, it is wise to let us at least find out if this is the one.”

General Horace stopped at a door and paused, “If the reports I got back from the known thefts tell me anything, your thief is a clever, highly skilled person. This woman was nothing but a nuisance. I suspect she is some foolish protester who wanted to get on the news. But we must take all threats seriously. She’s in here.” He reached over and swiped his card.

The door opened, and they all jumped back when a person flopped out of the room. A guard lay on the ground, unconscious. Muffled voices met them as they looked in to find seven security tied up with their own belts, their pants stripped off and partly stuffed into their mouths. Walkie Talkies were smashed all over the place, and the cameras were either destroyed or had gum stuck to the lenses. A pair of cuffs sat on the chair in the middle of the room.

“GOOD LORD! WHAT HAPPENED IN HERE!” General Horace yelled.

Chromatic said, “It looks like you underestimated your protester.”

Quark grabbed the General, “Where are the shards! We have to get to them NOW!”

“Damn!” The General raced down the hall, shoving a few of his men back toward the room, barking orders at them as he blasted by.


Moments before:

Chase walked down a corridor, dressed in a Fort Knox officer’s uniform. Another guard gave her a funny look, and she jammed the sleeve up a little more to hide the fact the outfit was two sizes too big. She had strolled a suitable distance since escaping their interrogation room, passing other guards and some UN official security.

Pressing her finger up to her ear, she listened in to the artificial signal Krampus was sending to the security system. It was still giving the all-clear. According to anyone outside of that interrogation room, she was still being held captive there.

Stopping next to an unsuspecting wall, she pressed a hidden switch, and a keypad appeared. She looked at it and then closed it.

“Nope, not here,” She whispered to herself as she looked at one of the special vaults.

The public, and most low-level government officials, were not aware of the secret vaults used to store precious items. By the dust on the keypad, it has been a while since they opened this last.

Chase paused and stood up straight as though she were merely a patrolling guard. Two men and a woman turned a corner. The woman and the older man were wearing dark suits, the other man was in a military uniform. A slight smile crossed her face as she saw the older man, who spoke with a thick French accent. Unbuttoning the top of her baggy shirt, she tugged down on the undershirt and revealed a little more cleavage than was allowed for military dress code.

Waiting for the right moment, she stepped right in the trio's way and ‘accidentally’ bumped into the older man. “Oh, excuse me, sir.”

The man smiled at her, unashamedly staring at her chest first. “My apologies. What a lovely young lady for a security guard.”

“Thank you, sir. I wasn’t paying attention, I’m a little lost finding the shard holding room. First day here.”

“Oh, you don’t say.” He looked at the woman next to him. “Madeline, would you finish the briefing without me.”

The woman had a look about her that said she has seen him do this before. She gave a brief nod and continued with the UN military official.

“I am Ambassador Jean-Luc Rieux of France. I just helped deliver three shards from my country. I know the secure location. Perhaps I could show you. It is a dark and private place.” He bounced his eyebrows, licked his lips, and his hand was going for her backside.

Chase gave him a flirty smile. “I do love the French, such a warm and friendly people.”

“Allonsy.” He took her arm and walked her back down the corridor.

After a short walk, he directed her into a gold storage room. He stopped both of them at the entrance and pointed to the back. “There, that pipe is a fake. It is a clever vault for valuable things. However, why don’t we slip into that dark corner back there and...explore the gold for a bit.” He was rubbing her hip with one hand and leaning in closer.

Suddenly the sirens in the entire building went off and they could hear voices yelling orders to one another.

“What is this?” The Ambassador looked up, his drooling curtained by fear.

Chase smiled, “Nothing. They just realized I escaped their little holding room.”

“You what?” About the time he caught what she said, a fist hit his old face, and then her leg swept under him and sent him down.

She stepped over him, ready to break into their vault. This would be tricky. These secret vaults are probably the most difficult to crack in the world. However, those footsteps grew closer. In no time, an entire team of soldiers would be rounding that corner and coming to protect the shards. She was good, but up against a whole battalion, she might not make it.

“Crud.” She knew better than to leave the Ambassador out where they could see him, it would tell them she was here. Grabbing his feet, she dragged him to that nice, dark, intimate spot. With a chuckle, she shoved his unconscious body into the darkest shadows and said, “you wanted to get laid here, well, there you go.”

Ten soldiers rushed into the room just as she climbed up into a better hiding spot. The first thing she saw was one of the many security cameras staring her in the face. She quickly pulled back her sleeve and checked a small monitor on her wrist comm. She flicked through camera after camera, which showed empty halls, and empty vault. “Good, my override hack is still working. Now, for Plan B.” she typed a command into the communicator. All at once, the lights went dead, a second later the back-up lights all activated.

“Now, to do what I do best.” She crawled across their ceiling, the men below oblivious to her presence.
Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

Krystal Fae waited while Phantom Among Phantoms opened the special containment box and pulled out the shard he had collected.

“Thanks, Phantom. Where did you retrieve this one from?”

Phantom shrugged, “I went to New Amsterdam to get it and someone else was carrying it off, so I stopped their flight and got it. They were all angry and stuff, but I was just doing my job. I’m sure Nova will smooth things out.”

Krystal let out a soft sigh, “Don’t tell me that this person was a UN official by any chance?”

“Sure. Kinda weird that they made such a stink about me finding it. I mean, it’s my job.”

“They were collecting the shards to protect them at one location.”

“Oh, so….I wasn’t supposed to retrieve that one.”

“Don’t worry about it. Just let Nova know that you scared a diplomat half to death.”

Phantom laughed, “I’ll just take em to the pub and have a drink. It’ll be all good. Gotta go.” He vanished in a blue flash.

Krystal shook her head and took the shard into another room. EB stood by some computers where Dr. Henderson studied the shards collected thus far.

“Here you go, one more.” She set the shard in the containment barrier.

Dr. Henderson ran the sensors over the spectrum again. She held up a vial of blue liquid and then set it on a different sensor.

EB asked, “What’s that?”

Dr. Henderson casually said, “Blood.”

“Ew.” EB hopped off the station and approached Krystal. “I know this energy feels familiar...I just don’t know why.”

“I agree. I can sense something about it that can only be arcane, but I can’t pinpoint it.” Krystal approached the station where the scientist checked the blood sample. “What are you doing? Who’s blood is that?”

Dr. Henderson took the vial out. “I took this from Strange Quark to study the odd illness he has been going through.”

“So? Why are you looking at that in here? This lab isn’t for biological testing.”

Dr. Henderson walked over to another station and punched up some charts. “This blood is exhibiting an energy signature we’ve never seen in Strange Quark before. However, an almost identical energy pattern is deep in the spectrum coming from the ruby shards.”

EB hopped up and stood on the console, looking down at the readings. “Why not put them together?”

“What do you mean?” Dr. Henderson asked.

“Put the blood and the shard together, see if we get a reaction.”

Dr. Henderson said, “That’s not a bad idea.”

“You sound surprised,” EB said.

Krystal laughed, “She isn’t used to you having too many ideas when it comes to these experiments.”

“Ha, ha. Sure, I’m a fluffy bunny, but I got brains too. See...” He jokingly pulled a colorful egg out of his ear.

As Krystal laughed at this, Dr. Henderson set the vial of blood near the ruby shards. She had just turned around to get a few pieces of equipment when they all heard a strange sound.

“What’s happening?” Krystal looked at the vial. It was vibrating faster each second.

EB suddenly yelled, “GET DOWN!”

The blood turned bright red and then the vial exploded, sending blood all over the room.

EB sneered at a large splotch on the wall near him. “Gross!”

Dr. Henderson slowly looked up. “That...is not good.”

Krystal slapped her communicator. “NOVA, WE CAN’T LET QUARK GET NEAR THOSE SHARDS!”

Nova came through, “What?”

“No time to explain. We just can’t let Quark and the shards to come into physical contact.”

Nova answered, “I’d love to tell him, but can’t get through. Something is happening at Fort Knox and I can’t get either Gar or Quark.”


Moments before:

Chromatic, Gar, and Quark followed the quick walking pace of the General through Fort Knox. Sirens blared, security rushed to block any exit.

“I doubt she’ll use a door,” Quark said.

The General said, “Trust me, we’ll block any avenue of escape. This is one of the most secured vaults on the planet. She won’t be able to slip out a window or up on the roof. A mouse would have a hard time finding a way out of this place.”

Chromatic said, “Judging by the carnage back there, she has skills.”

“So do my men. She just caught us by surprise.”

Chromatic laughed, “Sure, whatever.”

The General turned the last corner and his pace picked up even more. “There, that room.”

They entered the storage vault where the French Ambassador had directed Chase. A group of soldiers waited at the door, guns ready.

“Report!” Horace barked.

The head of the soldiers said, “Nothing to report, sir. We arrived only moments ago and found the door open, but no one has seen anything out of the ordinary. We were about to do a full search of the room for evidence, but we needed to be certain we covered the door in case the thief arrived.”

“Good thinking. Secure any possible avenue of escape from this room.”

Gar walked into the room. “Where are the shards? We need them.” He held up the containment box.

“Right over here.” General Horace pointed and then looked back at Chromatic, “What’s so funny, son?”

Chromatic had been chuckling since they arrived. He snorted at the general, “Your soldiers are some of the worst I’ve seen.”

“What did you say?” Horace held a tight fist, ready to punch this hero.

Chromatic’s eyes glistened with those colors as he pointed down. “Look, even without using all my powers, I can see signs of a person falling down right here, and footprints. And….wait, let me do this first.” A burst of colorful light filled the area. The soldiers all jumped back but stopped when they realized this wasn’t an attack. Chromatic followed a path. “Right here, footprints...dragging a body. Oh, look over there. Some old dude is stuffed in that corner.” Chromatic’s colorful lights made all the shaded areas of the room bright.

“Good heavens, it’s the French ambassador.” General Horace and several of his men rushed over to the ambassador.

Gar asked, “Where’s the thief?”

“I’m gett’n to that.” Chromatic followed his special vision up the wall and to the ceiling. “Boy, she’s good. Even a cat wouldn’t be able to do all this. It leads across the ceiling toward the back wall. She was heading for the middle of the back wall…but why?”

General Horace nearly jumped up, “The special vault is in the back!”

Just as Gar looked back, he caught sight of a person, nearly upside down, hanging near a large pipe. She grabbed what appeared to be a large, basic valve and pulled on it instead of turning. A door appeared in the side of this fake pipe and opened to reveal a compartment with a small box inside.

“IT’S HER!” Gar ran toward her.

Chromatic and Quark came behind him with several of the soldiers. A soldier brandished his gun and yelled, “STOP!”

“Not today.” She said and headed back up toward the ceiling.

The soldier fired. She leapt off backward, dodging the shot, and landed on the ground with her legs splayed out and a smile on her face.

Gar came to a skidding stop, his eyes as wide as they could be. He said, “Chase?”

Quark nearly fell over when he hit Gar’s wing, and Chromatic slid under the other wing.

Chase paused, confusion on her face as she looked at him. Suddenly she twisted to the side as a bullet whizzed by her. In the same twisting motion, she threw one of her basic knives and hit the soldier in the arm. She then stopped and threw another and lodged it in the barrel of a gun being fired. It exploded instead, and the soldier went down. In their confusion, she raced up a ladder.

“She’s getting away!” Chromatic yelled.

“Nope!” Quark held out his hands and the metal ladder vanished, sending her down in a hard crash. The box with the shards slid across the floor away from her.

Gar jumped for the box just as Chase went for it. Chromatic strummed his guitar in a flat chord that sent a shock wave of sound at her, blasting her away and pushing the box out of Gar’s reach. The box hit a shelf laden with heavy gold bricks. On impact, the box split open.

Chase recovered quickly and threw a blade at Chromatic. Gar quickly responded by holding out a wing and deflecting the weapon. Quark made a dash for the shards. Chase kicked a cart at the hero to distract him and then also jumped for the box. She got the box, but Quark got his hands on the shards.

Red energy blazed all over him. He screamed in two different voices at once, sending wave after wave of energy through the room. Shelves filled with tons of gold rocked and nearly fell over. Soldiers were pressed to the ground. Chromatic held his head. Suddenly, everyone watched the world fade around them. They shifted from the interior of the vault to a grassy field. Quark, still holding those stones, remained a red ball of energy.

“GIVE ME THOSE!” Chase attempted to pull the box from his hands.

Suddenly the box and shards erupted. Red dots of energy flew out, each carrying a shard. Once they were gone, Quark fell back.

Chase, recovering from the explosion, looked up as Chromatic ran toward her. “Not today.” She got up and ran.

“STOP RIGHT THERE!” Chromatic went to strum his guitar again, only this time a blade hit the fingerboard and it cut all six strings. “DAMMIT! NOT AGAIN!” He looked up to see another blade heading directly for his face. It flashed, and he was hit, instead, by an egg. Strange Quark let out a hard groan, after saving his life, and then passed out.

Gar stood there, unable to move. He watched her flee as he whispered, “Chase?”


Nova stood before the monitors from the operations center of the BADGE station. On the primary screen were Chromatic and Gar.

“Are you sure it was her?”

Gar gave a sad nod. “Yes. Something is wrong with her.”

Chromatic said, “Obviously. She’s a thief.”

“SHE’S NOT A VILLAIN!” Gar bellowed.

“Cool it, boulder balls. That thief broke into this place, tried to steal the gems, and damaged my baby.” Chromatic held up his guitar.

Nova said, “We don’t have time for this. Our sensors are detecting those shards near you, they spread out across a three hundred-mile radius. Something supercharged them. We can see them clear as day on our monitors now.”

Chromatic said, “Yeah, Quark exploded or something. His powers went nuts, and we transported just outside Fort Knox, and then the shards blasted away like fireworks.”

Nova said, “If we can see them, then Krampus can see them. We have to get them back now. See if you can find Chase, make sure she doesn’t get to them before we do.”

Chromatic scoffed, “There are tons of them, and that crazy woman is insanely skilled.”

“I’ll be sending help. Just move it.” Nova flicked off the screen and then nodded to the robot. The screen displayed the emergency signal system. “Nova to all heroes. We have supercharged jewel shards spread out over a three hundred-mile radius near Fort Knox. Get those shards to BADGE now!”
Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

Gar waited with a small gathering of BADGE robots in a tent just outside of Fort Knox. US military stood guard while heroes came and left in their ongoing mission of collecting the shards. Gar kept a close eye on this, being the highest-ranked BADGE official at this location now. They gave him command of the collection, which was a first for him.

“Sir, we have five more heroes incoming.” A robot spoke to Gar.

Gar looked down at a computer tablet. “Good. Give them the clearance orders.”

“Understood.” The robot walked away.

Gar stepped away from the commotion and over to a special tent. Inside lay Strange Quark with Krystal Fae and EB next to his bed.

“Gar!” EB hopped over to him and hugged his leg.

“Hello, EB.”

EB hopped back to Quark's bedside. “He’s not well.”

Gar came over and looked down at Quark, who radiated red energy with parts of him going invisible and then returning to normal. “Can you fix him?”

Krystal gave off a sorrowful laugh. “He confounds even me. I have tried some healing magic on him since conventional stuff doesn’t do a thing. It didn’t work. All I can say is that he is in a state of flux.”

“Why did he explode when he touched those shards?” Gar asked.

“I...don’t know. We’ve gathered all the data from every sensor device even remotely scanning the area when this happened, and it doesn’t answer that question. This energy is unusual, and that’s all we have.”

Just then Chromatic Death came into the tent. “Hey, guys. Just got back with the shards I found. Not many, but I ain’t as fast as some of these heroes. How’s Quark?”

“Not good,” EB said.

Chromatic came over and looked down at the glowing hero. “I’ve seen some strange crap in my time, but this takes the cake.”

Gar was about to say something when he paused and gave Chromatic a curious look. “You called him Quark.”

“Yeah, that’s his name.”

Gar shook his head. “You have called him many things, most of which I do not understand, but you never called him by his name.”

Chromatic looked down at Quark with great sorrow. “He saved my life. I was a total jerk to him and he still was a true hero. The only dudes I ever show any kindness to are my League Mates, and even then I like to tease until they wanna punch me. Others, well, they get nothing but my rude attitude. It’s kinda my thing. And, this Quark guy, he got on my nerves from day one. You know. But even when he was hurt’n like hell, he protected me. That chick with the blades, she would’ve done me in, and he stopped it. I can’t be mean to anyone who would do that. Just wish I could tell him all this now.”

EB suddenly blubbered and bawled out, “THAT’S SO BEAUTIFUL!”

“Gah, no cry’n!” Chromatic yelled.

Gar smiled, “Quark will make it. He’s a strong...thing.”

Chromatic whispered, “I hope so.”

A gigantic shadow suddenly covered the tent, and the sides flapped hard in a heavy breeze. A robot stuck his head in and said, “Commander Gargoyle, Nova is landing.”

“Thank you,” Gar responded.

A large, new BADGE shuttle landed in the field near the collection of tents. Dozens of heroes either hovered in the sky or stood around, watching the small team from the Spacestation exit the aft doors of the craft.

Chromatic Death, Gargoyle, and Krystal Fae waited at the center of the tents. Director Nova approached as a team led by Dr. Henderson rushed in to collect Strange Quark.

Nova stood in front of the group. “Report?”

Gar waited a moment and then realized that it was his job to report since he was in charge here. “Oh, right, that’s me. Collecting has been difficult. It was harder to find the shards than we expected. Um, what did she say?” Gar looked back to a table with all the reports on it.

Krystal continued where Gar had forgotten. “The US military has conducted a thorough scan of the shard blast area for radiation signatures. The energy within the shards did not contaminate anything, and no clean-up will be necessary.”

Gar had a broad smile, “Yes, that was it. The radiation stuff. It’s good.”

Nova gave a gentle smile to Gar, “Good job, son. This was a big project for your first command.”

“Thank you, Director.”

“Now, show me to the collection.” Nova didn’t wait for an escort, he walked toward the center tent on his own.

Gar followed and showed him the tent filled with small, secure containers, each holding several shards. Chromatic and Krystal weren’t far behind.

Gar looked over at robot 10915, “Have the last heroes arrived?”

The robot answered. “they returned the final five shards four minutes ago. No further shards reported on any sensor sweep of the area.”

Nova asked the robot, “How many collected?”

“We have gathered ninety, sir.”

Dr. Hostetter from the University of Tennessee came into the tent. “Oh, hi there.”

Nova frowned at the man. “Who are you?”

“Oh, sorry.” He walked over and pumped Nova’s hand, “Dr. Mark Hostetter, geologist, and gemologist. I have been helping inspect the shards being brought in.”

Gar piped up, “I asked him to help. He knew a lot about this stuff.”

Nova asked, “Well, what’s the verdict?”

Dr. Hostetter looked down at the table with the various piles of ruby-colored items. “We have had forty-five shards brought in that appear to be from the same gem, one that exudes a unique energy signature.”

Nova asked, “Forty-five? But I thought we had ninety?”

“There are also pieces of gemstone and other minerals that are not related to the stone in question. Your people were good at gathering, but they weren’t entirely accurate. In fact, we also have pieces of glass and plastic that were mistakenly brought in.”

Nova examined the pile of ruby shards. “Is this all of them?”

Dr. Hostetter shook his head. “These won’t make a complete stone, these would only make half of the gem.”

Nova looked back at Gar, “Do we have any more shards coming in that you know of?”

“No, director. The last heroes out there cannot find any more signs of them.”

Nova shook his head, “Then our enemy got to the rest. Get these back to the station. Dr. Hostetter, would you care to join our team on the station for the time being? I could use your expertise in this.”

Dr. Hostetter had a broad smile, “My pleasure, sir.”

“Then help escort these up there, the robots will show you the way.” Nova watched the doctor and robots gather the shards and leave. He then turned to Gar and asked, “Any sign of Chase, anything at all?”

“No,” Gar softly answered.

“This makes no sense!” Nova suddenly blurted out, which startled everyone. “What happened to her?”

Chromatic said, “She’s a known thief. What’s the big surprise?”

Gar turned and was about to give Chromatic a reason to be afraid of him, but Krystal stepped in before the stone hero got in trouble. “Chromatic, Chase has changed. She’s not the same person she once was.”

Nova softly said, “I want to believe that. I need proof, something to hold on to as hope that this is not what it appears to be.”

Everyone was silent again, no one daring to speak or offer ideas.

Gar suddenly rushed out of the tent.

Nova looked back, “What is he doing?”

“I don’t know.” Krystal also watched him leave.

Gar bounded into another tent, and then came running back, holding something. He rushed right through. Both Chromatic and Krystal had to dodge his wings as he raced by. He slammed something on the table in the room and said. “THIS!”

Nova was still a little confused when he looked down at a knife. “What?”

Chromatic piped up, “That’s the blade she damaged my baby with. So?”

Gar said, “She doesn’t use these anymore.”

“What?” Nova asked.

Krystal caught on. “Wait, Gar has something there. Back when Chase fought Cupid, Fuma Hanzo gave her a pair of magical shuriken. They vanish moments after making contact with her target, and she can summon them again. It’s like having an endless supply of blades.”

Nova slowly picked up the knife. He stroked his beard as he looked it over. “Yes, I remember now. Those blades wouldn’t leave evidence like this. They’re sharper and more precise. Why would she use one of these old throwing knives?”

Gar said, “Something is wrong with her. And here is proof.”

Krystal said, “He has a point. But I don’t know where to go with this from here. I don’t know of anything, spell or power, that could turn a person evil like this.”

Nova stabbed the blade into the plastic surface of the table and left it lodged there. “All I need to know is that she’s being controlled and needs to be saved. That’s exactly what we’re going to do.”


Krampus silently watched his monitors. He watched BADGE clean up and leave the site they had used to collect the shards.

Chase came in and placed a satchel in front of him. “I did it. I was able to get forty-five of the shards before those heroes got to them.”

Krampus slowly opened the bag and looked inside. Unlike the shards of glass and plastic heroes accidentally gathered, these were all part of the same gem. “Only forty-five?”


Krampus let out a rumbling growl from his chest as he said, “We had the chance to have ALL OF THEM, and you bring me HALF!”

Chase glared right back at him, showing no fear. “I did what I could, I was against hundreds of heroes working across five states! Where were you?”

He turned on her, grabbed her by the neck, and held her up. “Don’t you ever speak to me like that again!”

“We can get them back.” She gasped out.

“And we will.” He dropped her.

Just then the computer connected to the badge communicator beeped wildly. Krampus rushed over and checked it. “Ah, my data stream, I’m getting information from BADGE’s computers.”

“Is that good?” She asked.

“Depends on the information.” Krampus sent the data to the main computer and then checked on it. “Ah, I see...I see. How interesting.”

Chase walked up and looked at the screens. There were various displays of energy graphs and readings. A few camera shots were showing the moments Quark erupted in energy explosions, both inside Fort Knox and out in the field.

“What’s all this?” Chase asked.

Krampus smiled his loathsome grin. “Your little encounter with those heroes has provided me with valuable information. It appears I’ll be collecting yet another BADGE operative for my use.” He left this computer to work on other devices, where he would concoct his next phase.

Chase stood before this computer, looking at those fuzzy images of people near Quark. Quark was a red blur with a bubble of energy exploding off of him. However, it wasn’t him that drew her attention. She stared at the gray man with large gray wings.

“I...I think I know this person.”

A New Darkness
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

A large BADGE shuttle navigated up through the atmosphere, eventually entering the emptiness of space. This was no ordinary BADGE transport, thrusters on the back that beamed a bright blue light as they propelled the ship had replaced the original jet engines.

Inside the craft, Director Nova sat next to a woman in a smart business suit. She held a tablet with a voice recorder activated.

“We will begin now. This is Miranda Briggs of International News Network, I am here with Director Nova, head of BADGE operations for the entire world. As our viewers recall, BADGE has been responsible for protecting the planet since the villainous Legion first arrived four years ago.”

Nova stopped her. “Correction, Mrs. Briggs, BADGE was established before the introduction of Legion to Earth, however, our work transformed when Legion arrived and superpowers manifested among humans.”

She typed something into the tablet and said, “Telll me, if BADGE was not established as a response to Legions appearance, then when and why was it first created?” She held the tablet toward him.

“Some information is classified, however, I can tell you that BADGE was first established as an international cooperative to help protect the world from dangers deemed a greater risk than any singular national organization could handle from any one nation.”

“Wasn’t that part of the purpose of the UN?”

He laughed as he answered, “In a way, yes. However, we deal with problems far greater than something the UN would deal with. To be honest, we didn’t do too much work until the Morphons arrived, and then Legion was a threat to our world.”

“About Legion: Can the people of Earth comfortably relax now that Legion has not made any further appearances for over two years?”

Nova said, “I don’t want people to live in fear. However, we can’t be certain that the last city invasion of Legion was the last time something from their ranks will show up. Legion as an organized threat is gone. The last battle against their mightiest forces was enough to dismantle their organization and destroy the leader. However, members of that group are still out there in the galaxy. Will they turn their sights on Earth again? I don’t know. But, again, I do not want people to live in fear all the time. They should feel comforted knowing that BADGE and the heroes of Earth will always be there to stop these threats.”

She typed something more and then continued. “About those threats. Some have speculated that the recent incidents with the supervillain Jinn may have been connected to Legion. Was this Jinn a member of Legion?”

“I can say for certain that he was not. In fact, at one time, Jinn fought against Legion long before he arrived on Earth. His actions were his alone, his goal had nothing to do with Legion's ideology.”

“Is he truly gone?”

Nova nodded. “Jinn is dead. The Arcane division of BADGE, and outside trustworthy sources knowledgeable about his kind of power, are clear that he has truly been destroyed. He will pose no future threat to Earth.”

“I’m sure our viewers will be pleased to hear that.”

Just then the pilot called back, “Approaching Station, arriving in ten minutes.”

Nova gave a quick nod. “Thank you.”

Miranda smiled as she said, “Good, we have time for a few questions about the upcoming League Wars. I understand that the League Wars were initially arranged as a method of sorting out heroes and helping train heroes to use their meta-human powers. However, over time, these League Wars have become something of a sporting event that draws millions of viewers worldwide.”


“Excuse me?”

Nova corrected her, “Our last League Wars event had a viewership of two billion. By holding the event in space at the new Orbital Stadium, we can broadcast to a larger audience.”

“Amazing. Are you okay with the entertainment nature this event has taken on?”

Nova took in a thoughtful breath and pondered his answer. “Mrs. Briggs, I have always felt that League Wars should be a method of encouraging heroes to be better at their work. If heroes merely train to fight bad people, then it becomes a negative experience. Having a friendly competition gives them a reason to train for pleasant experiences. That this brings entertainment to the civilians of Earth, so be it. As I said, I want people to not live in fear. Helping them have fun might bring us to that goal. So, I don’t mind allowing League Wars to grow as an entertainment event.”

Just then the windows of the shuttle grew brighter as something new filled them. Large metal panels and small windows could be seen outside.

“Arriving at docking bay 1,” the pilot announced.

Nova held up his hand. “Pilot, take us around the station. I would like a tour for our guest.”

“Aye, sir.”

The shuttle flew out and around the large orbital station. They flew over a glass dome that looked down over the massive city within.

Miranda stood up and gawked at the view. “Good heavens. I didn’t know it was this large.”

Nova stood as well and watched the impressive station. “Thanks to help from new friends, highly skilled heroes, and a large team of engineers, BADGE was able to study Legion technology to construct this, our first space station. We began Project Orbit, and this was the result. It has twenty-seven decks, the top deck is three square miles in diameter. We have large training facilities, power evaluation chambers, an arboretum, food court, three docking bays, two hundred quarters, medical and science labs, a hospital, communications array, command deck, and self-regenerating power cells. It is self-sufficient, armored, and contains a type forty computer core that can hold the collected information of Earth... five times over.”

Miranda stood there, awestruck by the view.

Nova said, “Shouldn’t you be taking video of this for the news?”

“Oh, uh, no, we will take care of that later. I am more interested in the tour.”

“Okay, pilot, take us in.”

“Understood. Please take your seats.”

The shuttle navigated toward the station and slid through a forcefield that protected the large, open shuttle bay. A dozen other identical shuttles were housed in a wall of slots. This shuttle landed in the middle of the bay.

“This way.” Nova directed her out with the pilot behind them.

After they had walked far enough away, a large mechanical arm came down, grabbed the shuttle, and stored it in an empty slot on the wall. The whole time, Miranda remained in that state of awe.


A well-dressed man walked through rows of workers. Each man and woman sat before a lighted table with a pile of sparkling stones in front of them. They would pick up a stone and examine it through an eye loupe before placing it in one of two boxes.

“Ah, Ricard!” Another finely dressed gentleman approached.

“Maxwell, I’m glad you could make it.” Ricard greeted him.

Maxwell said, “I wouldn’t miss this for all the diamonds in Africa. A ruby with the tensile strength of a diamond, impossible.”

Ricard held up a small box. “I studied it myself. It isn’t lab-created, and it is a ruby, but we can’t cut it.”

“Come, let us go into my office.” Maxwell led his friend through the room, up a flight of stairs, and into a lavish office.

“I see the gem game is paying well still.”

Maxwell laughed and tossed his sport coat over the back of an office chair. “I run low on Lamborghini’s now and then, HA! Come, let me see that ruby.”

Ricard brought the box over and set it on a table, not unlike those the workers were seated at. This one wasn’t covered in precious stones, just a lamp, and tools. Maxwell took the box and opened it, revealing a shard of red ruby, glistening beautifully in the light. “Magnificent!” He picked it up and first examined it with the naked eye, then picked up his eye loupe and checked it. “Remarkable, absolutely remarkable. This is perfect. No inclusions, no signs of lab creation, pristine.” Ricard said, “I know. How this thing broke off of a larger stone seems impossible. I have never seen a ruby with this kind of strength.”

Maxwell answered, his voice growing deeper and more gravelly, “Oh, there was but one stone where this came from, my friend. And now that I have this one, finding the others will be far easier.”

“Max, you sound strange.” Ricard came closer, but then lurched back when he saw horns growing out of the head of this man. Fur sprung up from his arms and his clothes bulged and then tore as he grew in size and hairiness. “WHAT THE?”

The creature stood, pinching that stone in between two clawed fingers. His mouth was filled with fangs, and his face a horrid visage of the monster. In that deep, rough voice, he said, “You have saved me a lot of time. My friend and I have been searching all over this planet for signs of this stone. Now, the search will be easier.”

“Wh...who...who are you?” Ricard backed up, his hand frantically pawing at the now locked door handle.

“My name is Krampus. Fortunately, I don’t actually dine on human flesh, as the legends say. Sadly, I don’t need you to tell anyone you saw me.” With a quick strike, a clawed hand reached over and tore the throat of this unsuspecting gem dealer.
Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Director Nova walked the reporter through the new BADGE starbase. All around them people in jumpsuits worked alongside robots. They walked down a wide hall with vendors to one side, and on the other side was a massive set of windows that overlooked the huge arboretum that made up most of the upper level.

Nova explained, “Part of the agreement with the nations was to have a decent amount of comforts for the people being brought here.” Miranda Briggs asked, “Tell me more about this agreement. Is it like an international treaty?”

Nova shook his head, “Not so political. BADGE has grown considerably since the morphons have given so many on earth superpowers. Our aim remains the same, organize heroes, help them train, and make sure they are ready at a moment’s notice to address threats to Earth. Our HQ being in one nation or another gave the impression that the housing nation was in control of BADGE and had special authority over the superheroes. This was never the case. This Space Station not only gives us greater tools to do our job and watch over the planet but also autonomy.”

Miranda asked, “Does this mean that BADGE has no oversight from outside sources? Whose laws do you follow?”

Nova stopped her. “BADGE only has a few official operatives. Though we do have a level of autonomy, we are small and thus pose little threat to any government on Earth. We aren’t a vast, powerful organization with thousands of operatives acting outside of the law. Also, BADGE holds to the governing international laws established by the UN. So, we have some oversight, but so far have yet to push any boundaries.”

“Interesting. So, what of these many heroes then? Aren’t they BADGE operatives?”

“No,” Nova stated and then continued walking. “The heroes are assessed here, registered, even trained here or at one of our fight clubs. Then, once they feel ready to contribute to the safety of the world, they join a League. The Leagues are self-governed and each League falls under the laws of the local jurisdiction. BADGE merely has all these Leagues and even rogue heroes on speed-dial, so to speak.”

“Interesting, very interesting. Okay, one last question before we continue on. What are these Fight Clubs? People have seen them popping up all over the world. They seem to be a gym, but you say that BADGE operates them. Care to elaborate?”

“Yes. The Fight Club is a special gym. To the regular public, it is a place to work out. However, we have local League members present who will approach super-powered people and put them in special rooms where they can be tested. This gives us a way to examine the population for new super-powered humans. Also, those special rooms provide a place for superheroes to train, practice, and even compete.”

“What about the station? Who will operate the systems here? Can a small staff take care of this entire facility?”

Nova turned a corner with her and continued down a large corridor, the massive windows still to their right. “A lot of the operations up here are conducted by robots. We will have a staff of civilian workers to help manage the place. However, the true number of operatives remains a closely guarded secret. We have adversaries who would want that information.”

“I see.” She typed into her tablet and was about to ask a question when she stopped at the sight of a magnificent statue. Standing on a table was a man, flexing his muscles while holding out his enormous dragon-like wings. He struck an impressive pose. “Oh, I see some heroes are to be immortalized here.”

Nova let out an annoyed huff, “Not exactly. You see...”

“Why is it wearing real shorts?” She walked around the statue, admiring it from all angles.

Suddenly the statue, Gar, said, “Because humans don’t like seeing genitals.”

“AH!” She jumped about five feet back.

Gar laughed, which was followed by an even bigger round of laughter from another part of the hallway.

Nova yelled out, “QUARK!”

Strange Quark walked out, still chuckling as Gar jumped down from the wide pillar he had posed on.

Miranda gathered herself and smiled at the pair. “Oh, I see. You must be Gargoyle. I was just reviewing the news footage from the Italy incident four years ago, and also several other hero shots from the past year. I would love to interview you.”

“Sure. I like answering questions.”

Nova said, “Later, perhaps. Clear the questions with me first.”

“No problem.” Miranda made a note on her tablet.

Nova looked at Gar and Quark, a rather un-amused look in his eyes. “Justin said the observation bay is ready, you can use it now.”

Quark said, “Great. Come on, Gar.”

Nova led Mirada onward through their interview.


Gar and Quark walked around to a large elevator and then zoomed down to a different floor. After a short walk, they were inside a large theater with rows of seats. However, unlike a normal theater, this one had computer terminals to the side and fourteen different projection systems in the ceiling.

A robot met them and asked, “What projection would you like to analyze?”

Quark said, “League Wars Three finals.”

“Understood.” The robot returned to the control station.

Gar and Quark took their seats as the screen began a full high def replay of the last rounds of League Wars.

“Do you miss competing?” Gar asked.

They waited while a series of massive explosions echoed through the speakers.

Quark answered, “Nah...well...maybe a little. But I enjoy working directly for BADGE more. Gives me a chance to contribute in different ways.”

“I like you here. You are funnier than Nova.” Gar said.

Quark laughed, “An Astrophysics lecture is funnier than Nova.”

Both cringed when one hero in the current match crashed through a wall of stone.

“Man, we need some popcorn,” Quark stated.


This made Quark laugh, which only drew a deeper curiosity from Gar. Finally, Quark said, “I’ve been meaning to ask you. What happened between you and Chase? I mean, you guys are still great friends and all, but I thought there was more.”

Gar said, “We like each other a lot. I had a...um...what did she call it? Cram...no, that’s not right. Um….squash...”


“Yeah, that’s what she called it. I crushed her and...why are you laughing?”

Quark said, “You had a crush on her.”

“Whatever. I had feelings for her. But they weren’t lasting. We spent two weeks at Lord Dragon's palace, explored Japan some, had fun. We both realized we liked each other better as friends. That is what we are. She realized she didn’t love me like I thought I loved her. I too realized I did not think of her romantically. So, we have fun as friends and that is all.”

Quark said, “Oh, I thought it was hotter, steamier. I mean, it about broke her when she realized there was something between you.”

Just then Chase’s voice came from behind. “I thought he loved me.”

“Chase!” Gar hopped up and gave her a friendly hug.

Quark laughed, “Gar, friends don’t hug.”

“Yes, they do,” Chase said. “Especially when they are fantastic huggers, like Gar.”

“I suppose,” Quark said as both sat down, one on either side of him. “Just don’t go hugging me.”

“I won’t. Chase said she liked my hugs, so I hug.”

Quark gave them both a sly smile, “So, what else do you like being physical about…OW!” Chase had smacked him.

“You dirty-minded kid.”

Gar frowned, “What is wrong?”

Quark rubbed his shoulder, “I meant, um... oh, I was just saying...well...did you two try to...you know...” he moved his hands over each other, demonstrating his innuendo.

Chase said, “No.”

“No...what?” Gar was still lost.

Chase said to Quark, “I tried talking to him about it, but he didn’t fully understand. I showed him a book, and he learned about it, but we never tried. Once we realized we were better as friends, we dropped the subject.”

Suddenly Gar said, “OH, you mean the thing about me using my...”

“Okay, I don’t need details.” Quark stopped that.

Just then, the comm device on Chase’s arm beeped. She looked at it, “Some big breaking news. Hey, robot, change it to TNN live.”

The replay of League Wars changed to a dizzying view from a helicopter over an obliterated building. A man spoke from an in-set screen at the bottom. “...earlier signs indicated. As you can see the Museum of Argentina was destroyed after an unknown incident happened just an hour ago. Footage was taken from various sources that have not been released. However, the local authorities are baffled by what they are seeing. One was quoted as saying a creature was responsible. While it is too soon to get a full estimate, the museum director has claimed that some of the world’s most valuable gems and stones were left at the scene. Only one stone has not been found, a ruby which is a recent addition to the museum that had yet to be given a value. We go to our...”

Chase said, “I think I’ll go alert Nova to this. Might be of interest.”

She left, and they went back to the League Wars replay.
Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Skelanimal knelt before a stone slab in a dimly lit cave. All around him were various bits of technology, some human, some alien. Monitors displayed data from news sources while sensor devices continually beeped as they scanned.

He reached over and flicked a switch, a small device on the stone slab lit up. A plate began to glow, which filled the shard of red stone with light. He fussed with the device for a moment and then let out an annoyed huff.

“This thing’s annoying,” He muttered.

A growling voice behind him said, “You’re using it wrong.”

Skelanimal snarled. “I know how to use Legion technology.”

“With your limited education and lack of understanding advanced technology, you won’t get too far messing around with this.”

“Fine!” Skelanimal stepped back.

Krampus reached over and reactivated the device, this time the red shard lifting and emitting its own glow. “See, simple enough.”

“Shut up. At least I got another shard today.” Skelanimal placed another ruby piece on the plate.

Krampus leaned forward and looked at a read-out, “this isn’t enough power. We will need a lot more to make the plan work.”

“It’s not ‘the plan’...it’s my plan. And it’ll work just fine, we need a few more.”

Krampus walked away, “A LOT more. I doubt this will work without all of them.”

Skelanimal turned off the energy emitter and walked over to a large chair with several components attached to it. “My concern is making sure this works.”

“That won’t be necessary unless we get the rest of the shards.” Krampus activated a monitor that displayed the world map. Two locations had marks on them, Russian and Argentina. “What’s this?” he touched the Argentina marker and expanded a video, which displayed a news report. “WHAT DID YOU DO?”

Skelanimal huffed, “what I needed to. I got the shard, that’s all that matters.”


“I don’t care about BADGE or their Heroes. They’ve captured me before, and here I am.”

Krampus growled as he watched the different news stations showing the disaster. “You are a fool, Skelanimal.”

Skelanimal walked over and turned off the monitor, then reached up and grabbed Krampus by the tuft of beard on his chin. He yanked his face down and said, “I am in charge here. I will do this however I see fit. If you don’t want me to freeze your ass back in Santa’s little prison, you will stop insulting me. Got it?”

Krampus let out a harsh growl, but then said, “yes.”

Skelanimal let go of the beard and said, “now, let’s scan and see if anyone else is talking about these rare shards?”

Krampus turned on the monitor and scanned Earth’s airwaves for information. Several dots appeared. One in North America, one in London, and one in Beijing. He worked the controls and programmed in the parameters to gather all the available data.

Skelanimal stretched his body out, “I loved blowing that place up. I think I’ll do it again. Where’s my next target?”

Krampus calmly said, “how about I get this. I can shape-shift.”

“Not good. Your people can sense you coming.”

Krampus grumbled, “they wouldn’t be looking for me if you hadn’t made such a mess.”

“What was that?”

“Nothing. I have a better idea, though.”

Skelanimal grew angry, “I’m supposed to be the one with ideas here!”

“Sure you are. Just listen. You are right, my people will be searching for me, Santa has been on our tail since he discovered I was missing. Now that you blew up a museum, BADGE will search for any sign of a villain. What we need is someone good at stealing and won’t alert them.”

“Who? Another villain?”

“No. I have a better idea. We get a hero and then test our little device over there and turn them to our side. Use them to hunt the ruby shards down.”

Skelanimal actually smiled, or at least his approximation of one. “Who?”

Krampus grinned with those hideous fangs and pressed a button. “Her.” On the screen was the official BADGE image of Chase.

“Maybe. But we still have a few locations we can check out. Easy targets. Why don’t you go to Astrila.”


“Whatever. Grab that shard while I come up with a plan to snatch her.”


“Why are we doing this?” Chase moaned as she checked her tightly kept hair.

Nova stood next to her, looking at a mirror. He wore a tuxedo while she was in a long, narrow, red sequined gown. He answered, “Part of the agreement about this base was to host an opening event where all the nations helping pay for this get to see it and be thanked. These dignitaries love to be praised for giving away tax money.”

She helped straighten his bow tie. “I would think you’d hate something like this.”

“I do. Waste of time and, frankly, I don’t enjoy being seen too often. But, without the money, BADGE wouldn’t operate and this world needs this place.”

Quark came in, dressed in a glowing blue tuxedo. “Everyone decent in here?”

Nova checked his cufflinks. “Yes.”

“It’s about to start. Ambassador Hoturi arrived and is waiting.”

Gar came into the room. He had a bow tie on and his shorts. “I am ready.”

Nova rolled his one eye. “Gar, I told you to dress for this.”

“I tried. The tailor bot couldn’t make a formal outfit to suit my wings in time. So, it gave me this tie thing.”

Quark laughed. “You look like you're part of the entertainment.”

“What?” Gar asked.

Nova huffed, “Don’t worry. Take the tie off and just come dressed as you would normally. Let’s go.” He walked on with Quark out of the room.

Gar took off the tie and then looked at Chase. “You are pretty.”

“Thanks. I normally wore this to mix into classy parties where I would pilfer expensive jewelry.”

Gar became deadly serious. “Don’t steal jewelry tonight.”

She laughed and walked onward, “no promises.”

Nova stood before the gathered dignitaries and several heroes. He gave a long speech about the new facility and thanked all the nations who provided funding. There was an official ribbon cutting and then the party began. The whole time several major media outlets mingled with the people and interviewed whoever will get in front of the camera, which meant most of the politicians took up their time.

Nova shook hands with people all night while Chase was at his side. She wasn’t arm candy, though to most it appeared that way.

“So, Chase, is it?” Ambassador Hardgrove asked.


“I feel I have met you before, you do seem familiar.”

She held Nova’s arm and laughed as she recalled, “Oh, you and I met once in New York, during that fundraiser for the Governors reelection.”

“Ah, yes. That was the dreadful night that my wife lost the antique emerald necklace.”

“Oh, that’s right. There were a lot of thefts that night.” Chase feigned concern.

He waved at another person, “Yes, well, I must speak with the Prime Minister of Franistan. Good evening, Chase, Director.”

Nova walked with her. “Emerald Necklace?”

Chase sipped her champagne, “A quarter of a million-dollar necklace to be precise.”

An ambassador approached and gave a customary bow to them. "Director Nova. It is good to see you again."

"Ambassador Hoturi, likewise. I must thank you for helping us establish those Fight clubs in South Onnotangu."

The Ambassador nodded his head. "My government feels cooperation with BADGE benefits us all. After the Jinn incident, it has become paramount we see to it that heroes are trained and ready."

Nova asked, "Have you been able to open any sort of negotiations with North Onnotangu about cooperating with the BADGE agreement?"

Hoturi gave a sorrowful shake of his head. "Sorry. We attempted such negotiations, but they were all in vain."

Nova said, "At least you can help provide us all details about that country. I won't send in spies any longer. Several have not made it out alive."

"South Onnotangu is more than happy to help. Now, if you would excuse me." The polite man bowed again and left.

Chase asked, "What was that about?"


“Director!” A woman approached.

Nova greeted her, “Sword of Gerraxia, I didn’t know you would be here.”

She said, “I just arrived with Santa.”


Suddenly a white blur dashed through the crowd and stopped in front of Chase. EB tapped his foot against the ground, “hubba hubba, you are smokin tonight.”

Nova said, “EB, you shouldn’t be...”

Just then there was a commotion in the crowds, people gasped and snapped pictures. Both Nova and Chase were concerned, which was quickly answered by the sight of Santa moving through.

“Santa, what are you doing up here?” Nova was noticeably annoyed.

Santa said, “We need to talk.”
Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

Nova stood next to a window that overlooked the main hall. Below, the party continued while the guests remained oblivious to being observed. However, the guests weren’t Nova’s issue. He turned around and looked at Chase, Gar, and Santa.

“Let me get this straight. Krampus has been missing a month...”

“That is my estimation. I only noticed his absence a little over a month ago.”

Nova continued, “And you only tell me now. Why?”

“I believed I could find him. BADGE has been through so much because of my people, I didn’t want to throw another problem right after Jinn was defeated. Besides, Krampus has gotten away before and I have retrieved him.”

“BADGE doesn’t get annoyed, they get results. A problem is a problem.”

Santa said, “I understand that. I contacted a friend, The Sword of Gerraxia, she helped me search. But we came up with nothing.”

“Why Gerraxia?” Chase asked.

Santa spent a moment thinking. “Let’s just say I knew I could count on her.”

Nova asked, “Did you find any clues?”

Santa slowly nodded and then took a seat near Nova’s desk. “First, Krampus escaped this time by using a piece of Legion tech. A holomorphic imager.”

“Legion tech?” Chase said. “I thought BADGE had gathered up all the remaining debris and tech from Legion.”

Nova said, “I guess we missed something. The real question is, how did Krampus get it?”

“He didn’t have it when I froze him into that prison after he escaped last Christmas.” Santa pointed out.

Gar said, “Then someone brought it to him.”

“Yes.” Nova said and stared at a map, “Someone out there has Legion tech and a plan that involves using a Mythic.” He spent a moment in silence as no one said anything. Finally, he asked, “what else?”

Santa said, “We followed trails all over the planet. Krampus is good, but normally I can find him. This time, he was nearly impossible to locate. Trails led to dead ends all over the world. Then he utterly vanished. However, Gerraxia came up with something toward the end of our last trail in Russia. A man was gruesomely murdered in a gemstone facility.”

“Can you be certain it was Krampus’s work?” Chase asked.

Santa curled his upper lip slightly. “I recognize his work. Yes, it was certainly something he did. However, it made little sense. By their records, he stole nothing. The only thing we discovered was that this man had recently purchased a rare shard of a gem and was on his way to have it assessed at this facility. That gem was nowhere to be found.”

Gar said, “So, Krampus stole a gem? But I thought he ate children, and that was his thing.”

“No. That is a myth.”

Chase said, “But, last year, he was threatening to eat children, lots of them if I recall correctly.”

“He was just using that sordid myth to scare people. Oh, he would have likely killed a lot of children last year had the heroes not stopped him. He is quite evil. However, he doesn’t feast on them.”

Nova spoke up, “About this gem. Do you have any details?” He was already working the map in front of him, changing things and opening windows on the screen.

Santa nodded. “Yes. Apparently, it was some kind of ruby that was nearly indestructible. I don’t know what it is...or rather was, but I’m sure it’s worth a fortune. Which makes even less sense. None of our kind really need money, even EB gives most of his away.”

Nova continued to work the screen in front of him. “This has nothing to do with money.” Suddenly the screen displayed the images of the destroyed museum in Argentina.

Chase and Gar looked at the video display. Chase said, “What about this museum? I thought we wrote this off as an accident or theft gone wrong?”

Nova nodded. “I sent the local League in to investigate possible supernatural activity and found nothing. However, the museum had only one stolen item.” He flicked the screen, and the image of a chunk of red stone came up from the museum’s records.

Santa stood up, a look of worry on his rosy face. “A ruby shard.”

Nova asked, “Do you have any idea what these are?”


Nova touched a button on the screen and spoke, “Computer, scan all available media on Earth for any references to ruby shards, and indestructible ruby shards.

After a few moments, small dots appeared on the map. A running total crept up the side, showing locations and how they were mentioned. Museum after museum had these, a few collectors bought them at auction, and some were being studied by government labs.

Nova turned and looked at Chase, still in her evening gown. “Get ready, we will retrieve as many of these rubies as we can get. We need to study them.”

“What if they are just rubies?” Gar asked.

Santa said, “Krampus wouldn’t be going through all of this to collect stones. They are important to him.”

Nova finished the thought, “Which makes them important to us. No time to waste. Get out of that dress and on a transport back to Earth, I will send heroes to help you. I will also alert the leagues to keep their eyes open for signs of Krampus and his accomplice.”

“Accomplice?” Gar asked.

Santa said, “Someone broke him out of his ice prison. They are part of this. Trust me, no one in their right mind would help Krampus without an evil plot behind it. He is dangerous.”

Gar asked, “What about Quark? Will you send him to help?”

Nova walked over to the window and looked down to where the blue hero was cracking jokes with several ambassadors. “He’s newer to our team, but I know he can handle this. I will send him. He can make the trip quicker than you. Get going.”


Krampus slunk through the thick foliage near a museum in Melbourne, Australia. People were leaving after a big reveal party was over. Banners hung near the museum displayed the sizable chunk of ruby that was the newest addition to this smaller museum’s collection.

“Krampus, you in yet?” Skelanimal’s voice came through a small device.

Krampus waited a moment while a well dressed older couple strolled by toward their Porsche. After he was in the clear, he answered. “No. In a few moments, I will be. Don’t contact me until I send you a signal.” He tucked the device away.

A guard exited with the last guest and helped them to their vehicle. He returned to the door and opened it to lock it before he went back in for the night shift. Unbeknownst to him, an identical person now rose in the brush nearby. Krampus had assumed his identity and was ready with his claws to end this innocent man’s life.

Suddenly, a hero landed near the guard and spoke to him. Two more flew overhead and scouted the area.

“Damn.” Krampus hid again in the brush, this time transforming into a small child so he would be less noticeable. He pressed his thumb into the comm device. “We have problems.”

“What sort of problems?”


Skelanimal growled, “Kill them and get in there. Leave no witnesses.”

Krampus rolled his eyes hard, “And what if just one gets a word out to BADGE? Santa knows I’m out here, and they must know I’m after those shards. But they are still unaware of our location, your presence, or the reason. We can’t be foolish.”

“Fine. Get your hairy butt back here and we will figure this out.” The comm clicked off.
Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

Chase and Gar walked down the long corridor in Canada’s Parliament building. Politicians and workers all paused at the sight of them. Most were staring at Gar.

“I hate when they stare like that,” Chase said.

Gar smiled and gave a brief wave at a young lady. “I am not offended. I am strange.”

“I know. But it’s still rude.”

Just then a familiar face greeted them. An older gentleman approached. “Ms. Chase, Mr. Gargoyle.”

Chase met him with a handshake. “Ambassador. Thank you for your help.”

He walked them onward. “After you spoke to me yesterday at the Space Station, I knew I had to get this done quickly. Prime Minister Fontaine was more than pleased to help expedite the situation.”

They continued down the hall, gaining more gawking stares. Finally, Ambassador Jones directed them into a regal-looking room where the Prime Minister of Canada chatted with several people.

“Mr. Prime Minister, the officials from BADGE are here.” The Ambassador announced.

A white-haired, strict looking man with a thin white beard approached them. Unlike everyone else, his stony gaze was unaltered at the sight of these people. “Ah, good. Very good. It is very nice to meet you.” He shook Chase’s hand. “I do not believe I know of you.”

“I am Chase, a representative of BADGE.”

“Good. Yes. Director Nova mentioned you. He must think highly of you.” He turned to Gar with what might almost be a smile. He took Gar's hand. “You are Mr. Gargoyle, the living statue. I have waited for years to finally meet you in person.”

“It is nice to meet you, sir. But why so interested?”

“Four years ago, I was in Italy to meet with officials about the strange portals that appeared. About the time I arrived, that horrible creature came out and attacked. We were not far away in a hidden bunker when he began his rampage. If you had not stopped him, I shudder to think of what might have happened. You, my friend, saved my life. I admit this is why I asked for you to come for this, so I may personally thank you.”

“It was a hard battle, sir. I regret not stopping him before he did what damage he was capable of.”

“Still. Bravery and courage, sir, is something to be commended.” A man leaned over and whispered in the Prime minister’s ear. He nodded, “Yess, yes. Right away.” He returned to these two. “We must conclude our business here, so much for me to take care of. I had them brought from the two laboratories.”

Two of the other men in the room came up with small boxes. Each opened and revealed red shards. One asked, “What do you need these for, may I ask?”

Chase said, “We are keeping them safe from others who would want to use them for evil purposes.”

The other man asked, “What evil could be done with shards of a broken ruby?”

Gar answered, “We don’t know. But some really bad people are looking for these. So, we will keep them safe. Director Nova said once this is over, if these are not dangerous, we will return them.”

The Prime Minister said, “And we trust him at his word. Now, they will be turned over to you.”

Gar accepted the boxes and held them close. They said their thanks and goodbyes and left. A small contingent of Parliament Hill security led them out of the building and stayed with them until they stopped in the middle of an open square.

Chase opened her comm device, “We’re here.”

In a flash of light, one of BADGE’s new shuttles appeared from under the cloaking device, another recent development from studying Legion tech. Gar got in first and placed the boxes in a secured safe inside the shuttle. Chase stepped in and the security waited while the shuttle lifted off the ground.

“Where to next?” Chase asked.

The robot piloting pressed a button and a holographic screen appeared with the Director already waiting for them.

“Did you have any trouble getting the shards?”

Gar said, “Nope. They were very happy to help.”

“Good. I hope all the nations with these shards are just as easy to work with.”

Chase said, “Well, this is Canada.”

“True. Okay, orders. Gar, you will head to Melbourne Australia and meet Quark there. You will retrieve a shard at the Royal Exhibition Building. Chase, you will meet Star Master in Okinawa, from there, you two will head to North Onnotangu.”

Chase’s complexion faded, “Onnotangu? You can’t be serious. They have a shard?”

Nova gave a grim nod. “It appears they have three. Two were found there, one they had stolen from China. And it isn’t impossible they will have even more.”

Gar asked, “What is wrong with that place?”

Chase said, “That nation is locked up tight. I’ve tried smuggling artifacts out of there before, one of the most paranoid places on earth. And it’s run by an infantile dictator with delusions of godhood.”

Nova added, “And they don’t like superheroes.”

Gar cocked his head, “Who doesn’t like a superhero?”

Nova said, “North Onnotangu has been run by a tightly controlling dictatorship for seventy-five years. Anything that might upset that power is seen as a dangerous threat. Any superpowered people there are dealt with by the state. Most have been executed, some just vanished. Even BADGE has trouble getting spies in there to learn what is going on.”

Chase said, “If you can’t send in spies, what do you expect me to do?”

Nova gave her a half-cocked smile. “Chase, I know your talents. You’re capable of getting into places that even the most well-trained spies wouldn’t dare attempt. In fact, you got in and out of Onnotangu at least three times on our records.”

“And barely got out with my skin each time. Almost made enough money to make it worth it. Swore I wouldn’t ever go back after they nearly killed me the last time.”

Just then there was a series of flashes inside the cabin. A man appeared and fell back against Gar. “WOAH!” He rolled off and hit the ground. “Wow, that’s gonna leave a headache.”

Gar was too shocked to respond quickly, Chase already had her blades ready.

“STAND DOWN!” Nova barked.

The man rolled over to a sitting position and held up his hands. “Watch it! It’s me, Starmaster.”

Chase lowered her arms. “Oh, sorry.”

He got up and found his seat. “Teleporting isn’t easy when your target is a fast-moving, invisible shuttle. I have appeared five times, just a few feet shy of this shuttle. Crashed right into a kid’s birthday party last time. The cake was good. Anyway, here I am.” He buckled in and then asked, “Did I miss the briefing?” Nova answered, “Getting to it now. Chase, Starmaster, when you arrive in Okinawa, we will give you your attire, equipment, and all the details we know about the location and security around the ruby shards. Chase, your job is to get those shards. You can crack any safe, break into any vault, use those skills at your best. Leave as little evidence as possible. I don’t need them knowing that BADGE was behind this.”

“Can do. I stole several things from BADGE’s best security vault, and you still don’t know that it was me.” She had a sneaky smile as she admitted this.

Nova had a look that told everyone he would conduct another high-level inventory later. He turned to Starmaster, “Your job is simple. Get in and retrieve those shards. Assist Chase, she has the lead.”

Starmaster asked, “What if we get into a fight?”

“Don’t. Do not reveal you are super-powered to them. We aren’t sure what they will do, but we are certain they have means to harm superheroes. If it comes to a fight, only do so as long as it takes to get out of there. Even if you don’t get the shards, we can’t have you two captured by them. Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir,” Starmaster said.

Chase said, “We will get the shards and be back at the station in no time.”

Nova turned to Gar, then looked at his watch. “Time to head out.”

Gar gave him a confused look, but then Starmaster reached over and touched him. “Have fun.” With a flash, Gar vanished and appeared just outside the invisible shuttle. He fell for a moment and then caught the air with his wings and began his flight. Fortunately, his communicator gave him the directions so he would get to Australia from here.
Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

Gar landed in Melbourne, Australia, in the middle of the night. He stood outside the magnificent Royal Exhibition Building. He checked his communicator to make sure if this was the place he was supposed to be.

“This is a strange place. I like it.” He admired the classic design of the old building.

Just then a man approached him. “Sir, are you the representative from BADGE?”

“Yes. I...”

A bright blue flash of light appeared, and Quark stepped out. “Oops, sorry. A little late.”

The man had stumbled back and was still gathering himself. “Crikey! Where did you come from?”

Quark pointed up. “About two hundred and fifty miles that way, give or take ten miles.”

“I see. Anyway. The Prime Minister just got in touch with us. He said that we are to hand over the ruby to you.”

Quark nodded, “Right away.”

The man turned and walked them toward the building. “I tried to make it understood that we have a whole exhibition around this. It is an unusual ruby and we have a convention of gemologists in town who have bought tickets to see it. I don’t understand why we can’t wait until tomorrow evening to do this.”

Gar said, “It is for the good of the world that we get this now.”

“That simply makes little sense to me. It’s just a ruby.” They ascended the steps up to the 19th-century building.

Just then a ruggedly handsome hero ran up to them. “Oh, good. BADGE. Did you see him?”

Quark frowned, “Majestic, what are you doing here?”

Majestic turned around twice as he searched. “My scanner revealed a strange energy signature, and it was moving fast.”

Suddenly, a giant, hairy beast rushed by, knocked Majestic over, pushed Quark to the side, and hit the docent. The man spun around once and then hit the ground, blood splattering everywhere. He held his neck and gagged.

Majestic went for the fallen man, but then he too was hit. He slammed up against the building and then face planted on the concrete.

The third time this hairy beast came by, Quark vanished in time to avoid being struck and Gar clotheslined him. Krampus crashed into the ground in a long skid. He flipped over and ran away so fast, no one could see where he went.

Quark appeared next to Majestic, “Help him!”

Majestic rushed to the docent, who was bleeding to death on the sidewalk. “I ain’t no medic. I’m just sexy.”

“YOU GOT A PHONE!” Quark quickly waved his hands in the air and blue energy fell over the docent and he seemed to slow down. It brought time to a crawl, so he had a better chance of survival.

Majestic tore some of his costume and pressed it into the wound while he contacted the local help.

“Where is he?” Gar was ready with his fists clenched tight.

Quark stood next to him, his eyes glowing. “I don’t know. He is masking his energy from me. These mythics are hard to read.”

Suddenly that furry monster came right directly for them. Gar jumped back to protect the injured. Quark waited and at the right moment, he held out his hands and Krampus vanished and reappeared above the street. He crashed into the pavement, going the same speed he had been dashing at them.

“Have a nice trip?” Quark laughed at his poor joke.

Krampus got to his feet, only to vanish again and appear above the street. He fell once more and crashed into the same hole, though not moving as fast this time.

“I can do this all night, Krampy.”

Krampus got to his feet again and vanished. However, this time, he came down ten times the size he had been before. His new form towering over the museum.

“ENOUGH!” He reached down and swatted at Quark.

Quark laughed and began to fade out of this reality. Only red energy surrounded him and he remained solid. That massive claw hit him and he crashed into a parked car.

Gar ran forward and jumped up. He flew under a giant claw swipe and then swooped around and smacked Krampus in the face. Krampus went to slap him out of the air, but Gar dove and let the monster slap his own face.

“YAAAH!” Krampus screamed in fury and shrunk down.

Gar landed and then ran for the now normal-sized villain. Krampus, nursing a bruised cheek, sidestepped the attack at the last moment. He planted a hand on Gar’s back and made him crash, face first, into the same hole that Krampus had created.

A laser blast hit Krampus in the back, which hardly did any harm. He turned and snarled at Majestic, who held out his only weapon. “I got what I came for.” And with that he rushed away.

An ambulance screamed down the road and stopped in front of the hall. EMT’s rushed to the aid of the injured docent. Time resumed the moment they picked him up.

Gar found Quark still on the ground next to the car he had involuntarily demolished. “Quark!”

Quark sat up, holding his head. “Wow, did someone get the license of that 747?”

“Are you okay?”

“Sure, which is more than can be said for this Tesla.”

“What happened? How did he stop you from phasing?”

“He didn’t. I...I don’t know what happened. My head really hurts and not from the collision either.” He pulled himself up. “Did he get the ruby?”

Gar shook his head, “I don’t know. He said he got what he came for.”

“Let’s get inside and check on things.”


Krampus walked into the hideout, carefully looking at a small device in his claw. Monitors beeped and buzzed. A security net scanned him immediately and let him pass. In a distant corner of the room, a spray of sparks followed a loud buzz. Someone screeched an alien insult and then repeatedly hit the offending object. “Skelanimal, violence won’t help an inanimate object.”

Skelanimal threw something and stomped away from the corner. “I didn’t want to use it, anyway.”

Krampus ignored this, knowing that the holo-imager that was just destroyed was not vital. “I got what we needed from Australia.”

Skelanimal smiled and rushed over. “How many shards?”

“No shards. Just this.” He held up the communicator.

“What’s that?”

Krampus walked over to the main monitor and plugged the device into it. He then used advanced alien technology to hack the communicator's system. “First, we can get into BADGE’s comm channels. And, if we are lucky, we can get into their mainframe and...” The screen changed to view the inside of the New York BADGE office. A robot looked up at the monitor, right back at them. It then started to furiously type.

“DID THEY SEE US!” Skelanimal hid behind Krampus.

“No, this isn’t an open channel. But they know we are in their system. I...don’t have the skill to...crap.” He cut the link by pulling out the communicator. Holding the communicator tight in his fist, Krampus snarled with a rumbling growl coming out of him.

Skelanimal peered around him. “Remember, it’s just an inanimate object.”

Krampus threatened the smaller Skelanimal with a deadly look. After a moment, he calmed down, “So, getting into their systems won’t be so easy. I doubt we will be able to without alerting their people.”

“This is a waste of time.”

Krampus smiled, or at least his horrifying version of a smile. “No. We got what we needed.” He returned to the computer and accessed the data. Long worded transcripts scrawled across the screen.

“What’s all that? You know I don’t like reading.”

“It’s the recent communications. We know where they are going.”

Skelanimal spent a moment trying to put two and two together, “Annnd?”

Krampus let out an irritated, low huff. “We can get our hands on the thief.”
Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

Chase stood near Shuri Castle in Okinawa. She had with her a small bag containing her change of clothing she would need for this next mission. People around her were going about their lives, busy as ever. She spent the moment looking at this place where Lord Dragon attacked in his madness. There was still some damage, but it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. Not too long ago, this palace burned in an accidental fire and was only recently restored. She was pleased to stand here and see that it had survived the battle.

“CHASE!” The familiar voice of her greatest admirer called out. Before she could turn to greet him, EB crashed into her and was hugging her right arm. “You look amazing! Love that outfit!”

Chase pushed him off. “I’m dressed like a civilian from North Onnotangu. Not exactly a flattering outfit.”

He bounced up and down. “Anything looks good on you.”

“Do you flirt with all the girls?”

“Only the pretty ones.” He laughed.

“Would it matter if I told you I’m not interested in dating a rabbit?”

“Nope. Being subtle has never been my greatest strength. I like something, I say it.”

Just then a man appeared in a flash of light. Starmaster stood next to her, dressed in the same drab garb she wore. “Chase, good.”

Chase asked EB, “Did you talk to Lord Dragon? Will he help us out?”

EB’s hopping slowed down, “I talked to him. But...well...he’s not really wanting to get involved. You gotta understand. First, Lord Dragon still wants us to not be as involved with humans as possible. He lets me work with BADGE because we need some kind of connection. Second, he is still mourning his lost wife. They were together for thousands of years. It will take time for him to work through those emotions.”

Starmaster said, “We don’t really need his help here. This is an undercover mission. Get in, get the shards, and get out.”

“Right,” Chase said. “EB, you stay here with the nearest League and be ready if something happens.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know. However, if we need an extraction, be ready for it at a moment’s notice.”

He hopped up, which caused her to catch him. He kissed her on the cheek, “If you need any help, I’ll be there in a flash.”

“I’m sure you will.” She set him down this time.

Starmaster held up a sheet of paper. “I have the coordinates.”

“Paper?” She frowned.

“Hey, we need to keep a low profile. We must leave out anything that might set off their sensors. So, paper.”

Chase prepared herself. “Okay, do it.”

Starmaster held her hand and closed his eyes. In a flash, they both vanished away.

Chase felt as though she were flying forward and yet standing still. The world rushed by in a blur. What was the open, lively square in front of the palace was now a dirty, dark, back alley. The air smelled like rotting garbage and garlic. People could be heard yelling out in Onnotangese.

“Teleporting always makes my head hurt,” She said while swaying.

Starmaster said, “That’s okay. Most people who teleport for the first time barf. It messes with the senses really bad and up comes lunch.”

Chase checked up and down the alley. “Well, I have done it before, several times. Quark has teleported me a few times when we needed to get across the planet like this.” She was about to say something when sirens blared and a recorded voice belted out words in the local dialect. Chase pressed a hand up to her ear for the translator implant. “Crap, they detected your powers. We set off the alarms.”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her down the alley. “The coordinates were supposed to keep us out of the sensor range.”

“I know. But our info on this country is not entirely reliable. WATCH IT!” She shoved him aside as two patrolmen rushed by.

Both lay behind a stinking garbage bin. Starmaster said, “I can’t transport us anywhere else without knowing where we are going. We will have to leave.”

“No. Trust me, I have set off enough alarms in my day. We can evade this.”

Starmaster closed his eyes. “I can...sense the thoughts of the patrolmen. They’re coming this way. They think we’re a person who has just manifested our powers. Now they are...”

She shoved her hand over his mouth. “Stop using your powers!”

“Oh, sorry. Habit.” He said, his voice muffled by her hand.

Chase looked back at a puddle and watched the reflection. “Crap, I can see them. They’ll be coming down this alley any time. We...”

Suddenly a brick wall formed in the air, sealing the alley and blocking the patrolmen from finding them. A dirty woman came up, looking around frantically. She looked down at them and then waved a hand for them to follow.

“What does she want?” Starmaster asked.

“I don’t know. But I doubt the patrols would be so grungy. I say we trust her, at least for now. Be ready to transport at a moment’s notice.”

“Trust me, I’m ready.”


Gar and Quark were escorted into the Royal Exhibition Building by a small team of guards led by an official. Local heroes and security forces stood guard all around the place. Military and heroes patrolled the streets and searched for signs of Krampus.

“How is the docent?” Quark asked.

The official said, “Henry will make it. It will take time in the hospital, but they could stabilize him quickly enough. Thank you for protecting him and this place.”

Gar said, “Thank Majestic. He kept your friend from bleeding to death.”

“Yes. I’m sure the Prime Minister will show his gratitude. For now, we need to ensure that these shards are taken care of. If they attract the likes of that monster, I don’t want them here.”

Quark said, “Agreed. We’re trying to make it clear to all nations who have any of these that they will bring destruction. I’m just glad this wasn’t another Argentina. Krampus blew that place to smithereens.”

They entered the grand showroom where dozens of seats were arranged near a stage. A platform sat on the stage with a large piece of the ruby. A man stood near it, taking a close look.

“Dr. Lightfoot, I’m sorry to ask you to hand this over. But this is for security reasons.”

The tall, thin man stood up and gave a sneer. He spoke slowly, “I see. And just who...or rather, what are these people?”

Quark was about to crack a joke about the man’s snootiness, but Gar spoke first. “I am Gargoyle of BADGE, this is my friend Strange Quark. To be honest, I am not entirely sure what either of us are, other than heroes.”

Quark snickered at that, especially with how honest Gar said that.

Dr. Lightfoot came over and examined Gar close with a small magnifying glass produced from his upper breast pocket. “Fascinating,…… I’d say you are made of granite, ...but I see small flecks of quartzite. ...By this composition,... I’d say you are from Germany.” His even, slow tone came out without emotion.

“Wow, that is great. I think I was made in Germany, about seven hundred years ago.”


Quark let out an enormous yawn. “Well, we can have some strudel and beer later. We need to get that ruby in the safe.”

“Yes…of course.” Dr. Lightfoot carefully donned a cloth glove and gently picked up the shard.

Gar held up a small metal box and pressed a button. It opened, and they placed the ruby inside.

The official smiled. “Good, very good. The Prime Minister has informed me he has given an official order to the entire nation. If we find any more of these Shards, they will be immediately turned over to BADGE.”

Quark said, “Nice. I’ll let Nova know.”

Dr. Lightfoot calmly said, “I would like to offer my services...to BADGE...to study these shards...as an expert on…rare and unique...minerals.”

Gar said, “You talk funny.”

Quark elbowed Gar, then flinched as that hurt him. “Sure. I’ll let Nova know that. Well, we need to be going. Gar, you ready?”


Quark held out his hands dramatically, and he flashed a dark red and fell over. “OW!”

Gar looked around. “This isn’t BADGE?”

“Obviously.” Quark sat on the floor for a second, holding his body. “I...I couldn’t do it. That really hurt.”

The official asked, “Are you okay? Do you need medical attention?”

“Trust me, you ain’t got anything to help me here. I think I just need some booze, been too long since my last drink.”

The official appeared highly curious about that line but didn’t question it. “We have some excellent local wine, beer, and whiskey if you’d like to have a drink. Epocha Restaurant is just next to the Carlton Gardens. They have a fine selection...

Quark's eyes lit up. “Sure, sure. Come on, Gar, let’s go.”
Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

Chase and Starmaster followed the little woman down several alleys, turning many times, and even doubling back twice. They hid each time a person might catch sight of them.

Finally, they stopped at a solid brick wall. It was a dead end. Starmaster had turned to leave, assuming it was another double back, but Chase stopped him.

“Wait, she’s doing something.”

They both watched the small woman put a hand on the wall and the bricks vanished one by one, creating an opening large enough for one person to get through if they ducked down. The woman looked back, one hand still on the wall. She motioned quickly with her hand for them to go through. Chase went through first, then Starmaster behind her. The woman came through and the moment she lifted her hand, the bricks reappeared.

“That’s some trick,” Starmaster stated.

The woman said, “It is a weak power.”

Chase was surprised. “You speak!”

“Rarely outside. Silence helps protect us. Come.” She went ahead, leading them down a short corridor that led to a large basement-like area. It was filled with strung up cloth, pots resting on tiny burners, and cots strewn about. The place smelled of old laundry and dirt. In the middle of this mess was a small fire with a large pot simmering. The smell of cooking rice became the first pleasant aroma either of them had smelled since they arrived.

“It’s okay! They are one of us!” The woman called out.

A head popped out from behind a hanging cloth. Then another appeared from under the cot. More and more small faces came from all corners of this dirty, dark place. Each belonged to a small child. Skinny, dirty, and dressed in rags, they all had a look of curiosity and fear on their sad little faces.

“What’s going on here?” Chase asked.

The woman walked over and opened the pot, checking the contents with a long wooden spoon. “I am Shizue, I take care of these children so they are not executed.”

A small boy approached Starmaster and looked up at him with large, quizzical eyes. Starmaster knelt. “Hello. Who are you?”

The boy shyly hid his face behind his hands and backed up. His skin changed so he mimicked what was around him, turning him nearly invisible.

“That is Toki,” Shizue said. “He, like all the others, has powers. They are weak and the state can’t put them to use, so they would be bound to be executed.”

“Executed?” Starmaster asked, horrified at the notion.

Shizue dished out two bowls of steaming rice. “Yes. Our dear leader has ordered all super-powered people to be executed if they don’t have a place in his regime.” She motioned with her hands, each holding a bowl. “Come, come. Sit, eat something. I’m sure you’re hungry. Everyone, come, eat!”

The children pushed aside their nervousness for the pain in their bellies and came closer. Chase and Starmaster joined her and were each given a bowl of plain, cooked rice.

Chase sat down and had several children sit near her. “What do they do with powered people?”

“The state has special technology to locate powered people. If the people resist, the state has them killed by any means necessary. Those that bow to the orders are fitted with special loyalty devices and then put into a small, elite group of powered people.”

“That’s awful,” Starmaster said with a mouthful of rice.

“Yes. It is. I try to help if I can, but I am not powerful.”

“May I ask what your powers are?”

Shizue finished her work and sat down without a bowl. “I can create illusions of bricks that are nearly permanent. Everything, including their horrible devices, read my illusions as real. They don’t know that I am hiding behind it. That is how I protected you. Otherwise, they would have found you. But that is all I can do. When I hear the alarms go off, I see if I can find who they are hunting and protect them. You are the first adults I could protect in a long time.”

“Why?” Chase asked.

“Every adult in Onnotangu works, the state makes sure of that. They force each adult to be scanned daily, to make sure they have not manifested powers. Children... they don’t get the scrutiny. Only when a child uses their new powers do the sensors go off.”

Chase asked, “How come they haven’t found you here?”

Shizue motioned all around them. “My powers are undetectable by their methods. When they scan what I make, they only see the illusion. This is how I can protect these children. Inside here, their powers don’t set off the sensors.”

“I knew it was bad here, I didn’t know how bad,” Starmaster said.

Shizue looked up, a sparkle in her eye. “You are not from here. You come from the outside.”

“Yes,” Chase said. “We are with BADGE.”

“BADGE! Really?”

Starmaster asked, “Why so horrified?”

Shizue said, “Our news speaks of the superpower organization called BADGE. They say that it is a military designed to crush any nation that doesn’t accept Imperialism from the west.”

This stunned both Chase and Starmaster. Chase said, “Not at all. BADGE fights against threats to this world that are too big for normal military to handle.”

“Like what happened in Turkey earlier this year,” Starmaster added. “Didn’t you see all those ghost things and the sky go dark? We helped stop that.”

Shizue said, “Our media said that a nation had fought back against BADGE and the super-powered people destroyed the place. The darkness and ghosts we saw outside, those were just more of BADGE’s things used to hurt their enemies.”

Chase spent a moment explaining BADGE to her.

Shizue asked, “Is BADGE here to rescue us? To stop our dear leader from his horrible actions?”

Chase spent a moment looking down, pondering how to say this. “I...I am sorry. Really, I am. But we weren’t sent to overthrow this nation. We just need to get something that is dangerous that your leader has.”

The children’s enchanted eyes turned to sorrow as she said this. Shizue smiled. “Anything to hurt him is fine by me. We will help you however we can. All I ask is that you see and learn everything you can about this place and then tell the world what is really going on inside North Onnotangu.”

Starmaster said, “We will.”


The palatial office of Supreme Leader Shoju looked like a cross between the Oval Office and Buckingham Throne room. Opulence seeped out of every corner. Nothing wasn’t beautiful and expensive.

Seated behind an elegant desk was a short, rotund man with a bowl haircut, horn-rimmed glasses, and a furious scowl on his face. He appeared as a toddler who was just deprived of a toy he had stolen from someone else.

In a bitter voice, Shoju said, “I don’t see why not!”

Men dressed in extravagant military uniforms, lathered in medals, stood around his desk. The eldest leaned over and said, “I am sorry, sir, but we cannot shoot down the BADGE space station. We don’t have the kind of firepower we would need for that.”

“We have the most powerful, best weapons on Earth! Shoot them at that stupid station. I want to see it blow up!”

The generals all looked to each other, hoping one would dare answer this tantrum. Finally, the eldest said, “We will look into how this might be possible. However, I cannot make promises.”

“I say it can happen, so make it happen! NOW!” The little fat man pounded his fist against the table.

Just then a woman entered the room. She carried with her a stack of papers. First, she gave a deep bow, and when the Supreme Leader acknowledged her, she approached the desk. “It is ready, sir. I have sent all the invitations out.”

He took the gold-lined sheet of paper with names all over it. “Will this be bigger than that stupid party on the BADGE station?”

“Oh, yes, sir. We will have all the finest guests from every part of Onnotangu there, all worshiping you. And every television will be tuned in to watch you as you address the world.”

Supreme Leader Shoju gave one of his generals a severe look. “Will it be ready?”

The man gulped and then weakly nodded, “Yes, leader.”

“Don’t disappoint me.” He waved at them with a shooing motion. “Go. I’m going to eat lunch now.”

Everyone bowed deeply and then left in various directions. The generals split up in the hall and went to fulfill their dear leader's every whim.

The general over the science department walked out of the main palace and to a large building on the same grounds. Inside were many scientists working diligently on various projects. He stopped by a table where they were currently building strange looking large ring devices.

“Are they ready?” He asked.

The man working on the wiring inside one of these rings looked up. “General Kaukatsu, they should be. We need more test subjects to try them on, but as far as our limited tests have shown, they will work.”

“Good. We don’t have time to run any more extensive tests. Just get them ready.”

“Yes, sir.”

A buzzer sounded, and everyone looked around in a panic. Kaukatsu rolled his eyes, “Someone opened a secure door again. I’ll take care of it.”

He left the scientist and walked to the back of the lab. A security door was ajar and a light above it flashed to warn of intruders. He pulled his gun and looked around for a moment. Finding nothing, he went to the door to close it. There was someone on the other side. He held his gun at the ready and pushed the door open. A red hand grabbed him by his uniform and yanked him through the door, slamming it shut.
Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

The cold, depressed life of North Onnotangu awoke for yet another day. People went about their daily tasks, all appointed to them by their benevolent dictatorial government. Yet, hidden away, the small band of pitiful children and their two new guests, also awoke.

Chase felt as though her body had been filled with cement. She slowly sat up and craned her head and rolled her shoulders. Around her were the other children and Shizue. Starmaster sat up against a far wall, sleeping with his chin nearly resting on his chest.

Getting to her feet, she walked over to him and nudged him with her foot. “Hey, wake up.”

“Huh! Wha...I was just resting my eyes.” He yawned and looked up at her. “What time is it?”

She looked at her watch. “Seven AM. Nice job keeping watch.”

“I know. It was just a long day yesterday. No harm, we weren’t raided.”

“Lucky us.” She stretched her body by bending her leg over her head, which made Starmaster cringe.

“Doesn’t that hurt?”

“A little. But it helps. I haven’t slept on asphalt in years, my body is screaming at me.”

He got up and attempted a few stretches himself, which were pitiful compared to her contortions. “So, you have any ideas on how we will get into the palace compound?”

“Not yet.”

Both stopped when they heard the rattle of the cookware. Shizue was up and preparing the rice pot for another day. She smiled at them. “Good morning, friends.”

Chase stopped tying herself in knots and approached. “Thanks for the shelter. Can we help?”

“Yes. Get water, there is a hose over there.”

Starmaster gallantly picked up the heavy pot and walked it over to the wall, where a hose stretched down from a hole that led to the streets.

Shizue took a metal coffee tin and scooped up rice out of a large cloth bag.

“Where do you get the food?” Chase asked.

Shizue grinned with fiendish delight. “We steal it from the palace.”

“The palace! You can get in there?”

With a chuckle, Shizue answered, “No. They have trucks that deliver food. What they use in the palace each week could feed half the population of Onnotangu for a month. They won’t miss a bag that gets stolen off the truck.”

“Isn’t that risky?”

Shizue nodded. “It would be. But a worker who helps haul the bags of rice knows me and is sympathetic to us. He can make a bag disappear with little notice. This will feed the children for at least two weeks.”

Starmaster hefted over the pot filled with water and set it on the makeshift grate over the pile of wood. He brushed his hands together and said, “Rice is hardly nutrition for growing children.”

“It is better than an empty belly. The kids gather some wild fruits and berries now and then. But I don’t let them wander too often.” She worked to get the fire started.

Chase had pity painted on her face. She said, “We will find a way to help. I promise.”

“Do what you can. But protecting the world is important. Your job must come first.”

Starmaster asked, “You don’t know a way we can get into the palace?”

Shizue stirred the rice in the water with a large wooden spoon. She gave Starmaster a comical laugh, “Sure, we take tours and have tea with the dear leader.”

Chase smiled at the sarcasm. “I know you aren’t spies or infiltrators. We need a way in. Do you have any ideas at all?”

Shizue was about to say something when she paused and dove into thought. “I may have something. Not sure if it will help you.”


Shizue said, “My friend said that the palace has ordered a lot of fancy foods. He said that tomorrow night, the leader will host some kind of big party with all kinds of dignitaries. Not sure what for, but if I know our petulant dear leader, he will show something off, like a new atomic bomb, or some kind of special torture device for dissidents.”

Starmaster said, “That gives me an idea. If we can somehow get invited to this shindig, then we can get in right under their noses.”

Shizue laughed, “And how would two BADGE operatives get invited?”

Chase smiled. “Trust me, I have a special talent for getting into high-class parties. All I need is a computer with access to the internet.”

“Technology is highly restricted outside of the palace compound and a few aristocrats' homes. The internet is alien to almost everyone in North Onnotangu. I’m afraid you won’t be able to find anything helpful out here.”

Chase had a sneaky grin on her face. “Tell me, where is the nearest aristocrat’s mansion?”


A middle-aged woman walked through her lavish home, frowning the entire way. She scowled at an empty room, swore when she saw an empty kitchen and stormed down the stairs toward the wine cellar.

“WHERE IS EVERYONE!” She yelled.

A middle-aged man poked his head around the corner at the top of the stairs. “Sachi, what is the matter? And have you seen Nori?”

Sachi, the irate woman, looked around the filled wine cellar. “I can’t find any of the servants. No one has started dinner, the bathrooms haven’t been cleaned, and my gown for the party tomorrow needs to be ironed. Have you seen anyone around here, Kaneo?”

Kaneo said, “No. I was just looking for our driver. He is nowhere to be found.”

“I will send all of them to the nearest prison camp when I find them.” She stomped back up the stairs, grumbling the whole way. “I am going to the security box and will track all of them. They can’t evade us, and they know it!”

Kaneo stood out of her way as she passed. “Could there be a...did you hear that?”

Sachi stopped and looked toward the kitchen. “Yes. Someone is at the back door.”

“I hope it is Nori. I am supposed to meet with General Kaukatsu for golf in ten minutes.”

Both people entered the kitchen and came upon a sight that stopped them in their tracks. Chase

stood there, in her black catsuit, smiling at them. “Hello. I’m afraid your staff is all gone. I gave them a vacation.” She dropped a tracking ankle bracelet on the counter. “Nice tech, hard lock to pick. But, they are all happily giving their two weeks' notice, as of two weeks ago.” Sachi displayed no fear. “Do you know who we are?”

Kaneo had his cell phone out, but it was pinned to a wall by a thrown kitchen knife, destroying it. Chase answered, “You are Sachi Jong, cousin of Shoju Kahn, the despot who rules this little nation. And you are Kaneo Jong, her unfortunate husband. Nice place you have here.”

Sachi sneered at Chase. “You will spend the rest of your life in a prison camp.”

“I have other plans. Sorry about this.” With a twisting motion, she nailed Sachi in the face with her foot and sent the woman down. Kaneo had turned to run when she kicked him in the back and then slammed his forehead against a wall.

Flipping open a case attached to her suit, she pulled out two small devices and placed them on their foreheads. “Nova would kill me if he knew I had these. But what he doesn’t know won’t hurt me.” Dragging them to their bedrooms, she placed them like they were sleeping. The coma inducer would leave them unconscious for at least three days. “Glad I brought my old gear with me. Now, where is their computer?”

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

Starmaster laughed and then said, “Try that again. This time, just focus a little harder.” A small boy scrunched up his face and then opened his mouth. From the back of his throat, small dart-like things shot out and hit a cardboard box target. They missed the drawn target, but they stuck. The boy almost cried.

“Don’t cry. You did well. That was very good. It takes a lot of work to learn how to use your powers. Hitting a target that far away is hard for grown-ups.”

The boy’s red face turned from sadness into a brief smile. “Thank you, Master Star.”

“It’s just Starmaster.”

Shizue came over, “Tamko, get some water. Kata just set a sheet on fire.”

The little boy ran for a bucket.

Starmaster was ready to run and help when Shizue stopped him. “Don’t worry. It is a small fire. I enjoy letting them help each other, it is a lesson they will need to learn to survive.”

“Oh, if you say so. I just wish they had a better place to train. Heck, just a better place to sleep and proper food. Sorry, I know rice is good and all, but it’s not enough.”

“I know. I do the best I can. But this is not a simple place to live. Keeping them safe takes all my effort. But, I thank you for helping them learn more about their powers. I know they shouldn’t be using them, but they are a part of who they are.”

Starmaster said, “I have helped people learn about their powers before. I worked at a Fight Club for a while analyzing powers. It is a fun thing when a person first learns to use their powers properly.”

Shizue smiled with the warmth of a mother. “I haven’t seen them laugh and play like this much before. Thank you.”

“It was nothing, really.” He grimaced and ran over when a little girl started bouncing uncontrollably. He caught her mid-bounce and held her in place.

“Thank you, Master Star,” She said. “I lost control.”

“I see that. Just be more careful when you bounce.”

Just then something came crashing down through a secret entrance. It was a large bag. Then another bag. Finally, Chase dropped down, landing in a perfect crouch. She stood up and brushed herself off.

“I’m back.”

Starmaster looked at her collection. “What’s all this?”

She smiled and opened a bag, revealing all sorts of food supplies stolen from the mansion. “Just a little treat for our friends here.”

The kids all gasped and rushed over to see the treasures within the bags. Shizue said, “Oh, thank you. But you didn’t need to do this for us. This would make it harder for you to sneak around.”

Chase shrugged, “It’s hard not stealing at least something, for the sake of the needy. Besides, those jerks live in all that luxury while the rest of the nation starves. Did you know I found they tagged all their servants with ankle monitors?”

Shizue nodded, “Yes. The rich and powerful can force people into service. If they disobey, they are punished. It is the most horrible feeling.” She lifted a pant leg, revealing a nasty scar.

“Their servants were all given vacations, permanently. Their masters are currently sleeping.”

Starmaster said, “Did you get us in?”

Chase smiled and dug into the bag, getting stuff out of the way. She dug through more food items and a few bowls and utensils. Finally, she produced fine clothing and a computer tablet. “Courtesy of our generous benefactors. I have myself on the guest list. I took the opportunity to...borrow a lovely dress for the evening and some nice jewelry. Look at this pearl necklace, natural and matched. It’s worth a fortune. And these diamond earrings, gorgeous, must be at least two karats an ear.”

Starmaster cleared his throat. “Just stealing for the needy?”

She smiled as she put the earrings on. “Yes, I needed to look the part.”

“So, you’re going undercover? What about me?”

“I am of Asian descent. Not sure where, but that doesn’t matter, I can pass as a local. You, on the other hand, will stand out. Besides, I’m better at infiltration, been doing that for years. I’ll get in, you will be outside.” She picked up the tablet and revealed a blueprint of the palace grounds. “I hacked their system. I have a map of where you will be. You will stay in contact with me the whole time. Using their internal network, they will never know I’m sending you a signal. Once I find the location of the shards, I’ll slip in, steal them, and then you will zap us the hell out of this place.”

Starmaster asked, “What about your speaking? You can hear them through the translator implant, but they will hear you speaking English.”

“Not a problem. I will tell them I’m an English instructor for one of their military academies. Speaking English perfectly will be my way of showing off. I know all of their generals and fat leader speak English. So it will pass.”

“How do you know this?”

She smiled as she checked out the dress. “This isn’t my first time to infiltrate this nation. My only concern is figuring out an identity to pass as a noble. I haven’t had time to prepare something.”

Shizue held up the dress, admiring the fine silks. “Oh, just tell them you are the cousin of some rich person. They have big families. I suggest you tell them you are related to Jong Khan. He died last year and had a lot of children and grandchildren. Most of them with other men’s wives. They will be too embarrassed to ask who your direct parents are, or risk shaming a member of the Leader's family. So, they will politely accept you.”

Chase was surprised. “That is very smart. How did you come up with that so quickly?”

“I may live on the streets, but I’m not stupid. I know about the internal politics of this nation. Jong Khan was the man who owned me before they punished me. Now, let me help you get into this dress. It will take a little work to make it fit you right. Come on.”

Chase gave her orders to Starmaster, “Study that tablet. I have the plan laid out in there. We have one day to get everything ready.” With that, she left to be fitted to her new dress.


General Kaukatsu walked through the palace, looking down every hall. He stopped at a monitoring room and stepped inside. Men and women at computers observed hundreds of video monitors placed all over the capital.

A man at the controls watched as several screens observed limousines entering the city. He pulled a mic toward him and typed in a number. “Station forty, clear all routes for the limos. I don’t want any traffic between them and the palace.”

Kaukatsu spent a moment watching the well-orchestrated workers of the city following this order.

“Sir, we have a problem in sector seventeen.” A woman pointed to her monitor.

On the screen, a man held up a cardboard sign with words written on it. They said, ‘stop the slaughter. Set us free. Down with the fat leader.’

The leader at the controls punched in a new code and pulled the mic toward him again. “Commander, take care of him at once. I don’t want any of our guests seeing that trash.”

In less than a minute they watched three well-armed police approach the man. Ten feet from him, they shot him in the head and dragged his body away.

Kaukatsu made his presence known. “Excellent work.”

The people all looked up and then jumped to attention. “Sir, we weren’t expecting you.”

“Sit down. Enough. I just needed to know if you’ve seen any suspicious activity.”

“Uh, nothing we haven’t already taken care of, sir.”

“What about a foreign agent? One with superpowers.”

The leader frowned, “I have not been informed of that kind of threat.”

“Well, consider yourself informed.”

“We have not seen anyone like that, sir. But we will double our monitoring to make sure we find this agent.”

“Good. Tell me the moment you know of her location. Do not kill her, I want her alive.”
Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

Starmaster knelt and looked through one skylight above the magnificent banquet hall. The computer tablet near him had the controls active on it that allowed him to disable any sensors and cameras nearby that would alert people to his presence.

Several dozen well-dressed members of North Onnotangu’s elite class mingled. Servants served wine, champagne, and a wide selection of finger foods.

“Chase, can you hear me?” He spoke into a wrist communicator.

Chase casually glanced upward as she sipped some champagne. She couldn’t see Starmaster, but she knew where to look. Her glance answered his question.

Just then a man approached her. “Ah, Shizue is it?”


In his native tongue he asked, “So, I was told you speak perfect English like an American.”

“Of course. I’m highly trained and sought after as a tutor. I have taught all our international spies.”

The old man grew giddy. “Oh, that is perfect American English. So perfect. And you are a lovely young lady.”

She smiled at him and took his arm. “This is also my first official function. I know so few of these fine people. Perhaps you could introduce me?”

“My pleasure, my pleasure. And, don’t stop speaking that English, it is so amazing to hear.”

“Oh, that would be my pleasure.”

Several hours passed while Mr. Otoro introduced her to every notable noble of the disgusting upper crust of this despotic nation. She received no less than five invitations to come and tutor the children of these elites. Several unashamedly let her know that they would reward her...in the bedroom. Above her, Starmaster was ready to zap these pigs into the atmosphere, but Chase was cool and collected, leading these people on without slipping up once.

“Oh, Ms. Shizue, I’d like you to meet General Paneki and General Kaukatsu, two of the closest generals to the Dear Leader.”

Chase gave them the appropriate bow for this culture. “How nice to meet you.”

Kaukatsu gave her a curious look. “You speak English so well.”

“It is my specialty. I am surprised you didn’t know. I have personally instructed some of our top spies.” She went with the flow.

Paneki reached out to take her arm. “I would like to have a word with you.”

Just then a buzzer sounded from both of their phones. Every security detail in the room went active.

Mr. Otoro gasped. “Looks like the Dear Leader is coming. I am excited to meet him again. I suppose you two have duties.” He moved with Chase away from the two generals.

Both men sneered in disgust but obeyed the call of their supreme leader.

Chase smiled. “Oh, I didn’t expect him for at least another hour.” She said this for Starmaster’s benefit, as he had the secret itinerary on the tablet so they could keep tabs on the dictator.

Starmaster said in her ear, “He is just calling them so they can prepare some grand procession. We are still on schedule. Find those shards.”

Mr. Otoro asked, “Is something wrong? You look distracted.”

“Oh, must be too much Champagne. You know, I would like to get out of this stuffy room. I don’t suppose you could show me to a restroom?”

“Of course. This way.” He led her out of the banquet room and pointed her down the hall.

She smiled and hurried away, “Be right back. Don’t let anyone else get a hold on that strong arm.” She teased him, and it worked. He was as giddy as a teenager on a date with a hot girl.

Stepping into the bathroom, she quickly raced into a stall and changed. Starmaster spoke in her earpiece, “Strong arm?”

“Just keeping him distracted.”

“I think he was more than distracted. He has been staring at your cleavage all night.”

Chase pulled off the dress, revealing her catsuit, scrunched to hide. “I don’t care if he drooled on me, he helped me create the illusion. If anyone saw us together, they would dismiss me. He is known. That is all I needed.”

“Too bad you weren’t at your old game. Did you see the jewels in that room?”

Chase laughed and held up a gold watch. “I stay in practice.” She stuffed the expensive timepiece in her pack, pulled her hair up tight, and then checked from under the stall for signs of other people. Once clear, she was out of the bathroom and hiding in the shadows.

“Do you know where to look?” Starmaster asked.

“Yes. I have a good idea now. Northwest corner of the building.”

“And just how do you know that? We have nothing to go on.”

She dashed from one shadow to another, swiftly maneuvering herself across this massive compound. “Weren’t you listening?”

“Yes. And all I heard was you flirting with every man in that room.”

“Precisely. Alcohol and a pretty girl often loosen lips of undersexed older men. The scientists I talked to bragged about conducting business for their leader here. The head of security that touched my butt twice, he told me he had a secure place we could scratch his itch, the sealed labs in the southwest. And that gemologist told me all about the rubies he was working with in the labs. So, that must be the location.”

Starmaster gave off a slow clap. “Double O seven should take lessons from you.”

She stopped and carefully peered around a corner. “I don’t work with amateurs.”

At the end of a dark hallway, she stopped before a series of doors. They all appeared as simple, nicely carved doors, nothing particularly special. Pressing her ear up to each, she gave them a small tap, then finally settled on one. “This is it.”

“How do you know?”

She checked the panels along the walls. “Because the others are reinforced with steel, this has something twice as strong, and the echo tells me it is filled with locking mechanisms.” With a push, a hidden door opened and a card key slot popped out, blinking.

“I can’t even see you any longer. Your dot left the map five minutes ago.”

“That means I’m right where the security is the highest, which means they have something hidden here. Now, to unlock the door.”

“I know you are good at complicated locks but I doubt that is like a museum vault.”

She flipped out a security card. “No need, I have access.” Swiping it, the door allowed her in.

“Where did you get that?”

She tucked the card away and entered the lab. “I told you, I let that security guard touch my butt, twice. Well, I was touching him at the same time. He was aroused, I was snatching his top-level security card.”

“I...didn’t need to hear that.”

Chase crept through the laboratory. Most of the lights were off, only small devices and a few computers gave illumination. Weapons and other terrible gadgets were being worked on.

“What do you see?”

Chase pulled out a small eyepiece no bigger than a quarter. She placed it over her eye and scanned the room. “There, in that corner, I’m picking up a unique energy signature.” Walking over to a large, box-like device, she pressed a few buttons, and the top lifted, revealing a glass case with five red shards resting inside. Sensors were working diligently, gathering data at all times.

“I found them. And it looks like they have two more than we expected.”

“Awesome. Let’s get them and get the hell out of here.”

“One moment.” She went over to a computer and pulled out a special computer hacking device from BADGE. By attaching it, she bypassed the computer’s security and got into all the key systems for the entire compound. “Okay, I’m in. Now, to...just…there. The sensor system is down, they cannot detect superpowers. Transport in and let’s get this done.”

Almost instantly, Starmaster appeared in a flash of light. “Wow, this place is crazy. Good thing they’re having that ritzy party tonight. All eyes are over there.”

Chase walked him over to the case with the shards. “Looks like it has both an encrypted lock and a security field. I couldn’t deactivate either from the computer access. No problem. I can get this lock undone. If we trip the security field, you’ll get us out of here long before...” A hand grabbed her from behind and something was forced onto her neck. She reached for it, but it gave her a nasty shock and she hit the ground in a dead slump.

Starmaster was going to her defense when one of those collars slapped onto his neck. The last thing he saw was the faces of two generals and then flashing lights in his eyes. The world went black, and he was out cold.
Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

Starmaster felt someone moving him, gripping his arms and legs. First, they carried him flat and then stood him upright. Was this a dream? Why are they tying him around the chest? Why can’t he sense any thoughts of people around him?

With a blinding flash, he felt the palm of a hand slapped against his face and a man yell, “WAKE UP!”

He opened his eyes, but then closed them again when his strength failed him.

Another blinding flash. “WAKE UP YOU FILTHY SPY!”

“Move!” A woman commanded, and a needle penetrated his arm.

With a flood of what felt like fire in his veins, it restored his energy. He opened his eyes, and the blurriness subsided quickly to reveal a room of well-dressed people. Everyone watched him with a mixture of fear and scrutiny. Directly in front of him, surrounded by highly decorated generals, was a short, fat man with an ugly sneer on his arrogant face.

“Whe...where am I? What happened?” Starmaster now realized they tied him to a poll. “WHAT THE!”

“Shut up!” the man who had been slapping him, did so again. Supreme Leader Shoju Khan approached. “Welcome to the party, spy. I knew BADGE was stupid, but I didn’t know they were this dumb to be so easily caught.”

“What do you want from me?”

Shoju laughed, “Just your death.” he turned back to his group as one general left the room.

Starmaster smiled and said, “Too bad. I think I’ll just be going.” He attempted to transport himself with his power, but nothing happened. “What?!”

A weak voice next to him said, “Don’t try. If you attempt to use your powers too often, it will hurt you.”

Starmaster looked to the side and found another man tied to a post, just like him. On his other side was a tied up woman. Both wore blinking metallic collars. There was one on his neck and now he understood what this was, the infamous power suppressors. What he didn’t find was Chase.


Shoju waved a dismissive hand at him. “Enough talking.”


General Kaukatsu walked up to Starmaster and grabbed his face. “Your little friend is our special guest. We need her, we don’t need you.”

Just then the general who left returned with a silver tray. Upon it rested a strange-looking weapon. They presented this to Shoju like it was the rarest jewel in the world.


Shizue sat with a few of the children in the hiding place. They had a small, forty-year-old television in front of them. On it was the broadcast from the banquet. By law, everyone in Onnotangu would watch this.

“I don’t see them,” A little girl said.

Shizue smiled, “I’m sure they are there. Starmaster won’t be on the...wait, what is going on there?”

The cameras turned to show the prisoners bound to the columns in the room. Starmaster was at the center.

A little boy cried out, “HE’S THERE!”

“I know.”

“WHY IS HE LIKE THAT?” The boy was already beginning to cry. He liked Starmaster.

Shizue turned up the volume.

Supreme Leader Shoju held a large gun as he spoke to the world. “Fellow patriots of our glorious democracy, I have warned you of the threat of super-powered evil people, especially those from the criminal organization calling itself BADGE. Today, I will demonstrate that North Onnotangu has nothing to fear. We have a small army of well-trained, loyal super-powered heroes who will obey without question. All other soldiers will be given one of these, soon to be mass-produced.” he held up the gun. “Recently, new technology was brought to us by a good ally. This technology came from the alien invaders called Legion. Using this, we have developed a gun that is very, very special. Please observe.”

One general grabbed a random guest and shoved her in front of the leader. She screamed when he fired a beam of energy at her. However, nothing happened. She was unharmed, though she fainted into the general’s arms.

Shoju smiled with glee, “Now, observe!” He fired it at the older man bound to the post next to Starmaster. The man screamed and then evaporated into a fine mist, the collar and his clothing crumpling to the ground.

The kids around Shizue either screamed or cried wildly. She attempted to calm them, but her attention was mostly on the broadcast.

Shoju said, “The Energy Atomizer selects only that which makes a hero powered, then destroys it. With these weapons, we can wipe superheroes from this world and only North Onnotangu will have superpowered people, those loyal to me.” He aimed and fired at the woman on Starmaster’s other side, evaporating her.

Shizue had tears in her eyes. She listened to the children crying around her and knew their lives would be over soon if this got unleashed. She whispered, “I have to do something.”


Starmaster watched the giddy little fat man brandishing his new murder device before the camera.

“Now, ladies and gentlemen of the world, I present to you the true villains of Earth, BADGE. Tonight, during our simple little banquet, they sent in spies to undermine us. We have done nothing to undermine them. This is why we need to defend ourselves, so you need to bow to our wisdom. Tonight, before your eyes, I will execute one of BADGE’s own. With this act, I declare war on BADGE and all heroes.” He turned, held the gun up, and took aim at Starmaster’s chest.


Shoju laughed, “Don’t tell lies as your last words. That is pathetic.”


No one moved. The generals laughed, and Shoju pulled the trigger. The beam came out, but it hit a brick wall, one that had not been there a moment ago.

“WHAT IS THIS!” Shoju screamed and threw a tantrum by pounding tables.

Starmaster unclenched his eyes, and other various parts, and realized he wasn’t atomized. Someone tugged at his hands. “What the…?”

“Hold still,” Shizue said as she hurriedly untied him.

“How did you...?”

“Goji can transport over short distances.” She pulled the rope free from his hands and went to his feet.

Suddenly they heard screaming and some gunfire from the other side of the brick wall illusion. Starmaster pulled on the collar as he asked, “What in the hell is going on out there?”

“My guess would be the children.”

“THE WHAT!” Suddenly the floor shook hard, and he fell forward against the bricks as his feet became unbound.

“Get ready to fight.” She said and then put her hand on the bricks.

He stopped fidgeting with the collar and readied himself. He would have to do without his powers for the moment. The bricks slowly vanished and an unusual sight met him. The small children from the hiding place were all over the room, attacking the generals. Shoju was trying to knock a blob of hardened purple goo from the end of his gun.

A general kicked a small girl away and then fired a gun at her. She was hit in the leg and screamed. He aimed again, and this time was met by a chair to the face. Starmaster picked up another chair and swung with abandon, going after a different general.

Five security guards went to attack Shizue, but the boy stomped on the ground and the room shook again, rattling everyone simultaneously. Shizue gathered her footing and then formed a brick wall in the doorway, to prevent any further security from getting in.

Supreme Leader Shoju finally broke through the solidified purple goo and fired immediately. Shizue watched in horror as his beam hit the ground shaking boy. In less than two seconds, it had destroyed the child.

“NO!” She screamed. Forming those bricks over her hands, she rushed him, a parental rage exploding out of her.

Shoju wasn’t a trained warrior. He shot at her, but she was too fast. She first hit the gun, smashing the front end, and then slammed him in the face. He spun around once and then hit a table. She whipped her entire body around and used the momentum to hit him hard with her brick hands. He flew over the table and crashed into a wall. She refrained from murdering him right there, she merely trapped him in a wall of bricks.

Looking up, she saw that the fight was over. Generals and security littered the floor and a few guests. More than one child was injured, but only one died. Starmaster stood in the middle of the room, still holding a chair, a little blood on the feet of it.

“Is it over?” She asked.

Starmaster nodded, “I think so. We need to find Chase and find out if they have any more of those horrible guns.”

“I...I need to get the children to safety and treat the injured.”

Starmaster pointed at his neck. “Do me a favor. Don’t worry, I can handle the hit.”

She reared back and slammed her brick covered hand into the color, Starmaster fell over and coughed hard, but the collar scattered across the floor. A small girl came over and put her hands on his neck. It healed right away. He smiled at her, “Thank you. Now, help the others.”

“Yes, master star.”

“I’m beginning to like that.” He was about to say something more when they both heard a strange sound. General Kaukatsu was slamming his head against the ground, or really the bricks still covering it. They shattered and vanished away as he lurched up, glaring at them with wild eyes.

“You foolish people!”

Shizue readied herself, but Starmaster stopped her.

“That’s not a human,” he said.
Chapter 13

Chapter 13:

Starmaster put Shizue behind him as they backed up. The children gathered near him.

“Who are you? Your thoughts, they are...strange.”

Just then, General Paneki pulled himself up from the ground, a horrible looking burn on his face from where a small girl hit him with a fire blast. “You’re clever, human. Befriending these dregs of society, I didn’t expect that.”

Now Starmaster felt a deep worry. “I know that sensation, but it cannot be. You shouldn’t be here.”

“Who is he?” Shizue asked.

Paneki laughed, his voice growing deeper and deeper. He stepped over fallen bodies, heading for Kaukatsu. “Oh, just a lesser-known god among you pitiful humans.”

“Get them out of here, NOW!” Starmaster shoved her back.

“No, we can help with these people.”

“No, you can’t.”

Paneki grew in size, and his clothing bulged. Fangs cut through his face as he transformed. “Listen to the little man, or I shall feast upon these brats. I am so very hungry.” He snapped his fangs at them.

Starmaster held up his hands, and a barrier formed in the air between them and the two generals. “Take them, NOW!”

“We won’t leave you here alone!” Shizue grabbed his arm.

Starmaster said, “I have to stay. I have to find Chase and destroy those weapons! GO!” He dropped the shield and used his teleportation power to send them away. The children and their caretaker vanished, at the same time, something hit Starmaster and he flew across the room, slammed into a wall, and crashed to the floor.

Krampus stood on the table near where he had slammed into Starmaster. Now in his full, horrid glory, he growled out. “One little hero, how foolish.”

Starmaster glared at them from his fallen position. “We’ve beaten you before.”

“True, and I am in no mood to deal with you minor heroes right now. Besides, I promised my new friend that he could play with you. I have other business to take care of.” He turned and pointed a claw at Kaukatsu.

General Kaukatsu shook and twisted while cackling in glee. His human form melted away, revealing a red-skinned, bone covered villain well known to BADGE. He held out his arms and laughed as Krampus continued to feed him power, growing in size.

Once completed, Krampus commanded. “Kill everyone in this pitiful nation. I will return to our project.” In a blur of speed, Krampus sped away.

Skelanimal, now twice as big and still growing, smiled at Starmaster. “Wanna play?” He lunged forward, his claws ready to strike.

Starmaster focused and vanished just as those claws hit the wall.

He appeared in a hallway near the banquet hall. Scrambling to his feet, he heard the ferocious monster destroying the room and calling out for him.

Slapping the comm unit on his arm, he said, “CHASE, RESPOND!” he backed up as that crashing grew louder. “CHASE, COME ON, RESPOND!” Nothing came from his communicator, but Skelanimal came crashing through a wall. The enemy had grown to three times his normal size now.

Starmaster raced down the hall and rounded several corners. “I have to stop him.” He turned and held up his hands, projecting a mental forcefield.

Skelanimal rushed at him, his head breaking parts of the ceiling. He met the barrier and smashed right through it. With one claw, he sent Starmaster hurtling through a wall, into a small office.

Realizing he did not stand a chance, Starmaster summoned his remaining strength and vanished just as that beast tore the hole wider so he could get to his prey.

Starmaster appeared on the roof of the compound, laying on his side and holding a bloody wound across his ribs. He was certain he had broken bones, but that was not what worried him.

“That stupid monster will kill everyone.” He held up his arm communicator and punched in the emergency BADGE code. Speaking into it he said, “Oh god I hope you’re hearing this. BADGE, Nova, whoever, Krampus is on the loose and he just gave Skelanimal some kind of power boost. Skelanimal has been ordered to lay waste to North Onnotangu...just because. Not only that. I think they have taken Chase and the shards we were after. This is a real mess. Get heroes down here or it will be a bloodbath. Please get here now.” His communicator stopped working, the power drained by the damage it had taken.

Suddenly the entire building rocked. Huge sections of walls erupted and splintered as a monstrous creature came through. Skelanimal was still growing, and now towered two stories in the air. He threw handfuls of debris at approaching police cars and then kicked a limousine, which sent it crashing through a wall.

“I have to help,” Starmaster said and crawled over to the edge of the building. He focused his mind and lifted another limousine. With a great thrust of his power, he sent the oversized car into Skelanimal’s side. It didn’t even stumble him.

Military units arrived and were firing guns and missiles at Skelanimal. This seemed to amuse him as he laughed and then grabbed a military truck and threw it through the army.

Starmaster groaned under the pressure of broken bones and then summoned his strength again, this time hitting Skelanimal directly with a mental blast. It did no good, Skelanimal doesn’t have a lot of mind to hurt.

To his surprise, a wall of bricks appeared and surrounded Skelanimal, trapping him inside. Shizue came running through, her hands up where she was focusing her unique power to stop this beast. When a red claw smashed through the bricks, she reassembled them, but he punched through another section and kicked yet another. She couldn’t keep up. With a final burst, he forced the bricks apart, raining them down across the meager defenders.

In an oddly deep voice, Skelanimal bellowed, “I’ve had enough of you, brick lady!” He reached down and grabbed her up, squeezing her. She formed bricks around her body, but they were crumbling.

“NO!” Starmaster tried to focus hard enough to transport her away, but his strength was failing. He did not want to watch her die like this.

Suddenly a tremendous blast of orange energy hit Skelanimal. Then a red beam struck him right in the chest. Heroes came pouring out of the skies with a few BADGE transports flying through. Major William flew at Skelanimal’s hand, punching it twice and causing him to release Shizue. He caught her and carried her to safety.

Starmaster laid back and smiled. “Oh, thank god.”

A BADGE craft landed on the roof near him. Two medic droids and Nova came out. The medics immediately scanned him for his injuries.

Nova said, “Good to see you’re still with us, son.”

“He has gotten bigger since I called. I don’t know what Krampus did to him.”

“Doesn’t matter. We will take him down.” Nova pressed his communicator. “Nova to all Heroes, we have a class five attack in North Onnotangu. All travel restrictions to this country are lifted. Get here, now!”

Chapter 14

Chapter 14:

The heroes that Nova brought with him fought through the night. A few joined in throughout the late hours. His call echoed around the world, and heroes poured across the forbidden border of North Onnotangu as the sun rose.

Starmaster watched from the rooftop, the medic droids working hard to repair the damage. Nova stood next to him, giving commands into his comm device.

“Yes, get BADGE droids and agents over to the hospital, make sure we protect the critical patients,” Nova ordered.

Starmaster got to his feet, holding the bio-tech bandages around his ribs. He was about to ask Nova a question when the giant Skelanimal threw a bus at a group of flying heroes; it missed them and barreled toward the rooftop. Starmaster held up his hand and caught the bus with his telekinetic powers. The bus stopped and then crashed into the road in front of the palace. Starmaster groaned loudly and fell to his knees. “That really hurt!” The droids attempted to help him, but their abilities were limited.

Krystal Fae arrived with other members of her League. The rest flew toward the monster. “Starmaster!” She held his shoulder. “What happened?”

He groaned and spent a few breaths recovering from the pain. “Just...got the crap beaten out of me by that thing.”

She knelt and put her hands on him and closed her eyes. There was a moment of energy between them. Nova was aware of what she was doing, so he held back the droids. When she finished, Starmaster stood up and took in a few deep breaths.

Nova asked, “You all better?”

“Not completely, but enough to get some revenge.”

Nova gave a brief nod and both Krystal and Starmaster blasted off the roof at top speed.

Skelanimal had bruises and a few bloody gashes in his body. More than one place had a large burn mark on it. Yet, through all this, he acted like a toddler kicking over a pile of blocks. He smashed buildings, swatted at heroes, and laughed. When he had an opening, he would grab something and throw it, often without direction, just to watch it destroy something.

Krystal hit Skelanimal in the back of the head with a blast of magic, Starmaster followed with a colossal telekinetic shove. The five-story monster lurched forward, and that was met by two simultaneous fists to the face by Ultra Primus and Moonrider, both heroes flying away from the double face smash.

Starmaster landed on the ground to catch his breath. Lumpsum, a brutish, suit-wearing hero, dashed by and used a double fist smash right on top of Skelanimal's left foot, cracking the nail clean off. The big hero reared back and did it again, smashing into another nail. Skelanimal screamed and kicked, sending the hero crashing through a statue of Supreme Leader Shoju. In a fit of rage, Skelanimal reached down and picked up the top half of the broken statue and threw it directly at Lumpsum before he could gather his wits. Starmaster caught the statue mid-air with his mind and returned it right into Skelanimal's chest.

“I WILL NOT BE STOPPED BY STUPID HEROES AGAIN!” Skelanimal’s flippant rampage turned to pure rage as he faced stronger opposition. He threw both arms down and cracked the surface, breaking streets, shattering walls, and toppling statues. Heroes on the ground were jostled and fell.

He then swung his enormous arms out and slapped heroes out of the air. He grabbed hero after hero and threw them, slamming them into the ground. Some got back up, some were out cold.

“Not today!” A strange-looking man jumped through the air and slammed two fists into Skelanimal’s chest, stumbling the giant oaf over and forcing him to crash into the street. Midgardsormr landed on the behemoth and then transformed into his serpentine form, growing to match the size of Skelanimal.

“NOT YOU!” Skelanimal grabbed Midgardsormr just below the head.

Midgardsormr bit the hand, and Skelanimal screamed in pain. Then he slithered his body around Skelaminal’s and squeezed. Heroes nearby shot various powers at the exposed parts of Skelanimal, pummeling him while in this vulnerable state. Midgardsormr prepared to consume this enemy.

Krystal Fae and The Wizard flew down, “STOP!” She commanded.

Midgardsormr screamed, “I DON’T OBEY LITTLE FAIRIES!”

Nova landed via help from a hero, on his shoulder was EB. Nova sternly stated, “Hold off killing him, Midgardsormr.”

With a hiss of disapproval, the massive legendary serpent obliged.

“I got this!” EB hopped over and stood between the two magical heroes. Krystal and The Wizard helped him as he extracted the power imbued into Skelanimal. The bony monster slowly shrunk down, quickly buried under the enormous coiled serpent.

Once the disenchantment was over, Starmaster reached in with his mind and pulled out the scrawny alien from under Midgardsormr. He held him aloft in front of Nova. Krystal, The Wizard, and EB stood beside the Director.

Nova held up his wrist comm, “Heroes, stand down from the attack. Begin cleanup and triage. I want someone to work with local authorities to assist. Remember, these people are hesitant of heroes, be cautious and courteous. Nova out!”

Skelanimal squirmed while being held by the telekinetic forces. “Let me go you stupid morons! This isn’t over!”

Nova calmly stated, “Oh, you want to keep fighting. I’m sure Midgardsormr would be fine devouring you, he gets awfully hungry.” To that, the still giant snake looming over them let out a low rumbling growl.

Skelanimal’s defiance faded. “Okay, okay. I’ll go quietly.”

“First, tell me where Chase is,” Nova ordered.

“I don’t know.”

A white blur hit Skelanimal in the chest and grabbed him by his skull. EB’s furious face glared right into Skelanimal’s eyes. “TELL ME WHERE CHASE IS YOU BONY SON OF A...”

“EB!” Nova yelled.

Krystal kindly removed the irate rabbit and held him while he stewed.

Starmaster said, “His mind is hard to read. The alien biology is...difficult. Either that, or he doesn’t know.”

Nova said, “Get him to the transport. Bind him with the class ten restraints and transport him to the station. I will stay here and assist.”


Two days passed as the people of North Onnotangu and BADGE worked together to clean up the mess. The royal compound had been almost destroyed. Few of the dignitaries and generals survived the onslaught.

Nova stood with Shizue. Crews of heroes and civilians dug through the rubble of the palace.

“I can't believe he is dead.” Shizue cracked a brief smile, “I can’t say that I will lose any sleep over his death.”

“Agreed,” Nova said. “His death will be reported as being his fault. And, even though Krampus and Skelanimal were part of this, Shoju’s actions were his own.”

“His own? What about that monster?”

Nova said, “Shoju wanted to start a war with superpowered people. He got it. Fortunately, it lasted one night. He paid for his arrogance with his life, and that is how history should remember him.”

“What happens next?” Shizue asked.

Nova answered, “I don’t know. Cousins of the late Shoju have already begun vying for his seat. I doubt any would do much better. We don’t need to go from one despot to another. BADGE doesn’t get involved with the internal politics of nations. Not our duty. However, I will alert the UN to send in diplomats to help maintain peace. I also highly recommend that you establish communication and relations with your neighbors to the south. South Onnotangu shares a lot of customs and history with your people. They have a thriving country and strong leadership, I am sure in a time of crisis they will be more than happy to help.”

“A wise suggestion, Director.”

Nova looked up to see a BADGE ship landing. Immediately a team of workers exited the ship and carried large containers out, stacking them nearby.

“What is this?” Shizue asked.

“This is for you,” Nova said.


“Well, not just you. These are supplies to create a training facility for superheroes. It will also give them beds to sleep on, medicine, and some rations. I would escort the super-powered people here back to the station, but I feel that due to their disconnection with the outside world, it would be best to help them here for now. Soon, they can join us if they like and perhaps even form a League in this country.”

Agent Justin came over and held out a tablet, “Where’s the local hero leader?”

Nova gestured to his right. “She’s right here.”

Justin handed Shizue the tablet and then walked her toward the supplies.


Krampus walked through his hideout, the constant sound of struggling filling the room. He stopped in front of a strange chair where Chase was bound and gagged. She fought her restraints, but even with her impressive skills, she couldn’t free herself.

“Stop. There is no escape. Even if you were loose, there would be nowhere to go, and you are no match for me.” He leaned over her and put a single claw under her chin. “You will be far better than that bony brat. You are smart, powerful, and effective. I am truly impressed with what you accomplished back there. I did not expect you to make it into the party, undetected. To get all the way into the lab, that proves to me you are exactly what I need. I just hope this process doesn’t kill you, haven’t tested it before.”

He walked back to a control station and flipped several switches. The chair buzzed and then a glow came from the joints. Chase struggled harder this time as the power crawled all over her body. Finally, she screamed from around the gag.

What we left behind
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

Gar raced across an open field. Spreading his wings out, he tucked himself down and pushed even harder. Meeting the edge of a cliff he jumped and dove straight down. Lengthening out his body, he looked up just as he was about to meet the ocean below. His wings caught the air and he quickly changed direction, skimming the surface of the waters. Making a massive arc in the sky, he came back around and zoomed over the surface of the grasses.

Chase raced across that field, in almost the same path as he had just run. She did a flip forward on her hands and launched herself into the sky. Gar flew beneath her leap and she landed on his back. She crouched and rode him like a surfboard.

“HOLD ON!” Gar called out.

Chase smiled and knelt down to her knees, holding him by the shoulders with her hands.

Beating his wings against the wind, he sped up. Flicking both wings out he made a huge curve that spiraled upward into the sky. Chase yelled out in excitement as they flew. They passed a jet, the passengers waving through the windows.

“WATCH OUT!” Chase called.

Gar answered, “DON’T WORRY!”

They flew higher toward dark clouds. Chase crouched even lower. When they entered the thick clouds a sudden, wet coldness surrounding them. The shifting winds rushed hard against them, rattling Gar a few times, but not detouring his path. Frost formed on part of Gars wings, and Chase’s hand slipped once.

All at once they broke through and were met by an explosion of sunlight across the ocean of billowing clouds. The silent giants drifted by as mountains floating on a stream. Gar leveled off and began a gentle glide.

Chase sat up, looking around in awe. “This is amazing.”

Gar said, “I know. It is my favorite place to fly.”

Shivering, she said, “I have seen the world from the window of a plane, but I never truly imagined it could be this beautiful. It is so...so quiet.”

“My human father, the man who taught me of this world after I woke, he encouraged me to fly. That first day I flew, the first time I ever saw this, I knew I always wanted to come back here. When I come here, I remember that day. It was the first time I called him father.”

“You’ve had such pain in your life. Yet you have a beautiful soul.”

“I look for love, not hate.”

She laughed and then shivered harder, “I love this view, but I’m getting really cold and the air is a bit thin.”

“Okay. We will go back. Flying down is harder. Don’t worry, I won’t drop you.”

Chase suddenly stood up, standing right between his wings. “I’m never afraid around you, I know you’ll always catch me.” she fell from him, disappearing in the clouds.

“CHASE!” Gar dove quickly, using his wings to speed his descent. He burst through the clouds and found her falling with her back downward and her face looking at him. Closing the distance, he flew so that his body faced hers. Their arms wrapped around each other and now she was face to face with him. “Are you okay?”

“Just having some fun.”

Just then someone said, “hey, you two, I thought Nova ordered you back to Bursa with the others?”

Chase and Gar looked to the right and found Strange Quark next to them. Chase said, “we’re heading that direction.”

“Sure you are.”

Chase smiled, “we were having a little fun.”

“Fun time later, come on, Nova needs us at Bursa.” Quark waved a hand and a portal opened beneath them.

Chase, Gar, and Quark slipped into the airspace above Bursa. Gar quickly opened his wings and changed their direction from a fall to another glide.

“Look at this place.” Chase said.

Gar said, “I have not been here. Was it always like this?”

Quark laughed. “No. Bursa is still in ruins from the battle. Kinda why Nova wants us here. Come, Temp HQ is on the hill.”

The trio flew over the devastated city. Heroes worked with damage teams moving large objects and rebuilding necessary areas. Soon they landed on a hill top where a series of tents surrounded a large table. Nova watched them approach as a holographic image flickered on the screen in front of him.

Chase and Gar approached the Director. Nova said, “glad to see you two.”

“We had a wonderful two weeks in Kyoto at the palace.” Chase said.

“How is Lord Dragon?” Nova asked.

Chase said, “He stays to himself most of the time. I think he is finally taking the time to mourn the loss of his wife.”

“I see. It will take time.” Nova smiled at Gar, “I am glad to have you with us, Gar.”

“Glad to be here, Director.”

“CHASE, BABE!” Suddenly a white blur hit Chase and she nearly fell over. EB had her in a hug.

Chase peeled him off, “EB, what are you doing here?”

He grinned at her, “Lord Dragon said that I could be of help to BADGE now that the Mythics are all known and stuff. You know it is the best opportunity for me to spend time with my best friend. Plus, I get to help and do stuff. I spend all my time making chocolate and candy and stuff, but my factories will go on without me overseeing everything. Heck, most of the managers working for me don’t even know they work for The Easter Bunny, so I have time to do this. Of course I get to see you and that is no small thing, you are hot and I…”

Nova grabbed EB by his ears and held him up. “What did I say about flirting with her?”

EB dangled by his ears as he gleefully answered, “You said she has a boyfriend now. So?”

“Respect her relationship.”

EB continued grinning, “She may be taken, but she’s still hot.”

“UGH!” Nova dropped EB.

Chase said, “To be fair, Gar and I are just friends. Good friends, but that’s all.”

Both Nova and Quark said, “Really?”

Gar nodded. “It is better this way. Work comes first.”

“She’s still on the market!” EB hopped around.

Nova ignored the excited bunny and gestured toward the holographic map. “Okay, on to business. BADGE is helping direct the clean up and rebuilding of Bursa and the surrounding areas. The battle with Jinn took a heavy toll on this place.”

Chase looked at the holographic image. “And? I mean, it’s a good thing we’re helping, but why call us back for this?”

EB jumped up to the table and walked through the hologram, “I was helping, you know, pick up stuff, direct things, a little magic goes a long way. Of course, I don’t let the people see me do everything. Okay, some have seen me, but most were just heroes and they know what I am and they know I am not dangerous. Of course, if the regular people saw me...”

“GET TO THE POINT!” Nova blurted out.

“Oh, right. I was helping clean up debris and noticed the non-heroes having some trouble. It seems that residue of Jinns magic was left on some of the stuff he hit. It causes it to react differently. Non powered humans can’t even lift it. But, superheroes can.”

Nova pressed a button and different holo-images appeared showing various piles of debris. “We need to get heroes out there, tagging this stuff and getting it brought to a special place where the Mythics can remove the magic from it.”

Chase said, “and a person with a special talent for finding things, like a former master thief, can be useful in locating this stuff.”

Nova nodded, “Precisely why I wanted you to help with this part. Gar, Quark, help lead the teams when they arrive.”

Quark asked, “how many people are you calling in?”

“Everyone,” Nova stated. “We can’t let this stuff just sit around.”

EB added, “this magic stuff will rub off. I mean, when you dump it, some magic will linger...for a bit. So, heroes will get a boost in powers afterward. At least I hope they will. Might turn some of them purple or give them a taste for licking rocks, but I guess that’ll be a fun guessing game.”

Nova tapped a button on the station and a holographic screen appeared. He spoke and his voice echoed out from all the communicators nearby as well as across the planet. “BADGE to all Heroes. We need help in removing magically infused debris in Bursa and the surrounding area. This is an immediate problem that must be dealt with. Return to Bursa, Turkey, at once and assist in the clean up process. Nova, out!”
Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Crossroads carried a pile of glowing wood. She stepped over piles of rubble from several buildings and dodged several other heroes running back toward the deposit. It was a long walk, but some of this energized material was unstable and moving slowly prevented disasters.

Finally, she stepped into a building that housed an old basketball court.

“Wait.” Agent Justin stopped her and held up his scanner.

Crossroads huffed, “Seriously, you just scanned me half an hour ago.”

Justin looked at his readings and then at her, “Oh, Crossroads, sorry. You aren’t in your normal uniform today. Civilian clothing throws me.”

She laughed, “I’m not punching bad guys right now, just hauling junk. Needed something better than that spandex outfit.”

“Sorry. Nova is still concerned about outsiders getting their hands on this stuff before we neutralize it. Can’t have someone get hurt.”

Crossroads paused as she heard the voice of a different version of herself in another universe. She gave a gentle nod and then said to Justin, “We also have to be careful about people experimenting on this stuff. With this alien energy and all of its unique properties, they could build weapons or blow themselves up.”

“True. Good thinking. Anyway, get going, decontamination is over there.”

“Thanks, I know the way.”

The gym had been damaged during the battle, but it was in better shape than most buildings. In the back were several stations with other heroes working. People stood in line with the debris, waiting for their turn.

“Hey, Crossroads!” A man waved her over to his station.

She approached The Wizard, who sported a thick white beard, a tank top, a cyborg eye, and a kilt. He tossed a broken window on a pile near him and patted the table. “Set that up here, I’ll take care of it.”

She dumped the wood on the table and stood back. “You must be having fun today.”

The Wizard smiled and then held his hands over the wood, “I always love working with magic, even this strange stuff. Now, stand back a couple feet, this selection is a little more tainted.”

She took a step back and watched as he enacted a spell. The wood, which had been glowing an eerie blue hue, changed to a yellow glow.

“That ain’t right.” The Wizard said.

Just then EB hopped over, “Having trouble?”

“I can’t decontaminate this stuff.”

EB hopped up to the table top and looked at the wood, “Ah, this was really infused. You already stripped a lot, just keep working it.”

“Alright.” The Wizard cast his spells again and after three more attempts, and various color changes, the wood returned to normal, if a bit singed.

EB smiled, “All good now.”

“Now, you.” The Wizard said and held his hands up toward Crossroads.

She stood there, expecting this part. He cast a spell at her and then spent a moment staring. She hoped he was doing his job, otherwise she would smack him in that bionic eye with what he was staring at. “You done?”

“Yeah. Looks like you didn’t get any residual boost from this.”

EB dashed away and then returned with a computer tablet in his paws. “No problem. Here, thanks for helping, just transferred 3500 bucks to your account.”


EB shrugged, “Noth’n to it. I got loads of cash and hardly spend it. This way I get to reward all you nice people.”

Crossroads said, “This place is nearly empty. I think we’ve cleared most of the infused stuff out of the area.”

EB waved at Starmaster. “Hey, take this to Nova, tell him I’m going to go out and see how much is left.”

Starmaster took the tablet, “Sure thing.”

Just then a man yelled, “WHAT THE!”

The Wizard looked up and rolled his eyes, “Great, another hero got turned purple. At least I don’t have to keep em from licking the walls this time.” He left to help cure the hero who changed color from the material he had brought in.

EB left with Crossroads and Sword of Geraxia to inspect the city while Starmaster zoomed up toward the temp HQ on the hill. As he flew he saw the amount of work that had been done over the city. The sheer amount of heroes helping clean, so to find the infused debris, had helped improve this place quickly. Some of the heroes had stopped searching for infused materials and were working with the local crews to fix power lines, water systems, and roads. He couldn’t help but smile the whole way, seeing the generosity.

Starmaster landed beside the command table where Nova spoke with Gar. “Sir, EB’s report.”

Nova turned and took the tablet. “Good, very good. Nice work. Looks like we’re ahead of this. I see EB reports a lot of heroes were given boosts to their powers.”

“It’s only temporary, but nice to have.” Starmaster added, “Some of the infused material backfired and people had strange side effects. One guy turned five shades of orange, and another woman started singing in Farsi. I heard that Fleagle was rubbing his butt across the ground...but I don’t know if that was a backfire or an itch, hard to tell with that one.”

Nova said, “Any of these bad effects last?”

“No, they were easily taken care of. And EB gave everyone money if they didn’t get some kind of boost from the magic. I got several awesome boosts and about ten thousand dollars. Score!”

Gar asked, “Where does EB get so much money?”

Nova said, “He’s incredibly rich. He owns several of the largest candy companies in the world. Don’t let him hear this, but I do admire him for his generosity. He...” suddenly that white blur slammed into Nova, hugging his side.

EB grinned, “Buddy, I heard you saying nice things about me.”

Nova shoved the bunny off of him, “Are we done here?”

EB hopped up to the table and proudly declared, “All clear. We checked this place over, no more infused debris. Chase searched, as did several other heroes, every place you can think of. Not a scrap. The last pieces are being taken care of at the main center. Krystal and that Wizard guy did a wonderful job. Really picked up the magic I taught them. Of course, I gave em some really great chocolate eggs to boost energy. Maybe I should do that next, put out a line of energy boosting eggs. Might even include magic in them, not much, really, just a little, but enough to really help. People could use it. Would be healthier than...” Nova covered his mouth to stop the flow of words.

“Alright people, let’s pack up and get out of here.”


In the far north: Santa sat at his desk, checking over The List. He chuckled and scribbled a few notes, and then continued reading.

“I hate election years, so many naughty people. Oh, well. Just gives me more reason to spread cheer. Oh, look, the Prime Minister of Franistan gave his fortune to build new orphanages. That deserves an extra special visit.” He scribbled a few notes down.

The door of his office flew open and an elf rushed up to him. “SIR, SIR!”

“Calm down. What is the matter?”

“Sir, it’s Krampus!”

This grabbed all of Santa’s attention. “What’s the matter?”

“Something is wrong. Come!” The elf gestured toward the door.

Santa left his office in a hurry, following the little elf quickly down the winding halls of his massive operation. They left the living quarters, walked through the workshops, and entered a series of tunnels that led deep within the ice beneath his palace.

They turned down a dark tunnel that was only lit by the distant blue light filtering down from the sky above. Santa conjured an orb of light to see by. At the end of this tunnel was a wall of ice. The horrid monstrosity of Krampus was trapped deep inside.

“He’s still here.” Santa whispered as he got closer. Before the elf could say anything, Santa gasped, “That’s not him!”

“Yes, sir, that is what we all sensed when we came to do our daily inspection. This isn’t him, just some kind of forgery, a dummy.”

Santa cast that orb of light at the wall. Deep, thunderous cracking noises echoed down the corridor as the ice broke. All around the Krampus fake, the ice crumbled, leaving an open cavity. The thing inside slumped to the ground and then faded. Nothing remained, save a small metal device. Santa reached in and picked it up.

“What is that sir?”

Santa’s rosy cheeks paled, “This is Legion technology.”
The Reckoning
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

A flickering glow from the main monitor was all that lit up the BADGE command center. An anchorwoman breathlessly spoke as she relayed the news.

“This was the scene captured by NHK near the Okinawa Islands. A large Dragon-like creature battled superheroes. Five small islands were set ablaze, but they have reported no injuries at this time. BADGE and local authorities were able to evacuate civilians.” The screen displayed the battle with Lord Dragon as the heroes drove him away from the island, out to sea. “Reports came in that the dragon and heroes returned to Shuri City, where the battle ended. However, due to interference and the danger of the situation, no video recordings were captured. All video evidence of the event captured by BADGE operatives has been kept from public access at this time. At the same time, a strange castle was seen near Kyoto, it appeared on an undocumented mountain that also appeared at the same time. BADGE officials prevented any news or military from entering the property, and shortly after that, it vanished once again. The only video evidence captured at a close range came from a helicopter that was destroyed during the broadcast, all occupants of the helicopter perished. We turn now to our expert on metahuman activity. Dr. Wellim, would you care to enlighten us about the recent surge of unusual activity...” The sounds from the news faded away as the volume was reduced.

A fresh light burst through the newly opened door. Director Nova stood there. Chase didn’t acknowledge him. She remained slumped over the table with her chin in her hands.

“Chase? What are you doing up? I thought Dr. Henderson told you to rest.”

Chase only moved her mouth to answer, “I don’t feel like sleeping.”

“So, you sit in an unlit room, watch the news, and brood.”

Chase didn’t answer.

Nova came in, letting the door close behind him. “Chase...I know it’s been hard since Gar...since Gar was taken from us. But...”

“But, I need to stop letting it overtake my thoughts and feelings.” She finished with the words of Dr. Henderson.

Nova pulled over a chair, sitting close to her. “I miss him too. Part of me found him a little annoying, he was so...cheerful and inquisitive. Yet, it was like having a child around, and I guess I grew to like that innocent quality. But, I know that my job is paramount, now more than ever. His sacrifice must not be lost, we must avenge his death by saving this world from whatever Jinn has planned.”

She said, “He loved me. I have never let a man get close enough to me to fall in love. I thought it was not possible, I am...I am not a lovable person. Yet, he fell in love. Nova, do you understand what happened? Do you know what that moment was like when I touched his stone body? I could literally see his feelings. It broke me inside. I...I don’t know how to go on.”

Nova sat there, in the dark, quiet for a long time. The people on the screen kept talking and videos played of all their adventures. Cupid’s destruction of Paris, the battle with Krampus, the Easter Egg incident, the Leprechaun’s gold in Ireland. Nova watched for a long time as they replayed the last six months of all the strange adventures caused by Jinn’s master plan. After a moment of thought, he turned to Chase again. “Gar, like you and me, fought for this world. He, of all people, had a reason to be bitter and hateful. You don’t know his full story, his creator died making him. Then, the man who found him when he woke treated him like a son and helped him, but was murdered by Legion. Gar is...was unique in this world, people even treated him like some kind of demon. Yet, through all that, he had a kind heart, a cheerful spirit, and a devotion to justice. He was an honorable man, and his death was beyond unjust. It is our duty to honor his memory by saving this world from the heartless monster who killed him. And you, Chase, need to be a part of that. I’m not telling you to get revenge, I’m telling you to avenge his memory. Please.”

She finally looked at him. There was a brief smile on her face. “Nova, that may be the most passionate thing I have ever heard from you.”

Nova whipped under one eye, only now realizing a tear had welled up. “Gar was my friend too,” he whispered.

Chase sat up and took in a deep breath. “I need to get out of the dark and justify the love that Gar felt for me.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear.” He stood up. “Get to bed. We have a big day tomorrow.”

Chase gave him a nod and stood. Nova walked away as she stretched her back. Suddenly, on the screen, during a commercial for legal services, the image fuzzed and there was a horrible demonic visage looking at her. She shrieked and jumped back.

“What?” Nova turned around.

She pointed at the screen, which had a commercial for an SUV. “I...I just saw a demon on the viewer.”

Nova looked up and waited while the commercial ended, and the news returned, talking about the weather. “Are you sure?”

“Yes...oh, I guess it was just a strange commercial. Couldn’t hear what it was saying with it muted. Wow, I’m jumpy tonight. I need more sleep.” She flicked off the screen, leaving them in the dark.

The door opened for Nova, giving them light to leave by. “All our nerves are on edge.”

She passed him. “Good night, sir.”

“Good night.” He waited and then spent a moment looking back at the black monitor.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

The streets of New York were as noisy as ever. Cars crammed together as they attempted to make progress toward a destination. People lined the streets, heading one direction or another.

A panel truck stopped and tossed a bundle of papers near a stand. The owner thanked the men, and they proceeded to their next destination. After all these years, and with everything available online, people still stopped and picked up a paper to read the thoughts and opinions of news reporters. Stack by stack, the newsstand owner filled his bays, setting the Big Apple Daily News right next to sports magazines and Stock Trading Insider.

“Hey, Bob, papers in yet?” A man in a business suit stopped and tossed some money on the little stand.

Bob held out a thick edition of the paper. “Just arrived. Ain’t nothing but more about that attack in Japan.”

The businessman looked at the colorful cover of Lord Dragon flying over Okinawa. “They’re still cleaning up after the whole Paris thing, and I don’t even know what the hell happened in Ireland. This world has gone nuts.”

“Tell me about it.” Bob hefted the rest of the bundle behind his stand. “Oh, well. Exciting news sells, and that makes me a buck. Oh, I have the new edition of Natural Geographic. You still collect those?”

The businessman laughed and tucked the paper under his arm. “Since I was five.”

Bob looked around behind him for a moment and then came up with a thick magazine. “Look at this. They’re doing an entire issue on Dragons. Suppose they knew about that crap in Japan?”

The businessman laughed. “That’s just a dinosaur with wings. This thing in Okinawa looks just like something off a Chinese takeout box. Look.” He flipped out the paper and gave off a yell and threw it down. “WHAT THE HELL!”

Bob leaned over, looking at the sprawled paper on the ground. The front page was nothing but a picture of a demon, staring at them with black, soulless eyes. “What the…? That wasn’t on there.”

“LOOK!” The businessman stepped back and pointed at the stand.

Bob ran around the stand and found all the papers had that same face. No title, no words, nothing left on the front page but that horrible face. “This...I...what is that!”

“I don’t know. It looks like it’s staring right at me.”

Just then cars screeched and stopped, horns blared, and people were yelling. A girl ran by, pointing upward, and screaming, “LOOK AT THAT!”

The gigantic screen attached to the side of a building, which normally ran the news all day, had a demonic face glowering over the city. Unlike the picture on the paper, this one moved as evidenced by the way it smiled and licked its lips with a forked tongue. All at once, the screen returned to the news.

“What…what was that?” Bob asked.

The businessman shook his head. “I don’t know, but look at your papers now!”

All the papers were back to normal, as though nothing had changed on them. With trembling hands, Bob pulled one up and spent a moment looking at it. His friend beat a hasty retreat, heading for the sanity of his cubicle.


The sun blazed over Puebla Mexico. In the distance, a volcano belched out a steady stream of white clouds. The city below was a mixture of modern life and ancient history. Tourists stopped long enough to snap pictures of the two strangers coming in for a landing.

“You look absolutely green,” Fiero stated as she flew next to her companion.

Crimson Guardian, flying by use of rocket boots, let out a low burp, and then said, “I sorta ate too much chocolate.”

“How much did you eat?”

He counted on his fingers a few times, then said, “seven pounds.”



Fiero frowned. “No wonder.”

Crimson let out a satisfied smile on his otherwise nauseated face. “It’s fantastic chocolate.”

“I’ll take your word for it. Get ready to land.” She dove toward a golden building resting at the top of a strange-looking hill.

Crimson let out a groan, then a sigh, and finally followed her down, both landing in the courtyard of a 16th-century Spanish style Catholic church. A few tourists hurried away from them while others took a moment to grab a picture with their phone.

Fiero smiled at a girl who snapped a bunch of shots. “So, do you have any...Crimson?” She turned around to find herself alone.

Crimson had walked into the church, gawking at it like all the rest of the tourists.

“Crimson, what are you doing?”

He looked up at the art around the room. “My sensors said this place had gold all over it. And, look, it’s amazing.”

“Sure, it’s great. We have a job to do.”

He looked at an ornately decorated woman in the back. “Our Lady of Remedies...interesting.”

“Whatever. Come on...wait, you look better.”

He smiled. “I feel better.”


He shrugged in his techno suit. “What goes in the mouth eventually comes out the other end.”

“You mean...you...no, you didn’t...in that suit.” She walked away, not wanting to discuss this.

He protested as he followed. “This is a highly advanced suit with alien tech in it. I haven’t had to use a normal bathroom in months. It doesn’t smell and...”

“I don’t even want to talk about this. We are here to find this mythic and see if he’ll help us.”

Crimson followed her back outside, and they looked down over the ancient ruins of the Cholula Pyramid. “I already came here once, looking for him. No luck then.”

“Why are we doing this again?” Fiero asked.

Crimson said, “From what Lord Dragon and the other mythics told us, we need all the help we can get.”

Fiero let out a hard sigh. “There are heroes all over this planet now. I think we can handle this Jinn character...whenever he shows his face.”

“You and I were both there when Jinn used Cupid’s bow...you know, back in Oklahoma.”

“Yeah, and?”

Crimson said, “We also fought Cupid himself in Paris.”

“What’s the point?”

Crimson looked back out across the city. “We barely defeated him in Oklahoma, and he escaped right in front of us. Cupid almost took us all out, and he was without his bow.”

“The point?”

“The point is, Fiero, we weren’t strong enough then. Only by a thin shred of luck did we get out of that with our butts. This Jinn now has three times the power of any one of them, plus he has used some kind of technique...spell...whatever, to give himself power that scares even their leader. We need all the help we can get.”

Fiero gave a quick nod of agreement. “True. I guess I’ve done so much in my time, by myself, I feel strong enough to defeat anything. But even I must admit that I fell to Cupid. That was a battle that...well, I just don’t want to think about how close we all came to defeat.”

Crimson said, “Lord Dragon also said that this mythic was one that knew Jinn better than the others. He fought with him and then against him back on their world a long time ago. If any of them know how Jinn thinks, it’ll be him.”

“Where do we start?”

Crimson pulled out a scroll of paper. “Down there, in the pyramid. Let’s go find Quetzalcoatl and get him to help us.”

She scoffed. “You just like saying that name.”

“It’s a cool name. Quetzalcoatl, Quetzalcoatl...” He kept saying it in various tones as he led the way down into the ruins.

Inside the church on the top of the hill, tourists gathered to look around and see if any other superheroes had shown up. A priest and several parishioners came in to answer questions about the church.

“She is glowing!” a man cried out as he pointed at the highly decorated statue of The Lady of Remedies.

Everyone turned and took pictures of the statue as the surrounding light grew brighter. The priest and other followers came closer, some praying aloud.

“It is a sign!” A woman fell to her knees and recited her prayers to Mary.

The glow grew brighter as the heat in the room also increased. Suddenly, the head of the statue burst into flames. The golden decorations around the statue melted away. The people, once in worshipful adoration, now screamed and backed up. Finally, the statue tore in half and fell to the ground, burning. In its place was a horrible image of a demon, pagan markings covering its body.

“RUN, GET OUT OF HERE!” The priest cried, shoving people toward the door.
Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Deep below the golden church, within ancient ruins of a pyramid, Crimson cut the darkness of the hallways with a light on his arm.

“Just look at this place. It’s so old.” He ran his light over cut stone walls.

Fiero scoffed as she passed him. “Yeah, I know. I read the mission briefing. I thought you already came here.”

“Sure. I was all over this place. I even took a tour with a guide and group. Got this cool snow globe that...”

Fiero pinched the bridge of her nose. “I don’t care about that. What did you find?”

“Oh, uh, not much.” He walked onward, still checking the halls with his light.

She shook her head. “Then...why are we back here? Even Lord Dragon said that he hasn’t seen this Quayz...Quetle...”


“Whatever. He’s been off their radar for a long time. What makes you think this is still the right place to search?”

Crimson crouched through a short doorway and stopped in a sizeable room. “Because. After I took the tour, read all the information from the archaeologists, and asked some questions of the locals, I came to this area. This is the lowest excavated location in this pyramid.”

She looked around the dirty, old room. “And?”

“They stopped here, completely believing it was the end. Something struck me as odd. Archaeologists don’t just stop. They will go until they are certain it is the dead end. Yet, everything I read, everyone I talked to, all said they just wanted to stop and not look any further. They believed this was the end of it all. That didn’t make sense to me.”

Fiero stood there for a moment. “That is a rather logical deduction... coming from you.”

“Thanks...hey, wait.”

Fiero searched around the room, looking at carvings on the stones. She would press on protruding stones and then stand back and look around.

Crimson joined her as she stood by a wall. “I’ve tried that. No trap doors, no hidden passageways.”

“Then, what’s your plan? I don’t want to blast through a wall hoping to find something. This is still an international treasure of history.”

Crimson held up his arm. “I scanned every sensor device I could find at BADGE. My tech allows me to adapt tech I scan into my systems. I’m hoping that something will shed light on this.”

She stood back and held out her hand in invitation. “Give it a go.”

Crimson held up his arm, and several scanners appeared. Each created a fan-like beam of light that scoured the surfaces of this ancient room. One after another swept across the walls, the ceiling, and the floor. Fiero waited patiently, watching the walls with intense scrutiny as each light passed over it.

“Wait!” She held his arm. “Use that blue one again.”

Crimson turned off all the sensors but a bright blue beam. He swept across the walls and then the floor. All at once, a symbol appeared over the surface of the floor, one that had not been visible to the naked eye, or twenty other sensors. It was a circle with symbols on it that did not look like anything else on this temple.

“I’ve seen these before.” Fiero looked at one symbol.


“Lord Dragon showed me scrolls that dated back to before they were on Earth. These symbols are from the language the mythics used before they were mythics.” She knelt down and brushed a hand over the surface.

Crimson, maintaining that beam, asked, “Can you read them?”

“Of course not. I didn’t take a language course with him. But I can surmise that they mean something. There are two symbols here, each on opposite ends. Stand on that one, and I will stand on this one.”

Crimson huffed. “This isn’t one of those old adventure movies. Just standing on...it moved!” He had just stepped on it when the floor rattled.

Fiero stood up and spread her feet slightly to maintain balance. “Yup. And...it’s still moving. Hold on.”

The circle on the floor turned slowly as the disc descended downward, beyond anything uncovered by humans thus far. Soon, they found themselves on that disc of stone suspended in the air, still slowly moving toward the ground below.

“Look!” Crimson pointed.

Fiero turned her head as the disc turned. There was an unnatural shaft of light bathing a single seat next to a rock wall. On it sat a person, his head down.

The disc met the ground and both had to gather their wits before moving. Fiero was much more stable, Crimson had that green face again.

“Hello, we are from BADGE.” Fiero approached.

The man on the stone seat did not look up at her. “I have sensed the evil power that once tore my world apart. Once again, one of my own has obtained forbidden strength. Great confusion riddles this world. It grows in the darkness and will soon consume everything. Now, coming to me, are those sent to destroy. A creature not of this world, and one who has tasted our power.”

Crimson approached, still recovering. “Sir. I don’t know what you are talking about?”

The man looked up, a sneer on his deep red face. “Whatever the schemes of the enemy are, I will not allow this.”

Fiero smiled. “Sir, you are right. I am not of this world. I am not technically human. But that doesn’t mean...”


Crimson frowned. “Magic...in me?”

Fiero gasped. “The chocolate you ate! Did it come from that big egg?”

“Oh, uh, yeah. So?”

“EB made it. It was made by their magic.”

“Oh, crap.”

Fiero tried diplomacy one more time. “I don’t know what Jinn has told you, or what you are talking about. We are here to help.”

“I know nothing of this Jinn. I will not be made a fool. You, insignificant creatures, shall die!” He transformed into a large green serpent with feathers along his body.

Fiero jumped back while Crimson charged his arm cannon. The giant snake lashed at them, slamming Crimson against a far wall. The beam he shot before the attack missed and cut a long slice against the rock-face.

Fiero jumped and dodged to avoid being hit by the writhing tail. She then got a good grip on it and pulled the snake away from chomping down on Crimson. With a guttural scream, she punched the serpent in the face. In return, it whipped its body and slapped her away again.

Crimson came running at the serpent, firing wildly. It screamed as the disruptor blasts showered its body. Tumbling to the side, the serpent went down. Crimson stopped for a brief pause, but it was long enough to be ensnared by the serpent’s body. He gasped as the coiled snake held tight.

Fiero hit the serpent in the face with a blast of energy. It screamed again but did not let go of Crimson.

“WE CAN’T HURT HIM!” She yelled.

“Tell him that!” Crimson wheezed out.

Fiero flew up just in time to avoid the giant maw of the serpent. She flew left and right, dodging the quick strikes. He was huge, strong, fast, and seemingly immune to permanent damage. “I have to figure this out. I could go all in, but I don’t want to hurt him. But he will kill Crimson.” She said this to herself as she continued the dance with the angry snake.

“STOP MUTTERING AND DO SOMETHING! I’M GONNA BARF!” Crimson yelled while being slung left and right.

Fiero gasped and smiled. She gave the serpent a solid kick to the face and used the energy to dive backward, far enough away to give her time. She searched through her uniform and quickly found a small jade pendant. Quickly returning to the angry serpent, she held it up. “LOOK AT THIS!”

He yelled in fury, but then paused at the sight of the object. “Lord...Dragon?”

She nodded. “Lord Dragon gave me and my friend there his favor. We are not here to hurt you, we are here for your help. Please calm down and stop attacking.”

The Serpent spent a long moment looking intently at the medallion. Then, in a flash of light, he transformed into a human again. Crimson, halfway up to the ceiling while in the serpent's grasp, came crashing back down.

“OW!” Crimson yelled and almost sat up, then stopped and laid back down. “I’m gonna just...take a breather.”
Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

Fiero and Crimson stood before the stone throne of Quetzalcoatl. The man before them wore an elaborate outfit covered in colorful feathers and ornaments. On his head was an amazing crown with long colored feathers. The face he wore appeared as an aged man of Mayan descent, with a deeper red complexion and ebony hair.

“I don’t know what you speak of. I have not left the sanctuary of this place for a long time. Only when Lord Dragon and Lady Phoenix paid me visits did I entertain anyone.”

Crimson asked, “Why? The others of your kind have lived among humans, though hidden, they weren’t locked away...at least the ones I’ve met weren’t.”

“True. Lord Dragon mentioned this to me, often. He encouraged me to leave and at least see this world. But my sorrow left me fearful of leaving.”

“Sorrow?” Fiero asked.

“When I came here, to these lands, I walked among the humans. I learned from their culture and customs. I wanted to adapt myself into the helpful myth as Lord Dragon had asked of us. I could not find a suitable identity, for their culture was far more complex than I anticipated. Then, one day, I heard a man weeping about the lack of rain. He begged the Quetzalcoatl to bring rain. I asked him about this being. He gave me a small description, and I read from his mind what the appearance should be. I assumed it would be suitable. So, I recreated myself in that image and used my power to create a small rainstorm to water his withering crops.”

Crimson shrugged. “Sounds like a good idea.”

“At first, it was. Truly, it was a mistake. I did not know that the figure he spoke to me of was a chief deity of their beliefs. I had made the horrible mistake of taking on the visage of a god, which was against Lord Dragon’s explicit rules. I tried to be helpful and hide, but they continued to find me and pray to me, make me offerings and tried to build me grand temples. I showed them wrath, so they would leave me alone. But, in my anger, I caused a great storm of lightning. This struck and killed three people, including a small child. I did not intend to cause death. It was horrible. We may have amazing powers, but returning the dead to life is not one of them. I wept and fled. I contained myself here, away from the humans, hoping they would forget about me.”

Crimson said, “They haven’t forgotten about you.” This drew a smack in the chest by Fiero.

She glared at Crimson and then addressed Quetzalcoatl. “Sir, they forgot the real you, the god you impersonated became myth again. They are short-lived people, those that knew of your actions are long since dead and their ancestors have even passed.”

“That may be. But I still feel the shame.”

Fiero drew closer to him. “Sir, the truth is, one of your own has turnd to evil and is now threatening this world. Lord Dragon says you have fought him before. Your insight could help. We need you.”

“You say I have fought this one? The only one of our kind I fought was the betrayer. He conducted a forbidden ritual and turned to darkness. We drew it out of him after a long and bloody battle. Lord Dragon brought him here with the rest of us.”

Crimson nodded and used his arm to protect a small holo-screen, showing Jinn as the hooded man. “He’s back at it. He killed a friend of ours, who was one of your people, and is now hiding, changing himself. We don’t know where he is or what he’ll do, but we know it won’t be good.” Fiero added, “He has already caused terrible problems, cost lives, and scared this world half to death, and this is only the beginning.”

“Perhaps it is time I return. I mourn for the pain I caused, and I shall do what I can to prevent one of my kind to bring such pain again.” Quetzalcoatl guided them out of his cave and they helped him up through the pyramid. Soon, they were off toward BADGE HQ.


A small group of orange-clad monks shuffled up the steps toward the Vinh Trang Pagoda in Vietnam. The temple was set in a beautiful area and at the top rested the famous Laughing Buddha that drew a lot of worshipers and tourists from around the world.

The monks all stopped as they approached. People rushed back down the steps, some crying in fear.

“What is the matter?” One monk asked.

A woman stopped and pointed back, “MARA!” and then she ran screaming.

The monks hurried their calm movements, not sure what was happening. Defilement of shrines and temples was not unheard of, but rarely here at this place.

The first item they noticed was a giant statue head laying on the ground. The jolly, laughing face of Buddha was on its side, halfway down the top steps. As they continued, more debris was crumbled down the steps, all obvious remnants of this statue.

Then they beheld the horror. The statue on the pedestal now was that of a multi-armed demon, Mara. In its hands it held blades, which dripped blood. The face gazed down at the viewers, giving them a hungry look.

“This is not possible!” Another monk said. “I was here not an hour ago, and this wasn’t like this.”

The lead Monk said, “no statue can be moved that quickly. This is not the work of mortal hands.”


Quark stood by the container that contained the statue of Gar, devoid of life. He pulled up a chair and sat. Silent. The unlit room, filled with flowers, had a shaft of light coming from the open door, illuminating Gar’s statue. He seemed so peaceful, Strange Quark thought.

“If you don’t wake up now, I will change your form into a duck, so when we get you back, you’ll be fowl!” Quark mock-threatened Gar, hoping to elicit a response.

It was a desperate hope.

“OK then, I’m going to sit here and tell you every joke I know!”

He glanced at Gar with a mischievous twinkle in his third eye.

“How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?”

“Just one. But it has to really really want to change!” Quark answered himself.

He thought he saw a petrified look in Gar’s eyes, then remembered that he was a statue after all.

“How about this one: What flower loves to kiss each other?”

“Tulips!” He exclaimed, then giggled, “He he he he he...”

Suddenly he paused, horrified at his own joke, and looked around to see if anyone else was in the room.

Convinced he was alone, Quark continued, “Why couldn’t the duck walk or fly?”

“Because it was a sitting duck!!!”

“HA HA HA HA HA!” He burst out laughing uncontrollably, as tears ran down his face.

His laughing slowed. Finally, what was a chortle became shaky breathing. He softly wiped those tears away as he realized where they truly came from.

“Ah, here you are!” Leprechaun came into the room, a tiny figure up against Quark.

“What do you want?” Quark muttered.

Leprechaun smiled. “I know, it will take time for people to stop being so distrustful of me. But that is my fault. Please. I came in here to see you...and to see him.”

Quark looked up at Gar. “So, that’s your nephew?”

“No. But he has his face and his father’s heart. I wish I had come to know this Gar. He seemed like a wonderful man, now that I learn more about him.”

“He was my best friend on this Earth. We were both outsiders... different... strange... oddballs... He understood me, and I, him. Plus, he was the only one who appreciated my jokes...”

“We will miss him dearly. There’s nothing you can do?”

“I don’t know. Even if I change his form, his life essence is gone. I thought of going back in time to save him. In fact, I did. Ten times.”

“You did?” Leprechaun was surprised. “What happened?”

“Each time I went back to change something, Jinn foiled it. I even tried teleporting Gar to different dimensions in parallel universes, but wherever we went, Jinn knew how to find us. His magic must transcend the multiverses.”

Quark paused and sighed.

“I also tried to change Gar’s form into something else, but Jinn could sense his soul... In the end, I always end up here at this point in space and time, sitting next to Gar’s statue.”

Leprechaun nodded. “Aye. Our power, our magic as you call it, is incredible. Jinn had, at the time, three times the amount of magic any one of us contained. This made him something I shudder to think about. Now that he has Gar’s soul...I don’t know if we can stop him.”

Quark lowered his head and softly said, “I would do anything to get Gar’s soul back.”

“You are a powerful person as well. This is why I came to you. I need your help.”

“In what way?”

“Come with me. I’ll explain on the way to the control room. Nova wants to see us.”
Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

Passengers inside the 747 watched the world below. Children squirmed in their seats and flight attendants finished cleaning up after the last snack. Everyone quieted down as a soft bell rang and the pilot’s voice came over the intercom.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we’re approaching New York and will land in Laguardia in half an hour. It’s a beautiful day, do not worry about those puffy clouds outside, they’re just greeting us as we approach our destination. Now...” The speakers all cut as the pilot dropped the device.

Everyone heard the copilot say, “What the heck is that!”

The plane trembled, and then the cabin darkened quickly. Gasps and screams filled the air as the people crowded their little windows to see what was happening.

The white puffs of cloud outside grew darker and expanded with unnatural speeds. The darkening clouds turned black and rose into great peaks. Those mounds of black cloud changed into demonic faces, lightning crackling throughout the horrid visages. Fang-filled mouths opened and closed. Some seemed to laugh. Above and below the plane, far in the distance and right next to them, these cloud demons all appeared. The ground was gone, the blue skies had vanished, it was a sea of this blackness, the flashes of lightning revealing the faces again and again.

The people screamed and dove away from the windows as one of those faces flashed before their eyes, and it was coming for the plane. They entered the mouth and burst out the other side, but the damage was done. The plane shook and turned, listed to one side and then the other. The winds sheared against it, blaring louder than the massive jet engines.

A streak of lightning cracked through the darkness and hit their right engine, blowing it apart. Fire and smoke burst out and the entire vehicle lurched to the side. Another bolt hit the fuselage and all the lights inside exploded, sounding like firecrackers popping.

Breathing masks dropped and people scrambled to grab them. This wasn’t easy as the plane was in a nosedive, completely out of control.

The terrifying descent slowed and then they leveled off. Slowly, the plane inched back up to a safe height, even though the horrid demon storm remained active.

“LOOK!” A man yelled, muffled by his mask.

Everyone looked to either side of the plane. Crimson Guardian held up one wing while Fiero held up the other. Crimson smiled at the people, even giving them a thumbs up. Fiero didn’t acknowledge them, she remained focused.

Suddenly, a green serpent came spiraling around the body of the plane. It flew beyond them and then made a giant curve in the sky. Thousands of bolts of pure white lightning sprayed out from the serpent and the storm melted away. In a matter of seconds, the sky appeared as it did before this all started.


Nova stood in the middle of the command center of BADGE. With him were Chase, Strange Quark, and Leprechaun. The four main monitors were active. One had a live feed from Lord Dragon’s palace where several of the heroes worked directly with the Dragon. The other monitors displayed various images of horrible demon appearances. The main video they were watching was a live newscast from Laguardia where Crimson, Fiero, and Quetzalcoatl were being cheered as they left the scene of the successful plane landing.

Nova calmly muted the news screen and then said, “I want answers.”

Quark said, “I don’t know what to say. So many various forms of demons or evil spirits have been appearing at random all over the Earth.”

Nova looked at Lord Dragon through the monitor. “Could this be Jinn’s doing?”

“I cannot say. However, generating fear among the population would fit into his tactics.”

Leprechaun added, “He was always flashy. Over-the-top. Sure feels like something he’d do.”

Nova scoffed as he paced. “He’s taunting us. That’s what this is. He knows he’s one step ahead...no, make that about ten steps ahead, and we can’t find any way to catch up.”

Lord Dragon calmly said, “Do not take this personally...”

Chase cut him off. “PERSONALLY!” She stood up, nearly knocking over her chair, “THAT BASTARD KILLED GAR!” Her eyes welled with tears and she left the room.

Quark, who had been next to her, said, “She’s taking his death hard.”

Lord Dragon responded, “I, of all people, should take his actions personally. However, if this is his doing, then it is not merely to entice BADGE or even me. This is to terrorize an already destabilized population on this planet.”

“Why?” Nova asked.

No one answered. There was a thoughtful silence in the room, followed by a unified state of confusion.

Just then the door of the room opened and Crimson came in with Fiero beside him. “We’re back everybody!”

“Glad to see you,” Nova said. “Where’s the mythic?”

“Right here.” Fiero invited the strangely dressed man in.

Quetzalcoatl walked to the center of the room and then bowed toward Lord Dragon. “My Lord, it is good to see you. My heart aches to learn of Lady Phoenix’s passing.”

“Greetings, my old friend. Please assist BADGE with any knowledge you have.”

“I shall try.”

Nova approached Quetzalcoatl. “Welcome to BADGE HQ. I’m director Nova.”

“Nova...” Quetzalcoatl frowned. “I know your face. Have we met?”

“Perhaps, a long time ago, which is not important right now. Please take a seat.”

Quetzalcoatl found a seat near Leprechaun, who sat on a small chair on top of the table.

Quark smiled, “Hey there. So, what can we call you?”

“Humans called me Quetzalcoatl.”

“That’s a mouthful,” Quark stated. “Do you have another name? Maybe the first one they called you from your world?”

“We did not have names among our kind, not like humans. We knew each other through our power, our magic. Even the name of our race was given to us by off-world peoples. I know this one here,” he nodded to Leprechaun, “because I can sense the essence of his magic. Though, I do not sense as much as I could before.”

Leprechaun sneered, “I...lost my power.”

Nova interrupted this. “We can meet and greet later. Right now we have a bigger problem. We need to find out who or what is causing all these demon images to appear and if they are connected to Jinn.”

Quetzalcoatl said, “They belong to one of my kind.”

“How do you know this?”

“When we left my Pyramid, we found a religious place defiled by some demonic power. We also encountered those black clouds, filled with terrible faces. All of this smelled of our kind of power.”

Nova asked, “What was this about a defiled religious building?”

“Oh, yeah, this.” Crimson came over with a chunk of rock. “When we got back to the topside from being under that pyramid, we found the people of the city smashing this statue. They told us it was formerly a statue to Mary, but it had turned into a demon. I grabbed this chunk to examine it.”

Nova took the stone from Crimson. “I want to know what he is doing. Why is he defiling religious sites? Why is he showing people the satans of every religion? It makes little sense.”

Crimson said, “I don’t know either. And that stone there, it’s just good ole volcanic stone. I thought maybe Chase could examine its history...where is she anyway?” He looked around at the gathered people.

Quark said, “She is having a hard time right now.” He stood up and held his hand out, “I’ll bring this to her, see if she can help us.”

Nova handed Quark the stone. “Don’t push her if you don’t have to.”
Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

Nova watched Quark leave to bring the stone to Chase. There was a heavy silence among the people present. Only Quetzalcoatl remained oblivious to why the sadness hung in the air.

“Quetzalcoatl,” Nova broke the silence with a dry voice. “Lord Dragon said that you once defeated Jinn.”

“This is not correct.”

Nova turned and looked at Lord Dragon on the monitor. “Didn’t you say...”

Lord Dragon held up a hand. “Quetzalcoatl was present when my son was defeated the first time. However, the one who defeated him died. I was not present for this event, my people had taken me away for my safety.”

Quetzalcoatl said, “Yes. The highest commander of the royal army took our king and queen away with other refugees, so to protect them. I remained behind, with the other generals, to find a way to break the darkness that had taken hold of the King’s son.”

Leprechaun asked, “However did you defeat him? You have not spoken of this to any of us.”

“I have kept this a secret since that terrible day. It was too painful to observe. I did not wish our kind to know the payment required to defeat such a horrible action.” He took a moment to gather himself, as this caused him great stress. “The act that the King’s son took was to sacrifice so to gain greater power. It is a horrible act that is evil and breeds greed and corruption, a thirst for power that is unquenchable.”

“We know this,” Nova said.

Quetzalcoatl continued, “The act is driven by desire. The power is created and then enhances those desires to a destructive point. What was required was an act of equal, but opposite desire. Selfishness can only be countered by selflessness. One of our own sacrificed themselves at the right moment, and thus the power within the King’s son was destroyed.”

Leprechaun said, “I have never heard of such a power.”

Quetzalcoatl looked at him, “You, of all people, should know this. It was your brother’s son who finished the battle.”

Leprechaun gasped and nearly fell out of his chair. “No. My nephew died at the hands of Legion.”

“Your brother…he didn’t know his son was dead. We had barely defeated the king’s son when Legion began their second invasion of our world. Your brother led the battle so we could escape. I regret that we never told him the truth.”

Leprechaun whispered, “I always believed my nephew died during the second invasion.”

Quetzalcoatl said, “We could not bring ourselves to tell him that the price we had to pay was his son. We didn’t choose this, it was I who offered my life. But your nephew gave himself to the act. I thought, by now, you would have learned this.”

“I...I didn’t know.”

Nova looked back at Lord Dragon. “This cannot be the only way. We cannot ask someone to commit suicide to stop Jinn.”

Lord Dragon gave a brief nod. “I agree. We must come up with another plan. We have lost too much already. Quetzalcoatl, your experience will still prove invaluable in our efforts we...”

“What was that?” Nova turned, as did everyone else.

“I hear screaming!” Fiero raced toward the door.

Moments before:

Chase sat on the floor in the corner of the room where Gar’s statue rested in a box. Around her were those gifts and flowers sent to honor his memory. Her knees were bent and her face pressed into them. She couldn’t stop sobbing.

“Chase, you in here?” The voice of Strange Quark came from the doorway.

She didn’t answer, hoping he would leave her to her misery.

“Chase? I can hear you crying.” He came into the room.

“Go away!”

He stopped in the middle of the room and looked at her. “Chase, I don’t know what you’re feeling right now. But, I know that we need you, Gar needs you.”

“How can he! He’s dead!”

Quark knelt down to the floor near her. “Gar needs you to defend his memory, to defend others from his fate. This world is filled with millions upon millions of people. Each one of them loves someone, a friend, a parent, a spouse, a child. If Jinn rises to power and we can’t stop him, then he will bring a bloody reign to this world. People will all feel this stabbing pain in their hearts as he tears their loved ones away from them. We need to stop him, so we can honor the memory of Gar by defending the innocent. And he might have been one of the most innocent people I’ve ever known.”

She looked up with those swollen, watery eyes and red face. “He was so gentle, so kind. I never met such a peaceful spirit like his. He brought out kindness in me I didn’t even know was there.”

Quark nodded. “He had that effect on many people. For one who had lost so much and was so alone, he was a friend to everyone.” Now Quark’s eyes watered. “Look at me, blubbering again.”

She looked at an armband given to her by Krystal Fae. “We all have become closer because of him.”

Quark wiped the back of his arm across his face. “Now. Can I ask a favor from you?”

She nodded.

He held up the stone. “We need you to search this thing’s history, see if you can find anything about Jinn from it.”

“What is it?”

“It was a statue of Mary in a church down in Mexico. It was turned into a demon statue. We thought maybe you could help look at it. Might be nothing but...”

She took the stone. “If I can find a shred of evidence to help, it’d be worth it.” She held the stone and closed her eyes. Instantly she saw its recent history of Quark holding it, then Nova, then back to Crimson, and beyond. She flew through the skies over America, then down to Mexico, and came to a bright yellow church on a hill of ancient ruins. Soon she could see the stone laying on the ground and then returning to a statue that people were pounding on with a hammer. Finally, it was being carried back into the church where it was placed on the pedestal for the statue of Mary.

Suddenly, she saw strange energy and was being thrown across the world. “This isn’t right. I am following some kind of power...I’m moving. Where is this taking me?” she looked around with her eyes closed.

“Hello, Chase.” The dark, cruel voice of Jinn spoke to her.

“NO! GET OUT!” She threw the stone and then stood up. “GET OUT OF MY HEAD!”

Quark grabbed her arms, “Chase! What’s going on?”

She struggled against him, “IT’S JINN! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! HELP!”

Then, out of her mouth, Jinn spoke. “BADGE HQ, how nice.”


Quark grabbed her, and his arms glowed. “I’ll rip you out of her!” Suddenly he tumbled away, slamming against a far wall.

Chase twisted and contorted as she battled against him. “I WILL KILL YOU!”

“Not before I kill you,” Jinn answered with her voice.

Chase materialized her two throwing blades. Her hands shook as she moved them toward her own neck. “STOP! I...I WON’T LET YOU! HELP!” Inching closer and closer, the two forces in her warred.

Quark rushed over to her and grabbed her arms, pulling them away from slitting her throat. “Stop!”

Jinn laughed and said, “Little Quark. Haven’t I defeated you enough times in your little alternate dimension games?”

Quark’s body became partially transparent as he attempted to divide Chase from the foreign energy inhabiting her. Two forces bent away from each other as he strained.

Just then, the others ran into the room. Quetzalcoatl slapped his palm on Chase’s forehead and said something no one there understood. Quark fell back. Jinn’s energy was thrust out of the room and vanished. Nova caught Chase as she fell forward.

Chase shook as she held his arms. “He was in my mind. I could almost see where he was before he attacked me.”

Nova asked, “Did you get any kind of hint of where he is?”

“No. It was just like when I tried to use a piece of his cloak to find him. I got to his past, but he stopped me. He’s too powerful.”

Nova said, “I hate to say this, but this may be our only way to find him.”

“I can’t try again, he’ll kill me.”

Leprechaun, seated on Fiero’s shoulder, said, “With some help by a few of our kind, we might hide her from him while she examines this stone. I, personally, can’t do much to help, but if we bring her to Lord Dragon, and get help from others, we might be able to find him.”

Nova asked, “Are you willing to try again with their help?”

She looked at Quark and gave a little smile. “Yes. Take me to Lord Dragon.”
Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

“You know, I could’ve just zapped us there. One portal, and ‘poof’ we’re all in Kyoto,” Strange Quark stated.

Nova, seated with the others on the BADGE transport, said, “Transporting that way always gives me a headache.”

Leprechaun added, “your powers are vast and amazing, my friend, but you know that Jinn has intercepted you while going through dimensional shifts. Conventional transport is safer.”

Quark nodded, “Good point. He could really mess us up if he interrupted that.”

They waited a moment while a little air turbulence rocked the small pod. Quetzalcoatl looked outside, “Truly amazing humans have created fantastic technology in such a brief time.”

“You’ve been underground for seven centuries,” Leprechaun stated.

“Wow, even shorter than I thought. Truly amazing.” Quetzalcoatl smiled as Fiero waved at them from where she flew next to their aircraft.

Quark asked, “Tell me again why Fiero is out there and not in here?”

Nova said, “I asked her to be on the lookout. Just in case Jinn tries anything.”

Crimson smiled at Fiero, “I love flying when I get the chance. I loved getting out there and playing in the winds with Gar. We would...oh, sorry.” He looked back at Chase, seated in the back.

“It’s okay,” Chase quietly said. “He loved to fly.”

Crimson stood up and walked back to her. He sat down, which was cumbersome in his heavy armor. He presented her with a hearty chunk of chocolate. “Here. Have some of this. It’s amazing. Even has a little magic in it.”

She accepted it, “Thanks.”

Crimson softly said, “I haven’t said anything since we lost him. I liked him...I guess we all did. He was unique. If you ever want to talk or even yell at someone, I can take it.”

She ate some chocolate and said, “Thanks. I might take you up on that.”

Crimson looked up to find all the eyes on him, most filled with astonishment. “Hey, I know, I’m not the most eloquent hero, but I have my moments.”

Just then the piloting robot announced, “Entering Kyoto airspace. Systems cannot get a lock on the landing zone as indicated.”

Nova said, “Don’t worry, just follow Fiero.”

Outside, Fiero took the lead and flew down toward the hidden mountaintop. Around her neck hung that favor from Lord Dragon. The moment she passed through the barrier, a hole formed and the shuttle was allowed through. As soon as they had passed the barrier, the hole sealed. To the outside world, the shuttle and Fiero both vanished from sight instantly.

Nova led his team into the Throne Room, where Lord Dragon waited with Gamma Ray, Krystal Fae, and Timebender.

“Greetings, Director Nova.” Lord Dragon welcomed them.

“Is this everyone?” Nova asked this with a touch of hesitation in his voice.

Before Lord Dragon...or anyone for that matter...could say something, a familiar voice yelled, “NOVA, BUDDY!” A white blur burst into the room and grabbed hold of Nova. EB held Nova around the chest, plastered against him. “IT’S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!”

“Get off,” Nova growled as he peeled the bunny off of him.

EB hit the ground and then hopped over to Chase. “How are you doing? Oh, I see you have some of my chocolate, that’ll make ya feel better. Want an egg? Strawberry white chocolate with a creamy filling.” He held up a colorful egg.

While EB attempted to console Chase, Quark stood next to Timebender, “Why are you here?”

Timebender slid his eyes toward Quark, “Doing my thing. What are you doing here?”

“I’m an essential part of this operation. Besides, Gar was my best friend.”

There was a moment of motionless friction between them, then suddenly both jerked backward and held their faces.

“What’s going on!” Nova barked.

Quark sneered as he rubbed his cheek. “Just showing him who is better at time-shifting.”

“HA! I slapped you ten times before you even knew I was moving.”

“Enough, you two!” Nova separated them while muttering, “It’s like working with children.”

Krystal Fae asked, “Where’s this stone?”

“Right here.” Crimson produced the stone out of a secret compartment in his suit of armor.

Fiero said, “Let’s get this done.”

Lord Dragon held up his hand, “My friends. We need to prepare before we do this. It will take considerable power to keep Jinn from interfering again. Come, we...” he paused, and this drew a lot of attention. Standing, he walked through the gathered people to the quietest person. “Quetzalcoatl, my old friend. What is the matter?”

Quetzalcoatl had his head down and his body trembled. He looked up at Lord Dragon, tears in his eyes. “I am sorry, my Lord. I did not realize what being in your presence without Lady Phoenix would feel like.”

Lord Dragon quietly said, “Come. We shall have some tea and then prepare for what we must do to stop my son.”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“My kin, follow me.” Lord Dragon led the solemn man out.

EB followed behind.

“Aren’t you going with them?” Krystal Fae looked at Leprechaun, her eyes full of fire at the little man.

Leprechaun shrugged. “I have no power, I’m of little use to them now. However, I would like to show my friend here where he might find a nice touch of spirits.” He motioned for Quark.

Strange Quark clapped his hands together. “Awesome. I’ve been far too sober for too long. Getting crazy in the head. A nice sake would hit the spot.”

“Then I’m your Leprechaun. A boost, please.” Leprechaun waited while Quark picked him up.

Nova motioned to the others. “All right, everyone. I want all supers out on the parameter of this place. I trust Lord Dragon’s protective barrier, but I still would rather have eyes out there in case something happens.” The heroes, save Chase, broke up and headed out.


“Sake is nice, but give me a fine Irish Whiskey any day.” Leprechaun sat on Quark’s shoulder while Quark walked lower into the palace’s bowels.

Quark, taking another swing on a bottle of sake, said, “Irish Whiskey is good. I have several nice bottles in storage.” He downed another drink that finished the bottle.

Leprechaun laughed, “Finally met someone who could go toe to toe with me in the libation department.”

“Ah, I gotcha beat. I don’t get drunk on this stuff, I get a clearer head.”

They stopped at a door that had a strange glowing field in front of it. Leprechaun’s demeanor changed. “This is it.”

Quark touched the barrier, feeling the solid wall of light between them and the door. “You know my power hasn’t always worked out too well with the stuff you guys can do.”

“All we can do is try, lad. Just...give it a go.”

Quark set down the sake bottle and then held up his hands. His body became semi-transparent. Leprechaun also changed under Quark’s influence. Slowly walking forward, he slid through the barrier and the closed door as if they weren’t there.

“How did that work?” Quark looked back.

Leprechaun said, “It is just as I thought. That barrier was specially designed to keep Jinn out, so they focus it on our kind of power. Yours bypassed it.” “I hope I didn’t set off any alarms. Would hate to get Lord Dragon upset.”

“Don’t worry. Look, there it is.”

Quark found a small table with a single object on it, a black bottle with a long neck. “Is this it?”

“Yes. I saw it once before they banished him.”

“All of Jinn’s original power is trapped inside this bottle?”

“All of it.” Leprechaun hopped down from the shoulder perch and stood next to the bottle on the table. “Ironic. He fooled me into putting all my power into my talisman, then stole it. Now, here I am, standing next to all his power sealed into his talisman.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea?”

Leprechaun gave off a clever smile, “It’s a perfect idea.”
Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

Dry, blistering winds rustled the tall grasses of the vast plains. Two figures crunched their way over the arid ground. One walked with a confident gait, his blue wings glowing as he scanned the area in a slow movement of his head. The other, bounded around as he chased yet another bug.

“You’re distracted again.” Heretic, the winged man, said. Fleagle spit several times, spewing out the dead bug he had just caught. “Sorry, this is getting boring.”

“We’re not here for your entertainment. We have to find this mythic and see if they’ll help us.”

Fleagle, a dog-man hero, squinted as he looked around. “I don’t see anything.” His ears perked up and his tail wagged as he pointed to a small gathering of trees. “There! Let’s check there!”

Heretic let out a slow breath, controlling what he wanted to do. “You just want to pee on trees you haven’t peed on yet.”

“What’s wrong with that?” Fleagle was already heading that way.

Heretic didn’t follow. He pulled out a small book and looked at it. It described the mythical figure of Anansi, a trickster spirit in local lore. Lord Dragon assured them that one of the mythics took on the role of Anansi. He frowned as the sky grew darker. This made it harder to read the book.

Fleagle came running back, yelping and howling in fear. “GHOSTS! GHOSTS!”

Heretic jumped into a fighting posture as he saw a figure walk by, then another, and another. The sunlight wasn’t covered by clouds, thick darkness had replaced the blue sky. The sun still shone, but it was as though a heavy smoke covered from horizon to horizon. To make it worse, creature’s right out of a horror movie walked around. Ghostly images walked by, some turning their heads to look at him, others ignoring them completely. Some had eight legs, others slithered on serpentine bodies.

“What’s this?” Fleagle was behind Heretic. “Is this that Anasi thing’s doing?”

Before Heretic could answer, his BADGE communicator buzzed. He pulled it out and found an automated alert. Heroes all over the planet were sending out the alarm. “This isn’t Anansi...this is much, much bigger.”

Moments Before:

Krystal Fae flew around the interior extent of the barrier protecting Lord Dragon’s palace. Other heroes moved around on the mountainside or in the air with her. They could see the world going on outside the barrier, unaware of this place or them.

She smiled as Fiero passed her. “Anything to report?”

Fiero shrugged as she continued on her patrol. “Nothing yet.”

Krystal was about to answer when she winced and then became alert.

Fiero returned to her. “Something wrong?”

“I sense magic, Mythic magic.” Krystal slowly scanned with her eyes.


“I don’t know. This isn’t as powerful as I would expect from him now, but I wouldn’t put it past him to disguise his power.”

Fiero called out to the other heroes, warning them that something might be coming. People charged their hands, their eyes glowed, and a few grew in size.

“It’s coming from the North East!” Krystal pointed.

Fiero looked and then cocked her head, “I see...something red.”

Krystal squinted and then smiled. “Oh, thank goodness. It’s Santa Claus.”

“I don’t see him,” Fiero stated.

Krystal laughed. “He’s hidden by magic, but I can see him. Don’t worry.”

A red sleigh pulled by eight tiny reindeer blazed across the skies. Santa guided his famous sleigh with a guest in the seat next to him. He was allowed through the barrier in the same way as the BADGE shuttle. He made a large circle around the inside of the barrier to lower his speed and finally came to a stop near the entrance to the palace.

Krystal and Fiero flew down to meet him. What they found were the other heroes around his sleigh as he cheerfully reached into his gift bag and handed out small presents.

“For you, and you...oh, this one is great, you will love it.” He was in his element.

Cupid, his guest, hopped out of the sleigh. “Enough with the presents.”

Krystal bit her lower lip as she approached the bare-chested hunk. “It’s good to see you again, Cupid.”

He teased with that flirty smile of his. “Always good to see a gorgeous woman.”

She giggled at him...which was not something she did for anyone. Shaking her head, she said, “Wow, I forget how powerful you are.”

“I have that effect on people. Now, Santa, aren’t we here for a job?”

Santa handed one more gift and then said, “Right, right. Enjoy those presents. I...what in heaven’s name?”

The sky turned sickly dark, and distant shrieks of terror rang out. A black fog rolled in and brushed up against the barrier, but did not penetrate it.

Fiero jumped up and flew higher to get a better view. “What is this?”

Krystal and several of the flight-capable heroes joined her and saw the horrible sight. Across the land, as far as they could see, indescribable horrors rose in the fog. These things were demonic, with glowing eyes and terrible snarls on their maws.

“Are they attacking anyone?” Krystal asked.

Fiero spent a moment watching, then shook her head. “I don’t see any active commotion. They are just...walking. Is this another realm entering ours?”

Krystal shuddered. “I’ve never seen a realm like this.”

“We have to inform Lord Dragon at once.” Fiero immediately dropped out of the sky, heading for the Throne room. Krystal was not far behind her.

Chase had tea with Lord Dragon and Quetzalcoatl in the little interior garden. EB came hopping from the garden, a small batch of flowers in his hand.

“Here. They are pretty.” He handed them to Chase.

She gave him a soft smile. He had been consoling her all day. “Thank you.”

“Easter Bunny, please have a seat.” Lord Dragon commanded.

EB came up to the table. “So, when do we begin?”

“When the others get here.” Lord Dragon stated.

Quetzalcoatl asked, “My old friend. Why have you taken on the appearance of a small creature?”

EB smiled. “That is a pretty good story. You see, when we arrived, I was looking for a good identity. You know, not like a god or something. But I wanted to be helpful, just like Lord Dragon said. It seemed hard at first. People didn’t want to tell me about helpful myths. Then I discovered this stuff called chocolate. It is really great, so tasty. Though, you wouldn’t know it by the way they originally made it. Bitter and strong, like coffee, but not like coffee. It was good, but you know, just not great. So I came up with this recipe for it that was the most amazing thing ever. And they loved it. But what do I...” His breathless rambling cut short when it grew dark above them.

All four looked up and saw the sky turn a distinct shade. Quetzalcoatl said, “These are not clouds up there. What is doing this?”

“Can’t you feel that?” Lord Dragon stated.

EB solemnly said, “That is our power. I can sense it too.”

Chased asked, “Is he making his move?”

“I don’t know.” Lord Dragon admitted.

Just then, Fiero and Krystal Fae rushed over to them. Krystal said, “Sir! There are demons all over the place, strange spirit-like things walking around.”

Fiero added, “We don’t know if this is Jinn’s doing.”

Director Nova came in with Quark at his side. “We are getting reports all over the planet. This darkness is everywhere and monsters are being spotted on every continent.”

Lord Dragon said, “He is preparing to make his move.”

Cupid and Santa arrived then, and both bowed in reverence to Lord Dragon. Santa said, “My Lord, you called for us?”

“Yes. And your arrival is advantageous. We must begin right away.” Lord Dragon stood up and held out his hand for Chase. “Come, my dear, it is time.”
Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

Lord Dragon led the contingent of heroes and mythics to a special room in the palace. Unlike the other rooms filled with ornate decorations, this one was bare. Large mats were rolled out across the floor and a few chairs graced the corners. Entire walls were doors that opened to look out across the exterior garden.

“What is this room?” Krystal Fae asked.

Gamma Ran answered before Lord Dragon could speak. “This is a dojo. Nice.”

Lord Dragon said, “Correct, my shinobi friend. Over the centuries I had humans brought here. I would train them in combat and in wisdom. I helped guide some of the leaders of this land hoping to make it a better place. So often have they seen war here.”

Chase asked, “Why are we doing this here?”

“It is the most protected room in this palace. Ancient charms I placed here continue to guard it. Now, please sit in the center of the room. We must begin at once. Heroes, do not cross the barriers, the moment you do, they will break and Jinn will have full access through the connection to Chase.”

Chase knelt down and waited with that stone in her hands. Lord Dragon directed the other mythics around her. EB and Quetzalcoatl were closest to her, Santa and Cupid further away. Then Lord Dragon asked Krystal Fae to surround the entire group in a magical barrier. Strange Quark and Time Bender stood nearby to keep watch. Eight of the most powerful people in the world stood around Chase, ready to help her.

Lord Dragon held up his hands, as did Quetzalcoatl and EB. A golden field of power surrounded Chase. Next, Santa and Cupid held up their hands, and a weaker golden barrier formed. Finally, Krystal cast her own spell and a purple bubble of magic formed around the whole group.

“Begin,” Lord Dragon stated.

Chase held that stone and concentrated. Though she had the protection of so many powerful people, a nervous tremble filled her stomach and her heart pounded as though it would leap right out of her chest. For a moment, she struggled to get her power to work, her own trepidation fighting against her. However, she finally touched the past.

In moments, she sped backward through this stone’s timeline, going from here all the way back to BADGE and then down to Mexico. Soon she followed an energy, not the stone, as it moved back to its creator.

“I...I’m traveling east. I see the ocean. No, that’s the Mediterranean, I can see Italy. I am still moving. I am...in an arid land.” She gasped, “Eyes are watching me!”

Quetzalcoatl strained as he said, “I can feel him. He senses this. Focus, my friends, focus!”

Chase continued, “I think...yes, I’m in Turkey. In a large city. But, no, I’m not stopping there. I’m going underground. Deep below this city. Ancient tunnels, caverns of some kind. I see a room filled with books and scrolls, candles and lamps burning. Horrible, dark text. Books about demons, devils, Satan worship, and...HE’S HERE!” She gasped.

In her mind’s eye, she could see Jinn looking back at her. Still in that dark hood. A voice spoke, “Where are you, little girl? Why can’t I see you? I know you’re here.” Chase trembled all over. Sweat poured down her face. “He...is changed. His skin, what I can see, is red. His eyes...they hurt when they look at me. Why do they hurt!” She screamed in agony.

“STOP THIS!” Nova yelled.

Lord Dragon and the others all groaned. Krystal Fae’s bubble exploded.

Krystal cried out, “He’s trying to infiltrate! He has them locked down. They are tied to her, they can’t hear us.”

“Help them!”

Krystal cast spells at this, but her magic dissolved as it approached. “I’m no match for whatever he’s doing.”

Chase cried out, “He’s burning in my mind. Oh, god, it hurts!”

Red lights flared out of her and hit the magical barriers. The energy spun around the room, passing through the mythics. Each yelled as the power hit them. Suddenly, Santa Claus and Cupid were both hit and thrown away. Gamma Ray caught Santa, Cupid crashed through a wall.

The ominous voice of Jinn came out of Chase’s mouth. “I CANNOT BE STOPPED! SHOW ME WHERE YOU ARE!”

She responded in her real voice, “I will die before I let you hurt anyone else.”


Chase lurched back and screeched as the mythics were still locked.

Time Bender called out, “Quark! I have an idea!”

“WHAT?” Quark yelled back.

“No time to explain. Just, be ready!” Without giving Quark a second to think, Time Bender held his hands together and then slowly pulled them apart. Everything in the room slowed down. Chase’s high scream lowered until it was a roar. Quark, unaffected by the elongation of time, knew what to do. He dashed right through those barriers, breaking them, but the split now moved so slowly that it was hardly noticeable. He reached Chase and grabbed the stone with one hand and shoved with the other. Using his own control over matter, he phased the stone right out of this existence and pulled it free of her hands.

All at once, time resumed. Chase fell back, as did the mythics.

Quark helped Chase to sit up again. “Are you okay?”

She held her head. “I don’t know. The pain is slowing down.”

Lord Dragon pulled himself up. “Jinn is more powerful than I could have imagined. However, we were able to keep him from fully gaining control here. Thanks to you two heroes, we survived the attempt.”

Quetzalcoatl got to his feet. “The others, are they well?” he looked back at Santa and Cupid.

Krystal held a hand over Cupid, “He is still alive, but is out cold.”

Gamma Ray said, “Same with Santa.”

Quark asked, “Was it worth it? Did we learn anything new?”

Nova answered, “Yes, I believe we did. Jinn has returned to the place where he first rose to power, Turkey. He must be hiding deep below the ancient city of Bursa, a place he called home a long time ago.”

Krystal said, “We already checked Turkey. You had Zanazola and Commander Justin there right away. They didn’t find him.”

Chase said, “He is deep, underground.”

Nova pulled out his communicator. “He lived there for four hundred years. I suspect he knows of places that no living person has seen in centuries. I think it’s time we put together a show of strength.” He punched in his command codes.

Chase stood up with the help from Quark. “Nova, there is something you need to know. Jinn, he has changed. What I saw in that cave was nothing like we have seen since we encountered him. You know that I saw his story, I lived his past through all the objects in the museum. I know what he looked like for seven hundred years. This isn’t the same person. The evil in him, the eyes...those horrible eyes, this is something we have yet to face.”

Nova gave her a silent look, studying her words for a moment in his mind. Finally he spoke into the comm device. “Nova to BADGE. I need an alert status one communication prepared,” he walked away, giving out the statement.

EB hopped over to Chase and held up an egg. “Here, it’ll make you feel better. Eat it.”

“Thanks.” She took the egg.

Lord Dragon took her arm from Quark and guided her. “Come, you and the others need rest. That was an awful strain. I am proud of you, you demonstrated incredible courage and bravery.”

“Thank you.”

They led Chase out of the room. Gamma Ray picked up Santa and Crimson Guardian retrieved the fallen Cupid. They escorted all to a peaceful place to rest and recover.


Leprechaun stood before the bottle that held Jinn’s original powers. He felt the magical battle that transpired in another part of this palace. Though his own powers were stolen, he still was a Vexillian, and he could sense this.

Staring at his reflection in that black obsidian, he sneered. “Revenge. That is all I ever wanted, and you promised it to me. Now, I shall have the sweetest revenge and by the time any realize what I’m doing, it will be far too late.”
Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

Nova’s voice came out of every BADGE connected device on planet Earth, and a few in orbit. Every hero would hear this announcement.

“All BADGE operatives and heroes of Earth. We have a priority one alert. Our enemy will show himself soon. We have little time. I need all heroes to converge in the area of Bursa, Turkey at once. All BADGE transports will join in evacuation efforts. I do not want a single civilian left in the entire country of Turkey, and possibly the surrounding area. I will send BADGE commanders to coordinate efforts with the Government of Turkey. There is no timetable, this must be done immediately. Nova out!” He snapped closed the communicator and looked back at the gathered people in Lord Dragon’s throne room.

Krystal Fae asked, “Should we be going?”

“You heard the announcement. Everyone, we need you to move at once!”

Krystal directed people with the help of Fiero and Crimson Guardian.

Nova waited until the room contained only him, Lord Dragon, EB, and Quetzalcoatl. “Lord Dragon, I assume we can count on the support of the mythics?”

Lord Dragon gave a gentle nod. “This is as much our problem as it is yours. However, Santa Claus and Cupid will remain behind, their powers are diminished.”

Quetzalcoatl quietly said, “My Lord. After experiencing a taste of his power, I do not see how we can face him without our ultimate weapon.”

EB gasped, “Sacrifice of a mythic?”

Lord Dragon did not meet their eyes as he answered. “We do not know how this will go. The heroes of Earth had proven themselves above my expectations. However, Jinn is terribly strong. If the need arises that one of us makes the ultimate sacrifice...it shall be me. He is my son, I owe this world my life to stop him.”

“NO!” Quetzalcoatl cried out.

EB hopped over and leaned on Lord Dragon’s leg, “No, sir. Don’t leave us. Please.”

“It may be our only option.”

Nova said, “It is not our only option. The heroes will surprise you.”

EB left Lord Dragon and then asked, “What if he runs? He knows we know where he is. Why would he stay there?”

“He’ll be there,” Nova stated.

Quetzalcoatl asked, “How do you know this?”

“Simple. He wanted us to know. He’s waiting for that moment he will reveal himself and at that time he will be surrounded by all the heroes of Earth, the mythics of his own world, and a cowering citizenry. This is what he has wanted all along.”

Lord Dragon asked, “How long have you known this?”

“I only figured it out during the last attempt with Chase. He fought us, he attacked you, but he did nothing to hide his location or to take that knowledge from us. There is one thing I have studied and know, villainy. He wants to be viewed as a deity, and this is exactly what he will get. But, he won’t find us cowering in fear, he will find us in resolve to end his tyranny once and for all.”

“Well said, director.” Lord Dragon answered.

EB hopped over and jumped up so that Nova would catch him. “Just be careful. I don’t want my best friend hurt.”

Nova dropped him. “Let’s get going.”


Chase walked down a hallway in the palace. She paused by a door where Santa Claus and Cupid were both on bedrolls. They were both injured by the experience with Jinn and needed some rest. “My dear, you look like you could use some tea.” A small, gentle voice said.

She turned to find Maneki-Neko smiling at her. “Maybe. I’m feeling better.”

“Come with me. The servants prepared Lord Dragon’s afternoon tea, but he just left. I am sure we can enjoy it.” The cat led her down the hall and toward a sweet little garden.

Chase walked out, listening to the soothing trickle of a creek, the soft rustle of leaves, and sweet aromas of blossoms. This was a tiny piece of paradise. Yet the turmoil in her still raged. She found a short table near that creek where the tea had been set out. Kneeling down, she sat in the gentle grasses.

Maneki-Neko sat opposite her. Really she stood, but her tiny height made this table a perfect fit. She waved her paw, and the teapot rose and poured for both of them. “I’m sorry I couldn’t help during the experience with that stone. Lord Dragon always protects me, since I am the eldest of our kind here.”

Chase picked up the warm cup. “I had plenty of protection. After seeing what happened to Santa and Cupid, I would be afraid for you.”

Maneki held her cup with both paws. “I suppose. I am glad it did no serious harm.”

Chase sipped the bitter tea, allowing the warmth to flood her body as she enjoyed the sensation. For a moment, the sounds and smells around her, and the warmth inside, gave her a touch of peace. However, that moment passed quickly.

“Are you sure you’re all better?”

“I’m fine.”

“No, you are not,” Maneki-Neko said. “I can sense pain in you. I can see it on your face every time I look at you. If I may be so bold, my dear, you are suffering from a broken heart. I understand.”

Chase looked down at her emerald green tea. “I never thought a man could love me. I have thought so little of myself for years, I abandoned love a long time ago. Then Gar comes along and falls for me. What is worse, I didn’t even realize I had fallen for him. I fell in love with a statue.”

“No, my dear, you fell in love with a soul. You and he connected in a way that is deeper than most can fully understand.”

A new voice said, “She is right.”

Chase looked back to see that gorgeous winged man. “Cupid? You’re up?”

He smiled, “Yes. I sensed a broken heart, and it brought me here.”

Santa approached. “I sensed a great sorrow, a child’s sorrow, and I woke to bring cheer back.”

Chase frowned as she looked away from everyone. “I’m not a child.”

Santa said, “You may not be. However, the love in you was like that of a child. Innocent, pure, honest.”

Cupid sat down and poured himself some tea. “He’s right. I’ve seen all kinds of love in my time. What I feel in you, it is beautiful and broken.”

Chase wanted to curl up into a ball right now. “Gar is dead,” she whispered. “What I have in me isn’t love, it’s pain. It’s the longing for something I could have had, but was torn from me.”

Maneki said, “Don’t let it turn you bitter.”

“How can I not grow bitter? How can I overcome this pain? How long can I live like this?” Tears fell into her tea. “Oh, the irony. I spent years lusting after every stupid jewel and artifact I could get to sell. Money, that’s all that mattered, all I loved. Now, I finally understand what genuine love is all about, and...and…” she couldn’t finish. Tears fell freely as she cried.

“Time to use that pain.” Leprechaun approached the table.

“What do you want, Leprechaun?” Cupid asked.

Leprechaun pulled something behind his small body as he approached the table. “I’m here to make an offer,” he stopped and straightened up Jinn’s bottle.

“What are you doing with that?” Santa asked, accusingly.

Leprechaun smiled. “Jinn has taken something from each of us. He has connived, manipulated, and stole to gain power. Worst of all, he has killed. I know Lord Dragon doesn’t want us to be in any more danger, he believes we are weak. But, the truth is, if they fail, Jinn will finish us off anyway. I think it’s time we fight.”

Cupid snorted. “What are you going to do? Try to out-drink him.”

Leprechaun looked directly at Chase. “I’m going to give you the chance to use that pain. You don’t need to cry in your tea about Gar, you need to avenge him. Don’t let the monster who took him from you have even one more day than he deserves.” He addressed everyone. “I say we join the others.”

Santa smiled, You know, I agree. Sitting here and waiting for news is not what I want to do with my time. I fought Legion and won once, I will not be some old doddering fool waiting for news. I’m in.”

Maneki stuck her paw up. “I’m in.”

Cupid gave off a huff, yet smirked. “Fine. I really want to stick that ass in the eye with an arrow, and not a love arrow.”

Chase shook her head, “I don’t know about this.”

Leprechaun pushed the bottle toward her. “I have a plan.”
Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

Nova sat in a position he had not been in for three hundred years. Riding on the back of the enormous form of Lord Dragon. Around him flew dozens of heroes. The sky remained that sickly coppery hue, as though a giant shadow had covered the planet. Below them, hoards of demonic ghosts walked around, terrifying the unsuspecting citizens of Earth.

As they flew, more and more heroes could be seen. Some flew, some ran, others used their own unique forms of transport. Soon enough various aircraft and shuttles joined them. These additional vehicles moved against the flow, each filled with scared citizens fleeing from what is sure to be a deadly battle.

They approached Bursa, Turkey. Commercial and military aircraft filled the skies while heroes worked furiously to get people away. What they didn’t see were the ghosts, the town was devoid of them.

“TAKE US DOWN!” Nova ordered.

Lord Dragon turned and led the gathered heroes toward the ground. They landed in the middle of a vacant market square. Nova jumped off and was soon joined by the human form of Lord Dragon. Krystal Fae and Crimson Guardian were first to him. Strange Quark had stopped to help gather some children from an orphanage and get them to a shuttle through teleportation.

“We have reports, sir.” Krystal checked her comm device. “Bursa is at eighty percent evacuation. The surrounding areas are approaching fifty percent.”

Nova shook his head. “Not good enough. Move, get out there, and help. Use whatever you have to, but get those civilians to safety.”

“Understood.” Krystal gestured to Crimson, and both blasted off to fulfill his orders.

EB hopped around Nova’s feet. “Where are those ghost things?”

Quetzalcoatl approached and answered the bunny, “It is as we feared. Jinn wants us here, he is doing everything to attract our attention to this place.”

Nova commanded, “Get out there, find him.”

Both EB and Quetzalcoatl left in opposite directions, searching for signs of their enemy.

Lord Dragon stood with Nova in that Square. “There is a distant look in your eyes, old friend.”

Nova nodded. “It has been a long time since I was here. I monitored Jinn for years after his defeat. Once he left here, I never felt the need to return.” He spent a moment in reflection. “I forgot.”

“Forgot what?”

“How beautiful this place was. So green.”

Lord Dragon gave off a brief smile. “When this is over, remember the beauty of this world, it will help lessen the pain that is sure to come. Now, I have something of yours.”

Nova saw a sword appear in Lord Dragon’s hands. It was a large, two-handed blade. “My sword. I haven’t used that in two hundred years.”

Lord Dragon presented it to him. “This fight will require your greatest abilities. We will all need to be at our best.”

Nova took the sword and held it with both hands for a long moment. Just as he was about to speak, EB came rushing up to him. “NOVA! I SENSED HIM!”

Lord Dragon’s head snapped to the side and his eyes widened, “I too sense him.”

“Where is he?”

EB pointed up toward the tallest hill near Bursa. “Up there.”

Lord Dragon said, “He waits for us.”

“Then, let’s not make him impatient.” Nova held up his hand. Lord Dragon quickly transformed. As he did, Nova’s hand grasped a horn on his head. Both rose into the sky.

Nova’s flight grabbed the attention of many heroes in the area. EB yelling for them to come also helped gather them. Nova, standing nearly on the top of Lord Dragon’s head, watched the tree-covered hill approach. He peered hard but did not see anyone standing there.

“Where is he?” He whispered.

As if to answer his question, a brilliant explosion of fire blasted out in all directions. Flaming trees flew away and a trolley-lift crashed down the mountain, dragging with it all the pylons that held the line up. Once the smoke settled and the fires faded, a hooded figure remained.

Nova jumped off Lord Dragon and flipped in the air, landing on his feet directly before Jinn. Lord Dragon materialized into a human to his left, and EB held two eggs on his right. No sooner had they taken up their positions did a thick line of heroes encircle the fire destruction. A dome of flying heroes hovered overhead. No one moved. A deep tension filled the air as everyone waited for the order to attack.

Jinn looked up from under that hood, his eyes glowing a bright red. “Jadid, my old observer, how kind of you to bring so many friends to join me on this glorious day.”

Nova held his sword with both hands. “Stand down, Jinn. We’re ready for you.”

Jinn cackled in laughter. “Oh, how arrogant of you. You do not understand what I’ve become. You have yet to comprehend what I’m about to do to this world.”

Lord Dragon said, “You will do nothing to this world! You have done enough! It is time to end this!”

“Oh, father. How foolish you’ve been. We’re gods among insects, and you play at being some kind, little spirit in the corner. No, not for me! I choose a different life. This world needs a leader, someone whom they will come to worship.”

Gamma Ray yelled, “We will never worship you! You will never be our god!”

“God...god...no, not a god.” Jinn spent a moment relishing his next words. “A devil, THE DEVIL! I will embody that which brings fear to all who walk this Earth.”

Krystal Fae landed and formed energy in her hands. “Oh, shut up!” She threw that energy out and it became a set of pink glowing chains.

Jinn swiftly flicked his arm out and the chains reflected and wrapped around her. The force of the impact sent her tumbling back through the heroes and into the burnt trees. “HOW DARE YOU USE MAGIC ON ME!”

Nova stood, unflinching, “We have you outnumbered. There are more heroes here than you fought before, and hundreds more on the way. End this peacefully, or be destroyed.”

Jinn chuckled for a moment. “By all means, try to destroy me.”

No one was certain who started it, but among the heroes, a blast of blue energy was thrown at Jinn. That began the onslaught. Hundreds, then thousands of blasts flew at him. One by one, he deflected them back. His movements were uncanny, his strength unbelievable. Hero after hero was hit by their own attack. Some returned to keep fighting, others went down.

Finally, Lord Dragon and Nova rushed at Jinn. Lord Dragon used fire-filled fists to swipe at his son. Jinn dodged him but missed that sword. Nova cut right across Jinn’s side. The distraction was enough to allow the energy blasts to make it to their target. Jinn hit the ground on his knees as the power poured over his body. He laughed. Nova stepped back. So much energy hit Jinn that his body became a bright light. Then it stopped. Jinn turned black, and his body became ash, pouring across the ground.

There was a strange silence in the area. The heroes pulled back on their attack but did not lower their defenses. They didn’t even check on the fallen.

Nova finally said, “That can’t be it.”

EB hopped closer and gingerly tested the ash with one foot. “I don’t understand.”

After a moment longer, the heroes backed up. A few went to help those who had fallen. Krystal had pulled herself free of her own binding chains.

Nova took out his comm device. “Nova to agent Justin, we...” the ground suddenly trembled.

“What was that?” Crimson Guardian asked.

It came again, this time a massive roaring sound blasting out from the mountain.

Lord Dragon groaned and held his head, “It’s...him. I feel great power.”

EB held his head with both hands. “This is unbearable.”

The darkened skies changed to a deep red. The world became the color of blood. Demonic ghosts filled the streets of Bursa, and beyond.

Quetzalcoatl swooped down as a snake and became a man. “I know this power. RUN!”

The ground quaked again, heroes became unbalanced. Part of the hillside crumbled and slid. The roaring rumble echoed across the land. Those demons became less transparent and their eyes turned into a harsh, red glow.

“GET OFF THE SUMMIT!” Nova yelled.

Lord Dragon transformed, allowing Nova to jump on. In his claw he grabbed EB. Heroes raced and flew away from the summit with haste. Some even carried companions who weren’t fast enough. The ground broke at the point where the ashes fell. Rocks and dirt crumbled into the opening hole. Large wings broke the land in two. Hands reached up and tore the hill apart and lifted a monstrous creature to its feet. A red-skinned demon stood before the world, taller than any building in the town below. Dressed in the same garb as when he was a Djinn, Jinn now had a fresh face, that of a demon. No eyes, just black holes. Fangs in his horrid smile. Twisted horns on his head. His flesh like red leather. This was the horror that haunted the world for the past few weeks.

“NOW, LITTLE HEROES, FACE YOUR DEATH!” Jinn lifted his arms and spread his wings, a wave of black energy exploded out, throwing heroes away. The energy spread to the distant horizon, toppling buildings in Bursa and sending a tidal wave across the water’s surface of the nearby port.

Nova held tight to Lord Dragon as it flung them both far. Both tumbled out of the sky and slid across the ground. Lord Dragon, still holding EB, slammed into a building, demolishing it with his body.

Nova, blood trickling from his many small wounds, looked up into the faces of the many demons approaching. With a shaking hand, he held up his comm device and pressed a code he had never used before. Across the planet, every computer, phone, and television connected to the internet fuzzed with a single voice calling out. “To all heroes, operatives, and world governments, we have a code Omega.” The doomsday signal.

Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

Strange Quark flew with all of his might toward the towering Jinn. Air cut so hard against his ears that the scream almost overwhelmed the battle below. Thousands of demons fought the heroes, an endless battle between the forces of darkness and the forces of Earth.

Krystal Fae lobbed magic bolts at Jinn while Fiero blazed across his wings with energy beams. Quark charged his hands with unpredictable quantum energy. This was not something he wanted to use in this reality, but he had no choice. Nothing thrown at Jinn was doing much harm. He raced faster and faster, breaking the sound barrier. Approaching the speed of light, Quark made an abrupt stop and let the energy fly out, carried by the incredible momentum.

Jinn twisted in the air and hit that bolt with the back of his hand. Quark was not prepared for such a precise counter-strike. The blue energy flew back at Quark. The impact forcibly phased him out of this existence and through layer after layer of alternate realities. He slipped back into this existence in time to hit the ground in a crashing skid.

“Oh, my head. How did he do that?” Quark blinked the blurriness out of his eyes. It was then he saw the 747 flying overhead. “Oh, god! They’re still evacuating the area?” He rose to go protect the innocent when an evil force struck him.

Ghostly demons swarmed around him, grinning with their fangs, and readying their claws for ripping. Quark quickly blasted one away and then punched another in the face. They were no match for him, individually, but the sheer numbers were overwhelming. He couldn’t even get airborne. That hit from Jinn had messed his head up enough that he couldn’t phase out.

“Need help?” Crimson Guardian flew over. He held Furious Squirrel by his arms.

Furious dropped and helped to balance the battle. “Looks like we’re in deep crap!” Furious used a steampunk gun to blast demon after demon.

Crimson came lower, but Quark yelled, “GO PROTECT THAT PLANE!”

“Plane?” Crimson shot a demon and then looked up. “Good lord! What’s that doing in this airspace!” He shot off at top speeds.

Crimson activated his suit’s extra power to the boosters and charged toward the plane still in the hot zone. He almost made it out of town when a random energy blast deflected from Jinn hit him. His suit took the shot, but it blew his booster rockers out. He spiraled and crashed into a building.

Coughing hard, Crimson checked a gauge on his arm. “Crap, boosters are shot. I...” He was kicked and sent tumbling off one roof, landing on another.

Wicked demons rushed over the buildings, licking their thin lips as though he were their next feast.

“So, it’s a fight you want.” He jumped to his feet and readied his disruptors.

One after another after another, he shot demons in the face. He was like a disco ball projecting light. The demons couldn’t get within ten yards of him before he nailed them. Then two dark hands broke through the roof below his feet. They grabbed him and forced him to fall over. This disruption gave the gathering horde the ability to advance.

“Damnit!” He fired from his new position, now barely keeping them two feet from him. That demon below him tore at the roof more, opening a considerable hole.

Just as the demon rose from the hole, an arrow stuck it in the skull. After that came several dozen more arrows. Demons were cut down quickly. A blue woman jumped from rooftop to rooftop. Each time she landed, she sent more arrows at the demons.

“Zanazola!” Crimson called out. “I...I can’t get up. Stupid armor!”

Just then two hands helped him up. Gamma Ray pushed him to his feet and then quickly got back to back with him. “Cut the chatter!” He swung his foot out and kicked a demon off the roof.

Zanazola made it to them and released five arrows at once, clearing the area for a moment. “This is out of control.”

Crimson fired his arm laser as he said, “We still have civilians in the area!”

Gamma said, “We know. We saw the plane. They still haven’t fully evacuated the outlying areas.”

Zanazola twisted around and used an arrow like a knife in the face of a demon and then fired it into the chest of another demon. “This’ll be a bloodbath.”

Gamma yelled, “We’ve got this. Zan, go!”

She gave him a quick nod and then did a backflip off the roof and sped away at incredible speed. She didn’t fly, but the dust behind her was all they could see.

Zanazola raced through the streets, deftly dodging demons and heroes alike as they continued the battle. More than once she was able to catch a demon in the throat or face with an arrow as she zoomed by the heroes.

“HELP!” A man screamed.

Zanazola turned in her running, following that plea. She found Fleagle using a large stick to beat away the demons that got close. He straddled a fallen hero. It wouldn’t be long before he went down. She slowed enough to use her bow and fired a dozen shots, taking out most of the demons getting close to the pair.

“What happened to Time Bender?” She noted the hero on the ground.

Fleagle swung and smacked a demon that lunged at him. “Took one too many hits. He was time moving...whatever it is he does and one of these things...” He swung up, nailing another in the chin. “One of these things got him. I don’t think he’s dead.”

She had put away her bow and was now using her fists at supersonic speed to deal with the enemies. “We have to get him out of here!”

Fleagle took a blow to the chest and then swung the stick like a baseball bat, hitting two demons at once. “Excellent suggestion...how?”

Just then a rain of eggs fell on them and created an explosion that blew the demons back by a dozen yards. Easter Bunny hopped down and threw two more eggs, these exploding with goo that caused a group of demons to be stuck to the ground. “Is he down?” EB asked as he continued to throw eggs.

Fleagle answered, “Yes Can’t get him up.”

“It’s Jinn.” EB said and threw another egg. “When a hero goes down, he absorbs power from them. This guy ain’t dead, just down. Get him out of here!”

Zanazola had changed back to her arrows and fired at the now much more distant enemies. “Mutt, move him.”

Fleagle grumbled about her rudeness, but he obeyed and picked up Time Bender. He carried him toward a building to find cover.

EB hopped up and lobbed more eggs at the enemies. “This is wicked!”

She shot two in the face. “This is a disaster. We still have civilians out there.”

EB produced a rather large egg and threw it, creating a tremendous explosion. He said, “Go, I got this.”

Zanazola didn’t argue, she just ran.

EB smiled. “Come one, you stupidheads. I got a treat for ya!” He threw eggs around him so fast he was nothing but a white blur. He was enjoying this spray of colorful destruction too much. He missed that one demon. A massive, black claw swiped at him and he tumbled across the ground. Before he could respond, another claw grabbed his neck and picked him up. He squeaked and tried to form more eggs in his paws, but it did little good.

Suddenly a sword sliced through the head of the demon holding EB, and he was dropped. Nova dodged more blows and then used his massive blade to cut down five demons in one swipe.

“YOU ALRIGHT?” Nova cut straight down and split a demon in half.

EB coughed and then hopped up. “BUDDY!”

“Watch it!” Nova kicked EB out of the way and split two approaching demons at the chest.

EB hopped up on Nova’s shoulder and held onto his head. “We have a plane to rescue!”

Nova growled but then saw what EB was motioning toward. “Fine, you throw, I cut.”

With a guttural scream, Nova charged straight into the throngs of demons, hacking them apart with uncanny skill. EB remained on his shoulder, using one paw to produce eggs that hit enemies Nova didn’t split apart.

“It’s getting away!” EB cheered as they watched the plane fly higher.

Just as Nova cut down one last demon, the massive Jinn turned and spit a fireball in the air. It hit the 747 in the middle and broke in half. The ensuing fireball sent metal, debris, and bodies raining down over the countryside.

EB whispered, “He didn’t have to do that. They were innocent.” “That’s why he did it.”
Chapter 13

Chapter 13:

The battle with Jinn raged for two solid days. Demons rose and fell as heroes continued to join the fray. Hundreds of heroes already there were joined by thousands. Heroes fell and did not rise, their life drained from them as they lay motionless.

Fleagle ran by, Furious Squirrel in his arms. “HE’S DOWN!”

Agent Justin used two blasters to shoot at the remaining demons. “Put him with the others!”

Fleagle dashed over fallen demons and broken walls. He slid to a stop right next to a half-destroyed building. Inside lay dozens of fallen heroes.

Just then Nova ran into the room, EB still holding onto his shoulder. “Report!”

Fleagle lay Furious Squirrel down. “It’s getting worse. I don’t know if they’re alive or dead. Some are breathing really shallow.”

EB hopped down and put a small paw on the forehead of a woman in a red uniform. “Their bodies are being drained of power, of lifeforce. That’s what Jinn’s new form does. It drains power to strengthen him. The more heroes fall, the stronger he’ll grow. The only way to save them is to bring him down.”

Nova stepped outside and looked up at the hill. The giant form of Jinn fought a swarm of heroes. Blasts of power showered his body, but he remained. Lord Dragon drove straight at his son, bellowing a torrent of flames. Jinn grabbed the dragon by the neck, then used his whole body to slam his father into the ground.

“LORD DRAGON!” EB screamed.

“Is he dead?” Nova asked.

“I can still sense his life, but he is hurt bad. I don’t know how we can win this.”

Nova held up his sword, “I will spend my last breath defending this world. If this is to be my last day, then I will go down fighting.”

EB hopped up onto his shoulder and held his neck, “and I will be right there with you. Buddy.”

Nova actually smiled, “To the end.” With that he dashed forward, racing over broken ground and fallen demons, his one good eye set on the monster.

Racing up the hill, Nova spun once and chopped five heads off of demons. The heroes battling them turned and joined his ascent. Finally, they were at the base of the behemoth before them. EB called out, “KEEP GOING, I GOT THIS!” With a wave of his paw, translucent energy platforms could be seen in the air. Nova jumped up and bounced from one to another, climbing higher. The last jump threw him clear over Jinn’s swinging arm.

“YAH!” Nova came crashing down right into the forearm, stabbing his considerable blade deep into Jinn’s red flesh. EB propelled himself off of Nova and threw a football-sized egg directly at Jinn’s face.

Jinn roared and flung his arm around. The heroes took the opportunity and bore down on him. Nova ripped the sword out and swung it to the side, cutting another long gash into the arm. With a thrust of his wings and echoing bellow, Jinn blasted out a wave of energy that sent heroes tumbling away. Nova barely kept his footing by holding his sword buried, again, in Jinn.

“FOOL!” Jinn reached over and grasped Nova with his other hand. He pulled him as one might pull a bee from its stinger.

Nova struggled, the breath crushed from his body.

Jinn drew him closer, “This ends today.”

Nova gagged, bones snapping in his chest. Then, massive explosions appeared behind Jinn and the monster lurched forward. He lost his grip on Nova and he fell. Quetzalcoatl caught him from falling to the ground. Nova looked up in time to see a dozen fighter jets scream by, releasing another volley of weapons fire.

“No,” Nova whispered, knowing what would come next.

Jinn turned and swiped a hand through the air, slapping two jets to the ground. More rounds of missiles hit him, along with firepower from heroes, but he continued to focus on the jets.

Then, a strange spray of golden light hit Jinn in the face. A barrage of arrows that struck him in the wings followed this. Finally, large presents slammed against his head, exploding in large flashes. Nova’s last sight before passing out was that of a red sleigh racing toward Jinn.

Santa maneuvered the sleigh into a large arc around Jinn. Maneki-Neko held her paws up and a spray of golden coins blasted Jinn in the eye socket. Cupid flew around them, launching black arrows.

“PROTECT THOSE HUMAN JETS!” Santa called out.

Cupid gave a nod and flew away. He fired arrows at Jinn’s hand, deflecting from hitting more of the jets.

“You ready for this!”

Chase stood in the back and held two blades in her hands. A new power radiated from her eyes. “As I’ll ever be.”

“Good luck.”

She laughed, “Luck is my specialty, you know that.”

Chase climbed up to the front of the sleigh and then jumped off, diving straight down. Without any support, she swung upward in the sky, flying under her own power. She flipped her body around twice and threw a dozen blades at Jinn. A line of blades stuck into his neck.

Jinn yelled in pain and then swiped a hand across his neck, brushing off the blades. Chase swung around in the air, dodging swipes from the enraged monster. She threw blades at every opportunity, hitting him in the face repeatedly.

Jinn roared, “MAGIC! I SENSE OUR MAGIC! HOW DARE MY KIND GIVE MAGIC TO A HUMAN!” He reached for her, but she continued to dodge him.

“I guess they thought me worthy!” She taunted him.

He reached for her with the arm that still had Nova’s sword stabbed into it. Santa swung by again, this time jumping from the sleigh and landing on that arm. The sleigh flew on while he ripped out the sword and ran up Jinn’s arm. Chase continued to stab him in the face with blades while Santa got to his head and used the sword to chop one horn in half. Then he reached back and went in to push the blade directly into Jinn’s neck. However, he was caught by a swipe of a giant hand and flew backward off of Jinn, crashed into a wing. Krystal Fae caught him and flew him to safety.

Chase flew hard toward Jinn, her blades growing in size as she threw them. Thousands scattered over his body. She aimed for his neck, which forced him to grasp it with one giant clawed hand.

“I see our power has certainly given you boldness. But it is not enough.” He lifted his other hand and his fingers grew to long points, becoming like swords. With a clever smile, he flung that hand at her, releasing these new weapons. Four of the five blades pierced her body. She crashed backward through flying heroes, trees, and ultimately hit the ground.

Jinn leaned over to gloat, ignoring the other heroes, when suddenly his body shook. He gasped and held his head. “WHAT IS THIS! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?” He lurched back, now holding his chest. The remaining heroes used this and poured their power out at him. His wings crumbled and turned to ash. The color of his skin became gray. His face leaned over the fallen form of Chase, looking at her. “How...is this...possible?”

Chase, gasping her last breaths, blood trickling from the side of her mouth, “Where do you think my power came from?” She pulled out the obsidian bottle. “You killed yourself.”

“NO...NOOOOO!” He leaned back, his body now exploding and evaporating at the same time. Chase whispered to the air, “It’s now or never, Quark.”

Strange Quark was already blazing across the skies at Jinn. He stopped before the disintegrating monster and held his hands up. A power flew up and out of the body. The moment it did, Jinn stopped writhing, stopped speaking. He became still and his form floated away on the air like smoke from a fire.

Quark suddenly held his chest and groaned. His hovering turned to a free fall. Halfway to the ground, Santa’s sleigh caught him.

Laying in the back, Quark whispered, “Santa...but I saw you fall.”

Maneki-Neko climbed up to the seat near him. “Lay still. You don’t look well.”
Chapter 14

Chapter 14:

Nova woke with a jerk, gasping in a harsh breath. He sat up and then held his swimming head.

“Sir, be careful.” Krystal Fae helped him.

Nova looked around. He was among many fallen heroes who were coming around. They all appeared much like him, light-headed and confused. “What happened?”

“BUDDY!” A white blur hit him in the chest and was hugging him about the neck.

“GAH!” Nova grunted under a potent sensation of pain in him.

Krystal peeled EB off of Nova, “Be careful. He had four broken ribs. I cast a mending charm on him, but they will still hurt pretty badly.”

Nova spent a moment catching his breath. “What happened?”

EB hopped up and down as he excitedly said, “We beat him! Well, Chase did. Dunno how. No one has found her since the battle. I hope she’s okay. Someone said they thought she was hurt. But where she fell, they can’t find her. I bet she got away. How did she fly like that? I saw her flying, it was so cool. And the way she was throwing those blades, zoom, zoom...” he was pretending to throw blades.

Nova looked up at Krystal, a genuine look of worry on his face. “Chase?”

“We...haven’t found her. No one has seen her since the battle. But, it’s only been three hours, we’re still sorting through the rubble for survivors.”

“What about Lord Dragon?”

EB solemnly said, “He’s still alive, but he took a heavy beating from Jinn. He said he wanted to see you when you woke up. But he is in no shape to come in here.”

“Then I’ll go to him.” Nova struggled to stand, but the pain was too great.

Krystal protested, “Sir, my healing charms are good, but you need rest.”

“I will see Lord Dragon now. Either help me or get out of my way.” He was not making much progress getting up on his own, so Krystal helped him to his feet.

Once they stepped outside, Nova stopped and looked around. “Where are the demons?”

“Gone. They vanished the moment Jinn vanished. I could feel the magic in them, they were made from his power.” Krystal answered. “Come, it’s just around this corner.”

Soon, he came to a place where a large dragon lay on the ground. Near him, sitting up against a broken slab of concrete, was a battered Santa Claus. Cupid walked between them, bringing them water. He was the only one whose injuries appeared to be minor.

Santa was the first to notice. “Nova. Oh, I’m glad to see you walking. I feared the worst.”

Nova lightly smiled, “I’ve been better. That may have been one of the worst battles I’ve ever experienced.”

Lord Dragon opened his eyes, his head on the ground. “It is over, my old friend. My son...is dead.”

“I’m sorry.”

Lord Dragon, in that deep voice of his, said, “What had to be done was done.”

Santa suddenly said, “Ah, my sleigh!”

Nova turned to see the glorious sight of Santa’s sleigh approaching. It landed and Maneki-Neko jumped out and rushed over to Lord Dragon. “Oh, dear.”

“I will be fine.”

EB asked, “Maneki...did you fly that sleigh?”

“Of course not, I’m too short.”

Just then a voice no one expected to hear said, “I did.” Chase jumped out of the sleigh and walked up to Nova.

Nova gasped and suddenly grabbed Chase in a gingerly hug, minding his injuries. Everyone, save Lord Dragon, had wide eyes and mouths agape at this. Nova said, “I thought you were dead.”

She stepped away from his hug. “No. I’m perfectly fine. Probably a lot better than the rest of you.”

EB hopped up and landed in her arms, “What happened?”

Just then Lord Dragon asked, “Where is Leprechaun?”

Chase spent a moment before she answered. There was a pained look in her eyes. “Leprechaun came up with a plan. He apparently had begun this plan some time back. He found Jinn’s original magic stored in his talisman in the palace's basement. He used it to return his powers.”

Lord Dragon said, “How? He would need magic to do such a thing.”

Santa said, “I helped him. I didn’t know the extent of his plan, but I knew he was being honest about helping defeat Jinn and we needed all the help we could get.”

Nova asked, “What was his plan after getting magic back?”

Chase set EB down, “He changed himself to look like me. And then we attacked Jinn. He knew that Jinn would have a devilish interest in hurting me, so he used that to bait Jinn. He attacked in such a way that Jinn would focus on him. And, in his rage, Jinn would strike him down.”

Lord Dragon quietly said, “He committed the ultimate sacrifice. And, since Jinn’s power was in Leprechaun, Jinn killed himself.”

“I guess. I don’t know much about these things. All I know is that Leprechaun told me, just before we got here, that he wanted to repay you, the other mythics, and the humans, for what he tried to do. He helped Jinn gain the power he needed to do all this. He felt it was his responsibility to end it.”

There was a thick silence between them. Maneki-Neko cried and EB hugged her. Lord Dragon said, “What terrible things my son wrought.”

Chase said, “There was one other thing about Leprechaun’s plan. It involved Quark. He fell into the sleigh after the battle. Then, ten minutes ago, he flew away without saying a word. I tried contacting him, but he isn’t responding.”

Nova pulled out his comm unit and realized it was shattered. Chase handed him hers. He checked it, “I can see his signal. He’s heading directly for New York.” Snapping the comm closed, he said, “He has always been a hard one to figure out. Right now, we have a crisis to clean up.”


Several days passed while Nova healed and commanded. Heroes worked with international aid to clean up and repair the city. BADGE officials from all over the planet spoke with the media at a safe distance, keeping them from interfering.

After enough time, Nova felt it was wise to move the mythics back to a safe, hidden location. He and Chase, along with the mythics, returned to Lord Dragon’s palace.

“Sir, I just got a disturbing message from HQ,” Chase said while she and Nova rode with Santa toward the palace.

“What is it?”

“They said that Quark had been there, spent some time where Gar is resting, and then left. He wouldn’t speak to anyone while he was there and now no one can find him.”

“So? Quark is strange, he could have phased to another dimension for a while.”

“It’s not that. He took Gar’s statue with him.”


The sleigh landed near the palace entrance.

Just then, one of the palace servants came rushing out to Lord Dragon. She bowed low, “My Lord, we have an unexpected guest.”

Lord Dragon led the group into the palace to find Strange Quark standing with Gar’s statue in the garden.

“What is the meaning of this?” Lord Dragon ordered.

Quark remained silent.

Nova walked over, “Quark?”

Still silent.

Chase came closer to him, “What’s wrong?”

He finally moved, looking directly at her. “Chase...” his voice trailed off.


He gave her a soft smile, one she knew well from another man. “Chase...you’re so beautiful.”

“Quark? What has gotten into you?”

EB hopped over and bounced around Chase, “THAT’S NOT QUARK!”

Maneki-Neko said, “I sense it too.”

Cupid came close and pulled Chase back, “This...is not possible.”

Lord Dragon approached and held Quark by the shoulder. “It is true. All of it is in him.”

“What?” Nova asked.

Lord Dragon held up a hand, and a light began to glow. All the other mythics did the same. Suddenly a fountain of lights burst out of Quark. Energy fell on Santa and he shouted with joy. Cupid was next, he flew up a few feet with exuberance. Finally, a great, blinding light burst out and Quark fell to the ground like a discarded doll. The Mythics as one moved their hands toward Gar and the energy filled the empty statue.

A moment of timid quiet filled the garden. Then Gar’s right wing moved, then his left, his arms lowered, and he closed his mouth and blinked his eyes. He finally stumbled back and then held his arms against his chest.

“What...happened? Where is Jinn?”

No one answered. Chase slowly approached him, tears flowing down her face. In a struggling voice, she said, “Gar...is it really you?”


She threw herself at him and gave him a deep hug. She pressed herself into him and he put his arms around her. She wept, “Never leave me again!”

Suddenly Quark sat up, “That’s no lady, that’s my wife!...oh, my head.” He looked around. “Did it work...GAR, YOU’RE ALIVE!”

Nova helped Quark to his feet. “What did you do?”

“Just what Leprechaun told me to do. When Jinn fell, it would expose his energy at the quantum level. At the right moment, I could take out all the energy he stole and hopefully return it to those he stole it from.” He held his head. “It was strange, even for me. I could feel the others in me like three distinct voices, especially Gar. I was not in control of myself, hardly aware of what I was doing.”

Chase said, “You brought him back. I don’t know how I can repay you.”

“No need. He’s my friend too. No one else will laugh at my jokes.”

Nova asked, “What about Leprechaun? Did you get his power back as well?”

“I couldn’t. The moment Jinn killed Leprechaun, he killed both the power in him and the power that came from him. The two energies were destroyed and both died. He knew this would be his fate, I tried to get him to come up with another plan, but he was set on this.”

Lord Dragon said, “Leprechaun will be remembered for his selfless sacrifice and that he out-maneuvered Jinn, a feat worthy of very few. Now, I believe it is time to rest and recover.”

Nova said, “Thanks, but I have to get back to BADGE, there are a lot of details left to clear up.”

Gar said, “What do you want me to do, Director?”

Lord Dragon looked at them with a genuine smile on his stoic face, “You two have important matters to discuss. I believe the Director can spare you for a few days as my guest.”

“Huh?” Gar looked around.

Cupid smiled and plucked his bowstring.

Chase took Gar’s hand, “Let’s go for another walk in the garden. I think we need to talk.”

Missing Mythic
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

Pink petals wafted through the air as a sweet Spring breeze drifted by. Steam rose from the water’s surface of a small hot-spring as Gar plunged his feet in. Tourists around him gave him funny and fearful looks, but he understood their fear of the unknown. He has seen many things in this new land that surprised him.

Tourists walked around taking pictures of the park and distant volcanoes. A woman came closer to Gar and asked, “Why is there a statue here?”

A tour guide answered, “I do not know. That was not there yesterday.”

Gar looked back and said, “I am not a statue.”

“YAH!” The tourist ran screaming.

Just then a man in a green ninja-yoroi outfit stepped up to Gar, “Scaring the locals again?”

Gar smiled, “Hello Gamma, you know people get nervous around me. Chase told me to smile more, but that doesn’t seem to help.”

Gamma Ray laughed beneath his ninja mask, “Smiling doesn’t cover the giant wings or the stone skin. But don’t worry about them.”

Gar asked, “Did you find anything?”

“No. I searched all over this prefecture and still couldn’t find any sign of Lord Dragon or Lady Phoenix.”

“Be right back,” Gamma quickly left.

Gar followed him with his eyes and then stopped when he saw a couple near the cherry blossom filled trees. These people were holding hands, coyly kissing, and enjoying the lovely spring flowers together. Gar grew quiet as he watched them.

“Hey!” Gamma smacked him in the wing.

Gar shook his head, “Oh, uh, when did you get back?”

“Long enough to see you daydreaming. What were you looking at?”

“Uh...trees.” He lied.

Gamma shook his head and then held out a paper, which displayed the giant egg the heroes had attacked on Easter Island, “Looks like it’s everybody’s news.”

“At least the world is not panicking.” Gar took the paper.

“They will be if we don’t find this Hooded Man and stop him. We need to find Lord Dragon and Lady Phoenix and make sure they are safe. They might tell us more” Gamma looked at the distant peak, “I will check Sakurajima volcano.”

Gar shook his head, “I was up there last night. I didn’t find anything.”

“I will take another look. Read up on local legends, might give us a clue to go on.”

“Okay.” Gar watched him dash away. Using his ninja skills, he vanished from sight as he went.

Gar got up and retrieved all the brochures from the local tourist stand. Some were just ads for the attractions, others had historical information. He returned to the hot spring and sat down.

“Nice to sit and relax.” A voice said.

Gar ignored this, sure it wasn’t meant for him.

“I see you are interested in the history of Southern Japan.”

Gar looked up from the brochure titled, ‘History of Southern Japan’. He found a little old Japanese lady with a kind face. She dangled her small feet in the hot water across from him. “May I help you?” He said.

“Maybe I can help you?”

“Are you not frightened by me?” He asked as he shrugged his wings.

She laughed, “Not in the least. You have a nice smile.”

He could not contain that smile as it grew. “Another person tells me that often. She said it would help people not be scared of me.”

“She was correct.”

Gar just about asked something when he watched a man present a twig filled with cherry blossoms to a woman. The woman smiled and gave him a quick kiss. The whole time Gar watched with intense curiosity.

The old woman asked, “Is there something wrong?”

“Oh, uh, no.” He looked down at his feet in the hot water.

“You seem curious about something, perhaps I can help.”

Gar thought about the many questions running around his mind. “I don’t understand something. How does a human know they like another enough to call it love?”

“Oh my, what a question.” She said.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. Any honest question is worthy to be asked. Love is a strange and highly difficult subject to truly discuss. It has many levels and a lot of people mistake lust for love and make poor choices.”

Gar looked up at the cherry tree nearest them, “What does a person do when he feels something special for someone else? How can he know if it is love or not?”

“Oh, I cannot answer that. That is inside you to find out.”


“Trust me, you will know.”

Gar smiled, “Then, perhaps, I will try.”

“That is a wise course of action.”

Gar asked, “Who are you?”

Just then Gamma Ray approached, seemingly out of nowhere. “I didn’t find anything. Maybe...Master!” He bowed toward the old woman. “What brings you here?”

“I was sent to find you. Lord Dragon and Lady Phoenix have decided you are welcome to visit them.” She stood from the waters and put her feet back in a set of wooden sandals. “Come, we have little time.”


Gar dove and landed in the middle of a bamboo forest. Next to him was Gamma Ray and Master Nanae. The master searched for something while Gar and Gamma followed behind.

Gamma quietly asked, “What were you and Master Nanae talking about?”

Gar spent a moment thinking and finally said, “Nothing important.”

“You’re a terrible liar,” Gamma stated.

Gar changed the subject, “Is she your teacher?”

Gamma shook his head, “No. Master Nanae is a well-known sensei among many schools.”

Just then Nanae called out, “I have found the path. Come!”

They joined her on a path that had decorations all around and people coming and going.

Gamma said to Nanae, “This is the path to the Nonomiya Shrine near Kyoto.”

“Correct,” Nanae stated.

“Uh, Master, we’ve done extensive searches throughout Kyoto and all the outlying areas. We found no sign of the Dragon or Phoenix.”

“Also correct.”

They ascended the path toward a bland-looking Torii Gate. Nanae had stopped and waited on them. They reached the Master, and she held a golden fan in her hand. She held the fan up and then sliced down through the air. A cut formed out of nothing and a bright light shone through it. Using the fan, she widened the cut and exposed an opening. With a gentle nod, she said, “Step through the gate, my friends.”

Gamma Ray walked through first, Gar followed behind. Nanae came through last and the cut sealed itself. They were still on the same path, leading up to the same temple. People walked by them as though they weren’t there.

Nanae said, “We have stepped into the domain of Lord Dragon and Lady Phoenix. Look.” She held a hand up and they now could see a translucent path going up a different direction toward a mountain that was not there a moment ago. At the top of that mountain rested a magnificent ancient Japanese Palace. Without another word, she led the way. As they ascended the path, the translucent mountain and trees grew more real.

They approached this grand palace. A long bridge stretched over placid waters filled with koi fish. Cherry blossoms filled the trees and wafted through the air, landing on the glassy surface below. The palace was white with blue accents. Golden Dragon and Phoenix statues decorated the gardens and rooftops of the stacked building.

Walking up to the palace, they had to go around the building, following a circuitous path through a blooming garden brimming with spring flowers neatly arranged.

Stepping up to a wooden floor, two servants opened the doors to reveal a grand throne room. The room was sparsely arranged, but ornately decorated. Every pillar and screen had intricate designs inscribed on them. There were a few pillows and seats for visitors. On a glorious Jade Throne sat a man wearing a golden Kimono.

Gamma stopped Gar as they approached this man, “Bow,” he commanded.

Both bowed low in respect.

Nanae made a slight bow and then approached him, “These are the ones you requested.”

The man spoke in a deep, commanding voice, “Greetings, Gargoyle of BADGE and Gamma Ray of the Shinobi. I am Lord Dragon. Please, stand.”

Gar straightened up, “We’ve been searching for you for well over a month now. BADGE sends concern that this Hooded Man could be seeking your power.”

Nanae nodded, “We know. We are very sorry for what he has done. We should have acted much sooner. We hoped that the others would have stopped him or that BADGE would have found a solution.”

Gamma was about to say something when Gar interrupted, “Who are you?”

Nanae smiled, “Forgive me, both of you. I did not mean to deceive. But, the situation being what it was, I had to conceal myself in case Jinn was out there seeking me.” She suddenly burst into flames. Both Gamma and Gar jumped, Gar took steps toward her to help but realized quickly it was unnecessary. The flames burned nothing around her and she transformed within the light of the fire into a taller, beautiful woman. She now wore a brilliant red, and orange Kimono with her hair decorated by golden ornaments. Her apparel had elements of Chinese design as well as Japanese, while Lord Dragon’s apparel was entirely Japanese.

Gamma gasped, “Lady Phoenix.”

“Welcome to my home.” She bowed to them.

Lord Dragon stood, “It is with great distress that I inform you our efforts to contain Jinn have failed. He has grown powerful. We need your help.”

“Why only now?” Gamma asked with a touch of rudeness in his tone.

Lady Phoenix answered, “We believe we have discerned his plans. They are darker than anyone can possibly imagine.”
Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Gamma and Gar were led through the palace to a small, square garden with an open sky and rooms on all sides. These were the guest quarters. In the center of the garden was a table with fresh pillows placed for them. A servant set out tea for them when they arrived with the Lord and Lady.

“Hello.” Gar greeted the youthful servant girl. She smiled

at him and then shuffled away without saying a word. He frowned, “Odd. She acted as though she did not understand me.”

Gamma said, “She might not speak your language.”

“I can understand and be understood by all languages. It is part of the power that makes me live.”

Lady Phoenix answered this exchange, “These servants are not real people. They are simple spells. Think of them like dolls.”

“Have a seat.” Lord Dragon commanded.

Everyone sat around the small table. Lady Phoenix poured the green tea.

Gar held up a hand when she offered him a cup, “Thank you, but I do not eat or drink.”

“Oh, how interesting.” She answered.

Gamma sipped the stout green tea, then asked, “So, what is this next phase of Jinn’s plans, and why have you not been helping us all along?” His tone wasn’t nearly as respectful as it should be.

Lord Dragon gave him a deadly look, “I have worked diligently for seven human centuries to keep track of my people and make sure they are safe and not breaking the rules we set out for them. A few have broken those rules and punished. I felt it was our responsibility and that the humans didn’t need to deal with my kind in these issues.”

Gamma casually stated, “Meaning you didn’t trust us.”

Gar said, “I believe my friend just means...”

“They know what I mean,” Gamma stated.

Lady Phoenix kindly said, “It is not that we did not trust humans. It is that we felt that we would place a hardship on your people. Until Jinn began this plan of his, we have been able to deal with our kind adequately.”

Lord Dragon held his teacup as he solemnly added, “Jinn is our son. I have been cleaning up his messes for many years. I felt responsible for him, more so than the others. I...” He paused as the words seemed to stick in his throat, “My ego was on the line. What he did reflected on me and I wanted to be the one to deal with him. I apologize for this hardship. But, now, we must work together to save my kind and stop him before he fulfills his plans.”

Gar asked, “What are his plans?”

Lord Dragon looked at his wife, as though he couldn’t bring himself to tell the sordid details of his progeny’s actions. Lady Phoenix answered, “As you know, Jinn has been stealing the power from others of our kind. Many years ago, he attempted to overthrow this world using his powers. We stopped him and sealed his powers in his talisman. I took it and kept it safe. This left him powerless. He lived as one of you for three hundred years.”

Lord Dragon continued, “We had hoped he was learning humility and wisdom in a humbled position as a human. We didn’t expect him to be plotting a wicked scheme all that time. This is my mistake, I always underestimated his ability to scheme, I should have...”

Lady Phoenix stopped him with a gentle touch on his arm. “It is no sin to hope your child seeks wisdom. We were both blind to his evil.” She continued the story. “He began a quest to regain power. But, instead of seeking his own back, he stole power piece by piece from some others of our kind. Santa was first, then Cupid. Then he obtained all the power within Leprechaun. This is when his plans changed. He now has more power than when I took his from him. He is stronger than any one of our kind.”

Gamma said, “This is bad. I thought this was the case, but I had hoped I was wrong.”

Gar asked, “Does this mean he will try to take over the world again?”

“Yes, but his plans still have a few phases left.” Lord Dragon said, “Jinn has been silent for too long. Once he stole the magic from Leprechaun, he disappeared. However, we knew he wouldn’t be foolish. Even with the power he has, he is not strong enough to contend against both his mother and myself at once. We are still greater than him. I remembered how he once stopped Legion, and then it all became clear.”

Gamma asked, “He stopped Legion?”

“Yes.” Lady Phoenix answered, “In our long war with them, he found a power to stop them, a strength that was greater than anything we knew. It was enough to push back Legion, but it was a dark, corrupted power that is forbidden.” She paused, unable to speak this.

Lord Dragon quietly said, “This power is called soul-eating. It is ancient, forbidden magic our people practiced eons ago. By sacrificing one of our own, and stealing their heart, their core, the wielder can craft himself into a being of power that is nearly unstoppable.”

Gamma asked, “I know this was a terrible action he used, but Legion was already murdering your people. Why worry if he kills one? If he can become strong enough to fight them, then let him. I know it’s cruel, but in the end, one death could save millions.”

Lady Phoenix said, “It is not that simple. Such a terrible act tears the soul and turns the user dark as each moment passes. He was a brilliant, powerful man after the act. But, within days of victory over Legion, he had taken his father’s throne and was growing more wicked by the hour. We traded one vile enemy for another.”

Lord Dragon said, “I was able to stop him and render this power out of his soul. The cost in lives to defeat him then was...unacceptable.”

Gar asked, “And you think this is what he is doing?”

Lord Dragon said, “Undoubtedly. He had a taste of this dark power and has desired it ever since. Jinn is calculated, his only genuine chance to contend against the superheroes of this planet and his people is to obtain power greater than even our most dreadful enemy.”

Gar asked, “If he needs to sacrifice one of your kind, then why has he not done so yet?”

Lady Phoenix answered, “We are no longer suitable victims.”

Lord Dragon explained before they could ask, “Each of our kind split our magic between ourselves and a talisman, such as Cupid’s bow and Santa’s sleigh. Jinn was able to harvest power from the talismans, but he couldn’t get a complete heart. None of us are complete anymore.”

Gamma asked, “Could he force someone to recombine with their talisman?”

Lady Phoenix shook her head, “No. It is possible to recombine, but impossible to force.”

Gar said, “Then, we are safe from this plan?”

“No,” Lord Dragon softly answered, “Before we arrived on this planet, one of ours had already come here. What happened to him is a mystery to us. How he blended into your society, what he became, nothing about him has been made known to myself or any of my kind. We have suspicions, but far too few facts to go on. What we know is that this person did not split themselves. They are complete, and this puts them at risk.”

Gamma shrugged, “Logically, they would get as far away from here as possible.”

“We believe that they do not know who they are.” Lady Phoenix said.

“What?” Gamma asked.

Lord Dragon nodded, “After all this time, we believe that they are unaware of their identity. When we first knew we would take refuge on a primitive world, the plan was to clear our memories of our homeworld, and assume identities of myths here. I decided we needed to remember the past, or we would risk repeating it. However, this person was not there when I made the decision.”

“They think they are human? Wouldn’t living a few centuries kinda mess that idea up?” Gamma asked.

Lord Dragon answered, “We do not know what identity they gave themselves. I doubt they took on a full human identity. I believe that they retained some of their power, but assumed some hidden persona. In any case, they are out there and their life is at risk.”

Gar added, “Plus, the world is in danger if they are found.”

Lady Phoenix nodded, “So, you see our problem. We have searched for this person for many years and not found them. Time is not on our side any longer, we need help, we need BADGE.”

Gamma smiled under his mask, “So, we come to the reason that BADGE can finally be trusted by you two.”

Lady Phoenix laughed, “I see you aren’t afraid of speaking your feelings.”

Lord Dragon sternly said, “It is growing late. I will have a servant show you to your quarters. Please contact Director Nova at once.”

Gar volunteered to contact while a pretty servant girl approached and gestured for them to follow her.
Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Lady Phoenix led Gar to a room where they had a mirror that would connect to the communicator. It was a cross between the magical and technological. After setting it up, Gar waited while the signal attempted to contact BADGE HQ.

“Having trouble?” Lady Phoenix came into the room.

Gar held up the Comm device and frowned at it, “I have done what I know to work, but it does not work. I do not understand.”

“Perhaps your signal is not strong enough?” She came over to him.

“No. The signal is showing full power. It tries, but does not connect.”

She laughed, “I have little understanding of modern human technology. To us, it is so far behind our capabilities it is foreign. Though, we also must accept we have distanced ourselves so much we are blind to the modern age of humans.”

Gar re-sent the signal, on the screen it looped for a moment and did nothing. “I do not understand.”

“It may not be your device. It might be our isolation barrier. Here,” She held out her hand and a small beam of light went through the walls. “I have created a small hole. Try now.”

Without having to do anything, the signal connected and the interior of BADGE HQ came on the screen. A robot greeted them and then alerted the director, who came to the monitor.

Groggy, Nova said, “This had better be good, Gar. It’s 4 am here.”

Gar smiled, “I am sorry, Director. I have urgent news.”

“Gar, who is that next to you?” Nova’s eyes widened, as though he recognized her.

Lady Phoenix bowed her head, “Good to see you again, Nova. It has been too long.”

“My Lady,” He bowed in respect. “Looks like you guys found Lord Dragon and Lady Phoenix.”

“Yes. Your directions to their location did not prove to be...um...accurate.” Gar said.

“What is this urgent news?”

Gar and Lady Phoenix explained the situation about Jinn.

Gar finished, “You see, they need help to find this mysterious person.”

Nova stroked his goatee, “This will be difficult. But Lady Phoenix is right, the more eyes we have out there looking, the better. We already have agents and heroes all over the world tracking Jinn. Now that I know he is far too dangerous to apprehend, I will give the order to stand down from the search for Jinn and change to searching for this mythic.”

Just then Chase joined Nova, “Why in hell did you wake me...oh, Hi Gar.”

Gar smiled, “Hi, Chase.”

Nova said, “No time for happy reunions. I will send Chase out at once with several others who will join you at your location. They will follow your orders, Lady Phoenix, and help protect your people.”

“Thank you.”

“Gar, you wait for Chase and help organize this. Tell Gamma Ray he’ll be on assignment once Crimson gets there.”


“BADGE out.” Nova ended the call.

Gar picked up the communicator and detached it from the mirror while Lady Phoenix sealed the barrier.

“She is special to you?” Lady Phoenix softly asked.

Gar looked up, “What?”

“That lovely young woman, is she someone special to you?”

“Chase. Um...yes. She is a fellow member of BADGE.”

Lady Phoenix smiled at him as a mother to her child, “Your wings lifted, your smile grew, and a sparkle in your eye could be seen the moment she stepped into view.”

Gar touched his eye with great curiosity, “My eyes do not sparkle.”

She took his hand and held it, “Yes, they do, in a special way. Could this woman be the one who has made you curious about matters of the heart?”

“Matters of the heart?”

“When we first met you wished to understand love and how to feel it. From what I saw there, you have the spark of love in you, perhaps one might call it a crush.”

Gar fought that coy smile on his face, “When I first met her, Chase was...interesting. I wasn’t sure what I felt, still do not fully understand. I ignored this as we worked together, but those feelings only grow more each time I see her.”

She walked with him out of the room toward the little tea garden, “Tell me what about her you found interesting?”

They left the wooden path and walked out through the garden. Gar stopped near a weeping cherry tree and brushed his stony fingers through the delicate branches. “I like the way she looks. More than other humans I see, I really enjoy her face, her eyes, and even her figure. I don’t know why.”

Lady Phoenix sat on a bench under the tree, “Being attracted to her beauty is good. However, what else has drawn your attention? Surely her looks are not the only element that touches you.”

He quickly shook his head and sat down in the grass, almost like a child at her feet, “Of course not. Chase is a wonderful person. She was a thief, very selfish, and alone for a long time. But, now that she is working with BADGE and helping others, I have seen her grow and become something more. She is compassionate. She is funny and laughs at me, even when I don’t mean to be funny. She teaches me new things and helps others without being asked. She is a good person.”

Lady Phoenix smiled, “And you find this quality in her attractive? It is a noble quality for sure.”

Gar nodded, “Yes. When I first woke after being asleep for so long, I did not understand this world. I didn’t know who or what I was. A man taught me and helped me. He showed me compassion when others might fear me. He took risks to help me and even taught me to fly. I consider him my father. I guess he showed me that compassion is a form of love and something to look for in a good person.”

She said, “Your father was a wise man to instill this knowledge in you through his actions. A parent’s greatest gift to their child is to teach them what actual love means, and your father has done this for you.”

“What do I do now? I do not understand what I feel or how to act on this feeling.”

She reached up and plucked a pink blossom from the weeping cherry, “When you see her, be with her. Help her know you feel for her through gentle actions and honesty. Don’t throw yourself at her, just be a kind friend and let nature take its course.”

“Nature.” He whispered, “I am not of this nature. I am not a human. I am a statue given life. I do not have a heart. How can I want her to care for me in return when I am so different?”

Lady Phoenix leaned over and placed that blossom in his hand, “The blossom blooms in spite of adversity. Come the season, it opens its petals to the world for all to see its beauty. Let her see the beauty of your blossoming heart, all other concerns will fall away.”
Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

The market in Hong Kong clamored with activity. People packed the street as they shopped for everything from fine apparel to freshly made noodles. Cars zoomed one way, motorcycles the other, colors of neon lights blazed in the night's darkness.

Walking down a less-used alley, a hooded figure crept through this darkness. A man came out yelling at him about trespassing. This wasn’t a public area, it was for deliveries only.

“Be silent.” The hooded man stated.

The man didn’t quiet down; he yelled louder when he saw a police officer walking by. The officer came up to the hooded man to escort him away from this. It was when he went for his cuffs that the hooded man placed a single finger on the man’s forehead. The officer’s eyes rolled back and his complexion went pale. He fell in a dead heap. The business owner screamed, and slammed, then locked the door of his establishment.

Satisfied with his display of power, the hooded man left the alley for the street. No one seemed to have noticed the death of the officer, they were far too engrossed with their transactions. He pushed and shoved his way through the throngs as he approached an old noodle shop.

“BACK OF THE LINE!” A woman bellowed from where she stirred an enormous pot of noodles.

He ignored her and headed directly for a wooden shelf lined in golden cats. Each had an arm up, beckoning customers to visit this shop. Some cats were plastic, others made of stone. One shivered, its eyes twitched from side to side, and its paw trembled as it moved in jerking motions forward and back.

“Nice try.” He said.

Sheer terror riddled the cat’s eyes as she gazed into the face of Jinn, “Wha...wha...what do you want?” Jinn smiled, “I have searched throughout China and beyond to find my father’s palace. He has moved it since I last visited. Where is it, Maneki-Neko?”

“I...uh...don’t know. Please leave me alone.”

Jinn laughed, uncaring of the growing eyes on him from the bewildered citizens. He reached over and brushed his hand down the cat’s little head, “Oh, you know. You’ve lived the closest to him all these years. Now, tell me.”

Maneki-Neko shook her head, “No, I don’t know. Leave!”

Jinn suddenly grabbed the cat by its throat and yanked it up, “FINE, I WILL DRAG IT OUT OF YOUR MIND!” His eyes lit up and the cat screamed as a pinpoint of light formed on its forehead.

Maneki-Neko thrust her arms out and thousands of golden coins rained down. The perplexed people instantly scrambled for the gold, several shoving into Jinn. He lost his grip on the cat in the confusion and Maneki-Neko raced up a wall and out of sight. With a wave of his arms, Jinn sent a massive force out that threw people in all directions.


“Stand down!” Several police officers came running with guns drawn.

Jinn laughed, “Foolish people. Your guns are no match for me!” He quickly slapped the ground and gravity reversed.

All the people near him, as well as carts, cars, and anything else not fastened to the ground, floated away. The officers fired, but the bullets were flicked away. Jinn, who was not floating aimlessly, ran at the tumbling police and grabbed a set of carving knives out of the air. He twisted around and threw them. Half an inch away from killing the officers, the blades stopped. Then gravity worked again, and everything hit the ground.

“Messing with gravity now.” Strange Quark stepped out of a shadow, his hands aglow with energy as he fixed nature.

Jinn smiled, “Oh, so it’s you. I thought I had dismantled you.”

“You did, for a brief time. But I have a way of putting myself back together.”

“I will scatter your atoms so far in this universe it will take you millennia to put yourself back together.” Jinn pushed both hands forward to cast his spell, but purple, translucent cuffs appeared on his wrists and they slammed him to the ground.

Krystal Fae flew down and landed in front of Jinn, “Nice try. I’ve had some time to study your magic.”

“Oh, so the pretty little Fae feels stronger.”

She shoved her hand down and his wrists broke the pavement, “Watch your tongue.”

Quark joined Krystal as he brushed his hands together, “All fixed. He really messed up the gravitational forces here.” He looked at the man pinned to the ground, “What about him?”

Jinn looked up at them, “I guess you must take me to my father.”

Quark frowned, “Father?”

Krystal thrust her hand upward and this yanked Jinn to his feet, “No, I have a special, magical prison waiting for you.”

“Oh, sounds nice.” Jinn said, “And I am sure you spent a long time working on it. However, I was only cooperating as long as you would bring me to my father.” He pulled his hands apart, breaking her magical cuffs and instantly blasted a massive magical beam directly at her.

Krystal pushed her hands forward and caught the beam with a small, potent barrier. She was shoved backward across the ground as he increased the intensity. “I...I CAN’T HOLD IT!” She yelled.

Quark dashed at him, phasing from one spot to another. Just as he reached Jinn, Jinn smacked him right in the face with a free hand and Quark crashed through the open window of a fish market.

“I AM SO MUCH GREATER THAN YOU HEROES! I WILL TEAR YOU APART!” He yelled as he shoved Krystal to her knees under the intense power.

Quark sat up, half-buried in various seafood. He spit out a fish head and said, “Needs more soy sauce.” Jumping up, he threw his hands out and a bubble of phased energy surrounded Jinn. His energy blasts bounced around the inside of that bubble.

Quark helped Krystal to her feet, “You okay?”

“Yes. I thought I knew his power better. He is...too strong.”

They both watched as Jinn cracked that bubble of energy.

Quark said, “With his power, he’ll level Hong Kong.”

“He’ll level the Eastern Sea Coast,” Krystal stated.

“We have to get him out of here.”

Just then the bubble exploded. Jinn was just about to attack again when a massive purple hammer appeared in the air and hit him like a golf ball. He went flying in a wide arc away from the city.

They jumped up and took to the sky. Krystal shoved Quark, “Go, warn them.”

“They know he’s out there. We need to keep him busy so he doesn’t hurt anyone else.”

“I’ll keep him busy. I still understand magic better than anyone else on Earth. You need to tell them where he is. GO!” She kicked Quark and he fell through a magical portal that dropped him fifty miles away in the ocean.

He tread the surface as he scoffed, “I hate when she does that.”
Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

Gamma Ray and Gar followed The Phoenix back through the barrier and to where the civilians went on about their regular lives. The moment they stepped through the Torii shrine, The Phoenix changed into the little old lady known as Master Nanae.

Gar smiled at the transformation, “Don’t like to show the people what you look like?”

Nanae laughed, “It would be troublesome to be seen as the Phoenix. I tend to have fire around me often, and that can startle people. Of course, my fire doesn’t burn unless I allow it, but it still scares them.”

Gar casually said, “It’s hard to look so different and have people scared of you when you aren’t going to hurt anyone.”

She paused and looked at him, “I understand how you feel. But you are still cute.”

Gamma passed them, “If you think granite skin and bat wings are cute.”

Gar frowned, “I like to think of them as Dragon wings.”

Nanae laughed at them. “Come on. The landing craft will be here shortly and we don’t have all day.”

As they walked down, more and more Japanese citizens came over and wanted to either take a photo with Gar or give him gifts. He would politely refuse the gifts, though he allowed a few pictures. The whole time Nanae giggled at him.

Shoving through a crowd, Gar raced ahead to a more open area. Gamma caught up and said, “You sure are popular here.”

“I don’t understand.” Gar looked back, a few people waving cameras his direction, asking for a photo.

Nanae walked past, still smiling, “It seems you don’t always elicit fear.”

“Why...” Gar started his question when a monk came up to him.

The man bowed twice, clapped his hands twice, and then bowed again. While bowing he said, “Thank you for appearing, Tengu. Please, we ask for protection over Kyoto.”

Gar looked around as people were all bowing his direction, he smiled and said, “I will protect the city as best I can.”

“Thank you.” The man bowed deeper and then hurried away.

“What was that all about? What is a Tengu?” Gar looked over and saw that Gamma had his face in his hand and Nanae was shaking her head. “What?”

Gamma blurted out, “They think you’re one of the Tengu.”


Nanae took Gar’s arm and guided him along, “Some of these people believe in Tengu, guardian gods. The Tengu can appear as a man, or a bird, or something in-between. Since you are a man with wings, some might see you as that image. And, since you also look like a statue, it confirms the image in their minds.”

“Why did he ask for protection?”

Gamma answered, “Tengu are protectors. Not always the nicest beings in the myths, but they are good at their job.”

Nanae added, “With all the strange things happening over the past few months around the world. It makes sense that people will seek any source of protection they can find.”

“Are Tengu real?”

“I have not met one.” She said.

They left the crowded areas and walked out to a cleared landing area. Gar looked around for a moment while they waited on the shuttle.

“What are you doing?” Gamma asked.

Gar had walked away from the landing pad and was staring at a small, gnarly little plum tree that had grown in the corner of this lot. Gar plucked a short branch covered in the thick, pinkish-white blossoms. “I wanted something to give to Chase.”

“Chase? Why?”

Gar merely smiled, “Just because.”

Gamma followed him back to the pad just as the shuttle landed. The moment the craft stopped, a door on the side slid open and Crimson Guardian jumped out. He had a sizeable chunk of chocolate in his hand that he was munching on. Behind him came two BADGE officers followed by Chase.

Gamma met Crimson, “You have chocolate all over your face.”


“Wait...Is that the egg from Easter?”

Crimson shoved a huge bite in his face and smiled, “There were like five metric tons of chocolate in that egg, along with everything else that came out.”

“And, you’ll try to eat it all,” Gamma muttered.

The two BADGE officers approached Nanae, “Director Nova said you had something for us?”

She nodded, “Yes.” She gave them some papers and other items.

Gar nervously approached Chase and held out that little limb, “Here, they have pretty flowers in this place. I thought you would like some.”

Chase took the limb and smelled the fragrant blossoms, “Oh, these are nice. Thanks.” She gave him a big hug, which made both Gamma and Crimson just about pass out. While squeezing him, she said, “Am I glad to see you!”

Gar let go of her, a boyish smile all over his face, “Really!”

“Yes,” she stretched her back, which popped in two places, “I’ve been stuck with Nova for two months. That guy’s a stick-in-the-mud. You’re made of stone and still ten times the fun to be around. Don’t get me wrong, he’s an excellent leader and a brilliant teacher. But, I can’t get a laugh out of him if my life depended on it. When the Easter Bunny was there, he was a lot more fun to talk to...though he broke just about everything in the place.” She smiled at the flowers in her hand again, “Let me tell you, I have quite the story from EB about Jinn and Nova. We...”

Just then Nanae walked past them, “Come with me, we need to get back to the palace.”

Chase followed first, “Palace, nice!”

Gar stood there, watching her leave. Gamma and Crimson approached him. Crimson said, “I haven’t ever seen her hug anyone.”

Gamma looked at Gar and asked, “Is there something between you two I do’t know about?”

“I...uh...don’t know,” Gar said.

Crimson let out a big laugh, slapping Gar on the wing, “Chase and Gar! HA! That’s rich. Good one Gamma.”

Gar feigned a laugh, “Yeah...funny.”

Just then there was a strange popping noise and a blue flash of light. A man fell through a portal and tumbled across the ground. Everyone went on high alert until they saw who it was.

“QUARK?” Crimson called out.

Strange Quark sat up in the grass and banged his head as water came out one ear. “I’m gonna need a plunger.” Quark looked around, “Wait, this isn’t BADGE?”

“You’re in Japan,” Gamma stated.

Quark got up, “That explains the smell of fish...or that’s the sardine stuck in my tights. I zeroed in on Chase and Gar, when they are together they are at BADGE.”

Gar said, “We are here.”

“Obviously. Whatever, we have big problems. The Hooded Man is somewhere in China, not too far from here.”

Nanae came over to Quark, “Come, we must tell Lord Dragon right away.”
Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

Everyone stood before the throne of Lord Dragon. Lady Phoenix, in her actual form, stood beside him. There was a freestanding mirror brought into the room, connected to Gar’s communicator. Through it, Nova joined the meeting from BADGE HQ.

Quark gave the information he knew, “That is the last I saw of him. From the direction Krystal hit him, he went south.”

“That means little.” Lord Dragon stated, “Jinn can move with great speed.” He stroked his chin.

Nova asked, “What was he looking for? Did he attack another of his kind in Hong Kong?”

Quark nodded, “I had been tracking an energy signature that was leading me to one, but I never saw them. When I arrived, he was attacking the locals. Wait, just before he screwed up gravity I thought I saw him with a cat...or...something like a cat.”

“Maneki-Neko.” Lady Phoenix said.

Gamma Ray asked, “Who?”

Lady Phoenix said, “Maneki-Neko is one name she is called. She took up the image of a beneficial feline of your people’s myths. She is the oldest of our kind and the weakest. She has spent her life here in peace. It makes me sad that he chose her to terrorize.”

Nova asked, “What did he want? Could this Maneki-Neko person know of the missing mythic?”

“No.” Lord Dragon stated, “She has aided us in our search before and not found anything.”

Gamma said, “Then our goal is clear. Find this person before Jinn does.”

Chase spoke up, “Sir, what about what the Leprechaun said?”

Nova shook his head, “I don’t know.”

Strange Quark asked, “What did he say?”

Nova answered, “After we had captured him, Leprechaun indicated that one member of BADGE was of his people. But there are only three official BADGE members, Chase, Gargoyle, and myself. All others are field agents or heroes who merely work with BADGE.”

Lord Dragon asked, “Why hasn’t this information been put forward?”

Nova said, “Because I don’t believe Leprechaun is all that trustworthy. In my opinion, he was just attempting to sow discord or confusion.”

Lord Dragon gave a nod, “Agreed. This information was likely false. However, we won’t entirely dismiss it yet.”

Nova said, “For now, let us focus on the plan at hand.”

“Precisely,” Lord Dragon looked at Nova, “When your agents arrive, you will have what you need to find my kind.”

“Thank you. What we will do...” Nova was cut off.

Lord Dragon said, “I will be in charge of this from now on.” He ignored the glare from Nova and continued with his commands. “Lady Phoenix has supplied your agents with a set of favors. Each person here will receive one. These will grant the wearer the ability to understand my kind regardless of the language they speak. It will also allow my kind to know you are trusted. I need BADGE operatives and heroes to spread out and locate members of my race and seek any information they might have on this missing person. Also, if any find evidence of Jinn, report it back at once so we can hopefully know his movements. I have sent a list to you, Director of the mythics your people will seek. The people here at the palace will work under my direct command to go and seek others.”

Director Nova said, “This would be easier if we had one of your kind here at HQ to help me. Understanding your people is not easy. They will be in hiding.”

Lord Dragon almost smiled as he responded, “You are a wise man. This is exactly what I have considered. I am sending you someone who is especially good at locating hidden things. One who will give you aid and is unquestionably loyal.”

Nova frowned, “Santa said he would be in hiding and...wait...you don’t mean...” There was a large crashing noise behind him.

A voice at BADGE HQ called out, “NOOOOVAA! BUUUDY!”

Nova went pale, “Oh, god no.”

Chase did not hide her snicker well.

Suddenly the monitor on Nova’s end shook and moved as a white blur bounced around. Finally, as Nova was straightening the screen, the Easter Bunny hopped up and down into view. “HEY, EVERYONE! LORD DRAGON SIR! OH, LOOK, IT’S GARGOYLE! LOVE THE WINGS! HEY, CHASE, LOOK’N GOOD BABE!”

“Would you stop that!” Nova grabbed him by a foot and dangled him in front of his face. “This is a serious situation!”

EB looked at the screen, from his upended position, and said, “My Lord Dragon, I made it. I could’a just stuck around since I was here a few weeks ago. But I had work to do. Lots of candy to make. There was this chocolate fest in Rio and you wouldn’t believe...”

“Easter Bunny,” Lord Dragon calmly interrupted, “Enough.”

“Right-o, sir.”

Lord Dragon said, “Time is not on our side. Director Nova, please begin your operation at once.”

Nova unceremoniously dropped EB on the ground, “Couldn’t agree more, BADGE out.” The mirror returned to a simple reflection.

Lord Dragon nodded to his wife, and she walked up to each person and handed them a jade pendant on a golden thread. She said, “These are the favor of Lord Dragon. With these, our kind will trust you.”

Crimson looked at his medallion as he asked, “Wouldn’t it be bad if Jinn got one?”

Lord Dragon said, “With or without this pendant, none among my kind would trust him. He doesn’t need this pendant, but you do.”

“What do you need us to do?” Quark asked.

Lady Phoenix handed Crimson, Gamma, and Quark each a small scroll tube. “Each of these is the known location of one of our kind. Speak with them, warn them of what is going on.”

Quark, who hadn’t put his pendant on yet, said, “Oh, Santa, cool. Right on it.” He vanished in a flash of light. Almost instantly there came a loud bang outside, and Quark reappeared high above and hit the ground. “OW!”

Lady Phoenix helped him up, “I am sorry, but no type of magic or power can penetrate the barrier that protects this place. However, if you wear that pendant, it will allow you to leave. Walk out through the Torii like a normal human.”

Quark sneered, “Ugh, normal. I hate that word. Oh, well.” He put the pendant on and walked out.

Gamma held up his note to Crimson, “I got Maneki-Neko.”

Crimson said, “I have Quetzalcoatl, wow, cool.”

They walked out, comparing notes on who their particular mythics were.

Once they were gone, Chase asked, “What about us?”

Lord Dragon said, “I need you here as a liaison between the palace and BADGE.”

“Both of us?” Chase frowned.

“For now.” Lady Phoenix answered, “Come, we have much to do.”
Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

Gamma Ray moved through the trees and over the rocks near the cliffs that dropped off to the ocean below. People passed him and never knew he was present. His ninja training served him well. He did not want to attract attention. He listened in on the conversations of locals, to gather info on if Maneki-Neko came here. He had explored many locations already and was about to give up on this one when he heard two people speaking.

“It was a cat...with a golden coin in its paws.”

Gamma hid in a tree above the two villagers.

The other old man said, “You must be seeing things.”

“No, really, it was a solid white cat with odd markings for a cat, and it had a big, shiny golden coin.”

“Are you saying it was a lucky cat?”


“Bah! You’ve been drinking.” The man left his friend.

Gamma dropped beside the first man and asked, “Where did you see this cat?”

“WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!” The man yelled.

“No time. Where did you see this cat?”

The man pointed down toward the beach, “Going along the coast.”

“Thanks,” Gamma said and then vanished in a puff of green smoke.

The man looked around for a moment and then said, “Definitely need to give up drinking.”


Gamma ran along the beach, searching for any clues. Pawprints were impossible to find, the surf washed them away. Any shed fur would also wash away. To him, this was a brilliant move on the cat’s part. This made her very hard to track. As he ran past a small cave in the rock wall, a golden flash caught his eye and he skidded to a stop.

Returning to the cave, he looked in. It was hardly more than a gouge in the rock, but a small creature could be hiding. “Hello, Maneki-Neko?” Nothing came. He pulled out the pendant from under his outfit, “Lord Dragon sent me to seek you. Please, I mean no harm.”

A little white head peered around a rock, “Truly, that is Lord Dragon’s symbol.” With that she came out, crawling over smoothed stones and piles of shells.

Gamma knelt and bowed to her, “Hello, my name is Gamma Ray.”

“I am Maneki-Neko. Jinn is out there, he tried to kill me.” She was still rattled from the incident.

Gamma nodded, “We know. Lord Dragon wanted to be certain you were safe.”

“I know how to hide.”

“I see that. You did an excellent job. I am difficult to fool and you almost fooled me.”

“What do you want?”

Gamma said, “We are searching for information about the missing mythic. The man who came here first and does not know of his identity as one of your kind. Do you know anything that can help us locate him?”

She shook her head, “No. I have lived in this part of your world for centuries and I have encountered no one that made me consider them one of our kind in disguise. Now, with all these supernatural heroes running around, it is hard to know.”

“I understand. We...”

Maneki-Neko suddenly gasped, “I sense magic coming, powerful magic!”

Gamma turned, and his hands filled with green energy. Maneki-Neko hid behind the rocks again. Gamma said, “I will lead him away from you, stay in hiding.”

Suddenly a person crashed into the sand of the beach and rolled until she hit an enormous boulder. Krystal Fae coughed and pushed herself up with the help of that stone.

“Krystal?” Gamma let go of his energy and ran to her.

Krystal looked up, her face bruised and bloodied, her costume a mess. “He is too strong. I barely escaped with my life.”

Maneki-Neko ran out, “Oh, it is the one who saved me.”

“It is good to see you are still well,” Krystal said.

“Thanks to you. You look awful.”

Krystal pulled a leaf out of her messy hair, “Trust me, I look better than I feel. Jinn is unbelievable. I almost didn’t make it out with my life.”

Gamma asked, “Do you know where he is?”

“Not currently, but I can say he was heading west across the Indian Ocean the last time I saw him before he hit me with that last blast of magic. It took all I had to direct myself toward you.”

“We need to get you to Lord Dragon.” Gamma helped her to her feet.

“I was hoping you’d say that. We need to organize ourselves.”

Gamma looked back at Maneki-Neko, “Get back into hiding.” With that, he helped Krystal move.


Chase stood with Lord Dragon in a room where they had set up a mirror as a direct link to BADGE. Nova spoke to them from the New York HQ.

“So far we have reports back from Africa, agents found Anansi and spoke with him. He has nothing to offer in locating this mythic. I got a report moments ago from St. Petersburg, they located the Tooth Fairy, she too offered no fresh information. So far, we are coming up nil about this mythic. We also have had no sightings of Jinn.”

Lord Dragon pondered this, “Have you spoken with Leprechaun?”

“Yes, just an hour ago I had one of our best heroes interrogate him...again. He still says he knows something but is unwilling to divulge any details. Do you think you could force him to talk?”

“He was always a stubborn man. I doubt I could get him to talk. He knows I will follow the principles of my people to the letter. Which means I will not kill him, thus I hold no other method of convincing him you haven’t already tried.”

Nova let out a hard sigh, “We will continue this search. When I have new information, I will be in touch. BADGE out.” The mirror changed to their reflection.

Chase asked Lord Dragon, “What next?”

Lord Dragon gave her a gentle smile, “Next is dinner. Let us rest, hunger and weariness are not beneficial.”

“Go ahead, I will join you shortly. I have to send my reports. BADGE is all about paperwork.”

He left her. She picked up the communicator and transferred files.

Gar stuck his head through the door. “Chase, they’re preparing food.”

She smiled, “I know. I’ll be there.”

Gar came in, “Are you sending my reports as well?”

“Yes. I know you have trouble working these things. Besides, we have so little to report.”

Gar quietly said, “Do you suppose they have a reason?”


“For keeping us here. They don’t need two BADGE people here.”

Chase finished and then asked him, “What do you mean?”

“What if they kept both of us here because they suspect one of us...is this mythic?”

Chase asked, “Do you think you are him?”

Gar shook his head, “No. I don’t think so. I don’t remember my past, but I know I was made on this world. The man who gave me life died. So, I cannot be the mythic. Right?”

“How should I know?”

He held up his hand, “Can you help me? Can you search my past and see?”

She took his hand and with a sympathetic face said, “I can’t. I cannot search the past of living things. Even though you think you’re just stone, you have life in you.”

Gar now truly looked worried, “Since I don’t know my past, I might be the mythic. I am not normal.”

“None of us are normal. Not knowing your past doesn’t automatically make you this mythic. Truth is...I don’t know my past either.” She quietly admitted this.

“What? But, your file at BADGE...”

“It’s a lie.” She chuckled at herself, “Same damn lie I’ve told for years. Parents who loved me, but died, raised in a military facility where they trained me to be a fighter. Escaped and became a thief. Nice little story, huh? Just a story. I know nothing about myself before I was sixteen. I’ve tried hard to dig those memories out of my mind, but nothing happens. Even a telepath couldn’t help me. I have incredible skills. I just don’t know who taught me and why.” She held her arms against herself, “Since the Leprechaun said a mythic was at BADGE, I have been scared to death it’s me. Maybe I’m far older than I know.”

Gar inched closer, as though he would hug her, but stopped. “I...uh...think dinner is ready.”

She forced a smile, “Sure.”

He watched her leave, a quiet concern written on his face.
Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

Gar sat on a stone bench in the large garden near the grand entrance of the palace. While he watched the peaceful fish in the pond as they swam under the gently falling cherry blossoms on the surface, he was a nervous wreck.

“What do I say?” He whispered.

Lady Phoenix had convinced him last night to have a walk with Chase this morning in the garden. This was all she suggested. She didn’t give him any other ideas. Should he tell Chase he had growing feelings for her? Could he bring himself to face the possibility of rejection? Why was he so scared? He looked at his hand and it shook. He rubbed his hands together in an attempt to wipe away the trembling.

“Morning Gar!” Chase called out.

Gar just about jumped into the little koi fish pond. He got his nerves under control and looked back at Chase. She walked down the few wooden steps. She was dressed in a red and white kimono that draped on her thin frame. Her hair fell down to her shoulders. His trembling faded as he got lost just looking at her.

She approached him, a curious look growing on her face. “Is something the matter?”

He shook this off and said, “oh, uh, no. I just have not seen you in anything but your black outfit. This is nice.”

She held up the large, loose arms of the outfit. “One of the servant doll things brought this to me. A gift from Lady Phoenix. She thought I might be more comfortable in this. She’s right. It is very nice. So soft and airy.”

Gar said, “you look nice.”

“Thanks.” She sat next to him. “So, what did you need to talk about?”


“You said you wanted to meet this morning to talk.”

Gar nodded, “I, uh, just wanted to, um, talk. Nothing special.”

“Good. We’ve been so busy lately. It might be nice to catch up as friends.” She frowned and gave him a funny look. “Something wrong?”

Gar wanted, at this moment, to tell her everything going on inside him right now. But he couldn’t do it. “Director Nova said you learned an important story about Jinn. Can you tell me about it?”

Chase smiled, “Oh, yes. This is one heck of a story. You see, back when these people first came here...” she went on and on about the story of Jinn and how he worked with the Ottomans. They left the stone bench and strolled around the garden.

Nearby, two figures stood in a doorway, watching this silently.

Lady Phoenix said to her husband, “Aren’t they a lovely couple.”

“They have a genuine friendship.” Lord Dragon stoically stated. “However, I do not see the purpose of this.”

“If we lose sight of what is gentle and kind in this world, then why fight to save it? Without love, what purpose does life have?”

Lord Dragon actually smiled and put a caring hand around his wife’s back. Together they watched the two in the garden. “The greatest gift of life is love.”

Gar sat with Chase for two hours listening to her talk about the fantastic story of what happened to Jinn in the past.

“From what EB told me, they never expected Jinn to return to his plans since he didn’t have magic.”

“Makes sense.” Gar distantly answered.

“Did you listen? You look like you are ten thousand miles away.”

“I heard the story. It was interesting. I am just...uh...I…”

“Are you okay?”

Gar looked at her. For the first time, he understood what it meant for eyes to sparkle. He opened his mouth, then closed it, spent a long moment mulling things over. “Chase...I...I...”

“Is something wrong?”

Just then Lady Phoenix came over to them. “We need you inside, now.”

“Oh, okay.” Chase got up. “Gar, what was it you want to say?”

“Nothing. We need to get inside.” He followed Lady Phoenix inside, with Chase behind them.

They found Lord Dragon on his throne with Gamma Ray and a disheveled Krystal Fae speaking with him.

“Krystal!” Chase called out.

“Chase, Gar, I didn’t know you were here.”

Lord Dragon said, “we have distressing news.”

Chase asked, “what?”

Lord Dragon nodded to Krystal, who said, “Jinn said something about finding a pearl. With it, his plans would all come together. I wasn’t sure what he was talking about.”

Gar said, “what is he talking about?”

Lord Dragon said, “my talisman is a large pearl, the Dragon Pearl. It is hidden away from here, has been since my first notion that Jinn might seek it. No one other than my wife and I know of its location. How he discovered it is highly curious.”

Gamma said, “we must go to it, move it before he finds it. We can give it to the Easter Bunny, I’m sure he’ll hide it where Jinn cannot find it.”

Lady Phoenix smiled. “A wise course of action.”

Krystal said, “I will help. I’ve been fighting him, I’ll come along and make sure I distract him while you remove this. Even if he kills me, he won’t get his hands on that pearl.”

“An admirable attitude, young lady,” Lord Dragon stated. “I can handle Jinn alone.”

Krystal seemed highly upset at this. “Sir, I don’t think...”

“Wait, we aren’t considering something,” Chase said.

“What?” Lord Dragon asked.

“What if this is a ruse? What if he planned on leading you to the Pearl?”

Krystal quickly answered, “it didn’t sound that way to me.”

Gamma said, “I’m inclined to agree with Chase. If you go running toward where you hid this pearl, then you will lead him to it... if that was his plan all along.”

Lord Dragon said, “we cannot assume this, we must still protect it in case he knows.”

Lady Phoenix said, “I will go to the Pearl and move it. Husband, you will go another direction entirely. If he follows you, then it will be pointless for him. If he follows me, then the outcome will be the same if you were to go.”

Lord Dragon spent a moment considering this and finally gave a quick nod. “This plan is acceptable. Krystal Fae, go with Lady Phoenix and ensure her protection. Gamma Ray, come with me, your ninja skills will prove useful in deception if he follows us.”

Even under his mask, they could see Gamma smiling at that compliment. “My pleasure, sir.”

Phoenix said, “we must leave immediately, there is no time to waste.”

Krystal brushed back her hair. “I couldn’t agree more.”

Lady Phoenix walked out toward the interior garden and in a blast of fire, she turned into a bird and flew away. Krystal Fae followed closely.

“What about us?” Chase asked.

Lord Dragon said, “contact BADGE and inform Nova of the situation.”

Lord Dragon left with Gamma out the front and headed in the opposite direction. Gamma doesn’t fly, but his skills give him uncanny movement in ways that few can figure out. He wouldn’t have any trouble keeping up with Lord Dragon.
Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

Strange Quark flew over the Indian Ocean toward China. He had been given an alert to head to the vicinity of Japan and wait for further orders. He considered changing into a duck for a while and wading around in a pond to relax the nerves. Suddenly a golden coin hit him in the face. He caught it just before it fell back down.

“What the?” He looked at the old Chinese gold piece. Then he saw a glint of gold as another flew up toward him. This one he caught and realized someone down on a beach far below him was throwing these with incredible strength and aim.

Flying down, he stopped and found a white cat waving a paw at him. “HERO, HERO!”

“What is the matter?” He asked.

“Come!” Maneki-Neko raced back toward her cave.

Quark entered and gasped at the sight of a woman’s body laying on the sandy ground. “KRYSTAL!?”

She weakly looked up, “Quark...is that you?”

He knelt down, “What happened?”

Krystal softly said, “Jinn...he...he defeated me. He thought...I had...died. He took my form...and left. That is the last I saw him.”

Maneki-Neko said, “I sensed her in the ocean and brought her here. I have been helping her. She will recover. You must find what Jinn has done. I know another man brought Jinn back to Lord Dragon, but he wouldn’t stay there. Jinn cannot contend against them. Find him before he does something terrible.”

Quark nodded, “Absolutely.” He ran out of the cave and closed two of his eyes, only using the one of his forehead. He saw a trail of magic left, it was the same form of energy he had been tracking to find Jinn. He blasted off so hard he sent boulders tumbling into the ocean. Several sonic booms followed as he sped along this trail.


Lady Phoenix led Krystal Fae near the summit of Mt. Fuji. She had to use several spells to undo the enchantments keeping the doors from being opened. Finally, they entered an artificially crafted cave. In it were two objects, each emitting light. One was a large pearl the size of a soccer ball, the other was a ruby the same size.

Lady Phoenix went for the pearl, “Good, Jinn has not been here yet. We must...”

Krystal approached the ruby, the deep red light flickering in her eyes, “I was right.”

“What are you saying? Please, we don’t have time to dawdle.” Lady Phoenix set the pearl down.

Krystal gently picked up the ruby. “I have never had the chance to see this. It is beautiful.”

“What is going on?” Lady Phoenix asked.

“I wanted it to be Lord Dragon with me here. However, I couldn’t be happier to have you here.” Krystal turned around, her face a mixture of glee and wrath. “I trusted you more than any other living soul in this universe, and you betrayed me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The fools, both of you. How easily you were deceived. So willing to trust these pathetic humans and their heroes that you missed the obvious.” Krystal transformed into Jinn as his hands filled with magic, and the ruby glowed brightly. Suddenly, the magic in Lady Phoenix drained out of her.

“What have you done!” Lady Phoenix screamed.

“I am doing to you what you did to me.” At that, the ruby was full and Lady Phoenix hit the ground. Jinn held it out and the ruby cracked as the energy became a cloud around him. The cave filled with a red light. His eyes beamed in red as he absorbed it, “The power! I am now strong enough to see it. I know who the mythic is.”

“Please, don’t do this.” She begged.

“Unlike what you did to me, I shall give you a quick death, not a long, lingering life without power.” He waved a hand at her and she aged, her hair turning white and her skin sinking in. “Now to deal with father.” He dropped the empty ruby and picked up the large Pearl.

“No...please. We still love you. Don’t do this.”

“Love.” He spit out the word, “Weak and pointless emotion. You loved me so much you cursed me to be human. Well, I will do much worse to father.” He held the Dragon Pearl high and a beam of energy filled the cavern. The surface of the pearl cracked while the energy inside seeped out.

Just then Quark arrived and shot a beam of energy at Jinn. It reflected and merely blasted through another wall.

“No...flee...hero...” Lady Phoenix weakly proclaimed.

“Oh, my god!” Quark quickly grabbed the dying woman and flew as fast as he could.

The pearl exploded, taking half of the mountainside with it. The explosion was so great that it appeared to the people of Japan that the mountain was erupting. A shock wave of energy blasted out after that and the power went out from coast to coast.


Gamma stopped in Naha City, Okinawa, and watched as the magnificent dragon came down and transformed into a man.

“Why can I see you do that, but no one else noticed?”

Lord Dragon stated, “Magic.”

“Sure. So, what’s the plan?”

Lord Dragon walked with him down a street, “We have been to three locations already. If Jinn was following us, then he should be sufficiently confused. I believe we will know soon when the pearl has been moved.”

“How will we know?” Gamma asked.

“Simple, we...” Lord Dragon suddenly looked back, horror written on his face, “NO!”

“What! What is it?” Gamma was ready to attack.

Lord Dragon fell to his knees and held his chest, “My...wife. What has he done!”


At that moment a massive wave of energy crossed the island. Gamma was hardly moved, but Lord Dragon hit the ground, writhing, “My...pearl! What...what has he...DONE!” This last word became a scream, with fire pouring out of his mouth.


Lord Dragon slowly stood up, his eyes blank. “I will end this world.”

Gamma stepped back, “No, those are the same eyes as cupid had when...” Lord Dragon hit Gamma with a blast of fire from his mouth, throwing the ninja clear across the street. Then he transformed into a dragon again and attacked the city.


Nova stood before his monitors in the BADGE control room. EB hopped around on the table behind him, so he could see better. One screen displayed the dragon’s rampage over Okinawa. Another had Mt. Fuji billowing smoke while sirens blared across three prefectures. The primary screen had Chase and Gar.

A fourth screen came on with Gamma. His face filled the screen while he raced through the city. “Nova! Lord Dragon has leveled the port. I’m trying to get people to safety!”

“Why is he doing this?”

“I don’t know, but his eyes...they are the same eyes I saw in Cupid when he had lost his mind. This can only mean one thing. WHOA!” He jumped to avoid a falling building. Then the screen went dark.

“This is out of control.” Nova stated, “If Gamma is right, then Lord Dragon has been corrupted by Jinn, somehow.”

Chase said, “I don’t know. Right now the barrier that protected this palace is gone. People in Kyoto are noticing a whole new mountain and palace on their doorstep.”

“We need...” Nova leaned in, “What is that?”

Chase and Gar turned around to see the figure of Quark fade into view, in his arms an old lady in a red kimono.

“Quark?” Gar helped him put the woman on the ground.

Chase asked, “Is that...”

Quark nodded, “Lady Phoenix. Jinn did this to her. I don’t know how. She has almost no power left in her. He has also destroyed the Dragon Pearl.”

EB hopped over to Nova, “That must be it. He destroyed the pearl and Lord Dragon has gone insane. It split him in half.”

Nova asked, “is there anything we can do?”

Lady Phoenix weakly spoke, “Gather...the pearl.”


She closed her eyes and did not respond.

EB said, “The Pearl is the key to his sanity. I don’t know if it can be put back together, but as long as we gather it, it should bring him back to his senses.”

“Then, we have our mission. Gar, Chase, heroes will come to you with pearl pieces, gather them. I will be on my way ASAP. Hold the fort till I get there and be ready for anything.”

“What about Lord Dragon?” Gar asked.

Nova said, “I will send a few heroes to keep him distracted. We’ll not engage, not like Paris. I won’t let that happen again. For now, our job is reforming that pearl. Get on it, BADGE out.”


At the palace, Chase and Gar knelt next to Lady Phoenix. Her ancient body gasping for breath.

“Can you do something?” Gar asked Quark.

Quark held a hand over her, but nothing happened, “Whatever Jinn did, he blocked it from stopping. This power they have...it defies even me, and that is kinda frightening.”

Lady Phoenix weakly touched Gar’s hand. A strange energy flowed over his hand beforeshe let go. Then, her head fell to the side and her body disintegrated. Chase leaned over on Gar and wept while Quark kindly used his power to gather her remains into a sphere of energy.

Quark softly asked, “What did she do to you?”

Gar looked at his hand, “She saw part of Jinn’s vision. She showed an image, the three of us, Nova, Chase, and me. One of us is the Mythic.”
Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

Crimson Guardian swooped in a large arc to avoid being hit by the insane dragon. Lord Dragon screamed as fire billowed out of his mouth. Crimson landed on the ground near a small island city. He pushed his hands forward and a barrier formed. The fire blazed across the surface. Citizens rushed toward BADGE rescue boats with Fleagle guiding them.

The Dragon bellowed again, then slammed in the face by a blast of ice. He turned and chased a flying woman, both heading out over open water. Strange Quark intercepted his next attack to keep the woman from being killed.

Fleagle ran up to Crimson. “I think we’ve got everyone!”

Crimson released the barrier and looked at the panting dog-man. “Good. Take them northward, we will see if we can push him south.”

Fleagle jumped back as a giant fiery explosion engulfed several heroes. “Why are there so few heroes? Should we have, I dunno, like a thousand out here?”

Crimson shook his head. “Nova has a plan. He doesn’t want to get many people hurt. Cupid nearly took us all out, and his arrows didn’t even kill. Lord Dragon will burn us alive. He is powerful. But, like cupid, we can bring him back to his senses.”

Fleagle huffed, “That’s if we can find all the pieces of the pearl.”

Crimson almost answered when he shoved Fleagle behind him. “WATCH OUT!” He pushed both hands forward, a barrier formed just in time to stop a ball of fire. It exploded, sending a wave of flames outward, catching parts of the island on fire. “GET THE PEOPLE OUT OF HERE!” Crimson raced forward and then jumped off the hood of a car, launching himself into the air. He met the Dragon with a single fist to his face.


Chase and Gar watched the battle with Lord Dragon through the BADGE drone camera footage on their comm devices. They were still in the throne room of the palace, alone.

“This is bad,” Chase commented.

Gar nodded while he watched two heroes slammed into the ocean by Lord Dragon. “At least no one has died...yet.”

Chase huffed, “I don’t kn…do you hear that?” She stopped and looked up.

Gar walked out to the little garden nearby. “Oh, no.”

Chase ran out there and looked skyward. Helicopters from both the media and military crowded the sky. “It was only a matter of time before they sent people to see the strange new palace. Do you see any BADGE vehicles up there?”

“I do not. I could fly up and check,” Gar said.

Just then the voice of Easter Bunny said, “not a good idea. They might think you’re a bad guy.”

Both turned to find EB standing in the throne room. “EB!” Chase called out.

He hopped over and jumped up so she would catch him. He grinned at her as she cradled him, “Hey, babe. Good to see ya.”

Chase opened her arms and dropped him. “Don’t call me babe.”

Gar frowned at the rabbit, “Are you..”

“The one and only Easter Bunny! And my best friend is right behind me.”

Just then Director Nova entered the palace through the main doors, a few heroes with him. He said, “I am not your best friend.”

EB hopped over to him and grinned. “You know you like me.”

Nova sneered. “I hide it well.”

Chase asked, “Sir, did you see...”

“Yes, I saw the aircraft. We have Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and American military out there, and media from all over the area.”

Gar said, “you want me to make them leave?”

“Won’t have to,” Nova stated.

“Why?” Chase asked.

EB explained, “well, on our way here. We got contacted by many heroes. I mean, everyone is out there looking for pearl pieces. They are so on this. I should have them help me hide eggs, I haven’t done that in years. So many powerful people who can get into places and...”

“EB!” Nova barked, the bunny shut up. “As he said, we have people coming at any moment.”

“Sir,” Donald Blake, one hero with Nova, came over with his comm, “We have contacts.”

Nova smiled. “Good. Give them coordinates.”

Dr. Blake spoke into his device. In a few brief moments, several heroes arrived. All held sizeable chunks of the pearl.

“THAT’S IT!” EB hopped around, “AWESOME!”

Furious Squirrel, holding a piece, asked, “What do we do with this?”

“Hold onto it.”

Just then Krystal Fae came flying in, holding both a piece of the pearl and Maneki-Neko. “Nova! Am I glad to see you.”

“MANEKI!” EB hopped in circles around where Krystal landed.

“Who is this?” Krystal turned once, following the overly excited bunny.

Maneki-Neko jumped down and hugged EB. “It is good to see you. I am so worried about Lord Dragon.”

EB held her paws with his. “I am too. His heart is broken...as is mine.”

Maneki-Neko nodded tears in her feline eyes. “It is impossible to imagine Lady Phoenix...” she couldn’t say it.

EB gave her another hug. “I know. Life will never be the same.”

Krystal approached Nova, Chase, and Gar. “Is what she said true? Is the queen of these people...dead?”

Chase answered, “Jinn killed her, she died right here.”

Krystal, still battered and bruised, said, “I felt something terrible, something magical that was as dark as anything I have sensed in my life.”

Nova tried to speak, but he was at a loss for words.

Chase asked, “Is something wrong, sir?”

Nova gave a quick nod. “I have to focus. I knew Lady Phoenix well, she was a kind soul...a loving soul. I have lost a lot of friends in my life, but I never thought she would be one of them. I know the pain Lord Dragon is in. We have to cure him of this curse so he can properly mourn.”

Gar said, “she was my friend too. I will punch Jinn myself for her.”

Nova gathered himself and looked at the red-headed woman. “Krystal, I need you to be in charge of the pearl gathering. Work with EB and Maneki-Neko, help the heroes get them together. I need to know if we can make that thing whole again.”

“I will see what I can do, this is...strange magic.”

“Do what you can.”

EB hopped over and bounced around Nova. “What are my orders, sir! Huh? Make me co-commander, leader of the forces!” He shadowboxed with his tiny paws.

Nova rolled his one eye. “No, but you and Maneki can help. We need to seal this place again, keep the media and military from getting in, we are in enough mess as it is.”

EB hopped high enough to give Nova a friendly smack on the shoulder. “Will do, commander general sir!”

Gar said, “Director, your eye is twitching...are you okay?”

“I’ll be fine. We need...”

Chase stopped him. “We need to talk, privately.”


The NHK helicopter circled the strange palace, the reporter energetically describing everything to the Japanese media. In the studio, they had an expert on ancient Japanese architecture examining the footage of the new building.

“It appears a military craft landed moments ago and people entered the palace through the garden.” The reporter stated as they watched Nova and his crew enter. “Wait...yes, we are seeing more people arriving. They appear to be superhuman as some are flying unassisted.”

Just then the helicopter jostled.

The reporter jumped in his seat as he now looked at the hooded figure looming over him. “WHAT THE! WHO ARE YOU?”

Jinn smiled under his hood. “Good question, but you’re hardly worthy of an answer.”

“How did you get on board!” The reporter held his ear and answered, “Sorry, yes, we just had someone enter the helicopter. Sir, are you a superhero?”


The pilot pointed down. They all watched the peculiar sight of two small figures ascending the roof. EB and Maneki-Neko stood high, each held up their paws. A barrier formed from the ground up as a large bubble, surrounding the palace. As it passed over the gardens and buildings, the false image of forests returned.

“That would be my cue.” Jinn moved his hand and the door of the helicopter opened, blasting wind inside. He said. “Sorry, can’t have you warning them.” He jumped out the open window and sent a blast of energy at the helicopter, destroying it as he turned into his dive. He vanished just a few feet away from the explosion.
Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

Nova paced the floor in the room Chase had set up for communications with BADGE.

“This is troubling. If what Gar saw is true, then this missing mythic could be any of us?” Nova stopped and let out a hard sigh, “But, which one?”

Gar asked, “Is there a way to tell?”

Chase gripped her arms against her, “I don’t think so. These people are strange and powerful. When this mythic arrived on Earth, they could have sealed that knowledge in us so we don’t know.”

Nova added, “And all three of us are suspect. You two both are oblivious to your past...” Chase gave him a surprised look, “Yes, Chase, I know you don’t know your past. That story you gave us is fake.”

Chase asked, “What about you, sir? Do you know your past?”

“Yes. I know who and what I am. However, as you said, these people are clever and powerful. My memories might be fake.”

Gar almost said something when Chase held up a hand, “Do you hear that?”

“What?” Gar asked.

Nova instantly realized what she was referring to, “I don’t hear anything...they’re all gone.”

Without another word, Nova led them out of the room.

Moments before:

Krystal Fae stood in the middle of the throne room while the heroes held out their collected pearl shards. Maneki-Neko and EB helped as she cast spell after spell.

“This isn’t working!” Krystal threw her hands in the air.

Maneki brushed her little paws together, “No. I believe putting the pearl back together is not possible.”

“What do we do?” Dr. Blake asked.

EB spent a moment looking at a pearl shard, “They still have power in them. Magic that is connecting them. If we get them close enough to him, it might undo the curse over his mind.”

Just then Director Nova walked into the room, an uncharacteristic smile on his face, “Sounds like you have a plan.”

Krystal frowned, “I sense...magic.”

“Must be all that stuff you’ve been doing in here.” Nova casually stated.

EB hopped over to Nova, bouncing around him, “We need to get the pearl shards together, and get Lord Dragon near them.”

Nova hardly glanced at EB, “Perhaps I have an idea.” He gestured out to where a bubble hovered in the middle of the pristine garden.

Maneki-Neko said, “That...might work. Even in this state of mind, he is still connected to the late Lady Phoenix.

Her ashes could attract him.”

“Where?” Krystal asked.

Maneki answered, “We need to take them to a place of importance. Their first home on this world, the Ryukyu Kingdom.”

Furious Squirrel asked, “Where?”

EB said, “Okinawa.”

Nova held a hand out toward the garden, “There is no time to waste. Get moving.”


Krystal flew with the other heroes as they approached the now almost vacant Okinawan Islands. In her arms, she carried both EB and Maneki-Neko.

“There!” Maneki called out and pointed toward an enormous structure. “Shuri Castle!”

Krystal flew ahead and directed the others to follow her. Heroes flew down, materialized, or ran to the location of the famous Shuri Castle. They waited in the courtyard.

Dr. Blake approached Krystal, who set her two traveling companions down, “Why are we stopping here?”

Maneki answered, “This is the site of the first castle that Lord Dragon established. He helped created the Ryukyu kingdom seven centuries ago. This was where he and Lady Phoenix watched over us all for many years. Right here, in this courtyard, he and Lady Phoenix held a human wedding to celebrate their love.” Maneki’s eyes teared up.

EB hugged her. “I know. It’s going to take some time.”

“I miss her so much.” Maneki cried.

Before Krystal could help comfort the weeping cat, someone called out, “HE’S COMING!”

Krystal pulled out her comm, “all right, everyone, positions!”

In the distance, they could see the long, golden, dragon. A dozen heroes attacked him and goaded him to head this direction. Heroes with pearl shards ringed the courtyard, giving the center a wide berth.

“Are you sure about this? Someone else can do this.” Krystal asked.

EB and Maneki both took the energy orb containing the ashes of Lady Phoenix. EB said, “No, we need to do this. We need to help him.”

“Good luck.” Krystal pulled out her shard and then flew back to join the ranks of others waiting.

Lord Dragon screamed and spewed fire at heroes as he approached. Heroes following him were battered and bruised, but they maintained their vigilant onslaught.

In the center of the square, EB and Maneki stood on either side of the energy orb. They held up their paws and it lifted higher into the air. With fear in their eyes, they waited for Lord Dragon to see them.

All at once, the large, majestic dragon swooped down over the court. He roared and released a blast of fire. One of the waiting heroes formed an ice barrier that blocked the fire from destroying half of the historic castle. The heroes chasing him came around and forced him to circle high over the courtyard, not letting him get away.

“It’s not working.” Furious Squirrel stated to Krystal.

“Hold your position.” She commanded.

Lord Dragon raged and attacked the heroes spurring him and heroes waiting with shards all had to protect themselves and the palace from his wild fire. Then, in a moment of pause, he glanced downward and his chaotic focus settled on that orb. He inched downward toward it, not attacking or roaring. It was as though he couldn’t decide what to do, to rage, or to settle.

Once he had descended into the courtyard, dangerously close to everyone there, Krystal merely held up her pearl and used her power to energize it. Others took the cue and followed along. Using their powers, they enhanced the pearl shards to give off a glow. At first, it was a thousand points of light, but soon that light combined. A huge, transparent pearl-colored light radiated and covered the entire island.

Lord Dragon cried out in a rage at first, but that sound turned to a somber wail, and then a weeping cry of emotional agony. The fierce dragon melted away and a man knelt in the middle of the courtyard, cradling that orb of ashes in his arms, crying.


Chase, Gar, and Nova ran through the palace and back into the throne room. It was devoid of anyone, save a single figure standing with his back to them.

“Where is everyone?” Chase asked.

The man spoke, in Nova’s voice, “They have an important mission.”

Nova stepped up, “Who are you?”

The man turned around, it was another Nova. “I couldn’t let my father stay insane. I want him in his right mind when I destroy him with my own hands.”

Nova said, "It was never about Lord Dragon, you wanted him to distract us. Just like you used Krampus, Cupid, and the Leprechaun as distractions."

Jinn chortled at this, "Now you finally realize it. Poor Nova, you used to be quicker at this."

Chase materialized her blades as Gar prepped his fists.

Jinn laughed and slowly he returned to his regular form, “Your people were easily fooled. Then again, they have yet to truly see anyone as powerful as I am now. And this is only the beginning of what I shall become.”

Nova pulled out a gun, “I don’t care what you think you are. You’ll never succeed. This planet is defended.”

“Oh, my plans aren’t about destroying this world. However, I will rule it.” He casually strolled toward them, “How perfect that the place where I will gain absolute power will be in my pathetic father’s throne room. The hypocrite who made himself a god, but denied that to any of the rest of us.”

Nova stated, “Your father wanted your kind to be helpful, not gods. You know that. And you know he maintained that belief.”

“So speaks the mouthpiece of my father.” Jinn sneered at him.

“YAH!” Chase threw her blades at Jinn, aiming for two different places.

Neither blade even reached him. They both stopped mid-air and he took them, “Oh, look, more magic. The little girl wants to play with blades, then let’s play.” He threw them right back at her. Gar quickly used his wing to protect her, the blades reflecting off of him. Nova shot, but the bullets swerved at the whim of Jinn. Gar yelled as he ran to fight.

“ENOUGH!” Jinn held his hand down and all three were thrust to the floor on their knees. Their arms bound to their sides and magic gripping their necks. He came close, “I grow tired of all this talking. It’s time to harvest the only complete heart of a mythic.”
Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

Lord Dragon knelt in the middle of the courtyard, still weeping over the ashes of his dead wife.

Krystal looked around. “Has anyone seen Gar or Chase?”

No one answered, most looked around in curiosity.

Fiero rushed over. “I’m trying to reach Nova, he isn’t responding.”

Krystal flipped out her comm. “He always responds.”

Final Judgment approached. “We’ve checked most of the island, Chase and Gar are nowhere to be seen. No one has seen them since we left the palace.”

EB hopped over to Quark, an endearing look on his face. “Where’s my buddies?”

Krystal shook her head. “I don’t know.”

Maneki-Neko smiled. “Don’t worry. If they’re at the palace, we put up another barrier. Even Jinn cannot break that without considerably more strength than he currently has.”

“All the same,” Fiero said, “I would rather know where they are.”

“Yes.” Krystal addressed everyone, “Okay, we...” she paused when EB’s ears stood up and he looked horrified. “What’s wrong?”

“Chase broke the egg.”

“The...what?” Final Judgement asked.

EB looked up at Lord Dragon. “I gave her a favor egg. If she broke it, then she’s in trouble. It was broken at your palace.”

Lord Dragon said, “MY SON WILL NOT KILL AGAIN TODAY!” He flashed and turned into his dragon form again, blasting off in a flurry.

Crimson Guardian yelled out, “BACK TO THE PALACE! NOW!” and he took off.

Moments before:

Jinn stood before his three victims. They struggled against the restraints he held them with. Approaching slowly, he eyed each of them.

“I always knew you were special. The day I first encountered you, I realized that there was something...not human about you.” He came close to Chase. “Do you know what I am?”

She gagged out, “A murderer.”

He laughed. “Justice isn’t murder.” Turning his attention to Nova he said, “Did my father ever reveal the truth about us while you worked for him all those years?”

Nova growled out, “Why are you telling us this? GET IT OVER WITH!”

Jinn laughed, “Don’t you want to know the truth? I believe you’ve secretly understood this for a long time. You see, the last warrior of our kind fell to this world and died. Oh, but he didn’t die. He changed, he gave a new life for himself. In his devotion to his duty of protecting the weak, he enacted a sacrifice. He gave his life to create, YOU!” He thrust his hand out and Gargoyle was lifted from the ground. Red energy blazed over his stone body as he seemed to feel pain.

“NO! GAR!” Chase cried out.

Jinn walked closer to Gar still gripping him in this spell. “Yes, Gargoyle. What gives you life and allows you to exist is the full, complete energy of your creator. Inside you is the core of power that fueled the man who sacrificed everything to make you. We are Vexillians, both of us. You may be crafted by human hands, but your soul, your very essence is the same as mine. Now, that core of power inside you will give me all I need to become a true god.” He tightened his grip, and Gar screamed.

Chase watched as Gar slowly turned his face to look at her. She fidgeted and loosened a small object she always kept close. The crystal egg fell and burst apart.

All the while, Jinn drew closer to Gar, his hand pulling the energy from his chest. Gar yelled, perhaps feeling physical pain for the first time. As he moved, his body became more and more rigid. He slowly stopped, freezing in place, completely lifeless.

“STOP! PLEASE!” Chase yelled.

Jinn stepped back, holding a floating ball of pure light. “It’s too late, he’s dead. However, I shall let you and Jadid here join him.” He reached up with one hand and their restraints tightened, cutting off oxygen and blood flow.

Suddenly the ceiling exploded as a dragon crashed through. Lord Dragon hit Jinn with a blast of power and sent him flying out of the room and into the garden. Chase and Nova gasped for air and fell over as their restraints vanished.

Jinn came to his feet, seemingly unfazed by the powerful attack sent at him. “Oh, dear father, I see you found your senses.”

Before Lord Dragon could speak, dozens of heroes arrived, as well as EB and Maneki-Neko. They threw hundreds of energy blasts at Jinn, but he protected himself with a barrier.

Once the onslaught stopped, he calmly said, “Not yet, little heroes. Soon, very soon.” With that, he vanished in a flash of light.

Lord Dragon took his human form while more heroes arrived and joined the others, filling the throne room.

Quark rushed in. “Where is he?”

Nova stood up. “It’s too late.”

“What?” Krystal asked.

EB hopped around the crowd. “Oh, thank goodness. You guys are still alive.”

Chase slowly walked over to Gar. “No...we are not.” A wave of gasps followed as the gathered people realized gargoyle was truly a statue now.

“No!” Quark cried out.

People quieted down as Chase approached Gar. A new heaviness filled the room. There were no words to be said. The loss was greater in their hearts than that of Lady Phoenix, for this was closer to them, this was one of their own.

Chase’s hands trembled as she reached up and felt that stone face. A look of agony and fear became the last image he would forever hold. She whispered, “Can you bring him back?”

Lord Dragon answered, “That which gave him life has been stolen. I cannot change that with any amount of power.”

Nova wanted to say something, but even he was choked up. No one had words to speak. They all watched as Chase put her hands on Gar and placed her forehead against his chest.

Suddenly she gasped. Her power connected to him in a way she had never connected to anything. She could see his thoughts, his feelings. It was as though she were standing there, next to him in the past, yet knowing what he felt inside. For a moment, she sat in the garden with Gar and Lady Phoenix and listened to him struggle with his feelings for her. She watched him pick the flower for her the day she arrived in Japan. She saw herself hugging him, and that overwhelming warmth in his heart at the embrace. Every small moment he looked upon her and yearned to tell her how beautiful she was to him, how much he wanted to be with her all the time. He longed to hold her, to protect her. Then, that moment in the garden, when she told him Jinn’s story. Gar was ready, at that moment, to tell her the truth. She saw herself through the eyes of a man who loved her more than she ever thought possible.

The others in this room had no idea what she saw, what she felt, only that she stayed there for a long time embracing what was left of Gar. Then, a soft sobbing broke the silence. Tears fell from her and ran down his stone body.

Nova slowly approached her, and whispered, “Chase.”

She turned and fell on him, holding him and weeping on his shoulder, “He loved me… Oh god, how could I have not seen it? All he wanted was to hold me. Oh, Nova, I want to hold him, I want to be with him.”

There was hardly a dry eye in the room. All mourned not just for a lost hero, but for what was left behind.

One Week later:

Nova stood before the monitors at BADGE, speaking with several heroes and Santa Claus.

Gamma Ray said, “No sign throughout the entire Asian Continent.”

Strange Quark added, “I have done an inter-dimensional search. Nothing so far.”

Santa reported, “I have been in contact with all the mythics willing to respond. They haven’t seen hide nor hair of Jinn.”

Nova spoke to Santa, “We need to know his next move. He has been one step ahead of us at every point, and that has to stop.”

Santa responded, “He is clever, has always been. You know that. But we will put our heads together and figure this out. However, Lord Dragon has suggested that it may take some time for Jinn to complete this act of his. It is no small task he is planning. We have some time.”

“Precious little time,” Quark stated.

Nova said, “Then we must keep searching for clues. Everyone knows their jobs, get to it.” He pressed a button and all the screens went blank.

Nova left the operations center and walked around the main hall. He stopped at an open door, expecting to find someone. The room had a large container set in the center, around it were flowers and gifts of all descriptions. Gargoyle rested in that box, waiting for a proper burial. Heroes and even the Italian Embassy sent gifts in honor of the late hero. However, Nova did not find the person he expected in here.

Walking further, he found Chase in the holding cells. “Chase, what are you doing here?”

She stood before the cell holding Leprechaun. “I...I thought he might know something about Jinn.”

“We’ve already asked him every question. He won’t...”

“He’s willing to talk.”

Nova gave Leprechaun a raised eyebrow. “I’m afraid I don’t trust him.”

“I do.”

Leprechaun spoke up, “Nova, I am sorry for what I did.”

“Why the sudden change of heart?” Nova asked, no trust in his voice.

Leprechaun walked to the edge of the barrier, “I told you I knew who the mythic was. I was not lying. However, I did not tell you because...I wanted to protect him.”

Nova became enraged. “YOU KNEW!”

“My brother was the last general who fought Legion on our world. He fled. Until I met Gargoyle, I didn’t know that it was my brother who came here. You see, Nova, the power that gave

Gargoyle life also reshaped him. I know this because the face he wears is that of my nephew, my brother’s only son. My nephew died at the hands of Legion before we left. My brother gave Gargoyle the face of the boy he lost, the boy he loved, the nephew I loved. Now that Jinn has murdered him...I will turn all my anger, all my vengeance toward him. Whatever you need from me, I will offer.”

Nova deactivated the barrier, “I accept.”
The Jinn
Chapter 1: Looking Back

Chapter 1: Looking Back

Chase and the Easter Bunny walked through the BADGE HQ. The robots were still cleaning up after all the damage EB accidentally caused. He would poke his head in a room and then say, “Nope” and then move on to the next.

Chase asked, “What are you looking for?”

EB looked in another room and said, “Not this one.” He hopped along while explaining, “There is a museum here that’ll help.”

“Museum? I asked you to tell me more about Nova and Jinn.”

“That’s what I plan on doing. However, I know what kind of special power you have and the museum will help us.”

Chase stopped and said, “Wait, I think I know what you’re talking about. The room is locked, but I can get us in.”

“Great!” EB bounced around her energetically, “Show the way, babe.”

“Call me babe again and you will never eat solid food for the rest of your life.”

EB cowered down, his ears slumping behind him, “Sorry.”

She continued, “I don’t know about showing you this room. It is...uh...fragile.”

EB huffed, “I promise to be careful. What I have to tell you is serious, and I’ll take it seriously. Now come on!” He hopped onward, not knowing the way.

Chase whispered to herself, “Nova’s gonna kill me.”

Her curiosity greater than her concern for the delicate artifacts, Chase directed EB to a room in a far sector of the base. The door had a three-level security lock, which she could get through with her generous authority around BADGE. Inside they found weapons, jewels, masks, and other strange objects. Each was given a unique place of importance.

Chase looked around, having only been in here once when she almost stole one of the most valuable items. “This stuff is...interesting. I have read most of BADGE’s incident reports going all the way back to when it was founded by Nova. I don’t recognize most of these items from any of the reports.”

EB, carefully walking and not bouncing, said, “Some items in here date back centuries, most pre-date this nation by a considerable margin.”

“Really? Why are they here?”

“Because they serve a great purpose of reminding us of the history they represent. Some are here because they are dangerous still. Nova has gathered these since long before BADGE was ever considered. He’s been guarding this world in ways humans do not even realize.”

“So...how can this help tell the story.”

EB hopped over to a case that held a long shepherd’s staff, “These items all contain elements of what happened a long time ago when my people first arrived. I know you can touch an object and see its history all the way back to when it was created.”

“Yes. But only one object at a time. And, I don’t get a lot of the story since I can’t quite hear everything or see everything.”

“This is where I come in.” He summoned his magical basket and pulled out a gold-wrapped egg. “Here, eat this.”

She unwrapped it and indulged in an incredible dark chocolate. “Wow, that was amazing. But...”

Anticipating her question, he said, “I infused that chocolate with a large amount of the power in my kind your people call magic. It’ll only temporarily enhance your abilities, but it’ll allow you to access the memories and histories all around us. I’ll tell the story while the power in you touches the items. Together, you’ll experience everything that happened. You’ll see more than even Nova has seen.” EB was far more serious than Chase had ever heard from him.

“Why give me this gift? Nova should hear this.”

EB nodded, “I’m sure you will tell him. But it’s you who has the power. I believe it was always meant to be you who learns this story. Now, let us begin, that magic will fade quickly. Seven hundred years ago, my people were traveling in space. The few of us left were refugees from Legion’s onslaught of our world. Legion is bloodthirsty, once they defeat a lesser race...lesser in their bigoted opinion...they won’t stop while any who are members of that race remain alive. We wanted to live and potentially help defeat Legion one day. But we were weak, scared, and alone. Nowhere among our former allies could we hide, Legion would find us. We came to a world whose technology was so primitive Legion would never look for us. This is where my story begins….


700 years ago:

Blistering cold air gust around the stark mountains of Antarctica. The pristine night sky swirled about with stars twinkling against the darkness. Lights set ablaze the lifeless world. Beings appeared out of each of the flashes. Men and women stood around, each dressed in heavy robes with ornate designs on them. Some carried staffs while others bore amulets. Two others held one man as a prisoner.

A pair stood in the middle of the group, their attire as regal as their attitude. The woman said, “Are we safe here?”

A man said, “Smell the air, listen to the energy of this planet.”

Everyone spent a moment absorbing the sensations. An older woman said, “I sense nothing out of the ordinary.”

“Precisely.” The man said, “No morphons. They are not here.”

The old woman smiled, “Then this is where he came. We should go find him, see if those we left behind defeated Legion.”

“Who?” A short man asked.

The old woman said, “The first one, the final general to fend off legion. He kept their attention while we escaped. Then he fled to a place where they shouldn’t find him. He came here, to this world.”

The King held up his hands for a moment and a ball of energy formed before him. “I do not sense...wait, I sense something. Yes, he is here, but he is hidden, or diminished.” Letting the energy fade, he gave them a solemn look, “This can only mean one thing.”

As a group they all became dour, each looking down with a soft sadness growing in them. The old woman finished the thought, “Our world...is gone. Our people have been defeated once and for all.”

The Queen firmly stated, “Not while we live! Our people shall never be gone forever as long as we remain.”

“But what do we do?” Another man asked. “If they find us, we will all surely die. Our best, most powerful army and commanders were unable to defeat Legion’s full onslaught.”

The man being held by the two others said, “We defeated them once, or have you forgotten!”

The gathering all gave him a dark glare, especially the king who said, “Yes, you were able to lead us in victory when they first came. However, your methods were unorthodox and the blood of many stained your victory.”

“It was messy, I admit that, but it worked.” The man nearly laughed.

The king came closer, “You harnessed those morphons of theirs, you used warped, twisted magic to give yourself greater strength.”

“Yes. Which is exactly why we should not be hiding on some primitive wasteland, we should find a place saturated with morphons. Use them to give us greater strength. If I could impress Legion with my power, imagine what a whole army of us could do?”

The group all threw complaints at him about his misconduct and his ideas. The hatred grew with each word. The King clapped his hands, the resulting concussive wave silenced everyone. He spoke to this man, “The morphons enhanced everything about you, including your greed and ambition. After you defeated Legion, you turned on us and demanded my throne. If we all followed your lead, we would all become worse than Legion. And Legion would still be stronger...”

“NO THEY WOULDN’T!” the captive complained, “Together, we...”

“Are not strong enough. You must learn to keep your ego in check. Legion was merely defeated, not destroyed. Their cruel emperor sent a force tenfold greater than before and everything we had was lost forever. Even you must know that your newfound strength was not enough.”

The man looked away, “I admit that I could not maintain the power long enough for the second war. But, we can still be powerful.”

The King walked away. “We are a powerful race and have been protectors of the innocent and meek for eons. However, we are not gods, and we are not infallible.”

The man said, “How can we hope to protect anyone if we hide here?”

The Queen answered, “It is here we shall protect people still. One day Legion might appear here and we can gently help this world progress to a state where they can face Legion and win.”

The old woman said, “These people? They are primitive. They haven’t even developed combustion technology. We are so far ahead of them they will view us as deities.”

“Which is unacceptable.” The King stated. “I have given this a fair amount of thought as we learned of this world. We have the power to change ourselves. We will go out into this world and find myths and legions, beings they speak of but truly do not accept as real. Beneficial creatures who can help and then disappear without raising suspicion.”

The restrained man sneered, “We will become their little gods?”

“Not gods. We are not to become deities to these people. Just...helpers. We will watch over them, but not interfere too much. If they start a war amongst themselves, we shall stay out of it and let them solve their problems. But, we will give them offerings of wisdom and kindness, to show them peace is sweeter than revenge and savagery. We can give them gifts, but not change the course of their natural development. Again, we shall be guides, not gods.”

Another man asked, “What good will this do? Legion is voracious. They don’t declare victory over their enemies unless they eradicate every last one. We represent the ongoing war between Legion and our race. They will sense our power here and come to this world. They will surely wipe out these...what are they called?”

“Humans.” The Queen answered.

The King nodded, “Yes, I have thought about this. We must make a sacrifice.”

“Sacrifice?” The restrained man asked,

The King spent a moment before answering. Everyone looked to him with fearful anticipation. He finally said, “We will divide our power, giving more than half to an object which we will keep with us.”

“WHAT!” the restrained man bellowed, “You cannot be serious! I suggest we give ourselves greater

power, but you suggest we give up our power! Are you mad!”

“It is in our best interest. Also, we will spread ourselves out across this world and have little contact. Only the Queen and I shall stay together to monitor you and potential attack by Legion.”

“And what if they come?” The old woman asked.

The King said, “We know that Legion seeks only worthy foes to challenge themselves with. These people are hardly a match. We will have many years on this world away from Legion. However, when the day arrives that they challenge the humans, perhaps they will be ready for the fight. With a little help from us and their own growth, they may be.”

The Queen softly asked, “And...if they are not?”

“Then, we will do the same job we have done for all time, protect the weak. We will reveal ourselves to Legion and draw them away from this world. I know they will wish to finish us before they continue any conquest. In the time it will take them to defeat us, the humans will have a chance to develop some kind of defense.” Before anyone could argue he said, “It is all we have left. Any planet we run to will leave us with the same option. Here, for a time, we will have what we have lacked for too long, peace.”

The gathering all murmured for a moment, then silently concluded he was correct. Finally, the Queen took her husband by the arm and said, “We stand with you.”

“Good. Then it is time to find our new identities among these people.”

“What of him?” The old woman pointed at the restrained man.

The King turned to him, “I believe punishment is due, we have been running and not had the time to exact full justice.”

The Queen said, “May I recommend mercy.” This drew surprise from the restrained man and disgusted shock from the gathered people, a few voicing their disapproval.

The King asked, “Why would you say such a thing?”

She looked at the restrained man, “His original intentions to fight Legion were only for our benefit, that they produced greed and corruption was not his choice. None of us knew what the morphons would do to him.”

A shorter man protested, “I disagree, your majesty, he has always had a conniving mind and selfish attitude.” This drew a sneer from the captive.

The Queen smiled at the smaller man, “Neither are worthy of punishment. He helped us escape and has helped us along as we fled. He has not betrayed us yet. It is my belief that he be given a chance to prove himself here. And, since the decree will be for him to split his power, he will not be strong enough to execute any plans without our keeping him in check. Great is the power of justice, but greater is the power of mercy.”

The King spent a moment looking at the disgruntled faces of the others and then at the obstinate face of the captive. He came over and directed the two holding him to stand aside. Once free, the King put a hand on his shoulder, “I grant you mercy. Never forget this.”

“I won’t and thank you.”

The king turned to the crowd, “Now, go. We have little time before Legion finds us. We must assume our new identities and divide our power so they cannot find us. Be at peace, my friends.”

One by one they looked at their royalty with tears in their eyes and then flew away. Once it was just the two of them, the King and Queen held hands and vanished into the night.

Chapter 2: Transformation

Chapter 2: Transformation

Ottoman Emirate: Near Bursa:

A young man hollered and swatted a sheep with the end of a staff. It bawled at him and then dashed to join the others on the hillside. The boy, satisfied with his effort to contain his flock, joined them at the top of the hill so he could keep watch. Contented with the grazing going smoothly, he pulled out a scroll and unrolled it.

“Greetings.” A voice startled the boy.

In a swift motion, the boy stood up and swung his staff at the intruder.

The man flicked his hand to the side, and the staff froze in place. “Now, now. Let us not be rude. I am not here to harm you or your….animals.” The man, the same one restrained by his kin in Antarctica, said.

The boy’s eyes bugged, and he stumbled back, his staff released from the power that held it. “What are you?”

“I...don’t know yet.”

“Are you a jinn?”

The man smiled, “Perhaps. Is this some kind of powerful being to your kind?”

“Yes. And one not to be trusted.”

The man’s smile faded, “Oh, pity. I do not wish any harm. I am lost, you might say. I need help.”

The boy pointed the staff toward the west, “Bursa is three day's journey that way if you have a camel or horse.”

The man watched a sheep come closer to graze on the green grasses, “Is this a camel or horse?”

It stunned the boy at first and then he laughed, “You must be drunk to think so strange of thoughts.”

“I am new to your world. I have fallen from mine. Perhaps you can tell me more.”

“Are you from heaven? Are you...an angel?”

“Perhaps. I don’t know. Tell me your myths, your tales, that I may remember who I am.”

The boy cautiously looked around, still worried. Finally, he led the man back to the top of the hill and picked up the scroll he had dropped. “This is a tale of the jinn. Perhaps it will bring you insight.”

“By all means, tell me this story.” He sat down with the boy.

The boy impressed him with a story about a boy and a magic lamp. It was intriguing to learn this myth of magical beings that serve people and are thought of as both desirable and fearful.

Once it was over, the man asked, “Do you believe these jinns exist?”

“Oh, yes. There are good ones and bad ones. They are tricky.”

“Tricky, fascinating. Do many people here believe in them?”

“Oh, yes. To be given favor by one is a great desire, but we must be careful of their wrath if they grow weary of us.” The boy lost his fear of this man as he got lost in talking about this subject.

The man laughed, “I like this myth. It is intriguing, and I like your story. What if I told you I am a Jinn?”

The boy gulped and cleared his throat, “Oh, uh, are you good or bad?”

“So blunt a question. If I were bad, then I would say I am good to trick you. If I am good, then I would say so. How could you trust my answer?”

The boy was a little perplexed by that. “I...uh...don’t know.”

“Here, let me prove my power and that I mean no harm to you. Make a wish.”

The boy almost answered, but then looked down at the scroll, “I must be wise about my wish.”

“That is a commendable attitude from one I assume is young among your kind. However, I will tell you I was once wicked, which is why I am here now. I wish to be good, to be kind to people. Whatever you wish, I will grant it without malice or evil. Just be careful of what you wish for, not every blessing turns out so good.”

The boy smiled at him, “I believe you. Now, I have my wish. I fight off beasts who wish to make a meal of my sheep. I am meek and fear I will become the next meal. Make me a great fighter.”

The Jinn stood up and held out his hand, “Give me your staff.” It was placed in his hand. He held it tight, and it glowed, then it turned solid black. He handed it back. “There. I have not given you the blessing, but I have given it to the staff. While you hold this, it will defeat any beast you fight. Do not use it on other people of your kind, it won’t work the same. I do this so you do not use this staff for evil, but for the purpose you wished.”

The boy held the black staff and smiled, “Truly?”

“Here.” The Jinn snapped his fingers and a wolf-like creature appeared out of the leaves and grasses and attacked. The boy dexterously swung the staff around and dispatched the creature in two blows.


“Yes, thank you.”

The boy looked out and said, “It is growing late. Come, you can meet my family.”

“I would like to find this city, Bursa, and continue my journey.”

“I will lead you there with my father. We leave tomorrow to bring some of our flock to market.”

“Then, you have granted my wish. I will join you.” The Jinn followed the boy and his animals back toward the farm.


The sun rose high above the green lands. Morning mists swept out from before the travelers. A man and his son rode on camels with a third man riding alongside the father. They led a small selection of sheep gently toward a bustling metropolis.

The father held his hand out, “Master Jinn, may I present Bursa, the capital of our Empire.”

“How...lovely,” Jinn answered.

“Yes, it is.” The boy eagerly said, “We are a young empire, but our city is greater than any other in the world!”

“Now, son. Boasting is for generals and Beyliks. Be humble. I’m sure our illustrious guest has seen many great cities.” The father answered.

Jinn laughed, “I assure you, what I have seen is beyond anything you will experience in this life. But, nonetheless, this city is marvelous on its own.”

“Come! Market is already busy!” The father guided his camel and the sheep along the way.

Jinn followed behind, gaining as much wisdom about this new place as he could. The father and mother of this child did not believe the fantastic stories their son told. So, the boy decided it was a secret between them. Jinn promised him one more wish if he kept the secret, so the boy asked for wealth. They will find their sheep go for a high price today, and this amused Jinn.

No sooner had they entered this sprawling city did Jinn find himself in crowded streets filled with loud people. Primitive barter was carried out at every corner and doorway. Stands filled with fruits, and vegetables were next to shops selling carpets, fabrics, and pottery. Once the farmer and his son found their buyers, it was time for them to part company.

“It was a pleasure meeting you, Master Jinn.” The father said.

Jinn bowed to him, “I offer my gratitude and thanks for all of your help. I pray your animals bring you much wealth.”

The man leaned in and whispered, “I’ve already had five offers, and I was just walking down the street. I have underestimated the value of my flock.”

“I’m sure you have.” Jinn knelt down to the boy, “Be good and keep our secret. Thank you for giving me an identity.”

The boy hugged him, “Thank you for the wishes.”

“Good luck.” Jinn bid his final farewell and moved through the busy market.

Jinn walked through the market, passing a slave auction, and then came to special shops for the richer clientele. Brass and bronze objects were displayed along with jewels and other precious metals. Wealthy men of this area purchased trinkets for their brides or daughters...or camels. Unlike the lively market he left, this was more calm.

Something caught his eye. He stood before a shop that had delicate items made of glass and other fragile elements. This was one of the most ornate shops he had seen. However, it wasn’t the golden jewelry or gem-encrusted mirrors that piqued his interest. A tall, black bottle sat on a shelf. The bottom of the bottle was twisted while the neck stretched high. He lifted it and found it much heavier than he expected.

“Oh, you like the black bottle?” A craggy old woman said.

He held the bottle up, letting a little sunlight shine through it. “This is impressive.”

“It is also one of a kind. That is no ordinary glass, it is pure obsidian. It was traded to my husband by Captain Omar, who discovered among treasures from a captured pirate ship. We do not know where it comes from, but it is in excellent condition. Sorry to say, it contains no fine wine.”

He pulled the black stopper off the top and peered down into the empty body, “This is perfect, absolutely perfect. I have never seen anything like this.”

“And you shall never again. Make me an offer, stranger.”

Jinn, still enamored with the bottle, said, “I am afraid I do not know the value of your currency, so I don’t know where to begin. Give me a price and I will pay it.”

“No, that is not how it works. We bargain. You give me a price and I counter. This is how we make deals here in Bursa.” She smiled at him, her golden jewelry glinting in the sunlight.

He smiled at her, “I like you. Here is what I offer. I am a Jinn. I can offer you a wish, in exchange for this unique item.”

She laughed, “That is a new one. I have never heard such foolishness from one who seems to be in his right mind. Do not play games with me, I deal in gold, silver, or barter for valuable items. Now, make me a deal.”

Jinn laughed at her, “So, you don’t believe me. I suppose the myth of the Jinn is merely a legend to your people. That works well for me, I don’t want too much attention. So, I will play your game...in my way. Here.” He looked around for a moment and then saw a young woman come over and look at a small bauble hanging from one stand this old lady owned. The woman’s husband, an old, wealthy-looking man, came over and shook his head. He didn’t approve of such cheap jewelry for his young bride. Jinn made sure the old woman was watching, then waved his hand in front of the man’s face.

The man became dazed, picked up the bauble, and then came over and paid ten times its value, and then left.

The woman gasped, “By Allah! How...why...who are you?”

Jinn said, “I am what I said, a Jinn. You want currency to make you happy, then you have it. Is that enough for this bottle?”

“More than enough. But...”

“Thank you.” He bowed his head to her and then walked away with his prize.

Jinn walked out of the markets and into a narrow alley where laundry strung between buildings. Large rugs and other clothing danced in the afternoon breezes. He looked around to make sure he was alone.

“It’s about time for me to obey the decree.” He said to himself.

Jinn had confirmed in his mind that he would be more obedient now, more honorable. His ways had gained a little respect back home, and he was lucky to have survived Legion’s decimation of his world. He would obey the order to split his power between himself and a talisman, an object. The object had to be foreign, he couldn’t manifest it with his own power, otherwise, it really wouldn’t work. Besides, he liked this Obsidian bottle.

Holding it close to his chest, he closed his eyes. He would not only divide himself into two parts, he would recreate his image so he appeared as the myth of the Jinn. When he spoke to the boy, his parents, and that woman, and told them he was a Jinn, he took from their mind the image they expected when thinking of this mythical figure. Even those who did not believe him had some idea of what a Jinn would look like. It was slightly different each time, but some elements were the same. He would adapt the image to his own design, to make it unique.

With this in mind, he concentrated on the bottle and began to split his soul. It was no easy task, and the pain was unbelievable. A blue smoke exploded around him and swirled, sending the nearby fabric billowing in all directions. He couldn’t contain the scream of agony as he did this act of division. Power poured into the object. It was taking longer than he expected and the strength of this act tore parts of the buildings off. Jinn was not interested in destroying this place, so he opened his arms and let the power explode upward. He flew into the sky, dragging some fabric with him.

Flying up into the clouds, his body transformed. From the waist up he lost all clothing and gained an impressive physique. From the waist down, he lost all form, and it turned to smoke connected to the bottle. This was part of the image that those people had believed in. Yelling as he transformed the cyclone in the heavens parted the clouds. Finally, he was sucked into the bottle, and it plummeted back to the ground.

Citizens came looking for the commotion and were investigating the alley. Some were in the windows checking the destruction to their laundry. Suddenly a black bottle hit the ground so hard it sent a wave of sandy, hot wind in all directions.

After the winds died down, and the dust settled, one brave man approached the bottle. Before he could reach it, a billowing cloud of blue smoke puffed out of it and a man formed from the smoke. He was wearing sirwal pants with a large blue sash, and nothing else.

Picking up his bottle, Jinn bowed, “Pardon the mess. I didn’t mean to cause such a stir.”

“DJINN!” A woman yelled and people ran away.

“Oh, great. Just what I didn’t want to cause: fear.” Jinn looked around, “Please, don’t scream. I...hey, come back.”

Just then a royal guard came down the street, “What is this?”

Jinn smiled, “Ah, an official-looking man. Please, I wish to be taken to your palace. I want to meet the leader of these lands.”

The guard sneered at him, “What is this? I should take you in for speaking to me so rudely.”

Jinn snapped his fingers, and the man lifted off the ground and was helplessly hovering in the air, “I am trying to be nice, I don’t mean any harm. But I will not be treated like some common criminal. Now, I asked to be shown to the leader of these lands.”

The man sputtered for a moment and then said, “Oh, yes, of course, Lord Jinn, I will do as you wish, please put me down.”

“My pleasure.” He lowered the man and then strutted out of the alley with the guard now reverently directing him.
Chapter 3: Bey Orhan Bin Osman

Chapter 3: Bey Orhan Bin Osman

Chapter 3: Bey Orhan Bin Osman

The palace rang with the stern voices of generals. Old men with long beards and turbans stood around a table. The table held a map of the world around this nation.

One man angrily gestured toward the map, “It is not possible!”

“The rest of Anatolia will fall to us, this I know.” Another man argued.

The first huffed and answered, “By what providence do you know this? They are strong and well-armed, we have failed again and again. To keep up this campaign is foolishness.”

Just then another man entered the room. He wore elegant clothing with a large turban and broad beard. His presence forced everyone to bow in respect.

“Do I sense confusion among my generals?”

The eldest, while remaining bowed, answered, “My Bey, it is not confusion, just a disagreement on tactics.”

“Ah.” The Bey said, “Then you have not decided how you will achieve what I have asked.”

“My Bey,” Another said, “It may...not be possible. The Byzantines are well armed and well structured...”

The Bey interrupted, “Do you think my soldiers are dogs chasing wild winds and rabbits?”

“No, Bey, not at all. Our soldiers are strong.”

“Then, I do not see the problem.” The Bey approached the table. “I asked you to conquer the lands of Anatolia and I expect it to be done.”

The generals were about to address this issue when there was a great commotion at the door. A man forced his way past the guard and came running in. It was Arash, the city guard. He hit the floor in a prostrate bow before the Bey. “A thousand apologies great Bey, but...”

“How dare you interrupt me and my generals! GUARDS!” The Bey roared and five guards came from different directions.

The city guard quickly said, “Please, listen to my words, oh great Bey. I have something of divine nature that must be brought to your attention.”

“What are you rambling about?”

“I have a Jinn and he wishes to see you.” Arash pulled out the Obsidian Bottle with a trembling hand.

The Bey waved at the guards, “Take him away, he is drunk.”

“Look!” A guard gasped and pointed at the bottle.

The Bey looked down and saw that the bottle shimmered inside. “What is this? Sorcery?”

“It is as I said, oh great Bey, this bottle contains a Jinn.”

The Bey noticed the generals coming closer and waved to them, “Return to your planning, I shall address this in the court.” With a regal gait, he led his contingent of palace guards with Arash out of the room.

The highly ornate Throne Room of the Bey was lit by the afternoon sun. A few servants scuttled around to take care of maintenance. The Bey had cleared the courtiers and even removed most of the guards. Now seated upon his throne, his personal guards directed Arash to bow before him.

“What is this you have brought me? Speak!”

Arash told the story of what he witnessed in the city and how he had been lifted from the ground by supernatural forces.

“Bah! You have been drinking. What sort of concoction is in this bottle that it glows?”

“No concoction, Bey, but a Jinn. Behold.” Arash used a quivering hand to remove the topper.

With great shock and fear throughout the room, a bloom of blue smoke exploded upward from the bottle. One guard jumped to protect the Bey, as he assumed this was some far eastern explosive device. Finally, the smoke formed a person.

Jinn smiled at the people cowering around him, “Ah, so this is the throne room. Nice, very nice. Oh dear, I see you are afraid. I guess my grand entrance wasn’t such a grand idea. Sorry.”

The Bey pushed the guard aside, but not too far away. “Who...what are you?”

“You must be the leader of these people. How nice. I am Jinn, a magical being here to serve you at my pleasure.”

The Bey said, “Are you an evil spirit?”

Jinn rolled his eyes and let out a great sigh, “I guess I will have to get used to that with such a primitive animal. No, your lordship, I am not evil. I do as I please, and I am pleased to do good. I am here to grant your wishes, to the extent that my own rules allow, of course.”

“How do I know this is all real and not some form of vast trickery?”

Jinn laughed, “A wise question. One I would hope a leader would ask. Here, watch this.” He turned to Arash, “My good man. I am sorry for causing you such fear and tossing you around earlier. Here, I shall grant you a wish. Think of something you want and it will be yours, just don’t ask for wealth please, everyone asks for that.”

Arash closed his eyes and then said, “A gift for my lovely wife.”

“Good choice.” Jinn clapped his hands and a bolt of purple fabric appeared at Arash’s feet.

The Bey jumped up and his guards all became even more interested. “Bring that to me.”

“It’s his gift,” Jinn stated.

“I wish to see it.”

Arash carefully brought the fabric to the Bey. Arash said, “The finest silk I have ever seen. My wife has wanted some of this for years.”

The Bey ran his hands through the fabric, “Truly a marvel. Traders from the East bring this rarely, and never this amount.”

“Good, then it is a fine gift.” Jinn said, “Take it home and enjoy it.”

“Go, go, do as he says.” The Bey waved a hand at Arash, who bowed out and was quickly away.

“Now, your highness, how may I be of service to you?” Jinn bowed.

The Bey took his seat and waved his hands so that the dumbfounded guards would leave them alone. After the room emptied, he said, “I am Bey Orhan Bin Osman of the Ottoman Empire. May I ask your name, if you have one?”

“You may just call me Jinn.”

“Jinn, what may I ask of you? What sort of wishes do you grant?”

“Another good question.” Jinn picked up his bottle and put the stopper back in it, “Well, let’s see. My people have restricted my power. So, I can’t kill for you, don’t even ask. I can’t bring anything back from the dead, that’s beyond my power or the power of anyone I have ever known. I refuse to mess with time. That always turns out bad. I can’t overthrow nations for you directly, but I can help you win battles. And, I can help you gain wealth, but I advise against it, for the sake of your world. Inflation is terrible...if you even know what that means.”

Bey Orhan stroked his beard, “Wealth I have, my friend, much wealth. However, I could use your help. My empire is young. We wish to grow, but our enemies retain lands we should own. Perhaps I could ask your help in ending a long battle for these lands so we can finally be done with it.”

“Lead the way, my lord. Your wish is my command.”

Orhan walked with him into the generals meeting. These old men all gave Jinn a funny look. None of them seemed to enjoy seeing him present.

Jinn smiled at them and stroked his naked chin, “I see everyone here likes that bushy beard. Not my style.”

“Who is this, my Bey?” The eldest general demanded this in the most respectful tone he could muster.

Bey Orhan approached the table, his eyes glinting with a touch of greed. “He is going to help us win this war.”

“That one? He doesn’t look battle-tested or experienced in command?” Another general protested.

Jinn gave the man sneer, “I was fighting interplanetary wars five hundred years before you were born.”

“What does he say?” The elder general yelled going for his sword.

“Enough.” The Bey said, “Jinn, I want the land of Anatolia, but we are facing a war we cannot win as it stands. Their forces are great and organized, mine seem to be children compared to them. We both have numbers, but they seem better trained. What can you do to help?”

Jinn walked around the table, studying the map. The other generals murmured their disgust at this interloper, several made comments on his strange apparel. But no one dared to speak against him while the Bey was there.

“You,” Jinn stopped in front of the eldest general, “You seem to know about this. Tell me, where will their armies march next?”

The old general sneered at Jinn and then pointed at a place on the map, “Nicomedia. I am almost positive they will seek to fight us there, as it was one of their strongholds.”

“Then we shall go there and meet them.”

“My Bey! This is madness.” The general declared.

The Bey gave the elder general a look that sent the man into a bow, “We will follow his ideas until I say otherwise. Prepare your forces, we march at once to Nicomedia.”
Chapter 4: A Taste of Victory

Chapter 4: A Taste of Victory

The Bey Orhan sat on a rug in the general’s tent near Nicomedia. Two of his generals sat with him while Jinn stood nearby, watching out of the tent flap.

“Bey, our scouts have spotted the enemy approaching from the Sea of Marmara.” One general stated.

The other, who was not present at the palace, said, “My men remain stationed near Nicomedia. It remains a Byzantine stronghold, but we will not allow them access to the rest of their empire.”

The Bey smiled, “Then, the enemy must come through us if they wish to bolster Nicomedia. This puts us in the position to combat them. What do you think, Jinn?”

Jinn casually said, “It is a common strategy. But, you will fail. Your men are not well organized, from what I have seen, the enemy is far better organized.”

“WHO IS THIS WHO INSULTS US!” The local general instantly bellowed.

The Bey held up his hand, “He is my...advisor.”

“Do you not trust your own generals in the matters of war?” The first and chief general asked.

The Bey gave him a half-cocked smile, “If my Generals were so well versed in such matters, we would not be still fighting this battle endlessly. It would already be won.”

The generals grumbled under their breath, though they did not dare voice their irritation openly.

The Bey asked Jinn, “What do we do now?”

Jinn turned and said, “Go, prepare your men for battle, generals. Your Bey and I shall ensure there will be victory tomorrow.”

“But...” The local general protested, but was cut off by the Bey.

Orhan said, “Do as he says. I trust he is correct.”

Again they grumbled, but were obedient none-the-less.

The Bey waved a hand at Jinn, “Come, tell me what you have in mind.” He poured a cup of tea and offered it to Jinn.

Jinn accepted, “I sent out a bird to scout for me. I trust your men know the enemy movements, but I needed to see for myself.”

“And what did your divine eyes see, Master Jinn.”

“Master, I like that.” Jinn sipped the tea, “The enemy is not close enough to battle today. They will camp one more night before approaching. Tonight I will send a dry wind over them, and they will grow thirsty. Also, they will gain confidence in victory tomorrow.”

“What will this do for us? An enemy with a full bladder isn’t any less dangerous.”

“True. However, with overconfidence in tomorrow’s victory, they will celebrate tonight. With a dry tongue they shall drink.”

The Bey smiled and then laughed, “They shall turn to wines and spirits to celebrate this.”

“Yes, and being so thirsty, they will drink too much. This will make them much less of a threat tomorrow.”

“This is a good plan, my friend.” The Bey offered him some figs.

Jinn ate and then said, “For your men, once they are prepared for war, I will send a gentle wind to them, one that will lull them into sleep.”

“Why?” There was a trusting tone in the Bey’s voice.

“Well-rested with early sleep, your men will rise and be ready when the half-drunk enemy arrives, they will be no threat to a strong, prepared, rested force.”

“HA! This is a good plan indeed!”

“I am pleased you like it. And I do like these...what are they called?” He held up a fruit.

“That is a candied fig. Enjoy as many as you like.”

“I will.” Jinn ate.

Closer to nightfall, Jinn stood at the edge of the tent and held his hand up so that his palm was below his mouth. He blew across it toward the sea and a golden cloud came out that expanded and turned into a blustery gale for a moment that shifted all the tents in the camp. Once that was gone and a few of the other military men were looking for the source of this gale, he turned and blew again. This time a purple cloud formed and blew toward the tents and beyond. The curious men grew tired quickly and returned to their tents. The soldiers in the armies also grew tired and fell into a deep, restful sleep.

After he had finished, Jinn smiled, “I think I am going to enjoy this job.”


Bey Orhan returned to his tent. He was bruised, cut, his clothes torn, but otherwise he was smiling. His men were celebrating with great noise. Jinn waited for him.

“I see my plan worked.” Jinn said.

“By Allah, I have never seen such a decisive victory! The Battle of Pelekanon will go down in history! They were still skilled, but they were no match for us. Tomorrow, we shall conquer Nicomedia once and for all and the Byzantines will feast on the dust.”

Jinn sat down and waved a hand, causing the tea pot to float over to him. Two cups also joined him and were filled. “Come, rest yourself. You are a mess.”

“Ah, yes, I am unsightly for sure. But, it is the scars gained through victory. Yes, let us toast with a fine...oh, no, no, not a cup tea. I shall send for wine! The best that can be found in this dirty old encampment.”

“Then send for some!” Jinn proclaimed.

Just then the general assigned to this campaign came rushing in. He fell to the ground in a deep bow, “My Bey, I have distressing news.”

“What? Nothing bad could have happened this day!”

“We chased the two generals of the enemy, but they escaped. They were both injured, but still slipped our grasp.”

The Bey was about to say something when Jinn spoke up, “Don’t worry. This gives me a splendid idea.”

The Bey turned and cocked his head, “What plan have you concocted my powerful friend?”

Jinn sipped some tea, “I will see to it that the people of this Byzantine Empire hear word that their generals have died.”

“But, they have not.” The General stated.

Jinn said, “This doesn’t have to be true. After such a defeat when victory was expected, the fears of their people and especially their politicians will be raw. Give them false news of the death of their beloved generals, and they will panic. No enemy is more vulnerable than one who is panicking.”

The Bey asked, “Should we not go and slay them before they reach home, to make this story true?”

“No. In fact, when they return alive, but injured, their people will rejoice, but they will also be scared. Not only will the fear still be fresh in their minds, but their newfound hope will perish when they see their generals in a state of injury. Trust will be eroded, faith will be destroyed, and decisions will be made in haste.”

“I like the way you think.” Bey Orhan said.

The General said, “This is all and good, my Bey. But, how can we be sure this will come to pass?”

“Don’t worry, my old friend. It will, trust me. Now, go and find me the best wine we have in the camp. I wish to celebrate!”

The Bey sat with Jinn and accepted a little tea to cleanse his dusty throat. After a good swig he said, “I believe we will become fast friends, you and I.”

“I feel the same way.” Jinn answered.
Chapter 5: Growing Ambition

Chapter 5: Growing Ambition

The years passed as the armies of the Ottoman Empire captured more lands and further diminished the power and size of the Byzantine Empire. Bey Orhan Bin Osman led this expansion with great skill and surprising success. No one in Bursa, outside of a single city guard, had any idea who or what Jinn was. However, the sight of gaining power seeped into the darker side of Jinn and he enjoyed his work more and more with each passing victory.

On a bright, sunny day in Bursa, the generals were once again gathered around the planning table, curious as to their next move.

Bey Orhan studied the map, “We have conquered Balikaser and Ankara, our reach grows. But, I am still anxious to conquer Constantinople.” He pointed to the large city to their north.

The General said, “This is not wise. They may be weakened, but they are still strong enough to route us if we get close. We should focus ourselves on Bythnia, we are certain of victory there.”

A younger general said, “What of the death of Emperor Andronikos III? If his general, Kantakouzenos takes the throne then he will unify the Byzantine forces against us again. We could lose what we’ve gained.”

Orhan nodded, “Yes. I worry about that as well. They are strong, but splintered right now. If they unify, we will not stand well against them.” He turned to the man standing in the corner. “What say you, Jinn?”

Jinn strolled over and looked at the map. “I see you have news coming...right now.” Just then a door opened and a boy nearly hit the floor he was breathing so hard.

“What is this?” A general barked.

The boy held up a scroll, “For the Bey!”

Jinn took the scroll and handed it to Orhan. The Bey read it and as he went over each word his smile grew. “How foolish...how incredibly foolish!”

“What is the news, my Bey?”

He set the letter on the map, “It seems that the late Emperor's wife and his General differ on ideas about who should rule. In a poor attempt to maintain a dynasty, they have put an eight year old child on the throne, young Palaiologos the Fifth.” This drew some gasps and even laughter in the room.

Jinn came over to the table and kindly said, “And, with such a bold and foolish move, the divided lines among the people will grow wider. They will turn from arguments to weapons. Civil war is inevitable.”

The young general declared, “Then we can walk in and conquer them!”

“No.” Jinn said.

“What!” The general yelled and then bowed his head in fear of his ruler.

Bey Orhan said, “What say you Jinn? Do we attack when they are weakened?”

“No. They will destabilize themselves. In this weakened state you can take over more of their lands, but not their heart. Not yet.”

“This is madness!” An older General said, “If our enemy is at their own throats, we should use this opportunity to end them.”

The Bey calmly said, “Has my friend been wrong ever? For twelve years he has proven correct in every word he speaks. Now, listen to what he has to say.”

Jinn nodded, “If we attack them now, during their time of unrest, we will cast ourselves as the villains in the world's eyes. Every nation who has stayed out of this conflict will join...against you. They will see you as the bully. Use this time to weaken their outer defenses, shrink their lands, but don’t take their capital. In time, it will be ours...yours. But, for now, heed my advice.”

Bey Orhan nodded to the generals, “And we shall heed his advice. Prepare our plans for war, let Jinn see them and decide what will work.”

The generals bowed and each gave Jinn a disgruntled look. This was the first time they were forced to report to him. However, it would not be the last. Jinn gained more than the role of advisor to the throne, now he controlled the military council.


Years passed and every battle went as planned. The Ottomans lost some conflicts, but ultimately they were more successful than their enemy. Jinn had decided not to give them every victory, as that might draw the attention of his superiors. But, as the Ottoman Empire grew, so did his deep seeded passion for power.

Bey Orhan passed away at the age of 81, his most trusted friend standing at his side. The knowledge of who Jinn really was passed to the heirs of the throne. Generation after Generation, they would all come to trust this ally more than any other in the world.


A beautiful woman walked through the gleaming new palace, she carried a large, flat basket brimming with candied fruits and nuts. Passing the Sultan's quarters she rounded the corner into a luxurious room filled with pillows and fine decorations. To one side, set up almost like a shrine, was a table with cloth and candles surrounding the Obsidian Bottle.

Around the room were several servant women, dressed seductively as they went about their work. One played a lute while another danced beside her. The third cleaned the dust from the expensive artifacts lining a shelf. Jinn sat in the middle of a thick pile of pillows.

“Ah, you brought them to me. Grand. Come.” He caressed a pillow.

The beautiful woman sat near him and set the basket beside her. Picking up a candied date she carefully placed it on his lips and he ate it down. He gave her a lusty look as he enjoyed the fruit. “I have to say, the women here have grown on me over the decades.”

She tittered at him, not understanding what he said clearly, and offered him another bite of food.

Just then two palace guards came in with a regally dressed man between them. The women in the room all stopped what they were doing and bowed low to the ground so that their foreheads touched the floor.

“Ah, Sultan Mehmed, come, have some fruit and nuts. This servant has brought more than I will eat.” The guards were astonished at the candid words to their Sultan, but neither said anything.

Sultan Mehmed laughed, “I see you find your new accommodations here in Istanbul to your liking.”

Jinn laughed, “Istanbul...what a name. I prefer it called Constantinople.” The Sultan lost his smile at that. Jinn clarified, “I’m not pro-Byzantine, just the name was interesting. However, I am sure that history will remember Istanbul more than they shall the fallen Constantinople.”

“Of this, we agree.” Mehmed clapped his hands, “Leave us, everyone!” The girls quickly left the room, but the guards lingered, “You too. Go, now.” The guards left.

Jinn got up and stretched his arms. He appeared no different today than when he first met Bey Orhan over a century ago. “What do you need today, Sultan? Perhaps a new sculpture to your greatness. I’m feeling generous today, perhaps I shall conjure one made of marble for the palace entrance.”

Mehmed waved a hand at him, “No, not today. It wouldn’t look right to show such opulence while the city is still being rebuilt after the conquest.” He walked over the large open window.

Jinn followed him and both looked down over the sprawling city. Scaffolding could be seen everywhere while the sounds of hammers seemed to never cease. Jinn commented, “I am sure I can rebuild this city in a flash, and your citizens would be no wiser. You know I have the power.”

“True, and your power has given my people much over the years. But, the world is looking at us today. They see our empire growing and they will become fearful if they know what kind of power is behind the throne. I know your limitations, my friend, if they waged an all-out war against us, you couldn’t stop the fall of the Ottoman Empire.”

Jinn smiled, “I am glad you respect my...limitations. However, over the years I have stretched my limitations further and further. I believe, in time, I will be able to give you more than you expect. I believe I might, one day, give you the world.”

Mehmed laughed, “One day, perhaps. Today, my eyes look West, toward Europe. With no enemy behind us any longer, we are poised to take the lands all the way to the Emerald Isles.”

Jinn waved his hand and before them they could see the world grow closer. Castles, villages, roads, cathedrals, and more sped by. “It shall be yours, my sultan. And, I will remain behind this throne, giving you what your heart desires.”

“Be sure you remain behind that throne.” Mehmed stated.

Jinn stopped the vision and it evaporated. “You fear me?”

“Not today, my friend. But, power has a way of changing people. Do not forget that it was only a few years ago that civil war broke out between the children of a Sultan and this Empire was threatened.”

Jinn laughed, “That was nothing. Just a minor issue. I won’t overthrow you. I rather enjoy my position where I...” he paused and looked out the window.

“What is it? What troubles you?”

“I sense someone coming. I sense a power I have not felt in over a century.”

“Should I summon the guards!” Mehmed peered over the city, searching for signs of this person.

Jinn shook his head, “No. He will come to me. I can deal with him if he is a problem. For now, my Sultan, see to the reconstruction of your new Capital.”

“I will do as you ask. Good day, Jinn.” The Sultan left him.

Jinn remained at the window, squinting in the bright sunlight. “Who are you?”
Chapter 6: Jadid

Chapter 6: Jadid

A man in dark robes rode the back of a stallion into the city of Istanbul. He was not Arabian, his complexion was lighter and his long hair gray. Over one eye was a patch. The people stared at him as he passed. Guards were alert to his presence, but none stopped him. Workings diligently rebuilt the city all around him as rubble was carted away.

After a long ride he came to the gates of the palace and dismounted his steed. A guard approached him, weapon ready.

“Who approaches the Palace of Sultan Mehmed the Second?”

The man smiled, “I am called Ambassador Jadid, I wish an audience with your Sultan?”

The guard was joined by several others. “No one sees the Sultan without proper appointment. Your name does not mean anything to us. Who sent you?”

“I work for a small organization, I only wish to offer a gift to honor the victor.”

The guard pushed his spear into Jadid’s face, “Speak with a magistrate, do not presume...”

Jadid gave them a fierce look and said in a booming voice, “Take me to the Sultan!”

Their eyes glazed over and they stood back. The leader said, “At once.”

Jadid removed a large bag from his horse, handed the stallion over to a stablemaster, and then followed the bewitched guards into the palace.

Sultan Mehmed had only just returned to his throne room when the news of a visitor came to him. He called his guards and courtiers to meet this stranger. Jadid was presented by the guards and he bowed in respect to the throne.

“Who is this?” Mehmed demanded.

The guard said, “He calls himself Ambassador Jadid.”

“Jadid?” The Sultan said and then gasped, “I have heard that name before. You represent a small group of clerics who help negotiate peace and settle disputes.”

“Yes, my order has done this. Today, I just wish to honor you and show support for your leadership of Constantinople.”


“Right, forgive me. Istanbul.”

“Ah, then present your gift.”

Jadid pulled a parchment out of his pack and presented it in proper fashion. The Sultan took the parchment and opened it. He read it, “A caravan of supplies is enroute from...Rome...”

“Yes, that is where I am currently working. My order of clerics resides there.”

“And I see these supplies are for the people.”

“To help in the rebuilding. We know how destructive this war has been. We honor you by helping your people. Does this please you?”

Sultan Mehmed looked around his courtiers for a second and then smiled, “I accept this gift. It is most welcome at this time.”

“I am honored by your graciousness.” Jadid bowed.

“Come, you may stay here in the palace until you are ready to leave. Perhaps you can assist some of my diplomats in preparing to speak with leaders of the cities we have recently...acquired.”

Jadid nodded, “Negotiation for peace is one of my primary skills, I would be glad to assist.”

“Good, good. A servant will show you to your quarters.”

Jadid was joined by a young man who led him away from the room. He insisted on carrying his own bag.


Jinn waited in his room, still eating from that basket of fruits and nuts. The look on his face was a mix of anger and fear. He would pop another item in his mouth and chew while he stared at the door. After several hours, and one empty basket, he finally stopped the constant staring.

“Who am I to be scared of anyone!” He declared and stood up.

Walking over to the window again he looked out to the city that was now bathed in moonlight. Gazing at the stars he began to search for ones he had visited before. He recalled his days before his people came to this world, the days of running and hiding. Out there, among the stars, they were refugees from Legion. Their amazing power is not so amazing to the advanced people they met. Legion no longer feared them as they once did. A fire burned in his blood as he recalled those times. Filthy and stinking, he crawled in the underbelly of spaceports and dirty old cities. Here, he was a god among bugs.

“Quite the view.” A new voice startled him.

Jinn whipped around and found Jadid standing there, casually looking at him. “How did you sneak up on me!”

“Just like yourself, I have secrets that I keep about me.”

“I should call the guards.” Jinn made a motion to go for the door.

“Really? I am a guest here as well. What would you charge me with?”

Jinn had a flush over his skin, he felt something different about this person. He didn’t like him. So, he decided to scare him off. “I am not one to toy with, little man.” He snapped his fingers and the lamps all lit and blazed high.

“Nice trick.” Jadid casually commented.

The lamps settled down to normal as Jinn came closer to this man, “Just as I thought. You aren’t like the others here, but I do not recognize your face. Though, my own friends would not recognize me for how I have changed.”

“I know who you are, Jinn. I have been watching you.”

“Oh, you have.” Jinn flicked his hand up and Jadid was lifted from the ground.

Jadid calmly, but firmly said in that booming voice, “Release me!”

Unable to resist that command, Jinn let him go. He stumbled back and held his head, “What...what did you do to me?”

“That is not your concern. You should be more worried about why I am here. Lord Dragon and Lady Phoenix are not pleased with you.”

Jinn scoffed, “So, they sent you. My own people are coming to check on me. I have not violated any of the rules they set out for us. We are to help these pitiful humans and that is what I am doing.”

“From the shadows. The order was to give them minor guidance, not overthrow entire empires for them.”

“I didn’t overthrow anyone. I merely helped the inevitable.” Jinn stated, “This Ottoman Empire was going to conquer the Byzantines eventually, I just...helped it along.”

“You can’t play games with words. It is obvious what you’ve been up to.”

Jinn sat down on his throne of pillows and said, “How did you even know what I’ve been up to?”

Jadid left the room for a moment and returned with a shepherd's staff, “I found this, fifty years ago. I tracked it back to you.”

“The little shepherd boy.”

“Yes. I sensed magic in this and knew it was not of this world.”

Jinn raged, “It was his! Not yours to take!”

Jadid shook his head, “Your actions have consequences. Inspired by his prowess as a fighter, that boy grew up and became a warrior for the Ottoman Empire. He died in battle. His family were killed when the Byzantines raided their village. This was left in the rubble of their lives.”

“I am not responsible for his choices.” Jinn said, though his tone had grown grim.”

Jadid continued, “It did not take me long to locate you. I reported you to Lord Dragon and he asked me to provide him updates.”

“Spying on me. Typical.” Jinn scoffed, “I know I bent the rules back home, but I have been doing everything according to their rules here. And, don’t lecture me about hiding in the shadows. Lord Dragon and Lady Phoenix are worshiped as gods over their part of this world. You can’t tell me that is what they wanted from us?”

Jadid nodded, “I have had my concern about that as well. However, Lord Dragon and Lady Phoenix have offered wisdom and guidance at times of need. Otherwise, they have let the humans take care of themselves. You, on the other hand, have situated yourself in the presence of a ruler. You are as much a ruler of this Empire as the Sultan himself. Lord Dragon is not pleased with this.”

“What does he know? The Ottomans have done pretty good on their own.”

“Really. So, it wasn’t you who threw the ruling family of this Ottoman Empire into chaos when you didn’t like the son chosen to take the throne?”

“That was just a little interference. They needed a shaking up, that’s all.”

Jadid gestured out the window, “What about sending the black plague to this city?”

“Okay, so I decided to weaken them a little. They were gaining too much strength, my plans for conquest...”

“Your plans?”

Jinn realized what he had said, “The Sultan's plans. They are mine as well, I am his advisor on military matters.”

“Jinn. I am not here to remove you from this place or to take away anything. Lord Dragon would want me to bring you back to him for a few lessons on how to behave around humans. But, Lady Phoenix convinced him to let me tell you that you are being watched. Your actions will be taken into account. Step back now and let history write itself. Do you understand?”

Jinn nodded, “I think so. I am being given yet another chance.” He spent a long moment thinking about this. “Fine, under one condition.”

“What is that?”

“Don’t watch so closely. I don’t want to feel that I need to look over my shoulder at all times. I deserve some freedom.”

“I will keep an eye on this empire, but I will agree to step back a little. Just know that wrong behavior will be punished. This is not your world, it is the humans, you are here as their guest.”

“Tell the Lord and Lady I will behave.”

“That is all they ask.” Jadid bowed and turned to leave.

“Wait.” Jinn stopped him, “You haven’t told me who you are?”

“My name is Jadid.”

“Jadid is an Arabic word, that is an interesting name even among these people. And, you don’t appear to be one of them.”

“Well, my name here is Jadid, it means the same thing as the name I am called where I am from.”

“And, what is that?”

He smiled and turned to leave, “They call me Nova.”
Chapter 7: Turning Point

Chapter 7: Turning Point

1718 CE

Three hundred years passed as the Ottoman Empire grew. Sultans came and went, political rivals fought over the throne at times, and a few usurped their fathers. Northern African came under the Ottoman flag, as did much of what is called the Middle East. Soon, their eyes were on Europe and they began to fight the kingdoms that dominated the Eastern European front.

Through all this, Jinn remained. Each new Sultan was introduced to the magical advisor behind the throne. Jinn remained obedient to his oath to remain distant and allow the humans to grow on their own. However, time tested that oath as did the growing power around him. He was often looked to by the leaders of this growing empire, they may have ruled, but the true power of the throne remained in the hands of Jinn. Greed blossomed in his heart, desire for power grew in his soul.


Sultan Ahmed the Third looked over maps and reports inside his tent. The sounds of many soldiers clanged outside. A general stepped in and bowed.

“Sir, most of the surviving troops have returned to camp.”

“Good, tell them to prepare to break camp.”

The General cocked his head, “To what end, sir?”

“We will be changing our course. Just do as I ask.”

“At once, my Sultan.”

Just as the general left the tent a blue puff of smoke appeared and turned into the figure of Jinn. “Ahmed, what is going on?”

“Jinn, my old friend, it is good to see a smiling face.”

“What has happened? I thought the war with Venice was going well.”

Sultan Ahmed shook his head, “It has taken a bad turn. The Hapsburg forces bested us in Banat. We are forced to withdraw.”

“A minor setback. Trust me, I will make it so you will have victory tomorrow.” Jinn confidently smiled.

“No. I think I don’t want victory in battle tomorrow.”

“What?” Jinn came down to the Sultan, “Have I not given you many great victories? Sure, this was a defeat, but bad things happen. I will see to it, it will be your last.”

“What next? More fighting, more dying. I believe it is time to consider something that my predecessors have not, peace.”

“Peace! How do you grow your Empire with peace?”

The Sultan answered, “The Ottoman Empire is already large, it stretches far. We are feared among nations.”

“Feared, yes. But, the moment you declare peace, that fear will become laughter!”

“I do not fear the laughter of weak fools who only see bloodshed as a means of power.” Ahmed stated, “Has the Ottoman Empire spent so much of its own blood to grow that it knows not how to enjoy a day without killing? No!”

Jinn fumed, “I can’t believe I’m hearing this. Your forefathers would be cringing to hear this! They wanted the world and you are settling for a small portion of it.”

“I want a day without death, my friend. I am sure you will understand. It has already begun.”

Jinn asked, “What have you done?”

Ahmed presented a fancy letter written in two languages the royal seal of the Hapsburg family set in wax at the bottom . “See for yourself.”

Jinn snatched the letter and read it. “A proposal of treaty! With the Hapsburg Kingdom! How are we supposed to conquer Europe if we don’t start with them?”

“I will go no further than this. We will sign this in good faith and honesty, and then honor our word as we head back home.”

Jinn slapped the letter on the table, “So, you expect children to be playing in the streets, the warriors to bend their spears into plows, and the merchants of Venice to come gleefully into your markets to make trade?”

Ahmed ignored the sarcasm and merely said, “Yes, I do.”

Jinn stood at the edge of the tent and looked out across the lands, “Why is everyone scared of going all the way?”

“What was that my friend?”

Jinn said, “My entire life everyone has sought power, but then were scared to take it. I sought power and when my ambition threatened the status-quo of the others, they stole it from me. When I showed them that my power was enough to vanquish even our most terrifying enemy, they instead feared me. Here, I am a god, and still I cannot do anything to stop fools from seeing the whole picture.”

“What is this you are saying?” Sultan Ahmed rose and joined Jinn.

Jinn swiftly turned and stabbed a blade through the sultan's belly, “I am saying that when you want power, you take it.”

“What...have you...done?” Ahmed fell to his knees, blood spilling across the ground.

Jinn transformed into a perfect replica of Ahmed, “I’m going to finish what you started.”
Chapter 8: Untold War

Chapter 8: Untold War

Two months passed as the Ottoman Empire marched across Europe. Cities and villages were sacked, legions of European warriors slaughtered by the blades and guns of the Ottoman Empire. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers poured across the landscape, breaking down walls and destroying everything in their path. These Ottomans were unlike any force seen in history, their blades blazed with magic, their eyes were unyielding.

Rome was ablaze, every precious remnant of antiquity fell to the flames of war. Citizens dashed through the streets, screaming in fear as the Ottoman warriors flooded every corner of the once proud city. A woman led a large gathering of women, children, and elderly men toward the docks.


Two older men ran past her with small children in their arms. One stopped, “They cut off Delilah and her husband as they tried to get to the underground escape.”

“Oh God, are they...”

“No, Marcus has barricaded the people in his home and they are hiding.”

“They won’t last long, I have to go back.” The woman ran but another person stopped her.

“It’s too late. You won’t make it back to them. We have to get to the docks and hope we can get away from their forces.”

“What of...” Her question was cut short when the screams of terror rang out from their group.

Bursting around a corner came a hoard of enemy warriors, blood stained blades swinging wildly.

“RUN! RUN!” The woman pushed the men ahead of her and then grabbed a small girl in her arms and ran.


Just then someone jumped down from a building and used shoulders and heads to run across the fleeing crowds. He flew through the air and landed between the refugees and the approaching enemy.

Nova used a long blade with extreme skill, cutting down soldiers two and three at a time. He dodged blades with incredible precision and killed five men before they had a chance to respond to his attack. Finally, he had the space to pause long enough to yell, “STOP!” a wave of energy burst out of him and the Ottoman soldiers all stood still, their eyes glazing over.

Nova turned back to the fleeing refugees only to find them transfixed by this strange act. He commanded them, “KEEP GOING!”

Without a question, the people took the order and continued their flight toward the waiting ships.

Nova had only just turned back when the warriors were already going after him again. He dodged two blades, deflected another, and then spun into a wall, jumped off of it and flew right over the enemy. Landing in the middle of the fray, he executed a large sweep of his blade and seven men fell. He was now in the middle of this legion. They were no longer chasing the defenseless citizens, but he was overwhelmed.

At the moment he was going to lose this fight, an egg came out of nowhere and hit an enemy in the face. It exploded with a large flash and the people all stumbled back. Seven more eggs were sent into the group and these created colorful explosions of smoke.

A small creature landed on Nova’s shoulder and threw two more eggs that burst with a splattering of extremely smelly goo.

Nova struck down three men and then said, “I was wondering when you guys were going to show up.”

The Easter Bunny laughed and produced an egg the size of a watermelon, he lobbed it at the enemy and it created a magical explosion of purple fire. “Sorry, we had to discuss how to deal with this. COME ON!” EB jumped off Nova and launched himself into the air, right over a building.

Nova dashed for a pair of confused soldiers and sprung off of them, onto an overhang, ultimately landing on the same building. He looked back at the fleeing citizens, “Good, they’re far enough away they will make it.”

EB looked back as well, “They will be some of the lucky few.”

“How bad is it?” Nova asked.

“As far as we can tell, over ninety percent of this country is either dead or in chains.”

Nova looked across the burning city, plumes of smoke everywhere. The Colosseum collapsed in on itself, becoming nothing but a smoking pile of rubble. “What of the other countries?”

“Everything east of Italy is under their control. The Ottoman warriors are also coming up from Africa. They’ve completely destroyed Spain and are heading into France.”

Nova looked down at the shimmering blades of the enemy, “Is this as we feared? I tried using my power on them, it barely worked. They are...enchanted.”

“Yes. We weren’t certain at first. But, the magic couldn’t be hidden forever. Jinn has used his power to enhance everything about the Ottoman Empire and turn it into a war machine. The cost of lives is...unimaginable.”

“What of the others? Did they just send you?”

EB smiled, “Not in the least. Look for yourself.”

Nova looked up and saw a large Asian dragon swooping over the city. Next to it was a sleigh being pulled by eight reindeer. Santa came down and hovered next to Nova, “Good, you’re already here.”

“I’ve been here all along. I’m the only one who could contend with them.”

“Not anymore.” Santa said and then pointed, “EB and I will ensure that the enemy armies are occupied. Lord Dragon has requested that you go with him to confront Jinn.”

Nova shook his head, “I don’t know. Jinn is powerful, one of the strongest I’ve ever seen. Even up against Lord Dragon and myself he will be difficult to defeat. We need help. We need Lady Phoenix.”

Santa shook his head, “She is needed elsewhere.”

“Where else could be more important than stopping Jinn?”

EB said, “Trust me, she is important. But, I can’t tell you. We have to keep our plan as secret as possible.”

Just then they all jumped when a loud boom resounded across the city. Looking back they could see Lord Dragon slamming into an invisible barrier. He reared back and unleashed a fury of flames at it.

“Looks like Jinn has set up some precautions. Go!” Santa commanded and then turned his sleigh back toward the advancing armies.

“Good luck!” EB dashed away in the same direction as Santa.

Nova bolstered himself and ran toward the place where the Dragon currently attacked this magical barrier. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, he deftly avoided the throngs of warriors spilling over the streets. Just before he reached his target, he jumped down to the street and cut down three warriors looting a tax collector's body. Grabbing their glowing swords he burst into a great speed, jumped off of a fallen wall, and then up to the highest point he could muster. Just as he got to the barrier he thrust both enchanted swords into the air and stabbed the invisible force. The energy around the blades crackled and sparked. He tumbled down and landed on ruins of a building.

The Dragon flew directly at the swords and unleashed a blast of flames. Nova had to cover his face due to the intense heat. The Dragon continued to approach as it belched out this torrent, then it slammed fully into the barrier. It’s body contorted on impact and destroyed the building Nova stood on. He jumped in time to land on the Dragon. The barrier exploded and the Dragon continued forward toward Jinn, with Nova riding on its back.
Chapter 9: The Obsidian Bottle

Chapter 9: The Obsidian Bottle

A blazing bird landed in the center of Istanbul, flames spilled out across the streets. At this late hour there were few people around, so none were burned. The flames evaporated as the bird transformed into a beautiful woman in a bright red kimono. Her delicate face held a gentle smile as she walked toward the palace.

Two guards met her with weapons drawn. “Announce yourself!” One demanded.

“I am the Lady Phoenix and I mean to enter this palace.” She did not stop walking.

“The sultan is away and has ordered none to enter.” The guard announced.

She paused and gave them both a careful look, “I will not be stopped, stand down.”

They approached to apprehend her when two arrows flew through the air and struck them in the back. They did not die, in fact they smiled and dropped their weapons. The fierce guards both bowed to her, “My lady, you are lovely. May I have a kiss.”

“No, it is I who should kiss her.” The other guard shoved him out of the way.

“Boys, please, I shall allow each to have a kiss once I am done inside, please open the gates.”

They scrambled to obey and pushed the gates aside for her. She bowed to them and walked right in, leaving them to their blissful haze.

Once inside she made her way through the darkened palace. The guards inside were all in a daze of their own. A few sat on the floor and proclaimed romantic poetry, others drank heavily and declared love for someone.

Once inside Jinn’s room, she paused and looked at the large, open window. A man sat on the edge, a bow in his hand, and a set of wings on his back.

“Cupid, you have done a fine job with the guards.”

He flashed that cute smile at her, “It was easy. I haven’t had this much fun in years. Too bad it comes on such a bad day.”

“Yes, it is a sad day. But, we will correct that.”

Cupid hopped down from the ledge, “So, which is his talisman?”

She gently retrieved the Obsidian Bottle, “This is his.”

Cupid gave it a curious look, “With his personality, I expected something more...I don’t know...opulent.”

“His choice was made when his heart was on the right path. However, he has changed.”

Cupid sighed, “Should we not kill him? I know it is a terrible thing to do, but look at what he has done. Not just here, but back on our own world. He is a risk.”

Lady Phoenix was silent for a long moment as she looked at the bottle. “No. We are so few, have lost so much, the plan we have is the right choice. Perhaps it will be enough to bring him around.”

“I remember you saying that before.”

She nodded, “I know.”

Cupid gave the bottle a strange look, “I don’t sense much power in this.”

“It is as I feared. We don’t have time. Come, we must get to him.”

She handed him the bottle and he took off out the window at a fast clip. Approaching the edge, the room filled with mystic fire as she transformed into the Phoenix and flew behind Cupid.


Nova held tight as the Dragon made a large circle around a demolished town square. Ottoman Generals surrounded a chunk of stone that had a map laid across it. Standing near them was The Sultan, or rather Jinn in disguise.

“Get lower!” Nova yelled.

The Dragon swooped around the plaza and the generals all pulled weapons and yelled in fear. Nova executed a precise jump and landed ready to fight. The Dragon rose higher and then circled the plaza, spewing fire that created a ring to trap them.

Jinn yelled, “KILL HIM!”

The generals launched themselves at Nova, but he was far better than they were. Even with enchanted blades, he was able to avoid their strikes and cut them down. His aim was merciless, he killed every single general while his focus was on Jinn. His eyes met Jinn’s as his blade entered the back of the last living general.

The Dragon landed in the plaza, its huge body nearly covering the full circle. In a flash of light, he became a regal man in a shining golden kimono.

Jinn casually strolled toward them. “Ah, Jadid...or do you call yourself Nova?”

Nova held his sword out, “STOP!” a wave of energy came from him and Jinn stumbled back.

After only a second, Jinn gave Nova a clever smile, “You’re strong, I’ll grant you that, but I’m far stronger.”

Lord Dragon commanded, “Stand down, now!”

Jinn gave the man a sneer, “Oh, come now, father, I’m too engrossed in this war to just up and stop.”

“Don’t call me father!”

“I know, you disowned me after I took your throne on our world. I don’t recognize your leadership any longer, I refuse to call you my king. So, I shall call you father. However, that doesn’t mean I won’t try to kill you if you get in my way.”

“How dare you!”

“How dare I what? Be who I was meant to be! I’m Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and soon to be ruler of this world. What does that matter to you? You and the others are content to hide in the shadows, help from a distance. Go ahead, I won’t stop you, just don’t stand in my way.”

Just then EB and Santa arrived. Santa left his sleigh above and joined the others. EB said, “The armies are currently tangled up in some clever traps.”

“Oh, good, the traitor and the rodent.” Jinn commented.

Santa touched the side of his nose, preparing his attack. “I am no traitor, and I am not to be underestimated.”

Jinn scoffed, “You, oh jolly fat man, were the wisest and eldest of my father's generals. You led our armies. Now, you make toys for the brats of this world. And, worst of all, you’ve trapped one of our own in your frozen wasteland.”

“Krampus was insane to begin with. I only kept him from doing more harm. Just like you, we gave him a second chance and he betrayed us. Don’t make us destroy you.”

Jinn laughed, “Oh, the arrogance. The hypocrisy. I’m beyond all of you and you don’t even realize it.” He suddenly clapped his hands together and a wave of purple energy exploded out and sent everyone down.

EB was the first up and threw egg after egg at Jinn. Jinn batted his hands to the left and right, destroying the eggs one by one. With a twist of his body he caught an egg and sent it right back at EB. The disgusting goo inside exploded when both hit a wall. EB was stuck, struggling. “HELP!”

Santa and Nova were running at Jinn when he stomped on the ground and the stones of the street rose up and sent both flying. Santa was caught by his sleigh while Nova turned the air tumble into a gymnastic display as he bounced off of the jutting rock spikes. He avoided stone after stone thrown at him until he came right on Jinn.

Jinn produced a shining blade and met Nova’s strikes one by one. Each sparing with perfection. Finally, Jinn caught Nova’s blade just right and it was thrown away. Nova avoided one more strike, but not the last. The blade entered his chest and he lay out on the ground, gasping for breath.
Chapter 10: Jinn

Chapter 10: Jinn

Suddenly, Jinn was hit by a torrent of green flames. He crashed into a building, cracking the stone facade. Slightly dazed he looked up just as another blast came from the mouth of his father. Thrusting his arms together he created a barrier that deflected those flames. Stepping forward one foot at a time he pushed that endless blaze back. His father fought with all his strength in this deluge of power, but Jinn made it all the way to him and shoved the power right back in his face. The green flames exploded and Lord Dragon was the one flying back, crashing into a building.

Santa jumped back down. His hands were filled with red magic, but he did not strike just yet.

“So, it comes down to you and me.” Jinn mused.

Santa stood there, not acting yet. “You’ve done something terrible, something to give yourself greater power.”

“And here everyone believes it is my father who has all the wisdom. Good for you. Yes, I am strong, stronger than all of you.”

Santa actually smiled, “Yes. However, it was the wisdom of your father that led us to the truth.”

“And, what truth would that be?”

Just then the voice of Lady Phoenix spoke behind him, “That you have taken on your full strength in order to overthrow the nations of this young world.”

Jinn turned around and found Lady Phoenix standing there. “Mother.”

She walked toward him, “My beloved son. I have fought for you your entire life. Your strength was great, but your ambition was corrupted. I hoped beyond hope that you would take on the mantle of peace and justice that your father and I wished on you. Instead, you taint yourself with greed, and lust for power.”

Jinn softly said, “Please, mother, don’t make me harm you.”

She came right up to him, “It has always been my greatest fear that I should ever bring you harm.” Holding out her hand he took it, then he fell to his knees as pain surged through his body, “But the good of the many far outweighs a mother's desire for her son's safety.”

He pulled his hand from her, a bright light glowing from his palm, “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?”

Cupid landed next to him and held the bottle out, “What we had to.” Cupid uncorked it and power began to flood out of Jinn.

Screams of agony filled the plaza as Jinn was drained of his magic. The others still living stood around him and watched as he writhed in pain. The disguise he wore as Sultan Ahmed the second faded and he was the Jinn. That too faded and his form returned to that which he had when he first arrived.

Once it was over, he lay there, cradling his hands to his chest. “What...have you done to me?”

Lord Dragon said, “Our only logical course of action, we have deprived you of all power. You are now no more than these humans we protect. Your life will be long, but your abilities will be no better than any other citizen of this world.”

“Cruelty! Is this your way now?” He whispered.

Lady Phoenix knelt down to him and said, “Your life was owed in response to all those you have taken. But, as your mother, I couldn’t allow that. I asked for one thing, that you could never again use your powers to harm others. This was my choice, please understand.”

Jinn looked at his mother, “Why? I loved you, mother. I would never have harmed you.”

“I know that. Which is why I spent so long allowing you to become this. I let my own motherly love blind me. Look at what you’ve become, look what you’ve done.”

Jinn closed his eyes, “You betrayed me. Of all people, I could not believe it would be you.”

She put a hand on his head, “What I have done was out of love. One day, I hope you understand.”

“I will never forget this.” He whispered.

Santa said, “You know what we must do.”

Lord Dragon nodded, “It is our only choice. Everyone stand in a circle and prepare yourselves, this may not work.”

EB hopped to his position as he said, “We’re all gonna die, this just won’t work.”

“We have to try.” Cupid said.

They took up their positions and pushed both hands forward. All focused their powers together, straining hard to cast this particular spell. A ball of energy formed and then expanded out.

A fallen wall near them rose and reformed. Then more damage repaired itself. The moon overhead moved backward and the sun rose in the west and headed eastward at a progressively faster pace. Soon, the movement of the sun and moon were so fast that each was a blur. Clouds passed quickly, rain lifted up from the ground, into the sky. People returned to the streets, moving backward as they went about their daily lives.


Jinn opened his eyes as though he were just in a deep sleep. Around him soldiers packed up tents and prepared to move.

“You! Come!” Sultan Ahmed the Second waved at Jinn.

Jinn came over, “What do you want?”

Ahmed gave off a short laugh, “You do not bow to your Sultan?”

Jinn frowned, “Not for the past two hundred years.”

“Never mind the humor. Here, take this message to the front. Get this to General Omar at once.” The sultan held out a paper.

Jinn did not take it, “Do I look like a courier. What is this?”

Ahmed grew angry, “I have about had it with your curt tongue. What is your position in my camp? You wear no armor, so I assumed you were a courier, or are you a servant?”

Jinn held back his own anger, speaking through clenched teeth, “I am neither, apparently. Just...passing through.” He left the Sultan seething at his rudeness.

Walking out of the war encampment, Jinn stood on a hill. He held out his hands to transport himself away, but nothing happened. He was powerless. Only now did he realize what truly happened. “I will never forgive them for this.”
Chapter 11: Collatio Tomi

Chapter 11: Collatio Tomi

Cupid walked up a path to a dilapidated monastery. To any other traveler, this was a ruin to be dismissed, but he knew better. Entering the place he found a well organized room with charts and maps pinned to the walls, weapons and other tools lined shelves, and several iron boxes were locked with extremely intricate mechanisms.

Nova studied a large map with his one good eye. Cupid approached him, “Are you ever going to not do this all on your own?”

Nova laughed, “Maybe. It is a hard job, but somebody has to do it. Besides, those who do know of my operation believe I am one of many.”

“That’s because you are all over the place. I have wings and I don’t move around as much as you.”

“True. But, for now, it is easier keeping secrets alone.” Nova looked at him, “So, what has become of Jinn?”

“He is on his own. Without his powers, he is nothing more than another human, at least to the humans. He can make a life for himself out there and maybe learn a little about humility.”

“What about his powers, that bottle of his?”

Cupid sat down on a chair, “Lady Phoenix took it back to their palace in Nippon. There they will protect it.”

“Seems foolish to keep it here on this world. If I were them, I would at least plant it on the moon or something like that.”

Cupid shook his head, “Lady Phoenix still holds onto hope that one day her son will gain the wisdom needed to get his power back without threatening anyone.”

“You and I both know that is not possible.”

“Anything is possible. But, I don’t believe it will happen anytime soon.”

Nova spent a moment thinking, almost lost in his thoughts.

Cupid asked, “Is there something bothering you?”

“Yes. I was killed, I mean I felt that blade go through my body. I couldn’t move as I watched him defeat his father and then be defeated himself. I was on the brink of death when everything changed. I am fine and the world is back to where it was before. Sultan Ahmed signed that Treaty of Passarowitz and everything is fine.”

“Time magic.” Cupid said.

“Time magic?”

Cupid gave a soft nod, “It is the most dangerous power we can wield. In fact, no one of my kind can possibly hope to use it, it takes several. And, it hardly works. It can backfire horribly. We tried it when Legion destroyed our world, and it only bought us a little more time before they did it again. The only reason we decided it was necessary here was because of the impact of Jinn’s conquest. This world was already reeling from the long war with the Ottomans before he took over. His war cost millions of lives, the cost was so high and the long term impact so terrible, we had to do something.”

Nova said, “Then, it is a way to undo what tragedies that have been done.”

“Once.” Cupid stated, “Only once. We have warped the fabric of time around this world, and in no small way. If we do it again, even on a smaller scale, it could destroy everything here. There can never be a time when we try this again.”

“What of the Sultans? Won’t they be missing their Jinn?”

“They don’t remember him. We took the memory of his work out of their minds. For centuries now they have written the histories to say that it was their brilliance and good luck that so much went their way. That fiction has become their reality, they will only recall that truth and not what really happened. As far as this world goes, only we remember everything as it was.”

“Fascinating. So, should I keep an eye on him?”

Cupid shook his head, “He is no threat. Where he goes, if any of our kind is near, they will keep an eye on him. Otherwise, we will leave him alone.”

“Then, I guess we need to get back to our lives and hope that none of the others go crazy.”

Cupid laughed, “I doubt that will happen.” He got up and headed for the door, “I will be seeing you, thank you for your help.”

“I will always be keeping a close watch.”

With that Cupid left and Nova returned to his maps.


300 Years later.

Jinn, hooded in a dark cloak, fought the harsh northern winds of the arctic. Climbing up a huge glacier he found a deep crack split eons ago. It becomes apparent that this was no ordinary natural fissure in the ice, the path was too even and the walls too clear. Someone made this for a purpose, and Jinn knew this.

He stopped before another frozen figure, trapped inside the ice. It was a monstrous being with horns, shaggy fur, fangs, and claws.

“Ah, Krampus, you have no idea how long it has taken me to find your location.” Jinn spoke as he pulled out a special laser, an alien weapon left after one of the battles from Legion here on Earth. Using the beam, he heated the ice, cold water gushing across the ground. Soon half of Krampus is free and he begins to wake.

“Who...are...you?” Krampus mumbles.

“I don’t believe I want to let you know my name just yet. The others do not realize where I am or that I have plans. But, I need your help.”

Krampus craned his head side to side, bones popping as he recovered from his frigid state, “What...do you...need?”

“I need you to help me trap Santa.”

Krampus sneered with those fangs of his, “Impossible.”

“Not if we steal his sleigh first.”

Krampus’s sneer turns to a wicked grin.


Chase gasped and looked up, she was now standing in front of a case with the same laser pistol that she had seen in Jinn’s hands. She looked around the room, realizing she had moved without even knowing it.

“What happened? I was there, I watched all that happen.”

EB hopped up and stood before her on the case holding the weapon, “I guided you around the room as I spoke, your power connected to objects and let you see the story unfold.”

Chase looked at the weapon, “So, he freed Krampus to attack the world.”

“Yup. Jinn needed a source of power to give him back what he lost. We protect our objects of power with great care. And, without any power of his own, he was incapable of gaining ours. But, with the help of Krampus, another fallen member of my kind, he was able to steal Santa’s sleigh and harvest magic out of it. How he did it, I do not know. But, he was always extremely clever. After that he stole magic from Cupid through the bow, and then garnered all of Leprechaun’s magic. He not only has power back, he has even more than before.”

“I have to tell Nova all about this.”

EB smiled, “Good idea. I think I need to leave. Nova’s right, Jinn isn’t after me, he has enough power as it is. But, I still need to keep moving and avoid being caught. Here,” He pulled out a small, crystal egg from his basket. “Take this.”

“What is it?” She examined the small prism egg.

“When you need me, in the most dire moment, smash that. I will come to you and do what I can to help.”

“Wow, this is amazing.”

“Nova has one as well. I only give it to people I trust.” EB hopped up and kissed her on the cheek, then dashed out of the room.

Chase laughed, “That little flirt.”

After that she locked up the museum and proceeded to Nova, where she would tell him what she learned.

To be continued...
Hopping Heroes
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

Chase walked through the BADGE facility with a covered tray in her hands. She presented her BADGE ID, and the doors of the war room opened. The main monitors were all active with scenes of heroes battling one another in a large arena. It was a spectacular display of powers and strength that had thousands of fans roaring for more. In the center of the monitors, sitting alone, was a single figure.

“Analyzing League Wars?” She approached the director.

Nova remained silent, lost in thought.

“Nova?” Chase touched his arm.

He jerked and finally looked at her, “When did you get here?”

“Just a moment ago. The bots down in the foodservice were worried about you. You have eaten little in the last few days.” She handed him the tray, “They made you this.”

He picked up the lid and found a cheese sandwich with a bowl of soup. “Ah, my normal breakfast.”

“You eat soup for breakfast?”

He smiled, “I picked up the habit when I was stationed in Turkey for a bit. I fell in love with this soup, though the robots never make it quite right.”

“So, how are you doing?”

“I’m fine.” He stirred the soup.

“I don’t mean your health. You’re never sick. I mean, what’s going on? You’ve been sitting in here for days. The League Wars came and went after the whole Leprechaun incident. And here you sit, quietly staring at replays of the matches. This isn’t like you.”

He laughed, “You’ve known me for a couple months and already know everything about me.”

She sat down, “I know almost nothing about you. You’re the most secretive person I’ve met. But, I can tell when there is something wrong. You haven’t been yourself since...well since we talked with the Leprechaun.”

Nova tasted the soup and then added a pinch of salt, “It’s this hooded man, this Jinn.”

“Oh, I see. He’s been off the radar for weeks now. Nothing has come up and that worries you.”

“Yes, it does. Gar and Gamma-Ray have been searching for the Dragon and Phoenix for almost a month now, to no avail. And, we have hundreds of heroes and agents all over the planet and there has been no sign. I can’t imagine that he has stopped moving, that his plans are stagnant. He just gained considerable power from the Leprechaun.”

Chase said, “That’s a problem. We have to put ourselves in his shoes and figure out his next move.”

“A wise course of action, if he were just some criminal or run-of-the-mill supervillain. He’s something entirely different, something we haven’t encountered enough to truly gauge his next move. And that bothers me.”

Chase spent a moment before she said, “And...”

Nova glared at her, “And...what?”

She folded her arms and cocked her head at him, “This is about something else. If you were worried about figuring an enemies next move, you would have these screens covered in the footage of his battles, actions, whatever. You would be running numbers and analyzing data gathered from the heroes who have encountered him. You were lost in thought, and it is bothering you to the point of distraction. Director Nova of BADGE is not distracted.”

Nova ate a bite of the sandwich and spent a moment gaining a rare smile, “You...are good. I knew bringing you here would help harness that cleverness for other things than theft.” He reached over and turned off the screens. “Fine, you want to know something. This isn’t about the battle, or his moves, or his plans, or anything else. This is about a name.”

“A name?”


Chase frowned, “Jen, as in Jennifer?”

“No, Jinn or some people call him Djinn.”

“You’ve heard of him before?”

Nova nodded, “Yes. How I didn’t see this a long time go, I don’t know. But, I have met him. I know what he is capable of, not his powers, but his disregard for life. I don’t want to go too far into detail, but I will tell you I know more than I realized about our foe. That he’s gone silent makes me more worried than I’ve been in a long, long time. What are his plans? Which legendary figure is he going to pick next? What is his ultimate goal?”

Chase thought about that, “Well, he has been following the seasonal legendaries pretty closely. My guess is that he will go after the Easter Bunny next...if there is one.”

Nova nodded, “Oh, there is one. Let’s just hope we don’t have to deal with him. He is...shall we say, interesting.”

Chase asked, “How is it you know these legendaries so well?”

He paused as he looked at her, “You don’t need to know that.”


Near the BADGE HQ entrance, the grasses rustled and a white blur shot between two large tufts. To the naked eye, this area of New York State was nothing but an old thicket of trees and a ragged shed. However, there were two heavily armed guards casually guarding this shed.

One of the two walked in a wide circle around the other. He stopped, checked a sensor device, and then continued.

“Paul, are you going to pace all night?” The stationary guard moaned.

“I’m doing my job,” Paul answered and then checked his sensor again. This time he frowned, “I’m picking up something.”

“What? Another car?”

“No, this is the Alpha signature.”

This grabbed the stationary guards' attention. He came over to Paul and looked at the sensor, “Are you sure?”

“Look, and it’s moving.” He quickly jerked to the side, following something, “Did you see that?”

“No. But, look at this?” He leaned over and picked up a sparkling brightly decorated egg.

Paul scanned it, “I’m picking up trace amounts of this energy. This is just like those coins, but not as strong.”

“Hey, look, it’s cracked. I think it’s hollow.” He broke it open.

Paul backed up, “WOAH, watch it. That might explode or something.”

“Only one way to find out.” The guard barely opened a hole and then dropped it. To their surprise and delight, it produced a small pile of wrapped candy. In fact, it was far more than should fit.

Paul picked up a piece and unwrapped a bit of chocolate. He scanned it, shrugged, and then ate it. “OHMYGOSH, THIS IS AMAZING!” he was lost in the ecstasy of the creamy confection.

The other guard quickly tried a piece and was just as enamored.

Suddenly they both turned when they heard the doors of the BADGE elevator close. This should be cause for alarm, but they were engrossed with enjoying another piece of this decadent delicacy.
Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Director Nova finished his dinner and scanned through the data coming in from their agents on the field. Information scrolled across all the monitors with images popping up now and then. Every few seconds there would come a negative beeping sound that meant the report was a dead-end, no Hooded Man.

Chase watched the data, “At least he’s not causing any trouble.”

“I know. Though, if he were causing trouble, we might be able to stop him.”

“How on earth are we supposed to stop him? If he’s gathering power, he’ll have grown much stronger than when we faced in back in Oklahoma. He almost obliterated us there.”

“There is a way to stop him,” Nova stated.

Chase shook her head, “What makes you so sure?”

Nova said, “I know. There are details about him I now realize. Details that mean we have a chance to beat him.” Typing in a special code, he accessed a comm channel.

On the main screen, both Gar and Gamma-Ray appeared, standing near a Japanese Garden. Gar spoke first, “Director, we’re still searching for evidence of the Dragon and Phoenix.”

“Good. Any signs of the Hooded Man, anything at all?”

Gamma said, “No. We have sent our hourly reports. You know we haven’t seen anything.”

“Trust me, you need to be careful. I believe he’s likely to show up there soon.”

Gar asked, “What makes you say that?”

“Let’s just say that he has a vested interest in finding the Phoenix.”

Just then there was a huge crash outside the door of the war room. Chase quickly left to investigate.

Gar came in closer to the screen, filling the giant monitor with his face, “What’s going on?”

“Nothing to worry you. Keep me advised, BADGE out.” He clicked off the monitor.

Chase came back holding something, “I don’t know what’s going on, but a monitor station outside was knocked over and the robot fixing it said that there is a path of damage leading all the way back to the elevator.”

Nova cocked his head, “What?” Then he glimpsed what was in her hand, this drew a heavy concern out of him, “What is that?”

She held up a decorated Easter Egg, “I found this near the damage. The robot said it wasn’t there before.”

Nova gained a disgusted sneer, “Oh, dear god. Lockdown BADGE. Tell the robots to secure all sensitive locations. Tell the laboratories to seal tight, especially any with delicate materials.”

Chase grew worried, “What is it? Are we in danger?”

“In a way. Just get to it, he moves fast.”


Chase ran down the corridor and came across several new scenes of destruction. Potted plants toppled with dirt sprawled across the ground. Computer stations, face down on the floor, smashed. There was even a full light fixture dislodged and scattered everywhere. At each location, a robot was curiously examining a brightly decorated egg.

She stopped at the entrance to the Med Labs. Peering in, she saw Dr. Henderson, “Lock this place down, seal the doors.”


“Just do it. Something is tearing up BADGE” No sooner had Chase said this did she hear an enormous crashing sound from another room.

The doctor quickly sealed the door and locked up her equipment. Chase returned to the hall and crept toward Storage Room Four.”

A voice came out of the room, “NOVA! NOVA! COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!” Then another crash. This time Chase could see a whole rack of Exo-Wintersuits falling down.

Crouching low, Chase slunk into the room as silent as a thief. More racks of costumes and clothes were toppled and then something else fell over spreading power link cubes all over the place. “Oh, drat! Oops! Dangit!” as each item fell, he uttered another annoyance. Then he yelled, “NOOOOVAAAA!”

Chase paused as she heard movement. Whoever...or whatever this was would pass her. She materialized one of her magic shuriken and just as he passed, she threw. The blade pinned a compression shirt against a wall while a white blur blasted right past her and out into the corridor.

Chase was beyond stunned, “Good lord, it’s fast.”
Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Chase shoved her way out of the messy room. Fortunately, this storage room was used for clothing and costumes, so there wasn’t too much damage. She looked up and down the hall in vain, as this creature was much faster than she could believe.

Then she saw it, one of those eggs near the door. Picking it up, she examined the egg itself. It wasn’t a chicken egg, but something else entirely. It was whole, but light in her hand. Pressing a finger against the side, the thin shell cracked and to her surprise, the inside was hollow. Peering in, she saw what looked like jellybeans and a couple wrapped bits of candy.

“What the? Candy?” Before she could investigate, she heard more ruckus and Nova yelling.

Dashing back down the corridor toward the war room, she skidded to a stop and quickly pulled out her id card.

Crash! BANG! “GET DOWN FROM THERE!” The sounds from within were growing and Nova was screaming his head off in a rage.

Finally, inside the room, Chase held the egg in one hand and a shuriken in the other. She was ready to strike when she found Nova standing there with a strange-looking bunny being held by the ears. Nova had a gun out and Chase knew she had little time to help before this thing ran off, so she threw her blade. Before it could meet the creature, it had slipped out of his grip and was hanging from the ceiling, behind a monitor.

“GET DOWN FROM THERE!” Nova bellowed.

The bunny pointed over the swinging monitor at her, “She tried to kill me!”

“Just get down. NOW!”

“I...uh...YIKES!” The monitor swung hard as he scrambled to get down, then the cords broke and both creature and monitor hit the ground in a giant crash. As quick as lightning, the bunny zipped over to the table, standing right in front of Nova, “Sorry bout the monitor. Who's the babe? I don’t like anyone who tries to kill me, but she's kinda hot. Did she throw a blade at me? That was fast. She has good aim. Who are you? I’m EB.” He was talking fast and loud.

Nova, rubbing his temples, holstered his gun, “Chase, meet EB.”

Chase gave both of them a bewildered look, “This thing is what has destroyed half of BADGE?”

Nova almost said something when EB started talking, “I didn’t mean to. Things just break so easy. I mean, can’t someone build stuff to last. Sheesh. Now, I didn’t mean to go hunting everywhere. Sure, I thought my buddy Nova was in here, which is why I first came here. But, he wasn’t. Well, the door was locked, and I thought I heard him down the hall. I have these big ears, you see. It wasn’t him, just someone watching an old recording of him giving this interview after the whole Paris thing with Cupid. Really great interview, I liked it. So strong. They really got your good side. Anyway. I looked everywhere. And, some things fell over, and I just had to find him before cleaning up my mess. You have robots for that anyway. No help in finding you. Then again, people don’t often come to BADGE just looking for Nova, he’s kinda important for robots to just give his position away. Though, I am like one of his best friends, known him forever. I...” Nova grabbed EB and held his hand over his mouth.

“I’m not your best friend,” Nova growled.

Chase had her mouth hung open, “Does it ever breathe?”

“Sadly, yes.” Nova released EB.

EB laughed and thumped his foot for a second as he scratched his ear, “Good one, buddy. Not your best friend, sure, like that could be true. We’ve known each other since...” EB stopped and laughed, “That’s right, you don’t like talking about your age.”

Nova spent a moment collecting himself. Finally, he said, “EB, what are you doing here? Is Jinn after you?”

“Not yet. But, have you seen what he did to Cupid and lets not even talk about what he did to Leprechaun. He’ll be after my power sooner or later. So, what better place to hide out than BADGE? I can make some hot chocolate, we can watch movies. I make awesome popcorn. I take real butter, not that nasty popcorn oil stuff and mmnmmnmnnmnmnmnmnmnm” Nova had covered his mouth again, though he continued talking for a moment.

“BADGE is not a recreation center or a hiding place. We can find you a better place to hide.”

Chase said, “Well, it could be a good...”

Nova quickly interrupted her, “I will shoot you.”

She shut up.

EB pouted, “Fine. But, I know my buddy will find me a good place to hide. Meanwhile, I have a special present for you and all the heroes of Earth.”

“Present?” Nova cocked his head.

“Sure thing. I hid eggs everywhere. Only heroes can find them. And, they have some of the best, most scrumptious candy in them. Plus, there’s a special surprise!”

Chase shrugged, “You hid Easter Eggs...oh, EB, you’re the Easter Bunny.”

EB gave her a dead-pan face, “You just now figured that out?”

Chase held up the egg, “Is this what you’re talking about?”


Nova held out his hand, “Here, let me see that. You get the repair bots activated.”

She handed him the egg and then left the room.

“What is this ‘special surprise?” Nova asked.

“If I told you, then it wouldn’t be a surprise, silly.” EB poked him in the nose, Nova growled at him.
Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

Chase helped clean up one of the storage rooms EB’s energetic search had wrecked. Crimson Guardian helped out. He had already cleaned up the main hallway.

Crimson said, “You hear that?”

Chase frowned, “Yes.

Thump, thump, thump.

“What on Earth?” She carefully stepped over another fallen case that held night-vision goggles and came closer to that sound.

Thump, thump, thump.

It came again, this time a little louder. She listened closely to the wall and realized it was coming from the other side. “The War Room?”

“Need help?” Crimson asked.

“No. Head down to med labs and see that they are all in good order. Thanks.” she left the storage room and turned a single corner to find the door to the war room.

Inside, five robots were busy repairing the damage around the room. EB sat on the table, playing with his big feet. “Okay, okay. That was too easy. This time I really got a good one. Were the first french fries cooked in France? Hun...huh?” He scooted closer to where Nova was standing facing a wall.

Nova said, “Shut...up.”

“No, silly. The first french fries were cooked in….GREASE! HA!”

Thump, thump, thump. Nova slowly pounded his forehead against the wall.

“Director?” Chase slowly approached the man. “Weren’t you going to send him away?”

Nova actually whimpered, “The shuttles are all out with agents searching for the Hooded Man.”

EB piped in, “Besides, we’re having a great time here right now. Wouldn’t want to run off in the middle of the party.”

“This isn’t a party,” Nova stated.

Chase sensed the growing rage in Nova. He might do something he could regret later. She stepped in. “So, EB. You’re the Easter Bunny, that must be fun.” she sat down near him.

He rocked a little on his fuzzy rear as he nodded, “It was a blast.”


“Oh, I stopped the whole hiding eggs shindig years ago.”

Nova sat down next to her, “EB here is probably the most active of all the mythical figures. He operates three of the largest chocolate companies in the world.”

“Really?” Chase looked at the bunny.

“Yup. I came up with the most amazing recipes for chocolate years and years ago. Back then, the only time people really got to taste my candy was when I left it in the eggs on Easter Morning. But, with retiring from the whole hiding egg business, I changed over to manufacturing.”

“Which companies?”

Nova answered, “He owns Galaxy Candy, Zen Chocolate of Japan, and Milko in Germany.”

Chase pulled out a candy bar, “You mean the MoreFun candy bars that’s made by Galaxy Chocolate...”

EB hopped up and down, “One of my best. Both a confection and energy bar!” He materialized a large basket and pulled out one of those decorated eggs. “The chocolate in these is my special recipe.”

Just then, one of the formerly broken monitors came back on. A signal blared from it as a window waited to be opened. Nova slapped a button on the table, and the screen activated. The Chef, a superhero and cook, spoke. “BADGE this is The Chef, do you copy?”

“Nova here.”

“Oh, thank goodness. I’ve been trying to get through for an hour.”

“We had a few...complications here. What’s the problem?”

The Chef held up one of EB’s eggs, “We were searching for any signs of the Hooded Man and this egg set off the sensors. It has the same energy signature as the one we’re following to find the Hooded Man. I’ve spoken to dozens of other agents and heroes, they’re picking up thousands of signatures now, all false leads.”

Nova’s good eye twitched, and he quickly grabbed EB by a leg and dangled him upside down in front of his face. “YOU PUT MAGIC IN THE CHOCOLATE!”

EB grinned, “Makes it taste better.”


EB finally looked scared for the first time, “I was only trying to be nice. Honest.”

Nova dropped him, and he hopped over to Chase and held her out of fear of Nova.

Chase said, “Calm down, sir. It was an honest mistake.”

“He makes a lot of them.” Nova fumed for a moment and then calmed, “I guess it was a mistake, sorry.”

“Hugs?” EB held up his arms.

“Don’t push it.”

Chase asked, “Do we need to get the eggs out of the field?”

“Yes.” Nova said, then asked EB, “How easy is it to find those eggs?”

“Oh, they are quite the little hiders. I made them extra hard to find since your heroes are so powerful...and...” his joviality faded, “And, that’s a problem.”

Nova’s face reddened a little, but he contained himself, “Is there an easier way to find them?”

EB hopped over to his basket, “It’s always easier to hunt for Easter Eggs with an Easter Basket,” he snapped his fingers and a duplicate basket appeared. “Just for my buddy Nova.” he held it up.

Nova snatched it from EB and then handed it to Chase. He kept his eye contact with EB as he growled out, “We’re going to need a lot more.”

EB snapped his fingers and two more baskets appeared. He was about to do this again when he paused. “There’s one more thing.”

“What now?”

“You see, I...uh...had this awesome idea. Really, it was just a cool notion and I went with it, I thought you would like it,”


EB quickly rattled off, “When the last egg is found it will grow to a giant egg and they will have to break its shell to get the goodies inside.”

Nova pinched the bridge of his nose, “Chase...”

She grabbed an armful of baskets, “I know, I know, I’m on my way.”
Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

EB filled the War Room wall to wall with baskets. Each one was identical to the Easter Bunnies personal basket. Several speedy heroes were zooming in and out as they delivered the baskets all over the planet. Crimson Guardian lined his arms in baskets and then zoomed away.

Chase asked Nova, “Will this work?”

EB bounced around as he watched the baskets going, “Sure thing. Each basket will disenchant the egg when it is put in. Sadly, that means the chocolate will be normal, but I guess it will taste good, anyway. I mean, I made it, so its gotta be good chocolate, I make the best.” He continued bouncing like an energetic puppy that couldn’t sit still.

Nova’s frown was etched on his face, “As long as we don’t leave all this magic around for Jinn to find.”

“I HAVE AN IDEA!” EB jumped up and landed on Nova’s shoulder. Nova instantly grabbed him and threw him against a wall. EB deftly hit the wall with his feet, bounced off and landed on the table directly next to Nova, sitting on his stomach grinning. “That was fun.”

“I told you, don’t climb on me...EVER!”

“You like to yell.” EB casually observed.

Chase said, “What was this idea of yours?”

“Oh! Right! I really wanted to give the heroes something nice. You know, since they’ve been through so much because of my kind. They had to fight to free Santa, Cupid was a catastrophe, and Leprechaun betrayed us all. Let’s not forget all the craziness is due to Jinn and his ploy. By the way, I still don’t know why he is doing this. I mean, he was always crafty, and he did that terrible stuff back when he first came here. But never like this.”

“GET TO THE POINT!” Nova barked.

“Anyway….I want to show the heroes that we mythics aren’t all bad. I know my big egg surprise will be great. But, they are working so hard to find my eggs. So what if I give them something for collecting the eggs? If they find enough of them, they get a special gift from me. Whadaya say? Huh, huh?” He was poking Nova in the arm.

“Sounds like a plan. Don’t poke me.”

“Sir, we have a communication signal.” A robot stated.

Nova left EB and stood before the large monitor in the middle of the room. “Put it through.”

Suddenly the blue, three-eyed face of Quark appeared. “Oh, Hi director Nova. Just wanted to check in as the team leader for the Egg Hunt in Australia. We’ve found almost all the eggs.” He held up a full basket.

“That was quick.”

Quark moved the comm device to show the ducks wandering around his feet, “I had some help by egg experts.”

Nova continued, “Anything to report other than that?”

“Nope. It’s all quiet here. I’ll get these back to BADGE right away.”

EB bounded off the table and hopped in front of Nova, bouncing up and down so he was temporarily head height with the director, “You don’t have to do that.” bounce “The eggs are deactivated now.” bounce “Just chocolate, superb chocolate.” bounce “Eat it, it’s awesome!”

Nova caught EB by the ears and held him from bouncing any longer. “Like he said, it’s just chocolate now. Enjoy it.”

Quark smiled, “Will do! Anyway, I’ve heard from most of the teams on the Pacific Front, they’ve cleared their areas.”

Nova set EB on the ground, “We’re getting all-clear reports from most of the world. Just...”

Lights and sirens blared all over the place for a moment, EB yelled and hid behind Nova’s legs. Chase checked a computer tablet, “We’re picking up unusual activity on...oh, I can’t believe this...Easter Island.”

EB hopped around, bouncing off of walls and breaking a couple of monitors, “THAT’S IT! My pièce de résistance.”

“Give me a report!” Nova bellowed.

Chase activated a monitor, The Chef was on it with a small team of heroes around him. “BADGE, we have a situation.” He stood aside and showed a towering Easter Egg casting a huge shadow over the Stone Heads nearby. “Sir, we thought we had cleared our area when a new energy signature appeared. It was the largest signature I’ve seen. This is ten times stronger than any of those coins last month.”

“Destroy it,” Nova stated.

“Uh, sir, we tried that. We did a little damage to the surface, but not nearly enough. This will take a lot of strength to destroy it or even move it.”

Nova stomped over to EB, who was once again hiding behind Chase, “Can you remove the power you put into that thing?”

“Uh….no. I designed it special.” EB whimpered.

Nova said, “Can it be moved?”

“The thing is...well...um...no. It was supposed to be a big party. You know, like a pinata, break it and everyone gets the prizes inside.” EB waved his paws in the air and weakly said, “Yay, party.”

Nova let out a controlling sigh and then snatched the computer device out of Chase’s hands. He typed in the emergency code that activated all comm devices across the planet. “All heroes not currently on special assignment, converge on Easter Island. There is an egg to break. When you arrive, The Chef will provide details. BADGE out.”
Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

Chase smiled, “Looks like the heroes did it. The egg has been broken and the power signature is gone. Breaking the egg broke the...whatever...created it.”

EB hopped up to the table next to her, “It’s called a spell. At least that’s the closet human term.”

Nova checked his reports, “Good. I’ll send the order to return to the search.”

EB hopped around Nova, “Well, since that’s over. Let’s watch a movie, make some popcorn, have some candy. I have this great cinnamon gummy that you’re gonna love. Oh, oh, oh, and I just invented this new hot chocolate.”

Nova grabbed EB by the ears again, “This is not recreation center!”

EB said, “I know that, silly. But you’re so stressed. Relax, have some fun. Sheesh.”

Chase said, “He has a point.” The look she got from Nova could cut steel.

Nova held EB up to his face, those red veins in his eyes about to burst. However, before he could yell at this creature again, EB asked, “Where’s the john? I really gotta drop some pellets.”

Nova tossed him back toward the table, and Chase directed him out of the room. After he left, she came back to Nova.

“He’s certainly energetic.”

“He’s annoying.”

“He means well,” Chase said.

Nova huffed, “He’s an accident-prone, gibbering, foolish creature. He hasn’t changed since I first met him.” He gave Chase almost a smile, “But, he is one of the kindest. He is worth more money than most of the richest humans on Earth, and he gives it all away. I can’t fault that.”


Nova nodded, “His wealth is spread out into charities that would otherwise not exist. Millions of people are helped daily because of him, and that’s pretty impressive.”

“So, you do like him.” Chase teased.

“Let’s just say I tolerate him more than I let him know.”

Chase laughed and then looked at the standard world map on the monitor. “Sir, I don’t know why, but I’m a little confused.”

“About what?”

“I expected some disaster, some calamity to come. Every legendary figure we’ve dealt with has ended in something terrible happening. This just doesn’t feel right.”

Nova looked at the screen, “Truth is, this is bad.”

“Bad? Why?”

He said, “This means our enemy is planning, working on something big, something that will take time. So far he has always succeeded in his machinations. I cannot believe that this quiet is due to his inability to move, to operate.”

Chase shrugged, “What if EB stymied his plans by coming here before our enemy could find him?”

“No. I suspect EB was never part of his plans. His plans are still in motion and we’re still in the dark.”

Chase smiled, “One good thing has happened.”


“It’s been more than a minute since EB left the room and nothing has...”

They both heard a giant crash from down the corridor.

Nova put his face in his palm, “Go, see what he broke. Then use all the tape we have and stick him to a wall.”


Chase found EB and a large potted plant, a medical cart, and two robots, all in a pile. He was trying to help clean up.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to.” He said.

Chase took him by the hand and led him away, “The robots will clean it up.”

“I really don’t mean to be so clumsy. I just get excited and don’t think. It was like this back on my homeworld. People didn’t much like being around me. I know Nova doesn’t like me much either.”

Chase knelt, “I like you.”

“You do?”

“Yes. You are a bit...excitable, and accident-prone, but you mean well. And Nova doesn’t hate you, he’s just not the friendliest person I know.”

“I’ve known him for a long time, he’s always been a bit of a stick-in-the-mud.”

Chase quietly asked, “I was wondering something. You know about this Jinn and even stuff about Nova. I know almost nothing. Can you help me out?”

“Sure, but I don’t know what Jinn is up to.”

“I know, but you knew him in the past. That might help me figure him out. I’m good at that.”

EB grinned big, “Sure, I’d love to. We can get Nova in on this. He...”

“No, let’s just talk between us. I don’t think he’d let you tell me everything.”

“Oh, okay. Sure.” He hopped his way down the hall toward an empty room, “I knew Jinn pretty well before we came to this planet. But after he went to the Arab lands, we lost contact. Nova had more contact with him. The last time Nova and I had any dealings with Jinn was about three...no four...wait, it was three hundred years ago.”

Chase stopped, her eyes bugging, “Say...what?”

To Be Continued…..

Golden Hunt
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

Chase dove and tumbled across the floor. Landing in a crouched position, she threw two wooden blades. The brute dodged them as he quickly approached. With a large swing of his fist, he went for her head, but she jumped out of the way and then struck him twice in the gut and once in the face. He stumbled back, but not as far as she had anticipated. With a final kick from him, she was caught off guard and sent down.

“Careful!” Chase yelled.

The Mongolian Mauler laughed and gave her a hand up. “Sorry. I’m used to sparring with heroes who can take a hit.”

Chase rubbed her side, “I can take a hit...well, to a point. Maybe I should accept that energy-absorbing bodysuit Nova talked about.”

The Mauler nodded, “Couldn’t hurt. If you plan on getting in fights with other superhumans, you will need a better advantage. However, you did well this time. So, another round of training?”

“No. Three hours this morning is enough. Maybe later.”

“I don't mind training you, but I thought you were Nova’s secretary or something like that.”

She shot him a look sharper than her blades, “I’m not his secretary. I’m his assistant. I don’t file things and deliver memos.”

He held his hands up, “All right, assistant. But, does he expect you to fight?”

“In this job, everyone needs to be ready for a fight.”


Chase glanced at the large man, “Say, do you know what Nova’s powers are?”

“Not really. I wasn’t even clear if he had any.”

“I don’t know. At first glance, I’d say he doesn’t have any. But, I suspect there is more to that old codger than...” Both stopped as they saw Nova standing in the doorway of the training room. Chase cleared her throat, “I...uh...meant...”

“Chase, meeting room. Mauler, head back to your league.”

The Mauler left out another door while Chase followed Nova.

There was a long silence between them. Chase finally got up the nerve to say, “Sir, I was just kidding about calling you a codger. I...”

“The answer is yes.”


“Yes, I have powers. More than one, if that matters. However, I will not tell you what they are. Being who I am means there’s a lot about me that must stay secret.”

“Oh...okay.” This only made the curiosity that much more painful on her mind.
They entered the conference room of BADGE where a large circular table waited with seats all around. Gar spoke with another winged man. Seated on the other side of the table, with his back to Chase, was a mostly canine man.

Nova rounded the table to his chair and then pointed next to the dog-man, “Chase, take your seat.”

She walked over and sat down, instantly jerking and leaning away as the dog-man sniffed her. He stuck out his hand...paw, and said in a British accent, “Hi, I’m Fleagle.”

“Uh, hello. Chase.”

Nova said, “And, this is Gamma Ray.” he gestured toward the other man.

“Hey there.”

“Enough introductions. We have a situation.” Nova turned on the tables holo-imager. A fuzzy representation of the dark-hooded man appeared, “It has been two weeks since the incident in Paris, and we are no closer to finding evidence on who or what this enemy is. That he escaped is bad, but he indicated that his plans are still in motion. He, alone, was able to take on hundreds of heroes at once and escape nearly unscathed.”

“What do you need us to do?” Gamma Ray asked.

Nova changed the projection to show the entire planet. “Cupid and Santa Claus have given BADGE information about others of their kind hidden on Earth. If this man is after their power, then he will probably strike again. I’m sending you out there to warn these individuals of the risk.”

Chase asked, “Wouldn’t they already know of the risk?”

“From what Cupid said, these people have remained isolated from each other for centuries. Their connection to the human world is thin. Yes, they might know of the risk, but we cannot gamble on that. We have to be certain. Gar, Gamma, head toward our BADGE location in Tokyo, from there you will head to the hiding place of the Dragon and Phoenix.” He slid a computer tablet over to them.

“Understood,” Gar answered.

Nova then slid a tablet over to Chase, “Chase, Fleagle, head to BADGE’s London office and then find the Leprechaun.”

Chase paused in her reach for the tablet, “The...what?”

“You heard me.”

She finished picking up the tablet, “All right.”

“Okay people, get moving.”

Gar and Gamma both headed out, each talking about how fast the other could fly. Fleagle bounded off out the door.

Chase stopped Nova before leaving, “Why send me with the dog? I can handle something like this alone. I work better alone.”

“First, I need you to break yourself of that solitary attitude. Teamwork is important to BADGE.”

“Says the man who works primarily with robots and a statue.”

Nova finished his thought, “Second, Fleagle is from that part of the world and knows it well. He has great tracking skills.”

“Fine. I can deal with this.”

Nova held her arm before she left, “Just be warned, Fleagle can take some getting used to. He’s... not all human.”

“I can tell.”

Nova walked out before her and instantly yelled, “FLEAGLE! I TOLD YOU, WE HAVE BATHROOMS!”
Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Part 2

In the wee county of Louth, near the city of Carlingford, a mangy old pub bustled with activity. Locals and tourists alike enjoyed the rustic Irish atmosphere as they downed another pint of the local favorite.

“Oi! I want to watch the game” A man bellowed as the bartender changed the channel.

“It’s last week’s game. I want to watch the breaking news from Paris.”

The televisions all rang out with the same music as the breaking broadcast came on. An American newscaster spoke while they showed images from Paris. “This is the footage we have so far from the incident in Paris on Valentine’s day. Reports of a winged man, claimed to be the legendary Cupid, attacking people with an ax came shortly before what appeared to be a massacre of heroes the likes of which we have not seen before. However, our drones showed that some unknown method revived these heroes. We have no confirmation, but some believe the incident in Paris may have something to do with what happened in the state of Oklahoma days before. Few images have surfaced from that event. The villain involved there was not the same man. As to the risks ahead from this situation, we do not have any information. BADGE has refused to answer direct questions and continues to insist we rely on their official statement. The enemy is no longer at large, or so BADGE claims. However, national leaders across the globe have their security at high alert and ask citizens to report any unusual activity...” The bartender turned the volume down.

“Eh! Nothing new. Just blathering the same stuff again.” The patron grumped.

No one noticed the tiny head peering over the side of the table while the eyes were glued on the report. Those twinkling little eyes watched the scene with rapt attention. Just then a bottle of whiskey was sat on the table right in front of him as the bartender delivered the order.

“Ana thing else, Henry?”

“Naw, just... Oi, where's the whiskey?”

Both looked up as the wooden window pane slapped shut. Each looked at the other, not sure if they had seen a bottle go flying out the window or not. Without a word, the bartender grabbed another bottle and joined his friend.
A tiny, plump fellow with a thick red beard and a nice suit with tails dragged a large bottle through a small hole in the ground. When he stepped out, he was in not a dirty rabbit warren, but a nice, elegant little home built just his size. He stopped for a second and shined the buckles on his exquisite shoes and smiled at his reflection in the pristine leather.

“Now, where did I put my glass?” He pondered as he pulled that bottle through the home and into another room.

He now stood in a significantly larger room that had many bookshelves filled to the brim. Several comfortable chairs sat before a roaring fire. Beside one chair was a table with a tankard on it.

“Ah, there it is.” He pushed the bottle until it sat upright, which made it nearly hit the ceiling. He snapped his fingers and the cork came out. A small amount of the fortified liquid danced out of the top and found its way into the tankard. Lifting the now filled drink he smiled, “Ah, just what my old bones needed tonight.” He took a swig. Then he saw it, a shimmering letter resting on the table where his tankard had been. “What’s this? Oh, another one. How did he get it in here? Oh, right, the chimney.” He read the warning letter from Santa, telling him about the mysterious stranger after their relics. “That old fart is nothing but a worrier.” He tossed the letter into the fire and then paused, “Perhaps I should...” he pondered this for a moment and then drank the rest of the whiskey.

Setting out from this room, he walked through the extensive home built deep in the ground. The last room was the largest by far. A full-sized human could stand in this place. There were no books, chairs, or fireplaces, only a couple lamp-stands for minimal light. There was nothing but a single pedestal with a crock of gold on it.

Walking over to it, he brushed a hand across the surface. “No doubt he’ll be after you.”
Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Part 3

Chase sat back in the luxurious seat of the shuttle and looked over information about Ireland, Leprechauns, and the UK. The last few times she visited this part of the world, she was stealing something and then leaving to sell it to a collector. Her only regret was she never got to steal the crown jewels.

There it was again. That howling. The man... if that is what they can call him, sat in his seat on the other side of the shuttle, listening to music. He would howl at the long notes and then pant and look out the window, then howl again and again. She asked him to stop five times already and he would go right back to it.

“Hey! Smeagol!”

He snorted, “It’s Fleagle!”

“I don’t care. Shut up.”

He scoffed and then looked out the window.

She gritted her teeth when he howled again.

She flicked her hand and one of her magic shuriken stuck the speaker next to his face, ending the music. He looked at it in terror and then at her. Her hand still out, she said, “Next time, it’s the Bob Barker treatment.” That look in his eyes was satisfying. He wasn’t sure if she was joking or not. She wasn’t sure herself. The shuriken vanished, and she went back to her reports.

“Coming into London!” The pilot announced.


She watched as blue skies became the surroundings of London. People below would not see them arrive. The shuttle was invisible from the outside. They went right over a busy street and headed directly for what appeared to be a large, empty warehouse. The shuttle passed through the wall and landed on an empty floor. Then a lift moved them down. They didn’t go nearly as far down as the HQ in New York, but it was deep enough.

Once docked, a woman in a black suit met Chase and Fleagle.

“Ah, the agents from New York. Good. I’m Commander Troy. Come with me, we have something for you to see.”

Chase followed Troy with Fleagle right behind. Until he saw something to sniff. Then he stopped again and almost lifted a leg on an object before a worker stopped him. Chase grit her teeth and held one of her blades, ready to make this a solo mission.

They entered a control center. It was much bigger than the New York BADGE. It also had a lot more humans working things, not robots. Strangely, there was a blue police box in the corner.

“What is this place?” Chase asked.

Troy smiled, “Once, this was a branch of MI6 where we investigated otherworldly events. However, when the world leaders established BADGE, Parliament handed this division over and reassigned us under Director Nova.”

“Okay, about our mission...” Chase realized who was not with her. “Where is he now!”


Just then two men came in, each holding an arm of Fleagle. He was smiling like an idiot and wagging his tail. “Look, I’m sorry. The plants need watering anyway.”

Chase had a hand to her face.

Troy cocked her head, “Something you caught on your way? Do we need to lock him up?”

“I would love to say yes, but no. He was assigned to help me. He is with BADGE.”

“I...see.” Sloughing this off Troy continued, “We have had a sighting.”

A blue woman walked up, “Yes. I spotted who I believe to be this dark hooded man heading toward Ireland.”

“This is Zanazola, another hero. She has been part of the BADGE contingent helping clean up the mess after the Cupid incident.”

“Are you certain he was heading for Ireland?” Chase asked.

“Almost positive. However, he could have changed course after I lost track of him.”

Troy said, “We have had several dozen false sightings recently. So, this could be nothing. However, knowing there is another relic in Ireland, be ready for anything. I have a non-powered agent up in Carlingford checking with the locals about sightings.” She handed them each small comm device. “If you encounter this hooded man, do not engage. He’s too strong. Set off the signal.”

“What if he already has whatever the Leprechaun uses as his relic?”

“Doesn’t matter. Send the signal and then hide, leave, get to a safe distance. I would love to send a whole unit of heroes with you, but with the cleanup and search, we’re stretched a little thin.”

Fleagle said, “It’s okay. Our mission is to warn this leprechaun... if we can find him... not fight that strange man.”

“Good. Then, get going. Time is not on our side.”

Night fell over the Carlingford mountains of Ireland, bathing the green grasses in deep shadows. A man hiked back toward his car when he came upon a strange, hooded figure.

Seeing that this hooded man was stalk still, he decided to be friendly, “Can I help you?” From under the hood, a soft voice asked, “Where is the Leprechaun?”

“You off your nut? There aren’t any wee people.”

Without a word, the hooded man walked away.

Suddenly the old hiker said, “Wait! Have I seen you on the television?”

The hooded man turned and lifted his head enough to show a thin smile, “Yes, sorry to say.” and then a blast of black mist hit the old man. He flew back, tumbled down the hill, and stopped next to his car.
Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

Part 4

The hooded man walked through the hills near Carlingford. There was a park suspected to be home to many leprechauns, but it was nothing but a tourist trap. As it got darker and the night covered the area, few people were around to bother him. He didn’t want to kill too many people along the way, that would draw too much attention to his presence.

“I knew you were good at hiding. I didn’t think it would be this hard.” He muttered to himself as he prowled around the dark hills looking for evidence. “I know you’re out here, I can sense your magic.”

There was a sudden noise in the distance, and the hooded man pivoted. A shadowy figure dashed away and then vanished behind some rocks.

“What do we have here? A hero following me? This ought to be fun.” Holding out his hand, a misty black smoke formed, ready to strike. He walked toward the rock without fear of whatever this hero might try. “Don’t be foolish, I’ve taken down hundreds in seconds.” When he got to the rock, there wasn’t any sign of a person.

His head snapped to the right as he felt something. “Magic.” He whispered. This was a strong feeling of a specific magic he knew well. Letting go of his own misty attack, he smiled and headed for the source of this spell. To his great surprise, he stumbled across a pile of clothing, including a weapon and communicator. He knelt down and examined it.

“A BADGE uniform...but where’s the soldier?”

Then he felt it again, that magic. He was close. In the distance, he saw the silhouette of a mound of earth. It was almost perfectly blended in with the natural surroundings, but he knew it was not crafted by nature. As soon as his eyes fell upon it, he could see the magic. Holding up his hand, a ball of red energy formed over his fingers. “Time to play Santa.”

Inside the Leprechauns home, a streak of red energy shot down the chimney and stopped in the middle of the room. A small hooded man appeared, standing next to a large bottle of whiskey. He kept his hand up with that red energy still glowing. “After all these years, I finally found your home.” he mused as he looked at the old shelves of books.

A kid's sticker, which in here was the size of a poster. It had a comical cartoon of a leprechaun dancing. Three knives protruded from the center, thrown at a distance.

Leaving that behind, he walked through the place, searching for his target. The little red energy ball hovering over his hand danced and flickered, which gave him reason for concern. Walking through that last door, he stood in a room tall enough for him. In the center of this room was a glorious crock of gold.

That red energy flickered again, and this time vanished. He suddenly shot back up and nearly hit his head on the ceiling. After a moment of disorientation, his greedy eyes were flecked with golden light as he approached his goal.

Then a small voice spoke behind him, “I’ve been expecting you.”
Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

Part 5

“You have foam all over your face,” Chase stated.

Fleage ran his forearm over his face and wiped off the foam and then began lapping at his cider again. “This is the best one yet.”

“That would be your third since we left Dublin.” She looked in the window of a small shop in the little town they had entered.

Fleagle lapped hard for a moment, belched, and then wiped his face again, “They have a pub on every corner. Don’t blame me for get’n thirsty.”

“Just don’t get drunk.” She sneered at him and then continued down the stony street.

“Not gonna happen.” He downed it fast and then tossed the cup. “So...belch…any sign of the Leprechaun?”

“Hardly. I doubt he’d be hanging around Carlingford. He’s going to be hard to find.”

Fleagle smiled and wagged his tail as an Irish lass stared at him. She did not return the flirting.

“Can you?” Chase asked.

Fleagle said, “What?”

“I just asked if you can sniff him out? Nova said you were good at tracking.”

“Oh, uh, sure. My nose is great and all. But, I need to know what I’m smelling. I don’t think I’ve ever smelled Leprechaun before.”

“Great.” She muttered and scanned the area, “I’m picking up a background power signal similar to the magic used by both Cupid and that hooded man. So, either that’s a sign of the Leprechaun or the hooded man is nearby.”

Fleagle walked on, “I have an idea. Let’s ask someone.”

“What?” She followed him.

Fleagle came close to a man walking down the street. He looked up at the dog man and yelled, “AH!”

“Don’t be scared. I’m a hero.”

Chase pushed Fleagle aside, “Sorry, sir, we’re BADGE agents. We need help finding...uh...Leprechauns.”

The man calmed down at the sight of her and said, “Ah, oi understan’. we ‘av legends av wee people in de ‘ills an’ in a garden nearby. gran’ place ter start if yer want ter clap dem.”

Chase stood there, befuddled, “Uh...thanks.”

“Glad ter be av ‘elp .” He tipped his hat and then bolted.

Chase looked back at Fleagle, “Did you get any of that?”

He nodded, “I have a few friends from this part of Ireland. I think he said there are legends of Leprechauns in the hills and in a garden nearby.”

“Must be some kind of local legend. Which probably came from having this real leprechaun around here. A good sign we are close.” She walked over to a stand with various pamphlets, one was called, “Carlingford Fairy and Leprechaun Cavern”

“This must be the place.” Fleagle eagerly announced and was becoming overly excited.

Chase grabbed him by the ear and pulled him back down to Earth. “Calm down. This can’t be where our Leprechaun is. He wouldn’t be a tourist attraction. But, it might give us clues. Come on.”


After a short walk toward the ocean, they came to a cave in the ground where people were currently listening to a man talk. He was going on about having met many leprechauns and how they were now a protected, endangered species.

“Is this guy for real?” Fleagle asked.

Chase shook her head, “After all we’ve seen these past few weeks, I don’t know. Let’s get inside, he might know something.”

They walked through the cavern decorated by a lot of man-made objects. Little fairy and leprechaun statues, small houses, fountains, LED lights, and music. It was more like an amusement park than a natural cave.

“This...isn’t what I expected,” Chase said as she observed a glass case with supposed Leprechaun bones next to a few old coins.

“Yeah, let’s get out of here.”

Just then they both heard the man say, “And, only this morning I was walking up the path and came across this. It matches all the other coins I have found, but it is in the best condition I’ve ever seen. This is real Leprechaun gold and I suspect it means...hey, who are you!”

Fleagle came over, sniffing at the coin. People in the room backed up, a few took pictures, and one little girl yelled, “WEREWOLF!”

Chase walked over, “Don’t be alarmed. I just need to see this.” She snatched the gold coin.


She held the pristine, glimmering golden coin. Scanning it, she smiled, “This is saturated with that energy signature. This is the strongest I’ve seen. This has to be it.”

Fleagle sniffed at the coin, “I...I’m smelling something. It’s like a person, but not like any human or hero I’ve smelled before.”

“Good. Get a good sniff.” She waited while he took in great whiffs, and then short, small sniffs. “Done? Good.” She handed it back to the man, “Sorry.”

“I should call the police! Get out of here!”

“Wait. We need help. Where did you find this?” Chase asked.

“None of your business. If you’re here to hunt Leprechauns, I’ll have you know they’re protected by...”

“Look, we are with BADGE.” She held up her ID card, “This is important for global safety. Where did you find this?”

He glared at her for a moment, “All right. I found it on the other side of Carlingford Mountain, off the main trail. It was on a rock, plain as day. Now, get out of here.”

“We’ll be going,” She pushed Fleagle out of the cave, as he lapped water out of one fountain.
Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

Part 6

Chase walked over the rolling hills toward the mountains. Hikers, tourists, and at least one bewildered constable crossed their path.

Watching him leave, she said, “We need to get the people out of here somehow. Would hate for someone to take away what we’re looking for. What do you...” She stopped, looked up, and once again found herself alone. “FLEAGLE!”

The dog-man bounded over the hills, a stick in his mouth, and his tail wagging like crazy. He ran in a wide circle around her, stopped long enough to drop the stick, and then danced all over the place. “Just once, come on!”

She picked up the stick and contained the furious screaming boiling in her. “We are not here to play!”

“Come on!” He bounced and whimpered.

She threw the stick so that the larger end smacked him in the forehead. This caused a considerable yelp. “GET BACK TO WORK!”

He dashed away, sniffing the air, real fear in his eyes again. She induced this fear about once an hour, and then he would go back to this stupid dog routine. “Maybe I can tell Nova that this dope fell off the cliff. One good shove...” she went back to her readings, so she would stop thinking of ways to rid herself of Fleagle. Smacking the side of the sensor, she scoffed, “This thing is showing that energy all over the place. If that Leprechaun is around here, we won’t be able to zero in on him.”

“BAROOOO!” Fleagle began howling.

Chase stopped, her right eye twitching. “What now!”

“I FOUND IT, BAROOO, I FOUND IT!” He was hollering now.

Chase prayed that he accomplished something and didn’t locate another stick for her to throw. She would throw it off the cliff and see if he would follow. To her great surprise, she found him hopping around next to what appeared to be a pot of gold.

“Can this be a Leprechauns pot of gold?” She whispered.

It was hidden in the side of a rock face.

Fleagle dug a little at the wall, “It has to be it! It smells just like the other coin.”

Chase scanned it, “The signature is off the charts. Why is it here? Where is the Leprechaun?” She reached over and picked up a coin, “This feels like real gold. This is worth a fortune. But, where is...stop poking me.”

“Look!” Fleagle pulled her arm to get her attention.

Before she smacked him, she paused at the sight of what could only be described as a true Irish leprechaun. “Oh, my.”

He gave off a cheery smile and tipped his hat to her, “Top o the morning to ya, lass. Ya found me crock o gold.” he spoke with a cliché Irish lilt.

“Are we glad to see you, sir. We are from BADGE.” She pulled out her id card.

He came closer to them, “Oh, ye are. How interesting.”

Fleagle’s tail was about to wag itself off, “Does this mean we get three wishes or something?

“Oh, ye want yer three wishes now, do ya?”

Fleagle bounced, “Do we each get three, or three between us. I want a big bone, and...”

“Do I get a wish.” A new voice joined in.

Both Chase and Fleagle turned with a shot and gasped. That hooded figure stood there, only his smile showing.

“YOU!” Chase held up her blades. “Stay behind us, sir,” she commanded the Leprechaun.

The hooded man came closer, “I know you. You’re that little girl I met when this all began. You were the one who got Cupid his bow. I’m glad Nova sent you instead of that pet Statue of his. Though, it looks like you brought a pet of your own.”

Fleagle bared his teeth and growled, “I’m nobody's pet!”

Chase didn’t give this man any more time to gloat. She threw her blades. He batted them away with a flick of his hand. It was obvious they were outmatched, but she merely needed to distract him. Flicking open the comm device Troy gave her, she punched the button. “It’s too late. BADGE knows you’re here.” She held up the comm device.

The hooded man chortled, “Good.”

All at once there was a blinding flash and she watched the world change around her. Everything got larger, which meant she got smaller. Sinking into her own clothes, the last thing she saw was the Leprechaun take the communicator from where it fell. He said, “Here, just as you guessed. They called BADGE.”

“Good. All is going according to plan.”

It was then that Chase realized they had been betrayed. She was lost in a sea of her own clothing when something grabbed it all up and turned her shirt into a bag where she and Fleagle were both carried away.
Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

Part 7

At the London BADGE HQ.

Troy took the cup of tea handed to her and blew over it as she watched the massive monitor at the front of the room. Agents dashed around taking care of the normal business and continuing work on clean-up after the Cupid incident.

“Ma’am!” A man at the comm station called out.

“What is it?”

“We have word from our operations leader in Paris, the BADGE station is moving out. We have completed all the cleanup.”

“Good. Tell them to get back here on the double.” She sipped her tea.

Just then two men walked up. One was green gentleman with green wings. The other had on a brown leather duster, brown pants, and no shirt.

She addressed the shirtless hero first, “Martial, good to see you.”

“Likewise, ma’am,” he answered.

The green man bowed to her, “Hello, I’m Dr. Blake.”

“Ah, Donald Blake, I wasn’t expecting you dressed like that.”

He chuckled, “I don’t always wear a lab coat.”

Martial Law held up a golden coin, “We found this while coming back from Paris.”

She took it with a frown, “What about it?”

Dr. Blake answered, “It is an old Irish gold coin, probably from the fifteenth century.”

She gave it a good look, “I...see. It is in fantastic condition to be that old.”

“That’s what caught my attention. We found it near a riverbank and it was in this condition.”

Troy shook her head, “I still do not see what you’re doing here with this.”

Martial Law held a scanner, “We use these to scan for any latent energy signatures left from the battle with Cupid. When we found this coin I scanned it, this thing is saturated with the same energy as Cupid used.”

Dr. Blake said, “Whatever powered Cupid, is part of this coin.”

Just then Zanazola came into the room, holding one of those coins. “Commander Troy I...oh, I see you have one.”

“Another one?” Troy said.

“I was scanning for signs of the hooded man and followed a lead to this coin. It has the same energy...”

“As Cupid.” Troy finished the thought. “Here, give it to me.”

“No. I want to keep it.” Zanazola pulled it back.

“Commander!” The man at the comm called out, “We are getting messages from all over the planet. Heroes are reporting finding gold coins.”

“What could this mean?” Zanazola asked.

Martial Law stepped up, “This is the same signature as that Hooded guy. What if he already has the pot of gold and is using it to distract us? We sure as hell cannot find him if we are picking him up in a thousand different locations.”

Troy said, “If that’s true, then we have a big problem.”

Zanazola said, “What about those heroes you sent to find the Leprechaun? What happened to them? For that matter what happened to the Leprechaun?”

Before Commander Troy could give this any thought, a red light beeped on the huge monitor. The computer announced, “Incoming distress signal.” A specific code flashed across the screen.

“That’s from the comm unit I sent with Chase. On-screen now.”

The massive monitor shifted to a fuzzy image and then came a close shot of the Leprechaun. He weakly said. “Please, find me gold. Me power...is weak. Help. Get it back to me crock...before...it’s too late...” the image cut off.

Everyone was silent for a moment. Finally, Dr. Blake asked, “Was that a real Leprechaun?”

“Probably the only one.” Troy stated and then pointed at the comm, “Director Nova, now!”

In almost no time, the screen changed to the interior of the BADGE HQ in New York. Nova stood before them almost two stories tall, “I got the same message, Commander Troy.”

“Then you’ve seen the reports on the gold coins?”

“Yes. Only moments ago.”

“What are your orders, sir?”

Nova said, “We don’t have a lot of information. But, we have to go on what we know. Tell all heroes to gather any coins they find. Tell Chase...”

“We haven’t been in contact with your agent since she left us two days ago.”

“Damn it!” Nova smacked the table near him, “Get someone up there ASAP. I want boots on the ground yesterday! Find this Leprechaun and my agent!”

“What about the gold coins and his crock? He said something about those.”

“Tell all of your people to find those coins and get them back to him. I’ll get the word out from here as well. Get on this, now.”

“Right away, sir.” She turned to the other heroes, “Zanazola, I need you to lead a BADGE team across the entire UK, help search for those coins. Dr. Blake, Martial, head to Carlingford.”

All three heroes acknowledged their orders and were quickly on the job. Troy turned back to the screen where Nova waited. “We’ll find your agent and this Leprechaun.”
Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

Part 8

Chase wasn’t sure when she blacked out, or why. But she had lost track of everything after she had been picked up in her own clothes. Did she really shrink? What was going on? What is that strange feeling on her face? Again and again, a warm, wet feeling slapped her in the face. Eventually, she realized it was a dog licking her. But she didn’t have a dog, and she wasn’t with a dog. Wait… she is with a dog.

With a burst of motion, she opened her eyes and saw Fleagle standing over her, excitedly licking her cheek. She smacked him in the face, “STOP DOING THAT!”

He fell over, landing on his butt, “Sorry. You wouldn’t wake up and I thought that would help.”

Wiping her wet face, she muttered, “It did...sort of. But, don’t do it again.”

Looking around, she found herself in what appeared to be a cave. Everything near her was the right size, not huge as she expected. Then she looked down and saw that she was wearing the under-suit Nova had given her. It was like a sports compression suit, but with special attributes. “What happened? Where are we?”

Fleagle helped her up, “We are in the Leprechauns home.”

“Then that means...”

A new voice said, “Yeah, we’re tiny. He shrunk us down with some kind of power.”

Chase turned around and then gasped. A muscular man stood there with nothing on save a pair of shirt buttons tied so he had something covering his front and backside. “Who are you?”

“Agent Justin, BADGE. I was sent to track evidence of the Hooded Man and was taken by surprise. The Leprechaun shrunk me down, and I’ve been his prisoner ever since. How come your clothes shrunk and mine didn’t?”

Chase brushed her hand down the arm of her suit, “This is a new suit Nova has been testing. It shrinks with a hero when he or she shrinks. It does other stuff as well. Not sure why he wanted a shrinkable suit, but, it came in handy.”

“I’m lucky he had some buttons laying where I could get to them.”

Fleagle said, “Well, I’ve got nuff fur. So, I’m good.”

Chase muttered, “I still wish you had pants.” She walked away from them, heading for the nearest exit, “Our first job is to get out of…”


She hit an invisible barrier and thrown back a few inches. “Ow!”

“Sorry, should’ve warned you to begin with. He has us trapped. We have some room in here to move around, but otherwise, we’re stuck.”

“What’s the point?” Chase rubbed her forehead where she interacted with hat barrier.

Fleagle helped her to her feet, “We overheard him make a call to BADGE.” he pointed to a table where their communicators were resting.

“He called BADGE?”

“Yes,” Justin said, “He pretended to be in trouble and then told them to bring his coins back.”

“What does that mean?”

“We don’t know.”

Just then the Leprechaun came into the room, holding one of those coins. In his hand, it looked like a dinner plate. “It means I will get rid of all the little annoyances in my life.”

Chase took up a fighting posture while Fleagle growled. She asked, “What have you done?”

“Calm down, dog, you can’t hurt me from in there.” He tossed the coin at them, and it bounced off that barrier. He the addressed Chase, “Let’s just say that I have seen an opportunity and intend to take it.”

“What opportunity?” Chase asked.

“I’ve had my fill of this world. We’ve been here for a long time and I’m done. I’ve been done with these people for centuries now. They are foolish, cruel, ignorant, and bigoted. However, due to the choices we all made when we arrived, I was tied down. My power sealed. But, now, with a little help from a new friend, my powers will be unsealed.”

“We? You mean the others like Santa and Cupid?” Chase asked.

“Yes. There are several of us. Including the one who works for BADGE. It really doesn’t matter. After I leave, my friend will finish his little plan and this world will be in enough trouble without me around.”

Chase was about to ask a question when Justin came up, “Who works for BADGE that is one of your people?”

The Leprechaun gave him an amused look, “You...you don’t know.” he looked around all of them, “None of you know. Oh, how interesting. One of the most powerful people on this planet, and you don’t even realize it. How wonderful.”

Fleagle asked, “Who are your people?”

The Leprechaun spent a moment struggling with something. It was as though he wished to speak, but his mouth wouldn’t work. Finally he said, “We...cannot say. The leader of our people forbade us from speaking our name for fear of Legion finding us again. Even now, knowing that my power is still diminished, I cannot bring myself to utter the name. When my power is fully restored, I will shout to the pathetic people of this world the name of our kind and let them know who they lived amongst without realizing it.”

Just then the voice of the hooded man came from another direction. The Leprechaun excused himself and left them to their little prison. The three prisoners stood in silence, absorbing this startling information.
Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

Part 9

Dr. Blake scanned the area with the energy reader while Martial Law checked with the local constabulary. People were giving the green, winged hero a wide berth. Several locals described the incident where Chase and Fleagle had interrupted the tour guide in the supposed Leprechaun cave.

Martial came over, “Looks like our people were here, but no one has seen them for at least a day.”

Dr. Blake squinted at the scanner, “I’m picking up background energy signatures similar to the ones we got from Cupid, but nothing big enough to lead me anywhere.”

Martial nearly growled at a man staring at him, “I just want to get outta here. These people don’t like us around.”

“They may have a reason. Our people might have upset them.”

Martial grunted, “Heroes save lives and people complain. Maybe we should let a super-villain decimate a town once in a while, just to let them see what they could have if we weren’t around.”

“Yeah, that would be…..wait, I’ve got something. Yes, definitely. This is a huge spike in the readings. This way.” Dr. Blake expanded his wings and flew away.

“Hey, you idiot! I don’t fly!” Martial plodded along after him as fast as he could go.


Chase sat with her back up against the wall. They had tested the area and found this barrier was like a bubble. They had access to a few bits of crafting items within the bubble but otherwise trapped. It had been seven hours, and they were all exhausted. Fleagle lay on the ground, snoring while his right leg kicked now and then. Justin knelt, unable to sit properly as his clothing was a pair of wooden buttons.

“What do we do now?” She said to herself.

“We have to warn the others,” Justin answered.

Chase scoffed, “And just how do you plan on doing that?”

“I...don’t know. There has to be a way. I don’t know what that Leprechaun has planned, but it cannot be good. He’s attracting heroes here for a reason and I know it’ll end in disaster if they aren’t warned.”

Chase nodded, “I know. We just survived the whole Cupid incident and now we face this. I just don’t get it. Cupid is a nice guy once he was in his right mind. Santa is very nice. Why is the Leprechaun evil?”

“I don’t know.’

The door of the room opened and closed, and in came the Leprechaun. He passed right through the magic barrier and set a plate on the ground along with three mugs. He backed up, so he was outside the barrier. “You need something to eat.”

Chase didn’t run for the food just yet. “Why?”

“Last time I checked, humans eat too.” he laughed.

“We do. But, I doubt our well being is on the top of your list. The last time I checked, you’re luring heroes into some kind of trap.”

He gave her a sneer, “Fine, don’t eat. I don’t care.”

Chase stopped him before he left the room, “Why are you doing this? Why do you care so little about humans?”

He paused and then turned around, “I’m not a monster. I wasn’t always so disdainful of humans. But, time has worn my patience and love thin. Do you know when the people of this fair land learned about me?”

She nodded, “Yeah, about seven hundred years ago the legends of the Leprechauns started. I was reading about this when I came here.”

“Then you know of the legend of King Fergus?”

“I read it.”

“Well, it’s wrong. When I first came here, I wanted to be part of these people's lives. To help them. I was walking along the beach one morning and found a man, passed out, on the shore. He smelled to high heaven of spirits and I knew he was drunk. The tide was rising. He would drown. Being the helpful little man I was, I grabbed his foot and tried to drag him to higher ground. He woke, saw me, and grabbed me. In his drunken stupor, he called me some kind of spirit name of his peoples myths and demanded wishes to be granted. I could’ve blasted him into orbit right then and there, and now I wish I had. But, no, I granted him three wishes. I had hoped it would open the door to the image I wanted. The mythical, good helper who people could depend on. But, what did that stupid king do? He went and told some fable of three of me dragging him into the ocean to drown him. I became the malevolent spirit who would grant wishes if caught. I was a joke.”

“Three?” Justin asked.

“He was so drunk he couldn’t remember most of the details correctly.” The Leprechaun said.

Chase asked, “Is this enough to warrant this kind of hatred. I know it’s not fair, but people aren’t all bad.”

“Oh, yes, they are. Humans are dumb, arrogant, greedy, fools. I thought Legion was bad. Humans are worse. They are insidious and cruel. It’ll give me great pleasure wiping them out.”

“Wiping them out?” Chase gasped, “What do you mean?”

He gave her a quiet look, and said, “You’ll find out.”
Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

Part 10

Dr. Blake landed on the side of a green hill and turned around three times as he scanned furiously. Martial Law ran over to him and then held his knees, panting.

“Don’t do that!”

“Do what?”

“Fly off so fast. I’m fast, but good heavens your faster.”

Dr. Blake blithely said, “Oh, I can fly near the speed of light without thinking. Sorry.”

“So,” Martial panted a few more times, “What did you find?”

“This area is saturated by this power. I mean, it’s everywhere.” Dr. Blake intently examined the readings on the sensor device.

Martial Law walked ahead, looking around the hills. “I see a few openings. Could this be where that Leprechaun lives?”

“It’s a good guess. I am seeing a pattern under the soil.” They were unwittingly standing right on top of the mounds that hid the Leprechauns home.

Martial smiled, “So, let’s see what’s under here.” He jammed a hand into the ground and ripped up a large chunk of soil. He missed any of the Leprechauns home, but that didn’t faze him, he continued digging.

“Should we be doing this? I mean, if that Leprechaun lives here, we might destroy his place?”

“He’s magic, let him fix it,” Martial stated and then went to dig into a hill, which would have put him right on top of the Leprechauns library.

“WAIT!” Dr. Blake grabbed Martial’s shoulder.



Martial followed a pointed finger and discovered a hooded figure standing near a cliff ledge. With him was Chase. She screamed, “HELP!”

“It’s him! He has Chase!” without another word Martial yelled and ran directly for the enemy.

Dr. Blake flew up and raced right over Martial. He had a fist out, ready to knock the enemy's head clean off. Suddenly the hooded figure evaporated in a puff of smoke, taking the woman with him. Before Dr. Blake or Martial could process this, they both hit an invisible barrier and flew back twenty yards. A shockwave of energy expanded out across this barrier and a deep drumming sound echoed throughout the Carlingford Mountains.

Dr. Blake groaned, “What was that?”

“I don’t know, but it hurt like hell.” Martial sat up and rubbed his forehead.

Dr. Blake got up and returned to the edge of the cliff. He put his hand up and a purplish fuzzy energy buzzed in the air where he met this barrier. “I haven’t seen anything like this before.”

Martial walked over and felt the barrier for himself. Then he looked down at a tiny island in the ocean. Situated on a mound of rocks was a black crock with a few gold coins inside. “Look!”

“What the?” Dr. Blake scanned with his reader, “I’m reading massive levels of this energy signature. That has to be the Leprechauns crock.”

“What about Chase? Do you see her?”

“No. But, I’m having a hard time reading anything other than this energy.”

“Let’s get in and find her.” Martial smashed a fist against the barrier, it threw him back but this time he skidded and came running back. He hit it again and thrown hard.

Dr. Blake sighed, “Brutishly smacking it won’t accomplish anything.”

“I don’t hear any suggestions from you,” Martial stated and then hit it again.

Dr. Black flew up and then ran his hand along the barrier, feeling its shape and size. He flew over it and almost down to the waters on the far side of it. Coming back, he watched Martial hit it so hard that he was once again thrown twenty yards.

Landing next to him, Dr. Blake said, “It’s a dome in shape. I cannot see any kind of emitter. I don’t have any idea what it’s made from or where it’s coming from.”

“All I need to know is that’s gotta come down.” Martial got up and raced back across the field toward the barrier.

Dr. Blake rolled his eyes and pulled out his comm device. He waited as the next explosive drumming sound came and Martial went flying over him. Ignoring his companion, he dialed up BADGE London office.

“Troy here.” Commander Troy answered.

“We found the...” BANG and Martial went flying past him again.

“What’s going on? Are you engaging an enemy?” Troy asked.

“No, wait a moment.” he held the comm device to the side, “MARTIAL, COOL IT FOR A MOMENT!” Martial grumbled, but stopped. Dr. Blake continued with Troy, “We found something. A barrier is protecting the crock of gold, which is on an island. However, we also have reason to believe Agent Chase is out there as well. We cannot get inside and trust me, we’ve tried.”

“Damn.” She whispered, “Okay. I’ll get more heroes to your location. Stay there and learn what you can about this.”

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

Part 11

Chase walked in a circle around the barrier holding her inside with Justin and Fleagle. She couldn’t come up with any ideas about how to escape. Justin had already attempted to dig under the barrier, but the ground was too hard to get through with their tiny hands. Besides, Chase highly doubted that circumventing this barrier would be so easy. Fleagle peed on it, and that did no good.

“I’m not giving up.”

“What was that?” Justin asked.

Chase huffed, “I said I’m not giving up. I can figure a way out of here.”

“I don’t think so. We’re stuck.” Fleagle said.

Chase turned and stared at the barrier, or really the air where it invisibly waited. “I have broken out of the most secure prisons on this planet. I have broken into the highest security sealed vaults and museums ever constructed. I was never caught and never stumped. I can do this.”

“This isn’t human technology, Chase,” Justin said.

“I know.”

Fleagle asked, “So, who do you think it is?”

Chase turned, “What?”

“The Leprechaun said someone at BADGE is one of their people. Who do you think it is?”

“I...don’t know. BADGE doesn’t have a large staff since they outsource to all the heroes and leagues. So, there aren’t many people involved.”

“My guess,” Fleagle said, “It’s Quark.”

“No, it can’t be.” Justin said, “I have read his files. He isn’t human, but he isn’t one of these things. He is...something else. No, if I had a guess. It’s Nova.”

Chase turned and gave him a strange look, “Director Nova?”

Justin nodded, “Think about it. He’s been around longer than anyone can remember. He hasn’t changed since the earliest photos taken of him I’ve seen. He keeps secrets that no one on this planet knows. And, it is believed he has powers, though no one has confirmed them yet.”

Chase said, “He confirmed that to me. He has powers. I don’t know what his powers are. But, he admitted he has them.”

“Really!” Justin asked, “He confided that to you?”

“Yes, he...wait, I hear something.”

They could all hear the Leprechauns voice. He spoke with that hooded man in another room. Chase pointed at Fleagle and gave him a quick direction with her hands and eyes. He ran over to the barrier and turned his head so that one ear was listening. Of the three, he could hear the best.

The Leprechaun said. “This is taxing my abilities. Why did you have me create the barrier out there around the crock? Don’t we WANT the heroes to put the coins back in?”

The Hooded man slyly answered, “There’s a lot at stake here. I have to deal with them as a whole once and for all. I thought Cupid would put them down, but that damned girl bested my plans. If they put the coins in too early, they will leave. I want urgency, I want them standing around it all at once. Then, when they finish, hundreds, maybe thousands of heroes will perish. Thus, you must keep it going for now. Everything is going according to plan.” the Hooded Man responded.

“My power is highly diminished with your plan. I was already split by putting most of my strength in that crock. Now that you had me put almost all I have left in those gold coins, I’m weak. Keeping both barriers active is pushing me.”

“I know what you are dealing with. Patience is the key to this plan. We need those heroes here when you set it off.”

The Leprechaun said, “I don’t care about your plan. I don’t have the issues with the heroes like you. I just want to blow this country off the map. Let me set off the crock now and leave this place a smoking hole.”

“You will follow my plan.” The hooded man casually answered.

“Why? This is my power you’re playing with. What gives you the right to tell me what to do?”

“I showed you how to put your remaining power into the coins. I’m the one who explained how destroying the crock will return your power back to you. I have provided the knowledge you desired, you owe me.”

The Leprechaun sourly answered, “You were always conniving. I hardly trust you. But, you haven’t led me astray yet. However, if I end this now, it’s my choice. There isn’t any loyalty between us, just an understanding. Don’t get pushy.”

The Hooded Man laughed, “You haven’t the power yet. Since you sent your magic out with the coins, you can’t blow up the crock. Not yet.”

“Fine. But, understand this, Jinn, the moment I have enough power back in that crock, it goes off. Even if the heroes aren’t gathered. I’ll get my power back, and then I leave. You can deal with the mess.”

Fleagle stood back, a bit dumbfounded, “They just walked away. I can’t hear any more. But, I heard enough.”

Chase asked, “Well?”

He turned to them, fear in his eyes, “They will blow up that crock of gold and...destroy this entire country.”

“But, the heroes are coming,” Justin said.

“Precisely.” Fleagle dryly said, “That’s the point. It’s a trap.”

“No more chit-chat, we have to find a way out of here. Fleagle, dig for all your worth. Justin, search any of the items we have inside here.”

“It’s just crafting stuff. Buttons, thread...”

“I don’t care. See what we have.” Chase ordered. “Our lives and the lives of millions of citizens and heroes are on the line and only we can save them.”
Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

Part 12

Martial Law sat on a rock, staring out at the crock of gold. His fists were actually sore he had beat on that stupid barrier so many times. Around him a few heroes had gathered, each with a gold coin. No one was certain what to do with them just yet. A car stopped halfway up the hill and a small creature jumped out, a golden coin clutched in its beak. Martial audibly groaned at the sight of him.

“Hello, Zen.”

Zen, the Penguin, held up his gold coin, “Found this on an iceberg. My brothers and sisters were making quite a fuss.”

“You mean other real penguins,” Martial stated.

“Of course, I said my brothers and sisters.” He held out that coin, “What do I do with this?”

“Hold onto it. Nova isn’t certain what to do since the barrier is preventing us from getting to the crock and he’s worried about gathering them together. Basically, guard it.”

“Can do.”

Dr. Blake swooped over and landed, he ran up to Martial, “We have a problem.”

“What now?”

Dr. Blake pointed down the hill, “We have company, and it’s not heroes.”

Martial stood up as he saw a man leading a group of news people up the hill. “Who the hell is that?”

“Some guy who thinks he knows all about Leprechauns. He is royally ticked that we’re here, messing with their protected native environment.” The sarcasm was thick in Dr. Blake's voice.


Just then this man and the reporters all approached Martial Law and Dr. Blake. A woman shoved a mic at Martial. “Is it true that BADGE has located legitimate Leprechaun gold?”

Martial huffed, “We’re not at liberty to discuss any details at this...”

The man angrily interrupted, “The UN has promised protection of the Leprechauns and their territory. If BADGE has any information, they must tell us so we can protect them from gold hunters.”

Dr. Blake calmly said, “I’m sorry. We’re in a situation right now that could turn dangerous. It’s in your best interest to leave this area until the situation returns to normal.”

The reporter asked, “Does this situation have any relation to what happened in Paris earlier this year?”

“We are not at liberty to...”

The angry man interrupted again, “Of course not. Leprechauns aren’t evil. LOOK OVER THERE!” He shoved Martial aside and led the cameraman toward the cliff.

“Don’t get too close!” Dr. Blake said.

Martial was about to pummel these people when Dr. Blake stopped him. “Let go of my arm, I’m going to throw that man into orbit.”

Dr. Blake coolly answered, “Which will only make things worse. Let’s just go convince them to leave.”

“What about the rest?” Martial pointed back where the news crews came from. There were hundreds of locals streaming up the hills.

“Oh my,” Dr. Blake sighed, “Come on.” He headed for the reporters.

The angry man tapped the barrier while yelling, “What have they done! That is a legitimate crock of gold. WHY ARE THEY KEEPING IT BEHIND THIS BARRIER!”

The reporter spoke into her mic, “We’re seeing something...unusual on an island. It appears to be a real crock of gold. If it belongs to a Leprechaun or not has yet to be determined...”

“Of course it’s a Leprechaun’s!” The man yelled.

Dr. Blake interrupted them, “Please, we have this under control.”

“Why is BADGE trying to hoard that crock?” The man got into Dr. Blake's face.

“BADGE is doing no such thing.”

“We all know that BADGE has been gathering anything with supernatural abilities. They’re hoarding power, everyone knows that. Now they’re going after sacred, ancient powers that belong in this land, not their greedy hands.”

Martial came up, red in the face, “Not only did we NOT construct this damn barrier, we have an agent trapped inside by whoever made it. Her life is at risk and having you prattle on about some stupid conspiracy theories about BADGE is NOT HELPING!”

“Oh, my.” The reporter directed the camera back to the island. “Can you give us this agent's name and...is that a Penguin?”

Just then Zen walked up, which drew a few bewildered looks from the news crew. The Penguin said, “I don’t know what’s going on here, but we have company.”

Dr. Blake looked up to see three tour buses arrive and instantly disgorged with dozens of people. “What’s this?”

The angry man folded his arms and sneered at the heroes, “I told the world of BADGE’s little discovery. Soon, thousands will be here to witness the true evidence of real Leprechauns. They’ll see what you want to hide. Then BADGE won’t be able to conceal their greedy ambitions any longer.”

Martial grabbed the man by his collar and held him off the ground. “You foolish, stupid, little man. I should...”

“Stop!” Dr. Blake commanded.

Martial growled at the sweating man and put him down.

Dr. Blake looked at the reporter and said, “BADGE and associated heroes will have no comment.” He grabbed Martial by the arm and dragged him away.

Once they were far enough, Martial huffed, “You should’ve let me punch him into the next century. Then maybe these tourists would be scared to come.”

“I doubt that’s how Commander Troy or Nova would want us to handle this. We need to check-in and let them know what’s going on.”
Chapter 13

Chapter 13:

Part 13

Fleagle tore into the ground, throwing dirt and rocks everywhere. He would yelp and whimper as he dug, the hard ground hurting his hands. Chase held a thumbtack that Justin found and pushed it toward the barrier. When the point met the magic, it buzzed and energy crackled across the metal tip but didn’t crawl over the plastic yet.

“Are you getting through?” Justin asked.

Chase grunted as she shoved, “I don’t...know!”

Justin got behind her and pushed. They forced the tip into the barrier and almost went through when the power then arched over the plastic and hit both of them. They flew back and buzzed against the barrier on the opposite side of the room.

Fleagle jumped at the shock and then ran over to them. “Are you okay?” He helped Chase to her feet.

“I’m alive if that matters.”

Justin, flat on his back, groaned, “Oh, my head.” He attempted to get up, but the buttons he wore as clothing was acting like a turtle shell. “Help.”

Chase covered her eyes, as he was far less covered in this position. Fleagle got the poor man upright.

“Any luck with digging?” Chase asked.

Fleagle showed her his bloody paws, “I’m hardly getting through the ground.”

Justin looked at Fleagle, “Oh, that looks painful.”

“It is.”

“THIS PLACE IS INFURIATING!” Chase went to throw one of her blades, furious at this whole situation. To their great surprise, her blade appeared in its normal size. This made the shuriken twice the size of them. Justin had a tip poking him right in a button while Fleagle dove out of the way.

“What the hell is this?” Justin asked.

Chase looked at her blade, “It’s a special weapon of mine. I….LOOK!” She ran around the shuriken to where it was, bypassing the barrier.

Justin and Fleagle carefully rounded the object and looked. Fleagle asked, “How is this possible?”

“I don’t know. Then again, the blade is supposed to be magic, and this barrier is magic, maybe they counter each other?” Chase carefully touched the blade. Nothing shocked her.

“Can we get out?” Justin asked.

“Let’s see. Come! Help me lift this.” Chase picked up one side with Justin and Fleagle helping. They lifted the blade so it tilted. As they moved it, it pushed the barrier aside, opening a hole.

“Go!” Justin said.

Chase slowly let go and then tumbled through the opening.

“You too.” Justin looked at Fleagle.

Fleagle let go, and the Shuriken slowly lowered as Justin had a harder time carrying it on his own. The dog-man rolled through the smaller opening and joined Chase.

“Come on!” Chase said.

“I...I can’t hold it and leave. It’ll crush me if I don’t let go.”

“We can hold it from here...I think.” She went for the blade, but only a tiny portion was out far enough.

It came down quickly as Justin lost control. He hit the ground with the blade nearly piercing him.

“JUSTIN!” Chase almost hit the barrier.

He smiled, “I’m okay. Go, stop that Leprechaun.”

Fleagle pulled on her arm, “This way.”

They ran out of this room and into the next. It was the library, which stopped both of them in their tracks. A large bottle of whiskey stood next to shelves upon shelves of books and other trinkets. Lined up along one wall were pristine shoes, glinting in the flickering firelight from the hearth.

“He knows how to live,” Fleagle stated.

“No time for a tour, we need to find a way out of here.” She looked at several doors, “Which way do we go?”

“Like I have a map.”

Chase was about to head for a door when they both heard a familiar sound, the BADGE alert signal. Following the beeps, they came to a communicator stolen from them when they were captured. What was half the size of a cell phone in their hands was now twice their height.

“Perfect, BADGE is calling. Let’s answer.” Fleagle slapped a button with his hand.

Nothing happened.

Chase reached over and pressed with a slow motion, and finally, a symbol flashed on the screen. This was the security log-in, it was requesting a retinal scan or fingerprint. Normally they wouldn’t even think about this, it would scan the moment they lifted it up. No matter how hard they tried pressing their fingers against the screen or looking into it, they were too small for it to register.

“Crap,” Chase muttered.

Fleagle’s ears stood up and he quickly grabbed the device, “He’s coming!” They each held an end of the communicator and hid behind shelves.

The Leprechaun came into the room and grabbed his tankard. With a snap of his fingers, some whiskey came down and filled it. He drank it down and plopped into the chair. He muttered to himself about all the people outside. After another swig, he huffed about having to feed the captives. Grabbing a platter, he left the room through another door.

“He’ll notice,” Fleagle whispered.

Chase nodded, “No doubt. So, we have to go with Plan B.”

“Plan B...what was plan A?”

Chase pulled off the back of the communicator and began ripping out wires. “A simple reroute of the communications signal, receiver interface, and….there we go.” She began tapping an exposed wire against a circuit board.

“What’s that?”

“Something to get their attention.”
Chapter 14

Chapter 14:

Part 14

Thousands of civilians and hundreds of heroes waited among the hills near the barrier. Martial Law had taken command. The heroes had section the citizens on one side of the fields, heroes on the other.

“LOOK!” A woman yelled from the civilian side.

Martial watched as a hero came zooming down and landed in the middle of the non-heroes. It was a man in a steampunk get-up. As he ran to meet up with Martial, the crowds got to him first.

“Are you a hero?” “Is this a BADGE cover-up again?” “Is it true that when someone gets that pot of gold, they will get three wishes?”

The hero yelled, “HELP!”

Martial stomped through the crowd, throwing people aside. He grabbed the man by the wrist and yanked him over to the hero's side. He stopped and gave a few of those willing to follow a harsh growl and deadly glare. This put a stop to the following.

“Thanks. I had no idea it was this bad.”

“Who are you?”

“Oh, I’m Furious Squirrel and I found one of these.” He pulled a gold coin out of his pocket.

“Must be a newbie. Okay, hold on to that coin until BADGE gets here...”

“Oh, Nova’s right behind me. I followed them until I passed them just as we got near this place. Look!”

Martial heard the sound first and then saw the large Type X Chinook helicopter coming in. It headed directly for the middle of this field. People scattered to make room for it to land. Director Nova and Krystal Fea disembarked.

“What the hell are these people doing here?” Nova barked at Martial.

“We had no choice. The local government has made it clear we’re to let the people stay.”

Nova grumbled, “This is a bad enough situation without thousands of civilians getting in the way.” He looked at the crowds staring at them, “What about Chase, is she still out there?”

Martial nodded and gestured toward the cliff. They walked over and came to the edge of the cliff and barrier.

“Where is she?” Nova asked.

Martial shook his head, “We don’t know. We witnessed the Hooded man over here two days ago and that’s when we saw her.”

“Is she out there?” Nova asked.

“We...can’t be certain. This barrier blocks all sensor equipment we’ve tried.”

Krystal put a hand up against the barrier, “I can’t sense anything through this. It’s blocking my power, which is disturbing.” She shuddered, “This magic differs from anything I’ve ever encountered.” She stood back and cast her own magic at the barrier. A spectacular red light buzzed across it for a moment, causing a few of the civilians to dash away. After it was over, she put her hand back on it, “Nothing. It resisted me.”

“We have to do something.” Nova said, “We have many heroes here, surely we can take this down...”

Krystal shook her head, “If what I’m sensing is correct, it’ll only grow stronger if we throw power at it.”

Furious Squirrel came up with that coin out, “What do I do with this, sir?”

“Keep it safe, for now,” Nova stated.

Krystal interrupted, “Let me see that.” she took the coin and held it, “This is exuding a magical essence.”

“Of course, it’s part of the Leprechaun,” Nova stated.

“No, you don’t don’t understand.” Krystal held the coin near the barrier, “I can feel it, this coin is tapping the barrier, drawing power from it.”

“What does this mean?” Nova asked.

“I don’t know exactly. However, if this is weakening the barrier then more coin would weaken it further.”

“How many?”

Krystal spent a moment feeling the magic, “I would say at least a thousand, maybe more.”

Nova looked back at Martial, “Get all the heroes here, I want them to bring their coins to this barrier at once.”

“Yes, sir.” Martial pushed Furious to follow him so they could relay the message.

Krystal got closer to Nova, “Sir, there’s something else.”


“I sense a curse of some nature. These coins are drawing out greed from the people. Those holding them are deeply impacted, but even the civilians are being tainted. This could get out of hand quickly if anything sets them off.”

“Then we need to get this over with sooner than later.” Nova pulled out his communicator, “I’ll get in touch with Troy and have her...” his comm unit beeped, “What the?”

Krystal pulled out her comm unit, and it was beeping, “This is a distress signal.”

“Not just any distress signal.” Nova held it up and listened, “This is a code that I was developing for one person...Chase.”
Chapter 15

Chapter 15:

Part 15

Chase continued tapping while Fleagle kept a close watch around the shelves. The Leprechaun had left them over ten minutes ago.

“Why is he taking so long?” Fleagle muttered.

“To do what?”

“Notice that we’re missing.”

She turned the signal up higher and then tapped more, “Well, he went into the other room.”

“He went to get food for us.”

“I...” just as she was going to reassure him, the Leprechaun burst through the door.

“Where are they!” He looked around with a furious scowl on his face.

“He noticed,” Fleagle whispered, his tail actually tucking between his legs.

The Leprechaun turned the place over, “I WILL FIND YOU!”

Chase tapped out her code even faster. “Run.” She whispered.


“Get out of here. See if you find a way out. We don’t need to be together when he finds us. Are you listening to me?” She stopped and looked at the way Fleagle was cocking his head and holding one ear upward.

The Leprechaun too stopped his search and turned his ear up. He gained a wicked smile, “Good, very good. They’re coming.”

Fleagle frowned, “This is bad. I can hear BADGE landing craft coming in, several of them. Heroes are arriving, no doubt with the coins.”

“Go, you have to warn them. Use that nose of yours to get out of here.” She started tapping again.

Fleagle kept moving his head around, listening one direction and then another. “This is odd.”


“I can hear people above us, running around.”

“There are hundreds, maybe thousands of people.”

“No, they’re walking in circles around us. I...”

“FOUND YOU!” The Leprechaun pulled the shelves aside and went to grab Fleagle.

Fleagle let out a harsh bark and then bit down on the Leprechaun's hand. This stumbled the little man back, and Fleagle punched him right in the face.

“You damned mutt!” The Leprechaun held out his hand. A small bolt of energy hit the ground next to Fleagle, but he was fast enough to evade it.

Fleagle dashed at the leprechaun, his claws ready to strike. A blast of magic to the chest stopped his approach, throwing him clear across the room.

Chase instinctively thrust her hand out, expecting a blade to appear. It appeared, but just like before, it was enormous. It stood up for a second and then fell toward her, stopping against the wall. This put it between her and the Leprechaun.

“Give back that communicator!” The Leprechaun yelled.

Chase knew she didn’t stand a chance fighting this man without her weapons, so she furiously tapped her code again and again. Two hands reached around and went to pull the shuriken away. However, a growling bark surprised both of them, and Fleagle grabbed the Leprechaun by the leg and yanked him away. He flung the little man across the room.

“Is that all you got!” Fleagle taunted. “Here I thought you magical people were stronger than that!”

The Leprechaun stood up, haggard yet smiling, “Oh, my little pup. I may be weak, but I can deal with you. And, soon, all the heroes above will know the power I have.” Energy filled his hands.

Just as Chase was about to come around and join this fight, the whole place rumbled and shook. Parts of the ceiling fell down and shelves crashed to the ground.

“What in the world!”

Suddenly the room exploded as a ball of energy scraped across the hill it was buried under. Chase was pressed up against the wall by her own shuriken, which protected her. She did not see what happened to either Fleagle or the Leprechaun, only that this little home was obliterated in a matter of seconds.
Chapter 16

Chapter 16:

Part 16

Nova grabbed Dr. Blake, “Organize a search team, I am picking up a signal right here from Chase.”

Dr. Blake frowned, “Here? As in, this spot?”

“Yes. Search the grounds, find anyone who can get to her.”


Nova backed up while the winged doctor grabbed a few people to help search.

Krystal Fae looked at her comm, “I don’t get it. If she is trapped under the shield, how could she be getting a signal out?”

“I don’t know.”

They stood further back as heroes ran around the hills, scanning the ground with both devices and powers.

Nova quietly asked, “Krystal, how dangerous is this gold? Should we try to collect it now and get it away from the people?”

“The curse on it is not strong now, but it could get worse. I think if we get it to the crock quick enough, it might undo itself. Frankly, I don’t have the answers. This form of magic is strange to me.”

“WE FOUND SOMETHING!” Crimson Guardian yelled as he pointed at a small hill.

Krystal came over, “What?”

“The power signature, it just got bigger. Like, something is using this power right now.”

“She could be in trouble.” Dr. Blake said, “I’ll sort this out.” he prepared a blast of energy. Just as Nova was about to stop him, he released the shot and the hill exploded.

Nova and the other heroes around him all stood still as their eyes fell on the destroyed hill.

“Oh...my god.” Dr. Blake whispered a tinge of fear in his voice.

“What have you done!” Nova yelled. “I said find her, not destroy the place.”

Krystal said, “Looks like we found the Leprechauns home.”

Just then hundreds of heroes and thousands of civilians noticed the commotion.

“Search the rubble!” Nova called out.

Furious Squirrel jumped into action, putting his goggles on and focusing them. He got down on all four and carefully moved tiny items around. Dr. Blake gently picked up chunks of sod that had fallen in. Zen, the Penguin, waddled around in the debris.

“SIR!” Furious called out.

Nova came close, “What?”

“I have something. It’s a tiny person...smallest person I’ve ever seen.”

A crowd leaned in as he moved a miniature armchair and found a tiny man in a green suit. Furious carefully picked him up. This drew a round of gasps, more than one person said, “It’s a Leprechaun.”

“Ooh, my head.” The Leprechaun groaned. He opened his eyes and found a gathering of people staring down at him, “YAH!”

“Don’t be frightened. I’m Director Nova with BADGE.”

The Leprechaun gazed at the faces with fear in his and then forced a smile for the director. “Oh, how wonderful. You got me message.” his Irish brogue grew thicker as he spoke.

“Yes. My people have found many of the coins from your crock, but there is a barrier between us and it.”

“Aye, a nasty fellow with a dark hood did this to me. He was after me power.”

Nova asked, “What about my agents?”

“Oh, yer agents. I canna say I’ve seen them.”

Nova almost asked another question, but Krystal Fae came back, “We’re making progress with the field.”

The Leprechaun almost sneered at her, “You don’t say?”

“Oh, my. A Leprechaun.” Krystal didn’t seem too pleased to see him.

“Not A Leprechaun, THE Leprechaun. Only one that really exists. But, I’m not really a Leprechaun, now am I? Just took this from human myths. But, a fae, such as yerself, should know that.”

Just then the barrier buzzed and appeared like the surface of a soap bubble for a moment and then dissolved. Everyone held their breath as they looked at Krystal. The civilians all realized something had changed, but were reluctant to move. Krystal held up her hand and put it right through the air where the barrier had been.

“It’s...down.” She whispered.

Dr. Blake quickly flew over the distance, “I don’t see Chase!”

“Get me coins to the crock!” The Leprechaun bellowed.

Just as the heroes were about to lunge for the crock, Nova stopped them. “HOLD!” The heroes held still, but the civilians started a rush toward the cliff, some even jumping off into the water. “STOP THEM, NOW!”

Martial led a contingent of heroes to create a line to stop the crowd. This time the civilians struggled and fought with the heroes. The prospect of getting to a real Leprechaun crock of gold was too tantalizing.

“GET MY COINS BACK IN THE CROCK!” The Leprechaun demanded.

“I beg your pardon, sir. But, I believe it would be wise to get the crock back to BADGE and then return the coins to it. It will mitigate some of this.” He pulled up his communicator, “Heroes, find Chase and get...”

The Leprechaun grabbed the comm device and spoke into it, his voice echoing across the field, “For each hero who returns me coins, a gift will be granted now!”

The heroes lost sight of orders and obedience and climbed over each other to get to the crock. Hundreds reached the crock in moments. Each time they tossed their coins in, something would appear in their hands. The unadulterated greed flared in their eyes as they fought one another to get to it first. This only incited the crowds of civilians to fight harder, they attacked heroes and each other in their efforts to get to the crock.

Nova held the Leprechaun in his hand. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!”
Chapter 17

Chapter 17:

Part 17

“Stop! Stand down! BACK OFF!” Nova yelled at the heroes. Nothing helped. They were just as insane as the humans. It was a feeding frenzy.

While the civilians fought over who would get to the crock first, and most of them couldn’t make it to the island, the heroes were pushing and shoving each other out of the way to get their coins into the crock. Each time a hero dumped the coins, something would appear in their hands.

The Leprechaun, still in the grips of Nova, watched this madness with glee in his little eyes. He laughed and said, “Yes, keep it coming, you lot!”

Nova stepped back, aghast by the mobs of lunatics. He listened to the Leprechaun urging them on and thought about all of this. Slowly, he turned away from the insanity and looked at the Leprechaun. “Wait a moment, something doesn’t add up.”

“What? Soon I’ll have me power back and all will be just right.” The Leprechaun seemed to change his own tone back to a genial attitude.

Nova shook his head, “No, I’ve been blind. I didn’t see it at first. You contacted us about your coins and crock.”

“Aye. And?”

“The message was sent through Chase’s communicator. It was her signal we first registered. How is that possible?”

“Uh, I, uh, don’t know what yer talk’n about.”

“Yes, you do. Where is she?”


Chase pushed hard one last time and shoved her shuriken over, knocking over part of a bookcase that had fallen and trapped her against the wall. The room was a complete disaster, the ceiling now open to the world above.

“What's going on?” She watched people running all over the place, most screaming and yelling at others to get out of the way.

“FLEAGLE!” She yelled.

“RIGHT HERE!” Fleagle worked his way backward out of the doorway. His fur was blood-stained in places and he had a limp, but he was focused on getting Justin away from the destruction. “He’s okay, just knocked out.”

Chase was about to help him when she heard the commotion above. “You stay here, I have to warn them.”

“Go!” Fleagle pointed up. "We'll be fine."

Chase climbed over broken objects and bits of earth as she ascended through the hole. People were running by in a craze. She caught sight of Nova, standing with his back to her, angrily holding the Leprechaun.

“NOVA! HEY! NOVA!” She waved her arms and yelled, but her little size prevented him from noticing.

Getting topside, she jumped and then rolled away as feet nearly ended her life. No one noticed her as they ran around. She stopped long enough to look back and see the hoards of people crashing over the cliff, heading for the island.

“NOVA! NOVA!” She yelled as she ran for him, dodging feet the whole way.


Nova held the Leprechaun near his one good eye. “I’m warning you. Tell me where she is?”

“Or what, cyclops? I’m a mythical being of great power. What could you do to me?”

Nova’s face grew red, “You have no idea what I am capable of. Now, tell me what is this all about? Are you working with...” Nova suddenly put it all together, “You’re working with him. This is all part of his plan.”

“His plan? HA! I’ve been using him. He has only impeded me slightly. When I’m done, even he will fear me.”

Nova looked up, “The coins, the crock...I have to stop them.” He turned and then looked down. A tiny woman ran toward him, waving her hands. “Chase?”

“Oh, look, she survived.” The Leprechaun mused.

Nova knelt down, “Chase?”

“STOP THEM, IT’S A TRAP!” Chase yelled in a tiny voice.

Nova stood up just as the last hero dropped a coin into the crock. The top beamed out a golden light that split the clouds above. The Leprechaun laughed, “Too late.” He snapped his fingers, and a sharp light flashed from the Crock. A massive wave of energy followed it, exploding outward,

scattering the heroes and civilians. Some people flew through the air while most crashed into the water. The shock wave crossed over the land, toppling people, including Nova. Once it passed, everything went quiet.

Nova looked up from his fallen position. The Leprechaun now stood in the grasses. Everyone immediately noted the new person. Out, hovering over the island, was the Hooded Man. In his hands, he held that crock.“WHAT!” The Leprechaun yelled.

The Hooded Man’s voice boomed over the landscape. “I must thank you, my friend. I never expected any of my kind to willingly give me all of their power.” He vanished in a puff of smoke.

“NOOOOO!” The Leprechaun bellowed.
Chapter 18

Chapter 18:

Part 18

Chase moved items out of the way with the help of Zen, the Penguin. She found Fleagle leaning up against a wall with Justin sitting near him. Both were awake now.

“You good?” She asked.

Justin nodded, “I think so, my head hurts though.”

Fleagle whimpered, “My leg hurts.”

“Zen, help me get them out of here.”

Zen pushed a clod of dirt to the side and pushed a bookcase away.

“I feel funny.” Justin felt his body.

Fleagle said, “Me too. All tingly.”

Chase spent a moment with that sensation crawling over her skin, “Me too. Wait, if the Leprechaun doesn’t have his magic any longer, then we are about to...”

“We gotta get out of here,” Justin struggled to his feet and went to help Fleagle up, “Come on. We don’t want to get bigger inside this place.”

Zen picked up Justin and set him to where he could get up the makeshift dirt ramp while Chase helped Fleagle over the debris.

“Help!” Chase called out to Dr. Blake, who looked down into the exposed opening.

Dr. Blake reached down, but before he could grab any of them, Fleagle grew twice his size in a shot, then Justin grew. Dr. Blake quickly grabbed Fleagle and put him on the ground, then got Chase up. Zen tossed Justin just as his growing sped until he was normal in size. To the awe and amusement of the crowd, all three returned to their natural size quickly.

Nova helped Chase to her feet, “You all better?”

“I think so.”

They helped Fleagle to his feet and a medic got him into an ambulance.

Justin jumped up and stretched out his arms, “It feels good not to be tiny!”

Chase’s eyes bugged and she turned around. “Justin, you popped your buttons.”

“What?” He suddenly realized he was stark naked in front of thousands of people. He yelled, covered himself, and hid behind Nova. Fortunately, Martial Law lent him his overcoat.

Chase smiled at Nova, “Looks like the shrinkable bodysuit works just fine.”

“Glad to hear.”

Just then a small voice yelled out, “LET ME GO! I’M WARNING YOU!”

Krystal Fae held the Leprechaun in her hands, a magical aura containing him, “I tested him. His magic is almost gone. It appears it was taken when his crock of gold went.”

The Leprechaun said, “I will not be handled like this. DON’T YOU KNOW WHO I AM!”

Nova leaned over and got in the little man's face, “Yes, you are now a prisoner of BADGE.” he looked at Krystal, “Escort him to New York.”


Chase and Nova entered a special holding cell block where the Leprechaun sat on a bench.

“Come to ask me why I betrayed this stupid planet?” The Leprechaun grumbled.

Nova stepped up, “I have many questions. And, yes, one of these is why you would attempt to destroy an entire country, as well as thousands of heroes.”

“Killing the heroes was his plan, not mine. I didn’t care about that. I just wanted rid of that damned little green country.”

“Why hate them so much?” Nova asked.

The Leprechaun sneered, “I wanted to be like my kin, helpful. Yet, the humans mocked me, scorned me, made fun of me, treated me like a joke. I was the stupid little imp of their fairy stories. I was the mean little spirit that caused trouble for no reason. Then they had the stones to turn me into a caricature of reality. Stupid cartoon images of me plastered on everything from whiskey to cereal boxes. I’m one of the most powerful of my kind before we came to Earth Legion feared me. I was tired of the jokes, the stories, the foolishness. I was ready to leave this planet, but I wanted to go with a bang. I wanted to show this world who they made fun of.”

“So, they bullied you,” Chase said.

“Seven hundred years of bullying will turn anyone bitter,” Nova answered.

This surprised the Leprechaun, “Yes, then you get it.”

“I get where the anger in you came from, but it does not justify your response to it.” Nova came closer to the forcefield between him and the Leprechaun, “What I need to know is our enemy's plans. What does the Hooded Man want? Who is he? What will he do next?”

The Leprechaun laughed with a sly smile, “In the dark, are you? So lost and confused, it must drive you insane to not know what he is up to. Oh, it is quite the plan. To tell the truth, when I learned of what he is planning, I was glad to be leaving this planet.”

“Don’t play games. Give us the details.” Chase materialized one of her blades in her hand.

The Leprechaun gave her a dismissive sneer, “I do know who he is...or rather was. This Hooded Man, as you call him, was one of my kind who came here seven of your centuries ago. He went East and took on the identity of a creature your people call a Jinn. He was always a wicked soul, deep down. He was a powerful man from our world. He wants more power. They denied him the right to rule on our world long before Legion came. Now, he will assert that right over your people. How he will accomplish this, I’m not entirely certain. I know that his goal is to gather power from others of my kind. This way he’ll be even greater and no one among my kind will be able to stop him.”

“Your kind...who are your kind?” Chase asked.

“I...I cannot say. We have denied our own name for so long I cannot speak it. However, you surely know us, one of ours is right here, at BADGE.” He looked at Nova, “Right under your nose.”

Nova solemnly said, “That is not true. And, now that you’re going to spin lies, this conversation is over with.”

“Fine, believe what you will.”

Nova led Chase out of the room. The Leprechaun was alone once more.

Chase said, “I’m not so certain that he is lying about one of his kind being here at BADGE.”

Nova said, “Right now, our concern is what happens next. This world is in grave danger if we don’t find and stop that, Hooded Man, this Jinn.”
Mythic Chase
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

Something's coming. Legion was only the beginning...

“THIEF!” A man yelled at the top of his lungs.
A woman in black dashed over an assembly line and then slid under a large container suspended from the ceiling. She flung two small knives and pinned a pair of guards against the wall by their clothes.
“Stop her!” More guards came rushing over everything.
The woman stood up and produced a new set of knives, “I’m not here to steal anything!” She threw the blades and pinned down more pursuers. She executed a perfect flip and bounded off of several surfaces until she was on the upper walkway.
A man holding a fighting staff ran at her, “Stand down!”
“I was invited!” She swept her leg across the ground, but he avoided falling with a simple jump and then swung his staff at her. She caught it and yanked him forward, punching him in the face.
“STOP!” A deep, rumbling voice brought all to a standstill.
The woman stood back, ready for another attack, “What’s going on?” she asked.
The man with the staff explained, “Santa Claus, Sir, she came right through our defenses outside and got in here. I don’t know what she stole so far.”
“Nothing!” she protested.
Santa Claus smiled, “I asked her to come.”
“Yes. Now, get back to work, please.”
The woman didn’t relax, “What am I doing here at your workshop?”
“I asked you to come here, Angela, as a personal favor.”
She relaxed, “I don’t go by that name any longer. I’m Chase.”
“I know since you discovered your powers you’ve altered your identity...slightly.”
“What does Santa need with a master thief?”
“Much. Come with me.”.
They walked down a long hallway. Santa turned a corner, and they stood in a room that had barn doors to the far side. In the middle of the room was the famous Sleigh.
“You brought me to see your sleigh?”
“Yes, but with good reason. The one who stole it is still at large, this was only the first part of his plans.”
“But, they kicked Krampus’s butt so hard he’s in another dimension.”
“Krampus isn’t the one behind this, he’s nothing compared to this villain.”

Far away from the North Pole:
A winged man stumbled through a village in Italy. People dodged his aimless stride as he seemed to lost in his thoughts. More than one person gasped and called him by his name, “Cupid!” When they said this he would look up and focus to recall why that sounded so familiar.
“Who are you?” A man stopped him and held him when he almost fell over.
Cupid looked up and realized that the color of the world in his eyes had faded to grays. “I...I don’t remember. I am angry, sad, lonely, what is in me!” He pushed the man over and ran.
A block down the road he stopped by an outdoor artist working with metals for an audience. The half-naked, winged man startled the gathered crowd. He reached out when he saw a couple holding hands. His blood boiled at the sight of their affection. He pulled them apart and then threw them away.
“HEY! STOP!” The blacksmith yelled.
Cupid screamed incoherently and released a wave of gray energy. Everyone fell back and then sat on the ground wailing and crying. All happiness and joy had left them. They no longer cared about this stranger.
Cupid picked up a new, shiny metal ax and looked at it. He used a finger to draw a heart on the ax head; the metal burning under his touch. As he drew another heart, the whole ax fumed with a strange smoke.
“HOLD YOUR HANDS UP!” A group of local police arrived, all taking aim with their guns.
Cupid swung the ax over his head and then slammed it into the ground, releasing a more powerful wave of gray energy. The officers flew back and were in the same state of despair as the others.
Just then something hit Cupid in the back of the head. He crashed into the ground, face first.
A hero landed, “What is going on? Who are you? What have you done?”\
Cupid slowly got to his feet, he growled, “The heart should ache.”
“What?” The hero shook his head, “Okay, you're nuts. Come with...”
“YAH!” Cupid launched himself with his ax and planted it in his chest before the hero could respond.
Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Chase gave a long look at Santa’s sleigh, slightly mesmerized by the value of such a rare item. “What did you need me for anyway?
“I’ll get to that. First, do you know what happened this past holiday season?”
“Of course. BADGE got in a big fight with Krampus after he trapped you.”
Santa walked over and brushed his hand down the sleigh, “I’m going to tell you something that no one knows, not even BADGE. I’m not of this world, I’m from another world that has long since been destroyed by Legion. A few of us escaped the destruction and settled on Earth. However, we are powerful people who have what humans call magic. That power in us would have attracted legion to this world long before it would be ready to fend them off. Thus, we trapped our power in objects, items to keep us hidden. We could still use our powers, but only when our objects were free and in our control. Now, come, place your hand on this sleigh and use that new power of yours.”
Chase walked over and placed her hand on the side of the sleigh. She closed her eyes and focused her mind. She became aware of the world around her and saw it change, turn backward. At first, she saw herself and Santa walking in here, in reverse. Then time moved faster and faster. She saw the whole history of this object to the day it was made. This was her power, to travel through the history of an inanimate object. Normally she used this to tell if an artifact was legit and then steal it to sell to a collector.
“This...is over six centuries old.” She let go and returned to this moment.
“Yes. It is. This sleigh is my object, my talisman.”
“Okay, so they returned it to you. What? Did you want me to authenticate it for you?”
“No. I can tell it is mine. The power it has is obvious to any of my kind. However, what I’m worried about is who did this.”
“Why so dramatic about all this? Anyone could have stolen this, I got in here and I wasn’t even trying to sneak.”
Santa nodded, “True, you have great skill and got in. However, you do not have the power to move this without my permission. No, who has done this is dangerously powerful. And, they are targeting us.”
Santa walked out of the room and back toward the main workshop, “Mythics. My kind wanted to help this world, but not be worshiped as gods. So we took on the identities of the fables and myths of your people. That way we could help while remaining hidden.”
“So, you’re saying someone is playing the Easter Bunny and others?”
“Yes. Also the Tooth Fairy, Cupid, Dragons, and many more.”
“Really?” Her tone of disbelief was not hidden.
“Yes. It brings us great joy to bring joy to others. However, someone is stealing these objects. They took mine first and by the help of the heroes, I got it back. But, whoever is doing this has already taken other items. My kind are at risk, as are all the humans.”
“What? You want me to steal these objects back?”
He shook his head, “Not exactly. I need you to help in solving this problem and stopping him.”
She scoffed, “Not gonna happen. Find yourself another toadie.”
He let out a deep sigh, “I won’t force you to do this. However, I need a favor of you?”
“Go to BADGE HQ and warn them. Tell them what’s happening. Also, tell them I know for a fact that the thief has stolen Cupids Bow. Without it, Cupid has gone insane and could become highly dangerous. It needs to be returned to him.”
“BADGE! They’ll lock me up!”
“No, they won’t. Tell Nova that you’re working for me, he owes me a lot of favors. I would go myself, but I must protect my sleigh.”
She pursed her lips as she gave this thought, “I guess. Besides, might get me on the nice list.”
He laughed, “Sure. Now, get going, time is of the essence. Oh, and say hi to Mr. Gargoyle from me.”
“You’ll know him when you see him.” They walked out onto the work floor again, all the elves eyeing her with distrust.
Chase grabbed a mince pie from a passing tray and gave Santa a short nod, “I guess I’ll be going.”
“One more thing.” Santa reached over like he would hug her, but instead retrieved a beautiful golden doorknob from her pocket, “Nice try.”
With a smirk she left, munching on the pie.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Part 3

“This is Quark, I have eyes on the hostages….yes, they have the whole town. That’s not saying much, this place is tiny…..I know, their lives matter.” Strange Quark clicked off the communicator and scanned the small town square with his three eyes. Flicking it back on he said, “I can sense thirty-eight civilians and ten enemies.”

Nova’s voice came through clearly, “Get those people to safety and bring in the enemies.”

“All by myself. Gee, I feel honored.” he snickered.

“You know we don’t have time to wait for other heroes!”

“You know I can do this alone, this is nothing more than a hostage situation. I’ll have those enemies going out of their heads in no time. They’ve never experienced the kind of strangeness I can give them.”

“Enough bluster, get this done!” Nova commanded.

“Gar’s right, you have no sense of humor.” Quark shut off the comm.

He stood inside an empty storefront looking at a small city park. They rounded the civilians up with a couple of people strutting by with rifles in their hands.

He noticed something out of the corner of his eye. “Okay, what are you doing?” Quark watched a police officer sneaking toward the town center. “Don’t play hero you idiot,” he muttered to himself. Just then one guard saw the cop. The officer pulled out his gun and fired another bullet deflected his bullet from one shooter on the roof, and then he went down. “They’re good shots...really good shots. No wonder the governor asked for BADGE assistance. Well, I guess that means I’m up. One more swig of sanity before I head out.” he grabbed a bottle and took a great gulp, set it down, and then walked right through the wall.

Strange Quarks body turned invisible as he altered the subatomic particles making up his form. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone, especially Nova, but he was strutting as he considered how much fun this would be. In his mind he ran through all the ways he could embarrass these idiots.

A sharp pain struck him in the side and the world around him went gray, as though he couldn’t see color. An intense sense of panic and despair burned in him. He pulled the object out of his side and held an arrow, it vanished away like smoke.

“What the?”

Again, that same pain entered his head, and he wanted to scream. This was nothing like he had felt in his life. The agony couldn’t be described. Oddly, that powerful sense of hopelessness filled him. Somehow this was causing him pain, but it wasn’t physically harming him.

“LOOK! IT’S A CAPE!” One of the gun-toting people yelled and aimed.

Quark had enough sense left to use his supernatural ability to dodge the gunfire. They were incredible, but he was better. He moved with absolute perfection, shifting left and right, up and down, dodging incoming fire as he approached. With a well-placed punch, he sent the guard flying backward. Spinning around and coming down to one knee he dodged dozens of more shots from all over the rooftops. He grabbed the second guard and thrust him forward to take the bullets for him. They riddled the man in a matter of moments and his compatriots on the roofs stopped at the sight of killing their own.

Quark smiled at their momentary hesitation and thrust his hands out. A wave of subatomic energy burst forth and their guns evaporated.

Letting his guard down when he saw the police rushing in to arrest the remaining enemies, Quark looked up just in time to see a man on the rooftop, dressed in black, aiming with a golden bow. “How does he still have a weapon?”

Strange Quark manipulated time and space to slow everyone down. He reached out to atomize the bow when the unthinkable happened, the arrow was let loose as though time were moving normally. It stabbed Quark in the chest and he went down. The subatomic blast hit the building the archer stood on and it crumbled.

“Get him on a stretcher!” An officer yelled as he approached Quark. “It will be okay. We have you, the hostages are safe.”

Quark never knew when he fell to the ground or when they put him on the stretcher. He reached over to the medic nearest him and weakly said, “BADGE...take me to BADGE.”
Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

“LET ME GO!” Chase yelled.

Gar pulled her into the Observation Room of BADGE HQ, “Director, she is back.”

Nova turned and saw the woman, “Good grief. This is not the time to deal with petty criminals.”

“I AM...” She tried to answer but Gar interrupted.

“Sensors picked her up and I apprehended her.”

“Good. Lock her up for now, we’re busy.”

“Let go of me, you winged dolt! I’m here to help!”

Nova walked over to her and sneered, “Help yourself to more of BADGE’s artifacts.”

“Santa sent me!” She fought Gar's grip but found him stronger than expected.

Nova frowned, “Santa? Why...” just then the alarms when off and a voice came over the comm.

“Director, Strange Quark was just brought here! He’s in bad shape!”

“That’s... not possible.” Nova whispered and then said, “I’ll be right there.” He headed for the door while giving Gar his orders, “Bring her, we’ll lock her up in a stasis unit. Won’t be able to break out this time while you’re asleep.”

Chase complained as she was unceremoniously dragged along by Gar while the Director led them toward the infirmary.

Robots staffed the infirmary with only a few human doctors. Dr. Henderson stood near the bed where Quark was laying.

Nova came over and asked, “Who could have done this to you?”

“I... I don’t know. But, whatever he hit me with injured me in ways I never imagined possible. I need to phase out of this existence to completely heal. But... I need to tell you what happened. I can’t be clear on this. It made little sense to me, and that’s saying something. That man used a bow I couldn’t dismantle, he bypassed my efforts to slow time and shot me. The arrows...they didn’t penetrate flesh, it was more like they cut spirit. It was like all the happiness in me had been taken. I can’t be certain what it was, but...”

“Cupids Bow,” Chase spoke up, still being held by Gar.

Nova turned around, “What did you say?”

“This is why I’m here. Santa sent me to tell you someone’s stealing mythic artifacts. His sleigh was one, now someone has Cupids Bow. It’s a powerful magical relic that...well, I know little more about it, but it isn’t just a normal weapon.”

Quark gasped as his body faded, “Oh...I can’t...stay...” he vanished entirely.

Nova quietly asked. “Chase, what else do you know?”

She yanked her arm free from Gar and walked over to Nova, “I know whoever is doing this is targeting these items in some kind of plot. I also know that without their items, the people connected to them change. Santa said he grew weaker and could be trapped. He told me Cupid has lost his mind. He could be dangerous.”

“What do we do?” Gar asked.

Nova turned around and looked at both of them. “We find that bow.”

“Find it?” Gar frowned.

“Yes. If we’re lucky, that man and bow are under the rubble of that building. In which case, you two just go and get it.”

“Wait, hold on. I was just on a mission to tell you what he told me. I’ve done that and now I have an auction in St. Petersburg to...attend.” Chase looked for the door.

Nova said, “This is too important to mess up. We need to be certain what we find is the real McCoy. I know what you can do, we need your help.”

She turned with a sly smile, “Oh, so BADGE is going to hire little me?”

“Who said anything about hiring? The way I look at it, you’re wanted by twelve countries for high crimes. You are also on my most wanted list for stealing that ruby.”

“You got it back.”

“No thanks to you. So, either you assist us in this matter, or I’ll have Gar throw you in a stasis chamber and auction you off to the highest bidder.”

“Alright, alright, I’ll help. Just promise me my slate will be wiped clean after this.”

Nova gave a short nod, “If you help us avert this disaster, consider yourself a free woman.”

She tightened her gloves and smiled, “Getting off of both BADGES and Santa’s naughty lists, good enough for me. Let’s go.”

“Not so fast.” Nova picked up a gun-like device and pressed it in her side, he pulled a trigger.

“OW! What the hell?”

“Just a sub-dermal tracker. In case getting your hands on a rare artifact makes you second guess your promises to help.”

She rubbed her side, “Yeah, I guess I earned that.”
Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

Part 5

Chase and Gar were dropped off by a BADGE transport. She pulled out a small scanner and immediately went to work. “Let’s get this over with.”

They walked toward the broken building that still had several rescue workers digging through the rubble.

“Oh, great. People to get in our way.” She muttered as she watched the chief of police heading toward them. “You talk to the people, I’ll look around for the bow.”

“But, I...” Gar protested, but she was already gone and that chief stood in front of him.

The middle-aged woman frowned, “What in heaven's name are you?”

“Uh, I am Gargoyle from BADGE.” He fumbled around for a moment finding his ID tucked into his shorts.

The woman looked at the ID for a moment and then gave a little nod to the men already preparing their weapons, “Good. Thanks for your help earlier. Your hero saved a lot of lives.”

Gar accepted his ID back, “Yes. Strange Quark is a good hero. Tell me, did your people find a bow.”

“Bow? I don’t understand.”

“A weapon that has a string and humans launch arrows with it.”

“Oh, a bow...no, not anything like that. We’ve been focused on digging through this rubble. The building was supposed to be evacuated, but we have to be certain. How it fell still confounds us.”

“Ma’am, we have something.” A man came over with a large piece of torn fabric.

“What is this?”

“I don’t know, but the dogs were reacting strangely to it.”

“Give it to forensics, then get back to...”

Chase came over, staring at her device. Without asking, she took the fabric out of his hand. “This is something.”

“Young lady, what do you think you’re doing?”

Gar quickly said, “She is with me. She is my assistant.”

“Assistant my butt. I’m here to find that bow.”

The chief said, “Would someone care to explain!”

Chase looked at her readings, “This pretty little gadget tells me when something has unique qualities. Picked it up from MI6 during my last...visit. This fabric is strangely pegging the meter. I have never seen readings like this.”

“I don’t care if you are with BADGE, do not interfere with our investigation. We have this under control.” The chief reached over for the fabric.

Chase slapped her hand away and then held the fabric tightly. “Wait just one more moment.” Her eyes glazed over for a moment. “I see, I see. This was on his cloak, it tore when he crawled out from under the rubble. Damn, he’s strong. A building fell on him and he’s walking away with just a torn coat. I can’t tell where he’s going, but maybe if I go back further, I can see where he came from.” She focused her mind on this task and the world around her faded as this fabric traveled through its history. She was sent across America. “I see, those criminals were just thugs he hired. Why did he hire thugs to kidnap a town? Wait, I can see a lair. He is in Oklahoma. Good place to hide, who wants to go there? Wait...what’s this. He can’t be.

In her vision of the past, she saw the man look at her from under his hood, his face obscured by deep shadows. He held a hand out toward her and yelled, “GET OUT OF MY PAST!” And it threw her back to the present, even stumbling to the side.

Gar caught her, “What is the matter?”

Holding her head she groaned, “I don’t know. He was able to undo my power. I don’t see how that is even possible.”

Just then a shadowy arrow struck a cop near them and he went flying back. Everyone turned to find that cloaked man standing there, the bow in his hands.
Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

Part 6

“STOP HIM!” The chief called out.

The police pulled their weapons, but before anyone could shoot, the cloaked man took down two more.

“Stop!” Gar yelled and then stood with his wings spread out to protect the people behind him.

The man held his bow with the arrow ready to fire at Gar, “Ah, if it isn’t BADGE’S pet statue.”

The Police Chief called out, “Who are you and what do you want?”

“From you...nothing. Your people were perfect bait so I could test this weapon on a real hero. Sad that BADGE only sends dregs to come investigate me.”

Chase asked, “What do you want with Cupid's bow? Why are you stealing legendary artifacts?”

He trained his bow on Chase, “Ah, the one I saw looking into my past from the future. An amazing power you have.”

Chase had blades in her hands, ready to throw them, “Yeah. It helps me with my work. Now, hand over the bow and I won’t stab you in the eyes.”

“I don’t think so.” He fired.

Gar jumped and met the arrow before it could hit Chase. She flipped around him and threw her blades. Her aim was perfect, and her bluff worked, she hit him in the shoulder while he moved to avoid being stabbed in the face.

The man held a wounded arm as his cloak became a black cloud and he evaporated away. The remnant of fabric also turned to smoke and vanished.

“Where did he go?” The chief asked.

Chase shook her head, “I don’t know.” then she remembered her hero, “GAR!” he stood there, feeling his chest. “Are you okay?”

“I am fine. Arrow vanished when it hit. No harm to me.”

She felt something strange in her as she looked at this man, “Why did you do that? It could have hurt you. That is some kind of magic bow.”

“I did not know if it would hurt me or not. I only protect you, it would most certainly have hurt you.”

“I don’t understand.”

Gar smiled, “Being a hero means sometimes you think of others first.”

The Chief of Police marched over to them. “Will someone tell me what’s going on?”

Chase pulled out a communicator, “That guy is the mastermind behind the hostage situation. But, he’s gone and I doubt he’ll be returning. You take care of your people, leave him to BADGE.”

“I will inform the governor. He’ll want to hear this from BADGE.”

“You do that.” Chase walked away as she turned on the comm, “BADGE, come in.”

Nova came through, “Chase? Why isn’t Gar...”

“No time. We found Cupids Bow, that cloaked man still has it and he is long gone. We saw him vanish away. But, I think I know where he’s going. We’ll head that way.”

“No. We have bigger problems over here. Get back to HQ at once!”

“Wait just a minute. I’m here to get the bow, I am not one of your robots!”

“Chase, don’t argue with me.”

“I...” she stopped when Gar wavered and fell to one knee. “Gar!”

“I’m okay.”

“No, you’re not.” She held the comm up again, “Alright, we’re coming back right now.”
Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

Part 7

Chase and Gar arrived at HQ and found the place bustling with activity. Heroes were coming and going while the robots scurried everywhere.

“You need to go to the medical bay,” Chase said.

Gar shook his head, “I am fine. Feeling gone.”

“If you are sure.”

Suddenly several heroes rushed by, then other robots came through with stacks of computer tablets. Even Gar seemed bemused by this flurry.

“What’s going on?” Chase asked.

Gar shook his head, “I do not know. This is how the place looked when Krampus was active.”

“This isn’t good. Come on.” She led the way toward the operations center.

Nova stood in the center of several screens displaying activity across the planet. Several were showing some kind of battle in a densely populated town.

“What’s happening?” Chase asked.

“See for yourself.” He held a hand out toward the monitor. People were dashing around while a dust cloud billowed down the street. The drone capturing this rose higher and the moment she saw the person in the center of this destruction, she gasped. “Cupid?”


Cupid swung around an ax that had hearts on the head of the blades. He screamed and then brought the ax down on the stone street, demolishing a huge section of the old road and sending a wave of energy out that flung people and cars in the air. He flew up on his enormous white wings and slashed his ax down right into the back of a screaming woman.

“OH GOD!” Chase covered her mouth.

“She won’t die.” Nova calmly stated.

To her surprise, she saw the woman fall to her knees and then began wailing and wringing her hands.

Gar asked, “What has he done?”

“We can’t be certain, it makes little sense. But, instead of killing people, those impacted by his attacks go into dire sorrow and fear.”

Gar said, “That is what Quark talked about. He lost all happiness.”

“We’ve already connected the dots. But, we don’t know how to face this. He has lost his mind. Some local heroes have been trying to combat him, but he is damn good. I’ve seen no one fight like this since the last documented battle with Legions best.” Chase spent a moment watching the horror, then her mind went back to Santa. “His bow, he needs his bow.”


“Santa told me that Cupid needed the bow returned. I think he means that if we give the bow back to him, he will come to his senses.”

Nova nodded, “I was worried about that. We have to get that bow and then stop Cupid long enough to... Gar, what’s wrong?”

Gar’s wings were slumped and he swayed for a moment. “Director, I... I do not...” he grasped his chest and fell to his knees and then hit the ground entirely.

“GAR!” Chase came to him. “Come on, wake up!” She was slapping his face. “He’s cold!”

“He’s always cold.” Nova pressed a button, “MEDIC TO COMMAND CENTER, BRING A HIGH-POWERED LIFT!” He rushed over and held Gar’s shoulder, “What happened to him? I’ve never seen him hurt.”

“Some kind of shadowy arrow hit him from that bow.” Chase whispered, “He was protecting me.” She gulped and asked, “Is he dead?”

Nova sighed, “I don’t know. He doesn’t have a pulse and he doesn’t breathe. Dammit, this villain has made me mad.”

Just then two medical robots arrived with a special lift for especially large people. They spent a long moment picking up the heavy stone man and then carted him away.

Nova walked back to his monitors, “I’m gonna make that jackass pay. Give me his location, I’ll send everyone we have there to get this bow and bring this guy in if there’s enough left of him.”

Chase walked over to him and said, “I’ll tell you what I know under one condition.”

“I already promised you a clean slate, that...”

“No, not that. I want you to help get the bow.”

“What? Why?”

“No one has ever protected me with his own life. I have always been out for myself and thought everyone else was the same. He had no reason to protect me, I’m still on BADGE’s wanted list for Christ’s sake! Yet he did and now...he could be dead. I will get that bow back after I have pinned that jerk in both eyes.”

Nova gave her a half-cocked smile, “I like the passion. Fine. Give us a location and I will let you join the team going directly from HQ.”

She pulled out a blade and smiled back, “It’ll be my pleasure.”

Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

The battle was won, but the war is far from over.

Part 8

Chase dashed across an open field, she threw knives at incoming arrows. The arrows exploded in a puff of gray smoke as they met the knives. She reached for another blade but found her supply empty and an arrow was sure to come toward her.

“WATCH IT!” A red-headed woman landed and used a magic barrier to protect them from the arrows.

“Thanks,” Chase said and dashed to where some of her blades were on the ground.

Hundreds of heroes had converged in the open plains of Oklahoma, all fighting one man. It seemed impossible that he wasn’t a smudge on the ground, but he was fending them all off with efficiency. Thousands of arrows blasted out from his position. Each time a person was unlucky enough to be caught by one, they would hit the ground and lose all sense of urgency. They would wail and cry, lamenting everything in the world.

Just then several energy beams hit the enemy and the ground beneath him exploded. This threw him and he rolled across the grass. He came to his knees just in time to continue his onslaught as the heroes got closer.

Chase ran toward him, only two knives left. She would blind this monster once and for all. She smiled and threw. With a snap of motion, he turned toward her and fired. Two arrows were all it took to end her attack. A third was shot right at her. She didn’t have time to avoid the hit, but it missed when she was pulled up into the air. A man with red wings carried her a few feet and then dropped her.

She grabbed a stone and flipped around, throwing it with the same precision she had with any blade. The remaining heroes fired, screamed, and blasted at the man. This time the eruption divided the enemy and his weapon.

Chase stopped, not sure what would happen next. She had never fought like this before. Her bones hurt from all the running, jumping, and tumbling. Was he really down for good? The dust settled, and the heroes waited for the next arrow, but it didn’t come.

“GET TO HIM NOW!” The red-headed woman yelled out. The heroes dashed at the enemy, one picked up the bow while several converged on him. The red-headed woman trapped the man in a magic field, suspending him mid-air.

Chase arrived and smiled at their prisoner. “Someone find me a couple knives, I have a promise to keep.”

The man laughed, “Oh, you want revenge. Trust me, you haven’t the power to truly harm me.”

“Shut it!” The red-headed woman clenched her fist. He strained as the field squeezed him.

He looked over, “Oh, do I sense fae magic?”

“The name's Krystal Fae.” She stopped, “Wait...do I sense magic as well?”

“Oh, good. You’re slightly smarter than the rest of these neanderthals. What I have is so far above your pathetic magic that it isn’t even amusing.”

“Enough!” Krystal lifted him higher.

The red-winged man came over with the bow, “Is this it?” He asked Chase.

She put a hand on it and closed her eyes. Traveling back she found it in the hands of the same man she saw on a rampage in those monitors at BADGE. “Yes. This is the real deal.” Opening her eyes she looked back at the cloaked man, “It’s over, now tell us who you are and what you’re doing this for.”

He laughed, “This is far from over. I have what I came for. It was a fun little party, but I suspect you have another fight ahead of you, one that you’ll most likely lose. As for me, I have only begun.” With a puff of black smoke, he was gone.

“WHAT!” Krystal let go of the magic and looked around. “This isn’t possible. No one could escape that trap!”

“Help!” A woman yelled.

Chase ran over and found a woman cradling a whimpering man. “What’s wrong?”

“He was hit by one of those arrows and went down. I can’t get him to shake this. It’s like he can’t hear me.”

“There’s more.” Heretic, the red-winged man flew up slightly and gestured to the field.

Dozens of heroes laying on the ground in a state of despair. Some wailed, others cried. A few were calling out names of lost loved ones.

Chase frowned, “What’s happening?”

Just then several dozen communicators went off and a single voice boomed out of all their speakers. “This is Nova, Report!”

Krystal Fae grabbed hers and spoke first, “Sir, we have obtained the bow but lost the villain. He escaped… somehow.”

“Half a victory is enough. We need that bow. Get back to BADGE HQ on the double, things are getting worse.”

Chase spoke into her comm, “Nova, we have several hundred heroes out here who are not acting right.”

“Gather them and bring them here. They aren’t alone. Now, move it! Nova out!”

The heroes rounded up the despondent people and moved them to the landing craft. After everyone was inside a lander or sky-born, two heroes summoned portals and transported everyone quickly.
Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

Part 9

The BADGE landing craft lowered down into long tunnels that docked in bays deep underground. Dozens of robots filed out and helped the despondent people inside.

Chase ran ahead of everyone. She dashed down the corridors, dodging robots and heroes as she went. Finally reaching the control center she found Nova surrounded by those monitors and several new heroes.

Nova spoke to a strange, devilish looking man with horns on his head. “What do you think, Fuma?”

The man watched the monitor as it played out another attack by Cupid, “Strange. This power...I haven’t seen this kind of power in a long time.”

“But, you have seen it before?” Nova asked.

The horned man nodded, “Yes. A long time ago, in another part of space. This isn’t magic, not like humans think of it. This is something else. Something I presumed gone for centuries.”

“What I need to know is if it can be stopped,” Nova asked.

“Perhaps. It will take considerable force. No one hero among your BADGE gathering could hope to deal with him alone.”

A fiery red woman laughed, “Not even you, Hanzo?”

He shot her a deadly look, “Shut it, Fiero. You know I’m not the save-the-day type.”

She sauntered past him, looking at more of the monitors. “Just admit it, you couldn’t beat him alone, even the great Fuma Hanzo would need help.”

“You want to test my skills!” He turned to her in rage.

Nova scoffed, “Enough bickering. We have a situation, and this is not helping.” He looked up and actually smiled, “Chase, good. Where’s the bow?”

“It’s coming. Some red-winged guy has it. Where’s Gar?”

Nova shook his head, “He’s in the medical bay. But, I don’t know if we can do anything for him.”

“What?” Her heart sank, “He can’t be...”

“We have no idea. He isn’t a living being, at least not like anything we can register. All our medical and scientific sensors don’t show any life in him. But, they never did.”

Fuma walked over and nodded to Chase, “Perhaps I should have a look. I have a unique understanding of healing.”

Fiero laughed, “Oh, gonna play the hero now?”

“I’m not heartless, woman.” He left at that, knowing how it would enrage her.

Just then Krystal Fae and Heretic came in, the red-winged man holding the infamous bow in his hands. There was a strange exchange of looks between him and Fiero, but neither said anything.

Nova looked at the bow, “So, this is it?”

Chase nodded, “Yes, I checked it out myself. It came from Cupid.”

“Good. This just might turn the tide of this war.”

Krystal frowned, “War?”

Nova led them to the middle of the room, “Look for yourselves.”

They watched the screens. Entire cities filled with people laying in the streets, inconsolably weeping. No cars moving, trains standing still, water flooding out of buildings where it was left running, fires burning where stoves were neglected.

Krystal asked, “What happened to the monitors, why is everything in black and white?”

“It’s not the monitors,” Fiero answered, “That’s the state of the world over there. As Cupid attacks, the color of the world is drained and people are left in that state of despair. They leave everything unchecked and simply cry.”

Chase thought about those people they brought back with them, “What happens to them? I mean, do they ever get up, leave, move...eat?”

“No. Cupid may not be slaughtering them directly, but they will die if they don’t get over this. So far we have already registered several deaths from starvation or medical neglect. And, it gets worse.”


Nova pressed a button and their drones focused on Cupid, “As he spreads this sorrow, he grows stronger.”

Fiero said, “It’s as if he draws strength from their sadness….somehow.”

“Dear God,” Chase whispered. “How many people has he struck down?”

“Millions, we don’t have a full count, but he has moved out of Italy, and is all the way into France.”

Heretic said, “With that many feeding his growing darkness, he’ll be nearly unstoppable.”

Fiero answered, “We were just talking about that. We haven’t faced a villain like this before. Even Krampus wasn’t this strong when we faced him.”

Nova said, “Which is why we must face him now. Any time wasted will only give him time to grow stronger. His path is heading toward Paris, so that is where we will make our stand.”

“When do we leave?” Chase asked.

Nova looked up at the other heroes, “Go, get ready. The transports will leave in one hour. I will get the call out to all the leagues.”

Krystal Fae nodded, “Understood.” She led the way out.

“Not you.” Nova stopped Chase.


Nova waited until the room was empty save the two of them. “Chase, this battle will be hell. You have powers, but not the kind to face something like this. I was hesitant to let you go after that man, but this is worse.”

“No! You can’t do this.” Chase reached for a knife to threaten him but realized she was empty.

Nova saw this but didn’t respond, “It’s good to see you so passionate about something that isn’t selfish. But, I won’t let emotion guide me. You stay behind. That is my final word.”

Chase watched him leave. She had a thousand arguments running in her head, but she didn’t voice any of them.
Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

Part 10

The moment Chase entered the infirmary she heard the crying and wailing of the affected heroes still being tended to. They were not her objective. She came to the last room in the analysis section. Fuma Hanzo, that strange demon looking hero, stood over the bed where Gar lay.

Chase walked over and put her hand on Gar’s arm, “He’s so...still. His body feels like solid stone.”

Fuma said, “He is nothing like I have ever seen. To the touch, he is solid. The density of his body is greater than almost any known matter. Yet, when he moves on his own, it’s like he’s alive.”

“Can you help him?”

Fuma shook his head, “No. I don’t know what is wrong with him. However, I can tell you I sense something strange about him.”

“Everything about him is strange.”

“Moreso than you realize. I sense a power holding him together, a power that I’ve only seen twice, a long time ago and...”

Chase frowned, “And...and what?”

“And, I sensed it recently, when that man stole the bow and from cupid.”

“What?” Chase stepped back, “He….and that man?”

“I don’t have answers. But, something about Gargoyle and the bowman….and even cupid and Santa, are connected.”

Chase asked, “You sensed this before, a long time ago. What was it then?”

Fuma became silent, lost in thought. There was an ounce of fear on his face as he dove into his memories. “I...I can’t recall it clearly. However, if my feelings are correct, we are in a lot of danger.”

Just then a man appeared next to the bed. It was Strange Quark, “Fuma’s correct, we are in a lot of danger.”

“You!” Chase backed up, “I thought you had died.”

Strange laughed, “No, just had to change my existence to repair the damage done to me.”

Fuma cocked his head, “You were damaged?”

“Yes.” Quark said, “I was hurt in ways I have never felt before.” He looked down at Gar, “Oh, no. Who did this?”

Chase quietly answered, “The bowman.”

“Damn him!” Quark scoffed. “I thought Gar was indestructible. How?”

Fuma said, “I thought you were indestructible as well. But, this kind of power is more than either of us understands.”

Quark said. “As I healed, I realized the power behind the attack.”

“And, what is this power?” Fuma asked.

Quark softly shook his head, his three eyes blinking independently of one another. “I don’t recall where the power came from. I only know that Legion was bested once before Earth gave them a real challenge. Out of rage and fear, they brought war against the winners and ultimately destroyed them. But, for some reason, I can’t recall who the enemy was. Who Legion feared so badly.”

Fuma shook his head, “If Legion could fear them we are in deeper trouble than I imagined.”

“That’s why I’m here. I need to warn Nova.”

Chase said, “He’s gone, with everyone else.”


Fuma nodded, “They’re attacking Cupid to get the bow back in his hand and stop his onslaught.”

“Who went?”

Chase said, “He called the leagues, I think.”

“No.” Strange ran right through the wall, heading for the command center.

Chase and Fuma didn’t ask questions, they followed.

“What’s wrong?” Fuma asked.

Quark stood in the middle of the monitors. “That.”

They watched several drone feeds of Cupid battling in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. Heroes converged on him, but he was bringing them down quickly.

“He activated the leagues,” Fuma said.

“That’s not enough, not nearly enough.” Quark grabbed a comm unit and waved his hand over it to rework it. “That’s not a battle, it’s a slaughter,” Chase whispered.

Fuma said, “He isn’t killing them, but they’ll be good as dead if we don’t stop him.”

“We? I can’t do anything. All I was ever good at was stealing and throwing blades. I am out of blades and no amount of theft will help this situation.”

“Give me your hand.” Fuma took her hand and then placed a pair of shuriken blades in her palm. “There, these will give you a fighting chance.”

“What? Two blades?”

“They’re magical. Trust me.”

Just then Quark came over and plugged that comm unit into the computer. He pressed a button and spoke aloud, “BADGE HQ to all heroes on Earth. We have a critical situation in Paris, France. I don’t care if you’re in a league or not, or if you aren’t aligned with BADGE, we need you. The world needs you.” He pressed another button and said, “There, it’s on repeat.”

Chase gasped, “LOOK!”

They turned to see Nova laying on the ground, Cupid flew over the fallen, screaming in fury.

"He's too powerful." Chase said.

"No, not yet." Quark's three eyes each watched a different screen. "He is growing in power with each fallen, at this rate he will become completely corrupt and unstoppable."

"How long do we have?" Fuma asked.

"I'd say we have three days before he is gone. But, that gives us a fighting chance."

Chase shook her head, "So, we save the world by Valentines day or Cupid destroys everything. How's that for irony."

Quark grabbed Fuma’s arm, “You ready?”


He then looked at Chase, “Are you with us?”

Chase looked down at the two blades and then thought about the man who saved her life. “I have to try.”

Quark took her arm as well and then all three vanished in a fold in space.
Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

Part 11

(In Paris) Chase came to Nova’s side. “Nova! Come on, get up.” Nova wept, “It’s all over. There’s no hope for the world.” Fuma stood next to her, “It’s no use. He’s been overcome by Cupid’s power.”

Quark yelled, “HE’S COMING, MOVE!”

Cupid had caught sight of them and flew their direction. Quark phased out of sight, and Fuma took up a fighting stance. Chase held up those shuriken, ready for this fight.

“No, he’s ours. Find the bow!” Fuma ran forward to meet Cupid.

Chase looked around, “What? Where do I even start?” Then she saw it. In the distance, there was a bit of color. A golden object glinted among the fallen bodies. “That has to be the bow.” She bolstered her courage and made a mad dash right into the thick of this battle zone.

Cupid was knocked out of the air for a moment and then let out a primal scream as he slammed his ax against the ground. This unleashed a huge wave of that gray energy. Chase couldn’t dodge this in time.

“WATCH IT!” A red armored man hit the ground in front of her and a forcefield came from his body that protected both of them.


Crimson Guardian said, “Civilians were to evacuate!”

“I’m not a civilian. HE’S COMING!”

“Crap.” Crimson turned and scanned a weapon in a fallen hero’s hand.

Chase shoved him out of the way just as Cupid went after them. She threw her shuriken at Cupid. He knocked one away, the other stuck in his arm. Before he could remove it, Crimson blasted him with a red energy beam. Crimson punched and blasted Cupid, while Cupid responded with his own fists and that gray energy. Each time Crimson blocked it with his barrier. More heroes converged on the battle, which gave Chase an even wider opening. She bolted for the bow, leaving Cupid to the others.

“I hate losing my blades, but I did some good...what the?” She felt both shuriken in her hands.

She found the bow in Heretic's hands. His once beautiful red wings were now almost black. He wailed about wanting to go to heaven.

“You?” Just then Fiero arrived.

“I found the bow!” Chase pulled it free of Heretic's hands.

Fiero nodded, “I was heading for it myself. I...”

Both jerked at the sound of a huge explosion. Bodies fell from above as heroes were caught in the largest energy blast so far. Then the blue skies slowly drained of color.

Chase turned around and saw that no one was left standing before Cupid. He was battered, bruised and even bleeding, but he was the only thing not down.

“It’s over,” Chase whispered.

Fiero shook her head, “It’s not over yet, he’s weak.” She grabbed the bow and launched herself at Cupid.

Chase stood back, her blades ready. She prayed in her heart that Fiero would get that bow to him and this would be all over quickly. The red-haired woman used mental energy to hit Cupid, but he was too strong. She thrust the bow at him almost like a blade. In a quick stroke, he knocked it away and before she could react; he hit her in the back with the ax and she went down. That was it.

The breath in Chase caught in her throat. She looked around in desperation for help. Cupid locked his eyes on her. He showed signs of wearing down, but not stopping.

“The bow.” She said, looking behind him. It was on the ground. Dashing straight at the approaching god, she threw her blades. He swatted them away with his ax and then sent a wave of energy. She recognized it was a flat disc of energy, not a bubble, so she jumped up on a concrete railing and flipped over the blast before it met her. She had her blades again and threw over and over. Each time they would reappear in her hands. Again he sent that wave of energy, and this time she skidded on her knees, with her back nearly touching the ground. The energy went right over her. She turned and threw those blades, this time aiming for his hands. When he went to deflect them, one stuck right into his wrist. This seemed to cause him a moment of pain. He dropped the ax. The brief confusion left her open to grab the bow. She flipped around and dashed at him.

Cupid flew at her, no longer holding his weapon. She bounded off of a cement pillar and headed right for him. His hands met her throat midair and nearly strangled her. She pressed his bow right into his bare chest. Then her heart broke. He let go of her and she fell back a great distance. The last thing she saw was his hand catching the bow as it fell from his body, a reflexive action.

She lost all sense of concern about the battle, or her own safety. She felt oppressive misery fill her mind, body, and soul. Flowing waters took her away. Would she drown? That didn’t even bother her. Every dark moment, sad reality, lost friend, miserable childhood memory, filled her and she couldn’t function. She washed away while lamenting life.
Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

Part 12

“She’s coming around.” A voice spoke over Chase.

Forcing her eyes open, she looked up at the three-eyed face of Strange Quark and an incredibly handsome man. “What...where am I?”

Nova pushed Quark aside and answered, “You’re at BADGE HQ, been here a week.”

“What? I...IT’S CUPID!” She realized who was looking down at her and she nearly fell off the bed. Nova had to restrain her from leaping.

“It’s okay! It’s okay. He’s fine.”

Cupid smiled at her, “My apologies.”

She sat up with the help of Nova. “What’s going on?”

Quark said, “You saved the world.”

“I did?”

Cupid answered, “Yes. You got my bow back in my hand. I woke from that awful place and realized what I had done.”

“What about everyone else?” She asked.

Cupid said, “I’ve been able to undo most of the damage I caused. I cannot return life once it is spent, but I can remove the curse I laid on so many souls.”

Chase was about to ask another question when she remembered her hero, “What about Gar?”

Cupid softly shook his head, “I... I tried.”

“He can’t be dead.” She got up, staggering a bit, and walked over to Gar’s bed. “This isn’t fair.” she put a hand on his cold stone body.

Cupid came up, “Did you love him?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t know the man. I just... I... he saved my life.” She put her head on him and cried. “Why did he do this for me?” Nova held her shoulders.

Strange Quark came over to the other side of the bed, “He was a strange one, and coming from me that’s saying something. I always could make him laugh, I never got to tell him one of my favorites.”

“Not, now,” Nova said.

“No, now is the perfect time. This hired killer killed a rice farmer right in the middle of his work. The killer used small decorative objects. When the police arrived they filled out the report of another knick knack paddy wack.”

Nova groaned, Cupid frowned, and Chase felt Gar’s body moving. Gar chuckled, “Good one, Quark.”

“GAR!” Chase jumped up.

Nova gasped, “What the...”

Quark smiled brightly, “Gar, you’re alive!”

“I am?” Gar felt his body.

Chase asked anyone, “How is this possible?”

“I have no idea,” Nova answered.

Gar sat up, “Last I remember, we fight bad man with the bow. He left and we came to tell director. Then...THERE’S CUPID!” Gar jumped from the bed and tackled Cupid to the ground, holding him in place. “I have him!”

“Get off me!”

“Gar!” Nova and Quark were pulling him off.

“But, he is... oh, there’s his bow.” Gar stood up and then yanked Cupid to his feet, “Sorry.”

Cupid brushed himself off, “Don’t worry, I’ve been tackled before.”

“Are you okay?” Nova asked.

“Sure. Though, I could use something to eat.” Cupid said.

“Me too.” Chase agreed.

“Come on. We can grab a bite in the mess.”

Nova watched the gathered monitors for a moment and then looked over at Gar and Cupid, both feeling each other’s wings. Nova approached, “And, how long are you staying with us, Cupid?”

“I’ll be going soon. Now that the situation is settling down, I should be okay. The media has been kind to me.”

“I made certain it would be. You were used against your will. I have no doubt the real enemy knew what you would do and used you as a weapon.”

Gar asked, “To what end?”

“We don’t know. My best guess would be a distraction.”

“Distraction?” Cupid asked.

“Yes. When we battled him for the bow, he said something about having what he wanted just before he left. It was obviously not the bow itself.”

“What could he have wanted?” Gar asked.

Cupid held his bow, “This is my bow. However, I’ve noticed something is different, in such a way I cannot explain.”

Nova said, “We can help you with that. Take it back to our labs...”

“No. What this is made from is beyond your technology. I’ll confer with others of my kind.”

“I suggest you get to work right away. Gar, show you to the exit.”

“Yes, director.” Gar guided Cupid out of the room and toward the lifts.

Nova waited, pondering what all this meant. He watched the interior monitors and saw someone.

A short walk through the HQ, Nova found himself in the main storage room for artifacts.

In the back, near a protected case of jewels, stood Chase. She merely gazed at the precious, powerful gems.

“Thinking of stealing something?” Nova asked.

She didn’t turn around, “Yes.”

“What’s stopping you?” He asked.

She put a hand on the glass, “I don’t know. These past few days have changed me.”

“That’s a good thing.”

“It’s scaring me to my core. Who am I? Two weeks ago I was the most wanted thief in the world, now I am the most celebrated hero. I cared so much for that stone man that I cried over him. I’ve never cried over anyone. What’s wrong with me?”

Nova stepped over, opened the case, and pulled out a large emerald. He held it out to her, “Here.”

“The Kesper Emerald. This is worth...”

“An absolute fortune.” Nova put it in her hand.


“If you want to go back to your life, I want you to start out strong. And, since I’m giving this to you, you can go without being hunted.”

She looked at the stone, enamored by its beauty and the profound value.

“However...” Nova said, “I have another option.”


He came closer, “Stay here. Work for BADGE.”

“You can’t be serious?”

“I am. You’re good. You’re clever, a good leader, quick, and stronger than you admit to yourself. I need a person here, someone who has the gumption to stand up to the ego of heroes.”

“What about Gar?”

He laughed, “Gar’s a good helper and hero. I’m his mentor and he’ll still be my second hand for a lot of things. But, he’s naïve, silly, and learning. I need someone who doesn’t need hand-holding and teaching.”

A little smile played on her lips, “Does it pay well?”

“Yes. It pays fine. Perhaps not as well as selling stolen artifacts to billionaires.”

She handed him the Emerald. “I’ll give it a try.”

“That’s all I ask.” He put the gem back and reactivated the security controls.
Tiny Nova
Chapter 1: Complications

Chapter 1: Complications

Director Nova sat at the conference table in the heart of BADGE HQ. In front of him was a dozen tablets displaying various reports. He signed one with his finger and then set it on a larger stack in the seat next to him. Sliding the next over he began to read it.
“Attention, BADGE, the Canadian Government would like a follow-up briefing on the Krampus issue… blah blah blah...” He scrolled through the verbose letter that he had seen a dozen times by now, at the bottom he got to the meat of this, “We require five reports on the radiation studies, clean up processing, and identification of all heroes involved in Canadian territories.” He groaned and typed in his usual response and set that on the stack.
Just then Gar walked in, “Director Nova, you have been here since I saw you this morning.”
“That’s because I have been under this pile of paperwork since this morning.” He snarled at the remaining tablets, “Correction, I have been under this pile of paperwork since the day after the heroes sent Krampus fleeing.”
Gar frowned as he picked up a tablet, “What is paperwork for?”
“The usual. Every time we have any villain incident larger than a bank robbery, every government official wants to complain and get another report to file. There is a price to pay to get international government funding, and this is it. They all want their hands in the pot and it falls on me.”
Gar handed him the tablet, “One would imagine people would be satisfied with the vanquishing of bad things from this planet.”
“Sure, one would think. But, that is not what they do.” Nova tossed the tablet on the table, unwilling to read it just yet, “What did you need? Did you finish that project I sent you to do?”
Gar smiled, “Yes. I studied the video footage from drones and learned more about military maneuvers. Why did you ask me to learn of this?”
“You’re still learning, I want you to understand basic human defenses. Defending this planet isn’t just the job of superheroes. The military gets involved and we need to understand how they operate. Besides, you like to study and you need to relax after all that work with Krampus, so it seemed logical.”
Gar smiled, “I did like learning things. But, this is not why I am here. Dr. Henderson requested your presence.”
“He asked to see me,” Nova stated.
“Is that not what I said?”
Nova got up, “Yeah, but you talk so formally. What’s the doctor need?”
Gar shrugged, his enormous wings expanding slightly, “I do not know. His work baffles me.”
“Me too. Why don’t you take that stack in the chair and download my responses to the transmitter and send them off? I will go see what he needs.” Nova left the room.
Gar picked up the stack, reading the top one. His eyes widened, and he smiled at the colorful way Nova told the French Government to stop bothering them.
Nova strolled into the laboratories of the BADGE HQ. These were the areas where one would find more humans working and not just the standard robots. He stopped and stretched his back, still stiff from sitting all morning and most of the afternoon.
A robot approached, “Greetings, Director Nova.”
“Where’s the doc?”
“Doctor Henderson is in laboratory seven, this way.” The robot led him to the most advanced lab in this base, which was saying something.
A heavy-set man with long blonde hair and a white lab coat worked furiously at his station, checking data in a tablet and then returning to a myriad of vials of liquid in every state from frozen to bubbling.
“Doc?” Nova waited.
Dr. Henderson turned around, “Director! Great, glad to see you, good, I needed to show you something.”
“Obviously.” Nova respected this man's extreme intelligence but found his talkative nature a little bothersome.
Dr. Henderson got up and went to a wall with a huge monitor on it. He took a tablet and directed the information. Screens appeared all over the place. “You asked us to collect all the contaminated snow from the battle with Krampus.”
Nova tried to follow the images that blazed by, “Yes. He lost a lot of blood and I wanted it tested.”
“We tested his blood, well it really isn’t blood, but I don’t know what to call bodily fluids from a mythical being. It has an energy signature we recognize, morphon radiation.”
This grabbed Nova’s attention, “Morphon particles? The air is still permeated with that crap. So?”
“The particles in the atmosphere have leveled off and remain airborne, this is entirely different. It is a new type of morphonic radiation.” He scrolled the images by, showing all the detailed analysis. “The concentration is higher than any known source of morphon radiation. And, we also found the same morphon signature in the surrounding snow. I sent a team of drones to collect all the top layer of snow in the battle zone.”
“You did? I didn’t authorize that?”
Dr. Henderson turned with a curious look, “I sent the request to you yesterday. It was a basic tablet form, didn’t Gar get it to you?”
“Oh, he probably did. I have been signing so much crap I probably just signed it and now it’s being sent along with the other responses… hehe… that’ll confuse those bureaucrats.”
“Never mind? What about this snow?”
Dr. Henderson smiled and walked him back over to the table of various liquids. “I got back the initial samples this morning. After some tests I was able to distill down most of the water, leaving me with a liquid form of this advanced morphon particle.”
“Liquid morphons?”
“Yes.” Dr. Henderson picked up a small vial. “With this, we might craft morphonic abilities that can be given to a person able to handle them. Thus, we can create heroes.”
Nova was not excited about this, “I have already had five different governments attempting to force superpowers on their soldiers. It doesn’t work out there and I certainly don’t want to encourage creating them in here. We are not in the job of manufacturing heroes, we merely organize and guide them.”
Dr. Henderson said, “Oh, I understand that. It’s one of the main directives of the science labs of BADGE. However, we might craft powers for existing superheroes. Give someone a leg up in battle, so to speak.”
Nova grunted at that, “That is treading a thin line.”
Dr. Henderson said, “Well, we are only at the theoretical stages now. What I’m trying to determine is what these powers would be. These particles don’t react like others we’ve studied. They are infused with some kind of energy that defies all analysis. In the past, we have seen that harvested morphonic particles from the blood of heroes demonstrate the powers of the hero. Thus, if a hero can fly, the particles show that. This energy is in the same area as those tests would show, but we can’t define the powers if any.”
Nova said, “If they came from Krampus, I didn’t notice any powers in him he didn’t already have before. We have him on record and the particles seemed to just enhance what he had.”
Dr. Henderson said, “We have never tested post infused particles from a specimen who did not exude extra abilities.”
Nova spent a moment untangling that sentence in his mind and then finally agreed, “Fine. Keep learning what you can, but don’t experiment with any power creation without my explicit approval and that means in person, no tablets sent over.”
Nova turned to leave just as one robot came walking by with a bucket. Both collided and Nova was soaked from the chest down by this cold water. “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!”
“Oh, my. Get the director a towel at once!” Dr. Henderson ran over and picked up the bucket.
“What is all over me?” Nova growled.
“It’s just water. This is the liquid distilled from the process.”
“Distilled, so it’s...”
“It’s clean… mostly.”
Dr. Henderson quickly said, “I mean, it is not potable, I wouldn’t drink it, but it’s clean of any particles… as far as I can tell.”
The robot came back and was about to wipe off the director, but Nova snatched the towel from him and dried himself off, “Just get back to work. I have my own job to deal with.” He walked out, leaving a nervous doctor behind.
Director Nova left a nice trail of sloppy footprints behind him as he stormed back to the conference room. He continued to dry himself off while he muttered about this all being worth it.
“I could have stayed with the Guard Forces… but, no. I had to organize this nonsense. Seasonal villains, nut job scientists, heroes that act like teenagers… wasn’t this a hand towel?” He stopped in the hall, holding that towel over both hands. “It’s… getting bigger?”
He let go of the towel and held up his arm and his sleeve went past his fingers. “What the?” He checked his other sleeve and then noticed that his collar was touching his ears. “This water made my coat get… bigger? This is not right.”
Nova continued toward the conference room, confused and still mostly wet. Just when he saw the doors of the conference room, he tripped and fell over. He had stepped on his pant legs. Scrambling back up, he got to his feet just when his pants hit the ground. “Oh, crud.” He yanked his pants up and dashed for the conference room, but he didn’t make it before his pants were far too big for him to run and he had to ditch them. And, then went his underwear. His coat was dragging the ground and he could not keep it with him. All he had when he got into the room was his key card, which allowed the doors to open.
Once inside the room, a tiny, naked Director Nova held his key card with both arms and he yelled, “HELP!”
Chapter 2: Super Powers

Chapter 2: Super Powers

Dr. Henderson ran another batch of tests on a sample of the water. Data flew by on a screen in front of him, numbers and chemical diagrams spelled out what hid inside the clear liquid.
“Interesting. Fascinating. Some of these are raw elements. Some have energy in them I’ve never seen before.” He scribbled on a tablet with a stylus.
“Doctor, the initial sample is ready.” One of his robots announced.
Dr. Henderson finished writing something down and then set his tablet on the table, “What did the simulations show?”
“Simulations were inconclusive. There is a seventy-four point nine percent chance of power installation.” The robot stated.
Dr. Henderson left his main lab for a chemical laboratory where the water samples were being put through a set of different tests. He hadn’t divulged this lab's work to the director just yet. He picked up the sample container which held what looked like clear water. “Is this it?”
“Yes, doctor.” The robot answered.
He ran it under a set of lights, “I don’t see any of the energy signatures.”
“The morphonic compounds are in this sample. Simulation demonstrated it could potentially grant powers to a non-powered individual.”
Dr. Henderson held that vial, mesmerized by it. “Truly?”
“Do you wish to see the analytic data?”
“What are the risks?”
“Risk assessment indicated limited to no risk to life. However, tests must be conducted on a living specimen for complete data.”
Dr. Henderson set the vial back in the holder and stood there, “He’ll never let me.”
“What is that, Doctor?”
“Nova. He won’t let me do this. I want to, I really do. But, he’s concerned about the potential of engineered super-soldiers. He would quote all those international agreements preventing scientists from trying to modify normal humans for the benefit of a military organization. But, I’m not trying to create soldiers, just give ordinary people extraordinary powers.”
“I do not understand, Doctor. What is the relevance of the current dialog?” The robot asked.
“Nothing. Just thinking aloud. Get the next round of tests started on the soil samples we collected.”
“Understood.” The robot left without question.
Dr. Henderson sat down on a stool near the table, still looking at that vial. “I’m the only person working here without superpowers. Well, other than Nova, but we don’t really know if he has them or not. He’s so strange. Me, I’m just your average multi-doctorate scientist. I can’t shoot lasers out of my fingers or control rocks with my mind. I can’t run fast, I get winded going up a flight of stairs. I can’t save the world, only study the aftermath of their battles. It’s not fair.” Talking aloud to himself he wrestled with his two sides. He wanted to follow the rules, but he also wanted to save the planet now and then.
Picking up that water again he looked at it. It was cold in his hand, just like any old water. Then, without another thought, he drank it fast. Gulping to the last drop he quickly set the vial back in the holder and stood up.
“What did I just do?” Guilt and excitement both warred in him. He stood still for a long time, waiting for something to happen. All he could hear was the buzzes and beeps of the equipment in the labs, nothing more. “What a letdown...” He muttered.
“Doctor...” The robot returned with a tray of prepared cultures.
Dr. Henderson inadvertently put his hand on the nearest computer and suddenly streaks of electricity crawled all over him. He couldn’t let go of the computer, his hand stuck. He shook and yelled. More electricity flew out of every working component in the room, even the robot was sapped of its power and hit the ground. A surge of energy threw him free of the computer and he crashed into another wall.
“Oh, my head.” He sat up and looked around the now-dead equipment. “What happened?” Holding his hand out to pick something up, he shot electricity at it and the computer components reassembled themselves. “What the...” With another wave of his hand, the metal table lifted off the ground, small sparks buzzing all over it. He let it down and then lifted it again. “COOL!” He began to realize what he could do. “I HAVE POWERS!”
Getting to his feet he pointed at the deactivated robot, shooting it with a bolt of lightning. He expected to reactivate it, instead, he just blew it apart. “Oh… uh… I guess I’ll need to learn how to use these powers. Which...” His joy faded quickly, “which means I’ll have to tell the Director. I hope he’s in a good mood when I tell him.”
Taking a few steps out of this smaller lab he stopped and found he couldn’t move his legs. He fought to take another step, but his feet wouldn’t lift off the ground. “Oh, crud. Side effects.”
“Not exactly.” A deep, gravelly voice stated.
“Who said that?” He looked around but found no one, not even one of the robot assistants.
A haunting laugh echoed around him, “Oh, foolish human, I think we will have a lot of fun here.”
“Who is this?”
“Oh, and here I thought you were the smart one. Let’s think for a moment. You just drank water filled with the powers from the battlefield. Now, who did those powers come from? Come on, you can work this out?”
Dr. Henderson grew pale, “Krampus.”
Chapter 3: A Little Problem

Chapter 3: A Little Problem

Nova, holding his key card in front of him to hide his nakedness, ran as hard as he could around the now enormous room. “HEY, COMPUTER, AREN’T YOU LISTENING TO ME!” He tried, again and again, to get the computer to respond to his voice, but it remained dormant. “STUPID COMPUTER!” Insulting it never helped, but he always tried at least once.
Suddenly he felt his grip on the card change. He grew bigger by a few inches.
“Okay, this is better.”
Another growth spurt he was around two feet tall.
It beeped, “Access code please.”
“Wonderful.” He held out the card, “Scan my key card!”
“Unable to process information. State in a clear voice your request.”
Nova fumed, “SCAN THE CARD!” His little voice was too high pitched for the computer to recognize as him, and yelling only made it worse.
Just then the doors on the other side of the room opened and Gar came in, “Director Nova, I have sent… Director?” He turned around twice.
“Gar!” Director Nova ran over, holding one hand over himself, and the other waving.
Gar looked at the two-foot-tall director and frowned, “Hey! You get mad when I go without clothing!”
“I don’t want to be like this, you stone brained idiot! Have you noticed I’ve shrunk?”
Gar leaned over, “I thought you looked different.”
“Critical thinking is not exactly your strong suit,” Nova muttered. “I was in the lab with Dr. Henderson and some water spilled on me, it had morphons in it. I guess it is messing with me. We...” He looked up and saw that Gar was giving him a strange, worried look. “What?”
“Uh, you are vanishing?”
Nova held up his arm and could see right through it, “Oh, great.”
Gar now looked around, “Where did you go?” He walked around.
“HEY, WATCH IT, YOU’RE GONNA STEP ON ME!” Nova dodged the giant stone feet.
Gar stood still, “Where are you?”
“I’m right beside you. Here, look at this.” He held up his card, which was still visible.
“I can see card.”
“Good. Let’s get back to the lab and get this fixed. Now that I can’t be seen, I can walk there without embarrassing myself.”
Gar held out his arms, “I could carry...”
“You pick me up and it’ll be the last thing you do for a long time.” He growled this out and then headed for the door. All Gar could see was the card being swiped across the scanner and the door opening. They walked together back down the corridor toward the laboratories.
Gar waited while that floating security card swiped again and opened the laboratory sector. Both immediately headed for the special lab where Dr. Henderson worked with the water specimens.
“Dr. Henderson!” Nova called out.
“Oh, good, Director Nova...” a woman entered the lab and turned around, “Uh, Gar… I thought I heard the director's voice.”
Gar smiled, “He is invisible.”
She frowned at him, “Okay.” Her tone lacked any belief and perhaps a little concern for the stone man.
Director Nova spoke up, “He’s right, I’m invisible.”
She turned toward the voice, “You sound strange like you’ve been inhaling helium.” She paused and looked around, “Where… are you?”
“Over here.” He waved his card around.
“I see… OH MY!” She quickly turned back around and covered her eyes.
Director Nova became visible again, still only two feet tall. “Oh, drat.”
She cleared her throat, “Why… um… sir, you don’t have any clothes on.”
Gar seemed to sense Nova’s embarrassment and quickly pulled down his own shorts in an effort to help, “It is no clothing day here at BADGE.”
“Oh, goodness.” Now she had both hands up like blinders.
“Put your pants on Gar!” Nova barked. “Dr. Duleny, I shrunk and my clothes fell off. Dr. Henderson can help. Where is he?”
She had her eyes closed as she took off her lab coat and held it in Nova’s general direction. “I was just looking for him. The computers are acting up. I can’t get into anything. Something has locked down all the passwords.”
He accepted the coat and put it on, looking like a two-year-old in his father's clothing. “This will have to do.” he yanked up the arms, “I can unlock the computers with my password. I...”
Just then Dr. Henderson’s voice came over the comm, “Director Nova, come to the main lab right now.”
Nova sneered, “What gives him the balls to command me around? Dr. Duleny, go to the main computers and see if you can get something to work there. I’ll be there shortly.” Storming out he headed for the main labs, with Gar right behind him.
They found Dr. Henderson standing at a main terminal in the middle of the laboratories. His hands flew over the controls while he muttered at it angrily.
“Dr. Henderson.” Nova stood behind him, “I need your help.”
“Director, I...” He turned around, looking forward right at Gar and then down at the short man, “Oh, my goodness.” He couldn’t contain a humorous smile.
Nova’s one good eye twitched, “Glad you find this funny. Now fix it!”
Dr. Henderson leaned over and looked at Nova, “I see, how interesting. Truly a marvel. Right now, Sir, I need you to give me your all-access codes for the BADGE systems.”
“I know the computers are acting up. But, right now we need to get to your lab and fix this problem.”
“Sure, right away. Just, give me your codes first. I can’t do anything without your codes.”
“Yes, you can. Your personal lab isn’t entirely connected to the system. We can...”
“JUST GIVE ME THE DAMN CODES!” Henderson bellowed.
Gar took a threatening step toward Henderson while Nova stood back, “What was that… doctor?”
Dr. Henderson practically growled out, “I need your codes, give them to me!”
Nova began to answer, but shrank again, sinking into the lab coat. He came out of it, just as naked as before, “Great, just great. Look, Doctor, I don’t know what you’re up to, but you will...”
Dr. Henderson grabbed up Nova in both hands, squeezing him around the chest, “Give me the codes or shrinking will be the least of your concerns. I will...” A stone fist hit the doctor in the face and he crashed into the computer terminal, at the same time Gar retrieved the Director and set him back down.
“Are you well, director?” Gar asked.
“Other than being cold, I’m fine.”
Dr. Henderson laughed from his crashed position. He slowly rose into the air, electricity crackling around him with small bits of metal orbiting his body, “Nice one, stony, I didn’t see that coming. I guess I need to watch my temper. But, I have always had a bit of a volatile attitude. Now, director, you will give me those codes.”
Nova, attempting to look threatening at 18 inches tall and nude, said, “Not on your life. COMPUTER, INTRUDER ALERT!” Nothing happened.
Henderson laughed, “Oh, this is precious. It can’t understand you.”
Gar smiled, “Computer, intruder alert in laboratories.”
This set the system off and large metal panels sealed all the doorways while lights flashed overhead.
Henderson cocked his head at Gar, “Always getting in the way. Enough of that.” He thrust his hand out and a bolt of lightning shot at Gar.
Gar crossed his arms in front of him. The energy hit him but did nothing. He dashed right at Henderson and slammed him into one of those new defense doors. He punched with all his might, but Dr. Henderson dodged it and Gar’s fist made a sizable dent in the metal plating.
Suddenly an entire metal door ripped loose and slammed into Gar, pressing him against a wall. It encased him in this, a Gar shaped bulge where the man was now part of the décor.
“Disappointing.” Henderson mused at the defeated hero. “Now, where’s the pint-sized director?”
Chapter 4: Drained

Chapter 4: Drained

“Stop!” Nova called out in that tiny voice, he held a gun in his hands.
Henderson snickered, “Now, now, wouldn’t want to harm poor doctor Henderson.”
“What?” Nova was caught off guard by this, “Who are you?”
“Oh, you can put it together. This foolish doctor was messing with water infused with power beyond anything a pitiful human can comprehend.” He walked around, tapping his chin, “Let me see, what creature has magical powers and can change his size to get into anywhere he desires?” Now he turned licking his lips, “Can… get to any child he hungers for.”
“Krampus,” Nova whispered.
“Congratulations, my dear Director. I’m not really him, but a shadow of him, a piece of him from his powers left in that snow. Still, even as just a shadow, I’m smarter and stronger than anything you have here.”
“Is that why I’m shrinking?”
“Oh, and here I thought you were as dumb as you looked. Bravo. Yes, you have a taste of my power. Alas, it is just on you, it will come off eventually. This fool, he ingested it. I have him now. But, enough of this. Give me those codes or die.” He took aim with his hand, power flickering on his fingers.
“Over my tiny dead body!” Nova shot.
Henderson dodged the blast and returned fire.
Nova dove behind the crumpled up lab coat, avoiding the blast.
“Seriously! Hiding behind that. Pathetic… where are you?” Henderson couldn’t find Nova. He took a gentle step back, “I see, so my invisibility was also blessed on you. Clever, very clever. But, there is nowhere you can go. Your overgrown garden gnome sealed the labs. You’ll become visible, eventually. Where are you!” His rage grew as he looked around in vain. “Blast these worthless human ears!”
Nova silently crept toward the one lab that was now open, since this Krampus/Henderson hybrid ripped the door off. He had to find something to stop it. This was a weapons testing lab, but it didn’t have any weapons in it. They only tested the weapons brought in from villains. Then he saw something promising, a set of cables hanging off of the main table. He grabbed the purple-colored cable and pulled on it. “Damn my tiny size, this shouldn’t be this...”
“GOTCHA!” Henderson lunged at where Nova was, his hand swiping across the ground. He still couldn’t see him, but it wouldn’t take long.
Nova pulled the cord down and when that hand went by, he stabbed the open end into the wrist. For a moment power surged out of Henderson and into the cable. He lurched back and flew across the room. “YAH!” Cradling his arm he said, “You infuriating little menace. I’m going to squash you flat!”
Nova reappeared and quickly scrambled to get that cable again, “Crap!” he was now a visible target.
Just then a hand punched through the metal casing in the wall and grabbed Henderson by the neck. Gar kicked, ripped, and punched his way out of the metal wrapping around him. “You will not hurt Director!” He flung the man across the room, against a wall.
Nova yelled, “GAR!”
Gar grabbed Henderson by the leg and swung him over, slamming him face-first into the ground right next to the director. Nova jammed that cable into him, “HOLD IT THERE!” Gar reached down and held Henderson down with the cable against him.
“YAAAAAAAAAH!” Power flooded out of Henderson into the cable.
Once the activity stopped and Dr. Henderson went limp, Nova held up his hand, “Remove it.”
Gar removed the cable, but still held the doctor down, “What happened?”
“That cable drains power from weapons. I gambled that it would take his power.”
“Is he dead?” Gar relaxed and slowly turned the doctor over so he was on his back.
Just then the answer came when Dr. Henderson opened his eyes, "What have you done to me!" Straining his eyes up toward Nova he yelled, "I'm not done with you!"
Nova stood over him, “No, I doubt we’re done with the real Krampus, but we’re certainly done with you.”

Weeks later:
Dr. Henderson sat at his desk in the lab, looking over the schematics he had drawn up. He had several large bruises on his face and a cast still on his foot where Gar had broken several bones.
The doors of the lab opened and both Gar and Director Nova walked in. Nova was now three feet tall and sporting a skin-tight super suit. “You wanted to see me?”
Dr. Henderson smiled, “Yes. Hey, they got that suit made for you. Does it work?”
“Yes. Dr. Duleny and the clothing department were able to design a suit that can instantly adapt to size changes in a hero. The first time they were able to create that. Might come in handy. As for me, I can’t wait to get back to normal.”
Henderson held up a different computer tablet, “I calculated that the effects will wear off in about a week. You’ll slowly return to normal size permanently over the next week.”
“Good, at least I stopped vanishing. I’m glad we could get Santa Claus to come down and help remove Krampus from your body.”
“You’re glad! I wanted powers, not to be turned into a villain.”
Nova looked up at Gar and gave him a look that was a request. Gar reached down and set Nova on a stool near Henderson. Nova said, “About that. You will have a note in your file about this whole incident. I understand that you didn’t want to summon a version of Krampus and try to take over BADGE, but you attempted to give yourself powers. That violates several laws. If we didn’t need your impressive mind here, you would be out on the next transport. As it stands, you’re going to have to earn our trust back.”
“I know.” Henderson let out a sigh, “I just feel… weak around here. I’m surrounded by heroes and I...”
“Doctor, it doesn’t take powers to be a hero. This will sound corny, but you are a hero. You help us do our job. It is all the little people doing their part that truly make something like BADGE work. We need you as a scientist.”
Dr. Henderson smiled, “Then you’ll be glad to know that the tests show that my powers were temporary. When you sapped my powers, you took them away. I’m as ordinary as I have ever been.”
“Good. Now, what did you need to see me about?”
“This!” Henderson held up his tablet with a weapon schematic on it.
“What’s this?”
“I was studying the shrinking ability we found in that water and how it reacted to you and I was able to develop this gun. It shrinks people down.”
Nova didn’t look too pleased at that notion, “Really? What good is this?”
“Think about it. A ten-ton monster rampaging through town reduced to the size of a chihuahua.”
Nova stroked his chin, “I can see the benefits. Good work. See about developing a prototype.”
“Great! I’ll get right on it.” Dr. Henderson got off his stool and limped over to the 3D printing work station.
“Gar, let’s get back to the conference room.”
Gar set Nova back on the floor and then waited while the small man left the lab. “Director, we have five leagues who want to come visit.”
“No. I will not be gawked at by these people, they have jobs to do.”
“Some want to help,” Gar said.
Gar added, “Quark wants to see if he can help you get back to normal.”
“Absolutely not, he knows nothing about normal. You tell the others I am not a side-show.”
Yes, sir.” Gar and Nova left the labs for the main rooms.
Origins of Gar
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

“YAHHHH!” A flash of energy exploded in the space above the Earth as a man tumbled through a portal. His white and purple robes stained in blood and tattered by constant battle.

The old man stopped his rolling by the use of more energy from his hands. He hovered in naked space, breathing heavily. He swished a hand through the air in front of him and a look of relief cross his aged features. “Good, my spell still holds the air around me. Now, I just have to close this before he...” He was ready to seal the portal he had come through, but a hand came out of the portal and prevented it’s closing. A second hand joined it and gripped the sides, shoving it open.

“NO!” The old man began a chant, the energy around his hands now the same color as that of the portal as he attempted to force it closed.

Those two large, metal gloved hands broke his spell and tore the portal wide. A large figure of a man stepped through, clad in dark, metal armor that covered everything including his face. “You haven’t the strength to fight me any longer.”

The old man gathered energy in his hands and shot. “LEAVE THIS SPACE, KRAVIK!”

Kravik was hit and pushed back hard, but he opened his arms up and reflected the energy off of his chest. “No more!” He clapped his hands together and a shockwave crashed into the old man and sent him tumbling head over heels backward in space. Suddenly Kravik reached up and tightened his hand into a fist which caught the poor old man with an invisible force and squeezed him. Floating closer, Kravik said, “you are the last Vexillian, your kind was not good enough to face the Legion. It is my pleasure to end you and declare ultimate victory in this combat.”

“Gah!” The old man gagged under the extreme agony, “one day...that ego...will be the Legions...undoing.”

“Gods do not have egos, they are simply correct at all times.” Kravik squeezed his fingers tighter. The Vexillian gasped and felt his bones giving into the pressures on his body.

He wheezed hard and then said, “perhaps...but the legion...are not gods. SHOTANIRI!” He cast the most powerful, desperate spell a Vexillian had in his arsenal. Out of his mouth and eyes came a blinding light that blasted the metal villain in the face. This wasn’t any simple spell, it was the tearing of his soul to power the magic within, it was suicide.

Kravik’s mask split in two with the impact of the energy. Both halves blasted away and the creature within screamed and gasped as his only life-support in the cold vacuum of space was stripped away.

The Vexillian was released from Kravik’s grip which stopped the magic attack short of completion. The old wizard struggled to maintain his life, but he wasn’t finished with Kravik. With a simple shoving spell, he hit his enemy and sent him flying away. “I knew your ego would be your undoing...gasp...” He crumpled his body in space as he fought to breathe. Watching his enemy growing more distant by the second he sighed, “but, this isn’t over, is it?” He groaned, feeling his life fading quickly. He would soon fall into the atmosphere of this alien world and die on entry. He stabbed a finger into nothingness and opened a small portal. Falling into the opening, he tumbled across the grassy ground of this strange new world.

It was night on the side of this planet. The cool air smelled so sweet. Above him, strange little insects flew around and blinked light to one another. In the distance he could hear people enjoying some sort of festive time, completely unaware of what just happened above them in the heavens.

Pushing himself to sit upright, he looked around and saw a small village in the distance. A large fire burned near the center of town where colorful decorations were strewn about while children danced and people sang to archaic instruments. For the first time in too many years, he smiled. “Such a beautiful world.” His moment of peace was broken by searing pain. The soul tearing spell continued it’s terrible march toward his death.

After the surge of pain passed he took in a deep breath of the air. The scent of baked breads caught his nose just then and he wanted so dearly to go taste them. Then it hit him, he sniffed again and wanted to cry in pure joy. “Morphons, I don’t smell morphons.” Most races do not smell those horrid molecules, but the Vexillians could sense their presence in many ways.

He closed his eyes as tears ran down his face, “I can’t...I can’t do this. I cannot let another world fall to their warmongering, their competition of death. I have to help these people. Gah!” He doubled over as a crack formed across his body with light spewing from it. “I cannot fade, I cannot leave. I have to help.”

He called up all his strength and rose from the ground. Stumbling under the pain he walked toward the town. The people were joyously celebrating and hardly noticed the man coming toward them. However, when he entered their square, it did not take long for the villages to become alert, and worried.

“Who is he?” “What is he?” Came from the locals.

The magic of the Vexillian allowed both him and the villagers to understand one another even though they were speaking thirteenth century Dutch.

“Help me, please. I need to...gah...I need to help...” he fell on the ground as a new crack formed, this one across his face, the light flickering brightly out of his skull.

This caused an uproar as people ran screaming from him. Now they yelled a new word, “Demon!”

He lay on the ground, abandoned and worried that he would not find someone to complete his last effort to save them. They were simple, primitive people, he did not blame them for their fear. He only wished to give them aid before the day of the Legion arrived.

“Please, won’t somebody help me?” He begged in a raspy whisper.

A splash of water hit his head and a deep-voiced man said, “Begone, foul creature, begone!”

He looked up to find a robed man flinging water at him and continuing this strange chant. It looked like a religious leader of some nature.

“I want to help.” He begged.

“BE GONE!” More water on the head.

He reached up, “Please. Listen me.”

The man stopped his water assault and angrily asked, “You wish to confess your sins?”

“I wish to tell you...” he cringed and struggled to maintain his lifeforce, “Legion is coming. They will challenge your world. They cannot breathe your air, they will poison it with morphons. These morphons...they will...”

“What is this witchery you speak?” The priest growled at him.

“Gah!” He held his sides, “Just tell your leaders, when the air is filled with morphons, Legion is coming. They will destroy you all if you are not ready.”


“What fools these people are.” Hopelessness filled him until he saw something that gave birth to a new plan. It would be a strange plan but it just might work. He ignored the shower he received and pulled himself across the ground, no longer able to stand. He grabbed the feet of a statue that was currently tethered by ropes, no doubt to lift it and affix it to the sides of this stone building, where other odd statues were currently residing. It was the figure of a winged man, its wings sharp and evil-looking, its body muscular and naked.

“Let go of that gargoyle, demon!” The priest called out, still throwing water at him.

In the distance he could hear the sound of the constabulary rushing to deal with him, he did not have much time.

“Gargoyle...so that is your name.” He whispered as he maintained his grasp. He closed his eyes and let the last vestiges of energy flood through his broke body. “I give you my lifeforce, I give you my strength. I give you the ability to fight and not be harmed, to fly and not tire, to live, but not die. GAH!” The cracks across his body grew exponentially, the brilliance of the glow filling this plaza. The priest fled in fear while the guards came to a stop to cover their eyes. He continued his spell, “My strength is insufficient, my power to low, but when the morphons arrive and flood this world, they will give you the last of what you need. You will awaken to them and you will know your enemy. Protect this world! DO NOT LET IT FALL!” As he said these last words his whole body was nothing but light. The statue of the grotesque gargoyle also beamed with light. It’s hunched, mangled form changed into a more human shape, its wings expanded to twice the size they were, and he stood up straight.

The light faded and the plaza was once again lit by the fire alone. The gargoyle statue had changed but was just as dormant as it had been since it was delivered by the artisans weeks ago. On the ground, all that remained of the last living Vexillian were his tattered, bloody, burnt robes. The guards came rushing in and joined the priest. All looked at the mess on the ground and then the statue.

“What is this?” the captain asked.

The priest shook his head. “Work of the devil no doubt.”

“That gargoyle...it changed?!” one of the younger guards exclaimed.

The priest nodded. “Yes. It is strangely remade, bewitched by foul curses.”

The captain marched over to the smith's forge and grabbed a hammer. He returned and held it up. “Let us do away with this witchcraft!” He swung and hit the statue dead center of the chest. The head of the hammer exploded and he was thrown back across the ground, almost into the bonfire.

“Captain!” His officers rushed to him as did the priest.

He sat up and looked at the statue with wide eyes. “It is beyond mortal hands to deal with.”

“I agree,” the priest said. “It cannot stay here, lest it curse this town forever.”

The captain got to his feet and brushed himself off. “We will deliver it to Rome, let the Pope decide what will be done with this cursed object.”
Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Seven hundred years later: Rome, Italy

A woman in a neat pantsuit walked with a sign in her hand. She waved to a group of people who all followed along. Most snapped pictures with their phones while others looked over the brochure.

In a soft Italian accent, she spoke, “welcome to the museum of historical curiosities. Items here have strange histories, or their history is still a mystery. Some of the collection is very old, so, again, no flash photography is allowed. Stay close, do not touch. Come with me.” She walked them down rows of plexiglass protected exhibits.

After a long tour of explaining the odd paintings or artifacts that filled this museum, the guide led them to a smaller room. It was a circular room with five pedestals around the exterior, each holding an antique book protected by a dome of glass. Though, It wasn’t the books that grabbed their attention.

She began to explain, “this room holds a set of special books related to one object. It’s history is still a deep mystery to everyone, but has been the obsession of Dr. Shepard for years.

“What the hell is that?” A tourist asked in a thick Texas accent.

Everyone paused at the sight of a statue in the middle of the room. It was six feet tall from head to toe, but it’s enormous wings added another three feet of height. The man was a well muscled figure with a charming face and kind smile. His wings were bat-like, one might even say dragon-like. A small bit of cloth tied around his waist was all the clothing he had.

The tour guide explained, “these books and Dr. Shepards personal study has centered on this statue. This is the infamous cursed Gargoyle statue. Believed to have been found in a German village in the thirteenth century, no one is sure who made it or why.”

“That doesn’t look like no gargoyle I ever seen.” A woman stated.

“The legend says that a demon cursed this statue, meant to be placed on a local cathedral. It was brought to the Vatican to be destroyed, but no one could destroy it. Pope Nicholas the fourth ordered it sunk into the Mediterranean. In 1850, an archaeological dive into the Mediterranean retrieved the statue and it was put on display here. Since then it has been the focus of many studies, most of which have provided little results.”

A snooty man in a brown blazer came over and gave the statue an examining look. He shook his head. “No, this can’t be thirteenth century German. This looks like Italian Renaissance, fifteenth century or later. In fact,” He leaned over and looked at the well toned leg of the statue. “One might surmise that this is from the Rococo period or the Neo-Renaissance, nineteenth century. I suspect that someone crafted this for this museum, as an attraction, a con-job to attract visitors.”

“Are you well versed in Art History?” She asked with a tinge of irritation behind that practiced smile.

He gave a short nod. “Professor Hargrove, Oklahoma State University. I specialize in art history and especially how to identify fake art. This, my dear, cannot be thirteenth century German.”

“Ah, but it is.” A man came out of another door carrying two books. He pointed to the books around the room. “This is the collected books that reference this very statue throughout the ages. One of these books is an original printing from the Vatican itself where the Pope’s own experts diagrammed this statue and spoke of it’s storied origin.”

“Really?” The professor was honestly intrigued.

“I’m Dr. Shepard, chief historian and librarian here.”

Professor Hargrove gave him a surprised look. “Not the Brian Shepard of NYU, author of the text book Providing Evidence in History?”

“One and the same. My passion has always been studying unusual artifacts. Come with me, I have the information in here about this odd statue.” He led the professor back into the special little library while the rest of the tour group went on their way to the next stop.

Professor Hargrove found a library that was piled high in books, somewhat cluttered compared to the rest of the immaculate areas he had seen thus far. “Nice little...collection you have?”

Dr Shepard shuffled through piles of books, “I know it’s a jumbled mess, but I have what I need. I collect every history book printed in all languages and store them for study. This collection is two hundred years old, and vital to keeping up with all the items brought into the museum.”

“I’ve never seen a library like this in a museum, especially an oddity museum.”

Dr. Shepard stopped his searching and gave the professor a stern look. “This isn’t some tourist attraction, the items here are all true historical objects, though they prove difficult to understand. I am not P.T. Barnum or Ripley. This library and the museum have been one of the most used places in all of Italy, and perhaps Europe in regard to identifying relics and helping establish their historical context.”

Hargrove nodded. “My apologies, by nature I’m a skeptic. But, seeing all these books, I can trust that you do proper work.”

“Yes. I do a lot of work. I love my job, which is why I do it for the paltry salary I get.” He pushed another stack aside and nearly dove into a pile. “Now where is it?”

Professor Hargrove was about to ask a question when he heard a talking voice. Moving aside some books on a desk, he found an old portable television with a news broadcast on it. A woman was speaking energetically in Italian as a camera watched the skies over New Amsterdam. “What the hell is going on?” He asked.

“Here it is!” Shepard came back, suddenly the light coming in the windows dimmed and an odd purple glow filled them. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know. My Italian is rusty, I can’t follow her.”

Shepard came close and changed the channel. “We get TNN...it’s...here.” He changed it over to an English channel. The images were the same, but the reporter now spoke English, “as you can see, these...strange holes first appeared over New Amsterdam just a few hours ago, and now they are beginning to appear all over the planet. No one is certain what they are or what they are doing, but it is believed that they are a passage of some nature. It is advised to keep a good distance from any portals and report them to local authorities the moment they appear. We go now to Dr. Purdom at AIG laboratories.” The screen changed to a woman speaking to a crowd. “We’ve been studying a strange particle that showed up recently in our atmosphere, it set off the climate stations sensors all over the planet. There was no reason for alarm, it seemed to have little to no effect on anything or anyone. However, when the first opening appeared over New Amsterdam, the sensors there registered a three thousand percent increase in the particles near the opening. The connection of the two is not coincidence. We do not know what prolonged exposure to high concentrations of these particles will mean, but we advise people to stay as far away from them as possible….I will take questions now.”

Dr. Shepard turned the television off. “I need to go see my superiors.”

Hargrove nodded, “Yes, I...I need to get back to my hotel room and get in touch with my family.”

Both rushed out of the room, neither noticing the fact that the statue was reading a book as they passed it. Professor Hargrove came to a sliding stop when it caught up with him. He jogged back to the room with the statue and looked in astonishment as the huge statue was pouring over a book. It looked up at him and smiled.

The Professor screamed and ran away twice as fast as he had been running before, he passed the librarian in no time and was out of the museum as if it were on fire.
Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Dr. Shepard sat at his desk in the library. It had been two weeks since the portals began to open. Everything had calmed down, but the tension across the world was palpable right now. The museum was closed while that strange portal hovered in the skies above it. Most people were keeping their distance, but for Dr. Shepard, he simply had to keep working. He tried his best to continue his work, researching a set of golden spoons rumored to be on the table of Pope Urban the second. He had a pile of books in front of him, though he struggled to focus.

The little television remained on most of the time, he watched the news to see what kind of new danger would crop up. He turned the sound on for a second.

“Across the planet people have begun to demonstrate powers that are beyond normal human abilities. Reports of flying people have been heard from all corners. A woman living in a nursing home just weeks ago can now lift and throw cars. A senator from the state of Tennessee can breath fire. There are ten new reports every hour. Scientist are looking into those strange particles that began showing up on environmental sensors a few months back. Since the first incursion, the amount of those particles has grown exponentially. Why they are here is a mystery to everyone and how they are causing these powers is still questioned. We have invited several scientists to comment on the situation, we turn too...”

“Can I borrow that book please?” A man asked from behind Dr. Shepard.

Shepard could see a hand pointing at a book and he merely held it up. “Sure.” It was a general history book he was using to keep the dates of the various Popes in the right order. It wasn’t risky to lose it, he could order another tomorrow if he had to. He stopped thinking about the book itself and said, “wait just a minute, this place is supposed to be closed. Who the hell was that?”

He left his desk and went looking for whoever this was, sure that a vagrant had taken up residence in his museum. No one was in the library itself, he would have to search the rest of the place. Just before leaving the library he noticed the world history bookshelf was almost completely empty, and it shouldn’t be. Most of these books were easily replaceable, but he wasn’t too keen on anything going missing like this. Marching out of the library he was going to find whoever just asked for a book and why they were hoarding a whole collection.

The moment he entered the round room he paused. The Gargoyle statue was no longer as tall as it had been before. In fact it was short, and all he could see were the wings. If he didn’t know better, the statue was now seated, but that would be impossible. Then one of those wings moved and the statue shifted positions. His attempt to scream came out as a squeak. He backed up so fast he ran into the wall.

The statue, in its seated position, turned slightly and looked back at the trembling man. The kind face of the gargoyle smiled at him. “Why does strange man try to hug wall backwards? If strange man wants to hug wall, he must turn around.”

Shepard attempted to say something or even yell, but it came out as a wheezy gasp.

The statue cocked his head and turned even further. “Is little man okay?”

Dr. Shepard gulped and spent a long few moments with trembling lips as he fought to form words. “Wha...wha...what are….you?”

The statue gave him a funny look and then frowned as he dove deep into thought, “I...I do not know what I am, I know name. I was called Gargoyle by father, so that is name, Gargoyle.”

Dr. Shepard, still unable to pry himself off of the wall, asked, “are...a...are you a...demon?”

“What is demon? Gargoyle does not know this word.”

“Uh...it is...I...uh...it is an evil thing.”

“Then Gargoyle is not demon, Gargoyle is not bad. At least I don’t feel evil.”

Dr. Shepard trembled, sweat beading up across his face. He finally asked, “will you hurt me?”

Gargoyle smiled, “small person need not be afraid of Gargoyle. I come to protect, not hurt.”

“Did you come from the portals?”

“Portals? Portals?” Gargoyle thought about that word, he picked up a dictionary and flipped through it. “por-tal noun 1. a doorway, gate, or other entrance, especially a large and imposing one. No, Gargoyle did not come from por-tal. He awaken here, in room.”

“You...woke here?”

“That is what Gargoyle said.” He flipped through the dictionary and then laughed, though Dr. Shepard did not know what could be funny in a dictionary.

Dr. Shepard saw something in this creature that eroded his fear. This wasn’t a monster or a villain, it was a child in need. Though his heart still pounded and he shook, he stepped away from the wall and gingerly approached the talking statue. “What are you?”

“Gargoyle does not know. Only memory before awaken is old, see father for only a small time. Father die so that I live. That is all I know.”

Shepard slowly approached the winged stone creature and finally saw the stack of books sitting on the floor in front of him, the entire general history section he had been looking for, plus a few dictionaries and one children’s picture book. “Why do you have all of these books?”

“Gargoyle want to learn, know of world he protects. Hungry for knowing things. Your world, it is strange place, but Gargoyle love it.” He smiled with a child’s glint in his eye.

Dr. Shepard picked up a thick history book that was used in World History classes at universities, “Can you read all of these? These are advanced, some are in Latin or Italian.”

“Gargoyle can read all things. No problem reading. Believe gift of father.”

“That is amazing.” Shepard asked, “who was your father?”

“Gargoyle does not know name. Only feeling. He was sad, lost, close to death. That is all Gargoyle knows.”

Dr. Shepard felt Gargoyles arm and realized it was as cold and hard as stone to his touch, yet when he moved it, it moved like the flesh of any normal person. As he stood there, fascinated by this, he realized what Gargoyle had been saying. “Wait, I have something.” He rushed back into the library and found a file folder. He came back in and sat down among the books on the floor. “See that book over there.” He pointed at one of the books on the pedestals.

“Gargoyle sees book.”

“That book contains a special record that was provided to the Vatican over seven hundred years ago.” He began to pull out photo prints of the pages in the book. They were aged considerably, written in an old dialect, and had hand drawn pictures. “This was the report the constable of the German village gave to the Vatican authorities regarding the statue...I mean, you. See there, that is a drawing the artist on hand made of you when they first brought you here.” He held up a sheet with a quickly sketched image.

Gargoyle smiled. “That is me?”

“Yes, of course. But, this is what is interesting, what you just said is what the constable reported. See here.” He held up the prints of the pages.

Gargoyle frowned as he looked at them. “It is hard for Gargoyle to read, words messy.”

“Yes, it took some work getting it translated. Basically, the constable said that the local priest witnessed a man dressed in strange robes crawl through town, he approached a gargoyle statue meant for their cathedral, and cursed it. When he was done, he had vanished, leaving only a few scraps of clothing. Oh, take a look at this...” he held up a page with a drawing of a mans face, with a crack across it. “That was the description the priest gave to the artist.”

Gargoyle’s pleasant demeanor faded as he looked at this drawing. “Father?”

“Do you recognize him?”

Gargoyle appeared for a moment as though he were going to cry, “I see face in memory for moment. That is face.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you sad.”

The picture was handed back as his sadness melted away. “Gargoyle is okay. Father give Gargoyle life to protect world, that is all Gargoyle knows.”

“Is that your purpose, to protect the world? From what?”

“Gargoyle does not know. Ideas in head foggy, hard to see. I read about world, know history, but still not understand why Gargoyle is here.”

Dr. Shepard picked up some of the books. “I’ve studied you for a long time. You’ve been the greatest mystery in my career as a historian. My job isn’t done. I’ll help you discover your purpose and you can help me learn about what and who you are.”

“Gargoyle would like that.” He smiled and gathered up more of the books.

Dr. Shepard nodded toward the library. “Come in there, we can dig into this with all my resources.”

Gargoyle stood up, while holding a huge stack of books. “Thank you, new friend.”

“Oh, you can call me….Your naked!”

“Your naked? Funny name.” Gargoyle stood there, a bemused look on his face.

Dr. Shepard averted his eyes. “No, my name is Dr. Brian Shepard. I just noticed that you didn’t have the cloth over you any longer.”

Gargoyle strolled right passed him. “It is okay, Gargoyle not feel cold.”

Dr. Shepard whispered, “this has got to be a dream, a weird, crazy dream.” he followed his new, naked friend into his book sanctuary.
Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

Gargoyle stood at a window in the library, looking out at the ever-present shadow cast by the large portal hovering in the sky above. Military scientists had arrived a week ago and set up a station to monitor and study this. The people outside worked furiously to figure this out. Once in a while one would look up at the distant window and squint, staring directly at Gargoyle. Eventually he or she would shake it off and continue their work.

“Gar!” Dr. Shepard came in from another room.

Gar, which had become his nickname, waved a hand so that he could be seen around all the shelves. “By window!”

Dr. Shepard came in with several items in his hands. “Oh, there you are. By the window again? Watching them work on studying that...hole?”

Gar shook his head, a serious expression written on his face. “No, something about portal worries me. It sparks memories...no, not memories, feelings. I do not know what they mean.”

“I hope we’re not in danger here?”

Gar kept his eyes on that portal. “I do not know of dangers, I cannot say. But, I know it is not a good thing. But, we stay here, it safe here.”

Dr. Shepard put down the items he had brought and picked up several of the old books stacked up on the table. “So, you finished these history books about the colonial periods, and I see you found some of the fiction books.” He pulled out an old book with French on the cover. “Beauty and the Beast, in French. Wow, I didn’t know you could read that.”

“I can read all words, they look the same to my eyes.” Gar stated plainly.

“That never ceases to amaze me, what a wonderful gift. And, more reason then.” He shuffled through his stuff.

Gar frowned and finally looked down at his friend. “Reason?”

Dr. Shepard picked up several books and set them on the table. “I found some current books about Rome and Italy, about America, Britain, and….oh, I know I found it….yeah, here it is, a book on current events in Asia. You’ve been reading all those old history books, which has been good. But, I think you need to learn more about the world today. Besides, in two short weeks, you’ve practically gone through half of this library, you’re a fast reader.”

“I really enjoy reading. I grow with each book.” Gar said as he looked at these new books.

Dr. Shepard nodded. “I can tell. Your syntax and grammar has improved when you speak.”

“I will read these books, learn more about world.”

“Precisely. I thought that we would go out finally and meet some people. I would like to introduce you to several historians that laughed at me when I said that you...well the statue that you were...were something unique and special. I’m gonna rub it in their faces that I was right. I know, it’s petty, but they’re snobs and I’ve been dismissed as an eccentric nutjob for too long.”

Gar slowly set down the books and stepped away. “I...I do not want to go out.”

“Oh, pish tosh, you need to get out of here and see the world, not just read about it. This is why I also got you these.” He held up a large pair of shorts.

Gar turned around and frowned at the clothing. “What for?”

“I’ve gotten used to you walking around naked, but I doubt everyone else will enjoy seeing all of you walking down the street. I think they’ll fit, might be a bit tight.” He held them up to be accepted.

Gar shook his head. “I do not wish to leave. I want to see world, but scared. They scared of me.”

“They haven’t even seen you yet.” Dr. Shepard said.

“I see images on noisy box, hear of people around world during these strange times. They scared and have right to be. I am not human, I scare them. And...I scared of them.”

Dr. Shepard lowered the shorts he was still presenting and softly approached his friend. “I won’t force you to go out and I won’t bring anyone here, not until you’re ready. You’re right, the world is timid right now, you might be a bit startling to everyone. I guess I forget that you aren’t human sometimes.”

Gar turned back around and smiled. “Thank you. For Dr. Shepard, I will wear clothing.” He took the shorts and struggled to figure out how to put them on. He tried three times, but it was more difficult than it looked.

Dr. Shepard actually unfastened his own pants, pulled them off and then put them back on, to show him how it was done. In time Gar had finally got them on the right way and tied them around the waist.


Gar felt himself being picked up and moved. He could see dark skies and torches burning as he was carried down a hill. Suddenly he was thrown into water and sunk deep into the ocean. He wanted to scream, to move, to do something, but he was frozen in place. It was dark and cold, he did not feel pain on his skin, but the fear in his heart screamed an agony that he couldn’t bear.

Forcing open his eyes, he looked around the vacant library where he had fallen asleep. Sleeping was something new to him, it only started after a month of being awake. He did not know what dreaming was, until now. His hands trembled, his wings hugged him, and he wanted that throbbing in his mind to stop.

“Dr. Shepard?” He whispered, hoping to find his only friend.

It was four in the morning and Dr. Shepard was currently at his own apartment. For the first time since Gar woke four weeks ago, he was truly terrified of being alone.

Hours passed without any more sleep and he saw the light of the open door as Dr. Shepard came in for the day.

“Morning Gar! I hope you had a nice night. I have to get some work done for the city, basic research on a newly discovered coin someone dug up. They can’t date the thing and hope I can. It’s menial work really, but it pays the bills.”

Gar was silent for a long time, not holding a book or anything. Often he would be reading while Dr. Shepard took care of his daily research tasks.

“Gar. You okay?”

Gar shook his head. “I had scary dream. Cannot sleep after it.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Tell me about it.”

“I don’t want to talk about it, it too scary.”

Dr. Shepard pulled over a chair and sat near Gar. “You know, talking about a bad dream helps to make it go away, sort of helps you realize it was just a dream. Come on, lets hear it.”

Gar didn’t fully understand the logic, but he would try anything to stop feeling so afraid. “It was dark, I was taken, could not move. People throw me into water, deep water, so deep it too dark to see. I cannot move. I was so scared.”

Dr. Shepard frowned, “That’s interesting. It seems to me that you just described what they did to you when they first found you. The Pope of that time was afraid you were a demon or something like that and he had you dropped into the sea. I didn’t know you could remember that.”

“I have flashes of memory of first days after I was given life. Most of time I did not know what happen around me. But, I think I remember some. I was so scared it hurt, I never hurt like that before.”

Dr. Shepard smiled and put a comforting hand on Gars arm. “I’m sorry they did that to you. They didn’t know what you were. We don’t really know what you are now. But, I promise that no one will ever throw you in the ocean again. Besides, you can move now, you can fly out of that ocean on your glorious dragon wings.”

Gar let out a little smile. “I do not know if I can fly.”

“With wings like those, sure you can.” Dr. Shepard was being overly cheerful.

Gar laughed, “Sure, why not. Thanks. Dr. Shepard, I do feel better.”

“Good. Now, why don’t you get back to your reading, I think you were up to Hamlet in the Shakespeare collection. I have a report to finish on those antique glasses and then this coin they found.”

“If you don’t mind, I would like to sleep,” Gar said.

“By all means, sleep. I know what it’s like to lose a nights sleep to bad dreams.”

Gar got up from his seat and headed for the door, but when he realized he would be alone in the next room, he turned and found a corner in the library and sat on the floor to sleep. He simply felt safer to be with someone right now, having had his first nightmare.

Hours passed and he woke up and then dug through several more manuscripts of English literature. It was a quiet day of reading and study. He spent a lot of time reflecting on his memories, the fragments from his earliest days. It was terrifying to know that something horrible happened to him, and all he could remember was the fear and pain. When the sun set for the day, he lamented what would happen next. Dr. Shepard would leave and lock up and he would be here alone again.

Night arrived and he wandered around the library and museum looking for a place that might provide a little extra comfort. Why was he so scared of his own dreams? He shouldn’t be, they are nothing to worry about. He logical, rational side faded quickly as he grew more tired.

Gar finally sunk down in a corner and tried to get some rest. But his mind replayed those horrifying images, that feeling of being buried alive. Then he nearly jumped through the roof when he heard the squeaking sound of wheels in the museum. He got up and came around the shelves to find Dr Shepard pushing a strange object into the library.

“Dr. Shepard?”

Dr. Shepard shoved the object to an open area and then pushed hard on it, folding it out into a bed. “Wow, this thing hasn’t been used in years. But, it’s still soft.” He pushed on the mattress.

Gar came over and gave the bed a funny look. “What is this?”

Dr. Shepard said, “I thought you could use some company right about now. It’s hard to be alone when your own thoughts torture you. If you have someone around, you can talk and distract your mind long enough to get some sleep.” He walked over and picked up a cushion off of an old chair and brought it back to the bed.

Gar sat down on the floor, which was fine for him to sleep on. He was in silent thought the whole time as he watched Dr. Shepard make up his bed and then take off his shirt and get ready to sleep.

“Dr. Shepard?”

“Yes, Gar?”

“Why are you so nice to me?”

Dr. Shepard sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the winged man sitting near him. “When we first met I was terrified of you. You scared the crap out of me. A talking statue...that’s never happened in human history. But, I realized that you weren’t dangerous, you were...to be precise...a child. You seemed lost and needed help.”

“I am very grateful for all the help you have given me. But, why not tell others? Why not give me to people who want to learn more. Stories in books say that different creatures are studied by special people. I am a different creature, I do not even know what I am.”

Dr. Shepard shrugged. “I’ll admit, when we first met, I thought many times about handing you over to specialists. I remained a little worried that you came from one of those portals and would turn out to be dangerous. However, in time I saw something different in you, I was no longer afraid of you in any part of my heart.”

Gar frowned and cocked his head. “What did you see?”

“You reminded me of my son. You reminded me of the days when I would hold my own child’s hand and teach him to walk, to read, to study. Timothy would love to read the books in my library back when I worked at the research center in Albany. Just like you, he was thirsty for knowledge and happy. I guess the father in me told me that you weren’t just some strange creature, you were a person who needed his hand held, and to be cared for. I hope you don’t mind.”

“I like it. I would rather study than be studied. I want to know about what I am, you will help me discover that, I know it.”

“I will try my best. Now, lets both go to bed and get some sleep.” Dr. Shepard stretched out on his bed and pulled the cover over him.

Gar looked at the man on the bed and wondered what it would have been like if anyone else had found him.
Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

“Where are we going?” Gar asked through the little window.

“Shh, we’ll be passing a check point, get into position and don’t move.” Dr. Shepard drove the little truck down the old dirt road.

A uniformed man stopped them. “Halt! Who are you? What do you have?”

Dr. Shepard looked at the window of the truck and gestured back toward the tarp covering Gar. “Just delivering this to the Monticello Estate.”

The man walked around and pulled the tarp back, revealing Gar, who was sitting in a planned position so that he looked like a large garden statue. The man frowned. “It’s awful late to be making a delivery.”

“I know. But, getting around the north section of Rome took time, with all that portal stuff.”

Another man came around the truck and scanned it with a special device. He told his companion, “the readings are off the charts.”

The man asked Dr. Shepard. “Sir, were you in or around the distract with the strange portal?”

“No, sir. No one is supposed to travel in or out of that district right now.”

The man gave him a long look and finally waved him through the check point. “On your way.”

Dr. Shepard drove on while Gar slowly pulled the tarp back over himself. The guards did not notice that the statue was the one who replaced the tarp, they were too concerned about checking the next vehicle coming out of Rome.

The truck arrived in an open, hilly area. It was nighttime and the nearest home was a good distance away. Dr. Shepard parked the truck in the grasses.

“Okay, you’re clear.” He announced.

Gar pulled back the Tarp and stood up, stretching out his whole body, including his massive wings. “That was not a comfortable position to sit in all that way.”

“You did well. They bought the statue story.”

Gar hopped down from the truck and immediately felt the grassy ground with his bear feet. He smiled and the sniffed the air. “Wow, this is real world!”

Dr. Shepard laughed. “Yeah, I sorta forgot you haven’t been out of the museum in these past six months. How does the grass feel?”

Gar knelt down and ran his hand over the ground, “I like it.” He looked at his stone colored hand, which was now streaked in green smudges. “It melts?”

“No, it just leaves a mess. Don’t worry, it’ll wash off.”

Gar smiled and walked around, amused at every stone and flower. Finally he turned and looked out over the sprawling vista of low hills and short grasses, “Wow! So beautiful!” He opened up his arms and wings as he took in this new world. “I like this world!”

“I know, you’ve said many times. Wait till you see tall, snow capped mountains, dry hot deserts, the plains, and even the ocean.”

Gar turned around and snarled. “I don’t care to see ocean.”

Dr. Shepard said, “I guess you wouldn’t. Maybe, one day, you can see it and not think of your unfortunate past. It’s beautiful.”

Gar ignored this, sure he would hate to see the ocean, and asked, “Why do you bring me here? To see hills and grass?”

“Not exactly. I noticed that you’ve been reading a lot about flying and how wings work. I thought, perhaps, you’d like to try flying yourself.”

Gar frowned and shook his head. “Science say I cannot fly. I too heavy, wings too small, all wrong for flying.”

“You never know if you don’t try.” Dr. Shepard stated.

“I know, science says...”

“Science says you shouldn’t be walking around made of stone. Science says you shouldn’t be over seven hundred years old, there’s a lot about you that science disagrees with. I say we try your wings and just see if they work.”

“I...will try.”

“Good. Now, we can use a little science in this. You did learn about bats and other gliding animals. I would wager that is the technique we should start with. These hills aren’t too tall, so if you stumble, you won’t go down too far. Let’s check the breeze,” he licked his finger and felt the wind, “Okay, south eastern. So, look that direction and lets start.”

Together they worked for hours into the night trying all sorts of techniques for getting airborne. Gar realized quickly that he could glide for short distances easily, and built on that. However he wanted to actually fly, to get up higher and use his wings more like a bird or bat, and not just a glider. He plowed into the ground more times than he cared to remember, but he succeeded far more often than he expected.

Finally, just as the first rays of sunlight spread out on the horizon, he knelt low and beat his wings hard in the air. He now realized how it felt to catch the wind and use it to lift himself. He kicked off the ground and climbed higher into the sky. He leveled off and began a gentle glide and from that he beat his wings harder and gained more altitude. He would glide for a while and then climb higher, repeating this over and over. Soon he was swooping around and making loops. It was the most exhilarating experience in his short half year of being awake.

At one point he had climbed so far up that he was above the low layer of early morning clouds rising up from the fog. The gentle tufts of white lazily floated along as though they were on a water surface. In the far distance the sun breached the horizon and a beam of glorious rays spread out and bathed his face. Birds flew with him, gliding along on the same currents. A satisfied smile came to him as he soaked in all this glory.

It was in this moment that he felt what it meant to truly live. He never understood what he was, and this didn’t answer his meaning of life, but it did give him a sense of purpose. He was Gargoyle, a creature born to protect this world and all the gentle beauty that it holds.

Coming down fast he landed on the earth hard enough to rattle Dr. Shepard at a distance. It took a moment for Gar to settle down from that experience. After it passed he rushed over and grabbed up Dr. Shepard in a big hug. “I DID IT, FATHER!”

Dr. Shepard dangling from the way Gar was holding him, patted his back. “You did wonderfully. I am so proud of you. So...proud.”

Gar felt something strange, little drops of water on his back. He set down Dr. Shepard and found the man in tears. “Did I hurt you? I did not squeeze hard.”

Dr. Shepard wiped his eyes. “You didn’t hurt me. I just...haven’t heard anyone call me father in so many years. I didn’t know it would do this to me. Damnit, I can’t stop this stupid crying.” He continued to wipe his eyes.

“Do you not want me to call you father? I just thought, you are like father to me.”

“Oh, please, call me father if you wish. It makes me very happy.”

“Then, why cry?”

Dr. Shepard spent a moment gathering himself. “Gar, I told you that you remind me of my son. Well, my wife and son both died twenty years ago in a plane crash. I was broken inside. I left my job behind me and took up this position here, just to keep busy.”

Gar softly said, “I cannot replace son.”

“No one will replace my son or wife, they’ll always be in my heart. But, you have given me a reason to feel like a father again. You have given my life a new meaning, a new start when I felt like I could never return from my sorrow. Thank you.”

Gar smiled. “You have given me so much as well.”

“We...” He stopped when they both noticed a car coming down a distant road. “Quick, back in the truck, we gotta get back to the museum before anyone sees you.”

Gar jumped back into the truck and Dr. Shepard covered him. He took up his crouched position and held still. Soon they were back on the road, heading home. It would take several hours to get there, plus a few more to get passed all the check points.
Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

“Father! What does this mean?” Gar walked up to Dr. Shepard at his desk in the library. He was holding a magazine, since he had read most of the rest of the books in the place.

Dr. Shepard pulled off his glasses and rubbed his tired eyes. “What?”

“This? What is lb?” he haphazardly pronounced the two letters.

“That means pound.” Dr. Shepard frowned and took the magazine. “Wait, this is a recipe for French Onion Soup. Why are you reading recipes?”

Gar shrugged. “Not read before, it is very confusing.”

Dr. Shepard said, “I suppose it would be confusing to you since you don’t eat or drink anything. We mix all these ingredients together and then cook them in a way that makes it taste good.”

Gar signed, “I would like to taste something. It sounds fun.”

“It can be very fun. But, we still don’t even know what you are. That you haven’t eaten food in seven months baffles me. Then again, your body feels like solid rock to my touch, but you move like a regular person, you can even fly.”

Gar smiled brightly. “Can we go flying again tonight?”

Dr. Shepard shook his head. “I don’t think so. We’ve been out there letting you practice flying for three weeks now. I love watching you learn, but I’m losing a lot of sleep and it’s beginning to catch up to me. We can….” They both looked back when a door buzzer sounded. Dr. Shepard got up quickly, “Who in the world would be coming here right now? This whole section of town is technically shut down. You’d better get back on your pedestal, in case someone comes in.”

“Okay, father.” Gar followed him back through the library and into the room he spent so many years in.

Gar climbed up on the pedestal and struck a pose, not even close to the one he held before he woke, but he felt it looked awesome. He held perfectly still, something else he was good at. Dr. Shepard shook his head with a little grin on his face, he seemed amused by the way Gar was showing off.

Standing there, waiting, Gar could hear muffled voices in the distance, Dr. Shepard spoke to someone at the door. In fact it was two people and they were getting louder as they spoke. Gar was alert, not sure if there was trouble. He wouldn’t let his father get hurt by anyone. Some of the local shops had been burglarized during this strange time that the block was shut down. If someone came in here to steal stuff, they would meet with an angry statue.

Just then Dr. Shepard came back in with two men dressed in security outfits. They were the same people who had been studying that portal outside for the past seven months.

“I know you ordered everyone out of these places, but I have special authority to stay here by order of the American Ambassador. I’m doing work for the Smithsonian and several other major institutes. My presence is not a threat to any of your work.”

The men, neither of them Italian, looked around the place. One gave Gar a funny look, seemingly confused by the shorts the statue was wearing.

“Sir, we know about the special order you received. The other anomalies around the world have closed. But, the anomaly outside has grown. It is now emitting a new energy signature that might prove to be dangerous. You will have to leave.”

Dr. Shepard shook his head. “I really need to stay here. I have...special reasons for remaining in this library. I’ll not hold you or anyone else responsible if something happens to me.”

Gar realized that his father wouldn’t leave him behind. If he left, Gar would be alone or he would have to find a way to smuggle him out, and that might be impossible now.

“Sir, this is not a debate or an issue of responsibility, this is an order from the U.N. You can take your case to the American consulate if...” just then the whole room changed to a dark purple hue. This was followed by a deep boom that rolled across the city.

Dr. Shepard and the two security guards ran to the windows and saw that the portal was expanding and had tendrils of energy coming from it. A deep voice thundered out from the portal. “SEND YOUR FINEST WARRIORS TO FACE OUR MIGHT!”

Gar looked up, a strange coldness filled him. The voice, that energy, that challenge, it awoke memories buried in him that were not his own. He whispered one word, “Legion...” and suddenly he could see years of turmoil on another planet. People not entirely unlike humans fought against creatures of all natures in vast, terrible battles. The people of this alien world cast great spells and controlled unimaginable energy as they contended against their foes. Years of war ran through his mind, blood bathed the world, broken corpses littered the burnt landscape. However, he did not know their names, it was like a dream filled with someone elses vague memories.

Through the eyes of another, he saw the united forces of Legion standing around a central figure, a being of pure horror that controlled them. With a wave of its hand, the world broke apart and the creatures it controlled slipped away through portals. Somehow he knew they were preparing for the next world they would challenge.

In his mind he saw himself cast a portal and flee, but not before one of the last minions of this monster followed. From there he experienced the final battle. He felt himself fall to the earth, and he watched the man crawl across the ground and grab his feet. The last words of this man resounded in his head, “Protect this world! DO NOT LET IT FALL!”

“Gar...Gar?” His fathers voice brought him back to this moment.

He hadn’t realized he had fallen to his knees and was holding his head. Looking up he saw Dr. Shepard standing there, a worried expression written on his face. The two security guards were trembling and holding guns, aimed at him. Gar’s body quivered as he said, “I know what that is, I know who I am.”

Dr. Shepard asked, “do you know what’s going on?”

“That is Legion, destroyer of worlds. I was created to fight them, to stop them. They are horrible!” He was fighting the trauma of the visions he was forced to relive.

“Wha….what….what are you?” one of the two guards asked, his gun shaking.

Gar simple lifted his enormous wings and bellowed, “Go! Run!”

The man pulled his trigger and fired, but the bullet merely reflected into a wall. Seeing this, both men screamed and ran for their lives.

“Gar, why did you scare them?”

Gar took is fathers arm, “You have to go! Now! Whatever comes out of that portal will kill everything!”

“Okay, let’s go. The trucks around back!” Dr. Shepard took one step before he was thrown to the ground by it’s shaking.

Outside, something came crashing out of the portal, landing in the middle of the square. Gun fire could be heard outside as the forces sent to investigate the portal responded.

“What’s going on?” Dr. Shepard yelled over the din.

A bright light filled the windows and the wall of the library nearest the portal was destroyed, as were all the people fighting. This thing had just leveled most of the square in one shot.

Gar had his father held behind him, protecting him with his stone body. The museum was compromised but still standing. However, the wall and most of his precious library had been destroyed. Beyond that stood the creature that did this, one that stepped right out of the nightmare Gar had just endured. He whispered, “Kravik.”

Kravik, the huge, metal clad warrior of Legion, held a large gun that he had just used. He looked around, behind that mask of his. “Now, how can this be? I sense the presence of...a Vexillian.” He scanned the area with a small handheld device. He stopped just as his device was aimed at the museum.

Before he could respond to his readings, a man spoke over a megaphone, “UNKNOWN CREATURE, STAND DOWN OR WE WILL FIRE!”

Kravik turned quickly and shot his weapon at the military. There was an explosion and then a rocket slammed into him and sent him flying across the plaza.

“Let’s go!” Dr. Shepard pulled on Gars wing.

Gar turned and said, “You go, I have to face him.”

“What? No! That thing will crush you. We are getting the hell out of here.” Dr. Shepard took his hand and pulled.

Gar used the grip on Dr. Shepard to pull him up into a hug. “I love you, father. But, I have to do this. I am strong enough. I was made to fight the legion.”

Dr. Shepard hugged him back while crying, “I can’t lose another son. Please, come with me.”

There came more explosions outside as the two forces fought, when the noise died down enough, Gar answered, “He knows what I am, he can sense it. He will follow us wherever we go. He will murder countless people, I have to stop him now.” He set his father down.

Dr. Shepard begged, “No, please. We can hide.”

“I have been hidden for seven centuries, waiting for this. That creature and his kind exterminated my creators people, I won’t let him do it again.” With that Gar turned and ran for the new opening in the wall.

“GAR!” Dr. Shepard cried out.
Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

Gar flew as fast as he could, directly for the metal monster attacking the military. Kravik was too occupied with blasting his enemies to see the stone man barreling toward him. Gar made contact with Kravik’s side with both fists. The huge metal man was thrown across the plaza and into the side of an ancient building, part of the stone facade fell on him, burying him.

Gar landed in the square and was immediately hit by gunfire. It didn’t hurt, but did annoy. “STOP! I AM HERE TO PROTECT THIS WORLD!” He called out.

“Hold your fire!” The commander called out before cautiously approaching this new creature. “State your name and purpose!”

“I am Gargoyle, I am here to protect. Go, he...” Just then an energy beam hit Gar in the side and he was sent sprawling across the ground.

Kravik launched himself out of the pile of debris and landed in the square. He brushed off the rocks and dust and then held up his scanner, “I see...I see, so you are the Vexillian. I have never seen one made of rock. This will be an interesting fight.”

“FIRE!” The commander yelled out and his subordinates rained bullets on Kravik while the military prepared another missile from the launcher.

Kravik held up his arm which emitted an energy shield. “Pathetic! If this is what the Earth has to defend it, it will not be a long contest.” He swung his other arm around and sent a blast of energy directly at the missiles, which would immolate everyone when they exploded.

Gar suddenly landed in the path and took the blast himself. His wings were out and his hands held in front of him. The energy crashed into his body and shoved him back across the ground, but his feet were planted and he maintained his position. The stone ground beneath him had two long gouges where his heels were digging in against the onslaught of power. “Go...Now! He will kill you. GO!”

The commander took the hint and ordered retreat.

Kravik stopped firing. “Oh, so this is the champion of Earth, the last soul from a fallen world. How pathetic. Your people lost the competition, you should accept your defeat, not try to hopelessly help this pitiful planet.”

Gar stood in defiance. “This is my planet and I will defend it with everything I have.” Before any further banter between them, Gar dashed directly for Kravik.

Kravik seemed eager for this, he wasn’t firing any more weapons, he met his opponent in hand to hand combat. Gar punched him in the chest and dented his armor, Kravik took his arm and tried to break it. Gar spun around and used his wings to confuse Kravik, then he swept a foot across the ground and tripped him causing him to fall face-first into the ancient stone street. Not losing any momentum, Gar stomped on the arm that had the energy weapon, feeling the crunch of the armor under his foot.

“ENOUGH!” Kravik rolled across the ground and then came up in a swift motion. He grabbed a large stone on his way up and threw it at Gar’s head.

Gar deflected the stone with his arms, but wasn’t ready for the weapon aimed at him. Kravik held up his hand and shot, but the broken weapon merely exploded in a massive ball of fire. The eruption sent both enemies flying in opposite directions. Gar crashed backward through the museum landing in a pile of broken shelves and tattered books.

“Gar!” Dr. Shepard came running to his side.

Gar, slightly dizzy for the first time in his life, sat up. “Father! What are you doing here?”

Dr. Shepard attempted to help Gar to his feet. “I couldn’t leave without you. Come on, please. That monster is going to kill you.” Suddenly he fell back as a laser pierced his left shoulder.


“I...I’ve been shot.” Dr. Shepard held his shoulder that was soaked with blood.

Just then they both heard the crunching sound of someone walking over the rubble of the library. Gar and Dr. Shepard looked up to the large opening in the libraries wall. Kravik stood there, his right arm now without armor, revealing a sickly bluish green skin. He held a smaller weapon aimed at them.

“You...you are formidable. Not like these pathetic fools. See how easily they are hurt, how they bleed. They will fall in a day to our strength.”

Gar gave Kravik a deadly glare. “What do you want!?”

“You. The Legion needs strength to test worlds with, Emperor Kruhl desires the unique, the powerful, the unbreakable warriors. You are not like these people or the Vexillians, you are something special. Come with me, let the rest of these fleshy infants burn.”

“I would never join you.”

“Pity.” Kravik shot again, this time right through Dr. Shepards head.

The world stood still for Gar. He watched the instant that blast hit his father and saw the life fade from his eyes. “FATHER!” Gar held his father to him, blood streaming across the ground behind him. “PLEASE, DON’T DIE! COME BACK!” Gar cried out, the deepest pain he has ever endured filled his heart. He waled in powerful sorrow.

“I was wrong.” Came Kravik’s cold tone, “You are just as pathetic as the rest of them.”

“YAHHH!” Gar turned and raced at Kravik, a true, deep rage filling his entire body.

Kravik stood there, ready for another round of fighting. However, Gar wasn’t ready to fight, he was ready to kill. He crashed into Kravik and then shoved him across the plaza. The pair smashed through wall after wall, many of them stone or marble as he demolished entire buildings in an effort to break this villain. They exited the last wall and hit the ground on a street that sloped down. Gar was now kneeling on Kravik and punching him repeatedly.

Kravik finally caught Gars fist with both of his hands and used the force of Gars attack throw him over his body. Gar was slammed into the ground, back first. He struggled getting to his feet since his wings were in the way, this gave Kravik time to get up first. When Gar did get to his knees, Kravik kicked him hard and sent him rolling down the street. Gar fell down the steep road and crashed through several small cars parked on the side. He flipped over an embankment and found himself falling off of a bridge.

He wasn’t able to get airborn before he hit the waters of the Mediterranean. The darkness surrounded him as he sank. The sun, at first a blinding light in the surface, quickly became a distant flicker. He screamed, but it was muffled. Since he did not need oxygen, he wouldn’t drown, but it felt like he was suffocating. His worst nightmares were coming true, his world was over. His stone hard body slammed into the seabed and he lay there, unable to fathom what was happening to him. All he knew, all he loved, all he had just this morning was gone.

For a moment he lay there, wishing he could die. His mind traveled back to the first day he learned to fly, seeing the beauty of this world with his own eyes. Then the words of his father rang in his mind, “You have given my life a new meaning, a new start when I felt like I could never return from my sorrow.”

“I will not die in sorrow, I will find meaning! I will make my father proud.” He confirmed in his mind.

Beating his wings in the water he struggled hard using them to swim. That little flicker of sunlight would be his guide, he would get back to the surface on his own, he would end this nightmare by ending the one who started it seven hundred years ago.
Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

Kravik scoffed, “Dammit, lost sight of him. Stupid hills.” He searched himself for his weapon, but it was lost in the many walls he was shoved through. Not a real problem, he always had another weapon. He reached down and pulled something off of the armor on his thigh. He snapped his hand to the side and an energy covered blade extended. “This should cut through stone.”

Marching down this street, he took pleasure in the way the little humans scurried away from him. He could have so much fun slicing them up right now, but he had a ‘champion’ to break.


With a quick stab he thrust the blade through a statue that was standing on a pedestal. It crumbled to the ground, “Not him.” He grunted. Then there was another statue standing on the side of a building, it had wings. He approached and then sliced across it, splitting it in two. “Gah! Where is he!”

“Go away!” A little voice commanded.

He stopped his third attack on a statue to find a little old Italian lady standing her ground near a flower shop. She had her hands on her hips and no fear in her eyes. “You...you would challenge me?”

She spit on the ground at then pointed another direction. “Go away!”

“Oh, this is too easy.” He came closer and lifted his blade to split her in two just like that statue.

Without warning she hit him with two laser beams from her eyes. He was stumbled back and tripped over the rubble of a statue he had demolished. Sitting up, he didn’t get a chance to stand before she hit him again. He was rolled up against a building.

He lay there, a little stunned, “Humans...have laser eyes? That was not in the report.”

“GO AWAY!” She commanded.

He rolled to the side and avoided the next attack, she might have laser eyes, but she wasn’t too clever in her attacking. Jumping to his feet he summoned his energy shield again and this absorbed her attack. He ran at her, those lasers blasting the whole time. Suddenly Gar flew up over the road and grabbed the woman just as he stabbed his blade in the ground where she had been.

“WHAT!” He screamed.

Gar swooped around and set her down on a balcony. He turned sharply, planted his foot in the wall, then launched himself at his enemy. Water streamed off of his stone body as he gained speed with each moment. Kravik stood there, ready to fight. Gar knew that he was no match for this enemy, he didn’t have the right training to fight. But, he had speed and strength.

Kravik was ready for another round, but was side swiped as Gar flew passed him once and then came back around quickly, this time hitting him in the shoulder. Kravik was losing his focus and swung with abandon as Gar came for a third strike. This was the moment. Gar reached out and grabbed the forearm holding the blade and he lifted Kravik off of the ground. Kravik flailed around on purpose, but Gar’s grip was far greater than any struggling. He slammed Kravik into one building and then another. He squeezed the wrist until the metal armor broke and this creatures wrist was crushed, forcing him to release the blade. Kravik screamed and for the first time in many years it was from true pain.

Gar made a huge swoop in the sky and then threw Kravik across three buildings, crashing him through many different objects and walls.

Kravik tumbled with extreme precision and landed in a kneeling position on the third rooftop. He quickly pulled out yet another weapon from his leg armor and shot at Gar.

Gar set his sights on Kravik and slid left and right in the air as he dove toward him. Each movement allowed him to dodge shot after shot. Coming dangerously close he twisted suddenly and used his wing to slam into Kravik and throw him backward off of the building. Before he hit the ground Gar grabbed his leg and flew hard holding him in this undignified position.

With one last crash, into a tree this time, Kravik lost yet another weapon in his arsenal. He called out, “I CAPITULATE! YOU WIN THIS BATTLE!”

Gar flew fast as he went over the city of Rome. “I DON’T CARE!”


Gar began a glide as he flew over Vatican city. “And never return?”

Kravik answered, “Yes. I will never return.”

Gar realized that he had to be better than his enemy, he had to show mercy even when they wouldn’t. This was what his father would want him to be. He headed for the large open space of St. Peters Square. However, just as he was about to let Kravik down, something struck him in the wing and he almost crashed. Then another shot, he looked to see that Kravik had yet another weapon and was firing at him.

The deepest form of rage filled his mind and he swooped up and then spun in the sky, flipping over once and then slammed Kravik against the top of the Vatican Obelisk. The cross on top bisected the aliens already broken body and split him in two. Kravik’s twain corpse fell to the ground in a pool of his blackish purple blood.

Gar landed near him and said, “now you will never return.”

Just then dozens of military, police, and Vatican security rushed up and held out their guns at Gar. He looked at them with a deep sorrow in his eyes.

“WINGED CREATURE, STAND DOWN!” A man called over a megaphone.

Gar lifted his wings, which startled them, and took off running. The people in his path fired, but their bullets could do no harm to him. He kicked off the ground and took flight, soaring over high over them and away from the Vatican.


After a long flight, or at least it felt terribly long, he landed in the square where Kravik first appeared. The portal above it was gone and he saw no other signs of these strange portals. Several ambulances were in the square gathering the injured and dead while the local police and UN military investigated the scene and contained the crowds. There was a news crew already there, speaking to people.

Gar landed in the square, in the middle of all the commotion. His appearance drew all the attention and a decent amount of fear. The newly arrived military rushed up and took aim.

Before Gar could say or do anything, a man yelled out. “HOLD!” The commander he had saved earlier came running over and stood in front of him. “Put your guns down, he is not our enemy.”

“Sir?” One of the UN officials stepped closer, his gun still trained on Gar.

The commander walked over and shoved the gun down, “I said, hold.” He addressed the crowd, “This person arrived on the scene and saved our lives. If it weren’t for him battling that strange alien from the portal, we would all be dead.”

The woman reporting the news came up and timidly asked Gar, “Who are you?”

He looked at her and softly answered, “I am Gargoyle, I will defend this world...always. Please excuse me.” He walked away from her.

The reporter spoke to the camera again, the military all lowered their guns, and the medical teams continued helping the injured.

Gar stepped through the broken wall of the place he knew as home. Two EMT’s followed him.

“Um...sir...this place is not safe.”

Gar ignored them and found where his father had died. Part of the ceiling had fallen on him and he was buried. Gar knelt down and began to remove huge chunks of plaster and metal, tossing it all aside to uncover Dr. Shepard.

One EMT watched this longer than the other, when he saw the body he called out, “We have another person!”

Gar sat back and watched them carry his father off on a gurney, to be taken to a hospital. He sat there, in the ruins of his life and never wanted to move again. He wished he had never woken up. What purpose would his life have if he had no one left who truly cared for him?

“Help!” A rescuer cried out as he sifted through the rubble of another building.

Gar turned and saw that they were trying to move a wall that had fallen, trapping someone inside. He got to his feet and went over, lifting the wall with ease, allowing the EMT’s to get a homeless woman out who had been living in the abandoned building. More and more people were trapped and needed help. He let go of his moment of mourning as he continued moving rubble and carrying people to the medical teams. The whole time the media watched in awe as he worked through the night with everyone, saving as many lives as he could.
Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

The next morning, Gar sat outside of the hospital where they had taken his father. He was so still that many people assumed he was a new statue. Few realized he was the now famous Gargoyle that stopped the villain. He didn’t want their praise or thanks, he was lost in his sadness.

Just after sunrise, a doctor came out and tapped him on the shoulder. When he moved the doctor jumped slightly. “Oh, I am sorry Mr...Gargoyle. I wasn’t sure if you were real.”

“I am,” He whispered.

“We have called the American Embassy, they tried to contact Dr. Shepard’s family back in New York, but he has no living relatives we can find. Since you seem to know him, we would like to know if you have any contact to his family?”

Gar nodded slowly, “I am his family.”


Gar stood up. “Take me to him.”

The doctor spent a moment thinking about that, a small tinge of fear in his eyes at the imposing figure of Gar. “Of course, right this way.”

Gar walked through the hospital in silence. People around him either jumped out of the way or simply stared, he didn’t notice them. In time he was brought to the morgue where they showed him the body.

“We cannot transport the body unless...”

“I’ll take him,” Gar said and then leaned over.

“No, proper transportation...wait...you can’t do that.” The doctor protested when Gar lifted Dr. Shepard off the table.

Gar, holding his dead father, turned and lifted his wings threateningly. “MOVE!”

The doctor and all the staff nearby got out of the way. Gar walked out the way he came in, this time the fear in peoples eyes was tangible as he carried a limp body with him.

Outside, he ran across the yard and took flight. People stopped their cars to watch this strange creature pass over them.

Gar flew hard through the day and night as he made his way westward. He had read so many books about this world he knew the landscape by heart. He never tired, never stopped, simply flew a straight path. The air was cold, the skies lonely, the sounds of crashing waves once terrifying but now somehow soothing.

Once he reached America he followed the coast northward until he met another famous statue, Lady Liberty. Dr. Shepard once told him that his wife and son were both buried in a cemetery just outside New York City, a plot that belonged to his family for generations. He was the last of his family and hoped to be buried next to his wife when the time came. Gar honored this request and buried his father in a plot next to his wife and son. He then flew until he found the perfect stone and used his hands to hew it into a marker.

Finally, he knelt beside the grave and mourned. He could think of nothing else he would do now that his father was gone. He didn’t want to face a day without him, so he simply stayed there and watched over that marker. The days passed and a month had gone by, but he didn’t move. Eventually the people who saw him thought he was nothing more than a strange statue placed on a grave, and to him that was exactly what he had become.

The rain fell down, pouring over him, soaking the only clothing he wore. Behind him he heard footsteps, which was odd to hear in the rain, but not entirely uncommon. However, they stopped just as they got to him. He expected to hear the same comments about the odd statue.

“Are you done yet?” A voice asked.

Gar frowned. Was this person speaking to him? He decided it was nothing, so he didn’t move.

“I can come back later, Gargoyle, but I don’t think you can find solace by staring at your pain forever.”

Gar turned around, now sure this person was speaking to him. He found a tall, older man with a short, scruffy, white beard, an eye patch, and dressed in black leather like someone in the military. He walked with a cane and wore a black trench coat. Gar asked, “who are you?”

The man stepped closer, not an ounce of fear in his eye. “I am Director Nova of B.A.D.G.E.”

“Badge? What is that?”

“It is a special organization that gathers people with meta-human abilities and trains them. We feel that the earth is in great danger, and after what happened in Rome, I am inclined to believe we have barely begun to realize how much danger we are in.”

Gar nodded. “I know all about the danger.”

“Which is why I want you. B.A.D.G.E. needs you, you are a capable fighter, but you also have some inkling of what is going on.”

Gar stood up and shook his head. “I’m not meta-human, I’m not even human.”

“Doesn’t matter. We need you and I think you need us.”

“Why would I need you?”

Nova smiled. “You need help learning how to fight. I saw the recordings of the fight, what little was to be found. You did well, but you need work.” Somehow he could sense that Gar was ready to turn him down. “You also need a home, a place to be with people who will help you, be your ally, and even perhaps friends. We are all stronger when we help one another.”

Gar spent a moment in silence. He then turned and looked at the grave marker with his father’s name on it. “I woke up in this world not knowing who or what I was. I had a name and a desire to learn. I also knew, in my heart, that I had a purpose. I was meant to protect this world. Yet, this world feared me, even before I could move or speak. Dr. Shepard, my father, saw in me a child and cared for me as his son. My purpose in life arrived in the evil creature that attacked and murdered my father. I should feel hatred for this world, for the people who treated me badly, they deserve what is coming. But, one man taught me the meaning of love, and that it doesn’t depend on what others do to you, it is what you do for others. If I am to truly be what I was meant to be, and who my father would want me to be, I need to make the right choice.” He stuck his hand out toward Nova. “I will join you.”

Nova shook the hand. “Welcome to the fight, son.”

Gar asked, “How did you know where to find me?”

“It is a long story. First, lets get out of this rain and back to HQ. I have a few trainers who would like to run some assessment tests on you.”

Gar followed Director Nova to a landed craft that would take them to the main B.A.D.G.E. facility.